#sorry no bonus he has no alter ego this season
zoe-oneesama · 3 years
Do you have some pictures of Nino ?
I LOVE your comic
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He needs to be in more episooooooodes!
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resetting37 · 4 years
Ranking my story arcs
    One reason I wish I had an actual written story instead of it just being in my head and sometimes talked about out of order on Tumblr is that I’d want people to give their own opinions on the storyline. Like when people rank seasons or series number of a form of media they like, you know ?
   I figured I’d rank my own story arcs based on my personal opinions, both gushing about my ocs and criticizing areas where I need to work on their story. Hey it’s not perfect you know ? 
Basic summarization of RESETTING’s arcs
Again, this is based on my own opinion. What I value and love most in long running stories and also, me acknowledging my story needs work on. I have the basic outline but adding additional developmental stuff and character interactions never hurt, you know ?
Starting with my “least favorite” to my favorite.
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I have no qualms with this arc, but if I’m being honest, it’s my weakest. And I’m sure it’d be apparent if I had a story, other people would agree. Audrey spends almost the entire chapter away from the rest of the crew, and as for them, it’s mostly sad ? I’ll go ahead and address the good stuff:
Audrey’s journey in Dile is interesting. Meeting Lilith and SOUL is cool. If I had a webcomic I’d want her POV to be about a quarter to a third of the arc. But not having her interact with my main cast does kind of suck. But hey, at least she does a lot of evaluating and she's like “.. wait do I love Kat ?” because. FINALLY.
Kat’s storyline of having the alter ego “GLOSS”  is fun. I like developing the idea that this world would want to take advantage of their genetic engineering technology and create some sick monsters from it. 
Besides Audrey and Katsumi, the rest don’t get *too much* to do, which is fine, but everyone else is just, kind of sad. Rightfully so ! but, it’s not fun :-( 
With that being said, one more positive note, I LOVE the finale of arc four. Audrey finally reunites with the gang and it leads right well into what we’ll see in arc five (and, I WILL talk about arc five in a moment...)
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Look, arc one is FINE ! I don’t think I did anything *wrong* with it. It works ! But it’s relatively uneventful. and I did that on purpose. It’s harmless, just gives enough hints on what these guys have in store. Part of the reason I rank this one is so low is that there’s not really a conflict. Just a couple of minor ones that involve Audrey adjusting to her new life. 
We do get to meet most of our characters though, so yay ! And they’re all mostly meeting each other ? Or at least becoming friends with each other, so we get to see them do that. 
smh we don’t even have Morgan in this arc... 
jk it’s okay, I promise it’s fun. To be honest it’s the only arc I haven’t come up with a finale for yet.. like at all... Maybe that’s why I’m harsh towards this one.. it’s underdeveloped ! We’ll get working.
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Putting my final arc on the lower half LOOKS bad, but I just love the other three more, I promise ! I don’t have anything *bad* to say about my grand finale ! Other than that... my ocs are in some bad situations in the beginning and that might be upsetting. Unlike Arc four where they’re just sad, they're sad but they’re doing something at the same time. They start off all split up, but once my characters reunite, it’s fun.
I don’t like talking about this one too much because it’s complicated, so I’ll stop early. I’ll at least despite the hardships they’ve been through before, they get a happy ending. 
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This is where “my personal opinion” comes in heavily because I feel like if this was an actual story most people would put arc six before this one. But I’m so biased this one because it’s about the BAD GUYS ! Not only is Trinity *finally* introduced and given my favorite character introduction, but we get to see Recom. 
And they’re not even the main storyline. It’s actually Audrey becoming friends with Aurora and Sean. Aurora is finally shown her more villainous side (she gets worse, but before this she never actively hurt someone “in the story”) 
My characters all go through some really good developing in this arc (not just Avery and Zack, but Advik and Audrey change a lot here too) 
I think this arc just has a lot of fun world building (we see the prime class of Evelow up close, Recom, the inner depths of the Ellocast project) we see lesser known characters get to shine (Ian and Heidi have a good role here, we finally meet TY and the faceless twins, Aurora and her clique, etc.) 
I’d say the finale doesn’t leave off on the greatest note (It ends with Audrey LEAVING.) and that’s probably it’s greatest flaw. my fault. but yeah, I ranked this one in the upper half for my own biased reasons, what are you gonna do about it ?
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I freaking LOVE this arc !! MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS HERE !!!! Bias is coming in again, but Morgan aside, it’s a very fun arc. I'd say it’s just as fun as arc three, but it’s happier, so it gets bonus points.
I mean, Sean is introduced in this Arc too, of course. My other “major character that’s borderline main”. He’s not as his best here (we’ll see that soon enough) but I love this guy. 
Here we get the perfect balance between having stakes and having good wholesome friends interacting ! Speaking of stakes, my first real villains, Adam and Seth ! And I freaking love them. Something about the storyline of bounty hunters going after their ex best friend, you know ?
Morgan just has great chemistry with all of my characters (ESPECIALLY advik and Avery.) and I love the tension she has with Audrey initially. 
Plot wise, It’s mostly focused on Morgan and Advik. Audrey is the main character still, it’s mostly a heightened version of what she was going through the previous arc (I.e. learning about Evelow while exploring her powers) Which is fine, I like that her personal arc is a little subtle because this is mostly about her external problems i.e. interactions w other characters.
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arc five has EVERYTHING: every character has something to do, the stakes are super high, the internal AND external struggles, it’s so fun ! My characters do get to interact in ways I haven’t let them yet - imagine Avery being an antagonist ? Imagine Sean and trinity in the same room ?? Those happen here. 
Every character just SHINES here. Aurora gets to be absolutely evil here, the finale is heart breaking, and rightfully so. Sure Echo looks mean in my cover art up there, but they’re more so antagonistic than villainous. Echo is kind like a funny evil if that makes sense lol. 
I’m sorry, I’m making this sound sad despite it being my favorite. It’s sad to see the characters who were once best friends slowly split apart. But the ~drama~ of it all, you know ? And they don’t hate each other !! No we get really good friendship moments, Like Advik appointing Morgan as his advisor for his new council member role.. hm. Why Morgan ? because she’s his best friend :-) 
Audrey and Katsumi are FINALLY seen as girlfriends, we’ve been waiting for so long. (also, there’s a lot of romance in this arc lol. I’m not good at writing romance but it sure is fun)
But yeah, I love this one for having the tension and build up the previous arcs had finally paid off. 
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What could have been avoided or would have changed, if Kara had told Lena that she was Supergirl
So, what would be the earliest time Kara could reasonably tell Lena? I would argue that it’s after the whole Medusa virus fiasco, but let’s say it makes more sense for Kara to tell her after Lena says that Kara Danvers is her hero. It would go over well, Lena would feel trusted. It’s after she’s proven herself by saving the entire alien population and putting her mother in jail. And after it’s been proven that she was framed and is not like her family. Her and Kara are good friends, etc etc. 
