general-yasur · 2 years
How old is Lloyd in your fics?
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Lloyd is 19 in the beginning of Neon Warfare and is close to his mid-20s by Let’s Play Pretend(23-25)
All my fics are written in between wildbrain-seasons and I hc him to be an adult by then, hope this helps!
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st4rguy · 1 year
send me asks mayhaps i want to talk abt headcanons
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letmeliedown · 2 years
squints hard at “men and male-aligned people”
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kcrra · 2 years
awww we love loud and proud biphobia over here. at least you said it with your whole chest!
me: [a proud bisexual woman who has been out as bisexual for over nine years, my identity never once changing, has had relationships with women, men and non-binary people] oh yeah. i personally headcanon the fictional character whose sexuality has never been specified, alicent hightower, as a lesbian
some chronically online weirdo who can't read: this is biphobia, actually
please log off and touch grass you freak!
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mooooonnnzz · 2 years
what love will do to you // neteyam gn!x reader
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the stages of getting to know neteyam n falling in love 💚
you and neteyam being awkward teenagers in love
tuk being tuk and gushing abt reader and neteyam
overall very fluffy n cute maybe cringe?? depends on whos reading tbh 
3k words
rushed ending my bad 
READER ALSO HAS CURLY HAIR length is not specfied i think 
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🐚 Your first encounter with the boy was when you noticed your people surrounding a certain area on the reef’s shore. Pushing past them, you stood beside your sister Tsireya, who was busy staring at someone in particular. Curious, you followed her gaze. A small gasp left you, realizing why everyone gathered here. Na’vi from the Omatikaya Clan were standing right in front of you, all huddled up together. You’ve heard of them from your father but you would have never thought you would see multiple of them standing right before you. The first thing you noticed from them was their skin, their skin complexion was much darker than yours. Your attention was brought to their swaying tails. They looked completely different from your tail. They were shorter and thinner and they certainly don’t look like they can be used for swimming. Your gaze was captured by one of the brothers, he seemed to be the eldest brother with how he carried himself with confidence. Chest puffed out and eyes narrowly scanning the crowd, looking for any danger that could be hiding among the crowd. Those very same eyes that were once surveying the area for danger softened upon seeing you. His pupils dilated and his lips slightly parted, his tail slowly swished behind him. He looked like he was put under a trance. Embarrassed and a bit shy from the sudden attention from the boy, you looked down to your feet timidly and began to play with the sand. Blocking out the back and forth conversation of your dad with Jake Sully. 
🐚 You haven’t seen the boy at all since his arrival and to say you weren’t a little sad was a lie. He caught your eye the moment you saw him and the energy he radiated was alluring. Sitting on the shore, you mindlessly drew on the wet sand as your mind raced with thousands of thoughts. You failed to notice that the boy you were daydreaming about was making his way towards you, his tail nervously swaying behind him as he approached you. “Hello?” He stood beside you, tilting his head a bit when you didn’t respond. He called you out again, only this time, your name slipped past his lips. You broke out of the haze you were in and looked for the unfamiliar person who called out your name. You noticed a pair of darker blue feet stationed right next to you, wandering your eyes up their legs, your eyes were reunited with the familiar yellow ones. The edge of his eyes crinkled up as he smiled, he caught your attention. You smiled back awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. “I was told by your sister that you would be here.” He said, sitting down on the sand with you. “Did she also tell you my name?” You ask, fingers nervously fiddling with the necklace that hung around your neck. He nodded and it was silent for a moment. You were internally battling with yourself if this was a comforting silence or an awkward silence, but you knew that this was awkward, real awkward. “Sorry for looking at you weirdly earlier.” He spoke up, startling you. “You don’t need to apologize. I was looking at you as well.” You admit, hands going back to thoughtlessly drawing on the sand. “In a bad way or good way?” His question caught you off-guard but you couldn’t help but smile over him worrying over something like that. “Good way. The moment I saw you,  I felt confidence and authority bleed out from you. That caught my attention.” You tell him, looking over to him to gauge at his reaction. He was stupidly smiling to himself and his eyes looked soft. A comfortable silence fell and you and him enjoyed each other's presence. The moment was cut short when you heard your sister call out to you, before you left you and him properly introduced yourself. You learned that the boy's name was Neteyam. 
