#sorry i take forever to write anything btw
chococolte · 2 years
How are you doing, Sophie?
u said my name, i cant believe u perceive me?? wtf
anyway xnudinivb thank u for asking!! im fine, i had to go a gynecologist yesterday but thankfully i just talked to her so i was having horrible anxiety for no reason xnudnf and today i had bloodwork done!!
i have to go get a sonogram at 5 today that im not looking forward too, but i know it's necessary 😭 i hope to get it done with quickly
unrelated to health: i've been pulling for layla, and the only thing i've gotten is a constellation of heizou and 2 thomas??? atp im scared i'm gonna get a 5* before her lol but hopefully tomorrow is my time, last 4* i got was off banner which means im guaranteed one; either heizou, thoma, or HER. if i don't get her im gonna scream
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trans-oberon · 10 months
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anyways here's my take on a summer caenis that DOESN'T give me insane second-hand dysphoria 👍 got rid of his noodle arms while i was at it
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Junicrane/Starstruck Ramble
I will not be brief, all under the cut
To clear some things right off the bat:
No corpse, no proof with Juniper. Obligatory this is set in a canon where he's alive and adjacent to the agency in some way.
Reggie & Juniper are just gay to me, but I don't mind any interpretation of their sexuality
The games are set in 1967/68 to me (based on a couple bits in game) which is before it was legal to be gay in America at least (1971), which is relevant to how I interpret canon as being somewhat grounded in reality, despite unrealistic elements.
This is just an insane amount of headcanons/elements of and AU all culminated into one post. I will talk about some headcanons like they're just facts because they are established in my head, and it saves me over explaining literally everything, however I will explain some parts a little bit for clarity.
Alright. Actual beginning of the ramble:
Juniper is a character to me who had gotten so lost in his job as an actor and a social presence that in the end his whole life revolved around that 'role'. Because of this, by the time he's put into the situation where he's around the Agency, he basically knows nothing about himself, though he doesn't realise at first. Furthermore, what little identity he had has changed in so many ways. He's no longer a beloved famous actor in the prominence of public light, he's legally dead and he tarnished his career just before he was supposed to die, with the bonus of that making him lose the majority of his estate. From that, he also has horrific facial scarring from the electrical burns from literally having his face fried. I believe a friend of mine made a post about this a while ago (I also think they were the first to think it up also), but, to me, Juniper has a permanent trimmer in his right arm (aka his dominant hand) from the electrical current and it is messing with his nervous system.
All in all, he's not doing great, but he's too proud to admit that he's not doing great, because if anything, what's left of his ego is all he has as a defense since he's deep in unfamiliar water.
Before ending up around the agency (I have multiple interpretations of this, so I'm just going to bring it up generally), he'd never actually seen Reggie, and his only impression of him is a single voicemail, which was his only reference he had to later impersonate him. Juniper probably has very little feelings other than the ones he projects onto him because of Phoenix and that, at the very least, he's physically attracted to Reggie to some degree (that's like the beginning of how everything else would tumble into place in this sort of interpretation at least).
And on Crane's side? His feelings towards Juniper are probably very intense and muddled. On the one hand, he adores musical theatre, and that's his now ex-favourite actor. The thought of just casually being around him blows the bit of fanboy in him away at first because THAT'S the GUY, plus the inklings of a celebrity crush which still poke at him. And then there's the rational side of him, which knows Juniper has committed absolute atrocities on the side of Zoraxis, and hates him for that. Then there's how much Juniper comes off as an asshole at first because he refuses to cooperate with anything the Agency tried to put in place. He finds Juniper endlessly frustrating, and yet he's stuck working with him since, afterall, he's the one who knows the Agency's history with Juniper the best. I imagine him acting a lot like how he does IEYTD 1 around Juniper.
At this point, I'm just describing the pitch for a romcom.
I think the start of their relationship with one another largely started with Juniper trying to wind Crane up. It was a way of getting his attention, and I don't think Juniper knows why he's so dead set on that at first, because I don't think he realises he has a crush on 'this grump' at first. (I think that's actually the fun part about these two, because it's almost like a role reversal of the celebrity crush dynamic. This ex-big name actor has a TERRIBLE crush on an average joe and it is KILLING HIM.) But of course the Agency keeps them together because Juniper is at least conversing with Crane, so it's a start.
Through one way or another, they actually get talking casually, at least mildly at first. It takes Juniper a long time to fully deconstruct the wall he's built, and the thing is, Crane isn't the one trying to deconstruct it, at least at first, because yeah, Juniper realises if he wants Reggie to actually like him in any way, he can't keep winding him up. So they talk. Small talk at first, something rhythmic and almost easy to keep to a script. And over time that turns into actual conversations. Genuine ones in which Reggie rips out the occasional one of his jokes which Juniper is endlessly endeared about. The way he smiles just before he makes them, like he wants to chuckle at what he's about to say before he says it. That's probably when Juniper realised that he does have some vague crush on him, and that it wasn't going away.
This is what kickstarts John I can't-buy-you-things-to-impress-you-so-acts-of-service-it-is Juniper to do little things for him. It mostly starts off as him trying to make Reggie his tea how he likes it. However, the nerve damage in his arm makes that hard, as the weight of the kettle and trying to pour is hard all of a sudden. And he refuses to accept that, so he tries for a very long while. Long enough that Crane would go to investigate what was going on. And when he does see Juniper leaning over a cup with the kettle as he uneasily tries to pour it, and when Crane asks Juniper responds so matter-of-fact that his intention is nothing but genuine. And it catches Reggie off guard because Juniper hadn't done anything like that up to that point, and his very apparent vulnerability is so clearly on show.
It shifts something between them.
From that point on, conversations are longer, more familiar. Both of their attitudes soften, and Reggie makes more jokes. Juniper learns how to better use his left hand while strengthening his right back to a point where it could be used again. Slowly, they're both spending time with one another not because they have to, but just because they can. Little bits at first, not too far outside what they already were doing, but those little bits turned into long bits to a point where the other person's company was genuinely desirable.
As time passes, Juniper probably realises that he doesn't genuinely know much about himself or what hobbies he's into, because he never really had the time when he got big, and his home life in his youth wasn't bad, but it wasn't picturesque. I think Reggie would pick up on it, and absolutely try to introduce him to some things he's into. Some things stick, other things don't (corn husking very much stays Reggie's passion, and John will go with him sometimes because it's him, but it's not something he strongly cares for). Crane introduces him to a lot of music, and it's something that becomes a staple between them, with tracks they listen to more than others (tragically, I know relatively little about 60s music so I couldn't really say what). Occasionally they dance, never anything intense, think slow dancing, but the closeness is nice.
Through all of it, Juniper is battling the worst crush of his life, and he can't stand it, because I think he struggles to read people since he doesn't have anything like a script or a director to refer back to, so he has no idea if Reggie likes him back or if he's just desperate for that to be true. I think because of that any sort of confession between them would be incredibly raw, not only because of the time they live in making it hard for them to be truthful about how they love, but because it's a complete show of Juniper who's worked to be this better person. I don't exactly know how that would go, mainly because I don't have one set version of their dynamic, this post is just a generalisation of main consistent points.
Reggie does like him back, because he's gotten used to Juniper being just this guy, not a figure in the public eye, not a Zoraxis lackey, and not any sort of Agency operative (despite being under their care to some degree). He's someone he genuinely cares for, because they've given one another the time of day to learn one another, and I think because Reggie was a field agent, he was a lot better at reading Juniper than Juniper was at reading him. Eventually Juniper's company becomes something he could see around him for the rest of his life, and I think he accepts that he likes Juniper a lot more gracefully.