Here we go in 10 not-so-concise points:
1. Lena being thrown off her balcony
- I found something. *sees the goons’ reflection in the window* Wait, this isn’t right. Get here, now.
Problem solved, Kara might have even been able to get to her, before she fell off the balcony. And the bonus of Kara not having to lie. Really, Lena must have legit thought she was going to die for real this time. 
2. Jack
Kara would not have to hide anything from Lena, she could tell her exactly how she got the evidence, everything about the nanobots, etc. before Lena puts herself in danger by meeting Jack anyway. She could have Supergirl on standby in case that goes wrong, if she wants to talk to him. She would obviously still save Supergirl. Or Kara could burst in earlier and knock Beth out right away, possibly giving Lena a chance to find a way to save Jack.
3. Rhea and the episodes surrounding that
Kara likely would have told Lena that Alex was taken, and Lena might have been able to help using L-Corp resources. No need to reveal the DEO even, but an extra genius working on the case couldn’t hurt.
Lena would likely wait to speak to Kara first, before deciding to trust Rhea. Let’s say neither of those things happen.
- I’m working with a new partner. She’s amazing. *leans in to whisper* She’s an alien, actually.
- Really? Maybe I know her, not that we aliens all know each other. Tell me about her.
- I’m not really supposed to reveal anything, but I’m quite sure you can keep a secret. Her name is Rhea, her designs could revolutionise the world as we know it.  
- Wait, Rhea? As in Queen Rhea? Oh golly.
- What’s wrong?
- That’s Mon-El’s mother, you can’t trust her, Lena, whatever she’s told you, it’s a lie.
Crisis averted, Lena stops working with her, Supergirl and Mon-El confront her, no Daxamite invasion happens, no lead in the atmosphere, no working with Lillian Luthor. (Only minus I see to that is Mon-El staying, but who knows, maybe something else could have happened there.)
3.1. If Mon-El leaves due to lead or another reason, should the Daxamite invasion have been avoided
Lena would be able to be there for Kara in a much bigger capacity and support her wholeheartedly. She would be able to talk to Kara about Supergirl and Kara throwing herself into her alter-ego. She would know where she’s going when she leaves work. Kara would be able to talk to her about the psychic attacks and what she saw and felt.
4. Morgan Edge
So, he was brought in to help with the renovation of the city after the Daxamite invasion. If that never happened, he never enters the picture. Plenty of drama avoided.
If the invasion happened, Lena might have a bit more faith that Kara would figure out what’s going on using the resources she has as Supergirl. Lena may even be allowed access to the DEO to work alongside Winn to run tests and figure things out, but she may not.
I would assume that by this point Lena would have a watch for Supergirl too. She could press the button to call her once she wakes up on the plane, after going to Edge’s office. Even if she doesn’t, she may make the message out to Supergirl instead. She’ll know it’s Kara saving her and refusing to let go. Makes much more sense, coming from Kara.
Kara was not really worried about revealing her identity when Edge poisoned Lena, what with getting her to the DEO in civilian clothes. But she would be able to be honest about that, instead of dismissing Lena’s “dream”, and it would mean the world to Lena that Kara risked her identity just to save her.
Also, it would make much more sense to ask Kara to help her expose Edge, knowing that Kara is Supergirl. Like honestly, what exactly was a reporter supposed to do? All Kara does here is distract the guard and give Lena a voice recorder (?!?! like she can’t buy one herself ?!?!), and Lena’s putting Kara in unnecessary danger. (Or maybe denial really is a powerful thing.) Supergirl on the other hand, can definitely help.
5. Sam/Reign
Lena would be devastated watching Supergirl fall in that fight with Reign. She would know, however, what really happened to Kara. No need for James to stammer out an excuse, no need for J’onn to pretend to be Kara. She would get to be at her side while she recovers.
Lena would still figure out that Sam and Reign are one and the same, and she would still want to help Sam. If Lena had known Kara’s secret when she figured out that Sam was Reign and started treating her, she could have reached out to Kara, before proceeding to use Kryptonite, thereby avoiding all of the drama involving that (the fallout over Kryptonite, Kara getting James to break into Lena’s vault, Lena asking Supergirl for her real name, etc etc).
- Kara, I have something to tell you, but I need you to promise me that you won’t involve the DEO, not even Alex.
- Okay, what’s this about? You’re worrying me.
- Okay, listen. Sam is Reign.
- What?!
- Wait, she doesn’t know that. They’re separate entities. Sam doesn’t remember anything. And I can help her, Kara. But I’m going to have to do something that you’re not going to like.
- What are you saying?
- I can figure out how to cure Sam, I know I can, but I’m going to have to use Kryptonite to subdue her.
- Lena, no, Kryptonite is dangerous. Besides, Kal took all of it long ago.
- I know how to make it, Kara. And I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need you to trust me.
- I… it’s the one thing that can hurt me, it feels like nails in my blood, you can’t imagine what that’s like.
- Which is why I’m telling you. I have to help Sam, and you need to stay away from L-Corp. You know I would never use it against you.
- I don’t like this, Lena.
- I know, I’m sorry.
- Okay.
So, Kara would likely tell at least Alex anyway, who would probably be conflicted over the whole thing, but at least nothing is hidden, and she might be able to help. The DEO will eventually get involved once the other two Worldkillers head for Reign and by extension L-Corp, but there would be less suspicion and blame falling on Lena. They might even welcome her knowledge of making Kryptonite, once it becomes apparent they will need it, like James initially suggested that Supergirl would be grateful.
Another possibility is that with Kara and Alex on her side, L-Corp and the DEO could have joined forces and actually figured out a way to deal with Reign and save Sam, before the other Worldkillers found her and without Harun-El.
6. Argo
Kara would tell Lena that she’s basically leaving for an indefinite amount of time to be with her mother on a surviving piece of her home. How would people explain Kara’s disappearance, if she hadn’t returned, really? It’s only plot luck that this didn’t turn into some drama.
7. Mercy Graves
During the attack on L-Corp Kara would not need to hide and pretend to be helpless and Lena would not need to protect her. She’d make up some excuse for them to split up, so Kara can go and change, and the fight would be over just like that.
Lena would obviously still make the anti-kryptonite suit for Kara, maybe even do it a bit earlier as a precaution, considering season 3.
8. Alex’s mind wipe
Kara would have one more person to lean on and confide in about the horror that it is having to keep this secret from her own sister. Alternatively, Lena has to get wiped too, but I sincerely doubt that, since James didn’t, and he has been around the DEO and Supergirl a lot. Plot hole?  
