#source: st elmo's fire
Hokuto: Love's an illusion. Touma: It's the only illusion that counts, Hokuto. Hokuto: Says who? Touma: Anyone who's ever been in love.
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
“Epic makes of Poseidon a great lord of the sea, emerging from his palace under the waves near Aegae to aid the Achaeans in battle, or rousing a storm to drown Odysseus on his raft. But Poseidon himself is a complex Mycenaean deity whose origins lie further inland; he is the Earth-Shaker, an ancestral god with ties to freshwater springs and horses. Even in the Iliad (13.10–30), the dominant image is that of Poseidon as a charioteer, driving his golden-maned horses over the sea. He himself is not a personification of the sea, but its ruler. If Poseidon is a lord of elemental forces, his Nereid consort Amphitrite is more closely identified in the Odyssey with the element itself: she breeds many monsters (Odyssey 5.417–22, 12.90) and the waves are hers (Odyssey 3.85, 12.55). Amphitrite is more than a literary invention; she often appears in cultic contexts with Poseidon, as at Isthmia (Pausanias 2.1.7). An archaic votive dump at Penteskouphia near Corinth yielded clay pinakes depicting Amphitrite with smaller-sized worshipers, or riding in a chariot with Poseidon.
In Greek mythology, the gods who represent the sea share its unbounded nature as the source of creatures formless and strange to human eyes. Monsters and shape-shifters, the latter often possessed of prophetic powers, come from the sea. Nereus and his congeners Proteus and Glaucus are Masters of Animals who control the supply of fish and other marine animals. In Greek fishermen’s folklore, these Old Men of the Sea were elusive shape-changers who could tell one’s fortune if captured. In Greek religious practice, on the other hand, the overriding concern with regard to the sea was safe travel. Many gods could be called upon to protect mariners, especially those resident in harbor towns (often Aphrodite or Poseidon). The Dioscuri, who appeared in ships’ rigging during storms in the form of St Elmo’s fire, were popularly viewed as saviors who warded off disaster at sea (Alcaeus fr. 34 Campbell).
Homer was also instrumental in shaping the image of the sea nymphs called Nereids, who were closely associated with the story of Achilles. Thetis, the Nereid mother of the hero, seems to have played an important role in early Greek cosmology; the Iliad alludes to her rescue and/or sheltering of Zeus, Dionysus, and Hephaestus in their times of need, while she figures in a fragment of Alcman as ‘‘the origin of all,’’ a primal creative force (Calame 1983 fr. 81). Thetis was destined to bear a son more powerful than his father and thus posed a threat to any god, including Zeus, who pursued her. Like Ge, she was imagined as a powerful primordial figure, who first threatened, then helped to bring about, the cosmic order, allowing herself to be subordinated in the process. Slatkin (1991:79) relates Thetis’ humble status in Homeric epic to the fact that her cult, unlike those of the Olympian gods, remained geographically limited. One of the few cults of Thetis belonged to Cape Sepias in Thessaly, where the Persians, having suffered heavy damage in a storm, sacrificed to her and the Nereids as local deities (Herodotus 7.191). A venerable Spartan cult of Thetis (Pausanias 3.14.4) may have inspired Alcman’s cosmological verses. Altars and thank offerings to the Nereids as a group, on the other hand, are relatively common. Like other marine deities, they could prevent disasters at sea. An early example is Sappho’s prayer to Cypris (Aphrodite) and the Nereids (fr. 5 Campbell) for the safe sea journey of her brother Charaxus. Ino/Leucothea, who was transformed into a Nereid after leaping from a cliff into the sea, saved Odysseus from drowning by giving him her magical veil (Odyssey 5.33–8). With her son Palaemon, also a sea-god and guardian of ships, Ino was honored at Poseidon’s sanctuary of Isthmia and elsewhere. Leucothea and Palaemon possessed a dual identity as drowned mortals (hence the chthonic and funerary elements in their cults) and as reborn gods who offered salvation to sailors in peril and the hope of an afterlife to those who drowned. Far more than the terrestrial nymphs, the Nereids were associated with death and rebirth. In epic, they play an important role as mourners of Patroclus and Achilles (Iliad 18.282–313; Odyssey 24.45–89), while post-Homeric literature and art focused on their ability to confer a blessed afterlife on the deceased, just as Thetis brought Achilles to the White Island in the Euxine where he was immortalized.”
 - Jennifer Larson, A Land Full of Gods: Nature Deities in Greek Religion, in A Companion to Greek Religion
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thebeautifulbook · 1 year
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SINT-ELMSVUUR [aka ST. ELMO’S FIRE] Cover design by Pieter Hofman (1919)
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freewayshark · 2 years
Fuck It Friday
Tagged by @clusterbuck ! Gonna do something a lil different and post a wip I started last night that I was really excited about for the entire like twenty minutes I was writing it and then got bored with instantly because I’m terrible like that 😂 but I don’t know, if what I post here sparks anyone’s interest maybe my interest will like. I don’t know, re-pique? Anyway, it’s ROUGH and also a Quantum Leap au lmfao because that whole thing Ben and Addison have going on is very buddie shaped
Buck wakes up and he immediately knows something is wrong.
He’s in the driver’s seat of an old, unfamiliar van. He looks down at himself and he’s in old fashioned clothes he doesn’t recognize, and there’s just something off that he can’t place.
Until he looks in the rearview mirror and the face staring back at him is a stranger’s.
