#sorry to add on a ton of words onto your post here that dont go too far but i think this is about right
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themyscirah · 1 year ago
This surprised me so I thought I'd do some rough math of my own and see how the numbers line up
So because Simon has 9/11 happening concretely when he's around 10 or 11 (I used 11 like you did above) that makes him born in 1990, so he's 23 upon introduction, which seems a little young for his work situation/experience, but I'll get back to this point in a moment. With him being 23 in 2013, that would make him 28* in 2018, where I'm assuming the early 20s panel is from. 28 still seems young for that statement, but I think you can add some more time to Simon's age from the times he's time traveled (oh comic book plotlines how silly you make me sound!)
So Simon has time traveled twice to my knowledge, once with the rest of the GLC (no Jess yet) in GL: Lost Army & Edge of Oblivion. Simon is stuck out of time for both these books (although off-panel for most of Lost Army). We don't know how long the corps is out there for sure in these books, but it was at least a few weeks, so we can add about a month, maybe multiple here.
There was also the time he was out of time with Jess, which I haven't read recently but I think we can add at least a year to his age from (that she would also recieve), bringing him closer to his 30s while also doing nothing about an age gap there.
This brings Simon's age to about 29/30, at the time of that panel (*assuming years in the nu52/rebirth stay constant). That time staying constant (or close to it) is a pretty big assumption to make and it's not one we're ever going to get a good answer on because of DC timelines, as the amount that time is compressed can change depending on a variety of factors. For Simon though, I don't think this compression matters too much as any time compression would be generally offset by his time traveling, making him at youngest 27 in 2018, keeping in line w the earlier numbers. I think having him at 23ish in 2013 makes sense to me as well, even despite his career history as its unlike dc to crunch time the other way, and it can make sense if you assume Simon worked while he was at school or got a shorter degree/only did some college (did we ever get confirmation he went to college? I don't remember)
For Jess I'd add a year or so to your estimate of 18/19 when her friends were murdered, just because it seems like she already has her major declared (forestry) and is mobile (has a car), which would put her in her 2nd or 3rd year of college in my mind. I'd put her around 20 for this event as it would give her time to date her ex/have him leave her for her best friend assuming they all met at college.
Giving the 4 years, I would put her as ~24 when she became Green Lantern, allowing about a month somewhere in there for the whole power ring debacle. Using 2015/2016 for our math (as that was the core of her power ring time/when she became GL) my math would make Jess born in either '91 or '92, which is only one or two years off from my estimate for Simon
So tldr; I wouldn't call the simonjess age gap significant, as depending on how much you fudge the numbers I think it can range from a couple of months to about 3.5/4 years max.
It can be kind of difficult to parse out their exact ages, especially on Simon's end as he has some statements that don't fully add up, but I think some of it can be explained by their time travel together, and the gap itself between Simon and Jess as mainly due to differing time compressions during the nu52
so uh. i just realized that jessica cruz was either 21-22 when she first became a green lantern. she was doing a degree in forestry & she was stuck in her apartment for four years. then in green lanterns, it's said those four years included a gap on her resume from student union, meaning she was still in college when she got stuck in her apartment. meaning she was probably 18-19 when her friends got murdered.
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and considering simon baz had already graduated college & had a job that he later got layed off from when he became a green lantern.... and was i think 11 when 9/11 first happened, although that's iffy cause idk how time works in dc..... i think you know where i'm going with this because not a single man in his 20s talks like this i fear 😭
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love simonjess, #1 otp but. i will never escape age gap allegations with my comic ships, will i? MY GOODNESS
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simpsiren · 4 years ago
coffee or me?
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na jaemin x reader
description: you thought your life was getting boring when all you did was worked as a barista at your father’s coffee shop, that is until you met the med student na jaemin who keeps ordering an unhealthy amount of coffee everyday.
genre: barista!fem reader, med student! jaemin FLUFF!!
warnings: none
word count: 5,105
a/n: so i saw this post on instagram by @/pandawithnojams and decided to write a fanfic on jaemin hehe enjoy :D
your life was a little different from others. instead of further studying your interest, which was architecture after high school, your father immediately asks you to work at his 24 hour coffee shop, Anders, just beside a college. to make you feel worse, the college that was beside Anders was one of the colleges you thought of attending before being told to work.
althought you were not too happy with your father’s decision, you accepted it willingly. your father is the only family member you have left after your mother passed away 3 years ago and you wanted to help your father as much as possible so as to lighten his burden of taking care of himself and you.
