#specifically the group blog like hello lmao
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astros-arts-inthestars · 6 months ago
Shoutout to Snowelle Holiday from the UTDR askblog extended universe . certainly mental illness of us
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You know, i started reminiscing and i really miss my old Deltarune ask blog about Noelle Holiday, specifically Snowgrave Noelle.... We called her Snowelle. Missed her lots, so much so i ended up drawing this <3 Soooo, say hiii Snowellleeee!
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doberbutts · 2 months ago
hello! I'm the one that sent you that ask a week or so ago. Sorry I didn't check to see if you'd answered for a while because I was just so upset and had to take a second. I will say I scrolled through a bunch of helpful posts you reblogged before I even found the ask again that helped a LOT.
Two things I thought you might want to know is that it wasn't speculation that you'd blocked the weirdo blog that sent me your way: they literally have "proudly blocked by doberbutts" in their bio which was why i felt safe coming to you lmao. Second is I guess my struggle with this issue was an overall struggle with how bad wider misogyny has gotten in general and how muddied it's gotten with the "male loneliness crisis" and like, centering men's issues under patriarchy and just how insanely upset it's been making me. Seeing cis MRAs identify with trans men freaked me out because like, yeah it's important to talk about how (cis) men suffer under patriarchy but it's just so rare for me to find men do that without devolving into misogyny, and I start to feel so helpless because I know validating these issues matter but women are being literally dehumanized openly. I do play oppression olympics with this specific issue and just of COURSE women suffer more under patriarchy, but the same men who demand space to air how they suffer won't acknowledge that truth. (sorry for soapboxing; some of them do! It's just...things are so bad for women rn lol it's really hard to have compassion when it feels like none is being given to me).
So the more I see this issue the more I think people are being affected by larger misogyny like I am, but are doing the typical thing that happens where you lash out at a group you can "reach." Policing and harassing trans men's behaviours is way easier than cis men. I've also been seeing some parallels between this discourse and the "gay men vs lesbian women" discourse. It's not really a one-to-one but the discussion of the role of misogyny re homophobia towards gay men who still have male privilege but, come on, if they have feminine affectation it's Different and the back and forth that used to happen when gay men and lesbian women did oppression olympics, it just feels similar.
idk as i type this I hope I don't come across disingenuous or like, my Too Casual Overly Respectful tone is trying to subtly incept you. I worry my vibes are too "women first" but I just can't help it misogyny really is ruining my life 😭. Anyways I'm very grateful for your perspective and your blog. I feel more settled and equipped to push back against anti transmasculine behaviour with rhetoric that can actually challenge people
To respond to each point in turn:
1: Again I still don't really know who that is, though I am somewhat bemused by the idea that someone I clearly don't really remember is still so obsessed with me that they're proud I've blocked them. For the record, my block list is as follows: people who send anonymous hate, people who continue to harass me after I've told them to stop, people I catch with posts containing inexcusable bigotry, obvious trolls, self-identified zoophiles and MAPs, and people who repeatedly send me fundraisers after I have already said I only share fundraisers from people I know and trust. Being on my block list is, um, not really good company, so it's kind of funny to me that someone is proud to be there. Yeah I'm sure they'll fit right in with the neo-nazis and dogfuckers and cyber bullies. Oh and I guess my ex but I only blocked them after they started harassing me about our failed relationship years later. Enjoy block hell I suppose.
2: I'm not really here to play who has it worse, not because I don't recognize the wider understanding of privilege vs oppression but because I think it is a self-defeating thread of thought because you will always find a "more oppressed" example, and I think that people should be allowed to talk about their hurts regardless of their status of "more oppressed" vs "less oppressed". Talking about the ways society has hurt them is not what makes MRAs dangerous. What makes them dangerous is who they blame, how they go about fixing their problem, and the solutions to their problems they come up with.
To be quite frank, the majority of MRAs are men who have experienced some form of social rejection or isolation. Most have been sold some patriarchal lie about how by being men they inherently deserve good sex with hot women on demand, a wife at home to keep barefoot and pregnant, a high paying job where they are respected and valued regardless of the effort they themselves put into it, and all the luxuries that lifestyle can afford. This is a fantasy, you and I both know it. And when these men realize the hard reality that we live in an age of extreme social isolation, that in order to have a partner you need to actually have more personality than a used dishrag and with only half the mess at max, that good sex is about give and take and not just yourself, that these high paying jobs are few and far between with most takers being born into some level of wealth rather than any merit they themselves have earned... they lash out.
It does not at all help things to understand that many of these MRAs are themselves marginalized in some way, but their framework not only doesn't let them see it but also advocates a harsh rejection of anyone who is self-aware enough to realize it. A lot of these guys are undiagnosed, have trauma, and are just as affected by the systems of racism, classism, homo- and trans-phobia, xenophobia, sexism, and ableism as the rest of us.
Quite frankly, I'd rather these dudes see a group of (trans) men fighting for our place in society by joining hands with other activists with more feminist, black-friendly, disabled-friendly, gay- and trans-friendly in an attempt to lift everyone out of the pit rather than continuing to fight over scraps... than to see them continue to blame women and Jews and then go shoot up a school or a mall about it. One of these helps. The other just kills people and excuses rape. There's a lot of value in deradicalizing people by offering them a path to resolving their pain that is perhaps less destructive and more constructive.
This is also why the constant comparison to MRAs annoys me. MRAs kill people in senseless acts of terror and despair because they're upset that they're not having the sex fantasy the patriarchy sold them. Trans men talking about our oppression- regardless of the word we use to express it- are mostly talking amongst ourselves about suicide and rape statistics and sharing ways to get hormones and surgery despite unwilling doctors and insurance companies. We're talking about how our social groups rejected us the moment we came out, or how people use us being men against us in ways that was not happening before we came out or passed. These are not at all equivalent conversations.
3: Again I ask you- I see people using both cis and trans feminist frameworks to hurt other people. Where is your concern for that? I am equally concerned about TERFs as I am about MRAs, as they have driven multiple transgender people and our allies to suicide and even have committed acts of violence against people irl as a result of their ideology. Most TERFs will also be the first ones to tell you that they have been hurt, deeply, by men and that they also are frequently undiagnosed or untreated, traumatized, and affected by the same systems of oppression. Does their existence and their determination to latch onto every feminist conversation including those of people who are staunchly against them then poison all feminism to you? If not, then why make that distinction for trans men and MRAs?
I am black. I am Indigenous. I am transgender. I am gay. I am disabled. I am poor. I suffer. People hurt me. I see every day how bad things are. Do you think I cannot see it, or that my ignorance is the reason for my request for compassion? Perhaps consider that it is rather my knowledge and my lived experience that fuel my call for compassion, instead. I never said it would be easy. But I do think it would make a better world.
