#spanish shouting random words at the back
poetessgio · 7 months
being bilingual doesnt mean i can write in two languages it means i have two languages fighting inside my brain when i try to write and by fighting i mean blood on the floor of the halls in my mind
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queenie-official · 20 days
going with ani to the cafè for pumpkin spice latte only for him to be super nervous since we are so cool and he's some random engineering nerd ☝️🤓
‘Fall In Love With Me’
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main masterlist Word count: little over 3k
pairing: modern!Anakin skywalker x fem!reader
a/n: you sending this request in as soon as i mentioned wanting to write fall fics is iconic of you and i love you for it 💋
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“come on y/n, this is the only good thing about college! skipping without any repercussions” Honey continued to beg as you walked across campus.
“that’s easy to say when you're skipping a language class you’re already fluent in” you protest as she clings to your arm, pleading like a child.
“you don’t even care about French class, you just wanna ogle your little crush” she retorts before tugging on your arm as she comes to a stop forcing you to stop with her.
“okay that’s only half true, i like French class” you hardly believe your own lie as it tumbles out of your mouth. judging by Honey’s deadpanned expression she doesn’t believe it either.
“you were complaining just yesterday how the Teacher refuses to speak in any other language than French and you had no clue what was going on.” if only you didn’t vent to her about everything maybe then she wouldn’t be able to call you out on your bullshit.
“you’re gonna make me late” you sigh, slumping forward solemnly. she rolls her eyes not buying the act for a second.
“good, if you’re going to be late then it just makes even more sense for you to skip with me.” you let out a groan, gently pulling your arm out of her hold before starting to walk again. “you could at least talk to the guy if you’re gonna keep going just to look at him.”
“he’s too smart for me, i mean he’s a mechanical engineering major for gods sake” did he tell you that himself? no, you and Honey just did a little snooping through instagram after you got his full name and found out for yourselves.
“i have a friend who dated an engineering major and she told me they are not as smart as they think they are.” right but he was, he had all A’s it was a known fact around campus. Anakin Skywalker the college’s golden boy.
academic wise anyway, he didn’t socialize with anyone. you had guessed it was because he was much too focused on keeping his grades as good as they were, he had to if he wanted to keep his full ride scholarship… was it considered stalking if you got this information on a public platform?
“yea well Anakin’s different Honey” you can feel the look she’s giving you and you hate it. she jogs up in front of you now, forcing you to look her in the eyes.
“fine don’t skip but you have to talk to him, you’ve got the confidence and social skills to charm a snake y/n stop selling yourself short” you both stare at each other, a silent challenge that you always lose.
“alright!” you huff defeated and she cheers, throwing her arms up in victory before doing a celebratory dance.
“have fun talking to the boy of your dreams” she teases before spinning on her heel to walk in the opposite direction as you.
“have fun skipping spanish” you snort and she shouts back a quick ‘i will’ as you continue walking towards the building.
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your professor was the type of teacher to close the door as soon as class began. ’if you want to waste my time by being late, don't bother coming at all’ was the first thing she’d said at the beginning of the semester, it was the only sentence she’d said in english.
which is exactly why you speed walk past her right as she’s starting to head to the door, keeping your head low when you see the annoyed look on her face as you do. internally counting your lucky stars that you somehow managed to make it before she’d closed it.
Anakin was always one of the first people to arrive in class so it was no surprise he was already there when you get to take a proper look at your surroundings. he was sitting in his usual spot; last row, second to last seat from the aisle.
you take a deep breath mustering all the courage you have as you walk down the aisle past your usual spot and straight to one of the empty seats next to him. he stiffens, hands freezing mid type on his laptop before he forces himself to relax and continue like normal.
you spare a glance at his laptop screen, wondering if it was related to the class. maybe you had missed an entrance ticket or something. you’re met with a shit ton of equations that makes you want to do a double take, unable to even process what you’d just seen.
the sound of your professor starting the lesson pulls your attention before you can. not that you could even understand what she said, all of it going in one ear and out the other. still you pretend to listen, wanting to give it a little time before you possibly ruin this man’s whole mood.
you pretty much dissociate, resting your hand on your palm without a thought in your mind. it’s about thirty minutes later when everyone who didn’t already have their laptops open are pulling them out of their bags that you snap out of it, following their lead you take yours out before turning to Anakin.
kind of a perfect way to start a conversation if you think about it. “sorry, but do you know what we’re supposed to be doing?” you tilt your head slightly watching as it takes a second for it to click in his mind that you’re speaking to him.
“we have to go onto canvas and answer the newest discussion post and then we have to comment on two other people’s answers all in French” he says after clearing his throat, his voice a soft rumble that makes your heart flutter.
you smile warmly at him, a whispered “thank you“ rolling off of your tongue before you turn back to your laptop. you’re about to copy and paste the question into google translate when you realize you could use this as another excuse to talk to him. “don’t suppose you’ve got any clue what this is asking us?”
his attention is on you again, eyes flicker over your face with uncertainty before he looks at your screen “comment prépares-tu la journée?” he reads it out loud in an accent that rivals the professors “it’s basically a formal way of asking how you prepare for the day”
you nod thinking of your answer only to remember a second later you’d have to respond in French. you bite your lip fighting back the urge to ask another question, afraid that you may start to annoy him. you tap on the table lightly locked in an internal debate, and right when you’re about to cave and go back to your trusty friend google Anakin speaks up again.
“do you need help forming your answer in French?” you can’t help but laugh as you turn to him, a shy smile growing on your face.
“is it that obvious i’m struggling?” you joke at your own misery and he rubs the back of his neck, nervously chuckling.
”no, no i wouldn’t say that…” he trails off before finishing with “well maybe a little bit” which makes you snort and cover your mouth to make sure you don’t laugh too loudly.
“help would be much appreciated, thank you” he smiles, wiping his palms on his jeans before clearing his throat again.
“it’s no problem i already finished my work anyway, i was working on homework for another class” he says while closing his laptop “i’m Anakin by the way” he extends his hand and you're quick to shake it. his palms are clammy, his grip gentle yet firm.
he was definitely nervous, even more than you were which somehow helped fuel you with more confidence. “y/n, it’s nice to meet you” you greet back, releasing his hand and turning your laptop screen more towards him.
“it’s.. uh nice to meet you too” it’s almost funny how awkward he is, you’d expected the college golden boy to be more.. well suave. it was endearing though, and you wish you’d made the effort to talk to him sooner.
you tell Anakin your normal routine before leaving for the day and he translates it for you, at first you were the one typing it but when he saw you failing to spell out the words correctly he offered to just do that as well.
of course you agreed, sliding your laptop more towards him. he reaches forward immediately retyping what he’d told you, and you get a front row seat to watch his mind work. so casual and effortlessly translating each thing you told him onto the discussion post. you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t attractive.
thanks to Anakin’s help you’re able to get the discussion post done and comment on two other people’s posts in under 10 minutes, leaving you with nothing to do as the professor waits for everyone to finish before continuing the lesson.
“so do you usually finish all your work early and work on homework for other classes?” you ask wanting to spark conversation again before he gets the chance to reopen his laptop.
“yeah, French is kind of my first language- my mom had me speak both French and english growing up” he answers, shifting in his chair nervously. uncomfortable from the attention you were giving him. “so this is sort of.. my easy pass class, i just took it for the credits”
“i wanted this to be my easy class, and then the first day she spoke almost purely in French and i knew i was fucked- it’s a miracle i’m passing” that miracle was your usual seatmate who would always give you the answers.
“not to be rude but uh.. how are you passing?” you can tell he didn’t want to come off too blunt but there wasn’t really another way to put it that wasn’t beating around the bush.
“lots of google translate and help from peers” he laughs at how proudly you say that, and you can’t help but smile enjoying the sound of it.
“right, that makes a lot of sense” you raise your brow at that unable to resist the urge to mess with him.
“a lot of sense is crazy wording” you act offended and he instantly starts to panic, backtracking his statement while attempting to apologize. you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you making him freeze when he realizes you weren’t actually upset.
he doesn’t respond even as you apologize, simply shaking his head with a faint smile. he relaxes in his seat, a look on his face like he wanted to tease back but was still unsure.
once you’ve calmed down and chosen to ignore the looks you were getting from the people around you there’s a brief silence until your professor speaks up, calling everyone’s attention. all of the discussion posts must have been turned in as she now continues the lesson.
it’s not until the end of class that you and Anakin speak again, you turning to him as he packs his stuff away. “hey, we should hang out sometime” you suggest, rather bold for someone who was afraid to talk to him a little over an hour ago.
he whips his head towards you, completely caught off guard. “i- i…” he stutters, his brain trying desperately to catch up with the situation.
you wince worried you misread him, maybe you had actually offended him with your joke or perhaps he had no intentions or desire to talk with you after today.
when he sees you physically pull back he forces an answer out of himself in an almost panic. “no! well i mean yeah- i’d like that..” he squeezes his eyes shut cringing inwardly.
“you’re cute” you giggle, and he reddens. eyes snapping open as he tries to catch his breath, you’re too much for him. like taking a sip of coffee that has way too much sugar and cream in it.
“cute?” he repeats practically breathless, he swallows hard. looking down to his bag for a distraction, busying himself with zipping it closed.
“there’s a cafe i like to go to with my friend that we could go to together?” you offer while pulling your phone out of your pocket. readying it for him to put his number in as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
he hesitates for a moment before taking your phone; typing in his name and number, eyes flicking up to you every once in a while like he expected you to change your mind and tell him to stop.
“i’d love too” he finally responds, handing your phone back with his number officially saved into your contacts. you have to hold in a giddy squeal, doing your best to play it cool.
“great it’s a date!” you cheer singsongy, putting your phone back in your pocket. Anakin looks like he may pass out, every time he thinks you can’t surprise him more you do. “i’ll text you the details later tonight”
his mouth opens and closes, every possible response dying on his tongue. you give him the time he needs, brows knitted together in understanding.
he fakes a cough, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “okay, i look forward to it” he says voice cracking slightly which he tries to play off with another fake cough, turning away from you and heading out of the classroom in a hurry.
as soon as he’s out of sight you let out the squeal you’d been holding in, jumping up and down before excitedly running out of the classroom to go find and tell Honey about what happened.
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you wait just outside of campus. rocking on your feet as the cold autumn breeze rushes past you making your nose cold, honestly you were far too happy to care.
i’d been two days since your interaction with Anakin and today was the day you’d both agreed to meet up after classes finished. the wait was agonizing but worth it, especially when you see Anakin heading towards you.
he had on a flannel overtop a gray shirt, hair tussled from the wind. palms sweaty which he tried to keep under control, alternating between wiping them on his jeans and trying to fix his hair.
he hasn’t noticed you yet, mumbling something to himself as he walked. you contemplate whether or not to say something, afraid you may startle him if you do but thankfully he finally looks up from the pavement eyes locking with yours. he stiffens mouth snapping shut before standing tall as he tries to look relaxed.
“y/n hey..” it was awkward for sure and you had to bite back a giggle not wanting to make him second guess himself.
“hey, you ready to go? it’s not too far a walk from here” you point behind you in the opposite direction from which he came. he nods, robotically coming to your side as you begin walking.
there’s a awkward silence between you both, Anakin wanting to talk to you but unsure where to start. “sooo…you like coffee?”
you laugh, unable to hold it back this time with how strained his question came out. “i do, it’s a college student's saving grace don’t you think” you half joke, after all there have been many times coffee has actually saved you from passing out and turning in a late assignment.
he smiles, relaxing with your easy going nature. “oh yeah, coffee the holy grail for all college students” he jokes back for the first time and you beam. “you said you go to this cafe with your friend?”
“yep, me and Honey go all the time. they’ve got the best coffee and baked goods. it’s also the perfect environment to do homework or study” you both round the corner of the sidewalk, walking a little ways down to the crosswalk.
“oh that reminds me i’ve been meaning to ask, what’s your major?” well if he was asking that then he had yet to see your instagram account since it was in your bio. good because you’re pretty sure there’s a photo of you from middle school still up on your page.
“i’m an art history major” his brows raise slightly at that, making you tilt your head curiously. “what’d you think i majored in?” he shrugs unsure what to say.
“i don’t know… maybe psychology” this time your brows raise and he laughs. “you seem like the type” your nose wrinkles unsure how to take that but you ultimately decide to brush it off when it was clear he didn’t mean it in a bad way. “why art history?”
“i wanna become an art teacher, i need a bachelors degree for that to happen and art history seemed like the most interesting.” you both slow to a stop as you arrive at the cafe; Anakin steps in front of you, opening the door and holding it for you.
”thanks” you smile, walking in and heading to the usual table in front of the big storefront window that you and Honey sit at, placing your backpack onto the back of the chair. Anakin follows your lead doing the same with his bag before you both get into line.
thankfully it was short, most students preferred the other cafe directly across the street from campus. “ooo they finally have the fall flavors on the menu” you chirp excitedly upon seeing the newly chalked on pumpkin spice latte on the menu.
“are they any good?” your jaw drops dramatically, turning your head slowly towards him in full theatrics.
“you’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte before!?” he smiles, laughing awkwardly while shaking his head no. “oh we’re gonna fix that right now” you don’t even let him respond before stepping in front of him once the person in front of you leaves the line, ordering two pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider donuts for the both of you.
you don’t let him pay either, brushing him off with a “if i’m the one indoctrinating you into fall culture then it’s only right i pay” he only relents when you add “you can pay next time” a content smile on his face at the prospect there was even going to be a next time.
the cashier hands you a bag with the Donuts as well as two disposable cups with your lattes which you take to the table you saved. animatedly sliding the cup over to him as you pull out the donuts placing them on napkins in front of you both. “come on try it, i bet you’re gonna love it”
“a lot of confidence for someone who doesn’t even know if i like sweets” your face falls not having even thought about that, he laughs instantly making you flush when you realize he was messing with you.
still you smile back, it was about time he got you back. really you were just happy he was even comfortable enough to do it. “alright enough teasing, chop chop Frenchie”
“what am i a dog” he snorts, brows creasing together when he laughs this time. it was hardy and from his chest and gods did it make you warm to have been able to pull that out of him. “okay, okay i’m doing it” he says after you nudge him under the table with your foot.
you wait with anticipation as he brings the cup to his mouth, taking a sip of the warm nutty pumpkin flavored drink. you lean in as he takes his time, one hundred percent keeping a straight face on purpose. “..well?”
he pulls the cup away making a show of smacking his lips together to ‘savor’ the flavor. “Anakin!” you groan and he chuckles, holding his hands up in defense before grabbing the cup again.
