#special siren rolling alarm. SHOCK WATCH.)
werewolfpdfs · 9 months
woke up in time for my final but if I hadn’t what are the chances they would’ve let me defer it based on an undiagnosed medical condition when my doctor hasn’t sent me my documentation yet 🧍‍♂️
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qatheauthoress74 · 1 year
A Song From The Heart
For @the-painted-siren https://www.tumblr.com/the-painted-siren An AU of an AU for the Ninjago Secret Summer OC Exchange.
The dim lights from the theater added a soft glow to the overall techno-punk atmosphere inside the venture.
A young woman with her hair tied up in a braid observed the room with a quirked smile while her partner was more focused on the other patrons.
“It sure was nice of the people at the ticket booth to give us a discount,” the blond boy clad in green said. “They must understand how crucial this mission is after I explained why we needed to come inside.”
The girl’s half-smile molded into an amused smirk. “Maybe, or they just recognized us as the Ninja that saved Ninjago for the tenth billionth time and decided to give us special treatment.” Her eyes caught sight of a merchandise stall. “Hey, you wanna go buy an overpriced t-shirt of the musician everybody’s here to see?”
“We’re here on business, Lyra.”
Lyra feigned a pout. “Oh, but we never get to do anything fun.”
Lloyd’s emerald eyes widened in alarm. “What? But last week we went out—”
“I’m kidding, Greenie.” She playfully shoved him for good measure. “I know our Ninja-ing comes first. So, where are we supposed to find this new Master of Time?”
The young man held up a round item that resembled a pocket watch but it had only one hand and was pointing in one direction no matter where he moved. At that moment, the device directed its arrow in front of the couple. “According to Master Wu’s Elemental Compass, they should be around here somewhere.”
Lyra rolled her eyes. “That’s helpful.”
“You should’ve seen how we used to find Elemental Master without a Compass,” Lloyd recalled. “It took way longer.”
“So, which way is it pointing to now?”
“It just keeps pointing to the stage.” He looked up but saw nothing. Not even any stagehands setting up for the concert. “But I don’t understand why—”
Lloyd didn’t get to finish as he was cut off by an announcer.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and people of non-specific genders, it’s time for the show. Give it up for Calem Kahale!”
Suddenly the stage lit up with bright colors of red and gold. Beneath a trap door, an elevator pushed upwards, revealing a young man dressed like a punk biker holding a guitar in his hands.
When the young man smiled Lloyd felt his heart rate go up in a way that only happened when he was around Lyra. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Lyra ceased looking at the stage to stare inquiringly at Lloyd. “Do you think that’s him?”
Lloyd wordlessly nodded, mesmerized by the song the performer played.
Lyra turned to look back at the singer as a smile began to play on her lips. She wondered where this was going and how much fun she could have.
 Calem remembered he need to look at the audience while he played and chose to settle his gaze on one spot in the crowd of people. He let out a small gasp after his eyes met the greenest orbs he ever saw. The rest of the face that the eyes belonged to were quite the sight to behold as well. Without thinking Calem found himself drawn to the young man standing in the pit in front of the stage. He stepped forward, not really thinking straight (haha), and accidentally took one foot over the ledge.
Oh, that was stupid, was a thought that went through Calem’s head along with the regret he didn’t get the chance to ask for the cute guy’s phone number before he began to fall.
 Lloyd and Lyra wasted no time in quickly moving around the shocked crowd when Calem tripped over the stage’s edge. Both Ninja was experienced enough to know with how short the platform was to the ground they wouldn’t reach the musician in time and save him from the fall. Still, it was in their nature to help when they could, and were in for a surprise when they saw something out of the ordinary. 
“He’s slowing down,” Lyra observed, watching Calem’s body moving at a snail’s pace with each passing second. He was now less than a foot away from the ground and by the girl’s estimate, he might reach it in two minutes.
“That’s our man—I mean, Ninja—uh—” Lloyd stammered after catching himself making that entendre.
“I know what you mean, Lloyd.” Lyra playfully rolled her eyes.
Instead of rushing towards Calem the couple instead simply walked up to his semi-floating body and took a hold of his arms. The moment they did so the young man’s elemental powers deactivated, and time moved normally around him once again.
“Hey,” Calem said breathlessly to the people who “saved” him.
“Hey.” Lloyd shot back.
“Sup,” Lyra chimed in. “You okay there, bud? Not in any pain, are you?”
“Yep, uh-huh.” I just got saved by two good-looking people, that’s all. “No, I mean I’m fine. Thank you.”
“After you finish the rest of your show, we’d like to talk with you backstage if that’s not too much to ask.” Lloyd was quick to notice the large group of onlookers staring in awe at them.
“Please, um, by all means. My manager will let you in.”
 Calem almost spat out his water after hearing the full story. “Wait, you two are part of the Ninja team?”
Lloyd exchanged stares with Lyra before looking back at the musician. “Yes, just like I said we want to offer a proposition. What else would we mean?” he asked, referring to the rest of the conversation that had since visiting Calem in his dressing room. Alone. With no one else to bother them.
Lyra, however instantly got the connotation of what Calem interpreted after seeing him blush at the previous mention of the word proposition. She laughed out loud before speaking to her visibly confused boyfriend. “Oh, Lloyd, you sweet summer child. You truly are a Goofus in the best way.”
“What else would you…” Lloyd trailed off for a moment once the realization kicked in. “Oh, you meant—seriously?!”
“Oh, FSM!” Lyra laughed so hard she thought she was going to pee.
Calem blushed harder than Lloyd currently was. “I’m sorry! I just—I’m not used to two attractive people who saved me from a severe head injury suddenly taking an interest in me. Did I just say two attractive people out loud?” Man, Calem must be suffering from a head injury worse than he thought.
Lyra thankfully managed to calm down after wiping away a tear from her eyes and evaluated Calem. “Wow, your personality doesn’t match your look at all.”
“It’s my stage persona. It’s supposed to make me look cool and mysterious.” Yes, he was very cool and mysterious looking from how he was bringing his knees close to his chest and had cheeks redder than an apple.
“Which I guess you’re neither of those things IRL.”
“Lyra.” Lloyd frowned in disproval.
“What I still think he’s adorably dorky in a hot kinda way?” Her casual response did nothing to prevent Calem from flushing into a deeper shade of crimson. “And it seems like you are too, Mister Beet Red.”
The Green Ninja grumbled at her but was unable to hide his reddened face.
“Anyway, before any further misconceptions are made, I’ll cut to the chase and ask if you’d like to train alongside us.”
Calem appeared torn by the suggestion. “Oh, uh….”
Lloyd, not wanting the young man to reject their offer then made a compromise. “But you can still perform as a musician when you aren’t busy training or helping us fight.”
Lyra nodded but added warily, “Fair warning though, it’s been about a month since the last time we fought the latest bad guy bent on taking over the world or destroying it. So, we’re probably due for the next one to show up pretty soon.”
“But you won’t be fighting anyone just yet until you’ve finished your training,” Lloyd hastily included.
 Calem chewed his lower lip, still hesitant to answer. “Can I have some time to think it over?”
“I mean, you’re the new Master of Time so you have all the time in the world. Right?” Lyra winked at him after making the lame pun, causing him to turn red again.
“Yes, you can. But you can keep in touch with us,” Lloyd extended his hand for Calem to shake. The other boy accepted it with no problem.
Lyra smiled, wryly. “Meaning Lloyd here totally would like to date you.”
“Lyra!” Lloyd was aghast at his girlfriend’s comment.
Her grin turned into a full-on smirk and asked, “Is that not what I’m reading here?”
“I mean—I do think he’s cute but—ugh!” Lloyd threw a hand over his face.
“You think I’m cute?” Calem’s tone sounded hopeful.
 “‘Course we do,” Lyra answered with a genuine beam. “You wouldn’t happen to be busy later, are you?”
Calem bashfully shook his head no.
Lloyd, deciding to just roll with Lyra’s obvious matchmaking, then made another proposal to Calem, but a much more personal one this time. No, not that kind of proposal. “If you are not put off by my partner’s teasing, we would like to spend more time with you.”
“And just to be clear this isn’t a ploy to join our team. Unless you think I’m talking about a different team.” She added a wink for good measure.
“I think you’re going to confuse him,” Lloyd deadpanned.
“Oh, no I got it.” Calem nodded. “Yes, I would like to spend more time with you if that’s okay with you.”
Lyra shrugged. “I’m Poly and Lloyd’s Bi so I think we can work this out.”
So I borrowed the Elemental Compass idea from Ren [https://www.tumblr.com/the-ninja-legacy-whip]. It’s a literal plot device and I love it. XD
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petersshirts · 3 years
Too Long | bucky barnes
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: you and Bucky have grown close over the last year, but when he disappears, you really start to worry
warnings: none, pure fluff!
words: 1,9 k
A/N: um, I’m back?? tfatws inspired me for this, and I hope you like it! it’s been some time since I wrote something, so feedback would be greatly appreciated!!
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6:00 a.m.
the loud ringing from your alarm woke you and you slowly blinked, trying to figure out where you were and what was going on. after a few seconds, the realisation hit you that it was a normal work day and it was time to get ready for work. you groaned and slowly stood up to make your way to the bathroom.
it was still dark outside but you could hear the sirens on the street - new york city never slept. just like you for the last week. in the kitchen, you made yourself a big cup of coffee to survive the day. for the last few days, nightmares hunted you. and you knew exactly why.
for the next thirty minutes, you quietly got yourself ready and finally walked out of the door of your apartment, trying to ignore the door that you passed on your way downstairs. but the pain in your heart and the name in your head couldn’t just make you forget.
your neighbour, who was just a stranger when he arrived a year ago. but over time, you got to know the quiet man who sent you smiles that made your stomach churn. whenever he laughed, it felt like you just won an Oscar. his laugh felt like music to your ears and made you happy because you had made him happy.
you had never really thought about more than a casual friendship between bucky and you when he had suddenly disappeared a week ago, everything changed. you were worried sick because you knew his history as the winter soldier, and even though he had assured you many times that he was fine and he wouldn’t fall back into his old pattern, you still worried. not really because you were worried for the people around you, but because of him.
you knew that bucky hated to talk about his time as the winter soldier and the way he found his way out. to talk about steve. you had never met captain america but when he disappeared to find another, happier life, bucky was broken. he couldn’t understand why his best friend had left him behind, all alone to himself. at this point, bucky had been mentally stable due to his time in Wakanda, but it still gave him nightmares every night.
and you were the one to stop them. whenever he had a nightmare, he came to your apartment with the key you gave him for emergencies. he slipped right next to you in bed, enjoying your presence more than he would admit. on your part, you were just happy that he trusted you that much to show his vulnerability.
but there was never more than that. and you actually never thought that there was more than that, until he was gone. last tuesday, you knocked on his door for your weekly movie night, but there was no answer. you started to panic, because it was very rare that bucky was not home. maybe he went out, but since he didn’t have any friends other than the old guy he had met on the street, you doubted that.
you called him twenty times, but there was no answer. the panic was rising in your chest, your mind already imaging every single way he could have been hurt or compromised. you got the spare key from your apartment, but when you entered his place, there was no bucky. everything looked just like it always did, a few clothes on the chairs and sofa, but nothing out of the ordinary. there was nobody you could go to to ask for help. so you just went back home, hoping that he would just knock on your door with a smile on his face, saying sorry that he’s late because he went to the supermarket to get some snacks for movie night.
but he didn’t come. every day, you knocked on his door, called him but no answer. it was slowly driving you nuts and you were missing him like crazy. and by crazy you mean not just like a friend. you realised the change quite quickly because the longing in your chest was nothing you had ever felt before. it felt like you were missing a part of yourself and everywhere you looked, you saw him.
bucky was everywhere. in your ruffled up sheets, the musky scent still clinging to your pillow because you refused to wash them and get rid of his smell completely. his sunglasses on your table or the extra blanket you had bought for him for the sofa so he wouldn’t be cold. he had only chuckled at that and pressed a small kiss on your forehead, mumbling a small thank you.
now, a week later, you felt completely hopeless. you didn’t know why he at least called you, this wasn’t a good sign at all. you cared for bucks so much, it frightened you. never before had you had this feeling with a boyfriend for two years, never had you felt so desperate to have him back in your arms.
on your way to your office, you tried to ignore all the horrible thoughts in your head, but it was quite impossible. bucky was everything to you. there. you admitted it. I am in love with bucky barnes.
and you could never tell him. you could never say to him that he was so special to you, that you wanted him in your apartment full time, you wanted to get him your own towels and a workspace. tears started rolling down your cheeks, a sharp pain filling your heart. you had no idea how you should handle this situation.
for the whole day at work, you tried to smile and talk to your co-workers, trying to ignore the horrible feeling in your heart, it felt like bucky himself had stabbed you. when it was finally 4 pm and time to go home, you wandered through the streets, trying to take as much time to go home as possible. because there was nobody waiting for you anymore. you bought yourself some food at your favourite deli and finally opened the door to your apartment complex, your eyes fixed on the floor.
you completely ignored the door you had knocked on so many times and made your way to your place, fumbling with your keys but before you could open the for yourself, it was opened from the inside. you looked into two familiar blue eyes and your heart stopped for a second. you just stared at bucky, not knowing to react.
„you - you’re alive!“ and in the next moment, you fell into his arms pulling him close to make sure that this was not a dream. that he was really here. bucky just chuckled and stroked your hair, smelling the familiar scent of coconut that had slowly but surely become his home. suddenly you pulled away, and checked his face for any injuries but exhaled after a short time because you didn’t see any injuries.
„where have you been? I was worried sick!“ you closed the apartment door behind you, trying to fight the urge to just take one more step and press his lips to yours. bucky stared at the ground, trying to find a good explanation for his sudden disappearance. everything just went so fast when sam called him with the super-soldier serum, he completely forgot about leaving you a message or even call you. but the 104-year-old man forgot his phone at his apartment and since he didn’t remember your phone number, there was just no way to call you. even if that was the only thing he wanted to do. to hear your voice, telling him everything was okay. that he would come home, come back to you.
