#spam the askbox. please
kitswritingantics · 19 days
hesistates... then yeets @askthetraversers at you and scurries away, giggling madly
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
Okay i just want to quickly add two cents into the conversation that's been happening today about asks and fandom.
If you're gonna request something of a writer, maybe go for something you know they write about? Like, it's very weird for me when I see someone I follow, who maybe only writes NSFW, getting a request to write fluff (or vice versa). Or requesting something about a character that person does not write about.
Like, idk maybe it's because I do that, but I assume that people would send requests/asks because they know that writer and what they like/what they're good at, and not...just because they're a writer.
I don't know if i'm expressing myself in a way that makes sense here, but you gotta go find the people who like the stuff that you do. Like, you gotta take in considerating what the person you sent an ask to likes and doesn't like. I see it almost as when recommending a book to someone. If I know that person doesn't like romance at all, I'm not gonna recommend them a romantasy.
idk sometimes it feels like people spam others askbox with the most out of whack stuff without considering there's a person on the other side, who has their own likes and dislikes.
Also, kudos to the people who close their askbox or turn off anon when it gets too much and set their boudaries.
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asiogie · 1 year
George stream after my day at work a blessing truly
im gonna throw up bc im going out for dinner soon 😭 and im seeing barbie tonight
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paddooo · 5 months
I need to read more poetry
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biscaani · 9 months
Helppp saw your tags & I also can't believe I finally got into One Piece. Truly never thought I would be consumed by the silly pirate brainworms but alas... the live action pushed me off a cliff & now I'm in DEEP (well, a couple hundred chapters deep)
Anyway what arc are you & who are your favorite guys so far lololol
please send help. It's been two days and I've written 20k and spammed eighteen timelines worth of zosan art.
I'm skimming the manga and violently reading the wiki to deep clean the lore first because I'm a godless heathen and I did the same thing with Naruto. Friends and I are actually gonna sit down and start Lougetown next week but holy shit the lore has me in a choke hold. Favorite arc is probably thriller bark atm just for the fuckshit potential, though I'm predictable so you probably knew I was going to say WCI because I'm a whore for pathetic, highly puntable men. Funny story but I only even got into it because my mom put OPLA on while I was home for thanksgiving after three months of me violently avoiding it because I knew this would happen
Zoro is stupid as all hell and I love him. send help. my google docs are on fire. send help. taz skylar hot send FOXSKIP SEND HELP
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heartofsacrifice · 2 years
// here for about a half hour until i have to feed the doggo and take him outside - and then i'll probably be on mobile until i pass out, if the cats let me
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ohnoitstbskyen · 5 days
Hi, I'm TBSkyen. I make videos on YouTube sometimes. This is my main tumblr blog, the "brand" blog as it were, where I maintain my Social Media Presence™ on this site.
I use the ironic ™ to signal my personal discomfort with the work of being a minor media personality even while I still do that work and make a living off it.
I have a sideblog called @tbposting, mostly for shitposts and reblogs, and in my opinion I have pretty darn good taste in reblogs, so you can follow that if you want. It's also where I'll do random personal posting, microblogging, etc.
This main blog is primarily for 1) answering asks, and 2) posting my Original Content™, usually my main channel videos, as well as the occasional longer essay or critique. Sometimes I'll reblog an interesting or useful thing, or boost a friend's work, but I try to keep the spam to a minimum.
About Me
I am a thirtysomething content creator whose primary expertise is character design.
I have a bachelor's degree in English, never finished my master's, did most of a bachelor's degree in history, and that's it. These are my academic qualifications, no more and no less.
My professional experience is primarily being a freelancer and self-employed creator. I spent the better part of a decade working as a commission artist, running webcomics, drawing fanart, and the occasional animation work and not safe for work commissions, and I have at this point a decade of experience and self-study in the subjects I cover. I have also done online community management for, god help me, almost twenty years, so that's a part of my skillset I'll never escape.