He’s leapt out of the van before his brain even really registers the what the fuckery of what just happened. He stands on the sidewalk, gaping down at himself. Now that he’s seen his not reflection he can catalogue the things that had seemed off before. His hands are a little smaller, his center of gravity a little lower. He touches his hair, it’s a little longer than he remembers his being, the texture different as well.
“What the fuck,” he whispers. He looks around, spotting a movie theatre across the street, the marquee promoting showings for the Goonies and St. Elmo’s Fire. A record store next door has a poster for Live Aid, July 13th, 1985. “What the fuck,” he repeats, louder.
“Oh thank god, we found you,” a voice says behind him. He spins and comes face to face with the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen. Fluffy dark hair on top of big soft brown eyes, a tight green Henley doing little to cover up what Buck is sure is a mouth-watering physique.
“Do I know you?” He asks, and he regrets it for the way the man reacts like Buck had slapped him.
“I—” the man says, clearly thrown off. “We—we knew memory loss could be a side effect of a leap, but I still didn’t really expect…You really don’t know me?”
He studies the man. He somehow doesn’t feel like a stranger, but that’s about all Buck’s got. Well…He’s looking up, just slightly at him, and he has the same feeling of wrongness about that as he had when he’d looked down at himself. He’d wager he’s normally the taller of the two.
“Crazy question, but, since you obviously know me, do I uh. Look different?”
“Not to me. As your guide, you just look like you.”
“My guide? And what did you mean about a leap?”
“Uh, ok. We can handle this. It’s a lot to explain, but that’s ok. I—” the man is interrupted when a loud alarm sounds. They both whip towards the source, just as a group bursts out the front of the bank the van he’d woken up in was parked in front of.
They all have ski masks and loaded duffel bags, and they’re running straight towards Buck and the van.
“Nick, what the fuck? Get in the damn van,” one of them shouts, pausing and gesturing wildly at him.
“Nick?” He questions.
“Fuck ok, no time for explanations,” the gorgeous man says. “Uh, so, trust me here. They think you’re Nick, their getaway driver. So, you better drive.” And then, the most surprising thing of all happens, which is that one of the people running from the bank they’ve apparently robbed runs straight through the guy. He fritzes out for a second before looking perfectly solid and normal. “Oh yeah,” he adds. “I’m not really here. Just a hologram only you can see.”
“Nick!” One of the robbers shouts again, and Buck finally unglues his feet from the pavement and races back to the van. He jumps in, starts it, and peals out onto the street. And then promptly realizes he has no clue where he’s going.
Tagging @megslovesbooks @fiona-fififi @gayhoediaz @pettyeddiediaz @sibylsleaves @elvensorceress whassup
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unitedstatesofworld · 17 days
Rob Lowe Net Worth: How the Hollywood Star Built His $100 Million Fortune
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Ever wondered how Rob Lowe amassed a jaw-dropping net worth of $100 million? It’s no small feat! From being a heartthrob in the '80s to dominating television screens in shows like The West Wing and Parks and Recreation, Lowe's career spans decades, and so does his ability to stay relevant. But what exactly has contributed to his incredible fortune? Let’s dive deep into the world of Rob Lowe’s net worth and uncover the financial milestones that have led to his impressive success.
A Quick Look at Rob Lowe's Financial Portfolio
To understand Rob Lowe’s net worth, you have to look at the various sources of his income. Here’s a breakdown of what likely fuels his massive bank account:
Acting Career: Multiple roles in both film and television, with some iconic ones!
Directing and Producing: Rob has worked behind the camera too, increasing his earnings.
Brand Endorsements: Celebrity endorsements can make a big difference, and Lowe is no stranger to that game.
Real Estate Ventures: Smart investments can multiply wealth, and Lowe’s real estate deals seem to back that up.
Now that you’ve got a bird’s-eye view, let’s jump into the finer details!
Early Career: From Brat Pack to the Big Leagues
It all began in the 1980s when Rob Lowe became a member of the famous “Brat Pack,” a group of young actors that dominated the teen movie scene. Hits like St. Elmo's Fire and The Outsiders put him on the map. At the time, he wasn’t just acting; he was creating an empire! The paycheck may not have been in the millions then, but it sure set the stage for his future wealth.
But who knew that Rob Lowe’s net worth would skyrocket so dramatically?
As the '90s rolled around, Rob's career shifted gears. He moved from being just a teen sensation to a full-fledged adult actor, and with that came bigger paychecks!
The Transition from Films to Television
Lowe made a clever move by pivoting to television, and let’s be real – TV paid off in a huge way! His role in The West Wing earned him both critical acclaim and a fat paycheck. In fact, he reportedly earned $70,000 per episode! Not bad for someone who once graced magazine covers as a teen heartthrob, right?
It doesn’t stop there. With the success of Parks and Recreation, where he played the lovable health nut Chris Traeger, Lowe’s bank account kept growing. Rob Lowe’s net worth was skyrocketing by this point.
Beyond the Screen: Rob Lowe as a Director and Producer
Did you know that Rob Lowe isn’t just an actor? That’s right! He’s also made waves as a director and producer. From behind the camera, Lowe has directed several episodes of his hit shows and even ventured into directing films. These endeavors have significantly padded his already healthy net worth.
When Lowe stepped into the producer role, his earnings multiplied. It’s one thing to act, but it’s another to have control over the creative and financial aspects of a show. This added another layer to Rob Lowe’s net worth, pushing it further toward the nine-figure mark!
Lowe’s Smart Business Moves
Aside from showbiz, Rob Lowe has also made shrewd business decisions. He’s invested in real estate, flipping properties for millions! From beachfront properties in California to sprawling estates, these investments have been highly lucrative. The lesson? Diversifying your income streams is key!
