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beauzos · 11 months
the unhinged process of creation. it just occurred to me i've written 40,000 words in a month.
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mihotose · 1 year
sometimes you softlock yourself and the only way out is to take every drug
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
How do we balance the tentative joy of hearing about the indictment with the overwhelming and crushing knowledge that not a goddamn thing is going to come of this and ultimately nothing will change?
(actually i feel like if the skies split open and shithead goes to jail it'll just leave a giant sucking void for desantis to slime his way into the party's graces and he'll charge full speed ahead into nuking this country from the inside)
Okay, look. Everyone reacts differently, we've all been through a fuckload of trauma, and all that, but I just... really don't get the pre-emptive "don't get your hopes up, nothing will happen and nothing will change." I know that people do it as a defense mechanism, but we spent months hearing that Trump would win the 2020 election. (He lost it.) Then we heard that all his lawsuits to overturn might actually work. (They didn't.) Then we heard that he wouldn't be impeached after January 6. (He was.) Then we heard that he wouldn't be indicted, and well, today, he was. This is unprecedented in the history of America. Over 250+ years, and a current or former president had never been indicted for anything. Not even goddamn Nixon was formally charged, and Biden definitely isn't gonna pardon Trump the same way Ford did with Tricky Dick. And now that someone has finally bit the bullet and gone first, there are a whole cascade of other indictments lined up and waiting to be finished.
We don't know what will happen, but something will. Trump will be arrested and arraigned, and yet again: this has never happened before. Just throwing up our hands and going "well guess nothing's gonna happen and he'll get off scot free!" is NOT the energy we want to be bringing here. It's time to push forward, make sure that the Manhattan DA, and everyone else with pending charges against him, hold that motherfucker's greasy orange feet to the fire and make him FRY. As for DeSantis, as I have written about before, he's not smart, he's not a good candidate, and his ideas are not by any means universally popular. Fascists thrive on making you feel disempowered and hopeless, so it's no use to fight them since they'll just win anyway, and all the terrible events of the last few years have made it an appealing idea, but... c'mon now.
Everyone insisted for months that Trump would never be charged with anything. But almost 60% of the country thinks that the criminal cases against him are permanently disqualifying, and this is before any major cascades. This whole "if you dare to arrest Trump, he'll win in a landslide in 2024!" psy-op is just that: a psy-op. A trick. A bluff. They're shit scared that the Big Mac God King is finally on the brink of an actual downfall and facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his fucking miserable life, and they're trying to freak us out of doing it, because they have nothing left. So I say: get him. Run him over. Then back up the truck and run him over again.
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spilledkaleidoscope · 8 months
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(that took until January. Anway)
Logic Encyclopedia Rhetoric Drama Conceptualization & Visual Calculus
Volition Inland Empire Empathy Authority Esprit de Corps Suggestion
Endurance Pain Threshold Physical Instrument Electrochemistry Shivers Half-Light
Hand/Eye-Coordination Perception Reaction Speed Savoir Faire Interfacing Composure
Ancient Reptilian Brain and Limbic System
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On a scale of ;
Can’t Take Care Of Themselves, Let Alone Others to House Spouse, how good are the boys at domestic-type activities (IE; dishes, laundry, etc)
any characters you want to! It’s your choice!
Love your work!!!!
Undertale Sans - Oh he does things. But he doesn't like to feel pressured to do things. So if he has to do chores, let him cook and simply watch from a distance so he does the thing. It will take twice at three times the normal time to do it as well so be patient. He's ok doing pretty much everything if you ask him to do it two or three working days ahead. He has to prepare himself to do the chore before actually doing it lol.
Undertale Papyrus - He's always happy to help around the house, and it's actually a big part of his routine. He loves cleaning, he loves to stay in a clean and organized environment and even though he loves his big brother, he has never been so happy since he's independent and doesn't have to wake up with the fear of finding the fridge eviscerated by one of Sans' nocturn craving. The only thing he hates is washing the dishes. He hates touching plates that are covered with pieces of things other people put in their mouths. He always wears two pairs of gloves and a mask doing so. If a drop of water touches him elsewhere, he's screaming.
