#specifically ones who like reddie
woohoorin · 2 months
"Richie's sometimes enchanting, often exhausting charm" "But there was something he had to say first." "Man, he had hated it when Richie called him Eds..but, he sort of liked it too." "I saw what a cutie you were the first time I met you." WHICH COULD MEAN N
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thetreetopinn · 10 months
Sources for Somerton's Plagiarism from Hbomberguy's Video (as much as I could get)
I went back through Harry's video, focused entirely on the sources James Somerton pulled from in the hopes of creating as much of a comprehensive list as I could--though my Google-Fu is not very strong. I did however find something I thought was forever lost and that made me very happy--specifically the magazine Midlands Zone containing the column by Steven Spinks that Harry poignantly used as an illustration of gay erasure... while Somerton uses it to sound like HE is waxing remorseful about the very subject.
This is not a complete list, I'm sure. For one thing, I was only able to attempt to pull sources that Harry himself mentioned in the video. Surely there's so very much more out there. I expect there to be a great deal more internet archeology to unearth just how much writing and culture Somerton has stolen like he's the British Museum of Natural History but for gay people.
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Harry's list of mentioned youtubers:
Alexander Avila - https://www.youtube.com/@alexander_avila Matt Baume - https://www.youtube.com/@MattBaume Khadija Mbowe - https://www.youtube.com/@KhadijaMbowe Lady Emily - https://www.youtube.com/@LadyEmilyPresents Shanspeare - https://www.youtube.com/@Shanspeare RickiHirsch - https://www.youtube.com/@RickiHirsch VerilyBitchie - https://www.youtube.com/@verilybitchie
Harry created a convenient playlist of videos by these and other people he wants to bring to everyone's attention.
Please give them your support.
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Midlands Zone Magazine - Column by Steven Spinks
After a great deal of searching, I found an archive of the "Midlands Zone" magazine, where you can read through past issues dating all the way back to February 2014. I have also found the issue from which Somerton took Spinks' poignant discussion of gay erasure: Overall archive Specific Issue - Pages 16-17
It will not allow you to download it, but you can read it exactly as it appeared in print form.
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My best effort to find the exact book or article Somerton lifted from to be able to get attention to the original writers
Tinker Bells and Evil Queens By Sean Griffin
The Celluloid Closet By Vito Russo Wikipedia article about the book Wikipedia article about the documentary My weak google-fu could not find where you can access the book or documentary. Check your local municipal or university library for book or documentary, or if you know a good source for one or both, please reblog with it added
Camp and the Gay Sensibility By Jack Babuscio
The Groundbreaking Queerness of Disney's Mulan By Jes Tom Personal site with links to social media accounts
Why Rebel Without a Cause was a milestone for gay rights By Peter Howell
Why "The Craft" is still the best Halloween coming out movie By Andrew Park
Opinion: From facehuggers to phallic tails, is 'Alien' one of the queerest films ever? By Dani Leever
Women and Queerness in Horror: Jennifer's Body By Zoe Fortier
[Pride 2019] We Have Such Sights to Show You: Hellraiser and the Spectrum of Queerness By Alejandra Gonzalez
Revealing the Hellbound Heart of Clive Barker's 'Hellraiser' By Colin Arason
Queering James Cameron's Aliens (1986) By Bart Bishop
Demeter and Persephone in space: transformation, femininity, and myth in the 'Alien' films By David Greven
Fears of a millennial masculinity: Scream's queer killers By David Greven (Scholarly site, unable to access original work, offers a way to request a full copy of the text in PDF)
Queer Subtext in Stephen King's It - Part 1: 'Reddie' Character Analysis By Rachel Brands Rachel is the very unfortunate lady who found out she was being stolen from because she supported Somerton through Patreon and saw one of his videos early with her writing--lacking any form of citation or credit
How 'It: Chapter Two' Leaves Richie Tozier Behind By Joelle Monique
When Horror Becomes Strength: Queer Armor in Stephen King's 'IT' By Alex London
Why Queer People Love Witchcraft By Amanda Kohr
'The Favourite' Queers The Past And The Present By Giorgi Plys-Garzotto
(Wuko) Crush (Mako x Wu) By MoonFlower on YouTube
5 Terrible Movies With Awesome Hidden Meanings By J.F. Sargent
The Radicalization of Sexuality: The Queer Casae of Jeffrey Dahmer By Ian Barnard
Netflix's 'Dahmer' backlash highlights ethical issues in the platform's obsession with true crime By Shivani Dubey
The Possible Disturbing Dissonance Between Hajime Isayama's Beliefs and Attack on Titan's Themes Original Article by "Seldom Musings" (Author has made all posts not related to Attack On Titan private and has retired from the blog)
Everyone Loves Attack on Titan. So Why Does Everyone Hate Attack on Titan? By Gita Jackson
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The following people are otherwise named in the video. There are no direct citations of articles or books by them in said video. I am unable to guarantee that I have identified the correct individual.
Darren Elliott-Smith Michaela Barton David Church Claire Sisco King Amanda Howell Jessica Roy
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Telos announced and cancelled a film likely based on this book: The Final Girl Support Group - By Grady Hendrix
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I refrained from including certain sources.
First off only focusing on Somerton's work.
Secondly not including anything that might be visible enough to not require amplifying their voice (I cannot speak for all of those I have found links to, but journalism is frequently a thankless job).
Thirdly any source that is of a nature that is antithetical to the very existence of the queer community, such as the right-leaning source that didn't make it into Somerton's video, but Harry was able to identify as a source he had considered using.
If you feel I have missed a mentioned source--or you know of a source from material that was not covered in Harry's video--please do not hesitate to reblog with added details.
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Please share this information far and wide, and please add to it if you find more material that can be positively identified and linked to the creator/writer.
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nexus-my-beloved · 8 months
This isn't my usual content but I recently (four days ago) decided to read the actual book for IT so here's a couple of headcanons (specifically centred around 1990 IT, but I'll specify which years just in case):
-1990 Eddie likely had severe anxiety around showers and baths after the time he saw Pennywise in the gym locker room showers. He probably always had a fear of the clown stretching open the drain again and reaching to grab him and drag him into the sewers. Eddie is afraid of disease and germs, though, conditioned to it, so he still took showers and baths- but he probably scrubbed hard enough to make his skin red and raw and he did it fast before rushing out, always racing against an invisible clock that when the timer was up Pennywise would grab him. This fear probably carried over to adulthood, even when he forgot about Derry, and he likely got better with it but probably still was afraid for some unknown reason- he probably took ten minute showers, fifteen at most.
-1990 Reddie headcanon: when they were kids, Richie probably had a small crush on Eddie, but he likely had more feelings for Stanley (1990 Stozier truther here but also universal Reddie enjoyer). When they were adults, though, Richie probably grew out of his feelings for Stanley and I like to think he had more feelings for Eddie that resurfaced the moment he saw him. Eddie probably liked Richie a lot when they were adults, but probably wasn't very big on him when they were kids.
-1990 Stenbrough headcanon: for years after Derry, Bill probably would say random bird species when he was anxious. He wouldn't remember who this was from or realize it was from one of his best friends until he got back to Derry, and that friend was dead. Bill likely held on hope that Stan would come, and probably felt his heart bleed a bit when he realized Stan had killed himself. He never got to fess up to the little crush he used to have.
