#sorry onceuponamirror for tagging you
veronicadvalle · 7 years
Hey I have a question How come when all these articles are saying that fans think "Cami and KJ might be dating" alot of people get upset? Cuz I know their first response is she has a bf and whatever ( which we were not clear on before) but when people started shipping SH and saying that they were together no one had a problem. ( I know Lili didn't have a bf but they don't know that) Also I was reading the comments and alot of them were saying so a guy and a girl can't be friends
Also why can’t we just ship them, not disrespecting Cami and her personal life but just cuz we like that pairing if it were to happen ? It’s not like we go up to her door and say “Date KJ Now”. Do you know what I mean ? ( PS. It’s not 100% sure if SH are together, even though it might seem so ) Basically what I’m asking is why can’t we ship them out of fun because we like both the actors and their chemistry ? (2/2)
Well, the short and probably underwhelming answer is, its complicated. 
And before i move forward, this is my disclaimer that I’m gonna be talking about  the collective. So before people yell at me like, “NOT ALL SHIPPERS ARE LIKE THAT/DO THAT,” let me make it clear: i’m speaking of the collective and the general perspective I have received and gathered. So yeah …. maybe not all people do that, but enough people did that it left a mark in how I remember/see things. 
I don’t think we can ‘ship’ real life people the way we ‘ship’ characters. @onceuponamirror has a great post about this on their page. Link is here. And I agree with their point that everyone has to be careful about not overanalyzing real life people in the way we do to characters. The sole reason for this is that these are real life people! They aren’t their characters. They stop playing their characters the moment they are off set and off camera. They give us the show so we can overanalyze the heck of that narrative and that fiction; let’s stop there and not take this over-analytical attitude to their real lives as well. I honestly think it’s an invasion of privacy to deconstruct every single glance, touch, word that comes out of these people. They can’t do anything without someone writing a 1k essay about it, and I just think that’s wrong. 
But to get to your point, I totally see where you are coming from. The moment people shared that one article about Are KJ and Camila dating?!, a few comments (from people who openly ship SH) were along the lines of “this is embarrassing” and/or “i’m cringing.” My first thought was: “well, this is rich coming from you.” Because, as you pointed out, in the early days of the SH rumors, a lot of people were doing that overanalyzing and inserting their own narrative when it easily could have simply been platonic. It’s pretty clear and obvious that they are dating now, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that fans were pulling apart every single thing these people did to prove that they are dating. If SH even did as much as exchanged a look, 50 people would share it in the tags to prove something. That’s what I’m getting at. They used to interpret the smallest detail as romantic. So to see a few people say that its so embarrassing for people think KJ and Cami are dating, it’s …. ironic. Very, very ironic. 
Camila maintains her relationship private. that’s clear to everyone. I don’t think there is even a picture of him on her instagram / twitter. So, I’m not surprised that many people don’t know about the boyfriend. I personally think that many people think that articles of KJ/Cami dating are cringey or embarrassing because she has a boyfriend. But that’s simply a hindsight bias, because we know that information. But many people don’t. And if Camila didn’t have a boyfriend, would these ‘dating’ rumors hold more weight amongst fans? What I’m trying to say is that these KJ/Camila rumors that news outlets report on doesn’t feel that much different from what the early SH fanbase used to look/sound like. I’m sorry if that’s something blasphemous or sacrilegious thing to say but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that’s honestly how it feels like. People would make narratives or make assumptions about SH very early on and now news outlets (who aren’t aware of Cami’s boyfriend) are doing the exactly same thing for KJmila. Which I just think is super ironic. (I also think a huge factor of this double standard is because SH plays the fan-favorite ship on tv, but you didn’t hear that from me >.> )
My point I also want to hit at is this misconception fans have of “let’s keep the shipping out of their social medias and even further away from articles” Which I just think is … futile, to say the least. Shippers (those who are seriously shipping real life people) get very upset when a tabloid or news outlet writes a story about “Are so-and-so dating?” From what people told me and from what I’ve gathered, it’s because shippers are like “we are allowed to ship them in our individual social media but we don’t want to bother them with all the shipping stuff.” And that notion just seems incredibly naive, and idealistic. Think of it like this: shippers threw a party to celebrate their ship, and then they are like, “guys, we can’t wake up Mr Tabloid and Ms News Outlet next door.” But then the shippers have the music super loud (aka, the 500x posts a day about how these two actors are dating). You’re gonna wake them up because y’all aren’t subtle!!! By seriously shipping these actors, you will automatically catch the tabloids/news outlets’ attention. That’s just the fact of the matter. Shipping isn’t this self contained bubble. So when people started wondering whether KJ and Camila are dating, that caught news outlet’s attention. That’s just how news work. As long as there are these huge fandoms, entertainment news and tabloids are gonna exist. They go hand in hand. That’s just the fact of the matter. 