Underswap Sans - Like a lot of things Blue does, it's very expeditive. Blue thinks chores are boring and so he's doing them at the speed of light to get rid of it as soon as he can. This usually means you will have to redo his work later in the day because he forgot to do half of the things and neglected the others.
Underswap Papyrus - When he learned to live with his depression when he first got on the Surface, his psy advised that he keeps his environment clean and organized. It took quite a lot of effort to get there, but now Honey actually likes cleaning the house. That's a moment when he's alone with himself, and it appeases his anxiety. Now he gets anxious when something is not clean and when he can't fix it immediately lol. But that's fine.
Underfell Sans - He's the king of hiding things away lol. Dust on the floor? Whoop, under the carpet. A thing not at its place? Whoop, throw it in the closet. He doesn't like cleaning. It's boring and it's a waste of time. So he tries to hide all the things that would make you ask him to clean the house. He'll do it if you ask, but you can hear him mumbling and growling while doing it lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He does most of the chores in the house because he thinks his partner deserves better than thinking about this all the time. Also because each thing has a special place he spent hours to find and he's going to lose his mind if he can't find it the next time he needs it. He doesn't like cleaning the house that much, but life taught him nobody cares what you want so he's doing it anyway.
Horrortale Sans - I mean, he tries to help, but... Uh... There's not a chore where he comes to ask you three times what he's supposed to do again, and the other times, he falls asleep because repetitive tasks tend to make him sleepy. He's trying his best :(
Horrortale Papyrus - He still loves cleaning the house, but obviously, there are things he can't do anymore. Cleaning the floor is one of them as it hurts his back, same for washing the dishes sine he has to bend to reach the sink. He's really frustrated about this, as cleaning used to help with his anxiety, but he kinda gets used to that. Toriel is coming once a week to help him clean the house anyway because Oak is not helping that much and sometimes does worse trying to help.
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't like cleaning, except for the kitchen. He loves his kitchen and will kill anyone who touches his things. Everything goes at a precise place and he will bite if you try to convince him otherwise. Because, uh, he's kinda the only one to understand how everything is ordered. Sometimes Rus can't help it and switch two things, which leads to Nox screaming at the top of his lungs and getting mad at everyone. Rus loves to especially switch huge things, like the fridge and the oven. He can never get enough.
Swapfell Papyrus - He hates cleaning. He hates it with all his might. So when he's forced to do it, he makes things worse by transforming his chore into a bad prank. Cleaning the bathroom? Sure, and then he replaces all the shampoos with paint. Doing the laundry? K, but he somehow puts only princess dresses in the washing machine even though you have no idea where they're coming from. Cleaning his turtle enclosure? Why? It's funnier to put everything on the floor and act like it's a crime scene. He could never lack of imagination.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Cleaning? Him? Nah, he has people to do that for him. Why would you waste time cleaning for hours when you can have people do that for you? It's way easier and he can think of all of the other crucial matters of his life. Like the color of the dress he's going to wear today to make his transphobic asshole of a neighbor scream with rage.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's cleaning his own room because he lives in there most of the time. Anywhere else, well... He will try to avoid it at all costs by leaving the house or pretending he has suddenly a very important thing to do in his room. It makes him anxious when he notices a room needs to be clean and he usually finds a way to escape before you notice and ask him to do it.
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pyrajanison · 3 months
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PJ Figment Doodles 2
Some more of PJ's figments, details about them will be in the cut below, as well as two other speed versions. This one is closer to the in game speed of how Psy 2 figments are.
����💙Commission me on Ko-Fi💙💜
The currency : Need it to survive.
The lost ones : The house was broken.
Headache : The second time it killed someone.
A familiar face : Took away the pain.
All that was left : They were so small...
Snakes and Lovers : For my left hand.
Sweet as Spiders : For my right hand.
A prison : I helped him escape.
Goodbye Childhood : It will never be the same.
Fishy friend : Rarely seen below the water.
Him : He is everything... My foundation...
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Faster and SPEED!