-2019 Reddie headcanon: based on the fact that Eddie yelled "I knew it! I fucking knew it!" when they were leaving the restaurant after Richie admitted to not writing his own material, I like to think that Eddie probably watched this comedian he recognized but didn't know from where on TV and swore up and down the material was scripted from someone other than him. He didn't recognize the Tozier standup guy until he got the phone call from Mike and realized it was Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier from when he was a kid. Eddie probably kept tabs and watched Richie for years without ever realizing that used to be his best friend.
-2017 Bill Denbrough headcanon: I like to think that Bill particularly stuttered on s-words. Which means he probably stuttered like hell whenever he'd have to say Stan/Stanley sometimes. Imagine how he'd have to use nicknames instead, silly or not, and how much more important it'd be when he said just Stanley, even if it was hard.
-All Media Bill Denbrough: there's no way he could've looked at paper boats without feeling like crying. Even as an adult he probably couldn't explain it. He'd just cry.
I probably have more but I think this is a big enough post for tonight. Have these I found on Pinterest!
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The sillies <3
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Bowers Gang Slander but it gets progressively worse/better (depends how you see it)
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Abso-fuckin-lutely it is them. I can imagine little 2017 Eddie running after Finn Wolfhard Richie with inhaler in hand and trying to keep up while Richie laughs his ass off and promptly smacks his face into an open locker and eats shit
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Twink Eddie <3
In all fairness though I love adult 1990 Eddie. He looks like the embodiment of if kindness were a human being and he just makes me so happy I would hug this man and love him forever I want to keep him in my pocket
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readythefanons · 1 month
I stand by my previous statement that Klaasje has some banger voice lines, and her VA delivers them beautifully.
I have a lot more thoughts about her specific lines and so on, but I'll shut up for once and let the work speak for itself.
Disco Elysium fan audio track using Klaasje voice lines and royalty free music. Put together in Audacity.
Duration: 3:14.
Voice lines from GrandFrance on YouTube
Music from Pixabay music ("Beautiful things" by Calvin Clavier from Pixabay)
gosh reddy i love these weird audios i'd love to hear more
Transcript below the jump
I'm waiting for the miracle to happen. It'll take one to get me out of the mess I'm in.
Something is happening--in this city. I can feel it when I'm out here at night.
They say there will be an event. That it will happen somewhere here.
"The Return" is part urban myth, part political science.
It's a fool's hope, sir, and it's also all I've got.
Soon. But it's been "soon" for almost half a century now, so... Don't hold your breath.
In Revachol--Revachol West. They say it will happen soon, and that it will change everything.
I came all this way on a false passport and some money. To hide, mostly, in the most volatile part of the Real belt, where it's easiest to disappear. Where the walls are still porous and you can slip through. This is just something to get me through the night, you know? A little espérance.
How do you deal with anything? It's all just... How do you do it?
The return is a big hit in the industrial espionage circles. A lot of desperate, seedy types there. All screwed in this unipolar world.
there's talk. A lot of people like me who need a new color in the map. It's all blue, you see, and that blue doesn't like us.
I love Revachol, though.
I hope she loves me too.
It's a fool's hope. And it's also all I've got.
But at the same time, I mean--things can't go on like this forever. Something will give. It always does.
I do. I'm waiting for the miracle to happen. In Revachol, Revachol West.
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dawnleaf37 · 7 months
@spiderwebd regretevator
Regretevator (Game) is similar to The Normal Elevator from older days of roblox, being that you enter an elevator and it will arrive on a myriad of different floors to explore, minigames to complete, or just . Funny Thing
The Regretevator (the actual Elevator) is an interdimensional form of travel that is used by various entities to get around. It is confirmed to be able to go Anywhere. and seems to be able to transcend time and space which is always fun
The game features 70+ floors currently, and has a certain style of humor to it, but what really makes it are the NPCs, interactable characters, some of which can enter the elevator and some of which cannot. Im going to recap the ones who will enter very quickly, so sorry for the imagespam here:
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A mannequin(which is a species produced by a factory) named mark. Woodcarver as a job, has a coworker named Jim. Hates concrete. Southern accent. Divorced from Wallter.
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Used to be a human, drank cement, is now concrete. Generally nice dude. Thinks concrete is better than wood. Tall as fuck. Divorced from Mark.
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Often shortened to Poob. Loves parties if you couldn't tell. Can kill you if you slap them like 10 times. You can slap them. theres something so so so so fucking wrong with them holy fucking shit oh my god. oh my god oh my g Keep this asshole in Mind. Keep them in mind ple;as
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Actual name is PartyGuest. Builds robots. Steals money from you. Speaks Japanese. Yes they are a bug beetle to be specific. Asshole
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Found in the 3008 level yes theres a 3008 level yes i love it. Germophobic, clean everything. Zoomies he is zoomies. Despises Infected, but knew him as Kasper
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Diseased when he bought a freemodel with a virus in it. Perpetually trapped as a scene kid. Had a cat. No longer has a cat. Used to be named Kasper, infection made him forget
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It;s the fucking unpleasent gradient meme. does jackshit. some people headcanon that it ate infecteds cat and i think thats the funniest shit
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Species called a fruitaur or something, banana-snail-horse-dog-girl. Hosts a wipeout-like show named Splitsville. Lesbian. canonically has feelings for bive
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Completely made of hair. Conspiracy theorist. this is just touch tone telephone. canonically has feelings for Split. may seem crazy but she Knows things
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It;s freddy from fnaf but for Red Ball Diner, go look up gregoriah regretevator and tell me how gender he looks
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Animal Jam emote. framed for many crimes. Also knows things. Shoots lasers out of her eyes that will either kill you or heal you. meows
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that fucking cat everyones nuts about. Alien. Abducted Spud! and did shit to them. proud xe/they swag. was redesigned cause the creator was an ass :/
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yes the exclamation point is part of the name. was a camp councilor, got abducted by gnarpy and experimented on, is this now. that line is his mouth btw. if you click it 200 times it will explode. please be nice to them :(
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Clown fired from job after to bad of stage fright. They are just a sad thing tbh
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lovely little robot, if a bit glitchy and unfinished. VERY nicey ! a researcher, learns info on everythings for their database! my friend made this one :3!
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(invasive)Species of shapeshifters. Repeats words back at you in jumbled wordsalad. they dont seem malicious i dont think . my favorite. ever. the best
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a cat
There's more NPCs but i just covered the basic ones(new one being added soon made by my friend as well :3333333333)
this is MR
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it is an effigy for a spirit and when it enters the elevator it has a chance to cut the lights and burn any NPC in the elevator. EXCEPT FOR FUCKING POOB. the spirit that inhabits MR is also the same one that protects poob. and if you look close at the game youll see POOB SI FUCKING EVERYWHEREi have to stop here before i go fucking insane but the basic premise is these two are tied and i dont know why or what how whatthe fuckkkk theres a whole lot more like theres a damn religion surrounding it and symbolism of the axolotl sun which means something but fuck FUCK!!!!
