#sorry if this post is similar to anybody's i just needed to get this out of my thoughts
acid-ixx · 3 months
I’m the anon that sent the Reader Wayne fanbase ramble, and now I have a sinking feeling that reader’s mom is some kind of criminal lord, a real Damian and Talia situation….
Well at least Damian can look at reader and say “been there done that, let’s make matching bracelets,” and brag to the others about how “Reader and I are so alike, you can’t even compare yourselves to the bond we have, I’m the best Robin AND the best sibling, we even share blood, have matching abandonment issues related to our mothers, AND totally cool matching bracelets!” All the while reader is having a crisis bc they now have to come to terms that their mom is a criminal baddie and that Bruce’s type is crime
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anon i love how your brain works fr... and yeah the reader's mom is an important component of the series and her disappearance is a key point on just how much their siblings would be protective of you, especially once alfred spills the truth ehe.
damian is so hilarious, he totally was not the reason your self worth had taken a turn for the worse! like, he totally doesn't have a track record of threatening you with a sword on your neck but he's still your favorite, right?! you share more similarities with him than anybody else in the family and he's YOUR biological younger brother. he'll totally not show off his skills in art, ahah, because he totally doesn't want to impress you because you two have a shared interest and passion for the same thing...
you know, matching bracelets are cool and all, but your other siblings would steal the same idea so damian would also settle for... painting with you. like those videos of switching up canvases every ten minutes or so.
ugh, he'll even (unknowingly) brag about you whenever he's with his mother. knowing her, she'll be bound to get interested in you and take a look at you for herself. she may or may not even (kidnap) take you out on a mother-child date with damian in tow to get to know you better so... good luck?
damian as a yandere needs your approval and your praise, so much so that you'd feel inclined to watch him practice or spar. but instead of being ignored or having the opportunity to hide in a corner from your sibling's overbearing nature, damian would constantly look at you after he performs a move he deems impressive, eyeing you for your approval or a look of amazement (similar to how dick once performef acrobatic skills in front of you one day and he couldn't take his focus off of your face— he'll get so jealous of dick after that, proving he needs to be better). with damian, you'll get yourself a clingy yet grumpy cat, who needs your consistent pets and cuddles— so don't you dare even try to let him go the moment you decide to hug him.
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a/n: i'm so sorry for the delay in writing :(( i was supposed to post the next chapter today but my body kinda wanted to nerf me and acted up so i had to take a break from writing. it's probably due to the lack of sleep or something but i swear i'll try to make up for it tomorrow.
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the small... the itty bitty.. the sad sniffles..
(hi guys!! needed a break to deal with something, but hopefully I can actually try a schedule for posting stuff soon :3 )
uhh I got designs + barely cohesive context right below:
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I love these SILLIES!!! don't mind how empty Winnie's page is, I didn't know what to do
decided that giving them school uniforms to match the surrounding this took place in was a ok decision so I did that!!
also here's the rlly confusing context I made in the middle of the night whilst accidentally pulling an all nighter at the same time:
(I have 0 experience in writing anything in general, I was spouting whatever made sense in my head so if you think this is ooc for them, it probably and most likely is lmaoo. sorry in advance to everyone who was curious ehough to read whatever... this is considered..)
anyways, prologue takes place in an elementary school where Winnie just finished his day at school, it didn't go that well but y'know, there's 10 more things to worry Abt then that. He gets to the bus stop, knowing well he was gonna have to stay there for awhile and planned on making himself comfortable. Upon arriving, he hears sad sniffles from across the seats and boom, sad lil meow meow auggie appears!! Very concerned Winnie approaches the kid, proceeds to get a very hot headed response from him as auggie pushes him away (he isn't having any of it today + he was kinda a punk when he was little like damn!!!) Winnie clearly sees that the dude needs ATLEAST *some* company so he just, sits by him awkwardly. Augustine over here doesn't have a clue why he's still not going away but accepts it nonetheless, albeit in a very tsun tsun way I guess. Winnie takes this as a small talk starter and tries to engage with him, to no avail as auggie seems to have a very reserved manner when alone. After a few minutes of trying, he decides to just be straightforward and ask him what's up, to which Augustine replies with a 'none of your business, why do you want to know?' type of response. He just tells him that moping around wasn't gonna do him any good and since they both seem to be going home late anyway, might as well kill time. (on second thought, they sound very adult for 7-12 yr olds, what. I will come back to reread this dw) Augustine now knows Winnie doesn't mean any harm and decides why not, got nothing else to do. He proceeds to tell him regarding how others seem to only want to be around him whenever he acts a certain way (ie, very bubbly, friendly, etc) and thinks about whether or not people actually do like him for himself. It also makes him feel like if people actually knew how he was, not many would stay (like a 'yeah I want people to stay, but I want them to stay for who I actually am' type thing). Winnie tells him that he should be himself, regardless of what anybody else thinks otherwise. Additionally, Winnie thinks that if nobody's willing to stay after seeing the truth, it's their loss honestly, he thinks Augustine should care about people who would actually be there for him, not for who he's trying to be. Augustine is somewhat stunned by this, asking if he's been through this before, to which Winnie remarks with a similar situation happening back in his previous school (Winnie's friends didn't stay in touch and never contacted him ever since he moved). They pretty much notice atp how similar they were and decided to spend to the entire time waiting just chatting, turns out they got along very well (cue scenes of them yelling at each other playing games, cat scratching as they yell something dumb at the other while simultaneously talking about how cute the cats walking around were). Time passes and bam! Winnie's mom finally comes over to pick them up!!
"Hey! I know that lady! She's my mom's neighbour! :O"
"Oh, it's my mom-- How do you know my mom???"
"Uh, duh!! >:/ I just said that she's my mom's neighbour--- she's your mom!?!?"
(Cue them getting inside the car and getting bits about how Augustine and his mom met. Apparently, he and his mom visited to send off some gifts for her, when in actuality, it was to send off some medicine for Winnie, who was sick during this time. Of course they got some gifts but the medicine was important. And the gifts were too.)
As they got closer towards their houses, Winnie was planning to just go back inside the house immediately since he's got no plans going on and assumes that was it. Augustine thinks otherwise, so when they both got out of the car, he immediately blurts out his name and introduces himself. Winnie, realizing this entire time they haven't even said their names towards each other, also introduces himself in response.
They both seem to connect easily and since no one else was willing to, they will instead. With a promise to stay by each other's side no matter what, they both spent their entire childhood together. They were practically two peas in a pod, nobody ever saw them apart, even if they were in a group of people. They stood out by a lot since then, the very loud and obnoxious kid was hanging around with someone who could chill him out in an instant. The two were inseparable
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
god I need to stop reading the notes on that "you don't owe anybody your downtime post that goes downhill in the notes
I got a bit hyperbolic in the tags but I still feel like my point was valid: you cannot just shoot down good-faith attempts at compromise between conflicting mental illness with "sorry I don't have the energy to do that :) :) :)" and then keep telling the person on the other side that they need to work on their issues. it cannot be all give on one side and all take on the other
for clarity, the original post said "people can't always respond right away and that's okay!" (which I agree with!). but then someone in the notes was like "could you maybe tell me if you don't feel up to talking when I reach out to you?" and OP and a few other people were like "so, no, because if I had the energy to do that, I'd have the energy to conduct a conversation. sorry! anyway work more on your own stuff thanks!"
and this pissed me off because like. people with mental issues that can make us annoying/clingy/insecure about people's love or friendship? we never seem to get grace. we are ALWAYS the ones being told that we need to be better- which we definitely do! I'm not arguing that! -amidst all the posts telling you that you don't owe your friends anything ever and if someone ever gets annoyed or concerned by a lack of a response, that's on them. nobody EVER seems to get told "well, maybe work on being able to say 'hey, not feeling up to it; talk later!'"
