#sorry just finished the true ending tonight and i cant stop thinking about this damn game
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falloutnewnobody · 2 months ago
i love the little pre-chapter prose in Don't Wake Me Up. Like this relatively lighthearted adventure every so often decides to break the already tenuous at best fourth wall to remind you the player that you are a deeply lonely person dreaming your life away. and then after you stare at your computer screen processing that for a few minutes the game instantly switches back to "yay spaceship level,"
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years ago
‘I love you, did you know that?’ - richie tozier x reader
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requested: yes & im gonna die bc y’all keep requesting the cutest shit and I actually wanna stab myself in the face as I write this shit cause its just so damn cute🥺
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summary: Richie constantly found himself not wanting to go home and sometimes his friends had no time for him, but you? You always had time for him. He found himself making routine trips to your house after so long, throwing rocks at your window till you’d open up and let him in. Let the cuddles ensue.
pairing: richie tozier x reader
warning: fluff, swearing.
Summer 89’
“y/n!” Richie cupped his hands against his mouth as he whisper-shouted up at your window. You had your window slightly open and he prayed you would hear him, that you weren’t asleep. He needed someone and all his other friends were asleep. He had a feeling you’d be up for some reason. He was right.
He grinned when he saw your shadow bounce off of the wall in view of the window and your head popped out of the window, “Rich? What are you doing here? It’s like midnight.”
“What, I can’t stop by a friend’s house for a visit?”
“Well... you can, but usually it wouldn’t be at midnight.” You giggled at him and rolled your eyes.
“I mean, who cares, you’re up aren’t you?”
You let your eyes study him for a moment and you frowned. He had a scratch on his right cheek and his eyes looked red and puffy, like he’d been crying for hours on end and had just stopped not long before arriving to your house.
“Is it your mom again?” You spoke softly and he tore his eyes from you, letting them dart around and land anywhere but on you.
“Yeah... but who cares? I don’t wanna talk about her. Let me in?” He raised an eyebrow and pushed his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. You smiled warmly and nodded at him. He climbed his way up, which surprised you. The side of your house where your window was always was a pain in the ass to climb, but Richie was stronger than anyone could have pegged him to be. Physically and emotionally.
That was the first of many nights to come over the course of your teenage years. You had grown closer and closer and before you knew it, Richie’s visits became a nightly ritual. And Richie went from the Trashmouth to your Trashmouth.
July 9th, 1992—
You jumped at the sudden crack against your window. You barely made it to the window before you saw Richie’s head pop up from the other side and him furiously tapping the glass.
You laughed as you realized he was struggling and you hurriedly opened the window and the screen, letting him fall forward and through the window, “Ouch!” He stood up quickly and shook his disheveled hair back into place and placed his glasses back over his face.
“Next time wait until I come to the window before you start climbing. You know how much of a pain in the ass that shit is to climb.” You smirked at your boyfriend’s eagerness to see you, but it also left you unsettled. It must have been a real bad one tonight...
“I just missed my babydoll too much to wait.” He grinned at you, wrapping you up in his arms and squeezing you so tight you thought you might burst. You laughed and melted into his embrace. He smelled like a menthol camel and your favorite cologne that he wore. He pressed a kiss to your lips eagerly and you tasted the cherry slushee on his tongue. You hummed into his mouth, darting your tongue out and slithering passed his lips. He tangled his tongue with yours, smiling into the kiss.
“You taste good, should have brought me one.” You pouted as you pulled away from his lips and he laughed at you.
“Sorry, babes. Next time, I promise.” He kissed your forehead and found his way over to the bed, gesturing for you to follow. Your nightly visits with Richie became known to your parents. They had caught on after some time and you explained Richie’s situation to them and how he hated being home for a good reason. They understood and left it at that. Soon, once you became a couple the visits turned into sleepovers and your parents still hadn’t protested. Maybe, it was because they hadn’t necessarily caught onto the fact that you and Richie were together now. It was probably better that way for a while, or else you didn’t think there would be anymore sleepovers if they knew.
You followed him to the bed and he pulled you down onto the bed with him, his arms snaking around you and his head resting ontop of yours as you snuggled up to him, “You know, I totally wanna tell my parents we’re together, but then we can’t have sleepovers anymore.” You pouted up at him and he laughed at you, throwing his head back.
“y/n, we’re 16 and we spend almost all of our time together and they totally know I’m obsessed with you. I think they know.” He wiggled his eyebrows in amusement as he finished speaking and you giggled.
“Okay, maybe you’re right. I haven’t confirmed nor denied it, though. Let’s just go with that, assuming they know.” You pursed your lips and shrugged, letting yourself be content with that.
He squeezed you tightly again and let out a sigh, “God, I’m so glad I’m here with you and I don’t have to spend another damn minute in that fucking house.” He mumbled quietly and you frowned into his chest. His mom was a severe alcoholic and took it out on him and his dad? Well, why do you think his mom was an alcoholic? They were the perfect toxic to ruin a beautiful soul like Richie, but he would never let them and that’s what you loved most about your boyfriend. Sure, he masked the pain and bottled things up sometimes, but he never lost sight of who he was and who he wanted to be. He never gave up on being happy and you were certain that was because of you and all of your friends.
“Was it a real bad one tonight?” You asked softly as you eyes searched his for answers. He shrugged and before he gave a verbal answer, your eyes landed on his neck. He had bruises on his neck in the shape of a handprint and saw that you had noticed, so he didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. You already knew the answer.
You cuddled up closer to him and he squeezed you a little tighter. You leaned up and placed small and soft, lingering kisses to the bruises on his neck. He smiled into your hair, “God, you’re so fucking perfect, you know? I can’t believe you’re really mine.” He shifted his weight and faced you as you laid down next to each other, faces inches apart.
“Rich, I’m nothing special, no need to butter me up.”
He rolled his eyes at you and huffed, “No, I’m serious. Don’t say that. You’re amazing. If I didn’t have you, what would I have beside the rest of the gang? A shitty home life? Some corny sex jokes? Fuck, I’d have nothing else. And with just you, comes so much. Look, I’m not much of a sap, but you get me all worked up and I malfunction around you all the time and I act funny. I guess it does that to you, huh? Love and all.” He was rambling sweetly and you both froze up when the four letter word fell from his lips. You searched his eyes, waiting for something else to come, but he was nervous and anticipating your response.
He totally didn’t mean to say that. You guys had been dating for a bit, but hadn’t said the L word yet and he said it and you felt like squealing like a little girl and crying happy tears and just having a complete overload of emotions, but you didn’t. Instead, you blinked fast and hard and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Holy shit, you said that.” You smiled after a moment and he relaxed, his face flushed and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
“Holy shit, yeah I did.” He laughed in embarrassment and then studied your face, “I mean, it’s true. I love you, did you know that?”
“I love you too, Rich.”
He smiled down at you, “Wait until I tell the guys I accidently did it. Eddie’s gonna hate me, he had a whole little plan set up for me to tell you. He said it had to be super romantic and shit.”
Your heart fluttered and you stared at him in awe, “How long have you felt this way?”
“Sweetheart, I’ve loved you since the first night you let me climb through your window back in 89’. Shit, I just... didn’t wanna scare you away. You were there when I needed someone most and I’m so glad it was you. You showed me what it felt like to really care for someone.”
“Richie Tozier, I am so in love with you.” You beamed and your heart soared as you replayed his words over and over again in your head, “You really are a sap for me, huh loverboy?” You teased him and his face turned beet red instantly.
“Hey, shut it toots, now gimme a kiss, damn it.” He put his hand up to your face, running his thumb over your cheek and you leaned forward, kissing him slowly and softly, taking your time. Smiles shown through during the moment as you pulled away from each other. His big brown eyes magnified by his glasses were filled with so much love and you felt truly and utterly happy.
The rest of the night was filled with endless words about anything and everything and the constant exchange of ‘i love yous’ because damn, you just couldn’t get enough of hearing him tell you that.
Richie Tozier found a home in the most unexpected arms. You were the only thing he needed. Nothing else mattered on these nights you spent with Richie. It was just you and him and the rest of your lives together. He loved you all along, and now you knew that.
Woah that was so fucking fluffy and oozing w cheese I cant bro
The end was legit so corny but I loveeee itttttt😭 Hope you all liked this one❤️
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ainstgirl · 6 years ago
The Stranger at the bar (1)
Summary: the reader works in a restaurant as a waitress, she has a pretty normal life until a stranger sits at the bar, they start talking and the spark goes off, both hide something, what will happen when the secrets come to light? I'm very bad with  summaries, just give it a try.
Pairing(s): Chris Evans x Reader
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Here you were another night in front of Molly’s restaurant door , you didn’t imagine you were going to end up being a waitress but life goes around and here you were… another night more at work, it was Sunday night so the restaurant was full, it was going to be a long night. “Are you still hooked on the Kardashian reality show?” you ask Mark when you see images of Kim Kardashian leaving his hotel on the television of the bar. “have you seen them?” he asks as if that said everything. Mark works at the bar, both of you started working at the same time so you’re good friends. “they can’t go outside without being followed, it’s crazy” You don’t know how they keep their eyes open with so much flash. “the paparazzis are only doing their job” Mark starts to say but he stops when he sees your face “okay, okay, I have to keep working” he says raising his hands in surrender mode.
“you dont like paparazzis?” A man sitting at the bar asks you. “If someone were to chase me through the streets and take pictures, it would be harassment, but if someone is famous, it’s not harassment, but someone doing his job” you say cleaning the bar, you look up from the bar to see the stranger. The first thing you see is his blue eyes, but what catches your attention are his eyelashes they are almost as long as yours, and have had to use two layers of mascara. The next thing that catches your attention was his beard, normally you don’t like men with beards but he looks good, makes him even more attractive. "It's the price of fame" he says taking a sip of his beer. "it's not worth it to me" the stranger looks up from the beer, seems surprised by your answer so you continue "I think it's only worth it if you really love what you do and don't do it for the money" you say watching the tv. "almost everyone I know wants to be famous" he takes another drink before continuing "fame, money ..." "well not me" you say with a smile "do you want another one?" you point to the beer. "yes please" He answers, so you open another one for him "Don't you want to be famous then?" "No, I'm happy as I am, plus I don't have any talents" "I'm sure you have hidden talents" "Of course I have them" You approach a little as if you were going to tell a secret. Damn it, he even smells good "I can clean all the tables in the bar in less than two minutes, don't tell anyone" you say winking. "they need you at the tables" Mark says approaching you "I take care of him" "duty calls me" you say coming out of the bar. "thanks for the talk" his eyes move to your chest "Y/N" he adds reading your name. You smile at him before going to the tables area. When you get to the table that you had to attend you can't help but look towards the bar, the man was still there with his eyes fixed on you, you can’t avoid blushing. "What is today's special? "says a client making you come back to reality.
"Orange chicken with mashed potatoes" you say. "I'll take that, thanks" you take note and on your way to the kitchen your eyes are searching for a certain man with blue eyes at the bar, but he's no longer there. "this is for you" Mark says when he sees you. "why?" You say taking the 50$ he offers you. "the man at the bar has left it, your tip" he says. "I've only served him one beer" you say without being able to believe it. "Then it's your lucky night, go and buy something nice" Mark says with a wink.
Why did he give you so much money? it doesn't matter, you probably won't see him again so you keep the money and decide not to think about him for the rest of the night.
Friday night, everyone is looking forward to the weekend, that must be because they don’t work on the weekends, but for you, it is when there is more work. Also the weekends reminds you of the little social life you have, your routine  is to go for a run, shower, make food and go to work, day after day, you sometimes agree to go out with Mark and his boyfriend or girlfriend of the moment for a drink but after being all day working you just want to get home to rest. "ready for tonight?" Mark asks you when you enter the restaurant. "What are the chances that no one will come tonight?" you say yawning. "very few but don't lose faith" he says with a smile "Come on, cheer up, then we can go and have something to drink" "sorry i cant, i have plans" you say. "wait whaat? with who?" he ask confussed. "with my bed, Tomorrow is sunday and I have a double shift" you explain. "Okay, but next week I don't want excuses, you're coming, period" he says serius this time. "fine, I'm going to change before people arrive" you say surrendering.