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For the Drabble/doodle prompt:
Fem!Reddie But I’m a Cheerleader AU
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ohhhh babey hell yeah
me and @haaawaiianshirt actually discussed this au like a million years ago but I genuinely can't remember who was who, so after like a full forty five minutes of staring at a wall, thinking about Them, I reengineered it to make eddie megan... except she still gets to be a little butch
ficlet below cut:
i haven't written these babies in so long so I sincerely apologize if im rusty but have some Eddie-specific, non-canon scene, but i'm a cheerleader vibes:
Eddie… didn’t quite see it working out like this.
Which to be perfectly fair, isn’t, like out of the picture. The past almost two months have been exclusively didn’t quite see it working out like this. 
Being accused of lesbianism, being sent to conversion therapy, and, goddamnit, especially not the accusation being right.
But when she’d been sitting outside the office, panic coursing through her nervous system, waiting, Eddie had genuinely thought that she was going to lie. She was fully prepared to pretend she was straight, to say that none of it had ever happened. That she’d never loved Richie Tozier and she was so, horribly, incredibly excited to graduate into a dull, mind-numbingly pink life of heterosexuality.
Richie was going to look at her with huge, betrayed eyes. Richie was going to get kicked out. She’d already carved out a place in her brain for the guilt.
Eddie was a good girl, Eddie was a catholic girl, Eddie was her mother’s perfect daughter, Eddie was a fucking cheerleader. Richie was the brave, snarky, proud-to-be-a-dyke one, not her.
But for some fucking reason, staring her mother down as tears and snot dripped down her face, demanding she reconsider, while Robert fucking Gray in neat little blue suit grinned at her and told her she could have a second chance, she couldn’t do it. Fuck that, she’d thought, considering a life of boyfriends and a raised ranch in the suburbs and two and a half kids, Fuck that.
Richie had said she was braver than she fucking thought that night, her hand slid under her skirt in the back of the Cocksucker, her voice all soft and smiley and genuine. She hadn’t really realized that she’d meant it comparatively. That Eddie was brave because Richie wasn’t.
Maybe that wasn’t fair. Eddie just… doesn’t know how to feel fair right now. 
She was supposed to leave with her and she hadn’t.
(The spot in her head she’d reserved for betraying-Richie guilt has been instead taken up with the image of Richie herself, pale and crying and more quiet than she’d ever seen her be, mouthing silent ‘I’m so sorry’s. With the words, ‘It’s been decided, then. Richie will do the simulation with Connor. Edith, you can go.’)
Adrien and Don had told her to take her time with the whole thing. Stan had rolled their eyes and told her that she’d get over it. She doesn’t think either of them are fucking right.
Not when she’s so fucking mad and confused, and every time she closes her eyes she pictures Conner fucking Bowers, sleazy, gay Conner Bowers, simulating sex that she knows Richie doesn’t want to have. 
She stares hard at the ceiling of her new bedroom. It’s smaller than her one at home, the walls painted a bright, angry red, and self-help books and dyke memoirs and magazines she knows you can’t buy in the grocery stores unsubtly sitting on the bedside table. 
It’s a weird, hands off sort of acceptance she’s not used to. And it’s better than her Mother’s cloying need to have control, but it almost makes her uncomfortable.
She doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing, in general and as a fucking lesbian and… god, maybe it’s selfish but she almost wishes Richie were here just so she could tell her the steps. 
Richie was the same age as her, sure, but she had more experience with this whole thing. She’d kissed girls, she knew what fucking… scissoring meant, she was good at it, she had the fucking training hours and everything that Eddie specifically lacked. 
(Though, she realizes, maybe that's the difference.
Richie knew. Richie came into this whole thing well aware she was a lesbian. From what she’d whispered, hidden in the dark corners of New Horizons, when they’d stopped making out just long enough to talk, it’d been one of the openly apparent things everyone around her knew and hated since she was thirteen. 
All her sex talk and bold sexuality shit that Eddie’d been so intimidated by at first, that she kind of longs for now, was just a defense mechanism that could be easily broken down and manipulated. 
Eddie… had honestly just never considered the idea before her mom sent her away.
Having sex with Conner would have grossed her out before, probably. She’d never even wanted to kiss Myran when they were dating, and now that she knew why, she wasn’t about to back down.
Somehow, Richie having more time to figure everything out made it even more complicated.
Christ, it’s not like any of this shit feels simple for Eddie, though.)
Without thinking about it she kicks herself off her bed and slams into the bathroom. 
‘Sweetheart, don’t worry about being a perfect lesbian,’ Adrian had soothed when she’d shown up, crying with suitcases, ‘Just worry about being yourself.’
It’d probably been good advice. If she’d known who the fuck she was.
She knew she was a cheerleader, that one had just been a fact.
She knew she was a lesbian, she’d figured that one out fast and then let it sink it incredibly slowly. 
She knew she was angry and she knew she was sad, and she knew that Richie might have had a point about her being brave. And that one had been after doing something impulsive and maybe stupid. 
She doesn’t really have time to recreate the first two, slowly burned life changes, but she can probably do the impulsive stupid one again. 
The least she could do was try, she thinks, digging in one of the drawers under the sink until she finds what she’s looking for. 
Her hair falls in clumps as she hacks at it with dull, bathroom cabinet scissors, uneven and probably ugly and she’s gonna have to get someone to fix it. Suddenly, though, she doesn’t think she gives a shit. 
She wonders if it’s a cliche, a dyke with short hair. She’s not necessarily sure she cares any more. Her head feels lighter than it ever has. 
She wonders why the fuck she hadn’t done this earlier, short hair would be so much easier for cheer than a fucking hair-sprayed stiff blow out. 
She wonders if Richie would like it. 
(Mother fucker… well, impulsive and stupid worked twice, right?)
She slams into Stan’s bedroom, the sudden plan shaking its way out of her skin too hard to take anything slow. They blink up from their book and look her over, cocking an eyebrow, “Nice hair.”
“Thank you,” She grins, feeling hot all over and shaky and kind of like she’s gonna pass out. Just, in a good way, somehow, “Wanna go crash the graduation tomorrow?”
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keganexe · 2 years
D&D, The OGL, and a Better Future for Actual Play Content
So this is spinning out of a post I made on twitter about how I legitimately believe the future of Actual Play (or AP for short) is in working alongside indie rpg folks
You can see that thread here, but I'm gonna recap anyway
Lets talk about the OGL and D&D first
Thanks to some great reporting from journalist Linda Codega (@lincodega), we know the general shape of the new Open Gaming License (or OGL) that WotC is running for Dungeons & Dragons moving forward. In short it sucks, I am not super interested in getting into it here, especially because Linda (once again) did really solid reporting here. Generally this spells a very bad time for a number of bigger third party creators (Green Ronin, Paizo, Kobold Press, probably Critical Role if we assume they aren't in on it which I would not assume tbh), and it also spells out specifically that Hasbro's desire to monetize even harder is in full swing.
