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welcome in my Fenders hell
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Word Count: 2.8k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Vaylin drops a little truth on Gale
Disclaimer: @shadowwheartt and I got far too invested in our playthrough/characters and we both think we’re funny so here’s the product of that. More to come?
Vaylin is a drow oath-broken paladin. We have headcannoned that Amren a half-drow rogue, is her younger half-sister. Both women are bhaalspawn in our little world with thier shared parent being Bhaal himself
Gale narrowed his eyes as he watched Amren laugh at something Astarion had said. The vampire spawn was sitting far too close to her for Gale’s comfort, his arm slung around the back of her seat as he leant in to whisper something in her ear. Amren’s laugh rings out across the camp and her hand slaps down on Astarion’s knee as she unconsciously leans against his side while she tries to catch her breath. He takes a deep swig from his goblet of wine, a frown marring his brow, before he pushes himself off the fallen log he’d been sitting on and skulking away in the opposite direction. His path takes him across the camp and straight past Shadowheart’s tent, where the cleric and her ever-present companion, Vaylin, both sit outside sharing a bottle of wine.
“Hey, Sparklefingers, why the long face? Did someone dogear a page in one of your precious books again?” Vaylin asks, her tone light yet incredibly snarky as he tries to walk past them.
“You know, I’ve never quite understood how you and Amren can share so many features and characteristics as sisters, and yet your words always cut like the sting from a death viper while she comes across as docile as a newborn tressym,” Gale bristles at her words and gives Vaylin a levelled glare. Vaylin snorts as she takes a sip from the bottle, her laugh turning into a cough as the liquid goes down the wrong way.
“Docile?” Shadowheart lets out a soft laugh and grabs the bottle of wine from Vaylin so she can take a sip herself. “There are dozens of words I would use to describe Amren, but docile is definitely not amongst them.” Gale’s shoulders slump slightly as Shadowheart gives him a sympathetic smile and wills himself not to look at the smirk that’s no doubt lingering on Vaylin’s features. “What’s the matter, Gale? Unlike some people,” she shoots a look at her girlfriend who remained unaffected, “I understand the value of a pair of friendly ears when one is struggling.”
“It’s just,” he lets out a sigh and waves his hand in the direction he came from, where Amren and Astarion are no doubt still sitting together closer than friends should. “It’s nothing. As much as I would like for there to be.” He hears Amren laugh again, the sound softer this time, and tries not to linger too much on how he’s probably missed his chance with the female rogue. Of course she was curled up beside the fire with Astarion, the vampire spawn was everything he wasn’t - charismatic, attractive and refined. There was no wonder Amren fell for his charms. Gale was far too deep into his self-deprecating thoughts to notice Vaylin let out a yawn, clearly bored by the conversation and pouting wizard already. Shadowheart elbowed the oath-broken paladin in the side and sent her a reprimanding glare before looking back at Gale with a concerned expression.
“Nothing wouldn’t include a certain rogue, would it?” Shadowheart asked.
“Two of them, actually,” Gale admits. Shadowheart peers around his frame to where both Astarion and Amren are sitting together, whispering about something they’re too far away to hear. Despite her better judgement Vaylin takes a peek as well, her nose wrinkling as she realises just why the wizard is looking so downtrodden.
“I’m not sure who has worst taste, Astarion for being into Amren, or…ugh, nevermind,” Vaylin reaches for the wine bottle again and takes a long drink, as if she were trying to wash the unsaid words from her mouth.
“I have neither the time nor patience for your riddles or your half-veiled insults tonight, bhaalspawn,” Gale crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Speak plainly or don’t speak at all.” Vaylin raises a solitary eyebrow and takes a slow sip from the bottle of wine, her gaze unwavering as she stares him down. She would sooner rip her own tongue out than admit it aloud, but there were stirrings of respect at his newfound backbone rising within her. At least she thought that’s what it was, it was buried so deep within her it could have very easily been indigestion from the vinegary wine they were drinking. Gale seemed to realise after a moments silence that she had taken his words literally and had decided not to speak at all and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her antics.
