themboification · 2 years
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your teammates during the match
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feral-space-faerie · 7 months
☀️ The total solar eclipse will happen at the Moon's ascending node on April 8, 2024, visible across Turtle Island and the totality could last up to twice as long as the one in 2017 ☀️
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artbyjef · 2 years
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Hey there! My Name is the Girl Called Jef and I like to draw art! I am a small digital artist who loves fantasy style art. I some times stream my art on twitch alongside games such as Final Fantasy XIV.
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crazybutgood · 4 months
Thank you for the tag @vukovich (x)❣️
5 things that make you happy
1. Taskmaster
2. Bubble tea
3. Fried rice
4. Catching up with friends
5. Smol unexpected pleasant surprises (eg I ate a cake today that had popping candy hidden in one of the toppings and I was delighted by it)
Tagging @getawayfox @stavromulabetaaa @squintclover @stargazing-enby @andithiel @owl-of-fandom @curlyy-hair-dont-care @orange-peony @wrtrgrl-spacewitch @thenaturalfriends @esskuesli if you'd like to do this, and anyone else who'd like to as well (feel free to tag me back so I can see!) 😊
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flowerparrish · 5 months
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[Podfic] Comfort Isn't Earned, It's a Guarantee | by @certified-spacewitch
Star Wars: Fox/Thorn | Rated: M | Length: 11 minutes
Fox isn't handling it well when they lose a shiny who shouldn't have ever been in danger in the first place. Thorn tries to comfort him the best that he can.
Podded for @voiceteam for the challenge Soporific, because this has long been on my list and two of my friends apparently love to sleep to my sad Fox podfics most of all.
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prowlingthunder · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I was tagged by @morethansky
His men are so precious and they don’t even know.
Tagging @azems-familiar @mtraki @mandakatt @zpansven @egodominustuus @iwishtocountthestars @certified-spacewitch @erinptah @ceeeeeeleeeeeebriiiiiiaaaaaan @ceescedasticity
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sometimesrosy · 7 months
Rosy Update
I have a class to teach at my gallery collective today. I've been doing classes there since last summer and usually I don't have very many students. Like one or two. It's a very small rural town.
But today it looks like I'm going to have eight students. That's a proper class! And they all wanted to take Abstract Art for Beginners,. I was about to give up on teaching abstract classes and start doing more art skills and crafts classes, and then here they go signing up to be expressive and modernist. So that's exciting.
But I'm also about to publish my book Spacewitch on kindle Vella as a serial. I have about ten episodes going live on Monday and then I want to post three eps a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
I got a little gummed up with episode eight editing, so I have to fix that passage and get it scheduled. I have, I think, forty something episodes in the can before I get to the end that I am still writing, but that shouldn't be for months on this schedule.
So I should be working on my marketing and on my edits and on scheduling, but instead I have to make sure I have enough supplies for the unusually large abstract painting class.
In case you're wondering, Spacewitch is a space opera about a cranky middle-aged woman who travels throughout the solar system in her sentient alien ship Dragon, selling biomechanical engineered "magic charms" to suckers, until a stowaway drags her back into the life that she left behind twenty years ago.
OK, I gotta get out of here and get ready for my class. It's okay to bug me and send me asks about it. I know this is out of nowhere.
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booksandwords · 1 year
Killing Gravity by Corey J. White
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Series: Voidwitch Saga, #1 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: I'm a spacewitch, I'm a goddess of death and destruction, and I start to laugh thinking of the look on Brigg's face. You think you know what you did to me? You don't know the half of it. — Mars
I picked up Killing Gravity on impulse at my local library while looking for a book to fit the adventure prompt for a reading challenge. I'm so glad I did. I personally found Mariam 'Mars' Xi to be a protagonist. She is angry, ruthless and powerful loyal while maintaining some traditionally feminine caring and empathetic characteristics. Honestly, I got strong Wu Zetian (Iron Widow) vibes at times. I found the plot to be an engaging and enjoyable ride. I wanted to know where it was going. I wanted to know what happened to these characters. The included violence and vengeance feels right. The universe Corey J. White has created for his characters is brutal. Especially the situations Mars came from.
