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adnaae · 4 months ago
Poželim biti tu kada ništa nije kako treba.
Poželim zagrliti, utješiti, dati do znanja da moje ljubavi za cijeli svijet ima.
Poželim nas spasiti od svega što boli.
I onda me stvarnost povuče k sebi. Ja nisam tu da spasim bilo šta.
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someones-here-fore-sure · 5 months ago
'Run. Faster. You're legs aren't shackled, they are free. You are doing this for good.'
Amber ran fast through the snow.
'You are faster. You can get it. Like a hunter with it's prey.'
Ambers legs burned, but he was finally catching up with his target, and quickly, a dagger was pulled from the side strap on their leg, and it was plunged into the back of it's head.
Amber jumped onto the spasimming body of his prey. And ripped it's neck to shreds using the dagger like the teeth of a wolf.
'It's dead!'
Amber blinked, staring down at the blood staining the white snow, and his purple dress, drenched in sweat and blood. Despite it being near 0 degrees, Ambers face was hot. Amber stood up, grabbing his dagger, and smiled.
'It's dead.'
Amber walked away from the body, full intent to leave it there for someone else to deal with.
'Another mission done.'
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Sve što želim ostaviti u prethodnoj godini:
• toksične, nedefinisane i toplo-hladne odnose
• ljude koji ne žele i ne mogu da zadovolje moje potrebe
• pravdanje, izvinjavanje i krivicu za postavljanje sebe na prvo mjesto
• gaženje sebe, svojih granica i potreba zarad mrvica pažnje i ljubavi i da se neki odnosi ne bi završili
• neznanje o tome koliko vrijedim, zaslužujem i mogu, i ko sam zaista ja
• nadu da će se neki ljudi i odnosi promijeniti, zato što nikada neće - to su dokazali, više puta
• želju da se apsolutno svima svidim, pogotovo onima koji se ni sebi ne sviđaju
• potrebu za kontrolom drugih i i pokušaje da ih spasim od njih samih, da ih promijenim na bolje, kada to ni sami ne žele
• razmišljanje o tome da sve moram proći sama i poricanje onoga što osjećam i što mi se dešava
Neka mi se prethodna godina nikada ne ponovi 🦋
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horacio-oliveira-74 · 1 year ago
Le mie parole sono sassi,
precisi e aguzzi pronti da scagliare su facce vulnerabili e indifese;
Sono nuvole sospese, gonfie di sottintesi
che accendono negli occhi infinite attese;
Sono gocce preziose, indimenticate,
a lungo spasimate, poi centellinate;
Sono frecce infuocate che il vento e la fortuna sanno inidrizzare;
Sono lampi dentro a un pozzo cupo e abbandonato,
un viso sordo e muto che l'amore ha illuminato;
sono foglie cadute, promesse dovute
che il tempo ti perdoni per averle pronunciate;
Sono note stonate,
su un foglio capitate per sbaglio, tracciate e poi dimenticate,
le parole che ho detto, oppure ho creduto di dire, lo ammetto.
Strette tra i denti, passate e ricorrenti,
inaspettate, sentite o sognate.
Le mie parole son capriole, palle di neve al sole,
razzi incandescenti prima di scoppiare;
Sono giocattoli e zanzare, sabbia da ammucchiare,
piccoli divieti a cui disobbedire;
Sono andate a dormire
sorprese da un dolore profondo che non mi riesce di spiegare,
fanno come gli pare, si perdono al buio per poi ritornare;
Sono notti inteminate, scoppi di risate,
facce sovraesposte per il troppo sole;
Sono questo le parole, dolci o rancorose,
piene di rispetto oppure indecorose;
Sono mio padre e mia madre,
un bacio a testa prima del sonno, un altro prima di partire;
Le parole che ho detto e chissà quante ancora devono venire
Strette tra i denti, risparmiano i presenti,
immaginate, sentite o sognate,
spade fendenti,
al buio sospirate,
perdonate, da un palmo soffiate.
