#sorry i took a couple days to respond. i kinda lost my drafts folder
the-sage-libriomancer · 11 months
Fuakflgjahfklggakfmf if you want an American cult clan watch Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets and/or read Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships - it’s absolutely infuriating and heartbreaking. There used to be a show called 17 Kids and Counting and one of the daughters who got married and thus had space from her family spoke up about it.
But anyway it’s basically become a cult-family-clan. I can totally see an au inspired by them. There are a lot of parallels.
i'm always up for shows with fucked-up familial dynamics! and i will definitely be watching those with potential fruits basket aus in mind when/if i ever get around to them ajdhajdjsabdh
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