#sorry to hijack ur post!!!!!
sasukeless · 7 months
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astrobei · 1 year
demon mike going through his human arc bc of the power of love ✍️✍️✍️ i see you
listen nic i just need u to know how obsessed i am with your giant beautiful brain bc this au concept is EVERYTHING to me !! will fucking around w dark magic and finding out !! mike being banished to demonhood (?) for some mysterious wrongdoing in his old life !! literally being bound to will who is trying So hard to get rid of him bc Oh Shit he didn’t mean to summon a demon and he’s got stuff to do, you know, he can’t just sit around all day and deal with this so mike just ends up following him literally Everywhere and he sits in on all of will’s classes and hangs out w will’s friends and he starts out pretty cynical but slowly over time as he and will get closer they find themselves falling in love …………. mike not even knowing he was capable of that and kind of rethinking everything……….. n maybe will finally figures out how to send mike back and they’re both so sad about it and trying not to show it and oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe maybe will says fuck it and kisses him goodbye but then the spell doesn’t work bc mike isn’t a demon anymore just a concept ok bye
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fuzzyunicorn · 2 months
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#black cat supremacy#my fav TikTok comments atm r the ones saying never say lykiri (be calm) 2 a woman & using it on their orange cats has me fuckin’ ded#sorry not sorry I exclusively like war dragons (sorry Syrax)#ooh lawdy guys I’m about 2 craft a war dragon design so good GRRM will hire me#George pls put me in the show w lots of authority anytime any1 is like uh wat do we do??? what do we write 4 this???? omg I’m so lost! I’ll#be like have u ever considered consulting (reading) the books? what does that fuckin’ book say what happened? alright let’s do that!#I would bully the shit out of ur hijackers (how the writers literally write whatever the fuck they want) George is be like did this scene#come from the book? no? oh well then don’t speak at all until u can figure out we need 2 recreate the source material U DUMB FUCKS#oh but the books aren’t finished! no stfu! if u had half a functioning brain it’s not hard 2 c where the plots r going dumbasses & George#is literally alive 2 b consulted WHAT MORE DO U FUCKING WANT? U HAVE NO EXCUSE 4 RUINING HIS WORK#if I was the show writer I’d post a picie of me writing the script w stuffed animals & the books & GRRM as my consultants every1 else remain#in SILENCE! let GRRM go back to writing the scripts (he wrote GOT scripts from season 1-4 & it really shows!)#I hate u Ryan Condal & Sara whatever the fucking fuck ur name is! I don’t care since u ruin GRRM’s stuff! y is every1 so hellbent on ruining#his work???#go ruin ur own shit have the fuck at it not his beaufuilf baby that u all Frankensteined ONCE AGAIN! I’m prob more angry than George & I#had no part in writing the books but I get so angry over it I may as well have. George NEEDS me 2 bully HBO and I’m so ready 4 it
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pvtchurch · 1 year
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weaponsdrawn · 3 months
hey toontown clash fandom i just spent like hours yesterday digging into break the law posts and stuff which probs isnt as impressive as it sounds but like it was irrationally funny to me so im making it into a stupid poll
DISCLAIMER THIS ISNT A DIG TOWARDS THE CLASH TEAM THIS IS ALL OLD NON-CANNON WRITING ITS LIKE 4 TO 6 YEARS OLD IM NOT INSULTING THE TEAM OR ANY OF YOUR BLORBOS OR THE TOONS THIS IS SHIT I FOUND IN OFFICAL CLASH MEDIA/POSTS DOCUMENTING OFFICAL CLASH MEDIA/ARCHIVES PERTAINING TO THE EVENT ITSELF. also this isnt meant to be a "test ur obscure knowledge!!!!" deal im just riffing on how many small yet insane details there are. Also if I got something wrong I'm very sorry, I wasn't there when the event happened and I've just been learning about it as I go along, veteran players you can correct me I won't mind!!!