“help me clear the tables, princess!” your father shouted from the back of the shop as you moved out of the counter to clear the empty cups on the tables. to be honest, you were starting to like working with your father. you worked as a cashier while you father would be at the back making the drinks, well that is during the day shifts. your father had the idea of you taking on the night shift as well so that you can practice making drinks while not getting stressed over the huge flow of orders that the shop would usually get during the day. you agreed to the idea as you thought of how your father would be able to rest during the night so that he would get plenty of rest for his aging body.
you shook your head with a soft smile as heard your father calling you princess. you were embarrassed that your father kept calling you that but you started finding it cute and you felt the care in his voice everytime he calls you that.
it was 7pm and your father was getting ready to get off his shift before you start your night shift at 7:30. you rushed to your father at the back with the stack of cups in your arms, being cautious of not dropping them. “let me help you clean up.” you said as you saw your father packing up his things. “i can do this myself, please. you dont have to worry.”
you placed the cups in the large sunk and walked over to your father and jerked his side with your elbow. “make sure you rest once you get home alright?” you started to pick up his items on the table, snatching your father’s bag from his hands and putting the items in. you felt his hand resting on your head. you looked up to see his wide and happy grin. “thank you for helping me, elizebeth.” he grabbed you by your shoulders to turn your body to face his before landing a loving kiss on your forehead. you smiled and hugged him tightly. you and your father stayed there away, fully embracing each other’s love. you pulled away shortly after, handing him his bag. he waved you goodbye one last time and you see him off.
you took your phone out of your pocket and one quick look at it and it told you that it was 7:45. you heard the bell on top of the door ringing and immediately went out from the back to attend to the customers.
you have been working till 3am now. it became less and less busy as time went on and you now only had two customers in the shop who were chilling and doing their own thing. fortunately, it finally gave you time to take a break. you pulled a wooden stool beside you and took a seat. you stretched your arms up, interlocking your fingers while doing so and stretching your back in the process, letting out a soft groan. you sighed as you let your arms fall onto your lap and slouched your body.
you leaned forward and rested your head on the palm of your hand, with your elbow on the counter. without you realising, you have drifted off to sleep. well, it was only a short nap. you were able to get some shut eye for about 20 minutes when you heard the ringing of the bell once more. you fluttered your eyes open and turned your attention from the counter top to the door, your eyes were only half open as you watch a figure walking towards the counter.
you heard the footsteps of the person coming closer and finally stopped. “what may i get you?” you asked in a lazy tone, not even bothering to sound like a happy and cheerful cashier at this point as you were not fully awake. you looked at the person standing across the counter, who was looking up at the menu board above the counter. he had round glasses and beautiful blonde hair that was very messy and edgy. a stack of papers were in his arms along with a laptop below it. he wore a large brown cardigan with a white turtle neck, and he looked about your age. with all the observations you made, it was no doubt that the guy was a collage student, and you guessed that he was from the collage nearby.
“can i please get a venti size iced black coffee with 4 shots of espresso? dont add the water, just ice.” his voice sounded as if he was sleepy or exhausted. you clicked your tongue and batted your eyes as you keyed in the order into the machine. you glazed your eyes over the order and sat up straight, tilting your head up to properly look at the man. “woah are you sure that is safe? its going to be very strong.” you warned the person. you have never known anyone who would order something this strong and intense of a coffee ever.
“its fine. i can handle it.” you told him the price and waited for him to give you the money. you placed the money you were given into the cash register and as you were about to give him the change and receipt, he snatches the receipt out of your hand. “keep the change.” with that, he walked away. you raised an eyebrow at him in awe and shrugged, watching him take a seat near the window and placing his stack of papers and laptop on the table.
you took one deep breathe before standing up and going to the back to get his drink ready. it didn’t take you long to make the drink since you were practically an expert in making black coffee, and since he didn’t ask for anything more, you were able to whip it up in a matter of 4 minutes. you poured the drink into a cup along with settling it on top of a small plate before walking out to serve it to him.
you went out and as you were walking towards the table the man was at, you gaped your mouth with shock and tried your best not to spill his drink. the table was scattered and covered with tons of papers and his laptop was placed in front of him, with his fingers typing away from the keyboard. you gulped as you reached there. “your drink.” you said, trying to sound polite as you waited for him to take the drink. you would have placed it down for him but you did not see the slightest bit of space that was not covered with papers. “oh sorry about the mess” he said in a quirky tone.
it took him awhile to realise you were standing there before he reacted though. you eyes were glued to his fingers for that short moment since you were impressed by how fast his typing was. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and ruffled his hair before quickly running his arm over the table to push some of the papers aside. you placed the cup on the table and said a soft “enjoy your drink.” before going back to take your seat behind the counter.
you went back to the same position you were before, but this time, you were awake and wasnt able to sleep. you looked around the shop and realised that there were cups lying around due to the two customers who were in just now. you didn’t even realise they left you were that tired. you whined to yourself, realising that you have to get back up again to do work just when you took your seat.