9. Harun-El
Now I’m not actually sure anything would change here. The experiments Lena performed at L-Corp were likely highly classified, though she might discuss the whole giving humans superpowers and curing every disease ever a bit more with Kara, or possibly Alex, since they might end up developing a friendship a bit earlier had Lena known. I don’t think this plot string would be too different overall, some minor ripples.  
10. Lex
Lena would still help Lex and be betrayed by Eve. But this time it’s Kara by her side, when they go after Eve. Kara would likely be a bit more understanding when they find the Harun-El and Lena confesses she’s been working with it.
Lena might actually be even more afraid of telling Kara this time around. It’s one thing telling her best friend she was working with her brother and trying to save him, it’s another to tell Supergirl. But she’ll have to do it sooner or later.
There will be no drama of the type “Supergirl’s been there for me, but my best friend hasn’t”. It would be Kara by her side at the prison while she reads the bull from Lex’s diaries. They will find the link to Kaznia together, and let me just say, this time Lena’s probably flying SuperAir. Once again, what was she doing taking a defenceless reporter on a quest to find her murderous xenophobic brother, best friend or not? Kara can just fly them away from the building, no biggie, who needs an actual exit. They can discuss together what the shrine of pictures of them in Red Daughter’s room meant.
Lena would likely still end up killing Lex, but this time, if he’s under the impression that she doesn’t know, she can be the one to have the final laugh, then go to game night and get to talk about what happened and the gravity of shooting her own brother, instead of pretending to be fine and not dying inside.
 Aaand half the drama of season 5 that we haven’t even begun to see yet.
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loopy777 · 5 years
If you were told to write a spiderman series, with the regular high school/college love triangle shenanigans involving the usual ladies of Peter's life, only with the twist that in the end Spiderman/Black Cat would be the actual couple of the series, how would you go about writing them? Also what do you think the good and bad things about a series focused the ship would be?
(Sorry for the delay. The most recent chapter of Traitor’s Face insisted that every single thing I wrote for it needed to be completely rewritten at one point or another.)
Huh, now this is a new idea. It reminds me of how the 90’s animated series started with Felicia Hardy, no Black Cattiness at all, as the main love interest. And for some reason she was a cheap knock-off of Gwen Stacy for something like four seasons. I can only guess that they came up with the character first, and then stuck a random name on her from the comics.
However, if they *did* start with the idea of using Felicia, I understand how they wound up having to add so much to the character. The first big problem with the concept is that she essentially doesn’t have any character besides being the Black Cat. So anything that tried to make her the winning Love Interest would either need to bring Felicia into Peter’s civilian life and flesh her out as something more than a costumed adventurer/criminal/hero, or make the focus of the stories on his life as Spider-Man. You know, maybe do something like the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon and make him a pro-hero all the time.
The second big problem is the Black Cat’s weird status with her powers. If she doesn’t have any powers, she’s just a Catwoman knock-off. For a short while she had generic Cat powers, but that’s nothing that’s going to put her on the map. Her ‘true’ power, as far as I’m concerned, is her Bad Luck thing; it plays well on her full theme, it’s fairly unique, and it’s something that can be presented in a dynamic way, with her opponents continually encountering ridiculous bad luck as they try to impede her. But there’s no real origin for those powers, is there? She got them from Kingpin (in a story I haven’t read) and as far as I know the exact method by which he gave her those specific powers isn’t known; it’s incidental to plot point of her going to Kingpin in the first place. So a full, meaningful origin would have to be invented for those powers, too.
The final thing that needs to be created for the Black Cat is a reason to stick around long-term. She dips in and out of the comics because, when she isn’t romantically involved with Spidey, there’s really no reason for her to be in the story. She pursues her own goals, which can take her away from Spidey’s drama.
With all that in mind, here’s a possible scenario I came up with to answer the question.
Set during college years, Felicia and Peter are childhood friends, once being part of a Three Amigos thing with Flash Thompson before Flash became a bully. All three came from messed up histories, with Peter being the orphan raised by his aunt and uncle, Flash having an alcoholic father, and Felicia having something more complicated that we’ll get into. What Peter doesn’t know is that Flash turned against him because Flash fell in love with Felicia, but she had feelings for Peter. Peter never noticed because in high school he was a total nerd who didn’t feel lovable, and after that he was too distracted by Spider-stuff.
Anyway, Felicia’s backstory is that her family was super-poor until her father started working for the Kingpin as a spy, enforcer, and coordinator/boss of Kingpin’s thieves. Their family had to hide that Daddy was involved in organized crime. After Felicia got into college, though, things became more strained, as her father couldn’t deal with all the super-heroes who have been chipping away at Kingpin’s empire, especially that insufferable Spider-Man! But Kingpin has made a deal with an evil scientist (maybe Norman Osborn, maybe the Jackal, maybe even Doc Ock) who has developed a counter for Spider-Man: a 'Bad Luck’ power that’s actually an unconscious psionic defensive ability to alter the immediate future. It’s a direct counter to Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense, which is an unconscious precognitive defensive ability.
For reasons, this can only be given to one person. Perhaps having too many Bad Luck people around compounds the effect? Or maybe Kingpin fears the power’s subtle nature, and doesn’t want to pass it around too much. Perhaps a few other limited people are given the power, but they only come into the story on rare occasions, like when Felicia needs to deal with a Shadow Archetype.
So Felicia becomes the Black Cat, and becomes an apprentice to her father. She battles Spider-Man, but isn’t entirely committed to the idea. She’s a good person, and doesn’t like the Kingpin or the way his empire hurts people. But she’s loyal to her family, and if she doesn’t do something about Spider-Man, her dad will be killed. She’s also juggling her college like, because she wants to eventually get out of being a criminal.
This all gets complicated when Felicia’s Bad Luck ability sets into motion a sequence of events that end with her finding out that Peter is Spider-Man, with Spidey unaware.
So we settle into our storytelling engine, where Spidey encounters some crime or adventure. If it doesn’t involve the Kingpin, then Black Cat helps him out because she wants to protect her buddy Peter. If the Kingpin is involved, Spidey and Black Cat can find themselves on opposite sides; in those cases, Black Cat obviously is trying to hold back against Spidey, and because he can sense this, he holds back against her, too. He even becomes rather taken with her.
This frustrates Felicia to no end, for obvious reasons.
Throw in the complication that, in their civilian lives, Flash is dealing with his family history and trying to be a better person as he goes through college. He tries again with Felicia, who both feels bad for him and is frustrated that Peter is more interested in her alter-ego. And there’s the outgoing Mary Jane Watson who seems interested in Peter, and he in her.
A change in the dynamic can happen if Peter discovers Black Cat’s secret identity. Perhaps he doesn’t realize that she knows who he is, and she doesn’t know that he knows about her in turn, so hilarity ensues as they’re both unaware that they could end all these complications with a very simple conversation.