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tearwolfe · 4 months
ok hi im not following you but i see u around so much cus my moots love wansho and u sure do post a lot of ruikasa and. look im not that big of a fan of rks at all and ur art style isnt even really my vibe (no offense! its still super good just not for me) but! holy shit i love their vibes. like whatever dynamic you have going on for rks its just peak. keep going youre doing great
sorry i kind of hijacked the ruikasa tag.. i think there might be something wrong with me! but fuckit we ball..
and thank you!! i love playing with the already silly dynamic they have in canon. i just make them more painful to witness.
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hijacksecrets · 11 months
Oh my god so I just found ur blog and ur Post-apocalyptic AU and FELL IN LOVE (my roommate can attest that my jaw dropped and I screeched) and I originally wanted to comment something along the lines of “is it gay? Pls be gayyyyyyy?” But I didn’t wanna get targeted by any crazy Hicstrid shippers (not that that’s something that’s actually happened—idk bc I’m sort of new to the Hiccup and Jack Frost ship (ur art is the one that introduced and converted me btw) and I just didn’t wanna risk it bc if a random stranger on the internet sends me a mean message I will CRY)
ANYWAY long story short (sorry for the long crazy route—I have ADHD) I saw you have more Hiccup x Jack Frost (idk the ship name) content and I’m so excited to DEVOUR your arttttttt
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Also the ship has a few names, the most popular is Hijack (hence my username LOL) but it also goes by Frostcup and Hicfrost i think!
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princemick · 1 year
I’m a max blog and had the same thing happen to me in reverse a few weeks ago (I posted something in favor of max but a bunch of LH fans thought it was a hate post and I ended up just deleted the post bc it got so bad) so I’m sorry your post got hijacked by rb fans. I didn’t reblog it but I definitely didn’t realize when it came across my dash that it was an rb hate post. Your user just says mick and I’m also a mick fan so I wouldn’t automatically assume that means you hate rb.
I’m sorry people are being weird and not backing off now that you’ve said it’s not a pro-max post. I obviously disagree with your dislike of rb but I know how bad it sucks to post something and suddenly have hundreds of people in your notifications taking it in completely the wrong direction. 🫤
oh shit im sorry that ur post got overtaken that shit can be so overwhelming and annoying, its hard to know when something is a pos or neg post if it isnt explicitely stated (also I'm hoping I didnt rb it myself n added to ur stress bc that sucks) n yea I gen dont mind people reblogging it and seeing it as a max positive blog I hate it when they started being annoying abt that specifically
like ur free to take whaver meaning from my post just dont be an asshole to me abt it???? it seems obvious but it appearntly isnt.
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sick-thing · 2 years
hi sorry that dipshits are hijacking ur funny tradwife kink post. "i want to be subservient because God" yeah okay Kate are you sure what you want is not just the same level of intimacy you saw in the movies at the screening of 50 shades since your husband only pumps til he cums then falls asleep?
those types of people literally will not stop until they convert you to their opinion "i was abused at 14 with kink as a tool" BRO?? Dude
literally. the only good thing abt it is im finding a lot more blogs to mark as anti-trans on shinigami eyes. also just pulling the trauma card like that like ok sorry dude??? but just cause people misuse it doesnt make it bad
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
I saw your tweet and I’m sorry you’re getting hate. I don’t ship enchantricks, just Sylki but I do follow you and I agree that people should stop posting about her being or becoming enchantress. I think it’s rude to hijack and honestly I don’t want her to be enchantress, I love her as her own unique character. She isn’t similar to Amora at all either. Sophia and the writers even said Sylvie is her own woman and won’t be any characters we’ve seen before. I’m not sure why people want her to be. All Sophia said is that she’s AN enchantress in terms of she can enchant, the same way Loki can or Wanda or Strange. But she’s isn’t THE enchantress as the character. Similar to a Loki but not Loki. Part of me wishes she wasn’t even a Loki at all.
I like sylvie, she isn’t my all time fave, that’s a small tier tbh, but I do like her. It made me kinda sad the whole “superior Loki” thing but that’s the writers being messy tbh, her character shouldn’t suffer for that. I rly liked her scene in the field and at the Ren fairs. (I still want to know what happened when she used all the grenades things in the roxxmart) Most of her Stan’s are cool cats.
