#source: DK Country
For disclaimer, I don't own Candy Kong.
The art (c) @yourstrulylightstar283/bananamarioslamma234(Me)
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artificial-horizon · 1 year
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TIL about Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman, a badass aviation pioneer who was the first Black and Native American woman to obtain a pilot's licence. Not sure if the Americans of Tumblr already know about her, but as a Brit I unfortunately did not until now, so I wanted to share her story here! (Image IDs in alt text.)
Born in Texas on January 26, 1892, Bessie was the tenth of thirteen children in a family of sharecroppers. From the age of six, she attended a small, segregated school, where she excelled as a student and eventually won a scholarship to the Missionary Baptist Church School aged 12. When she turned 18, she moved to Langston, Oklahoma to study at the Oklahoma Colored Agricultural and Normal University, but had to drop out after one semester due to financial difficulties and returned to work at the acorn fields back home.
When she was 24, Bessie moved to Chicago, Illinois and worked as a manicurist in a barber shop, where she discovered her passion for aviation after hearing the stories of some of the clients, who had been pilots during World War One. She then decided to become a pilot herself, taking on a second job to save up for flight school. However, no flight schools in the US would admit Black or women students, so another of the barber shop's clients, Robert Abbott - a Black philanthropist and publisher of the Chicago Defender newspaper - suggested that she move to France and learn to fly there. He and Jesse Binga, another Black philanthropist and banker, gave her the financial support to do this, so in November 1920, Bessie set off for France to begin her training.
On June 15, 1921, Bessie Coleman was awarded an international pilot's licence by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, becoming both the first Black woman and the first American to do so. Following this, she returned to the US, but found it difficult to make a living as a pilot, as commercial flight did not yet exist - her only option was to become a stunt (aerobatic) pilot. Once again, the US's racism and misogyny prevented her from receiving stunt training there, so in 1922 she went back to France, and by September that year was back home again for her first stunt flight. On September 3, Labor Day, she became the first Black woman to stage a public flight in the US, flying at a show sponsored by the Chicago Defender and held in honour of the veterans of the all-Black 369th Infantry Regiment of WWI.
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Bessie soon became a media sensation, earning herself the nickname "Queen Bess" and performing at air shows across the US and Europe in a Curtiss JN-4 "Jenny" biplane (example pictured above). She refused to fly at any shows that did not permit Black people to attend, and went on speaking tours at schools and churches to encourage fellow Black aspiring aviators to take to the skies. Her dream was to open a flight school to train Black pilots, and she tirelessly raised money for this with her shows.
Sadly, on April 30, 1926, while flying with her mechanic William D. Wills, Bessie's plane unexpectedly went out of control and dove into the ground, killing both of them. An investigation revealed that this had been caused by a wrench that had been accidentally left in the plane and had jammed its controls. It was a devastating loss, and her funeral, which was held in Chicago and led by Ida B. Wells, was attended by around 10,000 people. In 1929, the Bessie Coleman Aero Club was founded to continue her work promoting Black participation in aviation, and to this day there are several scholarships in her name aimed at high school students interested in careers in aviation.
"I knew we had no aviators, so I thought it my duty to risk my life to learn." - Bessie Coleman
Fly high, Queen Bess, blue skies forever! 🛩💙
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suppermariobroth · 22 days
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Some of the earliest concept artwork for Donkey Kong's design in Donkey Kong Country. At this point, the iconic DK tie has not been added to the design yet.
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smallmariofindings · 3 months
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Original concept layout for the beginning segment of Jungle Hijinxs, the first level of Donkey Kong Country (note DK's treehouse on the first screen), drawn on sticky notes during the game's development process.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
there’s so much misinfo going round atm, see lots of people saying that after jk enlists with jm and does the boot camp he can apply for some special ???something and will leave separately where he is stationed or that just because jk / jm are enlisting on same day, they only will do basic training together then go to separate places ? and that they only chose the enlisting together option because it meant they could make sure they were out in time for june ?
ik it’s a bit hard to follow maybe with different sources and not real confirmation but do you know if any of it is true? my understanding was that they did the “enlisting together” scheme thing, (ie. it’s a purposeful application, they knew they were choosing this way) which meant they’ll at least be in same living quarters etc the whole time until they’re out ?
sorry for long Q! it’s ok if you dk it was just confusing D; thank you!