I do not have any particular professional creative industry experience, although given what I hear from my professional friends, sometimes that seems like a blessing.
Please maintain a critical distance when engaging with my work. I am a critic. My work is very rarely meant to be taken as authoritative or didactic, and when it is, I will make it clear in my writing. Just because I speak with confidence doesn't mean I am trying to assert objective truth.
TAGS (to follow, or filter)
#tbanswers is the tag for every single ask I answer on this blog
#tb reblog is the tag for reblogs
#tb essay is for the occasional longer essay or critical writing
#tbvideos is for my videos and Content™
#tb recommends is for the occasional recommendation of a video essay or other creator
Yes, I know the spaces are inconsistent. It's not on purpose, I just typed them in haphazardly when I started using them and it's stuck.
FAQ (before you ask)
Q: Will you ever do a video about ____ ? A: The answer to this question is almost universally "maybe someday, if I have time, and if I feel I have anything worthwhile to say." And the more realistic answer is "no, because I already have far too much on my plate and I have burned myself out too many times." In general, please don't ask me this question, I will most likely not answer it because I have given the same answer a thousand times, but I still feel guilty about not answering them.
Q: Will you continue your series of videos about ____ ? A: Yes! I will continue the let's plays I started, I will finish the Boss Designs series, I will do another What's the Deal With, I will do more shorts about the subjects I've got going on. The main obstacle is, again, my tendency to overload myself.
Q: Do you have a PO box? Can I send you something? A: Not yet, but I'm looking into it. It may be a while before I get it set up.
Q: Do you have merchandise? A: A little bit, yes, at tbskyen.redbubble.com.
Q: What's your opinion on [game/movie/comic/book/etc]? A: I struggle to answer very open, broad questions like this. Most things I have opinions about, I have multiple opinions, and different ones depending on the perspective and specific element in question. I'm much more likely to answer specific, bounded questions.
Q: Can I send you fanart? A: PLEASE. Askbox, tag me on bluesky, send it to my email! I love seeing every piece of it!
Q: Why do you never appear on camera? A: A forest witch cursed me to look not quite but ALMOST like Paul Giamatti in all photos and videos ever taken of me, and his laywers sent me a cease-and-desist.
Q: Are you gay/straight/bi/other? A: The decision I've made for myself, at least for this period of my life, is that privacy is precious, and once given up can never be reclaimed on the internet. I am open about being aromantic (not asexual), because it's a sometimes invisible and underdiscussed identity, and I know it would have helped me a lot to see someone speak about it when I was younger.
The rest of it is for me to know, and for you to speculate about, although preferably somewhere I can't see it. I accept that this is a part of being a Personality, but it still feels weird, y'know?
Q: Is it weird if I find your voice kinda hot? A: I've put a lot of work into developing this voice and making it nice to listen to, so that's not weird at all and I find it quite complimentary, thank you.
I generally don't mind people doing flirty/thirsty posting about or at me, just so long as we all understand that 1) you should never give a stranger like me information which could be used to harm you. Nicer-seeming YouTubers than me have turned out to be monsters.
And 2) it will never go beyond playful online flirtiness. I like to fluster my live chat, I'll flirt back in an ask or a post maybe, but I am not flirting with you, or inviting any kind of closer intimacy with you, the person I responded to.
Think of me like a comedian doing crowd-work at a show - you can chat to me in the bar after the show, but when I asked you what you do for work I wasn't looking for a personal connection, I was doing my work as an entertainer. Please no sending me nudes, or propositions, or confession letters in my email inbox. We are strangers, and I am always performing a persona in public.
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bluegiragi · 2 years
CONTENT WARNING: This blog contains 18+ content! If you are a minor, please do not follow or interact!
Commissions: [CLOSED]
Patreon (NSFW and early access)
Frequently Asked Questions:
(read through the #askbox tag before asking to see if I’ve already answered! repeat questions and spam will be deleted.)