you gathered up the strength you have left to stand up once more to clean up the tables. as you were picking up the cup and wiping the table clean with the cloth that was slung over your shoulder, you looked over at the one customer who was still here.
he was writing something on what looks like a worksheet, or perhaps notes. you couldn’t exactly decipher what major he was in based on the sheets of paper laying around the table. you were impressed that he could even fit that many stuff on a small table. he ruffled his hair and scratched his head, tugging on his turtle neck as he stretched his neck from left to right.
it made you chuckle softly in amusement. college really does seem stressful, but maybe he took a major that was difficult. from what your friends told you who did went to college unlike you, there are some majors that are more tiring and energy draining than others.
once you were done cleaning up the tables, you went to the back to clean all the excess dishes that was in the sink, which piled up to quite a height. after awhile, you were finally done with cleaning the dishes and you smiled softly as you thought of how you could finally rest, not entirely but it was still something.
you went back out to take a seat behind the counter and as you were about to close your eyes, you felt the presence of someone standing in front of you. you sighed and looked up to see who it was. “its you again?” you yawned as you took your phone out to check the time. 4am?! and he’s still here? “can i get the same thing i ordered just now?” you furrowed your eyebrows and rubbed your temples. “could’ve told me that before i cleaned all the dishes..” you murmured under your breathe, unaware that he was completely able to hear what you said since it was just you and him in the huge coffee shop.
“im sorry if its troubling you then its fine. although its a 24 hour coffee shop, to which there should always be somebody working.” you heard him say in a sleepy voice, you took this chance to look at his face once more, he looked cute to your surprise. you thought about all the guys that your friends met during college, partying in their dorms and shit. you wished you could experience that. although it sounds depressing, you were living a peaceful content life, not the stressful one that you see his customer experiencing. “um hello?” he asked as you shake your mind out of your thoughts and to reality, realising that you were probably staring at his face like a weird.
“shit sorry sorry ill get your drink ready.” as you were walking to the back, you turned around to see if he was still there, since you completely forgot about asking him to pay. instead, you saw him walking back to the table. you looked down to the counter and saw that there was money on it. you shrugged, assuming that he allowed you the keep the change just like his previous order.
you got his drink ready and went to his table. you saw him laying his head on the keyboard of his laptop, which his arms covering his face completely. you tilted your head as you thought about what to do. should you wake him up? just the drink on the table. you weren’t exactly sure. you let out a soft ‘uh’ as you reached out a finger to poke his shoulder to get him to wake up. “excuse me? your drink is here” you leaned forward slightly and whispered.
you watch the guy lifting his head up and licking his lips, taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes. he looked at his surroundings before looking up to see you with his drink in hand. he didn’t say anything to you and just took the cup out of the hand. you scoffed and went back to the back of the counter. you played with your phone for awhile, realising it was getting pretty late and yet you see the same person typing away on his laptop and resumed working diligently. you let out a sigh and waited for him to get out the shop.
it was about 5am when you finally see him packing up his things, stacking the pieces of paper and laptop, along with packing his stationery into his white tote bag. he doesn’t look back and went straight to the exit, opening the door and left in the blink of an eye. you took this time to shut your eyes just until your father came and resumed working just like any other day.
a few days have passed now and you realised that it was the same guy who keeps coming in during your night shift to do his work till 5am. and everyday, he would order the same thing. tonight was no different.
“black coff-“
“black coffee with 4 shots of espresso. i know.” you simply said. “and you can pay me once i add your order of the same thing later when you get out.”
you wouldn’t consider him a regular customer but since he has only been coming in for a few days, but you felt that it would be easier if you just remembered his drink, to make it easy on the both of you. so, you head to the back to whip up the drink that you have already memorised and have it embedded into your mind.
you got out with the drink in hand, walking over to the same table that he always sat at everyday. “dont you think i should know your name if your going to be coming in here everyday?” you realised that he made an empty spot that wasnt covered with papers on the table, placing the cup down and folding your arms with your weight placed on your right leg.
“its jaemin.. na jaemin.” he gazes his eyes up to you while taking the cup of coffee and taking a sip, maintaining eye contact with you. you hummed and nodded your head. “well im elizebeth. elizebeth riza.” the man who you now know as jaemin nodded his head in response. he twirled his pen around his fingers before placing it down. jaemin ran his hand through his hair before resting his chin on top of his fingers interlocked together, with his elbows on the table. “im majoring in the medical field. if that’s what you’re wondering.” he said, gesturing his head to the papers scattered on the table. you looked at the papers, leaning in to get a closer look, and indeed, it was all related to the medical industry, which was not in your interest at all.
“i also go to the college just next beside the shop, if that’s also what your wondering.” jaemin emphasised on the ‘also’.