Another 'end of an era’ switch-up can happen if the Kingpin gets taken down, but not necessarily Felicia’s father with him. I like the idea of replacing Kingpin as the big bad with Norman Osborn, and Osborn discovering Peter’s identity can mess around things. Perhaps Felicia’s father even teams up with Osborn, dragging her into the conflict. The love triangle could be messed up by Harry Osborn getting involved and pursuing Felicia or the Black Cat- or both!
I’m thinking we also need to eventually do something for the Black Costume Saga, so that Flash has the opportunity to become Agent Venom and get involved in the super-heroics that his childhood friends are perpetrating. It would be interesting if Agent Venom is working for SHIELD or somesuch government agency, and both Spider-Man and Black Cat can be wanted felons by that point, so they’re both fighting Flash without realizing it. Bonus points if Flash’s superiors include a corrupt character who is running a criminal sideline.
I’m keeping to the spirit of this idea as a comic book, so I don’t have a definite endgame. Obviously, Peter and Felicia would have to become fully aware of each other’s identities and knowledge. Perhaps Flash’s death is what inspires them to finally try to commit to each other, or else the defeat of a major villain, which might wind up being Felicia’s father as their ultimate enemy. I don’t think I’d have them give up their superheroics afterward, but it probably depends on all the drama and trauma they’ve suffered through at that point. Since the speculative scenario is that I’m writing a real comic book with this storyline, I need to keep my options open for either getting canceled after twelves issues or going over a hundred.
The main appeal of this kind of series, I think, is that the female lead gets to be involved in both the civilian soap opera stuff and the superhero drama. It’s always hard to get the love interest involved with the superheroics, Lois Lane being the exception to prove the rule. In every other case, I loathe it when the Reporter job is used, because it feels so derivative of Lois.
The main weakness of this series, I’m thinking, is that excuses have to be generated to keep Spidey and Black Cat from just talking things through and teaming up. Their relationship needs to remain in a constant state of volatility, although sometimes at a low simmer, and that can become contrived.
Also, as shown by my plans here, the end-ship is going to be telegraphed from the start. I think it’s futile to try to make the Black Cat a dark horse in the romantic race like Mary Jane was, because MJ’s success was an accidental result of many contributing factors, including the transition from Stan Lee to Gerry Conway as the primary Spider-Man writer, and then the promotional mandate that had the newspaper comic strip’s marriage between Peter and MJ forced on the main comic line.
Also, I’m not one for real love triangles in fiction. Done right, it just seems like a good way to alienate at least half the audience at the end, while being done poorly is just going to make the ending obvious anyway. It’s fine to throw in spoilers every now and then, but any romance I write is going to end in a predictable way, and the audience is just there to enjoy the ride.
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blancasplayground · 6 years
Best and Worst of AoS Season 5
Here is my season five postmortem, in the form of a roundup of what I loved and didn't love. It got really long, so I won't spend too much time on the intro. Let's just dive in. Obviously, major spoilers for the entirety of the season follow.
Best: The Future
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For the first half of season five it felt like the team was stuck in a dystopian YA novel. In a good way. It was a bold move to completely change the look and feel of the show, but it worked from both a narrative and production standpoint. Not only did it make the best use of the reduced budget, since they could film primarily indoors on smaller-scale sets, but they didn't have to deal with the goings on in the MCU back home (that would come later -- and it's not on the "best" list). Creating a future from scratch requires tremendous imagination and planning, and they delivered a rich backdrop. I was sorry to leave behind the characters we met there, like Tess and Flint. Of course, they had to return to the present eventually, but they did a really good job of world-building for those episodes.
Worst: Contradicting Time Theories
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The showrunners have said in interviews that there were a lot of heated discussions in the writer's room about time travel logic, and it shows. Back in the season-three episode "Spacetime" they gave us one answer (which happened to be one I really liked) -- time is an illusion. As Fitz explained, the past, present and future happen simultaneously. We just experience it in a linear way because we're limited to the third dimension. So it cannot be changed. But when they blew up the Earth for the season’s main storyline, they also blew up that theory, because they HAD to change the future now. They weren't going to allow the world to be cracked apart. It's not that kind of show. Plus, they’re still tied to the MCU, so they couldn't let that future play out. And yet, when they returned to the past they had characters still behaving as if it were fixed (the whole "invincible three" idea, which so many people disliked), but trying to change it anyway. Either the future is pre-determined or it isn't. Trying to have it both ways makes for sloppy and confusing stories. It also gives viewers a headache.
Best: Fitz's Journey
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Fitz's absence was notable in the first few episodes, but to make up for it we got "Rewind," one of the best episodes of the season. We saw Fitz struggling with his dark side, only to have to embrace it in the future to save Jemma and Daisy in the most badass way (a total "baller move" as Daisy put it). The blend of pre- and post-Framework Fitz was exactly what they needed at the time. Unfortunately, it may have opened the door for The Doctor to take control in "The Devil Complex." He got a chance to marry the love of his life, but that happiness was short lived. His psychological break (which was an incredible reveal and riveting to watch from an acting standpoint) and what he did to Daisy split the team and the audience, sparking a lot of debate about the nature of good and evil both on screen and off. Which, I think, was exactly the point. Was he redeemable? Could he have learned to control his dark side? Could the team ever learn to accept this new version of Fitz and his morally questionable, yet undeniably effective, methods? We'll never know. Which brings me to . . .
Worst: Fitz's Death
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(Jemma gif because I can’t watch that death scene anymore.) 
(But this is almost as bad.)
We've been over this, and the wounds are still fresh, so I won't rehash what so many others have said more eloquently. I will point out that the issue is not with the death itself. They had to do it in order to bring back Cryo Fitz (or perhaps because they knew they could), who hasn't experienced the majority of season five. It's an intriguing idea, and should open up a lot of pathways for his story next season. Also, it gave Iain another chance to show off his crazy talent (like he needed more this season, but whatever, we're grateful). It's just the way they did it, and the fact that anyone thought this would be an acceptable sendoff for a fan-favorite character if it really was the last episode. The fake-out (which wasn't even a proper fake out because they REALLY DID have to bury Fitz) undercut what should have been a bigger moment -- Phil's departure and impending death as well. They botched it, plain and simple, and there's no taking that back.
Best: Philinda Endgame
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They took their time getting there, but May and Coulson finally expressed their feelings for each other (at least, the human versions), each in their own signature way. May finally telling Phil she loved him just to shut him up was classic May. And that kiss behind the shield ought to go down as one of most iconic TV kisses in history. I sincerely hope they get lots of parasailing in, and, despite it being a lovely sendoff, that we'll see one or both of them back next season. Incidentally, I believe the fact that Robin drew the two of them on the beach in Tahiti before they changed the future means that they wound up together in the previous version of the loop too. Of course, Phil had to be gone to allow May to become Robin's mom, and now I'm giving myself a headache again. See what you've done, season five!