4: I do actually agree that it is very similar to the gay man vs lesbian conversation and have said for a while that it's the same queer infighting discussion we've already hashed out for the last 50 or so years, but the target groups just swapped out. It's just butchphobia, it's just biphobia, it's just aphobia, it's just panphobia, it's just nbphobia- it's the same fucking shit over and over and over again. It was shit infighting before and it's shit infighting now. Privilege is a conversation that depends so heavily on context, and the way it has been bastardized by the internet's poor understanding of political frameworks developed by women of color and their allies into cute soundbites and phrases rather than a deep, nuanced knowledge will never fail to annoy me.
Do gay men have privilege over lesbians? As a class, sure, they would have male privilege. But what do we mean by male privilege? The privilege to not worry about being assaulted on the street? To walk home late at night unbothered? To marry who they want, to have the romantic partner they desire, to feel safe within a domestic partnership? You and I both know that doesn't quite match up to the lived experience of gay men worldwide or even here in the "gay paradise" US. How does this interact with other marginalizations? Does a black gay man have privilege over a white lesbian? What happens if he's a drag queen dressed up for an event and she's a butch that passes for cis male? Does that change retroactively if this "gay man" figures out she's actually a transbian 5 years later, and the lesbian is a TERF? I'm not saying this breaks the framework of male privilege- I am saying that sometimes the theory doesn't match the reality, and a nuanced and intersectional understanding is required when talking on an individual scope rather than class politics.
Additionally- as a side note- it is also incredibly annoying to watch people act like privilege = oppressor = dangerous, and oppressed = victim = safe. Privilege, and whether or not you have any, is not a moral indicator nor is it an indicator of the safety of the person you're interacting with. I have privilege over people who cannot walk, because I can. I am not objectively or systemically oppressing people who cannot walk by the use of my legs in my day-to-day life. Oppression is action- if I vote for policies and politicians that removes ramps and safety regulations and provisions to assist wheelchair users? Now I am oppressing people who cannot walk. If I block or move or interfere with the disability aids, if I mock people or assault or harm them, if I dump them out of their mobility aids or break them, that is oppression. The act of climbing the 3 stairs on my front porch to get into my house is a privilege, but the oppression stems from the people who built my house to even have stairs on both exits.
5: lastly to end a very long post, I don't actually think there's any harm in centering yourself when discussing things that objectively affect you, as long as you remember to include others who are affected and let them have their floor to also center themselves when they need to speak up. I am a black trans man. My politics are pretty centered on black feminism. I don't think that is objectively a bad thing. I prefer to let the demographics with similar problems speak for themselves- I would rather my trans fem friends get the mic when they open their mouths, my lesbian friends, my Jewish friends, my latino and asian and arab friends. I don't think there's anything wrong with them centering their own problems and outlooks, as long as they recognize that there's shared space to be had with others who feel similar hurts. I think it's pretty normal to center yourself. I think the difficult thing is knowing when to relinquish the megaphone to someone who's been dying to use it, while you yourself still have so much to say.
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angelwinkteruhashi · 2 months ago
Hello there~!
I'm Kokomi, It's a pleasure to meet all of you! I had heard this app was great for photography, so I decided to make an account! I hope I can get along with you all („• ᴗ •„)!
I'd love to get to know you all, so if you ever want to talk to me, please feel free to send in an ask! I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions (≧◡≦)!
I don't have much to share, but here's a photo of the wonderful dessert I had today at Café Mami!
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The Strawberries and Blueberries paired nicely with the Syrup they used, and the Pancakes themselves were thin, yet fluffy! If you're ever in Hidari Wakibara, I completely recommend stopping by~!
I can't wait to meet all of you~!
((OOC + Rules below the cut))
Howdy, I'm Gray (he/they)! I'll Try to keep this short since I don't like going out-of-character on rp blogs-
This is a Canon-Accurate (as much as I can be) blog for Teruhashi! It's also a bit of an excuse to get me better at writing her lol ^^'
Basic Rundown:
• This is a sideblog, I follow from @twosidedcherrytrees!
• I RP with anyone, even multiple blogs of the same Muse or someone from a completely different franchise! Just be sure to send me a DM beforehand if I havent reached out to you first lol-
• When I'm talking Out of Character, I'll do so like ((this))!
• Despite Teruhashi being from a show about Psychic abilities and reading people's mind, I don't write her inner thoughts as I view this as how she would interact with Tumblr if she was actually a real person. The only exception to this is if our RP involves talking and writing in 3rd person.
• Any Important tags will be featured in my blog's search function until I make a post specifically for tags (which will probably take a minute but I will keep you updated on when I do!)
• Any and all art I use are either free to use, from an anime, or is drawn by me! I have a strong stance against the use of AI and art theft, so if I ever make a mistake and post art that's either AI or made for noncommercial use, please don't hesitate to let me know!
• Just as a warning- Teruhashi does have an older brother who is, in the show, romantically interested in her. She does not feel the same way in canon, nor does she here. Whenever anything related to that comes up, which I will only bring up if the person I'm RPing with does, I will be sure to tag appropriately. Please do not hesitate to block me if this makes you uncomfortable, as I completely understand why it would.
General rules
(Rules for everyone)
• No NSFW at all, please! I'm an adult, but my Muse isn't. So nothing sexual. Flirting is okay but I should make it known that my current goal for Teruhashi is for her to realize she's Aroace and then come out as such.
• Any type of Homophobia, Transphobia, Ableism or Racism is not allowed here. If you're any of those, do not interact with me, thank you.
Asker Rules
(Rules for people who just want to send in asks!)
• Don't spam the same question over and over please! I appreciate your excitement but after a certain point it just seems draining for both parties lol
• Don't send any asks trying to push your own headcanons onto Teruhashi! You can definitely ask if she does something, and a solid 7/10 times I'll just incorporate it into my headcanons for her and go with it, but I'd prefer if they were not told to me like I have to follow them
• Magic Anons are allowed, but try to keep them from being too complicated! I don't typically do magic anons, so also be sure to tell me if I'm doing it wrong lmao
Mun rules
(Rules for other Muns!)
• You don't have to follow any specific plot-point that's currently going on in Teruhashi's blog! Any story beats with different Muns/Groups will be tagged as something different. As of now the only rp tag im using for that is #PK Academy AU , but if you don't want to follow those plot points let me know, and I'll use a different tag to differentiate the uh... timelines? Ig? The different RP plots
• If we're RPing together, I'd prefer if your character didn't somehow know everything there is to know about Teruhashi. Unless your character can actively read her mind, or has another canon reason for why they'd know her inner thoughts and feelings besides what she shows outwardly, please don't god-mod it (T v T). If your character does have a reason to know, please DM me to tell me!
• The previous rule does not apply to her immense beauty as honestly that doesn't seem fun to write or rp. Ignore that ability all you want lmao, honestly she needs people who won't see her for nothing but her looks.
• I'll try to match both how much you write and which way you RP. For instance, if you typically write in 3rd person and go a more general RP, I'll do the same! If you RP like your muse is a real user talking to someone on Tumblr, I'll do the same, too! Just be sure to let me know before-hand, either via DM or just starting the interaction lmao
Final notes:
I'm happy to be here and meet you all! I'm pretty new to the general ask blog etiquette, I've only really been on Pokéblr before, so let me know if I do anything rude on accident! With that, I hope we can all get along, and thank you for reading!
