mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
For the band, how about Journey and Bon Jovi?
Thank you! Okay I’m gonna say right now before I start, I don’t know much about either of these bands. I’ll still answer, but I’ll expand on the answers a bit.
Am I a Fan?
Journey: Not an active one. It’s more that I don’t change the radio station if they come on.
Bon Jovi: I’m more of a fan of Bon Jovi than Journey, but that doesn’t mean much in the context heh. My aunt’s the die-hard Bon Jovi fan.
First Song I Heard By Them?
Journey: “Don’t Stop Believin’”. There’s probably not a single classic rock playlist on Earth that DOESN’T have this song.
Bon Jovi: “Wanted Dead or Alive”. My cousins were playing Rock Band and they screamed out the lyrics as they were playing it lol.
Favorite Song?
Journey: The only one I know is “Don’t Stop Believin.”
Bon Jovi: I would say “It’s My Life” is a good one. But I only know maybe four Bon Jovi songs heh.
Favorite Album?
Journey: Don’t know any.
Bon Jovi: I’ll just say Slippery When Wet, since three of the four songs I know are on there.
Favorite Music Video?
I’ve never seen any music videos for either band.
Have Any Merch?
Seen Live?
Also no. Though I do remember seeing one time that Bon Jovi was coming to town and suggested to my aunt that we should go.
Favorite Member?
The only one I know of is Jon Bon Jovi. I do know Robert Fleischman sang for Journey for a while when they were getting started.
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spacefoxy-irl · 5 years
Hey! I see you play WoW as well! What characters do you play? ☺️
Heyyy! Yeah been playing since 2009 or do 😁 I play every class to some extent (all at 120) but lately I've been concentrating more on my blood death knight and demonology warlock. I also play both factions though I got horde bias 🤣 I play on wyrmrest accord US.
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Maybe one day we’ll run into each other! That would be great 😄
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spacefoxy · 5 years
Jen, the tags on your poll got me rollin 🤣
I like to think myself funny lmao
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cptnruski · 5 years
Hey! It’s been awhile since we’ve talked! Hope your well and having an amazing day and weekend! ☺️✌🏻
Awww thank you so much! It’s going pretty well so far, working on lots of Russian homework and guitar practice, but I just finished rereading chapter 3 of that royal au! It’s fucking phenomenal and I can’t stop rereading it!!!! Like oh my god I don’t have words for how much I love that fic my dude!!!!! But yes! Day good, weekend good, FIC GREAT!!!!
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terraqua111 · 5 years
I was tagged by @tanookiroxx to post 10 gifs of my favorite movies without mentioning the title. Thanks for the tag!
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I am tagging @that-kiss-bitch @mephxles @losttoinsanity45 @spacefoxy-jen @spaceacefrehley @charleecat-bat if you like to do it.
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frehleys-baby · 5 years
So...to all you kiss fans out there who gave followed me since I started, thanks for your love and support! I feel like I’ve built up the beginnings of an online family and I couldn’t be more delighted!
So, to try and repay that, I’m holding a character creation contest! Whoever wins gets to have their character put in the Kiss fic I’m writing, and gets to be with the member of their choice!!
(P.S., contest is over by August 25th, Midnight EDT!!)
All entries must be compliant with the chart below:
Name/Nickname(if any):
Hair Color:
Eye color:
Powers(if any):
Additional Traits:
Member of choice(can be more than one):
Et cetera(Job, Hobbies, Habits, ...)
So, here are the rules:
I will only take characters who have filled out the chart I list above, and tag me in their entry with the tag #frehleysbabycontest!!!
You have the choice of the line up from before Lick It Up! (Aka The OG Lineup, Eric C, and Vinnie) Sorry, I’m not big on the Kiss members post-makeup, it just doesn’t rustle my jimmies, y’all. (Also I will consider shipping a character w/Tommy or Eric S, but I don’t write them very well, so...yeah)
Your character must be of age! Backstories can be as tragic as you like, but preferably no one under 21! (I will consider characters that are 18 to 20, but I’d prefer not to.)
This is an urban fantasy setting taking place in New York! Your characters may have powers if you’d like, but nothing over the top!
Any questions, just ask! Feel free to tag others!
You may enter even if you aren’t on the tag list!!
Thanks for reading! Taglist:
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Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @spaceacefrehley who has like the best KISS blog!
Name: Nidene
Birthday: September 10
Zodiac Sign: Virgo ♍️
Height: 5’4”
Hobbies: listening to music, currently learning how to play the guitar, watching Netflix (literally all I do is watch Netflix skskksks)
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Book: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe and ever Harry Potter book
Last Song Listened To: Storms by Fleetwood Mac (listening to this song while it’s raining outside is an experience)
Last Movie Watched: The Wedding Singer
Inspiration or Muse: music
Dream Job: don’t really know what I want to do. Sometimes I just wanna become a florist and just play Fleetwood Mac and classic rock in my flower shop constantly😂
Reason Behind My URL: i think it’s very self explanatory, I constantly cry over rock legends 🖤
I tag: @d1tzy-bitch @davidbowierelatedstuff @classic-rock-roller @brenshor
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losttoinsanity45 · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag!
I was tagged by @spaceacefrehley! 
Name: Savannah
Birthday: September 1, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 5’5” ish? 