Worst: Team Infighting
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This show is never better than when the characters work together as a team, whether it's on an action-packed mission or simply solving a problem on the ground. Which makes the decision to split everyone up along multiple fault lines later in the season a confusing and super frustrating move that wasn't at all fun to watch. Families fight, sure, but the divisions this year were deep, involving the loss of trust and respect, and the questioning of each other's core moral principles. These are not minor squabbles. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish by stepping up the tension and having them take sides against each other in the face of their greatest challenge yet, but I don't think it worked out the way they wanted it to. I would love to see everyone come back together and be a family again, as long as it's done realistically without sacrificing characterization.
Best: Graviton
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With this season possibly being the last, the writers took the opportunity to pick up a thread they'd left dangling in episode three. Ever since the introduction of gravitonium way back when, fans have been wondering if the show would follow through and deliver the major comic-book villain Graviton. Considering this season could have been the show's swan song, it was a good time to deliver on that promise. And they did, in a way that was surprising yet somehow fitting. Glenn Talbot has been a thorn in Coulson's side since he showed at the end of season one, so to have him become the final Big Bad is a satisfying, if tragic, fate for the character. Especially since, in his twisted mind, he believed he was doing the right thing, right up until the end.
Worst: Ruby Red Herring
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Sorry Dove Cameron fans, but the show let your girl down. Despite the potential in her first few episodes, Ruby never lived up to the compelling, cutthroat (or cut-arm, haha) villain they set her up to be (her hooded alter ego never even got a cool villain nickname). As it turned out, she was only there as a distraction, to confuse the characters and the audience about the real identity of the Destroyer of Worlds. And just as she was getting interesting -- the way she watched and mimicked Fitzsimmons alone told us more about her cold upbringing and the lack of human connection in a few moments than we got in all her episodes before that -- they killed her off to give the team something else to fight about.
Best: Nostalgic Callbacks and Fan Service
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We got so many callbacks to previous seasons throughout season five. Maybe it's because the writers knew there was a chance this would be the last year, so they packed in as many references to the history of the show as they could. There was also the milestone 100th episode, which naturally lent itself to looking back. In addition to paying off older plot points (see above re: Graviton) they directly acknowledged their loyal viewers with that "small but active fan base" line. It was exciting seeing Mike again. And good to have Davis back too, with his mysterious survival story (that I hope they never reveal). Not to mention Hunter (which I will, down below). These were all gifts to long-time fans and we ate them up.
Worst: Infinity War Tie-In
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If you're going to go there (and yeah, they had to, given the show's history), then fully commit to it, rather than using the cop out of ending the season just before the movie's biggest moment. Anyone who's seen it knows that the ending could potentially have a major impact on the show. So embrace that (imagine Phil handing Mack the keys to Lola, only to watch them fall to the ground). Or they could have used the multiverse to disconnect from the MCU once and for all. There were already so many questions going into the finale, whether they would or wouldn't go through with the snap was one debate I could have lived without. And it's still up in the air as to whether it will be a factor next season. Given that the airdate is after the next movie comes out, I'm inclined to think not, but I kind of wish we didn't even have to worry about it.
Bonus Bests:
The Return of Lance Hunter
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Every single moment he was in was pure gold. I really hope we haven't seen the last of him.
Fitzsimmons Wedding
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I mean, obviously. So beautiful and emotional. A shining moment of light to balance the darkness of the rest of the season..
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I love Deke. End of story. He is still around and he will be back. See my explanation post here. I have no official confirmation of this, I'm just thinking positively.
One final note: These gifs were pulled from all over. I’m still rather new to Tumblr, so if you see something that’s yours and would like credit, let me know (and also if you could let me know how to do it that would be great).
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The 65 absolute best moments from 'The Office'
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Fact: The Office is now and will always be one of the greatest television shows of all time.
The NBC comedy, which debuted in 2005, followed the extraordinarily amusing lives of Michael Scott, Jim Halpert, Pam Beesley, and other employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. And even though The Office has been off the air since 2013, fans have yet to stop obsessing over the nine glorious seasons.
While everyone impatiently awaits a possible revival, which John Krasinski already has planned, we figured it'd be wise to take a look back and cherish some of The Office's best moments.
SEE ALSO: 'The Office' hasn’t been revived yet, but at least we have Angela’s YouTube channel
From entire episodes like "Dinner Party," to small but hilariously written and acted cold opens — like the time Kevin spilled his chili — here's a comprehensive list of 65 best moments from The Office. 
1. The Dundies
Nothing beats your first Dundies! So let's kick this list off by taking a trip back to Chilli's to see Michael in his prime as a host and Jim and Pam share their first real kiss. 👀
2. Dwight blasting "Everybody Hurts" in his car
In Season 2, episode 4 — "The Fire" — Dwight gets jealous of Michael's budding relationship with new temp Ryan Howard. After a fire alarm causes Dunder Mifflin employees to evacuate to the parking lot, he's seen hardcore brooding in the car. Dwight, windows down, slumped in the driver's seat, blasting "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M., will forever be one of the Biggest Moods out there.
3. "Ryan Started the Fire"
Another equally gorgeous moment in "The Fire," occurs when Dwight bounces back from his brooding to belt a parody of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire."
After learning the beloved temp Ryan accidentally started the fire in the office by leaving his cheese pita in the toaster oven (set to "oven" instead of "toaster"), Dwight sings "Ryan Started the Fire" while waving the charred cheese pita in the air.
4. Jim and Pam having a roof date AND sharing headphones
In "The Client," (Season 2, episode 7) Jim and Pam spend the night sitting in lawn chairs on the roof while watching Dwight set off fireworks. Jim makes his "famous" grilled cheese sandwiches and Pam brings drinks and a freaking candle. Then later, before saying goodbye, they SHARE HEADPHONES, which is such an important moment that Mashable.com already mentions it in two other articles. Has there ever been a more wholesome 1:14 of television?
5. "Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration" 
In the eight seasons since the world finally met the love of Phyllis' life, Bob Vance, we've had the pleasure of listening to him introduce himself many many times. Nothing, however, will ever beat the first.
6. The teapot
As Season 2's stressful holiday party comes to an end, Jim's thoughtful Secret Santa gift finally makes its way to the intended recipient, Pam. Jim (clearly smitten to hell) gets her a tea pot she wanted but FILLS IT WITH BONUS GIFTS, including several cute and sentimental inside jokes like hot sauce packets, a mini golf pencil, and his dorky high school yearbook photo. Swoon city!
