#sorry this was a wholeass tangent
decepti-geek · 1 year
Aziraphale using ‘pash’ instead of crush is UNUTTERABLY charming to me because the only context I’ve seen that used before is around all the sapphic subtext that happened in girls’ boarding school novels from like. the 40s
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habken · 1 month
But it really is messed up that tenko never even had a chance. From the start he was doomed, and he was never going to be saved. All for one made sure until the very end that tenko was a pawn in his own story, how cruel is that
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ratstuckinamarble · 1 year
What's weird is that Clawd had a wholeass animated theme song on mh's youtube channel that hinted at him being an inventor and an artist, which like, yeah, that's cool, that could work! And the show just doesn't hint at... Anything of that? Him being a quick thinker who can make different things on the spot because he had to learn how to improvise while hunting for pests in Behem could be fun! Or maybe have him have a rivalry with Frankie, maybe he has troubles with understanding how Frankie can (seemingly) often create things that don't really have a point? And maybe he could learn that things don't always need to have an important point and you can just make things for fun. Or maybe he wasn't able to pursue art in Behem because he was busy helping his mom and didn't have the time/materials to create? Or an episode where Clawdeen thinks that it's so cool that Clawd got to see so many different weird creatures and such, since she loves anything supernatural, but Clawd brings her down to earth, because it wasn't at all fun for him to often be put in dangerous situations, and they kinda reach a new understanding, maybe Clawd is jealous that Clawdeen got to go to a normal human school, and then she can show him that it wasn't nearly as fun for her as he thought it would be.
I liked that bit in the newest episode where Clawdeen and Clawd are trying to throw a birthday for Apollo and Clawd thinks that it's so weird that people on Earth eat cake for birthday? That was neat; I think that you're right that his past in Behem should be explored and give him a bit more angst? About missing his mom, him adjusting to life in a place where he doesn't have to fight for his life every day, and that he can stop looking out for threats everywhere? I'm not saying to give him some serious case of PTSD, I don't think that it would fit the tone of the show, but you know what I mean. Maybe Draculaura could be into his slightly more brooding side, and they could bond over their creativity, Clawd with his inventing and Draculaura with magic and potions? Both of these things can be dangerous and used for combat/evil, but they both managed to make it something their own, and "tame" it, use it as their own way of making art and beauty?
Okay, sorry for the tangent lmao. Sidenote, but I always wanted Clawd and Clawdeen to have more wolf-like mannerisms, maybe Clawdeen finds them embarassing/hard to deal with sometimes, like she shreds homework, chews on things when she's stressed/bored, barks when someone knocks on the door etc, so maybe with Clawd around, who was aware that he's a werewolf since he was born (I think) she has someone else to go through it with, and she isn't as embarrased?
Those are some great ideas! If they'd implemented any of these he'd already feel like a more compelling character.
I find it curious how his artsy and inventive side were a whole point in that mv, yet they don't make use of that at all, and he's been in a lot of episodes so far. Even if that's planned to come up in the future, it not getting mentioned at all so far is strange. We shouldn't have to rely on external media to make a character seem more interesting.
I love your idea of him not getting how Frankie can make things just for fun because he never had the time to create just for the sake of it, that could make for an amazing plot and creates ample opportunity for character growth. We could see him learn about what moves him and see the beauty in things existing for no other reason than to bring joy.
You're idea for an episode about Clawdeen and him would be perfect for showing how differently they grew up and how that shaped them as people- we could learn more about how growing up where he did impacted him, and them possibly even envying the other? The realisation that it wasn't sunshine and rainbows for either of them would be a wonderful bonding opportunity.
I do think he should get just a little angst. Yes, this show is fairly lighthearted, but it's tackled plenty of types of conflict, and if you're setting a character up with this kind of backstory, you have to explore the consequences.
His and Draculaura's main interests having the potential for destruction, but them both choosing to do good with them would genuinely be a neat parallel. And Drac is shown to have an artistic side aside from her witchcraft, she was painting in one episode and we know she has an interest in acting. These are things they could bond over if, you know, Clawd ever gets to be shown liking art.
Speaking of that, the music videos talked about Clawdeen's interest in fashion design too. How come that hasn't come up yet either? We're pretty far into the season, and she is the main character.
