#sp u will burn in hell…
sasukeless · 1 month
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those are two completely different designs bye
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epicfirestormer · 5 months
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Is this anything
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south-park-meta · 1 year
It's so infurating when u see ppl complaing about a sp fanfic,saying shit like this:
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putting aside how ooc are those fanfic for every sp character and the fact that South Park is meant to be satire (with social commentary) and Stan is a fictional charater.
possible mind blowing statement ahead 🤯:
Parents loving & adoring their kids is not good enough to raise a child properly and to be qualified as a good father or parent, neither it excludes ppl from being abusive towards their kids.
(shocker,am i right? 🤯).
I know sp is satire but let's take the Marsh family serious, because as fictional as they are, family dynamics like that exist irl.
Randy influenced SO MUCH on Stan's life and why he became the way he is.
1. randy's alcholism and parentification:
parentification:  parents look to their children for emotional and/or practical support, rather than providing it.
earlier seasons when Randy and his drinking problems make him so unreliable as a person that his son became his caretaker,saving his father or acting as a mediator in Randy's problems... that isn't parentification or bad,right?
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2. Randy's behaviour:
Randy mocks/is harsh/ belittle or gets annoyed Stan when he disagrees with his actions, or gets in his way.
also not forgetting, if we take the Marsh's seriously, him brushing off despite being concerned like 5 seconds, that his son was going to cut his hand to prove his point wrong,also,understimating or thinking his son is naive or sm dumb shit.
not to mention,how Stan was going to perform with his band and his dad make it all about him by making his son,wear his dumb shirt to promote his weed,despite him not being comfortable?.
that if we don't count how Randy and denying Sharon the divorce bc that leads to money go to her, just bc she didn't like the farm (buddy,she's raising ur kids?? Tf) just to lead Stan to burn down the farm.
Stan shouldn't have gone bersek but how fucked as a parent and ur marriage problems have to be to drove ur child to a breaking point where the only solution he could think of to stop the fighting was setting the farm on fire? (Not to mention,that getting his old sister killed,then Sharon commits suicide and Randy blaming him for it).
Or when Sharon,Shelly and him bonded over Randy being in jail?.
Randy loves his kids,and he appreciates Sharon, but he can be selfish, and tends to have a lot of toxic traits that can come out as abusive, doesn't matter how much he loves Stan and Shelly, he is not a good father.
and it's so infuriating when ppl say "Stan doesn't have daddy issues" "Randy isn't abusive bc he loves his kids"
Because it's terrifying in a way,seeing how many ppl don't count mentally abusive parents as abusive parents or just bc they love their kids. Liane loves Cartman,does this mean she is a good mother? Hell no.
Stan and Randy can be fictional, and Sp can be satire, but you can see when someone dislikes a fictional character and mocks traits of mental illness or doesn't consider the X character to be a victim of abusive parents because of how the character acts or what they consider abuse.
It doesn't take the fact that many teenagers and young adults relate to or still relate to Stan—for his personality,some ideas,his childhood? his relationship dynamic with his parents.
Because abusive parents aren't always hitting you or neglecting you, they hurt you with backhanded compliments, understand you, hurt you emotionally with their harsh words, and make you their caretaker at a young age. Many kids feel like "Oh, I had to obey him because it's my parent", without realizing their parent was abusive, especially when you hold rage towards your father for being shitty, but then they act funny, sharing a good time and even telling you funny anecdotes back when they were in their college years, and you even question yourself if he isn't really abusive.
I know this, and I relate to Stan's relationship with his father,his childhood, as well as his depression and personality. Perhaps my dad doesn't have drinking problems but he is shitty as Randy is.
Ironic because the character I related to the most is from a satirical show.
I'm sorry I just need to let it out,because wtf
Tbh I'm not a big fan of the language of the folks who call it 'daddy issues' because I feel it's pretty condescending and dismissive, and intentionally so.
There's a difficult balance when it comes to fiction that the audience finds relatable, in particular with shows like South Park that are over-the-top and satirical. There are components of South Park that are very emotionally authentic and relatable, and there are components that are, effectively, shitposting. It's always going to be hard to have a legitimate dialogue about topics like abuse for a few reasons. The first is that people generally have a difficult time parsing toxic behaviors in relationships that are often shown as supportive-- Randy does spend more time with the kids/with Stan than the other parents, and he and Stan are more likely to be seen doing something nice for one another.
I think Bloody Mary is a good example, because they do seem to really want to spend time having fun together....but if you apply it to a real-world scenario, a substance abusing dad making his kid be his DD is, obviously, unhealthy. I think Stan and Randy are a great example of a toxic parent-child relationship BECAUSE there is still often love and support there. While I find it's deteriorated a lot in recent seasons, I'm much fonder of the relationship between them when there was clear affection and caring-- and was still not healthy. But the clear love between them is something that's going to make a lot of people gloss over the toxic aspects.
This is compounded by the fact that it's fiction, in particular because it's a cartoon. There are CLEAR elements of abuse all throughout the show, including clear elements of sexual abuse of the kids, that are regularly dismissed both in fandom and within the show itself. The tone the show sets often, but not always, determines the reading of the show by the fans: when abuse is treated seriously, it's more likely to be read as 'real' by the fans and viewed sympathetically, while when it's met with something like an eye roll, a nose pinch, what have you, by the characters in the show, it's not going to get the same level of analysis. If a character dismisses it, the fans largely equally dismiss it (even if presumably they wouldn't dismiss it in real life). In combining the last two points: I do think this is why people are more annoyed with Randy and Stan in particular. It has been criticized as being abusive more often recently, and it's because their relationship has actively deteriorated and Stan has been wanting to have less and less to do with Randy. So there's a bigger divide between the people who see the love in the earlier seasons and the people who see it as abusive.
And in Stan's case in particular, he is by and large the audience's proxy. He's the one that is most often the Point Of View character. Which is good and bad for reading him seriously, because he totally gets the most character building (yay for me as someone who loves him lmao), but it also leads to normalization of his experiences. Which is, presumably, intentional. After all, the audience isn't actually supposed to be regularly horrified by his life; it's a comedy above all else. And in some aspects it's good to show difficult home lives as normal. But the flip side is this normalization of events does often lead to the dismissal of them when being reviewed for meta purposes.
Finally on that note is that some fans are always going to be annoyed by serious analysis of a show like SP lol. Which, I do think the meta of it should be fun and with a pinch of salt. I've blocked a few people, and it's largely because I was getting 'actually' annoyed on my blog instead of having like, a fun debate or something. Whether you like taking SP as a pure joke and not reading into it, or you like reading into the interactions a lot, my advice is to disengage or actively block if you realize there's something that makes you not enjoy it.
All that said, yeah I do think people are dismissive of traumas when characters are being analyzed. I can't say if it happens more with Stan than not-- it probably happens more often with him relative to a lot of other characters being as he's a central character. But I do think there's a lot of annoyance at serious interpretations which in turn leads to being callous towards how people relate to those serious interpretations.
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lunareiitic · 1 year
Limbus Orientation #6: Match Made In Hell
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[The One Who Grips] Faust || [The One Who Shall Grip] Sinclair
The post you've all been waiting for. Welcome back to Limbus Orientation, the series where I, your host, talk about Limbus Company units, what they do, and how you might use them.
Today, we're talking about the N-Corp duo that takes Toxic Relationship and gives new and horrific meaning: Kromer and N-Sinclair. Two powerful but quirky units on their own, one of which gets exponentially better in the presence of the other. Let's dig into it.
To see why they're so good together, we're gonna structure this analysis a little differently: let's look at both of their deck compositions first.
Faust has a deck of 3 Envy, 2 Lust, 1 Pride. Sinclair has a deck of 3 Gloom, 2 Lust, 1 Wrath. Now, why are these good? Sinclair enables Faust to slam her best EGO: Fluid Sac with impunity. When fielding N-Faust, her largest flaw is the only Ego she can charge on her own is the (admittedly amazing) single target Hex Nail. With no Gloom in her kit, she needs teammates who can provide that resource to her, which is a pretty hefty cost. Sinclair's most recent Ego, Lifetime Stew, unfortunately can't be full charged by just him and Faust (which is where N-Don would come in). We'll talk more about why Lifetime Stew was made for this Sinclair specifically a bit later.
Let's look at how these combined decks play with the other N-Corp Passives, shall we?
With all of this Lust, we have a pretty solid way of procing Faust's Whistles, which restores SP to two units and grants them Fanatic if they're N-Corp, already a solid power on its own. N-Heathcliff's Support passive Cantillation makes units inflict more Nails, a key feature of the N-IDs. Both of Don's passives are Lust, Hammer of Zealotry in particular being useful for any N-Corp team comp. With Sinclair's one Wrath card there's the potential for Meursault's Highest Honor and Rodya's Rising Faith in the right team comps.
Now, we move into Sinclair's kit, which is a doozy. (Thank you Prydwen for having all this up so I don't have to take in game screenshots.)
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Note how both of his passives are Wrath Owned, not Wrath Resonance. You can easily use his Wrath card twice and have Mad Flame active the entire time. And I'm sure you're wondering: "Why in the name of god does Sinclair lose SP for everything? Didn't we just get an update to make having high SP important?" and the answer is yes, yes we did. But therein lies the beauty of this design. Sinclair needs to be low on SP for his various skills to work. This is doubly important if running Lifetime Stew on Sinclair, which has this as its passive:
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His Lust skill will inflict eleven burn and +1 Burn Count if every coin hits tails. It'll do a flat 10% damage more if he's Fanatic, which he can give himself from his Gloom card, or the plethora of sources in other N-Corp units. Like N-Faust, who will guaranteed proc Whistles on him as his SP drops constantly, and he gets less SP from doing well.
Between Papa Bongy and N-Sinclair and N-Faust's kits, this signals to me that moving forward we are going to be getting content that has SP manipulation as a feature, and Sinclair will thrive in those environments. Faust's Whistles, Representation Emitter and Fluid Sac all act essentially as panic buttons to keep your Sinclair from Corroding, as to use him effectively you need to keep him on the verge of losing it. So if you have him, you might want to invest in him now in case he ends up being broken later.
But, how do we use these two together?
Now, there are the easy option: Full N-Corp squad. Give Sinclair and Faust N-Don, N-Rodya and N-Heathcliff as on-field teammates, and then N-Meursault off-field for Highest Honor support and watch the sparks fly. Spam Lifetime Stew on Don and Heathcliff and clean house with Fluid Sac and Representation emitter if things look die. Easy, easy, easy.
But what if I told you there's a funnier team comp that makes incredible use of these two... in Mirror Dungeons? I present to you: Burn Boys (Gender Neutral)! All three Liu identities: L-Meursault, L-Gregor, and L-Hong Lu all have burn effects in their kits. They even have complementary decks with these two, with plentiful Wrath and Lust, and even Sloth and Gloom to round things out. While there is not a single Gluttony card between them, if one gets Blue Zippo Lighter or Coffee And Cranes, this could be alleviated instantly. However, we don't care about any of that. We care about four Gifts in particular.
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Pinpoint Logic Circuit and Fiery Down not only make the four boys with burn even better, they give Faust free burn on two of her three cards (which make up 5/6 of her deck). Hellterfly's Dream then passes that burn onto other units, and within a turn most of the time you have met the conditions for Ashes to Ashes, creating a Burning Positive Feedback Loop. Hong Lu inflicts more burn at high SP, which Faust's passive and two EGOs enable, making this synergy even more viable. Given that everyone in this team does Blunt and/or Pierce damage, the Blunt/Pierce Vulnerability granted by Faust's Gaze debuff is appreciated and sometimes necessary depending on the enemies the Mirror Dungeon lays out. Given that L-Gregor and L-Meursault were in the game at launch, and L-Hong Lu was a featured 2 star on a different, very meta banner (and is literally rate up on a banner right now next to N-Sinclair), there's a good chance you already have these three.
