#soulwolf writes
lostsoulwolf · 6 years
OMG what’s this?~ A new chapter?! What sorcery is this?! 
LOL I’m just kidding~ But, seriously, a new chapter for Shattered! Woot Woot! 
Sorry it took me a bit to get this one out. I had it half-written for a while then scraped it to redo it again because I didn’t like the direction it was going, didn’t fit my narrative needs. But, here’s the edited and posted chapter!
No, this isn’t an early April Fools prank. No, if I post another chapter tomorrow before work, it won’t be a joke either.
Anyway, let me know what you think!!! <3
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
O.M.G~ ANOTHER update?!~ *le gasp*
Haha~ Anyway, here’s another chapter for ya! Enjoy~
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
A new chapter?! OBSCENE! I am CLEARLY an imposter!
Nah, but seriously, guys, here’s a new chapter for ya! I am so sorry for the long hiatus on this. Things got out of hand and sometimes, life just doesn’t want to let you get out what you’d like. BUT! Thanks to a very wonderful group of friends who have kicked my butt into gear and inspired me to keep going, (namely @mercy-run, @wildunderbeastly, and @magyka13 to name a few), I’m back and ready to pump out more content ESPECIALLY for Shattered <3
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
A gift for @thebananafrappe
This is a little drabble thing I just finished writing to sort of get my feet wet in this kind of style. The set-up is of a self-insert (with more specific details thrown in for @thebananafrappe‘s description since it’s for them mostly but feel free to mentally alter it) taking care of the illustrious Banana Cabana, a brothel that is home to nearly, if not all, of the skeleton brothers from every AU imaginable. But, while everyone else has their fun, what of the owner and gracious hostess?
The loud click of the deadbolt echoed in the now settled building, the workers put to their chambers for a well-earned rest after a buy day of entertaining the patrons. It was a difficult business and not many were well-equipped to handle it, but that never made you shy away from making others happy.
Besides, it paid well and kept the hunger for contact satiated for your clients.
Tucking a troublesome curl behind your ear, you pivoted to head back to the office and count to today’s profits. It wasn’t the most glamorous part of the job but it had to be done. As you walked the hall quietly, not wanting to disturb the rest of the skeletons under your care, you flicked the key into the knob and entered to close the door quietly with the money box awaiting on your desk.
As the hours passed, eyes burning behind your rectangular glasses that kept sliding down the bridge of your nose from leaning too far forward as you wrote, you leaned back in silent victory. Just finished, thank the stars.
“Even after paying them, it still turned out to be a good day. Not as good as last Thursday but I don’t think anything will top that… What made them so clingy on a Thursday of all days?” you mused, snorting at the absurdity of blaming it on a full moon. Even after working with the more beastial males, it still sounded far-fetched.
Closing the box and locking it away in the safe beneath the medium-sized wood desk at the head of your office, you took off your glasses to massage your temples. A small headache had been forming ever since someone decided to ask twice about having their way with every single one of them at once.
You couldn’t help but wonder if they had a death wish and figured death by sex was the better alternative. While the thought was morbid, and you rightfully declined the idea, a bit of fun did sound nice. Watching everyone else have their way and time with the boys was both rewarding… and making you all the more susceptible to jealousy.
Especially when there was one in particular that seemed incredibly popular.
Not that anyone, or yourself, could blame them.
They always say that the best version of something is the original and with Sans, that was no different. He treated his patrons with the utmost care, tailoring his approach to suit their desires and his own with expert precision. It was almost laughable when someone would be surprised at how easily he could turn from kind and body-worshiping to domineering and provocative. His soothing low baritone was always a nice bonus and to hear him murmur sweet words of praise and admiration right into the ear of a lonesome soul, it was enough to make a girl’s heart melt.
It wasn’t until your mind started wandering into the slightly more private territory did you realize your wandering hand on your lap, flinching it away with a deep-red flush on your cheeks. One could even make the observation that your hair came straight from your face given how they matched in rich color.
Swallowing down your racing heart, you stood from your chair shakily and snatched up your glasses.
“you okay, boss?”
The voice startled you, wide green eyes darting to the door to see one of the skeletons casually leaned against the door with his hands stuffed into his large blue jacket.
