#sorryyyyy sorry sorry if this makes no sense i just have a lot of thoughts about it so corralling them all is hard
defectivevillain · 1 year
struck by your lightning, chii
reader’s pronouns: he/him
here’s chapter one [you’ll want to read this first, otherwise this part won’t make much sense]
as i mentioned in part one, this is a chat fic and the formatting was mostly made for ao3. it’s a lil wonky here, so here’s the ao3 version if you’d prefer to read that :)
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a lil recap of last chapter: you're assigned to work the red carpet at a national awards gala. there, you interview tons of celebrities, including kaminari! kaminari is super nice & you leave the event feeling exhausted, relieved, and satisfied all at once. you return home to take a light nap, only to wake up to a notification from your phone. it seems kaminari is texting you...? that's weird.
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: u good?
Kaminari Denki: OKAY, GOOD ?
You: YEP…
You: 😶
Kaminari Denki: 😶 😶
You: sorry i didn’t believe you
You: i have to be careful with messages from unknown numbers…
You: well, you get it, i’m sure.
Kaminari Denki: ya i get it
You: also, i have something to say to you
Kaminari Denki: wassup
You: waffles are better fck u
Kaminari Denki: ur so wrong.
Kaminari Denki: 😘
You: hold on. hold onnnnnn.
You: how’d u get this number ??
You: pls don’t tell me my number is leaked
Kaminari Denki: nahhh it’s not leaked
You have to breathe a sigh of relief at that. It’s not like you’re an important public figure or anything, but the thought of anyone having access to your phone number sends shivers down your spine. You already get enough spam calls.
Kaminari Denki: i got ur number cuz…
Kaminari Denki: idol perks
You: you just asked my coworker, didn’t you
Kaminari Denki: yup
You: sigh…
Kaminari Denki: they told me that if i hurt you
Kaminari Denki: they’d murder me
You: gsjfdkheng3oaejk….
You: just give me a moment to scream
Kaminari Denki: …
You: ok im bck
Kaminari Denki: LOL dude ur good dw abt it 😭
Kaminari Denki: i thought it was kinda cute actually
You: unfortunately, they were dead fucking serious… they could kill a bitch
You: i wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already killed someone, actually…
Kaminari Denki: well that’s comforting
You: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You: also, congrats on the award !
Kaminari Denki: thx
Kaminari Denki: does this mean you’ll listen to my music now?
You: maybe
Kaminari Denki: hmph :/
You: why?
Kaminari Denki: why what?
You: idk. why do you care? it’s not like my listening will give you any money
Kaminari Denki: …
Kaminari Denki: cause ur cute and i like you?
You: what
Kaminari Denki: wha
You: what
Kaminari Denki: wha
Kaminari Denki: welp i’m just gonna go then 🏃🏃🏃
You: no waittt
You: sorry, you just surprised me
Kaminari Denki: no one’s ever said that to you before?
You: well, i mean, yeah, but…
Kaminari Denki: who. when. where. why.
You: plssss
You: what album should i start on then
Kaminari Denki: lightning
You: oki
Kaminari Denki: tell me how u like it after ;0
You: okiii
You: alr i’m gonna go to bed
Kaminari Denki: gn (´。• ω •。`)
Kaminari: it’s been a week are you alive
You grimace at the notification displayed on your lock screen. Admittedly, you hadn’t meant to ignore him- time just slipped away from you. Guilt stews in your chest all the same.
You: no i’m definitely not
Kaminari: sooo what’d ya think
You: oh SHIT that’s what i forgot to do
You: im so sorryyyyy the agency has been running me ragged 🙏
Kaminari: don’t apologize for doing ur job,, lol
Kaminari: what are they having you do?
You: whaleeee
You: before, i was more of a local reporter
You: but since the awards, i’ve actually been interviewing other celebrities and stuff
Kaminari: oh
You: it’s weird, tbh
Kaminari: ya a lot of music folks are pretty weird
You: says you
Kaminari: oi! i’m not weird 😡
You: im jk lolll
Kaminari: you know for a reporter you have awful grammar
You: well fck u2 then
Kaminari: :P
You: people keep recognizing me now,,, it’s weird
You: like literally a girl came up to me yesterday and was like “you interviewed kaminari!!”
Kaminari: oh shit lol
You: right?
You: other than that, i’ve been good
You: hbu? you’ve probably been busy
Kaminari: nah, not that much. just writing new music.
You: oh cool
You: speaking of music
You: i really liked your album
Kaminari: rly? u listened to it?
You: ofc i did!!!! it was cool
Kaminari Denki: what was ur fave song :P
You: probably shockwave!
You: it was very heartfelt
Kaminari: yeah… i wrote that one in the midst of a breakup
You: awe :(
You: at least it made a great song, haha
Kaminari Denki: yeah, that’s a good way to think about it actually
You: 😌
Kaminari Denki: so what other music do you listen to, then?
Kaminari Denki: besides mine, obviously
You: i listen to sero’s music sometimes
Kaminari Denki: skljehgeiroljhngejlrkshg
You: have you heard of him?
Kaminari Denki: …
Kaminari Denki: yes
Kaminari Denki:
You: r u good?
You: u got rly weird all of a sudden
Kaminari Denki: one sec, i need to kill a bitch
You: wut
Direct Message
Kaminari: what
Sero Brain Cells: what
Kaminari: what poster.
Sero Brain Cells: ohshit💀
Kaminari: sero. what poster.
Sero Brain Cells: ur limited edition one….? ha…… ha……
Kaminari: wow i am literally going to kill you twice
Sero Brain Cells: NO PLS SPARE ME
Kaminari: and to think that wasn’t even what i was going to talk to you about
Kaminari: damn
Kaminari: ok. focus, kaminari.
Sero Brain Cells: i swear i’ll make it up to you bro
Kaminari: you will?
Sero Brain Cells: yes just ask for a favor. any favor and i’ll do it
Kaminari: perfect. stop making music forever.
Sero Brain Cells: okay
Kaminari: nice
Sero Brain Cells: great
Kaminari: perfect
Sero Brain Cells: wait WHAT THE FUCK
Kaminari: u heard me hoe
Sero Brain Cells: wtf crawled up ur ass dude
Kaminari: i asked my friend what kind of music he listens to and he said yours
Sero Brain Cells: holy shit ur talking to that reporter?
Sero Brain Cells: lmfaooo
Sero Brain Cells: kami, i know all of ur other friends. bc they’re also my friends.
Kaminari: sighhhhh
Sero Brain Cells: anyway. he listens to my music?
Kaminari: -_-
Sero Brain Cells: that’s cool tbh
Kaminari: -_-
Sero Brain Cells: give him my number, will u?
Kaminari: i despise you
Kaminari: why are we friends
Sero Brain Cells: because i’m sexy and hot and funny?
Sero: <3 ?
Kaminari: … <3
Sero Brain Cells: and bc i make good music? ;)
Kaminari is offline.
Sero Brain Cells: damn 💀
Direct Message
You: u good, dude…? it's been a few days…
Kaminari Denki: definitely… dude.
You: don’t kill sero, pls? I like his music :$
Kaminari Denki: oof
You: i’m messing with you
You: although i do actually like his music a lot
Kaminari Denki: staHp
You: but i like ur music more ;)
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: oh!! also!!! i completely forgot- u left ur placard on the red carpet the other day
Kaminari Denki: i mean if you insist
Kaminari Denki:
Kaminari Denki: [placard.jpg]
[placard.jpg]: A picture of the ever-familiar placard that you had at the red carpet. The back is filled with your rampant scribblings and notes. It’s hardly legible once you really look at it. Upon closer investigation, there’s a note in glittery gold ink at the bottom with a cute doodle of a Pikachu. Evidently, that was Kaminari’s doing.  
You: omfg that would’ve been so bad if someone else had gotten ahold of it…
Kaminari Denki: yeah some of these notes are hilarious, dude
Kaminari Denki: “Don’t ask Ground Zero anything. Ever.”
You: NOOOOOO you weren’t supposed to see that
Kaminari Denki: “Don’t ask Shoto about his father,” is a rly good one actually
You: oh goddddd pls spare me
Kaminari Denki: dude it’s okay calm down
Kaminari Denki: do u want it back
You: yeah ig
You: wouldn’t want to leak industry secrets 🙄
You: since u have it… can u just mail it to me
Kaminari Denki: don’t have ur address
You: well i’ll just give it to you then, dude
Kaminari Denki: i don’t have postal
You: wut 😶
Direct Message
Sero Brain Cells: what’d u do this time
Kaminari: so yk how the cuteass reporter dropped his placard and i picked it up
Sero Brain Cells: u did??? dawg ur whipped 💀
Kaminari: but anyway i texted him abt it today and he said i could just mail it to him
Kaminari: but!! i was hoping to see him again and obv i didn’t want that to happen
Sero Brain Cells: and????
Kaminari: and… [textconvo.screenshot]
Sero Brain Cells: oh i know you did nottttt
Sero Brain Cells: yeah,,,, i can see that…..
Kaminari: I'M SO DONE
Sero Brain Cells: dude no ur not
Kaminari: wut
Sero Brain Cells: this is ur chance!!!!!! u can get him to hang out w u by offering to give him the placard thingy
Kaminari: have i ever told u that ur a genius
Sero Brain Cells: not enough, evidently
Kaminari is offline.
Sero Brain Cells: well, ty
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: oi i have an idea
You: what’s up
Kaminari Denki: abt the placard
You: yes?
Kaminari Denki: ur agency’s near that one cafe right
You: espressobeanz? yes
Kaminari Denki: i can meet u there tmrw
You: um what
Kaminari Denki: ?
Kaminari Denki:
You: wait what
Kaminari Denki: what?
You: idk, just… don’t you have more important things to do
Kaminari Denki: not rly
You: ok…
Kaminari Denki: plus i wanna hang out :(
You: ohhhh oki
You: wait holup holdup
You: the cafe is kinda public… r u gonna be ok
Kaminari Denki: why wouldn’t i be
You: idk don’t you get mobbed in public whenever people recognize you
Kaminari Denki: i mean yeah but it’s fine
You: u sure?
Kaminari Denki: yep!
You: okiii sounds like a plan then
Kaminari Denki: cool
You: i get off work at 3pm so let’s just meet then?
Kaminari Denki: 👍
Direct Message
Kaminari: omfg sero ur forgiven for ripping my poster
Sero Brain Cells: HOORAY
Kaminari: im meeting w him tomorrow Ψ(`_´ # )↝
Sero Brain Cells: niiiiice!!
Kaminari: i'm so scared
Sero Brain Cells: what why
Kaminari: i'm scaredddd
Sero Brain Cells: okay okay don’t freak out
Sero Brain Cells: have you picked out an outfit?
Kaminari: nope
Sero Brain Cells: okay so here’s what we’ll do. I’ll meet u at ur place tn and i’ll help u pick out something to wear
Kaminari: and i’ll order food
Sero Brain Cells: YES NOW U GET IT
You throw your phone on the couch and bury your head in your hands. Your heart is racing at the thought of seeing Kaminari again. You have to pause and take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Thankfully, you have the rest of today to spend freaking about and picking out ten different outfits that you’ll never wear.
As for right now, though… It’s time to distract yourself. You pull up a Youtube video and resolutely pretend not to think about your date tomorrow.  
chapter 3
thx for reading <33333
tagging: @tejas-kris​ and @felmierr​ :0 
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I can't believe I ACTUALLY THOUGHT that that episode WASN'T gonna end on a cliffhanger.
I hate myself for not appropriately mentally preparing for that.
And the worst part is that I probably can't watch the next episode until tomorrow night.
But admittedly, I suppose technically, the rest of you who were watching this live had to wait four months or something like that for the next episode, so waiting a day really isn't that bad in comparison.
Time to overanalyze that final scene like I always do lol.
First of all, I'm just so excited that our pack is being a pack again. Things always go better when we're all together.
Third of all, YES to those pairings, okay? YES!
I really appreciate how quickly Lydia went to Allison, because it seemed obvious, but I appreciate even more how quickly Deaton stopped her and put her with Stiles. Which makes sense, because between the three of them, Lydia and Stiles have the closest emotional connection (I mean, they just kissed for crying out loud!).
But then I really appreciate the way that was handled between Scott, Allison, and Isaac. Because that could've been so awkward, and Scott could've gotten angry, or been hurt, but in that moment, saving their parents had to come first, and even though he obviously loves Allison and probably isn't super pleased about her new closeness to Isaac, he knows that in the end, it's more important that they all come out of this alive. And if Allison being with Isaac is what's able to bring her back, then that's what matters.
And yes, that makes me ship Allison and Isaac even more, and gosh darnat I'm so sorry Scott, but I think I'm picking Isaac (I'm sorryyyy, I feel so guilty, but I REALLY love them together <3).
"If I don't make it back, and you do, there's something you should know. Your dad's in town."
The fact that Stiles is even considering the fact that Scott might be the only one to make it back hurts like h*ll. Especially because, as frightening as it is, he's right about the likelihood. Scott is the werewolf. If anyone is gonna be able to survive this for sure, it's him. Stiles and Allison are MUCH more at risk.
