#sorry lila ilu
emo--chanel · 1 month
using one of my favourite songs ever in the end credits of the disappointing, mediocre at best, final season of one of my favourite shows ever is an evil evil crime actually.
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booabug · 6 years
Catalyst liveblog
^ - ω - ^ ^・ω・^ ^ • ω • ^  ^ • ω • ^ ฅ ⌐■-■ ⌐^■ ω■^ YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
haha here we go im terrified lets go omg she smooch her forehead :3c a FAMILY of heroes lmao plagg telling it like it is again JFC HOW MANY EFFIGIES OF HIS WIFE DOES THIS MAN HAVE MANOR DESIGNED SO YOU CAN STARE AT EMILIE WITHIN ANY 10S WALK Nathalie no oh Lila went international damn you know you're going too far when ALYA calls you out on muckraking LMAO MARI BANGING HER HEAD IN THE BG Lila :( HOO HOO I love Damoc- I MEAN OWL BRO DUDDE MAN so much omg their shy smiles [sobbing] Nino's so sOFT [intensified sobbing] ALYA HOLY SHIT? FUCKING ACCESSIBILITY CRUSADER DAMN Marinette m a r i n e t t e . . . ilu sabine ; u; ilu marinette ; u; ilu gorilla ; u; I fuckING HATE YOU GABE FUCKING ISOLATING AND MAKING A KID LIVE IN FEAR WITHOUT EVEN BEING IN HER LIFE THAT'S NEXT LEVEL ABUSE NEXT DIMENSION ABUSE NATHALIE YOU'RE AN ACCOMPLICE TO THIS SHIT!!! WTF how r u even attracted to that smile jfc every time eugh YO WE BETTER GET RENA fox vs fox SHOWDOWN HOLY SHIT THAT'S DARK D A M N GOOD SHIT, SHOW ashes to ashes dust to dust yo hoLY SHITIT WASN'T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM ... they are doing their best uh u h haha tikki I have bad news for you UHHHHH ADRIEN I GOT BAD NEWS omg jagged and clara crying together OHHHHH IT'S HAPPENING omg gotta paudsse OMGGGHhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnghn the adrinette save I GOTTA REPLAY THAT SHIT GOOD SHIT JULEKA GRABBING ROSE TOO :OK_HAND: r-r-r-rewind GOOD SHIT REWIND FUCK I HAVE TO MAKE THIS JOKE SORRY: Adrien confirmed service top. fhsdjhgjlkjkk im never going to get past this scene now im laughing too hard at my own joike ILU CALINE ILU HOO HOO JULE-ALY NINO SISTERS I LOV OH GOD OH NO GORILLA BE OK PLS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg janitor confirmed for mylene's dad i always assumed they reused the model or smth..... marginally less horrible than you could b-oh holy shit OH FUCK PLAGG YEAH HE PET!!! pat the kitty yes he good boy a sewer level mission? idek what video game to reference rn damn NICE LB lol I hope Sabrina's eyes aren't too bad cause her glasses... [protip from someone p much blind w/o glasses: use your phone cam until you can be reunited] OH? OH IT'S HAPENING?oh I thoug- NO TIKKI'S RIGHT ALL ALL OF THEM OH HELL YEAHHHHHH she's entrusting CN w it [kermitcrying.jpg] (lol wonder if fu knows) omg djwifi this is nerd culture romance OH OT3? LMAO #ALYAKNOWS2k18 CONFIRMED she didn't even bat an eye omg he's so cute omg she's so cute YO! YOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLAHELLA HELL A lmao adrien so sassy w ur friend AMAZNG the SASS of this boy oh my gOD I am lOIVEING living AND loving hm? HMM? mr moustac-? OH MR WHISKERS omfg cararogue youre so cute and gross and adorable and disgusting THE TRUE RACCOONS ALL ALONG ILUAM LIVINGGGGGGGGGGGG
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shibasparklez · 7 years
1,13,15, Rrrrohan :3
Merry!!!!!! Thank you for sending so many asks ilu
Ok this post is gonna be pretty long so imma put all of them under a read more 
1. Meeting face-to-face for the first time
(I’m gonna be a cheat and post something from a work in progress fic as sort of a preview. This one’s taken a while because it’s loooong and I keep getting stuck on certain scenes)
Once I got closer to the field I had taken a few more pictures of the entire surrounding area. It was such a pretty little pocket in the relatively normal town, though it might’ve been more normal than I suspected considering how nonplussed the boys seemed about it. Before I knew it I was nestled in the comforting hues of all of the sunflowers, taking pictures of every interesting one I saw. I loved zooming in and taking a photo of the spirals in the middle, every one looked so pristine and perfect despite being untouched by humans. Once again I was thinking I could spend my entire day there, all alone with the beauty of the plants.