„I’m so sorry love, but Sam called me to help him with a mission last week. I left in a hurry and left my phone at home. we went to Europe so there was no way to reach you.“ Bucky looked at you, hoping that you would forgive him. he knew he was an idiot to just leave unexpected, but he had also thought that you were just friends. but for the last week, the way he had thought about you changed. he didn’t want to be just friends.
you just grumbled something and walked past him, trying to sort out your thoughts. you were really happy that he was back and safe but also didn’t know how to act around him anymore. it felt like there was some tension in the room that never been here before.
bucky watched while you paced through the living room, a worried look on his face. he just wanted to hold you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear and enjoy your presence. he never wanted to leave your side again, to protect you from all the bad things in this world.
„what’s going on?“ bucky’s voice ripped you out of your thoughts and you looked up, bucky still a few meters away from you. you just sighed. there was no way you could tell him how you felt. he would never feel the same way and just look at you weirdly. you were just friends.
„it’s nothing.“ you mumbled, but bucky knew that it was not just nothing. he stepped forward, now only a few centimetres in front of your face. you sucked in your breath because he had never been that close to you. his blue eyes were watching you, trying to understand your body language. your eyes wandered to his lips and you quickly averted them back to his eyes, but bucky had seen it. a small smile wandered on his lips and he slowly put his hand on your waist, pulling you even closer.
your eyes went wide but before you could say anything, his lips landed on yours. in shock, you opened your mouth and bucks lips entered your mouth, his eyes closed in pleasure.
this is happening. this is really happening.
you closed your eyes in pleasure, a little moan escaping your mouth. bucks heart jumped at that sound, knowing that he had done something right. that he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. after a few minutes of kissing, he slowly pulled away, a glint in his eyes. you could only smile at him and kissed his chin, a small giggle escaping your lips.
„if you haven’t noticed, I’m crazy about you.“ bucky mumbled, his fingers wandering over your mouth, your nose, your brows. he watched you with fascination and the butterflies erupted in your stomach, a warm feeling settling in your gut. you kissed his fingers lovingly, your eyes shining just as much as his.
„and if you haven’t noticed, I’m in love with you.“ at these words, bucky couldn’t stop smiling at you. this was real. you liked him back. no, you loved him back, this broken man with all his flaws.
„Really?“ his voice was only a whisper now, his eyes searching for the truth in your own. you just grinned even more and nodded. „yes, you dork. but don’t you run away like that again, you scared me so much!“
„Never again.“
Bucky engulfed you in a hug and you just stood there together, enjoying each others presence, the both of you not believing their own luck.
It had been too long since there had been that much love in your lives. And it would never change, just get bigger and better over time.
Feedback is appreciated!!
@ive-got-more-wit // @lou-la-lou // @loxbbg // @seanna313 // @underoos-shield // @supernatural-strangerthings-1980@ixchel-9275 // @thejourneyneverendsx // @sideeffectsofyou // @teenwolfbitches2 // @mywinterwolf // @alex—awesome—22 // @wronglanemendes // @tomshufflepuff // @awkwardfangirl2014 // @embrace-themagic // @ophcelia // @xxtomxo // @undiadeestos // @peterpumpkinparker // @twilightparker // @h-osterfield // @suncityparker // @holland-peters // @fratboievans // @spiderrrling // @revengingbarnes // @hollandroos // @naturallytom // @tomhollandd // @parkerpeterparker2004
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enbylovebird · 4 years
creature report! (hawks x reader bullet fic)
a fluffy request from @hiyaitssans; in which you binge watch a show from your childhood with hawks.
"who names a kids show 'octonauts'?" keigo asks as he gets comfortable next to you.
it's his day off and thankfully, it's yours as well.
you managed to convince him to go down memory lane with you since you noticed your favorite childhood cartoons were on demand.
teen titans, powerpuff girls, special agent oso... almost everything from every network was here! but something pulled you towards octonauts, so you made the (admittedly, very tough) decision to watch that one for the day.
when you told keigo you wanted to watch tv with him, he seemed rather happy to share in something that brought you so much joy, but he couldn't deny the tiniest bit of skepticism.
keigo didn't exactly have a childhood. you both knew that. he doesn't share the same feelings about animated animals, but if they make you smile like this, then he supposes that it wouldn't hurt to indulge his little dove just a bit.
you roll your eyes at his question. "grown-ups did at the time, now shhh! it's starting."
the familiar whooping siren of the octonauts' alarm opens the show, and you see captain barnacles and kwazii, your two favorite characters from the show.
you're suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia, remembering early sunday mornings from your childhood; the smell of your parent cooking breakfast while you sat on the couch, little legs swinging with excitement
keigo notices how your expression softens immediately, and it makes him smile. your happiness is his happiness, and even though this show is already a little weird, he figures that he'll do his best to get into it like you.
he pulls you closer with his wing and rests a head on your shoulder as the show goes on.
however the position doesn't last for more than two episodes before keigo is super involved in this show.
"y/n, i would die for tweak." he blurts during the opening of episode 3.
you sputter out a laugh and look at him, shocked that he would say that so suddenly. "huh?" you giggle.
"tweak! the little rabbit thing? c'mon, you know this show better than me." keigo ruffles his feathers a little. "it's so cute, i want, like, four."
"sorry birdy, but it's not real."
"that's the most heartbreaking thing i have ever had to hear in my life." he deadpans.
by episode 4, keigo has the creature report song memorized
and it's then that you realize you have created a monster
you didn't really plan to watch octonauts all day, but when you accidentally fall asleep and wake up a few hours later, the cartoon is still playing
and keigo is still watching
he's singing the creature report song along with captain barnacles, head swaying with the beat.
he's got a smile on his face, too
and if you look closely, you think you see a twinkle in his eye -- one that you only really see in very young children
remember, keigo had no childhood.
so you just unearthed something he had long since lost to his training
he seems more at peace than you have ever seen him, besides when he's sleeping
you stifle a laugh when the tv pauses it's playback to ask if you want to watch another episode and keigo makes a huffing sound
"learn anything new?" you ask.
"well, i've learned about... maybe 24 different types of sea creatures, so.. yeah." keigo beams at you.
you gasp. "is that how many episodes went by while i was sleeping?"
keigo shrugs. he doesn't even say anything else, he just turns on another episode of octonauts.
yep, it's confirmed. you've created a monster.
but when he looks like this... when he's got that childish innocence in his eyes like he's always deserved to have, you can't bring yourself to cut it short.
instead, you order his favorite food to make the day even better
he gives you a bunch of kisses and practically smothers you with his wings for that.
now, sundays that the two of you have off are for cartoons.
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junkercrush · 4 years
Yo! Can I request junkrat being oblivious to his feelings with an equally oblivious crush?
Yes, you may! Here you go!
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Junkrat x Reader (I’m guessing female?)
Rating: SFW
Words: 3,303
You’re finally caught up with work, and Junkrat was coming over. Nothing special, just a hangout.
“Aw, crap.” You groaned as the scent of burnt popcorn hit your nose. You ran to the kitchen and popped open the microwave. Thank goodness the popcorn bag wasn’t on fire (this time). You threw the darker pieces in the trash and poured the rest into a huge party bowl.
You skipped excitedly to the living room where you were preparing for Junkrat’s arrival. Tonight, you and Rat were going to watch horror films until the crack of dawn. You turned on the TV and reviewed your horror playlist. It was filled with frightening titles featuring vampires, ghouls, and zomnics. Junkrat might love the zomnic one, even though he can’t stand Omnics in real life.
You peered at the clock hanging on the wall over your TV—6:23 pm. You moaned with impatience. “Where the hell is he?” You asked aloud.
The pizza guy with the four extra-large pizzas you ordered was supposed to arrive 45 minutes ago. You could nibble on some popcorn as you waited, but you wanted to save it for your horrorfest. Your stomach growled. Perhaps one small bite---
Ding dong!
Was that the pizza guy or Rat? You set the popcorn aside and rushed to the door. Wait, the pizza money! You checked your pockets and pulled out two $20 bills. The pizza guy could keep the change.
You opened the door, and a blue light zipped past you. “Hello, hello!” Tracer chirped.
“Tracer,” You sighed. “The hell are you doing here? I thought you were out on a mission.”
Tracer was already munching on your popcorn in the living room. “Nope, false alarm. What are you doing?”
Tracer turns to the TV you left on with your horror movies. “Oooh, movie night! I’m game!”
“Uh no, actually—”
“Am I  interrupting something?”
“Not really—”
“ ‘Not really?’ Sounds suspicious to me.” Tracer’s eyes lit up. “Are you waiting on your date?”
“No! It’s just Rat and me. We’re having a movie night.”
Tracer stares at you with a sly grin. You only roll your eyes at her. “God, Lena, it’s not like that!”
“Are you sure? You two have been ‘hanging out’ for a while.”
Tracer zips around your living room, checking under your furniture and peeking behind your hanging picture frames.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Searching for surprises. I know you’re hiding condoms and your kinky toys around here somewhere.”
You playfully whacked Tracer with a couch pillow. “Get out.” You ordered.
“Aw, c’mon!” Tracer groaned. “Let me hang out with you guys on your date. I  don’t mind. I want to see ‘Attack of the Living Zomnics’ too.”
“For heaven’s sake, it’s not a damn date!” You laughed. “Rat is not into me like that. Just friends. It’s been like that for years.”
Tracer crossed her arms. “Remember when you caught him ogling at you at Lucio’s pool party?”
You traced your memories back to last week. You hated parties, especially the kind where you got wet. But it was Lucio’s party, and you liked his music.
You came out in a shockingly fitting bathing suit Tracer bought for you just for the occasion. You didn’t care about the guys looking at you. You were shocked to see Junkrat there. He was in the swimming pool sitting on top of a huge inflatable duck. His mouth was slightly open, eyes straight at you.
You remembered asking him to go to the party with you, but he made an excuse that he was sick. There he was, staring at you like you were God just descended down from heaven. 
You two got together later and ended up playing pool volleyball with some random partygoers. Junkrat was very touchy that night. You were used to it, he was that way with everyone. But that time was different, way different. 
The image of Rat’s lean, wet body lasted in your mind for a week. You weren’t going to tell anybody about that, especially Tracer.
“Yeah,” You said, coming back to the present. “No big deal.”
Tracer slumped her head down and let out a heavy sigh. “C’mon, you can’t tell me the signs between you two aren’t right there!”
“Looks like somebody’s has been watching too many chick flicks.”
The doorbell rang again. Before Tracer could say anything else, you paced to the door and peered through your door’s peephole. Finally, the pizza man.
“Sorry, miss,” The skinny, freckled face delivery boy apologized as you opened the door. “There was a bunch of traffic—”
You shoved the money to his face and took the pizza boxes from him. “Glad you made it. Thank you so much! Keep the change.” You blurted and waved at him. The boy counted the money.
“Sweet, thanks!” He scurried to his run-down rusty car and sped off.
“Mmmm, I smell pepperoni.” You heard Tracer from the house.
You closed the door and placed the pizza boxes in the kitchen. The cheesy aroma goodness traveled up your nose and made your stomach rumble with anticipation. Man, Junkrat better hurry up before you ate all this pizza yourself! 
Tracer arrives and opens a box. “Mmm,” She hums. “Extra large too.”
You glared at her. “Don’t you take a single bite.” You warned her.
Tracer only smiled. “Oh, you’re right. We have to wait before the love of your life arrives.”
You reached for her, and she teleported to the kitchen entrance with a giggle. “I’ll leave your little get together when you guys start snogging.” She said, taking a bite of a gooey cheese pizza slice.
“Hey!” You shouted. The doorbell rings again. You froze. Tracer’s smile grew wider.
“I’ll get it!” Tracer zipped to the front door.
“No!” You shouted.
Junkrat was let in before you could protest further. He was oddly clean today, except his hair was covered in ash. He wore a fresh tank top and some (unripped) cargo shorts. He definitely smelt like he was forced into a flowery-scented bath. The rose and lavender scents slowly filled the room.
“H-hey!” Your voice quivered.
“Hey, I heard some yelling while I was outside,” Junkrat said. “Everything alright?”
You glared at Tracer again. She only shrugged her shoulders like she didn’t know anything.
“Everything’s fine.” You sighed. “Just fooling around.”
“Hey!” Someone barked outside your door. Roadhog entered. He looked like he just rode out of hell. He was smoking, covered in soot, and his mask all beat up. You rushed over to him.
“Jesus, what happened to you?” You asked Hog. The Junkers exchanged glances and laughed.
“We just robbed a bank,” Junkrat answered.
“And I wanted to keep him clean.” Hog added. “Knew he was going to see you tonight.”
Tracer grinned. “I knew this was a date.”
“The hell are you talking about?” Junkrat asked her.
“Admit it, Rat!”
Junkrat shot you a confused glance. You only shook your head. “I don’t know what’s going on.” You sighed. “She’s gone nuts.”   Roadhog patted Junkrat’s shoulder. “I’m off. The police may find us here. I’ll distract them.”
Junkrat shot him a thumbs up. “Good call, mate.”   “I’m going to get some ice cream too.” Hog continued.