“you’re so... observant.” you looked out to the window behind jaemin. you saw the college being dimly light. you looked back down, only to see jaemin tilting his head down and writing something on his paper. “i need to be. its a requirement for my major afterall.” jaemin shrugged as he responded to you, not looking up at all. instead of walking back to your chair behind the counter, you took a seat in front of jaemin. the action made jaemin look up at you with a raised brow, clearly in confusion. “why are you sitting here?” jaemin mumbled as he pushed his round glasses up his nose and typed something into his laptop.
“well i dont really have to work. since you’re the only customer here at this hour.” you simply replied, slouching into the chair as you folded on leg over the other. “wont youre boss be mad or something?” he asked as he scratched the back of his head with his pen. you shrugged and chuckled softly, folding your arms. “my father doesnt mind.” jaemin nodded his head slowly as he was able to catch up quick to know that your father is your boss. “anyways im guessing you’re going to be a regular customer here since you’ve been coming for a few days now and i always take the liberty to know the regular customers of the shop.” you stated
that fact was wrong, clearly. you wanted to get to know him just so maybe you could get someone he knows form the college who majors in architecture to teach you about it. well, it may be because he was cute too, but you focus more on the other objective. despite what you just said, jaemin doesn’t respond. he continued working with full concentration. you hummed as you watch him work, wondering if you should even continue talking to him. you continued watching him work, occasionally scrolling through your phone and looking at the door once in awhile to check if any customers came.
you heard him took a sip of his drink and wrote something down. “your coffee tastes good by the way.” he complimented, again not looking up at you. although it didnt really sound like a compliment since his voice was very monotone and lazy, probably from the tiredness of working. “i used to go to another 24 hour coffee shop that wasnt so popular, but it closed down. so i headed here instead.” you put your phone faced down on the table and looked up to face him. this time however, his eyes were off his work and glued to you. you bit your lip and nodded your head. “that’s nice to hear. but why cant you work in your dorm or at the campus somewhere?” you were curious as to why he would want to come to a place like this rather than having an actually learning facility to do his work at.”
“my roommate always has someone over at my dorm so i cant really concentrate. its just something about coffee shops, you know? like the smell of the place helps to keep me awake, and the coffee of course.” he looked out to the window, admiring the night sky and the dimly lighted city. you did the same as well, but you also admired the person in front of you. he really was good looking and you couldn’t help but stare at his perfect features. “you really do have the same mindset as my father.” you whispered, peering over to the cup to see that it was empty. jaemin saw your. eyes and coughed lightly to get your attention. “can i get another cup?” he asked. you could tell he was draining of exhaustion and looked like he was trying his best to stay awake by breathing in the smell of coffee that was all over the place.
“sure. but im added only 2 shots of espresso thid time. you know its very dangerous for you to be drinking that strong of a coffee. more than 1 cup even. aren’t you a medical student? shouldnt you know this is bad?” you pushed the chair back and stood up, walking over to his side to take the cup. “i used to drink 6 cups a day when i went to the previous coffee shop. dont underestimate my tolerance.” you gaped your mouth in shock. “6 cups?! who the hell is that psychotic to pump that much coffee into their blood!” you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down at jaemin, who seemed calm and had an innocent looking face despite your reaction. “medical students, dear.” jaemin said sarcastically in a sing song tone, you saw him rolled his eyes as well. you let out a soft ‘tch’ and left to do his drink.
“as promised. 2 shots of- jaemin?” you weren’t surprised to see him falling asleep in the shop once more. you stood beside him, realising that you see a post it note on his now black screened laptop that. you leaned forward, now getting closer to jaemin so as to read the note. dont wake me up. thanks.
you tilted your head and raised an eyebrow. dont wake him up? is he going to sleep here till dawn? why cant he just sleep at his dorm? you scratched your head as you think of what to do. you never had someone sleep overnight at the shop before. you know its open 24 hour but does it mean that you allow people to full on sleep here? you checked the time on your phone and realised that your father should be here any minute now. you shrugged and walked to sit behind the counter, thinking that you can just ask him once he’s here.
you waited for awhile till you see your father coming through the door. you immediately stood up and waited for your father to go to the counter to greet you. “morning, princess!” you father greeted with a smile and walked to the back. you greeted and followed your father. “father im not sure if its allowed but one of the customers who came to the shop at night id currently sleeping.” you said in an unquestionable tone. your father stopped walking and turns around to face you. “i would allow it if there arent many customers so if its gets crowded just wake him up alright?” your father replied to you with a soft smile. he’s always kind, and maybe too kind, but that’s what you love about your father. you gave a quick smile and rushed to the front when you heard customers starting to flow in since it was morning.
it was 9am and your father allowed you to take a break for awhile. you took this chance to sit in front on jaemin, who still had his head resting on his arms and his hoodie over his head. he looked like he was wrapped in a cocoon or something. you giggled softly. you picked up one of his pens that you saw scattered around and took off his hood and poking his hair with the pen.
