#sorry my brain is drained from the french homework
tunguszka20 · 5 months
what would a futuristic cat look like? (like color shape etc)
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Haikyuu!! Boys and who’s sister they’d unknowingly date
**Keep in mind, it may happen that not all of these characters actually HAVE sisters, but let’s just ~pretend~ for entertainment purposes. I also put in names for the sisters, but feel free to put your name/an OC’s name and descriptions!!**
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou and Numai.
This has taken me...days.. I kid you not. THESE ARE REALLY LONG oOps
Akaashi Keiji: 
It was during the Tokyo training camp.
Akaashi was with Bokuto, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Hinata and Lev in the 3rd gym in the middle of another 3 on 3 match.
Despite his initial concerns they weren’t doing too bad. It helps that the other team was comprised of 3 middle blockers where no one adequately knew how to set, and their newbie (Hinata) was just a *little* bit better than Lev.
“TETSURO YOU JERK!!!” They all turned towards the door where a girl wearing a black t-shirt with red athletic shorts came running in, straight towards the middle blocker. Kuroo, who had a smirk across his face began to retreat. 
“Welp, looks like it’s time for me to go. See you guys later!”
“Oh no you don’t. Where did you put my phone?! It’s been missing for over 2 hours. 2 HOURS!”
Akaashi looked at the girl, noticing she was really pretty. She had beautiful brown eyes, and her black hair was styled into two French braids, which were bouncing as she desperately tried to attack the middle blocker.
“Try checking the club room, I saw him and Bokuto go in there earlier and come out snickering like idiots,” He heard an offended gasp from Kuroo and a ‘Hey!’ from Bokuto. “Thank you, at least someone here has some decency.” Akaashi nodded.
He didn’t really know what it was but he felt intrigued by the girl and he wanted to know more about her.
“I’ll come with you, I have an idea of where they might have put it.” The girl smiled and nodded her head. As they were making their way out of the gym he heard Kuroo say ‘simp’ while Bokuto asked ‘who is’, he stopped listening after that. He spends too much time with them as it is, it’s best to preserve the brain cells he can.
“I’m Azumi by the way, thank you for helping me, you didn’t have to do that.” Akaashi smiled, “I’m Akaashi, it’s not a big deal really You’re actually doing me a favor by getting me out of there.”
The girl, Azumi laughed. ‘She has a pretty laugh..’ Akaashi’s eyes slightly widened at his thoughts. He just met the girl! What’s wrong with him.
Pushing the thought aside he continue to chat and talk with the girl, learning she was also a second year and Nekoma’s manager.
They got to the club room and started looking for the device.
“Why did they take your phone?” Azumi sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “My best guess is for their own entertainment, Tetsuro is always doing things like that.” Akaashi nodded and tried his best not to appear as disappointed as he felt.
Of course she’s dating Kuroo, he’s smart, good looking popular. Figures...
“Sometimes I wonder why out of all the people on the planet I had to get him as a brother, y’know?” Akaashi’s head shot up at her words.
‘Brother?!!?’ He almost laughed at himself. Looking at the situation now it was obvious the two were siblings. He smiled, he still had a chance.
“Yeah I know the feeling. Sometimes I think, out of all the spikers why did I have to get Bokuto.” Azumi laughed again, “I don’t think Fukurodani would still be standing if you weren’t there to reign him in. Not to mention you’re a really good setter and vice-captain.” He felt the tips of his ears turn red as he tried not to stumble over his words.
The rest of the training camp went smoothly, the two became pretty solid friends and exchanged numbers making plans to meet soon.
He went home with a smile on his face and a warm feeling in his heart.
And then he realized, he had a crush...
A crush on Kuroo’s little sister...
Washio Tatsuki: 
Washio had just gotten out of practice, a really good practice actually.
Everything went pretty smoothly, Bokuto had no tantrums, he nailed a really good spike and it was just a good day all around.
Because of this wonderful day, he figured he’d go to a café he had been wanting to try.
It was a small little coffee shop that had opened about a year ago but he hadn’t had the chance to go yet.
He walked in and was seated by the hostess at a small table by the window.
“Hi there! My name’s Yui and i’ll be your waitress today! Can I get you something to drink?” Washio looked up to see a girl, somewhere around 5′7, with white/silver hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She had the biggest smile he had ever seen, heck she was probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.
He ordered his drink (focusing hard so he wouldn’t mess up in front of the pretty girl) and she gave him another bright smile.
“Coming right up!” She walked away going behind the counter to get the drink. Apparently the girls enthusiasm was contagious, because Washio swore he was feeling better than when he and walked in here. And he was feeling pretty good.
She also looked really familiar..but he couldn’t place just where she seemed familiar from.
Removing himself from his thoughts he turned his attention back to the girl, who was back with his drink.
I really hope this doesn’t sound weird or creepy, but do you go to Fukurodani?” Washio seemed a bit surprised by this, but he chalked it up tot he fact he was wearing his school uniform.
He nodded, “I do, do you go there too?” The girl excitedly nodded her yet. “Yup! I’d know that uniform anywhere! Oh! You’re on the volleyball team! Washio, right?” He nodded again. “Sorry if I seem random, my brother’s on the team too so i’ve seen a few games. You’re really good!”
Washio could feel his cheeks burning. No one had ever complimented him like this, well aside from his coach/teammates and family.
“T-thanks...it means a lot...” The girl smiled, a bit more sheepish this time.
“Of course...you’re actually my favorite to see play. My brother’s a spiker so I’m used to his antics but it’s nice to see talented blockers too. Plus, blockers are much cooler in my opinion. OH! I’m still at work, um, here...” The girl reached into her apron and gave him a little note.
“I hope we get to talk again soon, bye Washio!” Before he could even say goodbye the girl had pranced back to the kitchen.
Looking down at the note she gave him he could feel the blush on his cheeks but he didn’t care.
Because written on the note was the girls number, ‘xxx-xxx-xxxx, <3 call me~’ he smiled, he for sure was gonna call her later.
Before he could put the note away however he noticed the writing at the bottom.
...Now he knew why she looked so familiar.
Because signed at the bottom was, in adorably messy handwriting, ‘Yui Bokuto’.
Oh boy.
Konoha Akinori: 
Konoha had been chilling at home when his younger sister, who was a first year at Fukurodani had come home, announcing she had brought a friend home.
Standing up from his place on the couch he stopped in his tracks. In front of him was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
She had medium length dark brown hair and beautiful gray eyes, she was taller than most females, around 5′6 would be his guess, but she was still a few inches shorter than him.
Looking at her, she looked...familiar? He didn’t really know where she seemed familiar from, school maybe?
He shrugged it off, deciding it wasn’t something worth driving him crazy.
She introduced herself (his sister introduced her really, the girl was pretty shy) as Momo, he didn’t catch the last name though.
Anywho as the afternoon went on the girls remained down in the living room doing homework, which they needed help with. Luckily Konoha was a few years ahead and had already gone through that, so he helped them with their homework.
Seeing as it was the middle of the year and mid terms were coming up, the girls would ask him for help a lot.
Now, he may not have the best track record of helping others (...i.e Bokuto with spiking *cOuGh couGh). But this was his little sister! And it definitely wasn’t because he had a *little* crush on Momo...definitely not...Okay maybe.
But it’s not like she didn’t have just as bi of a crush on him so..
Anyways, one day Konoha’s little sister, Azumi had to leave early for a doctor’s appointment but Momo still needed help.
Knowing her brother was a ~gentlemen~ and Momo didn’t have a problem with it she left the two alone.
They were both...nervous. I mean who wouldn’t be! They were both unknowingly left alone with their crush.
Konoha decided he’d just start a conversation, and with that conversation the two found out they actually had a lot in common!
Konoha found out she had an older brother, who also went to Fukurodani! She didn’t mention a name though..Oh well.
The two spent the afternoon chatting and getting to know each other! And he may or may not have gotten her number...For studying purposes of course!
At about 4:47 there was a knock at the door. “Oh, that’s probably my older brother!” Konoha nodded, but walked over to check.
He opened the door...”wASHIO!?!  What are you doing here?” The middle blocker looked just as shocked. “I’m here to pick up my little sister...” Konoha just about felt the color drain out of his face.
. . .He had a crush on Washio Tatsuki’s little sister. . . 
Oh he was dead. 
Kita Shinsuke: 
It was during lunch one day when a 2nd year had approached him, Reina Omimi.