and obviously there are degrees of this. getting worried and spam texting after two hours with no reply to a non-time-sensitive message is an issue; getting annoyed when someone ignores you for months is understandable. not texting someone back immediately is fine; not texting them back ever and then expecting them to still be there for you is not. but I feel like both extremes are issues to be worked on, and only one gets negative attention here on Tumblr
seriously you don't want to know where I started with all this. it was Bad. passive-aggressive, "manipulating people without realizing I was doing anything wrong" Bad. I have worked on it and continue to work on it. I used to tie myself in knots when I saw that little green dot and they didn't message back right away, or if they hadn't messaged first in a while. and subsequently take that out on my loved ones, intentionally or not. it wasn't fun for me, it certainly wasn't fun for them, and I've struggled to get out of that place and not go back there
but. I and people with similar abandonment/insecurity issues can't do it all. it's not meeting halfway when only one side is expected to move
and to see a post being like "well some people are just never going to listen to reason and I have to ~let myself accept that~ UwU" when all I said was "we can't be the only ones trying, and it's not fair that we're often expected to be" is just. hnnnng
I need to go aggressively cut plastic bits off gold braid trim
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noellefan101 · 1 year
Your First Date-Genshin pt 2
Characters: Tighnari, Heizou, Wanderer, Kazuha x gn reader (separate)
Warnings: fluff and headcanons, so none ig
Note: this was really fun to write, and get away from school stress for a bit, i looooove you all
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it would out in the forest(he made sure there was no fungi or anything to disturb u)
he would show you some really pretty flowers or mushrooms if you wanted(tho he wont make it similar to a lecture, only a little)
he maybe spaced out while looking at you, not his fault your so pretty, but gave a(n) (almost) shy apology after.
definitely picked flowers with you so you could have a fresh bouquet with the prettiest flowers you could find(he made sure none of them were deadly, or bad for you to be around)
you were given permission to pet his ears for a little after he caugt you looking at them for a little too long
^^he also let you cuddle his tail if you were cold(but he wont look at you since he doesn't want you to see how red he is)
overall a pretty good first date, if he could say so himself
would talk non-stop about some cases he recently solved, wanting to impress you, even though you already are
took you to some fried food stalls around Inazuma city, ritou if you can handle the walk(ik i can´t)
he wanted to take you to do some puzzles with him, but figured he should make it more classic or romantic for your first date
^^maybe next time he´ll take you out to try and solve those puzzles
he got you your favorite flowers(if you like flowers) or a pot he tried to make for you, with the help of his family (which is very happy he wanted to make something, but didn't know he only put effort in bc it was for you)
kano, his cousin, and kujou sara also helped him actually ask you out, because at that point it was getting painful to watch him swoon over you every day
he didn´t even really agree with where he took you, Nahida just told him where to take you after she found out he (finally) asked you out
so he ended up taking you out somewhere in Sumeru city
(but maybe he also ended up leading you out of the city when people were got a little too loud and irritating for his liking)
didnt get you anything, as he didnt think he needed to, but the fact that his attitude was almost not there (when talking to you) was maybe a gift in itself
Nahida was so excited for your date, she may have borrowed someone's body for a while (at least 5-8 hours) and watched you
wanderer definitely noticed her presence, and tried getting away from her to get some complete alone time with you
^^when he finally succeeded you ended up falling on him, so he awkwardly let you sleep on his lap/shoulder while stroking your hair and getting lost in your beauty
your first date was probably on the crux, or wandering around in some nation (either his homeland or yours if you wanted, but that could always be another time)
the activities he had in mind would be fishing, making food together(or baking), sharing his haikus and poems (and helping you make some if you wanted)
^^i had too many ideas to put in here, sorry
but he would stroke your hair as you lay beside him and mutter his recent love poems, just for you
for the food you made, it would be something like fried/baked fish, hashbrowns... anything you knew how to make(basically), and sweets like dango or cake from your homeland
beidou and the crux may or may not have been following you, just for a little
^^she needed something to tell ningguang, as she was also invested in your relationship, and silently cheered on
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Thanks for reading(ehe), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
I NEED a part 2 of Ying and Yang 🙏
Ying and Yang II
MJF X Fem Reader
Ask and you shall receive (This has not been proofread)
Summary: Max confessed his feelings for Y/n
Part 1 MJF Masterlist Main Masterlist
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Ever since that night I coudn’t stop thinking about the way I felt for Y/n. Why was I feeling so emotional? This wasn’t like me. That post orgasm clarity hit me a bit too hard, I didn’t like it. Y/n knew something was wrong, she tried to ask me about it but I just pushed her away. Two weeks had passed since that night and the two of us hadn’t spoken since. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just didn’t know what to say. I was scared I would say something stupid but saying nothing was worse.
During those two weeks the both of us were finally able to take sometime off after many weeks on the road. My week off was supposed to be relaxing, I was supposed to recover and take care of myself yet it was filled with anxiety. Was I in love with Y/n? I knew I was but the two of us would never work, we were polar opposites. But on the other hand we did sleep together and during that whole incident we didn’t seem too difftent. Sure Y/n was loved by all and I was hated but we did share some similarities. We both loved what we did for work, we were the biggest stars in AEW. In a way we were both liked, just in different ways. But did Y/n really want someone like me? Did she really want to go out with a scum bag? She deserved someone better than that. I know if I wanted to atleast stand a chance with Y/n I would have to make some changes, changes only she would see. So, I promised myself I would talk to her after Dynamite and explain everything. 
As I knocked on the door of Y/n’s private lockeroom I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I was scared. Y/n opened the door and I felt my jaw drop, she looked gorgeous. Her hair was curled and her makeup accentuated her features perfectly. She wore a little black dress and heels. She was beautuful. “Can I help you?” Y/n asked, rather standoffish. “Can I come in?” I asked. I could see her thinking about whether or not she would let me in before ushring me to enter the room. “I got these for you” I said as I handed Y/n a bouquet of daffodils. “Thanks” was all she said. I knew I fucked up. “You look beau-” “You really have some nerves to come in here right before I have a contract signing” Y/n said, cutting me off. “I really don’t know what I was thinking, I should have known you only were using me to get your dick wet” Y/n spat “I’m such an idiot to think you actually cared about me. I thought we were friends Max. How long was this plan of yours? You acted all kind for months just to get with me and then ghost me? I thought we shared something special, Max” I didn’t know what to say, I knew I would fuck this up. 
“Y/n, I wanted to come here and apologize. I really like you, I was scared I would say something stupid and mess this up but by saying nothing made things worse. The truth is I felt something that night, something I had never felt before. I’m sorry that I made you feel as if I was only using you for sex but I promise you I want so much more than that.” I was nervous, I was word vomiting. Y/n wasn’t buying what I was selling, I knew I would take more to convince her I genuinely wanted to be more than just friends.
“The truth is Y/n, I’m scared. I’m terrified. Terrified about the feelings I have for you. Look at us, we are polar opposites, we would never work but I would do anything for us to work. Remember when you asked me that night if I was okay and I said I needed air?” “Yes, I remember” “Well, in that moment I relised I was in love with you. I love you Y/n, I’ve never felt this way about anybody before but there is just something about you that drives me insane. I know I’m a scumbag and you deserve someone better than me but I’m willing to change if it means I can atlest have a chance with you” 
I could see Y/n’s features soffen, she was conflicted. “Can you give me another chance? I promise it will be worth it” “It better be worth it” I really hope I don’t fuck this up. 
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fabbyf1 · 4 months
I’m not sure of this is how to go about this correctly.
I’m not sure what your position is on others drawing inspiration/directly from your incredible fan fiction writing but, on Ao3 there is a fic called ❤️lestappen- One shorts💙 by lestapeeen. The most recent chapter (14) is very similar to the monza chapter of long live(twwct) specifically the piggy back and proposal promise. some of the dialogue is exactly the same.
I figured you should know. If it’s a cool with you or if you knew already, sorry to be a bother.
DISCLAIMER: This post, by no means, is asking for ANYBODY to send this author mentioned (and tagged) below hate. On anon or main. I have been pretty damn clear with my feelings on the matter below. They know what they've done, and I won't stand for it. Nobody needs to make this worse by sending them death threats. With that out of the way, let's deep dive, shall we?
First off, god bless you, bestie. God BLESS you. I want to smooch you on your incredibly wonderful forehead. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I cannot be everywhere at once and cannot possibly read every fanfic posted to AO3, but it's not fucking cool for people to straight-up plagiarize my shit.
Secondly, I'd like to ask that if ANY of my followers come across something that looks very suspiciously similar to my fics, please let me know. You can for sure send it on anon, or send me a dm.
Now, with that being said, I clicked on this fucking fic not knowing what to think. I went into it with a pretty open mind, knowing that there are quite a few authors currently posting fics that are verrrrrrrrrrry similar to my writing style. I've gotten pretty close to calling a few of these authors out but haven't for a few reasons.
