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butchdiaz · 1 day ago
gifmakers i love u forever and so much always. thank u for ur service!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lacebird · 3 months ago
Start of 2024 vs end of 2024
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bradfordbuzzard · 8 months ago
Disney Lorcana cards featuring Magica de Spell and Lena Sabrewing, plus her amulet 🔮😈✨️
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springismss · 9 months ago
Tested by Time - Chapter 3 🌻
series summary; what happens when time suddenly decides to feed you snippets of a life you can't remember living? a life filled with joy and happiness that was cruelly ripped away - your mind plagued with just that. when a certain spirit is plagued by these memories as well, he’s just as confused as you. two hearts brought together through many millennia find they’re connected in more ways than one.
pairing; Yami Yugi/Atem x female! reader
reblogs/feedback/likes are appreciated & encouraged. DO NOT repost/steal any of my works.
chapter warnings; none
chapter word count; 1.5k+
chapter summary; it's time to visit the museum and see what you can find with Yami, with the help of someone, you find something unexpected.
a/n; and she returns with the long awaited 3rd chapter, a quick note, you know of the spirit, you’ve just not met him in person yet until now.
links; series masterlist | prologue | 1 | 2
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Just as quickly as you had been asked, the next day came around and before you knew it, you were ready and stood outside the museum. Glancing down at the watch on your wrist, you saw you were earlier than you thought, maybe you were more keen than you had let on for this. Looking to the side, you watched as people walked in and out, excited chatter from them filling the air as you leaned against the wall. Your gaze then moves to the banners on either side of the door, taking in their design and the text. You didn't think this would be popular but like yourself, there were plenty of people who loved to learn about a place like Ancient Egypt. Turning your attention back to outside the museum, you caught the tri-coloured hair of the male you were meeting.
Walking down the steps, you walked forward and waved with a bright smile. Soft eyes looked at you before the male waved back, rushing quickly to your side. The action leaves them slightly out of breath, much to your amusement. "Thanks for doing this, (y/n), I know the spirit is excited as well". Letting out a giggle, you nodded and looked over your shoulder at the building. "It's no problem at all, Yugi, really. I've been eager to come here for a while, now I have the perfect reason". Looking back to Yugi, you tilted your head slightly. "Say Yugi, what should I call the spirit?".
Your question had taken both the young boy and the spirit of the puzzle by surprise. No one has ever asked what he should be called. Most people just referred to him as Yugi or the other Yugi, but you wanted to know what he wanted. Pondering, the young boy looked to the floating male at his side, waiting for his answer. After a few minutes of silence, your friend spoke out, giving you the answer, to which you smiled and nodded. "Yami, you can call him Yami".
When the coast was clear, the young boy stepped back before a bright light shone causing you to cover your eyes slightly. When the light dimmed and you glanced back up, you saw a slightly taller male standing there. His gaze was sharper, his eyes more stern and his hair a little bit different in style. Looking him over, you hummed and held your hand for him, offering a bright smile. "I take it you're Yami, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm (y/n) but I guess you already know that". Looking down at your hand, the spirit took a moment to take in what had happened before he looked back up at you. Now that he was using Yugi's body, he could get a good look at you. He could see why Yugi talked about you most of the time. Taking a hold of your hand, he gave it a firm shake and gave back a half smirk. "That's correct. It's nice to meet you too, (y/n)".
Looking down at your hands, something felt right about it. Sure, it was your friend's body being used but when Yami took over, things changed. The hand you held onto felt strong yet familiar at the same time. Deciding now would be a great time to let go, you laughed nervously before motioning behind you. "Let's get in there and see what we can find".
Once inside, surrounded by the exhibition on Ancient Egypt, you sighed in relief as you felt yourself relax. You didn't want to make a bad impression but you were almost certain you had done. Taking a moment to look around, you gauged where everything was, making a mental note of the best displays to look at before turning your gaze to Yami. "Okay, so I think I see some displays that might be a good starting point, but if you see anything let me know and we'll check it out". At hearing your words, Yami nodded and followed you to one of the displays, taking in how you spoke and the way your face lit up when you mentioned anything Egyptian. It was a sight that made him feel at ease. After a few minutes of you both being there, the spirit felt himself being pulled towards something at the back of the room. The footsteps beside you receded while you continued to gaze at the artefact in front of you.