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crvujabuci · 3 months ago
stradat će ti srce
ne skači vruća u to ledeno more
jedna je žena tako skočila
i ostala cijeli život nepokretna
kažu da ju je hladnoća oduzela
kako da te spasim draga
baš u te dubine želiš zaroniti
baš ondje se skrila zvijezda tvoje zvijezde
i ja sam tako raširenih ruku trčala
tko god je naišao, nešto sam mu dala
malo sebe jednome, malo sebe drugome
do kosti su me oglodali
sve dok nisam poput zrake na površini vode svjetlucala
nigdje mene, samo mrlje u očima
hajde sad kad si navalila, hvataj valove, ne štedi snagu žensku
al ja bih ti rekla drugačije, neka te malo ipak ostane
i da znaš, nije to more da grli
to je more da uzima
Ivana Gorički, Do kosti
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zbirka-glupih-misli · 4 months ago
Idi, ako se mene pita već si otišla. Znam to jer tu si, kraj mene, pričaš mi, a već mi nedostaješ, već mi fališ dok me gledaš u oči.
Kako da uradim išta kad si već odlučila. Piše ti na obrazima.
Kako da vratim što je bilo kad je već nestalo u zaborav?
Gušim te, mučim, ne pričam jer sve sam riječi potrošio da te osvojim i sačuvam.
Trebao sam se promjeniti. I jesam.
Toliko sam se promjenio da sam sebe izgubio, ne znam tko sam i što želim, ne znam gdje početi i jesam li već završio i stigao do nekog bezveznog cilja.
Kako da te spasim, a da te ne izgubim?
Kako sebe spasiti, a ne izgubiti se?
Tu sam, ne idi, spasi me.
Dopusti da šutim, jer se tražim.
Kad tad ću naći za čime žudim ili ću pronaći tamu dva metra pod zemljom.
Bilo kako bilo volio bih da vidiš to, jer bez tebe je moja potraga beskorisna kao pobjeda u ratu sa milijun žrtava.
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trojerucica-blr · 4 months ago
Pa ja sam odbila ZIVOT na jahti u Sydney sa Bracom Jurac,I OSTALA u genocidnom smetilistu CETNIKA RATNOG PROFITERA VUČIĆA DA KRV PROPISAM,TADA NIJESAM ZNALA DA CU BIT U NEMILOJ SITUACIJI DA SVOM DJETETU ZIVOT SPASIM I "RODIM JE PO DRUGI PUT"SVA ONA AV GOVNA KOJA MOJE IME BLATE ICI CE U ZATVOR,NEMORA TO SRBIJANSKI DA BUDE,dapace, jer je SRBIJA GENOCIDNA. Vučić - Tiranin Aleksandar Šapić 💥🆘🇷🇸 💯🆘 ⚖️ 💥ℹ️✅ #JusticeDepartment #UNGeneva #EUnews #hrvatskihelsinskiodbor #hrvatsponosom #srpskanaprednastranka #genocide #tuzilastvo #iskljucinasilje Simona Markovic - you are in an unpleasant situation in which you lack freedom, and you feel you cannot escape from it.
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dijetemjeseca · 8 months ago
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3/5/2024 👟
"Kada počneš tonuti, dopusti mi da te spasim."
-William P. Young, Koliba
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year ago
Mirna Weber: Samo glazba (me pokreće)
Samo glazba (me pokreće) , Načni me, da kažem ti sve što je dobro. Isprobaj me, isključi sve što je robno. Taj uzdah i izdah ne potiču stvari. Kuckanje probno i Morseove čari. . Ja lutam i kuckam da spasim ponešto. I kada se utapam izdišem vješto. Poznat sam reljef, hej onaj što paluca. Duša mi živne kada srce mi kuca. . Tijelo i duša – duet zlaćanih harfi. Zvuk je bogatstvo, na stranu…
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2womenforme · 1 year ago
when they hit me the last time riding pedal bike i was getting better in 1st 2 days but then i fell asleep on my injured side and ended up with 100 intense spasims for the 3 days after that like getting shot in 4 ish places 100 times , so if any of u thought is was easy enough for a dragged over i did it-got through it as non dragged over staying in my body like all my life
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mist-mistletoe · 1 year ago
Apparently today we are having muscle spasims because of yesterday.