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bluegekk0 · 2 years
PK is cute but what are your thoughts on his policies as king? I wasn’t a fan of the mass prolicide but I did like that he made the collector
i will admit that i haven't really paid this much attention during my brainstorming sessions, so i had to consult my best friend for some opinions. i'm a lot more focused on his interactions with other characters than his duties and policies as a king, and the only pre-au parts that i really thought about were all related to hornet (since it has a big impact on the au itself)
but i think that as a king, he really wanted to create a perfect kingdom. he saw the potential in the hallownest bugs, there was a lot of intelligent life there that just needed a little push from a higher being like him. consequently, he valued peace, his first solution to conflicts was to negotiate and offer a truce (which is also why he never directly opposed the radiance until the infection, he was willing to coexist if that meant there would be peace. well, as we know, that didn't really work out in the end, thank you moth tribe for cucking your own god)
education and safety were also a big concern for him. for example, the stagways and the tram stations were meant to offer safe travel options, plus the safety standards in places like city of tears were quite high in comparison to the rest of hallownest. as for education, well, as my friend put it: "he's definitely a nerd and having some of his bugs follow in that same direction as him would probably have been incredibly dope to him, hence Soul Sanctum having a wholeass wing in the capital"
gonna go on a bit of a tangent here so apologies for that, but as for some less policy related thoughts about him as a king, i like the idea that ruling the kingdom was a bit too much for him to handle at times. we don't know much about his past, especially from before he arrived in hallownest, but i personally really dig the idea that he was a bit of an outcast among other wyrms, mainly for his affinity towards the mortals, and that affected how he viewed himself. he was ambitious, sure, but the worship he received in return was a tad overwhelming to him, which is why he would rarely show his face outside of the palace (ironically, further fueling the idea that he's some kind of mysterious god deseving of worship). i think he was fine with it at first, he was the king after all, so it made sense that his likeness would be present in all the architecture and such, but over time it became a little too much, especially since i see him as someone who's quite shy and reserved in nature
overall i think he was a good king, he definitely had the best intentions in mind, and as we all saw, he was willing to sacrifice a lot to protect the kingdom, even if he didn't succeed in the end. that's hardly an excuse for how much he mistreated the vessels of course, but i strongly disagree with portraying him as a straight up villain. he's a nuanced character for sure, and that makes him interesting, even if i personally focus more on his au counterpart
im really sorry if this is all over the place. like i said, most of my pk related thoughts are about the post-ending au, so this area has definitely been neglected in my eyes. who knows, maybe i'll sit down and think about it in more detail, but i hope this is still somewhat satisfying of an answer
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okay so i do kind of get that but i want their voices omg what i would do to be a tenor
i’m an alto but i have a natural deep voice anyway!!
i do actually like my voice and stuff i would just love to be able to play a dude PROPERLY
i played eugene in grease and so many of my lines got cut, and i couldn’t really be myself in the role because i was so focused on making it perfect
that’s why i wanna play crutchie or jesse tuck because i feel like i could truly be myself in those roles !! but roles i don’t know anything about make me feel even worse
i genuinely cried and purposefully missed cues when i was in grease because i hated my role that much
i also really wanna perform as crutchie so i can do letter from the refuge my friends all say that they love my cover of it and i can never get enough of him i literally hyperfixate on him so i could play him SO WELL
Sorry tangent on how awful i felt in grease x
i also happily play female roles but i like playing male roles cause i’m more masc presenting
rant all you want shawty!! i had similar experiences in my highschool theater class, we had one boy and like 14 girls(and then me lmao) and i was the only one with a wide enough vocal range to play both? so we did beauty and the beast one year, and that was the year we FINALLY had two boys, so they (of course) got gaston and beast. well, yours truly got lefou, but my (very christian) teacher made me wear a ton of makeup and almost made me wear a dress (argued my way outta that one) so i got to play a guy's part, but it was still an iffy experience because the rest of the cast was rly annoying abt it
i was in a production of joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat last year, and i was one of josephs brothers along with another girl(who was The Most Annoying Person On The Planet istg) again because of the lack of boys
that theater had a better supply of guys but still not nearly enough
so i had like three singing lines, right? all pretty far down in my vocal range but i was proud of myself for being able to do it
and one of those lines the girl 'brother' (who insisted on wearing makeup and a dress for the production) spoke immediately after me, so how it went in rehearsals and even the actual shows:
me: says line
her: physically like SHOVES me aside to be CENTER F-ING STAGE which we werent supposed to do and says her line in the most annoying enthusiastic falsetto ive ever heard, and her line was something about starving😭😭
and im a soprano, and i can go weirdly low for a soprano but WHAT I WOULDNT GIVE TO BE A TENOR
j would give up my left leg and also my spleen if it meant i could be a tenor
like most of my dream theater roles are guys
and i would be happy to play a gal's part!! but like
only if its on my terms? like if audition for a bunch of guy parts and maybe one girl part, and i get the girl part? like i get that casting a wholeass musical/play can be difficult with only so many peopl and even fewer guys, but youd think that the ratio of guys to girls(and others) would raise my chances of being a guy?