Hi anon. 😳 I am terrible when it comes to the serious stuff and have the attention span of a toddler when such topics arise. My mind registers them as boring and so I don't retain the in4. But my friends delved deep into this so I will gather as much as I can and do my best to explain the sitch
Let me start by correcting the biggest misinformation of them all. Thanks to fucking Mina with her fake subs and reaching conclusions, the vermin are confusing "Special Task Force" with "Special Forces"
JK said he wanted to join special forces. Well and good
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But thats not what V is doing. V applied for Special Task Force which, while not easy (he said in the live its why he enlisted there, to challenge himself) its nothing compared to special forces. Special forces is HARD CORE. Its no joke. It's for those who actually want to go to war and proper fight for their country. Not for those fulfilling a mandatory duty... One they wouldn't do if they had the choice. Special forces, those people actually wanna be there. And if u know JK then u shouldn't be surprised that he would say something like this. Of course our dare devil bunny would enjoy joining something as risky as special forces.
But guess what? No one stopped him. He still could have gone there if he really wanted to. Just like in Winter package. No one told him to give up zip lining for beer tasting. He did that off his own volition since Jimin was going beer tasting. JK's happiness is where Jimin is. Period. (Suga's presence played a big part but we don't talk about Yoonmin)
(Edit: the whole thing takes almost 8 years to complete which again, is not something JK would actually do if he wanted to still stay a member of BTS. And of course satellite Jeon would again, never do it)
Jikook wanted to use the buddy system and they applied where Jin is on purpose because since the location is so risky, (front lines) not alot of people apply to serve there. So the chances of them being accepted were pretty high. I already talked a bit about that here.
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Coldest and most dangerous. But before we panic, Jikook love snow so... thats good. But also;
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2 things to note before we continue; 1) Tattoos are a none factor on why Jikook applied together or why JK couldn't be with V. They had 0 to do with that. And 2) All members and where they ended up it was their decision
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So, here is a Korean explaining
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They shall not be separated. They will train together and continue to serve together
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One body. Shiet.
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Nice. Even the breaks they will take together. Basically spend every minute together for those 18 months y'all.
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They had to pass 3 rounds. Applying wasn't all. They had rounds to pass before getting accepted. So as we can see this was a whole ass process. They really worked hard on this to make it happen.
Apparently there is a show you can watch that explains the buddy system. Its 8 episodes, its called real man
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The holding hands thing is legit 🤣🤣🤣
Jikook shouldn't have an issue then 🤭
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Anon, people are in denial and the other half are trying to explain this away. If Jikook only went in together just so they could come out at the same time then they could have done what Vmon did. Apply separately at the same time.
This is one tough pill to swallow for antis. It's like the biggest fuck u Jikook could have ever done but at the same time I really don't think they factored anyone else but themselves when they made this decision.
18 months is no small amount of time so let's call a spade a spade; Jikook couldn't be apart that long. Fax 💯 JK wanted to be there for Jimin, Jimin wanted to be there for JK, of course. Them in the same place looking out for each other is all I as a fan who loves them can ask for. But at the same time, they needed this.
Anon, they will be together 24/7 for the entire duration of their time there.
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Yes. Sleeping in the same quarters. It wouldn't make sense for companionship if they were separating the recruits who applied together. To be companions. Of each other.
The buddy system is there to help friends cope with this difficult mandatory thing that the government insists on doing to their young men. It's there to help them cope in any way possible. I imagine mostly mentally. So why would they train them together then separate them? ❓❓❓
It is said that you should make sure the person you apply with, is a person u get along with super well because for the next 18 months you will be together every moment of everyday. It's krazy to imagine that JK wouldn't rather do this with his actual boyfriend V, instead. Krazy. 🤯
Anygays, no need to worry my good people, Jimin and JK have got each other's back. All that's left is to wait for them and pray for them. May they always hold hands 🤭
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jupiterswasphouse · 3 months
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[Image IDs: Two renders of the Zinger from DK: Jungle Climber and the original Donkey Kong Country respectively /End IDs.]
and were back to the wasps based entirely on eusocial species! This time, the basic Zingers (although having a few different recolored iterations) look the most like some black and yellow species of paper wasp or yellowjackets. Given Rareware's home of operations and the homeland of designer Steve Mayles, being England, I feel like it's fairly safe to assume that they're based on one of three species of wasp: the common wasp (Vespula vulgaris), the European wasp/German yellowjacket (Vespula germanica), or the European paper wasp (Polistes dominula)!