A moment later, you looked to your side ready to ask the spirit's opinion on something, only to be met with a space. Turning around, you scanned the room but caught no sight of him. Sighing, you walked forward and began searching everywhere you could, finding anyone but the person you were looking for. After a good few minutes, you stopped before a door at the back of the room and bent over, letting out a frustrated noise and you wiped the palms of your hands on your legs. You were tasked with one thing, and one thing only yet you couldn't even do that. "Ahh, my Queen, it's nice to see you're finally here". The sound of the voice caught you off guard as you stood up and spun on your heel, coming face to face with the young woman who you'd seen in the papers a few days prior. The one in charge of running the exhibition, Ishizu Ishtar. "I'm sorry you must have me confused with someone else~".
The dark-haired woman shook her head with a smile before stepping forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I assure you I don't. I have something useful for you". Taking a step back, she motioned to her side before a male stepped forward, holding something in his hands for you. Looking from the item to the Ishizu, you held a hand out and let it hover over the item. Did you dare touch it, let alone take it? "Please, my Queen. We've been keeping this safe for five thousand years, it should be returned to you". Before you could protest any more, the item was placed in your hands. Looking it over, you felt a sense of familiarity from it. "Now, that door behind you, head on through and you'll find the person you've been looking for down the stairs".
Nodding your head, you turned around and walked through the door, descending the steps until you reached the bottom. For some reason, you trusted her words and her. Like she was someone you once knew. Coming to a stop at the bottom of the steps, you placed the item in your hands close to your chest before you walked forward, turning your head to either side to see if you could find him. "Yami! Are you down here!?". Up ahead, there was a noise which sounded like an answer to your question. Moving forward, you turned the corner and found the male you were searching for. "Here you are, I was wondering~". You stopped talking when you caught the tablet in front of you. You were almost positive you nearly broke your neck from the quickness of the double take you had done. Standing there in front of you was the person on the tablet, or you thought it was. "Yami?".
The spirit looked at your confused face before looking back at the tablet, you felt how he had when he first saw it. However, he'd had a good amount of time to get used to what he was seeing, taking in what the ancient tablet depicted. The more he looked at it, the more it felt like it was something from his past, that depicted his life before everything he knew was wiped from his memory. "It appears to be some form of ancient duel between the Pharoah and one of his advisors. I admit it's a bit of a shock to see someone who looks like me up there". Casting his gaze on you, he took note of the item you had ahold of. "I see you've found something as well. Anything important?".
Looking in slight confusion, it took you a moment to realise he was talking about the item you'd been given upstairs. Moving it from your chest, you placed a hand on top of it and nodded. "I hope so, it's a book of some kind but I'm not entirely sure what yet but fingers crossed it's something good". You turned your attention back to the tablet and noticed a section faded like it had been purposely damaged so it couldn't be read. "Say, you think this was important? Looks like something's been worn away on purpose". Raising your hand, you placed it on the glass in front of you as you took a step closer, there was nothing on this tablet aside from an image that screamed out to the both of you. That left the book in your possession, there had to be something in it and there was only one way to find out.
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hyunpic · 6 months ago
😔🕯️ hyunjin and taemin sexy in the air challenge por favor 😔🕯️
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m0d3rnvamp1r3izm · 5 months ago
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m00nveil · 4 months ago
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✨ CALAMITY WYRMHAVEN - ref sheet. "she lived and died like a shooting star. whoever that is, it isn't calamity anymore." - luna
calamity wyrmhaven seems like your average myth student at first glance, but you will quickly see that she's nowhere near that. but then again, how could somebody with the name "calamity" ever be average? an upbeat, bubbly dreamer who's often behaving in a silly way, with a lot of hobbies, especially reading.
but the truth is, all of that is just to fill in the void gnawing away inside of her. calamity struggles with deep feelings of self hatred, and feels as if she's wasting her life away.
when luna moonveil came to the spiral from earth, she was her first friend.
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blackyumegirls · 3 months ago
DC Girls Part 2
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Top left to bottom right: Sasha Ray, Elyon Morningstar, Lilith Morningstar, Brittney Foster, Mona Lisa Beauvais, Larissa Malone
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charnellecatastrophe · 5 months ago
Happy October to all my witch bitches 🧹
✨ Quick spell: In due time, all will be fine. Once I do the works to align, all I want will be mine ✨
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year ago
Dear followers and otherwise,
Today I win the selfship community,
For I have commissioned the creator of the show to do a peice with my ship-
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I kid, I’m not trying to claim some arbitrary superiority; but I am beyond elated with this commission I got from @dinoraye himself! It’s so adorable and colorful and sweet, I love it so so much 💕💕
Thank you again Raye for the amazing work, I’m so happy to see Cori brought to life in your style 💙🖤
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mossytrashcan · 2 years ago
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casting an evil spell that makes fic authors want to write fluffy drabbles about fairy elain
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lacebird · 11 months ago
Okay lads…. If we compare the pics from the Empire State Building and the ones at the Disney+ event…. His hair deffo seems to be getting longer 👀👀👀👀
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faerytalemagick · 1 year ago
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Astrological events for October 2023 🌕🔮🦇
follow me on instagram @faerytalemagick for more 💕
#witchcraft#witch#pagan#wicca#magic#witchyvibes#magick#witches#tarot#witchythings#witchy#occult#wiccan#crystals#spirituality#spells#pagansofinstagram#paganism#witchlife#halloween#goth#spiritual#fullmoon#october#greenwitch#spookyseason#divination#witchery#witchaesthetic#astrological events
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years ago
some andrew & renee thoughts
andrew likes renee because she’s not afraid to confront him, contradict him or say no to him. she’s not afraid of him at all.