Tracer appeared in front of Hog in a hot second. “Can I come?” She asked him.   Police sirens blared in the distance. Hog threw Tracer over his shoulder and marched out of your house. “Sure, let’s go!” He huffed.   Perfect, she was finally gone. “Bye!” You waved with a great smile. You and Junkrat watched as Roadhog strapped Tracer into the passenger wagon of his motorcycle and zoomed off.   “Finally.” You sighed, walking back to the living room. “I got pizza and popcorn ready for us. Which movie do you want to see---” You turned to Junkrat and froze. He held out a bouquet of daisies for you. Looking at the roots, it seems he pulled them out of the ground somewhere.    “What’s this?” You asked.   “A gift for you,” Junkrat answered. “Found them in some bloke’s yard.”   Tracer’s stupid smirk popped in your mind. If she was still here, she would’ve flipped. You cleared your throat. “That’s nice of you. Thanks!”   You took the daisies into the kitchen and placed them in a vase filled with water. Junkrat followed you. From the corner of your eye, you noticed his eyes kept shifting at you then down at the floor like he was afraid to ask you something.    “Do you want to see Blood Sucker Junkers first or Junkenstein’s Revenge 2?” You asked. Junkrat scratched his head.   “Actually, I changed my mind about our movie night.” He said.    “Oh?”   “I want to take you to the beach. Heard it was going to be really nice this evening.”   You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t see why not.” You said.   Junkrat grinned. “We’ll take the food with us. Feed the popcorn to the seagulls.”   You laughed. “Don’t blow them up!”   Junkrat raised his hands in mock guiltiness. “Oi, have you ever tried fried seagull? Delicious!”   “No thanks. I prefer chicken.”   “You don’t know what you’re missing, mate. You need to live a little more.”   *~*~*
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Rent on your place can be a bitch on your wallet, but having only to walk a few minutes to the beach was worth the money.   You and Junkrat arrived at the beach at sunset. People were already lingering away from the calm, blue waters to the parking lot. One frustrated mother was dragging her screaming child, who clearly didn’t want to leave. The little boy yanked his arm away from his mother’s grip and fell out on the ground, kicking sand up in the air.   “Nooo!” The boy shrieked. “I have to finish my sandcastle!” He pointed to the sandcastle decorated with seashells, sticks, and seaweed. The boy’s mother only huffed and placed her tightened fists on her hips.   “We have to go, Cayden, or no ice cream!” The mother warned. The boy’s tantrum stopped immediately.   “Ice cream?” Cayden asked.   “Yes.”   The boy ran past his mother to the parking lot for his parent’s car. The mother chased after him. You watched the sandcastle as a colossal wave smashed it into nothingness. Good thing little Cayden didn’t see that.   “Man, that boy can scream!” Junkrat chuckled behind you. He was lying on his stomach on a beach towel eating out of his second pizza box.   “Hey!” You closed the box. “Save some for me!”   “But I didn’t get to eat all day.” Junkrat moaned, looking up at you with pitiful eyes. “I’m starving!”   Junkrat opened the pizza box and nibbled on a large pepperoni slice. “Hmm, crunchy.”   You eyed him questionably. “Crunchy?”   Junkrat giggles. “I think I got some sand topping on my pizza.”   You laughed. “That’s what you get!”   A beach couple walked past you two, holding hands. They looked like they literally lived in the gym and the tanning salon. They parked their beach towel not too far from where you were sitting and started watching the sunset together. The beach body boyfriend had his hand right on his girlfriend’s ass, playing with her g-string thong. You rolled your eyes and returned to chewing your pizza slice.   “Oi,” Junkrat called out to the couple. “Get a room!”   You didn’t know why the couple bothered Junkrat so, but it was funny until he pulled out a small cherry bomb from his pocket.   “Junkrat, no!” You hissed, taking the bomb from his hand before he lit the fuse.   “What?” Junkrat looked completely innocent. “I was just going to scare them. Not blow them up!”   “Let them be.” You muttered. You turned back to the couple, and they were already making out. For real?   Luckily, a huge wave came ashore and hit the couple. The girlfriend screamed.   “My hair!” The bikini goddess yelped. You could only snicker. Why the hell was she there if she didn’t want her long, blonde luscious locks wet?   The couple glanced your way then moved further out from the rushing waters. Junkrat sighed with relief.   “Thank God,” Junkrat said. “They were ruining our spot.”   You turned to him. “Ours?”   Junkrat gently grabbed your face with his prosthetic hand and turned you toward the glowing sunset. It was a splash of red, yellow, and orange in front of the purple clouds. It was perfect, just perfect.   Seagulls circled the skies, searching for fish to pick up for the late evening dinner. A line of dolphin fins peeked out of the water. You gasped at the sight and pointed at the sea. “Junkrat, did you see that?”   “I did!”   You jumped as you realized Junkrat was sitting right beside you, still chewing on pizza.   “I don’t understand why Tracer thinks we’re dating.” He continued.   You shook your head. “I don’t know, man.”   Junkrat turned to you, a cheese string hanging from his mouth. “Is this dating? I just gave you flowers because I know you like them.”   You threw your arm around Junkrat’s shoulder. The first stars appeared as the sun slowly descended into the ocean.   “This is the best place to look at the stars.” He said.   You smiled. “You’ve been here before?” You asked. Junkrat only grinned.   A man’s loud cough made you jump. You turned to a couple sitting on the bench watching the sea. A huge man and a tiny man garbed in fishermen’s gear with sunglasses. Looks like they were taking a break from their fishing. You felt weird vibes from their presence.   “I like you,” Junkrat said. “I mean it.”   You stared at him. “I like you too. You’re a good friend.”   Junkrat shook his head. “No, no, no. I meant—”   “Daddy, look!” A little girl shouted behind you. A little girl and her family stepped off the boardwalk into the beach. More and more people steadily approached around you and Rat, pointing at the skies and planting their beach chairs on the cool sand.   “Daddy, look, look, look, LOOK!” The same little girl shouted.   “I see, I see, sweetie!” The exhausted father replied.   The sky was nearly covered with shooting stars. Your mouth dropped with amazement. “Oh my God,” You gasped. “I almost forgot about this.”   You remembered last week you were watching the news with Junkrat when an anchorwoman announced a meteor shower was coming up. The beach was the best place to see anything up in the skies, whether it be the stars, an aerial hostile Omnic invasion, or UFOS.   “I remembered,” Junkrat said, tapping your nose.   You smiled, blood rushing to your cheeks. You shyly turned away from Rat. Geez, why were you acting like a timid schoolgirl with a crush on him now?    “Remember the time we went out to King’s Row?” Junkrat asked.   “Yeah.” You recalled. You remembered it like it was yesterday.   After bringing in a British TALON spy into custody, you, Junkrat, Tracer, and Roadhog all went out for drinks as a celebration. Roadhog and Tracer returned to their hotel rooms early. At the same time, you and Rat explored London seeing Big Ben, visiting Piccadilly Circus, and almost getting regrettable matching tattoos.   “Remember Junkertown?” Junkrat continued.   “Yep.”   “South Korea? Brazil? Paris?”   “Yep, yep, and yep.”   “Were we dating back then?”   You and Rat would often take on week-long trips together. Just the two of you. Whoever asked where you all were going, you quickly responded it was a mission. Really, you just liked being around each other. You didn’t know why, but you just did.   “Maybe we are dating.” You admitted. Your heart rate increased after your confession. You opened your mouth to say something else, but a sudden pang of fear stopped you.   Junkrat only stared at you, a genuine smile slowly forming on his face. He leaned closer to your face, and you immediately backed away.   “You want to get some snow cones?” You asked, breaking the moment. “I know a place nearby. It’s not too far from here.”   Junkrat turned to the empty pizza boxes and patted his stomach. “A dessert sounds nice.” He said.   You two gathered up your beach towels and trash and walked away from the beach, leaving the crowd still watching the meteor shower. You glanced over at the bench where the mysterious fishermen were sitting. They were gone. You had a strange feeling you knew them from somewhere.   *~*~*
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An hour later, you and Junkrat finally received your snow cones after a terribly long line at the snow cone hut. Only two people were working at the stand.   “Finally!” Junkrat sighed as he stabbed his blueberry snow cone with a spoon. “That took longer than I expected.”   “Yeah, seriously.” You replied.   With no warning, Junkrat stole a scoop of your cherry snow cone. “Mine!” He shouted.   “Hey!”   You reached for his cone with your spoon, but he moved it out of the way. “Ha! Missed!” Junkrat shouted. He leaned forward and surprised you with a kiss. Both of you stared at each other in shock afterward. “Uh, whoops, sorry about that, mate.” He giggled nervously.   You licked your lips, tasting the artificial cherry/blueberry flavor. “It’s all right,” You said as you set your cup down and grabbed the back of Junkrat’s head. “Fuck it!”   You crushed his lips with a long, savory kiss.   “Daddy, look. The pretty one is kissing that strange, ugly man!” The little girl from the beach pointed at you. You jerked away from Junkrat and laughed.   The beach father rushed over and scooped the child up to his arms. “Shh, that’s not nice!” He said. “We don’t talk about people that way.”   The little girl looked back at you as she was taken away. “But Daddy, he’s weird! Look at his funny hair!”   “Be quiet, and you eat your snow cone!” The father hissed.   Junkrat ran his fingers through his half-burnt hair. “Me hair’s funny?” He turned to you. “It’s not that bad, is it?”   You pecked him on the cheek. “You’re absolutely fine.” You said. Junkrat pulled you closer to him and buried his face into your neck.   “Mmm, I love you (Y/N).” He said.   You blushed. “Yeah, me too.”   “AH HA!”   The fishermen from the beach burst out of the bushes, scaring a couple of beachgoers.   “What the fuck!?” One tan man holding two snow cones yelped. One cone accidentally fell to the ground. “Fuck!” The man groaned.   “Oh, sod off.” The tiny fisherman said to the man.   “Um, do I know you?” You asked the fishermen. They removed their sunglasses, and you instantly recognized them.   “Tracer? Roadhog?! So you’ve been spying on us this whole time?” You frowned.   Roadhog pointed at Tracer. “It was her idea. I just wanted some ice cream.”   Tracer clicked her teeth. “Ah, ah, ah! You brought up the idea as we were eating ice cream.”   “Did not!” Hog barked back.   “Enough!” You shouted. Junkrat only laughed.   “Sorry we spied on you.” Roadhog apologized, twiddling his fingers with his massive feet turned inwards. You scoffed.   “Hog, it’s okay.” You assured the Maori giant. “I’m just startled.”   “I’m not surprised,” Junkrat said. “I knew you two were watching us back at the beach.”   You stared at Junkrat. “You knew?! And you didn’t tell me!?”   “Love, if I did, I wouldn’t have had the chance to kiss ya!” Junkrat wiggled his eyebrows.   “Oh my God.” You rolled your eyes.   Tracer pulled out her smartphone. “Smile for the birdy, would you? I want to capture the moment King Junkrat and Queen (Y/N) have finally reunited.”   You smiled and threw your snow cone at her.   “Hey!” Tracer cried.   The picture caught your snow cone flying towards her direction. Your face in the frame half-covered by the flying dessert while Junkrat had his lips planted on your cheek. A blurry Roadhog hand hovered over you two.
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singledarkshade · 3 years
New Old Friend
Part Five
(Part One,  Part Two, Part Three  and Part Four can be found here)
 Jack sat and waited for Henry to speak.
“Alright,” the other man took a seat, “As you know, before I came to Eureka I was working at NASA. I was disillusioned with what I was doing and the people I was working with. I had received the offer to come to Eureka but wasn’t going to accept.” He paused thinking back before glancing at Rip, “And then a light filled the room leaving a man on the floor with a brightly glowing shard of glass.”
Jack looked at him, looked at Rip then looked back and laughed, “You’re winding me up.”
“No,” Henry replied, “I’m not. Rip is not from around here.”
“You mean like England?”
“Technically that is correct, but I am also from an alternate universe,” Rip told him, pausing for a moment as Jack’s eyes widened in shock before continuing, “I was a time traveller and used the core from my ship to stop a demon from destroying time. When it exploded, I was thrown into another universe and I will leave once I find the shard of the core that landed here.”
Jack stared at him before asking amused, “Of course and I suppose you need my help to find it?”
“Actually, it’s currently in Global Dynamics,” Rip replied.
Jack looked between Henry and Rip before demanding, “This is an elaborate joke.”
“No,” Henry assured him, “Jack, I know how bizarre this is, but I promise you that this is real. You’ve dealt with enough during your time in Eureka not to close your mind to the possibilities.”
Laughing Jack demanded, “But time travel? Alternate realities? That’s science fiction. Even Stark would agree with me.”
“I’ll admit,” Henry said, “Until I met Rip, I believed that too but it’s not. He’s the reason I came to Eureka because he told me I would, because that was when he first met me. And that this was my home.”
Frowning, Jack asked, “What?”
“I met Henry for the first time when I stepped into the Sheriff’s station earlier today,” Rip told him, “But I will see him again when I leave here. Although I have no idea when that will be.”
“I am not sure this was a good idea, Captain,” Gideon noted as she stood at Rip’s side watching Jack pace thinking over all they’d told him. They’d decided to turn off the interface while talking to the Sheriff as having Gideon there would possibly be a distraction from what they were explaining, “He is finding it difficult to accept the information you and Dr Deacon are imparting.”
“I really don’t think being arrested right now is helpful,” Rip murmured to her, “Telling him is our best option to avoid having to break out of jail…again.”
Jack turned to him, “Where did the papers you wrote come from? Are you taking credit for someone else’s work?”
“Both papers I wrote,” Rip replied, “Presumably when I meet Henry again.”
“So, you just knocked out two papers in the few hours you were there that people like Stark and Alison think are real,” Jack demanded.
Rip shrugged, “Actually they were papers I wrote in my first year of training. I have an eidetic memory, so it won’t take me long to rewrite or dictate them.”
“Training?” Jack asked, looking confused, “For time travel?”
Rip nodded, “I belonged to an organisation called the Time Masters. Our mission was to protect time from those who tried to change it to their own advantage.”
He left out the rest, not wanting to get into what had happened to his family, to the Time Masters, or with the Legends.
“What about the AI you had following you around?” Jack asked, “Did you do that in a few hours.”
Pulling out the disc, Rip smiled, “Gideon is the AI for my time ship, the Waverider. We have a telepathic connection which allows her to connect to me wherever I end up. Henry created the interface to let her to interact with this world.”
“This is crazy,” Jack shook his head.
Activating the interface, Rip turned to Gideon, “Can you show him the shard?”
“Of course, Captain Hunter,” Gideon replied before turning to the Sheriff, “Please direct your attention to the screen, Sheriff Carter.”
Confused Jack turned as she activated the viewscreen, showing the security footage from the lab where the shard was sitting glowing.
“That could be anything,” Jack noted.
“Wait till Rip gets near it,” Henry chuckled, “He glows too.”
Jack rubbed his hand over his face, “Alright, say I believe you. What now?”
“We need to work out how to get to the lab it’s in without Nathan or Alison finding out,” Henry told him.
“As it has been a long day,” Gideon spoke up, “I believe you should discuss this while having your evening meal.”
Rip rolled his eyes as the other two laughed, “Ignore my mother hen.”
“Captain, we had an agreement,” Gideon reminded him.
“But she is right,” Rip acquiesced because he’d still be nagged by her if he turned off the link, “And thinking about it, I could use something to eat.”