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[Image Sources: Wildlife Insight, and Wikimedia Commons, Sharp Photography | Image IDs: Two photos of yellow and black wasp species, the former being the common wasp, a type of yellowjacket, on a grey wood surface, and the latter being the European paper wasp on a stone or concrete surface /End IDs.]
They're not entirely accurate; the markings aren't too precise, they only have two wings as opposed to the four on a real wasp (Although the DK: Jungle Climber iteration changes their shape to at least imply a second pair), and obviously real wasps don't have a trail of spines/stingers running down their metasoma nor a pair of signature Rareware cartoon eyes. However, the original model especially is surprisingly accurate for being based on an animal that the designer himself said he was scared by! I especially appreciate the original's fairly accurate legs and addition of setae!
It's in the games themselves where we run into more inaccuracies to these particular species, however. In the original DKC, the queen of the Zingers is named Queen B. and is fought on the boss stage titled 'Bumble B. Rumble', clearly being a direct reference to real world bees, which are several familial branches away in the wasp subclade Aculeata from the previously listed Vespids. This is honestly, while a little frustrating, not a big deal. But, when we get into the second game in the DKC line, we discover their hives.
The Zinger hives throw a major spanner in the works. The wasps mentioned make paper nests, with the yellowjackets nests having a round, closed structure, some yellowjackets building inside of trees or in dirt burrows, and the paper wasps having an open, umbrella-like structure both including cells built in hexagonal shapes, built to contain their larvae and often having silk caps covering them. Meanwhile, the Zingers have nests that match the hexagonal cells, caps, and larvae of these wasps, but are clearly made of yellow wax and contain honey, like that of honey bees.
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[Image Sources: Carolina Honey Bees, and Wikimedia Commons, Dicklyon | Image IDs: Two photos showing the nests of the western honey bee and the european paper wasp, followed by a screenshot of one of the Zinger's hives /End IDs.]
Honey bees will also cap their honey and larvae with wax, and while a few notable species of Vespid wasps do, in fact, produce honey, the european paper wasps and yellowjackets are not a part of that particular set of species! Oddly, some of the cells appear to contain notably smaller adults as opposed to other cells that contain larvae. To add further confusion, one of these hive levels is titled 'Hornet Hole', hornets being another completely different genus within Vespidae (Vespa).
On top of all that, at the end of the area that contains the hive levels, Krazy Kremland, you fight another Zinger boss, this time named King Zing. As you may know, no wasps have a 'King', solely having a Queen, with hives having both Kings and Queens among eusocial insects being moreso found in termites, belonging to a completely different order (Blattodea).
Outside of their nesting behavior and hierarchy, their behavior is generally unremarkable for platformer enemies, with amped up aggression from that of a real world wasp (although admittedly not nearly as aggressive as a real world wasp would be if you were a monkey with a baseball cap and an unquenchable thirst for bananas invading their nest, as you play in DKC2) to give the player an obstacle to overcome in these levels. It is, at least, implied that these wasps would collect nectar from flowers to turn into the honey found in their nest.
Plus, as I wondered in my review of Fallout: New Vegas' Cazadores, I have to question what exactly a wasp of such a size hunts to bring back to its young! Hopefully Donkey or Diddy Kong wouldn't find themselves on the menu!
All in all, these wasps get a few things right, but are quite the mixed bag of confused species with a couple outright inaccuracies not found in Hymenoptera in general thrown in there. Though I can commend the effort by the designer!
Overall: 4.5/10
Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
Make sure to tune in next week when we cover the Circuit Bees and Mask Hornets from Lethal Company!
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donnaajah · 9 months
The United States (US) is excluded from the United Nations (UN). This is due to the country's reluctance to agree to Gaza's request for a ceasefire, due to the Israeli attack.