But then add to that the bomb drop of Scott's dad being back in town, and the look on Scott's face right after he says it...
God they better all make it back alive, because if that's the last thing those two talked about, I'm gonna be very upset.
They're gonna be fine.
I know they're gonna be fine, because Stiles and Scott and Allison are all in more episodes together after this (spoilers save my sanity sometimes lol).
But how fine are they REALLY going to be??
When Deaton says "darkness"...what does that mean exactly?
...wait a minute.
Is the darkness the reason that the Nogitsune is able to take possession of Stiles in the second half of this season (yeah yeah, I know. Sorryyyyy. This is what happens when I discover a show long after it's ended lol.)?? Cause that would actually explain a lot and make a whole lot of sense.
Like, I know a decent amount about that part of the storyline, but I don't know EVERYTHING, and this would certainly be one of the puzzle pieces I'm missing.
...maybe I can sneak it in tonight.
Either way, you know you guys'll know one way or another lol.
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mccleans · 2 years
I know you have been on footblr for a while, so I was hoping for your opinion/help on something, sorry if my English is not good. I'm feeling really sick and disheartened at the amount of s3xual criminals in football right now, my team is Manchester United and there is gossip that a certain player who was revealed as a horrible man might be coming back to play this new season of games, as well as the Ronaldo already being on the team. I love Manchester United, they are my father's team and his father's too but I am having difficulty trying to continue to love them as much as I did. If you or any of your followers have any advice I would be very thankful. Again sorry if I have bad English.
tw sexual assault
hi your english is absolutely fine but pls don't feel you need to apologise for it either way!
sorry you're having a tough time with all this <3 it really is so shit to be anyone other than a straight white man when you're watching sport because you're just constantly reminded you're not welcome. there's countless examples of times we've been made to feel like that in every sport, but it feels like it's constant in football. there's obviously no right answer here because how we react to things like this is so individual and what works to make one person feel safe won't work for others, but as a community we have to ensure we're holding these clubs, players and staff (and ourselves) to an acceptable standard - i can't even say high standard because i feel like not assaulting people is a pretty low bar to reach. rapists and abusers cannot be allowed to have a public career earning millions in peace. it is not a human right to be a millionaire playing football every weekend, despite what men in twitter replies would have you believe.
this is definitely an issue i've struggled with a lot in my head because it feels so unfair that the only people who seem to care about issues like this and work to raise awareness of and change them are the people affected. we as women or people of colour or lgbtq people or members of any marginalised community can talk and talk and talk about problems we see in football and how they impact us, and these men will still continue to have full careers, legions of supporters and suffer no consequences for their actions because they can kick a ball in the right direction. trying to get it into mens heads that ronaldo shouldn't be playing football because victims should matter more than goals is literally like talking to a brick wall and it's exhausting
i don't actually have an answer to your question or really any advice because i'm still working on dealing with this myself, but the main thing is keeping yourself and those around you safe, protected and educated. whether that's by taking a step back or changing your relationship with the club or whatever it takes that's up to you and i can't tell you what to do there, but just know we're all in the same boat on here and footyblr really is a safe space if you surround yourself with the right people <3
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animeheadspace · 2 years
Hiiii~ me again! I want to finally ask you for a story, Hanma obviously… if you don’t to do it, please ignore… anyways, Hanma x reader who looks vexing and is uninterested but is actually kind and caring, even if they try not to show it, any gender is fine… all the ‘Hanma x reader’ fanfics i find are ANGST and i cannot relate to them at all, if you do accept, thank you. But if you don’t, please ignore, cause I don’t want to be publicly embarrassed. have a great day or night. ily no matter what! ❤️❤️❤️
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a/n - HI SORRY THIS IS SO LATE FOR SOME REASON I NEEDED TO TAKE A SUPER BIG MENTAL HEALTH BREAK IM SO SORRYYYYY but also NOOO WE DON'T WANT HANMA ANGST i gotchu, hopefully this meets your expectations tysm for sending smth in ILYSM <3
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hanma usually only thought of people as two things: objects for him to bash up, or creatures meant to meet his needs. this adrenaline junkie had a strange affinity toward finding amusement in the people he interacted with, an addiction that raged within him even when he realized that he was so powerful that he could physically defeat almost anyone who dared to challenge him.
everyone was aware of hanma's tendencies. so it made sense why they were confused when hanma introduced you as his girlfriend.
now you....you were quite literally hanma's opposite. you embodied the notions of cool, calm, and collected -- an innate set of values that didn't shake even when you were faced with either extreme of emotions. so unfortunately, more often than not, people mistook your level-headedness for robotic lifelessness, deeming you incapable of reacting to human emotion.
of course, however, hanma knew the real you. the real you who would make him his bento boxes every morning, offer to drive him to where-ever he needed to go on your motorcycle, give him a stabilizing hug whenever his fighting adrenaline would get too out of hand. you CARED. you cared about the litter of kittens in the abandoned grocery store parking lot, you cared about the nail technician you've been visiting ever since you were old enough to pay for yourself, you cared about the new trees being planted in front of the town hall.
hanma had always found it amusing when people around him questioned your sincerity and mistook it for annoyance.
especially when currently, you were consoling a lost 2-year-old child beside the amusement park teacup ride you and hanma had ridden just for the kick of it.
his cries were shushed by your soft kisses and small reassurances, cradling him into your neck as you patted his back with your left hand, carrying him comfortably. hanma had a smile on his face (you caught a glimpse and immediately reprimanded him with a sharp smack to his chest), but he just found it amusing.
the girlfriend of an insane, murdering delinquent was consoling a baby hardly old enough to talk.
his arm slid to your waist, bringing you and subsequently the small child closer to his towering frame, shielding the scene with his body. eventually, the young boy felt comfortable enough to talk sandwiched in the warmth of two people, messily wiping his tears up with his chubby fingers.
you waved to a park police officer with your hand once you were able to glean the boy's name, telling the official what the problem was.
hanma didn't fail to notice how you refused to put the boy down and leave, choosing instead to sacrifice your own amusement park time to ensure that the boy found his parents safely. and he did, the frantic parents offering enough of a distraction that hanma slipped you away from the police officer who began to look at him questionably. he gave him a tiny smirk, throwing a hand over your shoulder, and disappeared.
you frowned, and smacked his chest again, your eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. "you should have left, hanma," you began, "he could have recognized you."
hanma just had to grin at that.
"i would have beaten them up, baby," he smirked again, leaning down to kiss your cheek softly.
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bookofmirth · 2 years
please share your stranger things thoughts i’m curious 👀
okay but I am not going to tag this because I don't want people yelling at me! I am disagreeing with posts that have 5k+ notes so... I will put everything under the cut and still tag it as spoilers.
Fair warning! Stranger Things 4 spoilers below.
(Sorry it got long-ish, I have a lot of thoughts. I liked the season overall, btw. I know a lot of people are pissed about how it went but I'm not!)
The second - the second - that Mike told El he loves her, I was like oh shit. Here we go. That fandom collectively just imploded.
While I understand why people ship it - why wouldn't we want Will to get everything he's ever wanted? - I never thought it would actually happen because I saw no hints at all that Mike is queer.
I didn't feel either way about it happening, for context. If Mike/Will happened great, if not great. I'm not super attached to... probably any of the ships at this point, other than lumax. I've never really cared about Mike/El, at this point breaking up Nancy and Steve in season two feels like a mistake they are now trying to fix, I guess Joyce/Hopper is alright. My point is that I had no horse in this race.
Is Will queer? Obviously, and idk why people are mad that he didn't come out. Like what would that even look like? This is 1983-1986, remember. What community does Will have, as a queer person? What role models in his immediate, personal life? How do people around him talk about queerness? (A friend pointed out that they were also in the middle of the AIDS panic, which would have a major influence on how Will sees his own queerness, if he could even define it or label it in the first place!) I understand that there are fantastical elements to this story, obviously, but they are still living in our world, in our 1986.
It's super easy for people on tumblr to be like "just come out, just say you're gay!" but we have basically this whole website as support to do that, we can find communities online. When Robin "came out" she didn't actually say anything either? She just said "Steve" and gave him A Look until he figured it out. Call me crazy but these two characters can exist being queer without wearing their "I'm gay, ask me how" buttons to work/class every day.
So yeah I personally don't think there was any queerbaiting because, as a bisexual who has watched this show since the beginning and probably rewatches once a year, I am satisfied that Will is indeed queer and Mike is not and Robin is. I don't need a ship to happen, I guess, I just need the queer characters to actually be queer, and I think that Jonathan's talk with Will in the pizza place set that up perfectly to happen in the final season! Because now Will knows 100% that he can live his life, figure out who he is, and perhaps find someone to be with who is not his straight best friend. I don't think that anyone is arguing that Will isn't queer. (I keep using "queer" instead of "gay" because I did lowkey think he was aro/ace for a while, and he hasn't put a label on it. He's probably gay because that was some serious unrequited pining, but anyway.) We know he is! So are people mad that he and Mike aren't happening? Because ships aren't a guarantee. That particular ship not happening is not queerbaiting. It also reminds me of e*riels sorryyyyy I had to say it, it's just another example of making mountains out of molehills!
Like I said above, Will is obviously queer, and they have set him up to live his best queer life in the last season. I don't feel "baited" in the slightest.
(Side note, I don't pay attention really to interviews or articles or whatever is said outside the show itself. Much like any interview or event with Sarah J Maas, I don't rely on that event to tell me things that the show/book hasn't already told me.)
Now, Eddie. His death was sad, I cried both times (because I've watched the episode twice haha) but it did make sense, to me. He felt guilt for having left Chrissy behind, though obviously he couldn't have done anything about that. He couldn't have saved her, but like Max's guilt over Billy, that doesn't make him feel any better about how he responded to the situation. His death was not pointless? When he and Dustin went back to Hawkins, they would have ceased being a distraction for the bats. The second they leave, the bats would go back to the murder house, where Steve, Nancy, and Robin were trying to kill Vecna's body. They were supposed to be a distraction for a reason, they weren't just on a field trip to the Upside Down. So Eddie stopped, realized he was running again, and that doing so would actually in this case have been leaving other people in a lurch. (Now that I am writing this, I wonder if Steve had an influence on Eddie's decision to stay and fight. Something to think about.)
One more thing, but I also don't care that Vickie was kissing her boyfriend? The girl could be bi! Bisexuals exist y'all, and the fact that people are annoyed that a potentially bisexual woman was kissing her boyfriend,,,,... it just grosses me out tbh. Is Rickie their ship name, btw? So yeah, bisexual Molly Ringwald is gonna hopefully be a great girlfriend for Robin.
idk, some of the criticism I've seen just doesn't totally make sense when we still have another season coming. And when, like with Will, I feel like these things are going to continue/be resolved. I was watching something a while back and Oliver Stone was talking about the movie Wall Street, and how being a director means knowing that the viewer is absolutely going to misunderstand your intentions. I think there is a lot of that going on right now.
I liked this season. Some of the memes making fun of it had made me laugh. I'm not trying to be an active member of the fandom, I just have a lot of thoughts. (If this somehow gets outside of my usual fandom/followers, just FYI that I don't hesitate to block a bitch.)
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 4]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; masturbation, usage of toys, dirty talkin’, a bit of a filler chapter after last weeks hehe🍒 as always, thank you again for your continued support for cherry bomb 🥺💕 I'm actually not sure if next week’s chapter will go up on time due to my work schedule for next week but I'll be sure to keep y’all updated! if anything it’ll probably go up on saturday instead of friday... 😭😭 But anyway, have a good weekend yall! 💕💕💕 stay hydrated!! 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ?
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The weekend ends quicker than Seungcheol even notices and while he wakes up Monday morning already thinking about you and your show later in the evening; his face falters when he reads the message on your cam homepage.
‘Sorry everyone :( I think I caught a cold so I won’t be doing a show tonight… I promise I’ll make it up to you on Friday! In the meantime, I’ve uploaded some new pics in our members only room~ I hope it’ll tide you all over ‘til then! xx Cherry 🍒 ’
His first reaction is to immediately panic; reaching for his phone and texting you to get as much rest and sleep as possible. He makes a mental note to check in with you again later, finding that he’s already running late to get to work when he gets out of bed.
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“Hey! Seungcheol-hyung!”
The said male turns around, placing the set of roller skates on the ground. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jeongguk sits next to him on the wooden bench, legs stretched out as he passes Seungcheol an energy drink. “Nothin’, just wanted to say thanks for coming over on Saturday! We should try to do that again, except maybe we can go out for drinks or something? We can give it the good ‘ol college try, maybe bring home a girl, if you know what I mean~” Jeongguk wiggles his eyebrows at Seungcheol who rolls his eyes.
“Uh, I’m down for the drinking part but I think I’ll have to pass on the hookups.”
“Really? Why? Are you dating someone and you haven’t told me?”