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itsrlymine · 3 months ago
Hi bb,
Presently and for the time being, this blog really is THAT BITCH lmao and you know how I know it’s legit? That ur legit?
Because I NEVER interact beyond a “like”, and if I do it’s only ever been one quick message of kudos. And look at me here now! Lmfao got me over typing out a whole ass paragraph😂 Love love love the me that is you and the aura you’re radiating! And the mirroring has been too hilarious💀 from you and all the success stories from miss girl deciding that her man isn’t some one else’s child’s father, to miss mister nonbinary feeling like they would enjoy having their friend group again, and so many more… but those two specifically had me gagged laughing my ass off when I saw them cus they were such unique reflections the way they were reflected to me that I’m not the only one “manifesting” these things and that I’m not a bad person for wanting this😌
Guys, hear me clearly on this: when it comes to intentionally aligning with that which you want to be, we gotta be honest with ourselves about where we’re actually at if we’re ever gonna get more powerful. I had to face the truth that I didn’t have enough “knowing”/“trust” to do a lot of the things I wanted to when I first “remembered” (aka learned about) the “Law”. So I decided to work smarter and just work the damn “process” (of building up “knowing”) until I got the hang of it.
And I’m soooo excited to share that recently I was just chillin casually enjoying this blogs success stories when it started to hit me like wow look at all these birds before land lol I finally made it! From starting at damn near below zero in terms of skill in execution (back in spring of 2021), all the way to now (almost winter of 2024), it took me about 3 years give or take but babyyyyyy I made it🙌
And the craziest part is it’s only just the beginning🤯 don’t get it twisted, over these past 3 years theres actually been a lot of manifestations that have unfolded through me, but any moment now I can feel it that some of the much more “significant” experiences I would enjoy are going to materialize in the physical and I’m honestly over here like 👁️👄👁️ like fuckkkkkkkk it’s hereeeeee? after all this time am I readyyyyyyyy????????? Lmao I’m tryna act cool and keep it chill but everybody on this blog just keeps getting me so hype it actually inspired me to participate and share a little bit for once
Which is all apart of the unfolding going on over here cus I knew personally I wasn’t gonna start participating period point blank anywhere or with anyone until I really started getting somewhere with this whole “manifesting” thing
So yeah just a little contribution to add to the mix of all the happiness and celebrations that everyone is enjoying here together on this blog
See you all again soon, probably with some success stories or pointers that might ✨inspire✨ someone
Hello 🪽🤍🪽!!!!
I feel like I deffo "started" journey around that time as well. Thank you so much for your wonderful message my love! Thank you for proving how legit my page is. I'm honored to have your stamp of approval!! Miss mister nonbinary is f*cking insane babe. Ummm💀
We are deffo not the only ones looking to experience something new and is is great being able to see the reflections in others. Once you know you are that which you want to experience, literally everything falls in line and there is no work to no done.
Don't try to keep it chill. Be hype asf! That's why we are all here!!!
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guiraguira · 2 years ago
Hello this is quite literally my first time requesting anything on tumblr but i got so excited to see an alive hypmic blog that i had to. Can i request a scenario where rosho and gn s/o are making out and it’s leading to something more but they get walked in on and interrupted by sasara and/or rei sorry for being so specific i feel creepy LMAO
That dark room!🔥
Hello! Don't worry my cute anon❤️, I started this Tumblr after being anon for a long time. I trust that the second season will bring new people and some more blogs maybe 😂 (Tempted to say I'm happy it's your first time but it was going to look weird 💀)
Don't worry about being too specific. Rosho is a very shy guy from my point of view, but I'm sure he enjoys hiding to share a make-out session ;)
Warnings: Mmm… Maybe a little NSFW, kissing in the dark hand touching more than it should.
Rosho x fem reader!
° They move cautiously walking hand in hand through the dark corridors, looking for that room that they already know so well. They have at least half an hour before the rap battle against this new and virtually unknown group begins. Closing the door behind you, you approach him almost gropingly, the light is very dim and it's hard for you to get used to it before you can distinguish him well.
° It was already almost a tradition to hide in this place to share a couple of kisses before the competitions, at first it was to make fun of Rosho's nervousness and give him a bit of confidence for his stage fright, but he quickly got used to this and expected looking forward to this moment
° You search his face with your hands, going up his torso pulling slightly on his necklace on your way. Laughing he places a hand on your cheek rubbing his thumb on your lips and you shamelessly lick it off. A startled noise escapes his mouth before they finally start kissing softly.
° Pulling him towards you, you hold onto him by his neck, lightly touching the skin of his back. Gradually his lips gained confidence, demanding that yours respond with the same intensity and you are not far behind. You catch his lower lip between yours pulling him back, leaving a small bite, barely letting him recover when you come back to attack using your tongue as well. You can hear him laugh into your mouth, almost giving you a warning.
° They continue kissing in a disorderly way, panting rudely. Taking advantage of the darkness as an excuse, he becomes more daring than usual. His tongue wraps around yours in such an exquisite way that it makes you moan deeply. "Rosho!...You know that you should be careful...don't you?" Pulling back for air, you feel his hot breath hitting your face, his chest rising and falling heavily with each breath.
° He not even he answers you, taking off his glasses that were crooked in his place, he leaves them on the first piece of furniture he reaches. His hands that had been so patiently on either side of your face move down to your hips, touching your bare skin and squeezing trying to convince you.
° "Are you afraid?..." That was the last thing you expected her to say, pulling her neck you kiss her tracing a line of kisses up to her ear, biting her lobe. He holds her breath, pausing the movement of her hands as well. Without giving him time to recover, you leave a bite just below his throat, feeling how his heart beats agitated. Instead of cowering like he used to, he surprises you by backing you against a piece of furniture, forcing you to sit on it. Before attacking your lips again.
° This time his hands are less respectful, lifting your blouse and pinching your breasts, touching them with need. You arch your back in surprise but enjoying the contact, his fingers moving with the same enthusiasm as his lips. Taking everything further you open your legs to trap him between them, crossing them behind him, smacking his crotch with yours in the process.
° A moan comes from him and you quickly understand why, his member is sensitive given his growing erection that you can feel through his clothes. You debate for a second whether to continue, you give a second push with your hips and his respond almost instinctively hitting you at the same time.
° You are impatient, the heat that his body produces against yours is taking all your reasoning and the fact that he is behaving so lasciviously does not help either. He, who is usually the one who stops your games, is completely lost in the pursuit of pleasure, takes a third thrust in just the right place and you can no longer control yourself, your center is also starting to ask for some attention.
° Touching his abdomen, you grab his belt pressing hard against his member. You feel how her breathing is altered while you untie the buckle of her garment, her hands on your breasts also hesitate, but her mouth continues attached to yours without stopping its ferocious rhythm, they feel that faint traces of saliva escape from their union and that's excites like never before.
