lazychickensoup · 3 years
.the enemy in question
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.1 .i’m trying
Humanity. There really is no saving it. No matter how many wars you have, how many plagues and purges, you can never actually cleanse humanity of the evil it is. The one thing you can do though is trying to get rid of the bigger problems, to have the smallest sliver of peace at the cost of a few noble sacrifices.
"Y/n get your head out of the clouds." I feel a smack to the back of my head, Porco walks past me holding his bags, classtime must be over. "You ready to have your ass handed to you at training?" I quickly gather my book and shove them into my bag to catch up.
"Yeah right, you keep talking shit yet the only thing you have been able to win against me is our bow and arrow training." I brag, walking alongside my best friend. "Let's not be late again, Zeke is gonna chew us out." Porco laughs and nods as we head to the courtyard. Of course, everyone was already outside waiting on us. We all head to our respective spots in a line awaiting General Magath.
"If you two keep showing up late you're gonna get caught and it's going to look bad on all of us. Don't let it happen again, understand?" Zeke's demanding voice sent a chill down my spine, I nod.
Magath walks up and we all straighten up. "All right you damned devils, today we're doing cardio and stamina training, you've all been slaking and slowing down so we're going to fix that right away. Heard?"
"Heard!" we shout in unison.
We all run out to the flat plain where our races usually take place. Training consist of sprinting and a 4 mile run with gear and no breaks. I absolutely despise stamina days. Running isn't exactly my strong suit, neither is breath control. Still, at least I have good comrades and even friends by my side to help me when I fall. Like Porco and Marcel; our trio had been friends since birth, well for me at least considering I'm the youngest, we all grew up in the same division and we all shared the same dream of saving the world from our damned ancestors since we learned about it in school. Although I never understood why we were responsible for the earlier generations' sins I followed along with everyone else and grew to be one of the top Marley warriors.
During the 6m sprints, we were paired up and told to race. I was paired with Marcel, by his physique I could tell he was over with today's training and was about to collapse. Easy win. Everyone stands behind us observing, Magaths eyes stare intently as we wait for him to start the timer.
"I may be tired but there's no way in hell I'll let Porco get teasing rights for letting you win." Marcel whispers. I turn my head to him earning a wink.
"Keep talking bud, I can tell by your body language there's no chance that you're gonna be running faster than me." I scoff readjusting my legs.
"Set...Go!" Magath yell. I push off from the ground gaining speed slowly but steadily. We go at the same pace for a while but Marcel gains speed. I push my pace harder while trying to focus on my breath. The finish line is just a couple of meters away but, Marcel starts slowing down. You take the advantage and pass him and cross the line first. You both lay on the ground catching your breath as everyone else makes their way to you cheering for your victory. "Marcel, I expect more from you especially considering who you are up against," Magath says walking back to the building. "Training is over for today."
"Damn Marcel. y/n beat you. Are ya getting weak old man?" Porco joked poking his elder brother. "How does it feel to finally have a win in sprints y/n I'm sure you're proud of yourself." I stand up and shuffle over to Marcel.
"You asshole. Do you think I can't win by myself? Do you think I'm weak? Well, I'm not. If you ever make yourself weaker when competing against me I'll beat you till you can't think straight." I hissed. I hate feeling weak, yes. But being treated like I was weak felt even worse. Porco put his hand on my shoulder but I shoved him away. He does the same thing but in academics. They treat me like a child that just needs to be praised to be able to do something, and it makes it hard to tell sometimes if what I excelled on was really me or if it was for me.
Later that night I heard a knock at the door. It was late at night so it could only be two things: Marcel and Porco are here to check up on me, or an officer is here for some reason. I slowly open the door to find Zeke.
"Y/n I need to speak with you in private, Commander Magath has a message." he continues to walk in past me. My parents come in looking concerned, Zeke reassures them nothing is wrong and ask permission to talk alone in my room. When they agree he grabs my wrist harshly and pulls me back to my room locking the door.
"What the hell is going on? What's so important that Magath has to send you out here so late?" I ask worried that something happened during our training today.