She was very pretty with long silky black hair, slanted gray eyes standing out to him but what caught his eye the most was the cute smile on her face.
She asked him to tutor her, since she was having trouble in English, he agreed asking her to come to class 3-7 after school since he didn’t have volleyball practice.
So, the two started meeting each other after school on the days he didn’t have volleyball practice and she was free from her club activities.
He truly thought it was a coincidence.
I mean, sure there were similarities beyond their names but couldn’t have been that rare right? Besides it’s not like everyone with the same last name was related.
Anyways, soon enough the two had gotten so close, they started dating!
They had yet to meet each others families, not on purpose of course! It just didn’t seem like the biggest priority on top of everything else going on.
One day before practice the boys were in the locker room changing from their school uniforms into their practice clothes.
All was fine until *Atsumu* just had to bring something up..
“Say, Kita, I saw you with a girl the other day, who was it?” 
Kita, being unbothered by the question answered, “My girlfriend” the whole locker room went quiet before erupting in a chorus of ‘wHaT?!’, ‘who is it’ and other unintelligible things.
“Her names Reina, she’s in class 2-6 so I doubt any of you second years know her.” That instantly shut up the rambunctious (minus Suna) second years (Suna and Osamu are 2-1, Ginjima and Atsumu are class 2-3...).
...But it did intrigue a certain 3rd year.
“Shinsuke...what’s her last name?” The captain in question turned to the third year middle blocker.
“It’s Omimi, wh-...oh.” Realization hit him like a truck.
The name, the hair, the eyes, the brains...how didn’t he see it?!?!
After Omimi assured Kita he was fine with him dating her, the team got on with practice. 
But let’s just say it was a fun conversation to be had between Kita and both Omimi’s...
Suna Rintaro: 
To be fair, NO ONE knows how this happened!
SUNA doesn’t even know how this happened!
Anyways, Suna had been going for a walk (his parents had kicked him out of the house for the day for being lazy) when he bumped into her, Megumi Kita.
He recognized the name when she introduced herself, but he didn’t put two and two together.
Kita had brought her to practice about a week or so ago and had introduced her but Suna had been asleep in the club room so..
Anyways, megumi had been on her way home from the store when she and Suna collided.
Seeing as it was his fault and he wasn’t allowed back in the house yet anyways he offered to help her bring the groceries to her house.
When they got there they were immediately greeted by Yumie Kita (Kita’s grandmother), who insisted Suna stay until he could go back home. (*and her granddaughter was single and he is a very handsome young man)
Not being able to turn down the sweet elderly woman he gratefully agreed. The afternoon went on smoothly.
A few hours after his exile his mom texted him telling him he could go back home.
Wanting the two to spend more time together Yumie insisted Megumi go back with Suna, and to meet her older brother on the way back since he was nearby.
The walk was filled with playful banter and getting to know each other.
So when they got to Suna’s house he obviously asked if she’d see him again and she happily agreed.
It wasn’t until he tried to sleep that night he remembered why that name had sounded so familiar.
Fast forward two months, Megumi and Suna were happily dating, er happily dating in secret. Why? Because the two knew Kita would not be happy to know someone (from his team nonetheless) was dating his little sister.
It was during practice one day that the fateful encounter had occurred...Suna had mysteriously disappeared, and Kita’s little sister who had come to watch had disappeared as well...The team went on a scavenger hunt for the sleepy middle blocker, figuring the sister’s absence was just a coincidence.
Until they found them snuggled up and asleep in the stairwell...
Suna did a few extra drills that practice...
And for 5 practices after that.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Okay...to be completely fair...he knew she was Oikawa’s little sister.
He met her at the beginning of his second year when she became the first year manager at Shiratorizawa.
Due to her sweet and kind personality, which he found greatly contrasted Oikawa’s he took a strong liking to the girl one she returned.
At first the two were just friends but as they spent more time together they developed feelings for each other.
Despite not going to the same school, and Natsuki staying in the dorms the Oikawa siblings remained close.
So Oikawa knew she went to Shiratorizawa...and that she was their manager...he just didn’t think she even TALKED to Ushijima.
Let alone that she was DATING him!
N E wAys Ushijima and Natsuki were out on a date, it was a Saturday and the two were out and about in town.
The two had just exited the café they were in when they heard a loud gasp.
Turning around the two were met with....basically all of Aoba Johsai.
And a broad range of reactions.
Oikawa looked DiSgUsTeD, iwaizumi looked conflicted, Yahaba showed a *hint* of surprise, Kindaichi looked scared and Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Kunimi were all laughing at their captain.
“wha-why-how-hUH!?!?! HOW DID THIS HAP-” He was promptly cut off by a firm slap to the back of his head. “Get over yourself loserkawa! You should’ve known you couldn’t control her forever!” 
Whining from the blow to the back of his head Oikawa turned to face the love birds, staring down Ushijima and proceeding to look his little sister in the eye.
After much mental deliberation (and another hit from Iwaizumi) he sighed and turned around, waving a dramatic hand in the air.
As he walked away he shouted, “Oh~ But don’t think you’re getting off easy now Ushiwaka,” He momentarily stopped to turn his head and give the two a *look. “We will be discussing this later.”
Yahaba Shigeru: 
 After a game ended he was headed towards the locker room when someone stopped him.
She introduced herself as Emi and said she wanted to say he played really well.
Yahaba, thinking she was really sweet and cute asked for her number which she gladly gave to him.
As he walked to the locker room, he couldn’t stop thinking about her beautiful long black hair that was perfectly curly. 
She really was quite pretty, one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen.
Fast forward a week, he had asked the girl on a date and she’d said yes!
So now, he was headed to an address she had given him to pick her up.
She was running a bit late so she told him to knock on the door and her older brother would let him in.
Making sure he looked his best he got out of his car and knocked on the front door.
He almost choked when none other than his teammate, Matsukawa opened the front door confused as to why Yahaba was there.
To stunned to answer coherently, Mattsun’s little sister skipped past her brother and gave Yahaba a hug, explaining to her brother this was the guy she had been talking about.
...Yahaba knew he was in for it later when he saw the look Matsukawa was giving him...it was the same look he had perfected as a middle blocker.
Y’know, the one he used to intimidate his opponents.
Nervously gulping Yahaba promised to have her home at a reasonable time and nervously left with his date.
The next practice was a dreaded date for the poor man.
Iwaizumi Hajime: 
Iwaizumi had been racing the halls of Aoba Johsai (he was late to practice...) when he had accidentally bumped into someone, sub sequentially knocking them to the ground.
Looking down he saw that he had bumped into a girl he had seen around, Kanna something or the other.
Apologizing he was quick to offer her a hand up, which she gratefully accepted.
He helped her gather her things and discovered she was on her way to deliver some papers to the guidance office.
Seeing as he was responsible for them being knocked to the floor he offered to help her take them there.
On their way to the office Iwaizumi made some small talk and got to know somethings about the girl.
He knew the name ‘Kyotani’ but he didn’t think anything of it especially since she was so nice and sweet!
So he figured it was a coincidence the two had the same name.
After that day the two would meet for study sessions, lunch, etc. Until they eventually started to go on dates.
So when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she had agreed.
On this specific day the two had plans to hang out after school, but because of a quick team meeting after practice Iwaizumi would be late to pick Kanna up after her club.
She assured him it was fine and that she’d just meet Iwaizumi at the gym.
“The HECK are you doin’ here?” Iwaizumi turned from where he was chatting with Hanamaki to see his girlfriend had just walked into the gym.
“Shut up Kentaro! Oh, Hajime! Sorry if I’m a bit early, club ended sooner than I had expected.”
Iwaizumi walked over and gave his girlfriend a short kiss on the lips, which wasn’t that weird since they’ve been dating for a few months now and had kissed several times.
“Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?” The whole gym (minus one player) cracked up at Makki’s joke, Iwaizumi rolling his eyes.
“Chill out everyone, this is my girlfriend, Kanna-” “GiRLfRiEnD!?!”
The team now directed their eyes towards Kyotani, who was a mix between fuming and shocked.
“Oh shut it Kentaro! You knew I had a boyfriend.” Kanna rolled her eyes at her overprotective younger brother. He sputtered a bit before he could formulate a response, “yEah, but I didn’t know it was him!”.
Before young Mad-dog exploded Yahaba came over and dragged him by the collar back to the court to ‘practice his spikes’ or whatever.