Seungcheol thanks the gods that the roller rink is dimmed; neon lights and disco balls the only things keeping the entire place dimly lit when he blushes a deep crimson, face hot as he avoids the younger male’s gaze. “Nah, it’s just, I--I don’t think that’s really for me. I’m more of a, uh, relationship type of guy, y’know?” Also, I’m devoting my time and energy to someone already who isn’t really my girlfriend.
“Mm, makes sense!”
Jeongguk keeps Seungcheol company even on his break, the two chatting about various topics before he lets Seungcheol know his break is almost over.
“Hey, wait! Before you go…” Seungcheol is nervous for some reason, fingers gripping the suede of the rollerskate’s boot as he avoids eye contact again. “Um, this is gonna sound really weird but… Who’s ‘j__min’? I feel like I’ve seen that username before and it’s, uh, I’m just curious how you know them? Sorry if that’s weird, I just--I’ve been seeing them around pretty often.”
“Oh, that’s Jimin-hyung. He’s a friend of mine that games with me sometimes! I’ve never really met the dude in person before, but he seems nice.” Jeongguk nods, staring off into space. “He seems really busy all the time too. And he’s super active on social media, that’s probably where you’ve seen him.”
Seungcheol nods; the guy didn’t seem like any sort of immediate threat so he logs the information mentally for now. He’d just have to do some internet sleuthing himself when he got home.
“Oh, cool, okay! Thanks ‘Guk!” 
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Seungcheol groans after the seventh pair of skates he’s cleaned, standing up to stretch and reach for his phone in his pocket. He checks the notifications, noting that you hadn’t texted back or read his messages yet.
A frown paints his features knowing that you were sick, but he makes another mental note to finally buy you that sybian now that his most recent paycheck had come in with it’s overtime bonuses. There were only a few more days until Namjoon came back which meant his extra pays would be over, a sad sigh escaping his lips at the thought. 
The day gruels on; Mondays were always the slowest days for the roller rink which meant Seungcheol spent most of the time cleaning skates and bumming snacks from the concession stand usually. He tries to not pry deeper into Jeongguk’s friends but the curiosity eats him alive so he makes an effort to stay away from the younger male for the rest of the day, this time.
Instead, he spends the day hiding in the employee break room any time he gets; only leaving when Yoongi decides to hide in there himself.
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Your head feels like it’s going to spin off of your shoulders once you sit up in bed. The sun sits low in the horizon from what you can see through your bedroom window; noting that it must’ve been the late afternoon already.
You’d woken up with chills, head fuzzy when you’d sat up earlier in the morning. Knowing that you were at least somewhat sick, you quickly wrote up a little memo on your homepage letting your viewers know that there wouldn’t be a show later in the evening. Afterwards, you had quickly downed medicine before curling up under your sheets and going back to sleep. You’d vaguely been aware of your phone ringing on the nightstand next to your bed, but you prioritized sleeping instead, knowing that you had to get better before the weekend came.
You groan once you ease yourself off of your bed, dragging your feet as you make your way to the bathroom in hopes of a warm bath to make yourself feel better.
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It’s almost 5PM which means it’s almost time for Seungcheol to finally go home. He checks his phone one more time before he pockets the device, putting away the last few pairs of rollerskates before he starts making his way towards the backroom. 
“Hey! ‘Cheol-hyung, can you come over here!?” Jeongguk yells over the music, arms waving him down frantically before he clocks out.
Seungcheol walks over, noting an unknown male standing with him. “Yes? Did you need help?”
“This guy, sorry I forgot your name?” The male laughs, eyes forming crescents when he smiles brightly at Jeongguk. “It’s Seokmin.”
“Right, right. Seokmin is asking if we’re hiring?” Jeongguk ends with a head tilt, unsure of the answer himself.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek. Technically yes, they were understaffed even with Namjoon around. But Namjoon was also technically the one in charge of overseeing hiring positions. And while they technically should’ve hired more staff, that also meant Seungcheol’s overtime bonuses would be cut anytime they actually had the appropriate amount of staff.
“Uhhhh… I--I don’t think so? I’m not the one in charge. Our manager that decides staff and hiring positions is out of town indefinitely so…” Seungcheol trails off, hoping Seokmin gets the hint.
“Ahh… Should I come back another time then?” Seungcheol nods, frowning slightly. “Sorry ‘bout that man. But hey, why don’t you leave your contact info so we can call you? So you don’t have to keep coming back.”
Seokmin nods, beaming at the older male.
“Sure, that’d be great! Thanks!”
Seungcheol only feels slightly bad when he gets home that night, praying karma doesn’t kick his ass later for lying.
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On days when you cancel your show are the days Seungcheol realizes he needs more hobbies than watching your cam shows and gaming all night.
Not that it’s a bad thing, he thinks, just that he could supplement his life with more.
He places an order for a few cookbooks alongside the order for the sybian, soft chuckles spilling from his lips when he realizes what an odd array of things he’s ordered.
Seungcheol manages to fill his night with meaningless tasks; finally cleaning his PC and settling in to watch a movie while he polishes off an entire pizza. He checks his phone a few more times, noting no new messages and he wonders if you’re really okay. A lightbulb goes off in his head, power walking back to his PC as he opens a new browser.
He bites his lip, typing in ‘j__min’ in the search bar to see what comes up. By nature, the username is unfortunately a lot more common than he anticipates and he ends up rifling through a lot of dead ends before he comes upon the profile on the same camming website you used and an instagram that seemed to be updated fairly regularly.
“Let’s see…”
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Your body feels hot all over. Pin pricks on your fingertips as a bead of sweat trickles down your temple.
Now, you didn’t feel sick, you just felt incredibly insatiable. Again.
You weren’t sure if it was because your body had adjusted to a certain schedule, but you can’t help the way you toss and turn in bed; thighs rubbing together in hopes of alleviating the growing wetness between them.
Checking the clock, you note it’s already 10PM, close to when you’d normally be doing your show. You sigh, pushing your sweaty hair out of your face as you reach for your phone on the nightstand. You immediately notice a few text messages from Seungcheol; frowning when you notice the text messages were from the morning.
cheollie ✨: hey, baby :( saw your note, i hope you’re okay.
cheollie ✨: make sure to drink a lot of water and take medicine!
cheollie ✨: don’t push yourself too hard either okay?
The messages end there and you pout, unsure what to even say now that it had been hours since he’d texted.
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babygirl 🍒 : cheollie… i only saw ur msgs now 🥺
babygirl 🍒 : im sorryyyyy i was sleeping so long but i feel better now!!
Seungcheol closes all his browser tabs before he realizes it, a smile on his face when he sees you’ve responded.
‘That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay and feeling better. Promise me you drank tons of water?’
He feels giddy, palms sweaty as he grips his phone.
babygirl: mmhmm! i did… i don’t even feel sick anymore 🥺 but…
babygirl: dunno… i’m feeling needy again… i think my body is used to my usual schedule...
Seungcheol’s body thrums with newfound energy and arousal at your leading comments. He’s unsure of what to say next, fearing he was going to say too much. But his phone pings again, eyes quickly flitting over your messages.
babygirl 🍒 : if ur busy its okay but
babygirl 🍒 : do u think we could cam? just u and me?
babygirl 🍒 : only if ur free tho!!
His fingers are tingling when he sends his reply, making it short and sweet before he places his phone down and makes sure his PC is running smoothly.
‘Of course, you know I’m always here when you need me. :)’
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It takes a few minutes for you and Seungcheol to set up your respective spaces and in the meantime, you grab your laptop, propping it open on the bed next to you as you lay in front of it. You had debated on using your better camera which you used for camming, but you didn’t want it to be set up like a cam show.
Instead, you wanted a more intimate and casual video call with Seungcheol, so you made sure your webcam worked fine as you placed it on the sheets.
‘Video Call Incoming…’
You can’t help the blush that coats your skin nor the lust that fills your body as soon as you accept his call; his somewhat blurry figure coming into view.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Seungcheol beams at you through the grainy camera and you already feel yourself clenching around emptiness, words caught in your throat at how handsome he was and how truly enticing his voice was. “H-hi!” Rubbing your thighs together, you peer at the camera shyly. “I--wow, the pictures really… You’re so much more handsome on v-video.” You giggle slightly, leaning in closer to your laptop to get a better view of the silvery-blue haired male.
Seungcheol’s deep laugh filters through the speakers and your toes curl against the sheets.
“You should see me in person, maybe I’ll look even better then.”
You don’t deny that one bit; your own hands already itching to touch yourself. “Oh? Is that an invitation~?”
Seungcheol’s eyes pierce the camera, licking his own lips as you watch him  snake a hand down into his sweats.
“If you want it to be, sweetheart. But tell me about you, how are you feeling? Have you eaten already?”
Gulping, you watch as his hand seems to work slowly and out of view. “I--um, I feel b-better just… Dunno, guess my body’s just used to, um, y’know… A-and I haven’t really had much of an appetite...” You trail off, head still fuzzy from the cold medicines and now, Seungcheol.
In a roundabout way, it almost feels like you’re watching him do a show for you as you watch him slowly get off.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, baby. But you know you should try to eat, okay? I don’t want you to get even sicker.” You nod, fingertips already at the edge of your sleep shorts. 
“I--c-can I touch myself too?” Seungcheol laughs lightly, nodding as he tilts his head back. “Of course, you don’t need to ask me for permission, baby.”
You grin at him, sitting up as you reposition the laptop. Your hand slides underneath a pillow, grabbing the small bullet vibrator you kept there. “Do you always keep a toy handy?” His voice is airy, teasing in the way he asks.
“Mmhmm~ You never know when you’ll need it~” You sing-song, shimmying your sleep shorts and panties off before you spread your legs in front of the camera.
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The air gets knocked out of Seungcheol the second you spread your legs for him and him alone and he can’t help but imagine all the things he wanted to do with you. He watches as you tease yourself, fingertips only grazing across the areas he knew you wanted to be touched the most. 
“I can’t wait for us to finally fuckin’ meet.” He grits out.
A moan floats through the speakers of Seungcheol’s gaming PC, your saccharine voice music to his ears. “M-me too, wanna know what you’d do to me~” You giggle afterwards, pressing the vibrator to your clit as you spread your legs wider for him to see. Seungcheol’s hand around his cock tightens as he watches, an appreciative smirk on his face.
“Oh sweetheart, what wouldn’t I do to you.” You can’t help but slide your fingers through your wet folds listening to Seungcheol’s voice, whimpering when you finally slide a finger in. “Yeah? What would be the first thing? Tell me, ‘Cheollie~”
Even through the webcam quality, you can see the way Seungcheol’s eyes glaze over in complete pleasure. He licks his lips once, leaning in close so that you can hear him clearly.
“I know you probably think I’d get straight to the filthy shit, huh? Pin you to your bed and fuck you until you forget your own name or tie you up to the bedposts and make you beg for me to fuck you. But I wouldn’t. Because I wanna worship your fuckin’ body. I’d take it nice and slow with you, give you as many orgasms as you want.”
“F-fuck, Seungcheol, I–”
“You could use me for your pleasure, y’know? You deserve it. You’re such a good girl. I’d give you anything you fuckin’ want if you’d let me.”
Your choked moans have Seungcheol working his cock faster; nothing on his mind except for you and his impending orgasm. “Oh g-god, Seungcheol, I--fuck, yes, I want that~ I want you to--to make me cum as many times as I w-want!” You mewl, easily working in another finger as you pump the digits inside your pussy.
He smirks when he sees your grip on the vibrator loosening, knowing that you were already too lost in the pleasure to keep the toy on. “And I’d let you. Maybe I’d make you cum on my tongue first. Or would you want my fingers?”
“B-both! Puh--please…” You whine, legs threatening to clamp shut. You curl and scissor your fingers, thrusting them knuckle deep inside yourself as you chase the pleasure that overtakes your senses. “Please, ‘Cheol, tell me more~”
You watch through the camera as Seungcheol pushes his sweats down enough to get his cock into view; mouth watering as you watch it curve up to his lower abdomen.
“I know how much you love being doted on and being taken care of… So after I make you cum all fuckin’ night, you know I’d take care of you. Make sure you’re comfortable and cuddle with you when you’re tired.” His hips cant up into his closed palm, a soft groan on his lips. “And then when we wake up, I’ll eat you out. Nice and slow so you know it’d be worth it.” 
Seungcheol smirks, smearing the precum all over his shaft. “But I also know you like it rough and you like being punished like a bad girl. You like the idea of being tied up and teased and being fucked nice and hard too. I could take it nice and slow, build up the pleasure for you. Or I can take it nice and slow and tease you, I’d make you sit on my cock ‘n make you wait for it ‘til you’re begging me. Or maybe you would want an audience? Let them see you fall apart on my cock when you’re desperate to cum.” 
You press the vibrator against your clit again, Seungcheol’s name falling out of your mouth in a blubbering mess. “Oh--I--!!”