7. Jim's "Booze Cruise" confession 
Season 2, episode 11 aka "Booze Cruise" is a doozy. In a touching scene on the boat, Jim finally reveals his feelings for Pam to Michael. Surprisingly, Michael replies with some truly inspiring advice.
8. Michael's grilled foot
Season 2, episode 12's "The Injury" is one of the greatest The Office moments. Michael burns his foot by stepping on a George Foreman grill, which he places on his bedroom floor because he likes to wake up to the smell of bacon. Understandable. It's a beautiful, overdramatic episode filled with crutches, Country Crock, and Michael trying to shove his foot into Dwight's MRI machine.
9. Pam's voicemails
"The Carpet" (Season 2, episode 14) starts super gross and ends super sweet. Jim's feeling a bit sad after being isolated from Pam all day due to a temporary desk switch, but when he checks his voicemail before leaving for the day he finds he's a bunch of messages from her! Aww. Luv.
10. When Ryan hooked up with Kelly but didn't check the date
In Season 2, episode 16, after finally hooking up with Kelly Kapoor on Valentine's Day eve, Ryan Howard utters perhaps his most iconic line in the series.
11. Dwight's bobblehead
Unlike Ryan, Dwight had a great Valentine's Day, because a secret admirer *cough* Angela *cough* gave him a bobblehead doll of himself. Watch as Dwight experiences true joy.
12. Jim gets jinxed
In Season 2, episode 20 — "Drug Testing" — Pam jinxes Jim for the entire day and really makes the most of it. After poking a little too much fun at him, however, she goes out and buys a Coke so he can purchase it from her and un-jinx himself. 
13. Dwight "Honorary Security Advisor" K. Schrute
In "Drug Testing," a guilty Michael also has Dwight inducted as "Honorary Security Advisor" of Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Hugh Dane, who played Hank the security guard, did the honors, and when the actor recently died Rainn Wilson shared the scene on social media.
RIP Hugh Dane, aka Hank the security guard. He was one of the greats. So kind, funny, talented. We will all miss him. Donations can be made in his name to: https://t.co/z1SAqamWMM pic.twitter.com/ysevEZKOjy
— RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) June 4, 2018
14. "Casino Night" confession
Hello, yes. You knew Jim's parking lot declaration of love was going to be on this list. We finally get to see Jim tell Pam his true feelings and it's SO MUCH. When John Krasinski says, "I just needed you to know... once," and "I'm sorry I misinterpreted our friendship," who on this planet did not die? Not to mention, THE KISS. WHAT A KISS. 
15. Michael walking down to "the warehouse"
"Grief Counseling" (Season 3, episode 4) begins with a hilarious and underrated cold open in which Michael pretends to walk down the stairs to the warehouse. The ultimate dad joke.
16. Good Grief counseling
Later in the episode, Michael leads a grief counseling session where the Dunder Mifflin employees tell stories about losing loved ones. Turns out, they're actually just death scenes from movies.
17. The bird funeral
Wow, "Grief Counseling" again! Great episode. Gotta love this bird funeral complete with moving speeches, Pam singing, and Dwight playing his recorder. RIP BIRD.
18. Stanley on Pretzel Day
If you want to see Stanley Hudson shine, look no further than "Initiation" (Season 3, episode 5,) where the man gets to indulge in his annual free pretzel.
19. The phone call
Jim hasn't spoken to Pam since he transferred to the Stamford branch, but in Season 3, episode 5, the two accidentally share a phone call and pick up right where they left off. They talk about Michael, how many words per minute they type, and Pam confusing 28 Days with 28 Days Later. Romantic shit, people!
20. Phyllis' ultimate burn
After Stamford-turned-Scranton employee Karen Filippelli reveals she's allergic to her new desk mate Phyllis' perfume, Phyllis delivers this scathing hot burn: "Bob Vance bought this perfume for me in Metropolitan Orlando. It's made from real pine."
21. "Lazy Scranton"
Michael and Dwight present "Lazy Scranton," a parody of Saturday Night Live's "Lazy Sunday," to get everyone pumped about working in The Electric City post-merger.
22. Prison Mike
After someone claims prison would be nicer than working at Dunder Mifflin, Michael Scott introduces the staff to Prison Mike — one of his many alter egos. In "The Convict," Prison Mike memorably explains the worst thing about prison... the dementors.
23. Angela's karaoke debut
Angela rarely comes out of her shell, but in "A Benihana Christmas," she makes the office floor her stage and sings a very tame rendition of "The Little Drummer Boy."
24. The ceiling prank
Although it ended in Andy punching a hole in the wall in a fit of rage and being forced to attend anger management classes, the prank where Jim put Andy's phone in the ceiling tiles was quite fun.
25. The missing key
Behold: The Season 3, episode 17 cold open in which Michael unsuccessfully attempts to escape from a straight jacket.
26. Creed eating a potato
"Safety Training" (Season 3, episode 20) is an utterly delightful episode. The Scranton office gets into placing bets against each other, one of which is whether or not Creed will notice if his apple is replaced with a potato. Spoiler alert: He doesn't.
27. "Lord beer me strength"
Jim puts his own fun spin on Andy's famous saying in "Product Recall" (Season 3, episode 21). It gets a laugh, like a quarter of the time.
28. Mall day
Sometimes you just need a day with the girls to figure your life out. Michael learns this in the "Women's Appreciation" episode, when he takes the ladies of Dunder Mifflin to the mall. They hit the food court, give him some much-needed advice about his relationship with Jan, and then he takes them on a shopping spree to Victoria's Secret. Not inappropriate at all.
29. Andy floating away
In "Beach Games" — episode 23 of the third season — Angela tries to sabotage the games (so Dwight will win) by letting Andy drift away in the lake while wearing an inflatable sumo wrestling suit. Andy repeatedly asks her to go get help. She doesn't.
30. The yogurt lid
During "The Job," Jim's mid-interview with David Wallace when he discovers a sweet note and a gold medal yogurt lid from the "Office Olympics" episode. Pam hides them to encourage Jim, and they inspire him to return to Scranton and ask Pam on a date. One ticket back to swoon city, please!
31. Michael hitting Meredith with his car
Season 4, episode 1 starts with a bang, and that bang is the sound of Michael hitting Meredith with his car. Later, Michael holds a Fun Run to raise money for rabies awareness, carbo loads, and throws up fettuccine alfredo, saying, "While I eventually puked my guts out, I never puked my heart out." The best. 
32. The DVD logo
In the thrilling cold open of "Launch Party" (Season 4, episode 3,) the staff watches on the edge of their seats, waiting for the DVD logo on the TV screensaver to hit the corner of the screen. When it finally does, they cheer, and Michael assumes it's because of him.
33. Devil Wears Prada day
In "Money," the seventh episode of Season 4, it's very clear Michael's obsessed with Meryl Streep's character in The Devil Wears Prada.