you hear a soft groan as jaemin lifts his head up, yawning as his eyes fluttered open to look at you. “what time is it?” you blinked when you heard his voice. you keep seeing on the internet about how guys’ “morning voices” sound hot and wow did you experience it the first time when you heard jaemin, not gonna lie, he sounded hot. “uh its 9am. i think you should just sleep at your dorm.” you answered, trying to keep your cool. jaemin sat up straight and ran his hand through his blonde hair a few time before looking at you. “alright. thanks, for letting me sleep here.” he stood up and looked around. the both of you realising that there were a lot of customers. he quickly stood up to gather his things. bit by bit, you helped him stack up his papers and such.
“will i see you again tonight?” you asked as you handed him the stack of papers. he pushes his glasses and smiled softly. “sure.” was all he said before he walked past you and headed out the door.
weeks turn into months of jaemin coming to Anders and you began talking to him more. slowly but surely, you were getting pretty close to him and you felt like close friends. you would occasionally go out to dinner with him when he wants to take a break from work. by dinner you meant a random 24 hour food restaurant. it didn’t have to be all that fancy since every time you spend with jaemin, he was able to fill your time with smiles and laughs. you got to know him a lot more and well, the friendship just blossomed between you two.
“guess what?! its our 1 year friendship anniversary!” you shouted as you twirled your way to jaemin who seemed stress with his work. you frowned as you took a seat in front of him. “hey you good?” you questioned him with concern in your tone. “i have an exam next week. just a lil stress.” jeamin knocked his pen against his head a few times before writing something down. “anything i can help with? this is the most stressed ive seen you, its worrying me.” you leaned forward, pushing aside the laptop to see his face. jaemin looked up to you, pouting cutely. “6 cups of coffee?” you giggled as you stood up walking over to him and running your hand through his hair before flicking his forehead with your middle finger. “in your dreams, jae. im making you regular black coffee.” jaemin whined. you raised an eyebrow and gave him a disgusted look. “dont look at me like that. regular black coffee, just a lil bit strong alright?” jaemin nodded in approval. you smiled at him and made his drink.
you placed the coffee down on the table and sat down across jaemin. you yawned as you placed your chin on the table and watched jaemin drink his coffee. “how the fuck can you stay up everyday to do work? i can never.” you closed your eyes for a moment. “its what i need to do, love.” you always thought that the nicknames jaemin called you like ‘love’ or ‘dear’ felt as though the two of you were in a relationship but you tried to only think of it in a friendly manner.
“yeah well im gonna take a nap. if any customer comes in just wake me up alright?” jaemin hums and watches you fall asleep. he admired your sleeping state for awhile, feeling his heart flutter for a moment before resuming with his work. after about 30 minutes, jaemin sighed in satisfaction. at least he was able to complete almost half of his work. he realised that you were still sleeping. jaemin smiled gently and reaches his hand out to pat your head, running his hand over your head a few times. he rested his chin on his free hand, admiring you once more.
“jae?” jaemin jerked back a little when he saw your opened your eyes, gazing up at him. blood rushed to his cheeks. he felt his face getting hot, out of nervousness he chuckled sheepishly. “your hair felt soft.” he blurted out. you laughed as you sat up straight and rubbed your eyes. “sure it is, jae. yours is way softer.” you rolled your eyes and glanced at the table before making eye contact with jaemin. “are you done with your work?” you leaned forward a little. “hm? i can take a break.” jaemin said as he yawned while covering his mouth.
“hey el? come here for a sec.” you raised your eyebrow in suspicion, blinking at him a few times before standing up and walking over to his side of the table. you stood there, looking down at him for at least 30 seconds. “jae what do you wa-“
you let out a soft gasp when jaemin grabbed you by your waist, making you fall down onto him, your body pressed against his. you lay your hands on his shoulders as you widened your eyes at him. “i never got to tell you this. maybe its my tiredness, or maybe i cant hold it in anymore...” your body froze when he places his head on your neck, feeling his breathe against your skin as you shivered at his touch. you felt his hand that wasnt around your waist slowly creeping up to your chin, holding it gently as he guides your face to meet his.
“but i like you, so much, for so long.” you slowly but surely placed yourself on top of jaemin, sitting on his lap with your hand remaining still on his shoulders. “jae..” you whispered, intentionally going close to his ear. his head moves away from your neck and up to face you. “you think i didnt know that?” you giggled softly as your hands slide down from his shoulder to his chest, making him flinch slightly. “all the times we hung out and spent time together, all the cuddles and shit. it’s very obvious we like each other, jae. i was just waiting for you to make a move.” your murmured.