Trying to pull yourself together with a nod, tugging at the bottom hem of your “I make jokes periodically” t-shirt, you gazed right at him. “Yes, I’m fine. Shouldn’t you be in bed, Comic? Aren’t you tired?”
His lazy shrug spoke just how tired he was but his tone was as laid-back as ever. “nah. can’t sleep with Pap snorin’ up a storm, ya know?”
“Right. I’ll figure something out.”
“don’t sweat it. heh, i’m used to it anyway.” His bright white eyelights slanted over to you, appraising your awkward shift of weight in the silence. “listen, if you wanna stop this, ya can. no one would stop ya.”
The change in topic was both welcome yet jarring. “What?”
“this can’t make ya happy, not all the way like what your searching for.” Crossing the room to sit down in one of the chairs that faced your desk, he sighed. “we appreciate what you’re doing, givin’ us a chance to interact with our admirers and show ‘em a good time… but you’re not really gettin’ much outta this.”
A frown, scratching your forearm. “I am, though. Making other people happy? That’s how I’m happy.” You turn on the easy-going smile you were so used to putting on. “To see the smiles on their faces to see you guys are free for a bit of fun; that’s all the reward I need. Don’t get me wrong, the G is nice too but it’s their satisfaction and moment of bliss that does it for me.”
Sans studied your expression for a moment, perma-grin tight as the silence stretched between you two.
“i don’t like it when people lie to me, boss.”
Before it could be really processed, he had you pinned to the left-hand wall of your office; your back prodded by picture frames of each skeleton who resided at the Banana Lounge, his ribs pressing against your sensitive chest. You could almost swear that his soulbeat was felt through the fabric between you. With your hands clasped together by one of his own above your head, you were completely at his mercy as his left iris sparked with cyan magic.
You quaked in his grasp, caged like a pet bird, and while your fight-or-flight instinct wanted you to run… you didn’t really have much of anywhere to go. Well, not that his teleporting would let you get far, besides.
His free hand raked against your waist, bringing you out of your own mind and back to him.
“why would you lie to me? i thought we were close friends and all.” he purred softly, head bowed into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You could faintly hear his breathing hitch as his teeth parted, allowing a glowing tongue to slither out and lap at the flushed skin.
“so, let’s try this again, hm? what would actually make you happy~?” His low, almost predatory, tone made shivers run down to your core.
All this time, you had watched someone else have their fun with him, wishing it were you but now? It was apparently your turn.
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
How Easy Would It Be...
So, after some inner debates, i decided to post the poem here but only for a certain amount of time (if I remember to delete this later). I, by no means, am anywhere close to acting upon any of the things portrayed in this, just channeling some of my depression out so I can focus on healing for a better tomorrow...
I’ll put it under a cut so those with triggers don’t get bothered until they defiantly click it anyway.
How easy would it be,
To take a plunge where no one can see?
To make it all come to an end?
To cease waiting for pain to mend?
How easy would it be,
To change what makes me, me?
To find somewhere safe to hide?
To stay in place and my time bide?
How easy would it be,
To watch someone live happily?
To stand back and be alone?
To follow what I’ve always known?
How easy would it be,
To lock the door and throw away the key?
To listen to the voices bellow aloud?
To take my sanity and let it cloud?
How easy would it be,
To take a ship out to sea?
To pray for salvation and relief?
To hope for a break from this grief?
How easy would it be,
To give in when everyone is free?
To hang my head in sure defeat?
To flee a fight and admit when I’m beat?
How easy would it be,
To close my eyes and count to three?
To take one step and take the leap?
To wish it all away…
And go to sleep.
How easy would it be...
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Here it is! A long overdue new chapter of Shattered.
I’m sorry I’ve been rather flighty about posting new stuff but I’ve been incredibly discouraged and down lately... Anxiety, depression, and insomnia are a bitch~
Anyway, hope you guys like it. I’ve had this one technically ready for a little while but was delaying it because of my insecurity so my apologies if it’s not all that great.