I think any affection directed at Juniper would at first be met with him feeling a little muddled. Reggie was a very physically affectionate person when he could be, and sure the initial flirting with one another came with the occasional little touches, but everything now was so deeply intentional. I also don't think Juniper would almost ever get over the novelty of being able to kiss him, or many other gestures, because it made the fact that they were together so very real, and it was great. I do think it comes easier to Reggie, and it's a big way of showing how much he cares, so it's important for Juniper to try and show it back because he knows how much it means to the other.
I like the idea of them eventually living with one another, too. I think Juniper would have always had a quiet little daydream of sorts where he does just live a domestic quiet life, and he can with Reggie (well, as close as they can get between the Agency and Zoraxis always being at odds), and he loves that, and he loves him, and it's immense.
I think they cook for one another a lot, it helps Juniper work on his dexterity in a controlled environment, which means a lot because it's a huge point of insecurity (that and his scars). He does improve, and Crane is proud of that and shows it and it's great. I also think they'd probably cook together too, because they can deal with being in the kitchen together and they work well with one another. It's probably a good way for them to unwind because over time they can do it in relative silence.
As I said before, I also think music is a staple in their household, and that Reggie listens to things on vinyl almost all of the time because he likes the background noise. Sometimes Juniper will catch him chuntering along to the music which he finds endlessly endearing. I wouldn't put it past his dramatic ass to also join in to fluster Reggie, but I also don't think Reggie would mind that terribly because Juniper has listened to the music enough to know the lyrics, and that's huge to him.
I don't think they are without rough patches, no relationship is, but I think the good part about them is that they're willing to talk about it (... eventually). They're used to long conversations, and while they're often less fun conversations, they're needed and they know that, and it works out.
Alright. I think I'm done for now. I haven't mentioned everything, but this definitely got the worst of it out of my system. If you ever want to hear any specific thoughts my ask box is open but other than that, behold my general dynamic for these two which has been festering in my head for years. I think they're great
#ty right-agent for explicitly telling me that this would be welcomed you a real one#i had a massive babble to my friend abt what if they all feed me to the hounds for speaking#and he said “girl that fandom is like 12 people big they need you to speak” and yeah that also helped#i have a hard time talking if I'm not asked/prompted to that's why i adding tags is great for me. that and i like the format#anyways.#THESE TWO.............dear lord can you tell I have been unwell abt them forever..#this is propeganda (/j) for them. btw. please you have to understand the potential here. it's so good.#it's slowburn <- my (probably) demiromantic ass cannot handle romance without a build up and this set up is perfect (it will never happen)#also i find it easier to write ANYTHING between these two from Juniper's perspective because i find it easier to get into his head#idk reggie is like the gay version of the: what is he thinking of? i could take a bear in a fight. audio ive heard.#whereas with juniper i have him trapped under a microscope#im going to tag this now so i can use the remaining tags to RANT#ieytd#john juniper#reginald crane#junicrane#starstruck#i expect you to die#<- being BRAVE!!!#when I get really excited i start getting like this internal shaking feeling and uh. yeah this rant started that#the worst part abt that is it also triggers my tourettes so like. double whammy. excited about blorbos? jail :(#but. yeah I uh. yeah. sorry this IS so long..I did warn but . AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHAUUUUUUAHHHHHHHHHHHHH#also i did this rant in 2 parts. last night and this morning so yeah uh. yeah.#god im so messed up about these two#make me a boat by the family crest came on while wroting this and while it's mainly a roxanix song to me......AUUUUUG.....#i struggle to find music for these sillies because they have such a specific vibe to me amd I've not quite managed to find something which -#- genuinely feels correct for them and it drives me up the WALL#GOD NIGHT SHIFT JUST CAME OF SHUFFL.....all my ieytd songs are coming out to drive me up the wall.......#FINISHED I've been adding tags as I've gone alonga#thank you for reading hope you enoyed and if you didn't im sorry
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spidernuggets · 3 months
Reader being Jason's girlfriend, who doesn't know about their double life, casually blurting out that she was never a fan of Batman and Robin or that she prefers Superman and the whole family is offended. 😭
love your writing, btw<3
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
"No, no, you're right, babe. Superman tops Batman for sure."
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"Ah, Ms. Y/n, pleasure to see you," Alfred opens the door to see you patiently waiting with a smile.
"Hey, Alfie! Is Jay home? He asked me to hang out with him today."
"He's in the living room with the rest of the family. Come in, come in," he steos to the side, giving you to room to enter.
"Oh, yeah!" You exclaimed, reaching into your bag. "I did that cookie recipe you gave me! They're not as good as yours, but they're sure better than the cookies I've made before. D'you mind taste testing for me?" You ask, handing over a tupperware full of cookies.
"I thank you for the charming remark, Ms. Y/n. I'm sure your cookies are as excellent." He says, taking a bite from a cookie.
"Nah, now you're just being too modest, Alfie," you laugh as he does too.
"Well, this is a marvellous improvement, Ms. Y/n," Alfred says, happily taking another one. "Come on now, let's go join the others."
The two of you walk towards the living room and see everyone there.
"Y/n!!" Stephanie shouts, running over to you, embracing you in a tight hug. "Ugh, it felt like forever since I've seen you! How are you 'nd Jason? Is he being an asshole like always?" She snickers.
You laugh, and before you can reply, Jason is already pushing Stephanie out of the way.
"Don't answer that, N/n. Steph, go away," he grumbles, soon putting on a smile once he stands right in front of you. "Hey, mama," he muttered, pulling you in by the waist, placing a kiss on your forhead.
You giggled at the contact. "Hey, Jay," you kissed his chin. "Hi, Bruce!" You look over Jason's shoulder, wavung to Bruce, who was sat on the armchair, looking through the newspaper.
"Y/n, always a pleasure," he says before going back to reading.
Jason takes your hand and guides you to the couch, making you sit on his lap. "Sorry I couldn't go out for our date today, sugar. Someone wouldn't let me leave," he emphasised, glaring at Bruce.
"It's scarce that everyone is here at once, Master Jason. It's a good opportunity for bonding." Alfred says behind him.
You kiss his cheek, which makes his heart race. "It's okay, Jay. It's nice hangin' out with you and your family."
"Yeah, kick his ass!" Steph shouts at the TV.
Last night's news was playing, showing footage of Batman and Robin, and their alliances, taking out some of Gotham's frequent villains and criminals.
"Do you guys always watch the news?" You asked, curious that they aren't watching something more entertaining.
You didn't notice it, but the whole family seemed to hesitate by your question.
"The news is a suitable way of keeping us informed of Gotham's latest activities. Just in case there are needs of safety plans for us," Damian says, sitting on the chair beside you, petting Titus.
"Plus, it's good to see Batman and Robin in action. Just in case there's anything they need to improve on." Bruce mutters that last statement, sending a sharo glare towards Damian, who, last night, didn't follow direct orders and backfired a section of the mission.
Damian ignored this statement and kept focusing on Titus.
You rested your head on Jason's shoulder. "Mm. I was never really a fan of Batman and Robin."
The whole room freezes, leaving the news to continue playing, and all heads turn towards you. The sudden attention had you tensed up.
"What?" You quietly ask.
"Batman and Robin are always keeping the streets clear of crime. How can you not like them?" Damian asks with a scowl on his face.
"I don't don't like them. They just don't pique my interest." You shrugged.
"Well what about their alliances," Tim asked. "Red Robin? Spoiler? Orphan? Red Hood?"
The questioning about Red Hood had Jason's full attention on you now.
"I dunno, I guess I prefer Red Hood. He's pretty cool," your unsure opinion had Jason mentally punching the air in victory.
"But.. to be honest, I kinda like Superman over all the superheroes," you smiled.