idk i have so many thoughts abt this
and the voice thing OMLLLLL
like literally any time i listen to one of my favorite actors speak im like 'sir can i B L E A SE HAVE YOUR VOICE'
or even just some of the guys ive interacted with in everyday life
like do you know how many times a cashier's voice has made me want to cry because its so deep/melodic/beautiful/masculine???
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sixthweyoun · 2 years
What kind of people are they most likely to clash with?
oh this is a GOOD fucking question thank you anon
People who underestimate his intelligence, or who ignore the fact that he very much is a person capable of making decisions for himself. His conditioning still deeply impacts his life, and will probably continue to impact his life for a long time, but that doesn't make him less of a person, it doesn't mean he can never grow beyond its parameters, and it doesn't mean his value as a person is proportional to how much he grows beyond it. He has some very strong opinions about the way that the Federation sees itself as so morally superior to the Dominion but often objectifies him in similar (though less overt) ways.
If someone infantilizes him ("oh your mind is too fragile/damaged ever be able to make independent decisions or form opinions that deviate from what you were taught") or demonizes him ("I don't trust you because I don't know what the Founders programmed into you and you could be dangerous") then he's going to not want much to do with them. He knows how he works, he knows his limitations and skills and he's starting to get to the point where he can look at a lot of what the Founders did to his people and be like "yeah, that's wrong and unethical." But growth and recovery are not things he owes to anyone else, and no one gets to tell him to speed up the process for their personal comfort.
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Comet Theory Thursday: Character Analysis; Helene Bezukhova
It was a reeeeally close vote this week but Helene won out! Thank you to everyone who voted ^^ I did an extra long one this time! Content under the cut!
Character Analysis: Helene Bezukhova*
*(It’s important to note that this is ONLY an analysis of Great Comet!Helene, not W&P!Helene, as I have not read the book yet.)
Elena “Helene” Bezukhova is without a doubt, one of the most complex and layered characters in Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812. Both smarter and nastier than her brother Anatole, Helene is a cunning woman who knows how to wrap people around her finger. So much so that she’s been dubbed “The Queen of Society.” Everything that Helene does is intentional. (Possibly with the exception of her bad French.) Almost Every. Little. Thing. Right down to the way she carries herself. The tone of her voice. The things she wears.
However, underneath the master manipulator, there’s a little soft spot. If only a small one. For her brother, and maybe even for Natasha. But more on that later. First, let’s talk about Helene herself.
I believe that Helene is the smartest character in Great Comet, or possibly second-smartest, it’s a tough call between her and Dolokhov. But I digress. The point is that she’s incredibly smart. Seriously, if she was a D&D character, she’d have the Wisdom and Charisma stats maxed out, which is a deadly combination. That was another tangent, sorry, bear with me here.
So, how does Helene get people to like her? Like I said before, it’s a combination of everything. It’s all intentional. First, her voice. Helene slurs her voice slightly, possibly because she’s a little drunk, but possibly just to evoke the feeling of intoxication in others. (Not even to mention Amber Gray’s insanely gorgeous singing)
Next, how she carries herself. Helene has a very fluid way of walking, interspersed by some occasional harsh movements. Watch her in The Opera, prancing around with her head held high as she’s introduced. Almost like a snake, with her graceful foot, but then a sudden movement of her arm or head. (Like how she raises her glass in The Duel.) Additionally, Helene is very expressive with her arms, often reaching out towards people, and/or gesturing to them with both arms outstretched. She does this a lot with Natasha.