Only thing that makes me a little iffy are when amora and sylvie are pitted against each other by both sides of the fandom. I don’t like the “I’m better than you” trope in anything. Esp amongst women who that’s a reoccurring and demeaning theme. Which I understand a bit more why amora stans might feel that way. I think it’s a nervous possessive thing bc the comic fandom is so small and having amora be a partial inspo for sylvie feels like we might lose her, if the writers have her take Amoras name. That doesn’t excuse it and I personally don’t think they will take her mantle next season either. I think Sophia seems to have input and knows her character and her motives. I also don’t think we will ever see amora in the MCU, but I don’t think that’s necessarily sylvies fault. They are v different so it’d be possible still, and amora doesn’t need to be Lokis love interest if she was introduced. I think if she was going to appear it wouldve be in LOVE and thunder. Or ragnarok bc she was scourges partner for long.
Idk I’m neutral on sylvie being a Loki, I don’t see the point of her being the only woman Loki tho, since Loki is gender-fluid and all. And also ur telling me of so many universes there only one woman, and that’s “scary” I felt a little like that’s misogyny disguised as being progressive girl boss. Again that’s on the writers not on sylvie, she’s done nothing wrong lol. I feel like the romance would’ve made me less uncomfortable without her being a Loki but I also don’t see the chemistry. Ok ok Ik so many ppl r gonna disagree but I don’t see it in lokius or dashingfrost either personally. Which is just my opinion doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong. Lastly Idk why ppl want her as the mcu’s enchantress, maybe they’re expecting her to be? I tend to fixate on what’s canon explicitly in canon so idk but I don’t see anything suggesting her to be so. I also like her as her own character, there isn’t rly a set of rules sylvie has to follow i think Sophia has it under control
Also thank you for following, I have no issues with sylki shippers, everyone is welcome here and I enjoy discussions a lot. It’s nice to get positive anons sometimes.
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sweet-little-dude · 2 years
i’m so sorry for hijacking your band au post, my brain ceased all activity once i read koko and tongue piercing ㅠㅠ
but band au… i might come back for this later 👀
hehe, thatz all good! its not like this is exclusive so feel free to comment on anything that catches ur eye haha
but yesss ehhe our good ol' band au. fun fact ive got a chapter 1 of it coming out soon sooooooooo, would you be interested in being tagged when it gets released?
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134340am · 2 years
Ur tags on that um uh brat post.... Yams...... omgkrkgkfkfngnfjgnodkfo ur BRANE
(in reference to this post)
yamaguchi tadashi x afab!reader, 0.5k words warnings: use of force (but no violence), mention of body hair, spit, clit pinching. nsfw — minors do not interact.
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yamaguchi snaps on your ninth attempt.
it wasn’t even your intention to turn the tide this way; you just wanted some of his attention for a bit while he studied. he’s had his full concentration on his textbook the entire morning—what’s the point of inviting you over, on a day where there’s no one at home and there’s a fresh strip of condoms in his bedside drawer, if he’s not going to fuck you?
so on your ninth attempt where you drape yourself across his back, feeling him up under his shirt and tweaking his nipples and whining into his neck, he snaps.
in a flash of white and brown and blue, yamaguchi’s room warps before your eyes and you find yourself flat on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, before your boyfriend pokes his head into your line of vision.
“h-how many times?” he hisses, a blush crawling up his neck and tinting the tips of his ears.
“huh?” you shoot back, breathless from being flipped over so quickly.
your eyes stray from yamaguchi’s face to the curve of his bicep, straining against his tight white tee with the effort of pinning you down. sometimes you forget just how strong he is, but now—now you remember.
“hey, look at me. don’t make me ask again.”
your eyes flit back to your boyfriend, bewildered. he’s never spoken to me like this before, you note, and a lick of heat coils in your lower abdomen at the way his eyes darken and his brows furrow handsomely.