Futakuchi Kenji: 
He swears it was an accident! 
How was he supposed to know she was Aone’s little sister?!
Futakuchi had gone over one afternoon to work on some homework with Aone.
When Futakuchi knocked on the door, a beautiful kind looking girl opened it, asking him why he was here.
Introducing himself as a friend of Aone’s, the girl let him in, figuring he was  friend of her brothers.
You see, before Futakuchi had come over that afternoon, Aone had warned him his younger sister had some friends over.
So naturally he assumed the girl who answered the door was one of those friends since the girl (whose name he learned was Niko) and Aone looked absolutely nothing alike!
She was also quite bubbly and extroverted, easily keeping conversation with the girl.
Being the absolute charmer he is he begun lightly flirting with the girl.
And IN HIS DEFENSE!! She flirted back.
A look of concern came over his face as he saw Futakuchi flirting with his little sister. 
Quickly walking over to the two, he pushed Futakuchi away (by his face of course) before turning to his younger sister who was frantically asking why he’d do such a thing.
“You know that guy on the team I always talk about.” Niko looked at him confused, “You mean the scummy one with a terrible personality?” Aone nodded and pointed at Futakuchi, “He’s that guy.” 
Futakuchi just yelled out a “HEY!”, knowing his friend wasn’t exactly wrong.
Niko just laughed, “He’s not that bad! He seems nice to me! Plus you never mentioned he was so handsome.”
Making a face of disgust Aone just shook his head muttering ‘It’s your funeral’ before heading back to his room.
The two hit it off, and despite his initial protests Aone is very happy for both of them.
Daishou Suguru: 
It was after Mika dumped him, he had been incredibly distraught and had gone to a local park to let his feelings out.
Unfortunately, it had started raining and Daishou hadn’t exactly been in the right state of mind so he had forgotten to bring an umbrella.
Just as it had started to sprinkle he had gotten shielded from the rain,
Looking up he saw a really pretty girl with black hair and warm gray eyes looking at him with concern.
Convincing him it was dangerous to be out in this weather, the two made their way to the safety of a nearby café.
The two talked for hours and as it turns out the girl, Yuna as he had learned her name was, had been going through a similar situation.
Exchanging numbers the two continued to see each other and eventually started dating.
They had yet to meet each other’s families due to both of them being busy, so they decided to wait until after the Spring High Preliminary’s since Daishou would be free after them. (Due to scheduling conflicts Yuna was not able to go to the Match, but consoled her boyfriend after they lost)
Knocking on the door Yuna let him in and the two hung out in the living room until everyone had gotten there.
Once dinner had been cooked the family sat down at the table, all except one who Yuna had said was still at practice.
About 1/4 of the way through dinner they heard the front door open, in walking Yuna’s little brother.
“Oh! I should have asked earlier but you two know each other don’t you Yuuki?” 
Daishou mentally screamed realizing his girlfriend’s younger brother just so happened to be the rookie libero he had targeted during the preliminary’s.
Stilling in his tracks Shibayama nervously shook his head, saying he had only gone up against him at the preliminary’s and that they hadn’t really met.
Seeing as Shibayama is a stand up guy, he didn’t say anything to his family. So all was actually going well until Mr. Shibayama said Daishou had looked familiar....
Yuna had not gone to the Match...but Mr. Shibayama and Mrs. Shibayama had...and they had now recognized Daishou.
Oh boy.
Numai Kazuma:
It was when Numai had dislocated his thumb.
After the match he had gone to the nurses office, where a very pretty girl helped him.
She introduced herself as Kaia, she was helping out with first aid since she was enrolled in a medical program at Nohebi.
When Numai heard ‘Nohebi’ he talked about how he was the Ace for the Boys Volleyball team.
Kaia then asked him questions and before the two knew it they were engaged in a conversation while she helped him with his injury.
The two bonded over volleyball, since Numai learned her little brother played, and he played as a wing spiker!
During the duration of his stay, he built up the courage to ask her for her number, which she of course agreed to.
Seeing as she had done as much as she could do for a dislocated thumb, she released him, opting to walk him back to his team (definitely nOt just to spend more time with him h a h a).
When they got to the club room, where the team had just finished discussing the game.
Numai opened the door a smidge before he paused, not noticing the team eagerly waiting behind the closed door.
Turning back to Kaia he took  deep breath before nervously asking the girl out sometime, which she also happily agreed to.
Little did he realize the girls reply had interested someone behind the semi-closed door, he hadn’t really cared what was going on until he recognized that voice.
When the team decided their ace had had enough fun, the quickly opened the door and pulled him inside, the whole team piling on top of him.
All except one...
“Kaia...what are you doing here..?” everyone turned to look at a now awake Kuguri, who had been napping after taking over for the poor ace.
Kaia then entered the room and gave her little brother a hug, congratulating him for stepping up.
Noticing the team’s weird stares, the eldest of the two siblings turned around before properly introducing herself.
“I’m Kaia Kuguri, Naoyasu’s older sister.”
The underclassmen went silent, since they didn’t want to seem disrespectful towards their ace, while the third years all started howling with laughter, Sakishima and Daishou being the worst offenders.
Kaia just shook her head before leaving her dumbstruck brother and a red and stuttering Numai behind to deal with his cackling teammates.
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berlinaura · 5 years
Last spring in Finland I attended a course “German for those who are going to have an exchange year”. They told us about the stages which one usually goes through during an exchange. As far as I remember, the stages were roughly somewhat like this: firstly one views everything and everyone better than in their home country and everything is super interesting and fun. This basically means that the everyday life hasn’t kicked in yet. The next one is getting annoyed at everything and everybody. Comparing the country to your home country and maybe even feeling like it would have been a better idea to just stay home. After this comes the stage of adaptation where one gets used to customs and stops comparing everything to one’s home country. Last phase is coming back to home country and seeing it in a new way. And of course telling stories of the exchange year to friends and family until they are bored to death. 
I remember thinking two things when we were taught about this. Firstly, who the hell would go through a phase of hating the country they go to? It seemed so irrational. The second thing was “Now that I’ve heard about this stuff, I can rise above it and use my brain and self-knowledge to avoid it. Yeah... As you might guess, it did not happen. I admit, during last few weeks I have spend a huge amount of my time wallowing in “WHY DO YOU DO THIS LIKE THIS” “Why can’t you do it in the right way” “What the hell is wrong with Germans!”. Mostly my frustrations have been related to my university. The mornings I am usually in a good mood. I drink my coffee, get ready (I have started to care more about what I wear and how I look like now that I am in Berlin hahaha) and go to school. All in all it takes me around 45 minutes to get from my home to university which includes walking, tram and S-Bahn. The way there and back are usually my favorite bits of the day. I enjoy watching people, traveling through Berlin in S-Bahn and listening to music. On the way back from university the people in public transport are usually going to pubs or parties so it’s nice to see happy and lively faces. I try not to overwhelm myself with school even though I feel like I need to be constantly studying to keep up. The thing is, even though the courses seem a bit challenging, partly because I am not used to academic English and partly because I am studying in a new study field, I find all of them interesting and genuinely think they are useful. I think I will shortly find a balance because now I feel super drained after every day and still feel like I have the “responsibility” to do fun things and go to places whenever I am not studying. It’s like a freshman year all over again. 
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So, what has happened after the last post? Quite a lot. I was on a Wanderlust trip to Dresden in October. We also visited a famous bridge (Bastei) in Saxony. The views and the scenery were incredible! Dresden was also very cozy and historical city. It was a lot smaller than I expected. We only had a few hours to browse through the city but we could easily reach the most important sights by just walking. On the bus we opened bottles of wines we got from Lidl and played some car games with the people who sat around me. I suggested searching “questions to get to know each other” so on the few hour way back we just simply shared our biggest secrets and fears as if we had been knowing for a long time. The french boy sitting in front of me got  interested as I mentioned we are throwing a sitting here, so he wanted to help. We formed a committee of 5 people for a sittning, planned it in a cafe and contacted international office. Their response was rather dry and due to International office organizing a similar event in December, we decided to postpone the sittning and start planning it again in January.
Wanderlust trip was good because everything was already planned and sorted out for us. We just had to be on time to catch the bus. I already booked another wanderlust trip to Magdeburg in December. They have a Christmas market there. I also want to see the city that was my other option to have an exchange year in. By the way, I am super glad I ended up choosing Berlin over Magdeburg. 