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Look at me doin’ shit before work~ *nervous chuckle*
But, yeah, seriously, the only reason I haven’t posted for it recently was because of some tweaking that I had to do for it and with Inktober and work in the way, I didn’t have time to get it exactly where I wanted.
But, now, it’s out! Enjoy it, guys! Chapter 5 will be out soon! <3
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Here’s a short-ish  drabble I did a few months ago that I only just now spruced up a little and figured I would post it. It’s nowhere close to my “best work” or anything but it does strike a chord with me personally.
I wrote this when I was having a tough time with my depression and had to write out all my emotions out before they vanished. Once they had, I finished it out how I hoped it would have really panned out than how it actually did in real life.
Anyway, thanks for reading, as always. Possible Trigger Warning: There is swearing and talks of depression and bad puns, so if that bothers you or anything, then this isn’t for you, friendo!~
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
So, here it is, my dudes! Chapter 3 of Shattered! I’m sorry for the gap between this chapter and the last. With the hurricane scare and work working me all over the place, it’s been a little more than nuts trying to keep up.
Would appreciate some feedback, if I may and let me know what more you’d like to see! I also don’t mind doing little one shots on the side, as well. So don’t be afraid to hit me up in a private message here on my blog!
Thanks for reading!
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Why Is Papyrus So Great?
Just a little cute thing that I’d had on my mind for, what feels like, forever. Been thinking about it and tossing it around until I decided to finally buckle down and put it on “paper” of sorts. 
I might make it a comic later but I dunno~ *shrug* If anyone wants to have at it, go for it and just credit me/let me know!~
The creak of floorboards on the balcony above echoed in the Skeleton household, a small figure tiptoeing its way to another door just down the way. It had been but a measly hour since he was put to bed, but the little tike had a plan in store.
With his gaze firmly set on his target, the small skeleton ninja’d his way into the room, and silently shut the door behind him, with a firm hold on the knob half a foot above his head. While the room was dark, a night light shone above the crib to the left, staving the shadows from touching even an inch of the child within it.
Adorned in an orange and femur-decorated onesie was his new little brother, Papyrus. Being the little troublemaker he was, Sans prefered the nickname “Papy.” His father implored him to get over that name quickly since the babybones practically whimpered in his arms at the silly title, but gave up when it proved useless to say otherwise. Shuffling over to the crib, pushing their dad’s story chair to the side, the young prankster clambered on with a grunt of effort. He hated doing so much work, but if he was able to do this, then he could say he has done everything he can to keep his promise when Dad first brought him home. Hands to the guardrail, bright white eyelights peered down into the pale cream sheets to see his baby brother softly snoring within. He couldn’t believe that he was a big brother now, beaming with pride and adoration for the little bundle in there.
“hi, Papy~” he greeted, voice soft in a whisper to not wake him. “do you wanna know somethin’ cool? you.” His perma-grin widened as he leaned down, a hand cupped around his mouth as though it were the biggest secret the world has ever known. His soul fluttered in giddy excitement. “you’re the great Papyrus. you’re the coolest brother in the world and nobody can tell you different. you’re gonna be the greatest good guy in the whole world.”
Sockets widened when the baby shifted in his sleep, hearing a sigh leave him with a smile as he clutched to the soft blanket. The tiny “nyeh” that left his mouth made Sans giggle.
After watching his brother sleep a little longer, the future comedian crawled down from the chair to put it back, and whispered a goodnight to his brother before leaving the bedroom. Making sure to get back to bed without getting caught, and almost having a mini-soul attack at hearing the squeak of his dad’s bed in the room between his and Pap’s, Sans quickly made it back and fell asleep.
So, every night without fail, Sans would pay a visit to his brother’s chambers and no one would be the wiser. Even well into adulthood, he kept up this trend. After reading the adventures of Fluffy Bunny and his pals, he’d bid Papyrus a good night’s sleep then tuck him in with his favorite teddy bear. Roughly an hour later, he’d return to whisper those words of encouragement.
Waking up from his dreamland when there was pounding on his bedroom floor, he rolled off his mattress to join his bro for breakfast.
“mornin’, Pap.”
“Good morning, sleepybones! You slept in rather late today! If we don’t hurry, we might miss a human! What if they come through today?!” Papyrus cried, red-gloved hands holding either side of his face in worry.
