#soy luna ramiro
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zhoufeis · 8 months ago
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SOY LUNA Argentina, 2016-2018.
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 6 months ago
Appreciation post for Ramiro
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I feel like he's so underrated
he's charming, funny, a tiny bit lame (but that makes him loveable!!!), and obviously, he's super hard-working and passionate !!!! I adore him idk
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sahaias · 9 months ago
Soy Luna Season 3 Episodes 1-30 Thoughts
Okay I've been zooming through these episodes fast while I have the longest break from work I've had since I started the job.
Giving us Lumon for 10 episodes except it's only one-sided on Luna's part and she goes back on it because Nina keeps saying "maybe you're just trying to forget Matteo" is annoying
Nina, no offense, but you have the worst relationship advice fam
Simon and Luna are actually cute together, and people often forget that those in relationships should be capable of being reliable and trusted friends. Relationships don't have to have constant conflict
Poor Luna throughout all of it though. She was about to confess to Simon, only for him to say he's in love with Ambar. I would be crushed
Ambar and Simon having sexual tension in almost every scene they share is crazy for a Disney show. I get why so many people love them together so much
I also like that Simon is the one person she's not scared of being vulnerable around even with their relationship ended, that hug for comfort was everything
Sharon looking like a Dollar Store Carrie-Anne Moss is making it hard for me to take her seriously lmao
Sharon is an awful parental figure to Ambar. "You have to stay with the Valente's because I have a plan to exact revenge against them" is the worst possible thing to say to her when she was the one constant in Ambar's life from the time she was adopted
Alfredo is so stubborn, it is realistic. Old people are like that
The end of Gastina is sad, but understandable. I feel like Gaston did see the video Delfina posted about Eric and Nina and didn't assume she cheated, get mad, or anything like that. However, he was probably thinking "it's unfair for her to be committed to me when I can barely even make time for her"
Eric kind of gives me weird vibes. He's not bad, but I feel like he's an inch away from doing something to get me to dislike him. From my experience, the whole shy guy thing starts seeming like a red flag once you exit high school unless they were homeschooled or escaped an abusive situation tbh
Delfina and Pedro are boring, but I can see them being a stable couple tbh
The scenes involving Lutteo feel forced, like they are telling more than they are showing
Matteo is actually somewhat bearable this season, and I attribute that to him having actual friends beyond just Gaston (who mostly gave him advice)
The Red Sharks are absolutely insufferable. Emilia and Benicio both deserve the worst
I understand Ramiro though. He saw skating as his CAREER more than anyone else. The Jam and Roller team had nothing except each other until their video while the Red Sharks had equipment, a financier, sponsors, a rink, etc. I kind of agree with Ramiro on not feeling too bad about recording them. The whole aspect of being shunned and then "please don't release the video, we're friends" after nobody really talking to him except Jim. I'd be annoyed too
The show makes such a big deal out of Emilia kissing Matteo without his consent (which is very messed up too, don't get me wrong), but it brushed over Matteo doing the same to Luna and somewhat less with Benicio doing the same to Ambar.. I'm not sure how to feel about that
Gary is a horrible person, and Ana deserves someone who is amazing tbh. I know if I was a single 40-ish year old man dating her, I would be obsessed with treating her right and making sure she was happy
It is nice to have a very clear antagonist with a big presence like Gary though. He is lowkey an idiot because if he did things with an ounce of tact and wasn't an asshole for no reason, things wouldn't suddenly start blowing up in his face like the big lack of a coach and his team's lack of discipline (why did he stop at 4 instead of 6 lmao)
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calyxthenerd · 10 months ago
This one goes out to all the crazy girls with a pack of guys that will go to war for them
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 1 year ago
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Why is this every fucking conversation between them for all of S1
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petuniapolar · 6 months ago
¿Recuerdan el au donde Ramiro habla como chileno promedio? Tomemos esa idea pero apliquemosla a todo el cast, todos hablan con modismos de sus países de forma exagerada y eso lleva a muchas confusiones
Jim: Matteo, coge a Luna y vámonos de aquí
Matteo: eso intento pero ella no se deja
Simón: no mames Matteo ahora no
Luna: mi madre me dió una concha para comer, estaba muy rica
Todo el equipo del Roller procede a mirarla perturbados e incómodos
Simón: que delicia, la concha que prepara Mónica es la mejor
Ramiro: quewea
Cuando todo el equipo fue a México para la competencia
Emilia: aprovechando que estamos en México haré que comas una buena concha
Ámbar: espera qué-
Emilia le entrega un pan a Ámbar
Emilia: esto es una concha
Ámbar: ah...