It was the calm before the storm. You didn't think a little opinion could've caused such a ruckus.
Even Bruce looked away from the newspaper annoyed.
"Why Superman? He's only so great because he has superpowers. Batman has no superpowers and can still put so many behind bars!" Bruce exclaimed.
Subtle. Jason thought.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know that you guys like these superheroes so much!" You said, almost scared that you somehow offended the family.
Jason then kisses your temple. "No, no, you're right, babe. Superman tops Batman for sure," Jason says, narrowing his eyes and sending a snarky grin towards Bruce, which, in response, he rolls his eyes and backs away from the conversation, going back to his newspaper.
"Did I say something wrong?" You quietly ask Jason as the other begin yelling at each other about which Batman ally is better.
Jason smiles, caressing your soft face with his rougher, calloused thumb. "Nah, don't worry, sweet thing. They're just mega Batman fans."
"What about you? Who's your fave?" You ask.
"Red Hood, hands down." He immediately replies.
You nod, thinking for a moment. "Okay. I wanna see more of Red Hood then. He'll be my favourite too." You say.
Jason thinks his heart just exploded. He shifts his right arms under your legs, his other supporting your back as he lifts you up, followed by a yelp coming from you.
"Get ready, babe. You're about to absolutely love Red Hood," he says, carrying you to his room, ready to go on a 5 hour lecture about Red Hood and why he's Gotham's greatest hero.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
Hi!! :3 I was wondering if I could request a William afton x reader where the reader maybe asks William out? And cue him being a little flustered considering he probably hasn’t been w anyone in awhile, cause he’s old and weird.
The amount of smut of this man I’ve seen is CRAZY so I wanted to request smth a bit more fluffy 😭 love ur writing btw!!
awww that’s so cute, im glad you like it!!
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Today was the day. You had to do it today.
Your cute, nice, funny, coworker. You’ve been working up the courage to ask him out forever. And today, you decided, was the day.
You took a deep breath, knocking on the door and holding both coffees in your hand tightly.
“Come in!” He didn’t look up from the paperwork in front of him until you opened the door.
“Oh- hey, y/n.” He stood up now, giving you a smile.
“Hi. Brought you coffee.” You extended your arm and handed him it.
“Thank you. I appreciate it. God, I don’t think I could survive this place without you.” He laughed quietly, as he sat down.
“Sit, sit.” He said, motioning to the seat in front of him.
“Are you sure-“
“I’m basically free today. Sit.” He said, and you sat in the seat across from him.
“So, anything interesting?” He asked, moving his chair back and fourth.
“Not really. I wanted to ask you something.”
“Shoot.” He said, taking a sip of his coffee.
“I was wondering if you wanted to.. go out with me..? Like on a date. You ca-“
His eyes widened, he looked the other way and spit out his coffee, coughing.
“Mr.Raglan! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have asked-“ you felt embarrassed now.
“No. No you’re fine. It’s just…” he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and smiled slightly. You could see a tint of pink present on his cheeks. “I’m old. I haven’t been with anyone in like.. forever. I wasn’t expecting it is all. But I would love to.” He said, with a smile on his face again.
“Yeah. As a matter of fact, how about after work, I can drive you to this really nice place.”
You smiled back “it’s a date.”
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i-yap · 30 days
Classic ask but Batboys reaction to gn s/o wearing their clothes 🤞
Yessss i love that one ive read so many but I'm gonna change it a little bit and talk a bit more about the type of clothes they prefer and what they usually wear themselves. Just a headcanon about clothes.
Its gonna be a series cuz its kind of long .
Also i may suck at writing gn I'm sorry if I offend anyone or write something stupid. Im a cis fem she /her who grew up in a very close minded family so I'm really sorry just let me know if I write anything stupid and ill edit it okay?
WARNING - there is mention of bodies like some specification on what the readers body may look like. and a little about sex
Batboys reaction to gn s/o wearing their clothes - Dick grayson edition
dick grayson
dick wears a tank top and shorts at home which make his ass look hot(it always does).
He really likes it when you wear his boxer shorts or pajama pants or sweatpants which is tied to the hips and a simple cloth bra(if you wear one or shirtless if you don't) ( they're a little different from sports bra super light and so comfortable). but he loves just seeing you in any underwear and not just for sexual reasons.
it just makes him feel warm inside thinking how comfortable you feel around him and how your not insecure about your skin showing around him. for example If you had an insecurity about your stomach but can walk around in just shorts and shirtless/bra with him, it makes him feel like he has won against those stupid negative thoughts you have .
there is a very thin layer between you guys while cuddling And dick is really really warm so this way there is not too much overheating since direct skin to skin makes it uncomftably warm. I mean if you get cold easily you are welcome to take those off. Plus don't pretend that you wont slide your hands under that tank top to feel his abs.
When walking outside , Rather than taking off his entire coat to give you, he pulls you inside his coat so that you're sharing it or giving you the coat and then pulling you into his side and since your body is therefore pressed against his, more warmth. . he also will take off his scarf and gloves and basically wrap you up in it .
If you complain and say " you'll get cold tho" he'll laugh it off and say something cheesy like " you keep my heart warm..plus babe you know just how hot I am"
He loves wrapping you up in clothes in the gotham winter. " dickie your gloves are too big for me, I don't need glovess" , "bigger gloves mean more warmth, and you'll need them in just a minute"
you did need those gloves btw.
Also he likes wearing a little something of yours. Like if you wear multiple rings , he will buy you a much more meaningful and better quality one and then you're like " ugh I feel pressured to get you something you're too nice to mee" he just takes one of those rings that you got from a roadstand when you had change to spare and be like "we're equal now"
He will wear that ring everywhere , like will not leave without it.
also gets you a nightwing logo small pendant made out of the strongest material ( so u arent scared of breaking it) or some neckpiece he has been wearing forever ( he has in some comics) and it'll be long enough to easily hide (between your breasts/pecs/chest making it a fun sex thing )And wants you to wear it forever and never take it off.
He also likes it if you wear his shirts. Like dick wears these nice classic shirts which are well fitted ( a little tight too cuz its dick) and nice beige pants. So if you can wear his shirts without them being super tight( its hot when its a little tight around the chest/boobs/pecs ) or super drowny when you go to work , he loves it.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Hide and peek part 2? Pretty please?? 🥺 (btw I really love your writing style it's so unique)
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Tag, You’re Mine
Prior notes: Sorry for not posting yesterday. I died because of the heat, got to talk with the Lord finally, and then he sent me back down because it wasn’t my time yet.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Some days I am forced to eat food with no seasoning. That’s not a warning it’s just sad.
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Oh what’s wrong? Nothing to look at today? Not at all? Is it because Bi-Han caught you? I see. Well, my dear, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are one of many who would do whatever to get a peek at that gorgeous, icey man. Don’t give up on the game now. He’s willing to play.
You were embarrassed that you were caught sneaking peeks at Bi-Han before. Things would have been fine if he hadn’t found you and forced you to speak. You were content with keeping your fantasies about him in your head and not make them a reality. It would have been easier than going up to him and talking. He didn’t seem like a man who did much talking.
Just because you were caught didn’t mean you would stay away from the Fire Temple forever. You still wanted to see Liu Kang. But instead of hiding and seeking, you were running away from the one you used to seek. See you pulled a sneaky on him.
Now it was Bi-Han who was looking for you. At first he thought you would still be looking at him from a distance. He would look around, acting like he doesn’t care and pretending he isn’t looking for you, only to see that you were nowhere in sight. Not a strand of your hair or the rustling of leaves to indicate you were anywhere near. That was disappointing to him. His not so secret admirer was not admiring him.
