#south london wedding photographer
How to Plan Your Wedding Day Photos with a London Wedding Photographer
To plan your wedding day photos with a London wedding photographer, start with a consultation to discuss your vision, style, and expectations. This allows your photographer to suggest ideal locations around London that match your vision, from iconic landmarks to hidden gems. Clear communication ensures your photographer understands what you want, whether it's candid moments or formal portraits.
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Create a detailed photography timeline with your wedding photographer in London. This helps coordinate key moments such as getting-ready shots, the ceremony, and reception, ensuring everything is captured without feeling rushed.
Lastly, choose the right locations for your wedding photos. London's diverse landscapes make it an excellent backdrop for London event photography. Whether it's a park, historic site, or along the Thames, your photographer can recommend places that complement your style. Planning with flexibility in mind allows you to embrace spontaneous moments, resulting in authentic, cherished memories.
By collaborating closely with your photographer, you can guarantee that your wedding day photos reflect the emotions, beauty, and significance of the day. A well-executed plan will leave you with a timeless wedding album. To know more, Read this blog.
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thedeviltohisangel · 5 months
All The Things I Did (Interlude): The One Thing I've Been Wanting
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a/n: wow oh wow i think you guys are going to love this one. another mini novel featuring all the emotions and filth you could ever ask for. john and cass have their formal wedding in south carolina that he always promised her they would. a few little easter eggs in there i hope you guys want to scream at me about. hope you all enjoy, happy reading and love you endlessly!
warning: smut
In May 1946, almost one year to the day that John Egan hung an American flag in the middle of Germany, he was sat in a plush hotel room in Charleston, South Carolina looking at a photo of himself in a smattering of local newspapers and even The New York Times. Locally it was the front page, nationally a column right in the economics section. The headlines ranged from proclamations of a fairytale come true to rumors on how the match would affect the valuation of the Cooper empire. 
He liked the picture they had all chosen though. It was from a photocall Mrs. Cooper had insisted they do just last week. Cass had worn a beautiful forest green skirt and white silk blouse, her smile perfectly measured across her face. There had been a bit of commotion over what John should wear. He wasn’t set to pin on Lieutenant Colonel until June and the communications team had proposed stalling the wedding until his new rank could be proudly displayed in the photographs. Might I politely remind you he is already my husband. If you make me wait one second longer to appease people with this party you will not enjoy the sight was how Cass chose to handle it. In this setting, one completely new and foreign to the boy from Manitowoc, he was entirely reliant on her to guide him.
In the final image, she was looking at the camera but he was looking at her. It was fitting. He was merely a planet orbiting around her sun. He looked stricken by her beauty and nothing could have been closer to the truth.
“Come in,” he called at the knock on the door. He folded the paper and tossed it onto the coffee table. 
“You about ready to get out there? Don’t want Spook thinking you ran away.” Gale clicked the door closed and stood watching his friend. “You’re nervous.” It was a statement rather than a question. 
“I don’t know why. I’ve been married to her for almost three years. Today is just a societal formality.” Marrying in secret in London was not how women like Cass were supposed to carry themselves, according to her mother. If no one was there to see it then they wouldn’t believe it. “Just…what if something changes?”
“What if something changes? Bucky, you two are still going to be the same people tonight as you were this morning. You’re still going to love the wits out of that girl just like she loves the wits out of you.” John stood and started to pace around the room.
“I know that. I know how I feel and how she feels won’t change but it’s now so formal. And there’s an audience and my wedding is in The Times, Buck, the goddamn Times!” 
“The photo did look wonderful,” Gale pointed out as he nodded towards the papers on the table. “Your wife doesn’t need all this if you don’t want it, John. I am pretty certain that girl would run away with you to a farm out West if you asked her to.”
“No,” he shook his head, “all of this is good to be sure she is always provided for. When we have kids, they won’t want for anything.” Wealth like this was almost unmoveable during the Depression. John had been in college for the worst of it. Had seen the toll it took on his family and the people around them. Cass and he could make sure their kids never had to worry about that. 
“When and not if, huh?”
“Buck, you of all people should know we aren’t exactly celibate.” Gale didn’t need the reminder. All too often he had found himself pleading for a moment of respite with the two of them. It didn’t matter when or where, he would run out of fingers and toes trying to count the sanctified places those two had breached. “She’s going to be the best mother.” 
“And you’re going to be the best father.” John and Cass had spent the past year filling in all the blanks their time apart had forced upon them. They had gone to Wyoming for Gale and Marge’s wedding and not a single incident had occurred. It was as if John had never gotten on a plane to avenge Gale that day. They were so in love they talked about having a baby in nine months, talked about the perfect house to raise them in. Talked about names and nursery colors. 
But then they had gone to visit his family in Wisconsin. And something had snapped. All the anger they had hidden from each other in the name of surviving the cold German winter had bubbled to the surface viciously. All the anger he had harbored towards her for putting herself in danger would not lay dormant any longer. Anger that every night when he closed his eyes he had prayed to keep his wife safe, that John could take any pain as long as she was spared, and she had negated it all without a thought. Anger that she had wasted almost two years of her life running herself ragged to maintain their relationship and he had been able to do nothing in return. Anger that no matter the horrors he had inflicted upon people, the horrors of Stalag Luft that kept him up at night, the horrors of not knowing who you were looking at in the mirror, that she didn’t find someone better.
“Buck, I’m sorry you weren’t there the first time Cass and I did this. But I am happy you’re here for this one. I couldn’t ask for a better best man.” John pulled him into a hug, clapping his back a few times. 
“I only agreed to see you cry when you get a glimpse of her.” 
“Yeah? You’ve seen her?” She had put him under strict orders that he was not to see her the morning of their wedding. Had even made John sleep by himself. He was missing her desperately at this point. 
“She said the dress was a family heirloom. You didn’t manage to sneak out a parachute?” John blushed and looked at his feet. 
“You’ll make fun of me if I tell you.” He had. They had just agreed to save it for a more special occasion. 
“Not on your wedding day.”
“Cass had the idea that it might make a nice christening gown one day.” Wait until Marge hears how John Egan has gone all domestic on us Gale thought with a smile. “Did she get the gift I left for her?” It was a silver locket, the date and a note that simply said I love you and his name on the back, a photo of the two of them in Wyoming neatly placed inside. 
“It’s her something new,” Gale answered. Her dress was something old, her mother’s diamond headband something borrowed and she had taken the time to stitch her favorite line from Blue Skies inside her skirt in blue thread. Gale cleared his throat. “She told me to pass along that you would get your gift from her…tonight.” All the girls had giggled furiously when Cass had asked him to pass along the message. There couldn’t have been a better man for the job.
“I think her asking you to tell me that is a gift all in itself, Buck.”
Cass was sat in front of the vanity mirror, admiring how her new necklace looked with a smile. She had already married John, had been through more life with him than any other couple she knew, but the prospect of the day still had butterflies in her stomach. It was the kind of day that flitted across her dreams as she had grown up. Wondering what kind of dress she would wear. What the ring on her hand would look like. Who would be waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Never before would she have pictured a man like John Egan but now not a day went by where she didn’t think of him and was waiting for both of them at the end of that aisle. 
“Ma’am, all the guest have been seated and Major Egan is making his way to the altar in-”
“I’d like to see him.” Maybe that was what she needed to calm her nerves. Some needed whiskey or cigarettes but she just needed John. “He doesn’t need to see me, I just need to see him.”
And that was how, on his way to walk down the aisle, he was dragged into a room and told to sit patiently while the woman in charge of ensuring this entire wedding went off without a hitch, tied black fabric over his eyes. 