So if you managed to pull these two (or did what I did and had to horde like 200 boxes each for them) congratulations, you have one of the most dynamic and insane duos in Limbus Company at the moment. Happy theorycrafting and teambuilding!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x6 the final frontier
I remember this episode, I am a castle fan from firefly & I loved this episode & the audio commentary & everything about it
We all thought that the guy who got shot was shot with a real thing
derrick storm is a graphic novel, I forgot!
supernovacon? Shiny dsjflksdjfjskh shiny pint sized princess leiea <3
apparently the costume design used some of the old stuff, including stuff from the zombie episodes
14 episodes too many? Oh I was going to watch battlestar galactica that joss whedon show?
JE: Give me Blade Runner - a bleak, dystopian future with sexy replicants. Right? *he & castle bump fists* JE: How about you, Beckett? What do you—?... *stops at her annoyed expression*
RC: Perlmutter, good to see you. SP: Ah, if only the feeling were mutual. a tiny hole? like a bullet hole? SP: No clue
Not all nebula 9 fans will be on that site also ryan pretty af as usual so no need for a pic ig she is so obviously a fan, she could just say "oh plenty of fandoms have websites, I'm sure there is one for neb9"
lol her face when he walks in KR: Oh, I tried to talk to him, but he said he needed a minute to “Muse upon the fragile nature of human life.”
& may fortune guide her journey? really? also that booty tho I love how castle has the chance to meet someone even more egotistical than him
Never meet your heroes
Aww webisodes, that's cute af! I'm a big fan of fanfiction you're allowed to like a show even if it is bad who is this man!? also she went by k-becks? your WHAT NOW? Henry Barnett: You should've seen her as Lieutenant Chloe. Oh, wait. You can! fracking, I heard that mostly in battlestar galactica
RC: Look at my life. (whisper) My dreams come true.
KB: Perlmutter. SP: Detective Beckett. RC: Perlmutter. SP: And non-detective Castle.
that is a hell of a burn SP: Well, as much as it pains me, Mr. Castle is… [marginally or largely] correct.
KB: How is it possible that she's killed by a laser? RC: Easy. Someone shot her with a laser gun. Or maybe she was already dead when she was killed by the laser gun, or she was drugged, I'm sure you would have to sit there for at least a halfminute to burn through that much flesh
KB: Nice one coming from the guy with a life-size Boba Fett in his bathroom. a WHAT
"blasphemous" lmao
KB: posessing a... RC: Laser blaster! KB: ....... laser blaster
this scene with ryan showing the pic on his phone was filmed at 4am bc they screwed up the schedule JE: First of all, ma'am, I must ask you, uh…how are you keeping those leaves on there like that? NEBULA NINE EVE: Why don't you pull on one and find out? JE: *staring at her (eyes)*
Maybe you can't translate well but you can say yes or no... right?
*writes her number on her boob leaf* *esposito looks more uncomfortable than pleased tbh* *she took his pen* (probably glued on)
"obvi" teenager english lol
Castle shut up lol
also I'm still stuck on the fact that they just pulled castle away from his signing
ew weird bug thingy what
Becks u can say "according to my intel" u literally said it launched your career tho?
Nikki heat type pose
Drunk? in the middle of the day? two lieutenant chloes lmao I don't like espt's shirt.
oh my god!!! ALEXIS??? Dressed like what castle? she is not dressed at all apparently the cast was all weirded out bc they kind of movie-raised her since she was a teen you know what good for her she is allowed to do what she wants ig...
Yo cops they paid good money for this!
RC: Then you wouldn't mind relinquishing your weapon. good word gabriel winters is so annoying *shoots it* *it works, & works way too well & tbh they should have been wearing eye protection* mUZZLE CONTROL "Zap" said the lady
As you wish <3 NO SHE IS NOT A FULL GROWN WOMAN, SHE IS A VERY YOUNG WOMAN, plus, you two wanted it in the privacy of your own home!
"what kind of idiot does that" *looks at him* how bad can it be? "burning" desire XP
ryan pretty he so pretty always love his outfits, i love how he has a vest but no tie
KR: This is like the Halloween from hell. JE: Oh, yeah, this is probably too lowbrow for you, huh? You're probably into that boring-ass intellectual kind of sci-fi, like Gattaca ((loved that one)) or 2001. The monolith-- what the hell was that? KR: Don't ask me. No, no, swords and sorcery, that's more my thing, like, uh, Lord of the Rings. ((Ooh ryan is a fantasy guy)) [Esposito looks Ryan over. not gay at all] JE: Yeah, I could probably see you as an elf. Or a hobbit. ((bro you are not much taller!)) KR: HOLD ON THAT WAS THE LONE RANGER Esposito is a fan? he could use the excuse that he did some research for the case ryan doesn't make fun of YOU!
*authorized personnel only door in portal* "that means me!" oH NO ARE THOSE LASERS EVIL?
love donnely. apparently his shirt caused a ton of fighting on set & yet it is capable of great damage? Why did you make it harmful then? You could have made it so it feels warm when you get shot, maybe even hot, but this thing is deadly!
What kind of protection? Probably goggles Hm, license plates Castle, bringing the convo back to needing protection
*cut to castle still being concerned & feeling his face* *beckett talking abt the symbolism* ofc he'd be concerned abt his hair
alexis XD.
S name! esposito seems like he may have a nice outfit but I can't tell
*The elevator opens in front of them with a ding and Castle is there, looking anxious* RC: Hey. Tell me, you guys, do you think my hair is thinning?
*espt looking at his head with a grimace* *castle flinches* he's just playing with him Also why did castle not go wit hthem> isn't he supposed to be shadowin gbeckett?
surprised they are not doing a b plot parallel here
I really want to go to a masquerade ball doing a movie or reboot WITH YOU or what?
sort of? Ah masks
lots of money holy crap idrk if I like ryan's outfit today. It is nice & all but... yk I don't much like those stripes & smth is awkward abt it
yk what valid but her voice is so small
lol castle pretending to be capt max ew, still a crime scene it WAS a stupid show but it was still enjoyable! alexis leaving home! Oh feminism. Good for her.
What was that buzz sound tho?
I like beckett's jacket I also like how max has never NOT worn his outfit
"I need you to resist a little less" "overacting much?"
Ah the mark of cain
They could have just got like,, a handheld uv flishlight
Why didn't he want to show his left hand? was he afraid he had smth else on his hand? phone numbers? bodily fluids?
Except wouldn't he have gotten The Talk about protection "I'm captain max!" He's so proud of that hole in the wall lol there just so happens to be a UV thing there? & then there were detectives behind the door? dang she is insane WOAH HE JUST DID THAT is ther a functional stun setting tho? the two egomaniacs I love it
*tries telekenesis* bribery lol Ooh a nebula nine marathon aw come on as long as it is light hearted youo should totally make fun
*castle trying to close the elevator doors faster*
Fun music, sexy legs, then THAT face & he falls off the bed KB, with a bloody creaver mouth & mask: You want to make out, Castle? Rawr.
So wait if there was a ship is it real?
I was a firefly fan so I mostly only got the firefly references but there were a lot of other scifi members on the crew or smth so they made a bunch of references to their stuff too.
I highly suggest watching the audio commentary. Super fun.
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svgarpills · 3 years
If you're still doing writing prompts, how about some fluff of Peony from Sword and Shield carrying another character across the Crown Tundra in his giant backpack? If you're familiar with the Crown Tundra DLC, that is.
THATS SUCH A CUTE IDEA, i took the chance for father-daughter bonding i hope u dont mind. I never thought of the backpack carry but anon...so big brain.
Ship: N/A
Characters: Peony, Peonia
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Peonia is determined to make her way through the Tundra by herself, despite her exhaustion. Too bad her dad is stubborn as hell.
*Havent played SWSH in a while but I rlly love the characters ngl
"I don't need your help, so you can go find something else to do." Peonia trudges through the snow with a small huff. Her trip to the Max Lair had taken much longer than she originally planned, by the time she got out it was already late evening. Unfortunately, her father had been wandering around the area, shouting something about legends. When their eyes had locked, her fate had been sealed.
"Nonsense! I'm plenty capable of carrying you! It's only going to get colder when the sun finishes setting." Peonia rolls her eyes. Her father has always been stubborn, but she kind of wishes he would take the hint. She isn't even that cold yet, and the trip can't take that long, can it? It sure felt short when she ventured into the lairs earlier.
Turns out, it's farther than she originally thought. And battling all those Pokemon must've worn her out, because her father's offer is becoming more and more appealing with every heavy step she takes. Trying to play it cool, she turns to the former Gym leader and points at him. "Besides, how would you carry me with that ridiculous backpack on anyways?" She thinks she's made a point until he opens it and gestures excitedly.
"...Absolutely not." She turns her head again and continues to walk, chin pointed up. She won't be seen in something like that. If her fingers fall off, she can find a different way to hold her Pokeballs. Really, she should've just stayed in the Lair for another hour and waited it out. Maybe she would've been offered a nice, quite place to sleep. But no, of course not. "I know you're pouting."
Suddenly, she's been lifted off the ground. "What kind of father would I be if I let you suffer through this cold, 'Nia? Now, I can either carry you in my arms, or in the bag." Peonia's face burns and turns a deep scarlet as she tries to figure out which is less humiliating. Her father will probably talk to her the whole time, and the bag...well, it's probably the tiniest bit better than that.
"Daaad," she groans. "Ugh, just put me in your backpack before I change my mind." He beams before placing her down and slipping the bag off. She considers making a desperate run for it, but she knows better than that. Her father is still in impressive shape, there's no way she'll be faster than him. She slips into the bag without a word and crosses her arms. Peony pays it no mind, simply putting it back on and continuing to walk.
The position isn't the best, her knees and head poking out awkwardly, but it is...warmer. The interior of the bag is soft. Not quite fuzzy, more smooth and nice to the touch. And the way its surrounding most of her body makes her just a little more tired. A small nap won't hurt, right? She can just hop out before they reach town, and spare herself any embarrassment. With that thought in mind, she lets her eyes slip closed. It's only a moment of rest, after all.
'A moment of rest' turns into waking up at home, bleary and tired, but also warm and comfortable. "Did I seriously let myself get carried all the way here in that dumb backpack?" Whatever, maybe nobody saw. She sits up and notices the way the blankets have been carefully tucked around her, everything arranged just the way she likes. It stirs a strange feeling in her stomach.
Her dad might be stubborn and loud, but he cares a whole lot. Maybe, if he can carry her home, then she can spend a day or two with him on one of his oddly named tours. It's only fair, after all. The only hard part is going to be making it seem casual. She fixes her appearance up a bit before exiting her room. Her father is at the table, looking over old, worn looking papers. An excited expression is plastered on his face, even this early in the morning.
"So, you carried me back here?" She asks, trying to break the ice. He looks up and grins at her before quickly nodding. "And I assume you're going to do the same tour stuff you usually do?" Another nod. "...You know, those Max Lairs get so...stuffy, after a bit, and there's probably gonna be a bunch'a repeats today..." she shuffles her feet. "Any chance I can tag along?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Peony is suddenly dragging her towards the table, setting her in a chair next to his. He excitedly rambles on and on about legends, and she tries her best to pay attention. She glances at her father, bright-eyed and even more cheerful than usual, and smiles softly.
Maybe she should spend time with him more often.
