#spartax prince
inhcritance · 2 months
harry and a special undead zombie.
Send me a ship for my muse and I’ll say if I Ship it or if I Skip it
Honestly... I think they could be very cute. Once they get over the whole being enemies while in costume and all the secrets they've kept from each other.
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
📐 + peter is 6'2 !
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"i'm impressed. and a little jealous." steve confessed as he looked over peter's ship. "your job seems way cooler than mine." @spartax-prince
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existentialflirt · 1 year
@spartax-prince prompted: Send 🍺 to drag my muse to go out to a bar for a drink together!
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"Do you even like Earth bars? You know we don't have any green humanoids dancing on the tables right?"
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shieldslingera · 1 year
@spartax-prince liked
"You know, Tony speaks pretty fondly of his time in space. If there's any chance the Avengers can return the favor for you, we can certainly help."
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particlexxdealer · 1 year
would your muse be good at recognizing their partner's needs right away, or would it take some time?
rp meme: open | Romance/Relationship headcanons | @spartax-prince
It depends on the partner tbh! Thankfully, he's had pretty bold, vocal partners in the past so it goes much quicker understanding their needs. More shy, introverted partners however Scott takes a little more time to "study" their pattern/behavior, gauge their responses, and go from there. He's pretty empathic and patient in general, so he doesn't mind this bit AT ALL. He's a foreplay king for a reason lol.
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soulcluster · 4 days
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what I find funny about p.eter q.uill's s.tar-lord title is how many origins it's had. we have...
original title is given by the master of the sun when he gifts him his powers/abilities (original run was very astrology focused too). under this title's origin, he did a lot of good under the name, acting as a hero. after he destroys a planet in order to save many millions more, he discards the title and doesn't feel he can use it anymore. it's a very integral part of his guilt plotline continued in abnett & lanning
then post-A&L era, it switches to it being the title of a prince of spartax. I find this change weird because he was previously proud of the title, but he has never shown interest in his father's side of the family or even being a prince or ruling the planet, but they just kinda dump his title onto his backstory and never explain it
fun fact side detail: peter has always been half spartax! in the original his dad was an emperor, though not as bad I think. and under A&L, it's referenced after they find vance astro
and then of course in the movies, he just picks the title cause he likes it and thinks it makes him sound cool
finally, in the game, the reasoning is a liiiittle similar to the movies, but he got the title specifically from an earth band with a space theme to it
for mine however, none of these quite fit what I wanted to go with. I wanted to keep that guilt plot line he has and for the title to still mean something to him. it honestly confuses me that he'd still go by the title if it was related to his royal lineage and it's just never explained as far as I know. but anyway, the title of a prince wasn't gonna do it, but a lot of the original comics are outdated and don't work for what I want either
so instead, how I have it is that after he escapes the ravagers (which is an m.cu addition but I kept it for a few reasons) he meets ma savage and helps with her orphanage, and the kids there start calling him by the title cause he comes from the stars and he brings them toys and food and plays with them (because he was an orphan too and he gets it)
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redhead-reporter · 2 months
º ✧ 。@spartax-prince enjoys seeing me on the dash !
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toki you little shit ♡ you may have sent this from mj's pseudo chaotic older brother's account, but just know that i LOVE seeing you no matter which blorbo you're logged in on.
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"can i hold it?" the legendary outlaw is pointing directly at his shield.
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sometimes, people admired the shield more than steve. at the end of the day, his shield was a shield. yes, it was dressed in patriotic colors and was a well known weapon in his arsenal, but it was an object. steve hoped he was more of a symbol than the shield.
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lips curled into a secret smile, fond gaze landing on the round object. steve spun it around in his palms before flipping it and handing it over to quill. "just don't break it." which was near impossible but the star-lord might have space magic the hero wasn't aware of. @spartax-prince
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
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FEARS — BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment.  loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
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the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment.  loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched (given specific circumstances, like being grabbed at). sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
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tagged by -> @arachnidiots ( thank you ! )
tagging -> @crisispider, @overclocks, @revenantinflames, @gammaragee, @hexsreality, @brooklynbred, @zimnyayavdova, @liibertysdream, @eideticspider, @spartax-prince, @gctbusydying, and you !! hello to all I tagged !
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elrondhalfelven · 1 year
Oooo a good villain for our ravagers lineup could be Kyras Shakati, a character who’s kinda like the kingpin of Spartax and Shi’ar space, he was the guy behind sending Ariguan’s/Badoon/Chitauri to kill Peter and his family at Prince Gareth’s behest
i’ll be honest i had to google who that was but yes i’m all for obscure characters making a comeback!!!! plus in this hypothetical book it would be a nice change of pace to have the world NOT be ending (i’m a huge fan of zdarsky’s star-lord for this reason and it’s one of the things i really really liked about guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 rocket the movie). having the ruckus be on a smaller scale allows characters to shine.