“Is this really necessary?” he asked once his vision was completely obscured. 
“Yes. Mrs. Egan requested it.” Gale sighed as the woman used Cass’ new last name. It always opened the door to something unscrupulous. 
“Mrs. Egan,” John repeated with a wicked grin. “Mrs. Cassandra Ann Egan. My wife.” He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he had asked Cass to write her new name for him just so he could relish in how it looked. How naturally her wrist and fingers moved to draft the letters. It was spectacularly wonderful and he was addicted. 
“Gale? Is he successfully blinded yet?” Cass was getting impatient on the other side of the bedroom door. She could hear her husband and she could feel him. It was like torture not being able to see him or touch him. 
“Spook?” John got up and turned in the direction of her voice, his shins colliding with a coffee table almost instantly. “Motherfucker!” 
“I’m giving you two…” Gale ran through the numbers in his head. He had seen the feral acts the two of them were capable of committing in less than five minutes. Anything more than thirty seconds seemed like they would be consummating a marriage that hadn’t happened yet. “Forget it. You two wouldn’t listen to me anyways. Just remember your parents are right outside!” Gale escorted the planner out and shut the door behind him, a stillness settling over the suite.
“Cass, baby, they’re gone. Can I take this-”
“Absolutely not!” Her voice was no longer muffled as she opened the door and took in the sight of him. Her beautiful, handsome man. Hers and hers alone. The man she had fought for and lived for and loved every day no matter how treacherous. “We have done absolutely nothing the traditional way. Let me have this, please?” John never was too good at denying her anything.
“Fine, then let me have a kiss at least.” Cass gathered her skirt with a small giggle as he stood there awaiting her with his arms open. She pecked him quickly and he leaned forward in a chase for more. “I’m dying, Cass. You didn’t let me see you after dinner last night and now you’re right here in front of me and I can just tell you look heaven sent and now you want to tease me?”
“I’m just so happy right now, Johnny.” Now that name only fell from her lips when the emotions in her chest were too much to even say his name. Whether she was sad or angry or blinded by happiness. He had gotten so used to hearing John that anything different locked him in on a dime. 
“I’m happy, too. Get to marry you all over again.” He felt a little better when her hands rested on his chest, his wrapping around her waist and pulling her as close as he could. His palms could feel lace until her hips and then silk. Maybe a bow at the top of her skirt. “I love you, Cass. Making things grandly official today won’t change anything about us. We’ll still sing as loud as we can in the car and share ice cream on the beach and count stars when we can’t fall asleep.” Her soul warmed when he said the exact words she had needed to hear, not knowing how John had ached with the need to say them. 
“Those sound like the vows you should be saving for later.” 
“I can think of a thousand ways to vow to love you forever, don’t you worry.” She indulged him in a proper kiss then, careful not to mess his perfectly coiffed curls and John restraining himself from tearing at the buttons going up her spine. Everything felt heightened, John unable to anticipate her next move with the fabric covering his eyes.
“What did I do to deserve you?” she asked softly as she knocked her nose against his. “You are so beautiful, inside and out, and intellectual and selfless and meet all my weaknesses with strength...”
“Sounds like a soulmate,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to do forever with you.” 
“We deserve it, my love.”
John held his breath as he waited at the altar, all eyes on him as everyone waited for the orchestra to begin playing as a signal of Cass’ arrival. He fiddled with the front of his jacket, ensuring it was straight and smooth, smiling when he caught Olivia and Jill giggling at him from their spots across from him. 
“Your sister is trying to kill me with anticipation,” he whisper-yelled. 
“She’ll make it worth your time, Major,” Olivia teased. Buck clapped John on the shoulders just as the first notes of the Bridal Chorus began to sing through the grove of Spanish Moss trees. 
“Here we go,” Gale said lovingly. Everyone stood and John breathed deeply as Cass’ niece, Jessie, slowly walked down the aisle with a shy grin, tossing rose petals as she did. Her brother Sammy was next to her, two silver rings on a plush pillow in his grip. John squatted down to be at their level as they approached.
“Thank you, princess. You look so pretty.” Jessie threw her arms around him as best she could.
“Thank you, Uncle John.” She ran off to take her seat by her father just as she’d been instructed to at the rehearsal. 
“Sir.” Sammy summoned all seven years of stature he had in him to stand at attention. 
“At ease, Sammy,” John chuckled. The young boy had fancied himself a future soldier. Had been amazed when he found out John was a real pilot just like in his comic books. “My best man, Major Cleven, is going to take those rings and keep them very safe.” Gale took them gently and locked them into his breast pocket. 
“Good work, Sammy.” Buck saluted him with a smile and the little boy was off in the same direction as his sister. John stood to his full height and squared his shoulders, his eyes sharpening their focus on the ornate wooden doors that hid his love from his sight. 
And when they opened. 
And when she lifted her veiled face to look at him, finally. 
And when their eyes met and their smiles matched and the tears welled in his eyes…
Everything felt right in the world. 
Cass kept her eyes on him as she held her fathers arm down the aisle. She had to slip her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from giggling with glee at the sight of John waiting for her. As she got closer, she could see the glassiness in his eyes. He was always so strong. Her stability in this world. The man who had her back through anything with no questions asked. The one person in the universe that loved her unconditionally and with no strings attached and in the exact way that she needed to be loved.
“Do you give this woman to be married to this man?” John was itching to lift her veil and kiss her senseless now that she was this close to him. 
“I do,” her father spoke with pride.
“I love you, Daddy,” she whispered as he pulled her into a hug. 
And then finally it was just the two of them.
And then finally he was able to hold her hand and help her up the final step to stand across from him.
And then finally his shaking fingers found the lace trim of her veil and he finally exhaled as he lifted it over her head. Her eyes were full of adoration as she looked up at him. 
“Hi,” he whispered. His hands landed on her cheeks and her hands rested against his chest.
“I’ve been missing those eyes.” Her own twinkled in kind. John leaned in, he couldn’t help himself, the officiant clearing his throat to stop them.
“We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of John Clarence Egan and Cassandra Ann Cooper,” they smirked at each other. She hadn’t gone by her maiden name in almost three years. Not since London. “We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”
A journey of love. Their love had already survived so much. From the moment their eyes had locked on an airfield in England, it had strengthened to withstand the tests of time. Their journey had taken them to the darkest corners of humanity the world had to offer. Had forced them to make difficult decisions in the name of survival. But all those decisions had led them here. All the darkness had led to this overwhelming light. Neither of them would change a thing.
A journey of understanding. They had come together and been torn apart and brought back together. And every stage had led them to becoming a new version of the person they had fallen in love with. They worked hard each and every single day to understand who was sitting across from them. Who was looking at them through the mirror. They had been off kilter for a little while but would always find their balance. 
A journey of perseverance. This was the easiest for them to feel when they looked at each other. They were both stubborn. Bull-headed in their pursuit of survival and a life after war. Aggressively unable to give up on each other. Relentlessly devoted to the forever that they had promised each other. 
“...and dedication to one another that lasts through time. As we stand here today to mark this occasion, we remember that what matters most is not the ceremony itself, but the love and companionship you will continue to share throughout your married life together.” John squeezed her hands. “There are no vows more meaningful and powerful than those which will be shared here today. Your wedding vows are a sacred declaration of your love for each other, the foundation of your relationship as a married couple, and the life you want to build together.” Cass thanked her sister as she handed her the piece of paper her vows were on, turning back to face John and letting his gaze give her the strength to lay bare her emotions.