🐚 The third time you saw him was when you were with your sister, Tsireya. You and her both were teaching the Sully family the way of the sea. Tsireya was focused on Neteyam’s younger brother, Lo’ak and you were focused on Neteyam. While you were explaining one of the breathing exercises, Neteyam never stopped looking at you. His attention was glued onto you and nothing that happened around him caught his attention like how you caught his. You knew that he was staring at you, looking at you with that same look he had when he first saw you. You felt a bit shy under his gaze, he looked at you with so much curiosity and adoration you didn’t know what to do with yourself. And so came the time for Neteyam to do the breathing exercises himself, you were worried that he was going to fail miserably with how little he was paying attention to your words. But surprisingly enough, he knew how long he needed to suck in air and how slowly he needed to exhale. Although, he was struggling to hold his breath. Scooting a little closer to him, you placed your palm on his stomach. “You need to breathe in from your stomach.” You instructed him. Shakily, he followed what you told him. A little shaky and nervous, but perfect enough to satisfy you. You smiled at him. “You did really well,” You said, removing your hand from his stomach. “Was worried at first, you weren’t paying attention with how much you were staring at me.” You laughed at his bewildered expression. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” He said, his eyes looking down to his lap. “It’s fine. I really didn’t mind. Honest.” You put your hand on his knee to reassure him. He looked at your hand then your face, his ears flickered softly and he smiled at you. 
🐚  The fourth time you saw him was when you and him were underwater. You were showing him everything the reef had to offer. Seeing his eyes blown wide in amazement made you laugh every time. He would get so blown away by the simplest things, it was cute. While swimming he found a sea urchin, he enthusiastically motioned to come closer. You didn’t know what it was until you were by his side, eyes looking at the spiked ball. And before you could pull his curious hands away from the spiky sea urchin, he’s already grabbing it. The urchin pricked his whole finger. He gasped, forgetting that he was underwater and got a lung full of water. He kicked his legs up while swimming up, urchin still attached to his hand. You followed in suit.  Sprouting up from the ocean, he coughed up the water that had entered his lungs. He lifted his hand up from the water and almost screamed, the sea urchin had attached itself to his whole palm. He yelled out your name. “Get it off me!” He said while also trying to pull it off with his other hand. “No, no! Don’t touch it.” You laugh. His hand froze in midair, his stomach swarming with butterflies at the sound of your laugh. “S-So what do I do?” He was helpless, the pain on his palm evergrowing. “Stay there, let me get some palm leaves.” You swam to shore and grabbed a rather large palm leaf. Swimming back to him, you encased the sea urchin with the leaf. “I’m going to pull, okay? This might hurt.” You warn him. “How much?” He squeaked out. “Not too much, I’m hoping.” The loud ‘WHAT’ you received from Neteyam would always be funny to you. Without any warning you yanked out the sea urchin. Much to your surprise, the spikes didn’t break off. Now what was left on his palms were tiny holes. “How are you feeling?” You turned over to Neteyam. His eyes were locked shut and lips were tightly pressed together. “Neteyam?” You called out. One of his eyes pried open and when he noticed the sea urchin was off his palm, he visibly relaxed. “Oh, that wasn’t too bad.” He looked at his palms, cringing at the holes in his hands. That was when you got the idea to mess with him. To kind of mimic the feeling of the sea urchin attaching to his leg, you knocked his leg against one of the corals, lightly scraping his legs. “There’s another urchin on your leg!” You pointed at his leg underwater. “Wait, really?!” He yelled out, forgetting about his hand and looking down at his leg. Patting around there was nothing there. “There’s nothing there?” Your laugh graced his ears once more. He looked over to you and felt his heart warm at the sight. He couldn’t be mad at you when he heard his favorite thing in the world. Your laugh. 