Simón: ahora que estamos en México les conseguiré una buenas conchas donde mi abuela
Pedro: ¿¡Tu abuela dirige un prostíbulo!?
Simón: no, una panadería, qué chingados Pedro-
Matteo, intentando ganarle una discusión a Simón: ya pero vos cuántas copas tenés
Nico: boludo vos ni sabes cuántas copas tiene TU país
No tengo ningún diálogo para esto pero, imaginen que Michel llama a alguien marico y la otra persona piensa que lo está llamando gay pero no, Michel llama a todos así porque para él es como decir pana, en otra ocasión dice que alguien es un pato y nadie entiende a qué se refiere
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weirfq1 · 5 months ago
the first season is so amusing with the whole jim - ramiro - yam triangle (both romantically and platonically) because it's so fucking funny how they didn't want to be near eachothers AT ALL but were also extremely codependant in someway
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years ago
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slingshotfanart · 2 months ago
I have a next gen oc who I said was born January 2025. And I hadn't decided on the exact date... so I said, ok, when I finish a comic of her birth (that I've planned on doing for months), THAT's when her birthday is.
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Happy Birthday Charlotte "Charlie" Luna Sanchez :)
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siesporamor · 1 year ago
Ramiro is genuinely the worst husband in existence, Miguel Valente would NEVER.
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iridescentis · 2 years ago
i've already started thinking about it and i must write it down SO
Here is my take on what happens after the s3 finale:
The roller team continue to pursue professional rollerskating events amongst their busy schedules. The next year, Nina leaves to study literature in Oxford (ehehehe), breaking up with Eric, and Jim and Yam start at their college. Luna stays at home with her family and helps Ámbar run the Jam & Roller while she trains for various skating opportunities. Matteo pursues his career as a soloist and is successful, and eventually brings Luna on his first tour. Simón and Pedro visit Nico in New York and they reunite the band, and with help from Matteo's new contacts they get a record deal and go on tours too. Luna gathers the roller team as often as she can, even if it's just for one performance at the Roller, she always makes sure they train and skate together as often as they can.
In the further future, Luna is a full time professional skater and still lives in the mansion with her family and Matteo who is successful in his career as a soloist and has multiple songs with his friends but many with Luna. Ámbar and Simón move to Cancun (I've seen people say that before and I love it) and they of course get married there. Ámbar opens another Jam & Roller there and coaches a rollerskating team. Simón continues his music career with the roller band. Jim and Yam spend a few years pursuing separate careers but ultimately become a duo. Ramiro also becomes a full time professional skater and has actually competed several times against Luna. Nina returns after she has finished college and would you look at that she's engaged to Gastón oh what a surprise! Delfi and Pedro stay together, they have rough patches from a lot of long distance when Pedro is on tour with the band but they work it out. Jazmín continues with her channel and works alongside all of her friends covering everything in their careers (and personal lives of course), travelling with them all wherever they go keeping the world in touch with the roller team.
Eventually, everyone finds the time to return to where they started and they make the collective decision to go on one huge tour as the roller team before leaving it in the past, but they all stay friends.
There are things I would do differently during the seasons but this is all post-canon instead of changing anything that happens
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zhoufeis · 4 months ago
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Valentina Zenere and Jorge López as Ámbar Smith and Ramiro Ponce SOY LUNA 3. Argentina, 2018.
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 4 months ago
im so glad im rewatching soy luna bc im appreciating my boy ramiro a million times more
I love him sm
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sahaias · 9 months ago
Soy Luna Season 2 Episodes 31-52 Thoughts
Okay, it took me forever to progress through these episodes because I am a workaholic who was playing Mass Effect or talking to friends during my only free hours lol. Most of these thoughts are about the last few episodes because those are the ones I watched recently
Juliana annoys me, but it seems after the competition, they are going back on her character to make her less overtly rude and demeaning and more just strict and wanting the best for people. She kinda reminds me of my boss who made me cry on his second day on our team by yelling at me, but now I'm the most competent person he has and the most trusted one. I miss Tamara (and I kind of had a crush on her lol, Pedro was so valid for that lmao)
Thank god the stupid twins storyline is over, it was such a waste of time and ruined Pedro and Nico's friendship.
