#sorry mario fans for my shitty explanation of your games
wildshadowtamer · 3 months
it's fascinating being semi-aware of other fandoms that your not in, maybe through a mutual or someone you follow entering a new fandom, maybe just through pop-cultural osmosis. Becuase at a certain point you realise your mental concept of that fandom is wildly off from the actual thing.
like, for instance, i know the rough plot of mario, i think. if it has one. like, italian plumber brothers who may or may not be from new york have to go save the mushroom princess and stop the sort-of-tyrannical leader of a different group of mushrooms. the leader also has like 9 different kids, and ghosts and time travel have gotten involved at least once.
but, anything past that, i only know from the people i follow. of which is that luigi and bowser are gay, mario and peach have twin girls and are probably in a qpr, and that the mario movie was decent. oh and daisy exists but i have no clue what game she exists in or what her plot importance is.
and its so funny being an outsider in this way, because a mario fan could tell me literally anything about it and id have to just accept it because i dont know this shit. you could tell me hes the long lost son of bob the builder because an official book released in 1996 only in japan said so. like yeah sure man, ok. the fandom equivelant of "i'll incorpate that into my belief system"
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My Hoodie
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A few months after you and Tom break up you run into each other again (Prompt 31: “You still wear my hoodie?” and 77: “Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you and it scares the hell out of me”)
Requested: Yeah (also I’m sorry if this was from the wrong prompt list. If it was please let me know and I’ll write another one with the prompts from the other one :) ALSO I SO NEED TO WRITE FOR TOM AND PETER MORE)
The library was quiet, as libraries should be. Elsa was at the front desk as she normally was, occasionally she’d look up and smile at me if she caught me staring into space in between writing paragraphs of my essay. 
I had been distracted for a while. It was ridiculous, Tom and I broke up months ago, I should be over him by now, I knew so much. But there are some things that just can’t disappear it would seem.
I loved him. I did. And I beat myself up a bit more every day when I remember that I let him go, let him walk away, out of my life without telling him as much.
Though that’s not fair on him. I told him to leave. I told him I didn’t want to see him again. Back then, I thought I meant it. Now I realise I want the opposite.
I type at my computer once again, determined to finish this essay today, knowing that my uni lecturer was likely to set another one tomorrow so it would be best to get this one out of the way. I sighed, pushing the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing up my arms again. I wasn’t looking great today, having just rolled out of bed, changed into some leggings and a loose shirt, throwing a hoodie over the top and then grabbing my laptop on my way out of the door.
As a result of this, I was quite suitably mortified when my ex-boyfriend sauntered into the library with his best friend on his heels.
I tried to sink even further into my chair, desperately not wanting a run-in with Tom. Just as I’m beginning to relax and go back to typing, the actor turns around and looks directly at me.
He’s still as hot as ever, which is a comfort and an annoyance. He looks unsure over whether or not he should smile or ignore me and just as I’m beginning to think he’s opted for the second option, he begins to make his way over to me.
“Hey,” he says, hovering awkwardly next to my table. I nod in greeting, pulling the sleeves of my hoodie down.
“Hi,” I respond. The air is quick to turn awkward as we refuse to meet one another’s eyes.
“How’s uni going?” Tom finally asks
“It’s alright. A lot of essays and exams start soon but it’s going good. How are your family?” I ask him.
I had always loved Tom’s family. Nikki and Dom just treated me like another child, Nikki loving having another girl in the house. Paddy would come over to Tom’s apartment at least once a week when I was staying there studying and he would “de-revise” me as he put it with a game of Mario Kart, comforted in the knowledge that I sucked and so he would always win. The twins came over a lot too, Harry would show me the most recent photos he had taken and Sam and I would theorise over what Marvel had in store for us next.
“They’re good, thanks. Paddy misses you,” he adds the second part quietly, as though he’s not sure whether or not he wants me to hear it. I look down at my laptop again, playing with my fingers that were laying on the keyboard. I can feel Tom’s eyes boring into me and the familiar feeling of guilt and regret over breaking up with him washes over me again.
It was the right thing to do. I try to convince myself of it again and again but it doesn’t work. It never works.
“I miss him too,” I finally admit, looking up at his handsome face. A corner of his lips quirks up into an unsure smile and I try to give one back. That’s when I take the time to notice how tired he looks, bags visible under his eyes in a way I’ve never seen before. I had seen Tom tired and jet-lagged but in this moment he just looked exhausted.
“You still wear my hoodie?” Tom breaks the awkward silence again and I look down, blushing again, fiddling with the hem.
“It was the first jumper I found this morning I offer as an explanation and Tom’s smile grows a millimetre wider.
“Well it always did look better on you,” he informs me and my cheeks blush scarlet at the compliment. The silence settles once again and Tom shifts from foot-to-foot.
I guess this is why exes avoid each other then. God when did we get this awkward.