“John, my blue sky, my love. From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t shake you. You were the first person in a long time to see me. To see all my faults and jagged edges and not to look away but to meet them like a perfect puzzle piece. Where I am weak, you are strong and you have spent everyday making me feel loved and safe and happy in ways words cannot capture.” John used his thumb to wipe a tear from her face and stroked his knuckles up and down her cheek for good measure. “I wouldn’t trade a single moment with you for anything in the world. Even the tough ones, even the painful ones, even the ones where I thought I was going to lose you. Because we’ve already proven our love can face anything and come out stronger on the other side. That forever will only be the beginning for us. And doing life with you, John Egan, will be the honor of my life.” Cass dabbed at the tears under her eyes, John knocking his forehead against hers.
“That was so beautiful, baby. I love you so much and-”
“Major Egan, you could just say your vows.” Gale smiled. Finally someone was getting a taste of what he had dealt with. He handed John the piece of paper and sent a wink in Marge’s direction. John looked down at the paper and swallowed before handing it back to Gale.
“I’d rather just tell you, Cass, how I feel in this exact moment because I have never been more in love with you.” She giggled as he held both her hands and locked his baby blues onto her eyes. “I fall more and more in love with you every second that I am with you. You are the reason I survived everything we went through, my love. The reason I made it through to the other side was because I knew that was where a future with you was waiting for me. You had this flyboy dreaming of growing roots from the moment I saw you. From the moment I saw you at a pub with your nose buried in a book, I knew I was done for. I knew you were going to challenge me and make me work to earn your love and it was so worth it, Cass, is still so worth it. We are going to build the most amazing life together, our own little solar system, and I will fight for you and our future every day, Cass. I promise.”
“And you’ve never broken a promise,” she whispered as the tears flowed freely down her face. 
“I don’t plan on starting now, Spook…Can I kiss her yet, Father?” A gentle laugh rippled throughout the crowd around the tears they were wiping away.
“Soon, Major. Repeat after me.”
“I, John Clarence Egan, take you Cassandra Ann Egan to be my wedded wife.”
“I, Cassandra Ann Egan, take you John Clarence Egan, to be my wedded husband.”
“I promise to stand by your side through good times and bad times…”
“...for richer or poorer…”
“...in sickness and in health.”
“I vow to stay true to you and love you…”
“...unconditionally for the rest of my days.” They both finished with a smile, drifting closer and closer to each other as the words wrapped around them. There was no daylight between their torsos as she threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and he locked his fingers at the small of her back.
“Do you, John Clarence Egan, take this woman to be your wedded wife?”
“I do,” he said just to her, his blue eyes molten pool of crystalline love.
“Do, Cassandra Ann Cooper, take this man to be your wedded husband?”
“I do,” her heart skipping a beat as John licked his lips. 
“It is now time for you to exchange rings. Your rings symbolize the eternal commitment that you make to each other, and the never ending circle of your love. May these rings always remind you of the commitment you are making here today.” Gale handed each of them a ring, John taking Cass’ left hand tenderly. 
“I, John Clarence Egan, give you, Cassandra Ann Egan, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.” The silver band fit perfectly on her finger, John swiping his thumb over it a few times to ensure it was real. That after everything they had been through, the two of them were right where they had always wanted to be.
“I, Cassandra Ann Egan, give you, John Clarence Egan, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you.” The band looked at home on his hand. Like he was always meant to be claimed as hers. 
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may-” He wasn’t able to get the word out as their noses bumped together in the urgency to connect their lips. Cheers erupted from the guests and he held her tighter and tighter and tighter against his body and she slipped her tongue into his mouth, John groaning with ecstasy. “It is with great honor that I present you Mr. and Mrs. John Egan!” Cass giggled as John dipped her triumphantly, his lips pressed to the side of her head as they faced the adoring mass in front of them. Her one hand was gripped tightly by his, the other holding her skirt, as they made their way back to the doors that led inside. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Egan, congratulations! We have the reception area-”
“I think I need to change out of my dress, first,” Cass said to the woman but looking at John. Her fingers were already loosening his tie. “Would you like to help me, Mr. Egan?” He nodded wordlessly, catching her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Don’t wait for us to start the party, ma’am. I’m going to take my time with my wife.” 
The door to her suite slammed shut behind them and he was on her in an instant. They couldn’t help but laugh into each other’s lips as their noses collided, and her hair was falling out of its style and his hat landed on the ground. 
“You make me so happy,” she whispered as her fingers carded through his curls, tossed his tie to the side and slowly began to undo the buttons of his jacket. “I love you so much, John Egan. Just the way you are.” John brought his hands, delicately, to the diamond headband in her hair, lifting gently and placing it on the table by the door. 
“There was a time I would have done anything to hear you say those words.” She whined as he kissed her once then pulled away. Cass pushed his jacket off his shoulders. “I thought, after I heard them for the first time, that feeling would go away. I’d still do anything just to hear you say you love me.”
“I love you. I’m in love with you. I love you.” Her arm hooked around his neck and dragged him down to her lips, his hand fumbling to free her hair from the confines of her veil and pins. 
“If I can’t get your hair out of this riddle…” Her kisses were doing nothing to help his concentration. And her hands on his belt buckle were doing even less.
“You haven’t even seen the complex feminine garments that are under this dress yet,” she teased. 
“Cass, I’ll just fucking rip it off of you if you aren’t careful.” She reached her hand towards her hair, pulling one pin for it to cascade around her shoulders in bountiful waves. “How in God’s name…”
“You were going to get started on the buttons of my dress, Major?” 
Thankfully, he was able to compose himself long enough to undo them without tearing the lace of her dress. The release of her corset and stockings allowed her to take a full breath and John lifted her into his arms, her legs around his waist and her chest between his lips. 
“So, so beautiful,” he muttered in a daze as he laid her on the bed. “And all mine.” 
“Let me see what’s all mine,” she breathed as she sat up and kissed down his chest, his fingers undoing the buttons of his dress shirt as quickly as he could possibly manage. She paid extra to kiss exactly where his heart would be. “This right here is the part I’m most honored to have.” She pressed her hand flat and he placed his on top. 
“It’s all yours. Every last beat.” 
Their kisses were sloppy and impatient as they were both fully bare, John crawling to hover over her and kissing a long line down, down, down. He kissed her clit softly, her fingers threading into his curls instantly. He moved oh so slowly and oh so softly and with direct intention behind every flick of his tongue and curl of his finger inside of her. “All mine,” he repeated. 
“All yours, John,” she panted. Her hips lifted ever so slightly off the bed, his forearm pressing them back down into the mattress with force. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me.” Two of his fingers curled against the spot that made her muscles quiver. “That’s my girl.” Cass propped herself onto her elbows to look him in the eye, exactly the way she knew he liked, as his thumb pressed against her clit in the same rhythm as his fingers.
“Oh, fuck, John. Faster.” He obliged. Watched in wonder as her moan caught in her throat and her chest blossomed with the flush of her orgasm. Her hips squirmed as she came back to reality but his fingers weren’t stopping. 
“Want you to make a mess for me, baby.” Ever since he had first learned he could coax arousal from her in such a way, he had been focused on working it out of her again. “Think you could do that for me?”
“Yes, Johnny.” His fingers went deeper and faster and curled against the front of her with a sense of purpose only she would be able to inspire in him. Her hands gripped at her breasts as she moaned. 
“Good girl. Just let yourself go, baby.” She gasped as her hips bucked again, John could hear the change in his fingers pumping in and out of her. Cass was so close he could taste it. When her nails scratched at his scalp and her back arched and her toes curled, he spread her thighs even wider latched his mouth onto her. It was like drinking nectar straight from the source. She writhed against his tongue as he lapped at every drop, John’s own hips seeking friction by rutting against the matress. 