“shall i make a move now then?” you see the side of jaemin’s mouth curving up slightly. you tilted your head and batted your eyelashes at him teasingly. “technically you already did by pulling me to you but another move wouldn’t hurt.” you teased and waited for a moment. jaemin leaned his face close to yours, his grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you in closer. he looked at your eyes before looking down to your lips. you didn’t move an inch, but you were
so nervous. it was nerve wrecking. you’ve cuddled with jaemin plenty of times as friends, physical touch wasnt new in your friendship. but this, this felt so different. it was intense.
jaemin slowly connected his lips with yours. he brings his hand up to the back on your head and through your hair. you kissed his back slowly as you closed your eyes in satisfaction. feeling his soft lips on yours. although you thought that he wouldn’t be comfortable with kissing you since your lips were pretty chapped, you felt that the way his kisses you was gentle and filled with love.
you made out with him for awhile. his hands roaming around your back while you wrapped your arms around his neck and through his hair. the two of you pulled away at the same time, a string of saliva appeared as you two gasped for air.
“can i have coffee?” jaemin breathed out. you made a thinking face to tease him as you watch him pouting cutely. “coffee or me, na jaemin?” you laughed and swiped all your hair to the front. “you make me choose? how rude.” immediately jaemin pulled you in for another long kiss.
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babysizedfics · 4 years ago
okay okay please write a hc post about Roman and Virgil managing Thomas's romance life together and it being another one of Their Things, that Logan and Patton barely really participate in? Like I can see them all happy and excited to do this, and Roman reassuring Virgil constantly that he's okay and that they can do this? like idk man I wanna see your thoughts on this. - 🐇
okokokokokokokokok i LOVE this ask thank u!!! i actually ran away with this a lot im sorry but im just LOVING THIS EPISODE SO MUCH so here is the l/b rendition of what happens after!!
so roman and vee actually cant talk coherently for a whole day after they are just so happy!! squealing and giggling! and logan and patton are so shocked by how excited they are but like in the surprised laughter way, they see their boys jumping up and down and rambling and smiling so big and it makes them so happy to see!!
for that evening ro and vee are just ECSTATIC and virgil gets so excited that he loses his voice and goes mute and can only happy flap and squeak and laugh and hum and roman gets so excited that he has WAY TOO MUCH energy and goes for an hour long impromptu run - which logan joins him on because he is worried roman will get so excited he will run off track and get lost !!
and while lo and ro are running and logan is marvelling at how roman manages to run for five mins straight AND not stop talking the whole time, patton is with vee and vee cant talk he can only bounce and squeal and so patton just bounces with him!! they hold hands and jump! he hardly knows what theyre so excited about but of course hes gonna catch the excitement its so contagious!! so they bounce and giggle and pretty soon vee regresses into the most playful excitable little baby
and logan and roman return and roman is still excitedly rambling and logan is chuckling through his breathlessness because actually it was pretty hard to keep up with roman - then ro sees that vee has regressed and INSTANTLY goes into kiddo mode and they have the most fun filled excited happy evening where the boys are just so so so giggly and theres lots of games and bouncing and tickling
the next day they manage to calm down a bit and think and roman realises that maybe flirting and romance hasnt worked in the past bc he was mainly working alone and it is a big job to handle for just one side and it has such a big effect on thomas' mental state that maybe he needs some assistance
and he approaches virgils room and finds him laying face down on his bed with his face in a pillow - roman would be worried that he was crying but he could see virgil was kicking his feet against each other too and roman smiles and 'still thinking about it?'
virgils head pops up from the pillow with the BIGGEST smile and says 'DUH of course i am!'
'me too!!' roman giggles and jumps onto virgils bed beside him to lie down and kicks his feet against the mattress excitedly 'ahhhhh!' he squeals
'ahhhh!!' virgil echoes
after a trifle more gay screaming they calm and are sat shoulder to shoulder against the headboard and virgil is shaking jiji in his hands to help stim and roman is stroking a little giraffe plushie vee has and roman brings it up that he is planning on texting nico this morning
virgil smiles bigger and clutches the toy to his cheat 'oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yes go for it please please please-'
'hang on!' roman giggles 'im telling you because i thought maybe you would wanna help!'
for the first time since they left the mall yesterday virgils smile drops
'virgil' roman starts, but vee so quickly cuts him off
'i can't, im gonna mess it up! whenever im in charge of somthing i just panic and ruin everyth--'
'you wont be fully in charge, we'll share that role!'
