#sorry to continue to be bovvered by randos online. i love being mad
borrelia · 9 months
that thing abt the vindication it feels to dislike someone for petty reasons and then to finally find a legitimate reason. anyway tumblr user pachacamac still pisses me off for the petty reason that they* kept getting on my and other usamericans asses for not using proper british slang for stc fan content. like how tf am i supposed to KNOW i need to replace this phrase/word with other regional slang, do i need to google every word to check if british people use it? theres no easy way to check this yk. and they were such a dick about it! this post sponsored by me trying to make more exit fancomic stuff and fruitlessly googling every phrase i plan on using to see if theres a special slang version for british people. fuck it, theyee all american now. yippee-ki-yay etc
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