Now, in regards of “shipping for fun”, I’m down with that. I’ll be a hypocrite if I said I don’t enjoy, let’s say, two youtubers’ personality and dynamic together. And, no i’m not talking about dan and phil. xD I think people can admire and enjoy a specific dynamic between two people without immediately starting a blog about how they are dating in real life! They are in love! How can you not see that they have been dating for 73 days, 17 hours, 4 minutes?! You know what I mean? You are allowed to enjoy a specific dynamic between people. And I love KJ and Camila’s dynamic. I really do. I have posts of them from comic con and other panels that I reblog routinely because they have such an adorable dynamic together.  You are also allowed to root for a couple who are dating. And I think all of that is okay! But some people take it too far. All the overanalyzing and the long posts and the investigation is taking it too far. And that’s simply how I feel about it. 
So … after I wrote a book about this (sorry, anon), I think you are allowed to enjoy Cami and KJ’s dynamic. I think there is nothing wrong with that. The only part I don’t agree with is the overanalyzing, taking it too far. Other than that, you do you. 
I don’t mean to insult anyone, I really don’t. Don’t organize a riot against me. These are simply my thoughts on the matter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
I might be wrong and I would love to hear others’ thoughts on the matter.
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eventyyr · 6 years
What are your favourite Bughead fics?
The last couple of days have been packed, and I haven’t had time to sit down with my computer until now, so sorry about the wait. 
Oh anon, there are so many. I’m forever grateful to the people who share their talent with all of us, and it’s hard to choose a favorite. But here are some of the fics I will always go back and re-read a million times. 
(my youth ain’t) tangled up in bad decisions by singsongsung ( @rivervixens​)
Be Lonely With Me by bughead_is_riverdale ( @bughead-is-riverdale​)
born losers by @sylwrites​
Every Little Thing by youbuildmeupbeliever (warning: read tags)
fall in light by @sylwrites
My Sun and My Moon and All of My Stars by daisy_chain-gardens ( @daisy-chain-gardens)
My World’s On Fire (and no one can save me but you) by IndianSummer13 ( @itsindiansummer13​)
On Borrowed Time by Aisfor ( @aisforr)
Scars by IndianSummer13 ( @itsindiansummer13​)
stealing home by @onceuponamirror
Strong by @allskynostars
take me home by @sylwrites
Teach Me To Love Again by bughead_is_riverdale ( @bughead-is-endgame) and Toryb ( @tory-b)
And the list goes on.
Thanks for the question!
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nacey-drews · 6 years
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
i was tagged by the lovely @onceuponamirror, my ask box game buddy @sullypants and the insufferably lovable @thetaoofbetty. 
1. go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride (i literally have never done either cause i live in costa rica and i ’m pretty sure we don’t have them buuut i’d go with apples) 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots (it’s always sweater weather for me, fyi even if it’s burning hot outside imma wear a fuzzy oversized knit sweater)     4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football  (but like, real football as in soccer, not your kind of football) 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies (i’ve never gone trick-or-treating in my life cause we don’t celebrate Halloween as hardcore-ly as you guys do, so scary movies i guess?)         9. bake pie vs. bake cookies (forever and ever amen) 10. rain vs. fog   11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown (how is this even a question?!) 14. go hiking vs. sleep in (*snorts* sure Jan) 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing (listen, i’m a mess of an author and you know it)     17. hot chocolate vs. tea (i cannot believe @thetaoofbetty would choose tea over hot chocolate. i demand a refund) 18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 (i do not have fall as a season in costa rica so that’d be interesting i think)     19. candy apples vs. caramel apples 20. blankets vs. pillows  21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts  22. coffee vs. apple cider 23. red leaves vs. orange leaves (UM again, no fall here soooo i guess orange) 24. braids vs. bows  25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie (NEITHER LISTEN i do not understand your obession with pumpkin, it’s gross af sorry my friends) 27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters  30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire (is jumping in a pile of leaves really cushion-y or am i gonna bruise my butt? lemme know) 33. corn maze vs. haunted house  34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch (i do not understand the question and i will not respond to it, as Lucille Bluth would say Again, costa rica.)     35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate (BOTH CAUSE I’M AN ADULT)
i’m tagging whoever hasn’t done this yet but @alisoncollis, @sleuthingbetty and @heavy-lies-the-crown cause i don’t think i’ve seen you guys do it
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village-skeptic · 6 years
Favorite Riverdale blogs? Need new ones to follow!