Luna x Matteo is giving me the ick, and it's because Matteo looks like someone who's old enough to have graduated college while Luna looks like an actual high schooler. Despite being around the same age as Karol, Tini didn't look that young while playing Violetta. It probably has to do with her being taller, having a less high-pitched voice, and a more angular face. That and Jorge doesn't give me weird vibes like Ruggero does
I still stand by Ramiro's overconfident attitude trying to compensate for his insecurity being a more interesting and better quality for the "cocky leading man" role than the way Matteo is written. He's pathetic you could say, but in a charming and likable way, which makes you root for him. I cannot say I find Matteo likable at all
Gaston and Nina not communicating and having their relationship suffer because of that is realistic but hard to see
Yam and especially Jim give out so many positive vibes these season, it makes me happy whenever they have lines lol
It's funny that the show wants us to root for Matteo in general when Simon is the one encouraging Luna to support Matteo more while he's jealous. He also has way more people supporting him during the competition with the only ones supporting Matteo outside of Luna being Gaston and Ramiro.
The biggest example of Matteo sucking though is he's salty both Simon and him won and is visibly annoyed by this news, while Simon is just ecstatic that he gets the opportunity at all
The Simbar sparks are forming, and I can already see why people love them
Xavi is not someone I really care about or like, but I do appreciate the end of his story being that he understands Nina isn't into him and not getting remotely mad. It's a positive example, and something I think more shows could stand to depict.
Luna being concerned about Simon getting hurt when getting close to Ambar gives more romantic energy than anything between Matteo and Luna lmao
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soylunathoughts · 2 years ago
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months ago
Soy Luna characters and what they’d give each other as gifts
This can be very fun depending on how close all characters are with each other.
Warning it’s gonna be a LONG post 💜
Ámbar would give her new roller skates, specifically tailored for Luna. Color, design, and easily adjustable just for the type of skating Luna does.
Simón would give her a collage book filled with all of their memories together. Everything from photos to little notes he saved, to handwritten memories that he has written down. Also some pages are just ”my favorite stuff about Luna”. Luna looks in it whenever she feels sad.
Nina would give her a story she wrote where the main character is based on Luna. Nina would also audio record the story in case Luna wouldn’t concentrate on reading it.
Matteo, well, based on what he gifted her in canon on her birthday, probably something strawberry related. Maybe to be extra he buys a small strawberry glass sculpture for her to have in her room
Ramiro would give her this t-shirt that I myself happen to wear right now:
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Yam would probably sew a jacket for her, with a roller skate on the back and the text ”Luna Valente Professional Skater” under the roller skate.
Pedro I think would give her a T-shirt that said ”Roller Band Honorary Member”
Nico would give her a microphone. She goes around with the microphone in her backpack and sometimes it accidentally goes off and her backpack sounds REALLY loud.
Jim would perhaps get her a sign to hang up in her room that just says ”keep calm and roller skate”
Gastón would give her a polaroid camera, telling her to use it for special occasions.
Delfi probably gifts her a hairbrush and explains how to use it and Luna is like ”Yeah I know what a hairbrush is thanks”
Jazmin makes a video called ”Top 10 Luna moments” and it’s her favorite videos she’s taken of Luna
Luna gives her a box to keep her jewerly in. The box is pink and black, and carved inside it says ”To Ámbar, from your primita”.
Simón gifts her a trip to Paris, just the two of them. He wants to serenade her in the eiffel tower.
Nina gives her a diary, to encourage her to get an outlet for her feelings that isn’t ”throwing stuff on the ground”
Matteo buys her a lamp that she jokingly had said she wanted to have once. Ámbar still appreciates the thought.
Ramiro gives her a photo of him and her posing and ”Red Sharks forever” written under
Yam handcrafts a music box that plays ”Como me ves” and gifts it to her. Ámbar listens to it sometimes when she's alone, and has to admit that she didn't expect a girl who she barely talks to could give her such a good gift
Pedro would give her a T-shirt where it jokingly says ”Reina de la pista”. Ámbar never wears it but she has it in her closet on display.