Your legs clamp shut, fingers halting their movements as you cum hard around your fingers. Seungcheol watches as your legs shake, his own hand running up and down his cock in quick motions as he chases his high too. You vaguely hear him groaning your name; the ringing in your ears overbearing as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
The sound of your quick and shallow breaths mix with Seungcheol’s over the speakers as the two of you catch your breath. You slip your fingers from inside of you, wincing when you turn off the toy and toss it to the side.
“Fuck, baby, I--”
“Y-yeah…” You quietly lick your fingers clean, knowing that Seungcheol’s watching. “I… that was the first time I… did that with s-someone…” You giggle tiredly, wiping the rest of your sticky fingers on your shirt.
“Really? Never?” Seungcheol’s surprised expression makes you giggle; his eyes round and mouth wide open as he leans closer to his webcam.
“Mmhmm! Just, y’know, it’s--it’s hard to get close to people sometimes…”
You had mentioned it off-handedly once while the two of you had been texting, that most of the dates you’d been on hated the fact that you cammed. There was always a possessive aura that was present and while Seungcheol would sometimes get a little jealous himself, he also knew it was your livelihood and how you supported yourself.
“Ah, yeah, I can understand.”
The two of you sit in a content silence, Seungcheol reaching for a few tissues to clean off the drying cum on his abdomen.
“Hey, ‘Cheol?”
“Yeah?” He peers up at the camera through his lashes, blinking rapidly as he watches you lay back down in front of your laptop.
“About what you said… earlier…” You pause, shyness overtaking once again. “I--Would you want to meet up? Like, for real? I mean--not--not like tomorrow or something but... Y’know, we can start planning?” 
Any words that come after that turn into radio static in Seungcheol’s head and he can feel his pupils shaking, nervousness already bubbling up inside of him at the prospect of actually finally maybe getting to meet you. 
“Seungcheol? ‘Cheollie? You okay?” 
“Huh? Yeah, yeah! I’m cool, I’m good, sorry, that--that caught me off guard.”
He watches as you talk animatedly, mind already going a mile a minute as he thinks over everything that needed to be done before then. 
“I’m really excited to meet you, ‘Cheollie!” 
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471 notes · View notes
Also, speaking of salarian planets : since Trigestis predicted a planet's existence and location mathematically when all the planets in the Pranas system in ME3 are close enough to be seen from Sur'Kesh (Halegeuse is closer to Pranas than Jupiter is to the Sun), do you have a headcanon to fix that ? Like, faulty interface in ME3, or something fancier, like Trigestis's planet being exploded during the Krogan Rebellions ? I hope I'm not being a bother.
Hello again! I'm sorry it took me AGES to get to it and I will, shamelessly, blame it on new job syndrome again.
So I kind of want to use this ask, if that's okay, to confess something slightly embarrassing coming from a narrative designer and someone who slugged through releasing a fic under the guise of "I want to get it right" for so many years: the more time goes by, the more I realize I am not as much of a lore nerd as I thought I was.
It's more complicated than that actually: I adore, ADORE lore that deepens art thematically. Whatever I can get that gives me insight on societies, culture or characters, even biology/geology **that adds an insight on theme**, love it. Can't get enough (ish when it comes to HH, because I'm actually a coward and I'll get to that).
But lore that exists to fill up Codex pages, lore that I sense have been written under pressure of deadline or does not intrisincally tells me more about why is this story told... It can tire me pretty easily. That's why I do not care, could not possibly care less about the obligatory million details about gun and weaponry in videogame codexes (not just ME), or the fetishism around military hierarchy breakdowns (unless it's used as a jumping point to explore character or world, but it's rarely the case and ends up being just weirdly reverent, nearly ritualistic --the attention given to these details does inform on themes, but way more on what has been prioritized than the actual details in these cases imho). It got way worse since I started doing the work myself; there's at once so many thoughts put on the details, and also so little in certain cases --you just gotta cram something and it's the compromise that you got at the eighth meeting on the matter, and it's kind of meaningless by that point and a weird middle ground nobody is truly happy with, but the deadline's looming and you have bigger fights to concentrate on so whatever, ship it I guess.
A lot of videogame lore gives me this sort of vibes now, and the planet descriptions of Mass Effect, while honestly pack-fulled with treasures of characterization that gives some underwhelming species more characterization that we ever got in the main missions, have probably been written either by a contractor with a tight deadline that proposed concepts fast and had to iterate on the rejects even faster, or by a core team member that did this on the side when no fire was currently roasting the game alive. It's speculation of course, but most of this "codex" game writing is very dense and high-input work that does not really allow for self-reflection or letting the content simmer and slowly shape sense out of itself. So while I love the details and some are so good, I have to admit I generally choose and pick from whatever speaks to me in this sort of descriptors, and it's been a hot while since I last cruised the galaxy searching for these treasures of worldbuilding. I should do it more! But it did slide down as a the bottom of priorities, just like this writing probably did in real life....
But to actually answer your ask instead of going on a weird tangent about game writing work: I'm gonna be honest, I completely forgot about that bit. I could make up an explanation on the spot, but the truth is: I was kind of waiting to get on The Empire of Preys to do a checkpoint on deep salarian lore (especially location related), and have it inform the detailing of the writing past the big lines --actual salarian culture shows up surprisingly little in Halfway Home given Shlee is completely allergic to his salarianness and runs away from it as fast as he can!!!!
Another embarassing confession that I took an even more embarassingly long time to work through: for the first years of working on the project, I felt very vulnerable and defensive about my interpretation of the story and themes, and I was terrified, absolutely terrified of illegitimacy. So confronting myself to lore again after my initial judgement/gut feeling, after all the emotional attachment I put into the story and all the deep meaning it took for me, was not an option I enjoyed at all, and I avoided everything Andromeda because I was so scared of what it could do to my fragile reasonning. Since then I decided I cared way less about doing a completely valid and diligent reading of micro-details of lore than to put my own spin on the universe, in conversation with it rather than restricted and bound by its, sometimes, arbitrary limitations. I still have to ploy around plot points (UGH Cerberus DLC *shakes fist*), but only if I can make it into a Point somehow (I think I did with the aforementioned after years of battling with it). But paradoxically, letting go of this insecurity (which is still in process of deconstruction, I am not completely above it yet) allowed me to rediscover hidden gems of lore, question my biases and interpretations, and helped me deepen my story. So I'm super glad you bring it up, I'll definitively look into it and see if I can twist this inconsistency into A Point or let it go!
I'm sorry I replied exactly 0% of what you asked, but I think the opportunity to go a lil' Author On Main (TM) was too good to pass. Sorryyyyy. ._.
11 notes · View notes
nooneactuallyasked · 4 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 8
Requested: It’s a series, there are no requests here!
Word count: 2,560
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: This one is really long- the next part will be out tomorrow so be ready for that! Enjoy!
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Part 1 here   Part 2 here   Part 3 here
Part 4 here   Part 5 here   Part 6 here
Part 6.5 here   Part 7 here
“Hey, Diner Gal.”
Y/N smiled at the floor before turning around to face her surprise visitor, “How’s it hanging, Leather Boy?”  She probably wouldn’t admit it out loud but Reggie’s random visits were probably the main reason why Y/N had been arriving at work extra early and leaving extra late. “Alright, Julie is kinda freaking out and getting Flynn to help her pick an outfit and then Flynn freaks out and gets Julie to help her decide on a theme for the marketing stuff. You?” Y/N shrugged, “The usual.”
“So, what can I do you for?” Reggie looked down, a red flush covering his cheeks and the tips of his ears, “Well, I kinda wanted to just hang out because Julie and Luke are “writing some songs” but we all know it’s just a date and Alex is with Willie and I’m willing to bet my left sock that they’re on a date too and I didn’t wanna be alone so I thought that you’re really nice so I came here.” A smile danced on Y/N’s lips and her gaze softened, he was too sweet and just hearing his voice made her cheeks heat up slightly. Reggie’s eyes widened and he met her gaze, a horrified expression painting his face, “Unless you’re busy, sorry, I’ll- I’ll just go-“
“Woah, Reg, chill out. I’ve just got to plan out the way we’re gonna decorate the room on Friday. Plus, I like having you around, it makes my job a lot less boring.” Y/N smiled before grabbing a black notebook an opening it to a new page, she scribbled down a title so she’d remember what it was for before bullet pointing her ideas. “You know, I just realised, how much work do you do? I mean, you’re around the same age as us, you have a job and you basically co-manage this place whilst also working here as an entertainer. Do you even go to school?”
Y/N chuckled and turned to face him, “This is a part-time job but I do usually sneak in extra hours just to help out Cal, he can’t do everything by himself and there isn’t anyone else to help him, plus he’s a family friend and basically my uncle at this point. As for school, I do online school which I pay for with this job, and it all comes full circle.” Reggie frowned, “Still, it sounds like a lot. You should come to Julie’s sometime during practice and just hang out. No folders, no notes, no work, just hanging out and having a good time! And  promise me you’ll start taking it easy”
“Alright, Leather Boy, I promise and maybe I’ll take you up on that someday. But for now, just focus on your gig that’s coming up in two days, not including today of course. Speaking of, do you mind helping me out with this, I get the impression you have a lot of ideas locked up in that brain of yours.” Reggie looked at her in surprise, “You really want my help? I mean, you could ask anyone for help, why me?” Y/N stared at Reggie, her brows furrowing as a  worried expression crossed her face, “Why wouldn’t I? Reggie you’re amazing and I wouldn’t want anyone else to help me.”
“Of course.”
“Finish up these papers for me, I’m going out.”
“Cal, I’m already doing more than I should, I have to finish off an essay and send it in before lunch. You haven’t even started your time listings for today yet.” Y/N blew at a piece of hair that kept falling into her eyes and glared up at Cal.
“I said finish them, I’m going out.” Cal slammed the papers onto her desk and walked out of the office. “Cal, what the fuck!” Y/N stood up, her chair slamming into the wall behind her as she ran after him, papers in hand, “Where the hell are you going?” “Out.”
Cal shot her a cold glare that made her freeze in place before walking out. Y/N groaned in frustration, throwing the papers to the floor, “Shit, fuck, kill me.” Sighing, she knelt on the floor and gathered the papers back up. “Fucking asshole, but he might have something important to do and he’s just stressed about it. Calm down, Y/N.” She kept muttering reassurance to herself so as not to lose her temper once again.
Y/N glanced down at the paper, it was her schedule for the note giving out extravaganza. Oh fuckerooney, she was meant to do that now and she was already late. Y/N ran into the office and stuffed all the notes into a bag which she slung onto her shoulder before sprinting out into the street and making her way to her first stop: Firecracker’s house.
“Y/N? You look like you ran all the way here…don’t tell me, you did, didn’t you.”
Julie rolled her eyes despite the grin growing on her face, “You’re an idiot, you know that, right? And your face is really red.” Y/N gasped dramatically, bringing her hands to her cheeks in comical shock, “You don’t say?”
“Julie! Who’s at the door? Tell them to go away, we need to practice!” Both girls stared at each other for a second in slight shock before bursting into laughter, Y/N cleared her throat before turning to Julie, “You might want to cover your ears.” Julie raised a brow but complied as Y/N took a deep breath, “Oi, dunderheads! I thought you wanted your notes but I guess not!” Silence followed and it everything in her to not burst out laughing or snort. “And go…” Julie furrowed her eyebrows and the snickered at the sounds of scraping and scrambling that came from inside the garage.
“No! Please, give us the cheat sheet so we can win!”
“Not a cheat sheet and it’s not a competition but yes, please ignore him! We need your help!”
“Wait there’s a cheat sheet? No one said anything about a test!”
“Okay, boys, chill out and let her breath before she joins you in the afterlife.” Y/N sent Julie a grateful smile before setting the notes down on the coffee table and quickly stepping back as the boys (specifically Luke) dived for them. “So, as per mandatory instructions I need to explain the notes and help you use them to your advantage but I also took on all of Cal’s work until the weekend alongside my own so I hope you don’t mind me checking the finance’s, writing setlists and my essay and other work stuff. I promise you will still get the full explanation for each and every note!”
“You took on more? You already have so much, you promised that you’d take it easy!” Y/N rubbed her knuckles, “I know but Cal walked out on me earlier and hasn’t been himself lately so I needed to pick up where he left off. Plus, all the other workers need a manager and so that’s what I’ll become.” Julie sighed, stroking her finger along the piano keys as she sat down, “As longs as you’re sure it’s okay.” Reggie furrowed his brow but picked up his bass and slung it over his shoulder nonetheless, his concern and probable disappointment made the nasty, sinking feeling of guilt weigh down on Y/N. She didn’t like letting people down but she needed to do this, for her family, for Cal, for herself.
“So let’s do this, you can read through it and then I’ll walk you through it all.”
“Oh! Julie, can you call Flynn? I’d like to see what she’s got before putting everything out there.” Julie frowned, “Are you sure, you’re already doing so much, I don’t wanna-“ “Julie, it’ll be fine just call her up, I’d rather get this done, it’s now or never.” Luke snorted, Alex rolled his eyes but smiled and Reggie choked causing Y/N to raise a brow before shrugging it off, she just needed to see this through and then maybe Cal would be okay again.