34. Dwight's bed and breakfast
This is also the episode in which Jim and Pam stay at Dwight's family farm turned bed and breakfast. If you recall Dwight READS THEM A BED TIME STORY from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
35. Michael driving into Lake Scranton
If there's one thing we learned from Season 4, episode 3 of The Office, it's that your GPS is not always correct.
36. The entire "Dinner Party" episode
It's impossible to choose just one best moment from "Dinner Party." The Season 4 episode gives viewers a rare and hilarious AF glimpse at Michael and Jan's home life — complete with bizarre sleeping arrangements, a tiny plasma television, and a catchy AF single. Even the cast loved this episode.
37. Michael singing "Goodbye Toby"
"Goodbye Toby" was the episode Michael dreamed of since the series began. Toby's headed to Costa Rica but not before a parking lot party, a proposal, and Michael's rendition of "Goodbye Stranger" by Supertramp.
38. Jim proposing to Pam
It might not seem like the most romantic setting, but Jim's spontaneous gas station in the rain proposal is one for the books.
39. Dwight's fire drill
One of the greatest cold opens of all time is in the Season 5 episode, "Stress Relief," when Dwight starts a fire to teach the office about fire safety. Chaos ensues, Angela throws her cat through the ceiling, and Stanley straight-up has a heart attack. #SaveBandit
40. CPR training
Michael also attempts to perform CPR on a model in the two-part "Stress Relief" episode, but the office winds up singing "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees instead. A truly glorious moment where Kelly dances like all of us.
41. The roast of Michael Scott
In "Stress Relief," Michael decides to hold a roast for himself — which is, of course, hilarious — but the real laughs come near the end of the episode when he fires back at his employees. Michael goes around the office flawlessly burning each of his coworkers, declaring, "BOOM, ROASTED," when he's finished. It's so funny even Stanley LOLs.
41. Kevin tragically spills chili
RIP Kevin's homemade chili. You lived a good, extremely short life, appearing only briefly in "Casual Friday" (Season 5, episode 26).
42. Phyllis' hug selling for $1,000
Dunder Mifflin's holding an auction to raise money after the office was robbed and the highest bid just so happens to be for a freakin' hug from Phyllis. After an intense bidding war, Dwight surrenders to Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.
43. Andy trapping Dwight
It's a duel for Angela's love and Andy's not holding back. He tapes a note to some bushes to lure Dwight, then stealthily drives up behind him in his silent Toyota Prius at about 1mph and traps him. An impressive feat.
44. Kelly's Hillary Swank freak out
In "Prince Family Paper," the thirteenth episode of Season 5, the office tries to decide whether or not Hilary Swank is "hot." When the group is unable to reach an agreement, Kelly has very relatable outburst in which she realizes that if people don't think Hilary Swank is hot they must not think she's hot either, and storms out of the room.
45. Soup snakes
"Company Picnic" (Season 5, episode 28) is a special one. The Dunder Mifflin branches come together to compete in a series of challenges, but amidst the chaos Michael admits he and Holly are "soup snakes" (mispronouncing "soul mates").
Cute Fact: Mindy Kaling used the term "soup snakes" to describe her IRL relationship with B.J. Novak. ~ swoon city, bitch ~
46. Pam's pregnant
"Company Picnic" is also the episode in which Jim and Pam learn she's pregnant. GRAB THE TISSUES!
48. Jim's wardrobe adjustment
Another two-part episode, "Niagara," shows the highly anticipated wedding of Jim and Pam. But right before the two are about to head into the church Pam's veil tears. Jim's response? Cutting his tie in half.
49. Embarrassing 4ever
And what would Jim and Pam's wedding be without their friends recreating a viral video and dancing down the aisle to Chris Brown's "Forever" despite being asked not to?
50. Michael joins the Mafia
In the sixth episode of Season 6 of The Office, Dwight and Andy convince Michael that an insurance salesman interested in working with Dunder Mifflin is a member of the mafia. They go to out to lunch, say "gabagool" a lot, and Michael orders a salad ON THE SIDE.
51. The Lip Dub
Season 7 of the show begins with the Dunder Mifflin crew attempting to go viral by recording a lip dub of The Human Beinz's song, "Nobody but Me." Just watch.
52. Dwight doing Pretty Woman
In "Counseling," (Season 7, episode 2), Dwight pulls a "Pretty Woman" and returns to a store in the mall that refused to serve him. Turns out, the employees were simply terrified of his beet juice-stained hands, which looked bloody. He makes amends, but still manages to deliver the iconic Julia Roberts line.
53. The happy and sad boxes
In the "Ultimatum" episode, Erin helps Michael prep for potentially good or bad news regarding Holly. They create two boxes, one filled with happy things, and one with sad things. A truly brilliant method of dealing with news and we should all take note.
54. Creed attempting a cartwheel
Ah, watching Creed thinking he achieved his goal of successfully doing a cartwheel in Season 7, episode 13, is one of the most simple joys out there.
55. Threat Level Midnight
In Season 7, episode 7, after more than 10 years of hard work and preparation, Michael screens his action movie: Threat Level Midnight.
56. Kelly explains text message subtext
Kelly gets REAL when it comes to analyzing Darryl's texts to Val from the warehouse in Season 8, episode 16, and we could all use her wisdom in our lives. Five dots, Darryl??? Are you kidding me?
57. Michael proposes to Holly
You will cry so many tears watching Michael propose to Holly in episode 19 of Season 7 that it'll look like a sprinkler system went off.
58. "Seasons of Love"
In Michael's second-to-last episode and final Dudies ceremony, the office honors him with a beautiful rendition of "Seasons of Love" from Rent.
59. Goodbye, Michael
Episode 22 of Season 7 requires a big old box of tissues. Michael's leaving a day earlier than he told everyone and says heartfelt goodbyes to all his co-workers except Pam. Luckily, Jim catches on and drives Pam to meet Michael at the airport before his flight takes off.
60. Daryl's daughter classing up Christmas
Daryll's daughter Jada singlehandedly saves "Classy Christmas" — perhaps the worst holiday party to ever hit the office — by joyously handing out vending machine snacks to everyone. So wholesome, ugh.
61. Ryan's final declaration of love
Scared of losing Kelly to a successful doctor, Ryan pulls out the big guns and declares his love with the help of poetry and a horse.
62. Asian Jim
From sticking belongings in Jell-O and making mega desks, to tampering with vending machines and more, Jim's played some great pranks on Dwight over the years, but Asian Jim was a next-level effort.
63. Darryl's farewell dance
The office busts a move to bid Darryl farewell in Season 9's "A.A.R.M" episode, though it's Oscar who really steals the show.
