#spent 20 minutes looking through the tag again
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Like many I’m feeling the siren song of kalluzeb again bc no one else in Star Wars was doing it like them
#might draw smth for tomorrow if I can actually think of a concrete composition idea#I haven’t even watched the new season of mando where Zeb shows up I just saw spoilers and the uptic of posting about them and then today I#spent 20 minutes looking through the tag again
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Sure as Hell Ain't Worth it
Joel Miller x Fem!Reader

Summary: Your childhood best friend, Joel grows tired of you hunting for "the one" in all the wrong guys. Warnings: 18+ Joel Miller: Gentleman in the streets, Freak in the Sheets!! Smut, Language, Oral F! receiving, unprotected p in v (ew don't do that irl), breeding kink, dom Joel, pussy pronouns, PWP. Reader and Joel are both in their mid-20s. Imagine it's like the early 2000s. No pressure tags, just thought you might like it: @freythecrazyfae @heartpatch @amyispxnk Word Count: 6.2k Inspired by the song I Ain't Sayin' by Jordan Davis
"That beer ain't gettin' any colder." Joel motions to the sticky bartop where your hands curl around a bottle of Lone Star.
You sigh and bring the glass to your lips, polishing off the rest in one fell swoop. Setting it back down you glance around the stuffy atmosphere of Kim's Bar on this wonderful Texan Friday night.
"What's wrong? Normally you talk my ears off." Joel asks bumping his elbow to yours.
You sigh and kick your feet back and forth, taking note of how they dangle from the barstool, "I dunno. I think I'm just tired tonight."
"They got you on nights again?" Joel asks sipping at his own beer
"Only twice a week. Most of the time I just sit at the nurse's station though." You reply
Joel nods, "Outta put you on days only. You been workin' there for what five years now? There's gotta be some schmuck fresh outta school to take your spot."
You had graduated with your RN at 22, and your past five years had been spent working at Valley Central Hospital, a short twenty-minute drive from your little apartment here in Austin.
"Yeah, well. I don't write the schedule." You reply, resting your chin in your hand, turning to look at your best friend.
Joel gives you a grunt in acknowledgment, motioning to the bartender with his card.
"I can pay." You say, reaching for your purse that was sitting in your lap
"I got it." Joel says, passing his card off, "Sides' how're you gonna pay off those loans if you're buyin' me drinks?"
You huff and shove your wallet back into its little nook in your bag. Joel had a point. He had been working as a contractor since the two of you had graduated high school. The labor seemed backbreaking to you but at least he wasn't thousands of dollars in the hole.
Joel rises to his feet, towering over you as he offers his hand to you. You take it without a second thought and let him lead you through the crowded bar, his broad back obscuring your vision.
The sudden shout of your name over the loud music as you halt your steps, your shoes squeaking as they stick to the dirty floor. You drop Joel's hand and spin around to the voice.
"You gotta be fucking joking." You groan, your eyes drifting to the source of the voice.
"Could say the same thing." He laughs loudly
Cole, a guy you'd gone out with a week ago was pushing his way toward you. It'd been only one date yet he had been relentlessly emailing and texting you for a second one.
You'd met him in the produce section of the grocery store, he was cute enough, taller than you, and had nice hair. You hadn't anticipated his horrible personal views though. Your first date with Cole had been spent at a restaurant listening to him drone on and on about how much he hated "non-traditional values". At first, you didn't understand what he was getting at but eventually, you put two and two together and realized he didn't like the idea of women leaving the kitchen, or well home in general.
What a load of bullshit that was. If some mediocre man thought you'd be giving up your degree that you'd given half your soul to, he had another thing coming.
"You haven't answered any of my emails," Cole says when he finally reaches you.
"Ah...well my internet has been weird..." You lie
"And my texts?" Cole asks
"Er...Well you see, I just don't think we're-"
A big hand lands on your shoulder from behind, "What's happenin' here? Got halfway to my truck without ya." Joel's deep voice cuts in as his eyes scan Cole
"Joel!" You exclaim, finally your savior had arrived
"We're just talking." Cole nods to Joel, "Think you owe me another date."
You shake your head, "I don't think we're compatible, Cole. Sorry."
Cole grimaces before his features twist into an ugly frown, "Are you serious? I even paid for that shitty pasta you ordered a week ago! I think I'm entitled to some more after spending 15 bucks on your ungrateful ass!"
"Hey!" Joel snaps at him, "Watch your tone."
Cole breathily laughs, shaking his head at you, "You're a fucking bitch."
With that he turns on his heel, disappearing into the bar. You wrap a hand around Joel's bicep, pulling him close to your side.
"Let it go." You order, knowing what Joel's next move is.
Joel grunts, "You're kiddin' me right? I'm not letting that sack of shit call you that and walk off."
You roll your eyes and pull Joel out the doors of the bar. He'd punched enough guys for insulting you over the years. Cole's stupid face would be spared tonight.
Joel helps you up into his truck before getting in the drivers seat and pulling out onto the road. You sigh, slipping your shoes off and tucking your legs into your chest.
"You ain't tired. Tell me what's really wrong?" Joel asks, "Is it that Cole guy? He ain't worth it, sweetheart."
"No, it's not him." You say truthfully, "He's a piece of shit."
Joel gives you a small laugh, "I second that."
You lean over and rest your forehead against the window, watching the way the headlights reflect off the Nissan in front of you.
"You ever get worried you'll die alone?" You ask
Joel snorts, "That's what's botherin' ya? I don't think we'll be dyin' soon. 25 is still young in my brain."
"No...I just mean like...Aren't you worried about settling down? Marriage? Kids?" You ask
A beat of silence follows as Joel digests your question. Your eyes take in his face, dipping down his neck to the soft green t-shirt he has on tonight, and blue jeans to match, beat-up work boots press on the gas pedal as he drives.
"Guess I'm more focused on just payin' bills and keepin' Tommy out of trouble...But I guess it's crossed my mind." He admits
You nod slowly, shifting a bit as he takes a sharp turn.
"That why you're goin' out with dipshits? Thinking some fool like Cole is "the one"? Joel teases, "Bet he can't even change the oil in whatever SUV he drives."
"Ugh. No!" You groan hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment.
"Yeah, yeah, You're not foolin' me, girl." Joel laughs as he pulls up to your apartment building.
"Whatever, Joel." You huff in embarrassment. Why was letting your closest friend in on your romantic dreams so embarrassing? Perhaps it was because he was a guy. Knowing him he'd probably wear that t-shirt another two times before washing it.
You jump down from his truck, pushing the door shut behind you.
"See ya next Friday!" Joel calls out the open window to you
You flash him your middle finger, an ongoing tradition you'd had with him since you were both 15.
"No manners!" Joel yells after you as you laugh to yourself.
Joel isn't sure what to make of the strange feeling that bubbles up in his chest whenever he sees you. It had started a year ago, the Texas sun was hung in the sky and was hot enough to cook an egg on his dashboard. You'd shown up to his house in a white sun dress, strappy brown sandals on your feet, and an oversized tote bag slung on your shoulder. It was a simple, low-effort look you'd thrown together to attend Tommy's high school graduation party with him yet it had his heart pounding in his chest.
Sure, Joel was aware you were...well female. He still remembered the first time it really clicked in his head. The two of you were 12 and a half, sitting in your bedroom playing Uno. One of your dresser drawers was half opened and he had spotted something lavender poking out of it. In his infinite twelve-year-old wisdom, he had scooped it up, only to find out what a training bra looked like. You shrieked so loud, he's pretty sure his eardrums broke a bit that day. He spent a week, trying to apologize to you and only won you back after buying you a popsicle at the corner store on the walk back from school.
It came to the forefront of his mind again, your sophomore year of high school. The two of you had holed up in the library your Chemistry final was a week away and you had been trying to help Joel cram a year of knowledge into his brain so he wouldn't have to repeat the class.
You had disappeared into the little unisex single-stalled bathroom at the back of the library for nearly twenty minutes. Joel had initially suspected you were constipated, after all, you had been complaining about your stomach all day long. Instead, he found himself out on a mission to hunt down a box of tampons at the corner store after you discovered the little pouch at the front of your bag was empty. He was pretty sure he bought the wrong ones but you never said anything about it.
And now, he was 25 and feeling it again. However this time instead of the sense of awkwardness and uncertainty, the fuzzy feeling of want was filling his chest.
He sighed and flopped onto his bed, head resting on the pillows as he stared at the ceiling. Joel's eyes lazily fell shut as his brain swam with thoughts of you and that stupid white dress you'd shown up in. The way you'd smiled and cheered when Tommy's name rang out in the football stadium, enthusiastically pointing your little digital camera at the stage when the principal finally handed his dumb-as-rocks baby brother the keys to his freedom.
His breath hitched a bit in his chest as he pictured you going out on a date with that Cole fucker. Even if it had only been once, he hadn't deserved your time of day. Had you gotten all dolled up for that piece of shit? Had you curled your hair and worn that light pink lip gloss Joel bought you for your birthday a few months ago?
Deep-seeded jealously clawed its way through his chest as he groaned again. Fuck, he was really losing it.
Three days later, Joel was standing in the To-go area of Sanchez's Mexican Restaurant when he spotted you. He'd been picking up overpriced tacos and a couple of burritos for himself and Tommy when he saw you at a booth alone.
You jumped when he slid into the booth, sitting across from you.
"Howdy, stranger." Joel greets you, reaching out to pluck a tortilla chip free from the overflowing basket the waiter had put down for you.
"Oh, hey Joel." You sigh, fingertips running along the rim of some drink you're down to the ice with.
"Now that's not a Texas welcome." He says, deepening his accent on purpose, knowing it always makes you laugh.
"I don't think I'm up for a Texas welcome." You sigh sadly, pushing your glass away, and slouching in your seat.
"What's wrong?" He asks, concerned
"I think this guy on my floor is standing me up." You huff
Joel glances around like he'll be able to identify the mystery man, "He works with ya?"
"Yeah. His name is Nick." You say, "He's a traveling nurse, but we hit it off and I asked him out."
Joel nods. He wonders why a pretty girl like you should even have to make the first move. God, other guys his age were dim.
"Guess he's not into me though." You huff, glancing over your shoulder again at the doors.
Joel stuffs another chip into his mouth and leans back so his back hits the plush of the booth. His eyes drift over your form, tonight you've got a light blue sun dress on. Lace trims the edges and a gold necklace with the letter of your first name sits nestled on your collarbones. You look positively angelic tonight.
This other guy must've lost his mind, you were sitting here waiting all alone for him and his stupid self looking like that.
Joel hears a hostess call his name, a brown bag in her hand as he looks around the waiting area for him.
"Wanna get outta here? Gotta a couple of burritos and tacos to go." He nods to the exit.
"What about Nick?" You ask sadly
Joel looks around again, god he can't believe this Nick fellow is standing you up like this. Joel was sure glad he wasn't in his boots, letting a woman like you go.
"Screw Nick." Joel declares, "He ain't worth it."
You snort out a laugh and quickly slap your hand over your mouth, mortified at the noise you just let out. Joel feels a smile tug at his face as he pulls you up from your booth, grabbing your purse from the seat,
"C'mon. Before you scare the other customers."
That earns him a laugh and a small swat to the arm.
Joel drives to the local Community Days and parks his truck for five bucks a couple hundred feet away from the Ferris Wheel. He drops his truck tailgate and sits with you, legs dangling as the two of you much away at Sanchez's "gourmet" Mexican.
Groumet his ass. Joel was almost certain he was going to pay for these tacos tomorrow morning on the toilet. At least they tasted decent when paired with the salsa.
"So who was this burrito for? "You ask as you wipe your face with a napkin.
"Tommy," Joel says
"I'm stealing your teenage brother's food now?" You tease
"Hardly a teen anymore. Twenty inna couple of weeks." Joel reminds you
"Quit reminding me. Making me feel old. " You huff.
"You're telling me. We're both gonna be pushing thirty soon." He reminds you
You groan and knock your foot against Joel's, sending sparks up the limb to his heart.
"Fuck off." You say, "Remember that time he tried following us that one Thanksgiving on our walk?"
"You mean the one where we smoked weed under that bridge?" Joel asks, thinking back to the holidays when he was still a teenager and Tommy was no more than 11.
"Yup." You grin
Food devoured and bellies full, Joel walks beside you along the fairgrounds. The loud whoops of children fill the silence between the two of you as you point at the clown that's balancing on a unicycle while juggling.
Joel's known you for twenty years now, he met you on the first day of kindergarten after you asked him if he liked to watch Thomas the Tank Engine on Tuesdays. Yet for the first time in twenty years he was unsure of what to say to you.
You and your perfect hair and soft makeup that made you glow, that pretty blue dress that was messing with his head, he hadn't felt this nervous since...well ever.
"So...what's this Nick like?" Joel finds himself dumbly asking
You huff and kick at the grass, "He's funny. Smart too, good at placing IVs too."
"Sounds like he's the real deal," He teases, "I mean IVs? Thats the wholeee package fo sure."
"Shut up, loser." You scoff, "You don't have room to talk. When's the last time you went on a date?"
Joel stalls, was it weird to say he hadn't been on a date since seeing you in that white sun dress a year ago?
"A gentleman never tells." He stupidly says
"Oh, so you're a manwhore then." You say plainly, snapping your fingers in his face
"What?!" Joel balks, he hadn't expected to to say that, "No! Notta, man...."
"Whore." You finish for him smugly
"Yeah, that." He embarrassingly huffs
"Then tell me. When was the last time you went on a date?" You demand, brushing up against him as the two of you walk along.
"Little more than a year ago." He caves, you could get him to give you one of his kidneys with the way you persuaded him to do things for you.
"Damn." You blurt out
"Now you're bein' mean." Joel huffs, picking his pace up, uninterested in being ridiculed by someone who swore Santa was real until they were 13. Seriously, he still couldn't believe you were that much of an idiot.
"No! I didn't mean it like that!" You scamper after him, "I just...always thought guys...y'know..."
"We what?" Joel asks, cocking a brow, he doesn't know where this is going
"Well, you know. I just thought they couldn't go that long without...release" You awkwardly say, avoiding his gaze, "Although I guess hands were made for a reason."
Joel feels his face heat up. He's pretty sure he's on fire from the embarrassment you've caused. Did you really think he was going to explode from not sleeping with a woman? What kind of shitty guys had you been with?
"Now that ain't how it works." Joel huffs as the two of you reach his truck, fishing his pockets for his keys.
"What do you mean?" You ask dumbly
"Guys...Well, we're not feral, sweetheart. We have self-control over stuff like that." He explains, "Not uh...being with someone won't kill us."
You look at him like he's nuts. He feels a bit guilty now, that he wasn't able to keep you away from dirtbags who pretended like they couldn't keep it in their pants.
"I knew it." You declare, "I knew it! All those fuckers were just full of it! Blue balls is made up shit!"
You point a finger to Joel's chest and he raises his hands in innocence.
"You...men, you're all so desperate for a warm body."
Joel sighs and pushes your hand away, "Promise we ain't all like that."
"Oh yeah? Well, introduce me to one then. I'd like to see him." You scowl
Joel lets a beat of silence go by before he gestures to himself, "You're lookin' at one right now."
You roll your eyes, "Yeah but...do you really count? I didn't even realize you were a dude until I found that pack of condoms under your bed when we were 16."
"Last time I checked, I'm a guy." Joel huffs, "And I thought you said you were gonna stop reminding me of that."
"What like you said you'd stop teasing me about that training bra I used to have?" You clap back
"I haven't brought that up in years!" Joel argues he can't even remember the last time he mentioned that to you.
"No! you brought it up at that New Year's Eve party! When you were drunk off your ass!"
Joel grimaces and shakes his head, he doesn't remember that at all, "Alright, fine. I'm sorry."
You grumble and cross your arms across your chest, leaning against the side of his truck as he stands across from you. A warm breeze blows by and pushes your hair out of place.
Joel can't help it, you've never looked more breathtaking to him. Fuck, when did his mouth get this dry? Where had all his spit gone?
"I'm in love with you." He blurts out
What the fuck had he done?!
He smacks his hand over his mouth like you've just given him the worse news in the world. Although Joel supposed in a few moments, you truly might be doing just that.
"What?" You ask, eyes wide, looking right at him
Joel doesn't say anything he just stares dumbly at you, hoping you might ignore it somehow.
"Are you fucking with me?" Your eyes narrow, taking him in
"N-No." He trips over his words, "I'm not, I swear."
You looked shocked now like he'd hit you with a train to derail your entire existence on this planet.
"I just...I've been sitting on it for a year now and it just came out." Joel says, "I promise I would've made it more romantic if you wanted. I just...M' a dumb guy who can't keep his mouth shut."
He's honest with you. He can't keep watching you go on date after date, looking for something you'd never find in any of those other men. He desperately wanted you to see that "the one" was right here in front of you, that he was it.
"Let's just forget I said anythin'. We can grab some ice cream at that shop you like."
You huff out a small breath and reach out. Joel nearly collapses here in the grass when you weave your fingers through his belt loops, pulling him close so his hips press against yours. Your back hits his truck as he leans into you, savoring the warmth of you pressed against him.
"You're not that dumb." You smile, "At least you manned up and told me."
Joel shrugs, feeling shy under your gaze. You know everything about him, lived through the awkward preteen years with him and yet you were making him nervous.
"If you don't want me...It's alright." He says, "Just had to get it out of my system I guess."
Your hair tickles his face as another shift of air moves it. You give him a mischievous smile, one he's seen many times over the years.
"Now when did you hear me say I don't want ya?"
Joel really thinks he's losing it now. Here you were pressed up against him, saying you want him too.
"Better not be fuckin' with me." He softly says, feeling vulnerable.
You giggle and lean forward, your lips brushing his just briefly before you pull away, "Never."
You and Joel are nothing but giddy smiles and laughs as he pulls you into his truck. You scamper past the steering wheel and into the passenger side. The sun is setting as he drives a bit too quickly down the road. Pink and orange hues paint the sky as his hand rests on your thigh. Every few moments you catch him, staring at you through the corner of his eye.
"Eyes on the road, Cowboy." You tease, shifting nervously when his hand inches a bit higher
Joel speeds past the turn to your apartment and before you know it, he's parking in his driveway. You stumble out of his truck, your mind drunk on thoughts of Joel Joel Joel.
Joel barely gets the front door open before you're on him. Who could blame you though? He was the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on. You had always been aware that Joel was well, hot. It'd been something gnawing at you since you were both 19, he'd shown up to help your dad mow the grass and took off his shirt. Fuck, that day had changed your entire life.
Okay well, this moment was sure to top that one.
"Needy little thing." Joel grins into your forceful kiss as he kicks the door shit
"Don't be mean." You huff
Joel scoffs like he doesn't believe you, "Really? I think you like it. Me bein' mean."
You roll your eyes, he couldn't possibly know about that yet.
"Gotcha." He snaps his fingers at you
"What? What do you have, Miller?" You ask, full of attitude
"You, baby. Y'like it when a guy gets a little rough with you."
Your face heats up in embarrassment. Okay, fine maybe he did know. But how? Was it that obvious?"
Joel sits down on the couch, pulling you into his lap and pressing a warm kiss to your neck.
"Saw your porn search history a few years back." He admits, "You gotta stop leaving your laptop unlocked."
You're ready to melt away in shame. God, what else had he seen? How did he even know how to access search history? You always thought Joel had been a total technology grandpa.
"It's natural, don't be embarrassed." He laughs a bit
You groan and hide your face in his neck, you're so fucking embarrassed. Any bravado and sexual confidence you had earlier was officially gone.
Joel's deep laugh fills your ears as he plops down on the couch, spreading his legs. He beckons for you to join him and when you take a step closer to him, he pulls you into his lap.
"Sorry, baby. You're just an easy target to tease." He whispers into your shoulder. peppering kisses against the skin as an apology.
Baby Baby Baby
You like the sound of that.
A little humph tumbles from your lips in response in response, as you snuggle closer to him, enjoying the unrestricted access you now have. Your fingers dance on the collar of his shirt before drifting up to the short curls at the base of his head. Joel hums and lets his eyes fall shut as your pretty pink acrylics weave through his hair.
"We should go to your room." Joel softly suggests when he looks at you again
You let Joel lead you down the hall, his big hand resting on the small of your back. Your nerves must be pretty obvious since he whispers into your hair that you'll be okay.
Joel pushes the door shut and you plop onto your bed, kicking your shoes off onto the rug.
Joel's eyes devour you when he turns to look at you. His eyes seem to particularly focus on the soft lace that lines the neckline of your dress. You fiddle with your fingers, you hadn't been this nervous about sleeping with a person since you lost your virginity back in your senior year of high school.
You expect Joel to do what most men would do now, to push your shoulders to the bedspread and pull the summer dress you've donned off you.
Instead, he drops to his knees in front of you, pushing your dress up a bit, he presses a kiss to each of your knees, his lips landing on the scars there.
"Didn't know ya still had these." He hums
"Rollerblading scars are for life I guess." You shrug
Joel lets out an amused chuckle, inching a bit closer to you before resting his head in your lap. He takes a deep inhale before resting his hands on your hips.
"You're a real weird guy, Joel Miller." You point out, resting your fingers on his hair
"What makes you say that?" He mumbles
"Most guys would be pulling my clothes off and you're here kneeling, resting your head on my thighs
"It could be between your thighs if you want." He cheekily suggests
You scoff and pull his head up by hooking a finger under his chin, his scruffy facial hair tickling your fingertips.
"Let me show you how a man should treat a lady like you," Joel asks
A small smile ghosts your face as you nod, pulling him up as you fall onto your back.
"Gonna show you all those guys, baby, they sure as hell ain't worth it."
Joel hovers above you, leaning down and kissing you before trailing his kisses down your neck to your collarbones, lightly nipping at the thin flesh and laughing when you squirm.
"Tell me how you like it." He says
Your face heats up. He'd been dead on earlier but god was it embarrassing to admit it. Your lips remain pressed shut as he presses a wet kiss to your cheek.