° When you manage to release his belt, the room lights up completely blinding them for an instant, they automatically stop kissing due to the interruption. "Yeah, I saw him go by... Ah!" Sasara holding the door wide open stares at them until he fully understands what's going on. Rosho adjusts your blouse at full speed and hides his head in the crook of your neck, hugging you. Lust leaves them in a second.
° "Get out of here you damn idiot" taking off a shoe you throw it at him with the idea of hitting him. He closes the door before I get to him and the room is dark again. "I found them! They're here but you're not going to want to know what they were doing" the voice grows more and more distant and then Rei's laughter echoes shrilly in the hallway.
° "Sorry, I didn't think they were going to find us" she speaks against your neck, with a tone that shows shyness. Your legs are still firmly on his hip, and even though you refuse to let him go so easily, you know there's no way he wants to continue. "You don't even have to apologize, that idiot did it on purpose" you caress his back waiting for him to show his face again.
° Giving a small squeal of frustration, he puts his glasses back on and helps you to arrange your clothes while you do the same for him. When they think they are presentable enough to go out Rosho stops in front of the closed door "Y/o… no…. I don't think I can go out yet."
°Believing that he says it because he still wants to continue, you are about to kiss him madly like he did a moment ago, but it is evident that it is not so, he is really just ashamed of what happened. You would make sure to make Sasara pay for interrupting at the right time, he will not get away with this crime.
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spaydekingcayde · 1 month ago
woah I was tagged in a mutual game by @kroganloveinterest !! I am tagging my evil husband @meat-pvppet in this as well as my good friends @sovenderegn and @plagueprince and anyone else who’d like to do this.
What is the origin of your blog title?
Danse macabre — a French phrase meaning “Dance of Death,” is an art trope originating during the late medieval period that seeks to reminds us of the universal nature of death. The header I have to match is an example of such a piece — from 1493, by Michael Wolgemut (pictured below). It’s also a composition trope, as in Camille Saint-Saens’ composition that was also covered by the oh hellos in dear wormwood.
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Favorite fandoms?
none I hate all you bitches (joke)
in all seriousness I’ve liked what the destiny community is, but I don’t really fully engage with any other fandom outside of it because I’m a narrow interests autistic lmao.
OTP(s) + ship name?
Unironically, Nebula + Cayde. Yes I know it’s oc/canon, idgaf gargle my nuts lol. nebbycayde is what I call them, and they’re the sole reason why I carrion icarian by Hozier was my number 1 Spotify wrapped song for 2024.
I’m also very very fond of their polycule, but there’s too many of them to condense into one ship name lmao.
Favourite color?
not purple (it’s purple)
Favourite game?
destiny (I have not seen the sun in weeks) (I also like sea of thieves)
Song stuck in your head?
…I’ve never had anything quite like a moose. (Primarily because my group was singing it tonight)
Weirdest habit or trait?
Not too sure? I do skin pick and bite my nails but that isn’t really “weird,” because a lot of people do it. I make a lot of clicking noises but that depends on if you consider vocal stims a weird autism trait.
Ploughing yer mum.
In all seriousness I enjoy writing and researching and picking up very specific knowledge about things, as well as re-enactment and the community stuff that comes with it.
If you work, what is your profession?
I have a major in Jack with a career in Shit (I do Nothing)
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
Astronaut! launch me up there.
But also a medieval scholar and general medieval history nut.
Something you’re good at?
getting bitches
In all seriousness I’m not too sure!
Something you’re bad at?
Something you excel at?
Slowly but surely procuring information about things and spewing them back to people, and I’m also Very literate I love reading and writing and comprehending literature
Something you love?
my husband : 3 and also my friends and my family
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff?
Destiny lore! But also Viking stuff and medieval history!
Something you hate?
insert obligatory edgy “myself” response. but the hatred I feel for myself is microscopic and nonexistent in the face of my hatred for cooked egg whites and their texture.
Something you collect?
Rocks, bones, pelts, all variants of trinkets and plushies!
Something you forget?
everything. every fucking thing
What’s your love language?
Food, physical touch, mutual infodumping, showing people things!
Favourite movie/show?
Unironically Nosferatu (2024) is really good, it’s the one I remember seeing most recently. I love Robert eggers
Favourite food?
Varies! but I like sushi, especially grilled eel.
Favorite animal?
Big list! But I’ve been particularly fond of coyotes as of late.
Are you musical?
No, I wish I was. I hope to change it though! I used to sing before I started T but it’s changed my voice so I’m hesitant now.
What were you like as a child?
don’t remember was probably annoying
Favorite subject in school?
English and literacy!
Least favourite subject?
math. I have a learning disability and was abused for it by my teachers
What’s your best character trait?
bitches love my autism swag
What’s your worst character trait?
I dunno. not that I’m perfect or anything but because if I think of one (1) of my flaws I will go on a terrible doom spiral and spend the rest of the night feeling like I’m the worst person on the planet.
If you could change any outcome of your day what would it be?
Nothing really! I just wish I wasn’t so tired at Yule today.
If you could travel in time who would you meet?
I would like to explore the medieval period! I also want to fight Saxo Grammaticus and also stand before Dante Alighieri in my cunty Dante getup (booty shorts with abandon all hope ye who enter here in glitter, tank top with no. 1 Virgil fan on it. Laurel wreath, stripper heels with “DANTE” on the fronts in glitter) just to watch that Italian disintegrate. and also because I would convince him to sign my copy of the divine comedy like meeting an author at a celebrity book meet
Recommend one of your favourite fics!
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my own (they don’t exist 100% yet)
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scarlet-hardship · 2 years ago
I've decided to make an official whumplr blog after a long time debating the idea but... here it is!
My everyday blog is @redpapertowel , but I don't feel like posting anything there that I've written myself. That's what this blog will be for!
Call me Scar, He/Him. I'm open to most whumpy things and tropes except for anything NSFW or something that specifically targets minorities—for example, sexism/homophobia/transphobia/racism is something that makes whump aggravating to me. I don't like it at all.
However I do have my whump favorites!
- Lots of comfort and caretaking (plus a sprinkle of found family and parent/child dynamics make me so happy)
- I love the feral whumpees. Absolute animalistic whumpees who aren't afraid to fight back with every ounce of will.
- I'm more of a sucker for comfort and healing than the actual process of hurting a whumpee, but sometimes I feel sadistic and want to destroy a whumpee's life
- Hero Caretaker and Villian Whumpee? BEST SHIT EVER. MAKES MY KNEES WEAK
- silent whumpees. silent whumpees!!!
I love most whump/writing I find, but again I do hate NSFW whump and the use of whump as a way to hate a specific group of people in any way.
I don't think I'll be posting much writing yet, but soon I'll be happy to share!!!
My favorite whump/writing blogs have been these:
@whumperofworlds @a-crumb-of-whump @save-the-villainous-cat @whumpster-dumpster @demondamage @whumpcereal @thepenultimateword @whumpinggrounds @sickficideas @oopsiwhumpeditagain @whumpbump @whumpasaurus101 @the-modern-typewriter @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whumpsday
All of you guys are AWESOME!!!