Lovely anon! Thanks for the ask. Below is an extremely incomplete list of people who keep me coming back to this blue hellsite, in part because of their Riverdale posts; in part because they post other stuff in which I am interested; and in part because they’re just fun, clever, excellent people.
I suspect that if you are following me, you’re already following @stillscape, @nimmieamee, and @onceuponamirror. But if for some reason, you’re not - you should be. They pop to mind as a triad simply because they’re the three blogs I’m most likely to check on mobile when I have a hot second. Fic, meta, quick commentary on other people’s work, hilarious and thought-provoking insights, tons of original content, and just…really enjoyable and interesting people. @raptorlily and @jandjsalmon are, in addition to being amazing creatives in their own right, the two people who leap first to mind when I think about digital community building in this fandom. Some of that is their length of time in the fandom, but it’s also their warm and welcoming personalities. @imreallyloveleee, @flwrpotts, @yavannies, @itsindiansummer13, @jerepars, @myrmidonofmelodrama, @mistressofmalplaquet, @heavy-lies-the-crown, and of course @lessoleilscouchants and @sylwrites all bless us with excellent fic and commentary on a regular basis, in addition to being just incredibly pleasant people on top of that!I very much enjoy the Parentdale antics of @fredheads and @halcooper. There is LITERALLY NO ONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH who loves Fred Andrews more than @fredheads, and her fic runs the gamut from zany high-school antics to heartbreaking meditations on family, community, and the threads that keep us tied to places and people. @halcooper will murder you - with excellent parent fic! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Plus, I like to point to our mutual follows as an example of how people who passionately ship diametrically opposite things can co-exist and not be dicks to each other. And a few particular mentions:@soylent-greene (the former @soyforramen) is my costuming and set-dressing oriented buddy, with a keen eye and a sharp wit - and extensive tag commentary, which is always worth a read.@pantsaretherealheroes has such AMAZING TASTE in media - which doesn’t explain why we both watch Riverdale. But seriously, her recs and reblogs are golden (as are her fics - I am enjoying her ongoing band!fic so much!)@wolfofansbach does the neatest stuff with historical AUs - and cracks me up on a regular basis.@stillhidden serves up my kind of politics alongside the Riverdale stuff, and I love it. @moggett is such a great commenter, both here and on AO3!@ziggory and @relenaclub are both my source and my audience for all Andrams-related content, bless them. In addition to making me laugh, think, and say “oooh” with her Riverdale content and clever tags, @sullypants makes my dash more beautiful with her encyclopedic knowledge of fine art.Finally, @stirringsofconsciousness and I have known each other longer than some of you callow youth have been on this planet, and so I will close with recommending her as a blog follow and as an exceptional human being. 
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theheavycrown · 7 years
11 Questions Tag!
My 11 questions for my tags are at the bottom. I went all Riverdale themed!
I was tagged by the cupcake and a half @killmongerforever .