“you’re right, it’s delicious” you cheer at the success, and he just watches with a smile. taking another sip of his drink before taking a big bite out of the donut you'd given him. his eyes widening as he tries it. “oh this is a dangerous combination”
“addicting isn’t it?” he nods enthusiastically, practically wolfing down the donut in a few seconds and almost completely chugging the latte. “oh my gosh” you laugh, before taking a sip of your own. “it’s not going anywhere”
“not technically true, you said it yourself these are seasonal items” he says and then chugs the rest of his drink. you may have actually just sent this man on a path of addiction.
“well we’ll just have to make it a tradition to come here every fall then. just for the coffee and donuts” he smiles brightly, more than satisfied with your words.
“is the rest of their menu this good year round?” you nod and he leans back in his chair, fiddling with the napkin his donut had been on. he licks the bottom of his lip in thought, bitting the inside of his cheek to hide his nerves before he finally speaks. “well maybe we should make it a year round tradition”
you lean on your palm, absolutely crushing harder on him with each passing second. “year round dates? kind of sounds like you're asking me out” he practically falls out of his chair, choking on whatever sugar the apple cider donuts had left at the back of his throat.
“i-i…i mean..” he stammers and you start to worry you may accidentally be the death of him. “i’d like that a lot.. you know only if you’re into it too-“ he cuts himself off mumbling a ‘she brought it up of course she is’ to himself which makes you giggle.
“why don’t you ask me?” you wait for his answer, not even trying to give him a break. he’s still barely recovered from your initial tease, cheeks a bright red that he’s trying desperately to push down.
it takes him a moment, before he finally works up the courage to speak again. “would you wanna go out with me?” he’s quiet and you briefly contemplate dragging it out more, just to watch him squirm but the poor boy looked tormented enough so you finally grant him reprieve.
“i’d love to” he smiles, relaxing before laughing at himself and you join in. the two of you lost in a fit of giggles, that’s how it is the rest of the date. the two of you getting to know each other better and tossing jokes around.
the more comfortable Anakin becomes, the less awkward and shy he seems to act. no longer as nervous as he was when you first spoke to him.
the cold weather outside is the perfect contrast to the warm cozy bubble around you both that the cafe helped provide. the beginning of many moments to come.
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a/n: hope this okay!! im so used to writing Anakin as the more confident and collected one so this is a little different for me but it was so fun to write 😋😋
also how do we feel about Honey becoming a reoccurring character in my fics and oneshots? would you guys prefer me putting ‘y/f/n’ instead?
anyway hope you all enjoyed reading 🫶🏼🫶🏼 have a great day huns!! Xx<3
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sthavoc · 6 months
Imagine Enzo and the guys being out and maybe grabbing lunch and there's a girl and some friends sitting next to them. Someone comes up go her and asks her out in spanish and she replies in english that she doesn't speak spanish. After the man leaves she starts speaking in spanish to her friends and the boys laugh. Enzo and her hit it off. Idk pay no mind to this. It's nonsense
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: you go out with your friends for brunch and a guy casually decides to ask you out, but you are not interested, though you decide to exchange a few words with enzo.
·˚ ༘ warnings: cussing. (I believe that is it)
·˚ ༘ note: bestie I loved this idea it’s not nonsense! we can always find a way to work with what we get! and I love this kind of fics 😭 they’re so cool to write. also three posts tdyyy
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“Dios, ese chico lleva haciéndote ojitos desde que llegamos.” One of your friends, Sofia, giggles bringing her head down.
“Ew.” A scowl plasters onto your face. It wasn’t that you considered he was unattractive, it was his personality, the way he wanted to appear more masculine than what he already wanted to be.
He kept trying to do seductive looks and would wave the waitress away. What a jerk. Was also ordering drink after drink.
Gross. Was your thought.
“No, y que venga acá.” Another one of your friends, Lucy, speaks making you choke on your drink.
“¡No lo manifiestes!” You whispered a shout making your friends giggle, and if you weren’t mistaken also the table of boys next to you.
It was your usual brunch hangout that you had with your friends before continuing with your day together as a group. All you wanted was to have one of those moments, not for it to be ruined by a random guy that you were thoroughly not interested in.
“Eso te pasa por ponerte ese perfume que dice ven a mi, tarada.” One of your friends, Javier says. His remark made you roll your eyes before you answered—
“Ay cállate que no sirve. Lo compré en broma.”
He laughs tossing his head back. “Como si crees en la manifestación pero no en esto pelotuda, es básicamente lo mismo”
“Uh oh. Ahí viene.” Lucy takes the attention while taking a sip off of her drink before turning the other way to not look at the scene, and act distracted as if they were not paying attention to the guy.
“Hola.” The whole table went quiet when the guy reached your space, including the table next to you. How embarrassing for this fellow. “Te me hiciste muy guapa y quisiera saber si te gustaría tomar algo conmigo.”
At this moment you had two choices, immediately reject the guy, or humble him in front of everybody. You weren’t cruel, you just didn’t like men who wanted to appear more manly. Plus, you didn’t know English for nothing, it wouldn’t hurt to put it to use.
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish.” The three of your friends choked on their drinks trying not to giggle at the way you looked up at the guy, and him only staring back in confusion.
“Perdón, no entiendo.” His words were followed by a nervous laugh, that he immediately got rid of.
“Que no sabe español, boludo.” Javier was not repentant to call him stupid.
The guy only swallowed and excused himself before leaving, he had paid for his tab before walking out of the restaurant. Your friends didn’t resist and were laughing at the situation, and again, the table next to you.
“Que imbécil.” You sighed with a chuckle before taking a bite of your food. You realized your drink was half empty and you decided to get up and go towards the open bar to order a refill.
You had walked over towards the bar and asked for your drink, with elbows on the cold, rigid surface as you waited. You felt the presence of another body next to you that made you turn their way. That’s when you recognized it was one of the guys that was sitting at the table next to yours.
“Tremenda jugada que le hiciste al hombre.” He mentions with a chuckle that made a smile somewhat creep on your lips, with a look in your eyes.
“Se veía como un patan.” Yo say spinning your body towards him.
The man stayed quiet for a moment and you took that silence to secretly scan him, he had curly hair, and brown eyes, and he wore a simple black t-shirt with jeans. Simple, but he pulled it off.
“Seguro que lo era.” He interrupts your thinking bringing you back to the sense of reality. “Enzo.” His hand stayed in the middle waiting for you to shake.
What a nice name.
“T/N.” You interlocked your hand with his giving it a small shake. His lips gave you a smile that you thought was one of the most gorgeous ones you had seen. What a man.
“¿Tengo algo en la cara?” He brought up making you let go of his hand and break the contact.
You shook for head before you responded “Eh no, no. Para nada, todo bien.”
“Bueno entonces, ¿no te molestaría si te pido tu número? ¿O también me vas a decir que no hablas español?” He joked earning your smile with a shake of the head.
“Buena esa.” You snickered inclining your head towards the side for a split second before you began to dig into your purse for something to write with, but all that you could find was a lip liner.
You deftly removed the cap from your lipliner using your teeth, holding it securely between them as you reached over to Enzo's arm. You gently placed your hand on his forearm, feeling the warmth of his skin. Enzo's eyes remained fixed on you, watching intently as you traced your phone number onto his inner arm with the lip liner. It was a moment of intimacy, one that left a lingering feeling of excitement and anticipation in the air.
“Me hubieras pedido mi celular.” He spoke after you relied back when you finished writing the numbers and putting back the cap of your liner.
“No, esto parece mejor.” You scrunched your nose before you grabbed your drink and walked back to your table.
As the scene unfolded, you remained composed and unfazed, taking a sip of your drink while your friends Lucy, Javier, and Sofia watched in amazement. Although they seemed shocked by what had occurred, you maintained your confidence and composure throughout the ordeal.
“Que tremenda,” Lucy mentions.
“¿No que no servía el perfume?” Javier jokes making all of you laugh before going back to your food.
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
everywhere ʚɞ miles morales x reader
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pairing: 42!miles morales x reader
synopsis: you beg miles to help you write your extra credit paper so he invites you over.
wc: 3.2k
warnings!: swearing, harassment, creepy men, n word use, making out, google translate spanish
prev ʚɞ fin
why are you everywhere, fuck. miles couldn't get you out of his head it's like you were taking over his life. you became the center of his drawings, spending like three hours perfecting the small details on your face, your wispy eyelashes, the brown and pink in your lips, everything. and that kiss didn't make it any easier, it wasn't his first kiss but god it made him obsessed.
it was becoming a problem for his prowler work, his uncle told him to get his head in the game.
you were sitting in physics and he wouldn't stop trying to touch you. he kept his knee pressed on yours the whole class and kept crossing the imaginary line on the table to touch your elbow with his. you looked through the side of your eye and saw that he was staring at you. "the way i can feel your stare right now is insane" you giggled, whispering. "i literally don't know what you're talking about" he pressed his lips together and shook his head.
neither of you have spoken about the kiss you'd shared three nights ago. things weren't awkward it just kind of went back to the way it was before. at least that's what you thought.
it was the end of class and your teacher assigned a partner paper that was due on monday for extra credit points, miles didn't need the points however you did. "can you pleasee just work with me?" you begged, following behind him down the hall. "i don't even need it? i have a 98" he told you. "alright well unlike you my grade sucks, pleaseee i wanna make honor roll, and right now i have a 79" you pleaded, hooking his arm. he let you keep your hand there, secretly enjoying the contact. "why don't you ask somebody else who needs it?"
"cause you're the only one i talk to there, everyone else seems boringgg. plus you're smart" you tried to inflate his ego to work in your favor. he didn't say anything he just looked down at your pleading eyes. "milessss" was all you said until he rolled his eyes. "relájate maldita sea, i'll do it with you. can you come to my house tomorrow night or your dad still hate me?" he joked and you laughed a bit. "if i tell him it's for school he might relax a lil" you said "so does that mean you'll help??" you asked again with a smile on your face.
he loved that on you, definitely going back in his sketchbook. "ain't that what i just said chiquita"he scoffed. you squealed "thank youuu, okay i'll see you later" you pulled off his arm and turned down the hallway to your locker.
you walked out of the grocery store with bags and a small baguette in hand that you were chewing on. god you adored the bakery in that store. you turned down the street in the direction of your building when you heard someone "ay pretty lady what you doing out here this late" you turned to your side and saw some random guy talking to you. "ha, don't worry bout me." you nervously said back, deciding to just keep walking. "ah mami, don't be so cold~" now you could hear the slurring in his words, obviously drunk. you still kept it pushing and he just followed behind. "that ass is looking tight though" he reached a hand out and squeezed at your butt.
"what the fuck?!" you shouted, reaching into your pocket for your mace to spray him. you turned around but paused when you saw the familiar mask you knew from the news, the prowler. he was staring at you with a finger over where his mouth would be and reached his claws around the guys neck and pulled him into the alleyway nearby. you heard the guy scream, and some thuds before ultimately what you thought was blood splatter and a body dropping to the ground.
that was when you decided to make a run for it, and when the grocery store was out of sight, you walked as fast as you could back to your building. even though he'd just helped you, you did not want to get caught up with the prowler at all. he would be on the news for various crimes - theft, arson, aggravated assault, murder, etc. again, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. you ran into your building and up the stairs unaware of that mask staring at you from the building across.
miles was on his way home jumping from the rooftop to rooftop when he heard some voices on the street. he looked over and saw you being followed by some guy who looked drunk out of his mind. he followed on the roofs before jumping down, as silently as he could, behind the guy. he looked at the fright on your face and put a finger up to his mouth.
he grabbed the guy by the throat and pulled him into the alley behind him. he threw him down on the ground sending a kick to his face. he sent a punch to his face with his clawed gloved before throwing him up against the wall, sending another harsh blow to his face. it enraged him knowing that guy was tryna hurt you..or worse. he used the sharp claw to slice against his neck, the pressure sending his blood on the walls. he went limp and dropped to the ground. "one less fucking weirdo." he spat. he peeked out from the alley to see you were gone and practically sprinting back to your building, smart girl.
he followed behind you on the rooftops, something he's grown quite fond of doing when he would see you out on his patrols, to make sure you got home safe. he'd figured out which window was your bedroom a few weeks ago and didn't leave until he saw the lights turn on and your shadow illuminating against your curtains.
it was friday afternoon and you got dressed to go over to miles' house. you got dressed in a pair of track pants with a baby tee and sneakers. you still wanted to look cute but you didn't want to feel like you were doing too much. you threw on your sweater and put your things in your bookbag and left.
you felt your palms getting sweatier the closer you got to the door. you knocked on it when you heard a muffled shout from behind the door. a few seconds later, you were met with miles - hair out and curly afro falling at the sides of his fade, black wife beater   on that exposed his gold chain and well defined muscles. he had a pair of black joggers on that showed the waistband of his boxers, god he looked good.
"you gonna keep standing there or do you want to come in" he joked with you. you rolled your eyes fondly before taking your shoes off by the door "you took your braids out" you pointed out. "getting em redone tomorrow" he told you. "by the way, my mom's here and she insisted on making you dinner" he told you, you nod your head before following him to the kitchen. "ahh cariño, you must be y/n" a woman greeted you with a smile and a hug. "i'm miles' mom, rio. when he told me he was bringing his little girlfriend over i had to meet you. and i made dinner, hope you don't mind" she told you. "momm" miles groaned making you giggle.
"not at all ms morales" you smiled at her. "miles baby be a gentleman, take her bag and her sweater for her" she told her son. he went up behind you and gently pulled them off your back before going to his room. "you want a plate baby? i made pollo guisado y arroz" she asked you. "that sounds really yummy, thank you" you answered. miles came back from his room and shared his own plate along with you guys' and you all sat at their dining table. you sat in the chair that you figured was his dad's and you found yourself growing a little sorry.
you took a bite of your food and your face twisted in delight. "oh this is so good, been too long since i had good home food" you admitted, taking another bite. "thank you sweetie" her face softened with a sorrowful look. she'd heard about your mom after miles explained why he ditched school and why she got a call from some man telling her he was kissing his daughter.
"your house is really nice by the way, i love the feel of it it's so pretty" you told her. "ahhh you're gonna give me a big head, thank you bonita" she smiled at you. you looked up and saw a picture of miles sitting on the wall ledge when he was a toddler, mean mug on his face. "awww is that you?" you asked him, pointing to the picture. he looked at where you were pointing and smiled a little before nodding his head. "ahhh you're so adorablee" you said in a baby voice. he looked at you and you continued "and you still got that same mug" you joked, poking his cheek.
rio began sharing stories of miles when he was a kid and how stubborn he was. how he would test his parents' patience even though he knew they didn't play like that. she pulled out her phone and opened an album she had dedicated to miles and gave you to scroll through. you giggled at how cute and silly he was, but he did not seem amused. a video popped up of rio recording jeff throwing a small miles in the air and telling him how much he loved him. the air grew a little somber and rio cleared her throat "um don't you guys have a project or something, i don't wanna keep you waiting all night" she said picking up the plates.
