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Britney - jour de taille à Soledad
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Sous Influence, the exhibition trip of a lifetime.
Sous influence (Under influences) was a major exhibition which portrayed a variety of drug-inspired works. The individuality of this exhibition jumped out at me when doing my research for contemporary art. The exhibition was held at La Maison Rouge from February to May 2013. It holds an in depth summary of “the relationship between artists and psychotropics.”(archives.lamaisonrouge.org, 2013). To find out more however, visit the original exhibition overview.
Visitors that experienced the intense exhibition described it as “walking through the labyrinthine”(archives.lamaisonrouge.org, 2013) due to the experience of a trip-like journey with “the presence of acidic colors, surrealist imagery, and neon lights only provide further gateways down the rabbit hole.”(Nagesh, n.d.)
However, even though this probably seems like a fascinating exhibition showing the bright colourful creative art processes, it portrays the negative side to the using substances too. The exhibition displays this by showing the addiction side of drugs and how it can drastically affect your health. The exhibition also portrays the realistic side of taking drugs with the layout making its visitors feel as if they are coming down from a high at the end leaving them mentally exhausted.
The exhibition includes a variety of artworks in three different subjects; artworks that portray substances, artworks that show drug-users and the effects the drugs had on them and works that represent drug-induced hallucinations.
Throughout the exhibition there is many works by famous artists such as Yayoi Kusama’s Dots Obsession (Infinity Mirrored Room). This artwork is a large-scale installation depicting red balloons with white dots that float around a mirrored room inducing the viewer into a dysfunctional transient state of mind. This is one of the first rooms visitors walk into when viewing the exhibition. Viewers have often described this room as a sinister wonderland. These type of installation artworks were included within the exhibition to have a sensory “near-psychotropic effect” on the viewer. (archives.lamaisonrouge.org, 2013)
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It also includes work by photographers Larry Clark and Alberto García-Alix. The documentation of disturbing photography portrays depersonalized-like drug users in their neglected housing conditions. An example of this is a photograph by García-Alix’s Gabriel which portrays a young man in front of a wall stretching with “FIX” written across. This could suggest that the man’s constant need for the drug is “fixed” within his day to day life showing the real dangers of drug-use.
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Although, my favourite piece within the exhibition has to be Jeanne Susplugas, L'aspirine c’est le champagne du matin (Aspirin Is the Champagne of the Morning. The simple but effective composition perfectly shows the sarcastic comforting aesthetic of the piece. The artist describes the reason for bright neon bulbs against a simple white background as a “It’s an embodiment of calmness, the idea was to create an anti-depressant room.”(Pfeiffer and Pfeiffer, 2010) I think this was a perfect piece to include within the exhibition as it gives the viewers a mental rest from the other intense and perculiar artworks.
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However, the most important aspect of the exhibition includes the “deliberately under or concomitant to the use of psychoactive substances” (archives.lamaisonrouge.org, 2013) Artists using drugs to experiment with the drugs to see how they influence their creative processes and open their mind is what the exhibition is mostly trying to portray.
(archives.lamaisonrouge.org, 2013) suggest that these artists “translating these experiences into the aesthetic realm, as presented here, will enable each individual to realise the constant complexity of their effects.”
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lussy-lakowski · 5 years ago
Performance_NUITBLANCHE2018 SousInfluence par EricMcc/Shonen X YesSoeur
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nouchkarocks · 8 years ago
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Sunset on mesca 🌅💊🎈 • Flamboiement sous mesca 🌅💊🎈 #PhénoménologieDeLaPerception #MerleauPonty #EnVoitureSimone #SousInfluence #Stupéfiant #Suspens #Hang #MobilisInMobili #BalMasqué #Masks #WIP #BazArt #BizArt #NK #фrev #KazbahBlanka #SummerTime #ZelmaLand
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Roling - Mwoods 2018
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Sous-influences / Saint-Ouen 2019
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Shlagui, La plaine, la tribu - Jour de Bicrave 2019 
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Sous-influences / Charogne street 31.12.18 Paname
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Jungle - somewhere in France, hiver 2018
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#sousinfluences #composition chez B2b
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SOUS INFLUENCES Drugs I don’t know wich one but night was long. Jemmapes skatepark / 09.14
The whole world is high!
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SOUS-INFLUENCES Vodka / A day in Tchernitsvy Ukrainia / 11.14
The whole world is high!
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SOUS-INFLUENCES La dépendance aux jeux d'argent, à la recherche du shoot d'adrénaline / une « épidémie silencieuse » qui touche 2% de la population adulte en France
The whole world is high!
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Alcool - legal drug, one of the cheapest / La villette sonique 2014 - Paname
The whole world is high!
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La France fait partie des plus gros consommateurs de psychotropes dans le monde. Plus d'1/4 des Français consomme des anxiolytiques, des antidépresseurs, des somnifères et autres médicaments pour le mental. 150 millions de boites sont prescrites chaque année et remboursées par la sécurité sociale.
The whole world is high!
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La dépendance aux jeux vidéo, une maladie très 21ème siècle. Connaissez vous la vidéo de ce gamin allemand en train de péter un plomb devant son ordinateur? Ames sensibles s'abstenir.
The whole wolrld is high!
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