do you realize how much you exist to me?
in silence and even amidst deafening fights or loud music blaring from the angry speakers — those sounds or the lack of 'em; always find their way to remind me of you. when my mind stops to overthink and allow my body to act on its nature, my hand grabs your favorite food, drinks your choices of drink, before i even catch myself doing it my entirety already pleads guilty like a thief confessing crimes in distinct subconsciousness. because even in my subconscious all i know; is you. you are what i am when i strip myself naked of wariness, you are what i am when i stop thinking of anything else.
it makes my insides churn, my body bolt in disgust or maybe pity... whenever i caught myself red-handed, thinking too much — so much of you. when i walk the pavements and leave a spot next to where i walk in case you'd want to walk beside me. hand in hand. because i never liked the idea of walking alone ever since i tasted your company, i never liked the idea of looking back only to see you walking side by side with someone else. i am never a fan of tip-toeing on your shadows, to stare at your back instead of the road—whenever you walked in front of me. not beside or behind me. i feel like i am always chasing after you. i feel like i can only afford the scenery of your back turned against me as if you're facing a life that i can never see since i tiptoe on your shadows.
you are what i am when i sit on a chair and i see you hovering close, i find myself achingly hopeful and making space beside me then secretly hope you'd take a seat by my side. you are what i am in the silence of the nights, the bittersweet smile and heartily laugh... they are pretty much everywhere, in every minute of every day, right? now you know that this is how much you exist to me; that all i am ceases to exist if you do.
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honey, when all that's left of what i used to be are nothing less than piles and piles of ashes — i want you to scatter me on the air of the seaside i've always adored. like they do in the movies. to comfort my nothingness by saying that was perfect. when all that's left of what i used to be is the scent that lingers on my bed because if not out; all i did was sleep. i want you to take my blankets home with you. i want you to make my eulogy the song you've boasted about listening to every time you cradle yourself to sleep. so that even in your unconscious state, you will be reminded by the loss of me... or the lack of it. which, either, will hunt you like you're all-powerful to might've been able to change it. i guess what i'm trying to say is—grieve for me. grieve not for my loss but grieve for things you haven't done. grieve for things that could've been. and make up for it, make up for it like you can change anything — like you can turn back the clock. and in death, i will know; i will never get sick of seeing your despair in my deathbed. because that's what it means to love and leave me to die. know that it happens because you deserve it, the same way i thought i did.
: lyvin
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Some days I wonder still, how big the world is and how small it seems to me and how much was mine to keep? It's like grasping straws, fooling myself that I master the fulfillment of knowing things, my identity, my etymology, the future: that the unknown will cease to exist because I can grasp 'em with my bare hands. Days I wake up convincing myself I am not just a particle of dust in a world so vast nothing really occupies any of it 'too much'. That I matter. Yet whenever I caught myself confused and desperately unknowing; the sand that rests on my hand left so quickly and hastily as I try to grasp 'em, to hold them still in the palm of my hands. The tighter my grasp to this reality, the faster it slips away through the spaces of my fingertips like sand. Leaving my hand empty, but with the memory that it once held something other than the absence and the deep, want and longing.
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is any of these mine to keep?
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materializing memories
i wish
memories will become more of a material
that can be tossed away
like dice on play
that can be tucked away
like handkerchiefs on a sunny day
i wish
it could be washed like clothes
can be rid of stains
such as forgetting the pains
cherishing its pretty plains
or the dazzling prints
i hope
that you wish for the very same thing
so that we can toss away
the painful memories
like overlooking an accident-prone signage
hoping to escape
pushing our luck
deluding ourselves that there's nothing behind our backs
despite knowing that if we don't look back
we'll lose sight of our track
i hope
that you wish for the very same thing
so that we can tuck away
or slid inside a safe
the memories we've been wanting to keep
as if to forget that we took a leap
fell deep
because of the words from our lips
denying our shortcomings
to see the sun rising from the deeps of the forest
despite knowing that life isn't all rainbows and cupcakes
we'd still dream of living off of our happy memories
and yet again
i hope that we share the same wish
if not, i fear to know
the depths of your concerns;
that memory is not a material
that we can hold onto
get rid of
or filter out
as if saying that those days are gone
we have to let go
we can't go back
we were happy
now we're not
and that's just that.
