#sorry not sorry for putting dragon ass on your dash think it will enrich your tumblr experience
s0bk · 7 months
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yeah..... fat tail friday.....................
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xlehukax · 4 years
Start of Something - A Single Snare (Pt. 7)
-Writing a little series on here as a warm up! In accordance to @orangelegs‘s Hogwarts AU! Updates won’t be on a set time, but they’ll come eventually-
Oh, here I am! And not super late! How peculiar! Sorry to Logicality shippers- Logan is... well, you’ll have to read. Sorry in particular to @patton-cake! But also- Remus warning. He is Remus, and writing him makes me laugh and cringe all at once. What a beautiful character. 
Meanwhile, Roman is out of his gear and preparing to leave the pitch. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a certain bespectacled commentator. 
Logan, that’s Logan, right? The one Patton told me about, Virgil’s friend, Patton’s crush, yadda yadda yadda. 
I hope that’s Logan, or else this is going to be idiotic. 
“Hey, Loganberry! Come over here!” Roman calls out. The other players of the Gryffindor team smirk and twitter about, wondering what the star chaser wants with the nerd. Roman silences them with a hand. “I’m going to walk and talk with Specs over there, alright? Don’t do anything stupid now,” 
“Can’t promise it, soon to be captain,” one girl purrs. She’s been flirting with him for the better part of a year now, but Roman will never give her the time of day. There’s no attraction, none whatsoever on his side, and why would he get into a loveless relationship like that? He’s waiting for true love, something that makes his heart sing and stomach flutter. Love at first sight, right?
“Aww, you flatter me. Some of you know the way to my heart, hmm? Either way, see you,” Roman casts them a sultry wink, and then waves for Logan to follow him. Logan adjusts his glasses suspiciously but obliges.  
“Roman. What do you need?” Logan gets straight to the point. Roman smiles wide. 
“Do I need to want something from you to talk to you?” 
“Usually, yes,” Logan answers astutely. Roman blanches. It’s true: they always want something from him, whether test help or pointers, never to actually talk. 
“Poor chap! I wish only to speak with you about your friend, Virgil. He’s tutoring me you know, and I heard that you two were close, so I was wondering-” 
“If you could learn about him by pestering me,” Logan sighs. 
“Uh, yeah?” 
“My response is no. Apologies,” Logan shoots him an indescribable look and continues his brisk pace across the field. Roman dashes forwards to catch up. 
“But why? Is he hiding something? Is there something I should know? Why are you not telling me?” 
“Because I respect Virgil’s privacy. He can tell you when he wishes,” 
“Oh. Well. Hmm,” Roman ponders. He makes a good point. “That’s fair enough, I presume. You’re a good friend to Virgil,” 
“You think so?” Logan squints, looking towards the castle longingly. There’s something in that sidelong glance that Roman can’t place. Something about it that makes Roman sad, that reminds him of being younger and desperate for love. It’s disheartening to try and understand, so he stops. 
“Yeah, totally,” Roman says, casting him a thumbs up. Out of nowhere, a large green putrid cloud appears. Roman groans: Logan looks incredibly befuddled as he coughs with the gross stench that fills the air. Manic laughter from inside the cloud only confirms Roman’s suspicions.
“Remus, what in the good name of Dumbledore are you doing?” Roman demands, unsheathing his wand to point it at Remus as he approaches from the cloud of Dungbomb smoke. 
“Making an entrance, what else?” Remus cackles. Roman rolls his eyes, putting his body slightly in front of Logan to protect him from Remus’s unpredictable antics. 
“Does it have to be so-” 
“Stinky??” Remus shrilly cuts in. 
“No, I was going to say so untimely. I’m trying to have a conversation with Logan, I have no time for your oddities,” Roman waves him away. Remus pouts.
“You never have time for me anymore, bro bro! Don’t you love me??” Roman coos, pressing up his own cheeks in a nutty way that Roman rolls his eyes at and Logan looks at curiously. 
“Who are you?” he questions, blatant and robotic. Remus turns his attention to Logan. Logan has no clue what’s going through his head: he presumes it’s either dirty or violent. 
“The name’s Remus Prince, at your service, nerd,” Remus extends a hand to shake with a goofy smile. Logan’s about to take his hand when Roman slaps it out of the way. 
“There is no way you’re genuinely going to shake his hand,” Roman hisses. Logan sighs, already knowing that this is going to be difficult. 