The things she wears. Helene is always seen in the highest of fashion. Feathers in her hair during The Opera, the high waistline that was so in style in the 1810s, and high-quality fabrics from all over the world. She wears green throughout the whole show (I made a wholeass post about this so I’m not gonna restate all of it here.) Her CONSISTENT wearing of green gives her a ‘thing,’ something visually iconic. Think like Ariana Grande’s ponytail, or Heather Chandler’s red scrunchie. No matter what, you can find Helene in green.
And finally, how she interacts with others. Helene is a master of hyping people up. And because of all the aforenoted things, she makes you feel special and important like no other could. You’re being told how beautiful you are by the queen of society. That’s gotta be like the biggest confidence boost possible. She gets you to love her by making it seem like she loves you. Of course, we also can��t discount Helene being the seductress that she is, her unashamed sexuality makes her seem yet more confident. And confidence is widely regarded as the most attractive quality in a person. Not even just sexually or romantically attractive, attractive in all ways. People want to be around confident people, especially people who make them feel confident too.
Alright, now that we’ve got that covered, let’s look deeper into Helene’s actual character. Like how she is as a person and shit. Her flaws, her redeeming qualities, her soft spots. I’m not going to pretend that Helene is a super great person or anything, she’s #3 on my asshole ranking, but she’s certainly not two-dimensional either.
First off, and most obvious of her redeeming qualities, Helene clearly loves her brother. They appear to be very close. They’re the classic double-trouble siblings. Throughout the play, she’s not even acting in her own self-interest, she’s helping Anatole win over Natasha. Although the “Thought of throwing them together” does amuse her. We can see her being protective of her brother in ‘Find Anatole,’ where Anatole is devastated, as he’s just been chased off by Marya for being an absolute SCOUNDREL and therefore unable to pick up or even see his beloved Natasha. “Anatole, come Anatole, Anatole hush, Anatole.” She reaches out with both arms, then and embraces and comforts him while they sit on the stairs. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a total asshole, but Helene seems to truly love and care about him. She also hypes him up to the audience while introducing him in The Opera, kinda being like ‘hell yeah that’s my brother he’s fucking stupid but cool af’
But then, we obviously get to the other side of this. Helene plays people like a fiddle, with no thought of how other might be affected by her actions. She’s actively hostile to Pierre, who she only married for his money in the first place, telling him to keep drinking during The Duel because she knows it’s dangerous for him. Also in The Duel, she somehow manages to get Pierre and Dolokhov, people who are FRIENDS, to duel over her. While it’s way more about honor than her love, it still happens. There’s really nothing anyone gains out of this, so it really seems like she set this up for her own amusement. After the duel takes place, she comments “What can I say? It’s a gift.” In response to Anatole saying that she “Certainly brings out the beast in men.”
There’s a possibility that she genuinely likes Natasha as well. She compliments her even before Anatole shows up. She probably compliments everyone, but still. I don’t think she’d bring over a wholeass evening dress and give away her pearls to somebody she didn’t actually enjoy hyping up. Also, the thing with the dress swishies near the end of Charming is fucking adorable and I will stand by that until I die.
Unlike Anatole, Helene seems to be aware that she’s kind of a dick, and like she enjoys that. She might consciously choose to keep being an asshole for a number of reasons. Like maybe she feels inadequate, though that doesn’t seem the most likely. Maybe she feels like she should make use the ‘gift’ she has. Maybe she’s afraid of being hurt (Again?) and has resolved to stay one step ahead of everyone else. Maybe she has a hard time controlling herself and her actions (ADHD?) so she controls other people just to have control over something. Maybe she’s just a shithead. You could make arguments for all of these, and I’m sure for other things too.