One of the more interesting bits to this whole thing to me though, is how Wizards is looking at Fan Content, and I think its very likely this is going to be a major rub for AP Producers in the future. The OGL is now much clearer that AP work needs to fall under the Fan Content Policy, which means in broad strokes there is to be no monetization of your content. This is an old policy, but one I think a lot of folks are blithely unaware of. Specifically
You can't require payments, downloads, subscriptions, or email registration to access your content
You can't sell or license this content to a third party
Your content must be free for others to view, access, share, and use without paying you anything, obtaining approval, or giving credit.
You specifically can run things like a Ko-Fi or a Patreon, but you can't hide content behind a paywall. It also is... unclear on the ability to do things like live shows for money? I'm not a lawyer.
Regardless I think its high time people left, and that brings me to part 2 here
D&D and APs
Fundamentally D&D has always been bad for Actual Play. It's a quagmire of conflicting rules and bubblegum fixes, it crunches in weird spots, it doesn't do half the things people play it for, and its expensive to get into. Furthermore, it requires a lot of prep, it doesn't adapt well, and fundamentally it makes bad radio.
Where we see the most successes in the niche of D&D APs is hyper edited, super slick, and wildly unachievable setups; with major changes in rules, players who can make a living doing it, and entire production studios working on them (looking at you Critical Role, Dimension 20, etc). Within these (and within a ton of other APs) we also see a wild amount of homebrew to bend an inflexible and inelegant system into something that tells the stories we're interested in telling in games. Be this the wild changes to death in Dimension 20's Neverafter, full new classes and mechanics across Critical Role, magic items and homebrew in every AP I can think of, etc.
Generally also D&D is bad radio. The exacting measurements on battle maps don't make great Theatre of the Mind (certainly not as well as games designed for it), the rolls + stat modifiers + misc. shit on your sheet requires a lot of boring and frequently had to follow math*, etc.
Point here being, when we see it done well** it's less on the hands of D&D being good at these things, and more because production is changing major aspects of gameplay to make a game make good radio.
We should also talk about the messy legacy of D&D, but honestly that would be a few thousand extra words from me, and I don't have it in me. If the OGL doesn't scare you, it's worth thinking about what you're cosigning by staying around. Here's some extra articles if this is the first you're hearing about Wizards having major problems tho
Why Race is Still a Problem by Linda Codega gets into a lot of it
Wizards is still making money off of Oriental Adventures (and an article on that)
Mike Mearls still works there, this was weirdly hard to find a good article on, but here's a reddit post where its discussed
A Better Future for Actual Plays
This brings me to the point of this thread, which is that I don't think the future of Actual Plays has ever... actually been in making 5e content. This is a thing I feel pretty strongly about as a person who makes non-5e ap content (and this is a bias, sure). To me a better future has always been in indie rpgs, and in making content hand in hand with designers and producers working together.
What does this look like though? In short it rocks, and it's a thing bigger folks in the AP sphere are clearly already looking it. I'll list some examples below, and then I'll talk more about what it looks like on smaller scale, and what my experience with that has been like
So first off here's a few examples of what this looks like on the higher production end of the scale. I'm specifically looking at examples of campaign APs, working with the designer of the system, and not one shots which are doing this a bunch already.
Dimension 20's Shriek Week with Gabe Hick's Mythic System
Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast Podcast getting made alongside Possum Creek (it is a series of one shots, but also a shared universe, so I'm counting it here)
Into the Motherlands moving to their own system eventually
Iron Edda: Puppet Strings with Tracy Hicks on the One Shot Podcasting Network (edited to add this example)
On the smaller end this is something I legitimately have some experience with, and this is where the thread was always heading. Let's talk about Renegade Racers, the game I made specifically for one person, what that has looked like for me, and why I think it's the future of APs to make content this way.
So a while ago I got on a Fast & Furious bend and watched all the movies. Not content to just watch movies though, I talked to some folks about if they had seen games based on it, and got linked to a video of @0sarahxfrank0 running a F&F inspired honey heist hack (I'm not gonna link it because the community it spun out of has had a lot happen and I don't wanna give them clicks tbh).
The short version of this is that I watched the game, built a system to better handle what folks were trying to do, and then sent it back to Sarah. She loved it. We made some changes, we rebuilt around the players and stories people wanted to tell, we released the game and the first AP together afterwards. Now Sarah and I do a lot of work together, we're planning bigger things like this for the future, and it's so far been a lot of fun and super rewarding for everyone involved.
We've seen some other stuff like this as well, even if not in campaign play. Offhand, Plus One Exp's home Down We Go system is a great example of working with a designer to stamp a system as the home system, and find community within it. We've been able to watch sorta in slow motion as DWG moved from a little one page OSR hack that potentially gets lost in the shuffle, to something big and exciting that both parties are happy to put a stamp on.
This is the exact future I see for AP campaign play, and not a wild dream I don't think.
What does Actual Play look like when it's tied to designers who want to help you tell your stories in the ways you want to tell them? What would it look like for a community to say "actually we've had enough"? What happens when we work with people who give a shit instead of faceless megacorps? What does it look like when we invest in people willing to invest in us?
I've seen the future and it's golden, we just have to reach for it.
*hard to follow in that if the players aren't saying out loud what exactly they're adding the numbers are nonsense **by well here I do mean "expensive and award winning" I do not mean I think they're particularly master classes in game running or production, but that's a whole separate topic
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watchoutforthefanfics · 11 months
my series...
⏹️ - discontinued
⏸️ - on a break
▶️ - in progress
⏪️ - being rewritten
✅️ - complete
😳 - smut
🫣 - suggestive
💞 - fluff
⛈️ - angst
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achievement unlocked || ▶️
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
I could be your crush, crush, crush || ✅️
Part 1, 2
Summary: Eddie Kaspbrak was built for a strict schedule and precision arrival. Of all the days to fuck up, he does it on his first official day of college. But upon running into an old friend, there just may be a positive to this shitty day after all.
Never Goodbye || ⏸️
Summary: "He paused, turning away from the black holes that were Eddie's eyes, and trying to think of the most passive way he could say something genuine. Without professing his love, or crying, or both. Richie settled down into his bed, tucked under the covers as much as he could and he spoke. A quiet tone that honest-to-god felt unfamiliar in his own mouth. "I…" There was silence, as he refocused. Just knowing Eddie was expecting something. And Richie was never one to let down Eddie, he hoped he never would be. "I don't think there's anywhere else I'd wanna be, Eds." Or Richie tries to get his shit together, so does Eddie, and they both are oblivious as fuck for way too long."
Second Chances // Fandom: It, SPN + Reddie, Destiel ▶️
Summary: "Call me crazy," Dean continued, trailing his fingers on the counter, "-but doesn't this feel like it isn't… for us… to you?" "What do you mean?" "It's…" Dean began, but faltered, "-A completely uninhabited creepy inn? With flickering lights? What does that sound like to you?" "Dean-" Sam sighed. "A horror movie, Sammy," Dean spoke, with playful confidence, "-you can't tell me I'm wrong, because that bell has a spotlight shining on it. And when I touched it-" "You touched it?!" "-nothing happened!" Dean finished, "I think we're in a horror movie waiting around for the main characters." Sam opened his mouth to protest, but Dean interrupted, "No, no. Hear me out." Or where Sam and Dean are trapped in a horror movie.
