#sorry if this pisses ppl off ♥️
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quietanarchy · 2 years ago
finding it annoying how very twitter rp oriented some people are & afraid to admit it… or in denial, perhaps
when did rp stop being about writing 💀
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stylespresleyhearted · 11 months ago
pt. ✌🏻
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liked by fan23, user12, and 1923 others
cturnerupdates Cal & Y/N spotted at a cafe in Paris today - March 23, 2024
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y/nfan two lovers in the city of love 🥹 fitting ♥️
user23 I’m calling it now these two are gonna be it for each other. They’re end game.
yourinstagram that’s the goal🥹
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liked by yourinstagram, austinbutler and 15,713 others
keoghan92 Context: Cal taking his bird away because we were apparently “pissed ” 🙄
Photo credit - me 🫡
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anthonyboyle baftas are always a fun night eh?
yourinstagram he saved your ass, i had you!!!
keoghan92 love I’ll out drink you any day
yourinstagram tbh we weren’t even that drunk
rafflaw you were crying cus you “lost” your boyfriend but he was holding your hand the entire time and barry thought the stalls were narnia entry
keoghan92 that’s a solid night mate
fan23 damn y/n looks good
yourinstagram tits out & every thang 🤗
keoghan92 Oi her heads big enough
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liked by enews, yourfriendsig, and 5,391 others
yourinstagram trying to enjoy my lunch but this weird (cute) guy won’t stop bothering me (i love him)
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user12 i need to know what its like to be her
fan23 callum is so down bad for her #relatable
fan21 what did she cover up 👀
yourinstagram lol just cal being cheeky
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liked by anthonyboyle and 7183 others
yourinstagram hi handsome ♥️
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user68 i wonder if he’s aware how many photos she takes of him and she posts them all its weird
yourfriendsig lmao trust he’s aware & he’s obsessed when it comes to y/n
fan21 ppl see shit on the internet & think they know everything ugh 😑
yourinstagram guys let’s all be nice and enjoy looking at my beautiful boyfriend! 😍
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liked by yourinstagram and 38175 others
jimmyfallonshow Tune in tonight 10/11 CT to witness Callum Turner swoon over ‘amazing’ girlfriend 💕 ….
When asked if he’s aware how iconic she’s become on social media he said he’s well aware and he isn’t at all surprised before divulging to Jimmy “she’s the one.” 💍 👀
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user23 After watching the interview I’m 100% convinced he’s the golden retriever and she’s the black cat. Y/N loves him but gosh … the way he was talking about her and looking at her?
y/nupdates It starts with Callum sharing a joke and Jimmy didn’t laugh but Y/N did from the crowd 😂 Callum recognized her laugh and said “thanks baby” and then that’s when Jimmy asked about her IG fame. Callum said “she’s the one man - we aren’t worried about that.” When Jimmy asked how they deal with the attention.
user12 starting to wonder if they’re secretly married/engaged
fan31 Nah and I think it’s beautiful even though they’re aware they are it for each other she’s willing to wait and support him as he enters a new kind of fame
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liked by user23, fan12, and 71942 others
yourinstagram Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy - 🥵
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user41 girllll yes !!!!
fan53 can i please be you???
user91 ur man is so daddy he’s fire
user33 Y/N and Callum daddy kink confirmed
keoghan92 That’s what we called him on set
yourinstagram back off my man barry
rafflaw … we really did though
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liked by austinbutler, yourinstagram, and 58194 others
drewbarrymoreshow Hilarious, gorgeous, and kind — yes these guys, but I was referring to the star of tonight’s show Callum Turner’s girlfriend. Her Instagram page is one of my favorite’s, tune in to watch me fan girl over three stars tonight.