"uh i can help wash up" you offered. "no, está bien. go hang out and do your work." she smiled. you followed miles to his room and looked around at his choice of decor. his bed sheets were a plain black, not much decorations on his wall except for a few rappers and album covers. he had a desk by his window and a mirror on the side of it. on his desk sat a laptop, notebooks, a lamp, pictures of his mom and dad and a sketchbook off to the side. it was open to you decided to be nosy and move closer to take a peek.
your eyes jumped a little bit when you saw what was an unfinished drawing of your face mid smile. "is this meee?" you picked it up and turned the page back one. this time it was multiple sketches of you from different angles. he moved to pull the book out of your hand and you gave him an awkward smile. "someone's obsessed. am i your muse?" you teased him. he closed the notebook and hid a smile shaking his head, "you are mad nosy" he told you. "draw me like one of your french girls, miles" you teased him some more.
you looked at his posters "frank, tupac, okay tasteee" you said. you continued looking around the room but he didn't seem too bothered by it considering he was sat on his bed just watching you. you looked a little through his shelves, checking out his book collection "i didn't know you read, scholar" you said, taking one down to read it. when you did that, something fell to the floor. miles jumped up to stop you from picking it up when he realized what it was. your smile dropped when you saw the mask you'd just encountered the night before.
"wait what is this?" you asked, tone a little more serious. "listen" was all he got out before you kept going. "don't tell me you're..." you looked at the mask and then back at him, mouth dropping as you made the connection. "ohh don't tell me you're the prowler!" you got a little louder and he slapped a hand over your mouth. "would you hush?! my mom doesn't need to know" he whisper yelled. you stuck your tongue out to lick his hand and he pulled it off you wiping your spit in his sweats. "well that's a really fucking dumb hiding spot!" you yelled back in a whisper.
"miles, you are the prowler??" you asked holding the mask in your. he looked away from your eyes before letting out a sigh and nodding his head "you cannot tell anybody" he pointed a finger to you . "aren't you literally killing people and stuff?? how could you do all of that?!" you argued in a hushed tone. "listen, you don't get it alright? im doing this to help my situation out so don't be coming up in here and judging me!" he argued back.
you sympathized with him a bit before biting back "but you're killing people, oh my fucking god you killed that man last night!" "i was doing that for you! stop fucking walking by yourself at night by the way" he said back to you.
"when did i ask you to do that for me?" you pointed a finger to your chest. "y/n don't you get it. i would do anything for you" he was getting desperate, moving closer to you. "what?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "there's not a line in the world that i wouldn't cross for you." he grabbed your hands. you didn't know what to say next. the tension was so high and you two just looked at each other.
he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, the force pushing you back into his shelf. his hands moved to your waist and your arms crossed behind his neck, deepening the kiss. he pushed his knee between your legs and your breath hitched in your throat. rio opened the door coming into the room "miles gonzalo morales, no hanky panky! you have work to do. ¡puerta abierta!" she shouted before leaving. your heart sank in your chest and you took a deep breath before looking back into his eyes.
"right that's why i came here. didn't come here to argue with you, think i'm gonna leave now" you said moving past him to your bookbag. "don't. i can still help you, i could write it for you if you want" he tried to stop you. you pushed your feelings down, you do still need his help, you could be mad at him later.
you spent the next thirty minutes searching through your textbook for information and typed it while miles looked up formulas and concepts.  you groaned and threw your head back on his pillows. "ey i told you i coulda just wrote it for you, you wanted to be stubborn. ahora haz el trabajo" he told you. you only whined in response before staying silent with your thoughts.
"why are you doing it?" you spoke up. "what?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "the whole prowler thing" "i told you. to help my situation out" he shrugged. you got up on your elbows "no but like why?" he sighed and rolled his eyes
"i do it to help my mom out. she keeps taking mad shifts at the hospital and no matter how much she tells me not to worry, i do. i don't wanna see her stressing herself out like that, it's not fair. so me and my uncle help her out, he was the one who had told me he was the prowler and then i took over but now he just helps me out. and listen i'm not killing people like that. i know what the news says about me and i've only really touched like three people, plus that guy last night. and if i do kill someone it's never innocent people." he explained.
"so like a vigilante typa thing?" you asked him. "i don't know maybe. probably not the good kind though. " he chuckled, feeling a little sorry. you sat and listened to everything he had to say "i know i'm not innocent either, not anymore. but i'm not gonna stop till things are right for us again. i really hope you can understand?" he asked you. you thought for a second before nodding your head. "i don't even know why i'm telling you all that, you not an opp right?" he raised an eyebrow at you. "no, please i could never" you giggled.
he leaned so his face was close enough that you could feel each other's soft breathing while you looked into each other's eyes. he pressed his lips against yours, loving the way your soft lips felt against his. the kiss was softer this time, different from the one before. he put his hands on each side of your jaw.
he moved to line kisses down your neck and you reveled in the feeling it gave you. you bit your bottom lip and put your fingers in his hair before you caught yourself. "wait" you pushed him back a little "your mom said no hanky panky" you mimicked her with a giggle. "so?" he said moving back to your lips. "so..your door is literally open and she's in the room next door" you told him. he moved back to your lips "i can close it" you kissed back for another minute before pulling away again.
"i have a paper to finish" you licked your lips and you could still taste him on you. he helped you finish your writing and after about an hour and a half you clapped, glad to be done. his mom poked her head through the door "mijo, it's getting late. think it's time y/n head home?" she asked the two of you. you both frowned a little bit but you figured it was pretty late and nod your head "yeah okay, we finished up anyways" you smiled at her. you packed your stuff in your bag and miles shoved his feet in his uggs.
"you're coming?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "duh. don't think i'm letting you walk by yourself" there was so much sass in his voice you had to laugh. "alright nigga relax" you giggled.
"have a good night sweetie" rio called out to you from the couch. "you too, mrs morales" you smiled and waved. miles opened the door and followed behind you.
the two of you walked down the few blocks in comfortable silence side by side. miles copied the speed you walked and made his feet match yours in sync. "thanks for helping me by the way. i deadass wouldn't have finished this until probably second period on monday" you told him. "and that's why your ass was pushing a D" he joked with you.
you got to the outside of your apartment building and said your goodbyes, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and entered the building, heading up to your apartment. you showered and went to lay down with a lot to think about.
taglist ౨ৎ
@prettypink-princesss @itsnotino @r3d0n33 @iluvprowlermiles @jmsanchoo @stevenknightmarc @melllinaa @
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bad268 · 7 months
Out-of-Pocket (Pepe Marti X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Yeah on Wattpad (ily zep also happy race week!)
Warnings: none.
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 869
Summary: Out-of-pocket grid walks and podcasts
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The first race of the season was one for the books. The energy was high, the excitement was through the roof, and all of the drivers were ready to get back to racing. As someone with a moto racing podcast, you were having a blast in the paddock. The plan was you were going to do a Martin Brundle-style grid walk, asking random questions to whatever drivers you could find.
“Jak!” You shouted, running up to your American friend who was walking with Ollie and Kimi. “Can I ask you guys questions for the pod?”
“Don’t say tyre deg,” Jak joked as the other two nodded.
“That's a tequila shot, Jak,” You laughed. “Anyway, I don’t have any on me so, Jak, hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you found a dead body in your hotel room?”
“That’s so random, but I would call my team, I guess?” Jak responded, confused about where the question came from.
“Good to hear you trust your team, sounds like you guys will have a good year,” You stated. “Does this mean you are getting along well with your new team?”
“Yeah, I love the team, and I think we’re gonna do well this year,” Jak beamed. 
“Thank you, Jak. Now, Ollie,” You moved the microphone over to Ollie, “You hit me as the type of guy who needs beauty sleep.”
“Where is this going?” He laughed.
“Why is it called ‘beauty sleep’ if you wake up looking like a hot mess? I’ve seen the LAP videos, and you don’t look very beautiful when you wake up,” You teased him.
“Oh you’re one to talk,” He gasped in disbelief, “As if anyone in your opinion looks good waking up unless they’re Pepe!”
“Hey, no need to call me out in my own podcast here!” You jokingly scolded. “I ask the questions. Now, why is it called ‘beauty sleep’ if you wake up looking like a hot mess? I need to know.”
“Maybe it’s not about physical beauty and more about mental beauty,” Ollie quipped. “Ever think of that?”
“No, I did not Aristotle,” You replied sarcastically. “Thank you for bestowing your great mind upon us, oh great one.”
“With pleasure,” Ollie jokingly bowed as he left to follow Jak.
“Kimi! The new man on the block! Tell me, how many pennies do you think would fit in your car?”
“At least five,” Kimi answered immediately and seriously.
“Fair point, thank you,” You replied just as seriously as you moved on to your next target, running after him. “Dennis, do fish drown?”
“NO!” He shouted, started by your sudden appearance. “No, I looked this up and drowning is inhaling water. Fish breathe water, so unless they stop moving and water blocks their gills, they can't drown, but they can suffocate on water.”
“Damn, thanks Bill Nye the science guy,” You said sarcastically as you moved on, beelining for one of your favorite F3 drivers to ask questions to. “Sebastian Montoya, I have a question for you.”
“I love these,” he said to himself before leaning into the microphone and shouting, “Hi Pod!”
“Don’t! I’m the star here,” You joked. “Anyway, if you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong?”
“Neither, you’re gullible,” He answered.
“Oh, that's a dollar word, look at you go!” You chuckled as you moved on once again. This time you ran into a world champion. “Fernando! My favorite Spanish driver!” You shouted as you ran over to him but not before whispering into the mike, “Lies, Pepe is my favorite.”
“We all know Pepe is you’re favorite, no need to flatter me,” He laughed.
“Well, at least we’re all on the same page,” You dismissed. “In your opinion, what is the worst mode of transportation?”
“Roller skates,” He said after a moment. “The ones with the wheels in a line.”
“What do you have against roller blades, Nando?” You chuckled, genuinely curious.
“I just never learned how to ride them,” He laughed.
“Fair enough, thank you!” You said as you heard back to the Campos garage, knowing Pepe was probably finished with his interview by now. You saw him sitting on the couch in the driver’s room that he shares with Isack, scrolling through his phone. “And here we find the friend of the show, Pepe, in his natural habitat; hiding from everyone.”
“You do know I can hear you,” He chuckled, not even looking up from his phone.
“Oh shit, I thought he was deaf,” You whispered into the microphone, but still loud enough for him to hear. You moved into the room and sat beside him, leaning into his side. “I have a real question for you.”
“Something tells me it’s not a real question, but go on.”
“How does it feel to be in a relationship with the most out-of-pocket moto racing podcaster on the planet?”
“Wouldn’t change it for the world,” He replied as he placed a small kiss on the top of your head. “You should talk to Clement to get on Screaming Meals. I bet that would be the most chaotic episode ever.”
“Don’t give me any more ideas,” You groaned. “Also, I’m trying. James said no.”
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hauntingkiki · 4 months
some venture headcannons that i came up with!
i hope you guys enjoy!
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Some Basic Head-cannons
Venture x Reader Headcannons
2nd POV
- they go by they/he pronouns, but mainly use they/them! (amab)
- they have a few cuts/scars from exploring and from the fights while at overwatch
- they listen to just about anything. goth rock? they have a playlist for it. country? turn the volume up!
- they have dimples! the one of their left side is more prominent than the one on their right :3
- since they speak spanish, if they forget a word in english, they'll say it in spanish so it's like a guessing game to figure out what they're saying (unless you also speak spanish)
- the words that they forget are recurring words, like they'll forget the word spaghetti in english, so they made a list of the spanish word and the english definition next to it. (it's your life saver)
- they've very clingy! but not in the bad way, like, they like to show you off around their coworkers! ex. holding your hand, an arm wrapped around your shoulders/waist, kisses on the check, forehead, nose, lips, hands :}
- if you're the one to kiss/give them attention in front of their coworkers, they easily get flustered and will not shut up about the interaction.
"oh! hana wants to show me something really quick! i'll be back, sloan!" *kisses their cheeks and walks off with hana*
*very flustered* "he...hehe...did you see that? i love my girlfriend/partner so much."
"yes, venture, we saw it."
"she's/they're so pretty."
- will randomly quote a line from a song out of nowhere.
"baby, we can do it, take the time, do it right. bum, bum, bam."
"what was that, sloan?"
- has the coolest rock collection you have ever seen. in your shared bedroom, their side of the room is all rocks, sketches they made while exploring and work related stuff while your side is just all of your interests
- proud 24/7 yapper
- ^ will just talk about work, overwatch/his colleagues, random facts they know/learned
- while the two of you eat dinner, you two will have a yap fest where you just talk about random things! (work, interests, drama, or whatever pops into your heads!)
- they love to paint rocks and gift them to you out of the blue, so you have a small, but growing, collection of painted rocks by your truly
- they used to draw a lot when they were younger, but since they do more rock/structure drawings, their human sketches are a little rough but they will ALWAYS use you in order to improve
- they will paint their nails your favorite color and you will paint your their favorite color, but on your ring fingers, you'll have your favorite color and they'll have their favorite color
- matching tattoos with you :D
- they have some kind of autism, so when they get excited, they'll crack their knuckles, flap their hands around, tap/stomp their feet!
- when you both go to sleep, they'll take all the blankets and hog the whole bed.
"why weren't you in bed when i woke up?"
"hun, you took the whole bed."
"...no i didn't?"
they only do this if they had a long day at work (which is very rare surprisingly)
- apparently them eating rocks is cannon?!😭 but i think they'd also eat those candy rocks, and they LEARNED how to make them at home.
- has a HUGE ASS JAR of rocks and candy rocks.
you took one once and it was an actual rock. (thankfully you didn't chip a tooth unlike sloan)
- they rarely curse, but if they get overwhelmed/overstimulated they'll just shout a random curse word and everyone knows that you are needed immediately.
- they want to get their tongue and ears pierced but is surprisingly scared of needles, so they're holding off the appointments (for some reason it's only piercing needles, they have no problem with tattoo needles)
please request i need stuff to do☹️
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Self / Independent Learner's Guide to Language Learning From Zero
-a mini study plan I used this for Spanish, French and Italian, it is my favourite way of starting to learn. It won't teach you the langauge but if this is your first time, if you feel confused and don't know where to begin, this is for you! -this is kinda romance langauge based but might give you ideas if you are learning from a different family too -this is very notebook / writing based since i prefer learning that way Step 1: Preperation
First of all, ask yourself "do i already have some amount of immersion in this langauge?" As humans, we learn from immersion a lot. Songs, but especially visual media is incredibly heplful. I never studied japanese but after watching a few animes i picked up 5-10 random words. Passive vocabulary, being familiar to most common words will be your biggest friend. If the answer is no, before start studying ANYTHING do some immersion. e.g. I watched dix pour cent for French and learned arrêt which means stop because characters were shouting to each other all the time.
