#speaking with — naev
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kararisa · 9 months ago
yes…im required…UNFORTUNATELY. when i hear someone speaking in spanish i get ptsd from my prof 😭😭😭 she asked me a question and i froze up she got so mad
ALSO NAUR we just finished last wk but i have class na ulit next week. haha.
NOOOO PERO AT LEAST TAPOS NA (?? idk maybe u have spanish 2 idk ur curriculum there)
ingat sa midyear besh kaya mo yan 🫡🫡
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joonkorre · 4 months ago
8 hrs in. i knew it. i knew smth was up w noah, and we haven't gotten a pov from the latin teacher in a while so i'm lowkey nervous ($50 he has smth to do w the attempted break-in at gansey's estate). and so is he taken with blue bc of her energy?
anyway adam and blue are so stinkin cute together that i feel kinda bad that they're not meant to be, but the author was marvelous at building chemistry between blue and gansey as well so i love that too. like he's worrying about his friends' education and future but then "thinking of smth cunning to say to blue next time they meet" also makes the list. i like his rich white boy's plight of having an old money veneer and sticking to a shitty camaro to artificially fulfill the wish that his inner world is "complicated" like adam's. sooo funny.
actually i love a lot a lot about gansey, especially his casual and unquestioned possessiveness over his "things" and how the others have to actively distance themselves from his circle of influence bc well if they're caught in it, then they're CAUGHT in it. love how he's unapologetic about his hyperfixation and is gonna make it everybody's problem (again with the influence, like i rant about my obsessions all the time but to actually get my friends to believe it? lunacy. absolute lunacy). love how he tries to temper his privilege but acts like gansey sr all the damn time. so many things i should dislike about him but he's so effortlessly charismatic. incredible character work being done here. actually the quirked up white boy of all time. both he and blue are literally "me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic" and it's gonna tickle me forever.
love the unconventional family dynamic of blue's folks (her mom struggling to punish her and stay mad, and her clumsily respecting her mom's authority ugh yall are tew funny). the little details about them are so dear to me like yes yessss tell me more about yalls love lives and diets and particular talents. the naeve (is that her name rip) ritual scene unnerved me a lil and i love that blue was like wtf was that!!!!! looking forward to the "friday movie night" now that naeve knows shes gonna get her shit snooped thru. and idk i love how blue talks. everytime she speaks ik it's gonna be heat
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namesetc · 3 years ago
hi! i just came out of dormancy a little while ago and i wanna change my name in celebration :3 my name right now is Andromeda, i'm 11, and i'm genderfluid! um i don't know how to request names but i like gender neutral names and magical names! i really like fantasy and stories like that. if you have names that can have nicknames i would also like that. sorry if this is scattered!! bye ヾ(^∇^)
congrats! speaking from experience i know that isnt always easy, hope things are going well for you guys!
im sure we have some magical neutral fantasy names, hope you like what we found!
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certified-anakinfucker · 3 years ago
i'm so curious abt what the discourse for my oc would be gfhdjkHJKGFD
tho i gotta give a small "naeve in a nutshell" for context abt her
Made specifically to ship w Obi-wan (They don't meet each other until sometime between EP2 and TCW)
Speaking of, she's 27 during EP2
Just for funsies™️she's Qui-gon's niece. she has the Jinn Family Nose
Plant Mom
Bi Plant Mom
Carries on the chill vibes Qui-gon had
Her battalion is plant-themed
ITS HUGE-BRAINED IM SO ON BOARD WITH THIS im personally standing in front of her to shield naeve from all discourse thrown her way, im giving her my plants that are ailing in this insufferable heat i love her i adore her im holding her in my arms
someone would Definitely throw a bitchfit or two abt her being w obi-wan
probably some sexuality discourse because Oh How We Bisexuals Thrive (/s)
someone might get pissy bc of her familial connection To qui-gon and be like “noooo they cant date shes related to his master nooooooooo” (and unforch i have met these types of people 😭)
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moiraineswife · 3 years ago
E, N and W for Lan/Nynaeve/Moiraine pls :)
Hm, hm, hmmmmmm. More content for the SQUAD.
Prompt list here
Send me ships and letters for fluff replies!
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Moiraine and Lan are mostly pretty passive/chill. Nynaeve helms this ship, so to speak. Occasionally Lan will step up to the helm and take the lead for a bit if there's an Event to be organised/gone to. Moiraine, for once in her damn existence, actually just let's this be the part of her life that's just relaxed. She just gets swept up with what her partners do/want and it just feels so nice and refreshing. There's no pressures or expectations for her, she can just enjoy it. Which isn't to say she isn't as committed/invested/loves them any less. It's just not something she gets all Moiraine about. Something she can just enjoy and not overthink (too much).
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
I don't actually think any of them are huge on nicknames/pet names? For all that I call her 'Mo' I don't think Moiraine would actually be a HUGE fan of that in canon? Lan is the only one who's actually allowed to call her that, and it's only in very quiet moments. It's kind of like an indicator that she needs to let go/chill out? If she's getting really stressy he'll just pull her into a gentle hug and murmur, 'It's alright, Mo' or something similar and that's her cue to switch off a bit and start working on calming down because she knows she's getting too involved/worked up about something. Will also accept 'Raine' from Nynaeve - generally when she's sleepy, or during sex.
Nynaeve gets 'Nyn' from both of her partners and is chill with that. Moiraine experiments with 'Naeve' and it's their thing.