"Gonna make me work for it, huh?" He teases
Ugh, what a smug motherfucker he was.
Joel's big hand pulls at the zipper on your back, loosening the soft fabric of your sundress as he pulls at it.
"So beautiful." He breathes as the fabric pulls away to reveal your upper body
"You're a boob man?" You tease, noticing how he can barely tear his eyes from your bra.
Joel snorts, "You're kidding right? Have you seen these?"
His hands grope at your soft body, running his finger over your clothed chest.
"Lift your hips."
Joel pulls your dress down down down your legs before tossing it off your bed to the floor. You lay there, heart pounding in your mismatched set.
"I would've worn my lace ones if I knew this was gonna happen." You huff
"Perfect just like this." Joel approves, "I like you however you're comfortable."
His facial hair tickles your skin as he begins trailing kisses down your belly to the elastic band that sits on your hips. He presses a kiss to your mound before running a finger along the wet patch between your thighs.
"Has anyone ever tasted this pretty cunt before?" He hums, looking up at you
You nod your head, too nervous to speak right now. Of course, Joel was good in bed, he was walking sex on a stick, how you hadn't seen that before was crazy.
"Who?" He asks softly, his thumb finding your clit from above the fabric of your panties
"Umf- Ben Kingston." You whimper when he applies more pressure, god you wish he'd just rip your stupid underwear off already.
Joel's deep chuckle fills the sanctuary of your bedroom, "Ben? You mean that mullet-wearing guy who used to play JV lacrosse? That Ben Kingston?"
You nod, It'd been a few weeks after graduation, you were invited to a Fourth of July bash and at some point ended up in Ben's room tangled up in the sheets.
"Was he any good?" Joel smugly asks
You shake your head, "Not really...too um..."
"Too what?" Joel asks, curious now
"He was sorta, shy almost. Like it was gonna bite him or something." You say, remembering how Ben had just been too gentle with you
Joel nods cupping your cunt and pressing his palm to it, "She wants it rough, huh?"
You roll your eyes, propping yourself up on your elbows, "Are you gonna go down on me or what?"
Joel smiles at you, lust-blown eyes staring at you from between your legs, "You gonna be a good girl? Listen to me?"
You nod, wishing he'd just hurry up already.
A loud yelp leaves your lips, Joel Miller has just smacked your pussy. It wasn't too hard or soft yet it has your skin tingling and a new gush of wet pooling in your panties.
"Yes." You breathe
Joel gives you an approving look, he must want you to talk to him.
He shimmies your panties down your legs, eyes fixed on you the whole time.
"Come when I say, alright?" He asks
"Okay." You say, you've never had a guy take charge like this. Sure, they'd all been dominant in their own ways. But this? This was different. This was Joel, you used to eat popsicles on his front porch in the summer. And now here he was, telling you he was about to control your orgasms. Fuck it was hot though.
Joel presses two kisses to your clit before diving in and fuck does he put Ben to shame. His tongue licks a stripe from your hole all the way back up to your clit. Lips suctioning to the sensitive bud of nerves while you gasp and your legs threaten to fall closed.
"F-Fuck." You moan, unsure of what to do
"Stay open." He commands, pushing at your thighs that have tried to close around his head
Your hips jump when Joel pushes two fingers into you. You nearly scream when Joel’s lips attach to your clit once more, this time roughly sucking on you. His tongue continues dancing on you there as you roll your hips to meet him, gasping just a bit louder when his nose brushes you.
"Joel!" You whimper, a warning for how you're about to cum on his face
"You gonna cum?" He mumbles, acting like he doesn't already know, like he can't feel the way you're clamping down on his fingers and gushing down his wrist
"Y-Yes." You groan
Abruptly, he pulls away and you feel tears spring into your waterline. You were so close to euphoria and he was taking it away.
He thumbs away your tears, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "Don't cry, baby. M' gonna give you what you want, don't worry."
You sniffle, unable to help it, maybe your tears will get him back between your legs.
Joel runs a thumb between your folds, humming softly as wetness collects on his skin.
"Needy little thing, aren't ya. Didn't realize I was friends with such a slutty girl."
The words should hurt, they should. Hell, maybe if they were coming from anyone else's mouth they would. Instead, they have you nodding excitedly. Yes, you're a slut. You'll be anything for your dear Joel.
Joel lets out a small chuckle, "I knew you liked it like this. Like it when I'm mean to ya."
"Please? " Joel smiles
"Fuck me." You groan, unclipping your bra and dropping it to the floor
Joel manhandles you to your stomach, his hands dancing up and down your back.
"Such a good girl, asking for it."
"Please, Joel." You whisper
A warm kiss is pressed to the nape of your neck before you feel him push into you. A shuddering breath leaves your lips as you hear Joel groan loudly behind you when his hips meet your ass.
"Feel good?" Joel asks genuinely
"Good." You huff, "Great, actually."
Joel's hands grip the soft flesh of your hips as he begins a rough pace that has you seeing stars. You bite down on your bottom lip and let out a loud keen when he brushes something inside you.
"That the spot?" Joel asks
You respond with a groan of his name and Joel chuckles, his hands squeezing your flesh, "Yeah, that's the spot."
His pace resumes and you're practically wailing into the sheets below you. You've had sex before but nothing like this, nothing like what Joel was providing you with right now.
Deep thrusts brush that spot inside you he's discovered as you moan his name, your brain empty of all thoughts.
Then, suddenly the world is tilting and Joel is manhandling you onto your back, pressing your knees up to your chest as he leans down to brush his nose against yours.
"Such a good girl..." He says, running a thumb across your cheek
Somehow he feels even better like this, even if it's a bit slower. Your breath mingles with his as he presses messy kisses to your lips and neck. Occasionally he'll dip down and suck at your chest, mumbling about how nice your tits are.
Your hips roll up to meet his hips as you rest your hands on his biceps, nails biting into the skin there.
"Close," You warn, "M' gonna cum, Joel." You huff, trying to keep your eyes on him
"Yeah? Gonna cum? Let me feel her gush and I'll her up." He says, "She'll be leaking with me for days after this, baby."
You shudder at his nasty words, loving the way they pool in your belly and send tingles up your spine.
At some point, Joel sneaks a hand to the mess between your thighs, he rubs two tight circles on your clit before you're tightening around him as your eyes slam shut while you cum.
"F-Fuck." Joel gasps, "Tight little cunt you got."
Joel fucks you through your orgasm while you weakly paw at his chest, overstimulation taking over.
"Take it, take it." He groans, his hips roughly slapping yours "Ugh, this f-fucking slutty pussy, teasing me for so goddamn long, gonna fuck a baby into her...
He's rambling now, lust-blown eyes slammed shut as he roughly takes his own pleasure. You haven't seen anything this hot as you watch Joel get off while using your body for himself.
And then, you feel it, warmth fills you as he finally finishes, a loud moan leaving his lips as he does. He stills above you, a moment passes before he finally looks at you.
It's as if a switch has flipped, two seconds ago he'd been this dominating sex god and now he was back to being the Joel you knew.
Warm kisses pepper your skin as he leans down to nuzzle his face into your chest.
"Pretty baby," He praises, "Thank you, sweetheart."
"I think I should be thanking you." You laugh, "I've never cum like that before, let alone had sex that good."
Joel laughs, kissing your jawline.
"I didn't go overboard? I know I can get real mean sometimes, it can scare sweet little things like you off."
You press a kiss into his brown curls that are a bit damp with sweat, "It was perfect."
Joel shifts, pulling out of you while you wince under him, "Sorry baby."
His spend drips out of you onto the already messy sheets. Your body burns with embarrassment as Joel stares at your overworked cunt.
"Stop staring, creep." You let your legs fall shut
Joel grins coyly before flopping onto his back, pulling you down to his chest.
"So...did I do it?" He asks
"Do what? Ruin my sex expectations for the rest of my life? Cuz' I don't think I can go back to my vibrator after that."
Joel chuckles, his fingers drawing circles on your shoulders, "Did I show ya that all those other guys sure as hell ain't worth it?"
You give him a small nod and he squeezes you even closer to his chest before speaking again,
"Good. Cuz' now that I got ya, you ain't goin' nowhere."
More Joel here / Masterlist
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mornings like these
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader

summary: There’s a reason you’re always late to morning patrol. That reason’s name is Joel Miller.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. JACKSON ERA. READER HAS NO PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION, NO AGE SPECIFIED FOR READER. established relationship though it’s lightly implied it’s a fairly new relationship, hints of fluff, hints of smut, morning wood, very brief mentions of oral sex (female receiving) and fingering.
word count: < 1k
a/n: this is quite literally nothing. just a blurb i wrote in 20 ish or so minutes. it could have been a whole thing, but i am in the middle of editing a long wip update. i needed a break from it and this happened. hardly any plot, hardly any porn, what would you even call this? lol
You wake with a gentle start, your eyes fluttering open.
Sunlight filters in through the sheer white curtains.
Soft. Warm. Golden.
A strong arm tightens around you.
“Mm,” he mumbles from beside you. “S’nice.”
His voice is deeper than usual, thick with sleep.
You’re still getting used to it. To mornings like these.
Waking up next to him—with him.
Naked in his bed, wrapped in his sheets, in his arms.
You’re laying on your side, your back against his chest.
You feel him already, hard on curve of your ass.
Suddenly, all you can think about is the night before.
Every deep, swollen kiss he gave you.
Every sweet, loving word he’d whispered to you.
Every minute of every hour he’d spent worshiping your body like he was getting to know it for the first time all over again.
“It is nice,” you agree with him, exhaling a small sigh of content. Finding his large hand splayed over your lower belly, you lace your fingers together with his, the same long, thick fingers that stretched the tight walls of your aching cunt all night long. “After three days of pouring rain, this is very nice. It almost makes me look forward to going out on patrol.”
Chuckling softly, Joel nuzzles his nose into your bare shoulder, deeply inhaling the subtle, delicate scent of milk and honey soap. “Don’t mean the weather, sweet girl.”
You raise an eyebrow. “No?”
He gently nips at your flesh with his teeth. “Nope.”
“Then what do you mean?” you press, innocently.
As if you don’t already know.
“This.” There’s a brief pause. “Wakin’ up with you.”
Giggling, you tease, “You’ve gone soft for me, Miller.”
“And so what if I have?” He’s grinning, you can feel it.
Slowly, he begins to lower your intertwined hands and drags them further down your belly.
You know what he’s doing. The man is insatiable.
“Joel,” you utter his name breathlessly.
“What is it, honey?” he coos into the nape of your neck.
Oh yes, you know exactly what he’s doing.
Pulling your hand out of his, you roll onto your back and turn your head, your nose lightly bumping his. “Don’t start,” you warn him in the sternest voice you can possibly muster.
There’s a mischievous glimmer in his dark brown eyes.
“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout, darlin’.”
His cock is rock hard, poking into your hip.
“We have patrol in an hou—”
Joel’s hand slips between your thighs and you’re cut off by the sound of your own loud gasp as he drags a finger languidly along your slick, warm folds.
He skims your jawline with his nose. “Now, what were you sayin’?”
“Oh my fuck,” you curse as he sinks his finger into your cunt, burying it to his knuckle. “Joel, Tommy will kill us if we’re late to our shift again—” You moan as he curls his finger upwards, your hips bucking up off of the bed and into his hand.
That’s where Joel Miller had you.
Right in the palm of his hand.
In every which way possible.
“I can stop,” he murmurs against your cheek, the scruff of his beard tickling your soft skin. “Just say the word, baby, and I’ll stop.”
You don’t tell him to stop.
Of course you don’t want him to stop.
You never, ever want him to stop.
Moments later, Joel’s head is between your thighs and he’s devouring your cunt like he’s having breakfast. His tongue swirls around your clit, his fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy, a mere warm up before you take his throbbing cock.
Hands tangled in his graying, dark brown curls, you forget all about getting to patrol on time.
divider credit to @saradika 🤍
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tags: @angryflowerwitch @avvwritesstufff @melpthatsme @rebecca-woso @bueckersg1rl @l0verl4ne @clouded-whispers @dolliest-thena @katemartinlvr @numberonepartyanth3m @glamourdaya @pbbucks @unadulteratedcyclepaper @paiges-1vur wc: 6.3k notes: masterlist ahead? uh yeah i sure hope it does! decided last minute i didn't really care about any real plot action this chapter outside of tess and paige so if you are disappointed by that, sorry but it's better this way, tess and paige are the plot now🤞 accidentally made this chapter kinda important, it lowk got away from me, but i hope you all enjoy 🫶
‘This Month in Review - The Cutest Sports Couple Since Megan and Sue’
Whether you’re a sports fanatic or a casual watcher, there is no denying that Paige Bueckers and Tess Kennedy have taken the sports scene by storm. They are a topic of conversation in every room – and for good reason. Bueckers and Kennedy were top recruiting prospects out of high school, with Bueckers leading the pack as the #1 recruit and Kennedy following close behind as the #2. They are the current leaders of two superstar programs and despite not having played their full collegiate careers, Bueckers and Kennedy have already cemented themselves as players that will go down in history as the greatest to play college basketball at their institutions.
Bueckers and Kennedy are a power couple through and through, and while neither of them have made anything official, it is clear that they have spent this entire offseason together – even several hundred miles apart. Fans have pointed out that their recent TikTok reposts make references to missing a long distance lover or are largely relationship focused. Their Instagram stories often feature each other. From Kennedy’s Instagram, a recent story showcased a short clip of Bueckers holding a LEGO rose, winking as she blew a kiss to the camera. From Bueckers’s Instagram, a recent story included a FaceTime screenshot of Kennedy, grinning as she threw a thumbs up for the photo, and it was affectionately captioned, “My duo 🎮.”
Additionally, they have been noticeably active in each other’s Instagram comment section:
Their galavanting didn’t end there. They made their relationship known through TikTok live one night, featuring Bueckers, Kennedy, and some of Buecker’s UConn teammates including Aaliyah Edwards and Nika Muhl. The TikTok live was a source of endless laughter, jokes, and games. Again, nothing was officially confirmed, although many viewers posted various screen recordings the morning after, and all fans can agree on is that Bueckers and Kennedy are not slick.
Many are comparing their relationship to Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe, and we have to admit, the similarity is there. Bueckers and Kennedy are both standout athletes and leaders on dynasty teams. Fans are eagerly awaiting the hard-launch, if only just to confirm what we all know is true.
-Penelope Lancaster, Bleacher Report
JUNE 20, 2023
“Do you have everything, piccola? Brace, heating pad, charger?”
Making a conscious effort to fix her face, Tess resists a sigh and responds, “Yes, mamma, I have everything.” She knows that her mother is just looking out for her, but she’s been through all of her belongings three times now and she knows for a fact that she has everything. If something was missing, she’s certain Paige would have an extra or she’d be able to buy a new one in Massachusetts.
She got the call from Amaya only a few days ago. To no one’s surprise at all, the media was eating up her and Paige’s fake relationship. Their brand deals were feeling secure in their investments once more and the tabloids were far more concerned about Tess & Paige than they were about Tess’s month-long crash out. With everything aligning once more, Bose actually wanted to sign a joint deal with her and Paige and get them to advertise a new product – standard NIL endorsement stuff, but the icing on the cake was Amaya’s cheerful, “You’re married now!” that nearly made Tess’s heart fall out of her ass.
Tess doesn’t make a habit of being a gullible person, but she genuinely thought Amaya was going to make her and Paige scrap the whole “soft-launch” idea and just come out at the altar with wedding rings. Amaya was quick to clarify it wasn’t actually like that (Thank God), but the Bose representatives wanted to do something corny, monopolize on their traction as a duo, and Tess and Paige would henceforth be named Mrs. and Mrs. Bose.
It was pretty stupid, but a little funny, and as soon as Tess saw her payout, she couldn’t really complain.
“And Paige is getting you from the airport? No Uber?” her father asks for the second time, mostly to clarify.
Tess can’t stop the flush from spreading across her cheeks like she’d been caught red-handed. Truthfully, her parents weren’t haters by any means. They were oddly invested in her and Paige’s ruse – which made lying to them about it so much more difficult, but the both of them seemed to genuinely like Paige despite never speaking to her. They’d been begging for weeks straight for Tess to bring her home so they could meet her since it’s “getting serious,” although they were pleased to know she’d probably be around by Christmas. She and Paige had this commercial to film, then Paige would have to return to Storrs for summer practices (Tess wouldn’t be returning until the semester officially started – she wants to work as much as she could with Terri, no hate to Craig), then Paige was set to spend early August in Europe with her teammates. Both of them would be extremely busy in the coming months, especially once the season started, so they weren’t expecting to see each other all too much outside of FaceTime.
“Yes, Paige will pick me up,” Tess confirms, zipping up her backpack one last time. “She flew in this morning.” Tess tactfully leaves out the part where Paige had completely rearranged her flight schedule for her. Paige argued that it “wasn’t safe” to put her safety in the hands of a random Uber driver given her knee and that she hated late flights anyways. Tess knows that Paige truthfully doesn’t give a fuck about flight times, but arguing with her was near impossible.
Her father gives an approving nod, and much to Tess’s well-hidden anxiety induced annoyance, the three of them do one last check of her belongings before they load up in the car to drop her off at the airport. Tess tries her best to tune into the conversation, although part of her is still nervous about flying. She’s been cleared to travel for a week or two now. Despite that, she can’t help but anticipate the worst going wrong. Amaya splurged on first class so she’d have plenty of leg room and she’s flying on a very reputable airline. She has to remind herself that realistically, she’ll be perfectly fine.
It’s a quiet morning at the airport as her father pulls into the drop off lane, putting the car in park. “Text us as soon as you land, okay, piccola?” her mother tells her.
Tess flashes the both of them a comforting smile, leaning forward to give them quick hugs. “Of course.” And with that, she grabs her suitcase and her backpack, says her goodbyes, and waits for her parents to pull off before she walks through the airport in search of her gate. She’s only stopped a few times by fans asking for photos, which she dutifully poses for, then she makes her way to the counter to check in. She only has to wait a few more moments to board the plane. Amaya set her up with a secluded seat in the back. She snags a quick photo of the tarmac and sends it to Paige, whose response comes quickly.
Tell your pilot to take a shortcut or sum I miss you
you use that line on all the girls back home?
Is it working?
maybe a little
Then no All my lines are for Tess Kennedy and Tess Kennedy only
🤔 Are you forgetting something?
miss you too pb 👎
I know 😁
so modest gtg we’re about to take off
I’ll be waiting 🫶
Tess simply reacts to Paige’s last message with a heart, unable to wipe the smile off her face. She shuts her phone off and settles in for the hour long flight.
When the plane touches down in Framingham, Massachusetts, Tess is full of restless energy. It’s equal parts relief and excitement; however, after spending the morning traveling, she’s ready to get back to the hotel and get a nap in before she has to be productive. She hauls her bag over her shoulder and exits the plane with the other passengers as she waits for her phone to power back on. When it does, she sees that a text from Paige is already waiting for her.
I got your suitcase I’m like right in front of the gate
Tess sends back a thumbs up, something she’s sure Paige is annoyed by, and slides her phone back into her pocket. She follows the crowd out. Her heart thrums with anticipation, even as she tries to shove down those complicated feelings. Friends are allowed to miss each other, but her longing feels different somehow. She and Paige were practically inseparable for the month they were apart. Knowing that they’re about to reunite in person leaves her giddy with anticipation.
The crowd clears. Paige stands tall and proud in the center of the boarding area, an easy smile on her face and her arms hiding something behind her back. When Paige finally spots her, her smile widens and she begins taking swift steps towards her. Tess matches her strides, falling into her embrace with a soft laugh and overwhelming relief. One of Paige’s arms loop around her waist, squeezing her gently. “Missed you,” Paige murmurs, her cheek pressed to her head, and Tess doesn’t bother fighting the flush or the enamored upward curve of her lips.
“Missed you too, P,” she confesses. Paige’s arm tightens around her waist and she can feel the smile the blonde presses to the crown of her head. She pulls back, uncaring of the way the crowd clamors or the phones pointed at them, fully focused on Paige. Her hair is pulled back into a wavy ponytail, her face bare (yet she’s still undeniably beautiful), and she’s dressed in a UConn hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. Simple, but Paige is good at pulling just about anything off. With a mischievous grin, Paige displays the bouquet of flowers she’d been hiding behind her back, and Tess can’t quite hide the surprise on her features. “Paige – what?”
Paige carefully pushes them into Tess’s hands. They’re roses and in shockingly good quality, as if they’d been plucked directly from a garden rather than purchased from a grocery store. “Saw ‘em and had to get ‘em for you. Figured you deserved a little better than that LEGO flower after these past two months, yeah?”
Tess is speechless, her mouth opening and closing much like a fish’s. No one has ever gotten her flowers before, high school graduation aside. Paige did this completely on her own whims, and that thought alone makes a fresh blush creep up her neck. She glances at Paige, a soft smile spreading across her face. “These are beautiful, P. Thank you.”
Paige’s grin turns tender, her face clearly pleased as she pulls Tess in by her waist once more, careful to not squash the flowers. “‘Course, ma,” she says like it’s the easiest thing in the world, which, for a girl like Paige, it probably is. That thought alone is sobering and Tess remembers where they are, adrenaline rushing into her mouth as Paige releases her. “Ready to go, Mrs. Bose?”
“So fucking corny,” Tess groans, but Paige’s joke is enough for the tension to melt away, for Tess to forget all about the sudden sadness she’d felt as Paige hugged her. “Lead the way, Mrs. Bose.” Paige cocks a wry smirk at her and does just that, her left hand reaching for the handle of Tess’s suitcase. Her free hand brushes against Tess’s, a silent question in her eyes. One glance at the crowd makes her heart race, but Paige’s eyes are soft, understanding, and all the convincing she needs. She links her fingers together with Paige’s, relishing in the squeeze Paige gives her in reassurance. Tess tries not to think too hard about how well their hands fit together – the blonde’s are just slightly larger, enveloping her own in a way that should not be as comforting as it is, and her thumb mindlessly brushes against her knuckle.