A small smile made its way onto her face when she saw Julie and Luke link pinkies behind the piano, she didn’t that was possible but they were cute so you didn’t particularly us. And hey, she got Luke’s nickname spot on, so there’s also that.
“Okay, if you’re sure then I’m sure Flynn will be delighted.” Y/N grinned, “Sweetness, let me know when she’ll get here so I can prepare a space the printer in our office back at the diner.” Reggie furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, kinda like a confused puppy, “How do you prepare it? Are you leaving already?” Y/N chuckled and shook her head, “No, the printer is wireless and connects to all of the staff’s phones and laptops. Since I only have my phone on me I’ll be using that.”
“Ohhhh! That makes sense!”
“Yeah, Willie said something like that when we went sightseeing and we say printings being put out without anyone nearby.”
“That’s stupid, just draw them or something, what if the wireless breaks?”
“You’re talking loud for someone with bad handwriting.”
“Hey everybody, your favourite manager has arrived!”
“Thanks for coming, Flynn. Y/N is just setting up the wireless connection back to her office, have you got a copy of the flyer or something?” Flynn grinned, “You know I do, and can I just say that I really appreciate me and my talents and you should too. You’re welcome.” Julie chuckled and led Flynn over to Y/N who looked up at them with a smile. “Hey, Flynn, it’s really great to see you again. Sorry about the short notice.” Y/N picked at the tips of her nails, a bashful smile making its way onto her face, “No problem, since Julie ditched me for her invisible boyfriend and his band geek friends I haven’t had much chance to hang around, now you’re my excuse.” Julie rolled her eyes as Flynn stuck her tongue out in her direction.
Y/N chuckled and put her phone down beside her, “Well, I’m glad to be of service. So, may I see your masterpiece?” Flynn grinned and pulled her phone out of a pocket, “I thought you’d never ask.”
“Thanks so much, Flynn. Your flyer’s amazing, we might have to hire you properly.” Y/N winked, a bright smile on her face, “Really? I mean, these guys really need my talents but if I find some time away I might drop by.” The two girls laughed and then a thought popped into Y/N’s head. She rummaged through her bag and brought out her notebook; she ripped out a page and wrote her number onto it. “Here, Julie already has pretty much all of my contact info but I just remembered you don’t, so here’s my number.” Flynn smiled, “Thanks, I’ll put it in my phone when I get home.”
“Y/N! Do your job and help us now!” She rolled her eyes and stood up, “Once again, thanks.” Flynn sent her finger guns in return. She walked over to where the ‘band geeks’ were congregated around the piano.
“Okay, so it says ‘Remember to interact with audience members’ and ‘Move around when possible’. What does that mean?” Y/N smiled and leant against the piano, “The first one is simple, Cal really liked how you guys react with each other but since we are a performing diner the audience want to be included as well, so interact with them, send them smiles, wave at specific people, pick people out of the crows, that sort of stuff.” She shifted her body to a more comfortable position, “As for moving around, again, we’re a performing diner, everyone will have a mic pack, since you can pick up, hold and wear physical things I’m gonna assume you can wear mic packs too. I don’t know how your amps work though so just move as much as possible, Julie if you can do the most moving around that would be great, we’ll have some performers dancing and working around you but you guys are our main attraction when you’re performing. Just do what you can to the best of your ability, that's all we ask.”
“Well, I’m sure we can do that, right, boys?”
“Obviously, have you not heard us rehearse this week? We’re going blow everyone’s socks off!”
“I have a feeling anything could go badly though, what if the mic packs don’t work or one of us doesn’t appear when we start playing, or- “
“Alex, chill out, this isn’t a second hotdog, and if it is we’ll eat it so it knows who’s boss!”
“Uh, Reggie, that’s how we died, I’m pretty sure the hotdog won.”
“Huh, yeah, that checks out.”
Julie and Y/N caught each other’s eyes and burst out laughing, “Can you guys stop having your little ghostie jokes, I’m trying to boast that I’m well on my way to being a famous manager to the She-Devil herself!”
“Well, now I’ve fulfilled my part of this mission I have to head off to my next mission, Agent Y/N is officially signing out.” Julie smiles and Flynn walks up, “It was great to have you on this mission, we wish you luck in your next. Stay safe Agent, we hope to see you again.” The three girls saluted each other before snickering while the boys stared at them in confusion. Y/N walked over to her bag and slung it over her shoulder, “I’ll see you guys later.” She pushed open the garage doors, waving goodbye one last time before walking out.
Y/N started walking down the path before a loud smashing sound caught her by surprise, “Wait!” A weird sensation spread over her hand, it was warm but cold and it made her skin tingle before she felt pressure replace the weird feeling and fingers curl around her hand. “How can I help you?” Y/N turned around, plastering her customer service smile onto her face.
“Leather Boy?”
She turned to see Reggie standing there completely frozen, holding onto her hand as though it were a lifeline. “Reggie? You okay?” Reggie shook his head slightly and smiled before looking down, a sheepish expression crossing his face, “Can I hug you? Please?” Y/N’s softened and smiled brightly, “Of course, Reg. Come here.” She reached up and looped her arms around his neck as he buried his face into her shoulder, “I don’t get many hugs, the guys don’t like them and I feel like it would be weird to ask Julie.”
“Well, you can hug me anytime…that sounds really weird.” Y/N chuckles as Reggie gazes at her in admiration, “So what did scream at me and- break a plant pot for?” Y/N peers behind Reggie and finds the origin of the smashing sound. “Uh, well I was going to just say goodbye but since we’re here would you mind if I came by the diner later?” Y/N smirked, “Can’t get enough of me?” Reggie grew flustered and turned his gaze to the floor, “Well- I like looking at the food but you being there is definitely a positive.” Y/N blinked, now it was her turn to be flustered, she didn’t expect him to just come out and say something like that.
“Right, yes, well, I’ll see you there then. Um, bye.”
“Yeah, yeah, goodbye.”
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peeterparkr · 5 years
chapter 5:doom.
summary: y/n Stark has lost so much that she had no choice but to lose herself
pairing: stark!reader x peter parker
warnings: endgame and far from home spoilers, angsty, swearing, anxiety
word count: 3000+1406= 4406
I don’t have any time but here it is!! I’m sorryyyyi didn’t even proof read this
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“Miss Stark! Miss Stark! Y/N!” “Y/N!” The flashes were blinding her. Overwhelmed, y/n pointed to a random journalist. 
“HotSpot news, we were wondering, who will take over your father’s place?” 
“No one can ever replace my father—“
“Will you be held accountable for anything that happens with Stark industries?” 
“Anything?”y/n blinked and turned to another journalist. “I—next question-“
“Daily Bugle. Do you think Spiderman will be the new leader of the Avengers? Will you be an avenger? Will you lead the avengers?”
“The Avengers was a group of their own—Spiderman is—part of them and I am not an avenger.” 
“What about your suit?” another journalist yelled, approaching the microphone as everyone else’s bustle was hidden through the crowd. “You have an armor don’t you?”
“I do—but—I am not a hero—“ y/n answered. 
“Why?””Are you someone we can trust, miss Stark?” “Would you respond if they were to attack us again?” “If more aliens come who are we gonna call?” “What about all the blipped people?" "How are you going to handle a company which you don’t know anything of?” “Are the blipped people getting their jobs back?”  “Are there any avengers left?” “Is Pepper Potts the owner of the company now?” “Where’s Steve Rogers?”  “Who will save us?””Are you going to take charge of—“
Y/n stopped listening. She was a teenager. A teenager who didn’t deserve to deal with all of this. She didn’t know any answer to any questions they were bombarding at her. She felt how suddenly everything was turning white as if she was about to collapse. Her breathing was getting heavier and quicker and her skin was turning cold. She was sick, she was sure of it. She needed to run away and she was sure that someone had poisoned her. 
She walked out of the stage, and as she was doing it she pressed the arc reactor on her chest as it started to quickly cover her, whatever had happened to her she knew Friday would quickly give her a diagnosis. The armour would help to protect her.
“Miss Stark? Why are you wearing the armour?” “Miss Stark?” “Y/N” the journalists kept pushing her. “Miss don’t leave!”
“Friday protocol leave me alone, send them out ” she ordered. 
“Copy.” Suddenly the press room was shut down and a fire alarm started to go off, the room was filled with screams and people running out of it. 
Y/N Stark was still shaking. 
“Friday what’s going on? Give—give me a diagnosis? Is it the heart?” 
“No cardiac anomaly, Miss.” 
“What is going on—I?” 
“Y/n?” A gentle voice was heard as a figure approached her. She felt his hand on her back.
“Friday what’s wrong with me?”
“Miss, my diagnosis is you’re having a severe anxiety attack.” 
"Anxiety--anxiety?" Y/n blinked. Happy kneeled beside her. She was on the floor, y/n didn’t even know how she had gotten on the floor.
“I’m—Happy—I—“ she couldn’t talk. “Friday fly me out, now, take me—take me out.” 
She pushed Happy away as she flew out of the room and up to the roof. She quickly got out of her armour. She breathed in and out, in and out. 
“Friday—call my father—call Peter—no, no, I can’t call anyone,” she said to herself. “I’m alone, I’m—I’m alone.” 
“Want me to call Pepper?” Offered the AI. 
She took a deep breath. 
“Call Peter Parker.” 
It rang a few times. He didn’t answer. 
“Insist.” She said and sat on the floor. 
His voice was—dry. 
“Are you—busy?” 
He didn’t answer right away. “I’m doing a group project, Ned and MJ.” 
She gulped. “I’m sorry—I’ll call later.”
“No, no—uh,” he cleared his throat. “Is everything okay? Do you need anything?” 
She thought about it, him, she needed him. But now he had to move on, she had to move on. 
She didn’t answer. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked. “Want me to come over?”
“I’ll be there, where are you?”
She cleared her throat. “No, no sorry, just to remind you to pick up your passport and everything. I—uh, they—they changed something in the schedules, your school—uh, took care of that, they made a deal with a tour group um—“
“Were you really calling me for that?” Peter asked. “Are you sure you don’t—“ 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, love—I mean,“she coughed. “Peter.” 
“I don’t—“
“Bye, Peter.” 
She had turned around and fell to the ground, defeated. The one thing she had loved the most, she had pushed away. None of her life made sense at that point. Nothing, at all. Everything was so blurry. She didn’t want to be a part of that reality in which she was a stranger, an outsider to her own place. 
That was one of the last times anybody had seen her. Before that, nobody knew how hard it had been for her. People were talking. The press was talking. 
She had kept shut in her world and whenever she was seen outside she would make a scene. She’d be crying or ignoring people. 
“Y/N Stark descends into madness.” 
That was what they were saying. But she kept shut. She didn’t say a word. She knew she was falling into madness. She was seen always in her own world. They’d see her making annotations and then having to use her armour to escape situations. 
That pushed her to it. That had pushed her into trying to get herself back into a world that she could fit in, where she wouldn’t be as a psycho. She wasn’t one. People didn’t understand what she was going through. To lose the world she was supposed to live in, to add a new family member she was supposed to love and to lose her father, having to deal with the fact that she had lost him way long before. Adding an industry, a legacy, the new responsibilities, her left life. Her boyfriend. Her now ex-boyfriend. 
There were a lot of factors revolving around her supposed insanity. She guessed it was right, to think about that. To let the world think she had gone crazy and then fade out. They wouldn’t miss her. But oh, she would miss them. She would miss Pepper and Morgan and Peter. Would she be able to live in a world without Peter Parker? She didn’t know but she would find out. She was planning to stay in a world where her life didn’t have to be, to be in a world where she didn’t technically belong but she’d feel at home. It would be the same anyway, she didn’t belong in her own world either way. 
She knew people had kept talking. She went to Midtown high again, met Flash, saw MJ. 
She had seen her, pretty and different, and normal. Normal in the sole meaning that MJ wouldn’t be risking Peters life. Normal in a way that she wouldn’t be driven to insanity because MJ wasn’t supposed to be a hero. Normal, in a way that Mj could love Peter Parker and not feel guilty about it. 
And now he was with her, making a group project and in a month they’d be leaving to Europe. She should’ve gone with him. She belonged with him. But MJ was with Peter now,  y/n expected that. He probably would fall in love with her. 
While at that moment, y/n had gone straight to insanity. She didn’t know who she was anymore. The necklace that was around her neck didn’t belong to her. The life she was living didn’t belong to her.
So that’s when her project was almost finished, it just needed one last part and she knew he only one able to help her would be the one and only Tony Stark. That was it. Or maybe she could just...
7 months had gone through after the snap and she had seen Peter one last time, she had wished for a last kiss but she hadn’t given it to him. She had taken Morgan to the park one last time, she had had tea with Steve one last time, and she had watched a last movie with Pepper, she had escaped. 
She went back in time.
There she was now, standing in front of a blue screen again. 
“Model success.” 