Lan's name is very hard to shorten/do anything with Nyn definitely gets drunk and calls him 'Allan' at some point. This does not go down well. With Lan. Moiraine thinks it's hysterical. Perhaps she's a little drunk too.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Nynaeve adopts a cat, technically for Moiraine, but she absolutely wants one, too. The pair of them dote over it. Moiraine has a Cat Voice. You know the one? When someone sees an adorable animal and the 'oh what a widdle fluffy BABY' voice emerges. Nynaeve is highkey shocked the first time she hears it while Lan just sits in the background pouting a bit and rolling his eyes because 'she always does this' 'Shut up, Lan.'
Lan is...Not a huge fan of the cat. Lan is allergic to the cat. Lan is told to suck it up. (Nynaeve creates some antihistamines for him/some weaves of air to clear him out, he's fine). The cat and Lan have a vaguely antagonistic relationship. It sleeps exclusively on his pillow. The one he has to sleep on at night. And he insists that it is 'insolent' (it is). His ladies do not believe him and refuse to hear a bad word spoken about their child.
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saygeko · 4 years ago
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Over 400 years ago The Fae Realm
"Do not move." Sayge chuckled at the scold while sitting on the polished floor. "I will cut your eyelashes if you continue blinking, close your eyes." The features of her aunt faded into the darkness as she finally closed them the way she was told to. The sharp sound was all she focused on, the scissors chopping off the extra length that had bothered her for the last few weeks, poking her eyes every time and blocking her sight. Sayge would brush the annoyance to her temples, not bothered by the untidy look it added to her appearance. The steady hands of her aunt Jioka told a different story. The disorderly of the locks were unacceptable, she had to get rid of the chaos and bring the straight line above her niece's deep ponds she had for eyes. The hold of the elder's breath showed the importance of the matter.
"Have you heard? Neave brought shame to her clan after running away up to the mountains." The younger Fae hummed in agreement, not forgetting the past order given to her, and not a muscle moved. "Silly girl. Her mother cried for the shine of one full moon night, the next sunrise, Neave disappeared from their books. Her name, shall no one mention again." Sayge lips pursed slightly, and the mental reprimand prevented her from any other reaction. 
The last piece of hair was cut, and the silver scissors withdrawn from her face. Jioka permitted her to open the eyes again, and Sayge kept them low. "Rise your gaze, child." The freshly cut fringe helping her to hide the secret her eyes could naively share and not give a chance to deny it after.
"I have said rise your eyes, Sayge." Jioka's voice went one tone higher. She was her father's younger sister, the second child, known for her neatness, her love for knives, and an impeccable perception, Jioka could read into anyone. Unsure, Sayge lifted her gaze but avoided Jioka's, this upsetting the latter. The loud noise of metal slammed against wood startled Sayge and the small birds drinking from the running water of her aunt's fountain. The Fae wished she could fly away with them. "Speak. Do you know something else about Neave's escape?" It felt like all air left Sayge's lungs at once, but a thin amount let her made a sound.
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Neave was the youngest child of her mother's third mate. The clan of Zasa. Born one season after Sayge, with a beautiful smile and the head lost in the clouds, with no real interest in cultivation and only using her magic for the simple reasons, a Fae who was closer to nature than anyone, or so she claimed to be. A child of the forest.
"Sayge! Here!" The younger Fae in the water waved her arm in the direction of where Sayge sat on the thick root of a tree. Not bothered to jump into the lake yet. The cool wind and the shade were enough to keep her from the heat of the spring day. 
"I will swim when I wish to, not when commanded." She heard the loud laugh of the girl in response to her turn down. A splash of water made it rain over her. That afternoon Sayge had planned to cultivate with her cousins who were ahead of her in their magic. Her desire to unlock stages of her magic she still couldn't, pulled her from bed every morning. Little time she left for distractions, and when she did (more often than she liked to admit,) she would rather spend it with someone else, not with the loud girl. 
"Sweetheart, the water is lovely. Who are you trying to trick? Uh? You cannot lie to me. You love water, just like fish do." Naeve smiled, the widest smile Sayge had seen in her life, even her back molars were visible to anyone who took a look. 
"The one tricking the other here is you. You dragged me to the lake, wishing to share a secret with me, and all I have heard is nonsense. Quick, share now, or let me go back." She spoke in annoyance and laid back on the greenish trunk. Naeve's insistence that morning as early as the sky had a hint of light blue convinced Sayge to skip her cultivation for half a day.
"Oh dear, you have no idea! Not even a clue! I am in love." She let out her feelings and extended her arms to the sides, allowing the water to get a hold of her weight, her bright smile never leaving her innocent face. "I met him up the mountains the other day." Turning her head to Sayge, she gifted the other one more smile. "Love. You know about it, right? I know you do." Naeve pushed slightly further, waiting for a confirmation from her friend.
Sayge knew what Naeve was trying to hint into, and she rolled her eyes, admitting to it or not, would not take her back home sooner. "Up the mountains? That is so far away from here. Is he not from—?" In an instant, she came to the realization, and Sayge's mouth opened in disbelief. "Naeve, who is this creature you have fallen in love with?"
"He is a Harpy." She shared with a shy smile while still keeping her eyes up to the clouds. "I've been seeing him. He says he loves me too. We would get high up his Chichibu Birch tree to take off and fly to the sky. His Chichibu tree is the only remaining one in the realm, in all realms." She sighed in content, only to speak again. "He whispers sweet words to my ear, and the touch of his feathers makes me tickle." As if all the laughter shared so far was not enough, Naeve shared one more. She lifted her head from the water and looked up at Sayge, who looked at her with worry. 