So, all in all, I love Helene. She’s an incredibly interesting character to analyze, and I hope you enjoyed reading this. I might dive even deeper in the future, if that’s something people want. Hope you enjoyed this very special (late) Comet Theory Thursday! (Friday) As most of you know, yesterday was my fifteenth birthday, so that’s why I didn’t get it out earlier- thanks for bearing with me! New topics to vote on will be up a few minutes after this gets posted!
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First Date HCs With David Webster
warnings: meh some cursing but nothing major, it’s also very long I’m sorry- but the rest is just fluff, so eeee I hope you all like them! <333
words: 1.6k (ajsajhk i got carried away on these headcanons, i couldn’t help myself)
Taglist: @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi,@noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers, @rayleighshughes, @floydtab, @wexhappyxfew, @sherlollydramoine, @meganthesunflower, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @stressedinadress​
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First Date Headcanons with David Webster
So you see, of course our favorite Harvard boy will take you to the fucking aquarium (Cliche and obvious? Yes. But like where else, I mean seriously??)
When you first got together the first thing he promised you was an aquarium date, and well looky here, he fulfilled that promise.
Ok, so y’all pull up to the building and you can see waves of literal euphoria coming out of him. He’s just so adorable and he has a little bit of pep in his step when walking towards the entrance. 
And then every time he walks, his poofy brown hair bounces up and down and the way the suns hits it is *chefs kiss*-
Even before you get to the entrance, your boyfriend is gushing about marine animals. They were short descriptions of a multitude of animals but they were so detailed and captivating, you couldn’t help but listen.
However, his voice was a bit distracting at times and you could find yourself zoning out while he talked. 
A look of awe is plastered on your hand and your hold on his hand tightens ever so slightly.
It’s safe to say that you learned more about ocean animals in those brief moments than you ever could from your years in school.
Y’all bust in the aquarium like the iconic couple you two are (I’m so proud of you) and boy oh boy is David cute as hell.
Here he is-- a grown ass man who went to Harvard and literally served in WW2-- looking like a child discovering a shiny rock. You love it-
David is indecisive as hell and he had no idea where to go. He turns over to look at you with those beautiful eyes of his and you can’t help but smile.
You two pull up those maps of the building and you two plan out the rest of your date. Your fingers trail over the paper, trying to figure out where to go first.
You two make up this intricate schedule and you knowingly look at each other when your eyes find where the shark exhibit was.
But at the beginning of your date Web held your hand as you two viewed various wildlife vibin in the water behind the glass.
You were in heaven when you saw how the water played so beautifully on the your boyfriend’s face. 
David was oblivious to how you stared at him in awe and you were oblivious to whenever he did the same to you.
You named a crab after Johnny and a particularly cute clownfish was named after Babe. You two had a heated discussion on who Winters was. 
(Y’all never settled on anything. Web thought he’d be a red snapper. You personally think he’d either be a blue marlin or a swordfish.)
He called you his angelfish and you hit him on the arm for being so cheesy. After that he said that you were a flame angelfish instead and you could only playfully roll your eyes at him.
Get prepared for literally a shit ton of fish trivia this boy will never shut up and he just wants to gush about it to you, it’s very wholesome and sweet actually.
He knows a lot because he either has a whole 100000 page book about the sea printed on his brain or something or because he has the literal ocean in his eyes.
Look I can’t tell at this point-
The two of you were going to every single exhibit this aquarium had to offer and there was no stopping you.
Sadly that intricate schedule is unceremoniously yeeted out the window because when you head over to the next place you're stopping at you two see something else you like and head there instead.
“(Y/N)! I thought we were seeing the penguins next-”
“But Web, the seals! Look at the seal exhibit!”
You’re gripping his arm and looking at him with your stunning face, how could he say no to you? 
So he lets an exaggerated sigh and nods his head as he tries to contain his grin.
You two went over to the seal exhibit instead kasjhd- Y’all still got to see the penguins, it’s all ight.
While gawking at the beautiful fish species you saw, Web seemed to know a heaping mount about a lotta of em. The facts he didn’t tell you earlier he says now and you’re just like “look at my smart Harvard boy go-”
The amount of times you wanted to just make a scrapbook that is dedicated to this day alone is nearly impossible to keep track of. The both of you wanted to cherish this aquarium date for all eternity.
