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blazingsaza · 1 year ago
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"Apapun jenis kulitnya, skincare nya Teh Botol Sosro🥃"
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months ago
Random question: top 3 gorengan/jajanan indo yg kamu suka?
Halo anonn! Oke ni ya
1. Martabak manis
2. Siomay
3. Tempe sama pisang goreng
Jadi laper 🤤
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moonlitenvyillust · 1 month ago
what is your (or anyone else's) worst experience with shopee? (the bane of my fucking existence and also my reason to live)
-a feixiao loving moot
Pack it up miyamiya we know it's you
And that orange shop istg
Me personally I haven't used that directly
But my irl bestie had and she got this really damn rude courier
Like I'm talking throws your package at your doorstep type rude
Like that mf had the audacity to call my girl broke for using that discount for the service
Like Mr you are driving shit around as a job
And you call her broke?
She lives in a two story house mind you
And I was over to do our group art home work yeah so our hands are still drenched in wet dark blue+crimson paint
My girl had to stop me from throwing a paintbrush at that man istg I was already on period, high on unfinished projects and seven cups of teh botol sosro I was NOT having his shit
I thanked the man for her with the most passive aggressive insult I could make at the moment and she opened the package which I didn't look at ofc it's her stuff
Then we finished the day with praying for that man's demise
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avrindah · 7 months ago
Menjilat Ludah Sendiri
Apapun makanannya, minuman yang paling enak teh botol sosro eh ludah sendiri. Kata orang sarkasnya begitu.
Ini yang aku pikirkan akhir-akhir ini. Dulu gak pengin punya suami kaya Ayah. Pokoknya gak banget. Sekarang? Berharap -minimal mirip lah. Ganteng, cerdas banget, pekerja keras, gak ganjen, gak kasar, selalu punya jawaban, paling tanggungjawab.
Di saat beredar banyaknya kasus selingkuh, KDRT, laki males kerja dll rasanya bersyukur sekali punya Ayah kaya Ayahku.
Hal kedua, dulu gak pengin nikah sama orang Tegal. Pokoknya gak banget. Sekarang? Sudahlah, orang Tegal pun tak apa. Malah pengin menyudahi nasib sebagai perantau. Balik ke Tegal aja, menjalani hidup di Tegal.
Ya begitulah kehidupan. Terutama hidupku -dan aku yang ngeyelan. Harus ditampar biar sadar. Hehe.
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ljlcorp · 4 days ago
Lowongan Kerja dari PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat Maret 2025
Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat.
PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat merupakan perusahaan minuman teh terintegrasi yang didirikan oleh keluarga Sosrodjojo, memproduksi teh kemasan seperti Teh Botol Sosro dan berbagai varian teh lainnya, serta merupakan bagian dari Rekso Group.
Saat ini, PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:
Selengkapnya baca di 👇👇👇 https://www.lokerinone.com/2025/03/pt-sinar-sosro-gunung-slamat.html
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ljlcorp · 12 days ago
Lowongan Kerja dari PT. Sinar Sosro Maret 2025
Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT. Sinar Sosro.
PT. Sinar Sosro merupakan salah satu perusahaan teh siap minum dalam kemasan botol yang pertama di Indonesia dan di dunia.
PT. Sinar Sosro resmi didaftarkan pada tanggal 17 Juli 1974 oleh Bapak Soegiharto Sosrodjojo, yang berlokasi di Jalan Raya Sultan Agung KM. 28 kelurahan Medan Satria Bekasi.
Pada tahun 1940, keluarga Sosrodjojo memulai usahanya di kota Slawi, Jawa Tengah dengan memproduksi dan memasarkan teh seduh dengan merk Teh Cap Botol.
Pada tahun 1960, Soegiharto Sosrodjojo dan saudara-saudaranya hijrah ke Jakarta untuk mengembangkan usaha keluarga Sosrodjojo kepada masyarakat di Jakarta.
Lalu tahun 1965, usaha memperkenalkan Teh Cap Botol ini dilakukan dengan melakukan strategy Cicip Rasa yakni mendatangi pusat-pusat keramaian seperti pasar. Lalu mulai memasak dan menyeduh teh langsung di tempat. Tetapi cara ini kurang berhasil.
Kemudian teh tidak lagi diseduh langsung di pasar. Tetapi dimasukkan kedalam panci-panci besar, untuk selanjutnya dibawa ke pasar dengan menggunakan mobil bak terbuka. Lagi-lagi cara ini kurang berhasil, karena teh yang dibawa sebagian besar tumpah dalam perjalanan dari kantor ke pasar.