Fanfics based on the same ship, in the same canon setting, are always going to be... let's use the word "similar" here. The plot can only change so much when you're following canon events, you know? I don’t write AUs, so I’m only going off canon-inspired fics. My fics generally follow along with canon timelines and therefore, other author’s fics that follow the same timeline are going to be... similar. I get that and accept that.
Characterizations are bound to be... well, fuck it, let's use that word "similar" again. I'm gonna be pretty forgiving when someone's Max is damn near the same as my Max because one: I'm a good and forgiving person, and two: I think my characters (while totally fucking fictional) are very life-like to the real person. So, with that in mind, when I read a fic with characterizations similar to mine... I will usually give somebody grace... and accept that maybe, just possibly, they see Max Verstappen (the person) the same way I do (fictionally) and it’s a big old coincidence that our fics read so similar. You know? Does that make sense?
But with all that being said, I’m not a fucking idiot. 
And honestly? I give more grace than I should on this goddamn website. (lmfao, respectfully.) This is sadly not the first time that somebody has very much written in my likeness, and I know it won't be the last. But this is definitely the boldest version of plagiarism I've seen. I haven’t clicked on any chapter except for 14, and I heavily skimmed the first part, but let’s take a little deep dive into some of the highlights. Because I will show the receipts, bestie.
from their story:
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from long live:
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..... right, let's move on.
from their story:
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from long live:
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okay................. sure
from their story:
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from long live:
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If you're going to plagiarize my shit... you could at least put it in a different font, so to speak. "Hey, can I copy your homework?” “Sure, but change it up a bit.” 
Girlie pop, you stopped even trying to change it the fuck up. 
Let me be clear: I do not authorize anybody to translate, re-post or distribute my work without my written consent. This is in a disclaimer (that I will post below) in every single one of my fics. Taking MY dialogue is NOT okay. 
Direct quote from the beginning note of Long Live:  DISCLAIMER #4: This is 100% fictional, and I do not own any person, team, or sponsor referenced in this story. I mean no offense to any person(s) mentioned and characterized in this story. I am not affiliated with any part of Formula 1 or its subsections. Please do not translate, re-post, or distribute my work without my written consent. I will cry.
To sum up, writing is not easy, and it takes time and effort. Time away from my friends, my girlfriend, my family. Time away from my job and my other hobbies. Long Live is 76 thousand words and took me countless hours to write.
To have somebody so blatantly and disrespectfully post MY SHIT as their own and not even try to give me credit? To not write a note that said, “Heyyyyy go read long live, which I [clearly] really enjoyed!” or even a “Some of this dialogue was inspired by @fabbyf1” or even just a “lmfao some of this i didn’t write but the rest i did” really pisses me off.
Why did it ever have to come to this?
I am SO disappointed right now.
Happy fucking Friday, I guess.
For full transparency, here is the link to their fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55255699 and here is the link to their tumblr: @l-estappen
Here is the link to MY fic, which was posted on April 2nd, 2023, and written in Google Docs with revision history about a month before that. I have receipts out the fucking ass, my dear. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284915
Be well.
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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This post will be about how I view love/relationships, the situations I find myself in because of these placements, and how people attracted to me view me because of these placements
Taurus Venus people typically want partners who are conventionally beautiful and have some sort of stability in their life. (meaning money and some sort of luxury). And for me yeah I gotta be with a partner who is gorgeous I'm sorry but I'm not. Of course other stuff matters and I've given not so attractive people a chance but I've learned that if I'm not fully attracted to them then it's not gonna happen. "Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty but my goodness, doesn't it help?"
Now of course having a Venus ruled Venus can bless the native with beauty. And when I was younger I didn't experience it much but now that I'm older I see it more and more now. whatever type of beauty that I have, I getting certain treatment because of it. Now of course I've used it to my advantage cuz, you'd do the same thing don't lie. But people use the phrase, " Beauty is a curse" for a reason. Certain judgment and preconceived ideas people have of you because of your looks is very real and it transfers into my love life.
Of course I want people to find me attractive and I want a partner that sees me as beautiful but that's not all I want. just like me wanting a gorgeous partner, I also want a stable, reliable, and romantic one. But of course on my end of things my love life has just been, "I think she's hot/pretty/beautiful/" and that's it. its getting stale pretty fast.
9H can rule over what you believe in/ worship and having Venus in the 9H can mean that your partners may have a tendency to put you on a pedestal and "worship" you. When I was younger this wasn't that apparent but now that I'm older and in the "real world" I experience it more and more. And don't get me wrong I believe I should be treated like a queen and I should be thoroughly respected but it creeps me out when men come on to me so strong. One of them wanting to take a road trip with me, wanting to run away with me and would always call me a princess and shit when we weren't even together?!?!?!!
I don't even want to know what men are saying about me in private.
not only gives me a false security in the illusion of love it also gives other an illusion of me. Venus ruling beauty and Neptune ruling Glamor/Illusion/Fantasy makes love life more complicated than it needs to be. These people might be seen as a dream or unreal to others which on paper sounds cool but its not that fun to experience
Similar to Venus 9H you are put on a pedestal but this time the version of you that these people are lusting/loving or obsessed over isn't real. Or at the very least they are projecting a version of you that you aren't all the time. I don't even want to know what type of fantasies or false perceptions guys have on me. I'm all about trusting my intuition and every guy that was ever interested in me gave me that vibe.
I feel like this placements can indicate someone having high standers because no one can meet the love life these people dream of. But it being square means that I'll have to learn to let go of some of their illusions of love and to truly experience it.
In this life the themes of Venus are very important and my souls missions involves all things beauty, love, and the Arts.
specifically with love the major lessons ill learn in this life will be associated with all of my relationships. The first lesson I learned through a relationship was that you can't change people no matter how badly you want two. the second one was you don't owe anybody a relationship just because they treat you the way you should be treated. And I have a feeling I got a lot more lessons to learn
combined with my 7H placements and this aspect I think in this life I was meant to figure what love is to me.
Apparently because I have this aspect I'm supposed to be "lucky in love" and yeah no thats not the case for me. This more tells me what type of partner I should settle for. And it makes since that I have yet to be lucky in love because I keep dating people from my hometown/area.
I have no doubt I'll have more luck dating people from far away/foreign places.
explains my pickiness in love/relationships and fathers my previous point of learning a lot of lessons through love/relationships
this might indicate finding the right person for me at a later age and/or learning to date more mature people
I always wondered why I get so bored when dating people or having short lived relationships and this makes a lot of sense. the people I pursue have to keep up my attention or ill get bored and end it abruptly
this also explains getting into strange, unique and unconventional situations pertaining to potential partners/romantic interests. Right now I'm dealing with multiple guys at work having a crush on me so thats great. And one of them spikes my anxiety and paranoia because my gut intuition doesn't trust him.
this placement can also indicate someone being very conflicted or closed off on relationships. they crave something unconventional or something different from a normal relationship. These people also love their freedom and don't want a relationship that feels limiting
the big whammy in my chart. people with Sun the 7H typically really crave love even though it might go against how they project themselves since its the opposite sign of their rising. These people can feel very lonely in life when they don't feel like they have a special someone to love them for them
I'm in the "I don't want a relationship" phase rn which is probably a 7H Sun's worst nightmare lol or at least the most difficult thing for them to go through cuz thats legit all they want. hell its all I want but its not something I need right now. Plus good things comes to those who wait and while I wait I'm just gonna do me and focus on my blog, work, and music.
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Do you have any of these placements? Do you view love the same as me? Have you experienced the same experiences as me? 💋
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
OK, sorry for blowing up your Asks, but I canNOT smother the ideas that these posts spark! And, ok, so I love & respect gushy pussy Dream as much as the next besotted Dreamling fan, but like what if it were the opposite? Like Dream’s body is just…kind of hesitant? He’s been called frigid and dry before, and other unkind names, too, and sex has often been painful. But it’s just that he take a little bit to warm up! Or he would, theoretically, if anybody was patient enough to find out.
And guess who has the patience of a— well, nothing about Hob is like a saint, but perhaps he has the patience of a saint whose patience he stole on the road in his days as a highwayman — and oh boy is he up for the challenge!
Because Hob is just so into getting Dream warmed up. Like, he will spend all day getting him hot and bothered, teasing him and whispering in his ear about the filthy things Hob wants to do to him. And their life is now like full-day foreplay that builds into mind-blowing sex.