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bug-ju1c3 · 3 years
the episode was quite mediocre but touched on some… series long topics… and to be frankly honest, the show doesnt really feel like south park anymore… at least not how it was in its golden age. I really love the show and dont mean to trash on it, but i feel like their trying so hard to be mainstream with the current times, and aren’t really thinking of any new creative ideas.. Besides that, im most surprised with one thing i thought wouldn’t ever really change, and that’s the voices. Matt and Trey have been doing them for so long, you’d think they’d be quite consistent as obviously they aren’t gonna ever change the voice actors… but.. theres some major changes that really don’t go unnoticed.
First of all, Mr. Mackey’s voice which honestly… they probably had the least reason to alter his voice of all people, i mean its so iconic and halarious, simply making it deeper sounds really off. Maybe his next appearance will switch back or maybe not 🤷‍♀️ i really dont know and im not too concerned, it might have just been an error because i dont doubt that Trey is really rusty after so long!
Now… Stan, Cartman, and Kyle’s voices… uhm… WHAT?? Dude when i tell u i flipped after hearing stan’s voice go down an octave… i mean it. Literally in the last episode it sounded the same as any other, 7 days later i open up episode 2 and im wondering if theyre going through puberty in 4th grade ?? 😭😭 Now its only natural for children’s voices to change as they get older, but they literally say nothing about it, and it seems to only affect Stan, Cartman and Kyle as the other kids all sound the same. It just feels like a weird detail but its too consistent to ignore ? Will they finally get to 5th grade or spiral into an infinite 4th grade hell?
Sorry for going on a tangent im just concerned for the future of this show and frankly, i don’t want it to go on forever despite the endurance. It just feels like after the 19th season everything’s kinda been going down hill with politics and race and weed and stuff. Why cant it be aliens and satan?? Jesus and santa?? Where did all that go please Matt and Trey i beg go back to your roots ☹️ i really understand the pressure though, and being under a contract can burn out a couple of shriveling 50 year old men 😔 such a shame
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ionian-wanderer · 3 years
👏 :>
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  -Darkness, the choking, the agony of an untaken breath, how long had he been here? How was he back? What had he- yes, he remembered.. He’d followed the trail of war to the first lands, Ionia? Ionia! He was using the bloodshed of the noxian’s conquest to fuel him form, to drink from noxian and ionian alike as both clashed against his form and then- and then.. what happened then? There had been small blades slicing away at his host.. large cannons from warships firing on his then massive form. Neither did enough to kill him with how much he drank- so what- wait-   There was a light, a force, yes! That had been it! It had dragged his host from him like a vortex sucking him back into the cage, back into his prison, back to the darkness. It had felt like a thousand unseen chains under his stolen flesh, burning and ripping until he was back where the mortals liked him.. his personal slice of agony..
    Who had moved the blade? Had it even been moved from where he’d fallen? He hadnt been able to sense anything or anyone nearby since being dragged down.. what if- No. No Aatrox, it was a warzone, the dead must be collected, someone would come- someone- but what if they didnt? What if both sides never came to that place again? What if the fear of freeing him kept even the most bloodthirsty of noxians away, and the most faithful of ionians from their dead?
     The questions pooled in his mind, with nowhere else to go, no outlet, nothing for them to do but feed the growing fears of being locked away for eons, isolated in some underground or magically hidden Ionian tomb or the immoral bastion, or- what was that?
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  - Warm lantern light filled the sealed off temple room, against the cold and thundering storm outside, the light in hand steady and strong despite the winds and rain that battered it on the way over- unlike the shaking hand of its owner. ‘ I should not be here ‘ their thoughts told them, ‘ But we NEED to be ‘ their heart assured them. Like an unseen hand guiding him along, the young man’s heart pulled him towards the steady beat of the cursed blade that rest now held in a box of glass. Taking a deep- hesitant breath, he hooked the lantern above the blade on a hook, and set down a bag which he quickly opened and began laying out supplies from. Incense, talismans, a mask, a book, and- ionian.. games?
  This is dangerous.
  This is your duty.
  This could kill me like the people in the battlefield!
  It MUST be done..
  I will die!
  I will protect you.. if you have faith.
   Swallowing hard, the young man lifted the mask to his face and lit the incense, letting it burn for a moment as his hands gripped the edges of the glass case and lifted it up and back, off the blade. The Heartbeat was louder now, pounding, and yet- it didnt sound nearly as proud as it had been that bloody day.. it almost sounded- scared?
   Blowing out the incense, he gently dropped the talisman onto the beating heart, taking the incense in a covered hand and crushing the burnt parts in hand before standing and dropping them into the lantern with many a prayer and watch as it blew out- bathing the room in darkness. 
  He stared deeply into the symbol painted on the lantern, muttering soft prayers and trying to fight the urge to break eye contact and glance at the red glow just below his line of sight.. he needed to have faith, he must- or else..
  As the ash drifted down and onto the blade, circling the talisman and sinking deep into the crevices, the air in the man’s lungs felt tighter, his limbs sore and stiff as if he had been bed ridden for weeks. He could feel his throat struggling to adjust as his eyes burned and vision began to fade. His heart was pounding- but he mustn't back away- not now.. inhale- exhale.. inhale, exhale- 
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  -The air came fast and desperate, all other feelings overshadowed by the sudden rush of stimulus, though faint. It felt as if something was stuck in his throat, yet air still came.. his vision was foggy, his ability to move both stiff as an old doll yet flowing like fallen silks- how was this-?   Something hit the ground, a hard thud, he reached for the blade the bound his new host but- wait- where was it? It wasnt in his hand! He shook his head to clear the fog as his eyes fell, seeing- the blade- and a dark purple mist rising from it in the form of oddly shaped legs and arms, ephemeral and- his. He could move these, though difficult, but he could! ...
    This had to be a trap, his eyes quickly looking for the fool trying to ‘banish’ him- instead.. the darkin’s eyes found a young man on the ground, struggling to breathe just as much as him, and shaking from head to toe.
  As the boy lifted his head, the two met the other’s eyes, and a silence followed- broken only by the storm beyond the walls and the young man’s struggling. He couldn't lift his blade- yet he felt even if this man wanted to- he couldn't kill him.. nothing could.. so what was he doing to him?    “ W- “  The vague start of the word began to form before-    “ Hell-o. “  The young man interrupted, now slowly moving to correct his sitting and trying to stretch out the clear stiffness in his body.  “ Glad- that worked... “
   “ ... ... ... ‘Vurked? “  The word came out quieter then he would like.. but given what he was seeing- he’d take it over forced silence.
  “ My name is- Xin’an, “  The man continued.  “ I thought- ugh.. breathing.. air .. hard. Uugh, I heard- your cries, my lanturn... UGH- guided me.. to you.. so- hhhh-  Hi! I am.. here to- give you, a pal... for- mm,, as long.. as i can, keep this spell- - - - Going.. for. “
 .. . . . . What.
  “ So! “  The young man strained.  “ What.. is- Your name? “
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kitsnicket · 5 years
hiii becca i think you didn’t reblog the 001 002 003 ask meme so please don’t feel pressured to do this if you don’t want to, but it would be v interesting to see your take on kit for 003
i didn’t bc i dont think i’ve been in the fandom long enough to adequately answer but!!! i will do this for u bc i luv talking about Kit
How I feel about this character:
oh man this is opening a can of worms. If its not clear enough by my url and, like, 90% of the posts on my blog, I loooove Kit Snicket with all my heart. I saw the show before I read the books and I don’t know why but the moment she came on screen as the Caligari Carnival was burning, my little hell brain latched on to her(yes I loved sp*rty snicket first we’re not gonna talk about it). Then I read the books and became even more attached. Kit is the epitome of morally ambiguous and complicated and this all makes her so incredibly interesting to me. She aided in at least one murder and (potentially) arranged another and sent the Baudelaires on a near impossible mission that she knew would fail. She was the Perfect Volunteer. But she also fed the Baudelaires and treated them with kindness and gave them embroidered napkins and cried with them and tied back Violet’s hair when Violet had lost her ribbon. this is all over the place but I Am Going To Cry. I love my distraught child but im going to ramble too long if i keep going.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: 
ok most of my ships for Kit are bc of you Vera so THANKS. so many sleepless nights reading fanfic. ANYWAAAY. Beatrice, Ellington, Esmé, and Dewey. in general tho i’ll read any fanfic as long as the other character isn’t underage or related to her 
My favorite non-romantic relationships for this character:
definitely her relationship with her siblings. I cry about the Snicket Siblings at least once a day and reading ATWQ made that crying WORSE. pls God give me more snicket sibling fanfics that explore their dynamic 
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i have A Lot of opinions on kit but i haven’t rlly been in the fandom long enough to know what's considered an unpopular opinion. i think that she didn’t rlly wanna be a mother and actively took measures to avoid having kids. Bea II was an oops. is that unpopular?? 
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: 
i know in the netflix show she gets to hold baby Bea and that entire scene fuckin ripped my heart to shreds so maybe that but in the books...? at the same time i think her quiet death was good too. a fitting end to a chaotic life.  
Favorite friendship for this character:
Beatrice and bc of you, Bertrand as well
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Soooo if u want to write for the ABCD thing with sp characters could u do tanith and Anton?
oh hell yes
A) Realistic:
Skulduggery implied that Anton’s relationship with Saptrap ended on bad terms (he said that Anton didn’t have time to change the will, rather than it wasn’t changed deliberately) - I think Anton was mooning after someone else *indiscreet coughing* Saracen Rue *coughing* and that was what ended the relationship - because he mentioned Saracen one too many times and Saptrap was just like “you know what? we’re ending this, you’re obviously not interested in me”
B) Non-realistic, but kind of funny
Anton is honestly the most innocent thing and the rest of the dead men found it the thing to tease him with. 
Like they’d be sitting around a fire and it’s be cold and damp and dreich and then Dexter or somebody would just slip a sex joke into the conversation, so so so smoothly, and Anton would look away, his face absolutely burning with humiliation because he does not need to know the details of a woman having her hands around Dexter’s pickles.
C) Kind of very sad
Anton never let on that he had any family, and he let everyone assume that they were dead. Nobody knew this except Saracen, and he never let it on to anyone else for Anton’s privacy.
Anton’s family hated him when he was a kid, because of his sexuality, his looks, everything, saying that he was a disgrace and embarrassment to the household, but one day Anton just loses it and he’s thinking that he needs a way to get back at his family so he starts trying to form another part of himself, his anger and thoughts and hate, and just shove it out of his body.
Except he does this too well and accidentally makes a gist, but keeps it, makes it stronger, because as much as his family absolutely despises lil baby shudder, he needs to protect them.
Then someone realises, and they kick him out for good.
And the one thing that Anton has to remember his family by is a small oil painting of his sister, who he used to cook and bake with, and who never judged him for who he was. Because of this, he still loved cooking hundreds of years on (which was confirmed by derek landy somewhere I believe) (the cooking part not the sister part)
D) Completely ignoring any canon whatsoever 
Anton was married for a long time, ad his wife knew he was gay. That’s why they married - because Anton was absolutely fucking sick of all the judgement he got and thought that marrying someone would help that. It did. And his wife didn’t love him in that way anyway - they were just incredibly good friends, and he’d come back sometimes to her after fucking some guy and she’d just be like “oh nice.”
Like genuinely their relationship, despite their marriage, never grew to be more than platonic and they were both completely happy for it to be that way.
And then she dies - someone comes after Anton as revenge for something he did during the war, and she gives her life for him. And after almost half a century of marriage to this incredible woman who was honestly the best friend he could ever have, he realised that he did love her so much, even if it was just platonic. 