"Nothing, he didn't send me out here. I just needed to talk to you," he confesses. Makes sense my parents would have never just let me and him "talk" knowing what happened with his parents. It's still a little weird though. Mine and Zeke's relationship is complicated, we could be seen as brother and sister for the most part if it wasn't for our looks, but other times we absolutely hate each other. Not going to lie Zeke scares the shit out of me but I'm pretty sure it's a mutual feeling. He told me once that my "passion and devotion" was inhumane and no one should care about one specific thing so much.
"Look, you need to be doing better. I overheard Magath talking and he heard your outburst on Marcel. He said when it comes time to start picking titan holder you're definitely not going to get one with the track you are on. I wanna look out for you, we have the same goal here. I know that you aren't putting your all into it though. What's holding you back?" he asks. He wasn't completely wrong, but this is the guy that snitched on his own parents. If I told him I sometimes doubt our mission there's no telling what he would do.
"Nothing Zeke, I just don't really know what I'm doing. I can't tell my strengths from my weaknesses because of Marcell and Poc. They try to help me by making themselves look worse than me. I love them for it, but I really just need to be able to perform on my own." Once the words leave my mouth I realized what I said, basically blaming my poor scores on them. And by the look that Zeke gave me, he was going to make sure it would change. Hopefully, he goes to them instead of the commander. It actually is great if he didn't say anything at all so I could talk to them.
"I see, I will go over and talk to them after I leave then."
"No!" I say a little louder than intended.
"Uh-yeah no don't I'll go talk to them. They'll probably listen better to me anyway. I promise this will be fixed by the morning." I beg, he gives me an unsatisfied stare adjusting his glasses.
"I suppose, but I better see you putting your all into training tomorrow. Got it?"
"Yes sir" I joke saluting him. I walk out the door with him after telling my parents I was passing the (fake) message on to the guys and that I would stay over at their house so Zeke could get back home. It was pretty risky going out at this time of night especially since it was past curfew.
I bang on the door of the Galliards hoping their parents were asleep yet. The door swings open with a loud groan coming from the person who opened it. It was Marcel wearing only shorts, my cheeks heating up at the sight of his shirtless upper body. I push him out of the way letting myself in.
"Hey! Do you know what time it is? Sleep o' clock. Leave." he says grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back out the door.
"No, I need to talk to the both of you, like right now." I stop him from closing the door in my face.
"Is it really that important that it can't wait till morning?" he leans his against the door frame making my face once again heat up. 'Dammit, Marcel why are you so effortlessly pretty?'
"Yes, I told Zeke I would have this problem fixed by morning."
"When did you have time to talk to Zeke?"
"He was just at my house."
"Excuse me? At this hour?... Come in, don't want you getting caught outside." The mention of Zeke's name made him gag. The two weren't friends, and with Zeke being much older yet not shy at all when it comes to physical touch or choice of words, Marcell had a protectiveness towards you when it came to him. He stealthy leads you to his room answering your question of if his parents were asleep or not.
"Okay what was so important that you needed to sneak out past curfew to talk to me?" he ask again laying out some blankets for you to sleep on.
"I need Poc too. It's about earlier..." your voice gets lower, you replay the scene in your head and realized that your reaction was a little dramatic.
"Oh yea, your gonna beat me till I think straight was it?" Marcel teased watching curl into a ball on his bed with a groan. He makes his way over and lets all his body weight fall onto you.
"Marcel get off you big oaf!" you whine, giggling as he reaches for your sides and starts poking. You try to conceal your laughter not to wake anyone up, but you can't and Porco swings open the door.
"What the hell is going on in here?" he asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His eyes set on me and he rushes to close the door and get near. "What are you doing here it's past curfew!" he whispers yells.
"I needed to talk to you both. Marcel is just messing around." You catch your breath sitting up on the bed. You all get situated into a spot finally getting serious. "Look I love you both, BUT you need to stop helping me out during school and training. You don't think I notice but I do. It's holding me back and making me look like the weak link. I can't even tell what I'm good at because you'll purposely do badly on a test." The boys look at each other with their heads down. Your eyes go back in forth between the two, it was like they were talking telepathically, mouths not moving but having a whole conversation in front of you.
"Look Y/n we didn't mean any harm. We were just trying to get you in the light so the commander could see you." Porcos words were harsh but he means well. Marcel elbows his younger brother for how he ignorantly said his plead.
"What this idiot is trying to say is that we can tell you try but maybe...you arent...trying your best? We are trying to push you to be better than us by messing with your mind so instead of wondering if you were better or not you would just be your best and it would pass us," he explained, his eyes widening in fear when he seeing your hurt face.