How Brand Endorsements Boost Rob Lowe's Net Worth
When you’re a star, brands flock to you. And Lowe has taken full advantage of that. Over the years, he’s been the face of several major endorsements. These include deals with DirecTV and Atkins Nutritionals, just to name a few.
Each endorsement not only boosts his visibility but also fattens his wallet. After all, companies are willing to pay top dollar for someone as recognizable and charismatic as Rob Lowe. Could this be the secret sauce behind his staggering net worth?
Real Estate: Where Lowe Truly Strikes Gold
Lowe has a knack for real estate investments that have significantly contributed to his wealth. He and his wife, Sheryl Berkoff, have owned and sold multiple luxury homes over the years. These high-end properties often sell for millions above their purchase price, adding another layer of financial success to Lowe’s portfolio.
A Glimpse at His Lavish Properties
Santa Barbara Estate: Sold for a whopping $45 million!
Montecito Mansion: Purchased for $8.5 million and flipped for a huge profit.
Carpinteria Beach House: A coastal gem valued at several million dollars.
Rob Lowe’s eye for profitable real estate deals has played a substantial role in securing his financial future. It's clear that his knack for business goes beyond the silver screen.
How Has Rob Lowe’s Longevity Paid Off?
Many actors fade after their prime, but Rob Lowe has mastered the art of staying relevant. By continuously reinventing himself, Lowe has maintained a long and fruitful career. Whether it’s guest-starring roles or launching new ventures, he knows how to keep his name in lights.
This constant hustle has ensured that Rob Lowe’s net worth continues to grow, making him not just an actor but also a business powerhouse.
It’s no wonder Rob Lowe’s net worth has reached an estimated $100 million! His career, which spans decades, showcases his versatility and longevity in an ever-changing industry. From acting and directing to real estate and endorsements, Lowe has smartly diversified his income streams, ensuring that his fortune grows steadily.
What’s next for Rob Lowe? One thing’s for sure – whether it’s on the big screen or in the boardroom, Lowe shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
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getjoys · 6 months
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Showbiz Success Story: Inside Rob Lowe's Multimillion-Dollar Net Worth
Born on March 17, 1964, in Charlottesville, Virginia, Rob Lowe emerged as a beacon of talent in the vast expanse of the entertainment world. From the tender age of childhood, Lowe’s affinity for the dramatic arts shone through in school productions and local theater performances. His innate charisma and raw talent hinted at a future luminosity that would dazzle audiences worldwide.
Rob Lowe’s family 
Rob Lowe’s family plays a significant role in shaping the essence of who he is. Born to parents Chuck and Barbara Lowe, Rob grew up in a supportive and nurturing environment that fostered his passion for the performing arts. Additionally, Lowe’s family extends to his wife, Sheryl Berkoff, and their two sons, Matthew and John Owen Lowe.
Throughout his career, Lowe has spoken fondly of his family, crediting them for their unwavering love and support during both the triumphs and trials of his life. Family values and connections remain central to Lowe’s identity, serving as a grounding force amidst the glitz and glamor of Hollywood.
The Brat Pack Era: A Teenage Heartthrob Rises
The 1980s ushered in the era of the “Brat Pack,” a collective of young, promising actors destined to leave an indelible mark on the silver screen. Among them, Rob Lowe stood out as a luminary, his performances in seminal films like “The Outsiders” and “St. Elmo’s Fire” captivating audiences and critics alike. With his chiseled features and magnetic presence, Lowe became the epitome of a teenage heartthrob, gracing magazine covers and adorning bedroom walls with equal fervor.
Triumph Over Turmoil: A Scandal’s Shadow
However, fame often comes with its share of trials, and for Lowe, adversity struck in 1988 with a scandal that threatened to eclipse his burgeoning career. A highly publicized incident involving a sex tape shook the foundations of his reputation and cast a shadow over his Hollywood dreams. Yet, true to his resilient spirit, Lowe refused to be defined by the scandal, embarking on a journey of redemption that would ultimately define his legacy.
Television Triumphs: The Small Screen Beckons
Lowe’s transition to television proved to be a masterstroke, as he seamlessly traversed the medium with the same finesse as his silver screen endeavors. His portrayal of the charismatic Sam Seaborn in “The West Wing” earned him critical acclaim and a legion of devoted fans. Subsequent roles in acclaimed series like “Brothers & Sisters” and “Parks and Recreation” solidified his status as a television icon, ensuring his enduring presence in living rooms across the globe.
A Renaissance Man: Beyond Acting’s Confines
Yet, Rob Lowe’s ambitions extend far beyond the confines of acting. As a multi-faceted artist, he has delved into producing, directing, and hosting with equal aplomb. His creative vision and entrepreneurial spirit have led him to helm various projects across diverse mediums, from television series to feature films, showcasing his versatility and depth as a filmmaker.
Rob Lowe Net Worth
Reports estimate Rob Lowe net worth to be a testament to his financial acumen....... Read More
Source: Getjoys
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maypoleman1 · 1 year
2nd June
St Elmo’s Day/ Whit Friday
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Saint Elmo. Source: FindAGrave.com
Today is St Elmo’s Day and, in 2023, is also Whit Friday.
St Elmo’s main distinction is the manner of his death, of which there are two accounts, neither particularly pleasant. In one the saint is covered in pitch and set alight (several times) and in the other poor Elmo’s bowels are wound from his body with a windlass. The windlass remains St Elmo’s emblem and, perhaps mockingly, he is the patron saint of stomach disorders. The tarring and burning death led to St Elmo being associated with the electrical flashes of light seen around a ship’s mast during a storm, known as St Elmo’s Fire.