Henry nodded, “Well, I promised Vincent I would bring you back to Café Diem. Jack, want to join us?”
“Why not?” he shrugged.
 Rip mused as he thought over what he wanted to eat as they found a booth. Gideon was looking around interested, Rip had left the interface on so she could interact with the others. He knew she liked being seen and heard by more than him.
“Welcome,” Vincent appeared, “What can I get for you?”
Jack grinned, “I’ll take my usual.”
“One burger and chips for the Sheriff,” Vincent sighed before adding, “One of these days I’ll get you to try something different.”
Henry laughed, “I’ll have the risotto.”
“And you two?” Vincent turned to Rip and Gideon.
Rip shrugged, “I think I will let you choose for me today.”
Vincent’s eyes lit up, “I will make you something very special. And for the lady?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t eat,” Gideon replied with a sweet smile, “But thank you.”
At Vincent’s confused look she passed her hand through the table, and he nodded in understanding. Rip smiled, Eureka was in some ways the perfect place for people like him and part of him wished he could stay here but he needed to get back to Gideon properly.
“Okay,” Jack said, “I may not fully believe you but,” he grinned, “I do want to hear some time travel stories.”
 “Nathan,” Alison walked into the lab, “What do you have?”
He turned to her and smiled, “The energy coming off this thing is incredible. We could power the town with this for hundreds of years.”
Alison stared at him, “That’s not good, Nathan. This thing appeared from nowhere in the highest security section of GD, we have no idea where it came from or what it’s doing here. We need to be careful. Remember the artifact.”
Nathan flinched slightly at the thought before replying, “I am just testing it, Ali. I promise no protocols will be missed and no steps will be skipped.”
“Good,” she replied, “And keep me up to date on absolutely everything that happens.”
 Gideon watched her Captain as he talked to the other two men. She could see he was enjoying himself, especially as he could be himself and there was no pretence he had to remember.
She theorised if she could find a way to transport the Waverider here and allow him to stay. Unfortunately, it was not possible. Which she already knew but for her Captain, she wanted to check fully. He deserved to be happy, he’d lost so much.
“Here we go,” Vincent appeared once more, “Burger and chips for the Sheriff, risotto for Henry and for Dr Hunter I have roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes with honey glazed carrots and parsnips.”
Rip took an appreciative sniff of the plate and smiled at Vincent, “This looks incredible, thank you.”
As they all began to eat, Gideon excused herself to wander for a little while. She wasn’t sure how far away from Rip she could be and still be seen by the residents of the small town. She knew how far she could be from him and still be connected to this world and wondered if it would be the same.
People greeted her as she sat outside the café, taking in the view. No one knew she wasn’t human, that she wasn’t one of them and she liked it. The only one who treated her like this normally was Rip, to him she had always been more than just an AI.
She wanted him home with her but getting to spend time with him like this was something she would never have been able to experience if Rip had not used the core against Mallus.
An alarm sounded and Gideon checked the Waverider quickly surprised to find it was all quiet. Looking around she saw that no one appeared to have noticed the siren which meant she was receiving data through the interface.
Focussing on the alert, Gideon grimaced, this was not good.
 Rip finished his meal and agreed instantly when Vincent offered them dessert.
“Is there anything particular you like?” Vincent asked him.
Rip shrugged, “I will leave it entirely in your hands.”
Excitement covered Vincent’s face, “Oh, you will not regret that.”
“You won’t,” Jack agreed, “Everything Vincent makes is incredible. If SARAH didn’t nag me, I would eat every meal here every day.”
Chuckling Rip leaned back, “You have an impressive world. There is nothing like this in my own. A town dedicated to learning and discovery is an impressive feat.”
“We try our best,” Henry nodded, “Don’t always succeed but we do try.”
Jack laughed, “It’s a miracle we’re all still here considering some of the things those lunatics get up to.”
“I should introduce you to some of the people I used to work with,” Rip murmured.
Vincent reappeared suddenly, “Here we go, gentlemen. Triple chocolate fudge cake, Chantilly cream, with chocolate and salted caramel sauce.”
Taking a spoonful, Rip closed his eyes. Gideon would not be happy if he ate this too often but for the moment, he was sure she would permit the indulgence.
Just as he was finishing, Gideon returned looking grim. She motioned him to deactivate the interface which he did instantly.
“Captain,” she said, “There is a problem with the shard. I set up an alert so I would know if anyone interfered with it. The scientists in Global Dynamics are scanning the energy it is releasing. That energy is connected to you and even with the primitive equipment, could trace it.”
“Rip?” Henry asked worriedly, “Is something wrong? Is Gideon alright, has the interface damaged her?”
Frowning, Rip turned to his friend, “We may have a problem.”
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cameron-malkin · 5 years
This Isn’t Over || Self Para || 7.21.19
The gates of Thornewood opened to two cautious, returning members. As grand oak doors birthed two security guards, Lexus wished she hadn’t shut down Cameron’s attempts to prepare her for this moment, turning up the radio rather than dwelling on the future that awaited them.
Charles Forrester sat at his desk concocting punishments specialized for Cameron Malkin. Now that he had been given a name, Charles refused to let bygones be bygones. Positioning security at the front and back doors to catch the runaway as soon as he entered the building, Charles eagerly awaited for the man’s capture. He only hoped it would involve handcuffs and police sirens. Guards waited for them, poised and ready for a fight.
Instead, he was met with silence. No sirens. No fists connected with the trouble maker’s jaw. Again, Charles Forrester was made the fool, glaring out his window as Cameron Malkin walked inside the lobby, hand in hand with none other than Lexus Hale. Flames ignited in Charles’ eyes, unhinged rage tearing through his chest as angry fists found the unforgiving wood of his desk.
Looming over his desk, scattered with papers, files, rings staining the wood from coffee cups that had been filled too high, tired eyes reeled to face his office door as it swung open and two guards presented their findings — like proud hunting dogs that caught their long sought-after fox, tails wagging. Anger erupted from him in waves, but Charles held his tongue. One nod of his head and the men quickly made themselves scarce. Lexus trembled as Charles eyed up the two that had returned to Thornewood—willingly. Charles fought the urge to roll his eyes.
“Sit,” His gruff voice commanded. Cameron wiped a hand over his face in an attempt to hide the growing smirk on his face. He sat, giving Lexus his hand to hold as she followed suit.
Charles smoothed out his shirt and tie, hands sprawled out on the cool surface of his desk as he towered over the two. Cameron immediately clocked the wrinkles in his characteristically crisp suits, sporting sleep deprived bags under his eyes. The realization that Charles had pursued the couple and lost track of them hung in the air, this fact alone enough to force Cam to stifle his laughter; the understanding that Charles Forrester had no idea who he was dealing with, glaring and obvious.
“Mr. Forrester—” Lexus started, voice breaking as their eyes met. Eyes glued to the warden of the hospital, Cameron subconsciously put their hands in her lap with a gentle squeeze of reassurance.
Charles’ brown eyes burned into hers, “I’ll be asking the questions here, Miss Hale. Starting with, did you aid this criminal’s escape?”
“You don’t think I particularly need help, do you, Charles?” Cameron wondered aloud, a hint of joy evident in his voice. Charles’ body burned, teeth clenched with the effort of maintaining professionalism.
“I suppose not, Mr. Malkin—not with your countless escape attempts.”
There Cameron was again, effortlessly supplying another quip, “Attempts?”
Gripping the back of his chair with white knuckles, Charles nodded firmly.
“That would imply they weren’t successful,” The 28 year old acknowledged with a wicked smile. His thumb smoothed over the back of Lexus’ wrist as she squeezed the life out of his hand, swiftly reminding him of her strength.
“Are you admitting you’ve successfully escaped from Thornewood?” Charles inquired, ready to nail the man to the wall. All he needed was a positive confirmation. Something more than a knowing smirk. Something of substance he could show the authorities, damning a menace like Cameron Malkin to serve more time in Thornewood Mental Hospital.
Dark eyebrows raised, Charles’ game was disappointingly obvious. Cameron had dealt with enough cops to know this is how they pinned a crime. “Not at all. I suppose to escape would mean it’d take effort.” Cameron couldn’t contain the sarcasm dripping from his voice as he promised, “I’d never risk being caught.”
Blood thumping in his ears, Charles was at a loss, knowing Cameron was too well read to openly admit his wrongdoing. Brown eyes narrowed on the raven haired woman to Cameron’s right. “Would you, Miss Hale?”
Terrified brown eyes snapped to his. He nearly smirked. Bingo. “Would I?”
“Yes, would you? Perhaps you’d risk exposure, perhaps you’ve been the one causing all this trouble on the red floor. It seems to me it’s no coincidence that upon your departure, the Red floor had grown quiet once more,” His voice climbed steadily, words blurring together as he delighted in the sight of Lexus Hale coming undone before him. “Nor is it a coincidence that Mr. Malkin has returned with you in tow. Blood was found in your room the night before you dismissed yourself, another coincidence, was it?” Lexus shook her head, shrinking in her seat as Charles leaned on his desk, not allowing her to hide her eyes from him. Desperate, tearful brown eyes seeked refuge in Cameron’s features as his hands burned to hold her, her bottom lip trembling.
Pearly white teeth exposed themselves, briefly flashing long enough for Cameron to catch sight of it, eyes zeroing in on his target. Tugging on Lexus’ hand, he hoped the touch was meaningful enough to remind her who he was. Cameron was never one to let overly confident rich kids push him around, he knew the cocky behaviour was a façade. Lexus may have been new to this behavior, but he certainly wasn’t. In school, he had adjusted these rich kid’s attitudes swiftly, with force. Thankfully for Charles, Cameron took a different approach, openly displaying the grin that sprawled out on his face.
“So a paper cut has lead you to your culprit? Fabulous work, detective.”
The nicknames snapped Charles like a twig, producing the response Cameron had been hoping for. Playing the Forrester as a violin, Cameron’s smirk only grew.
“Excuse me?” Charles’ thunderous voice boomed, bouncing off the walls. Lexus jumped, but even she couldn’t hide the small smirk that graced her pink lips. Spurred on by her reaction, Cameron continued.
“I said, I’m shocked you didn’t deduce this before,” Slowly, he added, “Sherlock.”
Alarm bells were ringing. Sirens could be heard in the distance, pleading with Cameron to stop as Charles’ face flushed. Teeth bearing down on his jaw, his hands ached to flip the desk before him, pin the little twerp underneath it.
“EXCUSE ME?” Were the only words that came to mind as all sense of authority slipped through Charles’ fingertips. Cameron held Lex’s hands tighter, hoping to show her who was in control here.
“Are you hard of hearing now? Turn up the hearing aid, old man.”
Frantic eyes searched for a coffee mug. A ruler. Pens—for Christ’s sake—anything to launch at the man in front of him. To wipe the smirk off his stupid fucking face.
Words incoherent, the deafening sound of composure lost filled the once-silent hallways of Thornewood Mental Hospital. Not one, not two, but three guards burst through the door, faces pale and white as snow. Not a single one of them looked eager to be in the same room as an unraveling Charles Forrester. Grabbing the shoulders of each patient, they were swiftly removed from the room, the sole survivors of an erupting volcano.
“Are you fucking insane?” One of the guards asked quite plainly. Lexus’ eyes met Cam’s. Yes. She covered her mouth to quell her laughter. His knowing smirk said he was too.
Hauling the Red patients up the stairs once more, Lexus reached for Cameron’s hand, desperately seeking his touch as she realized the guard hadn’t stopped beside her. “Wait, his room is next to mine,” Cameron’s heart broke as the innocence of her statement rang out through the halls. Cameron winced as the guards grip grew tighter on his shoulder, yanking him away from his love. Watching Lexus being thrown into her room, Cameron’s fist connected with the man that had handled her so roughly.
“Watch it!” He barked, ready to take another as his guard restrained him. Lexus shoved the guard as he wound up, aiming for Cameron but hitting his back against the wall instead.
“Cameron, please!” Lexus’ pleading ground him to a halt. The guard, now nursing his cheek, snickered.
“God, you’re whipped.”
Cameron met Lexus’ eyes, “That’s what a single man sounds like.” A quiet laugh escaped her lips as Cameron nudged her door closed with his foot, reassuring her, “It’s alright. I’ll be right back.” A lie, they both knew.
“Any last words?” The bitter question fell from harsh lips as the guard pushed Cameron into the isolation room. Eyes narrowed, a resounding fury reverberating through the man’s body.
“Tell that fucker, this isn’t over.”
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nicole-lynne · 6 years
Worlds Colliding - Chapter Seven
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Here is Chapter Seven, y’all! I really hope you’re enjoying the story as much as I’m loving writing it ^_^ I will most likely take the weekend to write and resume posting on Monday so don’t panic if you don’t see anything! 
Catch Up Here:  Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
Relationships: Dean x OC, Angakok
Warnings: Magic, Minor making out
Description: Dean takes Natalie to someone who is supposed to help her
Dean gripped Natalie’s little hand in his tightly, ignoring the sweat that was dripping down the small of his back. It was a chilly autumn day but he was so nervous that he couldn’t help but feel overheated.
“What’s going on, Dean?” She asked so softly he had barely heard it.
“You trust me, don’t you?” He glanced back in her direction and watched her nod her head slowly. Her brown hair was in delicate curls and they bounced around her face.
He stopped and faced her, pulling her jacket around her tighter. “I don’t know for sure what’s going to happen but I know it’s for the best. And I won’t let anything hurt you, Nat.” A breeze whipped around them and Natalie shivered, not knowing if it was the wind or his words that gave her goosebumps.
Dean looked up and down the noisy street they stood in, looking for something or someone that wasn’t there, and pulled her into a nearby alley. Both of them stayed light on their feet to avoid making noises that would draw attention to themselves.
He walked up to a small door, so concealed that Natalie hadn’t even noticed it at first. Dean knocked with urgency and stood stoically, like a statue. She barely lifted her eyes to look up at him and felt herself tense up at the look of his face; terror mixed with anger. Anger at her? For causing this, whatever this was, to happen.
The door creaked open and a large man stood in the threshold, filling the entire doorway. Natalie tilted her head up to take a look at the man, admiring his dark black hair and friendly chocolate eyes. He looked down at the girl and smiled at her. Then he looked to Dean and the smile fell off his face. The man swiveled back and gestured for the couple to move inside.