“how many times have you bothered me today?”
“i— it wasn’t on purpose. i didn’t know i was disturbing you,” you responded meekly, shifting under him.
his grip on your wrists tighten almost painfully. “you’re making excuses now. i’m asking one more time—how many times have you bothered me today?”
“nine, huh?”
yamaguchi lets go of your wrists, and the look he shoots you made you know better than to move from where he wanted you.
one hand slams itself down on the bed besides your face and you wince at the whoosh of air that rushes by to your left.
his expression remains unreadable, eyes trained on you intensely, as his other hand slides down past the waistband of your cotton shorts, of your panties, to the fluff of hair down below.
“nine times too many,” he mumbles, and his expression softens ever so slightly before he crashes his lips to yours. the kiss was nothing like your usual ones—this kiss was all teeth and tongue, with so much spit that you’re left choking in surprise.
“if you want attention,” your lover starts when he pulls back, swiping away the thick line of saliva that connects his bottom lip to yours, “i’ll give it to you.”
the hand in your pants dips between your already-slick folds to pinch your clit roughly. you wince, and then squeal in pain when yamaguchi twists your sensitive nub.
a tinge of concern shadows his expression at your cry, but disappears as quickly as it came when he sees the way your pupils dilate lustfully.
“nine orgasms and i’m not done studying yet,” yamaguchi muses. “let’s hope your body can keep up, dearest.”
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octodaddy · 7 years
wtf is queerbaiting: a summary
@otaku-tyriq​ (in ref to this post) "I don’t even understand the concept of queerbating like, I never understood what that is and why it pisses people off.”
ok actually you should probably know this just in general:
queerbaiting is when the writers of any media imply a queer relationship very heavily and don’t deliver in full. this happens a lot in TV shows, because it’s easy to watch episode after episode thinking “hey maybe they’re actually gonna do it” (aHEM sherlock)- and it’s easy for the writers to keep dragging viewers along teasing at a queer relationship without actually writing one in.
it’s really gross because usually along with that, there are often jokes made at the queer characters’ expense. this doesn’t always happen, but it happens a lot. (again AHEM SHERLOCK)
for example-- in the first two movies jedediah and octavius were pretty close and had that cool enemies-to-friends dynamic (which arguably actually makes their relationship the most interesting one in the whole trilogy because they actualy, yknow, change)-- and so the first two movies are pretty much harmless, they’re just portrayed as people who become friends.
now, the third movie is where things change. octavius is never explicitly written as gay, they never actually go out of their way to say it, but it’s pretty clear that’s what they’re implying. he has lines about other men being attractive, and those lines are written as jokes, with pauses for people to laugh. he even almost makes a pass at jedediah with the first “take my hand” scene, which is also played off and then given a quick “hey bro were u bein gay”/”NO” scene afterwords
(i will say in natm’s defense:
the thing about natm3 that sticks out to me is that unlike other queerbaity material (....sherlock) natm never seems to be maliciously anti-queer in their writing. they have a scene at the end where jedediah says “I’ll take that hand now”, which could really only be interpreted as him now being fine with holding octavius’s hand, which they already coded as octavius being gay (again this is hard to talk about because it’s all implied and none of this is explicit)- and all the jokes about octavius being gay don’t feel like the fact that he’s gay is a bad thing: when jedediah first asks if octavius asked to hold his hand and octavius refutes him, jedediah isn’t relieved or grossed out, he’s just smug and happy. octavius isn’t seen as any less of a character for being queer, the joke seems to be more that he’s just really, really bad at hiding it)
that doesn’t mean that it’s 1000% okay or anything,   I just think natm3 is probably one of the less disgusting examples- queerbaiting is still a shitty thing to do, keeping queer people from getting the representation they want and deserve, promising them something and then never delivering. It’s a problem with a lot of media out there.
but that’s the thing, it’s a problem with media.