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suresne · 3 months
Paul McCartney Character Sheet (Disco Elysium)
SKILL LIST (canon equivalent in [brackets] where applicable)
INT (4)
LOGIC: Put that classical grammar school education to work. Exercise those brain cells!
SONGBOOK [ENCYCLOPEDIA]: Keeps track of important trivia. Mostly music related, but there’s some miscellaneous facts crammed in the margins, as well.
DIPLOMACY [RHETORIC]: Powers of speech and persuasion. Because your way is usually the best way, especially if you can make someone else think it was their way all along.
MACH SCHAU [DRAMA]: (German: “Put on a show!”) Performance skill. Croon seductively into the microphone or scream your head off. Either way, the crowd is gonna go wild.
CONCEPTUALIZATION: The art criticism skill. Ability to see and understand the big picture and come up with ambitious creative projects.
BALLADEER [VISUAL CALCULUS]: Songwriting skill. Song lyrics form in your head based on current events and your surroundings and take on a life of their own in the world as you go about your day.
PSY (2+1*)
MAJOR KEY [VOLITION]: Ability to look on the bright side, even when things are looking grim. Keep your Morale up.
LOOKING GLASS [INLAND EMPIRE]: The creative mindset. Causes you to notice things others might not: perhaps even the supernatural. Greatly enhanced by mind-altering substances. Shared skill with songwriting partner John Lennon.
EMPATHY: Self-explanatory. The ability to not just understand another person’s pain, but to experience it yourself. Often felt and expressed through song.
MANAGER [AUTHORITY]: The leadership skill. After all, someone has to be the grown-up around here.
FOUR-HEADED MONSTER [ESPRIT DE CORPS]: Beatle mindreading. All 4 Beatles have this skill and use it to communicate amongst themselves, to the frequent chagrin and confusion of outsiders.
SUGGESTION*: Your signature skill. This skill makes you irresistible. The ability to charm others and thereby influence their behavior to get what you want.
FYS (1)
RHYTHM SECTION [ENDURANCE]: As the bassman, it’s your job to keep that deep pulse going. If you stop, then everything falls apart, and what happens then? Shared skill with Ringo, the drummer. 
NOLI ME TANGERE [PAIN THRESHOLD]: (Latin: “Touch me not.”) The rockstar life isn’t for the faint of heart. You need to be able to take a certain amount of abuse—mental, emotional, and physical. How better to survive than to keep yourself at arm’s length from the people and things around you?
SCOUSER [PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT]: You may not be brawny, but you’re scrappy. You grew up playing in old bomb shelters by the docks of Liverpool. You cut your teeth in the red light district of Hamburg. You’re no fookin’ pansy. Defend yourself. Shared skill with all 4 Beatles.
AMPLIFIER [ELECTROCHEMISTRY]: Turn it up. Way up. Drown out everything else. The sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll skill.
THE UNDERGROUND [SHIVERS]: The London art and music scene is abuzz with activity, and you thrive in its streets, galleries, clubs, and happenings. You always have a pulse on London’s Place to Be, because The Place to Be is wherever *you* are, whether you like it or not.
FEEDBACK [HALF LIGHT]: The coping skill. For when things are going off the rails and you’re hanging on for dear life. Exert control over the situation or distance yourself from it completely. Those are your only two options.
MOT (5)
VOCAL VIRTUOSO [HAND/EYE COORDINATION]: Your vocal dexterity: go from falsetto, to chest voice, to growls, screams, belts, and yells. Makes you a beast of vocal performance. 
PERCEPTION: Self-explanatory. Your senses: how perceptive you are.
DOUBLE TIME [REACTION SPEED]: Your sharp reflexes and quick wits mean you can turn on a dime, and very little escapes your notice. By the time those around you realize what’s happening, you’ve already gotten a read on the whole situation. 
CALLUSES [SAVOIR FAIRE]: The acrobatics skill. You’ve always been a bit of a show-off and a daredevil. Scamper and climb to your heart’s content—just don’t look down.
SOUTHPAW [INTERFACING]: The ability to master almost any musical instrument with ease. Left-handed, of course.
COMPOSURE: Your poker face and sense of put-together-ness. Look good for the cameras and the fans. 