If her friend had got lost in the forest and mingled with other species, it was nothing of her business. Sayge thought she should give Naeve a word of reason, but she did not, to hear stories of love from others was not the way her clan expected her to grow. "Does the Harpy think this love is good for you?" She asked, not really interested in the answer, but if she said nothing and brushed it off, there was no way she could go back to her cousins.
"He said I should let nature speak to me. To allow the wind to talk and find an answer to our situation where I feel safe." Naeve shook her head, and her soak hair moved along. "So I wait, I wait until I see him again, and wait for the forest to give an answer to my plea."
Sayge sat up, her whole body facing the girl in the water, legs hanging from the elevated root, almost touching the lake with her toes. "An answer from the forest..." She repeated and took a long breath, air filling her chest and letting her mind concentrate. Hands holding tightly from the tree, she extended one of her legs, her foot touching the water, closing her eyes, and Sayge tried to deliver the way she was taught, but so far had not accomplished. 
Eyes open, and everything was the same, the girl in the water and the one on the tree, nothing had changed. Sayge had the bitter aftertaste of failure in her mouth. She knew she should not be losing her time there instead of practicing with her clan. This one more proof of it.
"Oh, Sayge! Sayge!" The shouting of her name called her back to the lake, taking her away from her thoughts. "It's a leaf! From the Chichibu Birch!" Sayge looked down to her feet and saw it, the glistering magic coming from her. From the tip of her toes. She did it.
Synchronicity had bloomed in her. The way flowers bloom on the hottest day of spring.
"This is it! My path was revealed to me by the forest, by nature itself!" She girl swam her way to Sayge, who still sat perplexed in the root of the tree. She pulled of Sayge's leg and made her fall into the lake. Finally, in the water. "Come, my dear friend! I must go back home to prepare and then meet my Harpy." Sayge's arm was pulled, so harshly, it took her a moment to realize the water was up to her waist. 
Naeve's words spoke about going back home, and Sayge heard no more. She had hoped to come back for the longest time, and the magic still warming up her body felt better than the sun hitting the crown of her head.
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Jioka let go of a loud laugh, soon stopped by the back of her hand. "I do not know if to scold you or if to pat your cheek, child."
In between Sayge's eyebrows laid regret and accomplishment, and she had a hard time trying to choose which one to embrace. Her hard work paid off, but her first encounter with one of her clan's abilities was tainted with the fall of another. 
"My wish was to..." She had no words. No excuses. She wanted to go back to her cultivation from the moment she saw the lake, and her hurry made synchronicity and bad luck to hold hands.
"Naeve took a decision. The leaf could have been any other, but she already had her mind fixed." Jioka picked up the scissors from the wooden table by them and stood up to walk away. "Beliefs create realities, my child." She said as her figure disappeared in the hall, leaving Sayge by herself, sitting on the floor with the trimmed hair of her bangs scattered on her lap.
Only a few days had passed, but Sayge already missed Naeve's laugh.
Synchronicity is defined as the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no cause; that is, the coincidences are acausal. Explains a relationship between two events which could not be explained by cause and effect.
Sayge is the cause and effect, perceived by the other as meaningful coincidences. Mere luck.
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architectuul · 7 years ago
Social Concrete
Horror of English brutalist housing described by Rory Carroll starts with “the nightmare would start moments after entering the lobby. Stench of urine, beer and stale sweat would seep from shadows, the lights would be smashed again and the corridor vandalized into gloom. Silence did not mean no one was there. Walk, and the broken bottles and syringes crunched underfoot.” 
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Barbican designed by Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (1963).
Carroll describes a place that closely resembles living in hell: a reality of British brutalism that is far from the geometric and beautiful photos of its architecture that are now so fashionable on Instagram. This is the reality of life in the Trellick Tower, known also as Horror Tower. 
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Trellick Tower by Ernő Goldfinger (1968).
Another example of a classic of English brutalism is Alexandra Road Estate in North London, which has been in recent years a popular location for several music videos such as the Foals' Mountain At My Gates, TV series, or the recent blockbuster Kingsman: The Secret Service. However, beyond this footage, tenants still occupy the estate. This social housing where families sacrifice their terrace to place belongings that no longer fit inside, and live in an endless street that has almost no exits with the constant noise of the train tracks, turns into a crime-ridden neighborhood.
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Alexandra Road Estate was designed by Naeve Brown (1972).
Although most of these brutalist buildings are located in the suburbs of big cities, there are exceptions: one is Weston Rise which is located in King's Cross, just opposite the noisy Pentonville Road. This housing scheme is divided into 5 blocks linked together by towers, which mean that the complex is full of doors, escalators and elevators. The building is a labyrinth. The common areas were built with the intent of having play spaces for kids, green areas and quiet places for neighbors. However, the initial concept for this communal play space is far from the reality of a graveled garden, which is used by the tenants only to access the towers.
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Weston Rise Estate by Howell, Killick (1967).
Those examples are not isolated, the most extreme one of recent years was Robin Hood Estate: a concrete monster located in East London. This mega-complex has been in constant controversy in the last years since the residents considered it an uninhabitable building, as English Heritage confirmed that it: "fails as a place for humans beings to live". The great majority of people were ashamed to live there, as there was such a stigma attached. This led to the estate being in a process of continuous demolition.
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Wellbeck Street Multi-Storey Car Park by Michael Blampied (1968).