The next day me, the Austrian girl who sat next to me on the bus and her friend went to see a light show in the city centre. There is this light festival held in Berlin where they project things onto famous buildings and monuments. The one projected on Brandenburg gate left me speechless. They projected things like collapsing of the wall, JFK’s speech and techno culture of today’s Berlin.
One Friday evening my friend, my roommate and her friends decided to go to a burlesque show. The bar was super fancy as was the show. I just couldn’t get my eyes of the woman who performed. She danced to a remix of Britney Spears’ Toxic so naturally I had to ask her after the show if she liked Britney Spears. She said they only picked it because they needed something that people would recognize but at the same time something that isn’t the actual song. :( She was amazing tho.
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In October I also went to see Prinz Pi live at Columbiahalle. I’ve never been to this venue before and it was so cozy! Man the concert just got better and better and I just had goosebumps for like half of the show. At the encore Prinz Pi said something in the lines of “You know.. The next place I go to.. You don’t want me to tell the audience that the audience of Berlin was dull? Go crazy then!” and I have never seen an audience getting so hyped during a song (”Gib dem Affen Zucker”). I got inspired of this so I already booked a ticket for Sido’s Christmas show in Columbiahalle. Actually I tried to go to his normal tour’s concert which is actually today, but I thought too long and it got sold out. People were asking 200€ per ticket (the original was around 45€) so I gave up. Then I decided to go to his christmas show but AGAIN thought too long because they are held in 20.-22.12. and I needed to sort out my flights to Finland first. But one day I decided to go to eventim’s page to see if someone was selling their ticket (they were, but overprized again) and I saw that there was one original ticket on sale even though it was sold out before. Someone had cancelled their ticket and some forces of the universe told me to refresh that page at a right moment. So now I have my ticket and just can not wait for it!
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In the beginning of November I went to Prague to see my friend. The train ride was only 19 euros and I could easily do my homework and watch Kotikatu there. Priorities were sorted out! I navigated to Revnice where we went to a local brewery and shared things about our lives. The beer was the best beer I have ever had in my life which is sad because I literally can’t get it anywhere else than from there. Damn brewery! The next day we played board games, ate well and went swimming. My friend introduced me to a new thing: putting honey in a coffee. At first I doomed the though: ew, who the hell does that? Honey belongs to tea, not coffee. Then I tasted it and... it was delicious. It is yet to discover if it because of the honey or their super fancy coffee maker. Then we went to the brewery again and played a Czech card game called “bang”. I think I got the gist of it and even won the game once. On our last day we were just sightseeing and went to a concert together. The songs were translated to me and for a moment I felt super ambitious to learn Czech. I don’t want to miss out on funny songs just because I don’t know the language!
Last weekend there was a celebration in Berlin due to it being 30 years from the fall of Berlin wall. It was a bit similar to the light festival. We were out with friends two nights in a row and found a super cute place in Prenzlauer berg: Houdini. They have Indian food and cheap cocktails. We continued the evening to this living room looking place that was connected to a Späti. The Späti-drinking culture is something that is missing from Finland. Here Spätis are these small shops that mostly sell drinks (beer, soda, water, cider and so on) and candy.They are open late which is actually where the name Späti (Spätkauf = late shopping) comes from. There are often benches and tables where people can enjoy their drinks which are cheaper than in normal pubs of course. The Späti man asks if the beer is to be enjoyed in the living room and adds a small fee if it is. And there’s a bottle opener on the counter. Everything is sorted out so in my opinion Späti-drinking is a good way to go out and get drunk with small budget. 
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Yesterday we had an excursion with my German class. We went to Berlinische Galerie which is a museum of contemporary art. They had an exhibition of Bauhaus, the art/design/architecture Academy in pre-WWII Germany that affected modern design and architecture. We were walking around and filling up a worksheet the teacher gave us. I enjoyed it so much and everything seemed so pleasing to the eye.
 Afterwards we went to a open stage event which was basically a talent show. There were 10 acts of which everyone had 10 minutes to convince the audience who voted for a winner. We also had beer and wine counter there naturally. My favorite was this one dude in tight ballet outfit who preformed a circus act which was funny and impressive at he same time. His background music was swan lake but the dude sang along in a terrible way which made it less serious. Then he juggled with 6 balls and every time he messed up, he cried out in a dramatic way. Then at the end of the show he turned his back to the audience and we could see he was digging something from his crotch and then he turned around and swiped of sweat from his face with a pile of tissues he had as a crotch-filler the whole time. The tipsy audience laughed so much that the winner was pretty much clear at that point. The dude who went after him performed a horrible keyboard improvisation and his face screamed “ I am sorry to be here, I just want to flee!” hahahahah. The act that came second was funny as well, they performed “Let it go” but with a German translation, the google translate type of translation. Conclusion is: the audience wants to laugh at talent shows, not see real talent. 
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On top of all the events I have also been attending the hiphop dance class I think I told about. The teacher is super funny (and hot :D) and the dancing is so intensive and so much fun! I look terrible, though but it’s not the main point here. I might continue this hobby when I get back to Finland.
Now I have to start packing my things because I am going to Szczechin (Poland). I heard it is a city where Berliners go to shop because it is cheaper there. I feel like this trip can be either a massive success or a terrible flop. Time shows... 
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zombubble · 6 years
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On the one hand, Yuuri knows full well that he’s drunk.
On the other, Yuuri’s good at lying when he’s drunk, which is what he’s going to do for the entirety of this godforsaken party if he’s asked any sort of personal question. He saunters across the room-- which in reality is more him just swaggering as best he can as he tries to keep his balance-- and grabs another beer, cracking the can and draining half of it.
Honestly, fuck school. Fuck final exams, fuck tests in general, fuck everything. It’s not Yuuri’s fault he couldn’t stay focused. No, he’d studied the material, he’d done his homework and made flash cards and set reminders and the whole shebang, but he hadn’t accounted for real life. He hadn’t accounted for his aging dog, and now his GPA is paying the price.
The rest of the beer is drained and Yuuri grabs another, chugging that one too. Normally he comes to these sorts of parties to get out of the house and talk to people who aren’t his figure skating competitors, the press, or his roommate but fuck that. Today, he’s here for the free booze and the surprisingly good homemade french fries, and that’s it. No friends, no titillating conversation, no one-night stands in an upstairs bedroom. No anything.
Setting down the empty can he grabs a third and tries to forget that if he counts previous drinks it’s somewhere near his tenth, draining half of it  before pouring the rest into a red solo cup. He grabs yet another beer and pours that one in too, and combined with the rest it almost fills the flimsy plastic cup to the brim. Taking a sip, he turns back to the party. People are dancing in the living room, clustered near the mediocre sound system. In the kitchen, someone’s doing a keg stand and that’s really not something Yuuri needs to get involved with. Not today, at least.
When Phichit beckons, though, he’s sorely tempted.
Very sorely tempted.
Throwing caution to the wind, Yuuri walks over and hands his plastic cup off to a hockey player he’s talked to a few times at parties like this before grabbing the handles and letting himself be lifted vertically. One person makes a comment about the muscle he has on him, another mentions that he’s Japan’s top figure skater, but the only person that matters is the third, who’s putting the tap in Yuuri’s mouth and getting things going.
Staggering away from the keg, Yuuri takes his cup and lets out a burp behind one hand, before wandering through the living room. He has no desire to dance, his ballet training useless for... whatever it is everyone is doing, so he walks through the crowd and out the sliding glass doors into the back yard. The crisp winter air hits him in a rush, and while he’s too drunk for it to sober him up entirely, it adds some clarity to the fuzz in his mind.
Not much, though, and he grabs a can of beer from the cooler before walking over to the pool and taking off his shoes and socks. Rolling up his pant legs, he puts his feet in the heated water, sighing happily. It’s not as good as the onsen back home, and homesickness tears through him and brings tears to his eyes as he chokes back a sob. He misses his family. He misses his dog. He hates that he fucked up at Sochi and he hates that he fucked up his exam and he hates America and being here and as he’s scrubbing at his face, he hears soft footsteps approaching.
“Everything okay?”
Dread coalesces in his stomach. The softness of the voice, the Russian accent... he can recognize his Russian TA’s voice anywhere given the amount of time he’s spent listening to the man speak and the last thing he wants is for the person who’d graded his failure of a midterm to see him drunk and crying at a frat party.