Dream will be at the counter making toast, and Hob brushes up against his back, one strong hand sliding in between Dream’s thighs from behind.
“Morning, love,” is all he whispers before he’s away, just whistling as he reaches up for the plates in the cupboard on the other side of the kitchen as if everything’s normal.
And as they eat together, Hob just lets his hand rest on Dream’s leg right above the knee, just sitting there, eating his toast one handed, smiling normally at Dream. And Dream is trying to breathe normally and not choke on his toast while the smoldering coals spark slightly to life inside him.
And when Hob kisses him goodbye, there’s a quick squeeze on Dream’s ass and one strong finger massaging into his cleft for a second — and then Hob’s off to work.
Halfway through the day, Dream gets a text of the impressive tent in Hob’s jeans, half-unzipped, calloused fingers just poking into the waistband. “Thinking of you,” it says. And Dream has to squeeze his thighs together because he can feel the juices beginning to flow — Hob knows what these vague tantalizing photos do to him!
He also knows that Hob will often jerk off in the day to take the edge off and so he can last longer later — which Dream loves because 1) he loves Hob’s pleasure no matter how he gets it and 2) he knows Hob is doing this for him and Hob’s devotion to turning Dream on is just like the biggest fucking aphrodisiac. And just the thought of Hob stroking himself & thinking about Dream just absolutely fans the smoldering coals like nothing else.
And so does the fact that Dream trusts Hob. Despite the day-long lead up, there’s never any pressure. Hob is creative and he is 100% ok with coming off on Dream’s thigh or against his ass while they use toys and hands and tongues to pleasure each other. If Dream isn’t ready for penetration now or ever he can work with that!
This knowledge alone is almost always enough to get Dream slick. No one else has had that kind of care for him. And, the thing is, after a while of this, it’s basically like Hob is (consensually) conditioning Dream to be aroused by every little thing he does.
Almost every day, by the time Hob gets home, Dream has to work to keep his mind clear enough to make dinner. This is made more difficult by the way Hob will appear at his shoulder, his breath warm against Dream’s ear or his lips soft against Dream’s pulse. And by the time they sit down to eat, Dream’s practically whining with need and Hob is hard again.
And Hob is so fucking patient and careful, which just drives Dream even wilder, and sometimes he will break down and beg Hob to bend him over the table and have him right there.
And, well, Hob will do anything for Dream.
Gosh, patient and careful Hob is certainly a turn on! And it seems like another anon had a quite similar train of thought!
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It's never too much trouble for Hob to take his time. He wants desperately to spend the day with his lover, touching him, kissing him, talking to him. The sheer romance of flirting and playing with his partner appeals to Hob intensely. He's just so happy when they're together, or when he looks at Dream and just knows that they're thinking about each other. Hob would orbit Dream like a planet around the sun if he had to, but being able to touch, caress, tease, feel... its the greatest privilege of his life.
Dream can't quite believe that it's actually working. That Hob’s time and effort are paying off and helping his body to respond as he wants it to. There's almost an extra thrill in having to work for his arousal, too. The orgasm is all the more intense because hours have passed since Hob began playing with him. Maybe he doesn't get wet just from the act of sitting on Hob’s lap anymore, but he enjoys sitting on Hob’s lap for hours anyway, having his thighs massaged, his stomach gently caressed, his nipples flicked. Maybe it's more difficult to just sink down on Hob’s cock and get the job done, but maybe it's also nice to cuddle up and have his clit played with.
Hob just wants Dream to be happy, and Dream wants the same in return. That's what matters.
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nikethestatue · 7 months
TW: sexual assault
I just need to vent. I saw a post today (and it’s been the case almost everyday this last week) of a certain Gwynriel posting about Gwyn’s SA and how she can have a sexual relationship. I know when Elriels even bridge this conversation we get destroyed and told we’re disgusting. I think there are obviously problematic takes on both sides of this and a lot of nuance. However, even when very informed people share their thoughts about this topic, that side goes into attack mode. Even when it’s sensitively handled, people get attacked. Even when it’s clearly stated nobody is saying Gwyn or survivors cannot have a healthy sexual relationship. Even when it’s stated this is just the opinion based on how Gwyn’s character is written and how challenging that book would be to write (and read) with power dynamics, etc.
Well today, I saw a post of a bigger Gwynriel saying that Gwyn is not a virgin and I am just…at a total loss. I sincerely do not know how this is not incredibly offensive, but people on the other side who say Gwyn is very traumatized and has severe concerns associated with her trauma, to the extent that this would be a highly triggering and complex book to write, are evil and offensive. How is it not extremely offensive for somebody to associate a violent sexual assault with a character not being a virgin!? R*pe is not consensual. It is not sex.
If this person is so upset and opposed to this dialogue, why discuss it all the time? Why bring this up every single day this week?
I’m sorry but it’s frustrating for us to be told we’re these evil and terrible people for saying that a character who is a survivor of sexual assault, who lives in a court-funded shelter for vulnerable women and can barely leave said shelter without 1. Permission and 2. High levels of anxiety and struggles to be around men, would have a more powerful story healing outside of sex and a man. It’s so frustrating that this is such an offensive take to them, but it’s fully acceptable to use this character’s sexual assault as a rationale for why she isn’t a virgin and can have a sexual relationship?? It’s fully acceptable to say that Gwyn is going to jump into a sexual relationship with bdsm involved when she hasn’t even expressed sexual interest in anybody? That’s acceptable?? But we’re the bad guys for pointing out Gwyn is uncomfortable around men and this would be a highly triggering book for so many actual, real-life women bc the book would have to deeply explore themes of intimacy after sexual trauma and have an on page first sexual experience after this?
Just because some people heal via sex and bdsm does not mean it would be and is healing to all people who have been through a similar experience.
There would have to be major disclaimers and trigger warnings to that book. And that’s something a lot of people just do not want to read. And that’s valid. I don’t want to read that, personally, either. And I want better for Gwyn’s character than for this to be the mechanism of her healing. For sex and a man, who witnessed this happen to her, and is in a position of authority and has power over her, to be that vessel of her healing.
Idk - it just seems like there is ownership of this topic on that side. I’ve seen posts accusing us of not being survivors when statistically we know this isn’t true and is again, insensitive. There is just so much nuance that is missed. People respond to trauma differently and some characters are written with more symptoms than others. If it’s somehow acceptable to say Gwyn isn’t a virgin (when as far as we know the only experience she has had was non-consensual), but it’s unacceptable to say her character, who is written as highly traumatized, may need more time and her healing in this regard not happen on page after the last book where we left her struggling to leave the library to go to Nesta’s mating ceremony, idk what to even say.
It really feels like some people in this fandom are absolved of accountability and can say horribly offensive things but it’s ok bc they’re gwynriels. How is that compassionate towards a character you claim to care about?
And using Rhys and Lucien as a rationale for why this is possible is just…not even a justifiable comparison. There is so much nuance to this and again, everyone recovers and responds differently. Rhys and Lucien can be around women comfortably. Rhys and Lucien can be in public spaces. Gwyn will get there, but not bc of a man. But bc of her own strength and fortitude in her recovery.
All of this nuance is why I think it would be difficult to write this story sensitively. I guess in summary, of course Gwyn can have a sexual relationship. I don’t think anybody has said otherwise, as far as I have seen. It’s the timing and nature of these spinoffs that make it difficult to give this story the justice it deserves. And I argue that there is nothing offensive about believing that. But there is something highly offensive about saying Gwyn isn’t a virgin when we know her only sexual experience to have been non-consensual.
Sorry. I needed to get that out.
I agree with everything you said, Anon. I think, overall, Gwynriels are so consumed by this ship, the overwhelming NEED for the ship to happen that they fail to see the optics of the ship.
In general, Gwyn wasn't written to be in any ship, at least as it was written in ACOSF, Gwyn wasn't written to be a LI to any many, let alone Azriel. Her whole history was made up for SJM for one purpose, to put her in the Library and make her a friend to Nesta.
This utter misunderstanding and misappropriation of her character by GAs leads to all these very charged and uncomfortable conversations. The issue isnt that she is ready or not ready, or that people in RL ready or arent ready for sexual relations -- it's that she wasn't WRITTEN as a character who was meant to be having any sex with anyone. She isn't going to be tying Azriel up with the ribbon in the Library, or having BDSM sex with him, because again, she was written as a Valkyrie and a friend to Nesta.