“‘ey, take it easy, bro. no human would dare go through your amazing traps without ya.” Sans reassured, offering a smile as he ate his brother’s leftover breakfast spaghetti from the day before. It wasn’t the best but, then again, he didn’t tell him he was the world’s best chef now, did he?
A sound of defeated acceptance came from the tall dreamer. “Well, yes, I know but… But! I still want to be there when they do show up! So, hurry up and let’s get going, brother! I must be the one to impress Undyne! The honorable title of Royal Guardsman awaits me! Nyeh heh heh!” he declared, waiting for his beloved brother to finish his mouthful before ushering the two of them from the house (though he was careful not to trip him with his boots catching on the ragged slippers).
“alright, alright. let’s go.” Hands shoved deep into his hoodie pockets, Sans walked with his brother through town and towards his station by the Ruins’ entrance. “welp, this is my stop. i guess there’s snow way out of my work shift today?”
“Nygeh! SANS! Why must you pun so early in the morning?!” Papyrus shouted, foot stamping in the snow. He tried to ignore the chuckle his fit earned, hands on his hips in disbelief. “Honestly, Sans. If you put as much effort into work as you do your puns, you’d sleep better knowing you did everything you could to be as great as me.”
A shrug. “hey, being great is your thing, bro.”
“Well, true as that may be, you are my brother so you can be great too!”
Sans blinked, eyelights flickering in surprise. Then, his expression smoothed out into a casual smile as always. “nah, it’s too much work. but, thanks for believing in me, Paps.”
As irritated as ever for his lazy attitude, Papyrus rolled his eyes before heading out with a promise to check on him later.
Watching him walk off down the path they had come, the comedian’s perma-grin softened as his whole frame relaxed. “you’ll always be the great Papyrus. i’m fine just bein’ Sans, bro…”
don’t let anybody tell you different...
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
WOOT WOOT! Chapter 2 is up, y’all! Come check it out while it’s pipin’ hot~
Honestly, though, I’m excited that I’m able to get this moving. It’ll really help me find a balance between work and my creative outlets (writing, art, *cough*singing*cough*) so let me know what you think!
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Here it is, my peeps! Finally found a variant of the chapter that I liked of my soon-to-be longest story thus far! Well, that I’ve posted, that is... Anyway, it’s going to be a long one and I’ve been pre-planning and organizing it for a while now. So, get ready for many, MANY chapters!
I’ll be updating as often as I can!
Hope you enjoy!
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
A Gig with A Skeleton
Here’s a little short story I made the night before based on an idea given to me by @thedragonlover, who is my irl best friend and who also helps to inspire me to get off my lazy ass to write when I feel down.
Thank you for the support, my dear! Don’t know what I’d do without you <3
“I-I don’t think I should do this, Steph. Really, I can’t.”
“Don’t be such a scaredy cat, Mikaela!” The young rabbit teased, jabbing the side of a very flustered wolf as they stood before the home of the famous (sometimes infamous) skeleton brothers of Snowdin.
Scowling at the obvious jab, the black furred monster found herself glancing at the doorbell anxiously. “Seriously, he’s looking for real talent. Not for someone who has no experience and can only sing when no one’s looking. Steph, I literally can’t do this!”
But it was too late.
A quick rap and the sound of heavy feet echoed in her pointed ears; she watched as her friend ran off with a shout of luck. Before she could even think to chase after her, the door opened to reveal a tall monster with a wide grin. “Oh! You must be here to audition! Sans will be so happy to see someone! You’re the first to show up!” he cheered, taking her shoulder and guiding her inside.
It took his firm grip to keep from tripping on the doorstep but Mikaela recovered as gracefully as she could, even wiping her pads off on the doormat just inside since their porch one was coated in snow. A quick glance around let her see the rather simple abode they called a home, not at all what the others guessed of the mysterious skeletons. They didn’t really have a history with the town but just sort of showed up one day, according to Steph’s mother who ran the inn just down the way. She recalled the story but never had the guts to talk to one of them about it. No one did.