The latest controversy arose when the iconic parking lot on Wellbeck Street, located near Oxford Street, was sold by the Shiva Hotels chain for around 100 million pounds. This historical monument of the English capital, will give way to a hotel complex with more than 200 rooms, a spa, restaurants, bars and a rooftop. If nothing changes, in 2021 the demolition of this popular building will begin, since the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England declined the proposal to register it in the list of buildings of cultural interest. One of the reasons is that its demolition complies with the city’s plans to reduce the traffic of cars through the center of London.
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Royal National Theatre designed by Denys Lasdun (1969).
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Institute of Education by Denys Lasdun (1970)
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Finsbury Estate by Emberton, Franck & Tardrew (1964).
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Housden House by Brian Housden (1963). 
Even if these examples may seem exaggerated and cannot speak for all Brutalist buildings in the English capital, we cannot forget that the vast majority of the buildings were made quickly and cheaply in the postwar period. Maybe that's why it seems that these buildings have remained in the past while everything around them was advancing. This architectural style is part of English culture and we must seek solutions to preserve these council houses that evoke another era and another social reality.
Text and photos About Concrete by Ángel Biyanueba
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salaciouscrumpet · 8 years ago
Tagged by @darthyaoi
Miranza Gerrick (Female Human Imperial Agent [Operative])
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex.
Keszharra (Female Human Sith Warrior [Marauder])
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex.
Naeve (Female Human Bounty Hunter [Mercenary])
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex.
Esbé (Female Twi’lek Sith Inquisitor [Sorcerer])
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex.
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kararisa · 9 months ago
BFF IM DYING HERE my gwa is crying from my spanish class. CAN U BELIEVE THIS IM FORCED TO TAKE SPANISH
pero fr it's such a struggle to keep your gwa up GAJSHSJSG KAYA MO YAN I BELIEVE
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floydmmahon88 · 6 years ago
Consumer Protection Attorneys Santa Monica
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Wild places. enjoy
Monica pet store
Fair housing services
Consumer law attorneys
Andrew is a 2014 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He continues to be involved in the Oklahoma City community and speaks fluent Korean.
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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can Eliminate Credit Card Debt Dealing with credit card debt is often one of the most vexing problems facing consumers today. If you find yourself in the situation of ever-increasing debt and are unable to make minimum monthly payments, late charges and are facing ridiculous interest rates on credit card debt, you should consider personal bankruptcy options.
Attic And Basement Finishing Santa Monica We have personally visited & reviewed the following 130+ Los Angeles and Orange County museums. We spend a lot of time in the City of Angels, therefore this section is continuously updated with new and updated reviews as time permits. 3’s a Crowd was a folk rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that existed
William D. Naeve. William D. Naeve, a Senior Partner at Murchison & Cumming, LLP, serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Directors & Officers, Management Protection, Hospitality, Employment Law and Class Action & Consumer Litigation practice groups.
The Santa Monica City Attorney's Office conducted an undercover investigation, consulted with scientific experts about Beachbody's health claims, and engaged The Santa Monica City Attorney's Consumer Protection Division promotes fairness through awareness and enforcement of the law.
Santa Monica, CA Lemon law lawyers (24 results). compare Lemon Law attorneys near you. Read reviews and contact them directly. He is a published author, talk-show guest, and lecturer, whose practice focuses on protecting consumer rights. In 1992, Robert graduated from University of the …
Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places in the world.; Travel Consultants Santa Monica Pet Food And Supplies Retail Santa monica pet store in Santa Monica, California … Beef & Pumpkin, Chicken & Quinoa, or Turkey & Rice – which would your pup like best from pure dog food Come check out these 3 unique flavors at your local Healthy Spot today! Healthy Spot. Sp S on S so
Santa Monica is a leader in protecting its residents and visitors from the harms of second-hand smoke. Learn more about our programs here. Gary Rhoades, Deputy City Attorney. Andrea Cavanaugh, Consumer Specialist. Brigette Garay, Consumer Protection Investigator.
The unit provides consumer assistance and fair housing services for the city of Santa Monica. Phones: Santa Monica report smoking in an enclosed workpla Hotline/Talkline/Warmline (310) 458-8923, TDD (310) 458-8696, City Attorney Service/Intake (310) 458-8336, Spanish-speaking…
Tocaya Santa Monica 1 Dia Em Malibi, Santa Monica E Venice Santa Mônica é a cidade praiana perfeita. muito mais do que as vizinhas Malibu ou Venice Beach, Santa Mônica alcança o equilíbrio perfeito entre charme marítimo e Píer de Santa Mônica: onde fica o Pacific Park, o Aquário do Píer de Santa Mônica, a Trapeze School of
Serving the Santa Monica Area. (916) 663-6400. consumer law attorneys. From Business: Hispanic Consumer Protection is a US based online platform for Hispanic consumers to easily connect with attorneys in all areas of practice.
Santa Monica News. This is the third in a series of articles on housing in Santa Monica. Other topics have included workforce housing, the role of development agreements in producing affordable …
As a California resident… you have rights under our California lemon law! Call the Law Offices of William R McGee, California lemon law attorneys.
Sony Santa Monica Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. Enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places
Consumer Protection. Dubendorf Law Firm protects the rights of consumers and small businesses. Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney. Dubendorf Law Firm has a proud track record of success.
from https://santamonicaday.com/consumer-protection-attorneys-santa-monica/
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meganlclickfl · 6 years ago
Consumer Protection Attorneys Santa Monica
Law lawyers (24 results). compare
Wild places. enjoy
Monica pet store
Fair housing services
Consumer law attorneys
Andrew is a 2014 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He continues to be involved in the Oklahoma City community and speaks fluent Korean.