1. What program and brush do you use?
Clip Studio Paint, and I alternate between two brushes: fat sketcher 2 from stealthnacho’s brushset, and short vertical bar (dual brush) from sparth’s art pack 1
2. What tablet do you use?
I use a Surface Pro 8, which is a laptop where you can draw directly onto the screen. However, this is a really pricey purchase and before I had it, I used an Intuous Tablet for 6 years and loved it.
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3.Can I repost your art on other platforms?
You can, but please credit me every time!
4.Can I write a fic/make fanart/ make an OC based on your AU?
Yeah sure!
5.Have you thought of what monster [insert character] would be? / Will you be adding [insert character] to the monster AU?
If I haven’t talked about certain characters already, I probably won’t at all. And I don’t have anything against these characters, but it’s more like I’m largely indifferent and have 0 thoughts. Do what you will, I made my AU as a sandbox for others to play in too, so you decide what to do with these characters!
6.Will you ever draw Konig/Soapbox again?
If I feel like it, probably! But the brainrot where it was the main focus has definitely passed <3
7. Can I use your art for c.ai/ character bots?
I'd really prefer it if you didn't, sorry! I take a largely anti-AI stance on most things now.
extra | team 141 character introductions
extra | konig + horangi character introductions
extra | las almas crew + graves character introduction
part ? | price/gaz rooftop talks
part 1 | bag of tricks
part 2 | ghost/soap muzzle
part 3 | price+ghost check in
part 4 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 1)
part 5 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 2)
part 6 | ghost + soap + gaz in action (part 3) 
part 7 | sketchdump 1
part 8 | ghost/soap chasing tail
part 9 | soap/fantasy!ghost (full vers on patreon)
part 10 | ghost/soap docile
part 11 | ghost/price due diligence
part 11.5 | ghost/soap due diligence (nsfw - only available on patreon)
part 12 | ghost/price holding back pt 1
part 13 | ghost/price holding back pt 2
part 14 | soap/gaz doing things blind (only available on patreon)
part 15 | konig/horangi clear
part 16 | sketchdump 2
part 17 | debrief
part 18 | ghost/soap work it out (part 1)
part 19 | ghost/soap work it out (part 2)
part 20 | cockatrice (part 1)
part 21 | cockatrice (part 2)
part 22 | sketchdump 3/puppy playtime
part 23 | new moon (part 1)
part 24 | new moon (part 2)
part 25 | new moon (part 3) 
part 26 | open book
part 27 | face to a name
part 28 | before
part 29 | that’s an order
part 30 | diplomacy
part 31 | mr riley
part 32 | human
part 33 | wraith part 34 | sitting ducks part 35 | negotiations part 36 | monster part 37 | bloodsucker part 38 | the lieutenant's arrived part 39 | he keeps his promises part 40 | i'm sorry john. part 41 | mutt part 42 | limitations part 1 part 43 | limitations part 2 part 44 | limitations part 3 part 45 | hoard (full comic on patreon) part 46 | hoard part 2 (full comic on patreon) part 47 | mask off part 48 | aware part 1 part 49 | aware part 2 part 50 | reward (part 1) (suggestive) part 51 | reward (part 2) (nsfw - full comic only available on patreon) part 52 | reward (part 3) (nsfw - full comic only available on patreon) part 53 | catchup part 54 | brief part 55 | group huddle
part 1 | konig/soap first meeting
part 2 | ghost/soap kid and a cookie jar (full vers on patreon)
part 3 | ghost/konig spar pt 1
part 4 | ghost/konig spar pt 2
extra | ghost + konig facecanons
part 5 | ghost/soap heart to heart
part 6 | ghost/konig grow a pair
part 7 | konig/soap do something
part 8 | konig/soap/ghost rough part 1 (full vers on patreon)
part 9 | konig/soap/ghost rough part 2 (full vers on patreon)
part 10 | trio feat. price mission start
part 11 | trio feat!unmasked konig
part 12 | trio feat! unmasked konig pull yourself together
part 13 | konig fantasises (full vers on patreon)
part 14 | ghost/konig feat. soap private lesson
part 15 | ghost/konig/soap lieutenant’s room
part 16 | ghost/konig/soap good for us (full vers on patreon)
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buwheal · 9 months
[You've Got Mail!]