Akhirnya secara tidak disengaja, ditemukan ide untuk membawa teh yang telah diseduh di kantor dan dikemas kedalam botol bekas kecap atau limun yang sudah dibersihkan. Pada tahun 1969, muncul gagasan untuk menjual teh siap minum atau ready to drink tea dalam kemasan botol dengan nama Tehbotol Sosro. Nama tersebut diambil dari nama teh seduh “Teh Cap Botol“ dan nama keluarga pendiri yakni “Sosrodjojo”. Design yang digunakan mengalami tiga kali perubahan yakni, tahun 1969 versi pertama, tahun 1972 versi kedua, dan 1974 versi ketiga.
Tehbotol Sosro hanya menggunakan bahan baku asli dan alami. Daun tehnya dipetik dari perkebunan sendiri. Kemudian diolah menjadi teh wangi yaitu teh hijau yang dicampur bunga melati dan bunga gambir. Sehingga menghasilkan rasa yang unik, ke-khas-annya selalu terjaga dan terjamin kualitasnya.
Sampai saat ini PT. Sinar Sosro sudah mempunyai 14 pabrik yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia yakni, di Medan, Palembang, Pandeglang, Jakarta, Tambun, Cibitung, Ungaran, Gresik, Mojokerto, dan Gianyar. Serta pabrik yang khusus memproduksi air mineral Prim-A yaitu di Sentul, Sukabumi, Purbalingga dan Pandaan. (*data per 2014).
Dalam pengembangan bisnisnya, PT. Sinar Sosro telah mendistribusikan produknya keseluruh Nusantara, melalui kantor cabang Penjualan yang tersebar di seluruh Nusantara.
Selain di dalam negeri, PT. Sinar Sosro juga merambah pasar internasional dengan mengekspor produk-produk one way packaging/non botol beling kebeberapa Negara di Asia, Amerika, Eropa, Afrika, Australia dan Kepulauan Pasifik. Saat ini, produk-produk yang diproduksi oleh PT. Sinar Sosro adalah, Tehbotol Sosro, Fruit Tea Sosro, S-Tee, Tebs, Country Choice dan Air Mineral Prim-A.
Saat ini, PT Sinar Sosro membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:
Selengkapnya baca di 👇👇👇 https://www.lokerinone.com/2020/08/pt-sinar-sosro.html
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sundatestories · 6 months ago
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Exclusive Tehbotol Sosro x Sundate Stories merch for sale only at the 50th Tehbotol Sosro Art Market.
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telekenism · 2 months ago
if they didn't want me chugging 3 boxes of Teh Botol Sosro™ they wouldn't have bo
hello? can anyone hear me? oh my God it's so dark in here
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sosro188lol · 4 months ago
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Sosro188 Salah Satu Agen Resmi Anti Rungkad Sosro 188
Sosro188 - mainkan game online resmi tempat bermain tergacor gampang menang dengan hadiah yang fantastis tanpa settingan sedikitpun
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sosro99sa · 4 months ago
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Sosro99 | Sosro 99 Room Game Terpercaya Di Indonesia Mudah Jackpot menjadi penghasilan tambahan dengan cara bermain game yang mudah memberikan kemenangan.
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makanmakananenak782 · 5 months ago
Teh Botol Sosro
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Asal: JakartaDeskripsi: Teh Botol Sosro adalah teh manis dalam kemasan botol yang telah populer di Indonesia sejak lama. Minuman ini memiliki rasa teh yang khas dan manis, sangat mudah ditemukan di hampir seluruh penjuru Indonesia.Manfaat: Meskipun terasa menyegarkan, kandungan gula pada teh botol Sosro cukup tinggi, sehingga sebaiknya dikonsumsi dengan bijak. Teh itu sendiri mengandung antioksidan yang baik bagi tubuh
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ameliastory · 5 months ago
Childhood memories in Pandeglang
1:16 AM, I can't sleep lately, my sleeping schedule are messed up. I just want to write a blog while I have an idea for writing. Have you ever liked nostalgia for the old days or when you were little? It’s very often happened to me. especially in the past, it seems that the atmosphere is still very peaceful, not as stressed as now, and the quality of life was so good. Eid in the past felt better than nowadays, right? In the early 2000s I used to live in the Java island area precisely in Pandeglang, entering Banten province, Indonesia
So my mother's relatives are mostly in Pandeglang because she is a Sundanese originally, and migrated to Lampung from the time of my ancestors era, but some of my relatives are still pretty much staying in Pandeglang, but I'm not too closest with them when I was a kid, I even forgot how their face was
So I used to live in the Cilembur bathing place area which is very close to the Sosro bottled tea factory
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Location: Karang Tanjung, Pandeglang, Banten.
That's the photo that I found from Google because in the past, when I lived in this area, I was still a kid, I haven’t go to school yet, so I kind of forget about some of these, but I'm full of memories in this place, especially since I have a friend who used to be very kind, she’s a girl named metha, her family is also very kind, I don't know if she still remembers me or not though, I also can’t remember what her face is because it's been a long time, you know I'm still a child who hasn't go to school.