After vetoing the UN Security Council (DK), this week the US again did not support the institution's general session on Gaza peace. Even though more than 3/4 of the 193 members support it, even some US allies.
This also reportedly made Russia happy. A senior European diplomat said Russia seemed happy to see the US under fire from the UN for its support for Israel.
"They like it," said the Reuters source quoted Friday (15/12/2023).
In a different statement, as published on the same page, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said America had basically given permission to kill in Gaza. With the right of veto and refusal, the US bears full responsibility for every new victim of the conflict in Gaza.
"Sharing this blame with them is something that other members of the Security Council and the UN as a whole should not do," he added.
The UN meeting itself actually resulted in 153 countries agreeing to a ceasefire. Meanwhile, eight did not and 23 abstained.
Meanwhile, Director of the UN's International Crisis Group Richard Gowan said Russian diplomats saw the war in the Middle East as a great opportunity to reorganize their position at the UN. They, he added, had made strenuous efforts to highlight US double standards in the war.
"They know that Ukraine and its allies will not dare to pass any resolution targeting Moscow... for some time," he reiterated.
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seandwalsh · 1 year
Since Banjo the Bear and Conker the Squirrel both debuted in a Donkey Kong game (Diddy Kong Racing) and DK is part of the Mario universe, do the Conker and Banjo-Kazooie games take place in the same world as the Mario games?
Good question! The Banjo-Kazooie and Conker games are not and have never been part of the Mario Universe.
While yes, both characters made guest appearances in the original Diddy Kong Racing, the developers of their games have clarified that they do not share a universe with Mario and Donkey Kong - or even each other!
Gregg Mayles, designer on Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest and Donkey Kong 64, as well as the Director of Banjo-Kazooie, stated:
“Does [Donkey Kong Country] and [Banjo-Kazooie] take place in the same world? Easy answer this. No. In my head, each game existed in its own world, but characters could travel between worlds to feature in each others games.”
[Source: Gregg Mayles, His Personal Twitter Account, January 2019]
When asked if the Conker and Banjo series take place in the same universe, Chris Seavor, Director and Designer of Conker’s Bad Fur Day said:
[Source: Chris Seavor, Gory Detail Twitter Account, March 2020]
As you can see, Banjo and Conker in Diddy Kong Racing were no more from Mario’s World than Link, Isabelle, Villager and the Inklings are in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I say were, as in past tense, because as of now Banjo and Conker’s connections to the Mario and Donkey Kong World have been completely severed, including their cross-world travel. Diddy Kong Racing received a remake on the Nintendo DS, aptly titled Diddy Kong Racing DS, in which Banjo and Conker were outright removed from the game’s cast of characters and replaced with the much more appropriate Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong.
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Diddy Kong Racing DS, was developed by much of the same staff who worked on the original and, of course, retcons the original game. Banjo and Conker have therefore never actually appeared within the Mario and Donkey Kong World!
Hope this answers your question!
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butchbarneygumble · 4 months
sometimes I get a little emotional thinking about the history of cgi. Like, when John Lasseter saw Tron he had a nerd moment and wanted to make an entire movie like that... which ended up becoming Toy Story! Sad he had to be a creep and ruin his entire career, but apart from that I relate to that.
When I saw things like Monsters Inc and Dinosaur I wanted to do it too but it was all too complicated back then. My uncle let me play around in Sketchup but that went nowhere.
Also, Donkey Kong Country. My first introduction to pre-rendered graphics. The fact they had to model everything and THEN go over on a piece of paper and use painstaking pixel art to convert it for SNES. Thank goodness it worked out and DKC became one of the best selling games on the SNES.
I highly recommend checking out Kev Bayliss' videos on CGI art, he's a great guy and does super interesting videos about the history of his work. He did all these renders AND designed the modern DK design at Rare when he was 19, afaik. NINETEEN. Absolute madlad. I hope to meet him someday. His DK design only ever got minimal changes over the years - he got bulked up a bit and.... recently gained an actual nose, for some reason. Imagine that!
Blender before 2.8 was a hot mess and only tech nerds knew how to work it. Thankfully, that's different now.