You can now send your favorite salesman emails!! YAY!!
Here's some rules and information about the askbox.
First and foremost;
I try to answer as many asks as I can, but I will not answer every single one. Sometimes I just cant do anything with it that will work realistically with the perimeters of the world, and I apologize!! Its nothing against you guys!!
(Unless you break the rules ofc.)
So if you dont see yours after a long while, it’s probably something that wont work, sorry! You can always send more than one ask whenever and see if that one works instead!
Besides that, here’s the rest of what you need to know!
Spamton physically PRINTS OUT each "email", so dont send asks that have a physical interaction. Sorry! Thats just how i decided to set up the world/situation, and is not really anything against you guys :-)
(more of a request than a rule tbh) Preferably try to send real questions or statements. most joke asks are funny, but are surprisingly hard to create an in character response for. You can still send joke asks if you really want to, just dont always expect an answer X-P (i.e. asks that contain nonsense,, you can still be funny and make jokes, and i should probably specify that, but things that are like "you look like a worm" or smth idk i have no clue what to do with lol)
I know he may be a personification of spam emails... BUT DONT SPAM!!! I mean it! It clogs the askbox and is a real pain. You can send him more than one ask, though, as long as you arent repetitively sending a ton in a short burst!! Send as many as you'd like as long as they dont qualify as spam.
Dont be sexual or romantic, please! Even "As a joke". I dont like Spamton like that and it makes me uncomfortable, plus I can't really answer that in character in a way that wouldnt provoke more of that. Thank you!!
Be respectful and patient!! I am just one person doing everything, lol, and this got far more popular than anticipated, so i will take a long time. I try my best to get at least one out every other day but i'll need breaks eventually!!!
I cannot give/spawn/materialize things for/to Spamton if you ask because of the way it’s set up. You are really just lines of text from a computer to Spamton, BUT... You can still do a lot if you think outside the box. or,, errr,, outside the computer. More like IN the computer. Kind of. Your words and your actions affect him and his reactions to you, so word it correctly and you can get him to do something or say something. Hes not stupid though, and he CAN usually tell when your intentions are... less.. than good.
[YGM!] is technically an AU!!! not only do the events of the game not occur, but this is also set before then!
Asks are put out one a day, regardless if i have more than one, UNLESS i need to connect two(or more) to complete one event. Or i feel like it. a little treat.
I am one person doing every ask and every unique frame of art, so expect 1 ask (If youre lucky, two) maybe every other day Monday-Friday depending on my workload per day.
This is just for fun!! I am using the askbox to exercise my drawing consistency, Spamton's personality, and the way he speaks and responds to different situations! This is a way I am using to improve my understanding of him as a character, so it wont be always consistent as I am growing and learning!
Just a little disclaimer, he WILL be mean. He is a sour, nasty, grumpy, bastard and I am absolutely not opposed to him responding as such. Just keep that in mind when sending an ask if you dont want that!
If you want a common outcome, talk to other people about it! go crazy! I dont mind long threads on my posts if you want to create a plan. Infact, I can even help and tell you things occasionally!!
What you say to him DOES and WILL affect the way he responds. Trust is lost far easier than it is gained, so keep this in mind. It is possible to regain his trust, but still hard. He is not a trusting person to begin with and being mean certainly doesnt help. BUT.. I am not opposed to being mean. Infact, they are quite fun to do. Either way is entertaining for me, so do as you will. YOU can choose to hurt or help him.
Using tone tags, while not required, are really helpful and assist me in understanding the intention in your ask if you think it may be interpreted another way! (i.e. sarcasm) :-)!!