"You don't think I try hard enough? I've been pushing myself ever since we started this damn thing! I've been the smallest, the weakest, the dumbest from day one. Why in the world would mess with my mind help at all? You leave me confused and I try and try but it's never good enough." Marcel comes near to comfort you but you push him away. Your best friends think so little of you. "Don't please, just promise me you will stop. I wanna beat both your asses fair and square, alright?" you force out a laugh to lift the mood. Both the boys nod quickly and pile on top to hug you.
"I don't like it when you get mad, your all bitchy." Porco says earning a smack from you. He goes back to his room leaving you and Marcel alone again. You both stay up for a while talk for a bit before going to bed. He insists you take the bed while he lays on the floor as always.
"Good night y/n. I'm waking you up extra early for keeping me up this late." you both giggle. You laying on the edge of the bed face to face with him on his knees. Your faces get closer and closer. You can feel his breath on your face. You two had feelings for each other, yea, you both knew it. But neither of you acted on it, you knew it would be difficult when you got drafted and you would rather wait till you got older anyway, your mother is always rambling about how young relationships never last. Marcel goes forward and places a soft kiss on your forehead. You smile at him before he lays down. As your drift off to sleep you hear him whisper one last thing.
"We'll get there one day after we both save humanity."
words: 2.3k
hope yall enjoy a try at a new fic, I've been planning this forever so hopefully I'll stay motivated to keep writing. ALSO IK IT LOOKS LIKE A MARCEL FIC BUT IT NOT LOL. just helps with the feeling and the dramatic :)
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
U probably know who this is but anonymous makes me feel m y s t e r i o u s
Sakusa x maid reader with an even bigger obsession with cleanliness than Sakusa
Ever since she was hired, she was convinced that Sakusa was a slob because of how high her standards were. It became a competition for Sakusa because everytime he would try to clean something before she got there to do her job, she would end up re doing it. It became a daily part of his life to take note of what she did and do it himself the next time she came. It got to the point were she had to quit, because there was nothing she could do anymore, she taught him how to clean better without him even knowing it. He thought that once she left it would be better for him but his stubborn self eventually finds out he likes her, and asks her out.
Enemies to lovers
Maid | Sakusa K.
warning: I know next to nothing abt sakusa except the fandom has deemed him king germaphobe. (would he be the kind of person to clean before the cleaning person gets there? probably.)
editor/beta reader: @gargantuan-peepee
It was your first day at your new job. You were beyond nervous when you heard who's home you would be taking care of. Kiyoomi Sakusa. Professional volleyball player. You were not scared of the fact that he was practically famous. More of what state his house was in. You've heard so many things about the man and the team itself. Apparently, he was the cleanest out of his team, but you don't know the expectations of that. You went to high school with Shoyo and god was that miserable. He and Kageyama never knew how to clean up after themselves much less the rest of the team. They called you a germaphobe and teased you on how you kept everything so clean. You don't get why exactly. Cleanliness was not a bad thing and something they would need to learn at some point. You had a basic knowledge of volleyball since you were their manager after Kyiko left. You also know all the parties that happen after games. Shaking out all the menacing thoughts in your head, you walk up the steps to the large house. You take a look at the patio and click your tongue. Leafs had been littering it along with an ashtray with cigarettes left on it. 'Disgusting.' All your expectations plummeted. You knock on the door and you feel pollen and dirt build up. You shake your head adding on to your mental list of what to do first. The door creaks open and you're met with a man wearing nothing but sweat pants. His hair was a tangled mess and his eyes were dark. He yawns and rubs his eyes. 'He must have just woken up.'
"Can I help you?" he scruffs out, voice so low it sent chills down your spine. You eye the body in front of you getting red in the face as your eyes lingered on his abs. "Hello? Ma'am?" he speaks again, waving his hand in front of your face.
"Oh right! I'm Y/n you hired me to take care of your house?" You try to look around him to the inside but he was too in the way.
"Right. I didn't hire anyone to clean my house. I can do that myself. You must have the wrong house." he leans against the doorframe waiting for your explanation.