They stepped into the small area and Natalie’s eyes adjusted to the dark. It was just a small shop and a curtain covering the back room.
“Hello little one, my name is Angakok, but you may call me Ang.” He smiled again at Natalie and a sparkle touched his eyes.
Natalie held her hand out to him, “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Natalie, but you may call me Nat.”
Ang’s laugh shook the entire room at this. “You are quite special, little one.” His gaze moved to Dean. “Are you sure you want to do this? The spirits will not be happy. And you may not be happy with the outcome...” Dean nodded curtly and Ang sighed in disappointment.
He led them to the back room, past the curtain. Ang pointed at the multi-colored rug in the middle of the room and said, “Natalie, please sit here for me.” She looked over to Dean with uncertainty and he looked at her with approval in his eyes. She walked to the middle of the rug and sat down, crossing her legs and putting her sweaty palms on her knees.
Candles surrounded the room and quicker than Natalie could blink, they all were lit in an instant. She gasped slightly and looked at Dean. He had a grimace on his face like he was disgusted at this. Natalie was intrigued. She had never thought magic was real, let alone seen it in person before.
“Can you figure out what’s wrong with her? Can you fix it?” Dean turned to Ang.
“There is nothing wrong with her.  This child is special. “ Ang said, his voice laced with spite.
“Like I said, can you fix her?” Dean said harshly. Natalie flinched at the tone and pushed back the tears that prickled in her eyes. His eyes moved towards hers but she avoided his stare.
Ang stood tall in front of Dean. “I will take care of what you ask. But I fear you will regret it.” Dean rolled his eyes and pressed his back against the wall, stubbornly.
Ang walked toward Natalie and crouched in front of her. “Don’t fear little one, this may hurt a bit but you can overcome the pain. I sense a strength in you that many will underestimate in your lifetime.” She looked up at him, terror running through her veins like ice.
He sat up on his knees and put his large hands around her head. His hands were so large that he could easily crush her skull if he wanted to. Soon, he began to mutter something. Natalie could barely make out the words of a chant in a language she didn’t understand. Besides his words, the room was eerily silent.
The candle fire was growing taller and taller, the heat rises at an alarming rate in the small room. Ang was chanting louder and faster with every minute. There was a wind in the room that couldn’t be explained by an open window. It lashed around her like belts smacking her skin and she whimpered. Dean stood up straighter as he watched the scene before him.
Ang was chanting and swaying back and forth, arguing with the spirits for control. Natalie’s head shot backwards and her eyes flashed between white and emerald green, finally staying paper white. She let out a cry like a siren and the sound knocked drawers out of the shelves all around the room. Dean clapped his hands to his ears in pain, trying to block out the shriek.
He looked to Natalie and Ang and watched as she lifted them both of the ground. Ang was not deterred and continued to chant, his voice never faltering once. Dean stepped forward and reached out towards them. A shock ran threw his body and he fell backwards, his eyes wide in surprise. Natalie had created a force field around the two, blocking anything from getting in or out. It rippled around them in defiance against Dean.
Natalie screamed again, a crack slide up the concrete wall next to Dean’s fallen body. Ang’s words rang out louder than anything else and with a final cry, Natalie’s body slumped to the side and the both fell to the ground. Neither Ang nor Dean spoke as the contents of the room fell to a rest, but they looked at each other with apprehension.
Hesitantly, Dean walked toward Natalie’s body on the ground. He rolled her onto her back gently and moved the stray hair off her face. “Nat, baby, can you hear me? I need you to wake up now.”
Natalie sharply inhaled and her eyes shot open. “Dean? What happened? What’s going on? Where are we?”
“Everything’s fine, honey.” He laid his hand on her shoulder and looked at her face. “How do you feel, Nat?”
“I could really go for a burger and a nap.” She said with a serious expression on her face and Dean chuckled.
“Okay, I can do that for ya. But other than that, you’re not in any pain or anything right?” He started moving her arms up and down, turning her head back and forth, and finally poking her tummy causing her to start giggling.
Dean lifted her off the ground and pulled her in for a hug. She peered under Dean’s arm at the man standing in the corner of the room. He was wiping sweat off his forehead and had his eyes pinched in discomfort. “Is he okay?”
Ang turned toward her and gave a smile that looked more like a wince. “I’ll be fine, little one. Don’t you worry about me.” Dean wheeled her around and pushed her towards the outside. He straggled behind to speak with Ang.
“So do I need to keep an eye out for anything? Like side effects.”
“This young girl’s mind was wiped of every memory she ever had regarding her power. I took away her access to her power. A part of her soul, who she is. She may never truly be the same again.” Ang paused. “Or she may be. Who’s to say?”
Dean stared at him with a puzzled and pissed off expression.
“Mr. Winchester, I have never done this before. And I will never do it again. Taking away that part of someone has truly hurt me in more ways than I could begin to explain.”
Dean moved to leave, but was stopped by Ang’s voice. “The spirits are not happy at what occurred here today. I fear that we have set in motion something we will have no control over...”
He scoffed and left Ang standing in the destroyed room, a tear leaking down the corner of his eye and down his face.
When Dean met Natalie outside, she was observing a couple standing on the corner. They were in their own little world together, laughing about something. The girl tucked her hair behind her ear and pecked the guy on the lips.
“Hey, you ready to go?” With everything that had just happened, Dean was dying to have Natalie in his arms.
Natalie tore her eyes away from the couple and peered at Dean. He was inches away from her and she longed to just reach out and tug him against her body. After a few seconds, Dean took another step forward and bent down. He darted his tongue out to wet his lips and she pictured it dancing across her lips. As if Dean was thinking the same thought, he brought his lips to hers with an urgency. A moment of desperation came over the two and they strung themselves together.
He put one arm around her and pulled her chest to his, lifting her off the ground. His other hand ran behind her neck, his fingers playing with the baby hairs. Natalie moaned softly into his mouth and wrapped her arms around Dean’s shoulders. She finally broke away and pecked his lips a few more times in happiness. He still held her off the ground and his eyes were locked with hers.
“Wow... That was a hell of a first kiss.” Her breathing was heavy with lust.
Confusion clouded Dean’s mind. First kiss? It finally dawned on him that she had no memory of their first kiss, that entire night for that fact. The panic of what else she may have lost began to creep up his chest. He wanted to frown but he fought the urge and lightly kissed her again. Then he set her carefully on the ground and said, “Come on squirt, I’ll get you that burger.”
Tags:  @multifandomdisappointment @music-magic-mayhem @ghostaccio
@rissyrapp20 @screamxqueenx94 @pissoffghost-korg @dark-night-sky-99
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eyeofthewolfe · 7 years
Ninjago Movie - It's Freaking Dodgeball
"Cole, a word?" The black haired ninja turned to face his Master while mid swing with his hammer. He was a little confused, Master Wu rarely had one-on-ones with anyone besides Lloyd. With brief glances with a few other teammates, Cole placed his hammer on a table and followed Master Wu out to the Bounty for a 'word'. "Wassup, Master Sensei?" he immediately asked as he leaned against the aged wooden banister aboard the ship. His response was furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes, so he pushed himself up to a standing position. "Uh, sorry." "Cole, how are your Elemental powers coming along?" "Oh," Cole sighed. It was just a personal check up. He must of been the first in line, and he was going to ask the ninja the same thing after him. "Yeah, they're pretty solid. I'm starting to work on tuning it up with the war hammer, so it's coming along fine." Master Wu nodded, clearly deep in thought. There was a long pause, which made Cole nervous. "Is that....good?" "Oh yes," Master Wu shook his head, breaking from concentration. "I'm just trying to figure out a way to say this..." Cole became ten times more nervous. "Say....what...." The old man laced his boney hands together. "Cole, you are a little....different than the others." Cole didn't respond, just glared back at his master with wide unknowing eyes. "While the others have a special ability that is in tune with your element, you have....two." ".....Oh." "You've discovered one, which is formally called the Earth Quake, but you have yet to unlock the second." Curiosity won over. "What is it?" With a light tap of his staff on the wooden deck, Master Wu smiled and shook his head slowly. "That, Cole, is something you need to discover on your own." Cole felt his face fall a little. "You can't be seriously doing this-" "That is all, you can return to training." On that note, Master Wu turned on his heels and vanished into his dojo, the screen door sliding shut behind him with a snap. Cole barely moved an inch, lost and confused with everything that just happened.
The shrill whistle made Cole flinch in surprise. The PE coach began to bark instructions to the bleachers scattered with high schoolers, but Cole didn't need to listen. Of course he knew the rules to dodgeball, it's freaking dodgeball. Instead, his mind lingered to the conversation he had with Master Wu a few evenings ago. Another power? That had to do with the Master of Earth? There were countless options! Maybe he could control plants, or make mountains with his mind. All things he tried, but to no success. Why would Master Wu tease him with a new superpower without telling him what it was? "Cole! Cole! COLE!" The whistle sounded again and Cole flinched a second time and angrily glared at the PE coach. "Do I have your attention now? You are up first, on shirts!" He pointed over to a group of young non-matured boys who were cackling at the other team, who were slowly and reluctantly taking their shirts off to be 'skins'. Cole didn't mind dodgeball, and even though everyone in the room wasn't his friend, they all want him on their sports team. Cole didn't argue, his sleeveless look did kind of spoil how fit and strong he was. As he hit the court, the coach placed 16 dodgeballs on the middle line. The boys all grew quiet and tense, ready for a viscous game of beating each other with balls. Cole, however, rolled his eyes and waited for the match to begin. The whistle blew a third time, and the teams all rushed forward. Cole remained behind, waiting for the first wave of craziness to die down. Small purple balls took flight and the gym began to echo with yells and screams and the pops of plastic slamming into skin. Rolling his eyes for the third time it felt like, Cole lifted a ball that rolled to him and eyed the others in the court. However, his gaze shifted to a shy kid next to him who was clearly scared to get into the action. With a soft smile, Cole nudged the shy kid and handed him his dodgeball. "Go on up, and hit one when they aren't looking." The kid, in awe that the muscular dude actually said something to him, nodded quickly then rushed to the front lines. Cole watched as he scanned the enemy team before throwing a bullet to one of the bigger kids. With a soft pop, the ball bounced right off his shoulder before hitting the ground. Cheers erupted from the bleachers and the shy kid pumped his hands in the air with pride. Even Cole let loose a smile, but it didn't last long. The bigger kid who just got out clearly wasn't happy, and with his eyes full of rage, he grabbed a ball nearby and chucked it as hard as he could at the kid's face.
The contact was sickening. The kid fell to the floor, his face crimson and eyes watering. Instead of cheers, the bleachers erupted with gasps and some chuckles, but that was too much for Cole to handle. The coach waved his hand and told the kid on the other team to get out cuz he was hit, but Cole wasn't done with him. His head pounding, Cole snatched a ball rolling past him as he began to dash toward the bully. When he reached the middle of the court he brought his arm back and threw the ball as hard as he could at the bully, aiming specifically for his stomach. The ball wasn't even a blur, and neither was the kid. When Cole released the ball, there was a huge boom of plastic hitting skin followed almost instantly by an even larger boom of the wall breaking. Blinking his eyes past the rage, Cole froze when he realized what just happened. There was a hole in the wall across from him in the perfect shape of the bully that just flew right through it. The rage instantly melted into shock. He felt his hands begin to shake a little, and cold sweat ran down his neck. Nobody was that strong. Nobody. And it was physically impossible for Cole to be that strong unless... The black haired teen slowly turned to the silent on lookers as they all crouched in fear from the muscular teenager. Trying to blow it off, Cole shrugged and tried a smile, but the other kids were already turning on their heels to flee the scene. Even the PE coach didn't know what to do. Cole's heart was beating too fast to count, so he turned and dashed through the gym door and out into the streets of the city, instantly whipping out his phone and dialing his best friend. Cole had paced the alley about 236 times when Jay finally dropped down from above. "This better be good, I was in lunch when you called," Jay barked at Cole playfully, but froze when he saw what state Cole was in. "Whoa, are you okay?" "No! Well, yeah, of course, but....I dunno!" Cole replied quickly without pausing from his pacing. With a frustrated groan, Cole finally stopped and quickly approached his confused friend. "Remember the conversation I told you about? That Master Wu and I had a few days ago?" The curly haired teen casually leaned up against the brick wall. "Uuuuh yeah. Something about you having another..." Jay's eyes snapped wide when he put two and two together. "YOU DISCOVERED YOUR NEW POWER!! What is it?? Can you grow plants or move mountains?"
Cole opened his mouth to respond when the wail of a siren cut him off. "Oh, of course." He grumbled, then glanced at Jay. "Duty calls," Jay shrugged. Cole didn't complain as him and Jay ripped off their high school clothes and pulled on their ninja hoods. Within seconds they were flipping over rooftops following the cop car through the streets. Finally they arrived at the scene. Cops were standing outside of a bank with their guns drawn, but hesitant to enter or point them at the windows. The bank alarms were blaring, and Cole instantly read the scene. "Hostages in the bank. This should be easy." Jay and Cole flipped down to the back, where the back door was left blown open by the thieves. They snuck in using the shadows as their allies until they approached an open doorway that lead to the lobby. Three masked men were arguing with each other as they pointed huge guns toward about a dozen citizens cowering in fear. Cole and Jay surveyed the lobby, and silently came up with a plan. Jay looked a little anxious, maybe about those guns, but Cole knew the bigger the gun, the slower the reaction time. They had this in the bag. Cole silently flipped over to the counter, where he did a countdown with Jay, who was still shrouded in shadows by the door. He hit one, then flipped over the counter and slammed his fist on the marble floor, sending out a Quake through the bank. Cole tried to contain it some because he didn't want to break the building, but it did its job. "It's the ninja!" One of the burglars stupidly said and they tried to regain their balance and shoot, but Jay was too quick. He had already dashed in and produced a huge amount of lightning that shot from his hands and into the bodies of the thieves. One by one they were electrocuted and then collapsed unconscious on the floor. The dozen or so people who were under hostage instantly leapt from the ground and cheered, and Jay flipped over to Cole for a high five. Grinning, Cole slapped Jay's hand, but then felt a more dangerous shake that rocked the two story bank. Silence fell on the group as the deadliest sound echoed from above them. Cracks. "Everyone, get out!" Cole shouted as they rushed out. Cole and Jay helped them all out, but it was too late. With a sickening crack, the building collapsed on top of the two ninja. Jay saw the ceiling fall, and he saw it fall towards his head. He covered his head and braced for the end, but all he felt was maybe a little debris. "What the heck...." Jay gasped as he slowly opened his eyes, only to see part of the ceiling levitating just a few inches over his head. He turned to see what what holding it up, only to see his best friend palms up holding the freaking building above his head.
