#sorry it took so long to answer i forgot my password lmao
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mmavverickk · 1 year ago
The children of the big three are painfully beautiful.
beautiful as poisonous flowers.
One touch and you're dead.
they are though—they’re venomous creatures, poisonous flowers, forces of nature. the world itself runs through their veins. gods treat them with caution; mere humans don’t stand a chance.
Percy is a riptide. he’s the calm of ocean, moments before its rage. he’s the sun on the beach, the warmth of the sand, the calming, constant crash of the waves. he’s the smell of the salt in the air and the cold of the water against your skin. you can swim, you think, you’ll be fine. he smiles and it’s more beautiful than a sunset over the shore. and then the pull starts. in seconds, you’re farther from shore than you’ve ever been before. trying to swim back tires you out and sees you no closer than before. in fact, now you’re even farther out. the water pulls you under, still as beautiful as it was from shore, and you can’t find your way back up.
Thalia is the eye of the hurricane. the deceitful calm at the end of the storm, luring you out from your shelter. there is nothing more peaceful, more still and tranquil. the sun peeks out from the clouds that surround you from all sides. the wind and rain have died. there’s a rainbow in the sky. the storm is over—except it isn’t. one moment is all it takes, and the hurricane is back with a vengeance. the wind tears at you, rain lashes at you, thunder shakes your bones in place. you walked too far from your shelter, and you might not be able to make your way back.
Jason is hail. the rain is beautiful. it’s a breathtaking storm: impressive thunder, streaking lightning, howling wind. the house shakes around you and the lights go out. the concussive sound of the rain on the roof is soothing, until it isn’t. until it isn’t rain, and the roof isn’t whole. now, the storm is invading your home. the hail is punching its way into everything it can reach. car alarms spring to life outside; those who were watching in awe are now fleeing in terror. it only takes one hit, after all—one lucky piece of hail—to end a life.
Nico is an earthquake. the planet is ancient; the ground was old before you were here and it will be old after you go. it’s sturdy, and supportive, provides life and food and shelter. long ago, when the ground danced, when it shook itself free and sent cities tumbling to the ground, they called it the gods’ wrath. now, it’s called plate tectonics. no matter what it is, no matter why it happens, it is lethal and dangerous and uncaring of those it affects. nowhere is safe when the world turns on you, and if it decides you and your shelter should fall, you will.
Hazel is a sinkhole. the appearance of stability, of rock-solid ground and firm foundations. nothing is wrong, will ever be wrong, she’s the rock that holds everyone up. and then that rock is gone, and you’re falling, down, down, down—your home collapsing around you, your belongings claimed by the morbidly hungry earth. there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but is it sunlight, far, far above you? or is it magma, far far below?
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years ago
BTS Reaction || He Forgets Your Birthday
A/N: I wanted to put this out on my birthday lmao as I know how it feels to get your birthday forgotten, but I also want to say I am working my way through my request list!! Happy Birthday to any birthday twins I have!!
Jin was out on tour so it was no surprise to you that he did forget that it was your birthday, you weren't mad at him and you weren't about to be that girlfriend that caused a fight over something so small and stupid, you spent the day in your shared apartment watching Disney Movies and ordering take out for yourself, logging onto your social media to say thank you to family members who had wished you a happy day over the internet, Jin hadn't noticed anything different over their twitter feed until he saw what Army had trending, #HappyBirthdayY/N!, he groaned at the thought of forgetting something so important and made a plan to make things right, he knew there was no show tonight so he went back to the hotel to get a skype call ready, setting up a meal around the computer with candles, and asking one of the staff members to go and get some balloons for you. Once everything was set up perfectly he called your skype name and waited, you answered after four rings with a smile on your face, the smiling fading as you saw Jin there, he looked tired and he looked like he'd been crying. 
"Jin!" You cried out, sitting up and pausing the movie you were on, he smiled sadly as you and you smiled back at him.  
"Why aren't you asleep, it's late." You said to him but he ignored you, shaking his head and pointing out the balloons around him.
"I wanted to wish my baby a happy birthday, I know I forgot and I am so sorry, when I'm back from tour we'll go out to a meal, and I'll take you shopping." You chuckled shaking your head at him and took a blanket from the sofa and wrapped it around yourself. 
"You're busy Jinnie, I don't blame you for forgetting, but you're here now and that's all I want." You settled back down against the sofa and he smiled at you, 
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you." He said with a smile, taking his food over to the bed and getting comfy and ready to watch the rest of the movie you were watching before he joined you. 