I pick and choose asks depending on his situation, or if i have a good idea for a response, so you may need to wait a bit before i can get to yours!! Ones that i have an idea for take priority, especially when its to progress a scene. Or, alternatively, i am saving your ask for something i have planned.
I WILL reuse frames and poses to get these out faster and for my convienence :-) especially for the frames where there is no need to change his pose! So like.. dont think too hard about it lol.
Also, i prefer if you specify if the ask is for me /or/ Spamton. I do still do normal asks, lol. If its for me, just let me know!! I can usually tell, but most asks will be interpreted as for Spamton. I appreciate ones that start with his name before said thing is asked/stated specifically!! (i.e. "Spamton, __ __ __")
I wont be consistent with the way its answered. Sometimes it's one panel, sometimes its a couple panels, or sometimes they're animated gifs!! It varies depending on what i feel, so if youre lucky you can get a gif, lol. Those take longer usually though. Ive mostly switched to a gif format rather than multiple panels in a comic style, because its much easier to view! The animation quality can vary :-)
Thats about it!! Have fun!! ^_^
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mantisnixon55 · 30 days
obligatory hancock ask
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i’ve cleared out the dupe asks and the spam from my askbox! so ,, waiter, waiter! more asks please!
you can ask the students stuff now too! within reason obviously,,
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kyra45 · 2 months
Scam posts and how to spot them
(Scam posts and how to spot them)
Hi! My names Key (or Jess depending on where you know me from) and I’m here again on your dashboard to tell you about scams and the general things to look out for when you get asks for mutual aid.
Disclaimer: Not every blog asking for mutual aid is a scammer and therefore you shouldn’t assume everyone is a scammer on sight. It’s necessary to do some research into the accounts who appear in your askbox or DMs.
Anyway, what is a scam post?
A scam post is a post that’s usually asking for monetary support but isn’t being entirely honest about the reason and also may be misleading or stolen from someone else. These posts range from a variety of topics but generally are based on trending events or medical attention such as needing insulin or medicine to prevent lungs from collapsing. The scam post means that the post is false and no money sent is going to someone who needs it because the poster is lying and isn’t telling the truth about who they are or what their fundraising for and may be stealing their post off someone else to make bank. Sometimes a scam post is about needing to pay a bill for pet care and the images are stolen off another fundraiser offsite much like the usual scam.
How do you find out if something is a scam?
One of the best ways to find out if a post is a scam is to search the username of the blog and see if anyone’s made any posts about the account who sent you an ask. It’s also suggested to search the ask as well to see if it may have came from another blog who was already called out for the same scam at some point in time. You may also find the account disappears before you can answer the ask if you was waiting some time before answering it.
It’s also likely the account may reuse the same pfp/story across multiple accounts with very little change in their posting content. This means the blog sending the ask has only a few random reblogs and then one original post. What the blog hopes for is that you don’t bother scrolling down a lot to see how very few posts they may have. If you use timestamps, you’ll see that often the pinned post is a few days old or even hours old. The tags also are usually completely unrelated to the content itself. (If you’re legit and do this for visibility, don’t. It’s spam if not in reblogs. Please use only related tags as per the rules.) Sometimes the link is several colors of text. (If you do this for some reason, please consider accessibility for those who can’t see some color and may miss the link entirely.) And other times there’s a linktree link posing as something else.
Also the blog may say they’re vetted/verified but keep in mind this doesn’t matter if they don’t tell you or say anywhere on their blog who vetted them or what organization confirmed their legitimacy. They won’t say who because asking whoever it is would instantly call out the scammer themselves. It has happened already and that’s why you shouldn’t trust a ‘vetted’ blog if they don’t list anyone anywhere on their page. Some accounts will just say that and expect you to not ask anything because they can’t pass whatever means of verification is asked for.
What do you do if you know for certain a post is a scam?