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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can Eliminate Credit Card Debt Dealing with credit card debt is often one of the most vexing problems facing consumers today. If you find yourself in the situation of ever-increasing debt and are unable to make minimum monthly payments, late charges and are facing ridiculous interest rates on credit card debt, you should consider personal bankruptcy options.
Attic And Basement Finishing Santa Monica We have personally visited & reviewed the following 130+ Los Angeles and Orange County museums. We spend a lot of time in the City of Angels, therefore this section is continuously updated with new and updated reviews as time permits. 3’s a Crowd was a folk rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that existed
William D. Naeve. William D. Naeve, a Senior Partner at Murchison & Cumming, LLP, serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Directors & Officers, Management Protection, Hospitality, Employment Law and Class Action & Consumer Litigation practice groups.
The Santa Monica City Attorney's Office conducted an undercover investigation, consulted with scientific experts about Beachbody's health claims, and engaged The Santa Monica City Attorney's Consumer Protection Division promotes fairness through awareness and enforcement of the law.
Santa Monica, CA Lemon law lawyers (24 results). compare Lemon Law attorneys near you. Read reviews and contact them directly. He is a published author, talk-show guest, and lecturer, whose practice focuses on protecting consumer rights. In 1992, Robert graduated from University of the …
Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places in the world.; Travel Consultants Santa Monica Pet Food And Supplies Retail Santa monica pet store in Santa Monica, California … Beef & Pumpkin, Chicken & Quinoa, or Turkey & Rice – which would your pup like best from pure dog food Come check out these 3 unique flavors at your local Healthy Spot today! Healthy Spot. Sp S on S so
Santa Monica is a leader in protecting its residents and visitors from the harms of second-hand smoke. Learn more about our programs here. Gary Rhoades, Deputy City Attorney. Andrea Cavanaugh, Consumer Specialist. Brigette Garay, Consumer Protection Investigator.
The unit provides consumer assistance and fair housing services for the city of Santa Monica. Phones: Santa Monica report smoking in an enclosed workpla Hotline/Talkline/Warmline (310) 458-8923, TDD (310) 458-8696, City Attorney Service/Intake (310) 458-8336, Spanish-speaking…
Tocaya Santa Monica 1 Dia Em Malibi, Santa Monica E Venice Santa Mônica é a cidade praiana perfeita. muito mais do que as vizinhas Malibu ou Venice Beach, Santa Mônica alcança o equilíbrio perfeito entre charme marítimo e Píer de Santa Mônica: onde fica o Pacific Park, o Aquário do Píer de Santa Mônica, a Trapeze School of
Serving the Santa Monica Area. (916) 663-6400. consumer law attorneys. From Business: Hispanic Consumer Protection is a US based online platform for Hispanic consumers to easily connect with attorneys in all areas of practice.
Santa Monica News. This is the third in a series of articles on housing in Santa Monica. Other topics have included workforce housing, the role of development agreements in producing affordable …
As a California resident… you have rights under our California lemon law! Call the Law Offices of William R McGee, California lemon law attorneys.
Sony Santa Monica Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. Enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places
Consumer Protection. Dubendorf Law Firm protects the rights of consumers and small businesses. Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney. Dubendorf Law Firm has a proud track record of success.
source https://santamonicaday.com/consumer-protection-attorneys-santa-monica/ from Santa Monica Day https://santamonicaday.blogspot.com/2018/11/consumer-protection-attorneys-santa.html
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santamonicaday · 6 years ago
Consumer Protection Attorneys Santa Monica
Law lawyers (24 results). compare
Wild places. enjoy
Monica pet store
Fair housing services
Consumer law attorneys
Andrew is a 2014 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He continues to be involved in the Oklahoma City community and speaks fluent Korean.
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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can Eliminate Credit Card Debt Dealing with credit card debt is often one of the most vexing problems facing consumers today. If you find yourself in the situation of ever-increasing debt and are unable to make minimum monthly payments, late charges and are facing ridiculous interest rates on credit card debt, you should consider personal bankruptcy options.
Attic And Basement Finishing Santa Monica We have personally visited & reviewed the following 130+ Los Angeles and Orange County museums. We spend a lot of time in the City of Angels, therefore this section is continuously updated with new and updated reviews as time permits. 3’s a Crowd was a folk rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that existed
William D. Naeve. William D. Naeve, a Senior Partner at Murchison & Cumming, LLP, serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Directors & Officers, Management Protection, Hospitality, Employment Law and Class Action & Consumer Litigation practice groups.
The Santa Monica City Attorney's Office conducted an undercover investigation, consulted with scientific experts about Beachbody's health claims, and engaged The Santa Monica City Attorney's Consumer Protection Division promotes fairness through awareness and enforcement of the law.
Santa Monica, CA Lemon law lawyers (24 results). compare Lemon Law attorneys near you. Read reviews and contact them directly. He is a published author, talk-show guest, and lecturer, whose practice focuses on protecting consumer rights. In 1992, Robert graduated from University of the …
Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places in the world.; Travel Consultants Santa Monica Pet Food And Supplies Retail Santa monica pet store in Santa Monica, California … Beef & Pumpkin, Chicken & Quinoa, or Turkey & Rice – which would your pup like best from pure dog food Come check out these 3 unique flavors at your local Healthy Spot today! Healthy Spot. Sp S on S so
Santa Monica is a leader in protecting its residents and visitors from the harms of second-hand smoke. Learn more about our programs here. Gary Rhoades, Deputy City Attorney. Andrea Cavanaugh, Consumer Specialist. Brigette Garay, Consumer Protection Investigator.