He looked absolutely sinful. Chin coated in her cum. A curl hanging down his forehead. Kissing at the inside of her thigh to make sure he didn’t miss a drop. 
“John…” She was practically out of breath as he stroked her clit one more time just to watch the way her stimulated body reacted to his touch. 
“You soaked the sheets baby. I’m so proud of you.” 
“Need you inside me,” she whimpered as John stood, pulling her to the edge of the bed. “Need my husband to fuck me.” 
“My wife needs my cock?” he asked rhetorically. She nodded, trying to move her hips forward to close the gap. He tapped her with the head of his length before teasing up and down her slit to gather her wetness. He saw stars as he pushed into her. She welcomed as much of him as physically possible, her brow furrowed and mouth agape as she watched him rock in and out of her gently. “Cass.” His hand reached to wrap around her throat as he picked up his pace. A moan escaping her lips in time with his thrusts. 
“Cum inside me, John.” He almost lost his focus at her words. They had been so careful since getting back. Not wanting a child to complicate the things they had been working through. But maybe now that all of that was behind them…
“You mean that?” He needed to be sure, his hips quickening with a mind of their own. 
“I’m cert- oh, right there.” She grabbed his wrist as he hit a particularly sweet spot deep inside of her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. “Oh, Johnny, I’m so close.” Her own hand reached between them and began to work tight circles around her clit. John loved watching her touch herself. Had a habit of sitting behind her in a mirror and talking her through exactly how he wanted her to do it. 
His hip snapped quicker, the sounds of skin on skin and her sweet moans echoing through the room. “Get there with me, Cass, come on baby.” She knew how many thrusts away he was based on the way his forehead creased and his moans sounded strangled and he would always seek out a kiss from her. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted as he stilled and she felt a warmth filling inside her that she hadn’t experienced before. He gripped her hips and pulled her forward, burying himself inside of her to the hilt. Her breath caught in her throat with a squeak as her whole body went stiff before it was shocked back to life by her orgasm. Her moan was the sweetest song as it caressed his ears, his chest heaving as he looked where their bodies were connected. 
“Going to need to do that a couple more times before dinner,” he said, “Just to make sure I’ve gotten the hang of it.” A knock at the door broke their trance.
“We’re busy,” Cass called out lazily as John moved to drop his forearms on either side of her head. He kissed the side of her neck and she craned it to offer him more skin to love on.
“Mr. and Mrs. Egan, we’ve delayed your arrival as much as we can.” There was a very specific balance of timing for such an affair. The first dance and the dance with her father and his mother had to be cadenced perfectly with the toasts and the dinner. Not to mention the five tiered wedding cake and not to mention they had a ship that would be waiting in the morning to take them to their honeymoon. If they were any later, everything could be derailed. She knocked again.
“I am a little hungry,” Cass noted, her thumb smoothing over the crease in the middle of his forehead. “And you did promise you’d sing Blue Skies for me tonight.”
“I did, didn’t I?” She nodded. “Guess we better get you all cleaned up then.”
There was an empty chair at the head table the whole night because Cass refused to leave her husband’s lap. No one was surprised that they were late. That Cass’ hair was no longer in the elaborate style she had had previously. Both of their sisters certainly noticed the way her knees buckled and John tightened his arm around her waist. Gale and Marge recognizing the shade of lipstick peeking out from just underneath John’s collar. 
“And now the best man, Gale Cleven, has a few words for the lovely couple.” John whistled as Buck made his way to the microphone, Cass kissing his cheek until he got the hint and turned to kiss her.
“If any of you are new to the John and Cass solar system, I can say with authority they are like this all the time.” The crowd laughed and John raised his glass before taking a sip, Cass burying her face in his neck. “I’ve spent a lot of time with John Egan. Known him from the moment he put on that uniform, making the choice to serve his country. He is a natural pilot. A natural leader. It’s natural for him to love others but hard for him to accept their love in return.” 
“I think he’s trying to make you cry,” Cass whispered. 
“He might.” 
“When I was writing this speech, I was having trouble finding the words to describe the love these two have for each other. The love that never waivered, even on the darkest of nights. And that is because of two things. Firstly, Cass is his compass, his North Star. She guides him home. To safety, to her. To comfort and to love. In return, John chases away the shadows of the night and brings her a Blue Sky. His favorite song, that fact she stuck around after hearing his rendition should tell you all you need to know, and his favorite sentiment. That the presence of someone you love is enough to chase away all your blue days.” Buck turned and faced two of the most important people in his life. Those responsible for his survival in Germany. Who he would never be able to thank enough for getting him home to Marge. “You two gave me the strength to keep fighting. The strength to make it home to my wife. Because you two gave me the courage to believe in destiny and fate and the notion that our souls can find their other half.” 
Cass used her napkin to dab gently at the corner of her eyes, John’s hand squeezing where it rested on her knee. His eyes were focused on his friend with a look of pure love. The look of a man who had survived unspeakable horrors but had his anchor keeping him sane. One on that stage and the other in his arms.
“I love you, John. I don’t say it nearly enough,” she said with her lips pressed to his cheek. 
“Cass and John, I know you have the most incredible, love-filled days ahead of you and I cannot wait to watch the life you two build together because I know for a fact the world is a better place with your love in it. To my two favorite heathens.” Gale raised his glass, Cass blowing him a kiss and John tightly smiling and nodding in an effort to keep his emotions at bay. The flutes of champagne that were passed out went down in a single gulp, the band starting back up as Gale made his way back to the head table. 
“Gale, that was so beautiful. Thank you.” Cass untwined herself from John’s grasp to wrap Buck in a hug. “Here I was thinking you were sick of us and our antics.”
“I am sick of catching you two working on my future niece or nephew but will never tire of watching you two love each other.” Buck went to shake John’s hand but John pulled him in for a hug instead. 
“You got me through, Buck. Got me here with all these blessings,”John looked his friend in the eye, “I’ll never be able to repay that.”
“You repay me by loving your wife with all you got, every day.” Marge walked over to join them. “Hey, maybe you two even name your son after me!”
“Don’t count on it.”
The party showed no signs of dying down even a few hours later. Everyone was sufficiently drunk and full of cake. John had brought the house down when he sang just as Cass requested. She was giddy with her love for him.
“Get some fresh air with me?” she requested as he lifted her up and spun her around. 
“Lead the way, my love.” Cass dragged him out the door and a few yards away, dramatically dropping into the grass with a giggle and John followed suit. “Haven’t gotten to just look at the stars with you in awhile.” 
“We’ve been busy. I wouldn’t mind slowing down a little,” she murmured as her cheek rested over his heart.
“Me neither. A little time away is going to be nice.” A couple weeks on safari in Tanzania followed by a couple weeks on the beaches of Zanzibar. It sounded heavenly. 
“It’s going to be perfect.”
One year ago, they had finally escaped hell. It had taken all 365 days since to learn the new intricacies of the person lying with them. To learn their new scars. To love them as equally as the old ones. To convince each other they were safe and could let their guards down again and love each other with the same reckless abandon they had back in England. They had found their way back to each other. Found their way back into the perfect synchronous dance they had mastered. Found their way permanently nestled in each other’s hearts. No longer two separate people but a union. Two halves of a whole locked into a willing embrace for the rest of time. 
They had each other. And not a worry on the horizon.
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In her “accession” photographs, shot in 1952 by Dorothy Wilding, HM Queen Elizabeth II is pictured with the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara upon her head – a jewel that you might recognize because Her Majesty is seen wearing it on the front of every Bank of England banknote.