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my independence from my dependence
la oscuridad,
has it been days, weeks, or is it already a month ever since the day i acknowledged it's over? i can't tell, losing track of time is all I know. There are days when life gets hard when I want to run away, I always see you. Once, during my toughest time, you took me in with no questions asked. No guilt drives. With no judging or pitying look in your eyes. You were the fresh breath of air I needed all the time, in the silence of the wretchedness, in between the deafening fights. You were a sanctuary I once visited but feared visiting again. I don't want to burden anyone and you're no exception. But sometimes when everything seems so dark and lonesome, I want to be as selfish as I truly am. And run to you, burden you to ease my loneliness. The feeling of being alone in the midst of all this chaos.
and today is one of those days. That's why I refrain from touching my phone. To hit you up. To be selfish. And I guess I succeeded. I got through the fight just fine, not unscathed but it's fine. I hated the idea of sharing my burden with someone just because I want to feel a lot more lightweight, to bother someone to suffer with me. Because that's what I am suffering from and doing that to someone... it's cruel, and I will not be of any difference from the people I hate. I don't want to be despised, but I guess just because I don't want it to happen—fate will follow smoothly. Of course not. But do you know how I got through today? I tried reliving the feeling of your warmth beside me and in an instant I knew you were there even when you're not.
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It saddens me that you don't look for me in a crowd like how i am to you. It saddens me that you don't crave for my presence and familiarity like how i lose my sanity craving for yours even when I know that I shouldn't. But since i seem to fancy myself as an idiot and try to comfort my inner hopelessness—I say it doesn't really matter: I don't really think about it much and that it's childish. But honestly, I am childish. I think about it so much. Because I really want you to long for me and seek me in the sea of acquaintances, inhaling the air not only for the essence of breathing but in hopes of finding me through the scent of my unchanging perfume, to breathe me in.
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i shoved the reality
at the corner of darkness
for i alone
was never brave enough
to face the dark
i put my pain
the melancholy
on your palms
knowing you are aware
made me calm
i bottled all the tears
to show everybody
how much it hurts
and how much i cried
i embraced your presence
allowed myself to be dependent
when all along i knew
it won't last for long
my heart, aching true
my mind, in chaos with the thoughts of you
and then i burned myself down
when i lost you
i wrapped myself with bandages
took painkillers
that only numbed me
for taking much too much
and yet here is the pain
lingering in my veins
yet here is the pain
breaking me into pieces
i thought i was saved
when you rose from nothingness
filling in all
the empty spaces
but you only break me
even more.
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i've always felt the cliché 'me against the world' but i also always felt like i have someone to hold on to. people who wants me to stay and values my mere existence. and that made things more easier and later on i figured it wasn't so bad, after all. but i think all these time, all i ever did was to build a sand castle to shelter myself from the storm.
but apparently it's not resilient nor permanent.
the day it went crumbling down was today. i had to cover my eyes from the sun's blinding and ferocious light. it burns on my skin and it hurts my eyes, the moment i saw it—it's like being bathed with cold water, awakening the consciousness i forced to put on a sleep. but i guess we all have our own sand castles we fancy sheltering ourselves in—and a matter of time before we see it crumbling before our very own eyes. seeing the world with it's full burning and harsh light and we can't help but laugh at how naïve we were for thinking that everything was fine and okay.