“No, everything fucking sucks right now,” he mutters. His eyes widen and his heart starts racing. He’s more drunk than he’d realized if he’s at the point of brutal honesty, and he takes a sip of his beer, staring intently at the water in front of him. There’s the sound of shuffling, and Viktor sits next to him with his jeans rolled up as well, dipping his feet in the warmth of the pool.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Viktor asks.
“No,” Yuuri mutters. 
Viktor sighs. “Fair enough. I just figured... Your exam wasn’t quite at the level I expected and I was worried.” There’s a hesitation in his voice that Yuuri can’t quite pick out, but he’s too drunk to care so he takes another sip from the red plastic cup.
“I’ll make it up somehow.” Sighing, Yuuri kicks his feet in the water. “Did the Professor ask you to check up on me?”
“No, I was concerned on my own.”
Yuuri would never have guessed Viktor was the type to be open like this. The man’s an expert at keeping people at arm’s length while still being friendly enough that a good two-thirds of the class called him a friend, but with circumstances being what they are Yuuri’s not going to fault him for some (unnecessary) concern for a student. 
“I’ll be fine after I drink myself stupid and manage to forget everything.” Wincing, Yuuri turns his face away, looks intently at the wooden fence surrounding the property. He’d only intended to say he was fine, but for some reason he’d felt the need to keep going, rubbing it in Viktor’s face just how badly he’s doing.
“I’m sure you will,” Viktor says, chuckling. “I... I watched the competition you said you were going to. The Grand Prix.”
“Oh, god, you saw that?” With one eyebrow raised, Yuuri looks at him. “Do you watch my competitions a lot?”
“Every one of them,” Viktor replies before looking away.
Is he a fan of some sort?
“How long have you been watching figure skating?” Yuuri asks.
“Since March of last year.”
That was about when Yuuri’d had to ask for his first assignment extension. Last semester hadn’t been as hard as this last one, but with Worlds Yuuri’d had to ask for an extension for an assignment. Explaining to his teacher and the TA that he was Japan’s top figure skater had taken a bit of convincing before he’d told them to google him, but once the professor had seen his skater profile on the Japanese Federation page he’d changed his tune and allowed him to turn in the assignment a week late.
It would stand to reason that Viktor had watched some of his routines but... why? And why is he being so obvious about only watching once he knew Yuuri skated? He frowns, looking back at Viktor and holy shit, Viktor’s beautiful. This isn’t anything Yuuri was unaware of, Viktor teaches enough that he’s had ample time to stare at him, but there’s just something about the openness of Viktor’s expression, the way his ocean-blue eyes flit back and forth as he looks at Yuuri that leaves Yuuri breathless. Clearing his throat, Viktor pops open a can of beer and takes a gulp.
“Whatever it was that happened,” he says, “if you need to talk...”
No. No. Yuuri’s not going to sit here and blather away about his dog and his skating and his grades. He’s going to tell Viktor he’s fine, convince him somehow that messing up in school and at the competition were some sort of coincidental fluke, and then he’s going to get drunk and make Phichit carry him back to their apartment.
“I’ll get over it,” he mutters.
“Get over what?”
Yuuri takes a deep breath. Get over his failures, get over the way he messed up, get over whatever quirk of his brain won’t let him just get past things. Viktor doesn’t need to know about any of this, so Yuuri steels himself and looks at his TA. “Get over the fact I never got a chance to say goodbye to my dog.”
No. What the fuck was he thinking, blurting his issues out like that?! He looks down at his beer, swaying gently.
“Your dog died?” Viktor asks. “I didn’t know you had a dog.”
“He lived with my parents, in Japan.” Yuuri mutters. “He got ill. Didn’t make it. I found out the day before I skated the free program.”
“No wonder. If you need to re-take the exam sometime I’m sure I could work something out with Nikolas.”
“Don’t bother, it won’t do any good.”
“I just don’t want--”
“Why is it you care?” Yuuri asks, on the verge of tears for some reason. “Why? You barely even know me!”
“I love you,” Viktor whispers before clapping his hands over his mouth. He mutters something in Russian, harsh and too fast for Yuuri to catch, before looking to the side. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-- I don’t know why I said that.”
Yuuri frowns. “Are you fucking with me?”
“What? No!”
“You have to know, somehow.”
Viktor looks at him. “Know what?”
Frustrated, Yuuri looks at his hands. “That I have... that I’m... that I feel the same,” he finishes. 
“Well, of course,” Viktor says.
“After... do you not remember? The social we had, for Russian, when the whole Russian department got together to hang out...”
“In all honesty,” Yuuri says, “I was kind of drunk after the fifth round of toasts.”
“I know, but... we danced, and you asked me to come to the hot springs your parents have and you said I should watch you compete sometime,” Viktor whispers. Clearing his throat, he leans back and looks at the stars. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I made this about me, I just wanted to check in on you and see how you were doing.”
“You didn’t make it about you, you just answered--” Eyes wide, Yuuri looks at him. “You just answered my questions honestly,” he whispers.
Viktor frowns before his eyes widen and he meets Yuuri’s. “Lie to me,” he says. “Where was your last competition?”
As hard as he tries, Yuuri can’t tell anything but the truth. “Sochi, Russia,” he whispers. “What’s your dog’s name?”
After some straining, Viktor blurts, “Makkachin.”
The implications of what they’ve just discovered weigh heavily on Yuuri’s shoulders while somehow being uplifting. Everyone knows, from the time they’re young, that you can’t lie to your soulmate. With some cleverness, you can weave the truth in such a way that it gives the impression of a lie, but as far as blatant statements like these...
There’s no doubt in either of their minds that this is meant to be, that the honesty with which they’ve bared themselves is that which indicates a deeper bond. It’s not always people find their soulmates. It’s not even that common, but somehow Yuuri’s found his and it’s the Russian TA he’s been crushing on for going on a year now. Blushing, Viktor looks down before turning to Yuuri. 
“Well, then.”
“Well, then.” Draining the last of his beer, Yuuri looks at the empty cup. Honestly, he doesn’t know what to do at this point. Asking for a date seems too... much, but at the same time they both care about the other and both want this so he could probably get away with it, but then there’s ethics and he really doesn’t know how that would play out. Luckily, Viktor leans closer.
“I could help you study for the final,” he says softly. “We could go over the test, discuss what you messed up on, and I could help you study.”
“I don’t need an unfair advantage.”
“It wouldn’t be,” Viktor murmurs. “I’d be using the study guide Nikolas made, I wouldn’t give you the answers. I don’t even know what he’s putting on the test, yet, and I wouldn’t cover with you stuff that I wouldn’t cover with others.”
Yuuri looks at him. “You’re sure?”
Viktor nods. “We could... meet at a cafe. Have food. Study. You know. Stuff.”
Viktor nods again. “Stuff. Help take your mind off things.”
It sounds nice. It’s the human connection Yuuri’s been craving without the risk of a hangover the next morning (and he can already feel the edges of a headache) and he’ll be able to feel like he’s at least doing something to keep his life from unraveling at the seams.
“I’d like that,” he says softly.
Looking at him, Viktor smiles. “So would I.”
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notsissannis · 6 years
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—I’m Not One to Watch
Pansy Parkinson x Hermione Granger
Prompt: @honeyweeds — Hermione caught her roommate, Pansy, masturbating... online.
One-Shot: Complete
World: Muggle AU
Read on [AO3] [FFN]
“Hi! Are you my new roommate?” Hermione stood at the door with her hands full of boxes. “I’m Hermione Granger. I’m in my second year of Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education.” She walked in to the spacious shared room, back facing her new roommate. “My parents wanted me to take dentistry, you know, but I said no. I’m hoping to do some good in the world. And I believe it all starts from—“
“Hey, will you shut up?”
Hermione stopped whatever she was doing and turned to look, finally look, at her roommate. “Excuse me?”
“Can you — pardon my French — shut the fuck up? I’m trying to make this man cum,” she lifted her phone off her ear, waving it to Hermione, “and I can’t do that if you keep bitching bout your boring life, yeah?”
Hermione was speechless. She just stared at her wide eyes and quickly muttered, “I’m sorry.”
Though she knew she did nothing wrong but just being friendly.
And the fact that she heard her new roommate moaned while studying her manicured nails — as though the phone call was a normal, boring call — made Hermione left her stuff unpacked in favour of fresh air.