Originally the property of Queen Mary, Duchess of York, Princess of Wales and finally Queen Consort of King George V, the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara was crafted by Garrard in 1893 to be given as a wedding present from the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland committee.
Designed to be transformable, allowing it to be worn as either a necklace or coronet, over the years, Queen Mary requested that Garrard add diamonds, remove pearls, and separate the bandeau from the base so that she could wear it as a headband.
In 1947, Queen Mary gave the tiara to Princess Elizabeth as a wedding present. In 1969, now Queen Elizabeth II, she asked for the bandeau and tiara to be reunited, as it remains today.
Worn frequently by Her Late Majesty The Queen, the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara is an ongoing source of inspiration for Garrard’s designers, with the repeated pattern of diamonds encircling the base reflected in the round and geometric Windsor motif, which is a signature of the Albemarle and Fanfare jewellery collections.
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The Queen’s love of brooches is legendary, and in Bob Thomas’ intimate portrait of Her Majesty at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, she is pictured wearing the Cullinan V Heart Brooch, one of several important brooches commissioned from Garrard by the Royal Family.
Showcasing the 18.80-carat heart shape Cullinan V diamond, the fifth-largest gem to be cut from the 3,106-carat Cullinan Diamond – the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever discovered – the diamond was given to Queen Mary in 1911 as a gift from the South African government.
It was originally worn by Queen Mary as part of the suite of jewellery made by Garrard for her to wear at the Delhi Durbar in 1911.
When Queen Mary died in 1953, the Cullinan V Brooch was passed to her granddaughter, Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who was photographed wearing it throughout her reign.
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The Sapphire and Diamond cluster ring worn by Catherine, Princess of Wales, formerly Duchess of Cambridge, in the 2013 portrait by her father Michael Middleton is among Garrard’s best-known creations.
Set with a magnificent 12-carat oval Ceylon sapphire, encircled by a cluster of diamonds set in 18 carat white gold, the ring was personally chosen by Lady Diana Spencer for her engagement to Prince Charles.
It became instantly famous after it was prominently showcased in an engagement shoot in 1981 that took place in the grounds of Buckingham Palace.
A new chapter in the story of Princess Diana’s engagement ring was written when, in 2010, William, Prince of Wales, formerly Duke of Cambridge, chose to propose to Catherine Middleton with the same engagement ring his father had given to Diana.
As this royal jewel, passed down through generations, takes on new meaning and sentiment upon Princess of Wales’ hand, we continue to honour this history-defining design in the 1735 collection.
Garrard’s iconic cluster setting also features prominently in the Jewelled Vault, where each one-of-a-kind creation is designed around an exceptional central stone.
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A page from the scrapbook of Princess Victoria of Wales, daughter of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, shows photographs of Alexandra, dating from 1901, wearing a diamond crown that is much smaller than a traditional royal crown.
Crafted by Garrard in 1871 at the request of Queen Victoria, the miniature crown was designed to be worn over Queen Victoria widow’s cap.
Set with more than 1,000 diamonds and featuring alternating crosses and fleur-de-lis motifs, Garrard created the crown so that the arches could be removed.
Queen Victoria wore the Small Diamond Crown for the first time at the opening of Parliament in 1871 and frequently thereafter for state occasions.
After Queen Victoria’s death, the crown was worn by Queen Alexandra, who in turn passed it to her daughter-in-law, Queen Mary.
Today, Queen Victoria’s Small Diamond Crown is housed at the Jewel House at the Tower of London, where it is on display.
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Both King George VI and HM The Queen are pictured wearing the Imperial State Crown in the Life Through a Royal Lens exhibition.
The 10th iteration of this historic jewel, the crown was crafted by Garrard in 1937 for King George VI and adjusted for The Queen ahead of her coronation in 1953.
Some of the most historic gems in the royal collection reside in this Crown Jewel, including, at the front of the crown, the Cullinan II, the second largest diamond cut from the 3,106-carat Cullinan Diamond – the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever discovered.
Above it, mounted on a diamond Maltese cross, is the Black Prince Ruby, which is not a ruby at all.
In the 16th century, it was discovered that this blood-red semi-polished stone is, in fact, a spinel, a gem that is often referred to as “the great imposter” after it was discovered that some of the most famous “rubies” seen in crown jewels around the world are, indeed, spinels.
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A big moment in Garrard’s history was the recutting of the Koh-i-Noor Diamond.
This sizeable white diamond was first displayed to the public at the Great Exhibition of 1851.
In 1852, Prince Albert, who was instrumental in the creation of the Exhibition, commission Garrard to recut the diamond.
The intensely demanding cutting process lasted eight weeks and was overseen by The Duke of Wellington.
Garrard worked to create more facets to enhance its beauty; consequently, the diamond emerged as a dazzling brilliant weighing 105.6 carats.
In 1911, the Koh-i-Noor was set into Queen Mary’s Crown, newly created by Garrard for the Coronation.
Today, the fabled Koh-i-Noor Diamond (which is now only worn by a woman – if a man wears it, he will supposedly be cursed) is set at the centre of The Queen Mother’s Crown created by Garrard in 1937.
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In a black-and-white photograph taken at the Delhi Durbar in 1911, held to mark the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary as Emperor and Empress of India, Queen Mary is pictured wearing the magnificent Delhi Durbar Suite.
Created by Garrard at the request of the Queen, who wanted a suite of jewels that perfectly captured the majesty of the occasion, the suite included an emerald and diamond tiara, earrings, a brooch, a stomacher, and a spectacular necklace.
Designed by Garrard in a striking circlet style, the Delhi Durbar necklace is set with eight large cabochon emeralds known collectively as the Cambridge Emeralds, with a pendant suspended beneath set with a ninth Cambridge Emerald.
In 1912, Garrard made slight alterations to the necklace, making the emerald pendant detachable and adding a second removable pendant showcasing the 8.80-carat marquise cut Cullinan VII diamond.
Queen Mary regularly wore the necklace and the other jewels in the parure for the rest of her life, after which they became the property of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who inherited the Delhi Durbar Necklace in 1953 and had worn it on many occasions.
The Delhi Durbar Tiara, meanwhile, was given by Her Late Majesty The Queen to Camilla, Queen Consort, after her marriage to His Majesty King Charles III.
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Commissioned by Queen Mary in 1919, the Fringe Tiara was crafted by Garrard in the fashionable Russian style reminiscent of a kokoshnik and designed to be convertible so that it could be worn as either a tiara or a necklace.
Queen Mary gave the tiara to her daughter-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, later the Queen Mother, who was pictured wearing it in Cecil Beaton’s whimsical portrait.
Queen Elizabeth in turn loaned it to her daughter, Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, then Princess Elizabeth, to wear for her wedding to Philip Mountbatten in 1947 as her “something borrowed.”
In 1974, the Queen Mother loaned the Fringe tiara for another royal wedding, that of her granddaughter Princess Anne.
Most recently, it was worn by Princess Beatrice on the occasion of her wedding to Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi in 2020.
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Originally created by Garrard in 1870 for Florence, Lady Poltimore, the 2nd Baron of Poltimore, the Poltimore Tiara was not publicly known until it was acquired by Princess Margaret prior to her engagement to Antony Armstrong-Jones in 1959.
Featuring elegant diamond scrolls evocative of flora – an enduring source of inspiration during the Victorian era in which it was made – it quickly became one of the Princess’s most prized possessions.
In the ensuing years, both Margaret and the towering jewel were regularly in the spotlight, including, most famously, the photograph on show as part of the Life Through a Royal Lens exhibition featuring the Princess wearing the Poltimore Tiara in the bathtub.