The unit provides consumer assistance and fair housing services for the city of Santa Monica. Phones: Santa Monica report smoking in an enclosed workpla Hotline/Talkline/Warmline (310) 458-8923, TDD (310) 458-8696, City Attorney Service/Intake (310) 458-8336, Spanish-speaking…
Tocaya Santa Monica 1 Dia Em Malibi, Santa Monica E Venice Santa Mônica é a cidade praiana perfeita. muito mais do que as vizinhas Malibu ou Venice Beach, Santa Mônica alcança o equilíbrio perfeito entre charme marítimo e Píer de Santa Mônica: onde fica o Pacific Park, o Aquário do Píer de Santa Mônica, a Trapeze School of
Serving the Santa Monica Area. (916) 663-6400. consumer law attorneys. From Business: Hispanic Consumer Protection is a US based online platform for Hispanic consumers to easily connect with attorneys in all areas of practice.
Santa Monica News. This is the third in a series of articles on housing in Santa Monica. Other topics have included workforce housing, the role of development agreements in producing affordable …
As a California resident… you have rights under our California lemon law! Call the Law Offices of William R McGee, California lemon law attorneys.
Sony Santa Monica Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. Enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places
Consumer Protection. Dubendorf Law Firm protects the rights of consumers and small businesses. Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney. Dubendorf Law Firm has a proud track record of success.
from Hostel Monica Santa https://santamonicaday.com/consumer-protection-attorneys-santa-monica/
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levi-kornelsen · 8 years ago
Little Nut
(A restructured Fairy Tale) Once there were two daughters of a wealthy family. Both were as pale as birchwood, and as beautiful and as prideful of their beauty as songbirds. Each of them strove to become yet more beautiful than the other, through all the arts they could put their hands to, and through all the deeds they thought might give them greater appeal.
The eldest thought that showing off wisdom and kindness would surely make her more loved, and so she cultivated her knowledge in the sacred grove near to the family lands, and was generous and fair to those seeking work in the enterprises of the family. And she became wise and kind, forgetting that it was only a pretence at the start, though she cared for her own beauty no less for all that. When the time came to choose a name, she named herself Naeve.
The younger thought that the air of the forbidden and the cloak of mystery would surely make her more enticing, and so she dared to go into deep crypts and cursed places, breaking seals without cause and learning what terrible things she might learn there. Hidden and isolated, she became arrogant and spiteful; when her naming day came, she called herself Valda.
Naeve sought to marry, and after a year of attendance at every dance and gather, had her choice of a thousand proposals. From these she chose the king of a neighbouring tribe. The people of that tribe celebrated, for she was known for her justice among her own - and because ever since she had made plain her desire to be courted, there had been hot competition among suitors, for she was known for her beauty.
Valda, who dwelled at that time in the bosom of a shattered ruin with the cursed spirit of that place, heard of this wedding, and was not pleased. Her ally the spirit, pleased by her spite, shared with her some power and bid her do with it as she would.
So it was that Valda attended Naeve on the wedding night, as the new husband and wife slept. From the shadows, Valda came to their bedside, and whispered a curse in the ear of her sister. You shall have a child right quick, she said, but only one in all your life. She shall share none of your beauty, and after she comes you will wither and die, and I shall become the beauty that all speak of. And with that, the younger sister left the elder, going back into the shadows from which she had come.
Naeve, who had wakened to the whisper and knew it for the curse it was, went in that same night to the sacred grove where she had studied so long. In terror and desperation, she begged of the wise and of the grove itself that they give her aid and break this curse. The wise had no help to offer, and when they consulted the spirit of the grove, it told them that the curse could not be broken.
But, the grove-spirit told them, it could bless the child with strengths all the same, to last through the time to come.
Could it, Naeve asked of the spirit, grant the child at least a little beauty as well?
At this, the grove was much amused, and answered back that it could grant that in plenty, but that the beauty of the child would share nothing in common with the beauty of her mother, just as the curse had said.
Let her have yours then, Naeve said; if my skin is pale as birch, let hers be as dark as walnut. If my eyes are the crystal pools that men praise, let her have eyes as green as your leaves. If I curve as the willow does in a hundred foolish poems, let her have the strength of oaks instead. If I am a trophy to be won, let her be a champion to win trophies of her own.
Hearing this, the spirit of the grove was no longer amused, but solemn, and said, it shall be so. And though Naeve did not know it, she had given her child another parent, for the grove gave much of itself to the child.
So it was; the girl was born nine months later, and all were amazed. Not least of those amazed was her father, who wondered if his wife had had another lover just before their time together. But this Naeve could not tell him, for she had kept all this a secret and had withered and died in childbed. And the wise would not tell him, for Naeve had sworn them to silence on these matters, so that she might at least have a few months of happiness.
The king called the girl Little Nut, that being good enough until she should be grown enough to choose her own name. He never ceased to wonder if she had another father in the world, but he resolved to raise her regardless, and loved her as a father should.
The secret that Naeve had kept, though, bore bitter fruit some years later. For none knew to fear when Valda made her return, all in pretence of travel in far places. Valda charmed the people with her mystery, and one of those she charmed was the widower king.