A) Realistic
When Tanith takes Valkyrie to meet her parents, she’s genuinely shocked by it because her parents are well known for being a little cold and can sometimes be a bit frightening but for this teenage girl they’re putting on such an amazing show, and after Valkyrie goes back, Tanith meets up with her parents again and literally Valkyrie’s visit has them rethinking a lot of things and from then on they’re a lot nicer to Tanith and she feels so much more comfortable with them, hence why she went back to being an assassin after Devastation Day - she felt like she had to connect with her family again, but she was so broken and twisted that she did it in the form of being an assassin with them.
B) Non-realistic, but kind of funny
Tanith and her brother are a fucking riot. They may be supposed hardened assassins and killers, but they will chase each other around the streets for ages, both howling with laughter, even as adults, or they’ll chat up people at a bar and because they don’t look very alike for whatever reason, one of them will always take pride in taking the other away and kissing their cheek as they leave, to the horror of the person they were chatting up.
C) Kind of very sad
After Devastation Day, Tanith is just shattered. She doesn’t know what she’s been doing for the past few years, and she just seriously wants to curl up in a corner and cry. SO she does. And by coincidence, her brother finds her one day, sobbing her eyes out in an alley, and takes her back with him, home.
He doesn’t push her to become an assassin again, but she wants to anyway, and does all the worst missions just to replace the nightmares of seeing Ghastly bleeding out on the floor with Ravel above him with ones of much darker things - but she deems them better, somehow.
D) Completely ignoring any canon whatsoever
Tanith was pregnant with Ghastly’s kiddo when she got possessed. She didn’t know, and neither did he, but after a long night of drinking and a hazy recollection of waking up, naked and draped over Ghastly, she is. The baby is lost because the remnant inside her causes a miscarriage, and nobody ever suspects because they’ve only just taken their relationship to the next level when it comes to the public eye before she’s possessed. 
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wayward--writings · 6 years
Chapter 2
  You sat in the cafeteria reading over your notes for a chemistry test coming up, as Sweet Pea and Fangs sat on either side of you.  Sweet Pea made a grab for your paper but you were too quick for him.  
“Nerd,” he teased. 
  You jabbed him in the side with your fork making him jump. 
“Bitch,” he said smirking.
“Jerk,” you eyed him over the paper.  He took a fry off your plate and popped it in his mouth.  Fangs just eyed the pair of you before rolling his eyes.  
“Have you thought about the serpents any?” Asked Fangs.
“No, not really, just trying to keep my grades somewhat decent.” you replied giving up on your notes and setting the back into your bag.  Slumping on the table and letting out a sigh, Fangs placed his hand on yours.  
“What is it little sweetie?” he asked giving you a pouty face.  
“Im never going to pass chemistry.” you admitted. 
“I can help you.” he replied.  
Raising your eyebrows, “You’re good at chemistry?” 
“Well I can definitely read whats going on between you two, soooo” he trailed off.  His comments made you and Sweet Pea shift a little bit. “Im kidding, relax, jeez. I can take you home and help you study.”
  Nodding, you agreed.  The bell rang signaling all the students to file out for the pep rally.  The three of you stayed sitting, eating the last bit of french fries before falling behind the rest of the kids.  Sitting up front, the boys wanted to be sure that Toni could hear them cheering. You couldnt help but smile as Toni and the other Vixens did their dance.  She looked so out of place and at home all at the same time.  It was odd to see her without her serpent jacket but she shined bright in her blue and gold cheer uniform.  Sweet Pea’s voice boomed throughout the gym as Toni did a somersault.  Even Cheryl had to stop and watch her girlfriend do her thing.  
  The school was booming with school spirit as Reggie Mantle, a tall jock with dark hair, gave his pep talk about how the bulldogs were going to eat the Greendale kids for dinner and all of that.  You werent really paying attention.  Toni was making faces at the three of you during it until Cheryl gave her a look. 
“Do you want to go the game later?” Fangs asked as you both walked over to his motorcycle.  
Shaking your head, “No, I dont really like sportsball. Ya’ know the whole home run and the go team go, its not really my thing.”
“What the hell just came out of your mouth?” He laughed as you aproached his bike.  Sliding on the helmet and slipping on the back the two of you roared off towards the Southside.
“Where’s your mom?” Fangs asked as you walked into the house. 
“She works nights at the hospital.” you replied throwing your keys in the bowl on the entry table.  “You want anything to drink?” you ask grabbing a water from the fridge.  He nods.  Picking up another water bottle and tossing it over to him before plopping on the couch with your book bag.  He joined you.
  Just as you were getting started with the homework, he blurted, “So you like Sweet Pea?” 
Shifting uncomfortably again,”What? No, why would you say that?” 
  He just stares at you. Then raising his eyebrow, which makes you sigh. “I mean sure he’s cute, but were friends.  Just friends. Im still new and ya know,”
“Yeah just friends, okay.” he says not convinced. 
  He changed the subject back to the homework.  The way he broke everything down was extremely helpful.  You even solved a few equations yourself.  Just as the pair of you were wrapping everything up your phone lit up from Toni.
TT: hey girl, cheryl is having a kick back after the game....u in?
“So Cheryl is having a party.” you stated to Fangs.  He looks up from his papers.
“Who’s going?” He asked eagerly. 
M: fangs wants to know who is going
TT: tell him to get his serpent ass there and stop obsessing over kevin
  You let out a chuckle as he grabbed your phone.  
“Well thats just rude,” he said blushing a bit.  “You wanna go?” he asked.
“Yeah sure. I just need to tell my mom.” you say texting her.  “Let me change really quick.”  
  He nodded as you made your way to the bedroom.  Rummaging through the clothes in your closet you couldnt decide on anything to wear. 
“Fangs, what do I wear?” you yelled down the hall.
“Im coming,” He said sighing.  
  Fangs tore through your wardrobe and found an outfit the was suitable.  You layered the flannel over a plain grey t shirt and black skinny jeans. He threw some booties at you.
“Cuff the bottom of your pants,” he said pointing to your ankles. You obliged with no argument before slipping into the boots.
Skipping down the trail to his bike, you slipped on the helmet he gave you and gripped onto his waist as you jolted away into the darkness.  
  Thistle House was booming with noise, as the music and people spilled out through every nook and cranny.  Fangs pulled the motorcycle to a halt. 
“You good?” he asked. 
“What?” you asked confused, and then it clicked. “Go find your man, Fangs.”
  He smiled and kissed your cheek with a big ‘MUAH!’ 
  Leaving you laughing, he trotted inside, you followed but on a different mission. Maybe you did like Sweet Pea, you just didnt realize it until someone called you out on it.  Wandering through the swarms of people, you craned through the different faces. Just looking for the familiar one you yearned for.  You stopped in the kitchen to grab some of the punch and take a shot. You know, for some liquid courage.  Suddenly, there were hands on your waist.  You smiled and turned, only for that smile to fall immediately.  Reggie Mantle had his hands resting on your hips as he peered down at you with an intoxicated smile.  
“I dont think we have actually had the pleasure of meeting.” he said.  You could feel his confidence oozing from him, when a hand appeared on his shoulder.  The silver rings glinting in the light of the chandelier.  Your heart skipped as Sweet Pea appeared.  Reggie turned and his face slipped.  
“Serpent,” he spat.
“Yeah, I wouldnt touch her if I were you.  She doesnt really like that.” Sweet Pea said towering over the jock.  
“pshh whatever take your girlfriend.” he said leaving.  
  You smiled up at him as he rubbed your head.  
“Glad you made it,” he said winking and picking up the bottle you had in front of you.  You put out an extra glass for yourself and he poured you a shot. You took it and made a sour face, making him laugh.  
“How do you take shots so easily?!” you exclaim as the vodka burned down your throat.  
“Youre doing it wrong. What you do is inhale. shot. exhale. Look!” he said pouring himself another one and demonstrating before pouring you another one.  Taking the shot in one hand you eyed him.  Inhale. And you shot it back before letting out the air.  It was so much smoother than before and he explained you literally blow out that alcohol taste which is what most people hate.  
“Makes sense.” You say as you feel the alcohol warm your veins.  
“Come on drunkey,” he said laughing at you as he took you to another crowded room, but this one had a couch, where you both sat and laughed as people acted like fools.
“Have you thought anymore about the serpents,” he asked.
“You already asked me that today.” you said looking over to him.  
He shrugged. “ I just think you would do well in the serpents.” 
“Excuse me party people!” Cheryl yelled over all the noise and interrupting your talk with Sweet Pea.  “I want to play a game! How about 7 minutes in heaven.”  She clapped her hands together.  It seemed that it was torn right down the middle, with some people loving this idea, but most groaning in protest. 
Your heart was racing as she scanned the room, when finally her finger landed on you. Your face turned bright red and you could feel Sweet pea tighten in his seat. But her finger kept moving after she called your name. Your eyes narrowed. What is her game, you thought to yourself.
She settled a few seats down, on Reggie.  Of course she did.  
“Ok you two, go go go.”Cheryl said taking both your hands and shoving you in a closet. You stood there in near darkness in silence.
“Well you don’t have to be so stiff. What’s your name?” He asked while placing a hand on your hip.
“Molly. Remove your hand. “ you said taking a step back.
“Oh come on, sweetness,” he said coming closer again.
“If you don’t back the fuck away from me,” you started but he cut you.
“What? You’re going to have your serpent boyfriend kick my ass? Newsflash we already fought. Ask him how that went.” He lunged forward for a kiss and as his lips pressed hard against yours, your knee presses hard against his groin. Making him double over in pain.
“I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me. I can handle myself, dick!” Throwing open the door, everyone’s eyes fell on you and Reggie’s slumped body.
You took off running for outside where it felt like you could finally breathe. You leaned against sweet peas bike and took a sharp inhale in and out, when you heard footsteps approaching behind you. You turned to see Fang’s tilted head looking at you. Standing up straight as he approached.
“Hey killer, you alright?” He asked placing a hand on your back.
“Yeah,” you couldn’t help but feel the disappointment waft through you.
“What’s wrong,” he nudged.
“It’s nothing,” you said shrugging him off.
“Alright…….But you’re missing your chance!” He dragged it out as he turned slowly.
“I like sweet pea!” You shouted.
He put his hand on his cheek dramatically. “Nooooo.”
You shove him as he laughed.
“Do you want me to take you home?” He asks putting his arm around you.
“Yeah don’t think I really want to go back in there.” You say imagining Reggie still on his knees in pain.
He nods and hands you the helmet again.
You tossed and turned since you got home and laid down. Why could it not have been sweet pea she called on. What was the whole point of putting you with Reggie? It really didn’t matter you’re just thankful Fangs took you home. Your mom is working late shift at the hospital again so the house is extremely quiet. So quiet that when your phone buzzed you nearly jumped out of your skin. You turn to grab it off the night stand and see his name light up the screen.
SP: hey I’m outside
M: wait what?
SP: open the door!
You put your slippers on and slipped through the house. You can make out Sweet Peas silhouette through the glass door. He’s shifting side to side as you open the door only to see him standing there with a huge black eye.
“Sweet Pea What the hell happened?!” You shrieked reaching up to touch his face. He winced as you pressed a gentle hand to the bruise. Grabbing his hand and leading him inside, you set home down on the couch before grabbing a pack of frozen peas for his face.“What happened?!” You repeated. 
He shrugged.
 “No, what the hell happened?”you asked a third time.
“I beat up Reggie,” he said hanging his head.
“Why the hell would you do that,” folding your arms across you chest and eyeing him. He shrugged again.Approaching slowly, you lifted his head with your index finger and kissed his forehead.“Well thank you. But again you didn’t have to do that. I can manage.” You say while placing the bag on his face.He winced but didn’t make a sound.“Just please tell me he looks worse than you do?”
  He raises his eyes to yours and flashes a devilish grin and then nods.