Ticking Love Bomb || ▶️
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Summary: Your adventure with the Doctor and the Ponds takes a harsh turn when it seems you're targeted with a potion. A love potion, specifically the type where you fall in love with whoever's eyes you met first after "drinking" it. But what if you're already in love with him?
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t4tozier · 1 year
reddie legally blonde au?? except specifically the musical bc it’s better than the movie i said what i said
sorority girl (gender neutral) eddie getting dumped by his bf and deciding to go to harvard law because he IS actually smart but people underestimate him and don’t expect anything of him so he’s just gone along with it his whole life
and sonia says that she’ll pay his way if he can get in because she doesn’t think he’ll actually DO it and tries to convince him to stay in malibu where he’s safe and secure but then he actually gets in
but then law school is actually really hard and he can’t flunk out because if he does he’ll never get his boyfriend back, and the TA in one of his classes notices and offers to help him study if he can actually get his shit together
and the TA, richie, is actually really sweet and knows what it’s like to have to crawl up from the gutters to be where he is today so he admires eddie for getting into harvard in the first place even if it was for a man, and as richie helps him study over the course of the first semester they get closer and closer
and then eddie gets picked for the internship and is no longer trying to fight to get his bf back but is still underappreciated and looked down on for being a flamboyant/femme gay man rather than his bf and his new partner because at least they’re “respectable”
and then the professor he’s been working for makes a move on him and when eddie rejects him he starts getting aggressively homophobic and kicks him off the team, and that’s when eddie decides to leave, and the rumors have been swirling but richie doesn’t believe for a second that eddie would try to sleep his way to the top and tries to get him to stay but he’s so convinced that he’s ruined everything that he leaves anyway
cue girlboss bev and eddie’s ex’s partner convincing him not to leave and come back full force and then at the end after he wins the case his ex tries to propose to him but eddie proposes to richie instead :)
ft. bev as paulette who eddie helps get her trailer and dog back from her abusive husband, bob grey as callahan, and the other losers as various ppl at harvard and/or eddie’s sorority “sisters”
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j2zara · 2 months
The fucking way I had a vision of something then saw your most recent post lmao hahahaha what a coincidence the clone enjoyers mindhive is haha
Um. Anyways. Got struck with a vision of LJ3 (that’s what we’re calling j3/j4 right?) and the song I Melt with You
Which. I don’t think I need to add lyrics but.
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Um so like. J3/J4 tragic lovers semi-Romeo and Juliet -style they did choose to leave of their own accord. Slow the plans even if only for a second. At least they’re together. Am I making sense???? I don’t know if I’m properly selling the vision but. Yeah
OK. SCREAMING BC. The way I am. Vibrating w excitement bc I got a few things to say.
1) Come on babe. You already know I have I Melt With You on my Stay / Leave Chronology Playlist (I’m sure you didn’t but now you know)
2) no joke. I Melt With You is already one of my favorite songs. I love a “loving you at the end of the world” vibe so much. You think I don’t know the lyrics to I melt with you? I melt with you is like a girlfriend to me (I’m kidding obviously sorry if I’m being too casual)
3) I would already like the song on its own I know but also. Embarrassing admission. I think I’ve talked abt this. Sky High is one of my fav movies and hilariously the bowling for soup censored cover is in the movie (it says “being friends with you was never second best”. Anyway. Hilarious).
4) I melt with you in already such a Sky High song to me but also such a Reddie Gimme song for me bc I wrote a sky high au like YEARS ago where Richie was the guy who glows and Eddie was the guinea pig girl. And ngl I have such a soft spot for that au
5) no joke my ao3 name and my discord name and my old blog is Zagenta specifically bc I am a Zach / magenta truther. (They are dykes for me your honor)
6) RHE WAY I WAS ALREADY THINKINF ABT THIS SONG FOR LJ3 FROM JUMP BC OF THE WAY THEY LOVE EACH OTHER EVEN IN RHE FACE OF CERTAIN DOOM. The tension between. J4 self appointing herself their savior. Their expiration keeps ticking closer. Jaceporter are back together. The ritual is coming closer. Time is running out. J4 needs to find a way to make them real. The way they need to get out. But also. She likes being here with j3. In the face of doom. And is it more noble to deny herself pleasure to try and save them? Is she dooming them by simply enjoying their time together?
7) But also. The RnJ parallels. The way I was SO SO SO SO SO SO SO close to calling j3 and j4 the Lark and the Nightingale! (“Wilt thou be gone? If is not yet near the day. It was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the hollow of thine ear”) They enjoy their time together in secrecy, in the dark, unable to confront the end. Telling themselves they have more time!!! Telling themselves circumstances of their birth do not determine their fate! They run away to escape their doom (to escape the torment nexus you could say) And in doing so. Doom themselves.
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miraswebpage · 8 months
CHIC POSTING here's a doodle and some fun facts about the guy and the place he works at! :3
not too happy with my emerson design didn't make him tired enough will be fixed ^_^💧
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this is not a FAQ I just thought of some questions some might ask! Nobody said anything featured in any quotes!
"How does he hide his cat tail?" Very short tail! There isn't much to hide at all!
"What about his ears?" Little pockets in the hood of his uniform! It works them into the little pockets and the sheer size of the thing and the dark inner lining make it seem like it's just a normal robloxian in a suit!
"Are all of the workers in this place cats?" Could be.... But not all of them. Supprisngly common though!
"What's the place even called?" GreasyGames! Because they sell junk food and they are a game shop! Two birds with one stone y'know. Buy some fries and a copy of nintendogs.
"Wasn't it originally a arcade?" Yep! But red ball diner is already a thing and I've been very nostalgic of shops like GameStop of recent!
"Any specific characters Chic enjoys to be around?" Gregoriah and him are pals, Emerson and Chic get along but they aren't too close. Infected and Chic kinda have a frenemies thing going on. Chic enjoys watching splitsvile and would be happy to see Split while on the elevator. It likes Poob as a person but Poobs parties sometimes overwhelm him. It enjoys being around Spud + Dr Retro.
"What about other, not exactly negative but neutral stances on other characters" He is a bit weary of Bive after Bive claimed that GreasyGames had used silica gel packets as pretzel salt in order to? Well not exactly sure, but what I am sure of is that Bive would find a reason.It has given Lampert some cleaning supplies that went unused before. Pest is a frequent customer and supposedly uses the various game cartridges and systems sold for there parts, sometimes being given broken systems so Chic and Pest have probably talked before. He has never seen Wallter before ever (scared of tall people). Mark did the flooring for GreasyGames and sometimes reluctantly works on repairing drywall
"Who does he have beef chicken with?!?!?!?" Gnarpy has probably abducted a few people in the establishment Chic has yet to catch xem. Fleshcousin scares him in a way cats are scared of cucumbers. Reddy scares it in a way I was scared of the chuck e cheese jumbo operation game that made a loud beep noise as a kid. Miche put ball pit balls in the water system. Nobody likes MR. Infected because HE BEAT IT IN THE VERY GAME IT HAS MASTERED then had the AUDACITY to get his SCENE GUY LOSER GERMS on the cabinet IT SPENT TONS OF MONEY ON and... and honestly he isn't that bad of a guy to Chic and if anything Chic looks up to him and reluctantly enjoys spending time with the guy!
