#sparkling angel ; i believed you were my savior ( mathias )
staticfog · 4 years
@sublunary-supernatural​ asked: Headcanon please? Also all of them!
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I have ... like thirty-some muses over here haha, so I’m only going to do a few active or semi-active muses if that’s okay! Feel free to specify someone specific if you had a particular muse in mind.
Under the cut for length! 
Alastor ~ Alastor is an accomplished chef, and had it not been for his love of radio (as well as his dark joy in reporting on his own murders), he would have gone to culinary school. He learned how to hunt from his father, how to make hand-made tools and crafts from his mother, and how to cook from both parents, so fresh ingredients and high-quality, homemade meals and goods are important to him.
James ~ James never went to college. He started his job as a store clerk straight out of high school, met Mary at a local park, and gave up any chance of going back to school when Mary fell ill, wanting to devote their admittedly meager savings to her care. 
Lucy ~ Lucy loves birds, especially cockatiels. She has a pet cockatiel named Cherry; Cherry is very easy-going, likes to wear pieces of lettuce or bok choy as a hat, and can whistle many tunes.
Mathias ~ Mathias’s humanoid guise is not his true form - rather, he purposely adopted that form so as to be a more “comforting” presence to the staff and clientele of the Happy Hotel. In reality, he has a much more monstrous appearance, with multiple wings and eyes. 
Moguro ~ Moguro will eat just about anything; he is far from a picky eater. However, his absolute favorite meals tend to be those commonly found in bento boxes, and he prefers to have rice alongside almost any dish he’s consuming. 
Murphy ~ Murphy was a mechanic before Charlie died. His career choice stemmed from his childhood, where he worked alongside his father in the family garage (which sadly went out of business after his father’s unexpected passing), built model cars, and read a lot of books and catalogs on cars and other vehicles. 
Octavia ~ Octavia doesn’t have a lot of friends. She’s decently close with her parents, and she does spend time with the Magne and von Eldritch families, but she never really prioritized meeting under demons, even when she was in school. As a result, Octavia tends to be possessive over those she is close to, although she’d never admit that she fears losing them. 
Vincent ~ Vincent and Claudia used to be close. They drifted apart once Claudia became obsessed with finding Heather and forcing her to birth God - Vincent found this cause of action a time-waster at best and repugnant at worst. All the same, he was genuinely shocked when Claudia killed him, believing she cherished their past friendship, as he quietly did. 
Wayne ~ Wayne is a definite dog person, having had at least one pet dog in his home all his life. As a result, he refuses to date anyone who dislikes dogs or won’t be able to own one as a pet - having three of his own right now, Wayne would never give them up. He’s a “Love me, love my dogs” kind of guy. 
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staticfog · 4 years
Hotel Edition!
Make Your Muse as a Cup of Tea
Tagged By - Tagging @stagtic​ for Al’s tea because comparisons 
Tagging - Mutuals
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staticfog · 4 years
Texas Chainsaw - Accepting
@hellcasted​ asked: “ i promise you, you and i are gonna have some fun. ”  
Mathias’s ever-cold gaze softens, somewhat. If anyone at the hotel seemed worthy of redemption, they thought it might be this boy. How had he come to Hell? How could someone like Steven be condemned to the same fate as that radio host the Princess seemed so intent on partnering with?
It was not their job to question such things, merely to observe, assist, and report, and the queries are pushed out of their thoughts, as they prepare to answer.
“As you wish, dear.” They manage a smile, so hard to earn from the angel, and Mathias kneels. “What fun is it that you seek?”
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staticfog · 4 years
guess who made a h.azbin oc :’) they’re over here, too!
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staticfog · 4 years
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! - Accepting
A Grey Child whispered: For a H.azbin muse - “You’ll be rewarded for your efforts if you keep trying.”
“This isn’t about a reward.” Mathias’s cold blue eyes look over the stranger, though no judgment is cast - it is not for them to decide. “I am here to ensure that forgiveness is granted those who are truly deserving of it under His eyes. He is kind, and merciful; He weeps for those who have been sent here. If they wish to change, He would love to welcome them back into His light.”
They look away, and Mathias’s thoughts turn to Charlie - the one demon in all of Hell who believed most in the potential for redemption. “I suppose, if there were to be a reward, it would be her efforts becoming fruitful. But I require no physical prize for my efforts here.”
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