“Good,” You say as he yawns. “Do you want to stay here tonight? You have to be gone before my mom gets home but I can make you a palette on the floor?”
“Yeah that would be awesome.” He nods while rubbing his eyes.
   You get up and he follows as you walk down the hall, stopping at the linen closet.
“Soooooo we have two extra blankets….” you say to him.
“It’s ok I can just go home.” He says.
“Or you can just sleep in the bed, with me?” You offer.
“Uhhhm, oh-okay, Yeah, that’s fine, we’re good, yeah.” He stammered.
“Oh come on like you’ve never slept in the same bed with fangs or Toni?” You tease while leading him into your bedroom.
“Yeah but-“ he cuts himself off.
  Kicking off your slippers you slid to the inside of the bed.  You eyed him as he was unmoved from the doorway. Sighing and rolling your eyes, you tap the bed.  He smiled and removed his jacket and boots. 
“Are you sure because I can just sleep on the floor?” he said as he stood at the edge of the bed.
“Get in the damn bed, Sweet Pea.” you said before turning towards the wall.  The mattress shifted with his weight, and you couldnt help but to admit, it felt nice to have him there with you.  
“Hey, Pea,” you said in the darkness. 
“Hmm,” he grumbled groggily. 
“Do you really think I would make a good serpent?” 
“The best serpent.” he said without hesitation. 
  You laid back and sighed, barely holding back a wild grin.  “Alright, Im in.”
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Do any of ya have the guts to play for blood??
With puffed out cheeks and incredible heartburn, we bring you the illustrious College & Magnolia staff picks for the 125th edition of the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry. Who will #BARNHARD? Who will BARN mildly? Who ain’t even barnin’ at all?
Auburn @ Georgia (-6.5) (O/U 44.5)
In my mind, this game is a true toss up. UGA will have the best unit on the field Saturday with their defense but I think they might also have the worst unit in their offense. Stetson Bennett looked good in relief. He took care of the ball and gave his playmakers a chance to make plays. Defensively, UGA was as solid as you would expect. As Auburn fans well know, it’s never easy to beat UGA especially in Athens.
But I like Auburn’s chances this weekend. In my non homer opinion, Auburn has the passing attack to keep this UGA defense on its heels and at least move the football. Defensively, if the Tigers can carry over their 2nd half performance against a better UK OL they have a chance to shut this UGA run game down & force whomever is at quarterback to consistently make plays through the air.
The most important key to Auburn’s victory is the offensive line. Can this rebuilt unit give Nix the time to get the ball to his wideouts? Can they pick up that needed 3 & short to keep the drive alive? I don’t expect Auburn to chew the Dawgs up on the ground but if they can be good situationally that might be all AU needs.
Turnovers & special teams will be huge in this game. Both Arkansas & Kentucky had a chance to pull the upset but both melted down with some terrible turnovers and bad special teams play. I don’t see either Auburn or UGA having similar meltdowns but one big returns or one ill advised throw could be the difference.
This series has hurt me more than any other. So many times Auburn has come into this game with a better team only to leave beaten often by insane margins. I understand folks’ hesitance to buy into this team getting it done. After all, it’s not like Gus Malzahn has excelled in top 10 road matchups.
But I believe in Bo Nix. I believe in this Auburn defense. I believe in Seth Williams and these wide receivers. And I believe this team gets it done in a stressful but ultimately cathartic way this weekend.
Auburn 23 UGA 17 (Auburn wins outright; under)
Jack Condon
I know I’m not alone in feeling all tied up in knots this week, and maybe that means we all realize that this game is important. If you were privy to the College and Mag group chat you’d know that there’s a thought that this game could end up being a turning point in Gus Malzahn’s career. He’s failed to beat Alabama, Georgia, or LSU on the road during his tenure, and despite some excellent chances in all three venues, Saturday night’s game might be the best opportunity Auburn has had to beat the Bulldogs in Athens.
We saw what happened last week, and we laughed and laughed as they trailed 7-5 to Arkansas at halftime. Still, the most Georgia-quarterback-named Georgia quarterback turned up and put up some points in the second half and made them all feel a little better. Arkansas is no real threat yet, and still they had the Bulldogs on the ropes for much longer than Kirby Smart would have liked. Georgia’s got exactly one playmaker in George Pickens, even though he only caught 4 passes for 47 yards. The offensive line looked like a mess, and Arkansas missed some serious opportunities to roll up big plays against a defense that’s among the best in the country.
Auburn, meanwhile, turned the corner in the second half against Kentucky. The defensive line came to play (you’d know that if you studied your AU Nerd articles) and the offense kept pressure off of Bo Nix, whose trust allowed Seth Williams to bless poor Kentucky defenders. We need to see more out of the running game, and we need to avoid a slow defensive start that would give a tepid Georgia offense some confidence, but I think Kevin Steele’s more than up to the task.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate admitting the small bubble of hope in my stomach, but I think that this actually is a turning point for Auburn and Gus. What an entire season usually builds up to will happen in the second week of the year, and I think that ripping off the band-aid will be beneficial for Auburn. We’re going to see Nix and Williams show a top team that they’re a top combination in the SEC, and we’re going to force a couple of turnovers from whoever plays quarterback for the Bulldogs. Those are the difference, and I think both Chad Morris and Kevin Steele get exotic Saturday night. Auburn 23-20 (Auburn wins outright; under)
Drew Mac
So, in case you didn’t know, I’m from Valdosta, Georgia. For those of you that don’t or have never lived in Georgia, this is my Iron Bowl. This is the reason I hate this game every year. Because winning it is fantastic. Losing it is so much worse. Therefore, since I have already started to have an evening beverage to calm my stomach for a game that is more than 72 hours away, I have recruited my good friend and selected brother Brad Tillery to give my prediction for me (because if it were me, I would say Dawgs 55-0 in the hopes that the it would trick the heathen Football Gods into giving us a win).
Brad: If you’re going by recent history, Georgia wins this game. They’ve won 8 of the last 10 in the series. Auburn hasn’t won in Athens since 2005. Even favored Auburn teams have played terribly against the Dawgs over the last 15 years. But history is just that: history. Auburn comes into the game with an experienced QB who protects the football, a plethora of talent at the skill positions, and a salty defense that should make life hell for whoever Georgia decides to put behind center Saturday. The Auburn offensive line could be a concern against the UGA front seven in the run game, but I expect Chad to lean heavily on Bo Nix’s right arm in this one. I also trust the AU defense to force a turnover or two as well against an inexperienced Georgia offense. Special teams should favor the Tigers here too.
A lot of younger Auburn fans may not realize that there was a time when Auburn dominated this series in Athens. It’s been 15 years since we’ve been able to pick some of the hedges as souvenirs. That streak ends Saturday.
AU - 20 UGA - 14 (Auburn wins outright; under)
Dr. Will
I feel like it’s been said before and it needs to be said again: This is a Must Win for Gus Malzahn. You have Georgia early on the schedule after years of having to worry about playing Georgia and Bama nearly back to back. Not this year. While you’ll have some in the stands, you don’t have a full stadium of people barking at you to deal with because of COVID. You’ve got the more experienced QB in this game as I don’t think anyone knows for sure what to expect out of the QB position for UGA this weekend.
And despite all of this, I’ve been burned multiple times when I try to Barn Hard. So this week, I’m taking the cautious approach.
The reason? Quite frankly, the 2016 game has scarred me. Never go into Athens (over) confident. Everyone thought for sure that would be the day Auburn would break through and win in Athens. Even Georgia fans that I came across in Athens before the game thought that. It didn’t happen.
This is your chance Auburn to shift the narrative in the league, to turn the heat up on Georgia in both recruiting and the shape of the SEC for years to come. To whip the dog crap out of Kirby on his homefield.
But the bottom line is this: Gus has to win the big one on the road before I can trust picking Auburn in this kind of game. So that said..... I hope like hell I’m wrong and we get the break-through win we have been waiting on for years but.......
Georgia 20 Auburn 17 (Georgia wins, Auburn covers; under)
Ryan S. Sterritt
This is the one you have to win if you’re Gus. No excuses. You have the established quarterback. The healthy offense. The good first week. With a 2-6 career record against Georgia, this is the one you Have. To. Have.
It’s going to be tough sledding for the Auburn offense. They figured things out in the second half vs Kentucky, and looked pretty polished in doing so, but this Georgia defense is loaded with talent. By my count, they’ve got four different guys in Tankathon’s Big Board Top 100, including two corners. Auburn is going to have to run the ball better than they did against Kentucky, which I think is possible, but not a given. I also think they know Seth Williams is a superstar, and they’re going to give him double coverage all day long. That leaves it up to Chad Morris and Bo Nix to figure out what the weak spot is. Are Anthony Schwartz and Eli Stove going to be left wide open? Will Bo need to run the ball? They don’t pay me the big bucks to figure that out, but I can’t wait to see.
On the other side of the ball, this is a chance for this defense to really show out. The Georgia offense looked wretched in the first half, and *fine* in the second half against Arkansas, but that Arkansas defense ranked 88th in the country in defensive SP+ last year. Even if they’re marginally improved, they’re still not good. Just like Seth will be the UGA defense’s focus, George Pickens is THE guy in the Georgia offense. I imagine he will see a healthy dose of Roger McCreary, but there’s no telling who wins that battle. Who knows what Georgia will be trying at quarterback, and while they have elite talent at running back, the ground game really looked rough against Arkansas.
Overall, I like Auburn in this one, and I don’t really see how Georgia is getting a touchdown in this game, unless you really believe last week was week one jitters. I think the Auburn playmakers get enough done on offense to post up a few scores, and something tells me whoever is taking snaps for Georgia is going to have a long night. Auburn breaks the drought in Athens, 27-20. (Auburn wins outright; over)
Josh Black
I think this game is one that we’ll look back on in 2 years and be able to make sense of where there are some potential program shakeups in the conference. The Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry has gone from one of my most anticipated weeks of the year to something I dread.
Oh, you thought it was because of the feeling that we are going to lose? No. Nah. Not that. I can live with that. No, I’m tired because it is getting increasingly more difficult to find fresh, relevant content that appropriately conveys just how long it has been (14,518 days as of this writing) since Georgia last did something other than underachieve as a program. It’s a burden, along with consistently reminding Spencer Hall of how Wes Byrum is, in fact, pretty cool, that I proudly tote along with so many of you fine people. But let’s be honest…we all got a gift with the Braves winning a playoff series so that we could remind the world that their last playoff series win was 19 years ago, which was 21 years after Georgia’s last title. Like, what a blessing! But that aside, I’m really having to do some deep dives.
Like, I realized today that my house, which was built 30 years ago, is in a neighborhood that most definitely did not exist 40 years ago. I live in Birmingham. Basically my mind drifted to realizing that the entire bane of so many folks’ existing, the 280 corridor, literally did not exist because it was all woods and farmland 40 years ago outside of Lloyd’s Restaurant. Georgia’s greatest accomplishment is essentially that old country kitchen restaurant that serves a hamburger steak with gravy and onions that your parents took you to with your grandparents when they were in town after church. Sure, there’s fond memories there, but my God who needs that sort of gut grenade in this already awful year?
Anyways, let’s talk about the game. And let me go ahead and once again remind all of you that I am the absolute worst at this “Barnin’” thing y’all do. The world is against us and when we overcome the world it is because Auburn Jesus has smiled down upon us. I wish I could feel differently. I really do. But the only time I’ve ever truly felt safe was when I could see the joyous smile of Cameron Jerrell Newton.
Let’s get to some keys to victory:
For us to win this game Georgia is going to have to look less like ass than they did a week ago, but with some of that assiness sifting over to the defensive side of the ball.