They read the words over and over but didn’t believe it. Both Starks had been working for about two hours. It would work, y/n’s calculations were complete, she had made it all by herself and Tony just helped her build it, he was more than impressed. Tony knew she was alone, he realized that not even Peter had helped her with this. He knew that she hadn’t had Steve Rogers and he knew that she hadn’t approached Pepper. He was terrified because he knew that he wasn’t there, he couldn’t support her. He had failed to be with her. She was alone. 
He knew why she was there and he pitied his own daughter, not even himself. He knew this wasn’t his reality because whoever was standing there was his daughter but she was nothing like y/n. He realized it then. She had lost so much that eventually, she had no choice but to lose herself. But there was still that spark, there was still that hope. He had seen it in her eyes, sparkling miracles when she saw him. 
They had talked a bit. It was the way they were both saying I love you to each other, they weren’t very talkative but they both knew it that this was the way they could show the other how much they missed each other. He had missed her for those 6 years. Tony Stark had lost her way before the snap, and he blamed himself. 
“I assume future me knows better than to be helping you,” Tony commented. 
“That assuming that I’m still around.” 
Y/N stayed quiet as she dropped the tool in her hand. She avoided his glance.
“Well, I hope you’re taking care of Morgan.” 
“I’m sorry,” she said, breaking into tears. “I’m so sorry dad—I.”
“I know,” Tony looked up, leaving on the table the screwdriver, walking over to her. “It’s not your fault, whatever happens, will happen.” 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I wanted to make you stay.” It hurt to listen to her. 
“So did I,” Tony whispered, y/n turned her head up. “Threat was imminent. I had to protect the only thing I couldn’t live without, and I didn’t. I didn’t make you stay.” 
“It was on me—“
“No, it was on everyone, out of spite, out of—I don’t know and now,” he walked over. “I have a chance of seeing you, telling you.” 
“I shouldn’t have left.” 
“You did it for you, you knew it was right,” Tony ruffled her hair. “And if we are here to blame anyone, my word is on Rogers.” 
That made her giggle. 
“I know both of us made choices, some of them I’m not proud of,” Tony said. “But I must’ve done something right if it made you come back here.” 
“I always regretted leaving,” she admitted. 
“I know, but mostly because of Peter, I know.”
She sat down. “People say I’ve gone insane.” 
“We’ve all got a little madness,” Tony reached out for her but she had already burst in tears, barely able to breathe. 
“It’s like I’m on the outside looking in,” she said. “As if I’m looking at a life that looks like I should be living, but it doesn’t belong to me, I feel as if I’m not the one supposed to be there.” 
Tony gulped. “We should finish, you should go back to your world.” 
“I don’t want to. I’m not leaving this time.”
“You have to, you’ll regret not going back, this isn’t your world y/n.” 
“I—I can’t go back to a world where I don’t belong,” she said. “I wasn’t expecting this to work. I just planned to stay here..” 
Tony pulled his daughter into a hug, how had he let her break. She was at her lowest point. 
"You can't do that to yourself."
"I can't keep on living without having you," she said. “I—I need to stay.”
"You will regret it, eventually you'll want to see Peter, and if this works, there can't be two y/n's." 
They had built it, it was supposed to work. They didn’t know what to do next.
"If this works," Tony said. "If this works-- you can come, whenever you want and see me, alright? This is a portal to realities, y/n. You’ll come back whenever you want.” 
"I-- what if it-- what if this reality also--?"
"Are you trying to impede bringing everyone back?" Tony frowned. 
Y/n was sure of it. She had gone insane. Suddenly every newspaper had been right, she was crazy because, at that moment, she wanted to stay there and stop him from snapping his fingers. She wanted to stop Hulk, she wanted to stop Steve from going back. She was so, so, so, so selfish. 
"Maybe there's another way, I just—I can’t leave.” 
“Yet you left Peter, you left Morgan, and Pepper,” Tony insisted. “How do you think they’re dealing with this.” 
“I—they will move on.” 
“People move on, not us.” Tony walked over to her.."We will see, but y/n, it's clear to me this is another reality because the y/n I know is a hero and she always does the right thing." 
Y/n frowned. "I'm not myself anymore, everyone says it, I might as well believe it and live to it." 
Tony rolled his eyes. "Why do you have to be such a pain in the ass like me?"
She blinked. 
“Don’t listen to them, what do they know?” 
Y/n pursed her lips. “It’s not as easy.” 
“They also said you wouldn’t be even half as smart as me, and look at you, you just basically discovered a multiverse and are willing to travel through dimensions,” Tony reminded her. 
“We don’t even know—-How do we know it works?” She asked. “I—I can’t believe I—“
“You might as well because we are going to prove it does.”
“How are we going to see this?”
“You’ll travel to a certain point in time to another reality and see if something happens.” 
“And what exactly do you have in mind?” Y/n frowned. 
“Something that’ll bring you back to your senses,” Tony warned. “Although I don’t know if I have a lab coat.” 
“Labcoat?” Y/n asked. Y/n frowned. “Where exactly are you planning to—“
“October 12th, 2015 Oscorp industries building.” 
Y/n blinked. The date did ring a bell and the place... 
“You want to see your boyfriend turn into a Spider?” Tony grinned. 
“We are not—he is— uh,” she gulped. “We broke up.” 
Tony closed his eyes. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” he took a deep breath, “but Peter has been the best thing that has ever happened to you.” 
“He is not—“ she lied. “I—I didn't break up with him because of-I well, I was--I think Peter should have better things than me, and he already met a girl, so it’s good.”
Tony frowned. “He didn’t break your heart, did he?” 
“I broke his.” 
“Then with more reason, you have to go back and win his heart. Let’s get this working.” 
“How are we going to know it then? We need a variable and you know—“
“Ugh, okay scientific method, then you’ll go back to this reality in that time, and then to the other reality, see if anything changes.” 
She was suddenly standing there, mid aisle as she looked around at the labs, everything was white and too bright for her. Maybe it had worked, there was not much to know if—had the machine worked—Earth-833 was any different than hers. There was no one way to know until something different happened. But right now, it was her own dimension. Her own Earth but years ago. 
This was her own reality. She was not ready to see Peter Parker. A young Peter Parker. She was walking down the aisle, clicking up some heels and trying to cover her clothing with the lab coat, she sneaked to get herself an ID, and she was trying to know if it worked by pressing it to open the elevator door. She knew this moment was crucial to know if it had worked. Her heart was beating fast. 
She walked into the elevator as soon as it opened. 
“Peter,” her shock was imminent. She was not expecting that. This had compromised the whole situation.“You’re wearing glasses—you’re all tiny—“ she whispered. She was about to cup his cheek when she saw he was staring at his hand and trying to cover it up. “What happened to you?”
The guy blinked and looked up. Peter was wearing his glasses, a red t-shirt. “You’re… you’re...Y/n Stark?” 
Y/n was in shock. She kept looking at him. She realized it then, he was just bitten by a spider. She was regretting everything. She wanted to stay. Make him stay. The moment she saw him, so vulnerable, so tiny, she wanted to come back to him, to his arms where she would find herself. Maybe she wasn’t lost but she had left, she was the one that got away. Away from him. That had been the reason why she had left because she couldn't be in his arms anymore because that spark in his eyes was gone. She knew that there were so many different things now that she didn’t want to care about the past, she didn’t care about her future. She just saw the figure standing in front of her, with glasses and smaller and younger. 
“Are you---y/n-- Stark? I didn’t know you worked here--ow. ”He frowned as he looked down at his hand. 
She got back to her senses. 
“Uh… Uh, uh, no, no, I get that a lot, sorry, sorry, I...” she cleared her throat. “I wish I was her, all rich. Ha, right? But I’m… I’m obviously not her, I’m older than her, she is… She is probably at uh, I don’t even know.”
“MIT probably,” Peter said, he closed his eyes. “That’s creepy, I mean everybody knows--” 
“No, no, you’re okay--” She blinked, blushing. It was weird. Seeing him. “I-- eh, I was going to go in.” 
“Yeah—eh, sorry, right,” he moved to the left, awkwardly standing and moving his hands. “Wait.. uh, how do you—How do you know my name?” 
Y/n was so nervous. He made her so nervous. Like the first time they had met, and it was as if she was meeting him again all over again. But she saw him, with hope, with everything. A 14-year-old Peter Parker, a Peter that would meet her just in a few months. 
“You have a name tag on your—shirt,” she said pointing at it. 
“Ah, right.” 
The elevator’s door closed and they didn’t move. 
They both reached over to press a button, their hands touched and they both chuckled nervously. “Sorry,” they both said. 
She smiled and pressed a random button. 
“Oh,” he looked down and then back at her. “I’m sorry-- you, you really do look a lot like her.” 
She chuckled. “Do you like her?” 
“I mean do you think she’s pretty?” 
He instantly blushed. “Well, yeah, yeah, of course--I mean. She’s y/n Stark, she’s so-- incredible and she’s super smart. And really beautiful.” 
She smiled, blushing. 
“Huh, who knows maybe you’ll end up meeting her one day and date her.” 
Peter started laughing. “As if someone like y/n Stark would ever even talk to me.” 
“You’d be surprised.” 
He cleared his throat. 
“What if someone from the future told you that? What would you do? That’d be crazy, right? Like hey, Parker, you’ll end up dating y/n Stark, or hey y/n/n you’ll end up dating a boy from Queens.” 
“I wouldn’t believe it,” Peter chuckled. “That’s insane.” 
“Huh, you really never know.” 
“Wait—“Peter scowled. “How do you know I’m from—Queens?“
Y/n blinked. “Uh—you’re from midtown high school right?” 
“Yeah—Yeah, right.” 
Y/n looked at his hand. “So, uh, why are you roaming around, did anything happen to you?” 
He gulped and covered his recent injury. 
“Ah—nothing, miss I really need to get back to my group.” 
“Right uh—they just finished the spider exhibition, so you'll probably have to go to—where did you tell me you had found them?” she whispered to herself. “Ah, right! Uh, the human power investigation.” 
“So—What floor is that?” He asked as the elevator door opened, meaning she had to get off. 
“Third floor,” she said as she stared at the opened door. “Thank you, Peter.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “What for?” 
“For—uh, the nice chat,” she lied. “Say hello to y/n Stark for me if you ever meet her, I’m sure you guys will be great friends.” 
She walked off the elevator and looked down at her watch, she was ready to go back home, she didn’t even need to prove her project worked, she needed to go back to Peter Parker. 
She came back to Tony First. 
“So how was it?”
“I was standing there looking at him and I felt alive again.
Tony grinned. “Good, But are you ready now? To go to Earth-833?” 
“Bring it on.” 
Days before y/n’s disappearance. 
“Y/N Stark was seen flying with her Iron armour on Central Park, reports said that she was walking normally and when some tourists approached her she couldn’t speak to them, and as usual had another one of her countless attacks and flew off in her armour. People are wondering, has Y/N Stark truly gone insane? In a recent interview with C.E.O. of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts said that y/n is still grieving the loss of her father and shouldn’t be judged, what she saw and did before and after the blip was too much to handle--” 
“Y/n Stark, she’s the clue to all of this!” Quentin Beck said as he stood up, turning the volume down. “That’s it! I’m a genius!” He laughed. “Wherever she is, we need to find her! She’s all messed up already, it’ll make it easier!” 
William Ginter Riva paused as he looked at him. “What are you planning to do with her?” 
“Her brains might bring something in, if we trick her well enough she might even make this project better, and can you believe that someone like her is the heir to all the Stark Industries?” Beck laughed. “That kid’s gone so insane, she’ll help us, she’s so obsessed with that bastard of Tony Stark, we need to find her and when we find her—we will make her believe Tony is back! Then it’ll be easier to get into the system, and if we control her, we will control all of Stark Industries, we will have access to a whole new world of possibilities..” 
“As if we had a chance to get around her, she’s got a lot of security and she’s constantly having panic attacks, she’ll probably kill us with her armour before we even get the chance to get to her,” Victoria Snow said. “We need to really think this through.” 
“Besides we need a great story to convince her, and someone that could break her,” Dr Jensen said. 
“Wasn’t she dating Peter Parker?” Janice Lincoln, an unknown scientist former employee of Stark Industries asked. 
“She was,” Victoria answered. “As long as I remember, she was all over the place for him, they’d sneak to the labs sometimes.”
“Then it’s like taking candy from a baby! We’ll use both of them to manipulate the other,” Beck added. “She’s so vulnerable right now, we need to find a way to know exactly what she is doing, or… let’s get an idea from her, I’m sure she is building something,or—let’s make her think that she can bring Tony back, make her trust us, make Tony Stark appear in front of her, Lion King style all “Remember who you are” that kind of shit then we go from there. We will have the insane y/n Stark giving us the entire industry to our hands, and besides if we use her to get to Peter Parker we will manage to get E.D.I.T.H.” 
“But who would she trust? Who would she trust enough to believe it? We need to make sure she knows it’s real, she’s smart, she might be bonkers but she’s smart.” Asked Guterman.
“Peter Parker probably,” Victoria said. 
Beck wrinkled his nose. “No, no, we don’t know the kid enough to create an illusion, we’d need someone predictable.” 
