#sorry this is just my rant about religion (mainly the catholic branch of christianity but probably almost all of christianity plus other
sluttyten · 4 years
I'm not sure if this is shaking the table but I must ask- if someone's religious- and they believe that being gay is a sin-- does that make them homophobic or just religious? (now of course there are technicalities like are they just assholes to gay people or do they believe they just have to avoid the gay™?) *me personally i'm not going to rag on someone if theyre taught that their religion isnt lenient towards gayness *as long as they aren't an ass* -christian school anon
I feel like it’s both homophobic and just being religious because what their religion is teaching is homophobia. I grew up Christian, went to Catholic school since I was like 4 years old until I was 18, and in those 14 years I was taught in multiple religion classes and during homilies at church that being gay is a sin and it’s wrong, and for so long that didn’t sit right with me. It still doesn’t sit right with me. Christians love to preach love and peace, but will quickly turn on that basic principle of their faith when it comes to two men or two women being in love. They’ll say it’s disgusting and a sin, and I just feel like that’s total bullshit. Why should love be limited? And there’s not an argument that it’s unnatural, because homosexuality isn’t just a human thing, there are animals that also practice same sex bonds, so it’s actually quite natural. It’s not a modern idea born of sexual depravity, not brought about by internet culture or anything like that, because there are records of same sex love throughout history. Whether someone uses religion as a basis for them being an asshole or just being silently disgusted toward someone for being gay or suppressing their own homosexuality (or other aspects of the LGBT+ spectrum), they’re still homophobic because that religion is inherently teaching hatred. It might not be outspoken hatred, might only be internalized hatred, but it’s still homophobia. And silence in the face of homophobia, allowing it to happen, is also a form of homophobia
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