The restaurant was full and you were short staffed so you have to run from one table to another to take note of the orders. "Hi, do you know what you want tonight?"  you say without taking your eyes off the notebook. "yeah, I want the special of the house please" that voice sounds familiar, When you look up, your eyes meet with his blue eyes. "emm... great" Why are you suddenly nervous? "Do you want something to drink?" You say trying to calm down. "a beer please" he adds. "I will take the same but i'll drink water" says the woman who accompanies him. "I'll bring the drinks right away" you can’t help but wonder who is the girl "your beer and your water" you say leaving the drinks on the table. "thanks Y/N" he says. Hearing your name from his lips produces a sensation in your boddy that you didn't expect. "emm yeah... the food will take 10 minutes" you say trying to calm your heartbeat. "good" he says with a smile, even his teeth are perfect, great. "good" you repeat without realizing it "I mean, I think it's good that it seems good to you" you say trying to fix it " I think they call me at another table"
"Isn't that the man form the other night?" Mark ask you with a smile on his face. "yeah" you say covering your face. "If he gave you 50$ for a beer then who knows what he will give you today for the whole dinner" He says strangely excited. "Mark...." you start to say. "it's clear that he likes you" he says. "don't say that" you say looking around. "why? it's true, since he has arrived he's been looking at you, look, he is doing it right now" he says and you feel how your cheeks turn red. "god... Maybe he wants to ask for something more to..." you where about to say drink when Mark adds. "yeah your number" "shut up..." you hit his arm " i mean he's cute" you say biting your lip. "cute? You know I'm with Martha but even I'm attracted to him, don't tell her tho..." "Mark!" you laugh "he's with a girl as you can see" "maybe she's a family member or a friend, she doesn't seem mad at him  for not taking his eyes off you" he says looking towards the table "Mark focus more on serving drinks and less on my love life" you say sticking out your tongue. "okey I give up but If i was you i'll asked for his  number" he says serius this time. "I'm going to take the food before you start drooling all over it" You say taking the tray from the kitchen
"here you have it, Do you need something else?" You say when you get to the table. "We are fine, thanks" he answers looking at you with those blue eyes. "well...If you need anything, do not hesitate to call me" You say before you go back to the bar. "he just looked at your ass" Mark says when you leave the tray. "Mark, stop it" You say red. "listen to me, write your number on a napkin and give it to him" he says giving you a napkin. "are you crazy?" "You have nothing to lose!" he adds giving you a pen. "if it's so easy, why haven't you ever done it?" you put a hand on your waist. "because they are the ones who give it to me" he says winking. "i hate you" You say trying to be serious. "no you dont" he says smiling "look, It seems that he needs something"
"have you finished?" You say biting your lip, it's something you always do when you're nervous. "yes, it was very good" the woman says. "Do you want something for dessert?" you ask. "what do you recommend us?" the man says looking at you. "well...You can't go wrong with chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream" It’s your favorite dessert. "that sounds incredible, two of those please!" he says. Now he is the one who bites his lip. "I'll bring it right away" you say not without first moving your gaze to his lips.
After the dessert the man and the woman leave, and they give you 80$ tip. "You haven't given him your number?" Mark asks you when he sees they are gone. "Of course not, that only happens in the movies" you say. "Who doesn't risk doesn't win" and that phrase is the same one that he tells you the next 3 times in which that man sits in your section. Every night you talk about little things while you bring him  the drinks. Every night he came with a different companion, every night except today.
"the usual?" you say with a smile. "Today I want pizza" He was dressed casually in a NASA hat. "You come alone and ask for something different, interesting" you say writing it down. "so you have noticed me" Now it's he who smiles while you die of shame. "This is the fourth time you had come in a week" you explain. "the food is good" he says. "yeah is not that good" you say serving his beer "I bring you the pizza right now" "Actually ... I wanted to ask you something" He says before you leave. "we still have  chocolate cake, don’t worry" He always asks for the same dessert. "no... i mean love that cake but i was wondering if you know..." He says touching his cap, it's something he does when he's nervous, how can you know him so well just by serving his food? "i actually dont know ..." You say trying to understand what he wants. "do you have a boyfriend? If not, would you like to have a drink afterwards?" He says leaving you in shock. "You're asking me on a date?" "no? i mean yes, unless you're going to say no, in that case I'm not asking you on a date" he says with a nervous smile. "are you a  murderer?" you aks. "not yet at least" he jokes. "okay then, I finish my shift in one hour" you say nervous. "What if I wait for you while I eat that chocolate cake?" that makes you laugh. "sure" You were going to go for his food when you stop "By the way, I don't know your name" "ohh yeah..." He stops before continuing "i'm Robert" "Well Robert, I'll bring you the food right now" you say without being able to hide the smile.
"and that smile? something has happened?" Mark says as soon as he sees you. "Maybe a certain girl has a date with a certain guy at the table"  You say as if nothing. "have you finally dared?" he seems surprise, and he should, you would never have had the courage to do it. "no... he did it but i said yes so..." you say as if that counted. "When is the date?" he ask. "in an hour" you say biting your lip. "didn't you say that tomorrow you worked?" you had forgotten about that. "You're right, I should cancel it" you say. "No way, I'll do your turn and you'll do mine" he says saving you. "really? would you do that?" you cant help but hugh him. "yeah!! you need to have fun" he says. "you're the best" you say with a smile. "i know" he winks at you making you laugh, he was your best friend and you were happy to have him in your life.
The next hour is eternal, you attend all the tables and help at the bar, you can feel Robert's eyes every time you come near his table. You were really going to do it, you're going out with a client, someone you don’t know. You always told Mark that it's not safe to go out with strangers every time he flirted with a client, but here you were, ignoring your own advice. Yeah, a few customers had asked for your number but you weren't interested on them, but Robert transmits something to you, security, he had something that caught your attention, apart from his physical, obviously.
You look at yourself in the mirror before you approach his table, It wouldn't be the first time you go to a table with ketchup in the face. "Here is the bill" you say leaving it on the table "and do not even think about giving me a tip" "really?" He says raising an eyebrow, he doesn't know if you are being serius but your face says it all so he doesn't insist. "we are going to close so you can wait for me at the exit in 5 minutes?" you say "Unless you have changed your mind" you add before he can answer you. "no way, I'll wait for you outside, don't hurry" He says leaving some bills on the table before getting up from the table and leaving.
"What are you doing here?" Mark says when he sees you cleaning the tables. "i work here?" You say the obvious. "but you have a hot dude waiting for you outside" "I have to finish cleaning the  tables Mark" "I'll finish it, go now!" "I can’t let you do that" you say. "ohh... it's not for free, you have to tell me everything tomorrow, go" "thank you" you say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Y/N" you were about to leave when Mark calls you "He doesn’t look like a psychopath, but if something happens, don’t hesitate to call me okay?" He says serious this time. "you're the best" Mark is your best friend and you can not be more grateful to have him in your life. "Have fun" you hear him say before closing the door.
As soon as you close the door your heart accelerates, what were you going to do? what if there's no chemistry? and what if he only wants sex? All those questions were around your head when you see him, leaning on a car, he was playing with his NASA cap when he sees you and he smiles, and that's all you need to erase those questions from your mind. "Hey" you say with a smile, how are you supposed to greet him? Maybe a simple hello would have been a better option. "hey" he laughs "what do you want to do?" "can we go for a walk?" "sounds perfect" you both started walking without really knowing what to talk about. "Do you  do this often?" you say breaking the silence. "walk?" he jokes. "yeah walk" you say with irony "Ask a waitress on a date" "the truth is that this is the first time" he says with his hands in his pockets. "I feel special" you say with a smile. "you should" he laughs "I'm sure it happens to you very often" He says looking at you with those blue eyes. "Sometimes, but I never say yes" you say lifting your shoulders. "now i feel special" he says with a hand in the heart. "you should" you say hitting his shoulder,  Maybe you shouldn't have hit him, you barely know him, whay if he thinks you're weird? you start thinking but then, you see Robert smile, a real smile, not a shy or false one. "so... Are you from Boston Robert?" you ask. "Yes, and you? I have never seen you around here" "No, but I moved here this year and the truth is that I love Boston" you say without wanting to go into details.
"you want ice cream?" He says seeing a ice cream shop in the opposite street. "You just ate a huge piece of chocolate cake and ice cream, how are you still hungry?" you say without being able to believe that he's hungry. "As far as I know, you haven't eaten anything this night and what better than ice cream" he explains. "I love ice cream" you confess. "great because I'm starving" he says. "really?" you can’t believe him. "I’m a big boy that likes food" He says opening the ice cream shop door so you can go first. "Okey, important question, what is your favorite ice cream?" You say looking at the ice cream options. "vanilla and cookies" he says. "mine too, I'm sorry but this is not going to work, I can not risk that you eat my ice cream, i just cant" you joke. "at least we have tried" he says doing as he wipes his tears. "Hi, what ice cream do you want?" says an older man from the counter. "can i have a  vanilla and cookies ice cream in a medium cup please" you say. "the same for me but in a big cup" Robert adds with a smile.
You sit at one of the local tables while you eat the ice cream. You and Rob talk about nonsense, what is your favorite color... what would you prefer, go naked for a day or that everyone knows what you always think, The truth is that you were having a good time, you don’t know why you were so nervous, Robert seems like a good man. "And what do you do, Robert?“ you aks. "i'm... i.. well" he coughs "you know a boring office job" "It sounds fascinating" you say with irony "We'd better go, that man must be waiting for us to leave so he can close" you say when you see the time it was. "time flies when you have good company" he says making you blush "okay, let's go" "Actually, give me a minute" You say getting up and approaching the counter to talk to the owner "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but can you prepare a big number 3 menu to take away please?" you ask and he agrees. Robert raises an eyebrow when he sees you coming with the bag to the door "Are you still hungry?" he asks. you just smile before going by his side "come on, it's late" you say. Robert continues to have that look of curiosity until he sees you stop in front of a homeless man. "Hi Logan" you greet him. "my guardian angel" he says when we sees you. "I bring you food and water, I'm sure you haven't eaten today" He shakes his head, grabbing the bag. "he's your boyfriend?" Logan asks and you laugh. "No no, he's my friend Robert" you say introducing him. "Hi" Robert says. "Logan is late and we have to leave, tomorrow if I can I'll bring you soup from the restaurant" you say. "Thanks angel" Logan says before start eating.
"do you do that often?" Rob asks you. "Whenever I can, if you can do something good for someone, why not do it?" you say lifting your shoulders. "The world would be better with more people like you" He says looking at you intensely. "You've known me for a few hours" You say trying to hide your red cheeks. "I don't need more time to know that you are a good person" The way he looks at you makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. "You don't have to accompany me to the car, I can go alone" "No way, I'm a gentleman" Robert puts a hand on his chest making himself offended. The ride to your car is short, you don’t want tonight to end but you are tired of working all day. "I had a great time tonight" You say leaning on your car. "me too Y/N" he says playing with his cap "since we both have had a good time, what do you think if we have a real date tomorrow?" "sounds good" you say biting your lip. "Tomorrow at 8?"  he says looking at your lips. "perfect"  part of you wants him to kiss you, you're looking forward to it, but on the other hand you don't want this to go too fast, you really like him. He comes a little closer to you and your body is already trembling with desire. "Be careful on the way home" he says kissing your cheek "i'll see you tomorrow" "good night" You say entering your car. You can’t help but smile, you didn’t expect to have a date with the mysterious man, that's what you and Mark called him, but you can’t wait to see him again tomorrow.
This is the first chapter of my new series, I hope you like it.
Part 2 - A Real date.
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taxesdeathtrouble · 7 years ago
going to be true, if you’ll let me
i really did write another gertchase fic huh
2600 words
medium angst with a happy ending + some good old team bonding
title is from Dinah Washington’s Come Rain or Come Shine
Technically, this is all Alex's fault. When they'd found the safe in Chase's father's office- his parents were out of town for a convention- Alex was determined to get it open that night. 'I'm almost there,' he'd say, 'just a few more minutes,' he'd say. Bullshit, Gert would think.
As much as she wants to know what's in the safe, the biggest rainstorm in months is raging outside, and Gert had wanted to get home before it got so bad she and Molly wouldn't be able to drive home.
Which, of course, is what happens.
So now the six of them are stuck at Chase's house for the night.
She catches his eye from the couch, and immediately looks away. She's not exactly avoiding him, but she is trying her damn hardest to get over him, because she's pretty sure he doesn't like her, and feeling the way Gert does is a waste of everyone's time.
The six of them are sat in the living room, and Alex is fiddling with the safe, Nico looking over his shoulder. She'd already tried using her staff, but it hadn't worked. Gert almost wants to commend Mr. Stein for figuring out how to block literal, actual, magic, but then she remembers he's a ritualistic murderer and mentally backtracks.
Molly is taking up the entire couch and also using Gert's thigh as a pillow, but she can't bring herself to push her off. She'd carried the ridiculously heavy safe all the way from the office on the third floor to the living room two floors down. She runs a hand over Molly's curls, then shivers.