After making sure you have some immersion or if you already have some, PREPARE YOUR RESOURCES. Make a file in your computer, reblog tumblr posts, save links. Search for pdfs in google. (x language a1 pdf / x langauge a1 grammar book / x language a1 reading) Free PDF's and and useful websites. The more the merrier. Why? Because when you actually start learning you will slowly realise them half of them are not actually useful, too advance, too simple, not in your preffered style etc. You will en up using same handful amount of resources again and again but before that, you have to TRY EVERYTHING. You are unique and so will be your learning process.
Google x language A1 curriculum. (you can try adding "pdf" at the end of sentence as well) It "probably/ hopefully" exists. If you can't find that way, learn which offical exam is necessary (e.g. for French it's DELF/DALF, in english there is IELTS and so many more) If you are lucky, you can find a langauge teaching enstitute's curriculum and you can find in what order they teach things. This was very helpful for me because sometimes you don't know what to study next, or just want to visualise what do you need to learn, it is helpful. I printed one out and paste it to the back cover of my notebook. You won't need this one YET. I'll explain in a second. Keep reading.
Get a notebook. I don't prefer books while learning from zero because it will be filled with vocabulary you don't know. My pereference is no squares no lines empty ass notebook and colorful pens. I'm a person of shitty doodles. I love to draw and visualise things. It really helps my brain. In A1, your knowledge is absouletly zero and your brain is about the explode with realising GREAT MASS of knowledge you need to learn in order to be "fluent" . So keep things away from being "too much" if you want to avoid a burnout.
Set a timer. If you want to avoid burnout, the secret is always quit when you feel like you can go another round happily. Quit when you are dopamine high. If you study too much, next day you'll wake up tired, want to rest etc. and make it harder for you to create a habit. I did this mistake with French by studying 4-5 hours everyday for around 30 days. I completed my challenge, completly quit and then didn't come back for MONTHS.
You will be re-studying A LOT. Language learning is repetition. You will start by studying "the A1 curriculum". But, because this is your first time your focus will be on the vocabulary and general comprehension. You are trying to re-wire your brain, and learn a different way of thinking and living. It's not easy. It will take time. It will be painful at times. But it is 100% worth it.
After you finished studying your curriculum, you'll take a short break and then study the curriculum AGAIN. For a second time. Because you already know the basics, this time you will be able to focus more on the little things you weren't able to comprehend the last time. e.g. articles or whatever little frustaring thing your langauge has. Also focus more on basic prononciation and especially reading aloud. Find a realistic text-to-reader. Copy-paste a text. Listen and repeat.
Get a new Youtube and Instagram account dedicated to langauge study. How many good resources exists and where they are is really depens on which langauge you are learning. For english, youtube is better. For French, instagram is better. You have to see for yourself. If you get a seperate account for your langauge algorith will learn faster and you won't be distracted by other stuff. Short form engaging videos are the best for absolute beginners. Re-watch things and try to repeat them out loud. It's called shadowing and is your future best friend.
If you want to learn how to speak, you first need to how to write. If you can't write sentences without looking at google translate (or reverso) you won't be able to make up sentences in your head. If you want to learn how to write, your first need to learn how to read. You need to start in this order but also don't be perfectionist. Do it even if you do it wrong. They will be fixed eventually and won't stick. Record yourself speaking even if the text you are reading is 90% google translated. Why? Beacuse speaking will enhance your vocabulary in a way no other thing can and that's the core of reading. So this isn't a linear thing. It's actually a circle!
Step Two! Ok, Sadie, i got my notebooks and read through all the warnings where do i start? *First page: [] means written is target langauge
[x notebook] x= your target langauge
Add something cute and make you feel happy to open up the notebook. It can a drawing, a picture, anything. First page is your entrance to your new home. Make it welcoming.
*[My name is X. I am Y years old. I live in Z.] *Greetings. Main articles if there are any. Yes, no, please, thank you. *What is your name, what do you do for living, how are you, where are you from, how old are you, how many langauges do you speak, numbers from 0-100. If there are multiple way of saying these things and probably there are, just write one. You will eventually learn others. Baby steps. *write a basic ass text of two people having a conversation asking and answering these questions.
*the alphabet and how to pronounce the letters. basic letter combinations that change into a different sound. a youtube video about this 100% exists.
*personal pronouns and if there is a "am/is/are" verb the conjugation of it. (in spanish there is two unfortunately) *artciles and basic noun endings. a couple exemples of nouns in x form but takes y article. *first 5 most common verbs. learn the conjugation, try writing basic ass sentences. (e.g. to come, go, have, speak)
*three more verbs (e.g. to eat, can, to want)
*take some time to fully comprehend. check your curriculum list to look and see if you want to add anything. e.g.for spanish that can be ser vs estar, for spanish is can be "how to ask questions in french" becaue it's way harder compared to other langauges.
*take some break from grammar and learn some vocab maybe. it can be colors, or feelings. (i am sad, i am hungry etc.)
*start studying most common verbs. usually a form of categorization exists. usually it's verb ending. (unless it's a language like turkish where every verb either ends with -mek or -mak lol.) Start with 10- 15 most common verbs. You will also be learning some vocabulary by default. (try to stick to regular verbs if you can, if not that's fine) (Do not learn any verbs you won't be able to use immediately.)
*Learn basic adjectives and how they work so you can form more detailed sentences.
*After comprehending how to form basic positive negative sentences and some verbs, congratulate yourself, because you deserve it! *Learn how tell time. "What time is it? It's x'o clock."
*learn clothing and how to simply describe physical look e.g. hair color, eye color, beard, glasses...
*learn the verbs of daily routine. be able to write a generic ass "i wake up, i do breakfast, i eat lunch at school, i sleep" sort of text.
*demonstratives. this that. these. those. you can add some vocabulary you like. this is a cat. this is a tree. you can add placement adjectives now or later. (the cat is under the sofa. the bird is on the table etc.)
*Now you know a lot of things! Take some time and focus a bit more on the vocab, let your brain process things, do some passive immersion. avoid a burnout at all costs. *learn how to say "there is" (if you want more vocab transportation and city centre themes can be included.) *learn how to talk about your hobbies. This is the generic A1 curriuculum. You are able to understand basic things, you have a generic comprehension. That's all it takes to be considered A1. If you want to pass it though, what you need is a good grammar source. For French and Spanish Kwiziq was very useful. I couldn't find a good online grammar resource for Italian yet. (please ask more experienced langblrs for recs.) Slowly learn more vocab (since A1 is more vocab based. If you hate Anki and Quizlet stuff check Linguno. Actually check Linguno anyway it's a banger and i'm gonna die on that hill.)
If you don't have have native friend to ask questiones and you don't have any ethical concerns ChatGPT can be useful. I'm using it for French for months. Why are we using this particle here, why this and not that, can you give me some example sentences.... you can play guess the animal, ask for writing prompts and then make ChatGpt find and explain your mistakes to you. It's very handy.
*Don't be scared to share about your journey on Tumblr and most importantly ENJOY!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hiiii, could i request some tooth-rotting-sweet fluff with Miguel x reader who is latina and GREAT with children? tyyyy!!!
I tried to remember what I learned in Spanish class 😭 so please correct me if I’m wrong
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Most of the spider society knew you. They all loved you, and they also thought it was odd.
He was always angry, and he wasn’t nice to anyone, at least that’s how some people saw him. But you, you were the opposite.
Peter B Parker was a spider man you were close with. You loved Mayday and often babysat for him when he needed it.
And right now out of all times was the last time he needed you to come in.
You met miles outside, Gwen introducing him. He even showed you some of his Spanish, and you tried to help him with some things as you both walked.
When you made it to his office, you rolled your eyes at his dramatic entrance.
“Miguel.” You shouted, he glanced back but didn’t turn fully.
“Miguel O’Hara, meet Miles Morales.” Gwen said.
“Qué tal, tío. I-I speak Spanish. Te traje una empanada.” He held up an empanada box.
You facepalmed at the boys words. Calling Miguel dude when you first meet him is a big no.
Miguel turned back, and brought the empanada to him.
“Que Marivilla.” He dropped the empanada and looked at you.
“See you’ve met my wife.” He grumbled.
“Wife..?” Miles said, a little confused.
“Yes, my wife. Who should be at home right now.” He snapped his head to you.
“Me aburrí.” You shrugged.
“Lo que vino aquí..?”
“Es decir sí, pero...”
He rolled his eyes. “You know what- nevermind.” And focused back on miles.
It was almost a game of good cop bad with you two.
“I’m really excited to get going-“
“Oh great.”
“-And I have some new fresh ideas on how to catch the spot-“
“Uh-huh-uh-huh.” He turned around, and in an angry rage, threw a metal desk at the floor. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.
“He’s worried about spot, I’ll worry about spot!”
“What did I do?”
“You blew another hole in the multiverse!”
“Miguel, he doesn’t know any better.”
“But you did Gwen. And you- I can’t- I just can’t.” He looked to Hobie.
“I ain’t even here.”
“Hey, Miguel, Go easy on the kid. He had a terrible teacher he had no chance!” A voice came. Peter.
You smiled and looked back.
“Peter.” Miguel said in annoyance, turning around again.
Miles ran up to him and hugged him.
“Miles? Don’t be afraid of my friend Miguel, he just looks scary, he’s all bark no bite. Believe me, he’s a sweetheart.” He looked at you, you stifled a laugh and looked back to Miguel.
Miguel and miles talked, and caught up.
“Mayday.” You said, when she started swinging, she started to climb up the walls as you watched her. She then dropped into your hands. You smiled at her, and started to smother her with kisses as she giggled.
Miguel watched, as much as he hated Peter, he liked seeing you with children. You were great with them, random children in the store, and mayday especially.
You were even Maydays godmother, which Miguel tried to argue against saying it’s too much responsibility if something does happen but you practically begged. He smiled ever so slightly, but quickly wiped that smile away when he thought that someone was looking.
“You have a baby!”
“I have a baby.”
You laughed at the child, who then jumped out of your arms and swung over to Miguel.
“No puedo mas, no puedo mas, no puedo mas.” Miguel mumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration as the child climbed up him.
“Awww, I told you she likes you.” You smiled at Miguel.
“I knew I was gonna regret making her that webshooter.”
“Yeah, please never send her over to our house with them again.” You laughed. And remembered a few days ago when you watched her while Peter and Mj went on a date, with Miguel fuming as the child giggled and threw webs everywhere.
“Hey you wanna see pictures?” Peter dropped back down and pulled out his phone.
“She’s right there- oh. Wow.”
Peter showed them pictures as she climbed up Miguel. Then Peter came over to Miguel.
“I’m trying to have a serious adult conversation.” He said, as mayday climbed all over him.
“You know spider-man is supposed to be funny, you’re the only one who isn’t funny. Even your wife is hilarious. It’s a wonder you two get along.”
“The fate of the multiverse-“
“You always lose me with that. You say the fate of the multiverse and my brain dies.” Miguel handed mayday back to Peter, glancing at you who was just looking in amusement.
“You smell that? Yup. Mayday took a crap. She’s a Parker.” Peter swung away, and set mayday down by Hobie.
“Miles, you disrupted a canon event.” Miguel focused back.
“Canon event?”
“The kid wasn’t thinking. That’s not how he works.”
“That’s insulting.”
“Taking a crap on the establishment, I salute you.” Hobie said, saluting Mayday.
“Wait, what are you upset about? I saved those people.”
Miguel dropped down. “And that’s the problem. Lyla do the thing.” He stopped.
“What thing?”
“What do you mean what thing- the information explainy thing.”
“He’s talking about the Arachno humanoid poly multiverse.” You said when Lyla looked at you.
Miguel rolled his eyes “Yes, that’s what I’m talking about.” And gave you an annoyed look.
“No me mires así.”
“Lo siento, amor.”
(Hope I’m using that right cuz from what I remember that’s how you apologize? Idk correct me if I’m wrong)
“You better be.” You mumbled as he continued his explaining.
Might make a part 2. Lmk if anyone wants one tho 😭
Tag list:
@rayis-psychotic @scaraza @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @1eonk @whosace16 @zebralover @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn @deputy-videogamer
@666kpopfan @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @notbluees @chaoticevilbakugo @oscar-isaacs-wife
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hornyhermitry · 1 month
Professional translations & public witch hunts
For starters: If you think "TL;DR, who cares, I ain't reading all that" and are incapable of processing words for a prolonged amount of time beyond 240 character clickbait, you are not entitled to an opinion on translation to begin with.
I will take sufficient time for this one.
In recent weeks I've repeatedly had the misfortune of coming across public harassment and incited hate mobs towards Jujutsu Kaisen's manga translator.
There's hordes of anti-social harassers pushing for someone to get fired from a professional job - in which he works because he is equipped with the necessary qualifications - purely due to disliking occasional translation choices in a comic.
This behavior has reached levels of exaggeration and reality disconnect, it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad due to a real person's livelihood being attacked.
This is not normal and tolerable behavior. It is equal to drumming up a hate mob in front of a café and threatening some employee inside, throwing rocks at the window and demanding for a barista to get fired because you didn't like the coffee beans they chose, or sure, maybe because they put actual sugar instead of sweetener into your coffee.
This is not a normal and acceptable way to behave.
If you think it is, there is something deeply wrong with your perception of society and what's respectful conduct towards another human being. When you encounter another person, you act respectfully at the very least. Kind, ideally.
Feel free to imagine yourself at work, making a mistake and thousands of people starting to call, email, shitpost online and harass you over it, dragging you publicly, shouting on the parking lot for you to be fired. Please reflect on yourself.
This dude does comic translations.
He did not authorize biochemical weapons in a war. He did not pass a law to deport all migrants and close the borders. He did not accidentally kill someone during a surgery. He did not hack & rob the annual employee bonus' account.
He wrote a word you don't like in a comic.
Planet Earth to Werry hater: Please come back down to reality and dial it back a few notches. This is a non-issue. Whether he makes mistakes or not, this level of hate and harassment is ENTIRELY out of pocket.
Moving on to translations.
Translations/criticizing translations:
Opinions on translations are like assholes - everyone got one. But that doesn't mean you need to pull them out in public. And especially not that you have to shit into random people's lives with them.