That's why the infamous bonus was so sexually charged in the beginning, and then completely lacking in any sexuality in the second part. The sexual potential, the attraction,the desire were firmly set up with elriel. NOT Gwynriel. That's why Azriel wouldn't touch her, that's why there is an underlining theme of him being her teacher, being an 'opponent' to overcome (aka cut the ribbon), and her not being interested in him.
It's not 'oh evil Eriels don't want Gwyn to have sex!!! because they hate women with SA!' (we've all heard this nonsense). We don't give a fuck, frankly, if Gwyn has sex. What we DO understand is how characters and interactions are written. If Elain is extremely uncomfortable with Lucien, we are not going to twist and write 50K metas about how she is secretly pining for him. Sometimes, things are stated with specific intention. Same with Gwyn and Azriel and Gwyn and men--SJM isn't going there, because it's not a place she needs to be as a writer and that's not where her story is going. The setup is Elriel. That's it. It's not us. It's the author, who didn't write Gwyn as a LI. That's it.
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OK, so I’ve been thinking about this a lot....
And after their fight in the debriefing room, you don’t see Rooster and Hangman interact with each other until they’re on the tarmac right before the mission and Hangman says “You give ‘em hell.”
No more confrontations or apologies, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.
Like, say...after Ice’s funeral  (that I’m only admitting happened for the sake of this post).
Rooster was at the funeral. Hangman was at the funeral (he was standing next to Bob in the lineup of Daggers in their uniforms, I just recently noticed that).
...And Hangman probably knew (twenty bucks says he heard it from Phoenix) that Rooster knew Ice.
So, after the funeral, maybe a bunch of the Navy personnel go from there to the Hard Deck to toast the Admiral.
And Hangman looks out the window and sees Rooster standing by himself on the beach.
And something inside Hangman is telling him that, no matter how they feel toward each other, Rooster shouldn’t be alone out there.
Because similar to when he’s in the air, he needs a wingman right now. A good wingman.
So Hangman goes down to the beach.
“...Penny for your thoughts, Bradshaw?” he says, as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, leading to the sand.
Rooster sighs, but keeps his eyes on the ocean in front of him.
“Leave me alone, Seresin, I’m not in the mood,” Rooster replies.
Hangman nods. “I can understand that. You knew Admiral Kazansky, right? You guys were close?”
Rooster swallows. “Yeah,” he says.
“Well, then, I’m sorry for your loss,” says Hangman “...I really am.”
Rooster looks back toward Hangman now, looking slightly surprised at his words.
“Uh...thanks,” he says.
Hangman nods, and sits down on a bench nearby.
Rooster hesitates for only a moment, then sits down next to him.
“How’s Maverick doin’?” Hangman asks. “He flew with Kazansky, right?”
Rooster nods. “Yeah, he was his wingman,”
Hangman actually cringes. “That’s a hell of a loss,” he says.
“Yeah, they were really close,” Rooster continues. “Mav always said that - “ he pauses “ - that after my dad died, the only people who could keep him sane were me, my mom and Ice.”
“...Sounds like they made a good team,” says Hangman.
“Yeah, they were a great team,” Rooster agrees. “I can only hope to have a wingman that good someday.”
Hangman bites his lip. “Still haven’t found a good one yet?” he asks.
Rooster glances at him for a second, then quickly looks back to the ocean. “Nobody that’s lasted very long.”
“Huh,” is Hangman’s only reply, as he processes this information.
“It’s just...that’s something pretty damn special, y’know?” says Rooster. “Having a good wingman, like Ice and Maverick were to each other. Somebody you can count on to always have your back, no matter what. In the air...even on the ground. I mean, your WSO’s got your back, obviously, but they can’t come to help you with extra firepower when you’re getting ambushed by three bogeys and you need backup, y’know?”
“And ice and Maverick, they could always depend on each other,” says Rooster. “...Hell, they were damn near everything to each other.”
Hangman quirks an eyebrow. “Just how close - “
“ - That’s classified,” says Rooster, with a small smirk.
Hangman now takes a moment to process this information. “Huh,” he says. “Well, I guess when you’re that close with somebody, it can be hard not to get...classified,” he says. “Getting to know somebody that well, becoming so dependent on that person...”
“...That’s why you always leave them hanging, isn’t it?” Rooster asks. “You don’t want to depend on anybody, don’t want anybody to know you that well.”
“Yeah, I guess I have a few trust issues,” says Hangman.
“It’s a wonder you made it this far in your career,” says Rooster.
Hangman scoffs. “You’re one to talk, given the trust issues you have.”
“I trust people.”
“You don’t trust yourself.”
Rooster stares at him for a moment, and blinks. “...Maybe you’re right,” he says. “I guess I could use a good wingman, myself.”
“Well, I can only help you if you can keep up with me,” says Hangman. “That way, you can help me out when I need it, too.”
Rooster actually manages a smile. “...You offering to be my wingman?”
Hangman smirks, and shrugs. “Well, when I’m declared Mission Leader I will definitely consider you,” he says.
Rooster rolls his eyes. “Well, if you’re chosen as Mission Leader - “
“ - When.”
“If,” Rooster repeats. “...and if you choose me as your wingman...I’ll have your back, I promise.”
Hangman looks over at him with a smile, and there’s something in his eyes that Rooster can’t quite read.
“...I’ll have yours, too.”
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gemharvest · 1 month
Gf for the character thing ? :] or maybe Nene if you received her already
I HAVEN'T RECEIVED HER YET THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! I'll do Nene too, I'll just make it her own post after posting this. :J
favorite thing about them: I love her dumbgirl swag. There's something so special to me that both her and Boyfriend are fuckin'. Dumb As Rocks. ALSO I LOVE THAT SHE'S CANONICALLY AN ARTIST that's such a sweet thing to me. I would pay one morbillion dollars for a GF commission (because she has no idea how they work).
least favorite thing about them: I WANT HER TO DO MOREEEEHGNJFN.. Like she's probably done as much as BF has so that's not a critique of the game, I just wanna see her do more. Because I love women. Oh also I think they should remake every canon piece depicting her and make her canonically fat. I often forget she isn't fat in canon and then I feel sickly when I look at like, the volume 1 cover and she's thin. W-Whe';re h.er tumm-.my go..,m,l,l,...,, <- sorry for crytyping but it fits.
favorite line: That's how you do it! <- I was gonna jokingly just go up down left right but then I remembered she says that in the tutorial. And I quote it to myself all the time so.
brOTP: Y'know what, similar to BF, I think a GF & Darnell friendship would be fuckin' s-tier. I often think abt this post Keyy made tbh. I know that's specifically the Funkycule AU and pup has them in a QPR but I do think abt it often. Also, before I was a romantic PicoGF guy my interpretation of RGB had Pico & GF as just friends, probably closer friends the longer they're in their relationships with BF cuz like, bonding over a shared partner or smthn LMAO so I'll give an honorable mention to Pico & GF friendship.
OTP: WOag. RGB. Wow I've never heard of that before. How many times can I joke about RGB being my OT3 for this game before it gets annoying LMAO anyways. I ALSO REALLY LOVE GFNENE I wish they had more fics. So bad. I'm actually shocked by how bare their tag on AO3 is. They weren't lying, fandom does hate femslash. /hj
nOTP: Is there anyone out there who actually ships her with Senpai. I think that'd be my only answer ALSO YOU KNOW WHAT. I chickened out on saying it with BF but I also consider BF and Senpai a nOTP but like, I DON'T HATE ANYBODY WHO SHIPS IT. OF COURSE. I don't think it's "problematic" to ship Senpai with either of them it's just, like, the most thought I have on Senpai is that I want to kick sand into his eyes. So that feeling doesn't really translate into a desire to see him shipped with anyone. I'm sorry to anybody who ships Senpai with either of them, I respect your grind, it is just sooooo not for me.
random headcanon: This headcanon is like, so deep into my personal GF characterization/ fuckin'. AU. If you wanna call it that atp. BUT ANYWAYS. Fuck this is gonna need quick background hold on. The canon explanation for her looking human iirc is literally just "true love" or whatever tf. But that's not as fun to play with. So instead I like to write her as being ashamed of being a demon, especially because of her parents' actions, so she masks her demon traits. And she reaaaalllly does not like letting them slip through, especially around a specific person (this is foreshadowing for something idek if I'll get to any time soon Sorry). BUT! She is on a limit for how long she can hide her demon traits until doing so starts to hurt her, either through draining her energy or like, it causing physical damage to continue hiding parts of her. And while she trusts Pico & BF, she's still got shit that she's just. Not. Sorting out. So when she feels she's about to reach a limit with it she locks herself away to rest until she's well enough to continue like normal. Girlie No (guy who is writing her to do this) (don't worry I'm going to also write her getting better abt this) I'm gonna eventually have to make a "Karl's Personal FNF Demon World Building" master-post or whatever just cuz this shit is so fun for me to work with Idk.