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yourinstagram unreal !! i adore you !!❤️❤️
drewbarrymoreshow Text me for our date night 🤗
fan23 everyone loves y/n it’s beautiful to see someone being praised when they’re authentically themselves
user12 shoulda interviewed her too
drewbarrymooreshow 🌚
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liked by austinbutler, camilamorrone, and 43817 others
yourinstagram Y/N by me (Cal) 💍♥️😍
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fan31 HIS EMOJI USE?!?? rip me
user12 im gonna cry she’s so smol he’s so tol
fan23 Cal make your own page!!! We know it’ll just be Y/N and we’re okay with it!!! It’s what we want tbh !!!
keoghan92 “why the fuck are you taking a photo” is what she was mid saying
user25 omg he probably crushes her she’s tiny it’s great
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liked by zendaya, austinbutler, and 65189 others
yourinstagram 🥹
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fan23 ugh the height difference kills me
user12 they’re so in love it makes me happy
fan33 I believe in love because of them tbh
fan67 idk how he hasn’t popped the question yet
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liked by fan21, user33, and 19278 others
cturnerupdates Callum spotted with Y/N and his mother in London back in Feb for his birthday. The group had a picnic at the park and Callum’s mother even braided her hair — Feb 19, 2024
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user13 ohhhh he’s gonna be a girl dad fs
fan54 she’s got the momma’s stamp approval it’s gonna happen
user23 what i wouldn’t give to be his gf and have a picnic w him at the park and have his mom braid my hair
fan56 Is anyone gonna talk about how he’s looking at her? 🥹🥹😍 Definition of heart eyes
I’m so down bad for this man so I really couldn’t resist making another one. He’s handsome and charming and manly and ughhhhh kill me!
P.S slight FC use of Olivia Dejonge. Not only is she gorgeous but she’s so smol and I find it so beautiful, especially with how large he is. Needed that picture for a specific use to help identify the size difference between the two but feel free to keep imagining whoever. He’s dated Vanessa Kirby and Dua Lipa so the hair color constantly changes in pics 😭
Don’t have a tag list but thanks to everyone for all the love, hope ya’ll enjoy this one as well 💕
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 2 years ago
OK so thanks for permission lmao
I'm just kinda so pissed, like I'm so convinced everyone hates lesbians like non lesbians piss me off so bad. I'm like mostly closeted except to a few of my friends and its so annoying to talk about my problems with regards to me being a lesbian to them because of how they react. It's either ignored, like they completely dismiss what I'm saying and move on or they act like they know better than I do about these issues. And they act uncomfortable whenever I mention anything, once I mentioned it to my friend how ignored I felt and she said maybe my friend felt overwhelmed with what I was saying, like what?? She might feel overwhelmed but it's 1000x worse for me. I've cried in front of these ppl with my issues regarding how I'm treated due to being a lesbian and the things I hear and they say 'oh well I wouldn't understand cuz I'm straight' like what do u mean u don't understand, I'm literally TELLING you. And obvi its bad with my family as well cuz I'm in a muslim household. Like the shit they say is wild,they lose their shit if we even say the word lesbian. I wish I knew more lesbians 😮‍💨. Ik I need to drop them friends I'm just waiting to get other friends so ik I can go to ppl. I feel so incredibly lonely and just, I wish ppl knew what I felt like, it's so weird how they dismiss homophobia so easily. My bi friends are even worse somehow, they've told me to not get crushes on them and that they can't find themselves marrying women like I thought I could relate to them once they came out but it's lonelier than ever. Just..the future seems so bleak fr, like ik my mum will disown me if I ever told her so I don't plan on it but ik I won't be ever able to move out without like everything going to shits. And even ppl I should be able to go to for support, I can't cuz of the woke homophobia. And tbh I've been tryna focus more on myself and other lesbians recently than like osa women cuz even when I actively care for them and their issues they never seem to care back. Tho i do feel guilty about it sometimes but ik i shouldnt. Anyways yh sorry if this was sm lol but umm yh. Have a nice day 😊
I am really sorry for everything you’re going through gosh I relate so much and I understand specially with having a muslim family. I hope you stay safe and things get better ♥️
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alexandrite-dragoness · 3 years ago
Small Rant Post / What I've Been Up To...
To who it may concern—
I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for enjoying my content as of lately :)
No this isn't a goodbye lol, far from it
But you see I've been in the slumps lately. I haven't been too motivated to do much progress, even I feel like my drawing have been slacking since the whole break up with my friend.