Auburn doesn’t need to rush for 150 yards to win this game, but I do think the number needs to be around 120. We have to give the defense the threat of a ground game for us to get in positions with Georgia’s secondary that are favorable.
For Auburn to win, I am going to single out Eli Stove as a huge reason why. Everyone has spent all week talking about how amazing Seth Williams was last weekend, and everyone knows the legitimate threat Flash imposes on every single snap he’s in the game. It’s time for Eli to flourish in an offense that will let him loose. He’s the most likely to be in favorable coverages Saturday, and it’s high time he show off why he was a highly recruited kid for us like…a decade ago?
Like others here, I expect the right side of Georgia’s offensive line to be a liability. Plainly put, their run blocking last week was an embarrassment and lacking in fundamentals. That’s an advantage because it shows they’re missing much needed reps to gel in fall camp. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings one bit to see the refs have no reason not to throw the flag on some obvious holds like last weekend.
Knock George Pickens on his ass. We can win without doing that, but I wanted to get that in here somewhere.
Here’s the thing that sucks about this…I’m trying to go with my gut as opposed to my heart. And in these early games in a year where football is being played during a pandemic that cost the sport all of spring training and almost every team massive inconsistencies with personnel during fall camp, the most known and trusted commodity on the field Saturday is the Georgia defense. And it’s my belief that our offensive line will improve throughout the year, but asking them to give us 120 yards on the ground and keep that defense honest in week 2 after not having much time together as a unit this summer thanks to Covid is asking too much.
Georgia 17 Auburn 13 (Georgia wins, Auburn covers; under)
Josh W
I joked on twitter the other day that I wasn’t healthy enough for Auburn/Georgia. I get the feeling that Saturday night will be an absolute nerve-wracking 60 minutes. COVID robbed us of March Madness, so my body is not yet conditioned for ultra-high tension Auburn athletics. Last week’s game against Kentucky was a great warm-up, but if I’m being honest, I never truly felt like Auburn was going to lose. I hardly felt any tension at all. Saturday night will be the exact opposite of this.
I know this isn’t true for all of you reading this, but Georgia is my personal biggest rival. I’d rather beat Georgia than anyone else on the schedule (that includes Alabama! Shocking!) We have no idea what we will see out of Georgia’s offense. I don’t think it’s going to matter much; neither team will need much offense Saturday night. Look for a low scoring bloodbath between these two institutions. Hit the under (trust me) and look for Seth to have a 6+ catch game.
Auburn 19 Georgia 16 (Auburn wins outright; under)
AU Chief
@#$% Georgia Auburn 27 - Georgia 0 (Auburn wins outright; under)
This is the weirdest football season of our lifetimes and it’s a terrible time to have a game that somehow decides the legacy of a coach. That said, there’s a decent chance this game has a lot more riding on it than the usual high stakes of rivalry and bloodlust. If there is one thing I know about Gus, it is that he seems to have an uncanny ability to win the games he “needs” to win. Which is why he is going to go into Athens and come out with a 5 year extension. Auburn 29 dwags 14 (Auburn wins outright; under)
During the Braves 13-inning marathon win over the Reds on Wednesday, my smartwatch had my “resting” heart rate at over 100 for about 2 hours. I have a feeling Saturday evening is going to be even worse. Auburn absolutely should win this game. They have the better quarterback. They have the better receiving corps. They have the better linebackers. Roger McCreary probably gives them an equal secondary by himself.
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I was there in 2005, and I was there in 2016. I’ll believe Auburn can win in Athens again when I actually see it. Something will go horrendously wrong. Watch out for the return game. Georgia had excellent field position all day against Arkansas, and that’s something that could be marginal enough to change this game. My heart says Auburn by 14. Alas... Georgia 19 Auburn 15 (Georgia wins, Auburn covers; under)
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/10/3/21498178/staff-picks-4-georgia-vs-7-auburn
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kas-not-cas · 8 years
It Wasn’t a Mistake
Summary: When Y/N turns a drunk Dean down, she regrets nothing seeing he never remembered what he said. But she finds herself in the same situation he was when she’s drugged up on medication for an injury. How will he react?
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, swearing, talk of blood, injury, high of medication, fluff, smut
Word Count; 3,956
Request:  Could you do a fic where the reader initially turns dean down but is on meds for an injury & is all dopey & tells dean she loves him & tries to kiss him & he pushes her off so not to take advantage but he's really happy & the next day she's totally embarrassed & tells dean to forget it for the usual angsty reasons, but Sam tells her how excited dean was & then smut? Absolutely love all ur fics, you're amazing! No pressure whatsoever to write this if u don't like it or ur too busy etc. :) -Anonymous 
A/N: This is my submission to @buckysmetallicstump Disney Quote Challenge. Mine was 20. Ladies don’t start fights, they finish them. This is not beta read as I just finished this today. I hope y’all enjoy feedback is welcomed as always!
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Sitting in a booth in the back of the dive bar you watched Sam and Dean playing pool. Well it was more on the lines hustling pool rather than actually playing. They both had a beer in their hands as the watched the drunk bikers try to play. Sam had assured you that this would be their last round, but if they kept their winning streak up they would be there much longer. So until they were ready to go, you were going to sit back and drink your pina-colada until they were ready to go.
Minutes turned into another hour and you were getting pretty tired of waiting. While lost in your own world Dean snuck up behind you and grabbed both your shoulder. You immediately went reaching for the pistol hidden in your jacket, but stopped as soon as Dean sat across from you. His cheeks were flushed as he laughed taking another sip out of his beer.
“What the Hell Dean. are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“You wouldn’t shoot me sweetheart.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t be to sure of that. Keep your hands to yourself Winchester or I will shoot you next time.”
He watched you, a confused look etched on his face. You looked away sipping on the lime green straw, trying to ignore the way he was looking at you. But no matter how hard you tried you could almost feel his eyes burning a hole into your skin. Finishing off your fruity drink you turned back to look at him. The sudden movement of your head caused him to flinch, he had been caught staring, but instead of looking away he kept watching you.
“For the love of my sanity Dean what?”
His hand moved against the polished surface of the table, his fingers brushing against the top of your hand. His touch left a tingling sensation over your skin as he stared into your eyes. “What do you say we get out of here?” He licked his full pink lips before taking it between his white teeth. “I like you a lot, I think we have a sp-” he hiccuped mid sentence, “special connection. And you know they say if you have a special connection, you have mind blowing sex.”  
“Dean,” you leaned across the table, “you’re drunk.”
“So I can totally still do sexual acts.” he slurred licking his lips seductively, “I’m a little drunk, not incapable of giving you the best pleasure of your life.” biting down to your thumb nail you shook your head again, and this time Dean’s face slowly began to fall. “Are you seriously turning me down right now?” He turned his nose up, furrowing his brow as he looked at you. “You’re turning me down Y/N/N?”
Looking around the bar for Sam you gave him a sympathetic smile. “Dean, I’m not sleeping with you when you’re drunk. Maybe when you sober up we can discuss this more, but until then we’re going to get you back to the motel.” You spotted Sam walking out of the restroom and you waved him down. “Come on drunky, let's get you to bed.”
That night you put him to bed, and the following morning he never brought up the prior night's events. Part of you was pretty sure he didn’t realize what had happened and you were thankful you didn’t sleep with him. The other part of you was kicking yourself and wondering if you should bring it up. You had feelings for him, but you were never one to take that first step. It was a strange and awkward situation you were in and you were conflicted on what needed to be done.
In the end you decided to forget what had happened that night. The three of you continued to travel across the country hunting down monsters. You three remained really good friends, not once crossing the boundary into something more than that.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean's voice rang next to you, bring you out of a light sleep. “How are you feeling?”
“What happened?” Looking up you grimaced at the fluorescent lights above your head. “Where am I?” Dean rested his hand on top of yours, and you noticed the bags under his eyes. He looked  like he hadn’t slept in a few days.
“Well a vampire thought that you looked good enough to eat.”
There was a burning pain moving from your neck to your shoulder, indicating that the vamp tried to suck you dry. ‘Well I should have warned him I’m a little sour.” Dean shook his head running his free hand over his slightly stubbled chin. “And I’m not like a Sour Patch Kid.” Dean cocked up an eyebrow looking you up and down.”
“I’m not a Sour Patch Kid, you know their slogan.” You cleared your throat making it go as deep as it could. “First they’re sour,” you paused for a second and Dean continued to stare at you a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “You have to pause for dramatic effect.” He nodded his head to your words. “Then they’re sweet. Sour. Sweet. Gone. Sour Patch Kids!”  
Dean laughed softly resting his head on his fist. “You’re as high as a kite right now aren’t you?” Nodding your head you smiled watching him, it was like relief was washing over him as he relaxed a bit into his chair. “Fuck I was worried about you, I thought I lost you when that bitch sunk her fangs into your neck.” You scrunched up your face squinting your eyes as he brushed his thumb over the top of your hand. “What’s with that face?”
“A girl vamp tried to eat me?”
“She sure did.”
“Did I attack her first and she got me, or was she the one who started it?”
“Well,” he paused leaning back in the chair, “she snuck up behind you, and sunk her fangs into you. Before Sammy and I could get to you, you had already managed to get away.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You got the finish on her,”
You grinned wide, “I am a lady you know!” Fluttering your eyelashes you tried to look proper and pose. ‘Ladies don’t start fights, but they finish them.” Dean made another face as you giggled in your bed.
“I really like this side of you.” Looking up at Dean, you realized that now was as good as time as ever to tell him how you felt. Interlocking your fingers with his, you stared into his olive green eyes. He stared back smiling at you as he squeezed your hand. Despite the pain rushing through your body you inched close towards him. Seeing your movements he stood up slowly inching you back to the middle of the hospital bed. “What are you doing?”
Leaning in closer towards him your found your eyes overlooking the freckles dusted against his face. “I like you Dean. . .no I like you more than that I like like you.” His eyes were locked on your own and you squeezed his hand tighter. “I love you.” You decided to go for it, leaning in close to him your lips almost touching.
“Y/N.” Dean pulled away just before you could kiss, he pulled his hand away from you and turned away. “Sweetheart we can’t do this.” His shoulders tensed as you grabbed a handful of the sheets.
You had been turned down a few times in your life and it always stung pretty bad. But being rejected by Dean, the one man you really loved, that fucking hurt. It hurt like a stab wound, a searing burning pain deep in your heart. And the fact that he wasn’t even looking at you, that made it one thousand times worse.
“Hey,” both of you looked finding Sam standing in the doorway to your hospital room, “look who's finally awake!” He rushed towards your bed, dropping a plastic bag on the foot of it. “You gave us quite the scare there kiddo.”
“Watch out for our sour patch kid, I’ll be back soon.” Dean patted the top of your head before walking out of the room. And you watched sadly before turning and listening to what Sam wanted to tell you. You were painfully regretting what you had just done and you were praying for things to go back to the way they were before.
The next day was terrible, being crammed in the back of the Impala with a tender neck wound was not how you wanted to spend the day. Although it wasn’t all bad, you slept through most of the drive. Sam and Dean were so preoccupied with a new case they were looking into that things between you and Dean hadn’t been awkward. Thank God Sam was with the two of you, otherwise it would have been a very quiet drive back to the bunker. When you finally made it back to the bunker Sam got out grabbing the bags from the trunk. He headed inside leaving you and Dean alone for the first time since the day earlier. He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, he turned around and smiled at you.
“Let’s get yo-”
“Dean,” you interrupted looking away, “I’m sorry but. . . can we forget all about yesterday?” He blinked the eyes you loved so much widening at your words. “I don’t want things to be awkward between the two of us. I was all doped up on medication.” You let out a shaky sigh not daring to look him in the eye. “Let’s just forget about it.”