unpopular opinion: GEH once again idrk if this is an unpopular opinion but I've been using this to just. Complain. About stuff I have seen and disagree with so whatever I'm continuing the trend. Like Pico, I feel like I see. So many. Interpretations of her that just feel Wrong. Like I see people make her The Smart One or like. Dominant Girlboss with little substance beyond that. And it's like. Cool, yay, I love fandom misogyny. FUCK it's probably still rotting in my drafts but forever and always my reaction to this phenomenon with her is "This girl gets her hand stuck in peanut butter jars trying to eat pb with her hands. This is your Smart One?" and I should get it out of my drafts bc I'm real for that. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME WHEN I SAY THIS BTW. Interpretations that smarten up BF to the same degree do not flag this to me. When making more serious fanworks with these guys, you're gonna have to give them more smarts than canon will. My issue is specifically when I have seen people still write in a degree of stupidity with BF and then just. Don't? Do the same with GF?
song i associate with them: Very basic but I think the sound is cute with her. My secondary answer would be Nelward - "Werewolf" but that's more of a. Specific Instance. That I don't want to elaborate on. grins
favorite picture of them:
Like literally all of them The Fuck you're making me choose? /silly Here's the fruits of me looking through her wiki gallery:
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^ If I had to pick a single favorite, it'd be those panels from the Nendoroid comic. She was real for that. Anyways FUCK I love her. Statements improved when you remember I'm Boyfkin LMAOOOOOO..
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Okay, so you probably don’t follow Stray Kids and won’t really get this and that’s fine, but I just had to share ‘cause my mind is like… a little blown right now. So for years now most of the SKZ fandom has been suspecting that the possibility that Minho and Jisung are like… romantically together is a real one. Not even in a shippy way; like they have their shippers, but plenty of people who don’t “ship” them are still like “yeah, they’re probably together.” They very frequently just kind of… do things that make people raise eyebrows, you know?
Notably: Jisung has pointed to Minho when a poster asked who his girlfriend was (I think something similar actually happened multiple times). Jisung recently allegedly introduced himself as Minho’s boyfriend at a music show (2 diff. sources, but it’s not really verifiable). There’s an infamous live where a commenter asks Jisung, “Do you have a husband?” And he responds, “Not yet.” To which Chan unprompted (like Minho wasn’t even in the room with them) says, “Isn’t [Minho] your husband.” (This was interesting to me regardless of Minsung because of the whole “yet” thing when responding to a question about having a “husband”, male specifically, thing.) Their entire episode of 2 Kids Room is just… interesting.
And that’s just some of them, if I were to list and source all of the things they’ve done over the years it would take ages. Anyway, the kids recently renewed their contracts with JYPE and they split into dorms of pairs (they previously lived 4-4 separately). Anyway, Minho and Jisung are one of those pairs and Hyunjin was like, “Minho and Jisung are together, no surprise.” Their reaction to that comment was also interesting, low key. (Oh, and for context they were previously spilt up between the two dorms.)
I don’t ship them or anything, but it’s actually crazy bro. I’m like sitting here in shock. I’m not really looking for your opinion or anything; you probably don’t know enough about the situation to give one, it’s just like—I have no words. Sorry I just had to share ‘cause I’m just a little befuddled. Nobody actually thought that this was happening. People were speculating because of cars and stuff that they had switched dorms, but even I was like like, “I’m staying out of this speculation. Who knows, let’s wait for confirmation.” And well we got confirmation. And they can actually say it cause it’s not weird if everybody’s in pairs, right? Guess it will be interesting to see if they ever move out or if in the future when everybody else has their own place, they’re like, “Well, we’re already living together and I guess we don’t really see a reason to move just yet.” I don’t know… I’m just really fascinated by all this. Not “excited,” like I said I don’t ship them, genuinely fascinated. Obviously, it’s not a whole relationship confirmation or anything and I would say I’m maybe 60/40(?) on the whole thing. In the end, I don’t think anybody needs to know and I don’t particularly care myself to 100% know, but it’s still a little crazy to me.
I have a friend who follows stray kids and they have been filling me in a little bit on who the members are and they also have apparently been eyeing this pair the same as you! I'll be sending them this post too lol, hope that's okay! I really don't know much about this group at all, but I am learning a little bit through osmosis from my friend 😂🥰 I do actually really enjoy the songs of theirs I've heard too
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This is who popped up when I typed their names into the gif search, so hopefully that's right!
Thanks for sharing with me 💜❤️
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mightymizora · 10 months
So I noticed with several of your posts that your interpretation of Banites are predominately masculine and is massively ‘good ol boys club’ leaning. I’m curious how in a world that operates under a different praxis of sexism, bio essentialism, economic discrimination, and fertility politics than our own, how and why this is the case. Does it have to do with the general personality types that are attracted to Banite worship? The group of people who just happen to have the means and motive to be attracted to Bane? Gortash’s conscious or unconscious bias? What does being a man mean in Banite culture, to you? I’m so sorry, this is way too long and way too serious ……
Eeee I get to get into this one! I'm only on my first cup of coffee and I am trying and failing to not make this a literal essay (EDIT I failed sorry this is long and I don't think I even answered everything)
And I'm also going to pre-empt this by saying I am not a sociologist, or a particularly smart person! So some of these ideas may be very hack!
So the first thing I have as a parameter here that there's three scopes of influence that inform looking at this to me - there is the version of Faerun and Dungeons and Dragons 5e that Larian put in the game (which I LOVE and appreciate very much, I love the direction that 5e has gone in) there is the history of the writing of some of these characters and the influences of those writers across the history of D&D, and there are the influences I have in how I've built my characters and the influences I'm taking. So I'll try and be clear about which is which where I can!
Under the cut for more as this is already too long!
So the first thing to acknowledge is that gender and D&D in 5e is at its best representation of all time, to me. Obviously things still to improve, but as somebody who started out in the days of 3.5 with all the myriad of problematic ways women were represented, and then through the 4e oddness of "Yes, you as a woman can do ANYTHING!" with no real backup in the worldbuilding, I really enjoy this and I like that Larian has gone for it too in a really meaningful way.
I also think that the Dead Three were created at a point of the most edgelordiest writing in the history of the franchise, and they wear that influence on their sleeves.
We're at a really interesting point in Faerun and Larian are really exploring that in BG3. We have the printing press, we have automatons starting to come into civilian life not just inter-planar stuff, we have pianos (!) and I think it's fair to say we are at a point of change and upheaval in how people live their lives. More information is flowing across the classes. There's more social mobility starting to happen. Automation brings different approaches to jobs, and it also brings unemployment, profit margins etc etc.
We're also at an interesting point with worship of the Dead Three. I'll leave the other two for now but The Church of Bane has already gone through a pretty dramatic reform partly due to the Banesdeath and subsequent rebirth of Bane (Sidenote I need to dive into the similarities and differences between Iyachtu Xvim and The Dark Urge at some point.)
My inference is that in a combination of changing socioeconomic and socio-political norms (we can also include what happened to Elturel and Neverwinter in that, two big local powerhouse cities dramatically altered in the past twenty years before the game) has opened up a lot of potential for a lot of uncertainty, fear, and opportunity in both the church and the way power is perceived. I think this is somewhat supported in the game with just how Gort has risen to power. We get tons of ambient dialogue about the sort of cult of personality he's ridden in on in the general public. He will literally say anything to anybody to get his own way, as shown by his political manifestos having different core values. So I think this is also reflected in the Banite worship.
The Banites traditionally are people with means and ambition, which makes sense, but who those people are could be seen to be shifting too. Landlords, foundry operators, new captains of industry are likely to hold as much sway as the fading patriars. I think it offers a great deal of potential both for progress, but also regression of ideas. It also means that it would be easier, I think, to target new members by positing it as a business venture, which I think we have a little, possibly, support of in the text. It's a club for people of means. Oh, and it's a cult. But you're okay with that, right? Here's some money and some contacts.