“Will you please just put him out of his misery?” Shadowheart turns to look at Vaylin, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“What do you propose I do?” The drow scoffed, “Light him on fire?”
“You know perfectly well that is not what I meant,” Shadowheart nudged Vaylin and took the bottle of wine back from her. “You’re not getting this back until you tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Gale asked, frowning in confusion as he watched Vaylin give Shadowheart a withering glare. Both women ignored him as they stared each other down, waiting for the other to break first.
“You’re a sadist,” Vaylin groaned in defeat, tipping her head back dramatically.
“You weren’t complaining last night,” the cleric quipped. Gale felt his face go warm as Vaylin looked back at Shadowheart, the heat obvious in her gaze.
“Can someone please tell me what I’m missing?” Gale repeats, hoping to draw the attention back to him so he didn’t have to witness the pair eye-fuck each other in front of him.
“Every single target whenever you cast…well, any spell really,” Vaylin turns to him with a saccharine smile.
“Tell him or there will be more than one person left unsatisfied tonight,” Shadowheart nudged Vaylin again, a little harder this time. The oath-broken paladin looked at her girlfriend with narrowed eyes as the meaning of her words sunk in.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Are you willing to test that theory?” Shadowheart asked innocently, her fingers toying with the pendant on the necklace Vaylin had gifted her. The charm was in the shape of an orchid and Vaylin had painted it blue herself so that it looked as similar to a night orchid as possible. It sat on the end of a long chain and rested in the valley of her cleavage, and although the drow needed no prompting to look there anyway her eyes were immediately drawn in by the movement. She sighed deeply and braced herself as if the words she was about to say physically pained her.
“She’s in love with you, you blithering idiot,” Vaylin spits out. Gale feels all the breath leave his lungs and his face burns as the words settle in his head.
“Very tactful. Well done,” Shadowheart remarks dryly, allowing Vaylin to snatch the wine from her again.
“She’s…she’s what?” Gale repeated. His knees felt weak and he slowly sank down to sit on the ground. Vaylin was always throwing back-handed remarks out at his expense, surely this had to be one of them? He glanced at Shadowheart, who leant forward in concern as he sat with them, her hand reaching out as if to touch his own before she pulled back again. Shadowheart wouldn’t be that cruel to him though. She made the odd quip in his direction as well, but that was all friendly banter, and something he returned all too often in kind. He felt as if his mind was racing at a million miles per minute as he tried to figure out if what Vaylin had said about her sister was all in jest or not.
“Oh, sure, feel free to join us,” Vaylin rolls her eyes as he sits with them. “The more the merrier.”
“Behave yourself,” Shadowheart glares at her. “Do you have the capacity to be compassionate for at least two seconds?” Vaylin scowled at her girlfriend and instead of replying took another sip from her wine. “Gale, are you alright?” she turned her attention back to the wizard when it became clear that Vaylin wasn’t going to speak anymore.
“Is it true?” he asks, his voice no louder than a whisper. He didn’t dare to hope that it would be, he needed the confirmation. He needed Shadowheart to tell him that Vaylin hadn’t been lying and that it was true that Amren cared for him as deeply as he cared for her.
“She could have said it better,” Shadowheart glances at her girlfriend, who gives her a sweet smile in return, “but yes, it’s true.”
“She loves me?”
“But…but Astarion -”
“I’m going to say this once,” Vaylin looks at him, her tone stern, “and if you ever tell another person alive or dead that I said this I will deny it with every ounce of my soul. In terms of a love interest she could do…much worse than you, I suppose.”
“That almost sounded completely sincere,” Shadowheart looked at the drow with a small smirk, “I’m so proud of you.”
“If I didn’t know any better, Vaylin, I’d say you were warming up to me,” Gale teased.