renee is easily more dangerous and andrew knows and respects that. renee has a grasp on how to use knives better than andrew could ever imagine (before neil, at least) and it leaves him more than slightly in awe.
the whole sparring thing came about because when andrew pushed her one practice early on, she pushed back harder and they started fighting
she definitely hurts his feelings once or twice and he lies awake at night thinking about it. what bugs andrew that what she’s said is right. comments that are just observational in nature about his behaviour or character but they cut because he trusts her opinion on things.
one time, she just calls him out on something he thought she’d support him on - some stupid opinion - and he’s offended and irritated. and renee never says I told you so, so she just shrugs and moves on.
renee calls andrew out on being a misogynist. andrew is initially confused but renee bullies him into being a feminist. that’s how their friendship works. most of this takes place on the roof. before that was andrew and neil’s place (and even after), it was andrew and renee’s. but renee has no interest in smoking, so she joins him by bringing tiny bottles of bubbles and punctuating her sentences by blowing them. the one time andrew calls her a bitch, she just responds with ‘don’t🫧be🫧a🫧misogynist🫧’. weirdly, it works.
andrew likes renee because she’s all sharp edges and imperfections. andrew’s had more than enough of the horrors that lie behind the perfect facade.
when you get close to renee, you learn she’s got crooked teeth and a honky laugh. when she dyes her hair, it’s because of sheer boredom but she has a list of her next ten hair colours in her notes on her phone. andrew knows these things, and knows that knowing them is a privilege. he keeps this to himself.
renee can be spiteful and rude. renee can be snappy and unkind. but she acknowledges these things and takes accountability in a way that’s totally revolutionary for andrew.
she rarely apologises. one time, early on, a remark she makes at his expense is far too cutting and he’s not mad about it but clearly it’s impacted her. she apologises later on, carefully and sincerely, and it’s the first apology andrew has ever fully believed, even if he doesn’t think it’s required. he shrugs her off and she knows exactly what it means.
andrew never admits it aloud, but what he deep down loves about renee is how she can make him a better person.
she gently nudges him and his rigid thinking along the path of self development and it’s something he would never thank her for but he is endlessly grateful for.
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springismss · 2 years ago
Tested by Time - Chapter 2🌻
series summary; what happens when time suddenly decides to feed you snippets of a life you can't remember living? a life filled with joy and happiness that was cruelly ripped away - your mind plagued with just that. when a certain spirit is plagued by these memories as well, he’s just as confused as you. two hearts brought together through many millennia find they’re connected in more ways than one.
pairing; Yami Yugi/Atem x female! reader
reblogs/feedback/likes are appreciated & encouraged. DO NOT repost/steal any of my works.
chapter warnings; implied sexual content
chapter word count; 2.2k+
chapter summary; when you think things couldn’t get more “real”, you were sadly mistaken. the next memory you have feels slight more real that you could have ever imagined. plus, when a request from help comes from a familiar face, who are you to refuse?
a/n; after a long wait, here’s the newest chapter of Tested by Time. first posted to Ao3, this comes a few weeks later. as always, hope you enjoy!
links; series masterlist | prologue | 1 | 3
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Letting out a yawn you stretched and rolled over, grabbing ahold of your phone as another message alert rang out. Thanks to the constant back and forth from the people in your friend group, specifically two people, you were up earlier than you would have loved on your day off. Unlocking your phone, you quickly scanned your messages and rolled your eyes, what was supposed to be a conversation about what you were all doing for the day ended up with some back and forth between Tristan and Joey, who ignored what others were saying to them. Typical as always.
Letting out a sigh, you pulled the covers back and got out of bed. You needed to freshen up for the day and no doubt you’d be done before a plan was made. After selecting your outfit and placing it to the side, you grabbed everything you needed and made your way to the bathroom. Turning on the taps for your bath. Warm began to fill the air as the mirror up from your sink started to steam over, causing your reflection to slowly distort. For the past few days, your dreams had been normal, nothing out of the ordinary and for that you were thankful. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle any more.