"It's freezing here. Damn, Chase, you live like this?" Nico snorts at her joke, and she lets the small bit of validation distract her from what might basically be another few hours of waiting.
"Hey, my people come from warmth and sunshine. If we had a normal heating system we'd melt."
"And what people is that, gym rats or hair gel top customers?" She really shouldn't be talking to Chase right now. It always devolves into flirting so fast- for her, at least, and that is the opposite of what she should be doing.
"Hey, not all of us can roll out of bed looking like we just walked off a colour shampoo promotional shoot, leave me and my hair alone."
"Oh but you're just so easy to make fun of. How long does it take you to reach perfection before you leave the house? Do you have to get up early or do you get to class late?"
"As if you don't meticulously plan out your outfits every morning to look as cool and unique as possible." His mouth curls around the words with a smirk, and she has to look away, just for a second.
"Pssh, says the boy who wears variations of the same thing every day just because he knows it looks nice on him, wear something other than a Henley or Polo and we can talk." His cheeks are kind of pink and blotchy. it's a good look on him.
"Jeez, would you guys stop flirting? Some of us are trying to sleep!" Molly pokes her in the stomach, and Gert pushes her onto the floor. Gently, though. She's not that mean.
"Ow, just because I called out you and your dumb boyfriend doesn't mean you can push me. Wait, that's rude, sorry Chase," she says, turning to him like the scoundrel she is, "you're not dumb."
He chokes out a, "Thanks, Mols," before getting up and going to the Nico and Alex across the room, both of whom are two seconds from busting out laughing. Karolina, who's been quietly losing her fucking mind in the corner, stops when Gert throws her her best 'if you don't stop right now there will be hell to pay' look. She'd perfected it when Molly turned 11.
Eventually, Alex cracks open the safe. Inside is a tiny usb, which he then plugs into his laptop and before settling on the couch, eyes glued to the screen. He plugs in his earbuds, and it's clear he's not going to move an inch for the next couple hours.
Molly and Chase end up having to carry the safe back upstairs. Molly keeps saying she can do it herself, but there's no way Gert is going to send her sister into a coma when she can send her into a nice nap instead.
"So," Molly says as soon as the safe is put back, kicking the door closed with her foot, "Are you actually into my sister, or am I, like, hallucinating?" Shit, why is everyone calling him out today?
"Um. We're not dating, if that's what you mean. Not that I don't want to date her, because," he looks away, choosing his words carefully, "because she's awesome, and so great, but I feel like I threw away my shot when I all but ignored her for Karolina, which was dumb, especially since she's literally a lesbian, how oblivious can I be, right?"
He hears a thud, and realizes looking away from a girl with power triggered narcolepsy right after using said powers was probably a bad idea.
Chase comes down the stairs holding a sleeping Molly in a bridal carry like it's the easiest thing he's ever done, laying her down on the couch as gently as possible. It really is unfair that he's so hot and so caring all at once. Pick one, right?
The five of them (Alex is trying his damndest to break that firewall tonight) fiddle with their phones for a few minutes, but even that gets boring after a while.
"Hey," Karolina says, hesitantly, "Do you guys want to play never have I ever? Or two truths and a lie? Or something? There's no point in just waiting in silence for Alex to get through the firewall."
"Um," Gert says, "Sure?" she's not wrong, and hey, it could be.....fun?
"Alright, so what are we gonna play? I vote never have I ever," Nico says. Chase agrees, and goes to grab the drinks with the lowest alcohol content for everyone but Molly, who just gets soda.
"I figured no one actually wanted to get drunk tonight, so." They sit in a small circle, Chase on one side of her and Karolina on the other.
"I'll start, I guess?" Nico says, "Never have I ever gotten arrested."
Gert takes a drink, but she's the only one to do so. Nico looks as surprised as she is, clearly she thought that should've gotten more.
"Okaayy," she says, "since I was the only one to drink, I guess I'll go? Never have I ever shown up to school hungover." Chase and Nico both take a drink.
"Never have I ever...." Chase starts, "fallen asleep at a random time." Molly groans and takes a drink.
"That's not fair, but if you want to play that way, fine." she looks around the group, a little devilishly, then says, "Never have I ever had strong feelings for someone in our friend group, and if it's more than one person you finish your glass." Gert is going to fight her sister.
"Molly, I'm going to sic my dinosaur on you," she says, then takes a drink, as does Karolina. Nico looks at her glass indecisively like she can't decide, Karolina watching her without subtlety as she finishes off her drink.
Chase tips back his glass for a long drink, then places it in front of him.
It's empty.
Molly winks at her when she catches her eye before Karolina starts.
"Never have I ever snuck out of the house."
Everyone but Molly drinks, and the next hour devolves from there, even after they switch to two truths and a lie.
"Seriously, though, it is absolutely freezing in here," she says, after they'd decided to stop playing, for fear they'd wake up Molly. She'd fallen asleep a few minutes ago, and the four of them left wanted to let her sleep.
"Do you want my sweater?" Chase asks. Yes yes yes i am so cold yes.
"Uh, I'm good, thanks." She can't, okay. It would only fuel the pros section of why she shouldn't fight her crush on Chase. It's starting to become a big list.
But Chase doesn't have ears, apparently, because he pulls off his sweater, a soft grey hoodie that's big even on him, and tosses it to her.
She immediately pulls it over her head, begrudgingly thanking him and smiling despite herself.
The sweater is as soft as it looks, and worn at the wrists, clearly very old. She burrows into it, smells the scent of his Givenchy cologne that she knows he has, Chase, she saw it on his nightstand- and something else that she hasn't ever been able to place, even when they were younger. She pulls up the hood, because damn, she really is freezing.
Oh, shit, why did Chase do this to himself.
She falls asleep in the hoodie.
By 11:30, everyone was tired, so Chase found pillows and blankets, and Nico forced Alex off his laptop to get some sleep. They all mutually agreed Molly should get the couch, and lie down in a circle in almost the same spots as when they were earlier, Alex taking Molly's place. Gert curls into a ball, tucks her legs under the sweater and pulls the blanket up over her ears, knowing that she wont fall asleep but trying anyway. Since they'd learned about their parents, her insomnia had gotten worse, though it was manageable. But on the floor? In someone else's house? No way she'll fall asleep before 4 AM.  
Waking up the next morning, Gert doesn't want to get up. She actually gotten a bit more sleep than expected last night, and she's so warm, and her pillow is so comfortable.
But she cracks an eye open anyways, because her pillow happens to be moving.
She's got her arm thrown across Chase's stomach, her head resting on her chest. Their legs are tangled together, and Chase's arm is wrapped around her, holding her close, almost protectively.
Or, alternatively, he won't let go and Gert is going to die from emotional overload. Right here, right now. Screw getting their parents put in jail, screw solving the mystery; Gert is going to keel over and die right now.
"Chase," she says, poking him, "Wake up."
"Five more minutes, babe," yep, she's going to die. The epitaph on her gravestone is going to read, 'I blame Chase Stein.'
And Chase doesn't even have the decency to loosen his grip, if anything, he pulls her closer.
She sighs, and almost considers just...letting it be. Letting this happen. But as much as she wants to, she cant. She can't keep doing this to herself, you know? Chase doesn't actually like her, and she has to stop fooling herself into thinking he does.
So she reaches up and flicks his cheek, and when he reflexively moves his arm, she pushes away and fucks off to the bathroom for the next half hour.
When, she comes out, everyone is up. The storm still isn't giving up, though it's due to stop around noon. Alex is already tapping away, and the rest of the Scooby gang is in the kitchen while Chase attempts breakfast, though it seems like Molly is doing most of the work- for an overstressed fourteen year old, she has culinary skills.
"......Hey, guys." She says, trying to hide that she's nervous, though she doesn't really know why she is.  Though maybe it has something to do with the way Chase is looking at her, with stars in his eyes and a warm smile that she has to be misinterpreting, right? Right?
"Hey, you showed up. Kind of thought you passed out in there," Molly says, laughing, "Here, try this, would you? I'm trying to make our pancake recipe from memory but...." she holds out the spoon, and Gert leans forward and tastes the batter.
"Hmm," she says, "It needs blueberries, I think. Chase," she won't, can't, look at him, "blueberries?"
He takes them from the fridge and passes them to Molly, clearly trying to make eye contact with Gert, but she looks in the other direction, running her hands up and down the sleeves of Chase's sweater, that she's still wearing, somehow, in discomfort.
The pancakes are ready within the next fifteen minutes, and Nico drags Alex into the kitchen to eat. They sit together at the island and dig in, all drowning the pancakes in syrup because they're teenagers and it's required for teenagers to eat pancakes with too much syrup.
Chase is sat next to her, she couldn't avoid it, and he keeps trying to nudge her into the conversation. Prompting her, making a joke that she's obviously supposed to respond to, actually nudging her with his elbow. Any other day, she'd be able to do this. But right now, she doesn't even want to be here, she just wants to go home, eat ice cream, and wallow.
She won't look at him, she won't even talk to him. Chase knows that this morning was kind of.....weird, but in a good way, right? Maybe? Or maybe he really did fuck it up past repair, and there's no way they'll even be friends anymore.
God, he hopes not.
After they eat, they all start to head back to the living room, basically planning to stare over Alex's shoulder until the storm lets up, but Chase grabs her arm before she can leave.
"Hey, could I.......talk to you?"
"Well, we're already talking right now, but what's up?" ah, sarcasm, a girl's best friend.
He slides the door shut, steps closer, and says, "That's the thing, though, I'm not sure we are? Talking, that is. I feel like I messed up big time and then got amnesia. Gert, I know this morning must've made you uncomfortable, but it wasn't on purpose. Is there some big thing that I've done recently that upset you? If you tell me, I'll apologize, but I can't apologize for something that I don't know I did, you know?," he gestures with hands, the same way he always does when he's trying especially hard to get his point across.
"Listen," she says, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "It's not anything you did, okay? You're......you're not at fault here, this is my thing, and I just need some time to deal, some time to fucking recuperate, I guess, and, and you don't have be any part of it, so just, just-" she has to pause slow her breathing, because she is not going to freak out right now, she is in control, she's okay.
Chase leans in and softly wipes away a tear making its way down her cheek with his thumb, cupping her cheek. "Not that you have to," he says, "but this would a bit more sense if you actually told me what the problem is." His hand is still on her cheek, and she has to resist the urge to lean into it, chase the warmth of him that she wants so bad.
".......Okay,"  is she actually doing this? What the hell, is she actually doing this? "Okay, okay, okay. I..........I have feelings for you. There. I said it."
And then she actually looks at him, makes eye contact for the first time since last night, notices the shots of green in his hazel eyes. Notices, for the first time, how he looks at her; like she put the stars in the sky and the moon was hung for her pleasure.
"Oh, Gert," he sounds unbearably soft. "Can I kiss you?"
She nods, even though she's a bit in shock, and he leans in. This is totally, absolutely, the opposite of how she thought this would go, but she's not complaining.
The kiss is soft, and kind of odd because neither of them can stop smiling, and really, that's a bigger prohibiter than she thought it would be, but whatever. It's the sweetest kiss she's ever experienced.
His other hand goes to her waist, and she twists her fingers into his shirt, and it's so, so good,-
"Hey, Gert, have you- holy crap!"
Molly is standing in the doorway, looking like she just touched a live wire. Whoops.
"Nope!" she says, already turning around, "I don't need an explanation! Enjoy yourselves!"
They turn to each other and burst into giggles. Chase wraps one arm around her, pulling her in, and she presses her face into his chest.
Gert finally knows what it is he smells like, now.
He smells like home.
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accio-infinity-stone · 7 years ago
A Monster Part 2 (Newt Scamander x Reader)
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Part 1
Requested by @curiousplanets: ALRIHHT OK IM SO EXCITED NOW. can I have a part two of A Monster? where it's the next full moon and Newt, reader's now boyfriend, insists on helping the reader out through her full moon (idk exactly how lmao) and she is like no no no you will get hurt and there's tears and shit? idk i'm feeling the ANGST. feel free to change part of it to make it flow easier. thanks in advance!
Word Count: 1,514
Warnings: Mentions of injury, self hate, crying.
A/N: I might write a part 3 because DAMN
“I want to come with you.” Newt said desperately.
“Absolutely not.” You said firmly. You didn’t know where the newfound confidence came from, perhaps because you and Newt had already had this conversation about a million times.