"You're Kyioomi Sakusa right? 888 Willow Lane? I had a call a week ago saying that I needed to take care of this house." you think back to the call. The voice didn't sound like Sakusas. Now that you realize it did sound awfully familiar, and not too long after Shoyo had dmed you on Instagram talking about 'I wanna reconnect with everyone in the volleyball club.' All the dots are connected in your head. "Shoyo." you groan. Sakusa looks at you confused.
"Shoyo? Hinata?" he asks, confirming you were talking about his teammate. You nod. Taking out your phone.
"Yes, he's an old classmate. I used to be the manager for Karasuno Volleyball Club. He dm'd me the other day trying to reconnect and I'm now assuming that he set this up. Sorry for wasting your time." you start to dial the number Shoyo had given you to contact him so you could have a 'talk' with him. Sakusa grabbed your phone, making you stop.
"You're already here, might as well do your job. I'm just saying there isn't that much to clean. I'll have a talk with Shoyo, I think I know what this is about." he moves out of the way letting me in. 'Why does it matter, at least I'm getting paid.' You walk in and you are immediately disappointed. 'Not much to clean huh?' Maybe your standards were too high but you can't help it. He had a few dishes in his sink. Catalogs all over his coffee table. You couldn't smell anything which means he doesn't use freshener. He clearly did sweep and mop every day either. "You know what, this might not be a bad thing. I can finally not have to worry about having to clean at 3 am for the after-parties."
"Sounds great. Where would you like me to start Mr. Sakusa? I wanna try to get done before seven, and obviously, I have a lot of work to do." You slap your hand over your mouth realizing you had said your thoughts out loud. Sakusa raised an eyebrow at you. He motioned his head for you to follow him, not having anything to say about your comment. You did as told and he took you for a tour around the house, showing you all the rooms and explaining what his expectations for you were. Though you had already planned to exceed those. Anyone else would have thought they would be drowning in work. To you, he was asking you for the bare minimum.
After showing you the house you made your way back to the kitchen planning to start there. "I have to make a call. Please go ahead and do what you need." You nod at him and start on the dishes. Sakusa walked into his bedroom pressing on Shoyo's contact.
"Hey, what's up Kiyoomi?" The ginger spoke.
"You asshole."
Tags: @gargantuan-peepee @shotosgaychangemymind @bictoeia @cinnamonnn-roll
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
Maid | Sakusa K.
Part 1 - Part 2
A/n: this is still kind of an introduction to what's going on. More will happen in the next chapter I promise :)
Warnings: language, sakusa being a tease.
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It had been a week since you had started your job at ‘casa de Sakusa’, it was fairly easier than your other jobs but there was still a lot of work to be done. Not to mention it drains your bank having to get gas every two days from driving so far. You get paid a very good amount of money since it’s such a big house, but you only get paid at the end of every third week. You weren’t at the peak of your life. Living in a small studio apartment, eating small convenience store meals. You were fresh out of college with a degree that got you nowhere without experience, you thanked whatever gods there were that you had a full-ride scholarship and weren’t in a drowning amount of debt. Woo-hoo college.
“L/n?” Sakusa walks into the room you were cleaning.
“Yes Mr. Sakusa?” you answer without facing him to make sure you had collected all the dust off of a table.
“Where would you like me to put the clothes in the dryer? I need to wash my jersey and training clothes for this afternoon.” you perk up at his question, finally look at him you smile sweetly.
“Oh don’t worry about it. Let me finish up in here and I’ll put them on right away.”
“There’s no need. I know you’re my maid and all but I can still help out.” he leans up against the doorframe watching your figure scurry around the room making sure it was in perfect shape. You walk past him into the laundry room.
“While I appreciate that Sir, you just don’t know how to do laundry right. I mean no offense but like you said I’m your maid. So I will make sure everything is done right.” You lean over into the dryer gathering clothes to later fold. Sakusa watches you practically folded over in the dryer. Your ass looking very plump in those leggings. His mind goes back to the conversation he had with his teammate only a week earlier.
“You asshole,” Sakusa growls into the phone. He knew exactly why you were there and he wasn’t pleased one bit. “I told you I had no interest in hiring a maid. Much less your old classmate that we were just fawning over a couple of weeks ago.”
“No way! She actually showed up? Can you tell her hi for me? I miss her, maybe I should drop by one day.” Hinata goes on rambling about how he can’t believe you took the job considering all your burdens.