Nico gives her some earrings that are diamond shaped, but they are not made of diamonds (he doesn’t have that kind of money!)
Jim gifts her some shoes that she randomly saw in a store and thought was ”Ámbar vibed”. She was so scared Ámbar would hate them, but it turns out her vibecheck was completely right, and Ámbar wears them every now and then
Gastón remembers a porcelain doll she desperately wanted when they were 10 and apparently couldn’t get (I like the headcanon that they’ve gone to the same school since they were kids), and he’s like ”hey I found it now, it could be a little fun”, and Ámbar is really surprised he even remembered it because she forgot, but she’s very grateful and proudly has the doll sitting in her room on display.
Delfi gives her some make up, and super expensive and exclusive shampoo, lotion and conditioner.
Jazmin gives her spa weekend at an exclusive resort
Luna would gift him a trip to Cancún for the two of them, plus tickets in a concert in Mexico City of some band she knows he loves.
Ámbar buys him a leather jacket because she finds him super hot wearing one
Nina would possibly give him a book of argentinean slang and phrases (a little as an inside joke after their shenanigans at the retirement home)
Matteo I can picture buying him like… a bobble head of a celebrity. Or a handmade bobble head of Simón, so now Simón has a miniature version of himself
Ramiro would give him a pair of pants with a million pockets. Like pockets on the thighs and stuff.
Yam I think would make him a new beanie, maybe in the bisexual colors to be funky
Pedro would give him a giant taco-shaped pillow
Nico would buy him a shirt that says "SIMP: Squirrels in my pants" but the "squirrels in my pants" part is really small
Jim I think decides to figure out where he likes to buy clothes, and then give him a gift card on that clothing store
Gastón buys him some sunglasses. A simple gift, but Simón loves them and wears them all the time
Delfi would buy him some new shoes because "she noticed the ones he wore were worn out". Simón appreciates it a lot, because he had planned on buying new shoes himself for like a year but forgot.
Jazmin would make him a collage to hang on his wall where it's just cut-out pictures of Simón with hearts around it, and random stickers Jazmin thought fitted.
Luna buys her every book of Sherlock Holmes, in a very limited edition publication that is super hard to get, but Luna somehow did. She also has written "Para mi querida Watson" on the title page of every book
Ámbar would gift her a camera, with special features on it, so that Nina can take even better photos than ever
Simón I think would gift her a dvd box of some obscure tv show that she loved when she was younger but couldn't find anymore, and Simón had a friend in Cancún who happened to own all episodes on dvd and shipped it over
Matteo would buy her a notebook with pencils specifically tailored for that very notebook
Ramiro gifts her a bracelet with a symbol of a heart inside of a heart. He gives no context and when she asks he just does a salute and leaves the room.
Yam would give her a book that has printed out all the posts made by Felicityfornow in chronological order, so that even if the account ever disappeared, it's saved forever in this book.
Pedro would give her a light blue hoodie, because he thinks the way she sits down and writes so much, she should wear something comfy <3
Nico I think would give her a mood ring - a ring due to the inside joke that Gary thought they were dating, and a mood ring because he doesn't really know jewelry but "hey mood rings are pretty neat right"
Jim gifts her a book on how to write romance novels, after Nina said she really wanted to write one but didn't know where to begin. Nina ended up getting more inspiration from herself rather than from the book, but she was still very grateful that Jim got it for her.
Gastón would give her a souvenir from her favorite sci-fi movie, something that they actually had on the set and he managed to get his hands on, after searching deeply online. It's Nina's most priced possession and she has it on display in her living room.
Delfi would give her a gift card on a clothes store - either a store Nina has been in, or a store she never has set foot in, but Delfi thinks she can find some good clothes in there.
Jazmin would gift her some body lotion and perfume, because she wants Nina to smell good. Not that she didn't think she smelt good before, but simply because she found the body lotion and perfume and was like "this smells like Nina... I better give it to her!!"
Luna would 100% just give him some silly strawberry themed T-shirt. But he loves it and wears it so much he almost forgets to wash it.
Ámbar gifts him a poster she had commissioned an artist to draw: It's a roller skate surrounded by a king's crown. Referencing he used to be the "king of the rink".
Simón would give him hair gel because he wanted to see if Matteo would look like Blaine from Glee if he used it - cause without hair gel Matteo looks like Mr. Schue.