Please alert anyone sharing the post and also make a post yourself compiling the evidence you’ve gathered proving the scam so others searching will see it and be able to decide for themselves if the account is a scam or not. This makes it easier for a scam blog to be found out even if they try changing urls as they always do that for some reason.
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animemusicbrackets · 9 months
currently taking submissions for ✨BEST VOCALOID SONG✨
Rules/considerations for submitting:
songs must be sung in full by vocaloids or other similar voice bank software (for example, utau is okay)
songs must be Vocaloid originals. ie written for the vocaloids/similar software. no covers of live singers are allowed. The only exception to this rule will be Ievan Polkka. If you have any other vocaloid cover that you feel has become as popular and widespread as this one that i am forgetting, you are free to try to convince me in the askbox lol.
songs do not have to be in japanese. korean, english, etc vocaloids are all good to submit
however, please try to submit all information in the Latin alphabet, whether that is an English translation or a romanized transliteration system like romaji. this just makes it easier for me to organize.
you can submit as many songs as you want but pls dont spam submit the same one
if different versions of the same song are submitted, they will all be considered the same song for the purpose of the submissions, but will battle against each other in preliminaries if they get enough total submissions to qualify.
Please only submit in the google form (NOT via asks)!!! Asks are for questions and propaganda, which is totally encouraged btw
Submissions will close on JANUARY 24TH at around 9PM EST
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Bribes you with pet pics
Reblogs also appreciated!
@tournament-announcer thank you if u can rb!
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crippled-peeper · 12 hours
I'm legally blind without my glasses what are you talking about
No you are fucking not
If your glasses correct your vision you are literally, by LEGAL DEFINITION (not your feelings) NOT BLIND
Legal blindness is a term used to determine vocational needs and benefits for people who have vision loss that CANNOT BE CORRECTED WITH GLASSES OR LENSES
I’m sorry you were mislead into thinking not wearing your glasses makes you a blind person! It doesn’t! If you can see with your glasses on you are not blind. That is the literal legal definition of blindness. Its not based on how valid it makes you feel
Please stop spamming my askbox now
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utyellowstrings · 7 months
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* remembrance.
1. the action of remembering the dead, especially in a ceremony.
2. a thing kept or given as a reminder or in commemoration of someone
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Our story takes place a few months after the true pacifist ending, meaning there WILL be spoilers for all of Undertale Yellow. Please don't interact if you don't want to be spoiled!
An additional note: these are personal interpretations of these characters, and they may not fall directly under canon. For further information, please refer to the BIOS section.
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No overuse of fonts or special characters.
Specify who you're talking to (both in and out of character).
No spamming, hatespeech, or advertising in the askbox.
The main four (as well as Flowey and occasionally other Undertale characters) are the main focus, but anyone is avaliable for asks!
Updates may not be consistent.
Other blogs are free to interact, regardless of who you are! Just be kind.
No NSFW asks, especially ones directed towards younger characters (ex: Flowey).
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#ooc ꔛ out of character posts and interactions.
#strings of fate ꔛ plot heavy / important moments for the overall story.
#ask ꔛ for responses!
#modask ꔛ for ooc responses.
#art ꔛ any and all art made for this blog.
#sillyart ꔛ non-serious / shitposty art or doodles.
#rp ꔛ for roleplay responses and the like.
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This account is ran by two mods! MK (#🔆, he/xe) and Star (#🏵️, he/she). We'll generally alternate between who posts, and we both have control over specific characters (Martlet/Dalv and Starlo/Ceroba respectively). Feel free to ask us if you have any questions! We'll try our best to answer.
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homocidalpotat · 5 months
Intro post under the cut! (because it's quite long and I don't want it to take up my entire blog)
Please read it though, I sorted it out so it's very simple to read :3
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Basic introduction
The rest of this post is probably on the boring side, mostly personal stuff, and it's all grammatically correct (I think...).