Shutting the water off, you stripped out of your bedclothes and slowly stepped into the bath, letting out a content sigh as the water wrapped around you. If it was one thing you loved about being at home after a long week, it was your bath. Sure, showers proved useful but sometimes all you wanted to do is relax. Slipping down a little, you rested your head against the edge of the bath and closed your eyes for a moment. Enjoying the calmness.
Soft chatter died down as a door was shut, a lone figure sighing out as they leaned against it. The day has been as long as it has been busy and the Queen was ready to relax with a bath. Pushing off the door, the young woman walked forward and glanced around, smiling softly at the various items left on the side for her. Lifting her hands, she pushed the straps of her outfit down off her shoulders and allowed the garment to fall to the floor, pooling around her feet. Stepping out, the Queen bent over and picked it up, placing it to the side as she took off some of her jewellery, the bigger items being laid gently to the side, smaller items being kept on her figure.
When she was bare, she stepped forward and slowly walked into the large pool, the cool water a welcoming feeling on her warm skin. With all the madness going on in the palace, times like this felt like a breath of fresh air, especially when she already felt out of place. Stepping further into the pool, the young Queen took a breath and held it, plunging herself underneath for a few seconds before emerging and wiping her eyes. Repeating the process a few times before she was satisfied with how much she had cooled down. Looking around, she turned her body and moved gently towards the side, sitting down on the steps that she walked down. Unaware of the eyes that watched her closely.
She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there in her own world, tuned out of everything around her, as the feeling of the water shifting beside her made her look. Letting out a small yelp of surprise, she pushed the shoulder of the other person and smiled, lying her head on the place she pushed a few seconds earlier. “I was wondering how long it would have been before you joined me, my love”.
Looking up, she saw the visible tiredness on the male's face and sighed softly. She hated seeing him so worn out, he needed a break as much as the next person. Of course, he had things he had to attend to, being the Pharaoh meant he had duties, a lot of them but he needed time off now and then. Sitting forward, she shifted herself so she knelt behind him, hands rubbing small circles across his back as she felt him relax. “That’s it, feels so great am I right?”.
Leaning over his shoulder she looked at him and smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek before moving back to what she was doing. The feeling of him relaxing more made her smile humming softly as she continued for a few more minutes, moving to sit by his side when she was finished. The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
The water began to move as the young Queen turned her head, tilting it as she watched what her husband was doing. In a second he was behind her, hands resting on her hips as he pulled her close to him. Looking to the side, she opened her mouth to speak before giggling at the look she saw. A look that only she got to see made itself known on his features before disappearing as he lowered his head to the nape of her neck. “You know, (e/n), I could think of better ways to relax or ways you could put those fingers of yours to use”.
The heat she felt creep across her face was similar to the hot days Ra provided. They’d been married for a good while now but he still made her blush with the words he spoke to her when they were alone. The feeling of fingers slowly trailing over her skin made her shiver, biting back a small moan when his touches moved lower. The Pharaoh would be her undoing, making her fall apart as she lost her mind to the throes of pleasure, bringing her back to earth with a crash when it was all over, and right now, this was no different. “Here of all places, ———?”.
Looking as best as she could, she saw the desire in his eyes before their positions changed, her new perch being the bare lap of her husband as she felt just how much he wanted her. His eagerness was hard to hide. Fingers moved further down her body slowly moving along her slit, threatening to slip into her core at any point, his other hand reaching up to cup her breast, pinching her nipple. The chuckle that echoed at her moans made her push herself closer to her other half. “I think we both know we’d never make it back to our chambers before I took you again today, besides~”.
The hand on her chest moved, causing a small whimper to sound before she felt her face being cupped slightly. Forced to look into amethyst-coloured eyes, the Queen tried her hardest to resist the building desire in her gut. They’d already been close to each other earlier in the day before they were both caught up in their duties. A loud moan sounded as fingers pushed past her lower lips, slipping into her throbbing core. “~I heard water makes for good pleasure. I guess we should try it”.
Opening your eyes you sat up and panted, some water splashing on the floor as you breathed heavily. Looking around you saw you were alone, your heart beating erratically as you tried to calm down. Of all the visions, dreams, whatever you wanted to call them at this point, this one felt the most real. The touches, the voices everything felt so real. Looking down at your body, you could still make out the trail the fingers took before blushing slightly, shaking your head to rid yourself of those thoughts. “I’m losing it”.