She could feel her face reddening as she closed the door, her hand rubbing her chest, willing her heartbeat to slow down. “What did I just got myself into?”
“Don’t you have any assignment to do?” Hermione couldn't stand it anymore. She has been rewriting the same paper over and over again. It was draining.
And yet, there her roommate was. Earphone on, video calling some old man that roughly could be assumed in the same age as her dad. Hermione’s lips frowned in disgust when she saw the man licking his lips hungrily as Pansy let out another — obviously fake — long moan.
“You have no dignity.” Hermione shook her head, decided to do her assignment with Harry and Ron.
“Sick,” she said last before she closed the door.
Hermione just finished her class when a blond young man pulled her by her arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Relax. I just wanna talk,” he said, steering her into one of the empty classroom. “Heard you’re Pansy’s roommate?”
“What about it?” Hermione crossed her arms. She didn’t like this. She was in an empty room with a stranger. Her eyes scanned around the room, looking for thing, anything, that she could use as a weapon in case something happen.
“How much?” He asked. His smirk was prominent, confident he would get whatever it was he wanted.
“Excuse me?”
“Come on, darling. Everyone knows what Pansy does. And you are her roommate. So,” he placed his arms on each side of her, trapping her, “how much is it to make you cum in my face?”
Hermione didn’t miss a second when she slapped his pale cheek hard. “You are loathful, evil cockroach!” She screamed, pushing him away off her and ran toward the door. “And it is not like that!” She stopped, turning to face him, her face flushed from fury. “You can only look, but not touch!”
She left the empty classroom with her hands in fists. She was furious. Of him. Of her roommate. Of herself. She couldn’t believe she just defended Pansy — in a way.
And it didn’t sit well with her that she thought what her roommate did wasn’t so bad.
“Oh, yes. Faster, baby.”
Hermione screwed her eyes tighter. It wasn’t something new to hear Pansy pleased her clients. Almost every night she would be on call with different man, sometimes it would be a video call of her watching them.
But tonight, it was something different. She could hear from the sound of shuffling clothes and sloshing wetness.
She was masturbating in front of the man.
“You wanna see me add one more? Like this, daddy? Yeah?”
Hermione wanted to turn her body — to face the wall. But she couldn’t move now. Pansy would know then she was awake. She berated herself for falling asleep facing her roommate's bed.
“Oh, daddy. Faster.”
Hermione couldn’t stand it. She got headache from shutting her eyes too tight, and, oh God, she was curious. So so so curious. She wanted to see how the whole business work. Was Pansy playing with herself at the same time her client was, too? Were they looking at each other’s intimate part? She wanted to know.
So she opened her eyes.
And there she was, legs wide apart in front of her laptop, fingering herself. Hermione didn’t know what the man in the laptop was doing. Her eyes were locked to Pansy.
She was… mesmerising.
She could see the reflection of the light from the laptop screen on her glistening pussy. Her bangs were damp on her forehead. Her body was supported by her elbows. Her head dropped back.
The picture that Pansy make was something that Hermione couldn’t describe.
She moved her eyes up from her heaving breasts to her slender neck and then she found her dark eyes. Pansy was looking straight at her. And she couldn’t find it in her guts to look away.
So she kept staring. And Pansy stared back at her.
She moved her fingers in and out, faster and deeper than before. Hermione didn’t need to see, she could tell from her panting she was getting closer to her climax, she was getting there, just a little bit more.
“Oh, I’m coming!”
And Pansy came with Hermione eyes on hers.
It has been two weeks since that night.
They didn’t see each other much as it was examination week. In that two weeks, Hermione found out Pansy was one of the best student in her major — Biochemistry. Hermione blushed at the memory of her bragging about her own major on the first day they moved in together. Her major didn’t sound as good now compared to Pansy’s.
Not as good as the sound of her coming.
“Alright, Hermione?” Ron — sitting across from her — asked.
“Yeah.” She shrugged.
“You’ve been staring at the same page for 30 minutes.”
“I did not!” She said loudly, trying to tone down the warmth on her cheeks.
Pansy’s voice and face has been playing in her head. She watched her came. And Pansy knew she watched. And she hadn’t said anything about it after. She had left Hermione for shower.
Hermione banged her head on the table.
“Bloody hell!” Ron jolted from her action. “Has your brain finally gone fried?”
“I’m dead,” she mumbled.
“Uh. No you can’t. Not until you’re done helping me with revision. Then you can die.”
Hermione banged her head again. But the image of her roommate dazed face wouldn’t leave her mind.
Pansy was doing her homework.
She didn’t know how to react to seeing Pansy with glasses on, reading a thick book, laying flat on her stomach on bed. Her short hair billowed gently as the evening wind blew in. The golden light shone her pale face. She appeared warm compared to her usual cold demeanour.
She looked like sunset.
“You’re staring, Granger.”
Hermione startled, her blush creeping up to her cheeks. “I— Sorry. It just that, I’ve never seen you study.”
Pansy looked up from her book. “Everyone studies.”
“Yeah. But you never do your homework.”
“I have. I just never have to do them here. I always manage to finish it in classes.” She turned to her book. “I have other things to do on bed.”
“Yeah. Of course.” She walked to her bed, putting her bag down. Pansy’s panting face filled her mind.
"Oh, I’m coming!”
“It’s an unusual thing to walk myself into. That’s all.”
Once again Pansy gave Hermione her full attention. “Compare to walking into me masturbating in front of other men?”
Hermione swallowed nervously. She looked around, avoiding Pansy’s eyes, and caught Pansy’s cracked phone screen. “What happened?”
Pansy followed her gaze. “One of them came to see me. I tried to tell him that’s not how it work. They can only—“
“Watch. No touching,” Hermione answered.
“Yes.” Seemingly intrigued by her knowing answer, Pansy put down her book, her body turning completely to face her. “And he got pissed and snatched my phone off my hand.”
“That’s terrible.” Eyes still not meeting her roommate.
Pansy’s voice was silky. The silence around them stretched. Hermione didn’t know what to say. She was nervous under her scrutinized, dark eyes. So she left.
It was the longest they have spoken.
“Do you like it slow?”
Hermione closed the door behind her. Pansy was on bed, on her phone with yet another client. She was sucking a lollipop.
It was slowly becoming her new normal. Coming back from class to find Pansy on her phone, moaning and dirty talking with a face that said she’d rather be at Professor Binns’ boring history class.
“Oh, yes. I’m so wet for you. Please, faster,” she begged.
Hermione shook her head, a small twitch tugged at the corner of her lips. It was entertaining to watch her rolled her eyes as she said ‘faster’.
She took out her book and ready to start her homework, where at the same time trying her best to push down— denying the urge to watch Pansy came undone like before. Again.
She hated herself for wanting that.
She found a box on her bed. It was their last day before Christmas break. She opened it and laugh.
It was earplugs.
She gave her roommate a pink earphone two months later.
If Pansy noticed it was on Valentine’s Day, she didn’t say anything.
Hermione looked up from her book, lifting an eyebrow when she saw Pansy stood beside her bed with a frown. “Yes, Parkinson?”
“I just want to let you know, I’m gonna do a video call later.”
“Like normally?”
“No.” She shook her head, pointing at her laptop. “They’ll be watching me.”
“They?” Hermione sat up. “How many of them?”
“Four.” Pansy tucked her hair behind her ear before she crossed her arms under her breasts. “I’m letting you know. So you can leave if you don’t feel comfortable.”
Their eyes locked on each other. Hermione could feel her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. This was nothing like she normally had to endure before. She only ever watched her masturbate for her client that once. This was wrong. Bizarre. Unreal.
Hermione licked her lips before she said, “And if I wanna stay?”
Pansy walked closer to her. Her eyes never leaving hers. “Then stay.”
“If— If I wanna watch?”
Pansy opened up her laptop before she turned off the light. She stood between their bed. The light from the laptop shone behind her as her body was still facing Hermione. She stripped off her clothes painstakingly slow until she was all bare in front of her.
“Then watch.”
Something has changed after that night.
There was touching, there was lingering look, there was shared jokes, there was intimacy.
Hermione couldn’t pinpoint when did it happen first. But she noticed she always feel heavy to leave their room and always excited to come back.
And somehow, along the changes, she began to wish for less and less phone call.
“Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” She blurted out.
Pansy was on call, begging for him to go faster, and Hermione loathed to hear one more of her fake moan.
“What, Granger?”