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theunknownnth · 4 hours
INT and PSY edition here
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Listing the moves that are in Newtwo's arsenal
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Hyper Beam(?)
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Aura sphere and Quick Attack
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And Headbutt.
Conclusion: Mewtwo got absolutely recked.
Yep, he was really caught off guard by her speed. It was difficult for him to follow and keep up with her, and not being able to control his own mega form for very long, he was at a big disadvantage from the start.
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cryptomiracle · 1 year
Blue aura (eyeless jack x reader) pt 3
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Read pt 1
Read pt 2
Warnings: mention of dead animals, decomposition, and blood.
readers POV:
The drive home felt like it would never end, you continuously thought about that blue thing you saw in the woods.
You couldn't help but feel bad for leaving Mark alone.
Even though you practically hated the guy, you didn't want anything bad to happen to him.
You took a left turn, leading to a rocky road surrounded by woods.
It was the shortest way, and by now you were ready to get home, and go to bed.
Some old country song coming from the radio, you reached to turn it off, when suddenly, a deer ran right in front of your car.
You slammed on the brakes, making anything you had in the back, fall, or fly up to the front.
Instead of running away, the deer just stood there.
Your eyes were locked on the deer, when it turned it's head, staring right at you.
it's eyes were gray, and milky.
It was bleeding from it's nose, and it's ribs were exposed, it wasn't near death, it was already dead, and decomposing.
The only thing drawing your attention away from the undead deer was the radio.
It started distorting, the singers voice going from high, to low and back again.
Then it started switching stations, going from country, to metal, to pop, while still distorted.
You pulled out your phone, but it was dead.
At this point your heart was racing, and your nerves were shot.
You know how you'll get a feeling that something is wrong, before it even happens?
Thats how you felt right now.
Staring into the deers lifeless eyes, something deep down told you that there was something wrong with this place, something vile, something that makes your stomach turn.
You always knew that this town was weird, and slightly off-putting.
But this is different, something is happening, something beyond comprehension.
Your fight or flight kicked in, you blew the horn trying to scare it away.
It definitely did something, because the deer stood up on its back legs before running off.
You wasted no time to speed off.
You quickly made it home, you locked all the doors, and windows, closed all the blinds, and put your phone on the charger.
You didn't even wait for your phone to charge before turning it on, and going straight to contacts.
You scrolled until you saw Mark's number.
You called once, no answer.
You called twice, no answer.
You called for the fourth time, and still no answer.
Your phone finally gave up and died.
Leaving you in a state of panic.
You ran to your room and pulled out your computer.
You hopped on your couch and immediately went to tabs.
"can animals come back from the dead?" Is the first thing you searched for.
You were displeased when the only thing that came up was about extinct animals.
"disease that brings animals back to life"
Once again, the only thing that came up was unrelated.
You huffed, still in a state of panic.
You tried one last time.
"woodland creatures that can bring things back to life"
You knew it was stupid, I mean, c'mon a woodland creature? Seriously??
You felt stupid for even looking this up.
Yet something came up.
Some website, titled "entities of the forest"
You hesitantly clicked on it.
Thank God for Ad Blockers and VPNs.
The website looked old, like it had been abandoned a while ago.
You scrolled a bit, when you found something.
A link leading to another forum titled "Slenderman"
You clicked on it
It took you to a video, you pressed play.
The video started, and it showed an old window looking out into the forest.
The camera turned around to show a young man, about 25-29.
He had a nervous look on his face
He looked pale, he looked sickly.
(this next part is one of my personal headcanons for Slenderman)
"I've been having these hallucinations of him."
His voice was scratchy, and lacked volume.
"I'll see him in the corner of my eye, just watching me.
But lately it seems he's no longer satisfied with just watching.
He's started to get psychical, first it was random things in my house going missing, like documents, and note books, in which I kept information about him in.
But now he's starting to send "messengers"
If that's what you could even call them .
I've found that he can "revive" forest creatures, like rabbits, deer, mice, etc.
Last night, I woke up to a decomposing buck on my porch, using it's horns to slam into my door.
It was never able to get in, but I assume that was just a warning.
