#space platform
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tekkyentity ¡ 4 months ago
'Kapřík' Supermassive Cargo Freighter
i enjoy building these platforms too much
with a whopping 16 engines (some of which are epic/rare), it is capable of a tremendous 2,5GN of thrust, pushing this hefty 1 947 ton beast to a reliable 273,05km/s
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each wing producing 1800/s of each thruster fuel type, it should be capable of sustaining full thrust for an indefinite period (as long as it is kept fully supplied with water/iron ore/carbon)[and you use 16 normal-quality thrusters lmao]
the main cargo hold also has a capacity of 899 item slots, which can be further increased with quality cargo bays
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the main asteroid processing center, not much to say about it. just dont use the advanced processing recipes too much since they're actually less efficient for producing water/carbon/iron ore (i didnt check that beforehand?? fortunately it wasnt hard to revert some crushers back to the original recipes)[i had to due to a lack of water production and excessive calcite production]
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the thick boy, the nuclear reactor placed scarily close to the front, the ore smelter and ammo/rocket production center.
9 piercing ammo assemblers and 6 rocket assemblers should be enough right???!! so far i havent had any problems yet :DD
it might be massively overbuilt, and i will probably never use the 900 slot capacity of this beast
the Kapřík will initially be used for personal transport to Aquilo, but will later serve as a universal hauler of all planetary exports to make quantum processors on Aquilo (considering they need one final product from each planet)
fun facts:
the kapřík takes its name from the czech word for carp :)
my original inspiration for the build was the imperial cutter from elite dangerous, however the initial finished build just looked like a massive penis so i had to flatten it
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the new hammerhead shape also probably helps with faster asteroid acquisition, and makes sure the south wings dont get any head on collisions with asteroids
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scrumpyfan43 ¡ 2 years ago
A weird trope I really like is Space Platforms
My working definition of a Space Platform is something that satisfies all of these criteria:
Terrain (used primarily as a surface to stand and/or build on )
Suspended in space or high in the sky
Despite objective local gravity such that you could fall “down” off the side
Some things that are and aren’t Space Platforms
Stacraft’s Space Platform terrain, probably the purest example of it:
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You walk on them, you build buildings on them, and there’s ice cream shops built into the walls (also they’re literally called space platforms):
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Wube had planned on but eventually abandoned space platforms for Factorio that are very clearly inspired by Starcraft:
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Gryphon Station in Tyrian has standing water and jungles exposed to the Space Air:
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Motos I’m pretty sure explicitly refers to the environment as a series of space platforms; there’s no buildings (unless you count Nabicons) but the platforms are clearly artificial, they’re thin enough that the only thing you can do is stand (and jump) on them, and the objective of the game is to shove enemies off the platform and into the void:
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Skyroads consists of driving and jumping a space car along treacherous space platforms:
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Final Destination in Smash Bros.:
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They seem to be a lot more common in games than in other media, but they’re out there. Most famously probably is The Jetsons:
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The truck stop in Spaceballs is a fantastic space platform:
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The Wander Over Yonder episode “The Box” has people milling about on space platforms (but contrast with “Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century” later):
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The ring city from Treasure Planet is a weird one because it’s the only one I’ve encountered that doesn’t have a uniform up and down, but unlike the rotating space stations it’s meant to evoke, you still experience objective gravity while standing on your ship next to it
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And last, close to my heart is the floating platform “Cool Lightning” from the lost comic Monster Killers (which was heavily influenced by video games):
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Now for some things that are not Space Platforms, even though they’re great in their own ways.
1) Floating Islands (they’re terrain, but not artificial terrain):
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2) The RLS Legacy from Treasure Planet and other tall ships in space (vehicles, not terrain):
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3) Buildings with lots of interior volume and no walkable surfaces, such as these buildings in The Jetsons:
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and the Cloud City in Star Wars:
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4) Artificial terrain that relies on centrifugal artificial gravity, such as Ringworld, the Halo Installations, O’Neill Cylinder, Stanford Torus, etc. These more or less obey real world physics and aren’t magically levitating, and while you could “fall off” one, you aren’t affected by gravity unless you’re standing on the surface:
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And now for some borderline cases.