He didn’t say anything to you, he just let out a sigh himself and got out of the car. Just when you thought he was going to storm inside and let Sam deal with you, he shocked you by opening the back door. “Like I was saying before, let’s get you inside you need all the rest you can get.” He lifted you up in his arms and carried you inside. You kept a firm grip on him until he set you down in one of the chairs in the library. “You stay here, I’m going to go run a bath for you.” Dean disappeared down the hallway just as Sam walked back in.
“I thought for sure the two of you would be rushing to get in the shower together.” His words took you by surprise and you gave him a confused look as he sat in the chair across from you. “Oh come on don’t act so shocked.” He opened his laptop typing on the keyboard, not seemingly fazed by your reaction. “I had to listen to it all last night when you were sleeping. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning that finally got the present he had been waiting all year for.”
“Dean was excited?”
“Oh yeah, he’s been waiting for years to tell you how he felt.” He cupped some of his shaggy hair behind his ear. “So my question is; if that wound isn’t in your way why the Hell are you sitting here talking to me?”
Dean wasn’t turning you down, he was doing the same thing you did when he was drunk that one time. He didn’t want to take advantage of you until you knew what was really going on. And you went and turned him down, getting his hopes of being with you up.
You had never bolted down the hall so fast in your life. You twisted and turned until you finally made it to the bathroom. You flung the door opened and watched as Dean jumped turning around to look at you. He placed his hand over his heart taking a few deep breaths as you started walking towards him. Standing right in front of him you glanced up, he watched you trying to figure out what you were doing.
“You okay there Y/N/N?”
Before he could ask you anything else you grabbed his shirt pulling him down to your lips. He was stiff at first, but he soon melted into the kiss, those plump lips moving against your own. Sparks flew as he reached down picking you up by your thighs, your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you out of the bathroom. He was walking blindly as you shoved your tongue in his mouth kissing him roughly. He moaned into the kiss, his own tongue wrapping against your own as he opened the door to his room.
As quickly as you entered he slammed it shut with his foot before stumbling towards the bed dropping you on the mattress. You winced pain throbbing in your shoulder, your hand reaching up to try to ease the pain. “Shit!” Dean cursed under his breath his lips leaving feather light kisses over your shoulder. “I am so freaking sorry about that. I guess us having rough ‘why the hell did we wait to do this’ sex is out of the question for now.” He cupped you face in both of his rough hands.  
“I guess we’ll just have to settle for ‘I’ve wanted to make love with you for years’ sweet sex.” He kissed the tip of your nose before pressing his forehead against your own. “I’m sorry for freaking out. I just figured you didn’t want this with the way you acted last night. I feel like an idiot now after hearing about how you reacted last night.”
“Well,” he gently kissed your lips, “I guess that makes us both even after that night I said I liked you in the bar.” He trailed the kissed down the good side of your neck. “None of that matter now thought, all that matters is that the two of us are here now. It might have taken us awhile but we finally figured out what we wanted.”
With another nod from you, Dean slowly nipped and sucked at your neck while his hand slid up you shirt. You arched into his touch, feeling his cool fingertips over your heated skin caused heat to pool between your legs. You had fantasized about this moment for years, the chance you would finally get to be with Dean. But as many times as you had played it out in your head, it never could prepare you for the real thing.
His hands cupped up breast, squeezing it gently as he continued to suck on your neck. His lips sealing around your sweet pot sucking on it so hard you knew he was going to leave a hickey. While he gave your body the attention you wanted, you trailed your hand down his check before find the semi-hard bulge in his jeans. You squeezed it gently causing Dean to buck into your hand as he cursed softly. His cock throbbed from within the confiding jeans, and knowing that you were the one doing this to him, made you wetter than you already were.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he growled against your neck, “I’ve always imagined you stroking my cock, but actually experiencing this.” He growled as you rubbed your hand up and down over his erection. “Fuck it feels like heaven.”
“Well if you think that feels good, just wait until you're deep inside of me.” he growled gripping the back of your hair pulling it lightly. “It’s warm, wet, and tight for you.” With each word escaping your lips you squeezed his cock harder. “So I think the two of us have waited long enough to do this.” Your fingers popped open the button to his jeans, allowing you to slip your hand into his boxers. “So let’s make this fantasy a reality.”
Dean reached down for the clasp on the front of your bra, undoing it with a certain ease. You unzipped his pants as he gingerly removed your top and bra. His fingers traced the curves of your body, his eyes focused on you as you shivered under his touch. You watched as he slid his hand under the waistband of you black sweats. The tips of his calloused fingers slowly slid under the lace trim of your panties before pressing them against your lips.
“Holy shit,” you gasped out as they rubbed up and down your lips, “I’m so wet.” Your cheeks burned as you looked away from him. You were so wet it was almost embarrassing. Dean rubbed a bit harder and you could her a slight squishing sound as he rubbed your arousal. You whimpered as he worked on coating his fingers with your juices.
“You really are wet,” he grunted as you started stroking his thick shaft, “but that’s so fucking hot. Knowing that I’m the one making you feel this way.” He dipped his fingers down, slowly entering you just as you rubbed the pad of your thumb over the head of his cock.
That sudden action caused him to push his fingers deeper inside of you. Your hips bucked against his hand as he stopped moving them inside of you. He just towered above you with his finger buried in your pussy as you rubbed his shaft. Pulling your hand out of his boxers, you pushed his pants and boxers down allowing his erection to spring free. Looking down at himself Dean smirked before curling his fingers slightly inside of you, hitting your g-spot head on.
“God I wish you could see how fucking hot you look right now. You’re cheeks are all flushed, your nipples are perky, you look good enough to eat.”
“You don’t look to bad yourself Dean.” You let out a long sigh grabbing his cock, the head of it beading with pre-cum. “You’re just as flushed as I am, and you cock is standing at attention.” He growled as you stroked him faster than before, your wrist turning with each stroke. “But you’ll look even better on top of me.
“Christ Y/N are you trying to kill me?”
“No, I’m just trying to get you off.” You said in between moans as his fingers continued to work you.  
He growled loudly pulling away from you, “Well as much as I would like to come all over your tits, I would much rather be inside of you.” You laid there in front of him spreading his legs wide, an open invitation for him to do just what he wanted.
He picked up on you silent approval and pulled the rest of your clothing off. The two of you completely naked in front of each other for the first time. You eyes raked over his bare and muscular body. Taking in every muscle and scar across his creamy skin, while he did the same to you. You felt yourself blushing under his gaze, the way he smiled at you made you feel like a teenager on prom night all over again.
“You’re so damn beautiful Y/N, wait screw that,” he positioned himself between your legs, “you’re so fucking perfect.” Staring into his mossy eyes your heart pounded inside of your chest.
Leaning up you caught your lips against his, “Please make love to me Dean.” He slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside of you, already stretching your walls out with his impressive length. “Yes, fuck fill me up Dean, I want all of you inside of me.”
“Oh I will sweetheart, I will.”
And he did, his kept pushing deeper inside of you until his balls her slapped right against your ass. You both took a second to adjust the the feeling of him being inside of you. The way his cock burned and stretched your walls. The way you pussy throbbed around him, eagerly waiting for when he would start thrusting in and out of you. Taking a deep breath Dean pressed a firm kiss against you slightly swollen lips as he pulled out of you. But as soon as he was nearly out all of the way he thrusted back inside of you.
You were mewling and whimpering in pleasure as he stretched your inner walls. The head of his cock hitting your deepest sweet spots as you slowly rocked back against him. He felt so fucking good it was so hot,  the way he growled as he kissed you, how his fingers gripped your hips as he thrusted faster. Not only were you enjoying it, but seeing the facial reactions and hearing the sounds Dean was making, you knew for a fact he was enjoying himself too.
“Fuck Dean,” You wrapped your good arm around his neck, “you feel so good.” He thrusted faster his lips barely brushing against yours as he moaned. “Just like that,” you sighed tilting your head to the side, “Oh fuck, oh, oh God!”
“Yeah you like that?” He rolled his hips excruciatingly slow, “you like it when I fuck you fast?”
“Yes.” you whined grabbing a handful of his hair, “I love it when you fuck me fast.”
“Are you sure?” He was moving so slow you could hardly feel any of his movements. “You don’t sound like you’re really enjoying it.”
“Yes, I love it when you fuck me fast!” You screamed loudly, not caring if Sam heard what the two of you were doing. “Please Dean fuck me!” Grabbing his head you pulled him down to your mouth kissing him roughly. “I need you, I need you to fuck me as fast as you can.”
He started moving again his thrusts fast and well paced. “You got it baby.” Dean thrusted faster and deeper than he had been going before. Every move was like electricity pulsing through your body. “Y/N,” he grunted, “Y/N baby.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist digging your heels into his ass pulling him deeper. His bed creaked as it hit the firm wall behind it. His movements went from sweet and caring to fast and hard. It was going so fast that the familiar tightening in your abdomen came faster than you had anticipated. Your body was tightening in anticipation for your impending orgasm.
“Fuuuck,” you whined into Dean’s ear, “I’m so fucking close, fuck me Dean.” He nodded bucking at an insanely fast pace, eager to get you off. “Dean, fuck oh God, oh God, oh my god!” Your toes curled into the mattress as he pounded into you. The tightening in you abdomen was unbelievably tight as you reached down rubbing your own clit. “I’m going to come Dean, I’m going to come.” Dean didn’t say anything in response, he only moaned as he moved faster, wanting to finish with you.
You orgasm hit you like a train. It was a full body arching off the bed, don’t touch my clit I’m coming so hard orgasm. Your body convulsed as your nails dug into the back of Dean’s neck and the mattress. He cursed your name tilting his head back as ropes of his hot cum filled you. You both laid there trembling while gasping out each others names.
Once you both were able to think Dean pulled away from you slightly. “Are you okay?”  He slowly began examining your shoulder. “I wasn’t too rough with you was I?” He ran his hand through the top of his sweat drenched hair. “We’re going to need to clean that up.”
“Dean,” you sighed pulling him back down on top of you, “can we just enjoy this blissful moment?” He smiled down at you stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. “This is a dream come true right here.”
“Well,” he smiled at you, “dream away princess, because there’s a lot more dreaming to do with me and you.”
Forever Tags: @percywinchester27 @the-cucumber-who-lived, @waywardjoy, @sammylynne321@jalove-wecallhimdean, @britney8793, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms,@castiellerblueeyed,@nathaliabakes,@kristaparadowski,@relationshipyard,@curlycas,@slapinthefacetoyourlullaby,@jessiedangerous @selina-kyle89@jordangardner19@clarita25booklover-blog @impala-dreamer @queenofthe-bitches,@omgreganlove, @jotink78jotink78, applesugar88, @isis278,@thisisthelilith,@10200512,@growningupgeek@fuckyeahfeysand@megafrontliner311@fangirl1802 @typicalweirdbookworm@nerdwholikesword @sociallyimparedme  @riversong-sam@theroute63 @tmccarney @fantasticimpaladoctor @its-my-perky-nipples, @smoothdogsgirl, @little-castiel13, @little-castiel13, @deansbaekaz2y5 @starswirlblitz @secretlyfurrydragon @kms1000 @brooke-supernatural16, @queencharley @fabulouslyboredeveryday @therosecolouredpost  @createdbybadappreciation @notesfromalabprincess @just-meh-and-me-dogs @colorfuluniversewhispers @dancingalone21 @pizzarollpatrol @maddieburcham1 @benjerry707 @misguidedconqueress @deanfuckingwinchesterrr @faegal04 @greek-geek481 @gallifreyansass @livelovelike555 @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @we-are-band-sexuals @fandomsandstuffff @petrovadixon @kaylynnw428 @spngirl00 @fairytalesexistxx @mizzzpink @selene-stormborn @milkymilky-cocopuff @freakintasticfan @sandlee44 @likesiriusly
Dean/Jensen Girls: @torn-and-frayed @mrstheorossix3 @ioanashalala @summer-binging-spn @atc74 @betterlattethennever @anokhi07
Tagging: @supernatural-jackles​ @deanscherrypie​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @d-s-winchester​
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teethdec4y · 7 years
You're a sinner and a pedophile, teethdecayy. Those who advance the homosexual agenda will only succeed in burning in Hell for all eternity and you're a disgusting pervert who faps to 10 year olds instead of NORMAL ADULTS like a normal person sicko
Call out post u got me :/ Drawing teenagers fully clothed and kissing is pedophilia darn (I'm guessing this is about sp but I said they're 16+ and the most I've drawn is a kiss so yikes)
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SP] The Lighthouse
The towering lighthouse stood on the edge of the black sea, making its presence known to all, men and monsters. Reid kept the house, defending it, cleaning it, repairing it, and making sure its light shone on in the darkness. Most people saw lighthouses as a beautiful representation of a guide to safety, but Reid knew it was much more than that. The lighthouse also served as the first line of defense.