“Y/N,” Tom starts, just as I open my mouth to say something. He closes his and waits for me to continue but I motion at him to go on. He lets out an awkward cough. “Look, can we... talk... about everything? Please? It’s fucking me up, sweetheart. I just need... I need to... talk about it at least,” I observe Tom for a moment. I had done so well, not thinking about the reason we had broken up, just thinking about how much I missed him.
“Okay,” I whisper.
“Great!” Tom beams. “Do you want to come over later tonight, after you’ve finished your paper?” I nod, feeling a little faint, unsure of how I had gotten myself into this situation. “Okay! Then I’ll... see you there,” there’s a smile on his face still as he walks back over to Harrison who raises his hand in greeting towards me. I smile and wave back before turning back to the essay I was supposed to be writing.
I catch the reflection of myself in the screen. I look like an idiot with such a wide smile.
Tom’s apartment is exactly the same, only messier. I did most of his cleaning when we were together. I didn’t live with him, I lived in uni halls with my roommates and now lived in a house with the same roommates but I spent so often at Tom’s place that I felt as though I lived there. I went up at least every other weekend, pretty much every weekend if I’m being honest.
The only difference aside from the mess was the lack of Harrison’s presence. Obviously since the two boys lived together, Harrison was almost always around. It was fun sharing the apartment with the two guys and Harrison and I spent so much time together when Tom had interviews and whatnot that we quickly became close friends too. The fact that he wasn’t around this evening was odd. I did get the feeling that it could go one of two ways, either we’d fight and scream and yell the same way that we did when we first broke up, or...
Tom came back with two glasses of water and set them both on the coffee table, smiling sheepishly at me when he saw my glances around the apartment.
“Yeah, it’s a bit messier than it used to be,”
“You’ve got a new lamp,” I comment lamely and Tom sighs, shaking his head at me slightly.
“I don’t want to do small talk, Y/N, please,” it almost sounds as though he’s begging me and I gulp, nodding. “What happened to us?”
“We broke up,”
“But why?”
“You know why, Tom,”
“No I don’t!” He argues, voice raising a little already.
“You do, Tom. We fought. A lot. The distance was too much, the press was roo much... she was too much,” I look down and Tom huffs.
“This had nothing to do with Zendaya,” he groans and I roll my eyes, feeling my annoyance growing, “and you know she feels awful as though our break up is her fault, which it isn’t!”
“I know it wasn’t her fault!” I shout finally and Tom shuts up, looking at me, his gaze hard and his jaw clenched. We were both on our feet by that point, centimetres away as we went over the same argument from months ago.
“Then why do you keep on bringing it up?” He demands, clearly pissed.
“Because do you have any idea how shitty it made me feel to see you posting photos of her on your instagram, to see your comments on her posts and most of all the tweets I got from your fans telling me to break up with you so that you could be happy with Zendaya?” I hiss, taking another step towards him. Tom looks taken aback, sympathetic.
“That wasn’t Zendaya’s fault, though,” he presses and I groan, letting out a sarcastic laugh and taking a couple of steps away from him, putting my back to him. “Don’t turn your back on me, Y/N!” He shouts and I flinch at the loudness of his tone.
“What do you want from me, Tom? You asked me why I broke up with you and I told you. What do you want me to say?” I ask him and Tom pulls a hand through his hair, lips turned down in distress.
“Something - anything! I just - I just -” a sob breaks past my lips and my hand flies to my mouth.
“Tom, this was shitty the first time, it was bound to be shittier the second time. Why are we doing this?” I ask between my sobs, collapsing onto his couch and resting my head in my hands.
“Can’t you tell, Y/N?” Tom asks and his voice is hollow. I let out a wry chuckle.
“Tell what, Tom?”
“Don’t you get it, Y/N? I’m in love with you and it scares the hell out of me,” he sounds resigned and upset but I freeze at his words.
“What?” I look up at him slowly, taking in his distraught expression.
“You heard me, Y/N, I’m in love with you, I’ve been in love with you for so long but I didn’t know what to do about it, I didn’t think you loved me. I thought you’d realise that you deserved better.” Tom collapses onto the sofa next to me, trying to hide himself as he wiped away his tears.
We sit there in heavy silence for what feels like hours but in reality must have been only a couple of minutes. I get my cries under control and brave a look towards Tom whose shoulders are still shaking with his repressed sobs. Slowly I crawl over to him, tentatively resting my head on his shoulder. He jumps a little at the action but relaxes almost instantly afterwards, cautiously moving his arm around my waist to pull me closer. The silence that envelopes us is easier this time, both of us gripping onto one another so tightly it feels as though one of us is going to break. 
“Tommy?” I whisper.
“I love you,”
“Yeah,” I confirm, feeling the smile making it’s way onto my face. I feel him place a gentle kiss against my temple.
“I love you more than anything,”
“More than Tessa?” I tease, tilting my head to meet his gaze with a grin and Tom pulls a face.
“About even, my love,” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against mine before pressing a kiss against my lips.
Hope that this was what you wanted :) please send in your Tom Holland/Peter Parker requests because I honestly forgot how much I love them haha
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