Also, @devourerofcheesecake , @tictac-murder-spaghetti , and @roblingoblin285 ? I love you all fr, you guys made me confident enough to try doing this LMAO. Thanks!!!
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year ago
Hello! Happy Valentines day! I love your blog, and I’m wondering if you have recs for books with really solid friendships for the heroines? I’m rereading the wallflowers rn (my first historical series i ever read!) and I’m just delighted by how much the four of them like each other, and also how they get to do kinda silly stupid stuff together bc friends DO encourage each other to be deranged sometimes lmao
Yes! (And thank you.)
Offbeat rec, but I really love the way Lucia and Regin love each other in IAD--specifically Pleasure of a Dark Prince (Lucia's book) but in general. They're *technically* sisters, as all valkyries are, but they're really best friends and so ride or die for each other. When Lucia is like "I need to go on the run so my werewolf fated mate can't find me" Regin is all "I'm ON IT" and goes with her and helps her like, push Garreth down a ravine and attempt to crush him with cars. It's great.
The Mating Habits of Scoundrels by Vivienne Lorret has great, funny friendships. The girls are really supportive of each other, but they're also like... encouraging one another's worst fears. I think Wallflowers fans would really like this series--my favorites are The Wrong Marquess, How to Steal a Scoundrel's Heart, and Never Seduce a Duke.
Oooh The Fifth Avenue Rebels by Joanna Shupe has fabulous friendships. This is definitely a "friends encourage friends to go goblin mode" series, especially on Nellie's part. Nellie is like, always steering Maddy to cheat on her fiancee with Archer (to be fair, Nellie had.... a conflict of interest there, but she was Right) and taking Katherine to French balls to go hook up with masked men and stuff. And in her book especially, I think you really see how much she adores her friends, and how much she feels that "everyone is getting married and growing up and moving on without me" thing, which leads to a lovely friendship moment between all four.
Hell's Belles by Sarah MacLean OBVIOUSLY has an amazing girl gang that encourages women's wrongs.
Grace Callaway's Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels series by Grace Callaway has a group of crazy young vigilante girls, led by a much calmer, but secretly insane, Lady Charlotte. I just love how these girls will be like "LET'S KICK FLIP VILLAINS AND KISS BOYS".
Jennifer Ashley's first four Mackenzie books especially have really lovely, supportive friendships between the Mackenzie brides. Beth and Isabella are probably the closest, but they're all really tight and understanding of one another.
Adriana Herrera's Las Leonas series is only two books in thus far, but I've been LOVING the female friendships in that series. The women really GET each other, and I super enjoy the fact that there is like... an acknowledged bonding that goes beyond them being women in the 19th century, and goes into them being woc in a predominantly white European society especially.
And for books that have great friendships between men and women, I looove Frannie's relationships with the Scoundrels of St. James, especially Jack. Like, all these guys are a little in love with her (Jack least for sure because he actually gets that their love is platonic lol), but it's pretty quickly clear that it's like, this trauma bond situation where they actually just really GET each other and where they're coming from. So it's not like, objectifying in any way and she's more like the heart of the group, while also being great at forging things and such as that lmao.
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flanneryculp · 1 year ago
hello, CEO of the basic eight!!!! those characters are my little skrunklings and i’m so glad to see your ever constant posts about them, when the book is so underrated! give me some HCs about them please!! middle names, birthdays, childhood experiences, anything! but of course, only if you’d like to or have the time. love your blog!
— pinterest anon
oh man this might be my favorite ask i've ever received, thank you so much! it makes me a little sad to think about how little recognition tb8 got, but at the same time, it's nice to be in a fandom of five people who all know each other. like a book club! :) these are silly and not based in canon, and i change my mind on them all the time.
@ellington-f3int and i were talking about this--i headcanon that flora and rachel state become friends post-canon.
in my mind rachel was always the black sheep of her family, and her dressing up goth and writing terrible edgy poetry was her way of rebelling against her parents' strict conservative upbringing.
flora eventually grows a little resentful of tert/the talkshows both because of how strict they are, and because there’s a part of her that’s still loyal to her friends and isn’t fond of the satanism accusations.
while tert and mr. and mrs. state are on tv to spread an agenda and become famous, flora and rachel feel more distanced from the situation than ever. they feel weird about having this tragedy turned into a Media Sensation, and that they're participating in it. though they're initially wary of each other, they end up getting close since they’re the only ones who can understand each other.
their kinship develops into a real friendship, where flora is the #1 fan of rachel’s emo poetry and rachel will happily sit through as many guiness world record facts as flora has to offer
rachel still hates the rest of the eight, though
so you know how tert talks about a possibility of natasha being based on a counselor in training flan knew? i have so many thoughts about that. i think she was maybe a year or two older than flan, and they met on the summer between middle and high school. anyway, flan and natasha v. snuck out in the middle of the night to a corner store, and flan helped natasha v. dye her hair in the camp bathroom. it was stained with black hair dye forever (kind of paralleling natasha helping flan wash off adam’s blood) and it was such a keystone experience for flan that she always thought of natasha with black hair.
i think most of them met at different points in their lives, but were all close friends by sophomore year. before their group formed, they were all pretentious but in different ways.
a specific example i have in mind is of v____, lily, and douglas all being friends since fifth grade. they met in the orchestra classroom and bonded over a love of classical music. v____ dropped viola in middle school because of having too little time to practice, but still is a classical music buff (though not to the extent of lily and douglas). those three were the most pretentious of anyone in late elementary/early middle lmao.
kate was a big part of bringing them together, because of her knack for knowing Literally Everyone. flan and kate went to the same elementary school for years but didn’t get to know each other well until middle school, when they were in the same play together. they gossiped backstage and realized they had a lot in common.
flan is absolutely a child of the dare program. of course she thought it was pointless, but from the way she’s horrified at her friends smoking in the end (while not caring about absinthe) shows that something must have stuck lol.
jennifer rose milton always has the best stationery. a whole box of glitter pens in every color, and those fancy mechanical pencils. she’s also really good at drawing and quite passionate about it. she likes doing landscapes and drawing what she sees in front of her when she has a moment to just sit. her school papers are covered in little doodles.
height headcanons:
1. flora (5'0)
2. kate (5'1)
3. v____ (5'3)
4. lily (5'4)
5. (flan 5'5)
6 (natasha 5'5 but she has better posture than flan + usually wears platforms/heels)
7. gabriel 5'7
8. jennifer rose milton (5'8) (shes tall! you can’t convince me otherwise! ^^)
9. douglas 5'10
10. adam (6'0)
some short ones!