1. Sunsets or sunrises? Definitely sunset, what is morning? I don’t know her. 2. Your favorite thing to do at the beach? Last time I went, years ago, I actually learned how to body board at a very basic level. Intro to it as you will. Going out to waist height, catching the wave at just the right time and riding it in on the board on your belly. It was the best. 3. If money weren’t a priority, what job would you want? I would love to be a writer. Too bad my brain functions on wtf is creativity level. 4. Favorite type of dog? The small fluffy kind, 15 pounds or less and fluffy for sure. I have a Maltese and a Havanese. 5. You’re at Pop’s, what are you going to order? Cheeseburger, french fries, and crossing my fingers Pop has some ranch. 6. You run into the cast of Riverdale on the street, but you can onlly take a picture with one of them! Who do you choose? Probably Cole. I don’t think I could bring myself to ask him if I could touch his hair, but maybe it could happen purely by accident. I really want to know.  7. Marry, fuck, kill. Reggie, Moose, Kevin. Marry Kevin, Fuck Reggie, Kill Moose. Sorry Moose you’re cardboard. 8. A fic you read when you want to feel happy? I don’t re-read fics because I have so many I want to read still. Uhhh.... hearts rise above by @onceuponamirror makes me happy in a my heart is going to burst kind of way. I still haven’t finished reading. I can’t even. It’s so perfect. 9. A fic you read when you want to cry? I feel like one fic made me cry sometime in the past few months.... You know that feeling in the big moment of a romcom or an inspirational sports film where you get chills and a prickling in the backs of your eyes in this rush of emotion but you don’t quite cry? Gingersnap , by @stillscape , chapter 3, the big moment? Gave me that. 10. You have to live with a family on Riverdale. Whose family do you choose? The Tates! What’s up Pop! 11. A song that reminds you of Bughead? A LOT OF THEM. Bad At Love, by Halsey for the longest period of time, during that whole on again off again, mistakes section. Besides that, off the top of my head? Cosmic Love, by Florence and the Machine. ��� 💙  Riverdale themed questions for my tags!  💙 💛
My 11 questions for you are...
1. If you could see Cole & Lili act their parts of Bughead in any movie AU, what would it be?
2. If you could switch two characters positions in Riverdale, while maintaining their personality, which switch would you want to see?
3. Bughead is getting married - describe the wedding. (Colors? Flowers? Theme? Cake? Decor? Readings? as ideas)
4. What is Jughead’s favorite food that Betty makes?
5. If Jughead could have any superpower, what do you think he would choose?
6. What do you think Betty’s favorite romcom would  be?
7. Bughead is going on their honeymoon, if price was no object, where would they go?
8. If Betty had a tumblr, and she could have any url, what would it be?
9. If you could hang out with the Core Four for the day, what hang out activities would you want to do?
10. What do you imagine the first song Archie attempted to learn on guitar was?
11. If a theme song played whenever Veronica entered the room, what would it be?
I went full speed ahead Riverdale questions on this one. I can’t wait to see some of your responses!!!! I am actually excited to make these tags.
I tag... @stark , @onceuponamirror , @lilibug--xx , @tory-b , @cas-is-hm-hes-gone , @ieatbooksfortea , @mogitz , @flannelfogarty , @dreamersshouldknowbetter ,  @allskynostars , @lessoleilscouchants , @somethinglikegumption , @it-happened-one-starry-night , @starlightafterastorm , @bossbex , @thedenisecarla , @myrmidonofmelodrama , @bettycoopr , @smoochmejuggie
OKAY. I have no idea how many of you guys I just tagged. Feel free to disregard if you aren’t up for it, but I’d love to see all the variations of answers to these!! I know I was tagged in a few more of these so.... I’ll probably try to come up with some other questions for more tags! If you like these, let me know, I may try to write up a whole Riverdale themed ask game for fandom!
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tea-and-cardigans · 7 years
Get to know me
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to know better
Thanks for tagging me @shymeg you are awesome!!
— Relationship Status: married
— Favourite colour: green
— Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick, every time I try to wear lipstick I think it looks weird and end up wiping it off but I also really like to aspire to be the kind of person who can ‘pull off’ wearing lipstick.
— Last song I listened to: Live In The Moment - Portugal. The Man.
— Last movie I watched: Finding Dory
— Top 3 TV Shows: Riverdale, Runaways, Brooklyn 99
— Top 3 bands/artists: Birds of Tokyo, Nothing But Thieves, Temper Trap
— Books i’m currently reading: Delirium by Lauren Oliver.
I am tagging the following peeps: @theheavycrown @flwrpotts@youbuildmeupbeliever @noorakardemmomesaetre @mogitz @karamelandbughead4life @bugheadjones-the-third @strix @onceuponamirror sorry if you have already been tagged
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lauramarlingnatural · 7 years
fiction meme!
tagged by @onceuponamirror and @raptorlily thank you both! 💕
Fictional characters you relate to?