“Fuck off, wizard.” Her body language made it extremely clear she would not be saying anything further to him that evening, whether it was an unwilling compliment or a scathing insult. Gale just smiled to himself and bid Shadowheart goodnight, ignoring Vaylin completely as he walked away from the tent and gave them both some privacy.
He wandered back in the direction he had originally come from, his steps feeling infinitely lighter than it had before his conversation with the prickly drow and her girlfriend. He suspected the drow liked him more than she let on, and although her softer side was only reserved for their cleric and her sister, he could see she was (albeit begrudgingly) slowly getting used to his presence and the affections that he held for Amren.
He knew her behaviour came from the horrors of being raised as a bhaalspawn, and although he wouldn’t admit it to her, he found Vaylin’s strength and resilience admirable. Hers and Amren’s. Although they didn’t share a mother, both women had been sired by Bhaal himself and only found out about the other during their teens. It had been a difficult journey for them to renounce their fathers ways and leave his cult, but here they both were, trying to prove that their unfortunate bloodline did not define who they were as people.
Gale approached Amren and Astarion, who broke apart to look up at him as he neared. Amren’s face lit up with a smile as she took note of him and for a brief moment he stopped and wondered if he’d always been so blind. Gale prided himself on his intelligence, there wasn’t a puzzle he couldn’t solve or a spell he couldn’t cast without a little work first - so how had he not noticed the way Amren looked at him until now? Her lavender eyes - the only indication of her half-drow lineage - all but reflected every single thing he felt for her right back at him. He gave her a warm smile as he sank into a seat beside her and only offered Astarion the briefest of looks as he spoke to the male rogue, unwilling to look away from the woman next to him.
“Could you give us a moment, Astarion?” Gale asked. Astarion gave him an affronted look, pressing a hand to his chest dramatically as he looked between Gale and Amren, a smirk playing on the corner of his mouth. He knew, of course, what was about to happen. It was glaringly obvious to everyone in the camp how the pair felt for each other - everyone except them of course - and even though he didn’t particularly fancy being a third wheel in the performance, he couldn’t help but put up a little bit of a fight at the request.
“Is everything okay, Gale?” Amren placed a hand on his, her expression laced with worry. Gale felt his heart thump in his chest as her skin brushed his and for a moment he wondered if her touch alone would be enough to help him get through the days that the orb in his chest demanded more magic.
“Everything is…wonderful,” he admits, breathing out a quiet laugh. “I just need a moment of your time. Alone.” He gives Astarion another pointed look, silently hoping he would take the hint and give them some privacy.
“Star,” Amren nudges him gently as she murmurs his name. “Can you give us a few minutes, please?” Astarion sighs in mock exasperation, but can’t help but smile and nod at her request, the nickname she’d bestowed upon him warming his heart. He ruffles Amren’s hair playfully and easily dodges her hand as she tries to swat him away before making his way across camp to sit with Shadowheart and Vaylin so he can eavesdrop and relay the conversation to them both. Gale doesn’t say anything for a few moments and Amren takes his hand in hers and squeezes gently, calling his attention back to her. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything is fine,” he assures her. He catches her hand in between both of hers, lacing their fingers together. “I didn’t plan on this, I’m not quite sure what to say.”
“I never thought I’d see the day,” Amren teases lightly. “Is the famed Wizard of Waterdeep at a loss for words?”
“No,” Gale shakes his head with a quiet laugh. “But Gale Dekarios is.” He meets Amren’s gaze and brushes some hair away from her face before letting out a quiet sigh. “I just had a talk with your sister.”
“Oh gods,” Amren wrinkles her nose. “Whatever she said to you now I’m so sorry, Gale. I’ll have a word with her in the morning about being nicer to you.”
“There’s no need. She actually behaved herself this time.” Amren gives him a look, clearly not believing a word he had said and he can’t help but laugh at the expression. “Alright, she was mostly behaved. I’ve definitely had more harrowsome conversations with her than this one.”