Clearing her throat, finally finding her voice, the wolf scratched the back of her head. “S-Sorry to drop by. My friend thought it would be a good idea b-but I really think I should go. I mean--”
“You aren’t even going to give it a shot?”
The low baritone caught her off guard, yelping softly to find the shorter skeleton coming down the stairs with his hands casually shoved in his pockets. Permagrin as wide as ever, he approached and offered a handshake in greeting; oddly enough, no prank in sight.
Yes, this Sans was known for his jokes and practical pranks on most everyone. She, herself, had been lucky enough to avoid this but how was a mystery.
“Come on, throw me a bone here. Don’t leave me hanging.” he teased, brow bones wriggling in jest.
While the pun was insufferable, Mikaela took the extended palm with her own and gave it a firm squeeze. “I don’t think it’ll be anything but humerus to you but I’ll try, I guess…” she offered, earning a pleased snort from the male. His brother was less than enthused at the word play.
“Ugh! Honestly!” he shouted, storming off into the kitchen to let his brother have the pleasure of keeping the wolf company.
“Uh, did I do something?”
Waving off her concern, Sans shrugged. “Nah, he just doesn’t find jokes very punny, you know?”
Rolling her eyes, the canine followed his gesture and they headed back outside. With a turn to the left and the flick of a lock, they entered the spare shed beside the house where an acoustic guitar case, microphone, and stand were awaiting them.
“What do you play?”
His sudden question caught her wandering attention back onto him, glad that her dark fur shrouded any blush that heated her muzzle. “O-Oh, I don’t.” she amended, thinking that maybe saying what she did would have been a good start to this. “I sing, actually…”
It was then that she noticed how delicately he picked up the guitar, easily flicking the strap over his head to let it hang comfortably against his front and tuned it to his liking. “Singing, huh? Any favorites?”
She blinked. “Uh, well… I don’t really have a preference. I don’t really even sing around others but my friend has caught me once or twice and dragged me here.”
He stopped, pinpricks of light slanting over and making her feel small. “So, you didn’t come because you wanted to?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say it like that--”
“I would.”
Mikaela hunched her shoulders, biting her lip. Shifting her stance proved to be more awkward than she imagined and nearly had her falling over, instead opting to scratch her forearm. “I do want to be here. It’s just…” A sigh. “I get nervous singing for others because I’m afraid of what they’ll think of me. I mean, my parents are part of the Royal Guard and I do what? Sing because it makes me feel good? Heh, what a joke.”
Sans studied her for a good two minutes, the silence deafening. Then, he too sighed. “I’m in the same boat, you know? My bro wants to do that and my lazy bones? Heh, I just wanna sit around and crack puns day and night.”
When he earned a look, he continued. “Everyone’s good at somethin’ and it doesn’t matter what others think of ya. Heck, it doesn’t matter what your parents do or anything. Just, do you. Get me?”
Blue eyes lowered from his form in thought, head turned as claws tapped against the hardwood floor of the shed. Then, with a flash of what he could only describe as determination in her eyes, she smiled.
“Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”
“Heh, that’s the spirit. Now that we’ve mutt-stered the courage, let’s get this show on the snow.”
A groan. “Are bad puns part of the gig?”
“Nah, just an added bonus~” he teased, strumming out a harmonious G chord. “Now, let’s hear those scales.”
Mikaela couldn’t believe this! Barely a day went by before she received a call from Sans to tell her that the spot was hers. While it was sad to hear that no one else even bothered to show up, she was thrilled yet terrified. Their first show together?
She knew most every monster in Snowdin since moving here on her own and just thinking about singing in front of them tied her stomach in knots. A glance to her partner only showed her his calm smile as they walked, carrying their equipment to the bar.
A blink. “Maybe a little… Why?”
“Because you haven’t stopped shaking since we left the house.” Sans mentioned, eyeing her hand for only a moment without changing stride. He used to perform to entertain his brother many times so he had plenty of trial-runs with an audience but just based on their practice, he knew it’d be off to a rocky start.