I'm SO thankful for Blender. The fact it's free and open source and does about everything Maya does, some things even better (hello, painting straight on the model?) so now anyone can pick it up and get into 3d modelling. Yeah, it takes a while to get into it, but when you do it's so rewarding. CGI is my baby. Ton Roosendaal is my hero.
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shakira-fan-page · 1 year
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"Try Everything" by Shakira is certified GOLD in Denmark, for selling over 45,000 units in the country. Source: IFPI DK
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
Document of Interest: K Class Scenarios
The Foundation contains anomalies to better understand them and see if they can be possibly utilized to better the Foundation's understanding of technology and science. However not all anomalies can be utilized and instead can be quite hazardous if not utilized properly. The common anomaly can cause a dozen casualties on its own but there are also anomalies that can wipeout entire countries, even the world. When an anomaly is capable of something like this it is all the more reason they are to be contained and understood to prevent such a thing from happening. Below is a list of possible Scenarios of what could happen if anomalies are left in the wrong hands or to their own devices. The Foundation refer to these as K Class Apocalyptic Scenarios, K standing for Keter as Keter Class Anomalies are the most likely to cause these scenarios.
- AK Class Memetically Spread Behavior Scenario - when societal norms begin to change. Such examples include: saying hello being replaced with kissing strangers on the lips, drinking water no longer considered essential or even normal, worrying about safety being replaced with taking more risks, and money being considered essential to living a normal life.
- BK Class Before Invasion Scenario - When an invasion from another dimension is imminent. All known threats that can activate said scenario are extradimensional aliens, GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency, GoI: The Three Moon's Initiative, GoI: The Factory, or an SCP Foundation of superior power.
- CK Class Reality Reconstruction Scenario - When an anomaly changes random aspects of reality of both big and small degree. Can either lead to normalcy being completely destroyed or the eventual extinction of humanity and/ or the destruction of earth. 
- DK Class Dead Greenhouse Scenario - When all of humanity on earth is dead but the earth is still available for habitation. The earth has not been destroyed or claimed by a Species of Interest or hostile GoI form another dimension.
- EK Class End of Human Consciousness Scenario - When the consciousness of all humanity gets obliterated, corrupted, or infiltrated by an anomaly. 
- FK Class Collapse of Chemistry Scenario - As the name implies a dreaded scenario when the laws of physics have altered down to the atomic level. The only recorded instance of this scenario happened was when an alternate SCP Foundation unfortunately had a CC Class Scenario where the carbon element was no longer able to support or create life. 
- GK Class Hostile Greenhouse Scenario - When the environment or climate of the earth has become deadly to humanity. 
- HK Class Deific Subjugation Scenario - When a god has appeared to take over earth and humanity. Scenario Qualifies for both hostile and benevolent Deity Class Anomalies. 
- IK Class Collapse of Global Civilization Scenario - When every aspect of civilization all over the world has collapsed either due to anomalous influence on humanity or massive destruction all over the world. Has a broad range of possible sources, as such can possibly happen alongside another K Class Apocalyptic Scenario. 
- JK Class Eternal Despair Scenario - When multiple anomalies cause an XK Class Scenario at once, leading to a scenario where the earth or humanities chances of survival are beyond recovery. Even if it is possible to survive, just living becomes such a struggle that dying seems more merciful by comparison. 
- KK Class Anomalous Reclaim Scenario - when all known and unknown anomalous Species of Interest reclaim the earth.
- LK Class Species Transmutation Scenario - When one or multiple aspects of humanity is altered into something else. In the worst case, the result is something extremely anomalous. 
- MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario - When the anomalous world and/ or the SCP Foundation becomes common knowledge to the public. 
- NK Class Grey Goo Scenario - When an anomaly is able to self-replicate and does so to the point that it either fills the world or breaks the veil of secrecy before it can be stopped and contained. 
- OK Class Omega Species Uprising Scenario - When Multiple Large Scale Class Anomalies reveal themselves to the public and/ or reck havoc on humanity. Leading to unavoidable change or destruction on earth.
- PK Class Singularity Scenario - When an all-powerful anomaly collapses several timelines and dimensions together to create a single reality that is incredibly unstable. The only known example of this is The Reset. 