Whit Friday is the traditional date for Whit Walks in the north of England, the largest gatherings being in Salford and Manchester. They began life as a practical welcoming of the long days of early summer but were eventually taken up as charitable fund raising events by the pre-Welfare State Friendly Societies.
During this weekend Robert Dover’s Olimpick Games take place, dating from the early seventeenth century, in Chipping Camden, and are held to be the oldest athletic events in Britain. They are a robust affair including such self explanatory events as cudgels, wrestling, pitching the bar, throwing the iron hammer, leaping over the heads of men kneeling and the best avoided shin-kicking.
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incorrectwings · 6 years
You are just pissed off and bitter because you have not had sex in… how long? What is it… a year… maybe two? Refresh my memory please, Denny. Haven’t you heard of the sexual revolution?
Paul McCartney to Denny Laine
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totallycorrectbands · 4 years
Dave Davies: You are just pissed off and bitter because you have not had sex in... how long? What is it... a year... maybe two? Refresh my memory please, Mick. Haven't you heard of the sexual revolution?
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Cadet: D-d-d-don't you enjoy anything anymore...like g-g-girls?
Duck Dodgers: I enjoy being afraid of Mars. It's a harmleths fear, but it makes Earth feel better, Earth gets an inflated sthenthse of planetary worth from our paranoia. How's that?
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Love sucks.
Charlie Brown
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mogwai-movie-house · 2 years
The 100 Best Films of The 1980s
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The second golden age of the dream factory, ranked and rated high-to-low:
1. Blade Runner (1982) ★★★★★★★★★★ 2. Stardust Memories (1980) ★★★★★★★★★★ 3. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) ★★★★★★★★★★ 4. Withnail & I (1987) ★★★★★★★★★★ 5. Raging Bull (1980) ★★★★★★★★★★ 6. The Terminator (1984) ★★★★★★★★★★ 7. Blood Simple (1984) ★★★★★★★★★★ 8. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) ★★★★★★★★★★ 9. Ghostbusters (1984) ★★★★★★★★★★ 10. Back to the Future (1985) ★★★★★★★★★★  11. Wings of Desire (1987) ★★★★★★★★★★ 12. Dead Poets Society (1989) ★★★★★★★★★★ 13. Airplane! (1980) ★★★★★★★★★★ 14. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) ★★★★★★★★★★ 15. The Fly (1986) ★★★★★★★★★★ 16. Tootsie (1982) ★★★★★★★★★★ 17. The Name of the Rose (1986) ★★★★★★★★★½ 18. Trading Places (1983) ★★★★★★★★★½ 19. Aliens (1986) ★★★★★★★★★½ 20. The Thing (1982) ★★★★★★★★★½ 21. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) ★★★★★★★★★½ 22. Zelig (1983) ★★★★★★★★★½ 23. The Dead Zone (1983) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 24. Dangerous Liaisons (1988) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 25. The Big Chill (1983) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 26. The King of Comedy (1982) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 27. First Blood (1982) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 28. The Shining (1980) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 29. Videodrome (1983) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 30. The Long Good Friday (1980) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 31. WarGames (1983) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 32. Angel Heart (1987) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 33. Splash (1984) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 34. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) ★★★★★★★★★☆ 35. The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 36. Romancing the Stone (1984) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 37. The Man with Two Brains (1983) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 38. Coming to America (1988) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 39. ¡Three Amigos! (1986) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 40. Somewhere in Time (1980) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 41. Back to the Future Part III (1990) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 42. Jean de Florette (1986) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 43. Amadeus (1984) ★★★★★★★★½☆  44.  Big (1988) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 45. Blue Velvet (1986) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  46. Down by Law (1986) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 47.  The Killing Fields (1984) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 48. Stand by Me (1986) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 49. Return of the Jedi (1983) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 50. Das Boot (1981) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 51. Beetlejuice (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 52. RoboCop (1987) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  53. The Princess Bride (1987) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  54. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 55. Broadway Danny Rose (1984) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 56. The Naked Gun (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 57. Manon des Sources (1986) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 58. Crocodile Dundee (1986) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  59. The Cat Came Back (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 60. Rain Man (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 61. Rumble Fish (1983) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 62. Witness (1985) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 63. Stir Crazy (1980) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 64. Blow Out (1981) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 65. Gandhi (1982) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 66. Leningrad Cowboys Go America (1989) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 67. Time Bandits (1981) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 68. St. Elmo's Fire (1985) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 69. Beverly Hills Cop (1984) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  70. Dead Ringers (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 71. The Elephant Man (1980) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 72. The Breakfast Club (1985) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 73. Class (1983) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 74. Purple Rain (1984) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 75. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 76. Raising Arizona (1987) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 77. Scrooged (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 78. Heathers (1988) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  79. Body Heat (1981) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 80. Blue Thunder (1983) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 81. Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (1982) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 82. Brazil (1985) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 83. Batman (1989) ★★★★★★★★☆☆  84.  My Left Foot (1989) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 85. Cocoon (1985) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 86. Barfly (1987) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 87. Starman (1984) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 88. Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) ★★★★★★★½☆☆   89. Birdy (1984) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 90. Wall Street (1987) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 91. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 92. Without a Clue (1988) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 93. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 94. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 95. The Vanishing (1988) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 96. The Karate Kid (1984) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 97. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 98. An American Werewolf in London (1981) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 99. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 100. True Stories (1986) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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cobaincreates · 4 years
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warnings: freshly served smut :), oral (male receiving), 18+
count: 4k+
this is part one & wow i really did that. taglist is totally open by the way! let me know what you think!