natasha and v____ both have huge sweet tooths and love going out for desserts together. :)
lily has insomnia and usually takes chamomile tea before bed. she’s actually become really good at making tea and has a bunch of different varieties
natasha is a big fan of hole (the band). she plays the live through this album in the car with flan often
flan and natasha have slightly different handwriting and if you look closely you can tell which one of them wrote something. but the differences are subtle--both write in messy, jagged print
flan and natasha sometimes go to the library and specifically look at the terrible ya/poetry section and spend hours reading each other the worst lines they can find and laughing til they can't breathe
gabriel is really good at first aid and healing most injuries. also if one of his friends gets sick, he’s always the first to visit them and makes sure they have what they need (homework, medicine, FOOD <3 <3 <3)
douglas gets along really well with his sister and they managed to stay in touch despite her being in college (until senior year, where he talked to her less and less. rip)
kate was always a leader, even when she was little. she was always the person who volunteered to pass out the papers in elementary school. once when she was in second grade she got into a pretty nasty fight over who would be the line leader
before she got into the guinness world records, flora used to be really into mythology
in elementary, flan used to get in trouble during group reading time because she would always read way faster than her classmates and be done while everyone else was still on page 4. this is when she started to hate school
adam is ambidextrous
in elementary school, jennifer rose milton was the girl who’d braid your hair during storytime. :)
there are almost certainly more i'm forgetting, but those are the ones i can think of right now! thanks again for the ask <3
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bonezlyy · 2 years ago
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Hello gays in my phone, my name is Ezra and I am a huge fan of the utmv
But the skeleton part specifically
Shocker I know mate, my wattpad got deleted because wattpad is ableist so my headcanons are going to be put here instead
I don’t really know how to explain myself so I’ll do a character intro thing instead because I’m a lazy little shit 🫶🏼
Okay the sheet looked ugly so Im gonna write it by hand
Name: Ezra/Ez
Age: 15
Pronouns: He/him + neos but I cant be arsed to make my card so they dont really matter
Gender: Trans ftm, genderqueer
Sexuality: Aegosexual, Cupioromantic (aroace), gay
And this silly thing
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the pet name kinda things aren't romantic in any way btw, I call ppl pet names platonically
If I do this and you dont like it just tell me and I'll stop :3
This blog is a safe space for:
Queer people, I am gay and Aroace myself
Trans people, including xenos. Again, I am trans and use xenos myself
Disabled people, I am autistic myself
Poc people, I am mixed race
Age regressors (sfw)
Oh and if you’re that transphobic identity that I can’t remember the name of, where you dont date trans people and ur flag is the PH colours
And any stupid labels like that (mangasexual, dreamsexual and shit like that)
No, this blog will not include nsfw headcanons, they’re teenagers
It will definitely have nsfw/dark jokes because that is most of my humour but no headcanons/scenarios.
This blog is gonna be messy asf but in a hot silly gay way
Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog, there will probably be a lot of shitposting and I might try writing stuff but it’ll be mostly headcanons I think (or hope)
Also, its gonna be a highschool au
Because gay angry teenagers in a big gay friend group
My fucking dream.
Also Toriel is a teacher at this school
Asgore is the head master
And Frisk, Chara, Chris, Asriel, Suzie, Noelle, Alphys, Undyne; and X Chara who will just be called X, are all students too but they kinda just float in the background
And all of the papyrus siblings are either dead, missing, non existent or little children
All the Papyruses will be like 6-12
and I can’t draw very well but Im trying to learn so I this au can be an actual comic thing
Well it’ll be an AO3 story first but I want to make outfits/designs for them and draw some scenes from it :3
Holy shit this thing is long
I need to learn when to stop talking lmao 💀
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titanchaser · 1 year ago
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𝘼𝙍𝙑𝙀𝙉 of 𝘱𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘵 & 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘵. by percival (he/him, 30+)
𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐧 [ . . . ] learning to let go / man vs. machine / looking back, looking forward / healing the soul / finding your treasure
public v. private info ╱ verses ╱ about ╱ his pokemon ╱ his battle team ╱
affiliated with [ . . . ] @rotharvest , @griefurias, @aetherceuse , @moonkssd , @directorstarfall , @fightingstargirl , @skullkxd, tba
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𝐨𝐧𝐞. #TITANCHASER is an independent, private, highly selective and mutuals exclusive writing blog for arven of the pokemon franchise. except imagine it's actually written in the style of the final season of yu-gi-oh 5Ds (arc cradle / iliaster) ... among other franchises lmao.
due to the fact that i am OLD, this blog is 18+. please do not follow me if you are under 18!
on this note, this blog will feature dark and triggering themes. i will make sure to tag these things with the format of #trigger so that they can be filtered out! please tag #trypophobia for me!
𝐭𝐰𝐨. idk arven is an upperclassman at a goddamn college (21), but shipping isn't my main concern here. anyway there's nothing with any muse under 18 obviously, and arven won't be going for anyone too far above his age range, either!
i am very open to other sorts of bonds, though!
i should also note that i will accept mains and exclusives!
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. i am known for writing metas across the blogs i have. in the wise words of a friend:
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with this in mind, the metas i write are portrayal specific to this blog, so please give them a read! i know i can be rather wordy- anyone who has followed me elsewhere may know this, but for my first time followers, worldbuilding is one of my favorite things to do. i am particularly fond of analysis of character psychology.
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. to the point above, i do have other blogs! i am in and out of other fandoms, but i am trying to focus on a smaller group of things for my own sanity.
and by this, i mean i work 32-40 hours as a registered nurse in an inpatient psychiatric unit. i am busy, i am tired, and i can't keep letting my focus go all over the place. inevitably, it still may do that because i have a tendency to be scattered, so if i don't get to something immediately, it isn't you, it's me!
also related to that, i do love communication! i struggle with reading the room (it's the Autism tm) and so if something's up or if you're bothered, please be direct with me! i will not take offense, i quite appreciate feedback so that i can be better as a person! in return, i will communicate back! i am learning to curate my space (after 10+ years of being on tumblr).
𝐬𝐢𝐱. there are people i won't interact with due to various reasons- my dni list is on the carrd of my other blogs. i won't interact with genderbent versions of characters, people who are Real Life Individuals (not counting fictional depictions like in the typemoon franchise or whatnot because those really have nothing to do with the actual individual they're supposedly based on?).
please stay far away from me if you fall under the following categories (i'm censoring things because god knows tumblr just picks shit up idk): proshipping, writing inc*st, p*dophilia, r*pe/n*ncon, are transphobic/homophobic- the usual gross behavior! use your moral compass!
on top of that, i am a firm believer that we learn from the media around us. full censorship is just as dangerous as the aforementioned things- the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows! please refer to this post which essentially summarizes the gist of what i'm trying to explain.
𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. anyway, hello, i'm percival / percy. i am 30+ and use he/him pronouns exclusively! i am a hobby artist (it's my side-gig from nursing) and sometimes i post my art, tagged #whats my art tag considering i constantly forget my art tag if it's fancy. please do not repost my art without my permission.
mutuals, feel free to ask me for my discord, since i am much easier to reach there!
i look forward to writing with you!
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brylichen · 2 years ago
Hello, there. Welcome to Brylichen!
“Oh, hi. I’m Mylo, nice to meet you!”
Welcome to Brylichen! Lead by the monarch, Mylo, it’s a beautiful underground kingdom located in a long chain of lush caves. Mylo really likes to meet new people, so they love new visitors!