"I miss you Jinnie." You said not tearing your eyes away from the TV, you knew he loved his job and you loved his job, without it you wouldn't have met, but you did miss him,
"We'll fly you out next week, we can spend the weekend together then however long you want to stay." He said with a yawn, you giggled at how tired he was but agreed. 
"I'd love that."
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"Happy birthday." Namjoon said as you walked through the halls of the studio building, you smiled at him and hugged him.
"Thanks Joonie." He handed you a gift bag and smiled at you, pointing at the card that was inside and hugging you again, he was in a rush to get back to writing since the comeback was closer than ever. 
"Card first, then you can open your gifts." He teased before doing a small jog down the hallway, you continued walking to the genuis stuido and punched in the date for the password, easy enough to remember since it was the day you and Yoongi first met, though he told people it was a random set of numbers. You put the gift bag down on the sofa, and took Yoongi his lunch, he smiled at you and continued creating a beat on his screen, you set it up for him and went over to the sofa to sit down and open the card. Inside almost made you cry, not only had the rest of the boys signed the card but Namjoon had somehow gotten everyone on the staff team to sign it, and even Bang PD had signed the bottom, you smiled and took out the presents, opening them up and making mental notes to thank each of them later. Namjoon had gotten you some new stationary you'd been eyeing up when you went out shopping together, Hoseok had gotten you a new travel mug, Jungkook got you an overnight bag with a note telling you to keep it at the studio with Yoongi's things so you could be comfortable during the late nights, Taehyung got you a new oversized disney hoodie, Jin got you a cook book playfully having a note inside that your cooking was bad, and Jimin had gotten you tickets to your favourite band, you looked up from your phone after sending out a mass thank you text and saw Yoongi staring inside of the card, tears in his eyes.
"Baby I'm so sorry," You frowned at him and he shook his head putting the card down and coming over to your side, you looked at him and he was letting out silent tears, this wasn't like him at all. 
"Yoongi?" You questioned concerned as to why he was crying in front of you. 
"I forgot your birthday, I'm so sorry." You shook your head, taking hold of his hands and making him look at you, you understood he was busy. 
"You're busy Yoongles, I understand." You said trying to comfort him but it wasn't working, he jumped up looking around for his jacket and keys.
"We're going out, now." You stopped him and pointed at the lunch you made him and then at your own on the table.
"Let's just stay here." He nodded in agreement and went to grab the food from his desk, coming back to your side and not moving. 
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Hobi was at the studio all day so Mejiwoo was taking you out to go and get a nice lunch together and have a girly day together, you were sitting inside of a small cafe when she took out her phone to take some photos, you were wearing some of her shop's clothes so you posed for her so she could add them later, you loved spending time together with her, she was like a best friend to you which at first you found weird since you were dating her brother but it was nice to talk to someone about Hobi who grew up with him, and you got along really well together. She posted photos of you both together with a happy birthday caption and the fans were going crazy for it, Army knew about you and Hoseok and they supported it since you made him happy.
"Is Hobi taking you out later?" Mejiwoo questioned when she noticed you weren't eating anything, you shook your head and looked at your phone before putting it away.
"I think he forgot, but it's okay. I know how busy he is with the new comeback."  You said, taking a piece of cake and eating it.
You walked through the door of your apartment the lights flicked out, Hoseok jumped up from behind the sofa and screamed
"Happy Birthday!" At you, as music played in the background, you smiled at him and went over to hug him, he smiled at you taking your face in his hands and moving the hair from in front of your eyes and bending down to kiss you.
"I'm sorry I forgot and my sister had to tell me I forgot." He said sheepishly, you shook your head at him, you weren't mad at him.
"Can we just cuddle on the sofa and watch movies?" You questioned looking around the apartment, he'd hung up some balloons and had a streamer with your name in the background.
"I love you Hobi but I'm so tired and I know you are too, so let's rest." You said taking his hands and dragging him to the sofa, sitting him down and getting a blanket to cuddle under.
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It didn't bother you that Namjoon had forgotten your birthday, as much as everyone around you was telling you it should be bothering you it just didn't, he was away shooting for Bon Voyage with other things on his mind, you didn't expect him to remember every little thing, he was just one man. They had the comeback coming up soon and you knew he was writing for that as well as shooting for Bon Voyage so you weren't surprised when your birthday had almost passed without a text or call from him.
"If he was my boyfriend, I would be pissed." Your sister said looking over your shoulder as you added a new photo to your Instagram, you'd just put on a picture of your cake, you rolled your eyes at your sister and stood up from the sofa, going to find your coat saying goodbye to your family members and heading back to your shared apartment with Namjoon, stopping at the shop to buy some chocolate for yourself, you were in the mood to just eat chocolate and watch Run episodes since there were some new ones you hadn't seen yet.