Not fun
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andrewdjackson6 · 2 years ago
Free Online Games: Exploring the Cultural, Educational, and Social Impact
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The emergence of the internet has revolutionized the gaming industry, enabling users to play games online without having to download or purchase physical copies. With the advancement of technology, free online games have become more accessible, diverse, and immersive. They have not only become a popular form of entertainment but also an important tool for education, socialization, and even employment. This article will explore the history, impact, and potential of free online games in various fields.
The history of free online games:
The earliest forms of online games can be traced back to the 1970s when games like 'Maze War' and 'Spasim' were played on university mainframes. However, it was not until the early 1990s that the internet became widely accessible, paving the way for multiplayer games like 'Doom' and 'Quake.' The emergence of Flash technology in the late 1990s made it easier to create and play games online, leading to the rise of casual games like 'Bejeweled' and 'Farmville.' With the advent of HTML5, games became even more accessible and could be played on mobile devices.
The impact of mobile devices on free online games:
The rise of mobile devices has revolutionized the gaming industry, making free online games more accessible than ever. With the introduction of smartphones and tablets, users can now play games on the go, anytime and anywhere. This has led to an explosion of mobile games, many of which are free to play. The mobile gaming market is expected to reach over $150 billion by 2022, with free-to-play games accounting for the majority of revenue.
Free online games and their role in the gig economy:
Free online games have also become an important tool for the gig economy. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube have enabled gamers to monetize their skills and build a following by streaming their gameplay. This has led to the rise of professional gamers who can earn a living through sponsorships, advertising, and donations from their fans. Online gaming tournaments have also become increasingly popular, with some offering prize pools of over $10 million.
The cultural significance of free online games:
Free online games have become an important part of popular culture, with games like 'Fortnite' and 'Minecraft' attracting millions of players worldwide. These games have not only become a form of entertainment but also a means of socializing and building communities. Many players have formed friendships and even romantic relationships through online gaming. Free online games have also become a platform for social activism, with games like 'Never Alone' and 'That Dragon, Cancer' raising awareness about social and environmental issues.
Free online games as a tool for language learning:
Free online games have also been recognized as an effective tool for language learning. Games like 'Minecraft' and 'Roblox' have been used to teach foreign languages, with players learning new words and phrases through gameplay. Online language learning games like 'Duolingo' have also become increasingly popular, offering a fun and interactive way to learn a new language.
The potential for free online games in remote education:
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the potential for free online games in remote education. With schools and universities closed, educators have had to find new ways to engage and educate their students. Free online games have become a valuable tool for remote education, offering a fun and interactive way to learn new concepts. Games like 'Kahoot' and 'Quizlet' have been used to create educational quizzes and games, while virtual reality games have been used to create immersive learning experiences.
The relationship between free online games and gambling:
with some games offering in-game purchases, loot boxes, and other forms of gambling-like mechanics. This has raised concerns about the potential risks of gambling addiction among young players. In some cases, free online games have also been used as a gateway to real-money gambling, with some players transitioning to online casinos and sports betting. As a result, some countries have introduced regulations to limit the use of gambling-like mechanics in online games.
The importance of accessibility in free online games:
Accessibility is an important issue in free online games, with many players facing barriers due to disability or language barriers. Game developers have recognized the need for accessibility features such as closed captioning, colorblind mode, and customizable controls. In addition, some games have been specifically designed for players with disabilities, such as 'Blind Legend' and 'The Last of Us Part II.'
Free online games and their potential for promoting environmental awareness:
Free online games have also been used to promote environmental awareness and sustainability. Games like 'Fate of the World' and 'SimCity' have challenged players to manage resources and make decisions that impact the environment. Other games like 'Ecobond' and 'Eco Heroes' have been specifically designed to educate players about environmental issues and encourage them to take action in real life.