“What did you talk about?”
“Me?” Amren pulls back in surprise. “What about me?” Gale releases her hands to run his own through his hair to ease the slight anxiety that sits in his chest.
“If things were different, if we were back home I could have done this better. I would have taken the time to properly romance you and lavish you with gifts and treat you exactly how you deserve to be. I would have taken the time to come up with a rousing speech about all the different ways I care for you instead of deciding to confess this all to you on a whim and feeling like the ground has been ripped out from underneath me…but that’s what you do,” his gaze turns tender as she watches her expression for any sign that Vaylin and Shadowheart had been lying to him. “From the moment I met you I feel like the ground has been ripped out from under my feet and I’m falling and you’re the only one who can steady me. You’re so special to me, Amren. I care about you more than I can express.”
“What…exactly did Vaylin tell you?” Amren asks slowly, her voice hoarse and her cheeks flushed.
“I want to hear the words from you. I don’t want to repeat something that I heard secondhand.”
“I love you, Amren,” he takes her face in his hands, his forehead pressed lightly against hers. “I am utterly and hopelessly in love with you and I sincerely hope what your sister said was true and you feel the same way about me.”
“Of course I’m in love with you,” Amren feels her heart melt as his eyes slide shut in relief and his body physically relaxes. “How could I not be, Gale?”
“I had thought there was something between you and Astarion,” he admits. He opens his eyes again in time to catch the amused expression on his face.
“No one compares to you, Gale Dekarios.”
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that. I didn’t particularly fancy making an ass of myself as part of your sister’s whims.” Amren laughs softly at that and leans in a little closer so that their lips are only a fraction of an inch away.
“Careful now, Gale, she is the reason we’re finally having this conversation. I’d say you owe all of this to her,” Amren teases. Gale groans playfully, but there’s an undeniable happiness on his face as he takes in Amren’s smile. He tilts her chin up slowly, his eyes flickering from her, down to her lips and back up again.
“Can I kiss you?”
“You better.”
#gale dekarios fanfiction#gale of waterdeep fanfiction#gale x oc#gale x tav#gale x reader#gale x f!tav#gale x f!reader#gale x f!oc#gale dekarios fluff#baldur's gate 3#gale bg3#gale dekarios bg3#the wizard of waterdeep#astarion ancunin#astarion#awkwardauthormasterlist#awkwardauthorwrites#awkwardauthor#shadowheart#shadowheart x oc
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Miss sparklefingers ✨💗
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hiiiii happy friday!! “Shut up and kiss me.” + anders/isabela?
Thank you for this @dadrunkwriting prompt! It turned out a bit different than I thought.
"Hey, Sparklefingers, how are you?"
"Izzy. I'm good, should I ask?" Anders looks her up and down. Isabela usually only shows up when she got seriously hurt, or when she caught some infection.
"Everything is clean and healthy, thank you very much." She saunters over to him, putting her hand on his hip and leans closer. "I want to ask for a favour."
"A favour? In that you owe me one?"
Isabela leans closer, her breasts pressing against his chest. "Yes, that sounds good. I need you to make Hawke jealous."
"Hawke? Jealous? Why would Hawke get jealous?" Only now he notices that Hawke hovers at the door with Varric, watching them with a smile. "Knowing her, she'll be happy for you and congratulate you."
Isabela throws her arms around his neck. "Shut up and kiss me."
Anders leans closer to whisper in her ear. "It's not gonna work."
With a defeated sigh, Isabela drops her arms and steps back. "But what else can I do? She doesn't notice anything! I keep telling her how amazing she is, how she changed my life and she just —" Isabela makes a helpless gesture towards Hawke, who waves her enthusiastically, giving her a thumbs up. "See that?" Isabela pinches the bridge of her nose. "It's hopeless."