Paige leads them through the busy airport, the crowd parting for them, and Tess hardly pays it any attention as she gets lost in her racing thoughts. They’re just friends. Sure, no one in her life is as close to her in the way Paige is right now, but they just have their own thing going on right now. Pretending to be each other’s girlfriend requires a lot of commitment that neither of them have otherwise experienced. Tess was never one for romance – it wasn’t in the cards for someone like her. Growing up, she was taller than most other girls – and boys – her age. A lot of people weren’t into that. Then she realized she didn’t even like boys, which never bothered her, but she felt as though she was missing out on some crucial part of girlhood because she wasn’t desired or yearned for. She’ll be the first to admit it sounds stupid. There’s many people out there with issues far more serious than whether or not they were somebody’s crush in high school. She’s out of her element in so many ways, and she can’t help but think back to that initial burst of anxiety she felt as soon as the severity of the situation finally hit her. She’s in way over her head, she’s realizing it now, and she fears that it won’t be long until people realize she has no idea what she’s doing.
But Paige? One glance at her, at the easy expression on her face, the slight furrow of her brow as she scans the airport signs for the exit, and Tess can tell she’s not freaking the fuck out like she is. Paige is vastly more experienced in this situation than Tess is and they both know it. Paige said she could do casual. This is essentially what this was, right? All of the romance without the intimacy. Tess should have told her right then and there that she was not built for casual. It always spins out of control, and Tess is probably living proof of that.
This is all physical, she tells herself, unsure of if she even believes it. You don’t actually like her. She’s attractive – that’s all there is to it. And for now, that explanation is good enough for her. She’s going to do these commercials with Paige, hard-launch their fake relationship, and then they’re going to be far too busy to see each other until the holidays when they visit each other’s families to, again, hard-launch their fake relationship and tell the biggest lie to the people closest to them. That time apart will be enough for Tess to get her head back on straight and realize there's absolutely nothing going on between her and Paige that should be of any (reasonable) concern.
She almost believes that. At least until Paige smiles at her as she loads her suitcase into the trunk of her rental, opening the passenger door for her. Tess’s heart swells and she realizes just how unfathomably fucked she is.
JUNE 21, 2023
After a calm night spent watching Grey’s Anatomy – Paige’s request, obviously – Tess and Paige were up bright and early Wednesday morning to drive out to the Bose main office for filming. Paige entrusted her with the aux and promised to not complain about her music choices as long as Tess bought breakfast, which was a deal Tess was all too happy to make as she directed Paige to the nearest Dunkin. She made sure to snag plenty of pictures for the Instagram hard launch they planned to post before they went their separate ways. Her personal favorite was the one of Paige sitting in the driver’s seat, legs wide and pressed against the door and the center console, sunglasses perched over the bridge of her nose as she held both of their coffees. The blonde sported an easy smile with her hair in her game-day braids and her thin, black fleece jacket was unzipped, showcasing the UConn shirt she was wearing under it. Paige made sure to get one of her, too, but it was less presentable and far too candid – Paige had swiped whipped cream across her nose and photographed her mid-gasp. Tess begged her to delete it, but Paige’s infectious laughter caused all of the indignation to drain from her body.
With breakfast and coffee secured, Paige drives the rest of the way to their filming location as Tess hums along to Omar Apollo. The silence in the car is calm, both of them comfortable in simply sitting next to each other as the music plays. Paige shifts, her elbow resting on the center console as she drives with her left hand. Her fingers mindlessly twirl the straw in her cup. The movement catches Tess’s eye and she’s suddenly overcome with the urge to grab her hand.
It’s domestic, in a sense – sitting next to Paige in the car as they drive down the road with the windows down. The weather holds a gentle bite, not overbearingly cold, but chilly enough that it makes Tess feel a little more tethered, that she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be.
In her last session with Yvette, the psychologist recommended she just let go. As obvious as the advice is, and despite it being easier said than done, Tess is interested in giving it an honest shot. For years, she’s carried so much anxiety with her, worried about whether or not she’s doing something right or worried about how she’s being perceived. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of discomfort to move forward.
Before she can talk herself out of it, Tess props her arm up on the center console. Paige is close enough that she can feel her jacket sleeve brushing against her arm. She can feel Paige’s gaze on her, the gentle curiosity, but she keeps her eyes straight ahead, watching as the trees pass by in green blurs. Then she feels her move, feels her knuckles brush against her hand; and with her heart thrumming in her chest, Tess wordlessly unclenches her fist in invitation. Paige doesn’t hesitate before she’s linking their fingers together, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Tess spots her smile from the corner of her eye, and knowing that Paige is watching her, too, she allows a smile of her own to grace her features. Nothing has ever felt as right as Paige’s hand in hers in a long time. As she continues driving, Tess can’t help herself from feeling at peace.
When the two of them finally make it back to their hotel room after spending the day filming, Tess collapses onto her bed with a dramatic groan, immediately reaching for her pillow and wrapping both arms around it, pressing her chin into the cushion. She hears Paige snort from somewhere in the room, followed by rustling as she shrugs her jacket off her shoulders and throws it haphazardly on her bed. “Tired?” Paige asks teasingly.
Tess hums in confirmation. Tired doesn’t even begin to cover it. She was up early, was on her feet for most of the day, and all of the reshoots and retakes weren’t doing her any favors. She knows she’s crashing out for no reason – this is literally her job – but she’s equal parts tired and hangry and she honestly just wants a hot shower.
“Want me to DoorDash somethin’?” Paige asks, as if reading her mind. She kicks off her shoes and falls into bed next to Tess, already pulling out her phone.
Tess cracks one eye open as the mattress dips under their shared weight, glancing at Paige, who crosses one leg over the other as she gets comfortable. “Chick-fil-A?” she requests. “Nuggets and fries? My card’s in my wallet.”
Paige wrinkles her nose. “Hell no. You got breakfast.”
Tess rolls her eyes. “Breakfast and the aux.”
“All you played was sad, break-up R&B,” Paige grumbles. “I really should make you cover dinner after that bullshit. Feels like there’s something you’re tryna tell me.”
“Pretty sure I’m not contractually allowed to break up with you,” Tess retorts. “So don’t worry.”
The blonde hums, unconvinced, before she turns off her phone and throws it in between the two of them. “Dasher’s gonna be here in 15,” she says, gazing down at her. “You good? Your knee okay?”
Figuring her current position probably isn’t the greatest for said knee, Tess rolls onto her back and stretches her leg out with a sigh. Her elbow brushes against Paige’s stomach and Tess shifts again, not realizing how little space she’d left between them after she moved. “‘M good,” she says. “Should probably get an ice pack just in case.”
Paige is rolling off the bed before Tess even registers what’s going on. She watches her pull the lid off of the ice box on the desk, scooping up a handful and depositing it in a plastic bag. She tests the seal, and once she’s satisfied, she wraps the makeshift pack in a towel, plucks a pillow off of her bed, and holds the ice pack in between her teeth as she gently lifts Tess’s leg, sliding the pillow underneath. Tess’s breath hitches at the slightest contact, and despite the chill of the ice pack, Paige’s hands are inexplicably warm on her skin.
“Is this the Dr. Bueckers the ladies told me about?” Tess asks with a coy smile, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest. The way Paige was gazing at her left too much for her to want, eyes soft and attentive, and for Tess, it was easier to hide the longing with humor.
“You play too much,” Paige says, but her words lack any real heat as she rounds the bed once more and crawls back in, reclining against the pile of pillows. She’s closer than she was before she left. Tess can smell her perfume, the shampoo she’d used the night before. Paige is magnetic, that much Tess knew to be true – she’d felt it the very moment Paige stopped her outside of the conference room to inform her that she’d be tagging along for PT. It’s only now that she realizes how strong her pull was as she unconsciously leans into Paige’s space, the blonde’s arm raising to wrap around her, fingers splayed against her shoulder.
“Do I?” she asks, if only to fill the silence. Paige’s thumb begins to trace soft patterns on her skin. It’s difficult for her to focus on anything but that, but she cranes her neck, finding that Paige is already staring at her. Tess flushes under her gaze, though she refuses to break eye contact.
Paige’s lips quirk as she responds, “Yeah. You do.” She seems as though she’s content to leave it at that, but a couple beats pass before she’s speaking again. “You want a lot of things you think you can’t have.” Tess’s brow raises at her words, but she remains quiet. “I see it in film. You’re an insane three-point shooter but you rarely take middies or layups unless it’s absolutely free. And you do this thing – it’s like you’re faking the drive, and I can tell you really want to do it, but you just…don’t. You’re not faking. You’re just scared to get out of your comfort zone and go for it. Scared to get close.”
Tess doesn’t think they’re talking about basketball anymore. Despite the sharpness of her words, Paige’s tone is gentle, and the smile on her face is both confusing and frustrating. Frustrating because Tess knows she’s right; confusing because Paige knows she’s right, but it seems like she’s not completely confident in Tess taking that leap. Honestly, part of Tess is tempted to prove her right. She knows they could drop this topic right now and Paige wouldn’t press her. The other part of her knows they’ve come this far together, that she’s come this far. Doesn’t she owe it to herself, to Paige, to be vulnerable? To take the drive into the paint, risk getting fouled, instead of hovering at the perimeter to take the same shot she’s taken thousands of times already?
She thinks she does. Tess is tired of wanting, of yearning for the things well within her reach if only she had the confidence to go after them. But perhaps there is a thin line between confidence and bravery, between knowing and trying. So she shifts, feeling a little braver, angling her body towards Paige’s, fists the collar of her UConn t-shirt, and pulls her closer and closer until their lips finally meet.
Paige gasps against her, surprised, before her good sense returns and she melts into Tess. The hand on her shoulder skims across her skin to rest on the nape of her neck, her right hand reaching up to hold her face. As Paige guides her jaw to get better access, her kiss deep and consuming, she takes full advantage of Tess’s jilted sigh. Her hands fall from Paige’s collar, finding purchase on her stomach and her waist in search of stabilization. Paige leaves her breathless and woozy, and if she didn’t feel secure in the way she was holding her, then Tess would be afraid of floating away completely.
They break away, chests heaving, flushes down to their collarbones. Tess’s eyes open with a flutter of her eyelashes. Paige is already staring at her, her eyes wide in some sort of awe, pupils dilated. Her lips are swollen, shiny, and Tess can’t help the feeling of smug satisfaction that comes with knowing she did that. Paige Bueckers looks like a mess and it’s all because of her. “Still think I’m scared?” she asks, voice hoarse, her fingers gripping the fabric of Paige’s shirt.
The smile that spreads across Paige’s face is raw, real, visibly affectionate despite her next words. “Yeah.” Tess almost rolls her eyes, but Paige’s hand drops to the base of her throat, her middle finger brushing against her pulse point. She doesn’t apply any sort of pressure, but the weight of her hand makes her head spin anyways. “But s’okay.”
Tess chuckles. “To be scared?”
Paige hums an affirmative, shifting again, and she presses her lips against Tess’s. It’s different this time; firm, lingering, and insistent, almost as though she’s trying to take everything she possibly could. The weight of Paige’s body against hers is exhilarating and it makes her heart race. She can feel Paige’s smirk against her lips. Tess is instantly reminded of the fact that Paige can feel the thrumming of her pulse. She pushes her back with a hand to her chest, smiling at the rumble of laughter that reverberates through her body. “S’okay to be scared,” Paige says seriously, her thumb wiping away the smear of gloss on Tess’s lip. “But you don’t gotta be. Not with me.”
Tess meets her gaze, studying her features, the sheer honesty in her expression. Paige releases her jaw, her hands reaching down to untangle Tess’s fingers from where they’re still clenched in her shirt, fitting their hands together. “Don’t overthink it,” Paige whispers, understanding Tess’s mannerisms by heart now.
But the peace is always short-lived. Tess frowns, her voice almost a murmur when she asks, “What are we doing?” Paige’s eyes widen slightly. Tess wouldn’t have noticed if she hadn’t been so fine-tuned to Paige’s every move for the past month. “The rules, Paige, we agreed–”
“We haven’t broken any of the rules,” Paige states firmly. She squeezes Tess’s hands, her throat bobbing as she swallows. “We communicate. We don’t see other people. We don’t tell other people. And we…” Paige struggles to find the words. “We don’t have to label this. It’s just us.” Tess’s face softens, the furrow in her brow relaxing. “‘M just…glad it was here. You and me, no cameras. And... we can just say we practiced for the public, right?” Paige’s thumb brushes against her hand as she stares at her imploringly, almost as though she’s pleading for Tess to agree, to stop thinking and just do it.
Practice. That word fills her with simultaneous relief and dread, but she remembers Paige’s words. Don’t overthink it. Tess understands that they’re walking a very thin line right now. Why should she let her brain ruin it? They don’t have to complicate what they have right now. And for now, that’s good enough for her. “Practicing is fine,” she confirms, feeling a little more confident.
When Paige’s eyes light up, her lips quirking into a smile, Tess believes that she’s made the right decision. “Yeah?”
Tess nods, flashing a smile that’s unexpectedly genuine. “Yeah.” She pulls Paige in closer by her hands, their lips brushing again, but before she can melt into her completely, Paige’s phone rings and the two of them snap apart.
“Fuck,” Paige groans, her brows drawn tight in annoyance. She hardly looks twice at her phone as she picks it up and answers it. “Hello?” Tess can barely make out what the person on the other end is saying, but the tension leaves Paige’s body. “Okay, I’ll be down. Thank you.” Tess looks at her curiously as she hangs up the phone. “Cockblocked by the dasher,” she says solemnly, unable to hide her pout. “Gimme five minutes, I have to go meet him.”
Tess can’t wipe the smile off her face as Paige rolls off the bed again, slipping on her shoes and rummaging around in her bag for her wallet. Before she leaves, Tess catches her by her wrist, pulling her down to her level and planting a chaste kiss to her lips – a far cry from the one they’d been cheated out of. “Hurry back,” she says. “I’m hangry.”
“Two minutes,” Paige breathes out, grinning stupidly, pushing Tess’s hair out of her face. Then she’s gone, and Tess is left alone in the silence of their room. If any of this had happened a week prior, Tess would probably be spiraling, but she’s committed to turning over a new leaf. She’s not going to overthink it, she’s not going to crash out, and most of all, she’s going to accept this new development in her and Paige’s friendship for what it is without trying to second guess whatever it could mean. They can just be friends who kiss now. That’s a thing. They don’t have to label anything. They can just be them, and as far as Tess is concerned, she’s okay with that.
Paige makes it back in record time, Chick-fil-A bag and drink carrier in hand and slightly out of breath. At Tess’s brow raise, Paige shrugs cheekily, handing over a milkshake. “You said you were hangry,” she teases, sliding back into bed next to her. “I’m too young to die.”
Tess rolls her eyes as Paige begins dividing out their food, passing the sauce and napkins. “You’re such an asshole,” she says good-naturedly.
“You kissed me,” Paige reminds her, as if Tess could ever forget about that. “What does that say about you?”
“I’m a very charitable person,” Tess supplies modestly. Paige snorts like she doesn’t believe that, but Tess smiles regardless.
They continue chatting throughout dinner. Paige pretends like she doesn’t notice Tess stealing her fries, although Paige ends up using most of Tess’s sauce, so they call it even at the end. Paige throws their trash away while Tess scrolls on her phone, only glancing up when Paige returns, hooking her chin over her shoulder and throwing a casual arm over Tess’s waist. “Time to break the internet?”
“You better not post anything embarrassing,” Tess grumbles, enjoying the weight of Paige’s body on hers.
Paige hides her laugh in the fabric of her shirt. “I couldn’t if I tried.” She pulls out her phone, opening Instagram and begins drafting a new post. Tess’s eyes catch on some of Paige’s photos as she scrolls through them. There’s random screenshots of Bible quotes, a concerning amount of selfies, a lot of basketball related things, and pictures of Tess have somehow become a new trend in her gallery. From the photo of Tess with cream on her nose, FaceTime candids, to photos from their shoot today that Tess wasn’t even aware Paige had taken. Tess softens. Most of the pictures were nice. “Could get a new one,” Paige suggests, opening her camera and pointing it at the mirror on the opposite wall, displaying the two of them pressed close together. Tess rolls her eyes, chuckling, but Paige takes the photo before she can react.
“Paige Madison,” Tess sighs. She can feel Paige smile against her.
“C’mon,” she goads. “We look good.” Tess can’t really argue with that one, so she leans her head against Paige’s and begins drafting her own Instagram post. They work in silence as they select the best photos for the hard launch. It’s only been a month and a half, but Tess feels both fondness and nostalgia as she scrolls through their photos and their memories. She has a couple of photos from PT with Paige, FaceTime screenshots, the photo of Paige holding their coffees, and photos of Paige trying to style the Mrs. Bose earbuds they were promoting. She knows there was a reason why Paige came into her life, but she can’t help feeling like she showed up at the right time; it could have been anyone else – college athletics has an endless amount of controversial athletes who are in need of image repair – yet being paired with Paige feels like a stroke of fate.
Tess selects only a few photos, not wanting to go overboard. She includes their first picture at PT – Paige holding the ice pack over her knee, the FaceTime screenshot of Paige showcasing the LEGO rose, Paige and their coffees, and a mirror selfie they’d taken after stylists did their hair and makeup for the shoot. She captions it “here’s to tess kennedy’s worst kept secret. thank you for coming into my life when you did,” and while this hard launch is not real, the sentiment is.
Paige finishes at around the same time she does, a soft smile on her face as they swap phones to look at each other’s work. True to her word, Paige kept the embarrassment to a minimum, although the first photo she selected was the one with whipped cream on her nose. Tess shouldn’t have expected anything less, but it’s quickly growing on her. The rest of the photos consist of the mirror selfie Paige just took, a screenshot of Tess modeling the gold dress for her, a bible quote – 1 Corinthians 16:14 – and, shockingly enough, an older photo of them from their freshman year, shaking hands after the first game they’d played against one another. They’re both cheesing. Tess remembers that loss vividly. The media called it The Battle of the Freshmen, mostly because it was the long awaited match-up between Tess and Paige, who’d been hailed as freshmen phenoms, two top recruits. In that game, they both accounted for the majority of their team’s points. Paige was responsible for 31 of UConn’s 63 while Tess led South Carolina with 30 of their 59.
Tess couldn’t even be upset at the loss. She and Paige played their hearts out, and honestly, playing against Paige was the highlight of the game. From their expressions alone, you would have thought they both walked home with trophies that night. Tess could argue that she did. Playing with Paige makes you a better player, sure, but playing against her? Tess learned so much from her game, although she would never admit that to Paige; her ego is too overinflated and Tess will not contribute to growing it.
“Where’d you find the last one?” Tess asks curiously, handing Paige’s phone back.
Paige does the same, her face lighting up with a soft smile. “Got tagged in it a couple times,” she says. “Felt right.” Tess can’t argue against that, smiling too. “At the same time?” Tess hums in confirmation, her thumb hovering over the post button, and simultaneously, they both share the hard launch to their pages. There is a very brief period of stillness before the notifications and comments begin pouring in. Tess swipes over to Paige’s post and only then does she read the caption, “And her pink skies will keep me warm.”
“Cheesy ass Frank lyric!” Tess exclaims with a laugh.
Paige looks inexplicably smug, pleased with herself. “Full circle,” she says.
“Full circle,” Tess agrees, her smile turning tender.
It’s at that moment that everything finally clicks. The lyrics filter through her brain. And a new day will bring about the dawn. And her pink skies will keep me warm. She can hear it perfectly, Frank’s voice singing to her, “Abandon mission, you must be kiddin’, this shit feelin’ different, shit feelin’ different to me.” All of the thoughts she’d been ignoring, the uncomfortable conversation with herself she’d been avoiding. She tried to push it down, but the realization came into focus with stunning clarity. Tess liked Paige. Tess likes her.
That was the entire reason why everything has felt so different. It wasn’t because she and Paige were spending so much time together, why Paige has become nearly synonymous with Tess’s recovery. It wasn’t because their friendship was just different. It was because it wasn’t friendship at all. It was always something more, even from the start.
Tess feels as though the floor beneath her could splinter, a giant crack down the middle that would send her tumbling to the ground below. She likes Paige. She has feelings for Paige. Calling it by any other name wouldn’t do her any good. She broke their rules and it’s taken her this long to realize.
“You good?” Paige asks her, her brows drawn into a furrow, concern etched onto her face as her hand reaches for Tess’s. She hadn’t realized she was shaking.
Tess clears her throat, nodding. “Yeah,” she lies, hoping that it sounds believable. Bree’s words come back to her. You’re lying to Paige, which is why you’re fumbling the bag. She was right all along. Tess could laugh at the absurdity of it all if Paige wasn’t sitting next to her. “Just need a shower, I think.”
She decides right then and there that Paige can’t know. She can’t know that she’s close to ruining it all, close to undoing all of the work they’d done to restore their reputations. That she’d broken their rule after all. That she let this get out of hand, and if Paige knew, their friendship would be destroyed for sure, and Tess isn’t sure if she could handle not having Paige around.
Paige hums, seemingly convinced, but all Tess can think about is what she’s done.
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I have to say I love what you write, especially the headcanons, how we are in the month... could I ask for one on how they celebrate Snoggletog (Hiccup x reader)?
'I Saw Sparks'
A/n: thank you so much for the request! I really enjoyed it 😼!
Warnings(?): none, lol. It's Christmas time babyyyy
Tags (🫣): @fries11
Hiccup x !fem! Reader
Snoggletog! That's it. Just Snoggletog.
Snoggletog: the time where Vikings could walk around with a carefree smile — well, at least that's what you thought of it.
Who's not to love decorating the isle of Berk with festive lights to make it more lively?
Plus, it also gives you additional time to spend with Hiccup, so, win-win.
No response came.
Again, nothing.
"Hiccup! Wake up!" You barged through his door, startling him from his sleep as he yelped at the sudden slam of his door being opened.
"Toothless, just...a couple more...minutes—" He yawned, waving you off while still half-awake.