🐚 The fifth time you saw him was when you were walking around the Marui pods, aimlessly walking around. A family could be heard talking loudly from one of the Marui Pods. You weren’t going to investigate until you heard a familiar voice. Neteyam’s voice. Peering in the pods, you saw that he and his family were eating breakfast, chattering and bickering as they ate. You saw how Lo’ak was teasing Neteyam over something. Neteyam ignored whatever Lo’ak was saying and attempted to eat his food peacefully. Lo’ak said something that caught his other siblings' attention, his two sisters who you’ve seen around the reef. The younger sister laughed loudly while the older quietly giggled, saying something to Neteyam that made him come to the point where he had enough. Wordlessly, he put his utensil down and stood up. His siblings called out to him but he ignored them and walked outside where you were at, shamelessly watching the whole ordeal happen. Not having enough time to dive into water and swim away, Neteyam noticed you. He said your name, shocked to see you at his pod. “What are you doing here?” He asked, scurrying you and him away from his siblings' prying eyes. “I was walking around when I heard your family.” You told him. You couldn’t even come up with a lie; it was like he prevented you from doing so. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that we were loud, I didn’t mean to disturb your walk.” He was so quick to take the blame, so quick to apologize for his family that it surprised you. Shaking your head, you said, “Don’t apologize. You and your family are very entertaining to watch.” Neteyam opened his mouth, ready to respond to you but was interrupted by his younger sister’s shrill of what you hoped to be excitement. “Neteyam is talking to them! Look at how close they are to each other!” She pointed at you and Neteyam. Quickly, you and him took multiple steps back away from each other. You didn’t even notice that the two of you were so close until Neteyam’s sister called you out. “Tuk, leave them alone!” Neteyam’s other sister came out of the pod to grab her little sister. Before she left, she gave you a short wave and went back inside. You could hear the family pick up on a conversation, all hushed and quiet. You knew they were talking about you and Neteyam and you couldn’t help but feel a little flustered over it. “I’m sorry about them.” He whispered, walking back to you. “Once again, don’t be sorry. I find it funny.” You whisper back, raising your head a little bit to fully see his face. “Neteyam, why don’t you invite them for dinner?” His younger brother teased from behind. “Lo’ak!” Neteyam was about to dive straight for his brother and yank at his hair but your voice stopped him. “I would love to accompany you and your family for dinner, that is. If you ask me too.” Such a bold thing for you to say but you couldn’t help it, really. Neteyam makes you feel so confident and sure of yourself while simultaneously making you incredibly nervous and second guessing yourself. Neteyam froze for a bit like he was doused with a bucket of ice cold water. But when he came to, he cleared his throat and asked you to join his family for dinner. You couldn’t say no and accepted his invitation. 
🐚 “How long are you going to be at the Sully’s?” Your mother, Ronal asked as she twirled one of your curls around her fingers. “Not long.” You replied briefly, putting on earrings that have blue miniature shells on them. Your mother fluffed up your hair, a drawled out sigh leaving her lips. “Do you really have to go over there?” She places her hands on your shoulders and looks at you through the reflection of the ocean. “Yes, mother.” You can see her disappointed face through the rippling water, the all known face of disapproval. You didn’t say anything afterwards, you knew all too well this would’ve started an argument between you and your mom. She wasn’t very fond of the Sully family, you knew that well enough not to bring them up in conversations much. But the moment you do, she acts like you have ripped her heart open and brought it to her on a silver platter. You breathed in and breathed out, ridding of any negative energy that consumed you. You were going to have fun tonight and not even your mom could ruin your mood. “You may go now. Do not stay for too long.” She decides to announce once again. “I won’t!” You said for what feels like the hundredth time. Standing up, you look at your reflection once more before skipping over to the pods. The large smile on your face never leaving. 
