#sorry the animation is a little sloppy im gonna be doing a lot today
wtfgaylittlezooid · 11 months
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Happy Halloween from Jack and the Mayfly Queen!
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just to warn you this ones a long one but i hope you still give it a shot and enjoy the story but yay lore, thats right im actually capable of that, if you like my art or the story please leave a like and consider reblogging it just takes a sec and lets me know what you all think.
anyways story stuff below the break, also sorry if its a little sloppy i suck at writing but if theres anything you curious about please feel free to send an ask anytime)
Eco and Helix walked through the school, Eco pointing out some of the rooms as they walked to help him learn the layout of the school
Eco: aaand here we are this is Professor Gages class, she teaches the science and stuff behind magic so she studies all sorts of magic to learn about how it works and stuff.
Professor Gage was reading a book and upon hearing Eco approach she closed the book and watched them come in
Gage: Hello miss Weaver i’m surprised to see you at school so early, should we be worried?
Gage chuckled and eco stuck her tongue out
Eco: ha ha very funny but no i met this dude yesterday while chasing bonebutt..
Gage cut her off
Gage: miss Weaver we’ve been through this you need to leave him to the authorities the canterlot reaper is very dangerous and to be avoided NOT pursued.
Eco scoffed and rolled her eyes
Eco: yeah yeah i know but i heard i scream and i wanted to help... i totally wasn't already searching for him... but uhh its ok he got away before i got there anyways, this dude scared him off and hes a mancer and hes comming to this school soon and he needs to get good fast and I WANNA SEE HIS FAMILIAR... buut he doen’t know anything about stuff so i thought id bring him to you...oh yeah his names Helix by the way
Helix just stared as Eco said all that in a single breath leaving her to catch her breath at the moment
Gage: a mancer huh? i’ve been very eager to meet more after my chats with Eco here, what kind of mancer are you?
Helix: uh yeah i didn't really know about any of this till a couple months ago, i just studied magic trying to learn anything i could, but i’ve always learned fire and water magic pretty easily and a couple months ago i was returning some books to the ponyville library and one of them was about pyromancy. that’s actually what led to me applying here after finding out i was a pyromancer twilight wanted me to come here to improve my magic so she could learn more about pyromancy and not long after that we found out i also know hydromancy.
Gages eyes lit up at hearing that
Gage: pyromancy AND hydromancy? well thats very interesting, well at least your name makes more sense now.
Helix gave her a confused look
Helix: makes sense? i’m not even sure what it means is it like an element thing or something?
Gage: no, i suppose technically you're name should be double helix for it to fit in that sense. a helix is a spiral or a vortex, so your cutie mark is kind of like a double helix but no by makes sense i meant it as in its like a yin yang spiral... if that makes sense. a yin yang is kind of like a balance between good and evil which is perfect because of pyromancy being dark magic and i suppose hyromancy would be considered holy magic since its based on purity. oh this will be soo fun i’ve never been about to personally study dark magic before
Eco: yeah its that cool your’e like some anime dude, i bet you got a troubled past and hey you even got the hair
Helixs eyes widened and jaw dropped 
Helix: whoa whoa whoa wait dark magic? no that’s not right dark magic is like you know dark, its evil, im not evil.
he just stood there eyes frozen in shock as Gage continued
Gage: no no no dark magic isnt ‘evil’ its just dangerous and can corrupt your mind if you are not careful but so are a lot of things we still use like money its only dangerous if you’re careless with it. but yes pyromancy is dark magic... hmm maybe it would be simpler if i just explain where mancies came from.
you seen over a thousand years ago after the princesses celestia and luna took over after helping protect the newly founded equestria the sisters took it upon themselves to aid the ponies in any way they could to help them build the world we know today as the rulers. they didn't take over to control everything no they took over to protect everything. you wont find it in any books i probably shouldn't say this but i just find it so interesting but the sisters weren't born alicorns, one was a unicorn and the other a pegasi, and through using the elements of harmony they were granted immense power thus making them alicorns to accommodate that power.
after they took over princess celestia took over all matters of politics and public relations due to her inexperience with magic and princess luna took over security with her new power to ensure everyponies safety but luna wasn't just content with that. she didn’t want to just protect them she wanted to help them grow so she actually created hydromancy and terramancy to help with farming and to heal the sick and injured and after that she created geomancy due to its versatility and then gaiamancy later to help the ponies protect themselves when a neighboring nation attempted to invade.
sadly despite everything princess luna had done princess celestia had a natural charisma and between that and luna doing so much of her work behind the scenes the ponies of equestria favored celestia over her and every day it gnawed at her mind till eventually the darkness in her heart took over turning her into nightmare moon but things weren't as cut and dry as most history books claim.
according to several texts i’ve found that had nearly been lost to time the princesses didnt just fight no no no there was actually a war that broke out, some texts refer to it as the lunar rebellion others called it the dark ages. the war waged for years, how many exactly i still have no idea but it had to of lasted several years at least and it ultimately ended in the finally battle we know in the stories that led celestia to sealing luna away on the moon for the next thousand years.
during the war however the mancies took a crucial role as they were the most advanced magic of that era so with that in mind nightmare moon created two more mancies before she was finally stopped, pyromancy was made as a weapon to counter the healing of hydromancy and necromancy was created to keep nightmare moons arm fighting so long as her nightmare generals lived.
so in your case your cutie mark resembling a yin yang could be considered an example of balance between good and evil, or a double helix of light and dark.
so how much have you learned on your own so far? i cant wait to study you i have so many questions.
helix just stood there still in shock having a hard time taking everything in
Gage: Helix?
Eco: i think you fried him prof you got too wordy and blew his mind i think
eco poked helix a couple times
Eco: welp this isn't going anywhere for a while i’m gonna go play outside
Gage: you know very well classes will be starting soon
Eco: i know and class sucks. im just taking recess early
Gage: this isn't elementary school we don’t have recess
before she could finish eco was already gone so she looked back at helix
Gage: hmm i should probably take you to the nurses office so i can finish preparing todays lesson.
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