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thexfridax · 2 years
Tell me about it, stud: the rapturous return of the butch lesbian scene
With sold-out club nights from Bristol to Birmingham, a long-marginalised subculture is enjoying a brilliant post-pandemic resurgence
by Ella Braidwood, Wed 8 Mar 2023 10.00 GMT, last modified on Wed 8 Mar 2023 16.44 GMT
I am at a dinner table in south London, in the middle of which sit ceremonially placed items evoking butch culture: a carabiner, a sex harness and an edition of Quim – a lesbian erotic magazine from the late 80s and 90s. It is a Saturday evening in mid-February, and also eating bowls of dal around me are nine regulars from Bristol Butch Bar, set up last spring as a hub for the city’s butch community: among them lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and non-binary people. I’ve joined them on a “field trip” to the club night Butch, Please! Between us, we have shaved heads, corduroy, jeans, vests, chain necklaces, black trousers, statement shirts and leather.
The butch identity seems to be having a moment. Tonight’s event, as normal, is sold out. “I see about 1,000 people come through a month now – there’s just huge demand for this space,” says Tabs Benjamin, who set up Butch, Please! at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in 2016. Nights are themed, often with a nod to queer history. This evening there’s a handkerchief code: a discreet way of signalling sexual orientation used by gay men in the 70s who would stuff coloured handkerchiefs in their back pockets.
“There is an absolute resurgence in butch identity, in the sense of belonging and in history as well,” says Joelle Taylor, who in 2021 won the TS Eliot Prize for a poetry collection about butch lesbian subculture. “It’s an exciting time for us,” she adds. “We’re starting to write the histories, memoirs, things that we actually remember.” This year, at least three new books explore butch identity: Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H; Mrs S by K Patrick; and My Own Worst Enemy by Lily Lindon.
The Bristol butches have an array of handkerchiefs, so I take a navy blue one to signal whether I’m more of a “top” (giver) or a “bottom” (receiver) during sex, depending on if it’s in my left or right pocket. As a butch lesbian who is also “soft butch”, I’d say qualities of my identity include being playful, sensitive and, well, silly. A good example: in the pub, someone deciphers my handkerchief code, only for me to realise I’ve put it in the wrong pocket.
The butch identity is not mainstream, even within the LGBTQ+ community, but things are happening. In March, the Saturday edition of Butch, Please! was started in addition to the existing Thursday night, both once a month. Bristol Butch Bar now gets about 60 people at its monthly meet-ups, where there is an armwrestling league and crafts. “It started off just people we knew, and then it spread to people they knew,” says co-founder Rosie Poebright. Another London club night, Pillow Kings, was set up last autumn, as was Soft Butch in Bristol, both running sold-out events.
In Birmingham, Wile Out, an LGBTQ+ night for people of colour, is popular among studs – an identity embraced by some masculine Black lesbians – alongside events by Urban Slag, On Your Gaydar and, in London, Lick. “I went out expecting a normal night full of drag queens and cheesy pop music, and then I stumbled into the Village, where Wile Out was at that time, and I loved it,” recalls Shan Haywood, a stud. “It’s just nice to have a community of people like myself. I don’t have to walk into the room and be the only Black person there, which is the case in a lot of gay clubs.” Haywood features in a new exhibition in London this month, We/Us, by the butch photographer Roman Manfredi, showcasing portraits and oral histories of working-class butches and studs.
In 2023, the butch identity means different things to different people. For me, a 29-year-old in London, it is the merging of my sexuality with my female masculinity: a physical reflection of how I feel on the inside – that is, inherently masculine – via men’s clothing, short hair and the way I carry myself. It is not that I want to be a man; I love being a woman. But it took me years to say who I am and to look this way. “Butch women and trans women are arguably the people who challenge gender norms in a way that really, really upsets people,” says Benjamin, 37, a self-described “butch dyke”. When I grew up, in Cumbria, butch lesbians were the ‘worst’ of the lesbians, a word I have found hard enough to say in itself: ugly, disgusting and unlovable. We are, I think, still perceived that way by some today.
For Prinx Silver, a drag king and transmasculine person in his mid-30s, “butch is that queer identity that allowed me to reclaim my masculinity that I thought I wasn’t allowed to have. I see it more as a way of moving through the world, of being perceived, or like a feeling.” Cassie Agbehenu, a soft butch and Bristol Butch Bar regular, similarly describes it as a “reclamation of masculinity … it can be caring and nurturing and joyful and sexy”. Taylor, a butch lesbian, says: “I’m 55, I come from a feminist movement, and my whole life has been dedicated to trying to persuade people I’m a woman, because they don’t want me to be one. So that’s where the fight is for me.”
What is the butch aesthetic? Again, it depends. “Sometimes,” says Silver, “I’m a butch stereotype,” so he’ll wear boots and flannel or checked shirts. Other times, it’s a vest with jeans, or a leather jacket, like the butches of the 70s. Haywood, 26, describes her “stud starter kit” as an oversized T-shirt and a hat, though she also enjoys wearing a suit and tie. “I feel comfortable in men’s clothes, and I may wear my hair in a certain way, or carry myself in a certain way – it’s a masculine energy, essentially,” she adds. While short hair is liberating for some butches, it’s not a requirement.
As far as history goes, the butch identity has its roots in working-class lesbian communities, as far back as 1940s and 50s America, who reclaimed the word from its use as a slur, with some women dressing to safely “pass” as men with their more feminine partner. In Britain, masculine lesbians included the writer Radclyffe Hall (1880-1943). Despite being marginalised, butches have been on the frontline: some say that it was the butch lesbian Stormé DeLarverie who threw the first punch in the 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York, kickstarting the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. “We’ve always been here,” as Benjamin says.
By the 80s and 90s, the butch identity had reached its golden era. In the US, the butch lesbian singer kd lang posed for a cover of Vanity Fair with Cindy Crawford; the Calvin Klein model Jenny Shimizu dated Angelina Jolie; and Leslie Feinberg published Stone Butch Blues, named after another subcategory (“stone butch”). In the UK, the underground butch scene was thriving. Taylor describes a “dykedom”: lesbians moving to squat communities in London and other cities, and to the Greenham Common women’s peace camp in Berkshire. The Camden Lesbian Centre and Black Lesbian Group set up in London, as did Gemma, a support group for disabled lesbians, in 1976. “There was a sense that we were all looking out for each other, that we were connected via squats, we were connected by relationships,” says Taylor. This London scene was immortalised by the 2021 film Rebel Dykes, starring Del LaGrace Volcano, whose The Drag King Book documented the 90s drag king scene.
Events, culture and spaces centring the butch identity appear to be having a ripple effect. It was the combination of a group trip to Butch, Please! last February and a screening of Rebel Dykes that helped inspire Bristol Butch Bar. Silver first went to Butch, Please! while still working out his identity, and now performs there. Social media has also created new ways to be together. “The pandemic did have a part to play in those spaces being taken away,” says Benjamin. “A lot of young people in particular were like: ‘Hang on, we need these spaces.’ So it’s created this surge of enthusiasm and support.”
For Poebright, 42, a genderqueer and transmasculine butch, there are also recent, tragic circumstances behind Bristol Butch Bar. Not long after it was set up, a friend in the community died. “The person we lost was a transmasc, non-binary person, and they were in our group when we first set it up,” Poebright says. “There was a bunch of people that met at the funeral, and it turned out we all had a lot in common, including butchness and butch appreciation. So there was a sort of foundation of realising that we can only just barely survive alone, and needing to make spaces to be together in order just to survive the conditions that we’re in.”