'i-' virgil hesitates 'i dunno...'
roman sighs, then a determinstion comes over him and he sits taller and asks 'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?'
the tiniest little smile twists the corner of virgils mouth, but he scratches his cheek to hide it and when his hand lowers its gone 'that wasnt even a-'
'who pushed thomas to chase after nico?' roman repeats, smiling and poking virgils shoulder
vee bites his lip and pulls jiji up to hi chin 'mmnmn'
'i cant hear it' roman insists, twisting on the bed to face virgil directly. he makes a bold move and even reaches out to gently push virgils chin up so he looks at him. theres happiness dancing in virgils eyes WHICH ARE SURROUNDED BY GLITTERY PURPLE EYESHADOW IN CASE ANYONE FORGOT
'i did' virgil mumbles, followed by a muffled giggly because holy moly he actually did that!!
'and thats why youre my new romantic coworker' roman says very proudly, beaming ear to ear, though he hastily adds 'if you want to!'
virgil considers it, bites his lip, strokes jiji, then his smile practicaly lights up the whole room 'yes!'
and they learn a lot from each other by working together! in this au virgil and patton are the only ones who dont have designated working days, their work is reactionary more than anything, they dont have to create ideas or file information like the others, they just react as and when needed dependeing on what thimas experiences. but working with roman is virgils first experience having a sort of routine with work - every tuesday is romance planning!
they leave it flexible of course on account of both of their neurodivergency and allowing room to push the day back if one or both of them are little, but the predictability is actually something that virgil rlly appreciates and looks forward to every week!
and roman learns ways of reeling in his more extreme ideas and being able to apply a sense of realism to his plans! plus it helps him a ton to be able to talk about ideas and get them out, it helps organise them in his mind - and virgil constantly telling him how great he is at what he does does absolute wonders for romans self esteem too
shoot im out of words bc i just got excited about the episode again ahhhhhh gonna tag this as to be continued!!!!
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thatjwguy · 8 years ago
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Positives And Negatives To Spirituality
Lets first go through a checklist of good things about spirituality. Lets define what good is for this, to have a clear understanding. Pure and undefiled worship of the true God who dwells in heaven, this is the best form of spirituality. Having a true relationship with the one who created all things. The only one who can provide you with everlasting life, and deliver you from all the wicked things of this current system we live in. So lets go into some ways in which we can effectively achieve this.
Ephesians 4:4, 5                    
One body there is, and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling;
one Lord, one faith, one baptism;  
Psalm 83:18
May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth. (KJV, NWT)
How to connect to God
Feel it might be necessary to help others in regards to connecting to Jehovah, the steps that will get them in line for his guidance. You have to be willing to give up things you might be holding onto. Whatever that is, could just be your previously held beliefs, something along those lines. Not uncommon to renounce a belief, and im sure it will be better in the end. Attitude is everything when it comes to matters of God. Showing a willingness to get to know him and letting him know you want nothing to do with this world is a good start!
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One must have a willing and open mind/heart when coming to know about God (Jehovah). ( Luke 24:45)
Repentance is also a must when opening up to God, he wants to hear you apologies for all the wrong things, like being sorry for doing something bad as a child. Not too hard ( Luke 15:7)
Reading of his holy word. getting to know someone requires you gather information. Jehovah provides the bible as a source of communication. We can learn so much from his inspired word. ( Joshua 1:8)
Getting in touch with someone who is already on that path. Plenty of teachers ready and waiting to help you understand the bible. (www.jw,org for more information and to ask for a bible study) (Luke 6:40 )
Daily meditation on the things learned from scriptures, like even just one scripture, ponder over it for awhile. See how these things can be applied into your own life.( Psalm 143:5)
Regular prayer over all the things read, this is because Gods holy spirit can help you to understand and gain more wisdom into the things written down. (1 Peter 4:7)
When you feel ready, start to attend meetings with others who are following Jehovah, weekly theocratic ministry schools and watchtower studies are extremely uplifting and faith strengthening! (Hebrews 10:25)
Continue to progress in all these things and someday, you may feel inclined to start witnessing to others (Become unbaptized publisher). Don’t be intimidated, its natural to feel nervous. It takes a great deal of courage but the brothers and sisters will help you along the way. ( Luke 9:2)
Eventually you will get to a point where you will want to get baptized, to show your official dedication not only to the others but to Jehovah himself.( Matthew 28:19)
Continue on this Journey and who knows where it may lead you, you might want to go to the bethal schools or pioneer on down the road. Plenty of opportunities when you serve the true God. ( Luke 11:28)  
Benefits of being in touch with the creator
Short list of some of the benefits of coming to know the truth about God. Many others can attest to this. I will also give some links or possibly post up some videos to showcase this as well. Tons of cool things to be learned and it can become intimidating at times but it is well worth it. Keep in mind, these are just some of the life enriching things when coming to know Jehovah God on a personal level. Getting to know his people can also give you a nice boost of inspiration and confidence. The truth is, there really is something to this, something that you have to experience first hand in order to fully understand it.