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to the ‘maker’ whom everyone claims to know:
i am a voyager. voyaging on my sea of wonders; i've managed to keep my boat floating without pleading to your name or worshipping your make-believe existence. i am a voyager who sailed by heart and not by duty, i've seen faces of people every time my boat meets the land, and i hear the people's voice every time my feet stand on solid ground. my wonders brought me doubts and gave me freedom, but the people's voice clouded with their judgment gave me nothing more than confusion and hatred.
to whom do they kneel and pray? to whom do they cry out and give praise? a stranger told me a story about “You”, his Maker but You, too, was a stranger. for years of living with the sea, allowing its waves to lead me somewhere where it believes i should be—it was the first time where i saw what humanity's image of sin is. they claim to love you and claim that you love them, too much, that You gave your life to them, and that You are love: itself.
but when they saw me leaving my boat, standing on the ground, showing reluctance at the mere mention of 'your' name—a stranger's name. then seeing me with someone who accompanied me while voyaging the sea... my sweetest desire and the woman who showed me freedom. i heard profanities, received anger, saw judgment, and hatred everywhere. then there they said we have sinned.
"Our Maker gave you his life and you give him sin in return?" from the crowd a voice asked.
sin—for i am a woman and i'm entwining hands with a woman as well? didn't a stranger also tell me you bless those who love? to you Maker, a foreigner to i: if you are true then forgive my doubts of reprise but i will ask no forgiveness for loving someone of a certain greatness.
i voyaged way too long that i saw Your people pointing out my sins while committing theirs, if you are love and you allow love—then how come i am sinning? if love is for people and we are no animal but people, how can love be not for us... how come finding it in each other's arms a sin?
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i'll find comfort on the sea that i believe would wash away the remnants of their judgments: forcibly engraved on our skins and renew us with the belief that we are no sin... we are art, we are love, we are free.
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If you know me,
you'd understand the look in my eyes
you'd weep a thousand times
for it unmasked all the lies
seeing them swollen and dry
knowing the million pains
it has been trying to confide
If you know me,
you can fathom the depths of the agonies
like bloodstains on white sheets,
torn pages of books unkempt
and spilled whiskeys
determining that those were
the missing pieces of me
spilled, thrown and torn in somewhere
no one else would see
If you know me,
the earsplitting screams
and horrible cries
will become as insignificant
as birds humming every morning
insignificant as
raindrops hitting the roof
you will get used to it
like your routine during sad 3AM's
because you know me
but no, you do not know me
nor any she or he
can understand my swollen eyes
nor fathom my wrecked inner shelves
and bear with my cries
that is why looking at me
would be seeing something:
completely incomplete
wretchedly wrecked
since you don't know me
because if you do
you'll know
that these are the reasons
i call myself whole
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What Should An Eye See?
did it happen to exist just to see the scenery?
the hues of orange during sunsets
the awe of blinding light during sunrise
or the cascade of water in the peace of the meadows?
for what you choose to see; the abundance of nature —
the success of mankind down the filthy street
the lights of the buildings in a busy town?
but when the truth lurks, you stare only at your feet?
take a glance, make sure to see the image of injustice —
plastered on the children's faces in the street
etched on the skin of sunburned workers
tattooed on the bruised skins of women!
take your chance, scrutinize your elected leaders —
can't you see how they kill a freeman like yourself?
you work for money that falls in their pockets:
aren't they supposed to be the ones feeding those with empty pockets?
what a jackass, an ignorant—you truly are!
how could you turn blind for your own side?
do you long to see the murders of innocents
killed as if they were not the real victims?
do you desire to turn blind whenever the truth waves a hand?
even if the fruit of your hardwork fills a corruptor's stomach?
and the streets are filled with your own freeman starving to death?
be not blind, you man, an eye can see the reality!
eradicate the injustice that had clung to anyone
be not a slave of your own devious kind!
no more injustice and cruelty, reveal the blindside of this reality!
opening an eye will encourage everyone to see
the darkness does not mean that shadows don't exist or can't be seen
only we've been willing ourselves to face the darkness and what's within.