URL stuff: I'm Homocidalpotat (Jokingly. I won't be killing anyone... probably. And, apparently, I am a human not a potato?! What a scam...). Currently on the search for EVERY potato blog!
Name: Call me Jasper, my chosen name, it gives me so much euphoria
Pronouns: They/them mostly but I'm happy with it/its, he/him and zey/zem
Basic DNI: Terfs, radfems, vent blogs, pedophiles, trans/homophobes, horny blogs, general haters, etc
Link to a list of the whole lotta them!!
Other blogs/side blogs/accounts
Please do have a look/follow at these!!!! <3
Note about some things I do not want to see on my blog
I won't post anything discriminatory on this blog. It upsets me and other people that might see it. I'm talking racism, homophobia, aphobia, sexism, terfs, nazis, all the horrible things and people that spread hate. I don't want it. Anyone in their right mind does not want it. Don't send me asks/DMs, or tag me in anything with that content. And please, for somebody's sake, correctly tag content like this. If you are posting about your hate for anything, tag it with 'anti-' before it or something along the lines of that. my
Note about me being a minor
I am a minor, so don't tag or show me anything that might not be appropriate. Literally anything NSFW. Anything 18+.
Please don't harass me (with spam, in my DMs/askbox, about ANYTHING)
As I'm a minor with no money I can't donate to any funds for any of the wars or any other things like that. However, I am very happy to reblog posts with funds etc, because that is something I can do to raise awareness and prompt other people to help financially (if they can). I might not reblog donation posts if there are triggering subjects on it. Please don't send me asks for donations/help, here is why I have said this
My header image is a screenshot I took of Tears of the Kingdom :) and I made my profile picture. Credit to @magicalboything for making the divider in this post. Thank you!
I am on the asexual spectrum. I am also genderqueer, so I don't mind what terminology or pronouns you use on me but I prefer more neutral ones. Thanks!!! I'm not sure how to label my sexuality, but I'm very much queer and very much in love with my partner, Erin- @names-confuse-me (they are very nice, you should say hi). Sometimes I use unlabeled for my gender and romantic orientation. Or just queer. I'm queer and I'm here, pretty much.
Gender identity, romantic/sexual orientation and a note about my interaction with genderqueer people
I will always respect your pronouns and identity and I am a safe person to speak to about this (and most other things). If I don't know your pronouns I will use they/them until I find out. I have also been known to use more gendered nicknames (eg. dude, man, girl, etc) but if you don't feel comfortable with one or more of those names, just shout :3 I don't want to make people feel upset. If I do use these more gendered terms, I mean it in a gender-neutral way more often than not.
Note about my Mental Health
I am officially diagnosed with autism, and I might have OCD. My parents think I have ADHD as well... But in short I am neurodivergent, so would really appreciate a safe environment for me, if you can provide it!
I also have vivid hallucinations, panic attacks, I self harm, etc. I have a vent blog so I won't mention it here, and I always use trigger warnings. So... I guess DNI if you aren't comfortable with that.
I am not as mentally stable as you may think from a first glance. I am not doing well. This means I might spend weeks offline or days clinically online. It also means that I might be a bit sensitive or fragile but I don't think I have had many major incidents online.
Here is a post I made about my boundaries for people coming to vent to me: link
Here is a post listing my triggers: link
Note about my content
Sometimes I might post something rash, rude or wrong without realising. Please call me out on this sort of thing, and I'd really appreciate it if you do so calmly. I am neurodivergent, which might excuse me for posting something like that, but it won't justify it.
I make a lot of typos.
Everything I say is gender neutral (e.g. dude, bro, girlie) but I will always use your preferred pronouns and be as affirming for you as possible. It's also all platonic (unless you're Erin).