Cause literally there’s this one moment where you’re looking over at tropical fish and Web was reading the description. Oh what would happen next-
As you’re admiring the way the small fishes swam gracefully Web legit goes on a rant on how they got some information on the Tiger Barb wrong.
This adorable idiot I- I can’t even at this point.
But Web holds you in his arms as he buries his face in your hair while looking at fish send tweet. 
He also wraps his arms around your waist and he rests his head on top of yours. He makes comments about some of the fish and you just sink into his embrace.
Also one thing you did keep from your schedule after not following it was visiting the petting pool after you two ate lunch.
When I say that you two nyoomed over to the petting pool area I mean y’all nyoomed-- Like full Speirs mode on-- because Jesus Christ this is an aquarium and David will obviously take you to the petting pool.
You two arrived there and my Lord you swore that David was holding back a squeal. The two of you immediately rolled up your sleeves and went over to dip your hands to touch the animals in the pool.
The look you gave Web when you touched a cownose ray-- it was precious. 
You also couldn’t hold your excitement as a few more smaller rays glided under the pads of your fingertips.
Then there were the horseshoe crabs and yknow those tiny fish that like swarm your hand and tickle you, yeah those too.
Y’all also chill it out and get to wash the jellyfish. The way the room was dark gave it a whole nother vibe, my loves. 
Like in  that jellyfish room, you two will most definitely just hold each other while gazing at the glass.
Bro, in the dim room, he’ll just pull you close and place a chaste kiss on your forehead and lips.
The bioluminescence of the jellyfish illuminates Webster’s face, making his features appear more sharp. Simping time commence, you two are a fine af couple.
Now time for the real kicker- It’s shark time
After dragging your ass to almost all of the other exhibits in the aquarium, Webster saved the shark exhibits near the end of the date.
Ohoho, was this boy eUPHORIC-
David is gripping your hand tightly and he’s constantly sending you smiles as you two walk closer to the entrance of the shark exhibit.
This is where Webster ascends out of his body, this is the second time he has (first time was when he met you and started dating). 
You share his happiness and the utter vibes comin off from your boyfriend makes you so soft and full of glee.
Yknow his constant face when his eyes are focused on something and his mouth is just slightly parted? Well that is his face most of the time during your time there.
M o r e   f a c t s.
Webster did write a wholeass book about them, what did you expect?
The utter passion and fascination in his voice really stands out whenever he talks about these beautiful babies- 
Like sure, David sounds happy when he talks about other sea animals, but with sharks? Whole nother level. 
It’s one of his biggest quirks and my goodness do you just stand there taking in all his facts as he goes on a tangent about different types of shark species.
The light in his eyes as they trail over as they trail over a sand shark swimming by. He’ll also just stare at a leopard shark while smiling because he loves them.
After leaving the shark exhibit after spending 1 hour in there with your boyfriend, you two decide to go home- But first, y’all buying some things from the giftshop. 
Webster will spoil you and will buy you anything you want in the aquarium gift shop.
Wallets beware, you’d also do the same for him.
There was this jellyfish theme hat you saw and you made David try it on- He looked so fucking stupid but like a cute kinda stupid.
You regret not buying it when you had the chance-
However- You two got shark plushies together. You got a tiger shark plushy and he gots a hammerhead. 
You two absolutely love them and you could’ve sworn you could’ve just burst from happiness when he showed you the tiger shark plush he got for you.
You two also bought those chonky seal plushies because I mean... I mEAN- Just look at em, they’re stunning of course you and Web had to get em.
With a day well spent with your boyfriend you just wanted nothing more but to lay with David on your bed as you run your fingers through your hair.
So you two leave the aquarium building smiling and laughing. Webster leans in a gives you another soft kiss on your lips and you let out a giggle. 
The two of you are noticeably happier, and you two head back to the car. The date ends with your hand in his and your four new plushies in tow.
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a/n: it’s been so long since I posted a fic or writing of any kind. unfortunately, i’ll have to put a hold on my pt 2 for the roe fic i made and im procrastinating by writing hcs kasjadjk. i decided to make these for some of the lovely people in my discord server. i hope y’all enjoyed these hcs with web!
i love you all very much, stay safe and i send yall another round of my good vibes 😩💕💕
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