Final Thoughts:
Free online games have become an integral part of modern society, offering entertainment, education, and socialization. While they have faced criticism for their potential risks and negative impacts, they also have the potential to promote positive change and social good. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that free online games will continue to evolve and play an even greater role in shaping the world around us.
Are free online games safe to play?
Most free online games are safe to play, but it is important to be aware of potential risks such as online predators, cyberbullying, and gambling addiction. Parents should monitor their children's online activity and ensure that they are playing age-appropriate games.
Can free online games be educational?
Yes, many free online games have educational value and can be used as a tool for learning new concepts and skills.
Are free online games accessible to players with disabilities?
Game developers have recognized the need for accessibility features in online games and have implemented features such as closed captioning, customizable controls, and colorblind mode. Some games have even been specifically designed for players with disabilities.
Are free online games addictive?
Like any form of entertainment, free online games can be addictive. It is important to set limits on screen time and ensure that gameplay does not interfere with other important aspects of life.
Can free online games be used for social activism?
Yes, many free online games have been used to raise awareness about social and environmental issues and promote positive change in society.
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lovegram-backupp · 2 years ago
sve sam učinila da spasim nas. Obećala da ti da će biti bolje trudila se ali otišao si, uzalud je...
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years ago
VELIKI HUMANITARNI SPEKTAKL U ZAGREBU Pogledajte tko je sve od poznatih došao podržati inicijativu #spasime, Jelena Veljača: 'Prezadovoljne smo!'
VELIKI HUMANITARNI SPEKTAKL U ZAGREBU Pogledajte tko je sve od poznatih došao podržati inicijativu #spasime, Jelena Veljača: ‘Prezadovoljne smo!’
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U organizaciji inicijative #Spasime u zagrebačkom hotelu Esplanade održana je večeras humanitarna gala večer na kojoj su se prikupljala sredstva za hitnu pomoć žrtvama obiteljskog nasilja.
 Večer je okupila brojna imena hrvatske javne scene, a gledatelji pred malim ekranima mogli su je uživo pratiti na RTL televiziji. Predsjednica Kolinda Grabar – Kitarovićnije bila na gala večeri, ali…
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iconicanemone · 4 years ago
Fantasies when I was a kid: Amazing adventures! Me being special!
Fantasies Now: I find a good doctor that I can have help me and my family get diagnosed and treated right so we aren’t in pain/so stressed!!
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aaashghdagbj · 2 years ago
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fuck me.
hawks x male!reader
req: me
desc: hhh....hrhghrh..........a....anger....
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'a- ohohoo FUCK (name)!' hawks moaned out as he covered his mouth. you were thrusting into him mercilessly. the expression of anger was very clear on your face. you smacked hawks' ass rather harshly.
'shut the fuck up you slut. god, do you moan like this everytime someone evades that whore hole of yours?' you snarled, grabbing the base of his wings to pound into him deeper.
'o- only for y- haah- y- you baabyyy~..!' hawks babbled out. his eyes were rolling into the back of his head, drool and tears staining the sheets. fuck, you wont last long seeing this.
'ah- h- pl- gah- f- haaaah!~ fuck- oh fuc- ck, fuck sweatheart, cumming cumming cumming cuh-! cummiiiing~' hawks tightened around you, cumming violently and spasiming when you wouldn't stop your angry acts.
'sw- sweet, sl- slow doownn~!' he looked back at you.
'fuck, hold- gh!- on a-' you pulled out and came right on his wings, making hawks smile cock-drunkenly at you. you stared down at him, panting for a couple seconds before ultimately panicking, going to find a rag so he could put some hot water on it.
's-shit, so sorry keigo. was i too hard? are you-' he grabbed your wrist, pulling you close with the little strength he had left.
'clean....later..cuddles....' hawks drifted off to sleep, releasing the grip. you sighed and kissed his tear-stained cheek, getting a clean and hot rag to clean him with.
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