“Steve Rogers,” Riva suggested. “She ran away with him.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Beck said. “The only problem is that Steve Rogers isn’t--” 
“He’s alive,” Janice said. “Our recent information confirmed he’s living in Brooklyn, but he’s old now I’m not sure how that happened.” 
“So Steve Rogers appears to her, we get an idea to her head to bring Tony Stark back, we make Tony appear several times and then gosh I feel so wrong for this but how I wish--I hate y/n Stark more than I hate Tony Stark, she said I was unstable, can you believe it? I wanna make her so unstable that she doesn’t know what’s real anymore, I want her to go completely insane.” 
“An illusion of Steve Rogers we shall have,” Riva said. 
“If Tony was awful he wasn’t half as bad as she was,” agreed Victoria. “At least Tony knew he was a joke, y/n Stark believes everything she does needs to be far from all the hero’s duty, she is s full of herself.” 
“And that’s why we are taking her down as well, someone with her brains shouldn’t be out there fighting against us, we need her in our team even if we’re forcing her to be with us--She is just like us! Even she was tired of her being supposed to be a hero, the world didn’t listen or cared about her unless she was wearing a suit and now look at her! Let’s take her in our control, she will listen to us--Or at least, she’ll listen to her father.” 
“Then let’s do it,” said Victoria.
“This will be the doom of y/n Stark,” Beck smirked.  
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bazzledazzled · 6 years
I’m not going to lie to you I am 100% pulling these headcanons from the spam of messages i sent @waywardpadaleski​ but I saw Voltron Hogwarts AUs floating around and I decided to make headcanons because I love this idea ive also doodled stuff and may post some or write something just not rn
pretty much the houses just go with their lions— but lance is special snowflake im sorry i know i sound like one of those uber annoying lance stans that shove da boi down everyones throats i cant help it i love him but bare with me this makes sense
Okay so Keith is in Gryffindor because ofc he would
Pidge is Slytherin
Hunk is Hufflepuff
Allura is totally a Ravenclaw
What about Lance, you ask? Well u know how JK Rowling said that there’s things called “Hat Stalls” where people took longer than 5 min to get sorted???
Ye well Lance is one of THOSE
It would work with canon if you think about it because he kinda is stuck between the red lion and the blue lion and like-- I know keef is the same way with the black lion but shush
the sorting hats dilemma is that he’s smart and has the means to excel in Ravenclaw, but at the same time he’s outrageously brave like a Gryffindor
So the hat doesn’t know what to put him in
Then the sorting hat comes to the conclusion that while he could do great in Ravenclaw, he wouldn’t reach his full potential unless he was a Gryffindor (*COUGH* LIKE CANON)
Sooooo-- Pidge is like a year or two behind Hunk, Lance, and Keith because y’know, shes younger and stuff and she kinda gets into the group because of her older brother
So Matt is a Ravenclaw and him and Shiro are besties ofc
(Shiros Gryffindor sorry I forgot to mention it)
Matt was also a Hat Stall because when i was thinking about his house i couldn’t decide between Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor
But he’s Ravenclaw cuz it fits in with an Adashi thing im gonna bring up later
Shiro is also Keith’s older brother, they’re not biological siblings, its just Keefs dad was friends with shiros parents and when he passed away the Shiroganes adopted him 
Shiro is ANNOYED because Keith and Lance are always fighting with each other in the commons and he just wants to read his book in peace
Now here comes the Adashi
Okay okay so Adam is Ravenclaw
I know we barely know anything about Adam (*glares at s7*) BUT based on stuff and how the fanon Adam is, I’m saying he’s Ravenclaw
So anyways
Let’s get to Quidditch because that’s part of the Adashi part of this AU
Keef is a Gryffindor Seeker because like-- he go vroom
I lowkey am making Lance a Keeper not only cuz he would be good at it but also cuz of those cheesy shirts that say things like “He’s a Keeper” and “She’s a Catch” 
Shiro is a Chaser
Pidge and Hunk I think would be Beaters???? Idk
OH! James Griffin is also a Slytherin Seeker byeeee
Adam is the Ravenclaw Keeper
Headcanon is if theres one thing Lance and Adam have in common, its that they can make people flustered very easily 
So ya know what Adam does, much to Shiro’s annoyance???
He flirts with him
Whenever they have games that are Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor Adam will flirt with Shiro, winking at him, yelling stuff across the field, making Shiro so flustered he can’t throw straight (pun intended)
One time Adam gets Shiro so flustered he drops the ball
Matt, a Beater, high fives him
OH! Also Allura is a Chaser and she’s like the best Chaser in the school FITE ME
Okay thats enough of quidditch 
Okay so as for family lineage and stuff
Shiro, Lance, and Hunk are muggleborns
They just are
Shiro’s parents knew about Magic because of keef and were surprised when they found out Shiro was a wizard
Lance is the only wizard in his family and he gets homesick a lot because he’s the only one who goes to Hogwarts and he misses his siblings and stuff
But he always brings niece and nephew home stuff from Hogsmade that he thinks they’ll like 
Hunk, Lance, and Shiro meet because Hogwarts started a club during the summer for Muggleborns where they can meet and talk about concerns with Hogwarts and magic and stuff with other muggleborns that are older
So Lance and Hunk soon become really close friends and Shiro is kinda their advisor and stuff
Keith is a Halfblood, which makes sense because i mean he’s half galra on the show so
His mom was a witch, and idk if im going to have her run away for something or die?? I mean I kinda want her to run away cuz of something so they can be reunited but i have no idea what it would be unless this was during the time of harry potter and it had something to do with Voldemort but i kinda want to stay away from all that so ye
Pidge and Matt are purebloods
But they’re not the stuck up purebloods
They’re literally the Weasleys 
Sam has a fascination with muggle technology that Pidge and Matt share
So like, they have a lot of fancy tech
Pidge and Matt snuck a DS on campus and play Zelda at meals
Allura is probably a Pureblood but shes way less snooty, maybe even compared to her parents
As for teachers
Coran is Herbology teacher or something???
Alfor is Defense against the Dark Arts maybe??? I don’t know either him or Zarkon 
Haggar is obviously the potions teacher
Everyone hates Lotor cuz his parents are teachers and he’s a teachers pet
But back to Haggar in potions
So she’s like the slytherin head thing or whatever they were
so yknow she’s biased
and it doesnt help that her son is also slytherin
(also Zarkon is a Gryffindor sorryyyyy)
(This also could play into keith or lance’s story by them being compared to Zarkon or something and it unsettling them)
(This just in-- I think Zarkon should be the voldemort)
(oh shoot im getting sidetracked with imagining zarkon as voldemort and lance as harry potter)
So ofc she sees that Lance and Keith are always at each others throat
and makes them potions partnets
because it makes it easier for them to get in trouble because they keep fighting and then she can take points from gryffindor 
The one day they are tasked with making Amortentia, right??
Oh god this is so mcfreaking cliche im sorry
So Keef and Lonce are there, both tired from studying or something so already they’re cranky and half asleep
So they’re making the potion right?
And lance just coughs, a look of disgust on his face
“What?” Keef says. Lance plugs his nose.
“U stink, Keith.” And throughout potions class Lance keeps complaining that Keith smells really bad or something or he used too much cologne idk
Ofc like Pidge is in that class and shes snickering
Lance turns to her like “WHAT IS IT PIDGE” 
She asks him if he knows what the potion is supposed to do
He’s just like “It makes people fall in love with u.”
“Yes but what else?” Both keith and Lance stare at her blankly. She explains that when u smell it you smell what u love most
Both keef and lances eyes widen
For the first time in forever they’re quite the entire period
Keith has a gay panic
Lance has a bi panic
they are disasters
Shiro confronts pidge after that day
“Pidge what did u do to keef and lonce they’re broken”
Pidge is all like, “Excuse me????”
“They’re being nice to each other.” 
Hunk, who is also there, just snorts
“Pls explain this to me,” Shiro says, exasperated
Pidge explains the Amortentia scene
Shiro just laughs because of course they were in love with each other
(it lowkey reminds him of him and Adam)
(okay now i have theories that the reason why they made Adam shiro’s boyfriend is because its meant to mirror OTHER ships in voltron *cough* KLANCE and its foreshadowing or something i mean adam does look like lance and shiro and keith are sorta similar)
(shut up candy back to the AU)
Hunk admits that Lance has had a crush on keeth for like ever but he keeps saying its just a rivalry thing
Actual conversation between the two:
“And what’s up with his hair?? It’s like straight out of the 80′s and he has all the bangs over his eyes like an EMO like why is he trying to hide his eyes?” Lance blushes because he’s thinking about how beautiful Keefs eyes are. “Like why? Why is his hair like that i dont understand?? And what does he do to it why is it so soft???”
“You’ve touched his hair?”
“Yeah I was trying to see if I’m taller than him yet” Hunk was just confused but then Lance kept talking about keiths hair and he let it slip when it was like, almost 3am that keiths hair made him look pretty and lance would never be able to make that look good on himself, then immediately said something about the one time keef blew something up in first year because hes an idiot as a coverup
So hunk has known for some time
Even when lance didn’t know
So for the next couple weeks keith and lance act kinda weird around each other
because they don’t know how to handle feelings
they mostly avoid each other, standing on opposite ends of the room and glaring at each other
but of course that doesnt help them at all because for some reason they share a room
(oh my god they were roommates)
The rest of the boys in the room are angry because of all the sexual tension its giving them anxiety and they started sleeping in the commons
I actually have no idea who the other three boys would be because one of them couldnt be shiro because hes older and everyone else is in different houses so
At one point keith just blurts “Whats wrong with you?”
Lance gets all defensive because he takes it in a different way than Keith meant and thought Keith was saying he was flawed or something and he was broken and...
heres the langst
Lance just starts to get upset and is yelling saying nothing is wrong with him and he almost starts to cry because he’s just so confused and doesn’t know whats going on and he feels like hes not good enough for Gryffindor and
He has a lot of emotions
And he says all this, starting to ramble through tears, pouring all of his emotions out
Keef is shook
he doesn’t know what to do Lance never acted like this in front of him before and he’s never seen lance like this, so self conscious and doubting himself 
Keith doesn’t know how lance could even think these things because in his eyes-- lance is perfect
Lance has always been so much better at magic than he was
and He’s so confident and such a good Keeper 
He gingerly touches Lance’s shoulder. 
“Lance I--” Keith doesn’t know what words to say, but apparently he doesn’t need to say any
Lance wraps his arms around him, burying his face in his shoulder, sniffling
Keith is surprised at first because u know keef
He doesn’t know how to react when someone hugs him
He gently hugs lance back, resting his head on Lances and running his fingers through his hair
Lance calms down, his breathing slowing and seeming more relaxed
when he does, keith tries his best to tell him how great he thinks lance is and how hes jealous and all that
Lance pulls away, rubbing his eyes. 
“You mean it?” Keith nods solemnly, not looking at Lance. Lance touches his cheek, causing him to look back up, his brows knit together in confusion
Lance doesn’t know why, but he kisses him
(*klance fangirl in me starts screaming*)
and just??? the moment feels perfect to both of them? This was someone they always thought of as a rival, were always jealous of, and were always thinking about. They never truely understood their feelings for each other, until now
Shiro doesn’t comment when they walk into the dinning hall the next morning holding hands
But Pidge sure does 
Okay im trying to think of more headcanons involving people other than Shiro, Keith, and Lance because i love all the characters and they deserve attention
Hunk makes friends with two other Hufflepuff girls 
he he he yall know who it is
Shay and Romelle have been friends since they were first years and Shay yelled at Lotor for making fun of Romelle
they’ve been besties ever since
Hunk meets Shay and Romelle in Herbology because in like maybe 5th year or something Hufflepuff house was taught Herbology with the Slytherins. Every year before that it was either with Ravenclaw or Gryffindor so he would pair with Lance, Keith, Allura, or Shiro
Pidge was a year or two bellow him so they didn’t have classes together in case u were wondering
For the specific thing they needed a group of three and even though Hunk is a pretty nice guy and can make friends with everyone, everyone sorta had their trio
Because ofc he can find a PARTNER that was left out of their group of three, but suddenly they’re paired off in threes and there’s no sad loner who has no friends. 
Shay and Romelle have an opening in their group
Hunk goes to work with them
They’re honestly the cinnamon roll squad and when Hunk introduces them to his friends Lance and Pidge immediately nickname them that 
Hunk quickly falls in love with Shay
Like deeply in love
He’s always complimenting her and laughing at what she says
Romelle keeps trying to tell Shay that he likes her but Shay just goes “he’s just a nice person, Elle”
The Yule ball comes around ofc
and at this point Lance and Keith are dating
This is probably around.... Sixth year I want to say? 
So here’s the line up 
Keith and Lance go to the dance together
Shiro asks Adam in like this grand way and Adam is just like “wait we weren’t going together before??”