whether or not I write jedtavius fanfic or talk about jedtavius ideas on social media sites- that has nothing to do with whether or not I support the idea of queerbaiting. of course I don’t. of course I’d rather have seen them go for it and make the relationship explicitly queer. of course I’m sad they didn’t and I think it’s wrong. but the point of fic and art is that they are transformative works, and taking something like jedtavius, a pair of almost-queer characters, and making them explicitly queer in every way i possibly can- is transforming them into the characters I wished they could be. 
and i think that’s beautiful
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allhallowstiel · 3 years
listen it's not my fault that supernatural accidentally created one of the most romantic, poetic love stories of all time and then decided to be extremely homophobic about it in the end, forcing us to resort to screaming about it on tumblr like wild animals- again, not my problem! take it up with andrew dabb!
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
Okay but, I love the idea that after the events of AoC that Master Kohga, Robbie and Purah hang out sometimes because they're all freaking chaotic and goofy. There's even a little sidequest that talks about how the Yiga clan gave some supplies to the lab.(So it seems like they're on good terms now.)
Poor Impa, she's probably like "Oh no, now I have to deal with three of them..". 😂
Chaotic uncle Kohga? He tries teaching little baby Jakahl how to spawn the spiky metal balls and Purah and Robbie have to tell him "He's a baby, teach him when he's older."
While Impa is the overprotective aunt and is like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! That's dangerous! Why are you encouraging him?!"
okay admittedly i had never considered it but like.............u might have SWAYED ME.
like. i'm in the middle of cleaning, saw this ask while waiting for the sink to fill, and as i was mopping i just. this silly scenario came to mind ignore me i'm just riffing but like.
Purah, Robbie, and Impa are with a group going to the Yiga Hideout to like. idk. Work on stuff with them as a part of continuing to mend the relationships and whatnot.
All three of them were probably on the fence about even bringing Jakahl with them in the first place, but with the yiga having done nothing nefarious in YEARS and no signs of them returning to Ganon, they figure the best way to break the cycle is to not hide things from the next generation.
Jakahl is supposed to at the very least stay with Impa for the main part of the day. Seeing as Purah and Robbie are probably going to be dealing with who knows what kind of machinery, Impa insisted he stay with her. (he's maybe. 7 or 8 at this point?? idk a younger child but not helpless)
Jakahl...gets bored. Impa's work being more of a historian, it's not that Jakahl doesn't like spending time with her, he'd just...rather be doing something a little more exciting. In his boredom, he. Accidentally. Teleports himself away. (with purah having very limited powers and robbie having none, nobody really eXPECTED HIM TO HAVE THEM? SO??)
The others she's with try to calm her down like, "it'll be fine. nobody here will hurt him, and if he gets too close to something that could hurt him, he'll end up near his parents anyways"
But she says, "Nothing here will hurt him, but his parents???? will LEVEL this place trying to find him if we tell them we LOST HIM"
And half the yiga have probably had their asses handed to them by Purah and Robbie so like. Instant search party. Research can wait whERE IS THE CHILD-
Tearing up the place, they can't find him. Everywhere they look, they just. Can't find him.
Eventually, Impa, in her own teleporting frenzy, falls down in front of Purah and Robbie, absolutely frazzled.
Purah laughs at first. "You good?"
She stays kneeling on the ground. "Can't find him..."
Robbie hears her clearly, and is instantly like "uh-oh".
"Can't what?" Purah asks, kneeling down in front of her.
"Jakahl- he poofed away, I didn't know he has powers- he poofed away and i can't find him- I can't find him-"
And there is just. A noticeable TENSION in the air as Purah stands up and looks at Robbie. A bit of a. Manic. Smile on her face. "Robbie," she says, her voice strained and up an octave.
He grabs her hand. "It's gonna be okay- he's our kid. He's smart- he won't get hurt. We raised him-" (and don't be mistaken, he is JUST AS WORKED UP AS SHE IS. he just knows oNE of them has to be rational in this moment)
She ignores him, turning on all the scientists they were working with. "If anything happens to my baby- if anyone lays a single hand on him I will level this place!!!" and poofs away with Robbie in tow before anyone can say anything else.