“Please let me come with you.” He said. You were looking at your feet, unable to look at him. You knew that if you did, you’d end up caving at the sight of his frightfully concerned face. Newt often wasn’t easy to read but he didn’t bother hiding his desperation now. You two were in your shared apartment in London doing something that rarely happened between the two of you, you were arguing.
“Newt, I said no.” You repeated, turning your back to him so you wouldn’t have to see his worried face. You could feel the tears building behind your eyes but you willed them to stay put. You were not going to cry. You wanted to show that you were strong and believed the decision you were making was a good one and tears would just turn you into a mess. They always did. You didn’t need Newt’s pity, you needed him to be safe and him coming with you tonight would most definitely put him in danger.
You and Newt had been dating for three months now and you could see that every full moon took a piece of his heart. He loved you and you loved him, so you knew seeing you in the state you were in after full moons was hard for him. You had, of course, tried telling him that he deserved someone better. Someone who wasn’t broken. Someone who wouldn’t hurt him every month. Someone who wasn’t you. Yet the stubborn magizoologist wouldn’t listen. And here you were again, about to hurt the man you loved.
This month was the first time he had brought this up though. A few weeks before the full moon, he had proposed the idea of coming with you when you transformed. You had told him that it was a firm no and he seemed to accept that, you had thought it was the end of the conversation. Until he brought it up again about a hundred times.
“Y/N, you can’t keep doing this alone. I could come and keep away the dangerous animals, I could come and try to keep you safe.” He begged. You whirled around, incredulity clear on your face. You couldn’t believe him. How could he just stand there, in all his messy haired, loose shirted glory and say that?
“Keep me safe? Me? Who would keep you safe?” You said, your voice getting louder. You couldn’t remember a time when you had yelled at someone. It came as a shock, to both of you. The shy, quiet Y/N suddenly yelling? You couldn’t stop though. How could he say that? You didn’t deserve to be kept safe. You were a monster. Especially when in that state. A monster who wouldn’t think twice about hurting this kind, selfless, curious man.
“I can keep myself safe.” Newt said, his voice still at a normal level, quite unlike yours.
“You can’t keep both of us safe! You can’t be safe. Not from me! Not when I’m like that!” You felt tears streaming down your reddened cheeks. Of course you were crying. Of course you were. The word “weak” kept swimming through your mind. You wanted to run away, to curl up into a ball, to hide yourself from the world.
“I could stay away then. Away but close enough so that when the moon goes down I could help you home.” He argued, taking a step closer. His sudden proximity seemed to put an immediate damper on your anger. You now just stood there in silence as tears streamed down your face, looking at the ground. You hated arguing with him. It rarely happened but when it did, you couldn’t stand it. Newt noticed your silence and walked closer to you until you were staring at his bare feet instead of the ground.
He tentatively lifted your chin slightly so you would look into his bright green eyes. Newt normally refrained from making eye contact with people but with you, he felt safe to do it. You closed your eyes and leaned your forehead against his, savouring his touch, his scent, his love.
“I love you, Newt.” You whispered, eyes still closed. You didn’t dare talk louder in fear that your voice would break.
“I love you too, Y/N” He responded.
“Do you really love me?” You asked. You felt his forehead crease against yours, in worry most likely. Clenching your eyes tighter, you pursed your lips to keep from sobbing.
“I really love you.” He said. You opened your eyes finally, to find his, still wide, and resting upon yours unwaveringly. So much emotion filled those beautiful green eyes, you couldn’t look away.
“Then let me do this alone.” You whispered. Silver lined his eyes as he took a shaky breath.
“I have, Y/N, you have been doing this alone since you were bitten.” He said. You flinched at that word. Newt noticed this, he noticed everything. “Y/N, I love you and I cannot keep seeing you come home bleeding and bruised.” You pulled away from him, turning around so he couldn’t see your face.
“Is that really why you want to come?” You asked. This thought had been nagging at you since you got together. You wanted to dismiss it as absurd but why else would he be with you? Why else would he deal with all the issues and problems you bring?
“What do you mean?” He asked tentatively, not quite liking the new tone in your voice.
“Do you want to come to keep me safe? Are you with me because you love me? Or do you just want to study me?” You finally said it, the thought that had been eating away at you since the beginning.
Silence. He wasn’t answering. How long has it been since you asked the question? 10 seconds, 11 seconds, 12, 13. Why wasn’t he answering? Dread filled your stomach, maybe you were right. Maybe this horrible thought was true. You felt the lunch you and Newt had shared an hour ago coming up. You couldn’t take it anymore, you turned around slowly to face him.
If your lunch wasn’t rising before, it definitely was now. The sight before you brought on a new wave of tears, it felt as if one of Newt’s creatures had slashed right across your heart. Tears were flowing down Newt’s face, you had seen him show emotion before but never so raw. All of his walls were down, everything now stood so clearly before you. It was hurt that you saw.
Hurt that pushed down his slumped shoulders, that darkened his bright eyes, that covered his kind face. You were stupid. So, so stupid. You were frozen, frozen in shock or guilt, you didn’t know. The two of you simply stood, gazing at each other with such thick emotion hanging in the air, freezing you in place.
His broken, shaky breath was what snapped you from your paralysis. You scrambled to get closer to him, to comfort him, but he took a step back. A step away from you. You couldn’t help but gasp. What have you done? Newt was always the one that cared and loved you no matter what. The one who would take one step closer to you when everyone else took two steps back. And you had doubted him, doubted his feelings for you. You were a monster.
“Newt, I’m sorry.” You said, staying where you were. He needed space and you would respect that. No matter how hard you had to restrain yourself to not run up to him, to not throw your arms around his tall frame, to not say I love you as many times as humanly possible. “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I love you. Please, Newt, I didn’t mean what I said.”
“Then why…then why did you?” He asked, no resentment or anger in the question just pain and sadness. A sob escaped your lips as you furiously tried to wipe your tears away.
“I-I don’t know. I just-I was too afraid that it might be true because what reason could there possibly be for someone like you to love someone like me. I’m a mistake and a complication and I’m sorry, Newt.” You cried, your words tumbling out of you in a pitiful mess. “I’m sorry.” You were shaking now, there were too many emotions running through your bones.
Panic at the inevitable pain that was drawing near, hate at yourself for everything you had done, guilt at what you had said to Newt and fear, fear that you may have actually screwed up the best thing that had ever happened to you. Before either of you could say anything else…
You ran.
You ran and you cried and you whispered one word to yourself, over and over and over again.
Hey! Would you look at that, I’m not dead! And I finally wrote/finished something. Honestly, I don’t even know why anyone follows me, I’m so inconsistent. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this. I don’t know who I feel more bad for, Newt or the reader. I hope you enjoyed and as always, constructive criticism is welcome.
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all-sortsa-stuff · 8 years ago
Just a kiss
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1710
Warning: None
A/N: Request from anonymous:  Could you do a Tom Hiddleston imagine based on the Graham Norton show? (If you haven't seen it you should look it up on YouTube. It's amazing) one where the reader and Tom are co-workers on an upcoming movie and things escalate on the red couch. Sometime on the show people will just randomly kiss each other or make innuendos with other actors/comedians.  (Sorry this took so long to write)
You stood backstage as you finished the last touches on your lipstick.  The bustle of people around you did not phase you, as they all prepared for the start of the show.  That month your new movie had premiered with Tom Hiddleston and James Woods.  Now you and Tom had been invited to the Graham Norton show to talk about the movie and have a good time.  Tom had been on the show several times, but this was your first time.  You were quite nervous but Tom insisted it would be fun and to just relax.  Watching several of the episodes prior to coming on the show helped to prepare you for what may be asked during the course of the show.  You saw that Graham was not rude or a jerk to those who were on his show and many laughs were a guarantee.
“Miss [Y/L/N] five minutes until show time.  Is there anything else I can do for you?”  One of the directing assistants stood behind you with the official headset and clipboard in hand.
“Umm, no I think I am good. I will be ready to go in a moment.”  The woman smiled, nodding before walking off.
“Don’t you look lovely tonight.  I see you went with the longer skirt.”  That deep English accent never failed to cause your heart to skip a beat before pounding in your chest.  Tom smiled at you through the mirror.
“Thank you.  Yes, that camera angle is too low for my comfort. I refuse to be on the front page of any of the rags tomorrow because I flashed the world on the Graham Norton Show.” Turning to look at him you grinned.
“Good choice.  Give me a hug I think they are about to call us.” The hug was familiar, warm and something you missed.  Since the completion of filming and the crazy schedule from the press tours there had been little time to see Tom for more than a few minutes at a time.  Tonight would probably be the longest you had been in his company since filming.  You missed him and the friendship that had developed.  Granted you texted daily and spoke on the phone a few times a week.  However, that was nothing compared to being in his company.  “I’ve missed you.  We should try and get together before we have to head our separate ways again.”
Before you could respond, you heard your name called as Graham Norton introduced you.  “Welcome [Y/N] [Y/L/N] to the show tonight.” Straightening your blouse and skirt, you walked out into the bright lights of the stage smiling and waving to the audience.  You kissed Graham on the cheek before taking a seat on the long red couch.  Tom followed behind seconds later, then Chris Pine to finish the trio of guests for the start of the show.
“It’s just wonderful to have the three of you here tonight.  Some of Hollywood’s brightest and sexiest stars.”  The crowd cheered at this loudly. The three of you all laughing, and thinking it ridiculous but smiled nonetheless.  “Now, [Y/N], you and Tom just did a movie together.  It’s out now in theaters.”
“Yes we did.  What Choices just premiered a few weeks ago, so that has kept things busy.”  Of course, he would start with you.  Your nerves were going crazy as your grabbed the vodka/orange juice mixture from the table in front of you, sipping before holding onto the glass for dear life.
“In this movie you two play brother and sister, right?”  Graham had his cards in hand with that cheeky grin of his.
“We do!  We play a really screwed up brother and sister.  It’s a bit different than other movies I’ve done.” Everyone laughed as you grinned; maybe you were not going to die now.
“I watched the film that first week it came out and [Y/N]… your character is something else.”  She is quite…”  You knew what was coming and your cheeks pinked.
“Her character is friendly.”  Chris piped up from his side of the couch.  The crowd roared with laughter as you covered your face.
“Oh Chris you saw it too?” He nodded looking over at you for a moment with a smirk then looking back to Graham.
“Yeah I saw it with a few friends.  She was very friendly in the movie.”  Tom laughed harder next to you as you, finally, were able to look back to Graham.
“Yes my character was friendly.  She enjoyed a whole lot of fun.”  Downing half your glass, you set it on the table before leaning back on the couch crossing your legs.
“Oh we all saw that!” Graham straightened his coat as he looked keenly at you.  “It didn’t matter race, gender, age.  You were all over the place.  I’m pretty sure you kissed everyone in that film.”  That merely caused the volume in the room to raise higher.
“My character enjoyed herself quite a bit.  But…” You held a finger up to make a point. “I did not kiss everyone in the film. My character did have boundaries. There was no action with her brother or her father.”  There was another collective laugh.
“That is true.  No, Game of Thrones action had in the film. Tom was that disappointing?  That you were the only one that didn’t get to kiss [Y/N]?  I mean this beautiful woman is kissing everyone else but you.”  Tom laughed showing that big smile of his as he leaned back on the couch resting, his arm on the back of it.
“Hell man, I’ve even to kissed her!”  Chris added as he sipped his beer.  Your cheeks were on fire again as you shook your head.
“You kissed her too?” Graham feigned shock.
“Oh yeah.  [Y/N] and I did a movie a few years back when I was a newer actor.  I had this small part in the start of the film as a guy that dumped her after they had sex.”  You were going to have to kill Chris after the show for bringing that up.
“Tom that has to be killing you now.”  It felt like Graham was trying to goad Tom into something inappropriate.
“Well I got a kiss on the cheek as we finished up the film and said our goodbyes.  So I got a bit of one out of it.”  The audience gave an “Aww” at the sweetness of it.
“Oh come on, [Y/N]! Give the man a real kiss.  Come on now.”  This incited a completely new reaction from the audience as they cheered. Many were chanting ‘kiss kiss kiss’.
Tom looked over at you with a smirk and a raised brow.  No words because you could read his face.  You pretended to huff and rolled your eyes, throwing up your arms in a mock defeat. Internally you were trying not to hyperventilate.  When you found out Tom was going to play your brother and not one of your love interests it was difficult to hide your severe disappointment.  He had been one of your crushes for quite some time.
“All right fine.”  Everyone cheered including, Graham who was having a good time with it all.  You should have known kissing would come into play on this show.  Tom sat up straight looking at you and you him.  He canted his head leaning slowly in before pulling back to pretend to check his breath first.  This earned another laugh from all.