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what the hell was it about veins sticking out of an arm that had you nearly drooling? they shouldn’t be so attractive, yet here you were in a deep trance thinking about licking the prominent flexing of them in a specific forearm. you supposed it was your brain sending a slew of chemicals through your body, making your heartbeat spread from your chest to your fingertips. the longer you stared at the tiny mounds, the quicker the thrum of your heart spread to your center. science wasn’t really your strong suit, so you didn’t dare try to knit pick the core reason you were feeling a little (very) hot (and bothered).
if you could push down with the pad of your thumb at the peak of the vein, you’d most likely be grossed out, but it’d be intriguing to see it bloom back to its original place. you’d feel the warmth underneath the buttery skin, maybe even feel the pulse of a heartbeat. god, what you’d give to just—
you jerked, eyelids fluttering as you processed where you were and why sarah was holding a large bowl out to you. the contents were leafy greens with pops of orange and yellow peppers. a few cherry tomatoes poked from under the blanket of lettuce. right, you thought, dinner. on the cameron’s boat. where you’d been for the past seven hours.
“you okay?” she asked slowly as your hands moved to life to take the bowl from her.
“mhm,” you hummed and picked out a good amount of salad to have. you then placed the tongs back in the bowl and held it across the table. catching sight of those veins from earlier, you swallowed thickly and flicked your eyes to a very interesting pepper.
“thanks.” sarah’s brother said as he lifted the weight from your hands. you swallowed again and sat up straight as the sounds of silverware scooping from dishes continued. once everyone had what they wanted and a conversation had started, you dove into your salad like it was your last meal on earth.
you stole a few glances directly across from you, your eyes skimming over rafe’s skin under his light blue t-shirt. it wasn’t helping that he was moving, making the veins pop more whenever he used his muscles in his forearm. you busied yourself with your food and nearly choked when rafe caught your glance. you thought you were being sly and not obvious in your stare, but you caught a glimpse of that tiny little curve at the corner of his mouth as he chewed.
you’d known the camerons for some time now, thanks to your parents mingling once you moved to the island. you had sparked an instant joy to having sarah cameron as one of your best friends and you loved her so much that it hurt even worse when you finally met her older, very infamous brother. it was like you’d been struck by lightning. you were left with a sensation you couldn’t quite put your finger on. sometimes it felt like the jolts of electricity whenever you caught his eye.
you weren’t in love. you knew that much. you were just very, very attracted to rafe. a perfect example would be your ridiculous obsession with the veins in his arms. god, why were they so addicting?
“what are you girls up to tonight?” rose, sarah’s stepmother, questioned from beside you. you chewed the food in your mouth, not quite tasting it as you waited for sarah to answer. you honestly had no idea what you planned to do during your sleepover.
“probably junk food and rom-coms.” sarah answered easily.
you were fine with the suggestion; it was usually what you two did during sleepovers. sometimes you’d sneak out to meet your friends at the boneyard, but it had been months since the last kegger and you weren’t exactly fond of the memory. maybe sarah would ditch you for a secret rendezvous with john b again, which would leave you in her room all by yourself. you could imagine yourself spread out on her floor, listening for soft shuffles in the hallway, and looking for rafe to come through the door. you shifted in your seat, coming back to reality on the cameron boat.
“when are we heading back?” wheezie asked, looking at ward at the head of the table.
“are we boring you?” rafe asked, causing your attention to shift from the youngest cameron to the oldest. and sexiest.
“i have plans tonight and to be honest, i'd much rather be anywhere but here.”
“you weren’t dragged on the boat. you had a choice to come just like any of us.” sarah said.
you looked at her then gauged wheezie’s reaction. she just sighed and sank into her seat. you pushed around a few noodles from the pasta salad rose had made earlier this morning.
“we’ll head out as soon as everyone is done.” ward said, reaching over to pat wheezie on the back of the hand.
sarah, wheezie, rafe, and you were on cleanup duty while ward prepped the boat to head back to tannyhill. you stacked all the dishes and brought them over to sarah at the sink in the makeshift kitchen. wheezie was on drying duty, leaving rafe to take care of the leftovers and cover all of the dishes back up. you watched for a moment as he picked up one of the dishes that was nearly empty and threw the rest out in the trash. you held your hands out for it to bring to sarah and he smiled at you.
“rafe!” you looked up at the sound of ward’s voice floating from above then over at rafe. “come up here please!”
rafe brushed his hands off on his thighs and moved around the table. “can you cover the rest?”
“sure.” you nodded and reached across the table for the pasta salad. a hot warmth appeared on your waist as rafe brushed past you, his hand touching your skin. you swallowed as the contact sent a whole heatwave through you and watched his back as he walked out onto the lower deck, his shirt brightening under the sun. going back to covering the food up, you turned around to bring them to rose who brought over the cooler. just as you did, you realized that rafe touching you had no correlation between needing to get by. he had perfectly enough space to do so in the dining area and kitchen. nothing was blocking his way.
“i'm really upset that i didn’t get to witness rob lowe in the 80s in person. like, really upset.” sarah whined with her hands over her eyes.
“he had no right with that hair and that stupid earring.” you said, arms crossed with a pout on your face.
“and that jumpsuit!” you both cried in unison then laughed loudly. st. elmo’s fire had been a whirlwind of emotions, strictly from rob lowe’s appearance. it just wasn’t fair to be born so late.
“okay,” sarah said as she snuggled further under her covers. “i'm exhausted.”
“no follow up with the outsiders?”