When Valda married the king and became queen, she played gently on the king's uncertainty. She cannot be your daughter, said Queen Valda; love her, of course, but remember that you are her caretaker, not her natural father. Perhaps a little distance would be wise? And if Naeve had made a mistake in keeping a secret, then Valda had made one too, in not seeking to discover what her elder had done about the curse. For it was through those whispers of making a little distance that Little Nut was sent to be educated, as her mother had been educated, in the sacred grove.
Even as they raised Little Nut and educated her, the wise did not break their vow of secrecy. But they did teach Little Nut all the ways to consult the spirit of the grove, which had made no such promise. The grove warned Little Nut to be wary of the new queen, and told her that when she had bested seven warriors in one day, it would tell her the whole of the story of her birth and the all the secrets it held. In this way, it hoped, it would set her on the course her mother had wanted.
To know the secrets of your own life is a powerful bolster to action. When she was thirteen, Little Nut bested five warriors in one day - not yet seven, but growing close. And the common folk began to say to one another, she will be a champion.
Queen Valda heard of this feat, and knew fear, for it meant that one day a mighty warrior might grow, and learn cause to hate her. So she sent a gift to Little Nut, as if from the king, of smoked meat and dried apples and hard cheese; the rations many champions carry when they travel. Little Nut thought this very fine, and ate of it - but it was terribly poisoned, and Little Nut fell sick of it. Had she not been born to the strength of the grove itself, she surely would have died.
For three years, Little Nut lay sick, breathing but otherwise not stirring, and the wise built a bier and lifted her onto it, and the grove itself mourned. In that same time, her aunt Queen Valda was busy, busy; the king died of being thrown by a horse that had never spooked before, and his guards were replaced, one by one, with grim soldiers in great masks.
And then one day, Queen Valda received word that the spirit of the grove was wakeful, and that it had taken on form as a hunter. Further, that in that form, it had found some other ally, and borrowed magic to cleanse the poison from Little Nut, and was returning home even then to wake her.
Queen Valda then saw the truth, that it must be the spirit of the grove that was responsible for the aspect and power of Little Nut. And if it were responsible, and if it cared enough to seek a remedy, then it might have further plans. So Queen Valda sent her elite guards to the grove, to finish what she had started with her poisoned gift. These elites went with speed, and cut down those of the wise who stood outside the grove. But they were not swift enough, for as they arrived, they saw the grove-spirit, in its form as a hunter, breathing life and power back into Little Nut.
It was then that Little Nut bested seven warriors in one day. It was then that she learned the secrets of her life. And it was then that she chose her name, and became Yrail. But when Yrail gathered the people and raised them to take the hall of the queen, they found it empty. The queen was not there to face them, or stand for justice; she had fled before their coming.
Yrail went then, into the wood, to hunt the queen her aunt, and bring her to account.
She had many adventures, and some of them I may tell you in time. She has brought justice to many of the cruel, and cast down many who were high, but never have I heard that she found out Valda from that day to this one.
But all this was not so long ago; for all that I know, she pursues her aunt even now.
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col22promo · 8 years ago
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Abner Rhodes | Forty Six;  Elite
House: Brink Status: Uninfected Elite Specification: Trauma Therapist Alignment: Radicals
From the age of five, Abner was a solider in the making. Under the influence of not his father, but his mother, in fact, a woman who rose so quickly in military ranks that she’d become somewhat legendary. His father was an estranged drug abuser, one that Naeve Rhodes had left behind shortly after Abner was born. She would, under no circumstances, risk her son’s life purely due to a mistake which had been solely her own. 
Abner idolized his mother, a hero in war and a hero in his heart, and he grew up with high ambitions to be just like her. A warrior. A solider. A man who fought for what was right. With no father to speak of, she’d withdrawn to raise her child, but he had dreams to fill her shoes and pick up where she’d left off for the sake of him. 
He enlisted at the age of 18, and served on and off for nearly ten years. But, just shy of his 28th birthday, he broke his spine in combat when a falling tree landed in one of the trenches. Doctors feared he’d never walk again, but three years later, after extensive medical surgery covered by the military, 18 long months in recovery and exhaustive muscle therapy, walk again he did. 
But Abner’s time serving his country was over. 
Having spent much of his time in recovery also seeing a trauma therapist, at the age of thirty he attended University with a PysD on his radar. Specializing in Military Psychology and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Abner graduated at thirty four and began working at a Military Treatment Center as a trauma therapist and counselor. Having gone through severe trauma of his own, patients found Rhodes easy to relate to and often felt most comfortable speaking with someone who’d truly been in their shoes. He was stern and rugged, but the wall of stability he presented was comforting to those men and women who were accustomed to the precise and familiar nature of his authority. 
However, the combination of his fleeting gamble with death and his studious years of education, had provided him with a new, more tranquil layer of discipline, unlike the one he’d known up until his honorable discharge. Still facing some of his own lingering trauma, Abner continued his own private weekly sessions, a fact which remained undisclosed to the majority of his patients.
He was forty one when he was summoned for jury duty, and he was watching a nervous young man by the name of Killian Weaver, take the stand with red-rimmed eyes and shaking hands, when the asteroids fell. 
Abe Today
Abner had made it a point not to judge one way or another if Killian was guilty of the crime with which he was being charged—it was expected of him to be as unbiased as possible until all sides had plead their case, and so he would do just that. However, with the catastrophic interruption of the court, the ruling of Killian’s trial would forever remain a mystery. 