“Uh, yes way, dick-suck,” Remus sticks his tongue out. 
“Bitch, please, the last time you did anything genuine to anyone besides Janus you were too young to understand what the word genuine meant. And even then, you never wash your fucking hands!” Roman scoffs. 
“I’m sorry, do either of you have any sort of need for me or can I go to Transfiguration homework now?” Logan adjusts his glasses, perpetually tired. 
Both twins chorus in with a chirpy “Yes!”. 
Then, “Why do you need to talk to him?” 
Logan feels odd: is this emotion what being wanted feels like? Roman glares at Remus, Remus smiles a wicked sharp-tooth smile at Roman. 
“Both of you, state what you need. In an orderly fashion, please,” Logan instructs. 
“You already know,” Roman sighs dramatically, still giving his twin a side eye, “I came to you to ask about Virgil.” Logan’s eyes narrow. 
“What about Virgil?” 
“His motivations? Passions? Hobbies? Anything, really. All I know really is that he enjoys making fun of me, watches my games, and wicked smart. Oh, and that he’s friends with both you and Patton but not Janus and Remus. Besides that, nothing!” That is a lot more than nothing, Logan thinks to himself drily. 
“Falsehood. And once more, perhaps engaging in a conversational interaction with Virgil will provide more enriching than pressing me for information,” 
“Next,” Logan adjusts his glasses. Roman huffs indignantly. 
“Oh, oh, that’s me! Hiya! I wanna ask about Virgil too!!” Remus squeals. Logan blinks. Why is Virgil so popular these days? Because of Roman and Patton?
Is he going to forget about me? All these people fawning over him...
No, no, don’t be ridiculous. 
“What do you want with Virgil? The both of you, answer honestly. I do not appreciate liars.” 
“I’m asking because he’s sooooo cute!!!” Remus’s voice is too shrill, too much for Logan. He winces. Roman gapes at Remus. 
“Whaaat? You and… dark and stormy? No, you don’t even know him!!” Roman accuses. Remus bats his eyes at Roman. 
“I think I know more than you do anyway- I know he’s gay, and I know he’s adorable and don’t you just want to eat him up? I could gnaw on those fingers for weeks on end, oh yes Daddy-” 
“How- what- Remus-“ 
“I have never seen you and Virgil together, much less heard him talk of you!” Logan glares. Remus shrugs, smiles maniacally once more. He’s insane, Logan thinks. A complete madman. 
“Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not there~” he sing-songs. Roman gags. 
“You’ve been stalking Virgil??” Roman accuses. Logan goes white: So creepy. 
Remus grins widely. 
“Oh gods, Remus, the poor stormcloud- you worsen his anxiety, you know that?” Roman reprimands, protecting Virgil and his security. Logan’s eyes widen, and he looks to Roman. 
“You know about Virgil’s heightened anxiety?” he asks. Logan, before now, had thought he was the only one trusted with that information. He thought he was special. But this reminds him, starkly, that he is not the object of Virgil’s affections. That he is ‘just a friend’. It is infuriating, and stifling. If Virgil could only see that Logan had been there for him all along- 
“Yes, of course. He told me today. A good thing too, I’ll be more careful when I serenade him as payment for tutoring!” Roman booms a laugh. Remus mimics him mockingly, to which Roman casts a glare. 
“No, no, no, you best not, Roman,” Logan’s words come out of his mouth before he can bite them back. Surely, if Roman starts singing to Virgil, he will fall deeper in love and-  Roman and Remus both look at him confusedly. 
“Whyever not?” 
“He… he won’t like it,” Logan feels a bit idiotic with the lacklaster explaination. He’s sure that if he was given more time he would do better but- Roman isn’t exactly the fastest broom in the locker when it comes to intelligence. 
“Why not, Logie?” Remus purrs, inching closer to Logan, who grips the strap of his bag worriedly. “Virgil would looooove it if Roman sang, right?” Roman pulls back Remus from harassing Logan. Remus giggles at Logan’s blush. 
How in the world does this boy who looks like he just crawled out of a trash bin know that Virgil likes Roman? Who told him—
It comes to him instantly: Patton. Patton probably told Remus, because if he’s friends with Janus he’ll probably be close with Remus. Anger flares in Logan’s chest: how could he betray Virgil’s hard won trust like that?? 
No, think logically now. Separate emotions from thinking. Remus mentioned that he has followed Virgil around in the past, so perhaps he overheard our conversations? 