🐚 The first person to greet you was Neteyam’s younger brother, Lo’ak. You had talked to Lo’ak a few times before now. “You look amazing.” He complimented. “Your curls look nicer too.” He added. You smiled shyly, thanking him for the compliments. “Lo’ak!” The all too familiar yell of his name, who could have possibly yelled out his name? “Looks like he heard me.” He whispered. You rolled your eyes at his childish antics. Lo’ak was yanked back, he screeched about his tail and that was all you heard before Neteyam shoved him inside the pod. Neteyam checked out your face and hair, smiling softly at the stunning sight that was in front of him. “You look…amazing.” He breathlessly said. “I know. Lo’ak told me.” You felt his finger brush against your hand. “I heard.” His fingers interlaced with yours. “I just wanted you to hear it from me.” He squeezed your hand. Your breath was taken away. You bit your lip nervously, eyes looking down at your intertwined hands then back at Neteyam. His head slowly leaned in, his eyes looking at your lips for a split second before looking back at your gorgeous eyes. “They look like they’re about to kiss.” Tuk squealed, breaking the small moment between you and Neteyam. Neteyam huffed out, leaning away from you. “Why don’t we have you meet my mom and dad?” Neteyam led you inside the pod. Instantly, you were met with Jake. Neteyam’s father. “Thank you for having me over.” You said. Jake opened his mouth but abruptly closed it. You turn your head over to Neteyam, mouthing a quick: “What happened?” You look back at his father who was staring intensely at you and Neteyam’s hands. Neteyam let go of your hand quickly, ready to apologize for his behavior but his dad smiled, washing away any remnants of his pissy look. “I’m just messing with you two, go on, sit.”
🐚 Dinner with the Sully’s was more than you could possibly ever imagine. They were so full of energy, their endless bickering was hilarious and they weren’t shy to hide their love for each other. At some points you felt like you were a part of their family. His mom was such a sweetheart as well, she treated you as if you were her own. With your stomach full and cheeks sore from laughing and smiling so much, you decided that was enough for tonight. Bidding everyone a goodbye, you left the family’s pod. Although not alone, a certain older brother was trailing after you. Calling out your name, you turned around and your heart softened at the sight of Neteyam. “Leaving so soon?” He frowned, holding your hand once again, only this time he was holding both. “Yeah.” Your eyes jumped from his captivating eyes you ever so adored to his light pink lips. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” His voice was hushed. “I wish I could.” You couldn’t deny the fact that you and Neteyam's face were drawing near. “Should I really be kissing you when your family could walk right in on us?” Lips were brushing against each other, your breath mixing in with his. “I really don’t care.” His lips pressed against yours. Awkwardly, your lips melded together. You and him obviously have no kissing experience, but that made it all better. You were Neteyam’s first kiss while he was yours. A sense of pride washed over you. You were Neteyam’s first. Neteyam untangled his hands from yours and grabbed onto your waist, pulling you closer. You parted from the kiss, panting heavily. “Stay for a little longer?” He quietly begged, giving you a slight pout. You placed your palms against his chest, pushing him away playfully. The hold he has on your waist has kept you encased in him. “I can’t, Nete.” You affectionately rolled your eyes at his pouty expression. “Can I kiss you once more?” How could you ever say no to that? Faces centimeters apart, an excited yell was heard from behind Neteyam. “They’re kissing!” Tuk cried out, her smile bigger than ever. “They’re kissing!” She repeated. “What, really?!” Lo’ak was in disbelief as he practically flew outside to see if Tuk was lying or not. You and Neteyam were standing at a respectful distance, pretending to be interested in something else. “Aren’t the stars lovely tonight?” Neteyam pointed at the sparkling specs in the sky. “So beautiful.” You commented. “Who’s kissing?” Jake could be heard from within the pod, his head peaking out to check on you and Neteyam. “No one is kissing anyone, sir!” Neteyam quickly responded. “You better not!” He said, slowly inching back in the pod. “Guess you have to go now.” Neteyam sighed out. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You asked. Neteyam nodded but before you left you kissed his cheek. “Bye, Neteyam!” You scurried off, stupidly smiling to yourself. “No way! Neteyam got a partner before me!” Lo’ak groaned, running his hand down his face. “You owe me!” Kiri exclaimed. “I know.” Lo’ak grumbled.