Nina always thought it was funny how Matteo was called ”fresa”, even though she knows it means something else in mexican slang, but she still decides to gift him something on the strawberry theme (he’s gonna get a lot of strawberry themed stuff tbh, it’s just his brand now). Anyway, she gives him a cookbook specified on fruits and berries, and jokingly mentions there’s an entire chapter on just strawberries he can look through.
Ramiro gifts him some themed underwear... only he and Matteo knows what the specific theme of the underwear is, and Matteo both feels like this was a hilarious gift while also feeling slightly awkward if anyone would ever find them. Ramiro also always seems to know when he wears them despite him never telling it.
Yam has heard all about this "chico fresa" thing with Matteo and takes it literally, so she makes him a vest in a strawberry pattern.
Pedro gifts him a mug that says ”Rey de la pista”
Nico gives him a bowtie with a bowtie pattern on it. ”Get it?”
Jim I think would gift him some new wheels for his roller skates, but paint the wheels strawberry colored (red with white dots, as well as green in the middle)
Gastón would give him a specially tailored friendship bracelet. However, instead of calling it a friendship bracelet he calls it a ”bro bracelet”. Matteo loves it.
Delfi makes a video about ”the evolution of Matteo” and just shows clips of him through the years with one of his songs playing in the background
Jazmin manages to get an autograph from one of his biggest idols and she refuses to tell him how she got it.
Luna would gift him roller skates with his own face printed all over on it. He actually skates with it a lot, although never in serious competitions. Except for once when he packed the wrong skates… that was an interesting competition
Ámbar gifts him a small sculpture of a red shark with the text ”never forget”
Simón would get him some instructional tapes on how to breakdance. Ramiro watches them too much in his freetime
Nina probably gives him a gift card on his favorite online shopping site where he orders all his odd t-shirts and also other stuff from
Matteo would give him a bracelet that says ”FRIENDZONE” on it. Only him and Matteo get the reference
Yam would sew some cool pants that he can easily move around in when dancing and roller skating, as well as making them look pretty rad and work with a variety of shirts and jackets.
Pedro I think gives him a notebook so he can write down all his wonderful rap lyrics… Ramiro wrote it out within 2 weeks.
Nico gives him old CDs from the 90s that instructs how to beatbox. Ramiro finds it fascinating how ”beatboxing sounded like in the old days”, while everyone else thinks it sounds mostly the same.
Jim would gift him a new roller skate helmet, with his name ingrained so everyone knows this helmet belongs to RAMIRO PONCE and no one can take that away.
Gastón gives him a miniature sculpture of the three musketeers, as a reference to when the boys dressed up as them.
Delfi buys him some headphones so he can ”dance to his music in silence”
Jazmin buys him deodorant and very kindly says it ”needs to be taken every day”
Luna would give her a shirt in the lesbian flag’s colors. Yam refuses to ever take it off.
Ámbar would buy her a new guitar that Yam could only dream of buying herself. It was one of those things she saw in the display window knowing it was just a wish. But for Ámbar it was like ”you play guitar and this guitar seemed like it suited your vibes so I bought it 🤷🏼��♀️”.
Simón gives her a T-shirt that says ”Roller Band reserve (if Simón is unavailable)” and she exclusively wears it during those specific occasions.
Nina I think would write a song about Yam, or at least song lyrics that she later gifts her
Matteo I think ends up buying her a t-shirt that says ”Rock paper scissors” with the two first words crossed out and ”scissors” very highlighted, with a picture of two scissors intertwined under the text. In Matteo’s head this was more of ”well she likes funny english t-shirts I guess” while Yam cannot stop laughing as she gets the shirt.
Ramiro gifts her the gift of music - he records a rap song that is all about her.
Pedro would give her a handmade sculpture of a shield that says "I got a feeling 2017 never forget"
Nico would gift her a pass that says "Yamila Sanchez - she's allowed backstage if asked" and tells her this can let her get anywhere backstage on the Roller Band's concerts without any trouble (and they might need her in case of an emergency!)