words by: lyvin
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photo source: Henn Kim
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beginning of the end
i don't know if this is a poem
or a prose
or anything glorifying as a writing
it's nothing extravagant like fireworks
or anything poetic like letters
but maybe something stripped naked
or a nonsensical series of stanzas
i don't even know anymore if i am attempting to rhyme
or if i am trying too hard doing any attempts
but what will be different this year?
will my writings start to make real sense?
or will i finally learn to dress my tragedies;
make them look more pleasant for the world to see?
will i finally show the world my scars
knowing they were once fresh and that it hurt
and that i am starting to heal, no matter how slow
then about the hesitance and fear that found home inside me
will they continue to linger as aftermath whenever i fail?
how will i ever distinguish what is best
from something so foolish?
or will i finally choose to see that i do not know what's right anymore?
will it be a year of me confronting myself?
facing the fears that live inside me?
challenging the failures i refused to consider as one?
will i finally find a way to accept that i am no genius?
as bitter as it may sound, that i am just an arrogant mediocre
will this be the year that i accept my flaws
little by little overcome my insecurities
rid me of envies towards people i could be friends with
or change me because i long to be different
all to fool myself that i am special?
maybe this does make sense, but not poetry-kind-of-sense
existential questions, make-believe reasons
taking form as lines of a supposedly greeting poem
well then, for what its worth, i hope this makes sense — however you wanna put it
another year, whatever it is that you have in store for me
break me, build me, strip me
dress me, diss me, dump me
hurt me, wound me, heal me
i say, bring it on!!
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Beyond all the the things undone
Inside a house they call home
Burning from inside out
I am nothing but a wilting flower
In a cracked vase, deprived of water
They had me when they thought I could make them happy
Took care of me, expecting me to bloom and grow
But I didn't, I am just a flower
With no roots, no soil, how do I grow?
We had curtains to make things pretty
We bought rags to sweep under all the unwanted stories
But curtains can't give me sunlight
And rags doesn't make me feel alive
So, I am nothing but a wilting flower
In a vase, depraved of water
And today is the day
The house called home burns itself dowm
And I wilt my existence away
Leaving behind a cracked vase, untested waters
Piles and piles of ashes and unwanted memories
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(No) Traces Left Behind
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if there's a taste I'd never forget
it'll be pain and pain alone
and if there's a feeling I'd never forget
it'll be the guilt and guilt alone
for what this soul remembers
are always kept in the chambers
for what this soul suffers
stays hidden in the towers
what was the taste of pain—
and how come i cannot forget?
it tasted metallic, unnerving and horrifying
being able to taste filled me with regret
what was so bad about guilt—
that i loathed to remember?
it's like being stabbed yet unable to express the pain
you will not die — you'll have to live with it
and perhaps that's what made me insane
i've told myself a thousand times
to stop minding the pain and the guilt
but realized that it's impossible not to mind
if only memory doesn't remind me
of the unnerving taste of pain
horrifying feeling of guilt
maybe I'd love to remember
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It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. redundant, yes. but i lack the knowledge to use any metaphors or any poetic lines to sustain or describe what i feel. It hurts more by the knowledge that you don't care, or know for the matter. It sucks, it's so hopeless and the world feels super harsh and I hate it.
“my love for you haunts me like the dead. ”
But crooked thinking, yes? The world doesn't revolve around me. You world doesn't revolve around me. I doubt i even have just a place in your world, not even a bystander's. And knowing that makes me wanna sink deeper and deeper into the ground. I feel the need to bury all I feel for you like they don't exist or for them to cease to exist—like the dead. But like the dead, some believes it still haunts you, right? And I am one of many who believes that the dead still haunts us, because I killed and buried my admiration and cliché as it is, my love for you, but despite being under the surface of the earth... It's still here.
It's there in the corner of my eye whenever I see your smile. It's still here lingering in my veins whenever I feel your touch. It's still here, it echoes in the corner of the room where I hear your voice. It's etched on my skin like scars carved to exist for the longest of eternity. It's here saying it's you, it's you, it's still you and it will always be you that I want, crave and love dearly that it hurts so bad.
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