I've also started to notice that whenever I go into town at night, dead rats will follow me around.
Cornering me in alleyways, or simply watching me from a distance."
He had a tired look in his eyes, there was no spark in them, he had huge eye bags, and his hair was a mess
"Nobody believes me when I tell them about it, not even my therapist.
I don't know what to do anymore, I can't back out now, I'm in too deep."
He ran his hand through his hair, and leaned back into his chair.
"Recently, my father passed away under "unknown circumstances"
I know it was him.
I don't know how, but he killed my father.
he'll probably kill my mother, and then-"
The video glitched, and switched to a shot of the forest floor.
You could hear his silent sobs in the background.
That's when the video cut off.
By this time it was already 2 am, your fear faded, but switched places with frustration.
You decided to just go to bed for the night, considering that the video gave you no answers, other than what's causing this.
You closed your computer, set it on the table, and walked to your room .
You didn't do your usual routine, heat up some leftovers, take a shower, and go to bed, this time you decided to just take a shower and hit the hay.
You flipped onto your bed, the soft pillows, and comforters deflating under you.
The lavender scented detergent you use creating, a soothing environment.
You got under the covers, and reached to turn your side lamp out.
You closed your eyes and got comfortable.
Too bad you couldn't go to sleep.
The thought of everything that happened kept you up.
The need for answers, plaguing your mind.
You did everything you could to try and go to sleep, from counting sheep, to making tea, but none of it would work.
So you decided to do some more research
What's the worst that could happen?
One more restless night wouldn't hurt.
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discobrainrot · 2 years
did you say to ask for more harrykim hc? bc i want some more!! it can be canon or au (any of your choice) im not picky
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You're getting Canon Kim and Harry this time, but if someone sends me another (without specifying) I'll probably do Swap AU stuff!
1. It's not just Harry who's in love with Kim - it's Harry's Skills.
Whether they're something that occurred because of Pale Exposure or a symptom of something else, they're a part of him. His Skills are how he experiences the world. It's just as much them romancing Kim as it is him.
So when Harry falls in love, every Skill falls hard and fast, too. The INT Skills, particularly Logic, are taken with Kim's mind. The PSY Skills admire his dedication (to his passions, to the RCM, to his partner), and Volition is relieved that they've been drawn to such an (outwardly) stable force.
The FYS skills got it bad - Shivers sees how Kim fits into Revachol's greater puzzle like a missing piece. Electrochemistry has... a lot to say.
But the MOT Skills? Oh god. They're obsessed. Kim is cool, calm, and collected. He loves machines. Even with his eyesight, he's still a damn good shot. He's so suave. They. Want. Him. So. Bad.
At the end of the day, Kim is romancing one person in 25 parts. It's all-encompassing, and at first, it's strange. But after a time, he can't imagine being loved another way
2. Kim didn't expect Harry to stay interested in him.
Look, I can't picture Harry as anything other than a scatterbrain. It's partly because of my scatterbrained way of playing the damn game, but it's my headcanon, and I'll cry if I want to.
So, when they first met, Kim watched Harry flit around Martinaise like a speed fuelled (or until-recently-speed-fueled) bumblebee. He buzzes around, finds something, pursues it for a while, then sets it down and forgets. Kim watches Harry blow past his old partner without a word and worries that he might be in Jean's place one day.
Well, almost Jean's position. Maybe a worse one. It's not a stretch to imagine Harry getting distracted or bored of Kim. But this is the happiest he's felt in a long time, so he decides to ride it out. Take the joy where he can. He'll deal with the hurt when it comes.
But then Harry doesn't get bored of him. Instead, he wants more. And more. And more.
And then Harry stays over at Kim's place on weekends.
And they're investing in more board games. And Harry knows just the way Kim likes his coffee. And he makes dinner whenever he comes over. And, oh, Harry's lease is almost up, so he might as well move in. And he buys posters and photos to hang up. And he paints "This Is Something Beautiful" on their bedroom wall. And Kim knows he won't get his deposit back, but he doesn't fucking care.