Hobbies: writing, drawing, playing video games, daydreaming, clowing around.
Favorite Color: Green, purple, red. I CAN’T CHOOSE!
Favorite Book: uhh? I don’t have one. 
Last Song Listened to: Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield
Last Movie Watched: Halloween 2018
Inspiration or Muse: KISS, or clowns! 
Dream Job: To be a dinosaur! 
Reason Behind My URL: well I lost my mind! it’s a true story! as for the 45 I dunno sounded kooler. 
I’m too lazy to tag anyone else lol. 
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
My apologies for giving you two bands that were hard to answer 😂 I have become a bit rusty since I’ve been gone 😝
Nah, it’s cool hun. I still had fun answering for them!
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spacefoxy-irl · 5 years
Hey so since we both play WoW I was curious on what your opinion is on Sylvanas?
When I started playing back in the day, she was my favorite character in the franchise. I loved her story arch during Wrath of the Lich King. She was edgy and I’ve always been a fan of edgy characters.
But what they have done in the last couple of years… I have to say, I like her way less now. It’s almost like they’ve “ruined” her on purpose to be able to kill her off without a huge backlash. I mean.. she has such a huge fanbase that there will be backlash to some extent no matter what they do. But I think this is all just pre-emptive damage control.
Sure she has never been a “wholesome” character and has always been just looking out for herself but the way they have been portraying her in the game and in the books lately has been such a stark contrast to how she has been to this day. Killing her own people? Destroying her own city? Letting all of Lordaeron just go like that? Remember in Cataclysm how she was worried about the forsaken surviving and how she was sworn to protect Lordaeron because it belongs to the forsaken. Now she has just undermined all of that, all by herself, signaling she doesn’t really care for her people or kingdom at all.
Also Blizzard seems to have gone back and retconned some Wrath stuff especially the Wrathgate stuff saying now that Sylvanas was fully aware of the use of the plague against the alliance and horde AND scourge forces and may have even been in agreement to it all. They’re going back and molding past events to fit their narrative instead of giving us some logical reason WHY she has changed so much.
Right now, she is just a power hungry monster in my eyes. I had such a bad feeling when they made her the Warchief in Legion. I expected bad things to be honest. And so far I was not wrong.
I really wish we still had Vol’jin. He fell victim to some of the laziest writing ever and deserved much better.
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spacefoxy-irl · 5 years
Totally gonna ask you a WoW thing, but have you played a Nightborne yet? They are my absolute favorite rn!
Yes! I have a 120 nightborne warlock and I’m working on leveling 4 othernightborne characters :)  I love them so much!
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Hey! Thanks for that positive feedback ☺️ I’m extremely insecure about my work so it means a lot! I’ve been very busy lately, but I promise I’ll read some of your work!
Of course, lovely! I am absolutely ADORING how this story is going so far and it’s great seeing you writing again!
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cptnruski · 5 years
You’re always so busy making sure we’re okay, I thought I should return the favor! You’re awesome at everything you do. Your art is phenomenal and your writings are outstanding. Have a good day, hun ✌🏻💙
Awww thank you so much! I always like to check up on people because, especially since I have depression, I know how shitty life can be sometimes and making sure people are ok is kinda my thing haha 😅 but thank you so much, this is very sweet!!! I hope you have a good day as well!
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
A friend I made on here last summer has returned after a sabbatical, and I’m just so happy about it 😊😊😊 I’m glad to hear she’s okay, bc I know we were all pretty worried about her. But she’s back, she’s okay, and now my day is all the better for it ❤️❤️❤️
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terraqua111 · 5 years
•Answer 20 questions then tag 20 people•
Have been tagged by @supportstudies. Thanks!
Name: Sandra
Nicknames: Aqua, Terr/Terry, Eric, Robot, Sandy, R2-D2, Edi, Jora, Bruce (It seems like everyone I meet has a new nickname for me. I like how often they are male names though)
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 169 cm
Languages: German, English, French (can still partially understand it but over time somehow lost the ability to form my own sentences), Latin (same as French)
Nationality: Austria
Favourite season: Spring or summer, rather summer
Favourite flower: There are a couple of flowers I like but I don't even know most of their names.
Favourite scents: jasmine, apple blossoms, the smell of a lake, there's also a certain scent that metal can get
Favourite colour: violet, green
Favourite animal: ravens, owls, actually all sorts of birds, foxes, lots of different kinds of fish
Favourite fictional characters: pretty much half of the characters that appeared in Mass Effect, same for characters of the Discworld novels
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Tea
Average sleep: on average work days 1-5 hours
Cats or dogs: Does it have to be one of those? I figure myself rather a fish or bird person.
Number of blankets: One, a very thick and heavy one. If it gets colder a second one but then it already gets close to a weight that will suffocate you.
Dream trip: Ireland
Blog established: I don't know and also have no idea how to find out. All I can say is that it already existed before 2014 but I have barely been active before last year.
Number of followers: 170
Random fact: When I'm playing a new video game that lets you choose your character I almost exclusively pick male characters, I just can't relate to female characters.
I'll tag @that-kiss-bitch @tanookiroxx @spaceacefrehley @losttoinsanity45 @mephxles @mikeymyears @cosmicrealmofkissteria @misslivvie @ashestoashesvvi @charleecat-bat if you like to do it.
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