Balanced Energy
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I am a 27 year old male. I am very intrigued and invested in the world of metaphysics and spirituality and energy. I work with energy and crystals. I meditate every day and practice martial arts every day. I am an eclectic pagan and practice almost every form of witch craft and spiritual craft I can get my hands on.
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
Types of Books Witches Use
(These descriptions are compiled from Wikipedia.) Grimoire - A grimoire (also known as a “book of spells”) is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, deities and demons. Book of Shadows - A Book of Shadows is a book containing religious text and instructions for magical rituals found within the Neopagan religion of Wicca, and in many pagan practices. One famous Book of Shadows was created by the pioneering Wiccan Gerald Gardner sometime in the late 1940s or early 1950s, and which he utilised first in his Bricket Wood coven and then in other covens which he founded in following decades. The Book of Shadows is also used by other Wiccan traditions, such as Alexandrianism and Mohsianism, and with the rise of books teaching people how to begin following Wicca in the 1970s onward, the idea of the Book of Shadows was then further propagated amongst solitary practitioners unconnected to earlier traditions. Book of Mirrors - Some Wiccans reserve the Book of Shadows for recording spells and keep a separate book, sometimes called the Book of Mirrors to contain thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Lunary - A lunary (from Latin lunarium), also called a selenodromion or moonbook, is a book of prognostication based on the position of the moon at any given time. It is an astrological genre with parallels as far back as Akkadian literature. From the 2nd century AD, it is common in the Greco-Roman world. There are examples in Greek, Latin, Coptic, Middle English and Old Nubian. Pagan, Jewish and Christian examples are known. The lunary was “by far the most popular and widely circulated prognostic genre” during the Middle Ages.
Herbarium - A Herbarium vivum (plural Herbaria viva) is a collection of plants and images, and their descriptions from a particular locality. The images were produced by a process doubtless suggested by engraving and lithography whereby an object coated with printer’s ink or other suitable substance, is pressed onto paper, leaving behind an impression.
Lapidary - A lapidary is a text, often a whole book, giving “information about the properties and virtues of precious and semi-precious stones”, that is to say a work on gemology. Lapidaries were very popular in the Middle Ages, when belief in the inherent power of gems for various purposes was widely held, and among the wealthy collecting jewels was often an obsession, as well as a popular way to store and transport capital. Bestiary - A bestiary (from bestiarum vocabulum) is a compendium of beasts. Originating in the ancient world, bestiaries were made popular in the Middle Ages in illustrated volumes that described various animals and even rocks. The natural history and illustration of each beast was usually accompanied by a moral lesson. This reflected the belief that the world itself was the Word of God and that every living thing had its own special meaning. For example, the pelican, which was believed to tear open its breast to bring its young to life with its own blood, was a living representation of Jesus. Thus the bestiary is also a reference to the symbolic language of animals in Western Christian art and literature. Demonography - A demonography is a bestiary dealing with demons.
Incunable - An incunable, or sometimes incunabulum (plural incunables or incunabula, respectively), is a book, pamphlet, or broadside printed in Europe before the 16th century. Incunabula are not manuscripts, which are documents written by hand.
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
Cleansing is the practice of cleaning the negative energy out of yourself, your posessions or surroundings.
✨Methods of cleansing✨
• Smoke. Pass the item you're cleansing through smoke, whether it be smoke from incense, a candle or a fire.
• Water. First make sure the item you're cleansing is water proof, or at least water resistant, there are a few crystals that are damaged by water, so beware! Sprinkle water on the object you're cleansing, especially if it's moon water or full moon water.
• Salt. Put the object your cleansing in salt, or put salt on the object. Salt will soak up all the negative energy in the item. Beware, there are some crystals damaged by salt.
• Sunlight and Moonlight. Put your item outside or near a window. Let the item bathe in the light for a few hours. Beware of bleaching! You can also sprikle salt in your doorway on the first friday of every month (or whenever) to protect and cleanse your home.
• Crystals. Use corresponding crystals to cleanse your object. Put them around/on your object. If you're cleansing your own energy, keep the crystals in your hands or carry them with you.
✨How to cleanse✨
• Pick the thing you want to cleanse (be it your home, your crystals, your witchcraft materials, your jewellery, etc)
• Pick a method of cleansing (use your intuition)
• Feel your energy and listen to your feelings when cleansing, try to stay calm. You can close your eyes and breathe deep.
• Try to transfer your positive energy into the object. Imagine your positivity flowing into it.
And you're done!
