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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
Azula’s Thoughts
The new chapter is out! Chapter 6 is all about Azula and what has been happening in her absence. This is more of a side-plot of The Stars Are So Bright Tonight, but I did want to explore Azula, Aang, and Katara a little more and give them space for development after the series. I hope you like it! Next week, we’ll be back with Mai and Zuko. Here are the links below to the new chapter:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40209141/chapters/102425901
fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14106690/6/The-Stars-Are-So-Bright-Tonight
I mostly have the collection of one-shots done, but I’m still unsure about some major plot points so my updates may be varied, looking forward. That...and I totally got distracted by another story idea. Whoops :) It’s hard to diverge from the canon of the show a little and get away from the comics, and obviously a lot of scenes written in the comics that happen after the series have impacted this sequel but I want to give characters like Mai, Ty Lee, and Katara a different plot line that gives them more agency. I hope you are liking the story so far. Until I write again, TTFN!
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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
Long Time No See-Sparky Ch. 19
I am back with another chapter of Sparky!!!!!! I’ve been trying to find time within my schedule to post a new chapter and I finally had some time. It’s a little longer than I usually make the chapters, so I hope you enjoy. Here is a little tidbit from it:
“Come on Toph, let’s go!” Zuko pulled up the hood of his cloak and waited patiently outside of Toph’s rock tent. It was getting dark now, but it was the perfect time to go down into the town below.
“Don’t get your shorts in a wad,” Toph huffed. She emerged with an empty pack hanging over her shoulder and a large grin on her face. “Ready!” she announced.
Zuko scanned her up and down, raising a single eyebrow.
“What?” she asked, affronted.
“Are you really bringing that big bag to get…?” Zuko let out a long suffering sigh. Zuko shook his head and turned away. “Nothing, let’s just go.”
Toph grinned and practically hopped after him as they set off towards the town.
“You know we’re not staying all night to collect the large vegetation, right?” Zuko cast a sideways glance at Toph.
She shrugged, noncommittally. “We’ll have some time to grab some stuff while you send a letter to your girlfriend. Don’t worry, Sparky.”
Zuko shook his head again, muttering to himself about the one time he had gone to the market with Toph and had ended up with half of the market in their arms. “We are getting enough to fit in that bag, and that’s it, understand?”
“Yes Dad,” Toph grumbled.
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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
OMG I’m so excited!!!!!! I have finished writing the first complete draft of Sparky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has taken nearly a year but it’s done and like wow, I never knew I would finish a story this big and actually get to the end. I still have to edit, but I will get there....eventually. Still getting used to a new semester at University, but I will be updating eventually, but I wanted to keep those of you with an eye on my tumblr that I am working on the fic and I will come back soon.
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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
Writing Update for those wondering
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Hello for those who follow me on ao3 and fanfiction.net. I know there are some that are excited for a follow up for Sparky, and I am letting you know now that it is finally in the works. I have a sort of a plan, but it’s a still long way off from actually publishing it (given that I have to yet to write anything other than my planning document lol) but I swear it will be coming because if only for my sake, I want to know what happens that is outside of the comics. It will probably not be as long as the last fic, but we will have to see. Anyway, just wanted to give you guys an update for those looking for it. Maybe start to look for something from me around the middle to end of July 2022, but don’t hold me to it lol. Let me know if you would like to see certain things or what you are looking forward to. 
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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
Actual Update
I updated Sparky!!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys like the new chapter as it contains some nice fluff with Zuko and the Gaang. I didn’t think I would post anytime soon but I actually got a lot of editing done so the end is in sight. By the end of the year I should be able to finish this story, so look forward to that. Below is a little clip from Chapter 22:
Sokka read from the scroll. “It says here that it will be performed by the Ember Island Players. Huh, I guess they’re pretty well known around here.”
Zuko groaned, throwing his head back in disgust. “Mom would always take us to see them and they ALWAYS butchered Love Amongst Dragons. Always.”
Toph sniggered. “Didn’t know you were so into romance, Sparky.” She grinned wickedly.
Zuko shot her a pointed look. “Key word: mom took us, meaning my mother took Azula, my father, and I to the same play on vacation every year.”
Suki made a low whistle. “I would pay money to see Ozai watching that play.”
Zuko shrugged. “Surprisingly my father is really one for the dramatics.”
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bellebasbleue · 3 years ago
Editing Update
Hello! If you’re wondering where I have been and why I am not updating, I just want to let you know that I am still working on editing the last few chapters of the fic so I don’t leave out any important details. I should be able to update maybe at the end of this month or the next, but I promise that I will come back with an update soon. University has been busy for me this semester and life has been interesting so I have not had much time to write and edit. Just wanted to give you guys an update for those who are checking my blog to see if I have given any updates. Hope you guys are doing well and see you soon!
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bellebasbleue · 4 years ago
Editing what I’ve posted for Sparky
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Hey, I wanted to let you guys know that the mysterious evil governor who went by the name Yi, Li, and Cho are all the same person and if you read the fic again you will find that I have edited my previous chapters so that there are not multiple evil governors around. Whoops, sorry about that lol.
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bellebasbleue · 4 years ago
Sparky 2nd update
Alright! Fanfiction.net update is finally up! Chapter 17 is now at your reading pleasure!!!
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