Stormy nights came often, but the monster barely ever dared step near the coast. Reid knew they would make a move soon, however. The red clouds on the dawn’s horizon made that certain. Shelves of glass jars filled with everything from fish scales to troll’s toenails.
Reid grabbed an empty jar and hurriedly stuck some broken glass from the kitchen window in, simultaneously using his the shards to cut his finger and drip some blood into it. He barely winced, the existing scars on his fingers showing a long indifference to pain in his fingertips.
He buried the bottle a foot under the surface of his garden. The simple protection spell would at least keep the lighthouse safe. carrying a large, broadsword slung over his shoulder, Reid locked the door and donned a thick chest-plate as armor, and made his way toward the shore. The broadsword was at least a foot taller than him when stood on end, but he had almost no trouble carrying it, or swinging it effectively for that matter, as it had been a major part of his training.
The waves splashed up the storm wall, reaching far above the edge. The auburn tint to the sky ensured again the coming of The Ruin. Reid had fought off The Ruin before, he knew its game.
Just as a wave splashed up above him, Reid leaped forward, falling into the waves below. But instead of succumbing to the black, raging seas, Reid stood atop them. His loose, open coat fluttered behind him wildly in the warm summer gusts of wind as he stepped forward, moving atop the waves.
When he was a hundred yards out, a magnificent splash burst out of the waters before him, soon revealing a monstrous creature of claws and fangs. Its wings spread as if stretching as it let loose a tremendous cry of the nature of hell itself. Its claws ran deep with roots in its fiery soul and dark magic to match the darkness of the waters around it.
Reid stood his ground, not flinching for a second. The creature was about to head to the lighthouse, but spotted Reid, standing on the waters, broadsword in hand. Reid lifted a hand toward the monster as it let out a roar once again, only to become muffled by the great splash of crashing waves Reid had sent upon the beast. It gurgled and screeched under the pummeling waters, white foam contrasting the navy sea.
But the creature would not be stopped so easily.
Reid sent another assault of great waves crashing against the beast as he jumped toward The Ruin’s head, broadsword ready to strike. Just as he was coming down, the monster was swinging wildly with its wings and caught Reid in the turmoil, sending him crashing into the waves.
The creature continued to swing wildly with its wings, futilely sending pillars of fire at the mountains of ocean, which were slowly calming as Reid slipped away from the fight into unconsciousness.
The waves calmed to their simple stormy night reaches and the creature was finally able to pass through the waters and toward the lighthouse. Reid inhaled a bit of water as he woke, frantically swimming to the surface to catch his breath.
The monster was halfway to the lighthouse when Reid broke the surface. He climbed atop the wave once more and sprinted across them like a battle horse galloping for blood and glory.
Reid caught up to the tumultuous beast and swung his broadsword at its thigh, gashing it deeply so that bone was visible. The creature let out another stomach-churning cry as it swung about to face its enemy. Reid ducked under the waves to avoid contact from the massive wing the beast had swung around once more, stepping atop the surface and lunging at the monster’s head for a fatal blow.
The broadsword plunged into the creature’s skull, sliding in up to the base of the blade. Blood spattered Reid with a thick coat of oozing red, and the beast fell, plunging into the water below it. Reid tugged the blade free from the monster’s head, struggling a bit from the pressure of the deep waters as the creature dragged him down with it.
The sword finally came free and Reid burst out from the waves, gasping for breath. He dragged himself up to the shore and climbed the stairs wearily back toward the lighthouse. The fire at the top was slowly starting to burn out. As tired as he was, Reid had to re-light it.
He stepped inside the house at the base of the tower and leaned his broadsword against the wall, it dripping blood on the floor and forming a rather large pool that would be a pain to clean later, but the light had to keep shining.
The light burned on as Reid begrudgingly made his way back down the stairs and into the house. The rain still pelted the windows with a soothing yet disconcerting patter. Reid fell into his bed, exhausted from his battle with The Ruin.
His head swarmed with guilt and regret for having failed his mission once more. He hadn’t cut out its eyes. Only once that was done would he be free of the raging seas, rising monsters of the depths, and the tiresome work of defending the only thing that mattered in his life.
As he drifted to sleep, the deep red sky faded to a royal purple, which turned to deep ocean blue as the night passed. As Reid’s eyes fluttered open the next day, the golden majesty of a safe, calm morning embraced him, refreshing his bones with light.
But none of that light would last forever.
submitted by /u/GdofMschf_bc_y_not [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2DCnBVp
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SP] The Case
It's not my first case. But something about it just feels off. A missing kid is never great, especially since the only reason to come to a private detective for a missing kid is because the "proper authorities" have packed it in and called it a day. By the time I can find them, as considerable as my skills may be, with limited resources and a late to the game time table, the kid is more than likely gone. One way or another. But I got an ulcer flare like hell telling me something here is off more than a rock star's sexual appetites.
The parents paid me up front, and well, higher than my asking price. They think the feds are wrong, their little girl is out there somewhere. They're desperate. I of course have to be completely up front with them, the likelihood of survival is low. They know she's alive. I tell them death isn't that bad. Not everyone is a fan of my humor, clients ranging from suspicious house wives to paranoid CEOs, with parents of missing kids being circled and underlined on that list. Without humor, what've I got.
Case like this there's one place in particular I always start, the neighborhood fortune teller. Unorthodox, I know but nowadays it's not hard to find the real ones, and Madame Barbu is the real McCoy. She's made quick work of cases like this for me, in the worst ways possible.
Another great thing about the times we live in is people like The Madame have moved away from the stereotypical aesthetic that has plagued the world since the dawn of time. I walk into her parlor, it's clean. Sterile might be more appropriate. She keeps it dark yes but there isn't a whole lot of personality. It's like a black Apple Store. She sits in the middle of her clean black room, at her clean black table, with a crystal ball atop it. Says the ball is better than Tarot, not as restrictive. She wears a clean black suit. But she does always have a beverage at the ready. I could smell the green tea down the block. She knows me so well.
"Jack. So good to see you this night."
"Madam. Wish I could say the same, but even if you couldn't see the future if imagine you'd gather why I'm here."
"Not future, fate."
"Is there a difference?" I already know the answer.
"Of course there is," She says with a smile.
I have humor, she plays games. What can I say, we all have outlets.
I don't sit down, but I grab my cup of tea, take a big gulp. It scalds.
"Why do you always do that," she also with what sounds like almost genuine concern.
I shrug my shoulders, "the burn feels good? Great tea though Barbu, as always."
Time to cut to the chase, "you know why I'm here."
"Yes, a young girl. You know my price."
"I was really hoping you were gonna take actually money for once."
"What use would I have for mortal currency?"
I look around the room, "... furniture?"
She just smiles at me, I'm actually lucky she doesn't put a curse on me. I reach into the deep pocket of my shorts and pull out a baggie full of thick hair.
"Ah, is that what I think it is?" She asks genuinely impressed.
"Yup, good eye, genuine Sasquatch fur."
She takes the bag from me, opens it up and inspects the fur closely, with eyes, nose, and much to my disgust, tongue.
"The payment is acceptable," she says finally finishing her inspection.
"Alright so do I have a dead kid or not?" I clap my hands together, let's get this show on the road, times a wastin.
What little light is in the room dims, Madame Barbu's eyes turn pure white, and her crystal ball glows like a prop from Labyrinth. After a few moments of this everything goes back to normal, always a bit anticlimactic.
"You may be in luck my friend, her spirit is not in the aethereal plain, nor does it haunt the physical."
With my first question answered I move on to my next, what the hell happened to this kid?
A PI's best friend is information. And the best place to get information is actually the bottom of the food chain. Rats and scum that live in the seedy alleys and gutters of the city will give you the best info of your life. And speaking of rats, I just happened to find a well of reliable degenerate info scooping up a poor little vermin for what little nutrients can be sucked from the creature.
I grab him by the collar, bring him up close to my face, ignoring the smell, snarling, "hi Vlad."
"I haven't done nothing!" He pleads.
I look down at the rat squirming in his hand.
"Nothing to no humans," he responds noticing my eyes.
"Oh I know Vlad, but if you want to keep your dinner you'll answer a couple of my questions." Food really is the way to a man's heart.
"Fine! Just let me eat and don't hurt me, dog."
"I told you not to call me that."
We sit on stacks of cardboard and filth in this dreary alley and I show him a picture of the girl, "I need to know where she is and why the hell she'd be alive."
"I know nothing of her," he's defensive, he may not know about her specifically but something is going on.
"Vlad, come on man, you gotta help me out here, the girl is still alive and to me the whole thing reeks of your people's underground shit." I'm going out on a limb, I have no proof but this ache in my gut screaming they have something to do with this.
"I know no specifics, but for some reason a certain underground ring has gotten into the business of little girls, and that's all I know."
My heart sinks. I hate when I'm right, "where?"
"The location changes, but the whisperings for the most recent group acquired was that they were going to the docks to be brought out to international waters where they could be auctioned in secret."
I stand up, noticeably a little pissed.
Vlad recoils, "I swear I am no part of it!"
"I know Vlad," I turn away from him to collect myself, "look I appreciate your cooperation, enjoy your dinn…" as I turn around, Vlad is gone, a shadow in the night. His rat lay on the filth strewn street, dead, drained. He's given me all the info I need, at the docks I can figure it out from there.
Upon arrival I put my nose to the test, it takes me longer to find the warehouse they're hiding in than I thought it would, and once I get there I find out why. I see men, lots of men, with guns. But, just men. I don't know if that makes it worse or better. It's confusing. Cause I see the girls. Turned.
This isn't my first case. I've been in situations like this before. I've contacted the cops before. I should contact the cops. But I've handled things like this too. Against my better judgement. I knew coming here I would risk losing some control, but seeing these girls. Something just comes over me. The nails on my hands and feet sharpen to claws, my teeth grow to fangs, thick fur covers my body. They have guns. They weren't anticipating a werewolf.
I leave the scene after calling the cops to pick up the girls. Then I call my clients. They were elated to hear their little girl was alive. Not so much that she was a vampire now. But at least she won't be some perverts forever young doll to have his way with. That's what they were doing. I just wonder what bastard vamp agreed to change innocent little girls. Oh well. At this point I just hope the parents, all of the parents, can learn to love their girls the way they are now. And the way the world is now, being a vampire definitely isn't the worst thing that could happen. Like I told them from the start, death isn't that bad. I should know.
submitted by /u/Southlander0 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2UaD58I
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