These spaces may, to an outsider, just seem like glitter, bondage gear and, in my case, handkerchief mishaps. And, of course, that’s part of it. Drama and infighting are par for the course; bumping into exes in confined spaces is only to be expected. But for lots of people, whose lives have been reduced to nothing more than a joke or a sexual fetish, these club nights are life-changing. As Haywood puts it: “It’s just what everybody wants, really, isn’t it? To have something they identify with when they’re out.”
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Dame Vivienne Isabel Westwood DBE RDI British Fashion designer and climate change activist, who defined the look of punk, used rock iconography, royalty, art and religion as recurring motifs in collections that brought a rebellious edge to British style, and later she went on to a long career in high fashion, died Thursday in Clapham, South London, at age 81 💔
Largely responsible for bringing modern punk and new-wave fashions into the mainstream. Westwood’s fashion career got underway in earnest on the punk scene in 1970s London, and her collections influenced bands like the Sex Pistols and Siouxie and the Banshees.
Her provocative creations appeared on supermodels and celebrities and influenced mainstream fashion. The corsets, platform shoes and mini-crinis (a combination of Victorian crinoline and miniskirt) became her hallmarks.
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She married Andreas Kronthaler, a former student of hers and 25 years her junior, in 1992. He became the creative director of her company and increasingly was responsible for design work in later years.
She was granted an Order of the British Empire medal in 1992, the designer accepted the honour from Queen Elizabeth II while wearing a sober grey skirt suit.
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Vivienne Westwood, after receiving her OBE in 1992. Photograph: Martin Keene/PA Archive/Press Association Images
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The designer was made a Dame for services to fashion in 2006
Westwood lobbied the British government to ban the retail sale of fur alongside other top designers including Stella McCartney.
Vivienne Westwood was the designer behind the iconic Carrie Bradshaw's Sex and the City Wedding Gown, a film which was released in 2008.
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Per Vogue: The Cloud dress was first seen in the brand’s Gold Label 2007-08 collection and was re-designed by the designer specifically for the character.
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The corset top was created in gold-backed ivory silk-satin duchess and the skirt from meters of ivory silk Radzimir taffeta, creating an exaggerated silhouette, nipped-in waist and a pointed sculptural bust.
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By the 2000s, Westwood was designing wedding dresses for the likes of model Dita Von Teese, who dressed in her purple gown to marry singer Marilyn Manson and Princess Eugenie who wore Westwood designs for the wedding of Prince William and Catherine.
In addition, Westwood’s costuming work also included designing Miss Piggy’s wedding gown in the 2014 film Muppets Most Wanted. The Victoria and Albert Museum, which houses some of her works, described Westwood as a "true revolutionary and rebellious force in fashion".
Westwood wrote regularly on issues of climate and social justice on her website.
#Vivienne Westwood #designer #WeddingGown #SexandtheCity #CarrieBradshaw
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Henna is more than just a beautiful design. It is a symbol of culture, tradition, joy and celebration. It links you to ancient traditions and adds a great touch to your contemporary celebrations. So, don’t you think Henna art should be the centre of attraction in your wedding? Do you want to capture the best Mehndi moments? Want to make perfect transitions of video clips to capture memorable moments? Get in touch with Visionary Photography, a professional Asian wedding photographer in London.
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kingisgreat · 2 months
Best Wedding Photographers In Chandigarh
Choosing a wedding photographic artist to catch your important day is no simple accomplishment. Do you need customarily presented pictures, or to a greater degree an organized, magazine-spread type feel? Do you lean toward delicate, normally lit pictures, or more obscure, moodier ones with higher difference?
Anything that style you’re later, there are many gifted wedding picture takers out there prepared to record your unique day. However, picking a wedding picture taker isn’t just about settling on a style that impacts you, about putting resources into somebody causes you to feel quiet and will add to the energy of your big day.
From inspiring talks to humiliating dance numbers, trading those extremely significant promises to kissing under a passage of confetti, these are the minutes you’ll think back on, think back about and need to remember into the indefinite future. So you need a wedding photographic artist who can consistently turn into a piece of your wedding and catch that large number of small subtleties for you to recollect everlastingly — even, assuming that you’re camera timid.
As Henri Cartier-Bresson once said, ‘Photographic artists bargain in things which are constantly disappearing and when they have evaporated there is no contraption on earth which can make them return once more’.
Whether you’re securing the bunch at a nation wedding in the South of France or a proper city wedding in London, you’re searching for sincere, narrative style pictures that catch the second as it unfurls or formal, organized representations, the main thing is to pick a photographic artist whose work you love and somebody who feels like a companion.
All things considered, these are the photographs that will hold tight the walls of your home until the end of time.
Thanks Tony +91–9115110081 www.weclickstories.com
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Top Tips for Capturing Unforgettable Moments with a London Event Photographer
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Capturing unforgettable moments at your event requires more than just a camera; it demands experience, careful planning, and the ability to anticipate special moments. When working with a London event photographer, success begins before the event. Communicating your schedule, key moments, and desired shots is essential. Trusting your photographer's expertise is equally important. For instance, a South London wedding photographer can capture emotions and interactions you might overlook, ensuring your photos reflect the day’s true essence. Candid shots are particularly effective in telling the authentic story of your event, allowing the photographer to blend in and capture genuine reactions. The venue also plays a crucial role in enhancing your photos, and a skilled event photographer in London will know how to use the setting to create stunning images. Timing is everything, and the best photographers anticipate key moments, ensuring they are ready to capture them. By planning ahead and trusting your photographer, you can ensure your event is beautifully documented, preserving memories for years to come. To know more, Read this blog.
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Aunt Marguerita’s Shawl
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Brussels lace shawl (GTC 8905)
These photographs show details of a beautiful black Brussels lace shawl donated to the Collection in 1959 by Rachel’s cousin, Mrs Dolores Marguerita Shennan, née Parish (1867-1960), who was always known as “Lola”.
Dating from the 1850s, the large shawl measures 1910 x 1900 cm and originally belonged to Lola’s mother, Marguerita Parish. Designed to be worn over the fashionable crinoline dresses, it would have been very expensive when new. Rachel was a skilled lace maker herself, and her descriptions (both on the label and in the Accession Register) emphasise the high quality and fine workmanship of this shawl:-
“Mid XIX century. Superb black Bobbin Brussels shawl… Magnificent design. The border has 3 open flowers edging a scroll alternating with a lovely vine leaf (6” across)….In the centre medallions & superb sprays of flowers make an exquisite pattern…. All the design is in “linen” or whole stitch with a trolley outline over a very fine even bobbin net”
Lola Shennan was Lady Blanche’s niece; the only daughter of her older half-brother, Francis Woodbine-Parish (1824-1906) and his wife, Margaret Miller (1841-1926). Both of Lola's parents were born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and married there in 1855. Lola’s mother was always known in the family as “Aunt Marguerita” - presumably as an acknowledgement of her South American background.
The Woodbine Parish connections with Argentina dated from 1823, when Rachel’s grandfather, Sir Woodbine Parish (1796-1882), was appointed as the British Consul General for Buenos Aires. Sir Woodbine left Argentina in 1832, but his son Francis (known as Frank) was also in the diplomatic service, and would follow in his father's footsteps. Frank first served in China, and then became the Consul General in Buenos Aires in 1853, and Consul from 1861-73.
In the 1860s, British companies built the two largest railways in Argentina, the Central and the Southern; and Frank became involved with the financing of the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway. This venture proved very successful and Frank amassed a large fortune. He was a greatly respected businessman, and was still the Chairman of the London Board of the company in 1898 - although by then in his seventies. His son-in-law, David Shennan, was also a Director of the company.