You sighed, placing your hands on your hips with an impatient tilt of your head. "Do I look like a dragon to you?"
Your words seemingly brought him out of his drowse, quickly sitting up in his bed with a bewildered blink. "W-wait what!? What're you doing in here!?"
Shrugging, you responded in a nonchalant manner: "Stoick let me in here to...help wake you up. Toothless, y'know...the actual dragon, has been on the roof trying to make you come outside as well."
He groaned lightly, rubbing his face to get rid of his remaining somnolence. "Right, right..sorry. I think I'm just getting more used to it at this point..."
It's been normalized between the two of you to know that you're mostly going to be getting Hiccup ready extra early in the mornings to start decorating for Snoggletog.
Putting up the lights in the Great Hall was probably your most favorite activity.
Despite having to stay out in the cold longer, Hiccup finds your excitement endearing, so he's willing to assist you when it's that time of day to continue decorating just about everything you could lay your hands on.
If you can't reach something, he'll let Toothless know to help you out by lifting you to that specific area.
You and the Night Fury seem to bond much more during Snoggletog, for a reason he can't exactly explain. But he loves it either way.
When Hiccup notices you slightly overworking yourself, he'll pointedly remind you to take a break, that you weren't the only one putting effort into it all.
He's had to physically bring you back to your hut on a few occasions once he felt how cold your skin was after being outside for an unnecessary and excessive duration.
"Look! Your hands are freezing! They're practically colder than the snow!" He immediately brought his hands around yours, blowing on them in hopes of warming your skin.
"Hiccup, I'll be fine! We've lived here for 20 years so far, I think I've got it by now..."
He shook his head, ignoring your claim. "Nope. I wholly disagree. We're getting you inside."
He started to lead you back to your hut, still managing to do so while you attempted to plant your feet in the ground. "Wait! But I haven't hung the wreath yet!"
Now, when it's the actual day of Snoggletog, that only increases your symptoms of bliss.
You definitely wake Hiccup a bit more earlier than intended, mostly because you couldn't get proper sleep from your overflowing amount of exhilaration.
The first half of the day is spent in the Great Hall with the rest of Berk, with you and Hiccup not leaving each other's side.
(While also desperately trying to to avoid Astrid's Yaknog, but that's beside point.)
He's a bit awkward handing you the gifts he made for you, but once your thrilled reaction reaches his ears, he's okay again.
When it's his turn to receive a gift from you, he also doesn't know how to react and can only have a wide, goofy grin across his face. He's thankful you went out of your way to get him something as well, he just can't express it enough in words.
So, expect hugs instead.
little extras:
If the fireplace doesn't give you enough warmth right away, you and Hiccup will rest next to Toothless. It works every time.
You once threw a snowball at Hiccup when he was a bit drowsy outside, something you enjoyed for that moment as you laughed at the look on his face.
But you quickly regretted it when he attacked you with the one thing you couldn't fight against: tickles.
#Bro this was such a blast to write 😭 I never say that but I don't know how else to describe it lol#Little Christmas special yayyyyy#httyd#how to train your dragon#hiccup haddock#hiccup how to train your dragon#hiccup httyd#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#httyd hiccup#how to train you dragon: the hidden world#httyd x reader#x reader#snoggletog#httyd toothless#hiccup and toothless
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It's forty minutes into the latest state of the company press conference and Bruce has had to mute his mic entirely to avoid being turned into a meme AGAIN for sighing too much at his own event. For all that he's spent almost 20 years coaching his own children on not making scenes, he's really not much better. It's hot and he doesn't want to be here. His ribs hurt. He's tired. He's hungry. He's every excuse Dick or Jason have trotted out over the years.
(Tim understands company manners and can almost always be trusted to stick it out as long as he's allowed to vent his frustrations afterwards. He's recently taken to smashing ugly thrifted dishes. Stephanie and Damian have been collecting any ceramic not entirely pulverized and turning them into pavers for Alfred's garden.)
(Bruce gave up after Tim. He really only needs one kid to tag along to social events. If the kid start to outnumber him they start getting IDEAS.)
His distraction is why it takes two very rude repetitions of his name for him to take notice at the young reporter pushing his way to the front. Lucius stands, cutting off the project manager currently presenting and speaks into the mic.
"Please keep hold all questions until the end of the presentation, thank you."
"Mr. Wayne," the reporter tries again and Bruce waves away Lucius's further protests.
"Can I help you?" He asks, smiling with the full force of Brucie Wayne's charm behind it. It's been awhile since his last scandal, but if the press is inventing drama then it's less work for him.
The man holds up a photograph almost accusingly. He reeks of gotcha journalism.
Bruce squints towards him, unable to fully make out the contents of the photo. Dick may have been right when he gently suggested Bruce add glasses to his Brucie Wayne persona but that was a hill Bruce was still willing to die on. It was bad enough he had to have a prescription COWL.
"What do you have to say about the presence of your adopted son, Timothy Drake at the illegal mob in Robinson Park last Saturday?"
"Drake-Wayne," Bruce corrected because Tim hyphenated, damn it. He was the first of his children to let Bruce tag the Wayne name on and it mattered, damn it. "Wait do you mean-"
"How about reports of him kissing a man while there?"
"A blond man?" Bruce asked, finally giving up and crossing to take the photo for himself. "Oh. No, that's his boyfriend."
There was a beat of silence before Bruce realized his mistake. Just as the reporters began to squall, he dropped the blurry photo and began to speed walk off, phone suddenly in hand.
Through the podium's microphone, the gathered reporters heard one thing as Bruce evacuated the immediate vicinity.
"Tim? Don't be mad."
Despite Bruce's best efforts, he becomes a meme.
Immediately following the bombshell that Timothy Drake-Wayne had a boyfriend, social media blows up, clamoring for more information. They're ravenous for it, desperate. Tim doesn't have a personal social media presence but they stalk his professional accounts religiously. Bruce does have personal social media, but he maintains radio silence.
In the end, a Gotham based "influencer" stumbles across Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne getting donuts at Kosher Donuts and Co. Dick is personable, as always, and stops to speak with the young woman briefly.
"Yeah, Tim wasn't mad," he laughs when asked. "Just disappointed. But man, he knows how to milk it."
"Bruce is in the doghouse, huh?" she asks, full of false sympathy.
"A little bit," Dick says as Damian mumbles, "Titus would never share."
"But," Dick continued. "Tim's spun it so Bruce is on the hook for like, half a million in donations for local LGBT charities. Tim says it would hurt less if he sponsored a new shelter too, so that's something to look forward to."
"That's a lot of money! Where's it all going?"
"Oh you know," Dick says and gestures vaguely. "A lot of different programs."
"Yeah? Anything you personally want to see done with the funding?"
"Drag story time," Damian answers before Dick can. He looks intense. "But not for children. For dogs. In the shelter."
A day later, Tim breaks the silence. He goes live on Bruce's Instagram.
"So the problem was that Bruce thought the reporter was saying I was being unfaithful," Tim explains. "He totally forgot I wasn't out to everyone yet. Bruce was just worried because he's already told me if I break up with my boyfriend, he's not uninviting him from any future family events."
"Luckily, I was in fact just kissing my boyfriend at PRIDE. Just because people got shifty with the permits at the last second because of protestors doesn't make it an illegal mob. If you wanna hear about Wayne's and illegal mobs, talk to Dickie about his younger years. Nothing I do can compare."
#tim drake#bruce wayne#dick grayson#batfamily#dc pride#happy pride#timbern#wrote this on my phone so good luck with grammar or spelling#my writing tag
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Thank You, Mr. Miller
Dbf!Joel Miller x f!reader (NSFW)
Joel lets you crash at his house following his birthday grill. You give him an incredibly wet, sloppy, desperate....gift.
Tags: facefucking, rough oral, choking, spit kink, degradation, facial, big fat age gap (college age/mid 50s), no outbreak, modern au, birthday Joel, pet names (babydoll, pretty girl)
Wordcount: 3.4k
Notes: This is not lore accurate in the slightest, I just really wanted to write about giving Joel head. Please be gentle in criticism, I haven't written for an audience in a long time. And minors DNI OBVIOUSLY!!
"You ready?! We're gonna be late!" your father called up to you.
You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup. The occasion was a grill at your father's college friend's house for his birthday. His name was Joel Miller.
You'd met him a couple times before; he and your father sometimes got together to crack open some beers.
Ever since you first met Joel, he hadn't left your mind. He was tall and rugged with a dark tousle of hair. His daughter, Sarah, was a little younger than you. Your father had mentioned that she'd just moved into her college dorm.
The last time you had seen Joel was last November, at Thanksgiving. He and Sarah had come over to share a meal. Sarah was friendly but pretty quiet, and you two hadn't hit it off like you thought you would.
Joel...was a different story. Your brain replayed the limited interactions with him over and over, looking for a hidden meaning. Some days you swore he gave you meaningful looks, and other days you yelled at yourself for believing that a man like him was into a girl like you. Someone half his age.
So why were you getting all dolled up, when it would be hot outside and no one would be looking anyway? The same reason you'd bought a whole new sundress for the party, and even shaved. You secretly hoped one man in particular would be looking.
Your father yelled your name again. "Coming," you responded quickly, and added a final bit of mascara. You grabbed your white crossbody bag off the bathroom doorknob and slung it over your shoulders, completing the look. Clomping down the stairs in your wedges, you followed your father out to the car.
It was just you and him going. Your mother didn't feel good enough to go, claiming she "could feel a cold forming." More likely she wanted to avoid being stuck being in the car for an hour. Not that you could blame her.
Still though, you were definitely looking forward to the grill. Even if that excitement was tinged with anxiety.
Soon you and your father were bundled into the car. He was driving since he knew the roads better.
Actually, you'd never been to Joel's house. It was always him coming to see your father, not the other way around. You wondered what his house was like. Probably not big. Traditional? Modern? Cluttered? You had no idea.
Maybe you and Sarah would become better friends. You guys could at least talk about college.
20 minutes had passed and you were already getting irritated. Your father had elected to put on the most boring podcast known to man, one about the economy. A man with a way-too-cheerful voice was going on and on about GDP and supply-demand.
Putting on your headphones, you distracted yourself by switching between Twitter, Tumblr, and TikTok. The holy trinity.
And this was how the next half hour was spent: scrolling. Not very productive, but there really wasn't much to see except the highway. Thankfully it was pretty empty on this route; apparently Thursday afternoon wasn't a popular time to travel.
However, this bout of good luck ended as soon as you neared Austin. Traffic went from almost non-existent to congested within a minute. Your father sighed and turned off his podcast.
"Now comes the hard part," he sighed.
The next 15 or so minutes were wasted just inching through traffic. Everyone was trying to get to their exits, and people kept changing lanes at the last minute, or getting into the wrong lane, and the frustration was palpable. You were really glad you weren't driving.
After what seemed like forever, the two of you finally broke free from the highway and got onto a regular road. Soon you were zipping towards Joel's house at a nice speed.
"Did you bring a present?" you asked your dad.
"Nah," he remarked. "Men don't really need 'presents.'"
You scoffed a little at that. "Alright."
Now the sights were a little more interesting. Austin was bustling with activity.
You drove through the urban area for perhaps 5 minutes, then your dad turned and the buildings and crowds thinned out.
Eventually the two of you reached a nice suburb with rows of houses.
Within two minutes, your dad pulled up behind a bunch of other cars that were parked around what was obviously Joel's house.
"We're here," he announced (kind of uselessly).
It was pretty small, as you'd guessed. It was mostly made of brick, just one story, and the front porch was pretty bare bones.
But you could hear voices and music in the backyard. There were some people going up to the house, and the front door was wide open.
You and your father got out of the car and made your way up the sidewalk to Joel's house.
The door was covered with a screen. You opened it and stepped inside, your father closing it behind you.
"Joel," he called. "We're here."
There was no answer. You looked around the room.
It was pretty normal. Your average American house. There was a worn looking green sofa, a brown loveseat that didn't match the sofa at all, and directly in front of you was the kitchen. To the right was a little hallway.
Both the sofa and the loveseat were occupied by various people. "He's outside," someone said.
You and your dad walked into the kitchen, where the back door was. Stepping out onto the patio, you could see there were quite a few people here, of all ages. They must be his neighbors, you figured.
You heard a familiar voice shout your father's name. To your right was him. Joel.
"Joel!" your dad exclaimed, and they quickly embraced.
"Hey, little lady," he greeted you, smiling. Oh, that smile. It could mean a thousand things.
"Hey," you greeted him more shyly than you'd like. "Happy birthday."
He chuckled. "Ugh, don't remind me. Gettin' closer to death ain't no cause for celebration."
Your dad hooted in response.
"Tommy's helpin' me grill, over there," Joel said, pointing to his brother on the other side of the yard. You couldn't help but notice how big and veiny his hands looked-
You shook your head a little. Get a grip.
Joel was explaining some things, but you weren't really listening. Your senses were being overloaded with this man in front of you. That was the best way to describe him- he was very masculine. Big, broad shoulders, a solid build, and his beard made you imagine unspeakable things.
Eventually you asked about Sarah. "I'd love to catch up with her," you said.
Joel shook his head regretfully. "Ah, she's not here. She has class today. She goes to the University of Houston, dunno if your dad told you."
"Oh, that sucks." You nodded. "Well, you can tell her I say hey."
He smiled. "Will do."
For the next half hour, Joel, Tommy, and your dad tackled the grills and made a huge amount of burgers and hot dogs. Tommy made sure everything was organized so everyone was served in an orderly fashion.
You got a cheeseburger, plus some dangerously salty fries and sat at one of the folding tables to enjoy your meal.
Of course everyone here was a stranger, so you were expecting to be left alone. When someone sat beside you, you involuntarily jumped.
It was Joel, and he laughed. "Sorry, baby, ain't mean to scare you like that."
"Oh! Ha, no, you're good," you squeaked, quickly wiping your mouth. Gosh, could you be normal for one second?
"How's college? You're a sophomore now, right?" he asked.
You nodded. "Yeah. It's going pretty good, even though my classes are getting harder."
"Remind me of your major again..?"
"I'm undeclared right now. Just doing my generals."
Joel nodded his approval. "You know, I never even finished college."
That caught you off guard. "Oh. Wait, really? Then..."
He shrugged. "I dropped out. Didn't have the discipline or the intelligence. I went into an apprenticeship instead."
"Oh, that's definitely a unique path," you remarked.
"Now, don't you drop out," he said sternly. "You're a smart girl."
You laughed. "Not that smart."
"You got a boyfriend?" he asked suddenly.
Trying not to act shocked, you casually answered, "Nah. I don't."
"Good. You're too good for those boys. Too pretty."
You and Joel continued to chat about school and careers for a bit. Your gaze kept darting everywhere; looking at him was like looking at the sun. He was just a halo of light and focusing on him for too long made you nervous.
Finally he left, needing to attend to someone, and your brain ran at a million miles, replaying the conversation, criticizing your voice and responses, deducing anything meaningful from Joel's words. Did he mean something more when he mentioned a boyfriend? Or was he simply curious? Ugh...this stupid crush was driving you insane.
A couple hours passed, and the party slowly died down. By this time it was about 6pm. People started leaving; walking home or maneuvering their cars out of the puzzle that was the driveway and street.
To your dismay, you found your father curled up on the loveseat, way drunker than he should be.
"Guess he had a couple too many beers?" Joel said, chuckling.
You sighed. "I'm really sorry. I dunno what he was doing all this time. I should've checked on him."
"S'okay," Joel assured you. "Do you know the way home?"
"Ah, no..." you admitted, embarrassed. You'd barely been paying attention on the drive home.
"Hmm." Joel crossed his arms and thought. "Well...then you can't leave, can you?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Uh– um...I guess not? But I don't want to impose. I can try to find my way back."
But Joel shook his head. "Your dad would be mad if I sent you out there. It gets dark quick these days, y'know. I'd hate for you to get in trouble on the way back. Look...we have a guest room you can use." He looked at your dad again. "I suppose he'll be comfy right there."
Your dad was drowsy, laying on the couch, still in his day clothes.
"There's a bathroom you can use, right across from Sarah's room. I'll show you. If that's okay with you?" He looked for your consent.
"Um...well, if it's not too much trouble," you said.
"Oh, of course not!" Joel insisted. "You can even wear some of Sarah's clothes; y'all are about the same size. It'll be no trouble at all, baby."
There was that word again. Baby. You couldn't tell if it was platonic or not, and it drove you crazy.
"Well, alright. Thank you, Mr. Miller."
"Joel," he gently corrected. "No need to be formal."
He showed you the bathroom and the guest room, then let you shower while he helped Tommy clean up the mess from the party.
As you cleaned yourself, the only thing on your mind was:
This is going to be very, very interesting.
After you got dressed in Sarah's room, you went to the guest room next door and looked around. It was simply decorated, with a double bed and a dresser by the window. You put down your bag and hoisted yourself onto the bed.
Okay. Okay. Taking deep breaths, you thought about your situation. You were basically alone with a very handsome man whose room was a 5 second walk away, a man who may or may not be interested in you, a man twice your age with a daughter the same age as you.
Totally fine, nothing to worry about. He definitely was not going to be on your mind all night.
Laying down, you tried to distract yourself with your phone again.
After about 20 minutes there was a knock at the door. You got up and opened it.
"We finished cleanin' up," Joel told you. He leaned against the doorframe.
He was so tall.
"That's good," you said. "Thank you for letting us stay here, seriously. I dunno what I'd do without you."
Joel gave you that sweet smile again, his eyes crinkling in the corners. "No problem, missy. If you're still hungry, we got plenty of leftovers."
"Oh, that's okay," you assured him. "I'm more than full. The food was really good."
You were trying to ignore the slightly musky, deep smell that was coming from him. And the way that his shirt clung to his chest and biceps. And the way he was looking at you...
"You need anything else?" he asked.
"You've done so much already," you chuckled. "I think I'm all set for the night."
He smiled and nodded. "Well, don't be afraid to ask."
Get a grip, you creep.
Joel was berating himself. This was so not good.
It was more than not good, it was horrible. His friend's daughter, the same age as his own daughter, was in the guest room all by herself and all he could think were dirty thoughts.
It was her fault! Those cute, innocent looks she kept giving him drove him up the wall. Her pretty body, her adorably nervous mannerisms.
All Joel could think about was how good her lips would look wrapped around his cock.
He was pretty sure she felt the same way but didn't want to push it in case he was wrong. Then he'd really be in trouble.
It was going to be a very hard night.
A couple hours passed. You felt too awkward to venture out of the room, so you stayed on the bed for quite a while. Soon it became dark, and you were glad you didn't have to drive.
Feeling thirsty, you decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Your dad was passed out on the couch. Joel was in the kitchen as well. Dammit.
"Hey, babygirl," he said. "Need something?"
"Oh- yes, just some water," you requested.
He got a glass down for you. Passing it to your, your fingers touched, and you swore he kept his there longer than strictly necessary.
Joel watched as you got water out of the fridge. You took a nice sip, then sighed. "Thank you."
"Oh, you've got something, right there-" Joel stepped closer to you and gently wiped the corner of your lips with his knuckle.
You could only stare at him as he did this. He was so close you could see the gray hairs peppering his beard.
He let his finger stay there, and returned your gaze.
The two of you stayed like that for a second, just looking into each other's eyes.
Finally you broke eye contact and he stepped back.
"Th-thanks," you stammered.
He continued looking at you. "You're a real pretty girl, you know," he said.
You weren't sure what to say.
Joel took your chin in his fingers, and ever so softly brushed his lips against your cheek.
You made a small noise and he hesitated. "Is this okay, baby?" he asked.
You could barely breathe or blink or do anything but nod.
Putting one hand on your cheek, Joel leaned in and softly kissed you. After a shocked second, you reciprocated, pressing your lips against his.
He sighed, and pressed deeper, gently sucking on your bottom lip. You felt his tongue, and opened your mouth a little, allowing him in.
You stood on your tiptoes and kissed Joel back. He tasted so good, with a hint of toothpaste.
"Oh..." he mumbled, hands going from your face to your back. He backed you up till you hit the counter, and he softly growled, pushing his tongue in deeper.
His hands traveled further down to your hips, and he started caressing your ass.
"So fucking soft," he whispered.
Joel's whole body was pressed against you, and you felt him getting excited.
Finally you broke the kiss, needing air.
"Jesus, this is so fuckin' wrong," Joel muttered. "I'm as old as your dad, for crying out loud..." He shook his head. "And look how excited you got me."
You looked down. There was a noticeable tent in his pants.
"Wow..." you whispered. You had done that.
"C'mere," he said, and pulled you down the hallway to his room. He closed the door behind you.
"On your knees, babydoll." He started undressing, pulling off his pants and boxers. You obediently knelt on the carpet.
Joel pulled your shirt off and tossed it aside. You got your first good look at his cock.
First of all, it was big. You weren't inexperienced, but you hadn't encountered anything his size before. It was girthy, with prominent veins going from the groin to the fat, leaking tip. It had a slight curve.
Joel placed his hand on your head. "Open," he ordered, and you obeyed, slightly sticking out your tongue.
He placed his cock on your tongue. You slowly licked up, making him groan.
"Fuckk, yes," he gasped.
You focused on just the tip, licking and slurping at it. His precum was already leaking out.
Joel's hand shot out to grip your hair as you slowly service him, dragging your tongue across the tip and eventually taking it in your mouth, sucking it.
The only noises in the room were Joel's breathy groans and the wet, slurping noise from your mouth as you licked stripes up his fat shaft.
"Just like that, baby," he whispered, stroking your hair. "So fuckin' good."
You took more of him in, looking up at his tightly shut eyes and furrowed brow.
Joel pushed his cock deeper into your mouth, first gently, then he got more impatient and rougher, thrusting into your mouth with little regard to your comfort.
"Yes, fuck, take my fucking cock," he growled. He put his hands on either side of your head and started roughly facefucking you, panting and groaning. His balls slapped against your chin.
You moaned and could feel your mouth producing drool as Joel wildly thrusted into you. His cock kept nearly hitting the back of your throat, and you were gagging a little.