Then, with absolutely no way of me being able to tell there was someone else there, I suddenly ran into something soft and warm. Backing away slowly, I realized that this was another interesting looking person. He was shorter than both of the boys I met earlier (but he still somehow was a full chest taller than me), but I could tell he wasn’t a high schooler just from looking at him. I had never seen a teenager wear what he was with such confidence, even to the point of smugness. A short, midriff-baring top with strangely baggy pants, with a lot of strange things hanging off of them. I admittedly wasn’t very well versed in fashion, but this looked a bit avant garde. It took me way too long to look up at his face, and I realized that he was actually pretty handsome. At least in my own strange standards. That all along with the fact that his stomach was very distracting, made me realize that I had just run face first into an attractive man’s chest.
“Ah! I-I’m sorry sir!” I backed away as quickly as I could, without harming any of the flowers. “I had no idea you were in here too!”
“Are you who I think you are?” He didn’t even acknowledge what happened once he tore his attention away from his own camera (which I had ignored while staring at the rest of him).
“Uh…that depends on how into sports you are?” I didn’t want to sound smug by assuming he knew me.
“Ah, I knew it! You’re that tennis player who’s in town right now, correct?” He started to open up the sketchbook he had on him.
“Yeah, I am. What’s your name?” I couldn’t believe that I was seemingly talking to another local who knew me. Maybe this town wanted me there for a reason after all.
“Kishibe Rohan. You’re a fan of my work, correct?” He was still talking to me perfectly normally despite how much work he was doing in getting all of his drawing supplies out.
“Your work…? Wait a moment.” I swiftly pulled my manga volume back out of my jacket pocket and read the author’s name off of the cover.
“Yes, I was told that you mentioned Pink Dark Boy in a recent interview. Of course, a lot of famous people enjoy my work, but this is the first time an American understood my work’s subtleties. At least that I’m aware of.”
(if people like this little part enough I might be inspired to finish it)
13. Stuck in the rain
I stared longingly up at the sky, not even caring that the cold droplets were hitting my face. The swirling grey clouds looked oddly comforting to me, as someone who grew up in a place where rain was rare. I’d only been living in Morioh for a few months at that point, and I had no idea how common rain was. Looking around me, I knew that it was most likely something that happened often. Everyone had pulled out an umbrella from seemingly nowhere, and they were carrying on with their day like nothing happened. 
“Lila! What are you doing?” A familiar voice called out to me from the distance. 
“It’s raining.” I turned around to face the noise, pointing up at the sky. 
“I know. I’m not blind.” Rohan stepped out of the shadows of the trees, though his massive umbrella still made him a bit hard to see. “Why the hell are you just standing there staring at it?” 
“It feels nice.” I stuck my palm out to feel more rain, noticing it was quickly forming a small puddle in my hand. 
“It’s cold, and the water is bad for my drawings.” He swiftly put his sketchbook away in a fancy looking brown bag. 
“You’re cold, huh?” I slowly made my way over to him, trying to suppress my giggle. “That’s adorable.” 
“I…I’m not that cold right now, so you can just be quiet!” He sputtered, crossing his arms. “I was just saying that in general the rain is cold. And it can make you sick!” 