“say hi to rob lowe for me. night.” she said and turned onto her side with her back to you. the tv was still rolling the credits before you stopped it and got out of her bed to change the discs. you weren’t ready to sleep just yet. maybe seeing dally would coax you to dream of greased up characters played by actors who were now twice your age.
given that it was only eleven, it was too early for sarah to be going to sleep. usually she was all for staying up until three and munching on popcorn or playing a board game with dice. you knew she was only falling asleep early because john b had texted her about an early morning date he wanted to take her on. it was so disgustingly cute how quickly she wanted to sleep after reading his words. so while she fell asleep, you tried to focus on ponyboy and his dyed blonde locks instead of the veiny-armed off-limits cameron across the hall.
obviously, you failed. by the time it was nearing two and you already turned the tv off, you still weren’t tired. the ceiling wasn’t moving closer to you or providing any interesting details as you continued to stare up at it. your heart beat rhythmically throughout your body as you thought about the instance of rafe touching you today. you closed your eyes and felt his warm hand on your waist again, but then you felt it moving all over you. sarah made a small noise in her sleep as rafe’s hand was gliding over your stomach.
your eyes opened, his hand disappearing, and a huff leaving your lips. you looked toward sarah’s door, shut tight and separating you from her family, from her brother. you covered your eyes and rolled away from your sleeping best friend. you peeked through your fingers, looking where you last placed your phone and debating on sending an innocent text. maybe you could pretend you meant to send it to someone else. but maybe rafe would find it weird since you didn’t have a texting history with him. no, it would be too obvious.
rubbing your face, you sighed again and sat up. you needed a drink of water. the glass that sat beside you was empty from earlier and you and sarah had exhausted all the stashed drinks from your earlier preparations.
closing her door quietly behind you so you wouldn’t wake her, or anyone for that matter, you breathed a little easier and found your way to the stairs. about three steps down, you noticed a faint light from the ground floor, but you guessed it was a nightlight just in case anyone like you came down, looking for a snack or drink.
the tiled floor was crisply cold under your feet, sending a shiver up your bare legs and eliciting goosebumps on all exposed skin. you wound your arms across your chest for some semblance of warmth.
the chill you felt two seconds ago reappeared as you entered the large kitchen and found the source of the light coming from the fridge. it wasn’t a nightlight like you thought.
rafe stood there illuminated by the light, very shirtless and sweatpants hanging very low on his hips. you swallowed as you watched him munching on something.
“hey,” you whispered quietly so you wouldn’t scare him.
he looked over, stopping mid-bite. “hey. you okay?”
“yeah. just came to get some water.” you held the glass up as proof and stepped carefully to the sink installed in the island. rafe had a slew of condiments spread out on the countertop and you glanced over them curiously as you filled the glass. he had made himself a sandwich, the other half not in his hand sitting on a plate beside you. just as you turned the water off, his hand appeared and slid the plate over.
“you hungry?”
turning slightly and placing your hip against the island, you knew you needed something to lean on from the way he looked right now. as if you hadn’t just been thinking about him upstairs, it all came rushing back.
“don’t you want it?” you asked, taking a shaky sip from the glass.
rafe shook his head and swallowed his next bite. “i'd rather you eat it if you’re hungry.”
you looked away from him and picked up the sandwich, taking a small bite. rafe reached into the fridge and pulled out the pasta salad. fishing for a fork from the silverware drawer beside you, he leaned his elbows on the island and pierced a few noodles. you looked away from the muscles in his shoulders and took another bite in silence.
“it was nice having you on the boat today.” rafe said without prompt. you stopped chewing as you gauged his expression. “did you have fun?”
it was difficult to answer when he was looking at you as if you looked stunning in a tank top and sleep shorts. it was two in the morning. you should’ve been sleeping. but your heart leapt at his question.
“i did.” you nodded once you swallowed the next bite. you then thought about his hand on your waist and felt those shivers all over again like someone had opened a door behind you, letting the wintriest winter air in.
you decided on one more bite even though you weren’t hungry at all and now you were feeling rather nauseous with the way your stomach was rolling and leaping and doing all kinds of things. all the while, your heart started to beat louder in your chest. your fingers pulsed. rafe pushed off the counter, trapping the fork in between his lips to hold as he closed the container and put it back in the fridge. it was darker once he closed it, taking away any light so you couldn’t watch him as closely.
but once your eyes adjusted, you watched rafe come closer. you pressed yourself up against the counter, knowing that he needed to get to the sink when he took the fork from his mouth. you picked up your glass, taking a generous gulp. the water failed to distract you as rafe’s hand appeared on your hip, his chest brushing against you as he put the fork in the sink. your skin was totally exposed to his since your tank top had ridden up. you let out a shaky breath into the glass, your eyes closing momentarily until his hand disappeared and he stood next to you.
“why do you keep doing that?” you asked, your voice shaking a bit but you hoped he didn’t notice.
“doing what?” he busied himself with cleaning up the countertop. you stared at his back as he opened the fridge again.
“touching me.” you said. he turned to grab the packaged cheese, opening the drawer to drop it into. it annoyed you that he wasn’t paying attention or giving you all of his attention. “you’re either doing it just because or you’re trying to tell me something.”
rafe closed the fridge and gave you a questioning look. “you don’t touch people, rafe,” you clarified.
“how are you so sure?”
you wanted to groan about him playing dumb with you. why couldn’t he just tell you?
“because i've known you for a while now, at least i think i do, and i've never once seen you touch someone else.” rafe picked up the dish with your half the sandwich on it and tossed it into the trash. you stepped back so he could reach into the sink to leave the plate there. “so, what is it?”