And then it's been a year, and Harry has some of his old memories back, but mostly he's been making new ones. And anyone who matters to them knows what's happening, but no one says a word. And they don't hold hands in public, but the look Harry gives Kim lets him know how badly he wants to. 
And then it's been a few more years, and they move to a different apartment. And the heaters don't work, but that's okay because they keep each other warm in the winter. And Harry holds Kim close as they dance in the kitchen. And Kim's vision is getting worse, and Harry's got a bad heart, but they live the best lives they can. And they plan a wedding that they know they'll probably never have.
And Kim pretends he doesn't hear the city as she speaks into his heart.
And Harry pretends he doesn't hear Kim cry when he realizes they can't stop what's coming.
And then it's been so many years that their grey hairs outnumber all the others. And Harry doesn't talk about La Retour, but Kim sees how much he thinks about it. And he holds Harry's hand in public because it feels like the world is ending anyways. And the corners of Harry's eyes crinkle when he smiles, and it still makes Kim's heart swim even after so many years. And Harry still sees a halo behind Kim's head.
And they dance between detritus and rubble as an old radio plays. And they remember their kitchen. And they say the names of old friends. And far away, someone smiles and says theirs.
And La Revacholiere holds them in her broken arms and cries. And they hold her in their lungs. And they cry with her because of their loss. And they cry with her because they've survived.
And they love.
And they love.
And they love.
3. Harry has, like, big I'm A Bottom energy, right?
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simru-region · 1 year
I’ve been considering adding a new type to my fakemon. It's a type I’ve had knocking around in my head for decades, but I don’t know if it's worth the effort overall, considering the types there are now (a good even 18) all work well.
I'm sharing the full info below the KR, but I'd like some feedback on whether this would be an interesting route to go down or if I should just stick to what the game has and not complicate things.
Comment on the post or drop in an ask.
The Ancient type does not originate in ancient times but is adopted by a pokemon after thousands if not tens of thousands of years of life. Pokemon that have been alive in the world for all this time, or pokemon that have never needed to evolve to suit the changing world.
Existing pokemon that would gain the Ancient type include:
Hisuian Growlithe FIR/RCK --> FIR/ANC Hisuian Arcanine FIR/RCK --> FIR/ANC
Cloyster WTR/ICE --> WTR/ANC
Unown PSY --> PSY/ANC
Dunsparce NRM --> ANC
All 2nd stage Fossils RCK/??? --> ANC/???
Regigigas NRM --> ANC
Absol DRK --> DRK/ANC
Sigilyph PSY/FLY --> PSY/ANC
Golett GRD/GST --> ANC/GST Golurk GRD/GST --> ANC/GST
I haven't looked at attacks, other than the obvious Ancient Power.
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Ancient types are weak to the types of Mega-Fauna that have existed since ancient times (Bugs and Dragons), along with poisons that adapt to overcome changes in biology.
It has weathered storms and changing climates, and has grown tired of the realms of fairies. So it takes little damage from Electric and Fairy and is super effective against both.
And unlike Dragon, which hurts itself, Ancient is immune to it's own attacks.
Ancient types are generally slower in speed than others but have good defences and higher HP.
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Thanks for answering my question about asks and requests (: you are very kind
As an ask then how do you think the Weasels will be when drunk? I don't think they are all so inclined to drink, Stu for example seems too childlike for it, but it's a fun scenario to imagine 🍷
Of course!! ^^ Sorry it took me a moment to respond to this one, work is exhausting 😅
Toon Patrol x Drinking
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Greasy: Greasy values his wit and self control (... when it doesn't involve pretty women I mean) too much to partake. Even if everyone else is drinking and acting like drongos around him he'll be sharp as a knife.
Psycho: L o v e s to try a new drink XD According to him they're like little gas leaks in his mouth and chest and he loves the horrible feeling! XD Generally Psy wont get d r u n k, cuz he only tries a few sips each time, but if Stu is on a roll with making them then Psycho w i l l end up pissed and thats not good for anyone 😅 If you thought e was feral before- you haven't seen him on all fours moving at Top Speed.