"Get out of here!" Cole wheezed through the strain, but even under all the weight, it still didn't look like he was struggling too much. "Jay! The door! Go!" The blue ninja was in too much shock to move, but finally his legs carried him out the door to the people and cops outside. He turned back and watched as the rest of the building collapsed on his friend. "No!!!" He wailed and rushed toward the dust and debris. The dust stung his eyes and made him cough through his mask, but he had to find Cole. The dust was starting to clear and he began to dig at the rubble, searching for the gold and black ninja suit. But to his amazement, there was a shift of the rubble from above him, and he looked up to see his best friend standing above the collapsed building holding three masked men easily over one shoulder.
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22. Shapeshifter Among Us
The episode begins with the inside of a big department store being shown. People are shopping in the store. A woman manages to shoplift from the store. Outside of the store,
Proto Man approaches her. The woman reveals herself to be Chame Man, Dr. Wily's latest robot master. Proto Man congratulates Chame Man on being able to steal from the
department store without being detected and caught. They both head back to the Skullker. The next day, Mega Man and Rush are at a dog park. A small dog is chasing Rush around.
Mega Man and the small dog's owner get their dogs under control. Chame Man is watching them from a nearby bush. When Mega Man and Rush leave the dog park, Chame Man shapeshifts into Mega Man. He walks up to the small dog and its owner and berates the owner for allowing his dog to chase Rush. He then leaves the park as the owner looks on, his feelings having been hurt. Chame Man returns to his original form and runs off, evilly chuckling to himself. Dr. Wily calls up Chame Man on his arm cannon and tells him the plan. He is  to shapeshift into Dr. Light after infiltrating his lab and deactivating the lab's security system and go around the city and cause trouble. This will make people think that
Dr. Light has become bad and he and Mega Man will be locked up, allowing Dr. Wily to be free to do whatever he wants without fear of them stopping him. Chame Man gleefully
chuckles and goes over to Dr. Light's lab.
At Dr. Light's lab, everyone is having lunch. The doorbell rings. Dr. Light goes over to the door to answer it. As he opens the door to see who is there, Chame Man manages to sneak into the lab by blending in with the environment. He sneaks up the walls into the kitchen. Roll and Rush are in the kitchen. Roll is cooking dinner while Rush is laying down on the floor. Rush smells something and gets up and growls at the walls. Roll asks Rush what is wrong. Rush then runs off to the main lab. In the main lab, he sees Chame Man examining the main lab's computers. Rush barks at him furiously, alerting Roll and Mega Man to the main lab. Chame Man quickly shapeshifts into Dr. Light. As Dr. Light, he tells Mega Man and Roll that there was a bee in the main lab and that Rush was just barking at it. He tells them not to worry as the bee flew out of a window and to resume their business. Rush is still angrily barking at him. Mega Man grabs him and he and Roll go back to what they were previously doing. Chame Man then calls up Dr. Wily on one of the computers. He tells him that he has successfully infiltrated Dr. Light's lab. Dr. Wily tells him to shut down the lab's security system. Chame Man looks at the computer's panel and tries to find out which button shuts down the security system. He pushes a button, thinking it is the button he is looking for.  He accidentally activates the lab's intruder alarm. He shapeshifts back into Dr. Light. What he doesn't know is that Dr. Light is with them this time. They are all shocked to see another Dr. Light in the main lab. Rush charges at the disguised Chame Man, who shapeshifts back into his normal form and blends into the environment. Mega Man pursues them, letting Rush sniff him out. Chame Man fires his weapon at Mega Man. The weapon is a plasma shot that turns invisible before it hits its target. The shot turns invisible and then hits Mega Man. Mega Man is badly damaged by the shot. Dr. Light pushes a button on a small security computer on the side of a wall in the living room. The doors in each room begin to close shut. Chame Man manages to escape the lab through the main door before it can close shut. Dr. Light and Roll look out of the window in the living room and watch as Chame Man runs away. Rush goes over to Mega Man, who is rather weak from Chame Man's weapon, and nuzzles him while whimpering. Dr. Light has Rush take Mega Man into the main lab for repairs. Rush turns into his skateboard form. Roll picks up Mega Man and places him on Rush. Rush takes Mega Man to the main lab, all while making a siren noise.
At the main lab, Dr. Light is repairing Mega Man and getting him fully charged. Mega Man after being fully repaired and restored, asks Dr. Light how they are going to catch Chame Man. Dr. Light tells him that it won't be easy as he is a master of disguise. He tells him that usually the only way to catch someone who is stealthy is with stealth. Dr. Light and Mega Man go to where Mega Man's suits and vehicles are kept, and get out the Stealth Suit. Mega Man puts the Stealth Suit on. Dr. Light tells Mega Man as he is putting the Stealth Suit on that he has upgraded the suit. The Stealth Suit now has a special visor that will enable Mega Man to see anyone who is either in disguise or invisible, and its cannon can now fire shots that can pass through walls. Roll and Dr. Light tell Mega Man and Rush to be careful while hunting Chame Man. Rush and Mega Man fly out of the lab and over to the city.
Mega Man calls up Dr. Light on his arm cannon. He asks him for any advice on how to find Chame Man. Dr. Light tells Mega Man that his visor also has the ability to find out who is in disguise within a 2 mile radius.  Dr. Light tells him that after he has subdued Chame Man, that he should take him to the Robot Police for detainment and analysis. Mega Man confirms his mission and hangs up the call. Mega Man and Rush land onto the sidewalk. Mega Man jumps off of Rush and onto the sidewalk. He uses the stealth suit's visor to look around for any signs of Chame Man's presence. Mega Man doesn't see any sign of him yet, and gets back on Rush. Rush for some reason doesn't turn back into his jet form. "What's wrong, boy?" Mega Man asks Rush with concern in his voice, "Your circuits glitching out?" Rush replies with "You could say that..." Mega Man is greatly astonished that Rush can now talk in a clear voice. "Sizzling circuits! You can talk now!?" Mega Man shouts out to him. Rush evilly chuckles and says "I can not only talk, I can destroy you!" Mega Man quickly gets off the fake Rush. The fake Rush shapeshifts and reveals himself to be Chame Man in disguise. "I knew something was up!" Mega man shouts at Chame Man. "Where's my dog!?" Mega Man sternly asks him. "He he he, that's for me to know and you to find out!" Chame Man tells him in a sly manner. Mega Man aims his cannon at him and says "Looks like I'm going to have to find out for myself...the hard way!" "Wanna bet? Ha ha ha ha..." Chame Man says. He chuckles evilly as he fires his weapon at Mega Man. With his suit's upgraded visor, Mega Man can now see the shot before it hits him. He dodges the shot, much to Chame Man's surprise, and shoots at him with his cannon. The shot from the suit's cannon is a glowing neon pink in color. As it hits Chame Man, it leaves behind a glowing pink stain on him. "Drat!" Chame Man shouts out, "I've been spotted!" Mega Man runs up to him, ready to fire his cannon again. "You might as well give up, Chame Man, you've been marked!" he shouts to Chame Man. "Oh, but the game has already begun, Mega Nerd!" Chame Man says to him. He then blends into the background and manages to get away, but the glowing pink stain is still visible on his body. Mega Man says to Rush, "Let's see how long he will keep up this little cat and mouse game of his!" Mega Man and Rush then run after Chame Man as he slips into the city's bustling citizens. Mega Man uses his Stealth Suit's cannon to track Chame Man now that he has been marked.
The cannon's tracker leads them into a mall. The mall is rather crowded. The large crowd
separates Rush from Mega Man. Rush gets nervous and looks around frantically for Mega Man. He spots Mega Man near a clothing store. He walks up to Mega Man and licks his face as he is happy that he has found him. Mega Man pets his head, and tells him to help him sniff out Chame Man. As Mega Man turns around, Rush notices the glowing pink stain on his body. Rush growls at the fake Mega Man and barks out to him "Not Mega Man!" "You're a pretty smart little doggie, aren't you!" the fake Mega Man slyly says to him, "That's right! I'm not Mega Man, I'm Chame Man!" He then turns back into his original form. Rush attempts to bite his arm, but Chame Man avoids his attack. "Naughty! Naughty!" Chame Man says to him while wagging his finger at him. He then says to Rush, "Now stay there and be a good little doggie while Uncle Chame Man goes off to do some errands!" He then disappears into the environment. Mega Man walks up to Rush. "There you are, Rush!" he says to him with worry in his voice. Rush tries to tell him that he knows where Chame Man is. He points with his paw to where Chame Man disappeared. Mega Man has Rush sniff him out while he tracks him down with his cannon's tracker. In another part of the mall, Dr. Wily calls up Chame Man and asks him if he has completed his mission. Chame Man tells him that Dr. Light and his robots have botched the mission and that Mega Man has stained him making it easier for him to find him. Dr. Wily is not surprised by this news. He tells Chame Man to just keep causing trouble for him while he sends the other robot masters to hunt him down. Chame Man tells him that he will se what he can do, and then hangs up the call. He sees a woman and shapeshifts to
resemble her, and walks away. Meanwhile, Mega Man and Rush are in the food court telling the mall security bots about Chame Man. The security bots tell Mega man that they will keep an eye out for him. Mega Man and Rush then make their way out of the food court. On their way out, Rush smells some robot sausages grilling at a nearby counter. Rush goes over to the counter to try to eat some of them. Mega Man wrenches Rush away from the counter and says to him "It's not dinner time yet, Rush! We still have a job to do!" Rush whimpers as they walk away. As Mega Man and Rush walk out of the food court, a woman runs up to them. She tells him that a woman who looks just like her is walking around with her boyfriend and is suspicious about her. Mega Man suspects that it is Chame Man, and has the woman guide him to her. They go over to the makeup store, and the woman points out the other woman to Mega Man. Mega Man looks closer at the other woman and sees that the woman is Chame Man in disguise due to having the glowing pink stain on her. Mega Man aims his cannon at her and is about to shoot her, when Guts Man walks up behind him and says, "What kind of a robot aims at a lady!?" Mega Man turns around to see Guts Man behind him. "Catch me if you can, Gutsy!" Mega Man shouts out to him as he turns invisible. Guts Man tries to swing
at him, but ends up hitting a trash can instead. The ruckus outside of the makeup store alerts the disguised Chame Man. He runs away from the woman's boyfriend and goes off into the mall. While invisible, Mega Man goes after Chame Man. Cut Man, Elec Man and Proto Man run up to Guts Man and asks him where Mega Man went. Guts Man doesn't know where exactly, so everyone splits up to find Mega Man. Meanwhile, Mega Man is still invisible and is sneaking up on Chame Man. He sees Chame Man shapeshifting into a security guard. Mega Man fires at him, causing him to return to his original form. Chame Man looks around to see where the shot came from. Mega Man sneaks up behind him and grabs him. "Gotcha!" Mega Man cries out. "Oh we'll see about that!" Chame Man says to him. Chame Man shapeshifts into a teenage girl and cries out for help. Everyone turns around and sees Mega Man grabbing a teenage girl. "Hey! Let go of her, Mega Man!" A man cries out to him. Some mall security
bots come over to see what all the fuss is about. "It-It's not what it looks like!" Mega Man cries out. Fearing embarassment and potential arrest, he has no other choice than to let the "girl" go. The teenage "girl" walks away and yells out, "Enjoy your time in robot jail, Mega Pervert!" As the "girl" walks away in a huff, one of the security bots informs her that she has a stain on her.  The "girl" is shocked that they notice the glowing pink stain on her. She runs away, with Mega Man and the security robots giving chase. Elec Man comes up to the security robots and shocks them with his Thunder Beam weapon. The security robots shut down. "Hey! That's not very nice!" Mega Man cries out to Elec Man. Mega Man gets behind a tree and turns invisible while Elec Man is pursuing him. Mega Man sneaks up behind him and yells out "Surprise!" He blasts him with his cannon, knocking him out. He then takes his Thunder Beam weapon. Mega Man then goes off looking for Chame Man. As the "girl" is running around in the mall trying to get away from Mega Man, a security guard comes up to her and tells her that running is not allowed in the mall. She walks away from him and crawls up the wall, over the ceiling, and to the other side of the mall. She then shapeshifts into Roll. As the disguised Chame Man is walking into a kitchenware store, pretending to be Roll, Cut Man spots her. The disguised Chame Man tells him that it is him in disguise. Cut Man still doesn't believe him and aims his cannon at him. He blends into the environment, finally convincing Cut Man that he is actually Chame Man. Cut Man apologizes for the misunderstanding, and follows him. Rush spots Cut Man from the first floor, and uses his Rush Coil to bounce up to the second floor. He bounces in front of Cut Man, and growls at him. Chame Man appears behind Rush, and both of them have him in between. Mega Man sees Rush in danger, and fires his Thunder Beam at Cut Man, zapping him into unconciousness. Chame Man manages to get away. Rush helps Mega Man up onto the second floor. Mega Man goes up to Cut Man and copies his weapon. Guts Man sees Rush and Mega Man on the second floor and cries out, "Enjoying your shopping trip, Mega Punk?" He then punches the support pillar below in an attempt to knock Mega Man and Rush down from the second floor. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off, Guts Man!" Mega Man yells out to Guts Man. Mega Man then fires a Rolling Cutter at Guts Man. The cutter cuts Guts Man in half vertically, both of the sides of his body fall down. Mega Man yells out "Guts Man, fifty percent off!" Mega Man and Rush then run off to hunt down Chame Man.