I've been reading manga and playing games in private for 27 years. I speak 4 Western languages and A2.2 Japanese. I've been working in the international entertainment industry with a focus on Asian to Western markets for over a decade, including Chinese, Japanese & Korean.
A lot of my time at work is filled with liaising between East and West, internally as well as externally. In my career, I've spent a lot of years supporting and later on consulting on localization.
I know what it is like to be a fan, and I am fully aware of the work reality behind translation.
I'm also intricately aware of the difficulties one faces when interpreting (!) from a source language as abstract and contextual as Japanese to a spelled out language such as English, French, Spanish, German, etc.
You cannot do a 1:1 translation. The nature of these languages is so different, you have to decide on one of many ways to translate something. And oftentimes, the content is so vague with so few indicators, the only thing you can do is guess and hope for the best - unless you happen to hit a rare jackpot of a person who has a guide with additional info and is able to provide this within the short deadline you are left with.
Even the most basic words already illustrate this difference.
Look at the example of
元気ですか / げんきですか = Genki desu ka
Genki is an adjective, "desu ka" is a question particle similar to "is it".
Genki already has many similar variants in meaning: "lively; full of spirit; energetic; vigorous; vital; spirited"
It is commonly translated as "How are you?" but that is not what it literally means.
Since "Genki desu ka?" is commonly used after the initial greeting when meeting someone, "How are you" is the closest equivalent to it in EN, due to it's function and usual placement within a dialogue.
The literal translation would be "Energetic is it?", or "Lively is it?"
That is obviously is no proper English.
Adjusting for grammar, it could be changed to "Are you lively?" - but the "you" is already a "fictional addition" to the sentence, as the original JP has no adress like this.
And asking someone if they are "lively" is also out of place. So more changes are needed.
Further adjusted for "natural sounding" would be "Are you doing good?" which now has 2 additional made up words, to transfer the question from JP to EN - "you" and "good".
This sentence does not necessarily have to mean "Are you good/How are you?". If I tell you my aunt Emma sends her regards, and you reply "Ah. Genki desu ka?" the translation would be "Oh. How is (Emma) doing?/Is Emma doing good?" JP's grammar works without these precise indicators who is talking about whom and is highly contextual whereas - Western languages need those.
Concluding, depending on who is talking to one another, who was mentioned on a page before, etc. a simple "Genki desu ka?" can be anything from "How are you?" to "Is (Panda) doing good?".
There is no literal 1:1 translation possible. The languages are too different.
The reality of translation is unclear source material open to multiple interpretations, once you settle on an interpretation having another dozen options to decide on for the specific wording, then having to adjust that to character and spacing limitations and doing all that with little turnover time.
On top of that, official translations work with styleguides and glossaries.
There could e.g. be a kind of character bible with notes about all characters and their peculiar ways of talking and what character traits those convey and an instruction to use approach XYZ to convey that.
"Speaks in a very poetic way, very roundabout and meandering" which could e.g. lead to overhauling the literal translation to add "personality" based on that.
Going by "(O) genki desu ka?" suddenly "How are you?"for the "poetic trait" becomes "How has life been treating you?"
Again - at the end overhauled again to make room for character limits and such, so maybe it becomes "How fare you?"
This change could have been added not because this particular line offers the exact context, but it is rooted in a style instruction to work with a certain speech pattern/type for a character - since the JP indicators at another spot might not offer satisfactory EN translations, so you have to add the "personality" elsewhere.
Translations of ongoing works utilize glossaries and you cannot use new terms if there is already a term established and submitted. Else it would be a mess of e.g. Cursed Energy in Chapter 2, Jinxed Force in Chapter 25, Hex Flow in Chapter 112, Curse Power in Chapter 156, Hex Energy in Chapter 287, etc.
Even if some months or years in you think another translation would be better suited, you are obliged to keep consistency with previous mentions and cannot just change these.
This also means if you take over translation work started by someone else, you have to work with their groundwork and established rules and terms and cannot change them.
Official translations commonly aim to make a foreign work accessible to local readers. If there is a bunch of teenage characters going to school, they should be relatable to local teenagers. As a result, regional and current slang might be added to make it sound more natural whereas the JP might just have "informal" indicators but less variance in vocabulary. The goal of a translation is to make a work accessible to a whole new language audience, hence the focus lies on making it readable without a prior 8 year degree in cultural studies. Things get simplified or changed for that reason.
Usually translators for a work consult with each other what the difficulties translating are, what possible options are, and what each language will run with. These considerations take a lot of time.
Having fans work out occurences deviating from the OG and explaining the specifics behind is it AMAZING community content and something for the people passionate about a story and about learning more about a culture. But it's not needed for the average joe buying a comic at a gas station.
This kind of deep dive is fandom! Enjoy and share and get excited! Enrich each others lives and understanding of a story! It's one of the best things there is.
Finally, a translation has to be timely & approved. There are multiple people involved in this.
It is not on poor John alone to make all decisions as he fancies and send it straight to print after going rogue, but he works within the guidelines & constraints this jobs brings with it. It's his name on the page but there are a lot more people involved in the final result.
Publicly claiming things like a translator "brutally butchers" a story or "is incapable of doing a job" because in a sea of solid translations of a very vague source language, every few chapters there's a specific word deep fandom who spends all their free-time on this particular story would have translated differently, is wildly inappropriate.
Interpreting differently is not doing a wrong job.
People on social media love attention and shitstorms. You get one narcissist with a following pointing out a debatable translation in a snarky smartass way and everyone wants a piece of the smartass cake.
What I struggle with is how people who don't speak a second language & often barely speak their own language with literacy above elementary school, feel entitled to an opinion here. What makes you an expert on cross-cultural art interpretation? What makes you think your opinion holds any weight here? Oh you read a Tweet by s/o else? *clap*
What makes you think you have the right to go after another person's job for no reason other than spite and some internet gotcha over a comic?
If you really value the creation of near perfect translations that much, be the change you want to see in the world.
Learn another language. Get that degree. Get that job in animanga and do your best.
Or for a start, send a polite mail about your concerns to VIZ instead of starting a personal witch hunt for some guy doing his job.
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drunkenbagel · 2 years
Enchanted to meet you - Part 2
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Spanish f!reader Contents: slow burn, a bit of strong language/swearing, mentions of alcohol and drunk behaviour, implied sexual ambiance/tension but not actual smut. Word count: 3,1k A/N: I had some issues with my acc, which got deleted (and all of my posts/likes/etc🥲) but I'm back! anyways, here is the second part to the story! hope you like it :) Taglist: @canpillowscry @lxdyred (thank you so much for reading! <3) Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
You sighed while picking up your things from your work table and started heading to the elevator.
“Nora, it's not like that. I think you're taking it a little out of context.”
“What?! You're telling me that somehow befriending Pedro fucking Pascal isn't that big of a deal to you? Is that what it is? What the hell has New York done to you?”
“I'm not saying that! It's just- I don't think I am his public friend anyway.” You sighed again. “He's a celebrity, and I'm just a regular girl. Hell, I'm sure he sees me as his kid. He actually calls me kid, Nora. And I just happen to have the biggest crush on this man! Do you know how embarrassing that is?”
“Well, you got me there. But what if he's faking it and he likes you too? You may have a chance. You can still manifest your way into this man's ass anyway.”
You snorted loudly, and some people on the hall gave you a weird look.
“You always know how to cheer me up, that is a fact.”
“And I'm also the funniest, best sibling you ever had” she said laughing too.
“You are literally my only sibling, Nora. You're my rant dump. The best racoon, maybe. I could give you that title.”
“Are you kidding me? You know I love racoons. They're my favorite beings. And they are so funny too. I actually feel weirdly honored.”
It had been a little more than four months since you met Pedro, and the two of you had been getting closer. In the first month of knowing each other, much to your surprise, he gave you his personal number, and since then you started exchanging text messages almost constantly. Especially since you didn't saw each other again apart from a couple times at the beginning of your friendship, because he had a lot of work and had to travel back and forth. Schedules are real shitty sometimes, more since yours both didn't exactly coincide.
The elevator made a small sound and the doors opened.
“You know that I-”
Your face fell and you froze as you saw the secretary speaking with someone that looked an awful lot like Pedro. You instinctively hid behind a wall on a random hallway.
“y/n? You alright?”
“He's here.”
“What? Who are you-”
“He is here. At my work! What is he doing here?” you whisper-shouted while cautiously looking at him again. There was a brief silence on the other line.
“You mean to tell me that Pedro showed up at your work? Out of the blue?”
“Yes! He was supposed to be in Canada for some filming or some shit! Oh my god, what do I do?”
“Eres tonta?” Nora said. “Go talk to him like a normal person, estúpida! I bet you're hiding somewhere now.” (Are you dumb?)
You straightened and looked around as if you could see your sister looking at you.
“I fucking knew it” she said, and you heard her laughing on the other line.
“Shut up! You know this kind of things make me anxious. What do I do now? I look like shit, Nora.” You looked at your reflection on a nearby sign and started to fix your hair a little. “What is he even doing here? Why not tell me he was coming?”
“It's something called a surprise, y/n. You show up uninvited.”
“Ha-ha” you mockingly laughed. “What should I tell him? How do I react? I don't want him thinking I'm a big weirdo by making things awkward or something.”
“Just talk to him, for starters!” she scolded you.
“About what?! Hey, funny seeing you here, do you want to hang out? No! I don't think we can be seen in public without him being recognized, and less with me. Go somewhere closed? Same thing. And I can't take him to my shitty house, that place is a fucking dump and you know it.”
“Okay, okay. Breathe, y/n. Please.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled it. “Good. Now, maybe he just wanted to say hello, and go about his day. You're getting a bit ahead of yourself.”
“I know, I know. Okay, I'll just... Casually go out. I guess?”
“Good. And keep me updated right away or I'll call the cops.”
You laughed while shaking your head. Oh how you loved her.
“Thank you. Talk later. Bye!”
“Bye, you dumbass” she said, and hung up before you could say anything else.
You looked into your reflection again, and went to the exit as if you didn't see him in the first place. Only when you got out, he wasn't there anymore. You frowned. Maybe I just imagined it? You shook your head, and went to the door, when the secretary called your name.
“y/n! Here, Ashley told me to give you these reports for Monday. Oh, and by the way, there is someone waiting for you over there” he said, pointing towards the small book aisle that was on the waiting room.
You then saw him standing there in between shelves, looking through some books. You couldn't help a small smile from appearing in your lips.
“Thanks, Carter. See you next week” you said, waving at him while you walked to Pedro. You stood behind him, and he was so concentrated on the books that he didn't hear you approaching.
“Hm, Cien años de soledad, good book.”
He instantly whipped his head to your direction, a little startled, but when he saw your face he smiled widely.
“Hey!” he said, and grabbed you by your shoulders to give you a brief side hug.
“Hello. What are you doing here? I though you worked.”
“Yeah well, we finished a bit earlier than expected and I don't have to go back until Tuesday, so I wanted to surprise you. I hope that's okay.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. I just- I don't know if you wanted to...” be seen with me? “Anyways, fancy a drink? I sure as hell could use one. Or two”
“Oh, hell yes” he groaned.
“Good, because I know a good Irish pub just in this street.”
“Después de tí, señorita. You lead the way” he said while bowing slightly. (After you, young lady.)
After a bit of small talk and a 5 minute walk, you two walked into McCarthy's, your favourite pub ever. You had gone a couple of times with Ana and some friends there. Had a whole lot of good alcohol too.
You sat on a table that was a bit hidden from the rest, and you thanked Marcus for that. The kind bartender had been your friend since you started being a regular here. You two even dated for a while back then, but in the end you both preferred to stay as friends. Also, the amount of times he had to drive you home drunk was a bit embarassing.
After what seemed to be the shortest time of laughing and drinking, Marcus approached your table.
“Hey lass, we're closing. You need a ride?” he asked while putting a cloth on his shoulder.
“Already? Thanks for telling me, Marcus” you said, words a bit slurred, clearly a bit drunk. “Don't worry, I can walk home”
“You sure? I don't mind driving you, you already know that.”
“Yeah I'll-”
“I'll go with her.”
You two turned to look at Pedro, who had been awfully quiet during your coversation. Marcus stared at him for a little while, and then at you.
“Rabbit. Soft, white rabbit” you answered laughing, remembering the code names you made back then. He wanted to know if he was bothering you or if you were okay with that. He was such a caring friend. Pedro just looked at you two back and forth, without understanding. He didn't know why that interaction bothered him, but it did.
“Alright, then I'll have to ask you to leave like the rest so I can close up for the night.”
You two picked up your things, and on the way out, Pedro got ahead of you to open the door. You stopped briefly to say goodbye to Marcus before leaving.
“Always nice seeing you ‘round here, lass. Take care, please” he said.
“Thanks, Marc” you said, bringing him closer to give him a hug. After that, you kissed his cheek, and left off to the door. You didn't notice, but Pedro was clenching his jaw for the whole time, for a reason unknown to him too.
After a small silent walk, you went to reach for your phone, and in the process you realized your keys where missing.
“Shit. Please, no, no, no...” you muttered while frantically searching your bag.
“What happened?” Pedro asked, a little worried. “You alright?”
You sighed, defeated.
“I left my keys at work. And they are obviously more than closed right now. And until Monday” you said, groaning loudly. “Joder! I will have to call a locksmith, and then make copies of keys... Shit, this month is going to suck so fucking bad.” (Fuck!)
“You could stay at my place.” The words left Pedro's mouth before he could stop them, and he panicked for a second. You froze too, feeling your already alcohol-warm cheeks heating up. Did he just say that? You raised your eyes to meet his.
“Are- Are you sure? I don't want to disturb you.”
“C’mon, kid. I have some free days and an empty home. Besides, we could continue the party there if you're up for it.”
“Oh, like you could handle it?” you said, challenging.
“I know damn well I can” he answered, now widely smiling.
“¿Me estás retando?” you asked. (Are you challenging me?)
“Oh, sí.” (Oh, yes.)
“Then it's on.”
When you arrived there, you started drinking basically a bit of everyhthing on Pedro's shelves, and it ended with the two of you being very drunk. You had drank quite a lot more, never backing up on the challenge, even when he told you that you had already won, while trying not to piss his pants because you had slipped and fell to the floor.
“I know I won! I always do” you said, laughing as you got up.
“Okay, kid, you win. Now let's get you to bed” he said while still laughing, also visibly drunk. He took your hand to lead you, and you felt sparks just from that touch. “It's one of my guest rooms, so you don't have to worry about anything. You have spare chargers on the drawer by the bed, and in the bathroom are also spare hygiene things if you need them.”
“Y’have any clothes?”