“Looking for your admirer, brother?” Kuai Liang teased his older brother. When else would he get a chance like this.
Bi-Han groaned before at his brother’s teasing, “I am not. What is taking Liu Kang so long? How long are we expected to linger?”
He tried changing the topic away from the fact that he was looking for you. He paced around while occasionally looking in the direction of your usual hiding spots. Still nothing. He was getting impatient with you. This is unlike you. He wants his shy girl back!
You were still around. You were just doing other things. Like right now you were organizing books inside the temple. You actually found some that you would like to read some day. But first to organize them.
Put some in that corner. Maybe some on the lower shelf. Oh this one is supposed to go on the top shelf. Just reach up and—OH MY FUCKING GOSH HE’S BACK!
Yes, when you looked up to try to put the last book on the top shelf you realized Bi-Han snuck up behind you again. He was looking down at you with that usual grumpy expression he had. And just like the last time he snuck up behind you, you let out a yelp which alerted everyone that once again he found you.
“Stop yelling!” He growled as his hands covered his ears.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered as you started to covered your face with the book.
Yup, that’s you all right. Shy as can be, unable to face Bi-Han still. Your cheeks were burning as you were unsure of what to do now. You tried to shuffle your way out but he caged you in. Your back was pressed up against the bookcase. His arms were at your side. You really have no escape unless you wanna try smacking him. I wouldn’t recommend it.
“Put that book down and look at me.” He commanded.
You slid the book down a little to show your eyes. No, no, he wants to see your whole face.
Bi-Han yanked the book out of your hands and placed it on the top shelf. There, now he can see you. He watched as your eyes shifted around. You wanted to look some place else but Bi-Han would always be at the corner of your eye. And looking forward won’t help either. Staring at people’s chests is rude.
“So…you need anything?” You asked because you legit didn’t know why he was here or what he wanted.
“Where have you been? You are clearly still around yet you purposely try to avoid me.”
He always sounds upset but this time he seemed really upset. He didn’t hate that you had a crush on him. It was cute and the shyness was a somewhat bonus. It’s not a bonus when he has a hard time trying to make you talk.
“You wanted me to come looking for you? That’s strange.” Clearly you were confused.
“Ironic that those words are coming from the woman who was constantly looking at me from a distance.” Oh he called you out.
So what now? He found you. How will this play out? Well, you really didn’t think this far ahead. I’m not even sure Bi-Han did either. You were too embarrassed to ever encounter him again. Knowing he knew you were looking at him the whole time makes you smack your forehead constantly. It was so humiliating! But you did like that you got to see his features up close. Those cheek bones oooo.
Hey! Hey! Focus on the game plan!
“Why do you even want me to come looking for you?”
You stumped him with that question. He didn’t think you would be brave enough to do that. He had no answer ready because he doesn’t know the answer to that.
The truth is he did find you and your actions to be cute. Might also be the fact that he doesn’t come across many ladies in his life nor will he give them the time of day. So in a strange way you are a little brave for pursuing him in your own way.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just come with me.”
Bi-Han grabbed your wrist and started dragging you with him. Your mind goes blank as you’re unsure of what he wants you to do. He takes you into the other part of the temple where his brothers and Liu Kang are. They were waiting for him to come around so they could discuss the next mission. Liu Kang looked with great curiosity at the actions that were taking place. Bi-Han left you at the doorway and walked over to his brothers. He stared at you, waiting for you to do what you do best. Hide.
Due to habits and your nervousness you started hiding yourself near the doorway, peeking your head in so you could keep looking at Bi-Han. It was like rolling a blunt you never forget how to do it.
Now he was satisfied. He started looking at Liu Kang now, waiting impatiently for the god to talk. The god was too stunned to speak. A few blinks and now he started briefing them on the mission. Tomas leaned over to Kuai Liang to whisper something.
“That poor girl, Bi-Han won’t ever let her go now.”
“Pay attention!” Bi-Han yelled before punching Tomas at the back of the head.
You’re reminded of why you hid from him in the first place. It was his temper and cold demeanor that scared you off but not enough to be at a distance. Yet as you watched him punch his adopted brother you still can’t help but be drawn to that sexy man.
That’s exactly what he wants. He wants your admiration while also having the chance to get close to you. He likes having you as his admirer. He’ll keep you around for a while. Maybe even bring you back to the Lin Kuei Temple so you can do the same over there while he trains his clan. That will surely get you excited.
Do you think you can handle the cold?
After notes: Wish me luck since I have my asl final tonight. And if somehow y’all hated this don’t curse me tonight 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。. Also how come i didn’t know there was a Goth/Rave color palette that is perfect for me. Alright I must mentally prepare myself. Adiós!
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yourstrulyrika · 3 months
idek if this makes sense but leon x fem reader and like, reader has a voice kink? istg leon has the loveliest voice ever 😰😰 so like leon sweet talking reader with that sexy ass voice of his sjdjekjfksk love your writing btw it always hits the spot 😈
sorry nonnie for making you wait so long ong. like actually so sorry :( anyway here’s the fic!! i love leon’s voice so i TOTALLY GET U. i’m on a small break and my writing prolly sucks even more than usual but that doesn’t mean i won’t write when i feel like it. anw still working on the theme but yeah this takes time cuz i have a lot of things to do;; hope you forgive me
as always, no warnings!! fem!reader
btw guys don’t you think they look the same
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it’s just the way he’s talking to you, using that tone only around you. you’ll never see him use this tone around anyone else. the soft, smoky tone that makes you shiver pleasantly under him. it’s reserved for you.
you think Leon doesn’t see the way you get weak in your knees when he speaks to you, lowering his voice on purpose. you try to hide it, but it’s just so obvious he has to hide his grin that’s forming on his face. it’s cute, he thinks. he likes to tease you with it, too. not directly calling you out, but rather speaking with that voice on purpose to see your reaction. that’s also how he figured out you have a voice kink. Leon is a quick learner, after all.
he’s speaking, sultry voice filling your ears as he makes love with you into oblivion. hands intertwined together, his lips next to your ear, muttering sweet nothings to you that make you clench around him as he thrusts into you, all the way to your cervix, nudging that sweet spot deep in your guts.
“Goddamn, you make the sweetest noises, baby,” he murmurs against your skin, his hands gripping your hips, hard enough to bruise. you don’t even have to say anything, he talks you through it most of the time. your brain turns into a mush with the way he’s filling you up.
“Pussy so good I never want to pull out, you know? Fucking love it,” his voice begins to turn breathy, a small hint he’s growing close. and it’s true. he’s actually really quick to drown pussydrunk on you. drunk on you, too. you’re his weakness, whenever he’s balls deep in you or outside sex. if he could, he’d never pull out, make you cockwarm him forever because your gummy walls just feel too good. his heavy balls slap against your ass, the skin slapping noise filling your bedroom.
he folds you so you’re in mating press, but he makes sure he’s always near your ear so he can keep talking you through your orgasm, husky voice filling your senses and making you forget about everything.
“My pretty princess, always taking me so well. Come on, need this pussy to cream around my cock, goddamn,” whenever Leon gets close, he always makes sure you cum first. he gets especially talkative when he’s about to cum, it’s his habit. he either needs to talk or have his mouth busy munching on your clit, no in between.