"Hobi?" You groaned down the phone, you heard him cheer from down the line and you giggled, sitting up in bed and looking at the digital clock on the nightstand, it was late where they were so you knew they'd probably been drinking together, Hoseok chuckled wishing you a happy birthday before the phone was passed to Jungkook who also screamed it at you, continuing until you heard someone yelling at them to keep it down, you knew that voice anywhere.
"HI BABY!"  You screamed down the phone loud enough for him to hear if you weren't on speakerphone, everyone started singing happy birthday and laughing along when it suddenly stopped, everyone went into hushed tones before you heard a door slam and the phone cut out. Two seconds later it rang again, only Namjoon's name was on the screen this time.
"It's your birthday?" He sounded guilty and you hummed laying back down against the pillows, feeling instantly relaxed by the sound of his voice.
"I totally forgot, I am so sorry." You pressed the video call button instead and sat the phone so he could see you, you smiled sleepily at him and he sighed looking at you.
"Baby you're busy, I understand...Besides, you can make it up to me by showing me one of the new songs early." You teased wiggling your eyebrows up and down, he chuckled at you and sighed.
"Get some rest, I'll call you tomorrow and maybe we can discuss an early showing of a song." He teased, wishing you a happy birthday.  
"I love you." You both said before ending the call.
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You glanced down at the watch on your wrist and then over at the door again, he was either late or forgot that this was happening tonight.
"I'm sorry Miss but we have to give the table up." You nodded and got up from the table, walking behind a waitress who offered to get you a cab home, you sat in the back of the cab trying not to cry, you weren't mad at Jimin for forgetting your birthday but you were a little hurt by it, especially when the meal was his idea you just wanted a quiet night in together so you could spend as much time together before he went back on tour and you went back to work.
"Where have you been?"  Jimin asked with a smirk as you walked through the door, dressed in a light pink cocktail dress that was knee-length, he looked you up and down before coming over to you, you moved out of the way making it look like you were going to the bathroom, you stared down at the floor.
"Work meal." You lied going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you,  stripping out of your dress and running the shower, stepping under the hot water and letting it melt your problems away.  
"Shit." You heard Jimin yell before the bathroom door open and shut, you knew he was in the bathroom you heard him shuffling out of his clothes before he joined you inside of the shower and kissing your neck, you rolled your head back against his chest and he ran his hands up your body, sighing and kissing your ear.
"I'm sorry, I know it was my idea."  You hummed and he span you around to face him, moving your wet hair from your face and kissing you.
"I'll make it up to you, I'll order us some food in and we can have the chill night you wanted in the first place." He promised, you giggled and kissed him again wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you.
"Let's do something else first." You said before dropping to your knees in front of him.
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You woke up and went down the stairs to find Tae with Jungkook they hadn't gone to bed last night you could tell by the energy drinks and empty coffee cups around the living room, you smiled at Jungkook who looked up to see you. Jungkook smiled back at you and pointed over at the gift bag near the kitchen for you, you made a mental note to look at it later and then went over to the front door,
"I've got work, I'll see you later." You said with an extra bounce in your step, you were always in a good mood whenever it was your birthday, it was just the way you were wired. Taehyung looked at the bag that Jungkook had pointed out and frowned, before going back to what they were doing. He didn't know why you were so giddy today but it was cute.
You got home from work and collapsed onto the sofa opposite to Jungkook and Taehyung who were still sat playing video games, you didn't blame them it was their month off and they were going to relax all they could,
"Rough day?" Jungkook asked you, you nodded and rolled onto your back looking up at the ceiling, he chuckled getting up and handing you the gift bag, Taehyung watched as you took out the card when reality hit him and he realised what was happening.
"What is it Hyung, you look like you've seen a ghost," Jungkook said, you sat up as you opened up the gift.
"He forgot my birthday."  You said as if it wasn't a big deal but Tae looked like he was about to start crying, you looked up and walked over to him sitting with him on the sofa and leaning your head on his shoulder,
"How?" Jungkook said, you slapped his leg playfully and kissed Tae on the lips.
"Having him home is enough for me," You said as Taehyung relaxed against you,
"I'll make it up to you."
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It wasn't a big deal when you woke up to no birthday messages from your birthday Jungkook, he was busy and you weren't a big fan of your birthday you didn't like to be the centre of attention and you didn't want to make a big thing out of something so small like your birthday but it seemed everyone else had remembered, your social media was being flooded by messages from Army and the other members, you put your phone away not wanting to see any of them but sending out a quick thank you before you did so.