“Ah, yes. Wait a moment” he said, and stumbled a bit to his room next door. Meanwhile you tried to take your shoes and pants off on your own, but given that you were heavily drunk, it was quite a challenge. Pedro arrived short after with a shirt and some plaid pajama bottoms.
“Here” he said, leaving the clothes beside you in bed. You then tried to take off your sweater, but it got stuck on your head. You heard Pedro laughing, but he helped you get out of it. He folded it the best he could, and went to leave it on the chair beside the bed. “I'll leave this here for-”
He turned around, but you were right behind him. So close. Only in your underwear. His laugh faltered, and he shallowed hard, feeling his head spin.
“Pedro” you whimpered, while tugging at his shirt. He could feel his heart thundering in his ears. He knew he was attracted to you, but you never gave him any clue that it was reciprocal.
He saw you moving your lips, saying something, but the loud sound of his own beating heart didn't let him hear what you said. You tugged again at his shirt. He instinctively started to take his shirt off. Was this happening? Was this really going to happen?
Without breaking eye contact, you took the shirt, and reached for the clasp of your bra. He closed his eyes and shallowed again. Okay, Pedro, calm down. Blindly and not wanting to intrude you, he took off his jeans. He then felt you taking his hand and leading him to bed. When his leg touched the matress, he opened his eyes and found you looking back at him, but you were wearing his shirt on. Wait-
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him towards you, collapsing on the bed. Pedro tried to avoid falling with his full weight on you, but you were hanging off of him for dear life.
“Warm” you whispered sleepily, clutching his head onto your chest. He radiated a lot of heat, and you found that very comforting. That's why you asked him for the shirt he was wearing. Now you were using him as your personal heater.
“Wait, y/n- I think I-”
You shushed him, and when he realized what was going on, he let out a small laugh. Without getting out of your grasp, he took the duvet and covered you two with it. Then, he accomodated himself on top of you, since you didn't seem to be letting him go anytime soon. You were also warm, and within a few minutes, he fell asleep too.
You woke up some hours later, with a dry mouth and a proper headache. You also felt your chest heavier than usual, so you opened your eyes briefly, and saw Pedro laying on your chest. Ah, it's just him.
You opened your eyes abruptly this time, looking at him again. He had his arms around your waist, and you had yours in his hair. You the realized that you had only his yesterday's shirt on, and with one brief look below the covers, you saw that he was practically naked too. You frantically tried to remember last night's events, but you only remembered getting into his house. Then, all blank. Oh no, what the hell did I do?! Did you just ruin the brief but amazing friendship you had? Did you two had sex?
You then started making your way out of the bed, trying not to wake Pedro. You picked up your phone and made your way into the kitchen. Your body was sore as hell. While you poured a big water glass on the sink, you dialed Nora's number. She picked up at the fourth tone.
“La he cagado. Monumentalmente.” (I fucked up. Tremedously.)
“¿Qué has hecho? ¿Estás bien?” she asked, sounding a bit worried. (What did you do? Are you okay?)
“I think I had sex with Pedro.”
There was a small silence. “What do you mean 'you think'? Did you or not?”
“I don't remember, Nora! I just- We drank a lot yesterday, and I woke up with only his shirt, on my underwear, and him practically naked too! I am freaking out!” you whisper-screamed while running your hand over your hair.
“Oh shit” she laughed. “You two had sex!”
“Don't laugh! I don't know what to do, he is-”
You felt two hands snake around your waist, and a raspy voice say good morning, beautiful into your neck. You froze, and ended the call.
“Hi” you said in a whisper.
“Did you have a good sleep?”
“Y-yeah... You?”
“Definitely. After last night's, I slept like a baby.”
You shallowed. Oh no. So you two really had sex. Sounded like very good sex. And you didn't remember! Fuck. The universe was taunting you.
What you didn't know was that Pedro woke up as soon as you left the room, following you to the kitched without you noticing. And, of course, heard the whole conversation. He then had the wickedest idea, and wanted to test you on how far you'd go without telling him what you really thought.
“What do you say? Do you wanna go again? Or are you too sore? I hope I wasn't too harsh on you.”
“No, I'm...” he kissed the back of your neck, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. “I'm fine”
“Good, then...”
He turned you around and lifted you by your thighs, forcing you to cling your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist. You let out a small yelp, and buried your head in his neck as he carried you into the bedroom again. Your heart was beating very fast, and you thought it was going to pop out any moment now.
He laid you down on the bed, and trying to contain the laughter, he lowered his forehead to touch yours.
“Are you sure you're okay? You're a little tense.”
“Yes” you answered, a little too fast. It took everything in him not to burst laughing, and he tried to cover it by leaving small pecks on your neck. You sighed at the feeling, but tensed up again when he started lowering his mouth. One of his hands started to lift your shirt over your hips when you couldn't take it anymore.
“Stop! Stop please. I can't do it” you said, pushing him and getting off the bed.
“What? You can't do what?” he said, trying not to break character.
“I just- I cannot pretend anymore. I'm sorry if something happened, but I don't remember shit about yesterday and I'm proper freaking out right now. I don't want to ruin our friendship based on some drunk decision, and-”
You stopped talking when he suddenly burst out laughing. You looked at him in confusion.
“What? What's so funny?”
“y/n... Your- Your face-” he said, wheezing.
“Stop fucking laughing! I'm serious.”
“Nothing happened, love. I was just messing with you. I wanted to see how far you'd go.”
“Wha- But you were... I-I am... And you said...”
“I know what I said” he answered, wiping his tears. “I heard you on the phone”
You felt your cheeks burn.
“All of it?”
“All of it.”
“And you were going to let me do this, you fucking asshole?” you said, hitting him with a pillow.
“Ow! You think I'd let you? That hurts my feelings” he said, while fake pouting.
“Oh, I'm going to hurt you, Pedro. Te voy a matar!” (I'm going to kill you!)
You started hitting him repeatedly with said pillow, until both of you were laughing and panting on the bed.
After that, the bond between you two grew stronger, now going from friends who only texted to best friends who chatted, video called and saw each other at any chance they had. You had no idea how everything in your life was going to change.
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I don't know if now is exactly the right time for this, considering everything that is going on, but I've had this post in the drafts for a while, so idk. A collection of random things I've noticed after a year of the QSMP in action (though I've only been involved in the fandom since late October).
Genuinely something fairly long, and I don't want to clog up anyone's feed with this mess of a post, so >
(colors don't mean anything in particular, I just needed to break up the text for my own attention span's sake)
Regardless of the fact that the translation feature exists, QSMP members always seem to make an effort to learn a few words in the language of other members. I frequented Tubbo's streams a lot, and I can remember him looking up Korean greetings back when Acau was just joining the server. Tina, while not fluent in the language, made an effort to converse with the newer Korean members in Korean on multiple occasions, and succeeded in that regard. BadBoyHalo and Foolish both went above and beyond to try to learn bits and pieces of the other languages on the server; Cellbit has been absolutely insane in picking up the languages present on the server, and even Quackity has worked on learning Portuguese behind the scenes with Mike. They aren't the only ones either, not by a long shot, though they were some of the few I watched happening in real time. The first days of different members joining the server were filled with exchanges of words and slang, and it was always incredible to watch. I could go onto the streams of Quackity or Tubbo or Tina when the new Korean members were joining, or Hugo, and walk away with a handful of new swears and slang under my belt. I find it incredible that everyone works so hard to communicate with each other beyond only the translation feature.
The impact of the QSMP was not on the permanent members of the server alone. While this is only one example of a great amount, I've been able to watch Aimsey's intermittent streams where they work on learning Brazilian Portuguese on Duolingo, their most recent only around three weeks ago. They joined Purgatory 2 months ago, but they made lasting friends with the Brazilian members of their team, and they still work on learning the language. They still talk about taking a trip down to Brazil to meet up with their fellow Purgatory 2 teammates, alongside Tubbo. I find that to be quite sweet, if I'm being frank.
The fandom has also worked across that language barrier. QSMP Language Day was one example of this (rip, such great idea, I had so much fun but oh my goodness did that day end terribly), though I have to give a shocking amount of credit to QSMP Twitter. It's always awesome to see the posts that trickle through in different languages, just seeing people discuss different headcanons and theories that they have in different languages, like it's nothing. The translation feature has come in clutch many, many times, but a lot of people have been working to genuinely learn a language since the server started. To those of you reaching your 1 year streak on Duolingo this week, I commend you. I just reached my 60 day one, and while it's not a lot compared to what some people have, it's a pretty big deal for me. I've seen Twitch chats filled with French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean. In one stream I could count spotting seven separate languages being spoken in the span of roughly seven minutes (not including French, idk where you guys went but I just did not spot you once): English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, German, Pashto, and Russian. QSMP Language Day was amazing, even if it was cut short by news about the admins, and it's just been really cool to see people communicating in their own respective first languages.
Translation in general. I've seen an uptick of translated closed captioning in videos created by different QSMP members, and while it isn't a lot, it's incredible to see when it does occur. I have to give a shout out to both Quackity and Baghera, for their translated closed captioning. Even if it's only a few videos, it's epic to see. I also find it very interesting that the only Offline TV video I've seen with closed captioning in more than one language was the one that Quackity was in, with Spanish subtitles. It shows that the creators care enough to add the captioning, and I think that's pretty awesome. It's also nice because often adding captions in another language forces you to add captions in the language you're primarily speaking throughout the video, which can help people who need context beyond the often messy auto-generated closed captions.
Fanfiction! Fanart! The most kudosed fanfiction on AO3 in Portuguese of any type is a GuapoDuo fanfic! Almost half of the top twenty most kudosed fanfictions in Portuguese on AO3 are QSMP. I talk about it a bit more in depth here, but it's still incredible to see just how dedicated this community is. I've been involved in multiple fic-gifting events and I've seen some genuinely incredible works come out of this fandom. Heck, I've created a lot of things for the QSMP that I'm incredibly proud of. I've seen some of the most incredible creative expression ever come out of this fandom. The tiniest accounts on YouTube posting full-length, colored animatics complete with the smallest of details (shout out to Artydrawsthings on YouTube for I GOT LOVE, that was absolutely incredible), fanfic authors writing massive A.U.s that explore every character in depth, and livebloggers that will analyze each and every movement to gush over it all. The fandom that the QSMP has built has been incredible, and it's been amazing to see it grow.
Just in general, the sense of community, and overall joy the QSMP has created. You can tell that this a passion project, created by someone who genuinely cared about and believed that what they were doing was something they wanted to be doing, and managed by people who believed that the project was doing great things. I think this is what made the QSMP flourish. It was built off people who were happy on the server, and it truly accomplished what it set out to accomplish: uniting communities. I could have said this two weeks ago, three, a month, five months, half a year; it would have held true nonetheless. However, for the QSMP's first anniversary, I think it's fitting to give it this achievement.
The QSMP without a doubt has its gaping flaws. That isn't something we can ignore, and it isn't something that we should try to. However, to ignore everything that this server has done in the year it has existed would be a crime in my eyes. I'm glad to have been a part of this fandom, and maybe I can't speak Portuguese or Spanish or German and I won't ever be able to French or Korean or whatever languages the QSMP will go on to add (sorry French, rip), but I know a lot more than I did when I started, and I think that the server has done a lot of good in the roughly year it has existed.
So thank you, to the fandom, to the server, and to everyone who made this happen, from the fanartists and the egg admins to Quackity at the top of it all. It's been a great ride, and I hope that it'll be able to continue.
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griseldabanks · 2 months
20 Questions for the Writer
Tagged by @rainintheevening
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Captain America/MCU and FMA these days, but I also have fics on AO3 for Daredevil, Dororo, Star Wars, Supernatural, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Make Me Whole (Captain America), Back from the Brink (Dororo), of skulls and secrets (FMA), Shards of Me (Captain America), and Your Arms Feel Like Home (Captain America)
Still boggles my mind every time I realize my second-most kudoed fic is the random Dororo fic I wrote for a Christmas present one year @_@
5. Do you respond to comments?
I make a point to reply to every comment I can! ^_^ I just really want to share my stories with other people and talk to them about them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...of the ones posted on AO3, I'm not sure. Maybe "Rejected?" It's an FMA fic where Ed gives up his life to bring Al's body back, so that's pretty angsty ^^'
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty hard to beat the ending of Make Me Whole ;) Reunions of old friends, heartfelt confessions, sobbing on each other's shoulders, followed by an overjoyed birthday celebration! The "epilogue" of sorts of Shards of Me might be even happier, though, because you get to see how good things turn out for them a few years down the road <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think I have on AO3. I did very occasionally on FFNet (mostly from one particularly weird guy who had other issues besides the quality of my fics).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! I love the kind of crossover where, rather than characters from different stories meeting each other, you just replace the characters from one story with the characters from another. My most recent, a FMA/Firefly crossover, is coming to mind - FMA characters replace the Firefly characters and go through the same basic plot as the first episode of Firefly. Another one I'm really proud of is "All We've Got to the End of the Line," where I put the Elric brothers in Steve and Bucky's position, and vice versa.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Years ago, there was one fic of mine that got translated into Spanish, I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, though unfortunately most of the co-written fics I've worked on have not gotten finished before the relationship fell apart :/
But a huge shout-out to @sergeanttomycaptain, who helped me brainstorm my Whole Shards series and even wrote large chunks of it herself, though she's not "officially" a co-writer.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
My longest running OTP is Royai <3 I'll always love them and what the understated subtlety of their relationship has taught me. A very honorable mention goes to Staron - though admittedly, a lot of the stuff I love most is stuff I had to come up with myself because of how the canon ruined Sharon's character -_-
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Years ago, I started writing a Haibane Renmei fic with a full cast of OCs, just because I wanted to explore that world more and try my hand at writing a story even halfway as uplifting and wholesome as that. Unfortunately, there was never really any plot to speak of, so while I really like the characters I came up with, I have no idea where to go with it, and probably never will because I have too many stories to write that I do know what I want to do with. Alas, Kabe the Sin-Bound Haibane will probably be consigned to the dust forever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at writing endings, and judging from people's reactions, I'm pretty good at making people cry! But like...in a healing/comforting sort of way. I also think I have the strength of tenacity (or stubbornness, if you'd rather), to finish what I set out to do even if it takes a really long time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fights/action scenes. Intentional humor. Differentiating dialogue/thoughts so it really sounds like the character.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm always paranoid about doing that, even if I have a decent enough grasp of the language that I'm completely sure I know what they're saying ^^' But then, I'm the kind of person who will write something in English, my native tongue, and then second-guess whether that's actually the way to say it or whether I sound like an idiot. I'm trying to loosen up about such things, though, because more diversity in a fic makes it more fun.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy X. I started writing a novelization of the game before I even knew what I was doing was fanfiction!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Ohhhh, that's really hard to narrow down. But one of the fics that's nearest and dearest to my heart is the fic I'm currently in the process of posting, Take Me In. Please consider reading it if you like Captain America!