Jim would... write her a 200 page long book, all about how amazing she is. Every page, filled with something she loves about her. She's also asked every single other person to write something about Yam in the book, so an entire chapter is just "Our favorite memories and things about you", and Jim has really asked everyone to write at least one full page, prefferrably more (her own page is 10 pages long because she has so many favorite things about Yam). There's photos, there's NOTES THEY PASSED TO EACH OTHER IN CLASS, there's song lyrics they came up with and even some inside jokes. Jim wants to make sure Yam knows how special she is. And if Yam ever doubts it, she can just take a look in the book and see just how much love people have for her.
Gastón I think gives her a black jacket with her name printed on it and a music note under because he associates her with music.
Delfi would give her a little necklace of a silver microphone. Yam asks how expensive this was and Delfi refuses to tell.
Jazmin would get her a gift card of to a really expensive fashion store that Yam has never set her foot in and doesn't even know where it's located, because Jazmin is like "I think you'd look good in the clothes they have there <3". Yam uses the gift card to buy clothes for other people.
Luna would give him a mug that says "the world's best drummer" on it
Ámbar would get him some expensive shoes, so that he'd look a little fancy when he's at work.
Simón would gift him one of those dancing cactuses that mimic everything you say. Pedro both hates and loves it.
Nina gives him some new drumsticks.
Matteo would give him a brand new drum set. He was like "it was nothing, you deserve some brand new ones <3"
Ramiro would give him some socks with drums on them.
Yam would give him hairspray, because mentioned to her once that he'd like to try to style his hair in new ways.
Nico gifts him a photo album of them through all the years in their friendship.
Jim I believe gives him a metronome so he can measure the beats in the songs he plays
Gastón noticed Pedro liked cooking, and so he bought him some new pots and pans (those are expensive!)
Delfi makes a 1 hour video of clips of him and her lovebombing him every single second
Jazmin would give him a plastic cup with a cartoon drum on it, explaining "now everyone knows this is your cup <3"
Luna would give him a new plectrum for his bass.
Ámbar would give him jeans, because she has no idea what else to give him... to her he's the least interesting person in the room
Simón gives him new bed clothes, where both the pillow and blanket says "Property of the Roller Band's bassist" - so that no one will steal his bed clothes
Nina I think would give him a cookbook, so Nico can learn some new recipes, and on the title page she writes "To Nico, from your 'wife'". He laughs so much every time he reads that message.
Matteo buys him a vest, because he thought Nico would look good in one
Ramiro would buy him a cap, because he thinks Nico's hair would look better with a cap on
Yam sews him a jacket with a bass symbol on it and the text "Property of the legend himself" (no one would steal a jacket with THAT epic text right?)
Pedro gifts him a sign to hang up on the wall that has a sentence that is confusing to everyone else, but it's a really funny inside joke between him and Nico they refuse to explain to anyone else
Jim I think would gift him a bracelet with the roller band logo on it, and when she gifts it, she gave him a note saying "Nico: Thanks for putting up with me while I figured out myself. You're a good lad!" He keeps the note in a little box together with the bracelet.
Gastón I can imagine hearing Nico was sad about never owning a PS2 as a kid because he couldn't afford it, so he buys him in a PS2 with some games. Nico is really happy, but the bad thing is that he forgets to go to sleep because he stays up and plays x)
Delfi would get him a gift card on men's hair products
Jazmin would make a 30 second video where she goes "Nico... I don't know you so well but you have always been ok. This is my gift, a video message! Love ya, bye!"
Luna gives her some new roller skates that she has decorated in color and patterns herself to fit exactly the vibe she think fits Jim
Ámbar would get her a book about how to flirt with people and wish her good luck on future endeavors.
Simón gets her an original live recording of Fito Páez singing A rodar mi vida, and an autograph from him
Nina would get her a dvd box of an anime Jim loved as a kid, but the spanish dub was really hard to find now. Alas, Nina managed to find it on an auction site.
Matteo would probably get her tap-dancing shoes or something, because he knows she likes dancing, so why not learn tap-dancing?
Ramiro pays 5 breakdancing lessons for her because he thinks it's essential she learns the art of breakdancing
Yam records an entire music album where EVERY SONG is an original song about Jim. It's kind of an album that tells a story, first song is how they first met, last song is the wish for their future together. She names the album "For J" and people who knows no context try to figure out who this mysterious J is.
Pedro gives her a T-shirt that says "I solemnly swear to not steal people's suits again"
Nico gifts her a music box that plays Linda.