Desperately fighting for his composure, Anders puts his hand on her shoulder, fighting not to laugh. "I can't believe I have to be the one to tell you this. Go to her and kiss her."
"But —"
"No Buts. Pull her against your tits and kiss her senseless."
Isabela still hesitates, looking more vulnerable than Anders has ever seen her. "Oh shit, this really means something to you, doesn't it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Isabela says with an annoyed huff.
"Of course. Why are you not kissing her then?"
"Fine!" Isabela throws her hands up and stomps over to Hawke. Before Hawke can react, Isabela grabs her by the waist, dips her back, and kisses her like her life depends on it. Anders watches Hawke stare at her with wide eyes at first, and then melt into her, her arms coming around Isabela's neck.
Varric sneaks around the two women and comes up to Anders. He takes a sip from a metal flask and then hands it to Anders. "About time, I'd say."
The liquid burns down his throat when he takes a sip from Varric's flask. Anders nods. "Yes, about time."
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Help me write a Fenders fic (pt. 9 - end)
[ Read part 1 here | Read part 2 here | Read part 3 here | Read part 4 here | Read part 5 here | Read part 6 here | Read part 7 here | Read pt 8 here ]
Anders takes in a deep breath to gather his courage, but they end up speaking at the same time, clumsily muddling up their words.
They stop speaking abruptly. A beat of silence lingers as both Anders and Fenris stare at one another, the weight of something unspoken hanging in the air between them — an invitation unsaid, a question unasked.
Fenris then bows his head and chuckles softly; Anders blushes and looks away, grinning sheepishly. The charged tension between them fades, giving way to something more tentative and bashful.
"We should ... we should head back," Anders whispers.
"Yes. We should." Fenris' voice is no louder than a murmur.
Neither of them move. The moment lasts for a beat longer, the silence stretching like a bridge uncrossed between them.
It is Fenris who reaches forward first, placing his hand on Anders'.
Anders looks down at their overlapping hands in surprise, feeling the warmth from Fenris' palm seep into his skin. Fenris' touch is both calming and electrifying all at once, and Anders absently wonders if the mantle 'Sparklefingers' would be more befitting of the elf who caused sparks to dance across Anders' skin with just a touch.
Fenris' grip on Anders' hand tightens and as he gets to his feet, he pulls Anders up with him. Their eyes meet again and just as quickly they look away, and they make their way to the Blooming Rose's main hall in silence.
They reach the bar. Isabela and Hawke are nursing their drinks, and Hawke laughs at something Isabela says before her eyes light up when she sees Anders and Fenris approaching.
"Oh, there you two are!" she says, clearly relieved to see them. "When those Templars started turning the place upside down, we knew there was trouble. Luckily, thanks to Isabela's charm and my quick thinking, they quickly didn't become a problem."
"Where have you two been hiding all evening?" Isabela probes with a lifted eyebrow and a salacious grin. "Neither us nor the Templars saw hair nor hide of you."
"Broom closet," Anders says, decisively.
"The attic," Fenris says, at the exact same time.
Both of them exchange a glance. Anders then clears his throat and says, "The attic," just as Fenris says, "Broom closet," at the same moment, in an echo of their earlier exchange.
A silence hangs over the group, as pleased, cat-that-got-the-canary smirks spread across Hawke and Isabela's faces. Anders makes a mental note to work on his and Fenris' timing.
"Broom closet in the attic," Anders offers lamely.
"Of course, very clever of you two," Isabela says, leaning back with a smug, knowing air. Anders can almost hear her thoughts as she composes her next 'friend fiction' piece in her head to share with Varric later.
Fenris sighs, and takes a seat at the bar, Anders following suit, and signals Quintus to take their drinks order. Hawke and Isabela settle back into their earlier conversation, and Anders finds himself beginning to relax.
Despite the disagreeable way the evening began, Anders does not mind it so much now, considering how it led to their current circumstances. He glances over at Fenris, who looks up at him, and a small smile quirks at the elf's lips, subtle as a secret. Anders feels a pleasant warmth rise to his face as he smiles back.