“Gonna cum in you, fill you up till I’m empty. Gonna stuff you full, make sure nothing spills out. Keep milking me dry, I love it ‘s much.” his thrusts start to grow faster when he feels you clamp around him, feeling proud of himself that his voice does work on you. it’s an ego boost really, his dearest loving his voice, his voice making his darling so eager for him. every time your walls clench around him, he growls, his mind turning hazy. at one point he’s on autopilot, pumping you full of him without even thinking straight. how can he think when he has the best pussy around his dick? especially with the way you’re gripping him so tight and the way you’re so warm, he can’t help himself.
you can’t help yourself, too. Leon’s always making sure you hear him even when the skin clapping and sounds of your walls sucking him in fill the room. your hand is around his neck while the other one holds his, a habit of yours. you always hold hands during sex, it’s Leon’s way of affection. he needs to hold onto you, loves you too much to ever be away from you even if it’s a damn centimetre. his cock is moving in and out of you, filling you to the brim, desperate to make you cum. he’s close, so damn close, throbbing so much you can feel it inside you. it makes you cum, because his head constantly keeps nudging the sweet spot that makes you see stars. your nails dig into his skin, and he moans, throwing his head back.
“Fuck, such a good girl, taking me so well, you were made for me.” he would talk more if it wasn’t for his orgasm hitting him out of nowhere, too. white, pearly semen filling you full of him, making you feel nice and full. he doesn’t pull out, though. he’s absolutely pussydrunk, so don’t think he’s gonna stop.
and you’re right, because not even ten minutes after, he starts to lazily move his hips again.
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roses-for-rosalyn · 10 months
Hey sweetheart, I have this idea about cop!Ellie and cop!reader I've never shared bc I'm so shy to ask, but if you are open to write about it here it is.(sorry if something doesn't make sense inglish is not my first lenguage)
Well Ellie and reader are work partners and they don't really like each other because Ellie is kinda mean?(she is the director btw) but there's a tension between them anyways. So they have a night shift together and on the way in the car the reader begins to flirt, like touching ellie's thigh, and she stops in a field and fucks the reader brains out<33
This took forever but I hope I did your idea justice!
a/n: sorry I haven’t written anything in so long, life is crazy
Ellie x reader
Wc: 3k (roughly)
Minors dni 🔞 (I will jump through your screen and poke you in the eyes I stg)
CWs: police officer! Ellie and reader, play girl Ellie, fem reader, cop stuff idk, enemies to lovers (ish?), thigh riding, overstim, oral (r! receiving), fingering (r! receiving), multiple orgasms
As a small town cop things rarely became dangerous, so on the rare occasion things did go awry no one was really prepared. You got a call about a car speeding through town at about 90 miles an hour. It quickly becomes a chase with Williams at the wheel. Before she even starts catching up to the car you both begin bickering on what roads to take to catch up and who can read the license plate better. The world becomes a blur as the car picks up speed, the roaring of the engine and the sound of the sirens make it hard to hear anything.
You attempt to shout over the noise, “Williams we might be able to catch them if we take-”
“Shutthefuckup I know what I’m doing!” She yells back even louder, more irritated because you dared tell her what to do. She didn’t even let you finish and she missed the turn that would have taken you ahead of the car to block their path.
“Williams we’re gonna lose ‘em.” You couldn’t convince her, you’re not sure anyone could have. The car takes a sudden turn and she misses it, she quickly reverses and turns down the dirt road only for the car to disappear from sight. She tries to make a few turns but it’s useless, these roads went in every direction with thick woods surrounding them. Even townies got lost in there.
She slows the car down eventually coming to a stop in the middle of the road and quietly mutters “Fuck.” under her breath.
“Maybe you should have listened to the directional advice from someone who was fucking born here instead of trying to do everything yourself.” You can’t help but notice you scolded her like a primary school teacher, but she makes it so hard when she acts like this.
“Please I don’t need a fucking ‘I told you so’ talk right now.” She huffs.
“I hope you know this is completely your fault, I can’t fucking believe-”
“I swear to god if you keep talking I’m going to kick you out of this goddamn car.” She turns and looks at you straight in the eye, challenging you. Her tone is eerily calm. You narrow your gaze but say nothing, turning to look straight ahead. And with that she drives you both back to the station, defeated with only half of the criminal's license plate.
- -
Patrol partners are supposed to be friends- Or at least friend-ly. That’s what anyone would assume, you have to spend every day together, not getting along would just result in various inconvenient miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Yeah, well you weren’t that lucky. Your patrol partner is Ellie Williams aka “Williams” according to her various male coworkers. Her female coworkers tended to lean more towards nicknames like “whore” or “slut” considering she hooked up with a couple of them and then acted like she barely knew them at work the next day and did it all over again. She had to start finding hookups outside the station last month because all her go-tos had refused her unless she wanted something serious. On top of that the few that she got with turned the rest of the girls against her, all she had left was you and all the guys at the station- and you didn’t really count since you were forced to be with her. This meant recently she was particularly irritable considering she couldn’t find a lot- if any- women to relieve any of her tension, so patrolling with her for the past 30 days has been hell.
On a more positive note it made gossiping with your coworkers over coffee the best part of your day. They would talk about their hookups which would inevitably lead back to shit talking Williams- which you would enthusiastically participate in considering how she treated you on the job. However they all agreed that they tolerated it for as long as they did because the sex was good. And you believed them because they had to put up with some crazy bullshit from her. A tiny part of you yearned for them to explain just how good it was, but you’d never ever give in to that curiosity.
Williams- on the rare occasion she would say anything- was mean, she would make snide comments all the time no matter what task you were taking on. She had some sort of superiority complex because she was- admittedly- very good at her job. She had transferred from some big city to your small town station and she had much more experience. She was incredibly skilled at taking people down when she needed to. However, compared to her old job, barely anything happens here. When something did happen she would insist on taking over the task almost every single time, the only thing she couldn’t trump you in was de-escalation. She was terrible at communication and that was most of the job. Calls would mostly be noise complaints or welfare checks, so you took the lead for those and it drove her crazy. She couldn’t stand being inferior to anyone, especially on the job. So you were squabbling constantly.
And for some reason tonight she was in a particularly bad mood. You’re stationed on the side of the road, keeping watch for anyone disobeying any road safety laws and Williams is silent. Not particularly unusual, but her body language was odd, she was weirdly tense. She sat fidgeting with her hands, picking at her cuticles, occasionally glancing up if she heard a car. Nothing in you wanted to show you cared at all for her, because you didn’t, but at this point you were so bored you didn’t care if you started one of your usual squabbles.
“Something wrong Williams?” You tentatively ask.
“ ‘m fine, just tired.” she says, still not glancing up.
“You seem offly tense for a tired person.” You try to push her a bit.
She finally looks up at you, her expression remaining neutral “Considering your observations, you really think now’s a good time to test me sweetheart?” God you hated when she called you that, she refused to refer to you by your last name, always resorting to some condescending nickname.
You roll your eyes, just as you were about to respond a staticky voice interrupts, asking for anyone available for a call about a noise complaint about two minutes away. Ellie picks up the walkie and calls in saying she could take it and starts the car.
You drive there in silence and to no one’s surprise it’s Mrs. Taylor. She frequently calls at night whenever she hears her teenage neighbors so much as talk loud enough for her to hear. And every time she would make you both walk over to them and ask them to quiet down.
This time though when you got out of the car you could hear muffled music coming from the neighbor’s all the way from Mrs. Taylor’s lawn. You walk up to her door, Williams following silently, and knock gently a couple of times. You hear soft shuffling, a lock clicking and then the door opens revealing the grumpy old woman’s tired face. She’s wearing a long dusty pink robe, striped pajama pants and ratty slippers, clearly she had been recently woken up by the noise.
“Hello Mrs. Taylor.” You smile politely.
“Hello dear.” She smiles back at you, but falters for a moment when she spots your partner, refusing to acknowledge her presence. She used to babysit all the kids in the neighborhood, you were always her favorite. She treated everyone else like they were some sort of pest, especially outsiders.
“Neighbors bothering you again?” You already knew the answer, but you felt the need to be polite.