Gastón would gift her a jacket with the text "A rodar mi vida" stitched on the back
Delfi would freak out trying to get her a good gift to show that they are friends now, and ends up simply paying her dinner at an expensive restaurant. Jim loves it though. Free food!
Jazmin I think gives her a video camera, primarily so Jim can record her dancing auditions in a higher quality than on her phone. Jim also uses it to record people's roller skate performances and singing performances. There's also a rumor she recorded a video on it that only she and one other person knows about... but what they recorded is top secret.
Luna gives him a mug that says "World's best best friend in law"
Ámbar would get him a picture of when they were in like 6th grade posing together for a picture and as a caption write a quote that a teacher everyone thought was insane had said
Simón I think would write a parody of the song Gastón from BATB, but change the lyrics to be about the Gastón he knows.
Nina writes an entire novel where the main character is named Gastón. It's a sci fi story mixed with romance, and a lot of the scenes are based on things that happened in their real life but taking place in space instead. She just wrote it for Gastón but he thinks it's so good he thinks she should publish it for everyone.
Matteo buys him a trip to Las Vegas, because they talked about going there some time when they were younger and finally make their dream come true.
Ramiro I think gives him a miniature figure of Gastón from BATB, with the reasoning "haha you have the same name"
Yam would sew him an entire tuxedo suit for funsies and when he asks how she knows his measurements she says "I secretly took measurements of everyone, as well as their personal flavors and taste of styles, and keep the information in a little box in my sewing room in the basement". Gastón goes "wait what" and Yam does a hushing sound and walks away
Pedro buys him a t-shirt that says "I went to Oxford and all I got was this lousy shirt"
Nico doesn't know what to give him and thus gives him a package of beer. Gastón doesn't drink beer but he drinks up the package (not at once) to not let the gift go to waste
Jim would give him a gift card on some fancy men's fashion store
Delfi would give him merchandise from his favorite movie (she remembered!)
Jazmin releases a video called "Why men should be like Gastón (NOT FROM BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!)" where she just goes through her favorite moments of Gastón
Luna would give her a stuffed animal dolphin and Delfi wouldn't really understand the joke
Ámbar buys her a weekened at a resort
Simón would buy her a gift card at her favorite beauty product store
Nina I think would give her a journal... with a dolphin on the front (Delfi doesn't understand why people associate her with dolphins!!)
Matteo would look through her videos to find what's her favorite make up brands are and buy her a large package of it
Ramiro takes her to an amusement park, because he thinks she should "relax a little and have fun". Delfi relaxed when they went home.
Yam sews her some overalls, because had analyzed Delfi's style and thought she'd look really neat in some purple overalls.
Pedro writes her a song and records it on a CD so she has it forever
Nico gives her some dolphin-themed socks
Jim gifts her a photo of when they sing together and writes "Cool Ladies forever"
Gastón would gift her an adult coloring book, recommending her to do it every time she feels stressed.
Jazmin does a 2h storytime video about her and Delfi's history together, when they met and every little twist and turn they have experienced together.
Luna notices how much Jazmin seems to laugh, so she gives her a joke book so that Jazmin can laugh even more
Ámbar gives her a one year subscription on expensive and exclusive body lotion and perfume
Simón handcrafts a little trophy depicting a microphone, and writes "to my best student" on it
Nina gives her some new high heels. Jazmin doesn't know how Nina even knows what high heels are, but are surprised how spot on Nina was that they'd be her style
Matteo would get her a new case for her ipad, with pockets so that Jazmin could keep all her stuff in the same place
Ramiro would get her a fidget spinner that sparkles when you spin it. "Ooh, shiny!"
Yam would record a cover of "Fush, te vas" as a gift to her and Jazmin thinks it's fabulous
Pedro would give her a sign that says "Jazfans fanclub" and let all their friends sign it before he gave it to her
Nico would get her a purse to keep her belongings in - she ends up not putting anything in it and just walks around with the purse alone because she thinks it's pretty
Jim would buy her a rainbow skirt and Jazmin twirls around in it so much she trips too many times in a day
Gastón gifts her some lipstick that he saw her talk about loving in a video
Delfi makes a video talking about how important Jazmin is to her and then shows a slideshow of pictures of them with a cheesy heartfelt song in the background she definitely gets copyright for but she doesn't care!!
Woah... this took a while.
Tell me if you want me to do this with Violetta characters too... :D
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