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hope i did neteyam justice and praying that i didn’t write him too ooc 💀 forgot to mention that i barely proofread anything so apologies if i made any mistakes its real late SIKE TWO DAYS LATER I REVISED AND EDITED SUM FEW PARTS NOW THERE WONT BE ANY ISSUES hopefully
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kings-highway · 1 month
post-grad platonic-not-platonic IwaOiDaiSuga been on my mind a lot lately
completely incidentally ending up in apartments across the hall from each other and mutually thinking "oh my god this is going to be hell" before slowly realizing that they actually have no innate animosity towards each other.
Daichi likes to cook and both Oikawa and Iwa are too lazy/busy half the time, so they can smell it scross the hall and will slink over like dogs like "please? please? just a little?". One time Suga had had to work late and couldn't be home so he just sighs and invites them in like "i made enough anyway why not" and then they dont leave until like 1 am.
Iwa and Daichi having crazy college-boy energy together and like getting way too into whatever they're doing. These are the "i'll just balance the ladder on the rolling office chair to reach the high place" boys. The fact that neither have broken a bone yet is a miracle (there have been a handful of concussions)
Likewise I think Oikawa and Daichi combined think they're DIY experts. Oikawa is crafty and good with little things. Daichi generally thinks he can do anything himself so why would he hire someone? Suga is like "hey we need a new side table for by couch-" and they appear from around the corner like "trip to the hardware store? trip to paint store? what do you want? tell us and we will do it." (they will not - Iwa will eventually, 4 days later, have to step in and put an end to this)
Like a broken clock, every few DIY projects they actually successfully complete one which only fuels their desires. Iwa and Suga are always very impressed but wont admit it.
They just swap beds around around like their two apartments are one. Suga wakes up stretched out beside Iwa and is embarassed he hadn't gone back home the night before before realizing he is home and its Iwa who apparently also came home from the dinner party they were having at his place???? Where the fuck is Daichi????
They're pretty sure they're two couples (DaiSuga / IwaOi) but they go out drinking and to win a bet Iwa hardcore makes out with Daichi and now nobody's sure of anything.
One of Suga's teacher friends ask if he's dating someone, and he says. "Yes! They're- He's," and then specfies "I have one boyfriend," instead of "a" boyfriend and the friend is ????
Oikawa going to Argentina is like the biggest event in any of their worlds. Oikawa now has 3 mother hens on top of his actual mom telling him to remember to pack. Everyone cries. Multiple times. But group vacations to Argentina go hard. And Iwa just finishes the lease on their place and moves in across the hall once he's gone.
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ivys-garden · 11 days
OK Murder Drones fandom I've gotta a question since this has been bugging me for so long now
Are the Elliotts in anyway actually fucking related to JCJenson?
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott never mentioned what they actually did for a living. There names don't line up with teh innnitials JCJ (unless someone in the family was called "Jenson C. James" and they switched there first name to be at the end since "JCJames" sounds fucking stupid)
Tessa likes to fix drones, but that doesn't nessicarily mean her family makes them, especially since her parents don't seem to about about Drones at all.
J makes a bunch of references to business terms, but never specfies the business as JCJenson until after earth blows up, at which point Cyn is telling J, N & V they've been sent by JCJenson. Even if it is JCJenson J is referring to in the Mansion episode that doesn't mean that Tessa's family owns the company, maybe she and Tessa just dream of working for them one day.
Tessa having a JCJenson Maintenance uniform also proves nothing since as far as we're aware Tessa was already dead at this point. And even if she did get off earth and get the suit prior to being flayed that still doesn't prove her family owned the company, just that she wanted to work for them, which realistically she wouldn't want if her family owned the fucking thing.
This has confused me ever since Tessas name was fully revealed. Is this important in any way? No. But... shit.