And that's all for right now! Feel free to ask me more questions yourself!
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zukkacore · 8 days
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
Thanks for the tag @billdenbrough this was fun to do!!!
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
To my surprise! T and E are like. Evenly tied with 7 each.... Genuinely was expecting E to eek out the others bc nearly EVERYTHING i've been writing these days is kind explicit lol (except for Tell Me How) and i've been writing a LOT more than i used to. But i guess in the past i have more like tame stuff, makes sense, some of it is Reddie some of it is DR so...
What are your top three fandoms?
Dimension 20 (7) (wow!! lol!)
IT - Stephen King / It (movies) (3) (i'm lumping them in together)
DanganRonpa (2) (i'm lumping together DR series total and DR: trigger happy havoc)....
there's another thing i've written for that also is tied w two works but... i shan't say
What is the top character you write about?
Jace Stardiamond (7)!
Hysterical, considering how nothing he is, but also. Completely unsurprising considering how much i've been gripped by that piece of sopping wet cardboard of a man and his "I can't, I tried" that has compelled me all summer long..... But also, some of the times im tagging Jace its actually in the place of his clones who are technically canon but do not have personalities or names and therefore do not have ao3 tags.... Porter is second at (6), which does make sense bc.... like.... Jace has superceded him... who is porter... my new hyperfixation LJ3 has practically nothing to do with Porter, no i will not elaborate
What are your top three pairings?
Porter Cliffbreaker / Jace Stardiamond (6), Ben/Hanscom/Beverly Marsh (3) (????? surprising??? i've never written anything that is JUST them but they have taken SOME precedence in a way that isn't completely sidepairing coded in my reddie phase, im thinking specifically in Sky High AU), and Eddie Kaspbrak / Richie Tozier (3)
Unsurprising i guess. Starbreaker has ruined my life (positive). and i did have a good reddie kick. the Benverly feels wrong tho.
Since Benverly feels like a copout i will add. After that we have Kuwata Leon / Sayaka Maizono at 2 bc i love mess, i love the way they love (trying to kill each other with kitchen knives) and.... Jace Stardiamond/Jace Stardiamond at 2. Which is a cypher for LJ3
What are the top three additional tags?
Campaign 01 Season 3: Fantasy High Junior Year (7)
Alternate Universe (6)
Anal Sex (5)
THE LAST ONE.... Anyway. Ok so. The dimension 20 tagging system is weird b/c all the campaigns are lumped together so the additional tags if how you differentiate which campaign. I guess not surprising? I did a sky high AU, i've written a Talent Swap, and i have smaller AUs with smaller divergences... Tbh the whole Porter/cloneverse thing is ALSO an AU so like... those should probably count too but i guess i didn't tag them
If you want an additional Gimme, I have Power Imbalance (4)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not really? Idk i don't think i write enough to have many surprises on my ao3, like i knew Starbreaker was the most i'd written for in a long time and i was right. I was surprised i have the same amount of T and E fics.... but to be fair before this summer most of the things i wrote were like. Ambitious multichap stuff that were full on AUs or sometimes took place in high school so i guess that makes sense.... Its just, in my mind my stupid hornyposting has eclipsed everything else. I WAS surprised abt the benverly thing, that's a total fluke. It feels wrong that I technically have more benverly than LJ3
I really shouldn't be surprised by how Jace Stardiamond is my favorite sopping wet beast. And yet.
TAGGING: hmmm.... @iaus, @hauntedwizardmoment, @delinquentbookworm, @jadeandquartzes @toziers (@ everyone feel free to answer this on main or not.. or not at all!!)
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cowboylikeekatie · 1 year
welcome to reddie coded taylor swift lyrics! (fearless tv edition)! this is part four! this album reminds me of them sm
literally all of fearless reminds me of them but specifically “you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless” and “and i don’t know why but with you id dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless”- fearless (eddie’s pov!) (get it because he’s always scared of germs and stuff and richie helps him feel safe)
“cause’ you were romeo, you were throwing pebbles, and my daddy said stay away from juliet” - love story (another eddie’s pov!)
“breaking down and coming undone, it’s a roller coaster kinda rush” - the way i loved you (pov doesn’t matter)
“cause’ i can’t help it if you look like an angel, can’t help it if i want to kiss you in the rain so, come feel this magic i’ve been feeling since i met you” - hey stephen (richie’s pov)
“nothing made sense till the time i saw your face” - today was a fairytale (pov doesn’t matter bc it fits both of them so well)
“i said leave but all i really want is you, to stand outisde my window throwing pebbles screaming, ‘i’m in love with you’” - the other side of the door (eddie’s pov)
“i’m no one special, just another wide-eyed girl, who’s desperately in love with you, give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar” - superstar (richie’s pov but it also reminds me of eddie during the 27 years if he saw richie’s comedy shows and stuff)
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readythefanons · 3 days
self-critique - faded
DE voice lines (Harry's skills) + music
This one was built around a few scenes: the self critique resolution, the memory of sledding and Harry’s mom, and the whistling scene (failed attempt version).
Duration: 3:14
gosh reddy i love these weird audios i'd love to hear more
Credits, comments, and transcript below the jump
Comments & Credits
This was my most ambitious project so far, mostly because I had several specific scenes I wanted to pull from, and to get those audio clips I had to draw from… six? Audio sources? So that was a lot, for me :) But I’m really grateful I was able to find the audio clips I wanted. (Self critique + the shivers memory from the measurehead scene + the narration from the whistling scene with Kim + the electrochem line about rewriting synapses)
I want to give some Tumblr thank-yous. Specifically, I’m grateful for this tumblr post from doddsmountain, which made me aware of the shivers narration from the measurehead scene. As for the electrochem voice line, I came to know about it from this tumblr post by suresne. Thank you to @doddsmountain and @suresne for unknowningly contributing to this project :) [i don't know you personally so i apologize if you dislike being tagged and please lmk if you would like me to untag you!]
Duration: 3:14
Rigorous self-critique voice lines from FolLow
Volition voice lines by GrandFrance
Electrochemistry voice lines from The 41st Precinct
Shivers voice lines from
Pain threshold voice lines by GrandFrance
Sunken Motor Carriage scene voice lines by Luckless Lovelocks
Music: “Faded” by CalvinClavier on Pixabay
Ocean and seagull sound effects are also from Pixabay
Assembled in Audacity
More like this
RSC: You let life defeat you. All the gifts your parents gave you, all the love and patience of your friends, you drowned in a neurotoxin. And, above all, you let misery win. And it will keep on winning ‘til you die -- or overcome it.
V: You can. It's possible, because time is possible.
EC: Synapses can be rerouted. The mind takes on a new shape.
V: Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something.
PT: Breathe.
V: This isn’t the end of the world yet.
PT: Just breathe.
SH: Something moves in the depths of your mind, sending shocks of cold through the connective tissue. You're sitting on a kicksled, whizzing through the snow. A warm, kind presence is guiding the sled behind you, her mittened hand resting on your back. You feel very, very loved -- and very, very safe.
PT: It’s okay. Breathe in slowly.
V: Weave this into the story of you. This might help against whatever comes next.