“You come over here and you’ll be a dead man. I don’t know by who though. They didn’t seem too pleased when she pieced together that you set this up.” he paced around the room while talking.
It was only a couple of weeks ago when Hinata had brought you up to his fellow team members. They were sitting around conversing about their teenage day and high school life. He start talking about how you were the strictest person he had ever met. Scarier than Daichi. When he brought up your name Bokuto and Atsumu started getting giddy remembering all the good times with you. Bokuto told stories about how you were so sweet to him and his team during the training camps but then would turn around and chew out Noya and Tanaka for thirty minutes. Atsumu really only had one memory of you, when Karasuno and Inarizaki played against each other during nationals. Claiming how you were totally head over heels for him. By that, he means you two had a pretty lengthy conversation before the games started (because he approached you). Sakusa was the only one who had never met you, he didn’t care all that much, it sounded like it was some overbearing girl that thought she could manage anything and anyone. Annoying. When Hinata had shown him that picture of you though, everyone saw that his eyes had softened. You didn’t look all that bad, maybe they were just over exaggerating.
“Guess I’ll die then. I’ll bring Bokuto and Atsumu too. We’ll be over sometime next week bye.” Hinata hung up before Sakusa could argue back.
- - -
Sakusa snaps back into reality watching you closely learning all your little nit-picks when it came to doing laundry. You noticed his eyes burning into you, just standing there watching. You turn to him, his eyes never leaving you.
“If you’re just gonna sit there and watch how about I explain to you why you’re horrible at the laundry.” you motion him over and he stands right beside you, not giving any personal space.
“I don’t know what you mean. I think I’m pretty good at laundry.” he gives you a sly smirk.
“No, you’re not. The softener you use is horrible for the material your jersey is made out of. Not to mention you just throw everything in the dryer. Being transferred directly from cool water to heat can make clothes shrink. You also don’t know how to separate your material and colors. So by my judgment, no you’re horrible at the laundry.” you explain taking out the clothing in the washer one by one to pick out what needed to hang dry. You knew what he meant you just didn’t want him to see you get flustered so you ignored it.
Sakusa watches and listens intently as you go on explaining what clothing needs to be hang dried and why, and what others you can simply throw in the dryer. He’s taking mental notes the whole way through, he never thought he was bad at cleaning and basic household life skills but when you showed up and got to work you knocked him off his high horse. He didn’t like that, all inferences about your personality he had made when he saw that picture of you, gone. You proved to be what the boys said about you, strict, bossy, annoying, but they also had time to talk to you outside of their training so they knew that you meant it with love. Sakusa only sees you from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. before he goes out for practice. You weren’t one for small talk during work, so all he saw was a stuck-up snob that was dedicated to their job.
“Okay, I think I get it now. Can I go back to what I was doing?” He says as you throw the last shirt in the dryer. You hold up an empty basket and give him a look.
“I need your jersey, your workout clothes, and the outfit you have on, then you can go back to what you were doing.” you’re no fun. His eyes loom around you thinking of a way to get you to break from your persistent attitude. He remembers how you reacted when he showed up to the door shirtless that first day. How flustered and panicked you were. He reaches for the hem of your shirt pulling it over his head in one quick motion. He throws it into the basket you were holding and searched for a reaction of your face. Your eyes were wide and your face was red. You let yourself look him up and down before looking away. This did not go unnoticed.
“What’s a matter hun? Like what you see?” He steps closer trapping you against the washer. You look away shoving the basket into his torso.
“Enough Sir, I’m here to do my job nothing more. Figured you would be more mature than the others. Guess Shoyo was wrong.” You slip past him to go on to your next task. Sakusa is disappointed. He’s going to get you to break. He can’t have someone like you around him all day every day, it’s exhausting. He could always fire you. But where’s the fun in that?
- - -
Tags: @gargantuan-peepee @bictoeia @shotosgaychangemymind @cinnamonnn-roll (drop a request in my ask box to be tagged!)
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
"Why are you here brat!?" Commandant Keith spits in my face. I raise my fist to my heart, standing up straight as could be.
"I am here to save my home and humanity!" I yell, determination set on my face. The statement was true, only Paridis wasn't the home I was saving...
new fic? if i get the motivation to write??
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
Finally got the second chapter of paper hearts up. It would mean the world if you read it hehe :)
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