Hell hath no fury like a mother who can't find her child.
Jakahl is having the time of his life. Poofing in and out of places, getting further and further away, stirring up a little trouble before poofing away again.
But then he exhausts himself. On his last poof, he ends up at that back arena area where you meet Kohga for the first time in BoTW.
Falls right on top of a sleeping Kohga, bouncing off him almost comically, landing in the sand.
and then he just. sees this small child, who is exhausted and about to start crying bc. It's finally caught up to him that he can't poof around anymore AND that he has NO IDEA where Aunt Impa is.
A crying kid is the laST thing Kohga wants so he's just. He kneels down. "Whose kid are you??"
Jakahl has clammed up, and won't talk.
Looking him over. "Well. White hair. You're a Sheikah kid...didn't those scientists come visit today or somethin'?"
Jakahl nods.
Looking at his face, Kohga puts together who he is. "Oh, yeah. You're those wack job's kid. Jack Fruit, right?"
He shakes his head.
"Close enough, though?"
He shrugs.
Kogha hums, sitting across from him. "How'd you get out here?"
Jakahl finally answers him, and at least now that he's got him talking, Kohga relaxes.
"Can you help me get back to my mom and dad, or aunt impa?" Jakahl asks.
Kohga shakes his head. "Nah, kid, that's work! They'll come lookin' for you. You're exhausted from all that poofin' around. Take it easy."
Eventually, Sooga comes to find Kohga, intent on telling him that Purah is essentially, tearing the place apart looking for her son.
Needless to say, he's surprised to see that Kohga is just. Entertaining the kid. He doesnt' have a large spike ball out, but he's got a few tiny ones and making them float around, and it's absolutely got Jakahl entertained.
"Master Kohga..."
"Oh, hey Sooga! Check this out!"
"His parents are looking for him. His mother is tearing the base apart-"
Kohga just laughs, not taking his focus off Jakahl. "Bring 'em here! he's fine." More quietly, just to Jakahl, "See, told you they'd come get you. Way easier."
Barely a few seconds after Sooga is gone, Purah poofs in the arena, right behind Jakahl, scooping him up. She poofs away again, handing him off to Robbie and Impa who arrived a fraction of a second after she did, and then she is BACK in front of Kohga, snatching him up by the collar as the mini spike balls fall around them.
He's nOT looking for an ass beating from her, Robbie, or IMPA (bc if he thinks about it too hard, he can sTILL feel how walloped he got by her back before the calamity [in the Destroy The Yiga Clan mission]) but he's able to play it cool.
"Relaaaax, Purah. Was keepin' the kid entertained till you lot showed up. He was poofin' around too much and exhausted himself."
"I was having fun!" Jakahl yells from across the arena.
"Promise?" Purah asks.
She can see him nodding, and can tell that Robbie and Impa are confirming with him again.
Her anger is just. Instantly gone. "Guess you get to live another day, Kohga," Purah says, letting go of him. He falls to the ground, and she just. Plops down in front of him. "Damn, I'm worn out. Big base, you got here."
And just like that, tensions are resolved, and now that it's over, it's easier to laugh at. (impa tho...is gonna need a Minute to recover)
Kohga, "Some promising powers on that kid! Should let me teach him how to summon the spikes!"
Jakahl instantly looks at both his parents, "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE"
They shake their head, looking at one another, Impa breathing a sigh of relief.
Purah, "He needs to be a little older."
Robbie, "Wait 'till he's like...ten."
and impa is just like "NOOO W H Y"
and thus Uncle Kohga is a regular in their life, much to Impa's chagrin. (she'll come around to him eventually, but the poor woman has probably gotten a few stress ulcers from their combined shenanigans)
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hijacksecrets · 8 months
Hii, sorry to bother u but i just saw ur post answering an ask saying theres a hijack discord server and i want in SO bad but i cant seem to find a still valid link anywhere 😭
Oh yeah! The hijack discord server is here 💖 I’m not too active on there myself lately, I’ve just been busy with stuff but there’s still activity going on in there! :>
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