Neverhood. Hoborg constructed it, but does his divinity mean that it’s natural rather than artificial? Aesthetics are more “floating island” than “space platform” but the lore points the other way:
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Death Egg and Doomsday Zones in Sonic & Knuckles. The interior seems to contain most of the important stuff, but Sonic spends most of the time running around on the exterior:
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The walkways in Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century. They’re very similar to the Wander Over Yonder platforms, but they’re not extensive enough that I’m happy calling them “terrain.” Space Balconies maybe.
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thehauntedrocket ¡ 2 years ago
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Vintage Paperback - Space Platform by Murray Leinster
Art by Earle Bergey
Pocket Books (1951)
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alphamecha-mkii ¡ 2 years ago
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Bengal Shipbuilders XQ1 Platform Tech Readout (New) by unusualsuspex
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hollis-art ¡ 3 months ago
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designed some shoes for one of my classes and i thought they'd be absolutely sick for Kira
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cultofgalaxy ¡ 10 months ago
Happy indie Animation Day!!
Kinoko the kuparkuke is the protagonist for our indie, 2D metroidvania game set in outer space, currently in development by a small team of two from the UK.
We love video games and animation and we look forward to see what other people have to show!
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gryphis-eyes ¡ 5 months ago
Why do I only see astrology post on the pick a card tag 🤨
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tekkyentity ¡ 4 months ago
i modified my carrier platform "VulkĂĄnus 2" to compensate for the decreased solar efficiency in Fulgoran orbit, thus came to be the "FulgorĂĄl" platform
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however on it's second trip to Fulgora, it has failed and is unable to return to Nauvis
i needed a platform to reliably carry my stuff from Nauvis to Fulgora and back, and possibly be capable of Vulcanus or Gleba transport aswell
thus i present to you the "NervĂłz" heavy carrier platform
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taking it's name from the NERVA nuclear rocket engine, it includes a thick 40MW nuclear reactor.
it will serve as a mass transport carrier platform with it's 379 slots of carrying capacity
it has a peak thrust of 918MN and a top speed of 239.27km/s (although it's able to maintain this only during the first half of the flight)
will update later on its reliability :3
the blueprint string is way too long to post here, so dm me if you wanna use this in your own game
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scrumpyfan43 ¡ 3 months ago
Btw I'm so happy that Wube returned to their space platform plans
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demigods-posts ¡ 5 months ago
i’m confused. you are a huge fan of pjo characters right? so how do you sit there and not call out a problem? you claim percy to be smart, but when rick writes about percy being an idiot and annabeth deeming him as one for an entire book, you are fine with that? youre fine with how she was shocked at him being smart? why are you pretending like everything is fine? inlike most of us, you have a platform. you can reach people. the only way to make things change is to speak up. aka the only way for rick to change is if we tell him what’s wrong. just like we told him to represent nico better and he did.
it is not okay for him to write annabeth like he did. he butchered her character and make her treat percy terribly. the annabeth haters are going to actually get a platform now. you have to call rick out!!
I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I haven’t said Percy’s portrayal as unintelligent is a good thing — I just haven’t had the chance to share a full review yet. I actually agree with you that it’s disappointing how often Rick makes Percy the butt of jokes about his intelligence, and I think Percy (and Annabeth) deserves better representation too. But it feels like your message is coming at me as though I’m opposed to this view, when I’m not. I also want to highlight that I’m just one person, and while I appreciate passionate discussions about representation, I don’t appreciate being spoken to in a confrontational way, especially when we’re on the same side. I support speaking up when things need to change, but it’s important to approach these conversations respectfully.
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purpurussy ¡ 7 days ago
idk on some level I feel like we should just let Reddit be Reddit. I agree with the posts calling out the mods for their unhinged policing of rpf/ship content but at the same time idrc what goes on over there 😭 if they want to create a space for posting the same dry memes and easily googleable questions over and over then who am I to stop them
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shi0n ¡ 4 months ago
its only the beginning of my 20 hour journey to japan and i already look like ive been hit w a frying pan. this cant be
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lavendermoonlitskies ¡ 5 months ago
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Yeah ok Netflix
I’m sure that’s the real reason
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cultofgalaxy ¡ 11 months ago
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Howdy! I’m a 2d animator who uses a mouse to hand draw sprites for our upcoming indie game! This is a dream project that I really want to bring to life and I hope you’ll love our galaxy just as much as I do.
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ironicsoap ¡ 4 months ago
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you are expendable, you are not expected to return
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tekkyentity ¡ 4 months ago
'Kapřík' was too big to screenshot in full
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until i figured out mods exist lmao
what a beauty
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