What’ll you do here in Brylichen? Are you just passing through, or are you looking for something more permanent like citizenship? Whatever the case, you’re always welcome here. Happy adventuring!
This is a roleplay blog for @mean-gills’s Empires season 3 rp! Run by @the-bad-boys, but this is it’s own account because sideblogs are rather confusing for me to use lmao..
Just a disclaimer: I’m fairly busy IRL as of recently, so I may randomly disappear. Apologies!
Anyone’s welcome to roleplay with this blog, but the only people that may engage in serious lore are the 10 other blogs we have specifically for this roleplay. Full blown roleplayers to shy anons - everyone’s good! HOWEVER, won’t be interacting with anyone until our group sort of picks up. It’ll be soon, don’t worry!
The only things I won’t allow are NSFW, random/extreme stuff, and overpowered things. [For example, don’t just say something like, “I run at them so fast they can’t run away”.] Otherwise, come on over!
If you send me an ask, I might not reply to it because a) I’m not online or b) I feel like I’m too busy roleplay-wise. However, it’s been a really long time - say a week or so - feel free to send another ask in reminding me as I may have forgotten.
#all around the bush we go - in character posts
#not me not you; who is who? - out of character posts
#all together now! - roleplaying [specifically with others]
#open the letter - asks
[just random stupid fun facts]
About Mylo
they/it pronouns
Glare hybrid!
likes literally everything cute
it’s favorite things ever are mushrooms and other types of related nature items..so funky
About Brylichen
previously known as Lichendrip, but Mylo's great great grandmother decided that name wasn't..fancy enough
protected with a sort of force field, which is made of a combination of cave materials, to keep hostile mobs out
About Me
Ren! he/they/it pronouns :D
I've been roleplaying for almost 1.5 years er..
^ you may have seen some of my other blogs; I always use this specific format [or something super similar] so you know it's probably me!! it's like a trademark lmfao
^^ apparently, a few of the other blogs in our group have been borrowing the format for their own blogs! meh..they're the only exception, otherwise it's me 👍
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algosnostosdeux · 2 years ago
hello lovelies! i’m sunny, 30 years old, she/her! i haven’t been super active with 1x1 rping for the past 2 years, but the group rp scene is bone dry currently, and i’m craving something darker than my ongoing indie rp verse! this blog is currently way under construction, but should be fully set up by july 8th, 2023.
until then, please accept this post as my temporary rules list/wanted list/muse list!
1. muns MUST be 21+, preferably 25+. this is nonnegotiable, if your age is not listed, or you refuse to share it, then we will not be writing together. it weirds me out, i’m sorry.
2. i write muses of all genders, ages (21+), and sexualities, and i prefer to write with people of similar mindsets. someone with an army of twinks, or a platoon of 18 year old girls is only going to be getting a deep side-eye from me. 
3. OCxOC only, though i could be convinced to write OCxcanon if the plot is particularly tantalizing.
4. will NOT write, under any circumstances: pregnancy, babysitter/nanny plots (so not sexy when it’s your actual job, let me tell you!), extreme taboo (bestiality, underage, noncon [dubcon and cnc okay], heavy bloodplay [knifeplay, biting, etc are fine, but nothing more extreme], scat)
5. no one liners, no gif only replies, and no uneven replies. i’m not picky about reply length, so long as you match me for response worthy content. 3 paragraph long replies are great and all, but if only 2 lines of that is something i can formulate a reply around, then it becomes an issue for me.
6. i love discord for plotting, chatting, and keeping track of characters, plots, and general worldbuilding, but i prefer the bulk of our rping to be done on tumblr. i’m old and set in my ways!
no specific plots yet, but just the general vibes of something dark, unconventional, and deliciously plotty. lots of action and drama, something we just dive right into without all the awkward first few threads establishing characters and scenes. smut heavy but not smut reliant. would prefer to start out as a 1x1 but eventually expand to a multimuse situation. i don’t generally gravitate towards generic slice of life type plots, i want the drama and intrigue to come from actual dark sources, not just your basic cheating plot, or whatever. 
besides slice of life though, i’m open to any and all verses- with a leaning towards supernatural (creatures, not the show!), criminals, D/s universes, and soulmate verses.
i am an all in type of girl when it comes to my muses and verses- i love talking about our little freaks outside of just plotting and writing threads, and i do tend to foist playlists and pinterest boards onto my partners! if that level of enthusiasm is offputting, it’s best you know this about me now, lol. 
i generally prefer to create new muses from scratch, especially for rps with long run lengths, but i do have a few who i just love, and have been writing so long that they can be edited and molded to fit just about any plot lol. my town bicycles, everyone gets a ride! i tend to favor slightly less popular faceclaims as well, there are no marvel faces or disney faces in my repertoire. 
if you stuck around to reach this part of this post, i already love you lmao! if you feel like we could vibe well, hit me with a message via tumblr (you’ll likely get my discord within minutes, but I just don’t like having it out free for anyone to see) and let’s give it a go! i’m a sick little insomniac so i’m awake and online at all hours of the night, and i crave validation so i respond within the hour, usually within minutes. 
thanks again for humoring me,
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lazymusers · 5 months ago
── ⋆ ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . hello, and welcome to lazymusers!! my name is tiff and if i'm honest, i made this blog to help me clear my likes lmao. but as the name suggests, we're lazy around here. i don't pay a special amount of attention to perfect tags or anything. i just want a place to put all kinds of musing stuff! . ˚ ♡ ࿐ . ˖ ⋆ ──
below you'll find information on what kind of tags i have, things i'd like to be notified of, and types of requests i'll take!
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( gif description: my favorite princess halle bailey wearing a white necklace and a black blazer, she has long braided hair and lovely makeup with muted rosy tones, smiling happily while she talks in front of a lighted background. the gif was made by @katherine-mcnamara and you can find the pack here! )
please notify me about the following thing please note i will never do these intentionally, hence wanting notification
if i have reblogged something from a terf blog or any other problematic op
if i have posted something that is AI
if i have posted something that is offensive to a group of people
if i have failed to tag a trigger
i will add to this as i think of more!
what kind of requests will i take? keep in mind this is a lazy blog...
aesthetic posts ( archetypes, moods, colors, etc )
reblog more types of specific tags ( ie. ships, character labels, types of fashion, aesthetics, body types, etc )
not much else but i'll add as i think of more
if you have gif pack requests or commissions, you can send them to @usertiff
what kind of tags do i have? you can find them below!
specialized/more specific tagging system:
labels ( "lbl. label type" )
ship stuff ( "ships", "ship. sapphic/straight/achillean", "ship. nsfw" )
faceless ( "faceless", "fl. masculine/feminine/androgynous", "fl. body diverse" )
fashion ( "fashion", "fshn. masculine/feminine/androgynous", "fshn. body diverse" )
aesthetics ( "aesthetics", "aes. aesthetic type" - things like decades [1970s, 2000s], 'cores' like [cottagecore, vampirecore, lovecore], tropes, etc )
setting photography ( "settings", "landscape/cityscape/etc" )
inspiration ( "inspiration", "insp. character/ship/etc" )
dynamics & relationships ( "family", "dyn. dynamic type [ride or die/brotp/exes/etc]", "parenthood", "siblings" )
prompts & plots & ask memes ( "plots", "memes", "prompt memes", "starter memes", etc )
quotes & typography ( "words", "words. ships/etc" )
general tags, with no special tagging system, such as:
disability ( and type, if possible )
ethnicity ( type — note i do not tag any post with "poc" as i don't feel this is helpful, but i tag specific ethnicities when possible )
colors ( "color" )
art & photography
animals ( will tag the animal )
locations ( i will look for and tag the exact location )
objects ( "candy", "flowers", "crystal ball", literally whatever lol )
some body parts ( "lips", "hands" )
homes & buildings ( "homes", "interior", "exterior", "bedrooms", "offices", etc )
appearance ( "nails", "jewelry", "accessories", "hair", etc )
holidays & seasons ( "autumn", "christmas", etc )
i'll add to this if i think of more, or add more!