Frank Parish retired from the diplomatic service due to ill health in 1873. He returned to England, where he lived at 5 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park - a very prestigious London address. It was listed on the 1911 Census as a 20 roomed house, and the staff included a butler, footman and cook, and several maids.
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Photograph from one of Rachel’s albums, at Barbon in August, 1902. Lola Shennan is the lady in the centre and her husband, David, is to the left of her. Three of the men are obviously dressed for a shoot. Barbon was originally built as a “shooting box” and was used for entertaining family and friends. (GTC Archives)
Lola’s marriage to David Anderson Shennan would continue the Argentinian family connections, as David was the owner of the Estancia Negretti, near Buenos Aires. When they married in May, 1891 at Lancaster Gate, London, Rachel’s eldest sister, Angela, was one of the bridesmaids. Lord and Lady Shuttleworth appeared on the guest lists in the newspapers.
Lola’s wedding ensemble was described as:-
“a very handsome dress, the petticoat being of satin duchesse festooned around the hem with old Brussels lace (the gift of her mother, who wore it on the occasion of her own marriage) caught with silver bows; the Court train and Louis coat bodice were of white and silver brocade in a design of true-lovers’ knots, the former being bordered down one side with the same exquisite lace and silver bows, and the latter edged all round with narrow passementerie, and finished with ruffles of old lace. Clusters of real orange blossom were worn in the hair, with a tulle veil, attached by three diamond stars, her other jewels being pearls. (John Bull, 9 May 1891)
Lola also donated her “Louis coat bodice” to the Collection, but sadly the lace ruffles and silver bows have all been unpicked and removed, presumably for re-use. Rachel recorded on the label for the bodice that she and her younger brother, Lawrence, wore black velvet outfits to the wedding - they would have been only five and four years old.
David and Lola had three sons: Douglas Francis, born in 1892: Kenneth Gordon in 1894 and Malcolm David, 1897. Sadly, two sons were to die very young - Malcolm died in 1914, aged sixteen, and Douglas was killed in action near Ypres in 1915, aged twenty four.
David Shennan was sixteen years older than Lola, and he died in 1919, leaving the present day equivalent of £18.7 million. Lola was a widow for over forty years, until her death in 1960.
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Above: Portrait of Lola taken by the famous society photographer, Dorothy Wilding, who had very successful studios in both London and New York, and included theatre and movie stars among her clients. Although undated, the reverse of this photograph lists the studio address as 22 Old Bond Street; Wilding had moved there in 1923, and Lola’s hairstyle would suggest a date of the 1920s to 1930s.
(Photograph courtesy of the Newbery family)
Lola's choice of photographer gives an indication of her high social status. Dorothy Wilding (1892-1976) was appointed as the official photographer for the 1937 Coronation - she had previously photographed the Royal family and they approved of her work. In addition, Dorothy's formal portraits of the young Queen Elizabeth II on her accession in 1952, were used for the design of the new postage stamps, coins and banknotes.
The National Portrait Gallery holds the surviving archive of Dorothy's photographs. Sadly, the Bond Street studio was destroyed in the Blitz, with the loss of her pre-war negatives and prints.
Jane H
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scottmillerus · 2 years
Best Wedding Photography Companies You Can Find In Essex
Essex is a county situated in the South-Eastern part of England. The exact location of this place is between London and the North Sea. This county has a slight taste of roman culture, which can be expressed through its buildings.  The capital of Essex is Chelmsford; there are 12 districts, including a borough and some city councils. In this article, we will be discussing the top wedding photographers Essex.
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beertonki · 2 years
Yellow gold aquamarine rings
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Occasionally she was photographed wearing both rings on her left hand. The rings remained in the Princess's collection but were rarely seen in public during her marriage. Prior to her marriage to Prince Charles, she often wore a gold Cartier Russian wedding ring of three yellow gold bands on the little finger of her right hand and a diamond and white gold eternity ring from the family collection on her third finger. 9.5 Collingwood diamond girandole suiteīorn into an affluent aristocratic family, Diana Spencer owned some high quality jewellery.9.1 Sultan of Oman diamond and sapphire suite.8.25 Black and white star bracelet from Butler & Wilson.8.23 Diamond and sapphire cluster link bracelet.8.18 Gold bangle with burnished-set diamonds.8.13 Five-strand pearl bracelet with emerald cut aquamarine stone and diamond flower clasp.8.11 Pair of sapphire cabochon and diamond bracelets.8.9 Tiffany five-row signature bracelet.8.6 Gold weave bracelet and Patek Philippe gold watch.8.3 The Queen's modern baguette and brilliants bracelet.8.1 Diamond and emerald Art-Deco style bracelet.7.2 Badge of the Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II.7.1 The Prince of Wales's Feathers diamond brooch.6.14 Emir of Qatar floral pearl earrings.6.13 Pearl, sapphire, and ruby earrings.6.9 Diamond and South Sea pearl earrings.6.6 Butler and Wilson silver bow heart drop earrings.5.6 Cartier Trinity ring and signet ring.4.11 King Khalid of Saudi Arabia necklace.4.10 King Faisal of Saudi Arabia necklace.4.3 Seven-strand pearl and sapphire choker.4.2 The Spencer family diamond and pearl drop necklace.3.2 Queen Mary's diamond and emerald choker.2.1 Frances Shand Kydd diamond earrings.Upon the marriage of Diana's sons, their wives, Catherine and Meghan, have worn various pieces from her collection. Īt formal occasions, such as banquets, the Princess normally wore jewellery lent to her by the Queen, who owned more than 300 items of jewellery. She also had a vast collection of gold accessories which often went unnoticed and became understated by the media. Most of the jewellery dates from the 19th and 20th centuries. Her jewellery was a mix of precious stones and costume pieces, which she sourced from London's Butler & Wilson, often reported by the media as being "priceless" jewels, which the Princess found amusing. Most of her jewels were either presents from foreign royalty, on loan from Elizabeth II, wedding presents, purchased by Diana herself, or heirlooms belonging to the Spencer family. These were separate from the coronation and state regalia of the Crown Jewels. in June 1997ĭiana, Princess of Wales, the first wife of Prince Charles (now Charles III), and mother of Prince William and Prince Harry, owned a collection of jewels, both as a member of the British royal family and as a private individual. Diana wearing a pearl necklace and pearl earrings, featuring double wire of gold with diamonds and four equidistant knots, during a visit to Washington, D.C.
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coralgoateekid · 2 years
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Lovely Lucy | A real Halfpenny London bride — Halfpenny London
#wedding These gorgeous images of beautiful bride Lucy were sent through by photographer Emma B from Epic Love Story . Emma was on hand to capture every moment of Lucy and Luke’s big day at the South African Cloister in Surrey last year and these pictures are bursting with love and happiness. Lucy looks e
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Wedding Photography Morden Hall
Wedding Photography Morden Hall
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Morden Hall Wedding Photography
Louise and Sam’s wedding photography at Morden Hall.   Morden Hall is an 18th-century country house wedding venue in south London Set within 125 acres of beautiful National Trust parkland.    
We start as we most often do with the girls and the bridal preps.  There was an air of excitement with a touch of some nerves at this point.  Not surprisingly of…
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tomgoliphotography · 3 years
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Visit: https://tomgoliphotography.com to know more.
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Best Wedding Photographer in London and the South East >> Natural Wedding Photography, Kent Wedding Photographer, Wedding Photography Suffolk, Candid Wedding Photography, Wedding Photographer London
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claraevie · 5 years
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