#sorry jayce I'm giving you a hard time for this bc of how long my teachers spent drilling
ante--meridiem · 6 months
"How am I dangerous" well you did leave sandwiches out in the open in your lab last ep. Do you want contaminated food? Because that's how you get contaminated food.
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aevallare · 3 years
on the topic of jayce is literally one of the best characters:
PEOPLE DONT GIVE HIM ANY CREDIT FOR BEING SOOO KIND AND RESOURCEFUL AND PASSIONATE,,,like yes ofc hes made mistakes whatever hes a fictional character and also he always does what he thinks is necessary for good?? and hes been forced into really precarious situations that quite frankly DONT allow him to sit and think hard abt what his next step can be and often his gut tells him to just keep on going and try to save people-- not to act at the cost of everyone else-- and thats fucking amazing!!! hes genuienly trying to be a good guy!!!!! and also if he hates viktor a little bit...well yeah no fucking duh hes a little easily misled and he was told the man was /doing unethical human experiments on zaunites/ after they (tragically) broke contact OVER HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION....like yeah no DUH hes gonna think viktor maybe fucked up. anyways i believe in jayce supremacy bc hes really trying his best at a time where he really should be thinking about himself and thats. so admirable
CONT: sorry for the long ask just. as a league enjoyer and an avid league reader and also a long time fan (been around since the beginning of ur fics + read jaycevik Since They Came Out On League) I cannot STAND this jayce slander
wahh! hi! sorry that this took me a second; i needed to be on pc to give this the attention it deserves :angel: i'm so glad you enjoy my work!!!
OKAY. OKAY. you came to the right place. this is a safe place for jayce sympathizers and apologists. i have cultivated a garden, a society, of jayce-lovers, and this sounds like hyperbole but truly i'm only half-joking.
okay. let's get serious. i'll put it under a read-more. sorry in advance, bestie.
i don't think any fictional character is above critical analysis. like actually, i think that's... kind of the whole point? not to be a pretentious douche with an english degree (which i am) about this, but my problem with analysis of jayce's character by people that don't like jayce is that it's performed almost solely through a lens colored by the critic's perception of viktor.
you can't talk about jayce without viktor, and you can't talk about viktor without jayce, which isn't a problem unto itself! they have to have each other to create any kind of satisfying narrative! unfortunately, many arcane fans don't appear to understand that viktor is going to fuck up a lot and that he's going to fuck up bad. to fans of league viktor, this is THE APPEAL. he wants to cut out all emotion, but he's infinitely more pathos-driven than jayce is, even though the tropes played straight would make us think the opposite. the point of this, because it might seem rambly and incoherent (and it likely is both of those things), is that many people who love viktor arcane seem to think he can do no wrong.
and what that means is that it's damn easy to rake jayce over the coals for doing things that, from my perspective, are simply choices made by a man who is doing the best he can with the information he has at his disposal. viktor-lovers look at jayce and call him classist (which. like. dude is middle-class at best. my man apologizes as soon as he fucks up and says something classist on the bridge!), stupid (jayce is prodigal; it's not his fault that he's surrounded by a cast FULL of prodigies!), and ungrateful (because he didn't have a psychic link with viktor and had sex instead of rushing to viktor's bedside without anyone telling him viktor collapsed).
jayce cares so much. he cares about every injustice shown to him. he has an unbelievably soft heart. that's why long-time fans understand just how bad this is going to hurt (affectionate) when talis gets a little more giopara-fied.
arcane does a damn good job showing us that monsters are created by other people. you can't have jayvik unless jayce and viktor end up hating each other a little. jayce and viktor don't become jayce and viktor unless jayce lets viktor fall when his work is stolen, unless viktor makes compounding bad choices in the name of his glorious evolution.
it's opposing ideology wrapped in parallels, a man forced into being a symbol and another man who made himself into one (never mind that that wasn't his intent).
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