I've shown the good old boys club of Bane (which was influenced by the lore line that they were as likely to solve disputes through lively debate, it took me right back to gentlemen's clubs) but I think there are a myriad of ways of worship now that basically play to the indulgences of the participants that best show their hunger to usurp each other. Where they were literally killing each other for dominance, it's now a more subtle set of rituals. Gambling, sex, fight clubs. Rather than torture to evoke fear as the offering to Bane, fear is now a pact offering. Everybody has their metaphorical hands around each other's neck in vice.
I do think there are women, and I do think Gortash hosts them just as he hosts the boy's club I've put forward, but in my interpretation he sees value in dividing, in creating these silos of worship and letting people create their own competition to try and destroy. At the end of it he doesn't care about who is under his boot, as long as they are, as long as he has control of them, and as long as they're looking to each other as the enemy and not to him. I think he would absolutely play into gender politics as part of that.
When it comes to influences I bring, I really like the idea that progress is not as linear as we always assume it is. I read a lot of Victoriana and I find it so fascinating that a lot of British ideas of values and things were really completely made up in that era (on a very not smart note, that's what I'm evoking in my writing. It's literally "enforcing gender essentialism and being Victorian style reformers is evil, actually." Not really very deep.) Myths were repackaged, etiquettes re-examined. Attitudes to sex were a huge one - the Georgian period had a huge shift in attitudes to sexuality and then the pendulum swung back. So I'm putting forward that one of the easiest ways to gain followers is to play into people's worst instincts. I'm not retconning the crap gender politics in earlier editions of D&D, but saying they were of the time and history in-game as well, and Gortash is very cynically using them to gain support. He encourages people to think that they are special, that they are the power, and to look down on the other, but he changes who the other is to suit himself (very contemporary politics there, Gortash...)
The Dead Three have historically been very, very masculine, and I don't think this changes if you have a default Durge. There can, I think, be a case for a reading of the gods being of a different era, a bunch of cringefail men, and their choices of chosen which leans into old misogyny when it comes to Orin (who could have a whole post of her own because of course, as a changeling, she isn't bound to gender at all, but is percieved as girlish, more on that later.) Bhaal being obsessed with siriing offspring and the big buff Bane examples etc. and I do think there's something interesting in their values being also out-of-step with the world. They will never win not only because they suck, but because the world has moved on. Again, Kelemvor and Cyric deserve their own posts here...
I really, really like the idea of Bhaalists and Banites essentially swapping their worship styles a bit and this is only from my own readings. Bhaalists becoming more obsessed with hierarchies and secrecy, Banites becoming more of a club for vice and taking on some of the weird gendered things Bhaal is guilty of as a means of control.
(I also REALLY like the idea of the Dark Urge being a woman, non-binary, or gender-shifting through how they identify and/or being a changeling, firstly because I like the idea of Bhaal God of Mess wanting to try something new. I also like different idea of having a womb and being able to birth in changing Bhaal's plan. It's not wide spread of seed, it's gestation, it's something personal and can be seen as sacred. The Dark Urge is a vessel for Bhaal in multiple ways. And thirdly particularly in trans Dark Urge works I love the idea of autonomy in that. Does Bhaal approve or no? Is this defiance or blessing?)
I'm going to stop there because honestly I could go on forever but this is the surface-level considerations in the worldbuilding of my fics.
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Hey, your fics are honestly so well-written, I don't usually read "x reader" but I do frequently branch out to genres I'm not familiar with and I really like your writing style
I saw on your pinned post that you take requests and I have an odd one. Recently, I've become lowkey obsessed with the idea of Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe and was wondering if you'd ever be willing to write a fic about them? I'll be honest, I have no idea how specific you like requests to be, but I'm giving you free reign to take it in any direction you see fit. If you're up for it, then thank you so much! If not, then fair enough and I wish you good luck for your future stories 😄
thank you for your kind words!! i want to give this a go for you (so sorry for the delay in responding), but to be 100% honest, i'm not entirely sure i'll give your vision much justice! i'm very used to writing 'x reader' and i have never actually written 2 character ships before...
because of this, i've decided to do a short drabble style so that i don't have to delve into too much specific detail for a story line, and risk messing up lmao. i really hope this is okay, let me know what you think and hopefully i might be able to branch out into more similar subjects in the future :)
p.s. my blog is starting to look like a ross fan account at this point... and I'm not mad about it lolll.
Opposites Attract - Joseph Lisgoe x Ross Gaines
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[not proof read]
his slicked back hair, narrowed eyes, and angry demeanor did nothing to intimidate ross. "i'm telling you, you've got the wrong house. i don't owe anybody anything." ross' tone remained calm and collected, which only seemed to agitate lisgoe even further.
"oh, yeah?" he drew closer to ross, forcing himself further into the doorway. "then how come your address is the one printed on the fucking paper slip?" lisgoe shoved the paper that he was holding to force it against ross' chest, encouraging him to hold it himself and read it. ross lifted the paper and glanced at it nonchalantly, before looking back at the angered man with a shrug of his shoulders.
"i really don't know. i'm sorry that i can't help you" ross said politely, stepping slightly backwards to close the front door between the pair of them.
"don't you dare even think about shutting this fucking door on me." joseph moved his foot into the door frame to act as a door stop, causing it to be left half-open.
with an excessive exhale of air, ross re-opened the door and stared questionably at the man before him. "what do you actually want from me?"
"I've only told you about fifty times, i want the money you owe me! i'm not leaving here until i get it."
ironically, he did end up leaving empty-handed, having realised that ross was perhaps just as stubborn as himself. joseph lay in bed that night, thoughts racing about the strange encounter he'd had that day. ross. why was he so... different? he had been so relaxed the whole time that lisgoe was shouting in his face. joseph's terrible anger and extreme persistence is the only thing he had to use in his power against people. it was the only strength he ever needed. so why was ross so unphased? it infuriated him...
the next day, lisgoe wandered the streets with barry and glen, ready to tackle the next set of debt-avoiders. joseph stood still in his tracks as a familiar face walked towards him down the street. "well if it isn't mr. gaines! we were gonna be paying you another visit later today" joseph spat, sarcasm lacing heavily in his voice.
"i'm not entirely sure why. you'd be wasting your time, to be honest." there it was. that calm voice that joseph hated so much. ross was supposed to be scared of him, what was he doing wrong?
"oh, you know exactly why." he gritted his teeth. "your name is on that paper, you owe us money and that is that!"
"have you perhaps taken this up with your little minions?" ross gestured towards the two cowardly men stood behind lisgoe, who were not helping the situation at all. "clearly somebody has made a mistake here. i've never even heard of you in my life, mr. lisgoe, i certainly don't owe you any money." ross' tone was more sarcastic this time, especially on the emphasis of joseph's name, which only caused chills to travel over his skin.
before he could even respond, ross had walked past them and continued down the street, swinging his briefcase happily as he went. shock and bewilderment momentarily lingered on joseph's face as he watched the man leave, before his eyes landed on his two useless workers, quickly resorting to his usual stern expression.
"he seems pretty certain he doesn't owe anyth-" barry began, before being silenced by lisgoe's rough hand that grabbed onto the back of his neck and forced him to walk forward, continuing their journey in silence.
it was late evening and lisgoe lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to relax with a mind racing yet again over his impenetrable client. before long, he gave in and jumped up, pulling on his jacket and rushing out of the door.
ross sat alone, reading a book contently on his couch, before a buzz from the intercom interrupted his quiet evening.
"hello?" he answered, waiting to find out who was at the door. "it's lisgoe. let me in."
ross chuckled slightly, "why would i do that?"
"because i fucking said so." he was stern. not in a mood to be messed around with. and ross seemed to realise that.
the main door buzzed open and joseph raced to ross' apartment number, suddenly coming to a halt as he came eye to eye with ross who stood leaning smugly against the doorframe. "are we still not done here?" he said slyly, watching lisgoe's face as it washed over with anger.
"what is the matter with you, gaines? why aren't you intimidated by me?" his brows were furrowed and his fists were balled so tightly that his knuckles turned a pale white.
"why would i be intimidated by you?" he seemed genuinely confused. "i know that i don't owe you any money, so there's nothing to be afraid of." he smiled slightly, which made joseph's blood boil.