Jungkook was practising the new choreography with Jimin when Taehyung walked into the room with gift bags, leaving them with Jungkook's stuff and coming over to both of them.
"How come you haven't tweeted out to Y/N Yet?" Taehyung asked as they both took a break to get some water, Jungkook frowned looking at him and then over at the bags, his eyes widening as soon as he realised what today was, he looked at his phone, his notifications filled with posts he was tagged in, he scrolled through everything seeing fan edits of you and him together and old photos of you as a baby.
"Go home," Jimin said to him, Jungkook rushed out of the room, grabbing the gifts from the boys and heading back to the apartment, trying to think of something he could say to you to make it up to you, but he had no excuses.
"I'm a bad boyfriend." He said as he walked into your arms, you were sat in the kitchen making a drink when he came in and you giggled at him, running your hands through his hair.
"Yes for hugging me when you're sweating, so gross." You groaned trying to push him away but he tightened his grip around you and made you stay with him.
"Kookie, you stink." You whined but he kept hold of you, whispering happy birthday over and over again into your ear, you groaned.
"What can I do to make it up to you." You pushed him away from you and for a second he thought you were mad at him until you started laughing.
"Go and take a shower! Then we can watch some movies or something, Jesus Kookie." You said pushing him towards the bathroom but he put all his weight onto you, causing you to stumble into the table behind you and making him laugh.
"Shower with me, then we will order something in and find some movies." He said to you, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @lovies-kpop-fan-fiction​ @snowy-meowl​
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nctzendreamz · 6 years ago
thin apologies/part 1
mark lee x reader x vernon
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authors note: mark lee my baby I love u lmaooo <333
he promised.
that was the only sentence you could force yourself to think at this moment. maybe it was because this wasn’t the first nor third time he had ditched you, or maybe because you were slowly becoming done with the whole ordeal. yes, this was date number three featuring mark leaving you all alone, but hey, at least you weren’t stuck in a restaurant waiting for him? or sitting in some random parking lot waiting on his manager to bring him to you. nah, you were chilling at your own apartment, and if he didn’t want to spend time with you he didn’t have to worry about it after tonight.
maybe you were overreacting, but did it really matter? in the stories, he’d come home and you’d complain, followed by the two of you arguing because “you’re not an idol how could you ever understand?” not this time. you were an idol, so you understood more than anyone how limited time could be. that wasn’t your issue. your issue was all of the thin promises he always gave you. why agree on something you know wasn’t going to happen? you didn’t understand.
you brought it up to him. his answer would be a simple “i thought I could make it...I’m sorry baby.” oh baby. hearing it from him could make any girl weak in the knees, especially you...previously you should say. now it was just annoying. how dare he see a stupid word as his scapegoat.
your phone vibrated, and you didn’t have to look to know that it was the famous text. either a “i’m running late.” , or a “baby I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to rain check.”
when you looked at your phone, you were shocked to not see marks name on your phone, but instead vernon.
you and vernon had pretty much been close friends since seventeen debuted, you both being the English representatives of your groups and also your similar personalities. it wasn’t rare for the two of you to talk, but at this hour you weren’t expecting it.
hey wyd rn kid?? - vernon
disappointed, wbu?
disappointed? why? who do I have to fight? - vernon
your friend mark...he forgot we had a date...again lmao
“my friend” headass. don’t try to play me. - vernon
lmaoooo! what do you mean? ya’ll are best friends????
suddenly Vernon was facetiming you, and you answered without hesitation. you were still laughing
“you really think this is funny huh?” he said.
“yeah well you know what I think is funny...you’re alone right now.”
anybody else would’ve been offended, but this was the foundation of you and vernons relationship, teasing each other in serious situations to make the other feel better.
“ha ha,” you said sarcastically, “am I really this worthless? like be honest.” you questioned as you smiled sadly through the phone. vernon’s sweet smile went from a happy one to an upset pout
“don’t ever call yourself worthless. he’s the worthless one. if he can’t see how amazing you are that’s his problem and you shouldn’t just sit here and take it.”
“but...i love him.”
“yeah...that always sucks doesn’t it?” he said almost to himself instead of you. “i know it’s late, but how about I come keep you company y/n. you deserve to be happy for at least a few hours don’t you think?” he chuckled.
it wasn’t a terrible idea. right now you needed to be around someone who actually cared about you, and vernon was a clear candidate. “yeah let me just get dressed. I’ll come pick you up.”