This, uhh, really depends on the change of season / time of day / day of the week. I am All Over The Place. Plus I tend to relate to various characters despite differences bc like. That’s a huge reason why I like fiction; empathising and relating to people I wouldn’t normally or am not like.
Anyway, getting off my soap-box, I seem to have had a long lasting affinity with; Beverly Marsh, Lilly Kane, Mandy Milkovich, and Pascalle West from Outrageous Fortune (keep in mind a lot of this is less to do with personality and more to do with life experiences).
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
Are prisons obsolete, IT, hp & half blood prince and also prisoner of Azkaban, all about love.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
There are too many I can never just choose one omg. The early Harry Potter movies. San Junipero. Easy rider. Stand by me. Hunt for the wilderpeople. The Goonies. and also I love watching never mind the buzzcocks and the big fat quiz of the year. Parks and rec, and uhh weirdly sons of anarchy. Motorbikes relax me and idk the vibe in the show is so familiar to me its not jarring at all. Idk if I can explain that but /shrug emoji
Which fictional character are you most defensive over?
Nancy Wheeler!!! Lucas Sinclair !!!! Max Mayfield! GINNY and Ron Weasley!!! Tara Knowles!!!
Show you fell out of love with?
So many.... so many. I could go back as far as when they killed Marissa on The OC. Or season 3 of Veronica Mars. But now I love them again and just exclude those parts. I would say Riverdale but that’s a love/hate thing. I never really LOVED it but orange is the new black was a show I was really hopeful for but, of course, no tv show can ever be truly critical of the dominant regime. In high school I watched criminal minds religiously but as my education and personal experiences/comprehension of those experiences has progressed I’ve found cop shows to be entirely unwatchable.
Show you’re most excited for?
It WAS Grace and Frankie but I gotta say season 4 was a little off for me. Still enjoyed it for the most part though. Def The Good Place is my absolute favourite show on right now. I’m also really intrigued about Black Lightning despite my general aversion to superhero stuff, and of course I’m excited for season 3 of Stranger Things. Also I quit watching Peaky Blinders after season 2 as like a delayed gratification thing, I’m so excited to one day catch up on the more recent seasons. Same goes for Westworld. And because I’m utter trash I am always excited for any ep of Geordie shore or Bad girls club 👌
What’s your aesthetic? Both Sarah and Raptor answered this differently so I’m gonna answer for both writing and personal style!
In terms of writing it’s def character internal monologues dealing with their Feelings, esp awkward crush antics, mental health issues particularly grief, anxiety and low self esteem. conflict resolution is a thing I Love to tackle but in like, the end stage. The aftermath of a fight where people repair damage is .... everything to me. and crafting out small, simple, soft moments within lives of chaos/crisis.
In terms of personal style... It’s always dependent on what I’m doing. Like lately everything about me has been screaming “hiking lesbian” bc that is what I am lol. But in general it’s lots of black, leopard print, fishnets, leather and denim. Chunky platform boots and Too Much Makeup. When I was/am teaching it’s just like black leggings and long draped black shirts or cardigans and my standard half moon crescent necklace with as toned down makeup as i can manage (so like, a full face but with black and brown shadows) (in saying that I could never give up my statement lipsticks to the point where someone in tutor evals forgot my name and said “the tutor with the cool blue lipstick is good” lmao. Proudest moment of my life? Yes.)
Favorite fanfic tropes?
I Thought This Person Was The Worst But Then We Fell In Love? Is that a trope? Like not necessarily enemies to lovers but that thing where someone is irritating and completely different from you in every possible way but then your heart does the Thing when they’re around. V different ppl falling in love and finding commonality is my SHIT. But then again I love diff tropes for diff pairings!
My absolute fav thing explored in fic is differing character motivations and how that can create conflict, but how through mutual respect and internal work and self awareness two people can resolve it and choose to be together because they make each other better . This is a huge issue for me because actually it tends to be soulmate au’s that do this the most explicitly but I don’t.... Believe in or enjoy the idea of soulmates . But I love that some people THINK they have a soulmate bc of how much another person helps them be better. Like there are some fics that tackle it and my whole heart is like well, Damn. Soulmate fics where the people who end up together are not the “intended” soulmates? That is it, that’s my fav thing, thanks for listening,,,
Anyway yeah plus of course... there’s only one bed and we have to share it and oh no we woke up cuddling? Who doesn’t love a good classic.