“isn’t it obvious?” he questioned, frustrating you even further. you were getting confused, getting off track of trying to figure him out. you wanted to pull at your hair. why did he have to be mysterious all of the sudden?
“what do you want from me?” you questioned, hoping you’d get to the bottom of it. sure, you had ideas of what his answer would be, but you weren’t going to do anything until he told you himself.
your mouth nearly dropped open when he took your glass and downed a long sip. becoming angry, you reached up and took the glass from him, splashing a bit of water on his face from the sudden movement. he held in a laugh, water still in his mouth.
the grin fell from his face as you wedged yourself between him and the countertop. you knew you’d only done it out of frustration from his lack of answer. he was driving you crazy. rafe stared down at you, moving his hips away from yours very noticeably while his hands found your waist for extra measure. you looked at him almost daringly, trying to egg him on.
when he stayed put on his decision not to say much, you found your hands appearing over top of his. they were warm on your waist and under your palms. the hammer of your pulse started to feel like a cartoon character was taking a mallet and whacking as fast as they could to your insides.
you couldn’t describe how it felt touching rafe’s forearms finally after stressing over them hours earlier. if you had stayed a little while longer, you might have felt his own pulse through the vein. instead, you wanted to learn the contours of his biceps all the way up to his shoulders.
“this would be a lot easier if you just told me what you wanted.” you whispered like you’d done when you first walked into the kitchen.
rafe’s fingers dug a little deeper into your skin and his hips hovered over yours like they weren’t even there. you swallowed thickly and watched your fingers run down his chest, his torso that flexed faintly you thought you missed it like missing a sunset change color. rafe stayed still even as you traced his jutting hipbone down into his sweats. you lifted your eyes to his, finding his lips parted and slick. you licked at your own, watching his eyes never leave your face as you felt him through the fabric of his pants. he let out a shaky breath. his hips moved ever so slightly.
you stroked him once, painstakingly slow from the soft lift of his eyebrows. his eyes nearly slipped closed when his forehead sank to yours. it was as if he was so weak, he couldn’t stand to be touched. it made the mallet in your chest hammer harder.
the second time you stroked over him, tightening your grip a little, rafe let out a noise and shook his head softly against yours.
“what?” you prompted.
rafe removed a hand from your waist to catch your wrist. “not here.” he squeezed out and pulled away reluctantly before tugging you along.
you watched his back, taking in a few shaky breaths. you focused on controlling your breathing as he opened one of the french doors that led out onto the wrap-around porch. the air was cooler than the one you just shared with rafe. it was refreshing as it helped you relax. you heard a few chirps of the insects and the bloats from a few frogs somewhere closer to the marsh.
rafe led you over to the patio furniture. he sat down in one of rose’s white wicker chairs, creaking under his weight. he tried to pull you with him but wasn’t expecting you to sink down to your knees in front of him. he sat up in confusion, his hands resting on your shoulders as he watched you reach for his sweatpants. you needed them to come off, or at least be pulled down. you needed to taste him.
rafe’s hands slipped from your shoulders as he leaned back so you could tug his pants down. you bit your lip rather harshly as the sight of him. the whacking continued and sounded louder in your ears. you wanted to cry out of joy and laugh ridiculously at the vein running up the underside of him. you had to swallow to control the salivating, like a kid anticipating chocolate cake for breakfast.
the moon wasn’t even out, but you could see rafe’s arousal on his tip. you reached for it, wrapping your hand around him like a blanket. rafe heaved a breath.
“is this what you wanted?” you asked him, running your thumb over him and collecting the warm liquid.
rafe groaned. “oh, fuck. yes.”
you rubbed his thigh as your other hand moved over him slowly. the hairs tickled under your palm as you brought it all the way up and settled over his hip. you rubbed your thumb over him again, eyeing that vein that seemed to be taunting you now. rising higher on your knees, you looked up at rafe’s expectant and waiting gaze.
“tell me, rafe.”
you drew your lips between your teeth, waiting patiently for him to speak. he looked down at you between his legs and held back a moan as your hand moved over him. “i want you to suck my dick. fuck,” he panted in anticipation. “i want those pretty lips wrapped around me. please.”
you breathed in deeply with excitement, careful not to show it so you didn’t blow your cover of how badly you’d been wanting to do this. would he think it was ridiculous?
lowering your face closer, you dragged your hand to the base of him and pressed a kiss to his tip. you coated your lips with his arousal and wondered if he was coming undone at the seams. what did you look like, between his knees, on your own? you saw his hands reaching to grip the armrests at the precise moment you stuck your tongue out, finally tasting him. it was an innocent lick, probably showcasing just how anxious you were to have him in your mouth. but once you had that initial first taste, you were gone.
“oh, fuck.” he repeated, his chest heaving. you licked him again then traveled down the length of him in open-mouthed kisses. feeling that vein against your lips sent a large wave of shivers to your core. you hummed in delight to yourself without realizing until rafe’s hand appeared over yours on his hip. catching his eye at the right moment, you tilted your head upright, flattened your tongue on the underside of him, and licked all the way up that delicious vein. rafe’s face screwed up in agony, but you weren’t even done yet.
taking his tip between your lips, you applied the slightest bit of pressure. you swirled your tongue, moving your hand around him at the same time. “shit,” he said as his hips flinched off the chair in return, rutting into your mouth further. his fingers appeared at the side of your head, pushing into your hair. “fuck, baby, keep going.”
you did as he said, closing your eyes and willing yourself not to choke. you were unsuccessful as you gagged and recoiled off of him.