I used to like to take a bath with my sister here, the bathing place has a lot of fish, maybe it's a sacred fish? There are 2 parts of the pool for small children and adults, small children are safe, there are no fish, but there are in adults area, plus the pool is very deep, i used to enter here for free because I was the resident there, but now I don't know if it's still free or paid for admission.
There is one more memorable place, the Sosro bottled tea factory.
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I read the news and I was surprised that it was said to be bankrupt, but indeed if you look at it from Google Maps now it's a bit abandoned it's really sad, this factory was a silent witness when I was little in front of this factory there was a small stall owned by my relatives she’s selling a breakfast she sold like vegetable lontong and nasi uduk, there was one incident that made me traumatic until now it's ridiculous for some people but I really have a phobia of this one animal because of this incident
In the past, there were not many houses in front of this factory, the number is still very small amount compare to now. even in the past, when it was maghrib time, no one dared to come outside because the local said there was a ghost etc. maybe now it's different and not like before
Well, in front of the road of this factory, there was a very big millipede, he passed the road, there was a truck passing by, the sound was crackling, I still remember until now how it was shaped. Of all the memories I have, this is the most memorable one and scariest too haha, but living in this area is not suitable for city people like me and my family, so I can't survive and go back to Lampung. Whatever you want to sell is they always want it to be cheaper, it's only common that cuz it's still in the village area, maybe live here for those who have retired but if you are still young it's better to live in the city.
There are still many more experiences I have here but it will turned out to be a whole book lol, and I am writing this so that my child can read and know how their mother's life story is.
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lokerin88my · 6 months ago
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PT Sinar Sosro (a REKSO Company) http://dlvr.it/TDbbb1
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siskakuswandari · 6 months ago
Lowongan Kerja di Pabrik Teh Botol Sosro Lulusan SMA SMK Sederajat September 2024, Begini Cara Lamarnya!
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kusmajelita · 6 months ago
Lowongan Kerja di Pabrik Teh Botol Sosro Lulusan SMA SMK Sederajat September 2024, Begini Cara Lamarnya!
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thelovingroses · 7 months ago
Childhood memories in Pandeglang
1:16 AM, I can't sleep lately, my sleeping schedule are messed up. I just want to write a blog while I have an idea for writing. Have you ever liked nostalgia for the old days or when you were little? It’s very often happened to me. especially in the past, it seems that the atmosphere is still very peaceful, not as stressed as now, and the quality of life was so good. Eid in the past felt better than nowadays, right? In the early 2000s I used to live in the Java island area precisely in Pandeglang, entering Banten province, Indonesia
So my mother's relatives are mostly in Pandeglang because she is a Sundanese originally, and migrated to Lampung from the time of my ancestors era, but some of my relatives are still pretty much staying in Pandeglang, but I'm not too closest with them when I was a kid, I even forgot how their face was
So I used to live in the Cilembur bathing place area which is very close to the Sosro bottled tea factory
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Location: Karang Tanjung, Pandeglang, Banten.
That's the photo that I found from Google because in the past, when I lived in this area, I was still a kid, I haven’t go to school yet, so I kind of forget about some of these, but I'm full of memories in this place, especially since I have a friend who used to be very kind, she’s a girl named metha, her family is also very kind, I don't know if she still remembers me or not though, I also can’t remember what her face is because it's been a long time, you know I'm still a child who hasn't go to school.
I used to like to take a bath with my sister here, the bathing place has a lot of fish, maybe it's a sacred fish? There are 2 parts of the pool for small children and adults, small children are safe, there are no fish, but there are in adults area, plus the pool is very deep, i used to enter here for free because I was the resident there, but now I don't know if it's still free or paid for admission.
There is one more memorable place, the Sosro bottled tea factory.
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I read the news and I was surprised that it was said to be bankrupt, but indeed if you look at it from Google Maps now it's a bit abandoned it's really sad, this factory was a silent witness when I was little in front of this factory there was a small stall owned by my relatives she’s selling a breakfast she sold like vegetable lontong and nasi uduk, there was one incident that made me traumatic until now it's ridiculous for some people but I really have a phobia of this one animal because of this incident
In the past, there were not many houses in front of this factory, the number is still very small amount compare to now. even in the past, when it was maghrib time, no one dared to come outside because the local said there was a ghost etc. maybe now it's different and not like before
Well, in front of the road of this factory, there was a very big millipede, he passed the road, there was a truck passing by, the sound was crackling, I still remember until now how it was shaped. Of all the memories I have, this is the most memorable one and scariest too haha, but living in this area is not suitable for city people like me and my family, so I can't survive and go back to Lampung. Whatever you want to sell is they always want it to be cheaper, it's only common that cuz it's still in the village area, maybe live here for those who have retired but if you are still young it's better to live in the city.
There are still many more experiences I have here but it will turned out to be a whole book lol, and I am writing this so that my child can read and know how his mother's life story is.
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