Mikaela tried hard to stave her nerves, swallowing to ease her words into existence. “This is my first time singing in public, you know… Actually, you’re the first person I ever willingly sang for. Not even my parents have heard me.” She nearly tripped at this admittance, running her paw through her fur to calm herself and play it off. “A-anyway, I just hope it won’t be too busy on a Thursday. It’s usually not, from what I remember, so maybe it won’t be so bad.”
Upon opening the door, she was proven wrong.
Nearly every booth was taken up by monsters of all kinds, ranging from the local dogs who acted as sentry for humans to the fang-lined flytrap who lived just north of the main street. Why in the world was it so packed?!
Ignoring how that thought alone was a pun, the wolf jolted when a hand touched hers and pulled it back to see Sans standing beside her. “Hey, lighten up, bucko. It’ll be fine. Grillbz just thought some music would drum up some business.” He bent his knees to avoid a whack to his head.
“Let’s just… get this over with.”
It took only ten minutes for the two of them to set up the mic stand, speaker, and stool for the show. They were a small gig and while Grillby didn’t seem to be actually paying them, he did offer to cover any kind of drinks they might need while performing.
Once the elemental left them to last moment prep before they began, allowing them access to his back room to warm up vocally, Mikaela sighed. “So, remind me again why we are doing this?” She cleared her throat, thinking that rephrasing might be in order. “Usually, when people are asked to perform, they’re paid but we’re not. What’s going on?”
“It’s simpler payment for something else.”
“Like his tab.”
Sans was the one to jump when Grillby came back, adjusting his glasses to appraise the two.
“He hasn’t paid in a long time so this was a better alternative.” Getting a nod from the wolf, he approached with a smile as he bent low towards her ear to keep the skeleton from overhearing. “After all, more business covers his tab.”
Then, she understood. It was make-up performances that kept their dynamic from sinking or turning nasty. Huh, the majesty of business at its finest.
Standing to his full height, his flames brushed back neatly and bowtie adjusted, the bartender merely patted Sans on the head before leaving them be again. Seemed like he had his fun.
A laugh came from Mikaela from the whole ordeal, for once finding comedy in the face of anxiety.
“What’s got you in stitches?”
“Just the idea of you drinking yourself into debt and the only way to pay it back is by performing for the guy.”
There was a pause before the male laughed as well, seeing the light as she did. “Heh, guess you’re right.” he agreed. Now that he thought about it, that was a strange little set up they had between them. But, he was glad that his new partner had finally loosened up enough to laugh. “Alright, it’s showtime. You ready to huff, puff, and blow them away~?”
Giving him a light shove, the canine rolled her eyes. “Only if you’re ready to knock ‘em dead, bonehead.” When she saw him color at the jab, she snickered and walked ahead of him. “Come on, numbskull. Try to keep up.”
On the inside, she was screaming for a way out.
Exiting the back room, her partner not far behind, the black-furred monster licked her lips in anxiety. The patrons were just talking among themselves and yet, she felt like all eyes were on her. Heart racing in her chest, she nearly turned to run but a hand to her shoulder kept her planted in place.
Blue eyes honed in on lit sockets and Sans’ permagrin kept her grounded. He gave a firm nod and took his seat on the stool, guitar now strapped to his shoulder. Fiddling with the tuning pegs, he found the right sound with a simple strum of the strings.
With a leg hitched up on the top rung of his stall, the skeleton let the waist of his instrument curve along his femur and plucked at the chords rhythmically. He really was adept at his craft, which was odd given how lazy she had heard him to be. But, maybe music was the perfect outlet for him.
They often say that if you’re good at something, it takes no effort other than practice to accomplish what you love; hence the saying “you never work a day in your life if you do what you enjoy.”
The young woman had always wanted that kind of life, to savor her job like her parents did, but never could seem to find her calling.
Maybe this was a step in the right direction.
She was snapped from her thoughts when Grillby came up next to her with a few song requests, the handwriting varying from option to option. “I had asked some of my regulars what they would want to hear. Most, if not all, are not in the jukebox so I hope you know some of them.” he explained.
While some were an enigma to her, there was one in particular that did suit her fancy though was a bit embarrassing to sing. “I’ll try my best. Thanks for the heads up.”
Once alone, Mikaela swallowed and showed Sans the list. “Know any of them?”