He tried to make it look all dramatic and took his time to lean in before you grew tired of the anticipation.  You grabbed his jacket pulling him to you quickly and kissed him.  Graham screamed louder than the audience.  The heat from Tom’s lips seared against yours for the moment and you were more than tempted to deepen it.  Nevertheless, not here, on television for the world to see.  Pushing him back, Tom looked in awe for a moment as you wiped your lips, ensuring your lipstick had not smeared on your face. Then you checked and wiped the bit that had been left on Tom’s lips.
It was mayhem in the studio with all of the cheers and screams.  It took some time for everyone to calm down.  When they did, Graham spoke up.  “I hope that was worth the wait because damn if we didn’t all feel it.”
Tom did not answer but grinned bright as he wiped his lips with his fingers.  The rest of the show went well with many more laughs and another vodka/orange juice for you.  When the cameras stopped rolling, you had a good conversation with Graham before heading backstage to pick up your purse to return to the hotel.  Tom stopped you, as you had not said anything to him since ending of the show.
“[Y/N]!  Wait.  I wanted to talk to you.”  He looked far more serious than he did on stage.
“I hope that was all right with you.  I know it was all in the moment but… I don’t want you to be upset about it.”  Squeezing his forearm, you smiled up at him.
“It was fine.  Don’t worry about it.  I had a good time tonight.  I am glad you told me to relax and have fun.”  The smile he gave you was not the typical Tom smile.  It was on the sad side.
“Just fine?”
“Oh! No, I didn’t mean the kiss.  That was wonderful.  I meant the show and being there.”  He perked up slightly.
“I thought so too.  I wanted to do that from the first day we started filming.”  Did he just really say that?
“You did?”  He nodded slowly taking one of your hands in his.
“Very much so.  [Y/N] may I please take you out tomorrow for dinner? I’ve been going mad to ask you since I last saw you.”  The pause for you to consider felt very long as your mind was trying to understand that this whole conversation was actually taking place.
“Umm… yes I would love to. I would really like to kiss you again when the whole world isn’t watching too.”  He laughed quietly taking a step towards you.  Cupping your cheek, he leaned down to press his lips lightly against yours.
“Me too.”
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercups  @cute-mirei @ex-bookjunky  @frenchfrostpudding @saraholdtheh972
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picaresqve · 7 years ago
You mentioned someone named Carver in the first story in your writing tag but haven't mentioned him since. Mind expanding on the character?
“Carver. I talk a lot about bein’ done and puttin’ thingsbehind me. ‘Bout puttin’ down my knife and all that blood. But if I ever seethat man again, I’ll fuckin’ skin ‘em alive for what he did to me and mine,mark my words. Still, if you’re asking me to talk about Carver that means you’reasking for me to talk about a lot of stuff that I don’t wanna. To you oranyone. It’s not easy memories to dredge back up and simmer. Spend most daystryin’ to think it never happened, if I’m being honest. But if you’re realabout wanting to hear, then you’re gonna be buyin’ me a few drinks tonight andyou’re not gonna stop until I tell you to.
“We clear? Good.
“First thing’s you gotta know, I guess, is that we hadhistory. See, I knew him long before I met Hadrian and Bosco. ‘Fore it was allof us, it was just me, Rami, and Carver and we wasn’t what one’d call a ‘family’like often times your canting crews like to call themselves. Thieves, knifemen,amusers, blackguards, they got this idea of family, that you’re all bound insomethin’ thicker than blood. But not us. Not then, at least. I mean, ‘ceptRami and I on account of us actually bein’ family, but we saw no relation withCarver, neither blood nor trade, and he kindly liked it that way, too. Morelike associates or partners that had to be for survival reasons and nothingelse. Carver was uh, what you’d call an interesting fella, had interestingideas about the way things worked. The world, its people, that kind of thing.Big ideas in a small, small man. Not small enough, though. Fearless, too. He’dbeen to jail a couple times from what I understood. When he was younger. Thatwas ‘fore he got principled. Before he got them ideas. Now? He’d diebefore he’d let anyone put him in a cell. Take every poor, stupid soul with himwho had a mind to, too.
“See, that’s something you need to understand about Carver: Carverwas mean. Not like a neighbourhood bully or even a debtor, may the divines tearthem apart. No, Carver was meaner than most men I met in the trade, save one,and I won’t talk about that one. I won’t do it. But Carver was the kind of folkwho got some pleasure out of breakin’ other folks. Makin’ ‘em look small. Smallas he felt. Now, he didn’t talk about family much, save his daddy, but I got amind to think his daddy’s where he got all that meanness from. Talked about thesonova bitch like he was the devil himself. Would always say: ‘I ain’t afraidof the devil, I seen that fucker die.’ Way Carver told it that old man of hiswould start to drinkin’ most every night just as he left the tannery and wouldn’tstop until he passed out. Most of them nights he’d beat Carver’s mom pretty bad,too, almost to death. First couple times he got it in his head to try and stophis dad? Well, he didn’t do that no more. Once he was a bit too rough and endedup killing the mom, the bastard. I’d do a lot to have my hands around his father’sneck if the gods were so kind, but I guess they ain’t too kind. It’s a shame ifyou ask me. I’m not makin’ no excuses for that bastard, nor will I if I evercatch him, but you gotta wonder what Carver’d’ve been like if his circumstanceshad been different. I think that about a lot of folks in the trade.
“But so anyways, then Bosco and Hadrian come along, or wecome along to them, depending on how you tell it, and the whole dynamic shifts.We four were thick as they come. True rogues, sentimental folks’d say. Whichdidn’t bother Carver none, of course, he didn’t care if we was suckin’ eachother’s peckers, so long as he didn’t get factored into it, and that worked forall of us just fine too. Another drink. But that also meant that hewas the weak link, and the quickest to break in the trust-department. We had afew, good years all together before that happened, though, and I guess I’mkindly grateful for that. Still reckon they was some of the best years of mylife. I mean, we were still robbing and conning and drugging ourselves black,but it’s a marked improvement when you got folks you actually like doin’ itwith.
“But then, a few years back, it walked into my grave, littlehead to do somethin’ different. We got approached eventually by this company ofstarry-eyed, like, rebels? Yeah, in Ul’dah. Rebels, what a joke. Don’t know anyprofession in the whole damned desert more deadly than bein’ a dreamer. And theseguys had their heads all up in the clouds. Talking about stopping the Ul’dahnwheel and breaking the lords and the ladies. Casting off the yoke. Giving backto the people. You know, that kind of rhetoric you get with people who aretired, but not damned tired enough for their own good. I don’t right know whatI was thinking, honestly, when I said yes. I think I just wanted to dosomething that mattered. To feel like somethin’ had meanin’. Might’ve beendrunk, I don’t know, I wish I could tell you. Might set my mind at ease. There we were, though, just a band of poor fools who knew not what they weredoing and had had a pretty good run thus far and thought: well, if our luck’sthis way, why not? We got cocky. Or I got cocky, and the rest just followed.
“Except Carver. Carver told us straight from the get-go thathe didn’t like that. Oh no, he didn’t like that at all, but you know what hedid like? An opportunity. Tellin’ him was the worst mistake I made in my life.Wish I had just went my separate ways without so much as a ‘good-bye and seeyou later and hope it don’t hit you on the way’ kind of thing, because it’s notlike he was family, but I guess I wasn’t thinkin’ straight. So I tell’s him andhe tells all of us where we can go and he laughs and just leaves. Shot ofwhiskey.
“Anyways, where was I? Rebels. Opportunity, uh. Oh. Solike, he laughs and walks out and we’re kindly relieved pretty much just asthe door shuts like this whole weight disappears. It felt good. Course, we didn’tknow it then, but that’s when everything started to go bad. The higher you get,the further you fall. Gods, things I would have done differently if I knew thenwhat I know now, but life’s always had this way of sneaking those kinds ofthings up on you. Don’t seem right. Don’t seem fair. I’ll kill Carver, though,mark my words. If that stain yet draws breath. I’ll do it.
“Sorry, I was just, you know, thinking about stuff. Yeah,yeah I’m alright. Things get fuzzy at this point. We go out the next day,business as usual, haven’t had them rebels contact us yet, said it would be afew days, a think. Maybe a week. Course, we never got back to the house onaccount of some fella who owed me something waylaid us in the street,urgent-like. Said we couldn’t go back to our hole. Said Brass Blades had beenall over it, tearing it apart serious-like. Crawling through the whole lane,knocking on folks’ doors, asking about us. That kind of thing. Brass Bladesdon’t kick up such a fuss over a few sneakthieves so’s it became readily clearto all of us that we’d been fingered out. We knew we had to get out, but Boscowasn’t with us. Fella said they already got him when they busted down the door.Said they had him in iron already and down in the dungeons. It’d been a longtime since I’d felt so powerless. The facts were as they were, though: theUl’dahn dungeon wasn’t some horse-shit jailhouse on the frontier. They had himfor good. Would come out after everything blew over that they’d tortured Boscoand left him to bake in the sun on a rack a few days later. Screaming all day,I’d been told, until his heart finally gave. No one’s got business going thatway. There’s crimes against your fellow man, but then there’s crimes againstyour own soul. Breaks you as much as them. May the gods tear them apart. Send adevil on their children.
“I’m getting off track. Point being, I guess, is that weleft that day, within the hour, with heavy and broken hearts. Had a safe housein a little town on the borderlands. Stole a couple birds and ran for thehorizon, but the horizon never came. The Blades’d been waiting for us to split.We grabbed the birds all right and started ploughing down the desert, but…didn’t help much. We rode hard but they rode harder. Hadrian fell before theday was up, which I guess kindly slowed the fellas down, on account of they hadto figure out what to do with him. I guess they decided the only rational thingto do was to… to mutilate him. Like for fuck sake, how folks get so wrong? Idon’t understand it. He didn’t deserve it. This is a bloody, gods-damnedcountry. Bloods all it knows and it’s all it’ll have. It’s all it deserves andI reckon the only thing to do for it is to just drown the whole thing in all ofit and when it heaves over their heads and washes away, just start over fromscratch. There ain’t no fixin’ this country. I’ll start thanking the twelve andwhatever else there is out there that dictates things when that happens.
Rain fire on the whole goddamn city. Drag ‘em. Drag ‘em fromtheir homes, scalp them living or dead. Carve out their eyes, just likeHadrian’s. Their tongues. Let them roast in the sun like Bosco. Flay ‘em,s—what? Am I alright? No. No, I ain’t, but you keep the whiskey coming and I’llstay manageable. No, my friend, you don’t get to back out now. Another shot.
“There we go. Yeah, I’m going to finish it and you won’tlike this next part or me by the end of it but you’ve opened a door. Let mefinish.
“Anyways, they sent a couple others on ahead to catch uswhile they were doin’ their, you know, their thing with my friend. They got separated along the way and Rami and I caught the first by surprisethe next day when he come around a bend. Made quick work of him, but not beforehe told us what they’d been doing with Hadrian back there. Course, all thatmeant was I had different ideas for the second one. She’d just come around thesame bend when her chocobo crashed over a rope line we’d set up and sent herflying from her saddle. The bird ended up all mangled. Broken legs and acracked skull. She landed fine enough, but the way she was breathing youcould tell her ribs were busted up pretty bad. When I came at her she wasmostly limp, started asking me real desperate-like to let her go home, that shehad a husband and a couple little ones, so I busted out her teeth. Not in onepunch. I don’t know how many times I hit her, kind of lost track of myselfthere for a second, but by the end of it she was just sort of gasping andgurgling on and spitting up blood. Held her up so she wouldn’t choke on it.There was a lot of yowlin’ and sobbin’. Most nights I see that face in mydreams. I’ll never atone, nor do I think I deserve it. Yeah. Yeah.’ But so, Ididn’t have to do much else after that because she knew I meant business. Toldme exactly what I needed to know. Told me what I had already figured by thatpoint: Carver had sold us out.
“She never returned home to her family, though. I emptiedher guts out. When I hold a knife I can still feel the shockwaves in my hand. Badstuff, that, but by the time I was done, her gut wasn’t even much of a gut,more like mush. And, of course, Rami had seen the whole thing. She might’ve screamedfor me to stop during the teeth bit or during the stabbing, but I can’tremember, but when I saw her she looked… empty. Like she was seeing through me.Seeing the other person that I had been before this whole thing happened.
“Rest of the ride to the safehouse’d been a quiet one. Oncewe got there we rested up for a day, and while she was sleeping, I left mygoodbye there in a letter and that was that. Stepped out of the house andhaven’t seen her since. Didn’t want her to get any more involved in all thisthan she already was. Plus, figured we’d have better chances if we weren’ttogether.