✨Cleansing crystals:✨
Crystals that have cleansing properties include:
• Selenite
• Clear Quartz
• Citrine
• Black Tourmaline
• Black Onyx
• Fluorite
• Selenite
• Apatite
✨Thanks for reading! Check out my blog for more witchy tips!✨
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
Incense correspondences
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🕯Allspice - Money, fortune, luck, prosperity
🕯Aloe - Higher vibrations, prosperity, strength, love
🕯Amber - Bliss, healing, comfort, love
🕯Anise - Balance, meditation
🕯Basil - Protection, luck, focus, faithfulness, money, love divination, courage
🕯Bay - Mental powers, prophetic dreams
🕯Bergamont - Wealth, happiness, focus, protection, courage, balance, motivation
🕯Cardomom - Focus, courage, motivation, clarity
🕯Cedar - Purification, love, healing, psychic powers, nightmares
🕯Chamomile - Protection, calm, peace, sleep
🕯Cinnamon - Protection, wealth, success, prosperity, psychic powers
🕯Clove - Cleansing, purification, wealth, stopping gossip, healing, success, divination, protection
🕯Copal - Purification, happiness, love, protection
🕯Citrus - Brightness, courage, confidence, luck, accomplishing goals
🕯Dragons Blood - Cleansing, energy, courage, purification, love, strengthening magical powers
🕯Eucalyptus - Cleansing, protection, purification, healing
🕯Frankincense - Cleansing, astral travel, courage, purification, consecration, protection, meditation, luck
🕯Gardenia - Love, relationships, healing, peace
🕯Ginger - Money, love, power
🕯Heather - Calling and conjuring
🕯Honeysuckle - Wealth, bliss, relationships, healing
🕯Jasmine - Prophetic dreams, love, wealth, purification, astral projection, purification 
🕯Juniper - Breaking curses and hexes, protection, psychic powers, healing, calmness
🕯Lavender - Sleep, love, cleansing, happiness, relaxation, healing
🕯Lemon - Love, healing, purification
🕯Mint - Cleansing, conjuring, money, sex, healing, protection
🕯Nutmeg - Psychic powers, meditation, prosperity
🕯Orange - Love, divination, wealth, luck
🕯Peppermint - Healing, animal magic, energy
🕯Pine - Purification, banishing, wealth, strength, grounding, cleansing, breaking hexes, healing
🕯Rose - Prophetic dreams, courage, fertility, blessings, healing, love
🕯Rosemary - Depression, purification, healing, youth, fairies, sleep
🕯Sage - Protection, purification, cleansing, wisdom, healing
🕯Sandalwood - Conjuring, spirituality, protection, healing, astral projection, wishes
🕯Sweetgrass - Conjuring, positive energy
🕯Thyme - Purification, healing, health.
🕯Vanilla - Sex, love, psychic powers
🕯Violet - Luck, love, wisdom, healing, protection
🕯Wormwood - Psychic powers
🕯Ylang-ylang - Hapiness, love, harmony
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
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Aries witch ♈️🔥🖤
Instagram - Facebook - Art Shop
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
cheap, easy ways to decorate your altar for the sabbats
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dalyenergy · 4 years ago
Grimoire/book of Shadows decoration ideas and ideas of what to put in them:
I struggle sometimes with what to write in my grimoire, so I thought I’d write a list to help myself and others :) and even though I keep my personal grimoire plain on the covers, I will include decoration ideas because not all people want theirs plain, and the decoration could also be for the inner pages :)
📖 paint the covers a colour or pattern that gives you energy
📖 a picture collage
📖 a pressed flower and leaf collage
📖 draw sigils, which are practical as well as pretty
📖 draw a pendulum or ouija board in your book, which is also functional as well as decorative
📖 washi tape borders, book marks and page keys!
📖 when writing in your grimoire, you can separate bits of information in boxes. Using coloured pens/pencils or patterned lines looks nice :)
📖 carefully paint the edges of the pages. I like it when this is done with metallic paint but the colour is a personal choice :)
Content ideas
✨ write a list of trees, types of animals, flowers etc that you feel a connection to if you think nature is important to your craft
✨ you could also do a list of objects in general
✨ write magical recipes that you like into your grimoire and what properties you feel the finished product has
✨ a list of your crystals and stones and what vibe they give off, and their properties
✨ write about solstices if you follow them
✨ when you do a spell, I recommend writing down your method and what result you got, for future reference. This way you can repeat the spell easily and it can be tweaked if necessary :)
✨ write about deities you have a connection to, if any
✨ write about your familiar if you have one
✨ If you feel drawn to a certain type of animal, you could write about what animal you have this feeling towards. It may be worth looking into getting one if your situation allows it! I believe that the animal I feel drawn to (more so after practicing witchcraft for a while!) could be a future familiar for me. For example you could write about how to care for them, whether they have any magical connotations, and name ideas if you think you’ll get one! :)
✨ tarot card spreads
✨ results of tarot/pendulum/ouija sessions
✨a list of sigils so you can remember them (they don’t have to be activated if they’re just for reference)
✨ if you feel drawn to a particular tarot card or one of your pendulums (if you don’t have multiple pendulums that’s fine! You could write about the one you have) write about it and how it makes you feel
✨ magical correspondences of herbs
✨ general information about the path you follow (or if you are eclectic, parts of each type that interests you :))
Obviously there is way more to write about and way more decoration ideas! Feel free to reblog and add ideas if you have any!!
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self: Build your Daily Routine by Optimizing Your Mind, Body and Spirit
The professional Tai Chi Swords on: http://www.icnbuys.com/tai-chi-swords.
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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If you’re looking to change your life, a good place to start is your daily routine.
The professional Tai Chi Swords on: http://www.icnbuys.com/tai-chi-swords.
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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Inspirational Deep Positive Quotes
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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River | Mevludin Sejmenovic
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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Powerful Mudras and How to Use Them
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dalyenergy · 5 years ago
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Zen Quotes That Will Make You Feel Peaceful
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