- QK Class Quantum Degeneracy Scenario - When an anomaly is able to change the laws of physics of our universe resulting irreversible destruction and possible the end of the world.
- RK Class Broken Alliance Scenario - When the Foundation is betrayed by one of, a few, or all the organizations within the ACPA. Leading to a civil war the Foundation will not win or not win without great loss. 
- SK Class Dominance Shift Scenario - When a Species of Interest overtakes humanity as the dominant species. The less likely chance for this scenario is when humanity declares war against a previously unknown Species of Interest, changing humanity forever. 
- TK Class Restructuring Scenario - A restructuring of all aspects of reality in our universe, our timeline the laws of chemistry and physics, as well as the human consciousness. The closest example to this is The Reset.
- UK Class Foundation Domination Scenario - [Data Expunged by Order of the 05 Council]
- VK Class Diplomatic Break Down Scenario - When relations with a powerful extra-dimensional organization or God fails leading to a war for reality. 
- WK Mass Extinction Scenario - When a non-human species on earth gets wiped out by either an anomaly or the incompetence of humanity. Leading to possibly irreversible damage to the ecosystem of a certain area and possible the earth.
- XK Class end of the World Scenario - When one or more anomalies causes a massive amount of destruction on the earth and/ or a massive loss of human life. The most common of the K Class Scenarios.
- YK Class Spontaneous Consciousness Scenario - When originally inanimate objects around the world start to suddenly come to live with various degrees of consciousness and develop various degrees of anatomy similar to humans. 
- ZK Class Reality Failure Scenario - When aspects of our reality get destroyed one by one until it reaches the point that all of reality fall apart and gets destroyed. Typically caused by anomalies that can destroy anything without limitations. 
SCP: HMF Documents of Interest Hub
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simiansmoke · 1 year
🍌 ↳ DK is naturally a vegan. The Kong country does not use any source of animal products, and though they are near a large body of water where they could easily catch fish, their choice of food consists of fruits, vegetables, and grains.
That said, they do not only consume plain fruits and vegetables. Kong cuisine is seen as fairly moderate to upscale based on the time it takes to transform plain ingredients into masterful dishes.
Some of these include:
Sea Squash Pasta with Coconut Cream Sauce and Pineapple Coconut Lime Black Bean Burgers and Purple Yam Fries Portobello Mushroom stuffed Corn Shell Tacos with Kale Pico Banana Pudding with Cashew Crumble and Coconut Whip
+lots of flower booze.
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suppermariobroth · 2 years
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In Donkey Kong Country Returns, there is an extremely obscure secret regarding a singular Flaming Tiki Buzz enemy near the end of Level 1-3, Tree Top Bop. Unlike every single other Flaming Tiki Buzz in the game, this one has a slight sparkle effect around it, which is difficult to notice at the game’s actual resolution and is additionally masked by the flame effect always present around these enemies (top).
The only way to defeat this Flaming Tiki Buzz is to grab a DK Barrel from earlier on in the level and jump over a series of precarious tilting platforms while holding the barrel and not releasing it, which is highly unlikely to happen during regular gameplay. If this is done and the barrel is used to defeat the enemy, it is revealed that it leaves behind three extra life balloons after dying, presumably in connection to the sparkles. This is not mentioned in any of the game’s official guides.
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themarketinsights · 10 months
E-Scooters Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2023
Latest released the research study on Global E-Scooters Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. E-Scooters Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the E-Scooters The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are DK (Greece), Ford (United States), Audi (German), Yuneec (China), Pedego (United States), Toyota (Japan), Alta (United States), Jinhua (China), BMW (Germany), Liberty (Italy), Optibike (United States)
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/89608-global-e-scooters-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
E-Scooters Market Definition:
E-Scooters are two or three wheelers plug-in electric vehicles in which electricity is stored in a battery which is rechargeable. This battery is used to drive electric motors. Lithium-ion batteries are mostly used in e-scooters now days. These batteries can be charged in plugging in a wall chargers installed at charging station.