Tagging @heartunsettledsoul @montpahrnah @ninnieamee @sporklift and @tossertozier and anyone who wants to. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already or don’t wanna participate just ignore lol— also if we’re mutuals and you write can you lmk if you wanna be tagged in writing memes bc I don’t necessarily know who writes!! Or who wants to participate in memes! And I wanna know!!! ❤️
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setapartghoul · 7 years
Get to Know Me
Rules: Tag Ten Tumblrs You Want To Get To Know
***Tagged by the lovely @ephemeral-existences! <3
name: abby
gender: female
star sign: pre or post ophiuchus? lmao. i am supposedly a gemini.
height: 5′1″
middle name: per a friend of mine, “loophole” (...my real one does begin with the same letter)
put your itunes on shuffle… what are the first six songs that pop up?: 
well this is a pretty prime example of how eclectic my music taste actually is (because this got random af):
Blue Orchid by The White Stripes [x] 
Sweatpants by Childish Gambino [x] 
Down to the Sea by Elephant Revival [x] 
Old Man by Neil Young [x] 
Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit [x] 
Don’t Dream It’s Over by Crowded House [x] (lmao) 
grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what does line 17 say?:
“He did not dare to turn and run for his brother could outrun him. He backed slowly away, his eyes frightened and his throat dry.”  
— John Steinbeck, East of Eden
when was the last time you played air guitar?: i’m more of an air drummer. and last night in my car.
who is your celebrity crush?: *grumbles* cole sprouse... (listen– celeb crushes are veerrrrry rare for me, and i still don’t know how i got here.)
what’s a sound you love?: 
rain against a window. 
my cat’s purr + my dog’s soft snore when he’s sleeping. 
the soft tapping of someone typing on a laptop in the background.
the ambience of a school gym while a basketball game is taking place (i used to nap in the bleachers as a kid). 
literally any musical performance that triggers frisson in me. which happens a lot (thank) and it’s the most amazing feeling.
and hate?: 
the sound of cardboard scraping against itself. 
arrhythmic beats/patterns. 
i could go the rest of my life without having to hear Let’s Get It Started by the Black Eyed Peas ever again.
same goes for literally everything the Beach Boys have ever made.
nursery rhymes in horror movies - honestly, that shit haunts me.
the theme song from Two and a Half Men. i fucking hate it. every time i hear that intro i feel one step closer to my anti-hero origin story.
do you believe in ghosts?: only when i’m feeling a bit ghoulish. 
do you drive and if so, have you ever crashed?: yes. yes, the night that i got my driver’s license. (seriously!) i backed into a tree at a friend’s house. in my defense, she lived in the boonies, it was pitch black outside, and i was a brand new driver. also, i drive a jeep and was going very slowly, so all that happened was the tree bumped the spare tire on the back of my jeep. no harm no foul.
what was the last book you read?: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas 
do you like the smell of gasoline?: ...maybe so.
what was the last movie you saw?: my family talked me into seeing A Bad Moms Christmas at the theater last weekend. wish i still had that $20.
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: honestly, i’ve broken a few different bones, had gashes so deep that i had to get stitches, scraped up an entire side of my body falling down a tree, and been in a pretty bad car accident, and yet, no pain i have ever experienced compares to the pure torture of passing kidney stones. my body is prone to making these little suckers, so i’ve already had 20+ kidney stones in my mere 27 years of life. which is some bullshit if you ask me. 
do you have any obsessions right now?: riverdale’s got me on lock atm. 
Tagging: @tallulalusa @village-skeptic @soyforramen @theatreofexpression @strix @nimmieamee @a-true-janian-reply @lessoleilscouchants @raptorlily @jugandbettsdetectiveagency and @onceuponamirror 
no pressure if these aren’t your thing! but if you’re up for it, i’d love to hear your answers. also, sorry if you’ve already been tagged. i suppose some tag overlap is to be expected. 
and to anyone else who would like to do this, please feel free to say that i tagged you. i love getting to know people on here :)
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Fav fic authors?