"you listen here," he inched up to ross, backing him into the door and staring deep into his eyes, his voice now so low and close to a whisper. "i spoke with my idiot coworkers, they did make a mistake and it turns out you're not in my debt. you should consider yourself extremely luck-"
"you came all the way here to tell me that?" ross interrupted, maintaining deep eye contact with the man who stood so close to him that he could feel his breath on his face.
"no!" lisgoe spat, grabbing ross' shoulders and pushing them into the door he was leaning against, frustration flowing through his veins. "i came here to make you aware of who you could've been dealing with. and who you just might be dealing with one day if you're not careful. i am one of the most powerful people in vasey, and i don't think you're taking this seriously enough."
ross breathed yet another sarcastic chuckle, still completely unphased by the insecure debt-collector. "why are you so annoyed that i'm not scared of you?"
lisgoe's grip on his shoulders loosened, dropping his hands to his sides. he took a step back and swallowed deeply, trying to process his question.
"i- i'm not." he stuttered, lying through his teeth. of course he was annoyed. he just couldn't understand why his usual scary behaviour didn't have the same affect on ross as it did with everyone else. he was intrigued, more than anything. ross was uninterested, which made him... irresistible, in a way. lisgoe wanted to make him interested.
"something wrong, lisgoe?" ross questioned, tilting his head and looking at the man with raised eyebrows.
"wipe that smug look off your face before i cut it off" he grumbled, revealing his small pocket-knife that he held in his blazer.
"okay. i just have one question for you," gaines began. "if you know i don't owe you money, and you're not annoyed at me, why are you stood here after-dark pointing a knife at me?"
"you just don't get it... do ya?" lisgoe sniggered, tucking the blade back into his pocket. "i thought you were supposed to be smart."
"well, no. i don't get it!" ross' voice raised slightly. "however i'd still say i'm smarter than you..." he mumbled.
"watch ya fuckin' mouth" joseph grimaced through gritted teeth. his eyes trailed over ross, flicking up and down before landing back on his face, making eye contact.
a heavy silence fell over the two of them, the atmosphere tense. ross swallowed hard as they stared at one another. "what...?" he almost stuttered, unable to read lisgoe's expression. the first time he ever let his guard down in front of lisgoe.
joseph approached him once again, closing the gap between them, breath hot on his face.
"you're so hard to read, gaines. like a closed book." he whispered, his words so quiet for only ross to hear. "...can you open yourself up to me?"
a/n: welllll there it is. wasn't really sure how to end it so it's kinda weak and rushed. like i say i'm inexperienced with character ships, but i enjoyed writing that (eventhough it was only short.)
there might be a part 2? if i can come up with any ideas or if you want to suggest anything for me!
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gilbirda · 2 years
I fee like people are milking the Anger Management ship a little too often now when there are other ships they can go with. The only Danny x Cass ship that sailed and I’ve seen is in Lex Luther’s Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood 😃 I kind of want to see Jazz and Dick getting closer because of being the oldest and/or Danny and a super kid! Danny x Duke is a ship that no one wants to dip their feet in 😔 they could bond over having powers or maybe everlasting quartet 🤔 (sam x danny x val x tucker) sorry im good at giving ideas out im just horrible at executing them 😭 also, Jazz x Babs? their ship Name could be Oracle Specter? Bc some hc jazz as a liminal and oracle liminal doesn’t sound as good 😀
Friend, I'll be real with you, I don't see the point of this message.
The following answer is not for you specifically, is to everyone out there that has said something similar. I can't just ignore it anymore.
I will say this once: why the need to stomp on something to highlight another? Why start with "I think Anger Management is too common/used/repetitive, when we could be doing this instead."
I'm sorry but this rubs me the wrong way, and I cannot find in me the energy to play nice when it isn't the first time I've seen people stomp on my favorite ship for the sole purpose to try and highlight other ships.
The sad part? I like other ships. Jazz/Dick (Nightbirds), Danny/Cass (Dead Silent) and all those you mentioned are okay.
(Jazz/Babs is Red Dead Redemption, but it can be changed)
Like, what's the point? Guilt trip people into making content for other ships? Make me feel bad enough so I write for other ships instead? I am not the DPxDC ships wizard, I don't wake up one day and decide which ship becomes popular.
I just saw the potential for Jazz and Jason, how interesting their dynamics could be, and run with it. I'm happy that my rarepair has become so popular that it has antis and detractors, it's such an honor to have started the fire that took my OTP out of rarepair hell.
But, please.
If anybody out there likes other ships? That's great!
Now go make content for it.
Don't go into mine, or other writer's, inbox and try to guilt trip people into making content for your ship. Or make vagueing posts in the Anger Management tag complaining about it.
Be the change you want to see.
I wrote nearly 100k words of my ship before I saw other people that wasn't me making posts and AUs about them. Before I saw more fics with that ship posted in AO3.
I just sat down and made content.
"Why are people sleeping on these ships?"
"Why isn't [CharacterA/CharacterB] more popular?"
"Anger Management is great, but I'd prefer if it was done this way instead."
Again, this isn't an attack on you personally, is a PSA to anybody out there being pissy about Anger Management and shitting on it just to make other ships look better or more interesting; or wondering out loud why this ship is popular and their ship is not, behaving as if it were all a plot to make Anger Management more popular on purpose.
Stop that.
Multiple ships can coexist in peace, no need to put down the popular ships unnecessarily. Is not rocket science.
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cat-vase · 1 year
other thing similar to the bryce stuff that i think you may be interested in!
Owen was most likely interrogated by police about Liams disappearance since he was the last one to see Liam before he vanished (BOTH TIMES not counting bryce or the cashier+waiter in ep15), which means there’s the possibility of Owen being wrongly convicted… despite the fact that there may not be much evidence against him.
(same thing goes for Parker regarding Charlotte’s disappearance since he was AT HER HOUSE and had a reason to be mad at her, leading the police to believe he possibly murdered her over the money..?)
Someone pointed out to me once that it was likely Owen who REPORTED Liam missing in the first place! How else would the police know it was LIAM'S bike instead of... literally anyone else's? He probably got cleared of suspicion since there's likely outside security footage of Liam leaving the office alone (and Owen leaving alone, too!) Assumming this because... well. Everything has cameras everywhere nowadays.
But yeah!!! I'm sure he was questioned but since Liam literally disappeared into thin air, they couldn't find anything to convict him? Or anybody else, either? Or anything to use... to figure out where he was? Hence presuming him dead!!! Which sucks for Owen, especially if he finds out about the smokestack incident somehow (and that it happened BEFORE he saw Liam???), but what can you do!
But oh my god Parker. I have so many thoughts about Parker you have no idea. Not a lot of people talk about Charlotte I feel and even then, if they do they DON'T talk about Parker and that is a CRIME.
He saw her disappear in front of his eyes! Mid sentence! There was still dinner cooking in the kitchen and jazz playing on the TV! Wouldn't that send him into some sort of anxious spiral? Or psychotic break? Wouldn't he be unsure if she ever existed or not?
And his job is a brand associate! Wouldn't that make him in the public eye, at least somewhat? If he went crazy people would SEE and KNOW. He might be arrested on suspicion of murder? Or institutionalized? Or go off the grid? Maybe he starts to pay for her place and cover up her disappearance in order to try and investigate it! Maybe he searches every single forum he can online, stringing together other random disappearances of this nature whether or not they're actually connected! Maybe he takes something of hers to convince himself that yes, she WAS real! He can't tell anyone else in his friend group about this, of course. They'll think he did something to her, and he would never. He just wanted her to be okay. Is she okay, wherever she is? He hopes she's okay. He just wants her to come back. He's not mad about the money anymore. He's sorry he yelled. Please just come back. One day she has to, right? In the same manner she disappeared? He can't get rid of her place now, what if she came back and he wasn't there?
Maybe he posts incomprehensible ramblings on a website he makes in order to make sure he doesn't lose them, but also so he can stay anonymous. He goes on outings for days searching and never turns up any leads, of course. In the beginning his friends try to interact with him; they fear for his safety, he's so JUMPY, and he has an accident and falls in one of the caves they've been to a thousand times. He just gets more closed off after that. He becomes more and more like the person he's trying to find: No, he's FINE, he can find her on his OWN, he doesn't NEED help, he's perfectly fine and sane.
And maybe, if he's not locked up somewhere or done something to hurt himself, maybe he DOES see her come back someday. She's in a worse state than she left in.
But that's a whole different can of worms.
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