Eye sockets judged the paper before they paused at an item about midway down the list, pointing to it. “Just that one. Paps liked how sweet it sounded and had me play it for him since he was just a babybones.”
Of course, it was the one she liked as well. Figures…
“Well, I guess we have to do that one.”
“Why, you know it?”
She shrugged with a bite of her lip. “What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic with an attitude that doesn’t match.” When he laughed, she pouted as her tail bristled. “Hey! Just… Just start it up.”
He obliged and before long, the entire bar went quiet as his nimble fingers strummed the chords effortlessly; his sockets closed and smile turning more gentle. Then, his teeth parted as he sang his first verse.
Mikaela watched as everyone was entranced by his performance, the low baritone warm and enticing to whomever it may be directed to. Though, she did almost miss her mark when he opened his eyes to cue their switch.
Swallowing her nerves, her higher pitch took over for a more intimate echo as the song took on a longing vibe rather than a solemn one. Her voice dipped low every so often to keep it unique but she didn’t stray too far from the source itself; staying in tune with his guitar riffs was rather easy to do so long as she focused on Sans instead of the crowd.
Any time her eyes drifted to the patrons, her heart would race and her hand would grip the mic tightly as she’d close her eyes in fear. Only until they’d get to a part of the chorus to harmonize would she reopen them again to gaze at her partner for stability. He’d offer a reassuring smile and she’d give a shaky one in return.
By the final chorus that lead into the ending chord, they had gotten to be so in-sync with one another that both had nearly forgotten they were in a busy restaurant. It was then that their finale came and the last note left their mouths did the cheers of the monsters jarr their gazes to look out over the sea of people.
Mikaela blinked owlishly, unsure of just how they got through that without so much as a single screw up but a playful hit to her shoulder got her to smile with a few murmurs of thanks. With her tail wagging, she looked to her partner.
Sans gave a mock bow to her with a smile, his teeth connected once more. “I’d say this place has gone to the dogs~” he teased, unrepentant grin as casual as always.
The joke didn’t go without a swat to his skull but it was more playful than anything else. “You suck, you know that? And I’m a wolf, thank you very much.”
“Oh, higher pedigree. My mistake.”
She worked her jaw but was foiled from making a comeback when Grillby approached, congratulating them on a wonderful performance. Though, his next words both elated and terrified her.
“So, what’s the next song?”
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lostsoulwolf · 7 years
Inktober is over...
Thank god! *collapses*
No, but, seriously. This was my first time pushing through it all the way and while I would get behind every so often just from work being rough a few days, I was able to complete it on time!~ For anyone curious, all of my inktober submissions are under my #inktober and #soulwolf sketches and #undertale tags.
In other news... I’m kinda having a rough night. It just kind of came out of nowhere, honestly, and I doubt you guys will take the time to read anything aside from the title of this but it’ll make me feel better to write this out. If you guys like what I do, whether it be my art or writing (when posted)... would you say I’m not disappointing?
I’ve been thinking about some things like my slight lack of a real support system and now that I don’t have Inktober over my head for the first time in a month... it’s sinking in again. So, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like some advice or maybe a nice word or two. I could really use it. I had a friend earlier today compliment my writing on my AO3 account and it made me feel good for a bit, before all these things started meandering back into my head...
Anyway, sorry for taking up your time. My apologies...
If, uh, you want to check out my work, here’s my AO3 stuff...
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lostsoulwolf · 6 years
HEYOOOOO! Sooo, I just pumped out a new chapter!~ *hides* Ok, okay, let me explain! I know it’s been months since my last update and I’m sorry about that, I really am. I have no excuse. I had no motivation to keep going, my depression has been kicking my ass lately, work has been hell, and anytime I did feel like writing, it would be gone before I could get anything out (aka I would be at work most of the time).
BUT! What I’m going to try to do is post/write a new chapter maybe every other day during Inktober. So, while I will (try to) post every day a drawing following the UnderInktoberTale challenge, every odd numbered day of the event will hopefully be a new chapter for Shattered. I’m not sure how this will work out but I’m going to try my damnest to get back on track with this!
Thank you very much for being patient with me!
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