Steel yourself. Push on. Just wade through the hell. Month after month. Year after year: you against the nothingness. Walk out of its ruins. Save those who still can be saved. You’re still alive.
You can do it. It’s nothing. Do it for the city, not for yourself. For the people of Revachol.
PT: Breathe.
V: Just remember that you’ve made it this far, and it’s just a bit farther now. Let’s finish this.
N: With his lips puckered the lieutenant lets out a beautiful melodic trill that puts even the Insulindic thrush to shame.
You hear the sound echo on the large body of water. Clouds race across the spring sky and suddenly you just feel better. About everything.
V: You will make it.
[Attributions are as follows:
RSC: Rigorous self-critique
V: Volition
EC: Electrochemistry
PT: Pain threshold
SH: Shivers
N: Narration from the “sunken motor carriage” scene.]
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spectralsleuth · 10 months
Favorite fics? Doesn't have to be rise or even turtle related
Oh man I got very excited for this ask. I have been in a lot of different fandoms for a very long time- but lets start with some of my all timers.
Now What I'm Going To Say May Sound Indelicate (Rated E)
A Reddie fic for It CH2, which I've probably reread about fifty times. It's unfinished, and probably never will be finished, but it's absolutely worth a read. The writing is incredible, and it's my singular favorite fic of all time. A lot of medical procedures and recovery, since (spoiler) someone gets impaled at the end of the movie and this is exploring how they might live through that.
Blue Sky (Rated T (from what I remember))
I hope this link works- the first link is fanfiction dot net, which is hard to use after so many years, and the other is a pdf I found of someone who downloaded a version to share. This fic is from 2011, and is actually pretty famous. Based off of Portal 2, what happens when Wheatley gets a body? I've actually been meaning to reread it because I barely remember it at this point, but this fic came out about a year before I graduated high school and opened my eyes to the fact that fanfiction can be actual published novel quality.
Also friendly reminder that if you love a fic, download it. Not to repost obviously, but websites disappear and works get deleted for any number of reasons and you may in fact be helping an author out.
Wow. This is fucking wild-
From Out the Ocean Risen (Rated T)
A Pacific Rim fic that started publishing in 2013- last time I reread this, YEARS AGO, the series was as of yet unfinished. It's a fantastic body-horror-esque story of the implications of aliens and hiveminds and what makes a monster. It's Newton Giezler-centric and FANTASTICALLY written-
and it JUST updated this month in 2023. I had no idea, but searching through my fic list made me notice. I thought, surely it's just an update to apologize for abandoning the fic- but no! It's an actual new chapter.
If you guys ever wanted to show support for a fic that's been abandoned, this one deserves it immensely. Show it some love, it's never too late to hop on board and enjoy a fic and you never know what someone will return to.
Pirate King Laurence (Rated T)
'His Majesties Dragon' is a super good age of sail book series, sometimes called 'Temeraire', that's as if a Pride and Prejudice character was captain of a dragon crew. This is a little bit of an AU to that, and is one of my all time favorite Temeraire fic series.
the run and go (Rated M)
Post Homestuck fic. 560k words. Still being updated- enough said, it's fantastic. This is probably the longest fic on my list. Involves a lot of unpacking about Dave and Bro and not just what it's like recovering from an abusive childhood, but reconciling with the person you love who abused you. Also everyone lives. Everyone.
>Dave: survive three years on this rock (Rated T)
One more Homestuck fic for the road- there was a period of time where the Homestuck tag was nothing BUT meteor fic. If you were in the fandom, iykyk. This one was probably the most in character Dave and great portrayal of what it would be like actually living within a universe made up of date game mechanics.
The Other Hawke (Rated E)
If anyone's gone through the rest of my fic besides TMNT stuff, they've seen my SECOND largest fandom I've written for, which was Dragon Age. More specifically, I fixated on most peoples least favorite character on the whole series- Carver Hawke. Hahaha. I just really fixate on the oddest characters, huh?
This is a fic about what his life outside of his brother is like, and giving him a lot of depth that you don't get in the video game series. Also he is getting dicked down by Fenris, which is a fantastic pairing I didn't know I needed. It's hilarious, and romantic, and very tense.
Man. I gotta reread a lot of these. Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry if it got a little out of hand haha.
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MY GIRLS!!! MY PERFECT GIRLS!!!! @normal-cactus1221 omg let me delve back into my neibolt gals mind palace---
(Family Road Trip Link!!)
Tbh they mostly Exist in the first place because I wanted to draw the neibolt kids as Gals and then my brain rotted into a million tiny maggots that still refuse to leave because they became the Peak of what I like to write when gender swapping (which is delving college thesis level deep into how a character would change when they were raised with the pre-existing bullshit of Being A Woman and Being A Dyke)
So, honestly?? It kind of started exclusively with Richie?? Which is insane because it’s truly so Eddies centric,,, but the whole scene in the Goodwill when Eddie realizes WHY neibolt!richie is Like That was the ENTIRE precursor to the fic 
((EX. “She was a doll, no free will, always forced to do as she’s told (too timid to disobey even when she was sentient). Her mouth was stitched shut, always seen and not heard because her trashmouth is permanently closed. She was just pretty and perfect from the neat little pink bow in her hair to the pair of shiny black buckle shoes real Richie had shoved in the back of her closet, shoe box still unopened from when she claimed she had ‘lost them’.
(But she was rotting, she was abandoned, she was everything people wanted her to be and they still left her alone to break and rot and fill with maggots, because no one cared. She was the problem).”))
like… N!Eddie is p straight forward in terms of Gross and Sick and Rude and Very Opposite Of Real Eddie While Being Similar Enough To Piss Each Other Off, which was very fun, but Neibolt!Richie makes me SO SAD!! And I HAD to explore that IMMEDIATLEY!! 
(Also, fun fact! I had a very specific and unnecessary map of their route and going through Connecticut instead of New York would take longer, so I specifically wrote in the whole part of Eddie not wanting to go into New York SO they could go to a Connecticut goodwill,,,, as I,,,, at the time,,,, worked at a Connecticut goodwill)
The dynamics of specifically Neibolt!Reddie was very fun for the sole reason of There Is Nothing On This Planet I Love More Than Feral Eddie Kaspbrak Being Aggressively Down Bad For Richie Tozier-- and it’s ALWAYS the case in ALL iterations of reddie but based on the nature of Neddie never having interacted with ANYONE but n!richie and pennywise, n!richie is ONLY person she really knows positively or cares about which is so fucked up and I’m obsessed with it.
And then, on the flip side, you have n!richie is who is EQUALLY down bad and codependent, but she’s a lot more polite about it and less blatant then neddie who is objectively very mean!! love her but neddie is MEAN!!
((Like,, for example ,,, a couple protective N!Richie moments:
'Richie is signing something, looking terribly hopeless despite how angrily her brows furrow and how pointed her hands clink together, Eddie just wishes she knew sign language.' .... '“She said that we haven’t...She also called you a bitch.”'
'“You know that’s probably why she doesn’t want to cut them right? Because the last time she did you got hurt?”'
only a few, there are so many more, Protective neddie moments:
'Short girl yelps, shoulders squaring up to her ears as she shoves the tall one behind her'
'“She’s not your Richie. She doesn’t like looking like a fucking idiot.”'