“I can’t sleep with all that ruckus, rotten children they are. Too bad too, they used to be the sweetest when they were little.” She shook her head.
“Alright we’ll get it all sorted out, you can go back to bed.” You nod your head.
The old woman smiles before reaching forward and pinching your cheek while saying “You’re so good to me dear. Come over for dinner some time so I can make it up to you.”
“Just doing my job ma'am.” You reassure her.
“Well, goodnight. Call me tomorrow morning and we’ll sort something out.” She begins shuffling backwards, and grabs the door handle.
“Good night Mrs. Taylor.” You wave at her and she closes the door.
“God you’re unbelievable.” Ellie scoffs from behind you.
“What?” you turn around to face her.
“Would it kill you to be nice to me like that once in a while?” For the life of you you could not figure out where this was coming from.
“You have to earn it.” You retort, while beginning to walk to the neighbors house. Ellie just huffs and jogs a bit to catch up to you, god forbid you get ahead of her in any way.
You make your way to the house, the bass rattling your teeth by the time you're on the front stoop. Ellie takes her usual spot behind you and you knock loudly, bashing your fist against the door. Hopefully someone hears so you don’t have to make a scene, they weren’t bad kids. Sure enough the music turns off and the door opens slowly revealing a set of scared, round eyes.
“Hey Kelly.” You knew her well from the past complaints, she was pretty polite especially for a teenager. The poor girl was practically shaking. “You probably know why we’re here.” She nods slowly. “Ok, so just do us a favor and turn your music down so we don’t get another call from Mrs. Taylor alright?” you say gently, knowing when you’re in uniform everything about you was intimidating enough without you having to yell.
“Th-that’s it?” She asks, her whole body shaking with adrenaline at this point.
“Yup, just make sure this doesn’t happen again. Shouldn’t have the volume that high anyway, it’s bad for your hearing.” You smile, “Probably don’t want to go deaf by the time you’re 20.”
Kelly just nods again “O-ok thank you. We’ll keep it down, promise.”
“Alright have a good night, stay out of trouble.” You turn away and Ellie does the same.
The walk back to the car is silent except for the steady hum of cicadas. You’re about to put your seatbelt on when Ellie says “So what do I have to do?”
You pause your movements, “What?”
“What do I have to do to earn it?” When you still look confused she elaborates “You being nice to me. What do I have to do to earn that?”
“I don’t know. With the way you treat me it’s almost like you enjoy me being mean to you.” You let out a dry laugh.
She slowly leans towards you, “Oh, I do.” She says, her tone changing completely, her voice becomes raspy and deep, almost like a whisper and a smirk tugs at her lips. “I love making you mad, but something tells me you’re even more delightful when you’re all sweet like that.”
“Williams what-” She leans even closer, inches away from your face and suddenly you forgot everything that wasn’t Ellie. You couldn’t utter a word if you tried.
“Tell me.” Her eyes flicker from yours to your lips. “What.” Her lips are so close you can almost feel her words. “To do.” You let out a sigh and give in, abandoning all logic you press your lips against hers. She stiffens but then her hands automatically move to cup your jaw so she can deepen the kiss. Her tongue swipes across your lips, inviting them to open. You can’t really move, unable to completely process what’s happening. She’s so warm and soft and everything you didn’t expect.
She starts making her way down to your neck, exploring your reactions as she kisses and sucks at the sensitive skin. A small whimper escapes from your lips, and Ellie is sure she’s never heard something more intoxicating.
“Williams-” She finds a particular spot behind your ear that causes you to let out a quiet moan, making you forget how to speak for a moment.
“W-we can’t do this here, you know that.” She stops and moves her head to meet your gaze.
“You’re right, we should probably find someplace where we don’t run the risk of teenagers or Mrs. Taylor finding us.” That wasn’t what you meant but it was probably the first time she had ever agreed with you the entire time you’ve been partners.
She pulls off the road into a field and as soon as she parks she immediately starts where she left off. Somehow she knew exactly how to reduce you to a whimpering mess in mere moments. In between kisses she whispers “Take off your belt.” Her tone was so sure and dominant it sent a wave of arousal straight to your center. You do as she says, you forgot you had put on your utility belt for the call, but she clearly took note. You try not to move too much as she continues marking up your skin. She stops again, “Now get in the back.” She doesn’t wait for your response before taking her own utility belt off, leaving it in the front seat and opening her door. It was a little more work in a patrol car considering there were bars separating the front and backseat, but at this point neither of you cared much.
Ellie is first to sit down in the back and shut the door behind her, you do the same and crawl over to straddle her lap. “You feelin a little eager, sweetheart?” She looks at you with that obnoxious smirk on her face, but this time it didn’t annoy you as much as it usually did. You kiss the grin off her face before moving to her neck, listening to her little sighs and moans as you press your lips to her soft skin. The noises she’s making send arousal straight to your aching center and you begin to grind down on her lap, desperate for some kind of relief. She starts taking off your belt with trembling, eager fingers and throws it off to the side. You reach for hers as she untucks your shirt and begins unbuttoning it as quickly as she could, leaving you in your tank top. Your lips meet hers and the kisses grow hungrier by the second, each of you becoming more and more eager to undress the other.
As you begin to unfasten Ellie’s shirt she sighs in frustration, “Jesus christ all these fucking layers are driving me crazy.”
You laugh and say in between kisses, “Gotta make you work for it Williams.” With that she rips off your tank top, and immediately begins groping your breasts over your bra. You moan into her mouth and begin to grind down onto her even harder. Ellie notices and spreads her legs a bit, moving your leg in between hers so you were straddling her thigh. Relief rushes through you as you lower down onto her muscular thigh and begin moving your hips back and forth. She reaches behind you to unclasp your bra leaving your top half bare for her. She can’t resist breaking the kiss to move her focus to your chest, taking your nipple in her mouth with a satisfied hum. A soft whine escapes your lips as her warm tongue circles your sensitive nipples. Her hands have a steady hold on your hips, encouraging you to move against her thigh, harder and faster. Yours have found a home in her hair, tugging harder and harder as your pleasure builds on itself causing Ellie to groan as arousal begins to pool in her boxers.
“Get up.” Ellie commands in a hoarse whisper that sends butterflies straight to your cunt. You climb off her and lean against the car door. The sight of you in the dim moonlight, topless with spread legs and unzipped pants, a fucked out expression on your face almost has Ellie coming right then and there. She unties your shoes and gently removes them, before grabbing the hem of your pants and tugging them down in one swift motion. She crawls between your legs and wraps her arms around each of your thighs, gently kissing a path to your dripping cunt. A wet spot had formed on your panties causing your face to become hot from embarrassment, but Ellie seemed to have a different reaction “God you’re so beautiful, it’s driving me crazy.” She begins teasing you over the fabric of your underwear, running her fingers up and down your slit. A whimper escapes your lips as a silent plea for more, but she continues teasing. She finally pulls the fabric of your underwear to the side and takes a moment before gently blowing on your soaked folds.
“Please-” you manage to whimper as the cool air from Ellie’s lips hits your warm center sending a pleasurable shock through you. You would expect for her to make you beg for it, but she immediately obliged, licking a line from your dripping entrance to your clit. You gasp and grip on to her hair, searching for anything to hold on to as pleasure overwhelms every one of your senses. Ellie groans at the feeling as she begins gently licking at your clit, teasing you. The sound sends vibrations through your lower body and you moan at the feeling, now losing any control you had over the volume of your voice. She begins moving her tongue in circles over your sensitive bud as she teases your entrance with a slender finger. You let out the loudest moan yet, encouraging Ellie to plunge her finger further inside you. It slides in easily, arousal practically coating your thighs at this point. Suddenly she hits the spot causing a desperate whiny “Oh fuck,” To escape from your swollen lips as you clench lightly around her finger. She adds a second, the feeling of her two fingers causes a satisfying amount of pressure to fill your cunt. She hits a spot that you swear sends white light through your closed eyes and keeps hitting it with every rough, slow thrust of her fingers. Your hips begin to move, trying to get her to fuck you harder but she only pins your down by your waist with her free hand forcing you to endure her painful pace. “Ellie,” you whine, “please- I-“ you cut yourself off with a moan.