Besides, Patton would never do that. He is... kind. 
“Hey, don’t listen to my imbecile brother, dear Logan. He’s talking out of his ass,” Roman assures Logan. 
“I wish,” Remus snorts. Roman whacks him above the head, to which Remus yelps. 
“Why can’t you be normal? I told mom and dad we should just leave you in a ditch with the other wild animals but nooo, he’s your brother, you have to watch out for him at Hogwarts and make sure he comes home for holidays and summers- honestly, ridiculous. I don’t know why I try: You’re going to fail out any day now anyway,” Roman bemoans. Logan is still deliberating on the mole who knows of Virgil’s budding romance, and coming up only more confused. 
Remus giggles, “I can’t help it if salamander blood and dragon liver is a delicious combination.” 
“Ugh, gross! Now I know why the potions professor is terrified of you! How are you not dead?!” Roman exasperates, looking to Logan for backup. Instead of assistance, he only gets Logan’s intense scrutiny from behind glasses. 
“Are you aware of who Virgil fancies?” He asks sternly. Roman does a double take, dropping his brother, who scurries away like a rat after release, cackling all the while. He’s far away before Roman has a chance to ensnare him once more. Logan blanches, realizing his mistake. 
I am the one that has betrayed Virgil’s trust. I just… I just let it slip that Virgil has a crush. Only a fool wouldn’t realize that it was Roman I speak of, only a blind fool-
“Oh my stars, really? How incredible!” Roman gushes, face flushed with excitement. Logan frowns. 
“You do not find it off putting?” 
“No! Rather, I’m flattered that you’re reaching out to me! I’d love to help Virgil,” 
“You… you would?” 
“Oh, definitely! What are we thinking? A song? A dance? Ooh, flowers?”  
“Excuse me, what are you talking about?” Logan asks, confused all too much. 
“The method of confession to his crush, but of course! I’m quite fond of romantics myself, though I get all clammy when it’s directed towards me. They don’t know me, you know? They only see my outwards appearance and attitude, not the real stuff. I want true love and a prince/princess worth fighting wars for. Like Helen of Troy, or like Sleeping Beauty,” Roman laughs. Logan internally thanks science that Roman is so unprecedentedly unintelligent. 
And then… the thought appears to him, clear as day. Roman would tell him what sort of romance he likes, to get closer to Logan and learn more secretively about Virgil, and in turn Logan can share the knowledge with Virgil. Virgil would be ecstatic… but it would mean that Logan would lose any chance he has by his own hand. That would be illogical, wouldn’t it? 
Instead… What if he gives the wrong information to Virgil? It would mean purposefully masterminding the termination of any budding love but it would surely be in both of their benefits, wouldn’t it? 
Seeing how Roman lacks any true perceptive ability, he could never truly care for Virgil’s many anxieties and triggers. He wouldn’t be able to tell like Logan. He can easily assure himself that he is better for Virgil, whether the object of his affections realizes that or not. 
That’s it. He’ll extract the information from Roman, and give it misleadingly for Virgil to clip this in the bud. He’ll simply share safe things about Virgil, like his favorite things or passions, in exchange for that valuable knowledge. Though a bit complicated, Logan is sure that his plan is foolproof. And… Logan is certainly no fool. 
“Roman,” Logan starts, adjusting his glasses nonchalantly. Roman smiles at him. 
“Yes, dearest nerd?”
“As it appears that you are in fact going to be in close relations with Virgil in the near future. Perhaps it would be for both our benefits to relate to you all things Virgil. And in turn, you can tell me about yourself. For example… your romantic interests?” 
“Ooh, are you hitting on me? I’m flattered-“ 
“Merely an example, I would not sink to your level,” Logan rolls his eyes. Roman scoffs in disbelief. He is clearly not used to hearing that. 
“Ouch, how rude, but otherwise sounds fun! I’m looking forward to getting to know the acclaimed angst-adhered anxiety-stricken stormcloud better,” Roman looks… excited? It is worrying, surely, for Logan’s selfish ideals but he pays it no mind. 
This is merely the first step amongst many in a grand plan. He is simply placing the first pawns to capture the king. With a wave to Roman and a promise to send an owl, he heads to his evening study date with the king himself: lovely Virgil. 
Taglist (Ask to be added if you’d like!):
@justabsbutler @shaded14space @patton-cake @mycatshuman
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