'“We need to go after her!” ... “You’re just fucking leaving? You fucking ASSHOLE!”'))
So my three sort of key points for writing their vibe was:
They both care about each other DEEPLY and AGGRESSIVELY more than ANYONE ELSE and at ENTIRELY EQUAL LEVELS
Neddie shows it more outwardly aggressively and constantly vs n!richie dealing with it in a subtle sort of way that’s only blatant when it really needs to be
They’re still KIDS they’re just little GUYS
And then the dynamic between Eddie and the neibolt gals was tricky because Eddie is so fucked up at the start of chapter 2?? She’s SO repressed and also Eddie so I sort of just started with the fact that she’s unfortunately got an Aggressive soft spot of all iterations of Richie Tozier (including a fucked up sad little monster version) and would FUCKING HATE evil baby Eddie and evil baby Eddie would hate her RIGHT back and it devolved from there??
Eddie is physically incapable of Not Caring Too Hard, so what starts as general annoyance devolves rapidly into actual care for these kids (because they’re still KIDS!!! They’re traumatized KIDS!!!!) that she’s DESPERATELY trying to hide (and, because they are technically the same exact person, that’s also exactly what n!Eddie ends up doing)
And n!richie just loves her girlfriend and is generally uncomfortable but okay with this weird, bigger, cleaner version of her girlfriend and would like slightly less yelling please,,,, rip girlie,,,
The first scene I actually wrote was the one where the neibolt gals realize Eddie is married to a man because I still think that’s ABSURDLY funny in concept for these two girls to be the Physical Existence Of These Grown Ass Woman’s Internalized Homophobia
((“We’re the embodiment of everything you guys were terrified of when you were kids, we’re lesbians dipshit.” -- that’s it that’s the entire fic))
Also the scene at the big gnome is one of my favorites but DID almost kill me like objectively I almost passed away writing it I DID NOT know how to write it it took FAR TOO LONG
Also also I AM gonna take this opportunity to say that I am WELL AWARE that NONE OF THIS IS HOW CAR SELLING AND GETTING GAS WORKS I promise I KNOW!!! But theres simply NO OTHER WAY FOR EDDIE KASPBRAK AND TWO CHILDREN TO GET FROM MAINE TO LA REASONABLY but I do know that I doesn’t make ANY ACTUAL SENSE
Okay and here’s a fun little bonus very broke, only a couple disconnected scenes of a one shot I was trying to write a whileeeee ago about N!richie finding out about the two years she was unconscious,,, because that’s still one of THE most fucked up things I’ve ever done to two characters (both having N!Eddie be alone for that long and having n!richie NEVER FIND OUT LIKE…):
(N!Eddie POV)
Richie was never supposed to find out. She didn’t need to know about the two years that Eddie was alone and she was just a doll, it’d only upset her and Eddie tried to avoid that when possible because that’s when she would shut down and that really would have just made things worse for both parties involved.
But sometimes, especially in the Kaspbrak-Tozier household, things don’t go how they're supposed to. Actually, very, very rarely do they go as they’re supposed to.
2 years?
Human Eddie swallows, thickly. Thicker than she should, considering the lack of fucking slime, “Richie–” 
She snaps her head to Human Eddie so fast her neck makes a grinding noise where it connects to the bottom of her head. Ever since they cut her stitches (it’d taken weeks of building up to it and they’d needed to stop halfway through because she’d had such a bad panic attack she’d almost gone entirely unresponsive-- and after they’d had to painstaking explain that, while they had hurt her sometimes, they were entirely preformative and she literally had no vocal chords which seemed to upset their human counterparts more than it had ever upset them) she’d been more expressive, but now her face is impossibly hard to read. 
You know? Her signing had always been a little stilted, sort of like watching particularly well made stop motion, but she’s moving her hands just as choppily as she needs to after she’s dolled out and needs to reorient her mind to her body. 
You. Know. How long.
It’s not a question. 
(N!richie POV)
Running had always come easy, in terms of fight or flight she’d always been the flier while Eddie had preferred to stand her ground, useless fists and loud, angry words that more often than not ended with one of them hurt. But she’d always wished she’d been able to do the same, maybe if she’d been stronger the two of them could have won more of the fights Eddie had lost. 
But there was the particular issue of how easily Richie shattered and how easily Pennywise could knot invisible strings around her wrists and use her against her girlfriend; sometimes she wonders if he made her quite so not-human on purpose. 
So, she got good at running. There was something reassuring about having a place to hide, knowing, trapped inside a house made up of broken floorboards and four walled rooms, that you’ve crammed yourself in the furthest corner, you’ve done everything you can to get away and now it's out of your hands. It’s nothing substantial, not when, more often than not, she’d wake up still tilted around her knees inside a kitchen cabinet or with Eddie kneeling over her in an upstairs closet and know she’d lost time and Eddie’d lost the fight, but it was something. 
The real world, as it turns out, is much much bigger than four walls. It’s something she’d known, in the abstract way you know that there is blood pumping through people you care about, it’s always there, drifting in the back of your mind, but once you actually see a substantial amount of it you wish you had never known about it at all. 
It’s a dodgy metaphor at best, especially for Richie, whose favorite person in the world does not, in fact, have blood pumping inside of her but instead a lot of fucking black slime, but all that to say, her world is bigger now and sometimes, even though all of this is much better than before had ever been, she sometimes finds herself wishing it was small again.
All that living in a big, wide world really does is make her feel like she can’t possibly run far enough when she needed to escape something.
Ben and Mike had fixed her cheeks, flushed out the maggots and sealed the cracks with something that dried slightly chalky when she prodded it with her tongue, thicker than glass but close enough in color and consistency that she thinks she’s the only one who could really notice. It was, overall, a good thing; she could go out without the dumb fucking masks, she hated the masks, the way the ear straps clung itchy inside the small crack segmenting her ears from the rest of her head, how it felt like a second barrier, a second line of stitches, keeping her out of conversations. Without the cracks more people looked her in the eyes, which was nice in its own way, even though Human Eddie had seemed incredibly upset that they hadn’t in the first place when she’d told her that.
All the perks of not having cheek holes were great, but she missed the maggots sometimes. She didn’t have any sentimental connection to them, not like her Eddie who’d said her cheeks were much less fun to kiss now, but having something wriggling and alive inside of her she could focus on helped reassure her that she’s alive. They helped reassure her that she’s awake. 
(Woah, random Stan POV)
Stan loves her friends, really, getting the Losers back in her life had been one of the best things that had ever happened to her, and Richie and Eddie’s kids just made everything that much better. That being said, when she had exactly zero friends with exactly zero children she had to drive half an hour out at three in the morning far less often.
AND BONUS here's the first Gals Sighting on my tumblr with my silly lil pandemic art:
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AND!! My most recent them!! (or welllll most recent n!richie, I need to draw neddie again desperately)
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That's all for now but I am SURE I will have more thoughts on it later!! I care about these kids SO MUCH!!!! I LOVE them!!! If you've got any specific scenes you've got questions on too I would LOVE to elaborate!! but my brain has become soup!!
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