Tagging @dairogo, @x-i-l-verify, and @x-rainflame-x if you'd like to do this!
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lysol1201 · 1 year
One Hell of a Vacation
RE4!Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: You're in Spain for a vacation, but you wound up in the wrong place… you find your savior, but… you might annoy him. Just a little.
Takes place in modern times and not 2005, because I said so, and so then I could make certain jokes lol
Also, probably not very correct in the timeline of the game, it's really just for the haha's LMAO
Word Count: 1409
Genre: Mostly just comedy
TW: profanity, not beta read (we die like luis)
Leon walked up to a home with his gun in hand. He’d already encountered many… “locals” in Spain, and he was always prepared to be greeted by more. He didn’t expect to hear whines from behind the door, though. Unsure if it could actually be an enemy or not, he knocked. Suddenly the whines stopped and it sounded like someone held their breath.
“Who’s in there?” He spoke with a stern tone. No response. “You don’t have to pretend, I know you’re in there,” He sighed.
“Nobody’s home,” A small voice spoke, almost like a squeaky mouse.
Leon groaned and placed his forehead on the door while he leaned onto it. “I can’t deal with this shit…” He muttered to himself. “I’m coming inside!”
“That’s trespassing!” The tiny voice spoke up again. “No one’s here!” 
Leon ignored the small voice and went to open the door anyway, which was locked. “Unlock the door, or I kick it down,” He demanded. Silence. “Okay,” He shrugged and backed up. He put all of his strength into his right leg and kicked the doorknob, forcing it open.
“Ahhh!” The no longer squeaky voice yelled at the loud bang and him as he walked in. They were sitting in the opposite corner of the room from the door. Knees-up, arms wrapped around their legs. “Don’t come any closer I, uh,” They stuttered, searching around them in a panic. “I have a stick and I know how to use it!” They grabbed the wooden stick next to them and pointed it at Leon.
Leon’s shoulders slumped and he sighed in annoyance. He pulled up his gun and pointed it at them. “Who are you?”
“Guns aren’t something to mess around with, you know!” They panic again. “Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!” 
“Tell me who you are, or I’ll shoot you like you’re one of the cultists!” Leon threatened.
“Please, I don’t even know how to speak Spanish!” They shouted in fear, dropping the stick and raising both hands up in surrender. “Please, I came to Spain on vacation and now Adam Sandler is trying to get in my head,” They started sobbing uncontrollably.
“Adam…” Leon put down his gun and looked at the person in complete disbelief. “Sandler?” He groaned and threw his head down, placing two fingers on his temple as he massaged it. “Do you mean… Osmund… Saddler?”
They look up at Leon through their blurred tears, and their facial expression almost turned into one of shock. “Oh my God, I thought they were saying Adam Sandler this whole time!” They exclaimed, then began sobbing more uncontrollably. “I’m so stupid!” They groaned into their hands while they covered their face.
If Leon could abandon this random human, he would. Unfortunately, he was… a good person. He groaned at the thought. “What’s your name?” He sighed in defeat.
They released their hands from their face and looked at Leon with puffy red eyes. “I’m Y/N,” You replied.
Leon walked forward to you and crouched down to your level. You flinched slightly. “I’m Leon,” He introduced himself and stuck out his hand. “I’m here to help,”
You looked at him in awe as he began to be more calm and assuring towards you. “Really?” Your words came out in a whisper.
“Yes,” Leon responded. “Really,” You took his hand and he helped you get up on your two feet. “How did you get here, anyway?”
You scratch the back of your head and chuckle awkwardly. “Long story,”
“I got all day. Except not really,” 
“So, basically I had a pen pal from Spain, and we planned this trip to meet, but I got here, and I was like ‘woah, they aren’t at our meeting place, did I get catfished?’ or however it’d be, and so I asked around the town for their location and people knew who they were, but said they recently went missing, so I was like ‘yo what the fuck’ and so they explained to me all the missing people shit and this area and that my friend had come here, so I decided to Nancy Drew this shit thinking I was the bravest person to walk the Earth, and now I’m here,” You responded in one long run-on sentence in one long breath. Once finished, you started breathing heavily to catch your breath. “There’s the TLDR.”
Leon listened attentively to your TLDR. “Do you know where they are now?”
“Oh, they’re dead,” You spoke bluntly. “Like, dead dead. SUPER dead.” You laughed, but it was obvious to mask the pain and trauma of whatever happened.
“How did they die?”
“Have you seen the anime, Chainsaw Man?”
“Yeah…” Leon sighed, unsure of what to say. “I’m in way too much shock right now to think, if I just smile, it never happened, right?” You speak with a look of pain on your face along with a smile. You kind of look awkward and freaky.
“It happens,” Leon shrugs. “Anyway, I need to find someone. I’m on a rescue mission for her. I had her, but she ran after Saddler had gotten to her. Have you seen a young girl with blonde hair anywhere?” 
You shake your head. “I’ve been hiding in here for a long time now. I haven’t seen much,” You explain. “I also really need to pee, so it’s hard to pay attention to anything,”
Leon groans in annoyance. “Is there not a bathroom in this place?”
“There is a bathroom here, but that’s disgusting! I don’t want to get some disease, or even worse, have some worm thing eat my ass!” You complain, your words shocking Leon and having his entire body language and facial expression fall in defeat.
“I have no idea what to do with you,” Leon mumbles. “Is there a bush outside you can just use?” He huffs out.
“But what will I wipe with? I don’t want piss on my underwear.”
“A leaf, I don’t know?”
“Wouldn’t that be painful?”
“God, just piss your pants then for all I care!” Leon’s voice raised in frustration. He was so upset and annoyed, and you were no help for him. But, he couldn’t just leave an innocent civilian, either. “You can argue with me about where to piss, or you can just do it! I’m going to leave here with or without you!”
“Okay, okay, God, I’ll pee in the bush!” You shouted back and rushed out the back door. Leon waited, quite impatiently, and when you returned from your bathroom break he looked at you in defeat. “I’ve successfully pissed in the bush,”
Leon shut his eyes tightly. He was never one to be religious, but he was suddenly praying to God to give him strength to deal with you. “Let’s get going,” He huffed.
When you two had turned around to walk away, two locals had begun to walk over. You screamed. Obviously, like any normal human being. Leon quickly took out a shotgun and shot both, their heads blown to pieces. You stared in shock. Your face then turned pale when tentacles came wiggling out of their necks where their head should be.
“Oh my God, why are they worms!” You screamed. “No, I will not love you if you were a worm, get away!” You panicked, going over to Leon and grabbing the pistol in his holster.
“What are you-“ But before he could finish his question, you began shooting aimlessly at the worms. 
“This is why I don’t wanna use the toilet! What if they eat my ass!” You scream, your eyes shut as you continue to shoot. You were lucky that you didn’t shoot Leon, and the locals did get shot a couple of times, but you did waste all the ammo Leon had.
“God fucking dammit!” Leon shouted as he turned back to the enemies and shot them with his shotgun again, enough to kill them entirely. “What the fuck were you doing?” He shouted at you.
“You used all the ammo!”
“I was scared!”
After Leon was done with his fit of frustrated grunts, and you finished your confused screams, you both caught your breath. “I’m going to help you leave,” He started to speak while he panted. “And then I never want to see you again. Okay?”
“Yes, sir,” You squealed with fear and saluted Leon.
You were having one hell of a vacation.
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writerownstory · 1 year
“May I have this dance, Princess?”
The whisper in her ear sends a shiver down her spine. She knows that voice anywhere. She refrains from whipping around to face him like she truly wants to, keeping her composure relaxed as she turns to meet his knowing smirk and the twinkle in his hazel eyes.
Luke knows she hates it when he calls her that—when anyone calls her that. But she’s still inclined to take his outstretched hand in her own, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.
Julie’s entire life, but more specifically her relationship with Luke is a choreographed dance — constantly toeing the line between loving him unashamedly when no one is looking and keeping up appearances like everyone expects.
To her father’s knowledge, that’s all her interactions with Luke were. Societal mandated niceties and mutual respect and nothing more. Because if it were to go any further, Julie is positive her father and the king of the tiny country both Luke and Julie have called home for most of their lives, would absolutely lose it and likely banish Luke from coming within 100 feet of the palace or Julie herself. Luke is the least suitable partner for the country’s future queen, according to her father. He’ll never be good enough.
Which is why the best they can do, is accept a dance or two from one another—or at least as many as they can without seeming suspicious—and the rest of their time together is spent behind closed doors, in between Julie’s various commitments as princess, all in hushed voices and hurried kisses or stolen glances from across the room.
But here, even in a random supply closet off the ballroom with Luke pressing soft kisses down her neck, Julie can live in this tiny bubble of bliss for the rest of her life. Where they write songs, and talk about their dreams that don’t involve laws and crowns and pleasing other people, and the only two people who matter are each other.
Yeah, that’s totally feasible. She’ll just… never go out on dates. Or let anyone publicly court her or get married. She’ll just spend the rest of her life dodging her father’s watchful gaze and anybody in the capital city with eyes, and her security detail, and she’ll pay off Carlos when he inevitably finds out what’s going on and—
Julie doesn’t realize the door is open until she hears a harsh voice shout, “¡Aléjate de la princesa!”
Before either of them can truly react, Luke is pulled away from her and manhandled into handcuffs like a common criminal.
“No, Luke! Let him go!!” she shouts, moving to follow him. Her demand goes unheard, as her security hustles Luke out into the hallway, only to shove him against the wall opposite the closet to search him.
“Stop it!” Julie rushes out of the closet, brushing past the guards reaching for her. “He wasn’t hurting me!!”
Luke winces as the guard holding him pulls him away from the wall just enough to shove him against it once more. Despite being rather physically fit himself, he doesn’t see a point in fighting against it. It’ll only make everything worse.
“You idiots, stop it! God, you’re hurting him!” Julie’s voice becomes more and more frantic and Luke can clock the the anger turning to panic in her tone. “Let him go!”
If she doesn’t calm down, she’ll have a full blown panic attack and Luke knows it, but what can he do with his hands cuffed behind his back and his chest pressed against the wall?
“¿Qué está pasando?” Another voice joins the mix. Crap.
“Papí, call them off, please. It’s a misunderstanding,” Julie says in Spanish, though Luke knows enough by now to translate. “He wasn’t hurting me, he would never.” She’s using all her energy to keep her voice from shaking, but if Ray knew her as well as he thought he did, he would hear it.
Without another word, the guards grab Luke, turning him face to face with King Raymond Molina who currently looks the least bit understanding. “Luke,” he says, taking in the sight of Luke in handcuffs. “I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter.”
With a glance at Julie who looks close to tears, but gives the tiniest nod, he looks back at his girlfriend’s father and says with every bit of truth in his being, “I’m sorry for disregarding orders, your highness. But I love your daughter. And by the grace of whatever higher being there is, she loves me too. As long as she’ll have me, I’ll be here. I won’t be sorry for that.”
“¿Qué está pasando? Julie?” A woman with hair and eyes mirroring Julie’s steps into the hallway, wrapping an arm around her daughter immediately. “Luke? Why are you in handcuffs?”
Luke opens his mouth to respond to the queen. “I—“
“He was attacking our daughter, Rose,” Ray tells her.
This sets Julie off again, all of her anger rushing to the surface. “He was not! Mamí, he wasn’t—“
“Shhh, mija, I know,” Rose gently calms her before turning to Luke once more. “Release him.”
“But Rose—“ Ray begins to protest.
“He loves her, Ray. That’s not a crime,” Rose says, glaring daggers at her husband before her expression hardens as she faces the guards once more. “Release him now.”
The guards quickly unlock the cuffs around his wrists, and Luke isn’t ashamed to rub the skin on his wrists.
If this were any other situation, Julie would’ve kept her composure until no one was around, but since she’s already lost her cool once tonight, she doesn’t care anymore. She throws herself into Luke’s chest.
Luke’s arms immediately wrap around her on instinct. “It’s okay, Jules. I’m okay. Just breathe.”
“I think it’s time for you to leave, Luke,” Ray speaks up after a beat.
“No!!” Julie shouts, her grip on Luke tightening. “I’ll never see you again,” she says into his chest. “He won’t allow it.”
“Hey,” he says, cradling her cheek in his hand to catch her attention. Her beautiful brown eyes shine up at him and it truly isn’t fair but if there’s one thing Luke doesn’t do, it’s make promises he can’t keep. “You won’t lose me. I promise.”
She takes hold of his wrist that’s pressed against her cheek, turning her head to give the softest kiss Luke’s ever received in his entire life. It threatens to turn his legs into mush. “Promise.”
Luke presses a kiss to her forehead as a silent goodbye and leaves the palace that night without a fight. He immediately heads back to the apartment he shares with Reggie and Alex to begin plotting his way around this. Because if it’s the last thing he does, he’ll be with Julie Molina.
Very sad to make Ray the bad guy but unfortunately someone has to be. Also my Spanish is very rusty so I may have relied on a translator. Pls don’t sue me. Part 2 here!
“¡Aléjate de la princesa!” = Step away from the princess
¿Qué está pasando? = What’s happening?
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Twdg with a bilingual/multilingual SO
YKWS MENATAL I WAS JUST THINKING OF THAT LMAO but I’ll try my best! Sorry that some of these are a bit short <3
Twdg with a multilingual S/O
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She thinks your very cool!
She also loves it if you tease everyone by talking to them In a different language but don’t tell them what it means
She’s cracking up watching you do it lmao
But don’t do it to her! She’ll be all grumpy
She gets all blushy when you say something to her in a different language though
(I mean only when you say it in a loving tone so she knows you mean well lmao)
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He thinks that’s totally awesome!
And he will totally ask you how to say swear words and insults in other languages
And he will write them and shout them all over the school!
He’s very chill with it but also wants to hear you speak it a lot
Especially when you guys are alone
Don’t tell anyone but he loves it when you compliment him In a different language
He’s ask you what it means and wether you keep it a secret or let him know it does make him blush
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He was really amazed by your gift!
How’d you learn all those languages?
How do you remember all those words?
He loves hearing you speak all these languages though
He finds it really interesting!
He’d also asking you to jokingly insult Louis but in a different language
“Hey can you do me a favour, babe, and call Louis a bitch in another language?”
He’s keeling over man but Louis will ask you to do it back soooo
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He loves that you can speak multiple languages!
He I ever paid attention in any of those types of lessons, he was too busy making paper airplanes with Marlon and wizzing them around the classroom
He will also brag about your talent!