He seeks Fenris' hand beneath the bar, brushing his fingers lightly against the back of Fenris' hand, a tentative touch that conveys all he wants to say.
Responding to his touch as if it were a conversation, Fenris reaches out for Anders' hand again, palms touching.
Fenris' hand never leaves Anders' for the rest of the night.
#help me write a fenders fic#help me come up with a title#thank you so much to everyone who voted commented and reblogged! <3#fenders#fanfiction#my writing#my fanfic
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I made a random doodle for you :3
- Private Twinkletoes ✨
I love how you drew me! You’re a fantastic artist!
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WIP Wednesday
Almost missed this tag from @anderstrevelyan because Tumblr is being a brat 😝! Here's a little snip from a piece that'll go between Dream of the Archer and Silverite Moon; tentatively titled Familiar Roads, Forgotten Roads. The Wardens are bonding!
‘My door is always open,’ she’d said the night of his Joining. It had been little over a week, and he hadn’t taken her up on it yet. But the thought of going back to sleep turned his stomach, and sitting up alone thinking about it wouldn’t make it any better.
He slipped on a shirt from the wardrobe and made his way the short distance across the hall to the Commander’s room. Her door was indeed ajar, but he knocked lightly before pushing it open. An unexpectedly masculine grunt answered from within.
Oghren sat alone at a small, round table near the room’s hearth, dealing cards seemingly to himself. “Can’t sleep?” the dwarf asked, and motioned to the chair across from him. “Heh, join the party.”
For a moment Nathaniel thought he’d walked into the wrong room, but when he looked toward the bunks to his left he was surprised to find Cariane asleep in her bed, a scarf covering her hair, and Anders sleeping behind her with his arm draped around her middle. The little orange cat she’d given him slept by her feet at the end of the bunk. The whole scene felt awkward enough that he might have thought he was still dreaming.
“Should we be intruding here?” Nathaniel asked quietly, feeling not quite embarrassed, but a different sort of discomfort he couldn’t place.
Oghren snorted, “Nah, it’s fine. A little dwarven ale knocked Sparklefingers right out.” He nodded to the cards on the table. “Deal ya in?”
And it's already Thursday and I've got to go to work so... 😥quick, no-pressure tags to @sillyliterature, @ephemeronidwrites, @psalacanthea, and @glowing-blue-feathermage
#nathaniel howe#oghren kondrat#dragon age awakening#amell x nathaniel#oc cariane amell#vigil's keep family#wip wednesday#dragon age fanfiction#doc's fanfics
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ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨❤💋👨
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#NowWatching: The Power 1x06 "“Sparklefingers”"
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Jess Watches // Tues 7 Nov // Day 49 Synopses & Favourite Scenes
Call the Midwife (with mum) 6x08 Episode 8 (Season Finale)
A new contraceptive clinic adjacent to the Nonnatus maternity unit causes trouble, while an unexpected letter to Barbara sends everyone into a frenzy.
A wonderful way to end what has been the best season so far, with a more optimistic balance between their struggles and their joy. It was so sweet that everyone had a whip round so Barbara could have the wedding dress of her dreams. And Tom putting his winnings to good use by renting a carousel because he knew his wife would enjoy it. Also, I knew Patsy would be back to whisk Delia away, and while I wish they had more time onscreen together, the reunion and kiss was a lovely goodbye.
The Power 1x06 Sparklefingers
Governments are introducing new laws on EOD testing, while Urbandox's followers are growing more dangerous - forcing some to keep their Power hidden, while putting others in the line of fire.
Ryan telling Jos he has the power because he is intersex, and then when she accuses him of not trusting her, him saying "It's my body. I don't owe you anything." A strong message in a show about bodily autonomy.