“This is where the bit about Carver and I havin’ historycomes in. I knew all his little dives and hidey-holes. At the time, I could followthat man for a thousand years and never lose his scent, and I didn’t. Trackedhim to this small town out in the absolute black. Called Castor’s Promise, bythe look of what was left of the sign. Reminded me of those towns you come bynow and again that seem to spring up out of nowhere around a church, thoughthis one didn’t do no springing. There was just the church and, oh, maybe threeor four houses. Think it was four. Maybe three and a store. Store-hopeful.Anyways, it’d been deserted probably for years by then and the buildings wereall falling to pieces, even most of the church. Maybe a prophet had led ‘em outto this place to see the face of God and maybe they did. See the face of God,that is, because they’d all seemed to die quiet, like in some communalfever-dream that took the whole town. Most of them in their beds or chairs.Probably starved.
“Right, so that’s where it went down, though. He shot me, Istabbed him. Stabbed him twice. In the church. We just kind of stumbled aroundafter that, sat in the pews and just kind of stared into the nothingness for awhile. We knew this was it, I think. This was what we had earned: each other. Ithink we both figured we deserved one another and to die next to one another. Poetic,I might have said. Some days I feel a lot like Carver. Like maybe that’s why Ihated him so much, even before he’d went and done what he did. Maybe I saw someugly parts of me in him that I couldn’t be shed of, however hard I tried.Wonder sometimes what Carver’d’ve thought about that. Hm.
“I guess at some point, when I wascoming in and out of darkness, I think, I mean I reckon, I heard him leave. Wetsounds like blood. Still not sure if he yet lives, but I haven’t seen himsince. I closed my eyes that day and expected that it was the last and whendarkness took me, I was ready.
“But then I woke up.
“Where? Oh. Well, that’s a story for another time.”
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kappasigmalife · 7 years ago
Eternal Purgatory: Chp 1, welcome to campus
Eternal Purgatory: Chapter one
Welcome to AU
 Today marks the worst day of my life, joining a frat. My dumbass dad is forcing me cause I can't stand to alone forever in my room with my books and writing, even going as far as to take my tuition away if I don’t. my name is Christopher Matthews and I come from a long line of assholes controlling the mass market of industry, and as the next head of the family corporation, he expects me to be part of his alma mater and brotherhood. God do I wish for death right about now.
Christopher begins talking on the phone with his father
“dad you can’t be fucking serious about this, they want me in an initiation and you know frat guys will do something really heinous and I don’t think I can handle that.”
Christopher’s father Joseph talks to him pretty pissed off about the situation.
“Oh I’m so sorry that I’m paying for college while you spend all your time writing those weird stories and keeping yourself locked from the outside world. Get over yourself, you have to venture out on your own and get used to society, how else are you going to take over the company?” Chris responds
“Yeah that’s right dad I got to do everything you want, no use in arguing with it anyhow, I know your minds made up, but rest assured I don’t condone this and something will happen, I know it.” Joseph on the other end
“Jesus Christ again with you bitching about taking risks, hows about you stop trying to be such a little bitch and do as your told, not that you ever proved yourself before.” Chris sighs before hanging up
“Love you too dad.”
Chris looks outside his window seeing a bunch of people crowding around in frat sweatshirts and gets a knock on his door.
Chris rolling his eyes
“gee I wonder who it could possibly be, not that I would know.”
As he opens the door a bunch of guys rush him placing a bag over his head dragging him off. As he has the bag taken off his head, he finds himself feeling bitter cold and notices they are in the basement of the dining hall on campus. The frat guys come forth and welcome chris and several other young college students to the freezer.
Frat guy
“welcome maggots to the initiation, tonight you venture into the freezer for one hour wearing only your skivvies and when the hours up, you’re going to be brothers.”
Chris glares at them and asks
“So you want us to strip down and go into freezing cold as you guys get drunk and wait?” Frat guy
“yes that’s exactly what we want.” Chris strips off his clothes and walks in flipping off one of the frat guys staring at him
“Yeah I know I’m covered in scars get over it, just let us out when your done waiting.” Frat guy
“okay just for that kid, two hours for you”
Chris thinking to himself.
“Yeah I’ll be waiting with bells on.”
Chris looks at his watch as he shivers in the cold, noticing it’s been well over two hours and the frat brothers haven’t come for him. More time passes and Chris notices the lock turning, showing that the dining hall has been closed. Shivering in the back, Chris contemplates what he said and knew the brothers forgot about him and he told his dad so about the risks to going for the brotherhood.
“I told that asshole, I told him I didn’t want to do it, but he made me anyways, god I’m fucking freezing.” As Chris finishes thinking he closes his eyes waiting for help.
As he awakens he notices hes in his boxers in the quad and looks around
“huh, guess I was able to make it out after all, I wonder who let me…, this is not my campus”
Chris looks around quite a bit more seeing different toned people walking around heading to classes glaring at him
“What the hell, it’s not even Halloween, what’s up with the floating and scarred people… oh fuck I’m dreaming.”
As Chris ducts into the bushes he notices a  set of feet walking towards him and the person is wearing gold boots that are bejeweled and stands waiting for him to come out.
“Its okay, you can come out, there isn’t anything to be afraid of.” Chris crawls out of the bushes and notices a hulking man with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair slicked back in gold armor carrying a straight sword on his back and lending his hand out to help Chris up. Chris looks at him and immediately questions everything
Chris blinking and seeing if its all true
“okay did I stumble to a renassaince fair, cause your in armor and carrying a qhat I can only presume is the blade Excalibur, nice workmanship btw.” The man stares back at him and shakes his head.
“young man I am Dean Arthur, and this is not a replica of Excalibur, it’s the real thing, your in purgatory.” Chris’s eyes widen and looks around.
“so I’m dead, your king Arthur, and this place is a school.” Arthur
“Yes you died before your time came and so you will continue your education here, at Afterlife University.” Chris sighs and face palms contemplating the situation.
“good god I am in an never ending hell.” Arthur brings chris to his office registering him for classes as chris looks outside and sees a fat guy smoking a bowl outside the window. Arthur looks out and opens yelling at the young man.
“Mr. Stone, I have told you repeatedly no marijuana on the campus, recreational use may be legal, but only off school grounds.” Mr. Stone puts out the bowl exhaling his smoke in the air.
“Sorry, I keep forgetting, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind but had a test coming up and the nerves you know.”
Arthur looks at him getting annoyed.
“my boy, your so bright but yet your careless and lazy, why not be more like the new student, straight A’s and responsible.” Chris looks at Arthur and raising his eyebrow.
“actually after all the stuff that just happened, I could go for some of that.” Stone looks at him up and down.
“honestly dude, I can set you up with my dealer, hes super chill, but maybe get some clothes first.” Chris looks down at himself wearing only his boxers.
“Oh god that’s right, anyway I can get some pants.” Arthur looking at him in embarrassment.
“Apologies I didn’t expect this to happen, most come to purgatory with clothes on.” Chris with a blank expression
“well I didn’t, so get me some clothes before I freeze to death, again.” Arthur gets Chris a blue flannel shirt with a pair of brown cargo pants and has him change. After getting clean clothes on Chris is given a registration number for classes and an address for his housing off campus. Arthur tells him that he is going to meet a lot of nice people around but to be wary of a few unwanted figures. As he walks he notices a bunch of game characters, historical figures, and even people from canceled tv shows hanging around.
Chris looks onward to see everything around him from the students to the teachers
“Huh, so everything that dies comes here, even fandoms, that explains a lot.”
As he walks he suddenly bumps into a chubby goth boy with a black goatee and wearing a dark maroon flannel and jeans.
The boy he bumps into looks at him.
“geez man could you be anymore clumsy.”
Chris dusts himself off and looks back at the young man who looks upset.
“apologies, im new and I gotta get used to things around here.” The young man looks back at him glaring up and down.
“Whatever country boy, just watch your step.”
Chris questioning what he meant.
“do you mean you’ll hurt me, cause I won’t take that lying down.” The young man widens his eyes responding.
“oh no I mean watch your literal step, if you don’t focus, youll fall down the stairs over there.” Chris looks at the spiraling staircase going off campus and sees the point.
“Oh thanks, again im sorry to bump into you but I gotta go move in to my new place.”
as he walks away the young man in the maroon flannel covers his pants with his books.
“damn it hes cute.” An incarnation of link from legend of Zelda comes over seeing what occurred.
“so Brendan, got a nice little surprise there.”
Brendan glares at link with his hair getting fluffed up.
“shut it elf boy, I highly doubt that he plays for the same team.”
As Chris reaches the house he looks at his cargo pants that tore lightly.
“that chubby goth boy owes me a new pair, or a date.” as he opens the door he notices the same fat guy who smoked a bowl outside Arthurs and another man who comes in wearing a Naruto headband and a Tokyo ghoul mask over his face. Stone walks over and offers chris a joint and a shot of rum to welcome him to the home.
“hey there, im paul and this is Robby, looks like you’re the new roommate, your rooms down the hall next to mine, just clean up after yourself and don’t touch my stash.” Chris shakes his hand taking the joint and lighting it up.
“trust me, thank you so much for this I cant believe the day I’ve had, I don’t think I need any more surprises”
Robby takes the mask off tripping over some stacks of naruto manga trying to talk.
Chris looks down at him and sees if hes alright.
“so is this something you get used to at all.” Paul takes a controller out and begins playing call of duty.
“not a chance, just happy to have two new moneymakers in the house.” Chris helps Robby up only to quickly turn around.
“What do you mean two moneymakers.”
Paul just playing his game answering,
“don’t worry about it.”
The door opens to reveal a young woman wearing a pale green tee-shirt, black jeans and brown hair tied in a ponytail walking in.
“well, this is the address and it looks like… OH MY GOD.”
Chris’s eyes bulge out of his sockets and stares at the girl.
The two stare at each other and watch as a robed figure comes out with a clipboard. Checking some papers for the day.
“Paul, can you tell me when the new students arrive…. Oh their here, hmm as yes Christopher Matthews age 22, died of frostbite, Helen Monroe, age 24, died of accidental overdose, my names reefer welcome to the house, er are you listening.
The two of them glare at each other only to say the same thing as they contemplate the situation.
“I’m gonna fucking kill dad.”
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hipsbef0rehands · 8 years ago
Cresco Amor
So I have been trying to start writing little things here and there and decided to give this a shot. I wanted to explore slow, burn, pre-official MSR with my own personal ideas of the season 6-7 timeline and what I think may have been happening behind the scenes leading to ... well, everything. Totally innocent (at this point), nothing explicit here. This is (hopefully) going to be the first of many stories. But that all depends on my motivation and bursts of quasi-creativity.
  Somewhere in Nevada, heading east
October 30, 1998
  “I do want to stop.”
  “Mmk” she responded groggily rubbing her eyes and reaching for the folded map in the glove box. “I think there’s a motel about 20 miles or so ahead, small town called Littlefield.”
  “No. I mean stop. Get out of the car… eventually”
  “Oh.” She said simply, realizing his meaning. “That’s… good, Mulder.” She looked out of the window into the darkness wondering what she would be seeing if it were daylight. It was a barren desert which they had been driving through for two hours now, since they were turned away from Area 51.
  “I just cant stop now, Scully. Not with everything that’s been taken from us.”
  She turned to face him. His use of ‘us’ was both surprising, and not, at the same time.
  “I can’t give up now. But eventually, I will stop.  You don’t think I’m going to call it quits while Agent Spender has my job now do you?” he said, throwing her a smile and trying to lighten the mood surrounding what could be a very morose conversation.
   “No, I guess not” she answered, pressing her lips tightly at the mention of Agent Spender’s name.
  “We are going to get the X-files back, Scully. We are going to get them back and prove what we’ve been working so hard to prove for all these years. Once we have answers, answers of what happened to Samantha, answers to what happened to you… Then I can stop, get out of the car.”
  “Mulder, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you had all the answers.” It was true. She knew that if he had an answer, he’d only go looking for more questions. She couldn’t imagine a content Agent Fox Mulder. It saddened her slightly.
  “Sure I do, I’d write. I’d tell the world what we discovered.”
  “Mmm.” She acknowledged his response. “Well, I don’t know what I’d do.” She turned again, looking out the window.
  “You wouldn’t go back into medicine?” He questioned.
  “Maybe.” she shrugged. “I guess I’d like to go back into teaching.”
  “Ahh, maybe we could open our own school for the paranormal.” He quipped.