The tracker leads Mega Man up to an old woman. The old woman is confused. Mega Man apologizes for scaring her, but he suspects that she's actually Chame Man in disguise, so he pretends to have mistaken her for Chame Man. The old woman walks away, revealing the glowing pink stain on her. "Bingo!" Mega Man quietly says to himself. He fires his Thunder Beam at her. The weapon damages Chame Man's shapeshifting ability. Chame Man is now no longer able to shapeshift. "Look what you've done!" Chame Man shouts out to Mega Man. "The game's over! I win! Now to collect my prize!" Mega Man says to him. He shoots him with his cannon and knocks him out. He then collects his weapon. Mega Man looks at Rush and says "We have one more player to take care of!" Mega Man uses his Stealth Suit to turn invisible. Rush sees Proto Man in the music store hitting on some female robots. He barks and growls at Proto Man. Proto Man excuses himself to attack Rush. He goes over to Rush and tries to grab him, but Rush avoids him and attempts to bite him. Mega Man uses Chame Man's weapon to fire an invisible shot at Proto Man. Proto Man looks around to see where the shot came from. He then walks away. Rush snickers to himself as he knows what is about to happen to Proto Man. Proto Man is at a mall map looking to see where the exit is. Dr. Wily walks up to Proto Man and scolds him for not getting Mega Man. Proto Man tells him that he and the other robot masters are still searching for him and to give him a break. Dr. Wily tells him to follow him around the mall to search for the robot masters. He leads him to where there are some empty stores, and tells him to stay here. Proto Man asks him why he should stay there. Dr. Wily then replies "So I can finally defeat you, bro!" Proto Man realizes to his horror that who he thought was Dr. Wily was actually Mega Man in disguise. Proto Man shouts out "You, You copied Chame Man's weapon didn't you!?" The fake Dr. Wily then replies "Of course I did, fair and square!" He then shapeshifts into his original form, confirming that he really was Mega Man in disguise. "I'm still going to blast you to bits even though you scrapped Chame Man!" Proto Man yells out to Mega Man. "Sure! If you can find me!" Mega Man cries out to him. Mega Man then turns invisible. Proto Man can't see him, but he can still hear his footsteps as he runs away. Proto Man chases the invisible Mega Man to the center of the mall, where there is a large fountain. "Little brother! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Proto Man shouts out in a singsong fashion. He walks up to the fountain and says "Olly, olly, oxen free!" At the edge of the fountain he sees a woman throwing coins into the fountain. He thinks that it is Mega Man in disguise. He grabs her and yells out "Gotcha!". The woman yells at him to let him go. A security guard runs up and yells at Proto Man to let her go. Proto Man realizes that it wasn't Mega Man in disguise after all, and apologizes to the woman. The security guard yells out "You thought it was me, didn't you?" He then fires his weapon at Proto Man. The invisible shot greatly damages him. The security guard walks up to the weak Proto Man and shapeshifts, revealing that it was Mega Man in disguise. "Game over, Proto Man!" Mega Man cries out to him. "You, you sneaky little..." Proto Man manages to say before shutting down. "Glad this little game is over." Mega Man says. He and Rush leave the mall.
As they are leaving the mall, they see the Skullker flying over them and away. "I wonder if they enjoyed our game of hide and seek today." Mega Man says to Rush. They then return to Dr. Light's lab. Back at Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man is telling Dr. Light about how he managed to capture Chame Man. Dr. Light is very impressed with his strategies and hopes that he will use them again one day. Mega Man and Rush are making figures out of clay. Rush makes a goofy-looking figure. Mega Man asks him, "Who is that supposed to be?" Before Rush can answer, the clay figure flops over. Mega Man replies "I guess it was supposed to be Dr. Wily, still upset about today!" The episode ends with Mega Man and Rush laughing.
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cathygeha · 5 years
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A psychological page-turner with a shocking twist
Publication Date: February 21, 2020
Publisher: Cabrilon Books (February 21, 2020)
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EMERSON RABETTE has a phobia about travelling on the underground, so when he is involved in a car accident his worst nightmare is about to come true.
A middle-aged graphic designer and father of one, Emerson’s entire future depends on him reaching an important business meeting. Without an alternative method of transport, he has to confront his biggest fear.
Things immediately go wrong when Emerson’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder kicks in and his fellow passengers become angry at the way he is acting. Thankfully a young woman called Winter comes to his rescue and agrees to help him reach his destination.
Once on the train, she thinks her job is done. What she isn’t prepared for is Emerson taking flight after reading a message scrawled on the train’s interior. 
It simply reads: ‘Run Rabette Run’.
(Rabette Run is Nick Rippington’s fourth book, a standalone psychological thriller. The author’s Boxer Boys trilogy is highly acclaimed and is now available in a digital boxset)
What the critics say about Nick Rippington
‘Addictive, funny, touching, brilliant stories’
‘’Characters that truly come alive on the page’
‘’Evocative, original, unfailingly precise and often humorous’
HE was sneaking a glance at his daughter in the rear-view mirror, listening to her talk about college and friends, when their blue family estate was broadsided by the Jeep.
Time suspended before a tsunami of shattered glass crashed in and he lost control of the steering wheel. The airbag deployed and the seat belt cut painfully into his shoulder as it absorbed the strain of his 15-stone bulk before boomeranging him back into place. What was left of the windscreen retreated as his body reacted like the lash of a whip and, in his confusion, he experienced that eureka moment... ‘Ahhh, whiplash!’
As the car skidded across the road he was dazzled by a kaleidoscope of bright lights – neon advertising boards, shop windows and street lamps. When his eyes adjusted it was as if he was watching everything in slow motion: A couple he had noticed walking hand in hand moments earlier ran in different directions, while a newspaper seller deserted his pitch, money pouch flapping against his pounding legs. Further along, a dapper-looking bloke in tweeds seemed in two minds which way to flee before settling on the safety of the Underground steps.
The visions tumbled from his mind as the car completed its 360-degree spin and he finally locked eyes on his assailant. Marooned in the stationary Jeep, the dark-haired woman stared through the windscreen vacantly, a thick stream of blood meandering down her face from a garish wound above her eyebrow. Devoid of expression, it seemed the shock had vacuumed all thought from her brain.
As soon as she appeared, she was gone, the car continuing to spin. Facing the pavement again, the driver’s attention was captured by what he thought was a bundle of blankets and rags in a shop doorway. With alarm he noticed startled eyes staring out from a face swamped in facial hair. ‘Get out of the fucking way!’ the driver mouthed as he realised one of London’s street dwellers was totally oblivious to the approaching danger.
The car made jarring contact with the kerb and suddenly it was the driver who was spinning, like a sock in a washing machine. His head bumped against the ceiling, his left arm smashed against the twisted metal of the door and his right leg sent jolts of electrifying pain through his nervous system.
Finally, the fairground ride from hell came to an abrupt halt, the car thudding against something hard. The heap of tangled metal that was once a solid and protective shell settled slowly back in an upright position, bouncing like one of those gangster rides with hydraulic suspension that featured in American movies. This wasn’t America, though, this was twenty-first century Britain and he wasn’t a teen gangster, just an ordinary Joe going about his boring, routine business.
New sounds invaded the void left by the disintegrated windows: horns blowing, tyres screeching, glass crunching, people screaming. His ears slowly acclimatising to the noise, he then detected an unfamiliar ticking and saw steam pouring from the bent and buckled bonnet. Performing calculations in his head, he tried to work out how much this entire calamity might cost him. What would the insurance company say? Was there any possibility the vehicle wasn’t a write-off and did his policy contain the use of a courtesy car? How the hell was he going to get to work? What the hell was he going to tell his wife?
Shit, his daughter!
‘You OK back there, honey?’
There was a pause during which his heart skipped a beat.
‘Yeah, I think so. I’ve a... pain in my tummy.’
Superficial damage. Nothing serious. Thank God. Relief flooded through him.
‘You?’ she asked.
‘My leg’s killing me but otherwise...’
His thoughts were interrupted by another sound. Looking to his left, he was surprised to see the passenger window still intact. Outside, a man in a navy-blue uniform and cap gesticulated wildly, but it was hard to make out what he was saying. The driver felt as if his head was submerged in that slime kids found all the rage.
Still, at least he was conscious enough to interpret the police officer’s manic, hand-waving gestures and detect the urgency in them. Shaking his head to free himself from the gloop, he felt needles of pain attack his nervous system as he shifted sideways, utilising every muscle necessary to reach out and press the button which released the window.
The car’s electrics made an uncomfortable, whirring sound as the glass slid down a few centimetres then stopped. Jammed. He continued pushing the button, but the internal workings were badly damaged. He watched as a gloved hand slipped through the gap at the top of the door and exerted pressure. There was another crunching noise and the window dropped to around halfway, the brute force almost certainly rendering the mechanism irreparable. Not thinking straight, his first reaction was one of anger and his mind made calculations about how much compensation he should claim once he was back on his feet.
The police constable battled gamely to get his point across amid a deafening ensemble of alarm bells and sirens. ‘We need to get you out of there, sir. No need to panic, but we have to make you safe before we can get the paramedics to check you over.’
‘Sounds serious, Dad,’ said his girl.
‘Thanks, Sherlock, always the optimist.’
‘What was that?’ The officer’s face seemed blurred as the driver tried to focus.
‘Sorry, it’s my ears...’ he shouted, the frenzied effort to make himself heard betraying his underlying fear. ‘I can’t... Is the car going to explode?’
‘Umm, I sincerely hope not, sir, but there is a lot of fuel around, the engine’s smoking... It’s best to err on the side of caution. We need to get you a safe distance away in the unlikely event that things escalate. The fire brigade will be here in two ticks and they’ll bring it under control in no time. Until then...’
‘Not sure I can move to be honest, son. I think my leg’s trapped.’
‘Ahhh.’ The policeman nodded. ‘Can you have a look around – see what the problem is? You might be able to free it. On second thoughts, hold on, I’ll come around to your side and see what I can do.’
Appearing at the driver’s window, he then brushed aside fragments of glass and leaned through, peering into the gloom of the footwell. ‘O... K,’ he said slowly. He wasn’t very good at disguising his feelings. It was serious. ‘We have a bit of a problem. A lump of metal appears to have wedged itself in your leg. I’m guessing it will take special tools to get you out of there.’
Shit! The Jaws of Life. Only the other day he had been watching a TV programme about the fire service and the equipment they used to cut people free from road traffic accident wrecks. The jaws had saved many lives, but the name alone was enough to send a shudder rippling through his damaged body. The sirens in the distance were getting louder as they announced their urgency to the world. Blue spinning lights roamed the darkness of the car’s interior, before a more permanent red glow encroached on the shadows. Was it getting hot?
‘Ahhh...’ said the officer.
There were snapping sounds followed by a crackle. Random memories of an old advert for cereal entered the driver’s head: snap, crackle, pop. Twisting as best he could, the driver realised the noise was being created by flames eating into the car’s paintwork. ‘No!’ he muttered through clenched teeth. Damn, he’d just forked out a small fortune on a touch-up job after some local punk had dug a thick groove right along the passenger’s side with a coin or a key.
‘Uh oh!’ said his daughter, looking over her shoulder. ‘They’re going to get us out of here, aren’t they, Dad? I’m scared.’
‘Stay calm,’ he replied, wishing he could practice what he was preaching. ‘I’m sure it will be fine. The fire brigade is on their way and will be here shortly.’
‘Ahh, they’re here,’ the policeman announced on cue, relief evident in his tone.
Moments later the driver heard a new voice, the accent pure Cockney. ‘Stay calm, sir, and we’ll have you out in no time.’
The driver twisted in the direction of the person speaking and another wave of pain rolled through him. On the periphery of his vision he could make out a tall man with a pointed jaw in a fire brigade uniform.
‘What seems to be the trouble, eh? Let the dog see the rabbit.’ The fireman leaned inside. ‘Rrrr...igh...t,’ he said before shouting some instructions to the rest of his crew.
Suddenly, the car was plunged into darkness. The driver guessed it was being buried in that foam the fire services used to bring a blaze under control. It felt strangely comforting to know they weren’t going to be burnt alive. Another sound, a screeching, grating noise soon invaded the car’s interior, setting his teeth on edge.
‘Cool!’ muttered his daughter as sparks sprayed through the roof. Moments later the metal was peeled back like the lid on a tin of tuna, bright lights invading the space, making them cry out and shield their eyes.
‘Sorry, mate, it’s got to be done,’ advised the fire officer. ‘Once we’re inside, we can hopefully remove the obstacle that’s holding you in place and get you out of there. Second thoughts, the best thing we can do, looking at it now, would be to remove the door, together with your good self. It should be easier to cut you free elsewhere, rather than in the midst of this, um, chaos. When we get somewhere a bit less volatile the medical people can assess the problem and hopefully free your leg from the door.’
As he said this, for the first time the driver realised that up until now the darkness of the footwell had prevented him taking a closer look at his injury. Shielding his eyes from the glare, he glanced downwards. A thick metal shard was protruding from his leg and a dark, sticky substance soaked his trousers. The limb looked like a theatrical prosthesis in a zombie apocalypse movie, the foot at a right angle to the rest of the limb.
He experienced an unfamiliar dizziness and passed out.
GLOVED hands grasped the limp body and gently carried it to the stretcher. The patient felt a needle entering the soft tissue in his arm and after that remembered little, sliding into unconsciousness as he murmured her name. The paramedic whispered to one of the fireman.
‘What did he say? Sounded like a name? Jane, was it? I think he said something about a daughter. Was there anyone with him?’
‘Nope,’ replied the fireman. ‘He was all on his lonesome.’
A colleague arrived at the paramedic’s shoulder. ‘Right, best get him to intensive care, lickety spit,’ said the new arrival. ‘I hate to be the prophet of doom, but it will be touch and go if he survives the night.’
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B084D3TT36
shortlink is https://amzn.to/36Iqhta
In the USA it's https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084D3TT36
shortlink is https://amzn.to/2OisZ1U
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NICK RIPPINGTON is the award-winning author of the Boxer Boys series of gangland crime thrillers.