“Are you sure you’re not cold, Rohan?” I touched one of his arms, sighing when I could feel goosebumps. “You sure feel like you are.” 
“I was in an air conditioned room earlier and it got to me a little.” He avoided my eyes, grabbing both of my arms in return. “How the hell are you so warm?” 
“Just got out of training.” I stepped a bit closer to him, smiling innocently. “Say, if I’m warm and you’re cold, doesn’t that mean a hug would make us both comfortable?” 
“…I guess so. I’ll just do this so you cool down a bit.” Despite seeming hesitant he quickly pulled me over to him and embraced me. 
I buried my face into his chest, sighing happily. His arms wrapped awkwardly around my waist, and I pressed myself into him as much as I could. Despite mostly doing this to get a hug out of him, I was also a little overheated from the humidity and my training earlier. He was clearly happy to be so close to me, I felt him shiver and hug me a little bit tighter. I giggled when leaned down to press his face against my neck, getting a little louder when he kissed it gently. 
“Are you feeling any warmer?” I asked, not showing any sign of letting go. 
“A little, but I think I can go for a bit longer.” He started rubbing my back, and I knew we were going to be there for a while. 
15. Comforting you/your fav after a nightmare
I knew I was dreaming, but that didn’t make it any less painful. Suddenly everything I feared was chasing me all at once, to do what I wasn’t sure. It felt so real, each time I turned around I could feel my heart about to jump out of my chest. Just when I felt like I couldn’t handle the ghoulish images swirling through my mind, I was thrown back into reality. The sight of my boyfriend’s bedroom walls already brought down my heart rate a little, but I knew some of those thoughts were going to stay with me for a while. Looking at the clock, I saw the time. Three in the morning, which wasn’t a reasonable time to start the day. I was too afraid to go back to sleep, and didn’t want to wake Rohan with turning on the TV. That was until I turned around to see him with his eyes open, making me jump and let out a small squeal. 
“Were you having a bad dream?” He cut straight to the chase, clearly able to see how much I was shaking. 
“Yeah…” I whimpered, holding back tears. “Did I wake you up?” 
“No, I got an idea and it’s kept me up for most of the night.” He tentatively reached out to touch my shoulder. “What was it about?” 
“My dream? Uh…” I tried to think of something more mature than what I was actually thinking about. “T…taxes…” 
“Lila, your nightmare wasn’t about taxes and we both know it. What was it actually about?” His dark green eyes didn’t leave my face. 
“If you tease me about it I’ll cry…” I sighed, going back to the place that left me so afraid. “Pennywise, Large Marge, The Thing, and Marx were chasing me in a field. You were turned around at the end of it and no matter how much I called to you, you didn’t look at me.” 
“So that’s why you were calling my name like that…” He, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around me. “You really scared me, yknow. I thought you were actually hurt.” 
“Sorry…” I hugged him tightly, resting my head on his shoulder. “Can you pet me? I’m still…scared.” 
“What are you, a cat?” He chuckled, and started running his slim fingers through my messy hair. 
“I’m a cat around you.” I chirped, rubbing my head against him and playfully purring. 
We stayed like that for a while, hugging each other while he scratched my head. The dream still lingered in my mind, but my heart went down to a normal level eventually. Rohan’s presence was comforting to me, feeling his arms around me made me actually think about going back to sleep. Before I could close my eyes and try again, a thought came to me. 
“Hey Rohan?” I mumbled, slightly embarrassed about what I was about to say. 
“What is it?” He smiled, making my heart start to beat faster for a different reason. 
“If Pennywise, Large Marge, The Thing, and Marx ever start chasing me…” I tried to keep a straight face. “Will you protect me?” 
“Of course. I’d love to use Heaven’s Door on any of those things.” He kissed my forehead, still keeping his hand in my hair. 
“Thank you. I’ll…be sure to tell you if that ever happens.” I giggled, kissing him on the cheek in return. 
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