Matt doesn’t have a date but he invites Pidge because she threatened him (she wants to take pictures of Klance and Adashi acting cute and coupley to use as blackmail and Matt supports it)
Hunk starts freaking out because he really really really wants to ask Shay but he doesn’t know how
Lance gives him a pep talk, saying that she obviously likes him of course she’ll say yes
Hunk is still nervous
Lance is all like “C’mon asking your crush out isnt that bad if she says no she says no, but if she says yes then you get an awesome date.” 
“Says the one who had a crush on his boyfriend since second year and covered it up as a rivalry.” Lance looks offended.
“You need to stop hanging out with Pidge.” 
Lance decides to be Hunks wingman and starts asking Shay things like “You planning on going to the Yule Ball?” and “What do you think of Hunk?” He sees that she is very much interested and repots this to Hunk
He helps Hunk come up with a way to ask her
And its like the sweetest thing Romelle is in on it and she gives some stupid excuse as to why she cant study for herbology with them 
then her and lance hide behind a bookshelf, giggling
Hunk gets super flustered
But he manages to ask her
Shay also gets really flustered
But says yes
oof okay thats three of my big ships canon now for the fourth. 
When Hunk first introduces Allura to Romelle, her first thought is “Her. I want to date Her.” 
Now Lance and Allura have already come out to each other as bi disasters
It actually happened when Lance got with Keith and they were talking about him, doing facials (they take care of their skin with each other fite me) 
And Lance is just like “Yeah so I guess I like guys and girls” and allura is like “YOU CAN DO THAT” and lance is like “yeah????” and hes not sure if shes being biphobic or what and hes scared for like 0.1 second
and then allura just goes “Oh my god lonce i think i like guys and girls too”
And then they just start laughing
I guess I should also mention that they dated at one point too???
I don’t think it would’ve been super long, but probably around 3rd year they dated and thats actually probably how Allura got introduced to the Squad??
Lance first saw her when he finally joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team 
He got picked to be a Keeper the second year
So their first game is against ravenclaw
And he’s pretty good for the most part
And then all of a sudden he sees allura flying towards him and she looks so beautiful and how can she be so beautiful and--
She just scored a goal
and he was staring dumbly at her
So Lance and Allura’s relationship kind of developed like it did in the show with Lance flirting with her and Allura being annoyed to them becoming friends and eventually mutual crush
Allura’s actually the one to ask Lance out
They date for a while and theyre actually a really cute couple
(I may be a hardcore Klancer but I do find Allurlance cute on the occasion)
But after a bit... it kinda fades away?? I don’t know they just start to feel like when they kiss its not... not how they thought it would be??
They slowly start to realize that they kinda just want to be friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend
It just adds stress that they don’t want and they want to be able to tell each other anything without having to worry about stuff
so they break up soon after they start dating
but they dont?? feel too broken up about it???
The feeling was mutual
Plus they like each other much more as friends than romantic partners
They’re like the ultumate brotp 
Now they give each other facials every thursday
so allura finds out that she has a crush on Romelle
and who does she go to?
Ofc its lance hes a successful bi with a boyfriend
So he pretty much teaches her how to flirt
like seriously he teaches her how to flirt
And Allura makes it her duty to flirt with Romelle at every possibly oppertunity
Making Romelle freak out because how is she supposed to read this does she want to date Allura or????
They don’t really go any further for a while, its just allura slipping in little things every now and again or blowing kisses at romelle in the stands as she scores a goal
When the Yule ball rolls around, both Allura and Romelle dont have dates (Lotor asked Allura to the dance because they kissed one time in a game of spin the bottle and she responded with judoflipping him)
But they have fun
Everyone has fun actually
Its amazing and fluffy
(i feel like i should write a snapshot of this so i can finally write a fic that isnt centered around klance)
And a slow song comes on
Hunk and Shay awkwardly dance with each other, blushing brightly
Lance and Keith have their heads pressed together, Lance kissing Keith’s nose as they dance and making keith so flustered he stumbles and they both fall to the floor laughing
Adam and Shiro are that couple everyone is jealous of because theyre so perfect?? Like they have matching outfits and they dance gracefully and they kiss at just the right moments??
Pidge and Matt are god knows where probably videotaping the whole thing
And Allura kinda jokingly goes, “Well I guess then we should dance too.” And Romelle surprises her by taking her hand, pulling her onto the dancefloor
and freaking allura is actually really flustered and she’s blushing, having a hard time looking at Romelle
(romelle is having a hard time looking at her to fsajndvjhaio)
They’re both blushing. 
At the end of the song theyre much closer to each other than they started
They look up at each other
And then Romelle squeezes her eyes tight and kisses allura
It barely lasts for a second
Allura is shook
Romelle is in Lesbian Painc
Allura is in Bi Panic
Nobody seems to have noticed
but both girls are dying
And then allura just timidly asks, “Can you-- can you do that again?”
Pidge walks up to them kissing and just goes, “Oh thank god I thought I was going to have to force you two to kiss”
Because pidge oversees everything and knows everyones crushes that theyre too stupid to see
I feel bad for pidge i don’t really know what big moments she should have???
I feel like shes a trouble maker though
Not like cruel pranks or something 
But she likes to play jokes on people
A lot of the times that person is Lance
A lot of the time Keith is in on it
I also feel like eventually Allura and Romelle start to join her??
She recruits them for some big thing
Idk what
Its probably like a surprise for either Klance’s anniversary or Adashi’s 
And they love this way of life
Romelle betrays the cinnamon roll squad and goes to the dark side
Also a little more about pidge
She was almost a Hat Stall
Her two houses were Slytherin and Ravenclaw
But at like 4 min and 43 seconds the hat announced slytherin
her family is actually a mix of slytherins and ravenclaws
her dad and brother are ravenclaws
her mom is slytherin
Lances rivalry with Keith started because Keith bought the last of the candy he wanted on the train
And during like 7th year when they’re cuddling or something and Keith is like “why did u start this rivalry” and lance says it’s because he took the candy and Keith is SHOOK and goes “I would have shared if u asked”
and yeah i may add but heres most of the headcanons i came up with
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franeridart · 7 years
fran i dont understand the last art?? is it a noragami au since the weapons are people?? help my dumb ass senpai
It’s !!!! okay anon why would you be dumb just for not knowing a fandom with an anime that finished airing eight years ago and a manga that finished publication four years ago haha it’s called Soul Eater! An incredibly good manga in my opinion, one of the best shounen ever, I would look it up if I were you :D 
Anon said:Could you possibly do a Tokoyami and Shouji fusion? I just love your art style with bnha!! It's fine if you don't want to though! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I already did!!! :O and thank you so much!!!
Anon said:i love your art, so i looked through all 64 pages of your art tag. cant wait to see more!! ;)
Thank you!!!! °O° though.... the older stuff... we could maybe pretend that never existed ever........ that’d be nice......... lmao
Anon said:followed you the second I finished reading that bakugou analysis
I take you’re of my same opinion on the matter!!! That’s nice to know hahaha 
Anon said:You really don't need to respond!! but I thought you might get a laugh at this idea. Denki convinces the squad to do GOTG w/ him for a costume party (A LOT of begging involved... he was obsessed with GOTG at the time) and gets Momo to make their costumes. Katsuki finds out the day of that he assigned him Rocket (assumed he'd be Drax) 😂. (Kami=SL, Mina=Gamora, Sero=Groot, Kiri=Drax). Denki tells him don't worry, all he has to do is be himself to get into character and runs off cackling.
Okay this is adorable hahaha I love it, though I gotta admit I can totally see Bakugou having Rocket as his favorite anyway, he’s exactly the type of character Bakugou might relate to (the “of course I care about the planets and the plants and the animals on those planets!” “and the people!” “...meh” exchange is an incredibly Bakugou thing haha)
Anon said:🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (。’▽’。)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Anon said: Shoosh pap
.............I should have expected this ask haha
Anon said:you used the tag limit lmao (for the comic doodle about bakugou's temp)
:O I can see all of them, tho! If the last one you can see is “and yet”, then that’s exactly where I meant to stop lol
Anon said:As far as whether Baku gets cold fast or slow; it's not the same because I don't have a sweat related quirk obviously but I run a constant temperature of 105°F or 40.5°C (maybe that's my quirk) and it takes me a long ass time to get cold so maybe it's like that?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info!!!! :O that actually does make sense!
Anon said:I actually do like inko and I think she's a pretty good parent, all things considered-- but I cannot condone the whole "I'm so sorry izuku" thing, simply bc inko is more important to izuku than bakugou. If bakugou says something like "deku, youre worthless", while it is very cruel it definitely 100% will not hurt as much as izukus own mother saying "izuku I'm so sorry that your dreams will never come true". But the good things that she understands her mistake and has apologized to izuku for it.
I mean, yeah! For a long while in the manga I was like, okay, easy to say “oops I was wrong” now that you have actual proofs of the fact you were wrong and you can’t deny the fact that Izuku could make it as a hero since he’s into UA, easy to say “I support you” now that it’s obvious he can make it, using the easy way out much, but I’m always 100% open and supportive of characters that realize their mistakes and change for the better, so even if she had to wait for every condition to be in her favor before she could realize her mistake as long as she got it, that she had finally decided to be a supportive mother I was!!! Super happy for her and about it and ready to like her as much as possible! 
And then she had to go and tell Izuku she wasn’t letting him back into UA. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear for his life she has as a mother - she didn’t have fifteen years like everyone else to get used to the fact that her boy was set on becoming a hero (...since she refused to acknowledge the possibility, even though Izuku was working to become one without a quirk anyway like, she should have been even more worried for his safety before he got the quirk but WHATEVER) so she’s scared for him, and Izuku’s been hurt a lot since starting UA so I get it, but you don’t just pull the “I’m pulling him out of school” card, in front of Izuku’s teacher, mentor AND greatest hero, without ever discussing the thing with Izuku first? Without even asking for his imput on the matter, or giving him an heads up? As if she owns his whole life? 
I’m your mother I decide what’s best for you and what you want doesn’t matter at all - that’s.... that’s not growing up and learning, and that’s the literal opposite of being supportive. That’s allowing your son to have fun as long as it’s okay with you, and then going “okay, game’s done, who cares that you finally found a way to reach your goal, a place you belong to and are way happier than I’ve ever seen you before, I don’t like it so you can’t keep going”
I’m sorry, but I really, really can’t like Inko if she keeps on being like that. She’s literally the biggest hindrance on Izuku’s path to a fulfilling, happy life, and I need her to stop being like that before I can actually change my mind about her orz
Anon said:side note re: asshole bakugou and deku's development - the manga's translation is //very liberal// in trying to make it sound more 'western' in regards to how in japanese things are more formal (?) baku's demeanor and language would be considered incredibly rude so the translators try and shift the language for the english reading audience. what's probably considered absolutely reprehensible for english readers only seems that way because of how they've tried to adapt it.
Oh, yeah, that too! As long as you stick to mangastream’s translations they’re a bit more literal, but there’s a lot of things that Bakugou says/does that are just... a localization to give the “rude” feeling. Then again, he is an asshole, so you never know what he actually said and what’s just a liberal interpretation haha
Anon said:I love your art style so much! And all your Bakushima doodles and comics are super wonderful!
Ohhhhhh gods thank you so much !!!!! *O*
Anon said:are kendou's feet backwards?
...anon... my friend... why would I draw Kendou’s feet backwards.........
Anon said:Fran the comic about kiribaku and the balconies is--well, let's just say I have a new headcanon and a new otp.
THAT!!!! Makes me super happy to know!!!! :O I’m glad I could make you like those two a bit more
Anon said:Can I suggest you to draw todokami (todoroki and kaminari) please? It's a really rare pair and I would love to see it in your style but if you don't want to or are uncomfortable doing so I understand ^^ ily keep up the good work
Ahhhhhhhhhh it’s not like I’m uncomfortable with it, I just... don’t understand the ship at all? So finding inspiration to draw it is really hard for me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! sorryyyyy m(;_;)m
Anon said:Everytime I see u posted I honestly gasp a little and then literally whatever it is just makes me happy and smile and ???? Honestly I'm blessed you're so good and lovely and * throws confetti* I hope you have a lovely day and I just wanted to let you know you bring light into my life
Holy smokes thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;O; this really really means a lot to me, I’m so glad I can make you smile? Ahhhh mannnn!!!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Anon said:the sweet little bakushima comic that u just posted is my favorite ! piece of ! bnha art ! I've ever seen ! so good. so warm. thank u for sharing ur talent and ideas!! sending u love
Your favorite???? Oh my g o d ;O; thank you??? I’m super glad you liked it aaahhhhhhhh
Anon said:Fran I'm w e a k for everything u do... esp soft boys. You kill me with those.
Soft boys are the best and also my very own weakness too so I!!! try!!!! I’m glad you like them too!!!!!!!! (♡´艸`)
Anon said:KENDOU!! IS SO GOOD!! YOU DRAW HER SO GOOD!!!! ily fran
G O D S thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m!!!! seriously glad I could make her pretty, she’s so beautiful to me!!!!
Anon said:is it possible to have a crush on someone's art ??? bc i sure do have one on yours it's gorgeous
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