64. The Note
Remember THE TEAPOT? Well, at the last minute Jim hid the card to Pam he'd included in the box, and gives it to her years later (along with a DVD of highlights from their relationship) to save their marriage.
Jenna Fischer still has the note, too!
Awwww...Cleaning out my desk and I just found Pam's teapot note. #swoon
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) October 24, 2013
65. Michael returns for Dwight's wedding
MICHAEL RETURNS for his BFF's wedding to Angela, because what would this wedding be without one last "that's what she said" joke? If the series had to come to an end, the only way we'd want to do it is with the whole gang back together again. It's emotional AF, but "Finale" does a good job of wrapping up this brilliant journey.
To catch more best moments from Michael, Jim, Creed, Kelly, Angela, Kevin, and the your favorite paper salespeople, you can re-watch the series on Netflix. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get that revival.
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The dog days from summer season are actually precisely after our team, going by the variety of pesky pet dogs and individuals to become found gadding about in nooky-conscious neighborhoods from The U. If you enjoyed this write-up and you would such as to receive more details concerning mountains in scotland to climb (simply click the next internet site) kindly see our own web site. S.A.. If the game possessed one objective, one story, one ending, one reddish threat to adhere to, that will reduce the individuality of every players take in or even worse, this would say to those that have certainly not entirely recognized the video game or misunderstood that, that their point of views mistake as well as they rather must believe what the hivemind and/or maker have made that to imply. Yet our company actually possess enough overall, all-round put-downs, as well as our team don't need to switch pompous in to yet one more one, especially when this already possesses such a great certain significance. . Leo Silver, the northeast region agent has actually been actually attending the exact same useless rah rah treatments for 3 years and the appointments are actually constantly the same. I adore the ending of the game exceptionally despite the fact that eventually this's just a bonus. Which was actually achieved for a pair of year time period with me about HALF basics from the game simultaneously (you may certainly never truly get away from it) and also which functioned tremendously (type of) until the time her mom and also I divided. Many people have actually cultivated a steadfast canine consume canine" attitude about the globe, throwing stability to the wind for enhanced private increase. However, folks with bipolar II typically have persistent anxieties which can easily make adapting incredibly tough. That individual's pretentious use of terms hides the fact that they carry out not possess just about anything of substance to state. That's due to the fact that today (just like at that time), individuals misuse words ostentatious" all the damn time. 1st hint that you are actually certainly not business owner material ... is if you are looking for a quick and easy or even quick way to develop riches. The in video game anecdotal purpose from the island may be taken as the actual objective of the video game, if you prefer this to possess one. And also ill-treating the word ostentatious" is probably one of one of the most ostentatious factors an individual can possibly do. Second of all, the same speech all the time to folks that agree to occasionally pay attention, however have certainly not been actually certified, is actually a waste of time. Most people search their whole entire lifestyle for financial independence as well as certainly never discover that they have everything they actually need right before all of them. It's certainly not tough to see that it has a lot more ability to emphasize emotions in folks along with simply the colour orange vs an image of a tree. Entrepreneurs determine problems as well as begin focusing on their solution faster in comparison to other individuals. So I ONE HUNDRED% will The Witness a couple of times earlier, obtained this a few weeks back after reading through the meeting where he aspires to produce something like GR, I in fact mounted windows simply to play it. I'm certainly not a major puzzle individual and also this is definitely the very first new video game I've played in approximately 2 years. He goned on opportunity for his appointment, however was actually maintained awaiting 2 hours in a small hanging around room along with very old publications till he was called in. The very first step in beating your pompous designer inclinations is actually to determine all of them and acknowledge to all of them. If the video game had one target, one tale, one finishing, one reddish threat to adhere to, that will remove the uniqueness from every players experience or even much worse, this would certainly tell those that have certainly not totally know the video game or even misunderstood it, that their viewpoints are wrong as well as they as an alternative need to believe what the hivemind and/or designer have actually created this to mean. When he started out however he has gotten to an aspect where he spews saying will political statements that folks presently understand, Banksy was alright. Lots of people along with bipolar II perform certainly not experience hypersexuality, but it was actually coming to be a trouble for Wendy. Generally, whether or not a particular factor might be thought about ostentatious is dependent on the onlooker. Listed here's a summary of the game Take note, though, that the hyperlink may be a little swayed against the activity and its own designers. And difficult though this might be to take, being actually pompous belongs of exactly what our team perform on a daily basis. Sorry to differ so absolutely but it kills me that this polluted an activity that is actually or else therefore spectacular that it sets a completely brand new specification. I wish that you'll adore me enough to accomplish 1, 2, 3 and also 4 when my ego gets out of control. Pretension specifies the amateur against the specialist in an activity rigged by practice, qualifications as well as institutional commendation. This is actually not a ready anybody that dislikes that when things are actually left unanswered and those that do have problem finding their very own account during the course of the method of playing the game. Lots of people are actually much also vulnerable concerning this sensation, and also this is actually perhaps a tension to possess, but it's quite hard to subsist disappear. The chrysanthemum is among one of the most resistant cut floral and it are going to decorate your residence for a long period of time, more than 2 weeks. She usually went to bed around 3 a.m. as well as will get out of bed at 7 a.m. sensation energized for her day at school. Take a great consider the developers you admire and also look up to. You'll possibly discover that the majority of the best designers around do not use pompous labels, but rather use headlines that effectively illustrate just what they perform. Also those who perform use exciting headlines commonly accomplish this in an incredibly tongue-in-cheek method and do this in limited amounts. I experienced this whole article as well as I was ready to write a complete reaction half way with the very first paragraph however then much more recognized that you are actually very bented on a different point of view compared to I presumed you would certainly have as well as I desire to make a comment on aspects that rely on different player experience and also desires, two factors that I could certainly not and would certainly certainly not would like to alter in any individual that believes that this video game is actually pretentious or even making an effort also hard. To propose a person is pretentious is to claim they are actually acting in ways they are actually not gotten approved for via take in or economical status". As the most effective treatment, cut the stalk till the environment-friendly part, placed this in high flower holder, filled up simply for 3 quarts with water as well as incorporate a decline from whitening element. Without the consents it provides - the permit to attempt brand-new knowledges, to trying out suggestions, to see if you wish to live your lifestyle yet another method - people from all type of histories are going to not be left open to distinction, to originalities or the backgrounds of their opted for field. It is actually not something numerous individuals perform when they wake up in the morning, and also like you claimed, with photographs they may be performed in various techniques to possess different colours and illumination. Individuals are actually certainly not simulating on their own, rather, their being located urbanity is actually stepping on throughout your plain-speaking reality. Leo recognized something was actually going on, however he really did not have a clue as to exactly what this Onslaught was about. Every era has performers" that typically aren't really performers but only pretentious tryhards, nowadays we just possess easier methods to discover them.
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