Pretty much entirely SFW. I don't often reblog things that are NSFW (depending on your definition of NSFW, I might never have), but if I think something is even slightly inappropriate or triggering, I will tag it <3
My tags, that I will try to use:
Original posts: jasper did a thing
Reblogs: jasper saw a thing
Conversational reblogs: jasper is doing the speech
Asks: jasper spreads their limited wisdom
Being romantic with my partner: channel simp
Interests, fandoms and ships
Stuff I like: Nature (yes! all of it... except most molluscs), music, being whimsical, understanding the world around me, being gay (and doing crimes), making other people feel happy, my dog and two rabbits, being creative, dinosaurs, geology, going exploring anywhere, big long walks, my partner, i-will-add-to-this-list-when-i-can-think-of-stuff
My ships include, but are NOT limited to, Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens), Sidlink (TOTK/BOTW), Johnlock (BBC Sherlock) and BlackBonnet (OFMD), Lumity (TOH), Raeda (TOH), a bunch of other TOH ships, etc
Media I might post about (or media that I like. I don't always see some of these) includes, but are not limited to, Legend of Zelda (specifically TOTK, BOTW and Skyward Sword), Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Jurassic Park/World, the Hunger Games and the Owl House, the Lord of the Rings, Gravity Falls, She-Ra, Brooklyn 99, the Good Place, Heartstopper, Doctor Who, What We Do In The Shadows,
I don't always post a huge amount of some of these fandoms/ships/medias, so if you plan on following me for them, maybe just have a snoop around my account for a bit first. You might find that I hardly ever interact with the content. Maybe if you prompt me to I will.
On this blog you can expect posts/reblogs about the fandoms in, memes, shitposts, the (very occasional) vent post, and just a friendly face to chat to. I love asks! I'm always happy to receive one (PLEASE send me asks I'm lonely).
Side blogs of my mutuals that I am listing to help get them more interactions: @a-poetic-apollo-kid (role-play blog for their OC, Asher, based on the Percy Jackson franchise), @the-forgotten-apollo-kid (role-play blog for Lee Fletcher, Percy Jackson franchise), @all-time-alt-country-singer (role-play blog for Naomi Solace, Percy Jackson franchise), @cabin7-chaos (ask blog for Apollo's cabin from the Percy Jackson franchise)
I will add your username to a Google Sheets, where I list whether or not I can tag you in certain things. If you haven't checked it out already, please respond to this post, mutuals! It's purely for your benefit! I will try and update the document every time I get a new mutual but I don't always remember.
I hope I can add some more amazing tumblrinas to that list! The community here is delightful <33
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party-noob · 6 months
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hai!! my nam iz PartyNoob! i jus got dis tumblr thingy cuz i seen my gud friend Infected usin it.. i hop i can mak frens here!
Name: PartyNoob! but Poob iz ok!
Gender: ehm nonbinary!
[ooc // i believe they are? correct me if im wrong]
Pronouns: they/them mostly but othrs are ok!!
Extra: i lik parties an baking cake an pie.. an ice crem!! i like that one flaver
Pest | @pest-icide
Infected | @sk8tr1101
Fleshcousin | @fleshcousin-m-x-25
My name name is Cadence, and i go by any pronouns. i just dont care what you call me it dont rly matter 2 me
my main is @arcadiken !!
I do all drawings and renders for this thing, i am the only one managing this.
I am 16, please be sfw with your asks as i will be reading them. dont be weird :3
If i wver need to talk ill either tag it w #ooc or use 🍁 as a signer!
• Do not send hateful content or anything. It will be ignored.
• Nothing weird..
• Please dont spam the askbox if i dont get back to you right away! I promise ill see it!
• You are allowed to ship [no proship.] and rp!
• Please dont steal my iteration of partynoob [more specifically the drawn version which ill show below.] please credit me if you use it!
• other partynoob blogs PLEASE DO INTERACT!!
ALSO YOU ARE ALLWOED TO DM ME TO RP!! i encourage it actually!!! i may not respond right awya but jt would be AMAZING
this is what partynoob looks like whne i draw them! they will look like this here too :]
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