“go slow,” he coaxed and loosened his hold on your hair. your cheeks began to burn from the embarrassment. rafe rubbed soothingly into your scalp. you tried to relax; you didn’t want to stop now just because you couldn’t take all of him. you breathed through your nose and concentrated on taking him slowly. you took a little past his tip, sucking your lips around him. the second time, you took a little more and licked back up that vein.
“good girl,” he praised, reminding you that he was there and that you were doing okay. the phrase alone sent ripples down your spine.
minutes later with rafe’s grip on your hair not hurting anymore, he rutted his hips and pushed himself into your mouth. you took him, quite surprised at your ability to do so, but it felt good.
“y/n, i'm gonna come.” he gasped. the new opportunity had you rolling with determination as you moved your mouth over him. he groaned louder and for the first time, you thought about his sleeping family inside. god, what if you were caught? what if someone had already heard everything?
the possibility edged you on to go faster, to make rafe explode into your mouth. you then thought about tasting him, all of him, about how you’d have him in your system. it seemed weird almost, but you didn’t care as you listened to him coming undone beneath you and felt his fingers in your hair. he swore left and right just before you made your own noise, surprised, when he finally did come undone. he spilled into your mouth, coating your tongue. you slowed your movements over him, helping him through his high as his chest heaved.
you sank back onto your legs once you parted from him. you licked your lips, swallowing, and wiped the corner of your mouth. it was almost criminal the way you had the dark to hide your grin, like it was an accomplice. you looked up at rafe still lounged in the chair and felt another heatwave at the sight of him glistening in his lap. what you wouldn’t give to have another go.
“fuck.” he sighed to himself once he caught his breath. “where are you going?”
you looked down at him when you stood, adjusting your shorts. when you saw how he was looking up at you, you wanted to do everything you could to just crawl into his lap and stay there, to have the sun never come up. instead, you knew tomorrow had to come. “to bed. i'm tired.”
for a second, you pleaded with the universe to have him ask you to sleep with him. you wanted to walk upstairs hand-in-hand and close yourselves in his bedroom. you wanted to lay down under his covers, to have him touch you until the sun came up. but you knew you couldn’t risk that all in one night. you could wait, only if he wanted to.
⭐️taglist of beauties & babes!⭐️
@tovvaa​ @fttayla @dontjinx-it @moniamaybank @drewstarkeygf @cheshirecat107​ @jjmaybankzz​ @obxcunt @honeyyhemmings @dvakat @macey730 @twinklelilstarkey @disrecpectful @prettylilwolf-blog @jjcanloveme
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portalibis · 2 years
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The third group of elementals is the salamanders, or spirits of fire, who live in that attenuated, spiritual ether which is the invisible fire element of Nature. Without them material fire cannot exist; a match cannot be struck nor will flint and steel give off their spark without the assistance of a salamander, who immediately appears (so the mediæval mystics believed), evoked by friction. Man is unable to communicate successfully with the salamanders, owing to the fiery element in which they dwell, for everything is resolved to ashes that comes into their presence. By specially prepared compounds of herbs and perfumes the philosophers of the ancient world manufactured many kinds of incense. When incense was burned, the vapors which arose were especially suitable as a medium for the expression of these elementals, who, by borrowing the ethereal effluvium from the incense smoke, were able to make their presence felt.
The salamanders are as varied in their grouping and arrangement as either the undines or the gnomes. There are many families of them, differing in appearance, size, and dignity. Sometimes the salamanders were visible as small balls of light. Paracelsus says: "Salamanders have been seen in the shapes of fiery balls, or tongues of fire, running over the fields or peering in houses." (Philosophia Occulta, translated by Franz Hartmann.)
Mediæval investigators of the Nature spirits were of the opinion that the most common form of salamander was lizard-like in shape, a foot or more in length, and visible as a glowing Urodela, twisting and crawling in the midst of the fire. Another group was described as huge flaming giants in flowing robes, protected with sheets of fiery armor. Certain mediæval authorities, among them the Abbé de Villars, held that Zarathustra (Zoroaster) was the son of Vesta (believed to have been the wife of Noah) and the great salamander Oromasis. Hence, from that time onward, undying fires have been maintained upon the Persian altars in honor of Zarathustra's flaming father.
One most important subdivision of the salamanders was the Acthnici. These creatures appeared only as indistinct globes. They were supposed to float over water at night and occasionally to appear as forks of flame on the masts and rigging of ships (St. Elmo's fire). The salamanders were the strongest and most powerful of the elementals, and had as their ruler a magnificent flaming spirit called Djin, terrible and awe-inspiring in appearance. The salamanders were dangerous and the sages were warned to keep away from them, as the benefits derived from studying them were often not commensurate with the price paid. As the ancients associated heat with the South, this corner of creation was assigned to the salamanders as their drone, and they exerted special influence over all beings of fiery or tempestuous temperament. In both animals and men, the salamanders work through the emotional nature by means of the body heat, the liver, and the blood stream. Without their assistance there would be no warmth.
Pic. Source: Amorum emblemata, figuris aeneis incisa by Veen, Otto van, 1556-1629 c. 1608 https://archive.org/details/amorumemblemataf00veen/page/3/mode/1up
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doloresgifs · 4 years
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hi darling ! clicking in this post’s source link you’ll find #150 gif-icons ( 100x100 ) of demi moore in the film st. elmo’s fire. the gifs were made by me from scratch, as a commissioned request. use them with love : do not redistribute or claim my work as your own. and if you find this content useful, please reblog it and give me a heart .
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