Deciding it was best to get out you pulled the plug and stepped out of the water, wrapping a towel around you. You had to get out of your bathroom, even if it was for a minute to gather yourself before you set foot back inside. Walking out to your bedroom you reached your bed and grabbed your phone, seeing a few tags in your group chat asking if the plans were okay with you. Tapping out a quick reply that said anything was fine with you, you sent another letting them know to go ahead you’d catch up.
Placing your phone down you took a moment to sigh out, trying to think of anything else other than what had just happened. As you turned around and began to walk back towards the room you had come from, the sound of your phone pinging again several times caught your attention. Part of you told you to ignore it, it was just the group chat but another part of you willed you to check it out. Listening to that half, you walked back to your bed and grabbed your phone only to see several messages from Yugi.
Tilting your head in confusion, you unlocked your phone and read through what he had sent.
Hey (y/n), before you go and meet the gang, can you stop by mine?
We’ll go and meet them together, plus I have something I need to ask you!
You’re the only one who can help in this situation.
Blinking a few times, you reread over the message a couple of times, seemed a bit out of the ordinary but you weren’t one to ignore a friend in need.
Hey, of course, I shouldn’t be too long but I need to get sorted first.
May or may not have fallen back asleep D:
I’ll let you know when I’m on the way!
Locking your phone, you placed it on your table and grabbed your clothes, getting ready within a matter of minutes. Before long, you were finished and heading out. Checking your pockets once more you nodded to yourself and closed your front door, grabbing your phone and shooting off a message to let your smaller friend know you were on your way. Of course, you had to keep yourself in check and not let what had happened get to you. You’d figure it out another day. Right now it was about having fun with your friends.
The sound of a message pinging alerted the owner as round eyes looked at the content, smiling a little before locking their phone. Looking over their shoulder, they looked towards the corner where another figure could be just made out floating in the air. Standing, they grabbed their jacket and placed it on, getting ready to head downstairs and bid goodbye to their grandpa.
The floating figure took notice and vanished, only to reappear beside the smaller figure when he made it outside. Out of these visions he’d been having the one that had just happened felt the most real one yet. The poor spirit wished the world would swallow him whole when he caught his host poking at him, or where he was meant to be. After all, he was making some strange noises, noises even the smaller boy had never heard before. “Yugi, was this really necessary?”.
Looking to the side, the smaller figure smiled and nodded his head as he waited for their friend to appear. “Trust me Yami, (y/n) will be able to help, I know it!”.
As the mention of the name, another figure turned the corner and smiled waving to the lone figure standing outside the game shop. Looking up, the spirit could only blush slightly, coughing as he excused himself back into the walls of the puzzle. Much to the enjoyment of Yugi. It was time to get to the bottom of everything, even if a certain spirit was reluctant.
Walking briskly you came to a halt in front of Yugi and smiled, placing your hand on your hip and you fanned yourself from the slight heat. “Right, I’m here. You ready to go?”.
With a nod of his head, the two friends began to walk and talk about things. Enjoying the other's company, one of them completely unaware of the eyes on them as they walked. “Say Yugi, what was it you wanted to ask me earlier?”.
Oh yeah, the young male had forgotten about that. Coming to a stop, he looked at you and hesitated for a moment before deciding it was time to bite the bullet, asking you outright. “Oh yeah, so you know the spirit of the puzzle? Well, I was wondering if you would go to the Egyptian exhibit at Domino Museum with him? He’s trying to learn more about his past and I know how much you love history. Seems like a win-win if you can help him find something there”.
Looking to your side, you pondered on his words for a moment. You guessed it wouldn’t hurt to agree, it would get you out of your room and on a plus side, it was all about Ancient Egypt. A place that you seemed at ease about the more you learned, a place where you felt like you had belonged once in a past life. Letting out a small hum you nodded your head and smiled. “Sure, can’t turn down a good exhibit can I?”.
Your words seemed to delight the young male, a happy smile bright on his face as you both continued to walk to meet your friends. The spirit watched as he pondered over your words, a smirk appearing on his features. He guessed it wouldn’t hurt to give you a chance to help him, Yugi trusted you immensely with major stuff in his life and besides, he couldn’t shake the feeling that you were familiar to him in some way.
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mommynott · 1 month ago
I haven't made an appearance on here in a while... HOW IS YK WHAT GOING??? I need constant updates.... (if that isn't overstepping ofc love)
Hello baby! It’s okay me either LOL I miss you and EVERYONEEEEE😭😭💋 imma try to be way more active soon I promise LOL
AND BABE U NEVER OVERSTEP ILY!!!! Its going good heheheh I will give ya all the updates🥹🖤
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