Your drool pooled and dripped down onto your bare tits.
"Agh- mghhrgh-" you gasped, barely able to form a coherent word or thought. The only thing that was going through your mind was cock.
"Choke on it," Joel growled. He was getting mean with it. His cock pushed into your mouth again and again, not stopping or slowing, even as you choked on it. You desperately tapped on his thigh to tell him to let up.
Joel reluctantly did so, allowing you to take several gasping breaths before coaxing it back in. He resumed the pace, a little gentler than before, but still brutal.
By this time he'd backed you up so your head was against the edge of the bed. He was using your mouth like it was a fleshlight, an inanimate object. He was pulling at your hair.
Your eyes were tearing. You couldn't even suck anymore, just had to lay there while Joel used you.
How long had he felt like this? This pent-up frustration?
"Yes, yes, fuck," he chanted, thrusts growing more erratic. He was close.
You deepthroated him a few times, going until your nose was pressed against the hair at the base of his cock. You made sure your lips gripped his cock.
"I'm close, babydoll," he moaned. "Gonna fuckin' cum all over your pretty face. You want that? Yeah?"
"Mmm," you groaned in agreement, blinking several times.
"That's right. Gonna fucking swallow my cum, right? You little slut. You've wanted this cock for a while, huh? S'why you're drooling all over it like a dumb whore."
The insults turned you on. Joel kept thrusting, chasing his release, and your eyes rolled as you struggled to take it all.
Finally, Joel let out a loud groan and pressed himself against your mouth, cumming hard onto your tongue. His hot thick load rapidly filled your mouth, and you moaned softly as his balls twitched. He slowly pulled out and stroked his shaft, letting out a second thick load onto your forehead. It slowly oozed down your face onto your nose and cheeks.
Joel remained where he was, riding out the rest of his orgasm on your face. Soon he'd splattered his cum all over, glazing your cheeks, nose, and lips. Some of it dripped onto your tits.
You inhaled deeply as you caught your breath, amazed at the amount he'd let out. You licked your lips, savoring the taste of his load.
Joel puffed too, slowly coming down from his high.
There was a long silence, then Joel breathed: "Best birthday ever.”
#joel miller x reader#joel miller#tlou#joel miller smut#im sorry for mentioning his balls#but be glad i didnt add a ball sucking part#because i really wanted to#18+ mdni
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Bucky's Big Day
Banner by me and the images were sourced from Pinterest (credit to the OG pics and their beautiful cats!), made in Canva | Dividers by @/kodaswrld
Part of the Tails of New York Collection, Bucky's Birthday Bingo (For Alpine and Love Confession boxes) by @avengers-assemble-bingo (card 4B023) and my 20 Questions Challenge! Talk about triple threat....
Pairing: Bucky x f!reader
Quote 20: "What have you done to me? I used to be scary and now I'm all gooey inside."
Trope: Mutual pining / idiots in Love
Tags/warnings: FLUFF, Alpine helping out Bucky a wee bit 🥺, love confessions, kissing
Not beta'd. I do not give permission for my work to be reposted, translated, copied or put through an AI machine.
Summary: You surprise Bucky with a special gift on his birthday and he returns the favour.
Word count: ???
A/N: I did have another fic planned but I didn't like it for the vibe of a love confession. So, I have added it as a stand-alone or read along to Tails of New York since it's been a minute!
Bucky Bingo | Bucky Masterlist | Tails of New York | 20s Masterlist | Navigation
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Alpine was a saving grace Bucky never knew he needed.
The little ragamuffin had ended up in his life and never left, helping to ground him on days that weren't his best, hell - he's half convinced she found you for him.
It had been four months total since meeting you. Three of friendship - one of dating. When you started dating not much had changed between you both; you'd still laughed, teased and spent time together. The only differences were that he could hold your hand now, open his arms for you to cuddle close, and peck your cheeks.
Your first date had been a write off thanks to the pan incident, however, Bucky made sure to bring you flowers and take you out for a nice meal at the Korean BBQ downtown for your second date. You always looked beautiful but that night when he picked you up you'd been stunning, so much so he was lost for words, and your cat Apollo had you meow loudly to snap him out of his stupor.
At the end of the date Bucky walked you to your door, both your cheeks were pink and you were both smiling nervously as he pecked your cheek and wished you goodnight. Texting was still pretty new to Bucky so he'd not expected you to text him when he got back to his apartment not twenty minutes later.
Tonight was amazing. I hope we can do it again soon. X
His heart fell out of his chest. It took an hour of giddy pacing around his apartment, watched closely by Alpine, to calm down. He hadn't felt like this since... ever.
Bucky needed to think of another date, something romantic that you'd love. But you had insisted on planning the next date. You'd taken him out for a coffee spot you'd found in the park you found Alpine all those months ago and Bucky found his heart fluttering. The park was now his favourite place because of what it represented; the first day he met you. Now, if you both ever went for a coffee it was there.
Over your month of dating, Bucky had taken it slow despite his growing excitement and his feelings for you. Feeling he never thought he'd have. He didn't know much about modern dating but he knew that the admission of love came a lot later on than it did in the thirties and he didn't want to scare you off. He really didn't want to.
For his birthday the following week, you'd let Bucky organise your plans. You didn't want to step in and interrupt time with his friends, even though you selfishly wanted to see Bucky. Thankfully, Bucky seemed insistent to see you and as his birthday wish, requested you do something together.
"What do you wanna do, birthday boy?" You'd teased, giving him a peck on the cheek and handing him a small gift bag with his card and gift inside.
Bucky thanked you before shrugging. "I dunno I've not thought that far ahead. I'm a 108 doll, my birthday isn't that special anymore."
"Birthdays are always special." You counter as he snorts at the cheesy joke on the front of the car before placing it on his kitchen island and reaching for your gift.
"Hrm." Bucky playfully tuts, holding your gift in his hands. "I think you just like birthdays."
"I do. Now, open up!"
Your excitement is contagious and Bucky stares at the bright paper that covers a large rectangular box. He peels it away gently, frowning in confusion when there's no names marked on the box, and rips into it.
Bucky's blue eyes widen into saucers. "You didn't-"
"Happy birthday Bucky!" You squeal. "Do you like it?"
It's a bottle of 12-year old single malt whiskey from the Glennturret company. Not a stupidly expensive whiskey by any means, but more than he expected you to spend on him. Better yet, he knows why you bought this whiskey.
The gold liquid moves like silk as Bucky inspects the bottle, his heart beating his ribs so hard that they feel like they'll bruise.
"You may not even like it anymore." You say, slightly nervous, wondering if he likes it. "I know you said you drank some in the war when you were stationed in England but I saw it and... well, you know. Happy birthday."
Bucky scoffed a chuckle with a shake of his head, setting the bottle next to his card. "God, I love you."
You both freeze. Your head whips up to look at him and you're baffled to see that he's just as shocked as you are.
"What did you say?" You'd heard him and he knows you heard him but you needed to be absolutely sure that he meant it.
"I, uh, um GOD!" Bucky points his fingers at the cieling looking more and more panicked by the second. "I love him. I love... God?"
His voice tapers, he doesn't sound convinced by his poor attempt at a lie and he bites his lip, dropping his gaze to his feet. This is the worst. Worse than the pan. And it happened on his birthday.
Alpine weaves around his feet, rising to bump his knee with her head in encouragement, big blue eyes staring up at him as she chirps. She was sick of watching fawn all over you and do nothing about it.
Bucky looks back at you and sighs awkwardly, rubbing his organic arm. "You don't believe me."
"I - no, Bucky I don't." You snort and that makes him crack a smile. "You said it pretty clearly."
Bucky starts babbling hurriedly. "I know it might be soon. I didn't want to say anything and freak you out. I don't really know how dating works these days and I like you - obviously - and I just-"
"Bucky," you interupt softly, holding up a hand. "It's okay. I love you too."
You snort loudly and start to laugh at his reaction; deer in headlights, mouth agape, scared to move a muscle. Then, he laughs.
Elation floods his body and he rushes forward, wrapping you up into his arms and kissing you so hard it leaves you breathless. You're used to gentlemanly pecks of the cheek or chaste kisses on his lips; going at whatever pace he felt comfortable with. Clearly, you'd broken the floodgates, and the man before you - the man you loved - was kissing you senseless after you bought him a bottle of whiskey he used to drink. Alpine meowed loudly to interrupt your kiss, reducing you and Bucky to excitable giggles that made you feel like a teenager again.
"What have you done to me?" He huffs playfully, grinning ear to ear. "I used to be scary and now I'm all gooey inside."
"If I recall, that goo is for God not me." You tease and Bucky groans.
"I panicked, okay?" He pleads, squeezing you closer to him and placing a long kiss against your lips. "I didn't want to freak you out and lose you."
Your stomach swoops. He was so sweet and that's why you loved him. You wrap your arms around his neck and smile at him. "You wouldn't have. But that was a terrible lie."
"I know," Bucky sighs, brushing your nose with his.
"So, what do you wanna do for your birthday?" You murmur against his lips. "Go out? Stay in?"
"A lazy day with my girl." Bucky says quietly, the low rumbling of his voice makes your skin bubble with goosebumps. "I've got you, my whiskey and Alpine. We should go get Apollo and make it a unit before we get cosy to watch something."
A unit.
Your heart swells so much you think it'll burst. "Sounds like a plan, birthday boy."
A/N: Not posted on his birthday or much of Apollo and Alpine in this one! But I needed something for the bingo and I'm gonna be honest I missed these two so much!! Should this be part 3 or 2.5?
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@railmesebstan @irishhappiness @looking1016 @awkwardgiraffe726 @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @dugiioh @cieraboobear
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Beautiful Day
Summary- Your relaxing day with Eddie is suddenly interrupted, but you’re not going to let it ruin your day
Genre- Fluff (?)
Warnings- None c:
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @gvf23 @wheels-of-despair @goatsmcgee
Word Count- 1.1k
You let out a long, relaxed sigh as the heat from the sun warmed your body. Laid back against the flimsy plastic lawn chair, your legs crossed at the ankles as they were rested at the edge of the glass table before you. You could sense a presence next to you, gently opening your eyes and peering over next to you, only to see Eddie handing over the joint you had been sharing.
“Thanks handsome.” You said with a smile as you took the joint and relit it as it hit your lips.
“Anytime gorgeous.” He groaned out as he moved himself into the same comfortable position you were in, his hands resting behind his head as he took in the sun.
As you took a drag you sat up slightly, taking in the full scene around you.
The weather had finally started to brighten up.
It was the first day in weeks that had been higher than 65 degrees out, the sun was shining bright and it was just enough to keep you both warm without getting burnt. A pair of tiny shorts and a bikini top was the perfect outfit for the day, and Eddie had been relaxing next to you in a pair of faded blue jeans with no shirt to accompany it. The perfect outfit for him in your opinion. The sun was shining against his hair as it was messily thrown up with one of your scrunchies he had ‘borrowed’ weeks earlier.
He looked so perfect, and you knew he could say the same about you.
Days like these were what you missed the most when the cold weather had first started months earlier. It wasn’t the beach or amusement park dates, it wasn’t the nights spent at the drive in or the countless hours you would just walking around the forest trails with the guys. It was the days where you could happily say you had done not a damn thing and go to bed satisfied with knowing you were just enjoying each other’s company in the beautiful weather.
Eddie could sense your eyes on him for longer than normal and turned his head slightly, opening one eye with a squint as the sun shone into it, a smile at his lips as he watched you quickly try to turn your eyes away from him and take another drag from the joint.
“Something on your mind?” He asked, adjusting himself once more as he took his feet off of the table and reached forward to sip from the beer he had forgotten to open when he set it on the table nearly 20 minutes earlier. Too eager to relax again you supposed.
You shook your head gently as you glanced over to him, taking one last quick puff on the joint before passing it to him after his first sip of beer,
“No. Just missed this.” You shrugged and passed the joint back to him, smiling with him as he raised it to his lips.
“Me too.”
You giggled to yourself, settling back into your lawn chair as you heard Eddie sigh, his own chair creaking as he lay back.
You both took in the sounds of such a beautiful day. The breeze rustling the leaves of the trees, the birds chirping as they flew through the sky, a few kids laughing amongst themselves as they ran back and forth through the sprinkler on their lawn, and you could hear the gravel softly crunching beneath the tires of a car that sounded like it was approaching closer and closer.
You peeked your eyes open and saw that it was approaching the trailer. It was Jeff’s car and you could see that inside was the rest of the guys, watching the both of you with confused looks on their faces as you lay out in the sun.
“Hey Eds,” You said to him, grabbing his attention, “the guys are here?”
“Hm?” He picked his head up and saw Jeff park in the gravel driveway, him and the guys stepping out and wandering over to you two.
“Dude, what the fuck? We’ve been calling you.” Grant said, sounding quite annoyed.
“Oh, sorry. I’ve been out here with (y/n).”
You smiled to them and gave a little wave, earning smiles from them and a wave back from Jeff.
“It’s finally nice out,” Gareth started, “we were gonna get the garage open and practice, we tried calling you and got worried when you didn’t answer.”
“I mean, that does sound like fun…” Eddie glanced over to you, “But i’m a little busy right now.”
“With what?” Jeff asked.
“Not a fucking thing.” He chuckled to himself and took a quick puff from the joint between his fingers, “Sorry, i think today id rather just sit back and enjoy the weather.”
The three boys nodded, and you could tell that they were a bit upset that Eddie wouldn’t be hanging around with them today. You sat up slightly and called out to them,
“You can join us if you like!”
They turned to back to you and you smiled politely, wanting them to feel welcome to spend the nice day with you two, even if it was different than what they had planned.
“You’re sure you don’t mind?” Jeff asked.
“Yeah, we don’t want to intrude if you guys are doing your own thing.” Grant said as he stepped closer.
“Nah, you guys can join us.” Eddie leaned over and handed you the joint, quickly standing up from his plastic chair, “I’ll fix up my stereo inside so we can listen to some of those new tapes i got.”
Eddie made his way inside the trailer and as the boys stepped closer to the table you handed off the joint to Jeff,
“Here, you guys can finish that, i’ll grab you some chairs!” You smiled and wandered over next to the porch, a few extra plastic folding chairs under your arms, “I’m going to head inside and get some water, do you guys want anything?” You asked.
“Water sounds good.” Jeff said before taking a quick puff from the joint you had given him.
“If there’s any lemonade in the fridge i’ll have some, if that’s alright?” Grant asked.
“I think there’s a little left! Gareth, did you need anything?” You asked as they unfolded and sat in their chairs around the table.
“Water sounds good.” He said with a smile as he sat back.
“Perfect!” You smiled, “I’ll be right back.”
The boys smiled to themselves as you stepped back into the trailer, faintly heading the speakers of Eddie’s stereo getting closer as they watched him maneuver the speakers over to the window.
“Man,” Jeff laughed, “mom and dad sure know how to have a good time.”
#stranger things#stranger things 4#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson x yn#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x you
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Frankie x Santi x Female Reader
Summary: Your boyfriends take care of you while you have your period
WC: 1.6k
AN: This is 100% a self indulgent fic that I wrote in about 20 minutes. It’s not BETA’d and I’ll probably end up just deleting it in a few days. But, I’ve had my period for 8 days now (tmi, but deal with it) and you can thank @for-a-longlongtime and @lotusbxtch for sending me an interview with these dummies and now all I want is for Frankie to be my boyfriend and Santi to be my boyfriend and I want them to be boyfriends. Dividers and support banners by @saradika-graphics.
Tags: pure fluff, mentions of period cramps and taking painkillers, men kiss (again, deal with it)
“Santi?” You called, your voice echoing through what you’re sure is a dark and empty house. “Pope?” You try, hoping he’ll respond to his nickname. When you get no response you try his full name.
A light flicks on in the kitchen. “Babe?” Your boyfriend says, the concern in his voice mirrors yours.
Francisco comes into view. “I need Santi,” you mumble as he pulls you into a hug.
“His flight was delayed. He’s not going to get back until after midnight.” His lips press to your forehead. “You’re warm. Are you feeling ok?”
Of your two boyfriends, one is a chaotic golden retriever, the other is a calm German Shepard. You love them both, but when your period surprised you three days early you knew you needed Santiago tonight.
“I need Santi,” you whine, a new wave of cramps and nausea coursing through your body.
“Did you get your period?” His voice is sympathetic but as you look up at him he has a mix of fear, and something akin to excitement, in his eyes.
You nod, noting that it’s definitely excitement in his eyes. Which makes absolutely no sense since Frankie cannot stand to see you in pain or sick.
“He left me a note!” He exclaims. “I’m going to make you all better.”
“A note?” He pulls you towards the couch, getting you all cozy in the corner of the plush sectional. He leaves the living room for the kitchen. “Fish! What do you mean a note?”
He comes back in with a piece of yellow lined legal paper in his hands. He starts to read, using his best impression of Santi’s bossy serious tone. The two of you tease him about it relentlessly, which usually ends in the three of you fucking like rabbits until every hole between your happy trio is full and spent.
“Fish, our girl was exceptionally horny earlier than normal so she might get her period while I’m gone. I know you’ve been with her longer, but she’s going to come home calling for me the day my flight lands. Just in case I get delayed I’ve left you some instructions.”
Frankie rolls his eyes, “I hate when he’s right.”
“Same,” you giggle, feeling so damn in love that tears start to burn behind your eyes.
“First, help her change into something comfy. Give her some of your sweats and that waffle knit Henley that usually makes her feral. Let her take whatever sweater she wants from me.”
Your hand peeks out from the blanket and Frankie pulls you to your feet. After you’re changed, wrapped in clothing that belongs to your men, Fish takes the note out again.
“Get her situated back on the couch, rookie move getting her all settled in her work clothes originally, Fish.” His hands fall to his sides defeatedly, he rolls his eyes, “Does this fucker have a crystal ball or something?”
You laugh, clutching your side and holding back a wince. “Don’t make me laugh, Francisco.”
He rushes to your aid, “Lo siento mi amor.”
The two of you leave your bedroom and head back to the couch. He helps you arrange the pillows and then gets your favourite blanket, tucking you in. After sponging his lips softly to yours he heads back into the kitchen.
He reads silently, “Give her one of those little blue pain killers. She has to drink a full glass of water, rub her back in small circles to help her. She’s going to fight you on the water, Fish, but you’re a soldier, stay strong.”
“No,” you whine, seeing the large glass of water in his hands. “Water makes me nauseous, Frankie. Pope lets me have a Diet Coke.”
“No he doesn’t, carinõ. Sit up a bit. I got you.”
His strong hand rubs small circles on your lower back, exactly how Santi does when he forces you to drink a whole glass of water with your pain killers. Once you drain the glass, Frankie takes it from you with a whispered ‘good girl’.
“The next part of the note is two options, depending on how your feeling.”
“Oh?” You ask. You hadn’t realized just how close Pope had been paying attention. He’s always there, calm and bringing you exactly what you need, but you hadn’t realized the extent of what was going on behind his eyes.
“Get her the heating pad and then she’ll either want to watch Dirty Dancing while eating gummy worms or The Departed while eating salt and vinegar chips. If she drank all the water she can have the Diet Coke she wanted originally.”
You snatch the note out of his hands. “There’s no way I’m that predict-“ your words falter as you read exactly what your boyfriend was saying aloud. You smile as you read the next sentence, “Seriously, Fish, if you didn’t make her drink all that water I’m going to punish you once she’s asleep.”
You look up at him mischievously. “I’m gonna tell him you didn’t make me drink any water.”
His mouth opens then shuts, contemplating whether or not to go along with it. “No, I want him to be proud of me, and you.”
“I’m a good girl,” you joke, “Our boyfriend is always proud of me.”
“What’s it gonna be, baby? Dirty Dancing or The Departed?”
You clench your teeth as a sharp cramp pierces at your side. “Dirty Dancing.”
Panic crosses his face as he rubs your knees that are curled tight to your chest through the blanket. “Ok, I’ll be right back.”
Frankie checks the note one more time. “Her snacks are on the top shelf of the pantry, tucked behind the cereal that you say tastes like old carpet. I’m going to have to find a new hiding place now. Let her curl up to you, she’s going to fall asleep about 20 minutes into the movie but don’t turn it off, she’ll know if you turn it off.”
He shakes his head and keeps reading. “Take care of her, please. I know you can’t handle seeing her in pain and I’m hoping you won’t have to. I love you, Frankie. Tell her I love her, too.”
He strolls back out to the couch with all the supplies. “Santi says he loves you.”
“You talked to him?”
“No, it was in the note.”
A sharp pain shoots through your back waking you up. You don’t know how you got to bed. You roll towards where Santi sleeps. He’s sitting, reading a book. He’s shirtless and for a second you think you’re dreaming with how good he looks.
His forefinger comes to his lips, signaling for you to stay quiet and then mouths ‘Hi’ at you with a soft smile.
“Hi,” you whisper, your hand coming to the small of your back.
“Bath?” He whispers, leaning forward to try to massage the cramps away.
With a nod of your head he pads to the bathroom. You see him in just loose fitting pajama pants, something about Santi shirtless and barefoot causes your heart to thunder behind your ribs. It’s homey and so domestic, and for a long time you thought he wouldn’t stay. Tonight, he’s once again proved to you and Frankie that he’s doing more than staying.
You sink into the warm water, Santi climbing in behind you. He knows you’re going to get all sleepy and the last thing he needs is for you to drown.
“I missed you. Frankie was so sweet tonight.”
“Ya? Did he follow my instructions?”
“He did. Even the water. I can’t believe I’m that predictable though.”
He chuckles behind you, his soft plush lips meeting your temple. “You’re not. I’m observant and I love you and Frankie. I’m sorry I was delayed tonight.”
“Mmm, it’s ok. It’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re home.” The water is the perfect temperature and it doesn’t go unnoticed that he used the unscented bubble bath instead of the rose scented one that gave you a migraine last month. Your muscles start to relax, the cramps easing. “Santi?”
“Yes, querida?”