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More things will start to make sense, it will become easier to understand things written in the bible when you are truly opening up to Jehovah. (Colossians 1:9 )
It can be a healing of sorts, from all the things you might have done in the past, its easier to cope or forget about things. Being forgiven for the past wrongs will feel so much better.( Proverbs 3:8)
Resisting temptations will become increasingly easier as well, depending on the severity of the behavior. His holy spirit can give you the strength to get through all trials and tribulations.( 2 Timothy 2:22)
Much happier existence serving God, it is much more fulfilling then all the superficial junk that this system has to offer.   (Proverbs 29:18 )
More meaningful and lasting relationships with other people. Brothers and sisters of the faith can be a real treat to hang with. Much better spiritual environment by a long shot. (Ephesians 4:31, 32)
No more feeling lost or confused about what the next day might bring. Might still get down from time to time but with Jehovah by your side, there is nothing to fear. (Isaiah 48:17)
No more divided conscience, depending on your overall mental health. It will be much better living with God then without.( Luke 11:17)
No more anger or bitterness towards others, when you learn more about Gods standards, it will make this much easier.( Ephesians 4:31)
Yearning to do more for others, always feels that way for me anyway. Might feel as tho you aren't doing enough, but give it time, You can only handle so much.( Acts 20:35)
 Plus not to mention all the promises that the bible foretells in the future for those who choose to follow him. That alone should be enough to move people to action. (Revelation 21:3, 4)
Much more but ill just keep it at 10 for all these, way too much to go into. Plus im still learning as i go along. Its an awesome thing tho, and i cant wait to actually get the change to do official witnessing work. This is taking up that void for the time being. I love to talk about the truth to people. Its just the way it is, some are a little intimidated by that i think. I just try to explain that im passionate about this, i want others to learn as well. So they can have the same opportunities and benefits. All is being done for Jehovah and Jesus, nothing just for personal gain, otherwise i probably wouldn't be doing it at all.
Now the negatives (False Religion And Spirituality)
This section serves to help those decipher the truth, only some brief points will be touched upon. I will also provide links to other JW articles which further emphasize my point, along with other video links with people who have come out of those belief systems. Plenty of info can be found if you decide to do your own investigation. This will just help get you started. Just be careful when looking into some of this junk. it can get rather time consuming and may bring you under more influence if you dont watch. Just a friendly reminder.
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Leads you astray, wondering mostly, confusing concepts that are so convoluted at times. Its no wonder so many are losing their minds today. (Proverbs 12:26)
Puts you in line with the world, spiritually you are set up for failure. Many paths but only one that leads to eternal life. (Matthew 7:13)
Could start to force your perspective or your way of thinking, kinda like the world does on its own. Manipulating you into thinking its all fine and dandy but in reality its just another lie. (Matthew 15:14)
Might pit you against your fellow man, such as in war, some religions advocate or participate in warfar. Nobody following God should shed another persons blood.( Micah 7:6)
Drains you spiritually, just gives you the illusion you are connected to God but its just the false spirit of the world masquerading as the true spirit. (Isaiah 30:10)
Could lead you into doing other things, like rituals or spiritistic practice. You know like Psychics, mediums, talking to Ghosts (Demons), Astrology and so on. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
No true healing qualities here, just going to faith healers or priests who think they can cast out spirits, when in reality its all just smoke and mirrors. I'm sure demons get a kick out of that one. (Matthew 7:22)
Some practices make you think you are like a god on your own, you make your own rules and follow your own path. Funny, that's the same lie eve fell for... that didn't turn out to well. (Genesis 3:5)
Might start to lose your integrity and morals over time, going the way of the world, everything seems to be getting more depraved. Could start develop those same qualities at some point. (Job 31:16-19)
The Great Harlot or Babylon The Great. The empire of false religion is leading many astray today. With cleaver speech of life in heaven or praying to false gods to save you from the coming trials. Keep your wits about you, never stop seeking the truth. ( Revelation 17:5) 
Links to videos or articles that can help further shed light
Connection to God links:
Woman who was abused as a child learns about Jehovah
Do you feel close to God? (article)
Can Religion, God, or the Bible Help you?
Benefits to coming to know God better Links:
Building a Strong and Happy marriage.
Learning to balance spiritual things as opposed to secular things. (Drama Video)
Future blessings of Gods Kingdom!
Babylon The Great (Empire Of False Religion and spirituality)
Is Religion Dying Out?
What is Babylon The Great?
What does the book of revelation mean?
Plenty of information can be found on this site, i might add other links to blogs and things that defend JWs against false attacks, cause i know people are getting a scewed idea about what we believe and do not fully understand our beliefs. I dont feel it is necessary right now tho, iv provided links in other posts iv made in the past. Feel free to browse my blog for the others. Thanks for stopping by to read this, i hope you have found this interesting at the very least. Keep on seeking that truth, no matter who stands in your way. Agape!
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