“What do you need sweetheart?” She pauses briefly to look at your fucked out expression and your arousal has dropped all the down her chin. The very sight almost does you in.
“Please,” you beg her in hopes she’ll spare you the humiliation of asking her.
“Mm mm,” she lightly shakes her head “words baby.” That was a much better nickname, the way she said baby made your cunt flutter around her fingers
“P-please-” you sigh before finishing “-fuck me harder pleasee.” You think that’s probably the most pathetic you’ll ever sound but Ellie obeys. She sucks your puffy clit into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the hypersensitive nub before moving her fingers faster. She picks up speed until you can’t think about anything but Ellie’s mouth and fingers. The pace was practically inhuman, you tilt your head back as a silent scream rips it’s way through you before you moan “fffuuckk,” in a high pitched tone. She continues moving her hands rapidly in and out of you curling them at just the right angle. You begin to flutter around her fingers and she knew you were close.
“Almost there baby?” All you can do in response in moan, she has you practically incapacitated. She giggled a little “Good, come for me.” As her words reached your ears your pleasure finally hit it’s peak. You begin writing against Ellie’s fingers as you roughly clench down on them. Your pleasure rips through you in overwhelming waves, moans uncontrollably leaving your lips as Ellie’s fingers continue their brutal pace. She doesn’t let up though, she keeps going as your clit grows more and more sensitive. You tug at her hair but she doesn’t move, she continues as your hips begin bucking against her arm that was pinning you down.
“Ellie it’s too much I can’t-”
“You can take one more can’t you sweetheart?” She asks sweetly as she fucks your sensitive hole with no mercy. You just nod and she continues sucking and licking at your clit, occasionally moaning which only enhanced the overwhelming pleasure. This time you were more tightly wound up and faster. It didn’t take long before you approached the edge again, the feeling twice as intense. You almost worry as it begins to build and build, just as you thought you had reached your peak it kept going. You finally topple over the edge as Ellie’s teeth lightly graze your clit, the feeling sending you into overdrive. You tugs Ellie’s hair harder than you ever had before as you make a mess all over the seats and Ellie’s mouth and fingers. She laps it all up contently, actually backing down when you pushed her away this time. She leans back into her knees and tries to catch her breath.
A smirk grows on your face as you begin leaning towards her, “it’s your turn.”
Idrk how I feel about this but at least I finished it 😀👍
Reblogs and notes are always appreciated and encouraged 💕‼️
Hopefully I will start updating more but I can’t really promise anything lmao
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
hiii, so i have a request, i keep thinking about how hard it was for spencer reid in high school and growing up cause he didn’t have any friends and the only person he could rely on was his mom who wasn’t very stable😭so i wanted a fic where the reader and spencer a best friends but he’s in love with her and it’s in the first seasons, and the reader just kind of brings up how brave he is and comforts him and he’s just overwhelmed because no one actually paid attention to that and confesses to her and they kiss and stuff<33 btw i love your work and how you write🫶🏻
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-Spencer Reid x Reader
{Friends to lovers with Spencer}
Sorry, this took forever my love! College has been keeping me very busy. This request made me so soft pls I love him sm!! I hope you enjoy lovelies! 💕
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It is late into the night when Spencer calls you, the thought of staying home alone is far too daunting for him to handle tonight and without a single complaint, you pack a small bag together and drive to his apartment.
Spencer still, after all these years of friendship can’t believe you always come all the way over to his place just for him, without expecting anything in return. You can tell by the look that paints his face when he opens the door, just how he’s taken back he is as you offer him a warm smile.
“I’m sorry I- I just. I couldn’t do it” he tries to explain, as if he needs to justify his reason for calling you. He struggles to find the right words to perfectly describe how he’s feeling right now, the odd ache that captures his chest entirely, a feeling that seeps into his bones and leaves him unsettled.
He closes the door behind you, locking it, as you drop your bag on the wooden floor next to his shoes, “It’s okay Spence, honestly. I don’t mind you know that” You smile at him, a sweet sight that melts his heart.
You’ve always been so kind to him something that Spencer didn’t think was reserved for him, for whatever reason. He was used to it and as horrible as that sounds it’s the truth. He’s used to people's unkind opinions about him, how they always seem to nitpick at his insecurities. That was his life growing up, especially in school.
Then he met you, incredible, beautiful you who left him star-struck. Spencer wasn’t used to having someone like you in his life, someone who always seemed to put him first and cared about him with this unconditional affection, and it often led him to feel as if it were some kind of joke that he wasn’t in on.
However, he quickly learned that that was far from the truth. It was the first night he opened up about his mother and in return you gave him your shoulder to cry on without any kind of judgement, Spencer practically felt all his walls crumble and in their wake came a warmth he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It was safety, you made him feel safe.
You look over at him noticing the way his eyes glisten with tears and you can’t help the blocky feeling that wedges itself in the back of your throat, you open your arms out to him, an offer he wouldn’t ever turn down.
Spencer wraps his arms around you tightly as if you might disappear into thin air. He lets his head fall upon your shoulder, a deep sigh escaping him as your hands soothe against his back. You’ve always had a way of making him feel completely at peace, despite the seemingly permanent stress cloud that hangs above him recently.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You whisper as he sniffles against you, his shoulders shake beneath your hold ever so slightly and it causes a sudden pain to seize your heart, the type that has your chest tightening.
He takes a moment to ponder your question, “Maybe later? I just- it’s been a long week” he mumbles against your shoulder and in return you whisper a small ‘okay’ and Spencer sighs with relief, forever thankful for your patience.
The pair of you soon find yourselves sitting on his loveseat, empty take-out boxes sitting on the coffee table as Spencer is completely engrossed with the way you colour in your colouring book, in all honesty, Spencer could study you for hours and never find himself bored.
“It looks really good” he comments with a hushed tone as he closes the book he was reading, although he hadn’t even finished the first sentence let alone the chapter, far too enchanted by how you add vitality to the once colourless page, bringing the drawing of the Dolphins to life.
You look up at him with a bright smile through very tired eyes, “Thank you, Spence. Dolphins really are beautiful creatures” you state and he hums in agreement as you continue to shade them with a darker blue, a small yawn escaping you.
A certain peace blankets over the pair of you and it’s as if nothing outside of his apartment matters. The clarity allows Spencer's mind to drift, thinking about what it would be like to be with you, to come home to you, sleep next to you. He wonders if you’ll stay even though the nights where he all does is toss and turn if you’ll keep the nightmares at bay. He loses himself in what life would be like with you, a recurring thought.
“Penny for your thoughts sir?” You giggle, noticing the way he seems so deep in thought.
He clears his throat, racking his brain for a fact about dolphins but it’s hard when he’s so focused on you, “Oh umm-” he frowns before finally, the words began to fall effortlessly from his lips.
“Did you know, Dolphins have more brain capacity than humans, Their brains weigh 1600 grams to our 1300 grams. Dolphin brains also have a complex neocortex, which is the part of the brain that allows you to be self-aware and solve problems.” He lists off as if it were as easy as breathing and to Spencer it is.