“Thank you for staying with us. A few months ago I wasn’t so sure. I hope you know how much I love you and how much I didn’t know I needed until you came along.”
He runs a soft washcloth up and down your body under the bubbles, addicted to the way you melt into him every time he does it. “I know. I love you, too.”
Frankie stirs awake, something feels wrong as he eyes blink over. He rolls to find the bed empty. He sits up in panic, only the light under the bathroom door calming him.
He usually sleeps naked, so after slipping his boxers on he creeps to the en suite and knocks softly before testing the handle. The door pops open and he shakes his head at you and Santiago in the tub together. There’s no bubbles left and you’re both sleeping soundly. As he dips his hand in the water to pull the plug the water is just slightly above room temperature.
The sound startles Santi, his arms wrap around you protectively as he looks at Fish.
“So worried about her drowning and you’re sound asleep,” he says softly.
“I got her,” he says back.
“I know. I was teasing you.”
“C’mere,” Santi rasps. Frankie, like you, was sound asleep when Santi crept into bed a few hours ago. Fish crouches beside the tub, Santi’s hand comes out of the water to wrap around his boyfriends neck.
“You’re gonna get me all wet, Pope!”
“You’re always wet around me, little puta.” he whispers against his lips and then kisses him passionately.
They’ve been so wrapped up in one another that they haven’t noticed that you’ve woken up. You snort quietly, “He’s got you there, Fish.”
#triple frontier#Frankie x Santi x reader#comfort fic#francisco catfish morales#santiago pope garcia#Pedro pascal#Oscar Isaac
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Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 19

words: 3,8k
summary: While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as " hate " was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths. Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
notes: it’s been quite some time since I updated right? I feel bad for not posting new chapters, but life is kinda busy. Also some major events are about to happen on the next Birdie chapters and also I think there might be between 10-15 chapters left with everything I have planned. But don’t worry bc a new Gojo fic is coming soon!
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist | ao3
You rolled down the window of Satoru's car and enjoyed the smell of the sea that began to fill your nostrils. You had left Tokyo early that day, so you could get to your destination on time. You had spent the previous night with Satoru so he wouldn't have to pick you up and you could go straight from his apartment.
The traffic wasn't too heavy and your journey was becoming pleasant, while the GPS's voice told Satoru which routes he should take to get there. Closing your eyes, you let yourself be invaded by the sensations, enjoying the warm day at the end of May and the smell of salt water.
“We will be there in 20 minutes.” Satoru broke the silence inside the car, you looked at him and hummed in response. “You mentioned you were raised here right? What was it like?”
“It was…” You started thinking.
Memories of your childhood and teenage years came to you, the hot summers where you went to the beach with your grandmother, the ice creams before returning home. Those distant and almost erased memories with your mother, which you remembered with love and affection.
But not all of them were good memories, because you also remembered the glances, the whispers of people watching you walk and how everything became stronger and stronger with the passing of the years. And you still feel in your bones the worst memory you have of that place, one that you wanted to bury with all your might at the bottom of the sea.
That was why perhaps you wanted to bring the people you loved to that place, because you wanted to flood it with happy and beautiful memories.
“Good…” You simply said. “I can’t wait to show you around.” You smiled at him and he gave you a brief look before smiling back at you.
The car felt silent once again and a feeling started to grow on your chest. As much as you wanted to hide it, you were tense and anxious over that trip, not because Satoru was going there but because of what happened last year.
It made you sick to your stomach and you didn’t want to go through it again. You didn’t want Satoru to met him. To meet your father. You wanted to show Satoru so many things, but the idea of walking and running into him made your hair stand on end.
Your memory drifted to one year ago, when you went with Kyoko.
1 year ago
“Should we buy some ice creams before going back to the motel?” Kyoko suggested as both of you were packing the towels.
“Sounds good.” You said as you closed your bag.
You started walking, Kyoko walking beside you. The two of you chatted animatedly as the hot summer sun hit your skins. You had gotten a few days off and you had decided to spend them with your best friend, in a place that you held dear to your heart. But Kyoko was someone important and deserved to get to know you better.
You walked to the ice cream stand near the beach when you heard a deep voice calling your name. At first, you didn't notice, but a shiver ran through you when you realized who it was, who the owner of that voice was.
You turned slightly and felt a sharp pain in your head, painful enough to make you close your eyes and bring one of your hands to your head.
Kyoko called you out. “Are you okay?” She said with worry.
“Yeah, yeah, I just…” But your name came out of his throat once again.
“You okay?”
You snorted and stood up. “What do you want?” You said as dryly as possible, without showing an ounce of emotion.
“I… I saw you and I wanted to check on you.”
You tried not to laugh. “Well, don’t do it.” You turned around and looked at him again. “Come closer again and I’ll call the police, you have a restraining order. Remember it.”
He called you out again. “What happened back then… was a terrible mistake and I’m sorry.” He said and you closed your eyes, trying to shut everything down. “I was desperate for money and I thought…”
“You thought going back to the daughter you abandoned, who was completely alone and take away all her money when she was just 17, was okay?!” You shouted, Kyoko took your hand, trying to calm you down. “And on top of that…” You turned around and looked at him. “You already forgot what you took from me?!”
You looked at him with tears rolling down your face and feeling the curious eyes of everyone around.
Present day
“Birdie…” You felt a small touch on your cheek and the present hit you again.
Your eyes met his, he was looking at you. Like always. But his gaze reflected his worried look. You tried to smile, despite feeling shaken by the memories that just hit your head.
“You okay?” He whispered softly. “You seemed to be drifting away.”
You shook your head and slowly blinked. “Yeah… it was nothing.”
He nodded and placed a kiss on your cheek. “Good… we arrived at the hotel…”
You looked outside and yeah, you were there. The door opened and Satoru’s hand appeared in front of you, surprising you on how fast he got himself out of the car.
Satoru took your hand and walked before you and was the one that took care of everything at the hotel. You tried to be there, but honestly your mind felt like it was somewhere else. You found it difficult to concentrate. You had assured Kyoko that your escape would be peaceful, but at that moment your mind was failing you again, filling up with ideas or scenarios that could happen.
Satoru's warm hand gave you a security that you needed but still wasn't enough in that moment of internal despair. You didn’t want to ruin things, no when that was your first time going out as a couple, so you simply put the best of your smiles. And fake it.
Hoping for Satoru not to catch you up on your lie, you made yourselves busy.
“Let’s go to visit the temple that it’s here.” You said with enthusiasm.
You and Satoru walked through the streets that had once been very familiar to you, where you had laughed, cried and been angry. Every corner hid a memory that seemed distant now but that made you smile when you remembered it.
Your feet stopped moving as your body reacted to the place you were in. Satoru turned around, still holding your hand as he watched you.
“Is something wrong?” He murmured as he approached you.
“This was the family home.” You said wistfully. “It still looks the same.”
Satoru didn’t need to do more to put his arms around you. He had noticed your vulnerability in your voice, the sadness that accompanied you as you remembered the place where you grew up, where you lived with your mother, with your grandmother.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself be embraced by Satoru’s arms and warm, and trying to calm down your shaken heart.
A little calmer, Satoru took your hand and led you through the streets, as if he already knew them. Before turning the corner you took one last look at what was once your home.
Satoru Gojo pov
Satoru would occasionally turn his head to look at you, your gaze still a bit lost and his heart was in his chest at the sight of that look, he wanted your eyes to smile and shine again. The smell of the sea filled his nostrils and a smile formed on his face when he remembered the day he asked you out.
“Birdie…” He whispered, causing your eyes to meet his. “Shall we go to the beach?”
“But… we didn’t bring our bathing suits, they’re at the hotel.” You said. Satoru smiled.
“I want to walk with you along the shore again like that time…” Your face lit up and began to blush. “Is that look a yes?” You nodded and Satoru laughed and pulled you towards the beach.
The sand burned your feet but that didn't stop Satoru from pulling you closer to the sand. Satoru hadn't wanted to ask you, but he had noticed that even though you had tried to hide it, something was still on your mind and it was something that didn't let you be calm. He wanted whatever was on your mind to disappear and for you to enjoy your moments together.
Satoru enjoyed your laughter as he splashed water on you and watched your face light up. What could he do to keep that smile with him forever? He wanted to cherish that smile, you, what you had, everything.
“‘Toru! Stop!” You laughed.
“Why? It’s funny.” He said with his dimples popping out. “Look at you… so cute.” He hugged you. “My pretty birdie.” He said closing the distance between your faces and kissing your lips.
You opened your eyes and looked at him. “When are you going to tell me why you call me like that?”
“Like what?” Satoru started to play dumb.
“You know what, don’t be silly.”
“Maybe one day…” Satoru kissed your cheek. “But now, let’s have fun okay?”
You continued playing on the beach for a while longer. Satoru kept making you laugh as he splashed you with salt water, not wanting that smile on your face to fade away. When the sun began to shine brightly in the sky, you decided to go to a bar on the coast to eat something and rest.
The bar was small but cozy, with wooden tables and chairs scattered across the sand, offering a perfect view of the ocean. The scent of grilled seafood filled the air as you and Satoru found a spot near the water. The sea breeze felt refreshing against your sun-kissed skin.
“Wait here, alright?” He said standing back up.
“My cocktail, order it with extra ice.” You said and Satoru nodded like an obedient puppy.
You waited on the terrace looking at the sea. The sea breeze moved your hair, which had become slightly wavy due to your entertaining session of playing in the sea. He bit his cheek and looked away from your figure to order your drinks.
“Excuse me?” Satoru heard someone approaching him.
“Yeah?” He looked at the person talking, it was a 50 years old man. “Do I know you?” Satoru asked him.
“No, no, we don’t know each other.” The man said and Satoru could notice his nervous posture and how his eyes moved from one side to the other. “I saw you arrive with that girl over there.” Satoru tensed as the man pointed his finger at you. “And I was wondering if…”
“Who are you?” Satoru asked with a frown.
“Oh… I… I am that girl’s dad.” Satoru clenched his fist.
Your father? Was that the bastard who left your mother when he found out she was pregnant? Satoru took a deep breath, not wanting to rush into anything.
“I was wondering if it would be possible to talk to her…”
“No.” Satoru cut him off.
Satoru’s eyes scanned that man and he noticed how disheveled he was and Satoru couldn't ignore the smell of alcohol that emanated from all over him.
“Why?” Satoru asked, with a cold look, his blue eyes had been replaced by a dark color. A look that made anyone tremble.
“Well she is my daughter and…”
“Answer me and don’t lie to me.” Satoru watched as the man swallowed and wiped his hands against his old pants.
“I need money okay?” The man blurted. “I know she has savings from her mother and…”
“Enough.” Satoru said. “You want money? That’s the only reason you want to talk to your daughter?” The man felt silent and a laughter escaped Gojo’s lips. “You truly are a disgusting piece of shit.”
“Hey…” But as soon as he saw Satoru’s face, words stood hanging in the air.
Satoru glanced in your direction for a moment, you were concentrating on taking pictures of the view from where you sat, and then his eyes fell back on the man. It was hard to believe that you had his blood on you.
Satoru took the man by the arm and led him to a more secluded spot, one where you wouldn't see them. “Don’t you ever come near her again,” Satoru whispered. “I’ll give you 1,500,000 yen, but if you show your filthy face in front of her again, I’ll see that you end up in prison. Do you understand?” The man gulped and nodded. “Oh, and one more thing, get away from this prefecture and Tokyo, you understand?”
Satoru wasn’t usually this kind of person, making threats. But he knew enough about you and your family to know that you probably wouldn’t want to meet this man, or have him anywhere near you.
The man nodded and wrote down his phone number on a crumpled napkin, which Satoru reluctantly put in his pocket. Before another threat could leave his lips, the man who called himself your father was gone.
Satoru closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he really hoped that once that person received the money he would never stand in front of you again. You didn't deserve someone like that with you.
With the tension still on his shoulders, Satoru faked a smile and walked out with your drinks to the terrace where you were waiting for him with that warm look he had discovered.
“Here…” He left your drink in front of you.
“Thank you. It took you time, what happened?”
Satoru didn’t like to lie, not to you at least. “Oh just, just a man making a show.” He cracked a smile.
“Oh…” You nodded and drank a bit of your cocktail. “Oh god!” You closed your eyes. “It’s so sweet.”
“Really?” Satoru asked.
“Yeah… do you wanna taste it?”
“Not really, I’m not a fan of alcohol and besides I’m taking you somewhere later.” He smiled cockily.
You opened your eyes with surprise. “You taking me somewhere?”
“Yeah… I did my research before coming and found a place we could go to see the sunset.” Satoru looked at your eyes and he saw how they started to glow.
“That’s fantastic Satoru.” You smiled.
Satoru smiled back and took a sip of his drink, but his shoulders still felt tense. His gaze occasionally drifted towards the entrance of the bar, a trace of worry in his eyes. He was trying to enjoy the moment, but the thought of your father showing up unexpectedly again and this time you seeing him, was a constant undercurrent of anxiety.
Noticing his uneasiness you decided to address it. “You seem a little strange. Everything okay?”
Satoru managed a casual smile. “Oh yeah, I was just thinking about how unpredictable things can be. But don’t worry about it. I’m here to have a good time with you.”
You gave him a reassuring smile. “Well, let’s focus on having a good time. We have the whole afternoon ahead of us and then you’ll take me to that place right?” You gave him a smile.
With a nod, Satoru took a deep breath and tried to relax. The conversation turned to lighter and more pleasant topics as they both continued to eat and enjoy the beautiful view. Despite the lingering tension, you both managed to savor the day and found comfort in each other's company.
As the two of you continued to enjoy your meal, the atmosphere around you began to feel more relaxed. The sunlight danced across the water, casting a warm glow over everything. Satoru watched your face, which was illuminated by the reflection of the ocean, and took in every feature of yours, admiring how beautiful you were. You and Satoru laughed as you shared stories and chatted happily, the tension from earlier slowly fading from your shoulders.
Satoru could see how the sadness that had been over your eyes that morning had disappeared and now there was only brightness.
The lively atmosphere of the bar added to the feeling of tranquility. Other customers were chatting and enjoying their meals, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses mixed with the rhythm of the waves.
“You know.” Satoru said, leaning back with a contented sigh. “I’m really glad we did this. It’s been a while since I felt this carefree and relaxed.”
You smiled and reached across the table to touch his hand. “Me too.” You patted his hand and he returned the gesture. “You may not want to talk… but what about your parents?” Satoru felt a small pang in his heart and shook his white hair.
“I haven’t talked with them since the party…” Satoru shrugged. “They haven’t called, I haven’t called…” He quickly noticed your gaze. “If you are worried about what happened… don’t worry, I talked with my grandmother and she was worried when she heard what happened, apparently most people at the party started blaming Naoya and days later anonymously someone posted an article on a famous magazine talking about the behavior of one of the Zenin clans younger members…”
“You…?” You gasped with surprise.
“Not me.” He smirked. “You should invite Utahime to drink some beers once we are back.”
“Utahime?” You opened your eyes.
“Yeah, her parents are the owners of the magazine and so she made them put the article… the Iori family doesn’t like the Zenin family too much, so this was their best opportunity.” Satoru explained.
“Wow!” You said with surprise. “So… is it true what they said?” You asked. “That the elite can bring people down if they want to?”
“I guess it is… it’s nasty and dangerous because it could come back to you, but these families have been doing it for years now and they won’t change.” Satoru explained. “But let’s stop talking about them… the sun is almost down so we have to hurry up.” Satoru held your hand.
The two of you walked to Satoru’s car and headed towards your destination. The sun continued to set, painting the sky in deep shades of orange and violet, its warm light reflecting off the sea and casting a golden glow over everything. Satoru’s hands gripped the steering wheel as his eyes remained focused on the road, following the silent instructions of the GPS. You glanced at him from time to time, sensing that something about this trip was important to him.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going or will it remain a surprise?” You asked, smiling softly.
Satoru smiled, but kept his gaze straight ahead. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see soon enough. I promise it’s worth it.”
The car moved smoothly along the coast, the sound of the waves fading as the road curved inland. With the setting sun casting long shadows across the landscape, everything outside the window seemed to slow down, creating an almost dream-like feeling.
After a while, Satoru’s expression softened. His earlier tension seemed to fade as the familiar sight of the destination came into view. The GPS announced the final turn and you felt the car slow down as you entered a quiet, secluded area surrounded by lush greenery and hills.
Satoru parked the car and turned off the engine. He looked at you, his smile now gentle and sincere. “It’s okay, we’re here.”
You got out of the car, feeling the cool evening breeze on your skin. As you looked around, you noticed a small path leading up a hill. Without saying much, Satoru took your hand and began to lead you along it.
At the top of the hill, a stunning view unfolded before you. The sea stretched endlessly into the distance, the sky now painted in soft pinks and purples. Below, a hidden cove shimmered, its shore empty and quiet. The only sounds were the distant songs of birds and the soft rustle of leaves.
“Satoru…” You murmured, amazed by the view your eyes were seeing. “How? How did you find this place?” You turned to look at him, who was proudly smiling.
Satoru exhaled, feeling proud of himself. “I’m glad you like it. I spent hours online trying to find a place like this.” He joked with a smile.
You turned to him, surprised. “You found this online?”
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah… Did some digging to find something special near your hometown. Wanted it to feel… personal.”
Your heart warmed at the thought of him spending time looking for such a hidden gem, just to create a moment like this for you. “Satoru, this is... amazing. You didn’t have to….”
He smiled, and softly touched your cheek."You’re worth it…”
For a moment, the world seemed to stop rotating. The gentle breeze, the distant sound of the ocean, and the soft light of the evening all came together to make the moment feel timeless.
“I love you…” He let out his soft yet emotion-filled voice. Your heart raced, feeling like it could explode in your chest. “And I want to cherish you.” He continued, his hand gently brushing yours. “Protect you, be someone you can always count on. I know I’m not perfect, but when I’m with you… I want to be better. For you.”
A gasp escaped your lips and your hands went up to his face. Satoru’s eyes were watery and even if Satoru wanted to hide it he couldn’t. “What’s wrong ‘Toru?” You called him by that affectionate nickname.
Satoru sighed deeply, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Should he tell you? Or just let it go? After all, this was something that involved you directly, something that affected you deeply. But he didn’t want to burden you with it either, he didn’t want to drag negative emotions into this perfect night you were sharing. You seemed so happy, so at peace, and the last thing he wanted was to tarnish that with something painful.
Yet at the same time, the idea of keeping something from you didn’t sit well with him. Satoru had always promised himself that he would never hide anything from you, that he would never keep secrets that could build walls between you. He wanted to be open with you about everything, no matter how hard it might be.
You noticed his internal struggle, the way his gaze seemed distant, his body tense beside you. “Satoru?” You asked softly, your thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of his hand. “What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right?”
He swallowed hard, feeling the sincerity in your voice, the trust between the two of you. And that was what made him make the decision: trust. He couldn't break that, not even to spare you the awkwardness. You deserved the truth, even if it was hard to hear.
“At the bar, a man approached me…” Satoru held your hands tightly as he began with his blue eyes fixed on yours.
— if you want to be tagged on the chapters, comment
🏷️: @lavender-hvze , @crybabytoru , @sanriosatoru , @norvacaine , @sadmonke , @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic , @gojoful , @kitzusune , @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @anniegojo , @milk3evee , @crunchypotatoooooooooo , @catobsessedlady , @zoeyflower , @starlostwish , @tinydonkeysforlife , @mimisq11341 , @n1vi , @olanii1019 , @vtrulvamp , @yjuisu
#jujutsu kaisen#fanfic jjk#gojo satoru x reader#satoru gojo x reader#gojou satoru x reader#gojo satoru#gojo satoru x oc#gojo x reader#gojo satoru x you#gojo satoru smut#satoru gojo x y/n#satoru gojo x you#gojo x you#gojo x y/n#satoru x you#satoru x reader#satoru gojo#satoru gojo fanfiction#jujutsu kaisen gojo#gojo satoru fanfiction#gojo satoru fluff#gojo satoru fanfic#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#gojo saturo#gojo x oc#jjk gojo#gojo angst
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Three copies and some signatures
I don't know I don't have an idea for a title, so I wrote anything. I know some people are waiting for the next part of Day Zero, I'm slowly writing the next chapter but need more time, but don't worry I didn't abandon it! I was motivated to write this thing by anon's shitty ask to @/rememberwren about “too many fics about Ghoap” lmao . So I also wrote something about Ghoap. Because WHY NOT? Aaaaand if you don't know Wren's wonderful work leave everything and go and read it -> HERE <3
I would like to write the next parts, but I can't promise anything.
tags: angst, hurt no comfort
don't know how to tag :< let me know what to add
Of course it had to end this way.
It was more than certain that you would end up in this place eventually. With sweaty hands and a heart that was beating too fast and heavy. Your heart rate increased and your breathing quickened. Drops of sweat appeared every now and then on your heated forehead and you tried again and again to wipe them off. To dry your shiny skin at least for a while. At least look a little presentable.
The crumpled white shirt no longer looked like the one you had ironed for over an hour. Now crumpled and stained, it carelessly hugged your curvy body.
The chair creaked with your every move. Nervously every now and then you change positions as if at least the comfort of sitting would improve your situation.
More minutes pass and the door in front of you is still closed. The paint on them is coming off in some places, revealing the banal light-colored plywood. The entire anturage of this building cries out for renovation.
Despite the well-paid work of the people who work here, the base looks as if its glory years are long behind it and there are no funds to even refresh the walls. It's as if for at least 20 years no one has noticed the cracked walls, the paint falling off or the crooked fine wooden chairs.
Maybe it's just appearances.
You shift in your seat again. The creak of the wooden chair echoes through the empty and cold corridor. Despite the early hour of the day and the sun outside the windows, everything inside seems harsh and unfriendly. To your relief there are not many windows so the prevailing semi-darkness makes you feel marginally more at ease. At least a little anonymity. Maybe the small number of people who passed you walking through the corridor with a quick step won't remember you and when you leave these walls after all, no one will ever shout after you on the street. They won't associate you with this place. With him.