  “She rolled her head around to rest on her left shoulder, “Mulder, that doesn’t sound like getting out of the car to me.”
  “I always thought that I would move on eventually. Maybe move out of the city, buy a house, settle down... but over the years, those kind of dreams started to feel like a luxury… like something I’d never have, not as long as long as…” he started to trail off.
  She reached for his hand, which was resting on the center console, wrapping her small hand around his fingers.
“You don’t need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, Mulder.” She gave his hand a small squeeze and let go.
  He was quiet.
  “Have you ever… do you ever think… do you want a family?” She braced herself for his response. The idea of him making his way through life, standing strong with someone, anyone that wasn’t her gave her an uneasy feeling, one which she was not expecting, and one that she would not admit.
  “I never thought that I did. I certainly didn’t have the model family growing up.” He snorted out a nervous laugh and bit his lower lip. “But lately, I think that maybe a family would be nice, someday.”
  “Yeah.” Scully agreed, looking back out the window at the night sky over the lonely open desert.
  “Who knows, I may have to settle for a dog at this point.”
  She laughed. “You’d be a good dad.”
  He glanced at her, raising his eyebrows. “What about you, Scully?” He asked. Immediately regretting his words, he turned back to the road. “I mean… not that… God, I’m sorry. I just mean that you come from a big family, lots of good memories… Do you ever think you’ll want that some day?”
  “I always thought that I did, but now, now I’m not so sure. Finding out…” she paused, “…That I can’t have children it was upsetting, and then… Emily.” She paused. “Now I just don’t know. Maybe it was meant to be this way.”
  “Nah.” He shook his head “you’d be a great mom, Scully… to any child.”
October 31st, 1998 7:06am
  “Hey Scully, I know its not your normal life, but thanks for coming out there with me.”
  “You’re welcome”
  As he hung up the phone and walked into his apartment he was immediately taken by the smell. Instead of the stale scent of days old garbage, which he was expecting after dropping everything Wednesday and heading out West straight from work, he was greeted with the smell of something citrus.
  Candles, there were candles on his dining room table, his kitchen was spotless and there were wine glasses on the counter.
  As he made his way into the living room he noticed a spotless coffee table. Glancing into his bedroom he began to laugh. Putting his hands on his knees, he bent down continuing to chuckle as he put his phone to his ear and hit speed dial #3.
  “This better be good.” The voice on the other end muttered sleepily. “Its 7 in the morning.”
  “Sorry, I forgot that the three bears don’t come out of hibernation until at least 10”
  “Mulder!” Langley shouted, loud enough for the other guys to hear “hang on, let me secure the line.”
There was a long pause on the other end of the phone and Mulder could hear some clicking and whispering among the men.
  “Ok, we’re all good, Man. What did you find out in Dreamland?”
  “Uh… nothing, actually. What I found when I came home was actually a lot more interesting. Thanks guys, I get the picture here, but I don’t need your help setting up any hot dates.”
  “What are you talking about?” Frohike asked. “What’s he talking about” he whispered to the other two. 
  “Guys, the leopard sheets, the trippy scented candles, the WATER bed? Not my scene, and not any woman’s scene since 1975.”
  “Huh? Mulder, you didn’t find anything in Nevada?” Byers chimed in.
  “Sorry to disappoint boys, but no.”
  “Damn! We were sure you had this one in the bag.” Frohike hissed.  “Now, what’s all this about a water bed?” He asked suggestively.
  “I came home to a spotless apartment and a bedroom that looks like Hugh Heffner decorated it.”
  “Nice” the three of them said in tandem. “But Mulder, we don’t know anything about that” Byers stated.
  Mulder could hear the three men whispering on the other end of the line “Did you?” “No, you?” “Of course not man, that’s not Byers’ style.” “You can’t even keep your own place clean” “Dude!”
  “Ok, ok.” Mulder pleaded incredulously. “It ‘wasn’t any of you’. I get it. Anyway I’m gonna get going, I just got home.”
  “Alright Mulder, talk to you later man, and I really don’t think Scully would go for leopard sheets…may want to try something in a soft beige or peach….”
  Rolling his eyes, Mulder hung up the phone before Frohike could finish and walked to the kitchen to grab a drink. On the counter was a half empty bottle of champagne and two used glasses. He had a sudden epiphany that maybe one of the gunmen used his place while he was gone to entertain company.
  ‘No, that couldn’t be’ he thought.
  Opening the fridge, he found it stocked. Shutting the door and shaking his head he grabbed a glass of water and headed to his couch.
  He sat down, rubbing his eyes and laying his head back when he realized that there was a brand new bed in the next room. He got up deciding to sleep in his own bed, for the first time in years.
  xxx October 31st 1998 5:35pm
  -ring-  -ring-  -ring- “Scully” she exhaled into the phone setting the grocery bag down on her desk.
  “It’s me, sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?”
  She glanced at her watch. “No, I just got in from the store. What’s up?”
  “Oh not much I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my place tonight.”
  “Uh, sure.” She answered in the form of a question “Do you want to review last Monday’s case? Kersh is going to want the formal report on his desk by 9am day after tomorrow. I’m hoping he doesn’t start asking questions as to why we didn’t have it to him by the end of the week.”
  “Well, we could go over the case, if you wanted to. I was thinking we could eat dinner and maybe pass out candy.”
  “Halloween, Scully. All Hallows Eve. October 31st….”
  “Oh shoot. I completely forgot. I don’t have anything to pass out.”
“Perfect, come over here, pretend you aren’t home.”
  “I wont be home.”
  “So that’s a yes?”
  “Yeah, Mulder that would be nice. See you around 7?”
  “Great. I’m making spaghetti.”
October 31st 1998
  Scully walked from her car down the block towards Mulder’s apartment dodging a group of pre-teen girls dressed up like the spice girls.
  “Scuse me, miss” Scary Spice said as she slid past Scully rushing into Hegal Place.
  There were no trick-or-treaters in the 4th floor hallway as Scully approached #42. She knocked softly and was surprised when Mulder opened the door holding a huge bowl of candy.
  “Snickers, Madam?” he said with a smile.
  She gave him a challenging look and snagged a bite sized snickers bar. She figured he would assume she didn’t eat candy like this when they weren’t on a case, living off vending room snacks.
  “Yeah, actually… I’m starving.”
  “Good, come on in.”
  Scully was greeted with the smell of garlic and the sight of a spotless apartment.
  “Mulder, wow! Did you hire a decorator?”
  “I think it was the Gunmen, actually.”
  Scully raised her eyebrows and shot him an inquisitive look.  
  “Although they won’t fess up to it. Here come in, have a seat.”
  She walked in to his living room and sat on the couch. He followed behind her with a bottle of red wine and two glasses which he set on the table. She raised her brows and smiled at him.
  “Fancy.” She said, remembering the last time she had shared a bottle of wine with ‘Mulder’ and quickly attempted to shake the memory from her consciousness.
  “Well, I tried.” Mulder said pouring her a glass of wine. “I figured it was time to take an evening off work and just kick back.” He handed her the glass. “You know, normal people stuff.”
  She took a sip glancing at the TV.
  “Yeah, a marathon with all the classics. Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man…”
  “Sounds like work to me” she smiled.
  “Touché’” he said. “Cheers.”
  They clinked wine glasses and each took a generous sip. There was a knock at the door
  “Trick or treat!”
  “You grab that, Scully. I’m going to stir the pasta.”
  Scully picked up the bowl of candy and headed to the door. Opening up she found a young mother holding the hand of her son. Scully smiled placing a snickers bar into the small child’s pumpkin shaped bucket.
  “What do you say, Dylan?”
  “Thank you. Twick or tweet”
  “The other way around buddy.” She said shaking the boy’s hand. “We’re working on that one.” She said to Scully.
  “That’s ok.” she smiled at the women and then turned back to the young child. “I love your costume… are you Buzz Lightyear?”
  “YES!” the boy shouted, throwing his right arm up in the air.
  “Dylan! My man!” she heard Mulder exclaim as he came up behind her putting his arm on Scully’s shoulder. With his other hand, he reached out giving the five year old a high five.
  “Fox!” the boy squealed.
  “Great costume…here, take another candy bar.” Mulder said tossing another treat into the pumpkin. “Not before dinner, of course” He said, winking at the boy’s mother.
  “Thanks, Fox.” The woman said
  “This is my partner, Dana Scully.” He said while the two women exchanged polite smiles.  “Scully, this is Julie, she lives down on the second floor.”
  “Hello.” Scully said noticing how the slender brunet woman was eyeing Mulder, blushing.
  “Well Dylan, you behave yourself tonight. Don’t give your mom too much trouble” he said using a light hearted but stern voice.
  “Ok” Dylan said. “Pwomis.”
  “Goodnight.” Mulder said to the boy and his mother as he shut the door and turned to Scully. “Neighbors.” He said shaking his head and pointing at the door. “Cute kid though. I watched him once while his mother took her aunt to the hospital. Must have made an impression.”
  Scully had a disbelieving look on her face and Mulder faked offense.
  “What? Can’t believe I can play Mr. Mom for an evening?”
  “No, not at all” she said shaking her head slowly and then craning her neck to see what was producing such an appetizing aroma in the kitchen.
  “Ready for some pasta?” he asked, changing the subject.
  “Mulder, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you cook” she admitted, thinking back to all the times she shared a meal with her partner. There were a lot of old diners that looked like they had been spit right out of the 70s. There had been lots of grease stained boxes of pizza. There had even been the one pot roast that she prepared for him on his 36th birthday after finding out that he hadn’t celebrated in ‘at least the past 5 years’, but she was sure that he never cooked for her.
  “If you call boiling noodles and choosing the best selling vodka sauce from Luciano’s ‘cooking’, then you might actually be more amazing than originally thought, Scully.”
  She blushed involuntarily at his comment.
  “Well it’s nice, Mulder. I haven’t had a home cooked meal in… wow…. a long time.”
  “Well then we will have to start a new tradition, ‘home cooked Mulder noodles’ every few weeks.”
  She smiled taking another sip of the wine as he carried the large bowl of pasta from the kitchen.
  “Dining room or living room?”
  “Living room” she answered with conviction. “Wouldn’t want to miss this movie marathon.”
  “Ahhh, a lady after my own heart.” He said as he went back to the kitchen to grab some plates. “But Scully, if I catch you twirling this spaghetti against your plate instead of a spoon, I just might change my mind.”
  “Bring two spoons.” She shouted, impressed with her own comeback.
  She was laughing, and she was laughing hard. It was music to his ears.  Her head was cast downward and all of her hair was hanging over the crown of her head like a copper waterfall.
  “Mulder, stop. That isn’t true.” She said between laughter and a deep inhale. She swung her head up wiping the tears from her eyes. “There is no way you got off that easy.”
  “The Mulder family didn’t excel in discipline.” He confessed raising his beer bottle to his mouth. “And believe me, a drunk Captain Spock peeing on the front bushes of the high school lawn was the least of my parent’s worries.”
  “I never pegged you as a trecky, Mulder.”
  “Hey, I wouldn’t go that far. But it was a childhood guilty pleasure.”
  The room became quiet
  “Trecky.” She chided as they both began laughing.
  The pleasant sound of laughter settled into a comfortable silence
  “What about you, Scully? Any wild Halloween stories?”
  “No.” she answered quickly “At least nothing that could live up to that.” She raised the bottle, feeling the cool rim against her lower lip. Dropping her voice, she said into the bottle “Melissa on the other hand… she would have some tales to tell”.
   Mulder looked towards her, unsure of what to say next. He wasn’t used to her bringing up her sister in conversation. He wanted to hear the stories, but he didn’t want to push her. She surprised him by continuing.
  “Melissa was some what of a wild child. One year, she drug me along to go trick or treating because a boy she was dating had a younger brother who I was supposed to entertain while Missy had alone time with Jonathan Brock. Little did I know, Missy had no intention of trick or treating and instead we ended up, much to my dismay, at a party… you know, spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven… that sort of thing.”
  “Sounds like a normal Saturday night” Mulder nodded with a small smile.
  With one short burst of laughter she continued, “Well, I was 13 at the time and Missy was 15. I didn’t realize that 15 was the age where dressing up was considered ‘too cool’. Nobody at this party was in character except the little brother and me. Gosh, I think his name was James, Jimmy or something. Anyway, there we sat, Luke Skywalker and Raggedy Anne the whole night. Well, until somebody called the cops and I ended up dragging Missy home crying and vomiting the entire way. Missy had been drowning her sorrows in about 4 beers and a shot of non-descript brown alcohol. Turns out Jonathan was actually playing Romeo for more girls than one that night.”