From the top of my head:
@believe-that-you-can-my-friend@bughead4days@bugheadotp@betsforsythetrash@lusterrdust@sylwrites@adorebughead@juggieheadcoopers@sopaloma@lessoleilscouchants@yavannies@birdlovesafishMotherMaple (don’t know if they have tumblr!)@justcourbeau@bettyluvsjuggie@ariquitecontrary@itstenafterfour@onceuponamirror@allskynostars@lazydaizies@gellbellsheadglycerineclown (again not sure if on tumblr and can’t link on mobile)@raptorlily
There are so many more and I’m sorry if I forgot you I’m a bit all over the place and tired right now, if you search the ‘fic recs’ tag on my blog lots more should appear
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rileybabe · 7 years
I was tagged by these lovely, amazing mutuals: @camelotskingz, @gershwinn and @allskynostars. 💙
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my office bestfriend
3. Text message: ‘Uncertainty on top of uncertainty’
4. Song you listened to: Beauty and the Beast by Ariana Grande & John Legend
5. Time you cried: this morning while I was dressing up for work
6. Dated someone twice: Yes, my ex-boyfriend from college
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
8. Been cheated on: Yes
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Twice or thrice
12.-14. Marsala, Ocean Blue and Black
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: A lot!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, and it’s the best feeling in the world tbh
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them. I don’t really add people unless I’ve talked to them at least once in my life
23. Do you have any pets: Yes, a French bulldog named Brewsky
24. Do you want to change your name: not anymore
25. What did you do for your last birthday: spent the day with my ex-boyfriend and his family
26. What time did you wake up: 06:00 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I fell asleep at 11.30 so probably dreaming
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Beach trip on August, HK trip on Sep, Riverdale, find a new job
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 45 mins ago, when she opened the door for me
31. What are you listening to right now: We Can’t Stop - Boyce Avenue
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, he’s out next door neighbor
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people who pass your work as theirs
34. Most visited website: Tumblr and AO3
35.-37. This didn’t have any question next to it!
38. Hair colour: Currently dyed ash brown but it’s really black
39. Long or short hair: Long hair with side bangs
40. Do you have a crush on someone: An acquaintance from high school and Gong Yoo 😍
41. What do you like about yourself: I’m always optimistic and hopeful
42. Piercings: Ears
43. Blood type: I’m not really sure..
44. Nickname: Rai or Riz
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Virgo
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favourite TV show: Riverdale, GOT, Sense 8, Silicon Valley, Once Upon a Time
49. Tattoos: None
50. Right or left handed: Right
51. Surgery: None so far
52. Piercing: …
53. Sport: I am not sporty at all.. but I do enjoy watching football
55. Vacation: I’d love to go to to Australia/NZ soon or take a Scandinavian cruise
57. Eating: Oreo Peanut Butter
58. Drinking: Coffee or Icea Tea
59. I’m about to: sleep
61. Waiting for: the love of my life LOL
62. Want: to go on a trip by myself
63. Get married: Definitely someday
64. Career: I’m currently in Finance/Risk but thinking of doing something else or maybe start my own business
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.. lots of it!!
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or taller: Taller because I’m really small
68. Older or younger: Older preferrably
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms
Where’s 71?
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship!!
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’d go for the troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: Nope
75. Drank hard liquor: Yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Not yet, I just recently started wearing glasses.
77. Turned someone down: Yes
78. Sex on the first date: No
79. Broken someone’s heart: I may have, but not intentionally..
80. Had your heart broken: Yes..
81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: Yes
83. Fallen for a friend: Hmm.. not really fallen more of a crush?
84. Yourself: Most of the time
85. Miracles: I do!
86. Love at first sight: Probably not love.. more of infatuation?
87. Santa Claus: No
88. Kiss on the first date: Yes
89. Angels: No
90. Current best friend’s name: Patty
91. Eye colour: Brown
92. Favourite movie: I don’t think I can choose one.. Anything Marvel!
Tagging: @gellbellshead, @jandjsalmon, @raptorlily, @justcourbeau, @wordsonpages1, @thedenisecarla, @wheninriverdale, @stilinsk1, @jugandbettsdetectiveagency, @annioe, @itstenafterfour, @findingbetty, @onceuponamirror, @riverdalelovee, @bughead-fic-request, @believe-that-you-can-my-friend, @freetimefase, @fxyeahriverdale, @riverdalili, @birdlovesafish.
Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!!
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