Only when that happens. When this hell will finally come to an end. How long will it be when you are free again? Because every doorbell ringing, every unfamiliar number on screen or finally an unfamiliar customer at work looking at you for too long. It won't all cause that nervousness, that cursed lump in your throat and more gray hairs on your head. Every fucking minute spent in fear.
Someone will finally find out.
Everyone has some. Everyone has a story, some problems, something that makes them look for solutions. The question is whether it was worth it to risk so much. Whether committing a crime was worth it to choose to live here. To continue living in this country.
To be alive.
In the distance you can hear someone's conversation, laughter interspersed with words. Empty corridors carry sounds that ring in your ears, but everything blends into an incomprehensible cacophony of sounds. Into one piece.
You know that resounding, hearty laughter well.
You have heard it many times.
The melody, once heard, is forever imprinted in your memory.
Rhythmically approaching footsteps, voices are getting louder. Two people.
They are close.
The danger makes you feel trapped. Like an injured prey caught in a trap on a hunt.
You nervously look around looking for any way to escape. However, the only way to get out of this place is through this damn corridor, the direction from which you hear the approaching voices.
Panic grips your body and mind, many thoughts appear one second not allowing you to focus and remain rational.
He is about to be right here.
As you involuntarily bite your lower lip and try not to sob, the door finally opens.
A tall and muscular man stands in the doorway, illuminated by the light from the room, like a knight on a white horse with a friendly and affable smile. He greets you and says your name. His name.
Finally, he invites you inside. This time you managed to escape.
Captain Price. This much you know crossing the threshold of this room. In the morning when two sad gentlemen knocked on your door. You expected to be handcuffed, or something else entirely. Something you were being prepared for. It could always happen. KIA.
And now, sitting in a more comfortable chair than the ones in the corridor, you look at his Captain. A person you knew a lot about, as well as the entire Task Force 141.
After all, you are a good student. You diligently applied yourself to your lessons. You memorized every word.
Every truth and every prepared lie.
Your made-up life.
The captain leans back in his chair still looking at you, despite the stress of the situation a calmness beats from the man.
You expected accusations, shouting, nervousness and humiliation.
Nothing of the sort happens.
“It's good to finally meet you.”
He says, tilting his head gently to the side and grinning at you.
“When Laswell called me and informed me of the situation. Well. It was quite a shock to me. A positive one. But still... it's quite surprising.”
He doesn't finish the sentence because his words are interrupted by a rhythmic and loud knocking.
Several hours have passed since those events at the base. Despite the fact that there are a few hours left until nightfall, you decide to spend the night in a nearby hotel and return on the next day, in the early morning.
You didn't even wait for the two gentlemen who brought you here.
You rent a car and return on your own.
You borrowed cash from the captain. The meeting at the base was supposed to be a secret, between you and him. No sign of your presence near the base. You couldn't use your credit card.
Another fucking lie in your life.
Or maybe everything else was untrue and what was happening now was reality. The truth you couldn't quite believe.
It wasn't just the frayed nerves of the situation that made you not want to drive today.
There was something else.
Today is Thursday. A day when when he had the opportunity, he called. He was close by, at a nearby training ground with recruiters. So you can certainly expect weekly contact.
The very thought turns your stomach. It was so ridiculous, infantile.
When 9pm strikes, as usual, evenly, punctually the familiar ringtone echoes.
You wait.
You sit upright on the edge of the hotel bed, squeezing your thighs tightly together. You straighten your back unnaturally pulling your shoulder blades as close together as possible.
Finally, you hear his low voice.
“Hi love”
Love? Huh, that's something new.
You repeat the greeting in a trembling voice. Does he already know about your unannounced visit to the base. Does he know that his captain has finally found out. What if-
“I miss you, so bad.”
At these words you close your eyes.
There's nothing to worry about. A standard fake conversation between two spouses. In case of eavesdropping, in any doubt. At the risk of someone continuing to check up on you.
“I miss you, too.”
you answer with a learned line. As you do every time.
“I'm counting down the days until I see you again, love”.
You hate it. You hate hearing his words. You shiver. Swallowing the incoming tears.
You're unable to utter another theatrical phrase.
When a lie repeated so many times has become the truth for you. When pretending became a natural behavior. How it happened, that something inside you changed.
So pathetic, weak creature.
For the first time, you can't follow the script.
“ 'r you still there?”
The question hangs in the void. It reaches your ears. Further learned words, however, are blocked inside you.
You open your eyes and your gaze drifts to the floor, to the hotel's dirty carpet. Seconds pass slowly. Each moment makes you feel more and more miserable. You want to throw up.
“I miss you so much, Simon.”
Shit, you're such an idiot.
You quickly hang up, throwing the phone in the sheets and running to the bathroom.
Falling in love wasn't part of the contract.
He shouldn't smoke.
He quit exactly when he met you. That September night.
Now, standing behind one of the barracks leaning against a cold wall, he looks up at the same sky. Looking for what you were looking for then.
The sky is dark and cloudy.
He is pulled from his musings by a whisper. Such a familiar voice.
“Where are ya? Come back here, I'll freeze my balls off, if- ”
“I'm comin' , Johnny.”
Crushing the cigarette butt under his military boot, Ghost takes one last look at the sky.
No star. That night he sees none. There's nothing special.
As he enters the room, the small light of the nightstand illuminates the familiar room. When the door slams behind him, in this safe space, he pulls off his mask and walks over to the bed.
Shaking slightly, Johnny sits down on his bed, rubbing his bare shoulders in an effort to warm himself.
“You quit smokin'. ”
A dry statement, Johnny says the words and looks reproachfully at the man standing over him.
Ghost smirks, reaching out his hand to smooth the sergeant's messy hair. Like a tame wild animal. To calm him down. Meticulously styled mohawk was forgotten an hour or two ago.
His hand travels lower to finally stop on the man's jaw and with little force Ghost squeezes his chin, raising it to look him in the eye.
“Behave, Johnny boy.”
“Or what?”
With a cocky grin Johnny asks. He lifts one hand and sticks his fingers in the belt loop of his pants, pulling Ghost closer, so that he's standing between Johnny's legs.
“I don't think you're ready for a second round.”
Finally Ghost pulls away and heads toward the bathroom.
Johnny grunts back.
“I saw her today.”
Ghost stops in mid-step. He stiffens, but doesn't turn toward the man who already regrets his words. There's no going back.
“I want to finally meet her.”
Saying this, he gets up and walks closer. He puts his hand on Ghost's shoulder trying to calm him down. He knows it's too much. Not after what he heard during their weekly conversation.
But a life of lies was destroying him from the inside. He could feel the rot. The stinking evil he felt at every turn. While waking up and falling asleep. It was constantly accompanying him.
No one deserved such cruelty. If he even had to pay for it with his happiness. He would agree without a second thought.
It had gone too far.
“I want to meet your wife, Simon. She needs to know the truth. About all this.”
About us.
English is not my first language, so probably many things are poorly described and the vocabulary is very simple. If you see any mistakes - let me know!
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Epilogue MEDIC!
Hi friends, sorry I've been so absent I have the worst writing block at the moment and nothing seems to be coming to me. But I wrote this epilogue soon after I had finished the last chapter of MEDIC, but I forgot about it completely cause I was going to post it a little later. Well it's a little later (the next year) and here is the small ending to my favourite story ever! I miss you all hopefully I can get back to writing soon.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut, @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92, @lucyfromtheoldhouse, @blueberry-ovaries, @next-autopsy, @saintmalosunsets, @anaso12 anyone else please let me know.
“I am the matchmaker of the year!” Izzy boasted. I rolled my eyes but a laugh left my mouth before I could stop it.
“You are not, we went on two dates!” I lied, we had spent days together. I had found him again, he was the same as the one I had known but he was born during the same time as me. But he shared the same soul, the same laugh, the same love as Don.
There was no comparison between the two, this was my Don but born anew. He never knew our history but it didn’t mean he couldn’t feel it. We were drawn to each other from the moment we had met.
“He already told you he loved you!” Izzy pointed out. On our second date we had gone out to dinner and then the date lasted three more days. He came home with me and never left. When we decided we should probably part ways and go to our jobs he had blurted out that he loved me. I didn’t hesitate to say it back.
“Listen! When you know you know!” I blushed thinking of the man I loved.
“When you know, you know what?” His voice sounded through the hallway.
“Don!” Izzy and I both turned our heads in surprise. “I’m not finishing my shift for another 20 minutes!” But that didn’t stop from entering the nurses office and sitting beside me.
“If the nurse in charge catches me.” I whispered, peering around the room to make sure Maria wasn’t here.
“Don’t worry I already bribed her.” Don sent me a cheeky wink before pressing a kiss to my cheek. “I came to whisk you away for a magical getaway.”
“But I have work tomorrow.” I was concerned he hadn’t thought this through.
“Maria!” Don called, the older nurse poked her head from the office. “Does Em have work tomorrow?”
“No, she booked in for annual leave for a week.” Maria smiled looking pleased with herself.
“What?!” I glanced between the two. “How did- How?”
“Don’t worry your pretty head.” His lips found my forehead. I smiled up at him, and my heart swelled.
“I’m nervous.” I whispered as Izzy, Lyla and Ellie led me through the empty foyer.
“Why on earth are you nervous?” Ellie asked, we had formed a tight friend group.
They were the girls I held dear, each of them took up a space in my heart. We have been friends now for three years. I knew all of them well, like the back of my hand.
“Cause you’re all acting suspicious.” I noted as they all shared a knowing smile. “What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing, stop fussing.” Lyla smoothed down my dress at the back. They had insisted we all dressed up fancy for dinner, we never dressed up, or went anywhere fancy. We were always too tired from work and enjoyed staying at home in our pj’s and ordering in, so this was out of the ordinary.
The group led me through the empty building, the museum Don and I had been to so many times for our dates. We just enjoyed getting lost and settling into a corner, watching the world pass by.
Flower petals scattered the floor as the girls urged me forward but didn’t follow.
“Keep going.” They ushered me away.
A swell of music sounded as I walked closer and the petals still scattered the floor. I gasped as I stepped into my favourite room, the stained glass window was lit by candles and at the centre of it all was Don. He smiled nervously at me as I approached.
“What is all this?” I asked as I came closer. My heart leapt into my throat as I watched him take a knee.
“Emily Lane. I have never believed in love at first sight but you proved me wrong. From the moment I set my sights on you, you have captured my attention. Your wit, your beauty, your kindness, those are only a few of the things that have a hold on me. I believe your soul was made for mine, I have never known another person like you, and I never wish to know anyone again. You are all I need and more. Would you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me?” Don spoke as he pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket.
Tears spilled from my eyes as I nodded my head frantically. “Yes! A thousand times yes!” I lunged into him causing him to lose his footing and we crashed to the floor. I peppered his face with a million kisses as we both cried and laughed.
“Let me put the ring on!” He said as we righted ourselves. Sitting on the floor in our favourite place he slid on the most beautiful silver ring onto my finger.
“Do you like it?” Don asked, peering down at the jewellery.
“Like it? I love it!” I tackled him again into my arms. The squeals of delight pulled us from our celebration. The girls clattered around the corner as well as his family and our shared friends. I had never been happier in my life.
“I hope to find you in every lifetime, now and forever.” Don read his vows as I cried. He didn’t even know the significance of the words he spoke, but I did. I knew we were made for each other and that the vow he had made would be upheld, even if we didn’t realise it.
“Do you, Donald George Malarkey, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiant asked Don.
“I do!” He nodded eagerly as I laughed.
“Do you, Emily Marlena Lane, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The officiant turned to me.
“I do!” I smiled brightly at the love of my life, as our friends and family watched. But it didn’t matter who was here, as long as we were together I knew everything was perfect.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” We couldn’t even wait for the man to finish, our lips collided as we shared our first kiss as a married couple. As husband and wife. The crowd cheered and clapped, but they faded into the background. All I could see was him.
The hot summer sun beat down as we rocked in our chairs. Our hands were intertwined as we watched our grandchildren and grown children frolic in the long grass.
“I think we did pretty good. Huh, Em?” Don squeezed my hand. I glanced over to my aged husband, we had made all of our dreams come true, I got to grow old with the man I loved.
“We did.” I lent over to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “There is nowhere else I would rather be.”
“I love you, Em.” Don whispered softly.
“Not as much as I love you.” I sighed in content.
#band of brothers#hbo war#donald malarkey#easy company#band of brothers fanfic#Emily Lane#My OC#the final bit#they had their happily ever after and im sobbing all over again#may this love find me
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Day 24 - Christmas Party
Pairing(s)/Character(s): David Friedman x Fem!Detective Reader
Summary: In where David and [Y/n] ditch the annual work Christmas party for a party of their own.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Smut (roleplaying, women on top, p in v, dirty talk)
A/N: OH MY GOD IT'S OVER 😭😭😭😭. How has Rickmas come to an end so soon??? I have sooo many stories to catch up on as I literally spent almost every free moment writing. But it has been so worth it! I'm so proud that I've written for every prompt this year because hoooo boi was it looking shakey at times. Thank you everyone who has been reading and a big thank you of course to @deepperplexity for hosting this 🎊!!! Now without further a do lets close this out with a little bit of smut huh?
"So, what you’re tellin' me Dave, is that you were home all Thursday night. Mindin' your business and reading when the incident took place. Is that correct?"
"Yeah, been sayin' that for the past 20 minutes, but it seems like you ain't been listenin' detective."
"Oh no my hearin' and listenin' is just fine, I just wanted to make sure that was your story. It is your story isn't it?"
He rolled his eyes at the question being posed once again, before crossing his arms against his chest and leveling a glare at the woman who had been interrogating him.
"I said already, I ain't go nowhere and I ain't see no one. I went to work and straight back home after. Do you have anything else or can I go?"
A smirk crossed her lips and a little 'hmm' passed through them as she walked towards him. Her hips swaying with each step, and her fingers gliding on the edge of the cold metal table in the room as she approached the seated man. When she finally stood to the side of him, she leaned down, giving him a very ample view of her breasts that were close to falling out of the festive red bra she wore underneath her dress.
"Well if that's the case," she purred, bringing his attention back to her face. "Tell me why we got that handsome mug of yours all over the security camera at the bar at the same time as that little mishap."
"Bullshit indeed. Cause everything you done told me already has been bullshit. So." Straightening herself up, and depriving the man of the nice view he had before, she leaned on the table, that 'caught you' smile still plastered on her features as she questioned him. "Now either you come clean and tell me what you were really doing that day, or I can have you locked up and the keys thrown away. Your choice." She winked at him before hopping up on the table to sit on the edge of it as she waited for his answer.
One she already knew.
"Naw neither, I want my lawyer before I say anything else."
"Neither wasn't an option though."
"And I don't care," he stated with a clear look of annoyance etched on his face as he looked at the woman. "I know how this whole thing works, and I'm supposed to get a lawyer so until then I ain't tellin' ya nothin'."
Oh, that was not going to do.
"Fine then. How about we ignore what you said before and you just tell me what you were doing there?" She suggested, garnering a suspicious yet intrigued look from the older man who seemed to give the idea thought. "We got you on camera, and that's some mighty hard evidence to beat but, I be willing to let you go if you tell me what you were doing there. Clear you of all this mess."
"What else would I be doing at a bar detective? Do you always ask questions like this? No wonder why the department can't solve nothin' these days."
[Y/n] smirked. Almost laughed really at how grumpy he was becoming but she pressed on, knowing that it be much more entertaining if she stirred him up a little bit more.
"I know, I know but you know them cameras caught some stuff. I just wanna know that's all. Hear it from the horse's mouth and all that. Now if you tell me the truth here, I'll ignore everything you said earlier."
He glared at her for a moment but knowing he was in the hot seat he gritted his teeth and nodded before he answered the question.
"Fine, I was meeting someone."
"Oh come on now, that's not part of the deal. Who were you meeting, a friend, colleague…?"
"A friend."
"A friend, or a friend friend."
He raised an eyebrow at that question before putting on a frown.
"Now why the hell does that matter?"
"Come on tell me. You stay at the bar with 'em, or did ya'll go somewhere else afterward?
"And don't forget," she interrupted, a sly little grin on her lips. "We got the tapes so you be better of tellin' the truth."
"Yeah, yeah you done said that already," he groused before letting out a sigh. "We left around 10 that night. I only know because the news came on the TV and we decided to call it quits."
[Y/n] nodded satisfied with the answer, before continuing to question him.
"I see, I see, and this friend of yours, was it a man or a woman?"
"She pretty?"
"Fucking gorgeous."
Heat rose in [Y/n]'s cheeks at the speed of his response, and she was speechless for a second as David smirked at her, knowing he had thrown her off her game.
"Dave you're going off script," [Y/n] complained yet there was no real anger directed toward him as she frowned. Or at least tried to. Still feeling the effects of the sudden off script answer.
"I know, just tryin' to help you get to the climax of things," he answered cheekily before she blew a raspberry at him.
"Ain't time for all that yet," he teased, causing [Y/n] to playfully stick her tongue out at him. "But I sure wouldn't mind if we hurried up to that part. Don't want nobody seein' we done gone missin' from the party and come looking for us."
He had a point.
"Well, then how 'bout we skip the boring part and move on to the action?"
"I won't say no to that."
Giving him a curt nod, she took a deep breath, shook her head, and got back into character.
"So what ya'll do after leaving the bar?" [Y/n] asked. "You take her home with you or something? Gentleman like you seem like you'd make sure she get to where she's going safely."
"Yeah, I took her home."
"Oh," [Y/n] hummed curiously as she scooted closer. "Mind me askin' whose home you took her to?"
"I do, but I'll still tell you. Took her to hers of course."
"So you are a gentleman, how nice," she responded as she finally made it to the edge closest to him as she kicked her legs up and down.
"I bet you weren't one when you got inside were you?"
"Well, she told me she didn't want me to be. So, I say I still was when I listened to her and fucked her like she wanted," he concurred with an air of confidence that made the room much to warm for her current state of dress.
[Y/n] worried her bottom lip momentarily at the memory of him practically tossing her on the sofa and fucking her over it. The thought caused heat to bloom in her belly, and it made its way in between her legs, where she had to force herself not to squeeze her thighs together for some pressure. Yeah, he sure did fuck her like no gentleman could. Just the thought made her want to call this whole thing quits just so they could get to the good bit but no, no, they were almost there. Just a bit more.
"You lookin' a bit sick detective," David pointed out as [Y/n] zoned back in, clearing her throat and crossing one leg over the other to put some pressure on her lower half. "Need a doctor or somethin'?"
"You really are a gentleman," she responded with a smile," that's nice of you but no. I don't think a doctor can fix this ache I got."
"Now if I didn't know no better, it sounds like you're coming on to me detective," David pointed out, his brows lifting in faux surprise as he watched [Y/n] give him a fleeting smirk. "That don't seem too proper to me detective. Askin' if I took a woman home and fucked her. You sure this just for your little story you gonna tell your boss?"
"Of course it is! Cause if you said you fucked her as hard as you did, which I believe, then you wouldn't have no energy to go and commit any of them crimes they tryin' to pin you for wouldn't you?" [Y/n] asked as she began to trail her hand up her thigh, her hand catching the edge of her dress as she pulled it up inch by inch.
"Mhmm, that's right," he answered, swallowing harshly as his eyes began to wander down to the exposed flesh on her upper thigh. Her fingers drawing little circles on her skin as she smiled innocently at him, even if the look in her eyes was anything but.
"But you know, all I got is your word. And well. Words are words. And actions." She scooted all the way onto the table and turned her body so that she was facing him directly. Her legs spread apart for him and her clothed cunt almost at eye level for him as she used her elbows to support her. A smirk graced her lips and she was met with a hungry look from David who looked ready to devour her.
"Are actions."
All it took was a wink from her, before David was launching forward and practically dragging her towards him by her calves.
Once he was close, he leaned down and a squeak of delight left [Y/n]'s lips as he began to pepper hot kisses all the way up her exposed thighs and up towards her cunt that was already fluttering with excitement. Each kiss he planted, was accompanied by a soft groan from his lips as he pushed the skirt of her dress up towards her belly so he could have more access to her.
Inch by inch he moved closer to where she wanted him the most, and when his warm breath brushed over her opening that already throbbed with need, she let out a shaky sigh.
"Mmm fuck yeah Dave, show me how good you fucked your little friend," [Y/n] purred darkly, her eyes heavily lidded as she stared at him with the most smoldering look she could. "Maybe I'll let you go and tell my boss you ain't got nothin' to do with the case."
He smirked at her. "That a deal detective?"
"God as my witness."
No sooner had she said that, he made quick work of her panties that she was more than happy to shed as he ripped them off her with a powerful yank that had her moaning. Those thin things weren't even comfortable, and she was glad to have them off and have it replaced by,
"Fuuucckk!" She let out a broken cry as she felt his warm tongue begin to explore her opening that was already slick with her need for him.
He took his time lapping along the edges of her folds, sucking the soft warm flesh in between his lips, and savoring the tangy flavor of the woman beneath him who quivered and whined her pleasure. Her hips rocked towards him with each swipe of his tongue, and when he made his way to the little swollen bead that was peeking out between her damp folds, he just had to have a taste of it.
Taking his fingers and using them to pull her dampness apart so that he could see all of her, David smirked at the soft noise she let out before he let out a groan at the heady scent that filled his nostrils.
Leaning forward, he did a test lick, flicking his tongue over the swollen bead, and the response was a sweet little gasp from the woman above him. Her hips twitched and her stomach clenched as she wiggled forward in hopes that he would do what he just did again. And being the gentleman he was, he did, this time flatting his tongue against her as he began to aggressively lap at the sensitive nub that caused a hot pleasure to bloom in her.
"Oh, oh, oh yes right there," [Y/n] gasped as her hand flew to grab his hair as he began devouring her soaking cunt like it was the last meal he was going to have. His tongue circled her swollen bead carefully yet with speed and pressure that had her keening and whimpering his name under her breath as he alternated between licking and sucking.