  “But I bet there was only one Jimmy What’s-his-face” Mulder said dreamily.
  “That there was. We kept in touch through middle school and into high school. The Brock’s moved, not sure what ever happened to him.”
  “Ahhh…” Mulder smiled with a smug grin “Raggedy Ann was definitely little what’s-his-face’s dream girl.”
  “Well, he was no Spock” she smiled back.
  “You didn’t have many boyfriend’s growing up, did you Scully?”
  ‘Where the hell did that come from’ he thought, shaking his head at his own comment, and nervously looking at her. He mentally began tallying up the alcohol he had consumed over the past few hours.
  She wasn’t expecting his comment, but it didn’t surprise her either. She never was the relationship type. She’d only had 4, maybe 5, boyfriends in her life one serious and one affair with a married man. She didn’t pride herself in her romantic choices, and her default single nature was no secret from those close to her. She began to have thoughts of her brothers, their weddings, her mother, who had not tried to set her up on any dates for almost 10 years now, old friends from medical school who tried to fix her up with friends of their husbands. She shook her head.
  “No, I didn’t” she said simply.
  She knew that having a large number of relationships did not define a woman, or her level of desirability. Scully always thought of herself as a sensual woman. Her profession, a traditional boys club, required somewhat of a wall to be erected around the more feminine aspects of her persona. She knew that many people assumed her to be icy or standoffish but she knew Mulder did not feel this way. Although it rare, Mulder had seen Scully at her most vulnerable, he knew her for her tender compassion, for her hostility, for her passion, anger, sadness, and for her joy.  Nobody had seen her entire emotional range the way that he had over the past six years. But for some reason, his acknowledgement of her chronic singleness, although correct, gave her an unsettled feeling.
  “You on the other hand, seem to attract women like moths to a flame.”
  “Hardly” he snorted.
  She looked at him with a non-believing expression and turned back to the TV.
  “I dated a lot in college, there was Phoebe at Oxford, some more casual relationships during my time at the academy, then Diana…” he paused nervously. “…Well you know about that.”
  “Mmm no, actually, I don’t” she admitted.
  “Well, a different story of a different life for a different time.”
  She accepted his dismissal of the topic. It was personal. It was private.
  “Your neighbor sure seems to have eyes for you.”
  Shocked at her own boldness, she made a mental note to change the subject soon. The bottle of wine, which was shared, and the beer she had been casually sipping on were obviously affecting her words. She never really drank anymore and obviously had been turning into a lightweight.
  “Julie?” He shook his head. “I don’t know, maybe, she’s got the kid. She’s probably not even thinking about that.”
  “It’s probably all she can think about.”
  “Nah” he dismissed. He turned to Scully with his head lolling to the back of the couch. “Plus, she’s not really my type.”
  That surprised Scully. The slender brunette seemed to be exactly his type. At least based on the history she was aware of. She decided not to analyze the situation further.
  ‘Does she really not know that’ Mulder wondered. There was a longing that he had felt for a long time towards his partner. He never let himself explore the depth of those feelings for fear of where it would lead. But there had been moments. Most notable this past spring, after they had lost the X-files and just before she had been taken from him, for the second time. The moment in his hall had happen, it existed, lingering in the back of his mind since their return from Antarctica.
  Then, earlier this month after his return from Bermuda, he had told her he loved her. There was definitely an aspect of narcotic courage that lead to the confession. ‘What was that saying?’ he wondered. ‘Drunken words are sober thoughts.’ She had dismissed the comment and he had been struck with both a feeling of relief, but also disappointment. Lying in a hospital gown that doesn’t even cover your own ass and confessing morphine-laced love didn’t exactly make him the suave Romeo Scully insinuated him to be.
  He was taken out of his own head by the sound of a yawn.
  “It’s getting late, Mulder. I should really go,” she said, standing up. Realizing how the alcohol was affecting her. “It may be best to call a cab,” she confessed.
  Standing up beside her, slightly less affected by the alcohol, Mulder placed his hand on her shoulder. “Nonsense, Scully. Just stay here, you can head home in a couple of hours or stay until morning. My pasta-making skills are nothing compared to toast.”
  She smiled and shook her head in dismissal of his offer. “Mulder, no it really is no trouble, I can come for my car tomorrow. I don’t have clothes, a toothbrush…”
  He made a mental note to pick up a toothbrush and some other comfort items to stock in the closet.
  “Ok…” he didn’t argue. “…If that’s what you’d like. I’ll call you a cab.”
  Twenty minutes and a cup of tea later, the cab had arrived. Mulder walked her to the door and opened it as she turned to him.
  “Thank you, Mulder. This was really nice. We don’t do this kind of thing nearly enough.”
  “No we don’t,” he agreed. With the knuckles of his index finger, he gently ran the back of his hand from her left shoulder to her elbow. “Thanks for keeping me company, Scully.”
  “Anytime, Mulder” she smiled. “Goodnight.”
  He watched her the entire way down the hall and as she stepped into the elevator. Once she was out of sight he turned to close the door. Making his way into the bedroom, he threw himself on the undulating bed where he would sleep for the second time in many years.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 years ago
Internet Famous: Part 6
Fandom: Star Wars (Modern AU)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary: Poe and Reader are friends who came together and started a youtube channel for fun. 1 million subscribers later, they’re now internet famous. Their friendship has thrived, however, all of their fans can obviously see that Poe and Reader aren’t just friends.
Internet Famous Masterlist
After going through Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, and Haunted Mansion, your stomach was grumbling. Poe laughed when he heard your stomach, “Want a churro or corndog or both?”
“Both! I can’t choose between them so definitely, both!”
“Right away, your Highness!” You linked your arm with Poe’s and you made your way to the churro station right outside of the Haunted Mansion entrance. Then you made your way to The Stage Door in Frontierland for a corndog. Poe pulled out the vlogging camera again.
“And here is the beautiful Princess Y/N ready for the royal feast.” 
You bit into the churro, “Dessert before lunch because why not? I’m adult! I do what I want!”
Poe then took the churro from your hand and bit into it, “Mmmm. That’s a good churro.”
“Heeeeey!” You grabbed it back. Poe set the vlogging camera, still on, onto the table. You giggled and began to wipe sugar off his face, “And you say I’m a mess.”
Poe smiled, “You are. A hot mess.”
After you two ate, Poe thought you should take a break and head back to the hotel to rest for a few hours. Then you’d head over to Disney’s California Adventure for some other rides.
You two walked back into the hotel arm in arm. As soon as you entered the room, you kicked off your shoes and ran onto the bed. You belly flopped onto the soft cushion. Poe giggled as he slapped your butt then made way to the desk. He took out his laptop and began to download the vlogging footage so there would be enough room for tonight.
You took out your own laptop to check on your subscriber count . You looked at the number and screamed, “AAAHH!! POE! COME HERE!” You exclaimed.
Poe left the desk and walked to you, “What’s up?”
“We’re almost at 1.5 million!”
“No way!” Poe sat down next to you and watched the subscriber count slowly increase.
“I gotta snapchat this!” You pulled out your phone and tapped on the app. You started filming, “Look guys! We’re almost at 1.5 million subscribers!!” You added to your story.
“Just a few more to go….YEAH! WOOHOO!” Poe exclaimed jumping from the bed, “We did it!!”
You snapchatted a picture of 1.5 million with the caption, “We did it, guys! Thank you so much!”
“Hey! Wanna livestream a Q and A?” Poe asked. 
“Let’s do it!” You two immediately tweeted out that you were going to be doing a livestream Q and A as a way to celebrate. A few moments later, the livestream was up and going on youtube. The comments section immediately filled up with congrats. 
“Okay, guys and gals! Send us your questions!” Poe exclaimed. You both began to read through the questions.
“Why aren’t we at Disneyland right now?” You asked then answered with, “We wanted to take a break and take a rest back here at the hotel. Don’t get us wrong, Disneyland is amazing! But it’s a bit hot out and we’ve been waiting in long lines. So ya know. Gotta rest up!”
“What are our favorite rides here? Well, Y/N, loooves The Pirates of the Caribbean.”
“And Poe looooves Space Mountain.” You read more comments and questions, “When are you and Poe getting married? Uuuuummmm...”
“Okay, quick story. Back in our first year of college, Y/N and I made a pact. That once we hit our mid thirties and we haven’t been married to someone else, we’d marry each other.”
You laughed, “Are we really gonna stick with that? I mean, come on. I’m sure you’ll pick up a girlfriend soon and then soon enough, you two will get married.”
You read comments saying that you and Poe NEEDED to get married, that you were meant for each other, blah blah blah. You tried to block out the comments because you just didn’t want to end up hurting yourself at the thought of Poe being someone else’s.
“If you were to work at Disneyland, what would you do?” Poe asked reading off a question, “Y/N and I wanna be face characters! We’d love to interact with the kids and feel like real Disney characters.”
You nodded, “Poe would make a perfect Prince Naveen, right?! He’s got the looks and voice for it! Plus, he’s a shameless flirt!”
“Yeah, but only for you.” He kissed you on the cheek and the comments section was blowing up.
Kiss her again!
srsly why arent you guys together?!?!
You nervously chuckled, “You guys are silly. Poe would never-” You turned to Poe and you were silenced mid-sentence. Poe’s lips were suddenly on yours. You froze for a second and then began to kiss back. You felt Poe smile against your lips. You broke apart and your face was red. You looked away from Poe, whom was smiling like the damn Cheshire Cat. You looked at the comments again:
This is happening! You guys kissed! My poor fangirl heart cant take any more of this!
Make it official, Poe! 
“So...that happened..” You said awkwardly.
“Yeah..so.......be my girlfriend?”
“Wait, really?” You were a bit surprised despite him kissing you just a few moments ago.
“Well, yeah. I don’t just kiss anyone, Y/N. You’re my best friend and I like you a lot. I’ve liked you for so long. And you kissed me back so I’m pretty sure that means you like me back.”
You shyly hid your face, “I can’t believe this is happening. LIVE TOO! But, yes, Poe. I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“YES! There you guys go! We made it official! We’re officially a couple! Tweet it, instagram it, whatever! No more headcanons of us being together cause now it’s true!”
You laughed at Poe’s ridiculousness, “Alright. Calm down.”
“No! I won’t! My best friend isn’t just my best friend anymore! She’s my girlfriend!” 
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, guys. I think that’s enough for today. Keep an eye out for more tweets and snapchats of our adventures in Disneyland. See ya!” You ended the livestream and shut your laptop.
You turned to Poe again and his lips were on yours once more. You stopped him, “You really need to calm down.”
Poe shrugged, “I can’t. I’m just so happy. You make me happy!
After that, you and Poe took a nice two hour nap sleeping in each other’s arms. When you woke up, Poe was already awake staring at you, “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” 
Poe shook his head, “If this is a dream. I really don’t want to wake up.”
“You’re so corny.” You pushed away from him and got up to use the bathroom. You washed your hands then fixed your hair again.
Poe watched you brush your hair as he leaned on the bathroom threshold, “You’re perfect, you know that?”
You smiled, “So you keep telling me.”
“Because it’s true.” He walked up to you and circled his arms around you, “My beautiful princess.”
You turned around and rested your hands on Poe’s chest, “My handsome prince.” You kissed Poe and he hummed.
“I don’t think I’ll get tired of your lips.”
You two finished freshening up and then looked at your phones. In a group message with you, Poe, Rey, and Finn, there were about 20+ messages. The first being a screenshot of a buzzfeed article titled “Your Favorite Youtuber Duo is Officially a Couple!”. Following the picture was Rey’s text in all caps: say
The rest of the messages were just “Hellooooo??s” and demanding you two to answer your phones or text back. Poe took the initiative to reply
Poe: Sorry, we were napping Disneyland is tiring! And yes, this is a thing.
“Kiss me.” Poe demanded.
“For what?”
“Selfie to send to them.”
You shrugged and agreed. You took a kissing selfie and sent it to them.
Finn: ...so when’s the wedding? Can I be the best man?
Rey: Can I be the maid of honor?!
Y/N: OMFG! Calm down guys! We’ll talk to you when we get back from our trip! Okay?!
Rey: Okay, fine.
Finn: Yup, got it.
Y/N: Thanks. Love you guys!
You then slipped your shoes on and walked down to the lobby hand in hand with Poe. As you waited in the elevator, Poe’s hand left yours then went around your waist. He then chuckled.
“What?” You asked.
“Earlier, you said I’d be picking up a girlfriend soon. You jinxed it.”
You giggled, “I guess I did.”
Part 7
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