“You have good grades and rich parents. Why do you this?”
“Come of it, Granger. What is it to you?” Pansy took off her pink earphone, she stood up and approached Hermione who was still standing at the door.
“Don’t you have self-respect? You talk to those strangers, men around our dad’s age, mind you, and for what? To get paid?” Hermione pulled her hair, frustrated at Pansy’s amused face. “You are beautiful! If you so desperate for money, find yourself a sugar daddy! You don’t have to sell yourself out like this!”
“I thought you’re cool with it? I thought you like watching me?”
Hermione tumbled backward. Her back hit the hard door, trapped between the door and Pansy.
“I don’t want you to waste your time on this… immoral lifestyle.”
“But you were okay with it.”
“Well,” she snapped. “Clearly I’m not anymore! And I don’t think I can stand one more disgusting leer from those sick man!”
Pansy hummed thoughtfully. “So, you don’t want them to watch me?”
“I don’t want them in your life anymore.”
Pansy laughed. A genuine laugh. It was the first time Hermione saw her laughing freely like this. It suited her.
“But,” Hermione licked her lips, “I still want to watch you.”
The room quieted down. She covered her mouth and silently cursing herself for blurting her thought out loud.
She watched as Pansy’s eyes widened in shock, and a smile slowly graced her face. She turned to her bed and picked her phone up. Waving it between them at their eye-level, Pansy dropped it to the floor, and stomped on it with her heavy Dr. Martens boot.
“What are you doing?” Hermione found her voice. The phone was beyond repair.
“Cutting them off my life,” she said nonchalantly, pulling Hermione closer to her.
“But you could just change your number. You don’t have to be dramatic about it,” Hermione whispered, their nose against each other.
“It’s more of a statement, Granger,” Pansy laughed. Her hand caressed her waist up and down.
“You stopped just like that,” Hermione closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her touch, “For me?”
“Let just say I am in favour of the idea that only you alone can watch me play with myself.” Pansy pecked her lips.
“You’re incorrigible.” She opened her mouth, encouraging Pansy to kiss her harder.
“Yet you love watching me come.” She leaned back, huffing in mock annoyance.
“Yeah.” Hermione chuckled, feeling light in her heart now that it all out. “Yeah, I really do.”
It was crazy how it all turned out. And it was maddening how good Pansy was with kisses. And as they walked toward whomever bed it was — Hermione couldn’t care less — she stomped on the broken phone harder than Pansy did.
Just to make sure.
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anmfama · 5 years
Senior high was not easy for me nor for us. May pagkakataong mapapagawa ka sa mga homeworks, mapapasagot, madaming ibat ibang gawain. Aminin natin sa hindi na kapag mag senior high tatablan talaga tayo ng fighting spirit na pakiramdam natin this is the college. Hindi ko lang alam kung ako lang yung talagang ginawa yung best until nalaman yung mga kahinaan natin na mag li lead satin sa talagang kahihinatnan. Na basta yung mga pinapangarap mo magpapalit palit hanggang sa mareach mo na kung para san ka talaga. Alam ko nang marami nang mahihirapan bago pa man mag shs na matapos na magsearch tayo ng mga reaksyon at komento nila sa facebook tungkol sa strand. Pero ang talagang hindi ko inexpect na mararanasan ko ay yung halaga ng relasyon. There was a time nung grade 11 na im officially drained. Hindi ko dinadamdam pero ramdam ko pa din ang pagiisa. Matapos kong lumipat from tvl to stem lagi nang mabenta sakin ang pumasok sa kasuluksulukan ng library walang tao.Na inaaraw araw ko na dahil wala naman akong close. Magbasa ng mga adobe lightroom books, 00's magazines, mga cookbook at kinakalikot ang blackberry kong de- pindot hanggang malowbat. Naalala ko pa paguwi ko non napabili ako ng yosi. Nagsimula nung pinatikim ako ng pinsan ko hanggang sa sinubukan ko na din. Totoo nga, masarap siya. Ang nagpapasarap ay yung pakiramdam kong nakalimutan ang mga emosyong di nakikita ng iba, paghithit, ang pagbuga ng usok, amoy ng sigarilyo, lasa ng menthol. Na parang isinasama na din problema mo. Pwede namang ijudge moko dahil jinudge ko din ang mga naninigarilyo dati. Masama nga pero pasensya na, wala ka sa posisyon. Dadating na 3 sticks ako kada araw. Hindi ko kilala, ako ba yun? Wala akong mapagkukunan ng saya. Gayunpaman, nawala ang pagkaadik ko uminom, marahil dahil nawala na ang relasyon ko sa barkada. Hindi ko sa sinasabing b.i. sila. Katunayan sila pa ang nagpasaya at nagpaganda at sa bawat araw na kasama ko sila na puro katuwaan lang nakalimutan ko nang mamimiss ko pala sila pag nagkalayo layo na kami. kada isang tropa ibang school na ngayon. Andami nilang alam sakin, background sa family, lovelife. Lahat ng pinakatakot akong sabihin sa iba, sa kanila ko lang nasasabi. They became really part of my life. Ang paaralan ko dati ay kinasanayan ko na. Kaya hirap akong mag-adjust sa panibagong school. I became so isolated na manhid ay hindi ko na maramdaman na may mga kaklase pa pala ako. Hindi sa ayokong makipagkaibigan pero, pakiramdam ko iba ako sa kanila, well in the first place its a private school, ibang environment, beh pag nandun ako feeling ko isa ako sa mga others. May panahong sa isang sulok ako ng room habang sila nagsasaya at hindi ko mapigilang itungo yung ulo ko at umiyak. Because i miss my jhs friends. Gusto ko nun sila na lang ulit kasama ko na komportable na. Pero yun mabalik tayo, madalas ako magtwitter nun. Nasama sa mga napost ang mga gusto kong sabihin na medyo dapat sinasarili na lang. Hatred ang word na magdedescribe sa mga pinost ko. Nasa isip ko nun hindi ko naman talaga ginustong pumasok dito, sina mama lang ang pumilit. (Thats my biggest excuse for you. sorry) At may ginawa pakong isang kalokohan sa school na masyadong hindi na katanggap tanggap kung ikkwento ko pa. 
 Nung Grade 11 at ang mga kaklase ko dun hasang hasa sa pagpapaliwanag sa harapan at nadisappoint ako sa sarili ko na bakit hindi ko kaya yung ginagawa nila. (btw sila ang pinakamatalinong section na nakasama ko aon) Kasi ako dati walang kaexpe experience magsalita, as in isa ako sa mga tipikal na taong takot magkamali. But then, ilang reporting nako nakasama because they influence me. Kasi kahit papano hindi ko din maisip kung pano ako naglakas loob. Hindi ko piniling section yun, yung assistant sa principals office ang naglagay sakin. Sa totoo lang sa una nastress akong kasama sila, na kahit teacher hindi mapigilan ang kaingayan ng stem d. Nung tumagal nasanay nako. Sa kabila ng kaingayan napupunta sa katatawanan. Nang mga panahong bitter pako sa school ehh kapag nagjojoke sila pigil na pigil ako dahil matatawa nako. Ang pag pe-face play ni Jeff na kumakahol din. Pinakaloko-loko si tendras. Sa panahong hirap kami may mga magpapatawa kaya kahit papano gumagaan. Sa mga honors naman namin sa room. Hindi mapaghahalataang matalino pala si Pavo.  Tahimik pero may ibubuga pala si Lorenne. Si ella din. lahat ng qualities na maganda sa babae magaling makisama at beauty & brain at mabait nakay first honor na (valedictorian ng tirona) .Pero ang kakaiba si Christian, para sakin siya ang pinakamagaling sa room. Magaling magreport, nagpapaliwanag ng walang kahambugan, Andami niyang trivia. Bawat explanation niya may saysay.  Madaming alam hindi lang sa edukasyon pero ang pinakanagpapagaling sa kanya ay higit na din sa salita ng Diyos. Hindi man kami close pero kung ano mang ugali meron sya malamang swerte ang nakatadhanang babae para sa kanya. 