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elementguns · 2 years
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FULL NAME & ALIAS: peter quill, "star-lord"
CURRENT TEAM(S): guardians of the galaxy
AGE: 30s
SPECIES: human/spartoi hybrid
GENDER IDENTITY: cisgender male
SEXUALITY: pansexual and polyamorous
ETHNICITY: caucasian
FACE CLAIM: garrett hedlund
SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: though he no longer has a cybernetic left eye, there is a strange glow to it now, in certain lights
ACCENT: standard american
CURRENT COSTUME: this outfit
PAST OCCUPATION: combat advisor, special military advisor to hala, royal prince and (briefly) emperor of spartax
CURRENT OCCUPATION: guardian of the galaxy
SNAP STATUS: survived in another reality
SIBLING(S): victoria of spartax (half-sister)
PARTNER(S): none probably because man is most likely on everyone's shit list right now :(
PARENT(S): meredith quill (mother; deceased), j'son of spartax (father; deceased)
peter's guns are known as element guns, and are able to produce any known element. they are locked to his dna, so only he can use them.
peter has a recurring dream, what seems like a memory (and for all he knows may actually be one), of someone called the master of the sun, who said he would make peter a "star-lord". this has become clearer to him again.
peter once traveled with a sentient starship known as "ship"; ship was his closest friend and confidant, until being destroyed in the struggle against the fallen one, a former herald of galactus
after the loss of ship and a kree lunar colony of 350,000 people, peter turned himself in to the nova corps, turned away from his own humanity, and refused to call himself "star-lord" any longer. while he has since reclaimed that, especially after forming the guardians of the galaxy, it is still something for which peter feels immense guilt.
richard rider (616), gamora (616), rocket raccoon (616), mantis (616), drax the destroyer (616)
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particlexxdealer · 8 months
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JUKEBOX: five songs that remind you of your muse !
Rod Stewart - Some Guys Have All the Luck
Laura Branigan - Self Control
Chromeo - Slumming It
Fleetwood Mac - Oh Daddy
Nick Waterhouse - Say I Wanna Know
tagged by: @spartax-prince tagging: @telekinctic | @paragonrising | @waspinqs | @wxspish | @irxnlegacy If I didn't tag you, you are more than welcome to steal from me.
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etoilebleu · 1 year
@spartax-prince liked for a starter !
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a big party--somewhere. where was this? rán wasn't sure. an old friend invited her and there were people from just about every corner of the GALAXY. she was having too much fun laughing to care.
up until some giant creatures crashed the party and everybody scrambled. their tentacles lashed about, hungry screeches and terror filling the room.
the asgardian sighed, clasping her hands together and standing in the corner while she thought of what strategy would be the best to round them all up quickly. but to a bystander, she probably looked frozen with fear.
a man suddenly came to her rescue, sliding between her and an oncoming beast, shooting his blaster with everything he had. and she allowed it, watching nonchalantly while they both tussled.
quiet steps were taken from behind him, gentle hands grabbing his shoulders to get his attention. " hold your FIRE for just a second, will you? " smiling quickly before releasing him, the shorter woman holding her hand out from behind him.
it seemed about every liquid from discarded cups had jumped to gather into a big lump in the air, rán flicking her wrist and holding them hostage inside a liquid prison above them.
" is there a sort of PEST CONTROL on this planet? shall I hold them until the get here? "
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redhead-reporter · 11 months
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º ✧ 。harry osborn is the brother mj always WISHED she had - funny, intelligent, supportive of her dreams and her relationship without ever being intrusive with either. unfortunately for her? peter quill is the brother she GOT - loud mouthed, absent minded, a disaster with women and constantly putting her apartment's security deposit at GREAT risk. he's not related to her literally, they share no DNA nor relatives, but you wouldn't know it from the way these two BICKER like they've got years of repressed beefs to work through. they are so alarmingly similar, even speak in ways that ECHO one another without meaning to, that it occasionally SPOOKS some of the people closest to them to discover they only met within the last few years.
soulmates aren't always ROMANTIC you know. or even WANTED. but they're there none the less.
º ✧ 。quill is ENDLESSLY entertained that he shares the same first name as the love of mj's life - especially since she REFUSES to use it with him, like calling him peter would have the same effect as dunking her hand into a bucket full of worms. after all, as she's explained to him enough times to make her BLUE in the face, she doesn't want anyone to confuse him for her peter ... which is exactly why this chaotic space captain goes out of his way to introduce himself as EXACTLY that when they're out and about in new york together, so it forces her to LOUDLY correct him while smacking his arm repeatedly.
can't take them anywhere, really.
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❛ i had your back out there. you don't have to worry. ❜
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steve often took things at face value. if someone said something, he believed they would do it. the same sentiment applied to peter and his lopsided grin. steve was slow to reciprocate the action, smile more subdued and softer. he stuck out his hand to shake peter's.
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"all i can say is we could certainly use the guardian's help." while rogers was dipping his toes into the world of space and all the alien creatures it came with, everything was still new to him.
standing, the captain adjusted his uniform and stood tall in front of peter. "how do i look? will i make a good impression?" it wasn't everyday you establish interplanetary relations with aliens. @spartax-prince
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