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slipperzipper · 1 year
Heimdall!Smut fic
Wrote a Heimdall smut fanfic with a Afab!reader, Sex Pollen prompt. Pronouns aren't specfied so Reader could be Ftm or Fem.
I hope you guys enjoy it, as I haven't wrote in a hot minute
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// OR, in other words, I was inspired by blogs like @aita-alternia @alternian-advice @alternia-legal-advice @alternian-mutant-madness @idiots-of-alternia @alternian-relationship-advice @quadrant-horror-stories and everyone else making homestuck gimmick blogs like this and wanted to join in LMAO
//I may be a lot late to the party but the idea is I wanted to make somewhere where everyone who was making these kind of blogs could sorta.. promote themselves? So that its easier to find everyone and stuff? So you're welcome to do that, OR you can also advertise the other typical stuff like fake businesses or other troll get togethers and stuff. or like previously mentioned you can just advertise to everyone how much one specific troll sucks. Whatever you want! Be creative, have fun, etc etc :]!!!! the definition of what an advertisement is here is Very Broad LMAO there's no wrong way to do it!! (probably.)
// (also for the record, I'm about to introduce the in-character mod in a second LMAO ive just gotta finish drawing something first!!)
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bi-lil-guy · 10 months
SFW Gender Neutral Imagine Things
CW: Intentional Captialization, Cute Aggression (Biting As A Show Of Affection, Flicking Your Nose, Ect.), Gets Kinda Cringe Under The Cut If Y'all Still Believe In That, Not Super Specfied If Theese Are Romantic Or Just Affectionate Platonic, No Gendering Of The Reader Or The Character, I Know There's Probably A Shorter Word For This But 🤷‍♂️
Short Hotties That Could And Would Fireman Carry You.
Short Hotties That Sigh After You Do Something Lifethreatening And Ask You Really Flatly To Lean Down, Then Flick You On The Nose For Bein Goofy.
Lanky Hotties That Sit Up In Bed When You Wake Up For Work, Wrapping Their Arms Around You Murmuring Indecipherable Gibberish To Get You To Be Late Just This Once
Lanky Hotties With Not Spacial Awareness Who Forget You're Behind Them And Slap You In The Face, Incredibly Apologetic Or Laughing It Off As A Simple Mistake
Squishy Hotties Who Let You Jump Into Their Arms And Bury Your Face In Their Chest Every Time You See Them.
Squishy Hotties Who Match Outfits With You, Striking Exaggerated Poses In Their Bedroom Mirror As You Two Have The Best Time
Giant, Burly Hotties Who's Hands Lowkey Eclipse Your Head Whenever They Ruffle Your Hair (Or Take Up Your Entire Collar Bone Whenever They Pat Your Shoulder If Your Hair's Off Limits)
Giant, Burly Hotties Who Get On Their Knees And Bury Their Face In Your Stomach To Cry When You're Alone Together And They're At Their Most Vulnerable
Skrungly Mf's Who You Could Swing Around Ms. Trunchbull Style And They'd Thank You
Skrunkly Mfs Who Gnaw On Your Shoulder Like The Sweetest Feral Cat (Not Enough To Break The Skin Unless You Ask) 🥹💕🥹💕
Weeble Deebles Who Joke About Eating People And You Can't Tell If They're Actually Joking
Weeble Deebles Who Are Highkey Dangerous And Legitimately Feral But They're Not Unintelligent And Actively Just Like To Be That Way (And Lowkey Love That You Find It Hot And Would Be Devestated If They Took It Too Far With You But Shhhh).
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moralisist · 1 year
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hi i’m minnie! im a minor. therefore adults over 18 DNI. i write only for atsv. i am black so sometimes i will write for black readers or women of color only. anyone is welcome to read if the reader isn’t specfied tho. reader is almost always gender neutral but please when you send an ask, specify the gender. requests are open!!