I raise you (or anyone else who may feel compelled to respond XD ) another thought: Psycho and energy drinks XD
Smartass: Honestly I cant really see Smartass drinking that much 🤔 if ever 🤔 I feel like people will disagree with me but... eh. Maybe sometimes he'll have something? If he's REALLY stressed and annoyed?? XD
Stupid: I actually think Stupid w o u l d be a drinker!! XD I dunno, to each their own of course!! ^^💛💛💛 I just don't really think of Stupid as childlike. I think of him as d u m b, of course, really really dumb, but not childlike. I think he'd be the one experimenting with mixes and different cocktails?? XD Just imagining Stu in the kitchen shaking up a drink and offering a taste to Psy and Wheezy XD And Stu taking on the group therapist mantel when he's got that shaker in his ands, like *hands Wheezy a pink drink like a flower* duhh are you okay?? do ya wanna talk about it?? And Smartass automatically handing the drink menu over to him (Which Stu immediately ours through, like 'ooh!') if they go out XD Stu is a big boy, too, so its hard for him to get truly h a m m e r e d, but he can get there XDD Luckily, he's a nice drunk! XD
Wheezy: Wheezy can f o r s u r e hold his booze the best XD It takes a lot to get him drunk (even tipsy). If he drinks, it doesn't really take away any of his inhibitions; its just to loosen up. He's definitely one to go for a few drinks at the end of the week (He needs it after working with these freaks XD)... but its usually interrupted with a. Greasy being there and hitting on someone and him having to bail Greasy's horny green ass outta trouble (Unless he just ignores it, which is more common. But even then Greasy will d r a g him into it XD *Greasy getting dragged from the pub* el fumador help meeee! i'm being falsely accused!! Wh- dont ignore me!- hey! you with the body odor!!- fucks sake.), b. Smartass drags them back to work. In either case, he is sure to down s o m e t h i n g before he's gotta get up off the bar stool he feels he belongs on.
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2, 10 and 30?
2. A band I always come back to.
I think this is gonna sound cringe, but one of the first bands to get me into metal was a Christian glam metal group called Stryper. While their lyrics are overtly Christian and prosletizing, their musicianship is incredible and I have yet to find a dual-guitarist lineup I like better. Their early stuff in the 80s is like a mixture of glam and power/speed, and their more recent stuff after getting back together in the 2010s gives me a lot of Judas Priest vibes, lots of classic heavy metal with touches of power metal.
10. Most underrated musician.
I could list many musicians here. Some of them are actually quite popular within their own circles, but in terms of the general population they may not have a large following. First is Django Reinhardt, a Belgian/French Romani guitarist who effectively created the jazz manouche style (sometimes called g*psy jazz), and accomplished this with only two functioning fingers on his left hand due to severe burns. He also influenced the likes of Tony Iommi, Jerry Garcia, and Eddie Van Halen. Second is Paco de Lucia, a Spanish/Portuguese flamenco guitarist who branched into jazz and made "new flamenco" a world fusion style of flamenco and jazz. His works with jazz fusion guitar legends like Al Di Meola and John McLaughlin are some of my favourite pieces of music ever. Third is Buckethead. The man just hangs out and releases like 20 albums a year, almost all of them instrumentals. There are some other artists and groups like Leah McHenry (who goes by LEAH), Eye of Melian, dArtagnan, Steeleye Span, Imperial Age, Lords of the Trident, Sunburst, Blazon Stone, Númenor, Fire Whale, Grimgotts, Daniel Amos, Fief, Ziggurath, Crazy Lixx, Bloodywood, Crown Lands, Haralabos Stafylakis, T. Patrick Carrabre, Harmonium, Auri, Wilderun, Vials of Wrath, Karen Sunabacka, Oceans of Slumber, Signum Regis, and Paul O'Dette. (Sorry about the lengthy list. Also this covers metal, rock, classical, jazz, folk, and more)
30. A song from your favourite band.
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fidgetslugwithagrudge · 3 months
Currently watching the 5th episode of the 12th Doctor Peter Caboldi I know there’s got to be smut of Psy and the teller in OOC being sentient enemies to lovers and if not I want the the idea out into the world of big alien slug snailish man and hacker bank robber enhanced by technology man Enemies to lovers speed run!
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