The harsher he sucked, the louder the noise she would make, and the harder she would tug at his hair in an attempt to pull him closer to her. Each lick had her thighs falling open even wider as she gave him all the access he needed to devour her.
Once he was satisfied with how swollen her clit was, he moved down, his tongue trailing from the sensitive bundle of nerves, down to her opening that clenched at nothing. Prodding her wetness with his tongue, he moaned, savoring her before he placed his mouth around her and began to suck and kiss at her opening.
"Oh my god!" She shouted in surprise at having her cunt be suddenly engulfed by his hot mouth as he ate her out.
Her head fell back towards the table as she rolled her hips towards him, her eyes fluttering close as she tried to keep herself semi-upright. His tongue explored her insides as his nose bumped against her clit while he sucked and licked her enthusiastically. Her noises and movement under him were affecting him so much, that he began to grind his hips against the table, his cock beginning to strain at his slacks as he tasted all [Y/n] had to offer him.
The familiar bubble of heat increased in her stomach as he swirled his tongue inside of her, drinking each drop of her wetness that she gave, while she panted his name out. Her stomach clenched with each stroke of his tongue, and when he added his fingers into the mix, she knew she would fall of that cliff faster than she wanted. And she only wanted to do that once she had his cock inside of her.
"N-no wait," she panted out as she tried to push Dave away. But it seemed as if he wasn't having any of that, as he pushed forward diving deeper into her and making her cry out. "Please oh my god, oh Dave please," she begged, her limbs flailing a bit at the pleasure of him stroking her and pushing at the sensitive part right at the top of her entrance. "P-please wanna come on your cock," she babbled as she tried to stop him, yet her body had other ideas as it didn't want to be away from him for any amount of time.
Her words though seemed to get him to stop, albeit slowly, as his fingers began to slow their stretching of her, and that devilish tongue of his took one last taste before he pulled away completely.
David was a sight to see when he looked at her, and her breath hitched at the sight of his lust-filled eyes that were paired with his chin, mouth, and the rest of the bottom half of his face glistening with her juices.
God damn was he a sexy son of a bitch.
"You wanna come on my cock detective?" He asked as he straightened himself, a dark twinkle in his eyes as he continued to play the suspect even if [Y/n] was done and just wanted to fuck.
But no, she was the one who asked for this, and she was going to play it out.
Nodding her head, [Y/n] used the little strength she had left to push herself up so that she was sitting upright. Her thighs spread for a second longer to allow him to see her glistening cunt before she closed them and was scooting forward towards him.
The cold metal did nothing to soothe the heat of her skin as she inched closer and closer to him. Each movement made him go back until he was sitting in his chair, and she was standing in front of him.
"Yeah I do, still gotta make sure you're as good as a fuck as you say you are," she purred as she watched him loosen his belt, and undo his pants while she tried to keep from drooling the moment his cock sprang out.
It bobbed heavily against his belly once free of its confines, the shaft curved ever so slightly, but just enough that it rubbed all the right places inside of her.
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow at her words as she began to straddle him, one of her legs strewn over one of his. Her hips hovering over his cock as she grinned at him.
"But don't worry, with the way you used your tongue," she leaned forward, her lips brushing against his cheek before she whispered into his ear, causing him to shiver. "I just know you're 'bout to fuck me just as good."
With that, her hand went in between their bodies and he let out a moan as she took him in her hand. The flesh was warm, hard, velvety and oh so fucking big. It had her almost coming then at the thought of him inside her as she positioned the tip of it at her entrance before she sunk down on him.
"Fuuuck!" He hissed, his hands flying down to her waist as she slid all the way down his shaft. Her hot cunt enveloping him as their hips met each other's as she seated herself completely on him.
Streams of whimpers left [Y/n] lips as her insides clenched and rippled around him. Doing its best to acclimate to the large intrusion that was spreading her wide open and causing her to leak juices all over his lap. Thank god he had taken his pants off, or he would not be able to go back to work with how wet she was making him.
She didn't wait much longer to start to move, as she was eager to feel the drag of his cock in her, so she began to bounce wildly on his lap without warning. It caused him to let out a loud shout that turned into the sexiest moan that ever graced her ears.
Her hands flew to grip his shoulder as she rode him with fervor, her lips parted open as she moaned loudly from the way his tip was already hitting deep in her. She wasn't going to last long, but now that she had him in her, she didn't care, as long as she got to come around him she was happy.
"Fuck, so fuckin' big, fuck," she moaned biting her bottom lip as she rotated her hips furiously against him before starting her bouncing again. The slick sounds of her fucking herself on his cock echoing in the room with each movement.
"Yeah, you like that detective?" He growled, as he met her with his own thrusts each time she would slide down him causing her to moan as he hit that spot that had her legs shaking. "Shit! Like ridin' some criminal's cock somewhere folks can just walk in and see huh?"
"Uh-huh! Yes, oh my god yes!"
She nodded enthusiastically, her brain having a hard time forming words as she impaled herself on him over and over. Her focus only on how good she felt as she leaned her head back while she took all of him.
"Fuck, a detective who's also a little slut. Who would have thought?"
His voice a low rumble as she bounced happily on him, not paying attention to how he let her waist go, and how he snuck a hand in between their bodies until,
A loud squeal filled the room as his fingers pressed her clit, rubbing strong circles around the bead that had her choking for a moment. Her legs seized and her cunt clamped down on him causing him to moan with her as well.
Faster and faster he rubbed, and her bouncing became erratic until it switched into her grounding her hips against his harshly wanting to feel his entire length in her heat. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and her lips were parted, yet nothing came out of it as she felt herself climb higher and higher. Her stomach clenched harder, and her cunt bared down on him as she rolled her hips and he kept touching her.
"Oh my god, oh my god," her whispers became higher and higher, as he went faster and harder until.
"DA-!" Her shout was cut short as he leaned forward quickly, one hand pushing her closer to him, while the other rubbed her clit furiously as her limbs spasmed uncontrollably beneath him. Her juices gushed out as he pressed his lips against hers drinking her shout and making her swallow his as he felt his own orgasm building.
When he felt her body calm just a little, he pulled away from the kiss rocking his hips gently. Testing the waters of her, and when she pulled away to look at him and nod, he began to thrust shallowly into her body that was soaking and open for him, and it didn't take but a few more strokes before he painted her insides. Their juices mixing with each others as they both moaned, her insides spasming once again at the feeling of his hot seed spurting into her.
Brushing her lips against his cheeks, [Y/n] let out a soft groan at the feel of his stubble before kissing him and burying her face against his neck.
Dave chuckled at her, his hand stroking her lower back as they came down from their highs. For a few moments, they sat in bliss, ignoring how it would be not great if they were caught like this by their coworkers.
Hopefully though, they were all still occupied at the annual precinct Christmas party that the two had decided to skip again this year for a party of their own.
It had definitely been way more entertaining to say the least.
"So, am I cleared of all wrongdoing, detective?" David asked, turning his head a little to whisper into [Y/n]'s ear.
Lifting up a little so that she could look at him, a sleepy but mischievous look was on her lips.
"Cleared of all of it, and then some."
A/N: And that's that! 😉😉😉😉 Thank you for reading and I hope to see you all in the new year with more Alan fics! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year , Happy Holidays haha! See ya!
#rickmas2024#david friedman x reader#david friedman#judas kiss#alan rickman character#alan rickman#alan rickman fanfic#smut#blossom writes
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Kinktober 20
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: Let's hear it for more Spider! I was super nervous starting this one, but I'm actually pretty pleased with how it came out. I hope you guys enjoy it! All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Spider x Fem!Human!Reader
Warnings: Titjob, Edging, Teasing, Oral (M receiving)
“Mmm what’s the matter, Spider? What happened to all that energy you had just a while ago?” you poke at Spider who sat before you full-body trembling and on the verge of hyperventilating. You watch his chiseled jaw clench and relax over and over with every tantalizing, slow slide of your breasts up and down his cock. The tip had grown from a blushing pink color to a furious red, getting darker with each orgasm you had brought him to the verge of and then deprived him of. It drooled precum over your skin, down your tits to your nipples.
Low moans and rambling mutters of need were all he was really able to offer you as a response for the last 25 minutes that you had kept this going. His eyes squeeze shut feeling the bubbling frustration and also the growing ball of lust in his core.
You tsk at him, “You know that won’t do.” And you stop moving making him groan in resentment. All that does is place an amused grin on your face. “If you want me to keep going, you have to look at me.”
It looks almost physically painful for him to peel his eyes open to make them meet yours. Your gaze burned through his and it was as if you could peek directly into his brain and see his most salacious thoughts.
Your hands squeeze your breasts to hug around him tighter and your tongue peeks out to lick at his slit. “That’s better.” His hips jerk up from the stimulation.
“P-Please….ne-need…” his chin is touching his chest and you can see the sweat beading on his forehead.
“What do you need, pretty boy?” your voice is all faux concern.
Just when it looks like he may actually get the words out, you speed up your pace and take the head between your lips and suck on it lightly. Dots start to spot his vision and it’s a true enigma as to how he didn’t spill right then and there. He chokes on a moan and his eyes drift up and back into his head.
“Need…to cum!” He manages to croak out with a crack in his voice that is nothing short of heavenly.
“Fine.” You say looking up at him and snapping his attention to you. “But if you want it, you have to get it yourself.” You say halting your movements again.
He has no problem following your orders and he instantly lets his hips rut up into the space between your tits letting his head fall back.
“Shit, shit, shit…oh, fuck!”
You can feel his cock twitch and jump with every shot of cum that he poured onto your chest and mouth. The sound that’s ripped from his throat is primitive and deep and fuck did it make your panties suddenly feel uncomfortably sticky. His body falls slack and he tries to chase his breath after being completely spent.
“Hope you’re not dead yet, pretty boy. Because I’m about to make up for all those times I wouldn't let you cum.” You say standing and sliding your skirt up your thighs.
Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @teyamsatan @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @dixonjunkie
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#avatar#avatar the way of water#awow#avatar fic#avatar fanfiction#avatar smut#avatar twow#spider x reader smut#spider socorro#spider soccoro x reader#lunaskinktober2023
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” and princess, & not edited.
wc: 2.6k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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(extra warning for fear of open water)
The rest of your week consisted of getting to know each of the members on an individual level.
The next day after your heart-to-heart with Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai, you had to head back to work the next day.
“Don’t go.” Kai complains, stretching the “o” out and hugging you tighter to his body.
“I have to. I don’t want to be unemployed.”
Yeonjun takes a sip of water from the doorframe, “Kai, let our love go. I’ll walk you to your car.”
After bargaining with Kai that you’ll hangout with just him tomorrow – and a quick use of the nickname “Hyuka” – you change for work in the bathroom, drink your usual iced matcha latte made by Taehyun, and say your goodbyes with your arm intertwined with Yeonjun’s.
“Thanks for walking me to my car.”
“It’s an excuse to spend alone time with you.”
Both of you get into elevator, Yeonjun tries to push the button, but it’s not working. Yeonjun gives you a forced chuckle as he hits the button again. Nothing. And then the open button for the doors that won’t open.
“You’re joking.” You deadpan as the lights go out in the elevator.
“I’m going to be so late to work.” You shoot a quick text to your boss as Yeonjun presses the emergency call button.
“Should I text the guys that we’re stuck?”
Just as you finish your sentence you hear Beomgyu call out, “I’LL SAVE YOU, OUR LOVE!”
The next 20 minutes is spent with Yeonjun telling you a story from their trainee days as Beomgyu and Kai take turns trying to open the elevator doors like they’re Spider-Man. Once you two are saved by the fire department, Yeonjun still walks you to your car via the apartment’s staircase. You get into your car but before you can close the door, Yeonjun bends down to kiss you on the cheek.
“Have a good day at work.”
Miraculously, you’re only 5 minutes late to work and your boss didn’t even notice.
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Wednesday, your favorite day of the week, and your promised day with Kai.
You even make sure to finish our work early so you can leave early to surprise him. You need to get groceries since your fridge and snack corner were getting bare. You hope that Kai won’t think it’s boring and a waste of solo time.
“Any time with you is good!”
The look on Kai’s face makes you want to cry – the look of “As-long-as-we’re-together-I’ll-be-happy” on his angel face makes your knees weak.
“How do you feel about going shopping with me?”
“Let’s go.”
You drive yourself and Kai to the family-owned supermarket that was the greatest thing within the city for the next couple of miles. The next best thing being the airport and the downtown city. You could honestly walk to the store, but you’re not too sure how much you both might buy.
The parking lot isn’t empty, but it’s also not full, so a good amount of people were also grocery shopping. You grab a cart as you open your phone’s notes for your list.
“Grab whatever you need.”
Kai nods as he heads down the aisle as you stop to look for your favorite brand of chips.
Kai can’t believe that he’s doing a mundane task with you again. It takes him back to when you two used to sail to the neighboring island to watch the nurse sharks migrate.
When he looks over to observe you, it’s like you never left. Sure, you don’t look the exact same as you once did, but you’ve kept the same mannerisms and facial expressions. Your manner of speech is almost identical except updated for the current times. Not even the language barrier can bother him or his other soulmates – as long as you stay together with them.
If he puts aside the fact that he’s a member of TXT, and pretends he’s just Huening Kai, it’s like you two are buying groceries as newlyweds for your shared home. The thought of him standing at the altar with his soulmates and looking down the aisle to see you walking towards them.
He needs to sit down.
“Are you okay?” You ask as you look down on him sitting in the middle of the chip aisle.
“Uh, looking for Yeonjun.” He comes up with the excuse as he reaches for a bag of hot fries.
“Good idea. We should surprise them with their favorite snacks.”
The smile on your face as you reach for the bag makes him need to sit down again.
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You power through your tasks at work so you can get home early again to hangout with Beomgyu. As you’re packing up your bag to leave your boss stops you.
“Someone’s in a hurry to leave.”
“Yeah, I’ve got plans with a friend.”
“Oh, a friend.” She winks at you continue packing. “Hopefully this friend can take your mind off ETC.”
“Right, TXT. See you tomorrow!”
When you arrive at the parking garage, Beomgyu is waiting for you next to your parking spot. When you pull into the spot, you roll down the window to talk to him.
“Um, hey?”
“I want to walk you back.”
“That’s kind of you.”
As you two walk back, hands swinging in almost perfect synchronicity that your hands could touch, Beomgyu holds your hand as he holds the door open for you. Laid out on the table are the snacks purchased yesterday, extra pillows on the couch, and two controllers with the video game’s menu screen ready.
“You played this before?”
“No, I usually play farming games where I can do whatever I want and decorate my character and house.”
“The game is just fighting. Easy to learn.”
The two of you played the video game with Beomgyu winning 4 rounds in a row. You didn’t mind. You got to chill out, eat some snacks, and spend more time with him.
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After heading back to your apartment to sleep, you wake up to Taehyun calling you.
You groggily accept the call, “Hello?”
“Hey, can you get ready in 15 minutes to work out?”
You bolt up from bed, “Yes. See you soon. Bye!”
Hanging up, you rush to your closet to grab the comfiest clothes, the quickest shower ever, change, fill your favorite reuseable water bottle, and greet Taehyun in under 15.
“12… minutes.” You huff out as you try to catch your breath.
“Woah, we haven’t even started working out yet.”
Yeah, because not all of us can be athletically blessed and still look like the reincarnation of a Greek god while doing so.
You force a smile to Taehyun as you stand up. “Let’s just get this workout over with. Please go easy on me.”
“It’ll be an easy workout!”
Easy workout your ass. He made you want to die during stretching, tried to torture you with boxing against him, and made you cuss him out while on the stairmaster.
“I hate this stupid fucking machine.” You glare at Taehyun as he works out.
“It’s not that hard.”
You purse your lips to not make a sexual joke. Honestly, it’s been difficult to not make a multitude of jokes, especially with the fan edits you’ve seen. Many “I bet you are”, “You’re what”, and “I can show you what’s hard” were trapped in your mind.
The rest of the workout wasn’t as terrible since you begged Taehyun to use the remaining time on the treadmill so you could watch videos. You snuck your favorite To Do episode before you two went back to your apartments so you could get ready for work.
You hate to admit it but despite the fire you felt in your legs – you did feel better after working out in the morning. Just slightly.
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You immediately crashed after getting back home from work. You were excited to stay up late and catch up on some tv shows, but the second your head hit the pillow after showering and getting into some cozy pjs, you knocked the fuck out.
You did wake up refreshed the following morning though.
A text notification caught your attention as you were scrolling through your emails.
gc with 6 cuties
soob 숩 hi do you want to bake with me
hyuka egg tarts ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
you i’ll be over in 10
All of these social outings have made you feel like the most popular person on earth. You don’t want to dwell on the thought too much, but this is exactly what you wished for in high school – a group of friends you regularly hung out with. TXT was a friend group you’ve always wished for, but whatever you have with them is more than that. You still can’t wrap your head around how you were reincarnated soulmates, especially since only they held memories of it. It would’ve been a different story if it was vice versa, you wouldn’t have been believed.
Shutting your eyes and breathing out, that doesn’t matter right now. You should be getting ready to bake with Choi Soobin, your friend. Someone that you can confide your thoughts to and feel no judgement. Someone that apologized for not baking cookies for you when he moved in next door.
More than half an hour went by before you knocked on their door. You spent too much time trying to get your hair just right that you gave up before you started crying in frustration. Your outfit was fine, nothing exciting since you couldn’t find the clothes you wanted to wear.
Soobin just smiles at you when he opens the door, dimples on full display. You could write a master’s thesis on how much you love his dimples. Soobin’s whole face in general. When he does the silly one-sided smile to the head tilt with a wink and tongue out.
“Sorry for being late.”
“It’s okay.”
When you walk in, the rest of the guys are out of the apartment. The kitchen counter is full of baking supplies. Soobin ties a pink apron around himself before holding up a matching apron for you.
“Can I?”
You nod as you turn around so he can put the apron on for you. Once he’s done you turn around, “How do I look?”
You widen your eyes at him before fixing your glasses, “Thanks.”
“We can bake cookies and egg tarts.”
Soobin baked most of the desserts as you barely served as an assistant. You weren’t complaining as you were too excited to eat the food. You did help measuring the dry ingredients, putting on icing, using the oven, and giving Soobin space in general.
The rest of the guys came home while you two were still baking with Taehyun coming home last when you were letting the desserts cool down. The 6 of you lounge around the living room, eating the desserts when you say the first thought that comes to mind. “I want to be in a pool right now.”
“It’s 10 PM. The pool is closed.”
You sent a smirk to Yeonjun, “So? We can sneak in. We can go after you guys finish eating.”
The next few minutes are spent with everyone quickly scarfing down more desserts before leaving. Kai makes sure to grab some towels. Your little group takes the stairs down to the first floor and take the side door to the apartment complex pool.
Taehyun stops walking, “Wait, we don’t have swim clothes.”
You turn your head over your shoulder, “It’s okay, we don’t need any.”
Taehyun turns to Yeonjun who has his mouth open in shock. Soobin’s ears turn red as Kai stops in his tracks. Beomgyu pushes Kai to keep walking. They don’t want to voice it out loud, but they’re all thinking the same thing.
Are you going to swim naked like they used to in the past.
Once you climb the fence, they hear a splash a few minutes later which causes them to quickly scale the fence.
You’re standing in the shallow end as you wave at them to get in. As they approach the pool ledge, you swim over to them and push yourself up to sit on the ledge. They notice that your clothes are sticking to your figure causing inappropriate thoughts to flood their mind yet again.
You look at Yeonjun as his ears turn red.
“Are you blushing?”
“Am not.”
“Are too!”
You giggle as you tease him and the way your nose scrunches up causes his heart to flip like before. If he squints his eyes – it’s almost like you never left on that damn ship.
Beomgyu goes to pretend to push Yeonjun in, but Yeonjun moves at the last minute and makes him accidentally push you in.
You let out a surprised gasp as you go underwater. When you resurface, your glasses are missing.
“Oh no, my glasses!”
Beomgyu face drops, confusion written on your face as you look around the dimly lit pool.
“I’m so sorry, love. Soobin will help you find them.”
“W-what?” Soobin steps backwards away from the group, shaking his head in protest.
“Just shine your phone flashlight.”
Soobin carefully walks toward the ledge, death gripping his phone. You dive under the water again and resurface with a frown.
In a fraction of a second, Kai rips Soobin’s phone out of his hand as you pull Soobin’s ankle toward you, making him fall in.
Once underwater, you open your eyes to look at Soobin, but even with your shitty vision and the blurriness from the water, you know something is wrong. You reach your hands out to pull Soobin above water.
Even with both of your feet touching the floor, Soobin starts freaking out. He clings to you as you look over to the guys with confusion clearly written on your face.
Soobin keeps muttering something as you try to make sense of what he’s saying.
“It’s my fault.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Soobin, look at me. You’re okay.”
You hold Soobin’s face as he finally makes eye contact with you and regulates his breathing.
“You’re okay. Whatever it is, it’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, it’s me. Let’s get you out of the pool.”
Taehyun gets into the pool and helps you walk Soobin out to sit him down in a lounge chair. You sit down next to him as Yeonjun drapes a towel over his shoulders.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask as he shakes his head.
“It’s okay. We should head back to our apartment before we get in trouble.”
All of your heads comically whip in the direction of the stranger’s shout only to see one of the complex’s security guards waving a flashlight from across the pool, on the other side of the fence.
“Oh shit.”
The 6 of you start running to the door and run up the flight of stairs not stopping until Yeonjun locks the door of their apartment behind you.
“Dammit. I left my glasses in the pool.”
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author's note i drove myself to panera to write this chapter out in an effort to be productive. i'm posting this from panera!! yeah, i definitely cannot keep up a consistent schedule for updating. my bad y'all. i should have just waited until i wrote out the entire story before posting.
#txt x reader#txt x you#tomorrow x together x reader#tomorrow x together x you#txt fanfic#txt smut#ot5 x reader#soobin x reader#yeonjun x reader#beomgyu x reader#taehyun x reader#hueningkai x reader#yandere txt
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