🕸️rules/who i write for
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i-say-ok · 1 year
okay? Or ok? Dont worry, you can techinally say either or. But, you cursed yourself with only being able to say "ok" or , "OK " . Because you never specfied you can say the longer version, Okay
ok. ok. OK.
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touyastearss · 2 years
The Ghosties and the Ghoulies (Arataki Itto x GN!Reader Fluff)
The Ghosties and the Ghoulies (Arataki Itto x GN!Reader Fluff)
Arataki Itto x GN!Reader 
TAGS: fluff, halloween-themed(ish), mentions of Itto and reader having children but it’s not specfied how
Itto convinces you to go to a Haunted House with him. 
“You go first.”
The push you deliver to your boyfriend’s back is light, hardly worthy of being called a ‘push’ if not a gentle press into his sturdy back. He’s well over six feet and built, for lack of better words, like a brick wall, but he stumbles forward dramatically nonetheless. The pout on his face makes you roll your eyes in amusement as he lets out a loud ‘Ouch!’, rubbing the spot on his back with fake hurt.
“You’re so dumb.” You laugh, momentarily forgetting your nerves.
Who’s idea was it to visit a Haunted House again? Not yours, that’s for sure.
“You’ll be fiiine , babe,” he promises, taking a hold of your hand in his firm grip and looking down at you with the cocky raise of an eyebrow, “you do have me after all. A strong, handsome, Oni. Just stay by my side and everything will be a-okay.”
“Hmm,” you hum, standing on your tiptoes to place a kiss on the side of his cheek, “my big, brave man.” You giggle at the little blush that spreads across his cheeks as he averts his gaze and lets out an embarrassed cough .
“Just…don’t let go of my hand, got it?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, big boy.”
You’ve been in the Haunted House for about ten minutes so far. It’s not been much- you can stomach a surprise gust of wind and you can just about deal with the cracks of thunder going off sporadically above your head. A little tame for a ‘House of Spooks’, but truthfully you’ve been moving at a pretty slow pace, too busy taking photos of each other with the wallpaper the walls in the first room donned. You’d both been captured by the glow-in-the-dark bats it had been decorated with - a necessary distraction for your jittery nerves. The pictures came out cute, at least.
Itto’s in front of you, one hand outstretched behind him to guide you through the steadily darkening passages. You clench your fingers around his a little more at a notably loud crack of thunder and you deliver a small smack to his back at the deep chuckle he lets out.
“You’re not afraid, are you babe?” He teases, his voice dripping with smugness. “Who knew my little baby was such a scaredy cat?” He turns back to you with a fake pout, looking at you pitifully. “Maybe if you give me a kiss I’ll look after you,” a finger taps his cheek.
You groan, forgetting the loud booms from above.  “Shut up, Itto.”
Your lips plant on his cheek for just a second.
He snickers a little, and the two of you continue forward. It soon becomes apparent that your little moment of bravery really was just a moment, because the rooms gradually become creepier and creepier as you continue on.
The doll room is the worst. High-pitched giggles echoing from all corners of the gloomy room and little porcelain bodies in frilly dresses littering the ground.
You let out a loud gasp as you turn your head and come face to face with one. Her eyes are right in front of your face, and you stumble back a little. Even in the dim light, you can see the pretty pink dress and long white hair grasped between Itto’s fingers.
“Look. She looks just like me,” your boyfriend laughs, holding the doll side by side, lifting her strands of white hair up beside his own. “Do you think our kids will look like her one day? I’ve always wanted a daughter.”
You try to ignore the warmth in your chest at his words, stuttering slightly as you scold him. “I-Itto put it down, I don’t think you’re allowed to pick them up. I don’t even know why you’d want to.” A little shudder goes down your back as the creepy chanting starts again.
He turns the doll to face him, giving it a sad look as he shakes his head, and then bringing it in for an embrace, rocking it back and forth in his arms. He tsks lightly. “Poor Mini Itto, at least one of your parents isn’t so mean .” He sticks his tongue out at you from over the head of the doll and you can’t hold back the twitch of your lips at his antics, sticking your own tongue out at him in response.