 Binigyan ako ng baste ng opportunity na makapasok ng basketball. Unang bes ko pa lang makasali sa intrams kaya masaya din na pagtapos ng mga laban, sa huli kami ang nag kampyon. It was grade 11, andaming nangyari. Pumasok ng tvl, tahimik. Lumipat ng stem, iba ang level ng ingay. The truth is ang section ng stem d ay walang makakapigil. Pero hindi katulad ng iba tulad nga ng sinabi ko kanina, na ang stem d nasobrahan man sa kaingayan, may ipaglalaban naman, marurunong, nagkakaisa. Hindi mo maiisipang antukin dahil mapagod ka man pero kung sila ang kasama mo laging may ganap, basta iba iba ang emosyon. May ganap, kung mapaaway man sa ibang section, di inaasahang may magfaint sa room, mapawalk out ang teacher pero mas madaming pros na ang kapalit ay sosorpresahin ang teacher with pa- cake / pa design sa room (na sa huli kami magtatatanggal) kakantahan ng walang katapusan ng happy birthday ang celebrant ,ginabi sa bahay para gumawa ng gown kasama ang buong section, yung dating nagwalk out samin nakipag groupie na nung last couple of weeks) nanalo din kami nung giant symbo. Concert ni tj monterde at jRoa, mga pa-misa, christmas lightning, carrera de oro(10k running), intrams, kainan sa foundation day, fud & pa-games sa christmas party.. scimath circle, hanggang manood na lang ng movie kay Sir Hermie hanggang matapos ang sy.. Mabait si sir hermie (clf teacher). Mapagpasensya si maam noguera na hanggat may nakikita siyang estudyanteng hindi maintindihan ang pre-cal & basic cal, repeat lang. Si maam roher laging active, na lakas ng boses nya nung first day walang pinagbago hanggang huli para yung charming face ni maam. Si sir ng research na halos istorya ng experience, na dun kami chill. Yun namang parang classmate lang ng section si sir jc na nasa bangkok na ngayon, at natatawa pag pumipiyok. Mala-siri ng iphone si maam na principal na ngayon. Pinakaidol ko magturo ng g11 si sir hernandez ng philosophy at nung g12 si sir paulo na kahit physics na ang subject ay gusto pa kuhanin ang entrep subject namen. Nagclearance at nagenroll, nagpahinga... sa kabaligtarang walang ganap sa buhay sa bahay tumambay. Nagkalikot ng kung ano ano, nagrecord, nagbasa ng libro ni lloyd cadena, at napabili ng art materials, nagpaint gamit ang mumurahing watercolor at brush galing palengke. hanggang nagfirst day, at dapat stem 12d na dating section, na ngayon binago ginawang stem12b kaya di ko na classmate halos mga g11 dati. 
 Representing stem12b. Gayong may mga kakaunting kaklase ako dati na kaklase ko pa din at kakaunting mga kaklase sa klase ng sj303 na ti- thirty+ lang kame. Mga kabaligtaran ng stem11-d. Ingay na sapat lang, at yun since adviser namin ay clf. Attendance is a must pag may mass. Swerte kaming naging adviser namin si sir romnick.  Nakakatuwa ang humor ni sir kapag napipilitan sa pagtawa o di naman nagjoke siya pero walang tumawa. Dito din nagsimula ang business ng section na Burger Technology a.k.a. Burtech. Isang proyekto para sa Entrepreneurship subject. May kakaunting inilugi man ng unang araw ngunit bumawi at mas dumoble ang tubo ng aming tinda: malunggay burger, french fries, spam fries, icedtea at nung huling araw nagka free popcorn sa mga bibili ng combo namin. Dito ko nakita ang abilidad ng dati ko ring kaklase. Sa pagiging lider at pangunguna sa mga proyekto ng sabayang pagbigkas, nakita namin ang kahusayan ni Roceline sa pamumuno. Ang minana ni Pung na pagiging prangka ng kanyang mama na paborito kong teacher nung jhs. Ang walang pinagbagong si Christian. Kay Mark na kaklase ko nung elementary at ngayo'y ulit kaukausap ko pati na din ang pagdating ng dalawang kaibigang sina Nicole at Normalah. May naging kasama na din mula sa paaralan ng rosario institute na sina Hazel, Krista at Gab. Ang kahusayan ng memorization ni sir Jeff, na lahat ng parte, functions, ng katawan, halaman, kahit pinakaloob looban ng buto, utak, dahon at kung ano anong makikita sa microscope. Ang pagmamaling akala na masungit at brutal mula sa pagiging madisiplina lang naman ni Maam Caperida ay isa sa dapat may ugali nang bawat isang guro. At ang tumatak saking paborito kong teacher na si Sir Paulo Noceda, nakakabilib ika nga ang kasipagan at masigasig na paraan ng pagtuturo na bihira sa ipinapakita na siya lang ang nakagagawa sa kabila ng araw-araw na pagbabahagi ng kaalaman at pagsuway sa iba't ibang klase ng estudyanteng itinuring na anak. Ang mga nagpapaaliw sa halos buong taon ng pagiisip ng sunod sunod na aktibidad at mga gawain na sinimulan ni Jade na suma binabae na kung wala siya ay walang magpapasaya at magpapakalma ng magiinit na emosyon sa klase, sinamahan pa ng kalokohan at mga kakornyhan na siyang nakakatawa kayna jheremie at jaycee, ang lakas ng boses ni go. Na nahaluan man ng pansamantalang pagwawatak ng grupo ng magtotropa ay naging maayos sa huli. Ang maganda sa section ay may open forum na bihira lamang ginagawa ng mga ibang nagsasari sariling section. Sa malapit na pagtatapos ng school year na ito ako nagkaroon ng trabaho,  namulat sa mga iba't ibang tao na makakasalamuha na hindi lahat ay magugustuhan ka, datapwat mas mabuting sabihin na ang lahat ay anak ng Diyos kaya't ang lahat ay may mabuting kalooban  na mapatawad ka at magpatuloy sa buhay nila ng wala ka na. Hindi lang dahil makakalimutan nila ang kinaiinisan nila sayo pag dumaan ang mga taon, kundi pati na rin nakapagpasalamat kang may nakilala kang taong katulad na nakapagbigay ng aral sa isip ng pakikipagkapwa. Hindi man natin mabago ang pakiramdam nila satin ngayon, pagdating nang araw ay mabubuo na ulit ang loob nila na kilalanin ka bilang isang bagong tao. 
 Ang baste ay isang tahanan na kahit hindi ko ipinapakitang ako'y napamahal ay sumatotal na dito ka maggo-grow at dito mo makikita ang lahat ng kahinaan mong akala mong ikaw lang ang nahihirapan pero may mga taong may mas mabibigat pa pala, at sa kanila mo matututunan na mas maging matibay. Nagpapasalamat ako sa paaralang ito dahil dito ay bibigyan ka ng pinakanakakawalang ganang mabuhay na dahilan, na siyang magdidikta saating Kailangan pala natin ng Panginoon. Andaming positivity na makukuha sa Baste dahil ang nagpapasaya naman talaga ay ang mga estudyante at kaya naging espesyal ang isang paaralan dahil dito nangyayari ang lahat at ito ang home at mas gumaganda sa tulong na din ng mga Pari. Madaming nangyari na hindi ko iniinda, kumuha ako ng lakas sa bawat kapwa kong nahihirapan na ihandle ang life. I see Beben has an anxiety as I looked at her eyes everytime she smiles and giggles. Pung was really open and on point to what he really feel, at sa pagiyak niya ay maaamoy ang depression. Si Margaret ay naiintindihan ko ang pagiging hyper niya at maingay sapagkat sa paraang iyon doon niya mailalabas ang pagpawi ng lungkot at doon niya naipapakita sa mga tao na matapang siya sa handang ibato ng panghuhusga at proud siya sa anak niya. Arriza na kitang kita ang pagod sa mukha niya pero she pushed herself na pumasok. Si Zachary na affected ang pagpasok sa school dahil sa broken family, parenting and such pero nananatiling talkative sa klase. Noemi and Wendell was too energetic everyday but I know they hide cry. Si Nicole na overthinker pero she is one of the good person i've met. Ang mga jokes ni Jade na nag ge gain ng saya sa school na nauubos sa pag-uwi. They inspired me! Angiisstrong natin! and now we are not yet finished, may college at nonstop future work pa. Masaya na magthankyou sa Graduation Day! Wala na din to soon! Di natin alam na mamamatay tayo sa baka maaksidente, magkasakit, o gawan ng krimen. Hindi mapapatay ng pagkamatay ang mga naiambag natin sa mundo! Let's do more and be better for everyone! SSCRd-C, we are batch 2019, signing-off. 
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