Losing ppl is hard, and I now understand that.
But sometimes I gotta let those know that, hey, it's not working out. I'm sorry. But to only have that person turn the other cheek like "I expected as much" really put a strain of emotion within me that I can't seem to get rid of for quite sometime now.
But all the same I was more than glad to say something. I was being tired of being treated like I'm not doing good enough for them, like whatever I do that pissed them off ruins the whole day for the both of us, and only for my small mistake to bite me in the ass two weeks later. And for them to have another friend to talk to like I was just replaced for them only hurts more.
But I digress— while I may had some moments where it feels like I don't matter to those anymore, I knew I gotta do my own thing. I got three ppl who talk to me in each social media– Twitter, here on Tumblr, and Amino. And they all have a similar aspect: They all talk about themselves and sometimes themselves only.
But I never got the guts to tell them to hear me out, or say to end things here because I don't want to ruin their happiness.
But therefore... It's time for me to be selfish.
Basically chances are I won't be talking to them anytime soon, but I do want to focus on my happiness for the time being. At least until I feel better about myself.
And one way to do that is focus on my story I've been brewing for quite sometime now. Or basically anything regarding the Strega works I've been doing. Tho it may only mostly be writing, but I have been so excited on starting writing out the chapters now while half of my time in general are my first job and my side home job. So if my ex friend continues working on their fanfic I've heard 100k+ words about before our separation, then I'll be working on mine and nothing else.
So I'm starting my Gekkoukan!Strega story, for realsies. Tho I'd hate to drag anyone else into my obsession, so I'd only post it out in here and on AO3 to give everyone the freedom to read it as they please. Probably means no beta read either, but I will try to have my story be in present tense as the flashbacks be past tense.
I've been having some eyes on my story idea as is, and that what keeps motivating me more and more and hope everyone will enjoy it as much as I will writing it out. The story will take some elements of Shadow Cry, so expect a new character in the fic (Izumi). This story will more or less be a rehash of the P3 plot, but I will be focusing on the differences in scenes as Strega would be part of the SEES group. It will have multiple chapters, each chapter being each month of the full moon operation along with some slice of life stuff on the side.
I'll try to keep everyone posted on how's it going, I should have another flackback scene here sooommeettimmmee this month? Maybe?
Again thanks to those to keep up with my ramblings, I appreciate all the Strega enthusiasts checking out my blog along with my art blog ♥️
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years ago
the traumatized anon again.....LISTEN i was listening to svt when my poor eyes witnessed this so that's why i thought who in svt im sorry☻️🤣🤣🤣🤣
also...they just put their umbrella without the second tube in the sand so it was really low....i saw the whole process but never in a million years i would havr thought they were preparing to have sex😭😭😭😭☠️☠️☠️☠️ there were so many people and kids around them like no kink shaming but u could have come later idk 😭😭😭😭
When we were leaving they were doing round 2 and his whole ass was visible like ewwwww no thank uuu🤮🤮🤮🤮 and kids were playing in the water in front of them....hope u had a great laugh that is it from me😂 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣
P.s i saw some impatient ppl asking for mtls yall chill pls there so many of them u aint a factory posting every hour 😒 take a rest after work🫂
Welcome back traumatised anon😂😭 I see, I see, but damn, that’s even worse, now you gotta think of THAT whenever listening to seventeen😭 wait… may I ask which song you were listening to? Pls don’t let it be something that could truly traumatise us all😭
THEY TOOK EVERYTHING OFF?! They didn’t even care to be somewhat sly with it? Damn… idk about y’all but that’s almost peak exhibitionists. At least they had the decency to try and cover it with the umbrella… right?😖 can you call that decency?😣 also: I’m such a child for chuckling at “you could’ve come later” because yes and yes😅
Babes, I really think you just made my afternoon😂😂😂 I was so pissed after my tutoring lessons, this has truly made my day at least somewhat fun hahahahaha
Thank you for the p.s.🤍 I sometimes get impatient for updates too, I just hope others can understand that it will sometimes take some time🤗 thank youuuu♥️♥️
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