And he will also ask you to say some random stupid sentences in the languages you speak
“Hey how do you say ‘Louis is the coolest person alive’ in (insert a language you speak)”
“Ok ok amazing! Now say ‘oh no the fish people have invaded the school’!”
He adores it and heaven forbid if you teach him to say certain words
He won’t stop using them and he will annoy everyone with it
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He was really impressed!
He remembers a bit of Spanish and french but he can’t hold a full conversation
He loves hearing you speak all your languages you know
He doesn’t understand most of it but he truly appreciates your talents
He also gives you many compliments on it and how intellectual you are for it!
He also definitely wants you to teach him one of the languages you know even if it takes ages lmao
He’s really proud of you
I think he could speak a little Spanish, nothing major just the basics that he remembers from his old lessons
He loves hearing all the languages you can speak!
He thinks it’s really cool!
And he’s totally chill about it!
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She’s amazed!
She’s never really did well in any language classes so she can’t understand anything
But she does love it
And she’ll always compliment you on it!
She’s totally impressed
She’s never learned any different languages other than English
And when you show her your skills she gets all blushy!
You sound so smart and attractive!
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Facundo Pellistri - Strike Again Chapter 3
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The police were at the door the next morning, talking to his mother. Pellistri lay in bed, unsure of how he even made it home last night. His left foot was wrapped in a bandage, too tight for his liking. It's what woke him up this morning, that and a strange dream of a girl crying for help. 
"They say that none of the affected families will press any charges. " His mother entered his room shortly after shutting the front door. She still wore her robe and her eyes were puffy red. Perhaps she had been crying before they came knocking?  "And you are to go down to the cemetery and apologize to the gatekeeper who you gave a serious fright last night."
What happened?" Pellsitri sat up in bed, feeling the ache in his body as if he had been wrestling a bear the previous night. 
"You don't remember?" His mother frowned.
"No, I don't."
"Do you remember leaving the house and going over to Lisa Willster's yesterday?"
"Do you remember leaving Lisa WIllster's house and ending up at the cemetery?"
"Um…no, no I don't."
His mother sat down next to him, leaning forwards as if to take a closer look at his face.
"What?" He said, removing her hand that went to pull down the lid of his eye.
"Did you and your friends take any drugs at Lisa Willster's house?"
"No Mom, what? Why would you even ask me that?"
"I don't know cariño, because I got a call late last night from a family claiming to have found my son passed out on their front lawn. Then they had the courtesy to bring you home, but you had bruises on your body and a sprained ankle. If you can't tell me what happened to you last night  Facundo, who can?" She trembled with her rage, tears watering her eyes.
"Mom, don't cry." He railed her in, wrapping his arms around her body. She began to weep. Pellistri couldn't hold back the tears himself.
"I know you miss him, we all do, but going to the cemetery in the middle of the night." She sat up to look at him.
"Mom, I'm sorry."
"And you were drinking. Since when have you started drinking to the point of backing out? Haven't we taught you better? What if someone raped you last night."
"Mom." Pellistri shifted uncomfortably.
"How would you know?" She shouted. It was a side of her that he hadn't seen in a long time, a side of her he didn't know that he missed. 
"I said I was sorry."
"Well sorry is not going to cut it." She rose from the bed. "You are going to apologize to everyone affected by your stupid behavior last night. Starting with the gatekeeper at the cemetery and that sweet family who brought you home last night. I also want you to go down to the police station and retrieve the phone numbers of every single family whose grave ornaments you ruined and thank them for not pressing charges on your ass.
"But mom, that's gonna take me all day."
"Well then, you better get up and get dressed." His mother was unremorseful, throwing in random Spanish curse words like she always did when she got this angry with him.
"But my foot?"
"Didn't the neighbor's son break his leg last year?"
"Yes him, ask if you can borrow the crutches he used to walk on."
"No way. Dirk Willy is…well he is…" He was a fourteen year old boy with cerebral palsy. Pellistri had known him ever since his family moved to England, however, he often came up with excuses not to accept his many invitations to play FIFA. It had nothing to do with his disabilities, Pellstri just thought he was a strange kid in general. "If I knock on his door he's gonna think I want him to come out and play or something."
"Deal with it!" His mother said and slammed his door on the way out. 
Pellistri had no choice but to get up and out of bed. His day was set.
Dirk Willy's parents were kind enough to lend him their son's crutches and drop him off at the cemetery, unfortunately they were dropping Dirk off along with him.
"Wait for me!" He said, happy to tag along Pellistri for the day. It was more of a hop, Dirk's gait. He dragged his feet behind him if he tried to walk. This only slowed him down. Hopping was the best way really. Pellistri had seen him being pushed around in a wheelchair at school, but that was only on the bad days, Dirk explained.
"So what are we doing at the cemetery?" He asked.
Pellisrti thought it was a sign of disrespect to be smiling as much as Dirked did during their walk through the garden of the dead.
"I'm apologizing to the gatekeeper for coming here late last night."
"You came here at night, by yourself?"
"Cool. I would have peed my pants."
Pellistri shook his head. He would rather walk in silence. 
Some graves had the grass dug up around them, especially as they enclosed the graves in aisle six. There were no flowers planted, nor were there any candle light or other ornaments around the dug up graves. 
"Wow, look at this one." Dirk said, stopping in front of a grave. "Whoever did this must have been angry."
Pellistri paused his steps, a jab in his stomach. He didn't remember anything from the previous night, but never could he have knocked over somebody's tombstone, could he?"
They jumped as a man appeared out of nowhere. He was old and wore the uniform of a gardener. 
"Whoever did this must indeed have been angry with the lord. Never have I seen such evil done to a tombstone before." 
"Um..,who are you?"
Pellistri wanted to ask the same question, but Dirk beat him to it.
"James Attington, gatekeeper of the Church Road cemetery. "Who are you two?" He said, pointing his dirt infested shovel at them.
"I'm Dirk Willy and this is my friend Facundo Pellistri." He smiled.
"Pellistri you say?"
"Yes, that's him!" Dirk pointed. 
Pellestri shied away from the gatekeeper's stern gaze. 
"Flipping tombstones got you good I see." His eyes wandered to the crutches in Pellistris hands, as well as the visible bruises on his arms.
"I don't remember…"
"Of course you don't" The man hissed. "You're not the first youngling wandering into my yard with a bottle of Jack. I've had at least three similar incidents this summer. But never has anyone come around to ruin a mural. Piss on them, certainly, but flip a tombstone, never in a million years did I think your generation would stoop to such low."
"I…I'm sorry for what I did Sir, but that's why I'm here, to apologize." Pellistri said this with sincerity. What he had done was bad, really bad. 
"Apologize?" The gatekeeper's laughter was followed by a rough cough. "How about you pick up a shovel and help me sort out the mess you made?"
"You want me to…" Pellistri didn't even get to finish his sentence before a shovel was thrown at his feet. 
"Don't just stand there and stare at it." The gatekeeper frowned. "Pick it up and start digging!"
The gatekeeper had them dig up the dirt of a strange mens graves, just to replant the flowers and ornaments that Pellestri had ruined. He had stumbled over at least eight of them, ruining the ground upon each grave. When it came to the fallen tombstone he had no memory of what could have happened there.
"It's not too far from your old man's." The gatekeeper said, during their well earned water break. "It's where I first discovered you, slumped down by your old man's grave. I flashed the light at you and suddenly you went rogue, plowing down anything that stood in your way, just to get away from me."
Pellsitri bowed his head in shame. He still had no memory. The only thing that stuck with him from last night was a girl's cry for help and the touch of her warm hands upon his cheeks.
"Can we go home now?" Dirk asked. "I'm getting pretty hungry." He stood shaking in his gumboots. His cerebral palsy made it appear as if he was cold all the time.
 Pellistri turned to the gatekeeper. "I better take him home."
"As long as you return tomorrow." He said.
"Yes. Mr Willster's grave ain't gonna flip back itself."
Pellistris eyes widened in surprise. "That was Mr Willster's grave?"
"Yes, you knew the man? He was a dear friend of mine."
"I…" He sighed. "I'll be back tomorrow Mr Attington."
"And bring a shovel!" 
They walked along church road, passing Lisa Willister's house. It was her grandmother he should be apologizing to, Pellistri thought. He'd do so tomorrow once he got the number of the rest of the families whose graves he ruined.
"I had a hamster who died." Dirk said as he hopped along beside Pellestri. "My dad buried him in the backyard so it would be easy for me to visit him whenever I wanted to."
Pellistri nodded, although his eyes focused on the road ahead. The street lights were coming on, one by one. They had been gone all day.
"Do you wish they would have buried your dad in the backyard so that you could go see him everyday?"
"What?" Pellistri turned his head.
"You know, so you could talk to him whenever you wanted to." Dirk pushed his glasses up his nose. "I still talk to my hamster everyday even though he's dead. Do you talk to your dad even though he's dead?"
Pellistri hesitated, but eventually nodded his head. "I do."
"And does he say anything back to you?"
"Neither does my hamster."
The next day went smoother than the previous. Pellistri went back to the cemetery to finish the job the gatekeeper put him on. He let Dirk Willy tag along again, not just because his dad gave them a ride. Two people raising a fallen tombstone was better than one person doing it and less creepy.
"Do you think he'll notice?" Dirk asked Pellstri. By the end of the day they had managed to raise Mr Willster's tombstone, however…
"It's a bit crooked, no?"
"A bit?" Dirk tilted his head to the side. The stone was leaning in an angle that distinguished the grave from the others surrounding it.
"Fuck it. Let's just grab our shovels and get out of here." 
"But the gatekeeper?"
"What about him?" Pellistri grabbed his shovel and his crutches. The gatekeeper had left them to it, trusting that they'd get the job done. "Are you coming or not?"
Dirk looked conflicted but hopped along Pellstiri, the two of them leaving the cemetery. They had done a good enough job. You could no longer tell that someone had been plowing around the graves like a pig in the mud, the ground was all clear and the flowers replanted. Job done, according to Pellistri.
"What should we do now?"
They stopped at the end of Church Road, past Lisa Willster house. 
"I don't know about you," Pellistri said. "but I have to go down to the police station and get the numbers to the families whose graves I destroyed. I have to call them and apologize, as well as thank them for not pressing charges."
"Well, can't I come with you?" Dirk pushed his glasses up his nose, as he so often did.
"Don't you have a curfew Dirk? Your parents will worry if you're not home in time?"
"They won't worry if I'm out with you."
"Right." Pellistri sighed. There was no getting rid of him.
A car pulled up near the sidewalk where they stood. A man, tall as a tree but as slim as a twig, stepped out of the vehicle. He wore the suit of a business man but the sunglasses of a pilot. He rounded the car to open the door to the passenger seat, he did so without acknowledging the two boys standing on the sidewalk, gawking at his well polished BMW. 
A yellow sneaker stepped out of the passenger side and onto the sidewalk. "Thanks dad but do you really have to go right away?"
The yellow sneaker belonged to a girl, a girl whom Pellesitri recognized.
The tall man in the suit reached into his pocket and found his wallet. "This should be enough for dinner." He said, handing the girl a bundle of money bills. This is when she raised her head to meet the tall man's eyes but met Pellisitri's instead.
"Facundo?" She exclaimed, recognizing him too. Who could forget selling a suit to a boy whose father was crushed by a 600 kilo fridge?
"You're here, you're alright."
"I…am." Pellistri stood weighing on his crushes, shovel in one hand. The girl pushed past her father to get to him. She seemed so concerned with his well being, so worried.
"Is it broken?" She asked.
Dirk Willy had to nudge his side for Pellisitri to emerge out of his sudden state of trance.
"My ankle?" He frowned.
"Yes. Did your mother have to take you to the emergency room to get a scan?"
"No, so it's not broken then?"
He looked down, wiggling his wrapped ankle. "Nope, just twisted." 
The girl exhaled in relief. "Dad. He says it's not broken."
A giant shadow was casted over the three of them as the giant man approached. He had the posture of a giraffe, blocking the sunlight casted above their heads. His eyes emerged on the edge of his lenses when he tilted his head down, curious to know who the two boys were that had caught his daughter's attention.
"It's the boy I told you about, the one I found past out on our front lawn."
"Facundo Pellistri." The man said, with such a base in his voice that it made shivers run down Pellsitri's spine. 
"I…I don't remember anyth…"
"Of course you don't." The man said sternly. "My daughter says she found you on our front lawn in the middle of the night, laying in a pool of your own vomit."
Pellisrti did not know how to respond, he had no memories of that night. But apparently after leaving the cemetery he hadn't made it further than to the end of Church Road, just a couple houses down from Lisa Willster's parents house. The girl whose cries he had heard, they must have been hers. And her hands…
This must be the kind family his mother spoke of, the ones who brought him home that night.
"I'm sorry for…" Where to begin, he thought. He most definitely owed them an apology for his behavior.
"Where are you guys headed?" She shared the same look as her father, who's eyes wandered to Pellsitri's and Dirk's stained pants, not to mention the dirt-invested shovels that they were carrying.
"We just came from the cemetery." Dirk said. Pellistri wished his friend wasn't able to speak at all. 
"The cemetery." Her father wrinkled his nose.
"And now we're headed to the police station to get…"
"What he means is…" Pellistri put an end to his own suffering, elbowing Dirk's side. It threw him off his already poor balance.
"We were helping the gatekeeper with the pruning of the trees and other gardening stuff."
"You two are gardeners?" Her father asked skeptically.
"It's more of a summer job. I also mow lawns."
"It's true!" The girl exclaimed. "I've seen him or…." She diverged her eyes. "My friends have seen him, at their houses, mowing their front lawns."
"Well, our lawn could use a trim." Her father said." There was less tension in his face, which was dented with what looked to be scars, but it could also be burn fragments. His skin was also very dark, deep black, to describe the color of it. He was darker than his daughter who carried more of a shade of brown, like sweet chocolate, perhaps it tasted like it too, however Pellstri had to stop himself from thinking more about that.
"I guess I could come by with my lawn mower." He said.
"Free of charge, of course."
"Dad." The girl hissed.
"Gracie my dear, did he not vomit upon our grass?"
"Yes, but…"
"And with your brother gone, who is going to trim our lawn, you?" The man's foreign accent was flourishing, but which country he originated from, Pellistri couldn't guess. He was awful at geography.
"How about you stop by tomorrow afternoon? Gracie will be home to give you everything you need."
Pellstri hadn't thought about mowing anymore lawns this summer, how would that go with his sprained ankle? "Of course sir," But it probably wasn't smart to go against a man three heads taller than himself. He promised to be back with the lawn mower tomorrow afternoon. 
"See you tomorrow." The girl waved, the girl whom he now knew as Gracie.
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