“y/n did you really think I was going to allow you to leave your house this late?”
“well who else is going to get you here?”
“your ever heard of uber?” he was smiling through the phone. you could feel it.
“what if you get caught-
“i didn’t.”
he didn’t? was he already-
ding dong.
“vernon!” you yelled through the phone.
“are you going to let me in or is there a password?”
you ran to the door, still dolled up from the time you were supposed to be spending with mark. vernon quickly stepped in, taking his time to look at you.
“what? you just saw me on the phone vernon.” you laughed as you went into your kitchen to grab him a water.
“thank you.” he whispered as he took it from you, still not taking his eyes off you. “it’s just...you’re so...ugly.” he smirked before moving to dodge your hits.
“shut up!” you laughed, loudly this time. it was rare that being with friends made you forget about mark, but vernon was doing that right now. “you stay your ass right there and I’ll be back. i should probably take all this off.” you whispered while pointing to you and all your current glory.
“take your time.” he whispered, smiling at you.
“oh trust me,” you began walking in slow motion, “I will.” you laughed as you disappeared into the hallway. it didn’t take you too long to go back to your original form. your scarf was tied around your head, and you had on a T-shirt and some pajama pants because it was quite chilly in your house.
“awe.” vernon cooed as you dragged your feet over to him on the couch. he already had Netflix opened and found some snacks from your pantry to eat you had noticed.
“don’t awe me.” you placed the blanket over you, reclining your couch before staring up into the ceiling with a sigh. “thank you vernon.” you could feel him staring at you.
“ah, I haven’t done much. you’ve always been there for me.”
“not like this.” you said in a guilty tone.
“well no you haven’t surprised me with a big box of donuts and a new video game,” he laughed, “but you did what you could. whenever I was in a crisis you always called. plus, it’s hard to be as good as me.”
you couldn’t help but chuckle softly at his antics. you began to play in his hair out of instinct. “enough about me. what’s going on in the life of hansol?”
“nothing much,” he whispered, enjoying the feeling of your hands running through his scalp while staring at the ceiling as you now stared at him. “i’m like a robot these days. i wake up, go to practice, go back to the dorm, sleep. every day.”
“well you didn’t do that today.” you smiled.
“yeah, i just slept.” you both laughed, “you know they say it’s unhealthy to sleep all day. it feels good, but it makes your body angry apparently.”
“too much of a good thing is always a bad thing.”
“not everything.” he said, still looking at the ceiling.
“okay, give me an example.”
“you.” he said, looking right at you now.
suddenly your heart stopped. was he flirting with you? “what about me?”
“i’m just saying people can never get tired of you. if anything, too much of you is too good.”
“yeah? well clearly mark doesn’t think so.” you said, checking your phone even though you knew there would be nothing.
“well mark is stupid.”
“i’m not disagreeing.” you chuckled sadly.
“i mean look at all this.” he said, pointing to the food you had cooked for you and mark that stayed on the table. “what kind of boyfriend doesn’t come home to this?”
you stayed silent, letting him voice his opinion.
“sorry.” he apologized. “me and jihun didn’t work out.” he said suddenly, switching the subject back to him.
“what! why? she seemed really into you?” you shot up.
“yeah, well she was really interested in mingyu too.” he said with a roll of his eyes.
“you’re kidding me!”
“nope.” he breathed out.
“enough about stupid people.” you said, reclining the chair on the same level as vernon. “here,” you handed him the remote, “you pick.”
he gasped in an over exaggerated manner. “who are you?”
“shut up before I change my mind.” you laughed before moving to lay your head on his shoulder. suddenly, vernon placed his arm over your shoulder so you could cuddle closer into him. you didn’t know why, but you didn’t mind it. you should’ve pulled away, but you couldn’t bring yourself too.
“is this okay?” he whispered so low you barely heard it.
“yeah...it’s okay.” you whispered.
from there the two of you laid like that and watched some movie that vernon put on, but you couldn’t focus. all you could think about was how you were laying in another man's arms and you felt your heart fluttering. that wasn’t supposed to be happening. your thoughts didn’t carry on too long, because soon after you felt yourself dozing off, and everything went black.
it was the wee hours of the morning when your phone rang, and then vibrated, indicating someone had called and texted you.
you and vernon slept through it.
y/n i know you’re sound asleep right now, and even if you aren’t you don’t want to talk to me. i don’t even know what to say other than i’m the worst boyfriend in the world. i forgot about last night. i won’t even lie. please let me make it up to you tomorrow. i love you and when you wake up please call me so I can apologize the right way.
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