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anamnaesis · 1 year ago
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tyrias of granblue fantasy. by percival (30+, he/him)
affiliated with [ . . . ] tba
rules under readmore. about (tba). worldbuilding (tba). lore doc (wip)
𝐨𝐧𝐞. #ANAMNAESIS is an independent, private, highly selective and mutuals exclusive writing blog for tyrias the destroyer of granblue fantasy.
i am 30+ and for my comfort, this blog is 18+. please do not follow me if you are under 18!
on this note, this blog will feature dark and triggering themes. i like to veer from canon on basically everything i do ever, and also robomi series is ... dark lmao. i will make sure to tag these things with the format of #trigger so that they can be filtered out!
𝐭𝐰𝐨. shipping is not the priority here- but by canon, tyrias is in love with a young woman named airi (i'd also sell my legs for someone to write airi lmao). there will be no auto shipping despite this!
if shipping happens, it will require a LOT of plotting and will not be with any mun or muse under the age of 21.
i am very open to other sorts of bonds, though! because it isn't just romance when people talk about ships!
i should also note that i will accept mains and exclusives!
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. i am known for writing metas across the blogs i have. in the wise words of a friend:
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with this in mind, the metas i write are portrayal specific to this blog, so please give them a read! i know i can be rather wordy- anyone who has followed me elsewhere may know this, but for my first time followers, worldbuilding is one of my favorite things to do. i am particularly fond of analysis of character psychology.
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. to the point above, i do have other blogs. i am in and out of other fandoms, but i am trying to focus on a smaller group of things for my own sanity.
and by this, i mean i work 32-40 hours as a registered nurse in an inpatient psychiatric unit. i am busy, i am tired, and i can't keep letting my focus go all over the place. inevitably, it still may do that because i have a tendency to be scattered, so if i don't get to something immediately, it isn't you, it's me!
also related to that, i do love communication! i struggle with reading the room (it's the Autism tm) and so if something's up or if you're bothered, please be direct with me! i will not take offense, i quite appreciate feedback so that i can be better as a person! in return, i will communicate back! i am learning to curate my space (after 10+ years of being on tumblr).
𝐬𝐢𝐱. there are people i won't interact with due to various reasons. i won't interact with genderbent versions of characters, people who are Real Life Individuals (not counting fictional depictions like in the typemoon franchise or whatnot because those really have nothing to do with the actual individual they're supposedly based on?).
please stay far away from me if you fall under the following categories (i'm censoring things because god knows tumblr just picks shit up idk): proshipping, writing inc*st, p*dophilia, r*pe/n*ncon, are transphobic/homophobic- the usual gross behavior! use your moral compass!
on top of that, i am a firm believer that we learn from the media around us. full censorship is just as dangerous as the aforementioned things- the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows! please refer to this post which essentially summarizes the gist of what i'm trying to explain.
𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. anyway, hello, i'm percival / percy, i am 30+ and use he/him pronouns exclusively! i am a hobby artist (it's my side-gig from nursing) and sometimes i post my art, tagged #whats my art tag considering i constantly forget my art tag if it's fancy. please do not repost my art without my permission.
mutuals, feel free to ask me for my discord, since i am much easier to reach there!
i look forward to writing with you!
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unanchored-ship · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to my blog!
You can call me Unanchored, Ship, or a combination of the two! (it's my blog name after all),,, or Shippo :3
Pfp and banner art by me! (obviously please do not take my art and post it as your own)
Things you need to know before stepping into this boat:
Everyone has their own opinions! If you disagree with something, that's fine!
I like drawing and writing(though you will rarely ever see a piece of writing most of the time). Ship art ahead!! It's in the name!! Content will include whump/angst/somewhat suggestive things, so beware of that!
Obviously I do not condone irl any of the questionable actions shown or mentioned on this blog ;3
This blog is really for fun. don't take anything I do seriously
To navigate this blog I have created some tags to group posts and help y'all! I started tagging my old posts with these but gave up 20 posts in so some posts will unfortunately not be tagged properly and won't show up when you go through the tag :,(
(however, specific people and specific aus should be tagged properly so that is an option x)
The groups in question:
#unanchored reblogs -> as the name suggests #unanchored ted talks -> text posts. any rambles in the tags are also included #unanchored books -> fics and other forms of writing. trust me i will never use this #unanchored art -> art in general #unanchored dreams -> occasionally I will post about some weird dreams I've had... #ship to history -> any history related things. >>More specific tags for history: #mexicoposting, (#texasposting), (#gachupinposting) #antebellum, #polkposting (yes that is its own tag), #my lil twink <- Shrewsbury posts lmao(it's been here for a while but I thought I would just say), #my wife <- Guadalupe Victoria posts! #stuarts and friends <- stuart family in england along with others associated with them, #prussiaposting #warrior spotted <- Vicente Guerrero posts!! #species alamanii <- Lucas Alaman posts!!! #ourple boy <- Pedro Celestino Negrete posts!!!!
#ship to chemistry -> as the name suggests. Includes ocs based off chemistry. #ship to biology -> same thing as ship to chemistry but biology #boat of AUs -> any AU content. #boat of ocs -> oc related content. Does not include chemistry/biology ocs as they are usually personifications. Includes others' ocs as well! #friendly sailing -> content I make about other people’s stuff. I don't have any personal tags for potentially triggering things but I will try to tag everything properly. I recommend filtering out #whump tag and #suggestive as the main ones here but filter out whatever you need just in case. Also, I'm a bad at trigger warnings so I will put #dead dove whenever there are potentially disturbing things. I use #tw for triggers. #captains guard -> my original posts (reblogs may be included if they have a good amount of my work such as art or text) (all tags mentioned also apply to other people’s stuff!)(other than #friendly sailing and #captains guard lol that's only MY content)
You don't have to worry about explicit NSFW, that's not posted here! #suggestive art shown here doesn't go any farther beyond that!
Please don't spread hate, misinformation, or anything along those lines here!
And remember, if you don't like it here, you can always leave :)
Will update this if I ever decide to share some of my own stories or AUs and need a big post to explain it all. Keep on winning y'all!
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