“Scare me like that again and you’ll be getting no kisses, never mind children .”
He shuts up pretty quickly after that.
You finally convince him to leave the doll where he found it and continue on, certain you’re about halfway through. The room is abandoned with a final dramatic “Bye-bye Mini Itto!” and the fake sobs of not-so-mini Itto echoing across the walls.
Pretty soon, you’re back to your previous arrangement; Itto leading the way and you trailing behind, reacting to any and all jump scares, despite the majority being blocked by your boyfriend’s frame.
He’s spent the entire time laughing at you, of course. Shoulders shaking as he silences himself for the nth time at the sight of the glare you send him, and even once stopping to console you at a particularly large fright with a kiss to your lips and a comforting “Almost out now.”
Then, after what feels like hours, you’re on the final stretch. You’ve not kept an exact count of the amount of rooms, but you’re pretty certain you’re close to the end. Itto's been talking almost non-stop for the last ten minutes, and though he says it’s to distract you, you have a sneaking suspicion it’s for his own benefit too.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He chides. “It’s okay to be scared, just watch out for the ghosties and the ghoulies and the-”
A shrill scream fills the room as the lights flash, and another, much deeper, deafening scream echoes back. You can’t help but let out a shriek of your own, clenching your fists tight into Itto’s jacket and shutting your eyes, only opening them when both noises have dissipated and the two of you are standing in a shocked silence.
Wow. Is all you can think. That was scary.
Whatever it was, it must have been terrifying enough to scare Itto, it must’ve been pretty horrifying to-
And then you see it.
There’s a coffin reading ‘GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD’ in front of the spot your boyfriend stands in, both doors open and showcasing the clearly worn figure of a cartoon vampire as it leans out of its resting place, fangs and teeth bared as blood drips from its plastic teeth.
It looks like a child made it, and honestly it has got to be the cheesiest vampire you have ever seen in your life.
There’s no time for you to hold back the loud laughter that bubbles up in your chest, bending over as you grip his coat again, except this time for the stability to stay standing as tears fall from your eyes. You can hardly breathe, taking multiple moments to catch your breath as you finally raise again, breaking out into yet another fit of laughter at the unimpressed look on your boyfriend’s face.
“Are you done?” He asks, the tone of his voice not doing the greatest job at hiding his embarrassment. He’s so cute.
“Sorry, sorry..” you say, taking deep breaths, body still trembling  “.... you just…really sent me into a coffin fit .”
There’s a millisecond of silence, and then he lets out a groan, mouth twitching with amusement as he looks down at you with a poor attempt of seriousness. “Not cool, Y/N.”
“Yeah,” you agree, and he can see the twinkle in your eye as you speak, opting to just stand there and take it as you open your mouth.
“He really sucked .”
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kagansune · 10 months
Something i think is truly amazing about the good place is that isnt really talked about till they go talk to tge judge. Is Jason isn't in the bad place because he's stupid. He's in the bad place because he's impulsive. And i thinks its awesome that they specfied that difference.
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alekyareads · 2 years
look, i just had this idea that what if twilights dad was stil alive and working some down job in ostania, as it was never specfied in the manga that he is dead. and twilight meets him. i mean we need some denial and stalking, classical spy way. but it should be ... how d i put it. twilight constantly thinking in his chronic anxiety way of his. i need a minimum 5 chapters of this. around 20 thousand words please. to all the people who can put thoughts into sentences without it sounding like a 5 year olds essay... please i am starved of content. plus anya and granddad and him giving the 10 dalc back eeeek!!!
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misterolsen · 2 years
Albert Robida invites us to discover his envision of French society and life-style in the 20th century.
It was full of flying SUVs and fast trains that connected the main European cities.
On this journey through “speculative fiction”, Robida proposes its most extraordinary embodiment — the virtual social networks that took about 130 years to implement as we know them today.
#illustration #society #socialmedia #storytelling #podcast #albertrobida #specfi #envisons #ai #stories #literature #authors #fiction #lifestyle
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