Market Trend:
Growing Market for E-scooter in Emerging Countries
Focus on Manufacturing Lightweight Vehicles
Market Drivers:
Tax Concession on Eco-friendly Vehicles
Growing Environmental Concern Over Vehicle Emission
Market Opportunities:
Government Encouragement for Sales of E-vehicles
Rising Sales of Hybrid Vehicles
The Global E-Scooters Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Motorcycle, Scooter), Application (Civil, Commercial, Military), Drives (Hybrid, Electric)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/89608-global-e-scooters-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global E-Scooters Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the E-Scooters market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the E-Scooters Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the E-Scooters
Chapter 4: Presenting the E-Scooters Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the E-Scooters market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, E-Scooters Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global E-Scooters Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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azbookblog2023 · 10 months
What A Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet.
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What a Waste is an informative book written by Jess French. This book discusses recycling, pollution, and renewable energy and it was written for young readers aged 6-9. Summary:
 In this book Jess French discusses the waste that is produced and how it impacts our planet. What a Waste is educational and addresses how actions have consequences. The text is simple and has illustrations to give readers a visual representation of what they are reading. What a Waste addresses the climate crisis in an appropriate way and gives young readers suggestions on what they can do to help the environment. 
I chose to review this book because I am a big advocate for the environment. This is a great source for parents who want to discuss climate change with their little ones. This is a book that provides knowledge for both kids and their grown ups and gives suggestions to what can be done to save the planet. This is a topic that can be difficult for parents to have with young readers, but the book doesn’t only focus on the negative aspects of climate change which was another reason for choosing this book. Jess French also discusses the steps that other countries have taken to make a difference.
For this review I will be evaluating Illustrations, Pacing, and Tone.
Illustrations: According to Young et al., "Colorful illustrations stimulate young readers, and color provides more stimulation than black and white illustrations. Because climate change can be a broad topic with different characteristics, I believe the illustrations strengthen the content in the book. Each page provides a different example of what is causing climate change such as the "plastic page". One of the reasons this section was successful in delivering the message is because it used illustrations to provide a visual of the different kinds of plastics and whether they can be reused and recycled.
Pacing: I chose to evaluate the pacing of this book because I wanted to determine if there was too much being covered in this book. As I mentioned, climate change can be a broad topic, and information overload could be problematic for young readers. I believe that the pacing in What a Waste is dependent on the reader and how much they want to learn about a particular topic. For example, this informative book discusses recycling, deforestation, waste, and much more. Every topic gets about two to four pages filled with information and illustrations for young readers to read. While I enjoyed this book, I do think that children could get overwhelmed with the amount of information that is being presented. I feel like the pacing is meant to be average, but I also believe that kids could skip over the longer parts of this book.
Tone: Tone is important because it is ultimately the author's attitude toward the subject or the audience in a particular book (Young et al.,). Jess French is a veterinarian and author among other things. The tone in this book demonstrates that French is respectful toward the younger audience who may come across this title, and genuinely wants to inform them over a social issue that is impacting them. I think the author did a good job delivering the information in the book. It is apparent that Jess French is knowledgable on the topic of Climate Change and is an author who views her audience as thinkers who are eager to learn new things.
French, J. (2019). What a waste: Rubbish, recycling, and protecting our planet. DK Children.
Young, T. A., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J. S., & Tunnell, M. O. (2020). Children’s literature, briefly. Pearson.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Hydro uses green hydrogen to produce recycled aluminum for the first time in the world
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Hydro plant
The company obtained the product at its plant in Navarra
Hydro[1] has produced the first batch of aluminum recycled with green hydrogen at its plant in Irurtzun (Navarra). The tests known up to now had only been carried out in laboratories, so this is the first time in the world that they have been successfully carried out on an industrial scale, the leading company in the aluminum sector reported this Thursday.
The tests have been carried out by Hydro Havrand[2], a company specialising in green hydrogen[3], and Fives North America Combustion[4], experts in hydrogen burner technology, and will be used at Hydro Extrusion Navarra, the extrusion plant located in Irurtzun[5], where will be manufactured the first extruded aluminum profiles (slow cook type) that have used green hydrogen in the recycling process. “We are excited about carrying out these tests, which show Hydro's commitment to the process of decarbonising the industry. By removing CO2 emissions from the energy source, we will be able to produce recycled aluminum from carbon-free post-consumer scrap,” said Paul Warton, Executive Vice President of Hydro Extrusion, in a statement.
