#sorry if u already speak french fluently this post is inaccessible to you /lh
spitdrunken · 2 years
a lot of rambly posts today but i love the idea of, in the magicless nbc student scenario, rollo taking time out of his day to tutor you in the language of the city of flowers. in return, you could teach him the language of the world you hail from. (he is genuinely interested in it.) the two of you can communicate in a mix of the twisted wonderland lingua franca, french, and ‘your’ language that is absolute gibberish to anyone else.
rollo would criticize your french when he’s in private, tutoring you, but outside that he will defend you to the death and act a tad passive-aggressive to anyone who doesn’t understand what you mean LMAOOO you’re trying your best! he’s likely the only one who can understand you with relative ease at first, as he knows exactly what vowels and grammar you’re having difficulty with. he would also take you on ‘learning trips’ into the city of flowers to truly immerse you in the language, and make you speak with vendors and the like. (it’s kind of like a date.) 
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