Sin huellas (No Traces) 1x05 Zapatos nuevos
Together again, Desi, Cata and Irene have to prove that Eduardo Roselló killed his sister. But Eduardo has his own plans to blackmail Néstor and have him take the blame.
Desi & Irene both being too stubborn to admit they still have feelings for each other. The playful hand slap fight in the car. Sneakily sneaking around the cemetery together. The relief on Irene's face as she rescues Desi in the car wash. The kiss after. Irene jumping as the carwash starts again.Them trying to have a serious discussion about what to do next as they were blowing cold air over each other.
Curses! 1x05 The Scryer Bowl
The Vanderhouvens discover a possible way to contact Alex. But chaos ensues-and Stanley gets caught in the center of it.
Are you afraid of the dark? Learn bowl magic and mirror arranging and also the harmonica to keep the monsters from taking you in the night.
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Last song I listened to:
Chlorine by Twenty One Pilots
Discovered the song recently and honestly, it's a banger!
Currently watching: Nothing at the moment
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory, as I cannot handle spice for shit and I can't eat too many sweets without getting a tummy ache afterwards. And also there's a lot of directions you can go with savory foods when it comes to cooking
Relationship Status: Single. I don't plan to date anyone, instead I prioritize my friendships/close knit of friends over trying to find a romantic partner (and ultimately fail)
Current Obsession: CoD zombies, or more specifically, Ultimis Richtofen, as well as things involving space/the moon/stars/etc
I might also be gravitating a bit towards TF2, which is entirely Maddie's fault /lh
Tagging @radarthesleepdeprived, @gingerlee-holds, @shroomies-world, @shinmiyovvi + anyone else who wants to join!
Nine People I’d Like to Know Better Tag Challenge
Thank you so much for the tag @ligovskaya <33
last song I listened to: Mary On A Cross by Ghost (sorry)
currently watching: nothing really...
sweet/savory/spicy: all of the above, but if I had to choose probably sweet!
relationship status: single
current obsession: Shoot from the Hip - they're an improv comedy group from London and I can not recommend them enough!
i'm tagging: @tobbesdiscordkitten, @steamyearlgray, @prophetofthesufferpuppets, @anamelessfool, @daredvssy, @nastylittleghouls, @chaostwinsofdestruction, @so--something and @jennmakesitweird (only if u want to ofc <3)
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“My money’s on the scrawny guy. He’s got that rage in his eyes, y’know? Always got look out for the quiet ones.” It was a quieter night at the bar, which wasn’t exactly Rose’s preference. She was working on a lead, preferred to be invisible and to blend into the crowds, though that wasn’t in the cards for the time being. It wasn’t exactly easy to blend in considering the eyepatch and the white hair, so she didn’t really stand a chance when the crowd was thin and quiet. Maybe this was the universe or whatever telling her to have a night off. And to watch a brewing bar fight, it would seem. There was a lazy smile in place, gaze situating on the man she’d spoken to rather than the two arguing a few feet away. “He’s absolutely gonna clock him, and it’s gona be awesome.”
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Oghren tag drop, 2/2!
#Is That Some Sort of Antivan Perversion? ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: CRACK.#Huh? Oh‚ Something‚ Something‚ My Wife ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: HEAD CANON.#Is Anyone Going to Suggest Tossing the Dwarf? ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: HUMOR.#Draw Your Sword and Say That Again! ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: IC.#All the Fun‚ None of the Commitment! ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: INTERESTS.#They Are Remarkably In-Tune ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: PLAYLIST.#Think You’re So Clever Don’t Ya‚ Sparklefingers? ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: COMMENTARY.#Run Headlong Into Danger‚ Sod the Consequences ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: ABOUT.#Someone’s Too Proud for Their Own Damn Good ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: CHARACTER STUDY.#I Drink More‚ Then It Goes Away ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ OGHREN: THOUGHTS.
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Private Twinkletoes? More like Polaris because you’re the guiding light many should look up to for hope!
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