The support cast is larger than I was expecting for a novella, it's not huge but there is diversity. It's queer and quirky and I adore it. Props to White for giving women the strength and control though. Because one of the other support characters, Trix, an amputee who we first meet in an exoskeleton and the Nova's main defender. The Nova is the ship that saves Mars from her critically damaged ship. The captain of that ship is so endearing to me. Squid is an enby but they feel like a bit of an anomaly. They are all soft power, meditation, near anti-gun and yet the captain, respected with ease by both Trix and Mookie. I get the feeling there is a terrifying spine to Squid we are yet to see. Mookie and Trix are poly or at least more than willing to share their bed. I can't really explain Mookie, he makes me smile. You'll get it if you read Killing Gravity. I really like computer AIs Waren and Einri. I looked up the name Einri, dual meanings Intelligent (from the Teutonic) and Rules the home (from the Irish). Can we acknowledge that Eirni is one of the best names for ship AI? Waren means Loyal (from the German). Given the arrangement Mars has with Waren that is important. Probably should mention Seven. Seven is Mars's pet (?), companion (?). From the descriptions, she kind of feels like part cat, part sugar glider. But she was a science experiment that Mars has had for most of her life. Loyal almost to a fault and but so, so adorable.
A random dump of thoughts and quotes.
I appreciate the explanation of the Wormhole physics. Fairly standard but it's nice to have a reminder now and then.
Mars talks to the reader, not breaking the fourth wall, she isn't aware she is fictional, but something close.
Ring One is where my people live. Well, not my people, but the closest thing I want to find: the freaks, the runaways, the perpetual wanderers, the organized crime, the genehackers, the bodychoppers, the digital-wannabes, the loose, the inebreated, the ones with the no common sense, no career and no desire for one, the fed up the fucked up and flamed out. The whole place is like a dangerous chemical concoction. You never know what might set off a reaction, and the threat of violence hangs in the air thick as the smell. — I just find this an appealing description of a group of people, the downtrodden and it definitely tells you whom Mars has lines herself with. That she is a survivor through and through, you don't get to consider these your people without that kind of survival trait. (Mars, p.37-8)
His chest is covered in tattoos—maroon and black ink, the tragically loyal fuck — You can almost hear the tone that belongs here. Okay, and I like the phrase tragically loyal fuck. (Mars, p.59)
"Smart-ass." "I thought Einri was sans personality." "No, just sans voice mod. I don't want some artificial voice construct convincing me Einri is a person. It's not a person, it's a ship. Without a voice mod it sounds like a ship I like things to be clear, you see?" — I find this quote interesting. I appreciate Squid's idea of delineation (because Einri really does have a personality). But that last line is kinda counter to part of their personality. They respected Mas' privacy and didn't push her to give answers. They have more sides than they admit. (Squid and Mars, p.70)
Euphemisms gain strength by hiding truth. Nothing is truth, nothing is reality, my mind contains multitudes, it contains universes, I contain multitudes. I am Mariam, I am Sera, I am every caretaker that ever had a hand in molding me, I am mold growing across every surface of Ergot. — I'm not sure why this appeals to me so much it's part of a whole section that has some really pretty phrasing that suits Mars' state at the time. (Mars, p.106)
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neopronouns · 2 years
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spaceheiric | spacewitchic spacebardic | spaceprinceic spacerogueic | spacethiefic
spaceheiric: a gender related to being an heir of space
spacewitchic: a gender related to being a witch of space
spacebardic: a gender related to being a bard of space
spaceprinceic: a gender related to being a prince of space
spacerogueic: a gender related to being a rogue of space
spacethiefic: a gender related to being a thief of space
colors are from the space aspect and these class gender flags! i’ll be tagging any terms like these as ‘classpectic’.
flag id: six flags with 4 stripes. the top left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark pink, faded pink, off-white, and near-black. the top right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark pink, pink, off-white, and near-black. the middle left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark red, faded red, off-white, and near-black. the middle right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark red, red, off-white, and near-black. the bottom left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark blue, faded blue, off-white, and near-black. the bottom right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark blue, blue, off-white, and near-black. end id.
dni transcript here
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themboification · 2 years
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a cozy afternoon
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izumigee · 4 years
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My OC Alicia Hargreaves, featuring my take on the combat wheelchair.
Commissions open: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/959252896/dnd-character-full-body-commission?ref=shop_home_active_7&pro=1&frs=1
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sirimoonbear · 4 years
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Morinth said “no doubles”
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saintflint · 3 years
∞ ∞ hi friend hope you are well <3
let them count the thunder / we'll sit upon the roof / we can sit in silence / and pretend that we are bulletproof
count the lightning by until the ribbon breaks
and is there a god up there? / so, where does he hide? / 'cause the devil is raging inside my mind / and is there a moment when it all makes sense? / when saying goodbye, doesn't feel like the end? / amen, amen, amen
amen by amber run
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bluepoodle · 4 years
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Turned one of my sketches into a space witch.
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isabelnotisabelle · 4 years
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Witchtober 2020: Day 14: Space Witch
She’s flying her spaceship to avoid the law.
Basically, she’s a person who makes illegal trades and fights across the galaxies and when she goes on land she wears this cool cape, bird mask, pointed hat, and broom, like a traditional witch. 
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