     Based in London, UK, Nick was the last-ever Welsh Sports Editor of the now defunct News of The World, writing his debut release Crossing The Whitewash after being made redundant with just two days notice after Rupert Murdoch closed down Europe’s biggest-selling tabloid in 2011.     On holiday at the time, Nick was never allowed back in the building, investigators sealing off the area with crime scene tape and seizing his computer as they investigated the phone-hacking scandal, something which took place a decade before Nick joined the paper. His greatest fear, however, was that cops would uncover the secrets to his Fantasy Football selections.     Handed the contents of his desk in a black bin bag in a murky car park, deep throat style, Nick was at a crossroads – married just two years earlier and with a wife and 9-month-old baby to support.     With self-publishing booming, he hit on an idea for a UK gangland thriller taking place against the backdrop of the Rugby World Cup and in 2015 produced Crossing The Whitewash, which received an honourable mention in the genre category of the Writers’ Digest self-published eBook awards. Judges described it as "evocative, unique, unfailingly precise and often humorous".     Follow-up novel Spark Out, a prequel set at the time of Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands War, received a Chill With A Book reader award and an IndieBRAG medallion from the prestigious website dedicated to Independent publishers and writers throughout the world. The novel was also awarded best cover of 2017 with Chill With A Book.       The third book in the Boxer Boys series Dying Seconds, a sequel to Crossing The Whitewash, was released in December 2018 and went to the top of the Amazon Contemporary Urban Fiction free charts during a giveaway period of five days. A digital box set, the Boxer Boys Collection, came out in September last year.
       Now Nick, 60, is switching direction feeling that, for the moment, the Boxer Boys series has run its course. His latest novel, Rabette Run, will be released in the Spring and Nick says, ‘It is a gritty psychological thriller with twists and turns galore. Think Alice in Wonderland with tanks and guns.’     Married to Liz, When Nick isn’t writing he works as a back bench designer of sports pages on the Daily Star. He has two children – Jemma, 37, and Olivia, 9. 
Author links: 
Website: www.theripperfile.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/buckrippers
Twitter: @nickripp
Instagram: @nickrippingtonauthor
Where to find Nick’s books...
Amazon Author Page in the UK: 
Amazon Author Page in the US:
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For Crossing The Whitewash: “"Evocative, original, unfailingly precise and often humorous" – Writers Digest eBook judges
 For Spark Out: “Down and Dirty, visceral, occasionally violent but engaging and strangely compelling. The writer has a great street voice” – IndieBRAG judges
 Nick’s covers are designed by the hugely talented Jane Dixon-Smith of JD Smith designs. His second book Spark Out received the cover of the year award from the reviewer website Chill With A Book.
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to this edition of Graps and Claps this time taking me on a short journey to the Piccadilly area of Manchester for Futureshock Wrestling’s Tapped III event at the Fairfield Social Club for what will be in the first in a line of special Wednesday night events which seems a regular thing now in the British Wrestling sphere with many a midweek show taking place up and down this land, with the now defunct Lucha Forever being the innovator of said ‘midweek graps’.
Getting into Manchester for 6pm, I swiftly made my way to The Piccadilly Tap to meet up with some of the Graps gang (Steve, Ben, Andrew and our Geoff) for a couple of pints before walking around the corner to the venue. Only two pints before the show which included in the Piccadilly Tap – a pint of Marble/Heart & Craft Macchiato Porter (5.1% £5.80) that smelt coffee like but only tasted a smidgen like it’s supposed flavour which was maybe cancelled out due to it being a cold keg drink.
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It was then a walk across the road to the Store Street Craft Beer Bar which is adjoined to the Double Tree by Hilton, so it is basically a glorified hotel bar offering supposed ‘Craft’ beer from Brightside Brewery and JW Lees plus the usual Craft legends called Foster’s and Heineken – they will literally stick the word ‘Craft’ to bloody anything nowadays. Anyways the £4.60 pint of Brightside IPA passed as a solid 6.5/10, but I did feel sorry for Ben who bought a £6.50 pint of Goose Island IPA which is an example of hotel bar prices. Décor though in this place is welcoming but it is certainly one place where you would only visit to have 1 pint and nothing else if especially you are on your way to the Apollo as it is very sparse in good pubs on that route.
Drinks done, it was time to get to the venue – whilst on the way my mate Andrew was telling me about a recent Kaiser Chiefs gig he had been to that wasn’t all it was cracked up to be with lead singer Ricky Wilson having a reet bad night on the mic. Arriving into the Fairfield Social Club I would estimate the audience to be around the 150/200 marker with many people taking in the fantastic ale selection (around 16 on tap on this evening anything ranging from £3.50 - £6 a pint), plus the food selection from Vasos Kitchen offering fries with different Indian style toppings including a Keema Option for £7.50 and a Masala option for £4 that I frequented – very fragrant in smell and a taste that certainly packed a punch but was well worth the price to fill a corner in my tummy!
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Taking our seats at the back near the commentator’s desk which wasn’t being used, as Rob Halden and Matthew Richards decided to do their commentary from the couches near the bar watching on monitors from G-Man video editing lair – probably the best option as our singing would have deafened their ears in the first match between Angst Strongman – Big Joe and one of our personal favourites Sugar Dunkerton who was making his debut in Futureshock in what was if I am right in thinking – his 1 year anniversary wrestling in the UK since his debut on a cold Leeds Afternoon.
Early on in this match there were many chants aimed at Joe’s stature and also the Sugar chant was in full force thanks to his adoring fan club (us lot) meaning that his debut instantly got off to a great start with this response. As we eventually got into the action, we had Joe showing off his strength as Squatted Sugar but in turn after 3 squats, Sugar had him locked in a sleeper which left Joe laying on the floor. This lead to Sugar trying to quieten the crowd so he could pin Joe whilst he was asleep, but a big shout from the Nordic Alarm Clock on the outside woke Joe up at the two count.
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Once Joe was back awake, he laid a beatdown to Sugar but Sugar was only playing possum during this as he fired back with a Pimp Slap to Joe then a DDT for a 2 count. As the match reached its conclusion Joe used his strength to power up Sugar to hit a fireman’s lift then a Vader Bomb for a 2, but when he went to the other side of the ring to hit a splash, Sugar rolled to the other side of the ring and offered Joe to jump anyways which he duly did after much persuasion from Thomas Wolfe on the outside and Sugar inside the ring, sadly for Joe there wasn’t enough distance on the dive and no water in the pool as he went SPLAT! Sugar took advantage of this by rolling up Joe for the 3 count to get the popular victory to start proceedings. In terms of Comedy style wrestling these two were a match made in heaven with the charismatic Sugar and the ever improving Big Joe who has his character down pat – just all around entertainment that you can’t ask much more of!
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Second match now with the Futureshock Women’s title on the line with a clash of goodies as the Champion, Lana Austin took on her protégé of sorts – Hollie who was looking to possibly get the shock victory and maybe a championship by the end of this match even in her early infancy as a wrestler. The early feeling out process ended up with Hollie getting the best of it, but once Lana got into her stride she did so with hard forearms to the face. Hollie though came firing back with a couple of knee shots to get near falls. As the match was going on though, out came two newcomers to Futureshock (but already two regulars in WrestlePro), that being Alexis Falcon and Taonga who came to keep a watching eye, but they would soon get involved by attacking Lana from behind as the referee wasn’t watching.
When they chucked Lana back in, they willed Hollie to pick up the scraps but her conflicting head got the better of her as she refused to pin Lana so instead Taonga and Alexis took offence to this and came in the ring to attack both Lana and Hollie to cause the No Contest – BOOOO!!! So it looks like we have a possible tag match for a future show with Hollie & Lana taking on Taonga and Alexis Falcon which is a good thing to see as it is a change from the monthly Queen Bees vs Lana & Partner match we have got often in Futureshock recently. Match wise with Lana and Hollie it was a decent follow up from the first match and hopefully we possibly get to see it again in the future.  
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A special bonus match now as the sirens rang out in the Social Club with the appearance of the Futureshock Champion Crater, much to the disgust of some in the crowd (my friend Mike especially). His opponents for the evening were not 1, not 2, but 3 opponents with the appearance of Karl Stoxx, Tom Thelwell and PCW favourite Philip Michael who got a good reception from the crowd even though this was his debut in the promotion – probably due to his familiarity on the North West scene. Sadly, though for the three lads, it didn’t turn out great as Crater smashed his way through them in quick style, despite them getting in little offence like double dropkicks to try and knock the big fella down. Crater soon finished it by hitting a double choke slam to 2 of them and putting a foot on the other to bring an end to proceedings. After the match though we had an appearance from Crater’s nemesis Henry T. Grodd who came out to spear Crater to the chants of ‘Grodd! Grodd! Grood! to once again stake another claim to a title shot against Crater in the future. To be honest though I do feel at this stage that the crowd are certainly behind a Grodd victory against Crater more than a John McGregor one!
Half time Main Event now, with The Young Guns (Ethan Allen and Luke Jacobs) taking on the makeshift team of Sam Bailey and James Drake – this was due to Zack Gibson being unable to compete due to Injury. Gibson though did get on the mic before the match to explain why people were asking – Why are Gibson and Drake friends again in Futureshock after a 9-month feud? To their credit they explained it as more of a friendly tiff between great friends/colleagues – which I am glad they have explained it (They must have read my comments about the lack of explanation at the Stockport show). Just to report – no chants of ‘NXT’ on this occasion! They did promise the Guns though in the future that they would eventually get a match against the Grizzled Young Veterans with possibly some gold on the line – but we shall just see!
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Anyways with Gibson’s chatting out of the way, we got down to business with the Young Guns on top early with Jacobs first working on Bailey, then dissecting Drake. Ethan Allen then tagged in but was soon beaten down by both Bailey who hit a big superplex to young Ethan and then Drake followed up on Ethan with a Back Breaker to the boos of the crowd. The continuous beat down carried on to Ethan, that was until he got the hot tag to Luke who came in like a house on fire flooring both Bailey and Drake. It was interesting to see during this that Ethan was selling excellently on the ring apron from the beating – just the little things like that shows that this lad could be headed to the top. With Ethan back to full health, himself and Luke hit a Big Back Cracker double team to get a 2 fall, also in the home stretch we had Drake & Bailey hit their version of the Vets finisher which I will name for the purpose of this occasion – ‘The Ticket to Bailey’s House’ for a 2 count.
With the Guns on top though, Luke was ready to finish off James Drake, but from behind Zack Gibson waffled poor Luke to leave him in prime position for Drake to hit the 450 to get the win in a fantastic tag match, but sadly for the Guns another one in the loss column – which I do hope for their sakes they can pick up some wins soon!
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Back from the break, we returned with Adrenaline Title action with No Limit after CJ Banks and Joey Hayes (Champion) went to a 15-minute Time Limit draw in Stockport, which has led to this match where the winner of the match will then go on to face Chris Ridgeway in Prestwich on the 23rd February. The early bulk of this match was CJ showing his dominance beating down Joey, including winning the best of the exchanges on the outside as they fought near the bar. Back in the ring though, both Joey and CJ went hold for hold for a good 20 minutes, that eventually ended in both guys’ double pinning each other much to the annoyance of the crowd who wanted an outright winner – so for the Prestwich show we now have a Triple Threat match with CJ vs Joey Hayes vs Chris Ridgeway for the Adrenaline Title.
Couple of things to point out from this match, included a post-match beat up of Joey from CJ, plus my overriding opinion of this match the day after and also on the evening, was that this was a good wrestling match but it did suffer from crowd heat and not one to be a toss as I am not a wrestler, but this always seems to be CJ Banks downfall as a baddie – when he is on the offence especially as he was against Joey, he doesn’t attempt to jaw jack with the crowd to get them to boo him, he just goes straight into the next manoeuvre with no response. CJ is a good wrestler but he is as bland as anything. 
Second to last match as the time was coming up to 9:30pm and with our Geoff wondering if he should go home as he had work at 6am in the morning, but he decided against this. In this match we had two up and comers on the North West scene with JJ Webb taking on Callum Corrie, with the latter trying to making 2019 his own, like he did in the latter part of 2018 in GPW. Corrie had the bulk of the crowd noise for him with chants of ‘Sandy Beach’ and ‘Callum Corrie’ blaring in his ears and it was this support that got him over the finish line in this match as he hit poor JJ with a DDT to pick up the 3 count in a good under 10-minute scrap that kept the audience’s attention throughout the match.
After the match though, this loss got too much for JJ who attacked Callum and then locked in a Crab to make Corrie moan like buggery, so this feud is going to continue so happy days as these are two good young up and comers.
Main event time now with John McGregor trying to prove he has what it takes to dethrone Crater in March, by testing himself against former Futureshock Heavyweight Champion Ashton Smith who was looking himself to get back on track after a quiet couple of months in the promotion due to WWE commitments - plus as ever it was good to belt out a rendition of ‘All of the Lights’ once again as Ashton made his way down to the ringside area.
A bulk of this match was very much Ashton being the aggressor as he beat down the much smaller McGregor, but John over these last couple of months is showed those fighting qualities from underneath that helped him win the Legacy Tournament, especially his match vs Zack Gibson where he was excellent. With John fighting through, he looked like he was ready for the loss as Ashton hit a GTS then a ‘Roll of the Dice’ for an agonising 2 fall that had the crowd on the edge of their seats but John managed to somehow recover from this as he hit a Jumping DDT to Ashton to get the 3 count in around 15 minutes in a very good main event.
After the match though, Ashton got on to the mic to say to congratulate John on the win, but then the pleasantries stopped at that when he said bluntly to John that ‘You are not ready for Crater off that performance’! – Which instantly I think puts in the crowd’s head that the Gentleman is not good enough to beat Crater in March, but this writer though thinks differently and can see him pushing Crater all the way, but with the threat of Grodd I can see John ultimately failing – we shall see!!
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Show done, it was time to leave but not before having a quick chat with Ashton, ring announcer Neil and also Sugar Dunkerton who as ever was a gentleman to chat to. Overall as a show it was a good 2 ½ hours of entertainment with the Young Guns vs Sam Bailey/James Drake, Dunkerton/Big Joe and the Main Event being matches you should check out on Futureshock’s On Demand service.
Next time we will be at Futureshock will be the 23rdFebruary in Prestwich for the visit of PAC who will be taking on Soner Durson. Next time you will be hearing from me will be for Breed Wrestling’s debut show in Sheffield on Sunday 10th February – so as ever go and give this a share, likes and retweets and spread the word. So until then – BYE !!!!
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