Green hydrogen is one of the most promising alternatives to replace fossil fuels and thus reduce carbon emissions. The results obtained by Hydro open new perspectives on the use of green hydrogen instead of natural gas, especially in those industries that require high temperatures in their production process, such as cement or glass, adds the company.
“This project is part of the development of commercial solutions for the substitution of fossil fuels, and shows that hydrogen can be used for the production of aluminum. Green hydrogen[6]  can eliminate emissions that are difficult to reduce in processes where electricity is not an alternative, both in the aluminum industry and in other heavy industries," said Per Christian Eriksen, head of Hydro Havrand.
Hydro Extrusion[7] is dedicated to supplying solutions in extruded aluminum and recycling in Spain and Portugal. As a whole, it has more than 500 employees and an annual production of 60,000 tons of extruded products and 50,000 tons of recycled aluminum.
Lucrecia Martínez, Hydro utiliza hidrógeno verde para producir aluminio reciclado por primera vez en el mundo, in: El País, 15-06-2023, https://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2023-06-15/hydro-utiliza-hidrogeno-verde-para-producir-aluminio-reciclado-por-primera-vez-en-el-mundo.html
[1] Norsk Hydro ASA (often referred to as just Hydro) is a Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company, headquartered in Oslo. It is one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide.It has operations in some 50 countries around the world and is active on all continents[citation needed]. The Norwegian state owns 34.3% of the company through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. A further 6.5% is owned by Folketrygdfond, which administers the Government Pension Fund of Norway. Norsk Hydro employs approximately 35,000 people. Hydro had a significant presence in the oil and gas industry until October 2007, when these operations were merged with Statoil to form StatoilHydro (in 2009 changed back to Statoil, which is now called Equinor). Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/719758666539089921/circular-construction-too-expensive-not-if-you?source=share
[2] Havrand is a Norwegian word that describes the line where the ocean meets the sky – like the horizon, but specifically at sea level. In days gone by, seafarers bravely traveled beyond the limit of what they could see to find better and faster routes. Today it is crucial that we act with urgency to find ways to make the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. https://www.hydro.com/en-DK/energy/hydro-havrand/
[3] Green hydrogen (GH2 or GH2) is hydrogen generated by renewable energy or from low-carbon power. Green hydrogen has significantly lower carbon emissions than grey hydrogen, which is primarily produced by steam reforming of natural gas[citation needed]. As of 2021, green hydrogen accounts for less than 0.04% of total hydrogen production. Its cost relative to cheaper hydrogen derived from fossil fuels is the main reason green hydrogen is used less. Green hydrogen may be used to decarbonize sectors which are hard to electrify, such as cement production, and thus help to limit climate change. Green hydrogen can be used to produce green ammonia, the main constituent of synthetic fertilizer. It can also be used for long-duration grid storage of power instead of batteries or pumped-storage hydroelectricity. Hydrogen could be used for seasonal energy storage.
[4] Fives North American Combustion is one of the most trusted names in combustion worldwide, with more than 100 years of experience. Since 1917, Fives North American Combustion has partnered with leading industrial manufacturers across many markets and applications to fully optimize their thermal process solutions. Its subsidiary, North American Construction Services, engineers and manufactures advanced furnaces for the forging, heat treatment, specialty steel and secondary aluminum markets. North American Construction Services also performs turnkey installation of combustion systems for retrofits. Through the Fives North American Combustion Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Fives North American Combustion and North American Construction Services focus on developing environmentally responsible innovations that help customers increase efficiency and reduce emissions. https://www.fivesgroup.com/energy-combustion/why-us
[5] Irurtzun is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain.
[6] Hydro has produced the first batch of aluminum recycled with green hydrogen at its plant in Irurtzun (Navarra). The tests known so far had only been carried out in laboratories, so this is the first time in the world that they have been successfully carried out on an industrial scale, the leading company in the aluminum sector reported this Thursday.. https://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2023-06-15/hydro-utiliza-hidrogeno-verde-para-producir-aluminio-reciclado-por-primera-vez-en-el-mundo.html
[7] Hydro Extrusion has its own facilities in Spain and Portugal, dedicated to supplying solutions based on the extrusion of aluminum profiles, and recycling.
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