But after a few weeks in the young man’s presence, serving as much a support to Killian’s nightmares and trauma as he could in these harsh circumstances, Abner came to his own conclusions—that guilty or not, Killian’s worst crime was his determination to protect his friend, and that was something Abe could respect. 
He swiftly and organically fell into a leadership role with the survivors of the courtroom, and as innately as muscle memory, fought for their continued survival well into the assembly of the Hiltons. The War with the World, and the end She had tried to bring upon them all, had awoken a lot of dark memories for Abe, most of them difficult to swallow, and so he found himself hardened again, raw and red like abraded skin and old wounds ripped reopen.
Nonetheless, he’d become something of a father figure to Killian and Ezra, and despite remaining Uninfected even after the Second Falling, the large majority of people he’d spent his A.D. years protecting were Infected, and after the NWRF take over and the absolving of the Hiltons Clan which had been mostly involuntary, his beliefs slanted decidedly towards the Radical Movement. He was of the mind that the war had only just begun, and that death and sacrifice were an unfortunate inevitability of what had become of this broken society. A necessary evil, in order to protect the rights and freedoms of those who’d become victim to the world’s new evolutionary changes.
Wisely, he kept his opinions under wraps when he was registered into the Echo system and brought to Colony 22. His Uninfected status meant the NWRF did not hesitate to classify him as Elite, thanks to his extensive military experience and psychology degree. However, Abe has plans to fight the rise of the NWRF from the inside out, and he will protect the men and women who had since become his family if it is the last thing he does. 
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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carlasdolphaz · 6 years ago
Consumer Protection Attorneys Santa Monica
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Consumer law attorneys
Andrew is a 2014 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He continues to be involved in the Oklahoma City community and speaks fluent Korean.
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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Can Eliminate Credit Card Debt Dealing with credit card debt is often one of the most vexing problems facing consumers today. If you find yourself in the situation of ever-increasing debt and are unable to make minimum monthly payments, late charges and are facing ridiculous interest rates on credit card debt, you should consider personal bankruptcy options.
Attic And Basement Finishing Santa Monica We have personally visited & reviewed the following 130+ Los Angeles and Orange County museums. We spend a lot of time in the City of Angels, therefore this section is continuously updated with new and updated reviews as time permits. 3’s a Crowd was a folk rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that existed
William D. Naeve. William D. Naeve, a Senior Partner at Murchison & Cumming, LLP, serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Directors & Officers, Management Protection, Hospitality, Employment Law and Class Action & Consumer Litigation practice groups.
The Santa Monica City Attorney's Office conducted an undercover investigation, consulted with scientific experts about Beachbody's health claims, and engaged The Santa Monica City Attorney's Consumer Protection Division promotes fairness through awareness and enforcement of the law.
Santa Monica, CA Lemon law lawyers (24 results). compare Lemon Law attorneys near you. Read reviews and contact them directly. He is a published author, talk-show guest, and lecturer, whose practice focuses on protecting consumer rights. In 1992, Robert graduated from University of the …
Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places in the world.; Travel Consultants Santa Monica Pet Food And Supplies Retail Santa monica pet store in Santa Monica, California … Beef & Pumpkin, Chicken & Quinoa, or Turkey & Rice – which would your pup like best from pure dog food Come check out these 3 unique flavors at your local Healthy Spot today! Healthy Spot. Sp S on S so
Santa Monica is a leader in protecting its residents and visitors from the harms of second-hand smoke. Learn more about our programs here. Gary Rhoades, Deputy City Attorney. Andrea Cavanaugh, Consumer Specialist. Brigette Garay, Consumer Protection Investigator.
The unit provides consumer assistance and fair housing services for the city of Santa Monica. Phones: Santa Monica report smoking in an enclosed workpla Hotline/Talkline/Warmline (310) 458-8923, TDD (310) 458-8696, City Attorney Service/Intake (310) 458-8336, Spanish-speaking…
Tocaya Santa Monica 1 Dia Em Malibi, Santa Monica E Venice Santa Mônica é a cidade praiana perfeita. muito mais do que as vizinhas Malibu ou Venice Beach, Santa Mônica alcança o equilíbrio perfeito entre charme marítimo e Píer de Santa Mônica: onde fica o Pacific Park, o Aquário do Píer de Santa Mônica, a Trapeze School of
Serving the Santa Monica Area. (916) 663-6400. consumer law attorneys. From Business: Hispanic Consumer Protection is a US based online platform for Hispanic consumers to easily connect with attorneys in all areas of practice.
Santa Monica News. This is the third in a series of articles on housing in Santa Monica. Other topics have included workforce housing, the role of development agreements in producing affordable …
As a California resident… you have rights under our California lemon law! Call the Law Offices of William R McGee, California lemon law attorneys.
Sony Santa Monica Gps Santa Monica Latitude and longitude GPS coordinates for Santa Monica Pier together with the full address, photos, elevation and other useful information. Top Ten Reasons to Visit Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Escape Los Angeles’ urban jungle to find truly wild places. Enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate, one of 5 such rare places
Consumer Protection. Dubendorf Law Firm protects the rights of consumers and small businesses. Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney. Dubendorf Law Firm has a proud track record of success.
from SantaMonicaDay via Santa Monica Day on Inoreader https://santamonicaday.com/consumer-protection-attorneys-santa-monica/
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kararisa · 9 months ago
hi kass mwa
luh buhay ka pala
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