He watches with pride blooming through his chest as your eyebrows lift with shock, “I actually didn’t know that, I suppose they don’t have anything on your IQ of 187 though” You smile, putting away your colouring book as you rub at your sleepy eyes.
“That and I guess it has something to do with me being human” he chuckles, helping you put away all of your many felt tips.
Spencer looks over at the clock, guilt immediately seeping into his heart. It’s gone past twelve am and he knows you have work tomorrow, it was selfish of him to ruin your sleep schedule just because he had a bad day, and just like that, he finds himself deep within his own self-sabotage.
It’s almost annoying how quickly you pick up on it, “You are just human Spencer, I think you forget that sometimes” You smile kindly at him, reaching for his hand and his breath hitches slightly at the sudden warmth.
“I’m sorry for keeping you so long” he whispers, fiddling with the loose thread of his sweater, “You’ve got work tomorrow and I kept you here I just-” You don’t give him time to continue, knowing it’ll just end up with him talking poorly about himself.
“-Spencer, I can just call in sick but that’s not the point, I’m here because you needed me and I’ll be here for however long you want,” you tell him, squeezing his hand slightly as you brush your thumb over his knuckles.
He doesn’t know what to say or do, his mind rushes with so many words he wants to say, yet all of them seem to be stuck in a ball in the back of his throat.
“What- what if I- what if I need you forever?” He whispers, eyes not daring to glance at yours the fear of rejection still captures him even if he knows that you would go to the ends of the world for him.
“Then I’ll be here forever silly,” you tell him, inching closer to him.
Spencer thinks his heart might just burst out of his chest, years of emotions building up inside him and despite everything he’s seen and been through this might just be the scariest feeling he’s ever felt.
“What is it?” You whisper, and he looks at you with so much emotion in his eyes it’s hard for you to read.
“I’m scared” his voice quivers as he bites back the tears that cling to his eyes, rubbing them away before they have time to fall, “What if I can’t do this?”
It's the truth he's terrified of loving you for so many reasons, he could sit there for hours listing them off, but they all seem to boil down to the thought of losing you, his solace in the crazy world.
Your eyebrows thread together as you move closer to him, you don’t really know what he means.
“Spencer Reid, you are the bravest person I know. I mean you’ve been through so much Spence and despite that, you’re still so selfless” you tell him, wiping away his tears with your sleeve.
Spencer knows he loves you, he’s known for a very long time, and now sitting here with you as you pour your heart out his feelings only triple. You're so close he can sense your body heat radiating off of you, and with the sudden closeness comes that all too familiar sickly feeling that spreads through his chest.
“Whatever it is you’re scared to do, I’ll be here through it all”
You smile when he finally looks up at you, forehead resting against your own as both your hearts pick up in pace. The butterflies in his stomach are all too prominent because, goodness you're so close to him, and he can feel your gentle breath fanning along his cheek.
His nose brushes against yours as you press your lips to his own, his tears wetting your own face, completely overcome with emotions as he leans into you chasing after your warmth as he kisses you back, something that surprisingly comes so easy to him.
“I love you in ways that terrify me” he whispers against you as you brush his hair away from his eyes, “I’ve loved you for a very long time” he confesses with a shaky sigh.
“Spencer-” you can’t help but let out a breathy giggle, “I love you too” and it doesn’t take long for you to kiss him again, excitement snuffing out the doubt in his mind. You both smile against each other's lips, the kiss breaking as you do so.
His heart has never felt so full before, content as you rest against him. Just as it should be.
“Can I ask you something?” You wonder, sitting up slightly as he nods with a small ‘Anything’
“How long?” You chuckle when he blushes, his cheeks adorned with a deep red colour.
“Longer than I care to admit” he whispers clearing his throat.
“So- how long is that?” Ah yes, you and your persistence.
“Since we were seventeen” he whispers so quietly that you can barely even hear him, and if you weren’t sitting so close you don’t think you would have heard him.
“Seventeen?” You ask as he nods, solidifying his answer and, if he’s completely honest, he doesn’t want to know your answer but yet that doesn’t stop him from asking, ‘What about you?’
You feel your face heat up dropping your head to his shoulder as you mumble a quiet, ‘Fourteen’ Your answer confuses him as he tilts his head slightly to try and look at you.
“Fourteen? We didn’t even know ea-” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence as you run off into the bathroom excusing yourself as he holds back a chuckle.
He decides to let it go for now, you can’t exactly hide in the bathroom forever and he knows he’s got a long time to talk to you about it so for now he’ll bask in this prideful feeling, knowing he’s been the one to hold your heart for years and many more to come.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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See my other Welcome Home work here!
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Requested by @mugmaya19
Request: If you are taking in requests could you do one where we just randomly grab their face and kiss them around their face’s before we just walk away like nothing happened? Again if you aren’t doing that then feel free to use this as a way of creative thinking! Have a good day
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Omg I had so much fun the writing of this!! I love them so much! 😭❤
I think the chosed scenario was adorable and I absolutely loved it!
I hope you'll have the same fun with the reading of this!
Btw sorry for the picture of Sally :")
(You don't know how much I loved writing Poppy's part- 😭❤)
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×❢ About my work ❢×
no proofread, it can have spelling mistakes, look, idk if they can blush or even have a heart, but now they do, okay? lol, no smut, just sweet fluff, no pronouns used for the reader, petnames like darling, love, hon.
Fandom: Welcome Home horror project by Clown
Character(s): Wally Darling, Barnaby B. Beagle, Eddie Dear, Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, Howdy Pillar, Sally Starlet, Poppy Partridge, The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Ship(s): The characters x The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Form: Headcanons
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Wally Darling
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"Wally, come here, I want to show you something!" 
• after you placed his face into your hands 
• You started kissing him around
• cheeks, lips, nose
• gosh he felt like heaven between your kisses
• he just sat there still as he accepted his fate
• not like he would want to disagree :D
• after some time, he even leaned forward a bit to have more
• he decided that it was his turn to give you kisses
• he was planning to give a "mwah" to you
• but you turned away and left him
• (a.n: *dramatic gasp* how dare you?! >:c) 
• he was just sitting there and confusedly watched as you left
• "Where are you going, neighbour?"
• dw, if you're not getting his smooch now, you'll get it later, I can promise that! 😌✨
Sally Starlet
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"Sally, can you come here for a minute?"
• she was practicing, so at first she wasn't too happy that you disturbed her
• "Yeah, yeah, I'm almost finished (Y/N)!" 
• after a few minutes she were already in front of you with a furious look
• (a.n: how dare you disturb her? >:( /jk) 
• "What do you want, (Y/N)?" she asked impatiently. 
• but you just stood up and gave a small kiss on her lips without an answer
• she was too surprised to react anything, so you continued
• her face was between your soft hands, while you gave an another kiss on her forehead
• she didn't fight too much about it
• she even leaned into your touch
• after you were done, you thought that you can just simply walk away
• well, *chuckle* no. 
• you DISTURBED her practice, then made her heart skip a beat and fall in love with you AGAIN, and after all this, you wanna just WALK AWAY like nothing happened?! 
• she quickly catched you by your wrist with a unsatisfied look and a smirk on her face
• "No, I think not, (Y/N). We need to talk."
Frank Frankly
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"Frank, can you come here?"
• first he just approached you innocently, but he could feel that you were planning something
• he didn't know what specifically, but the aura around you could tell that you're on something
• but he still walked up to you and asked 
• "What do you need, darling?"
• you gently put your hands on his face 
• and give one kiss to his forehead 
• an another to his lips
• and an another one to his right cheek
• "What are you doing, darling?" he asked as he softly pulled you closer to him by your hips. 
• you just kept kissing him, didn't bring yourself to answer
• you didn't let him to give back the kisses, but he could catch one and return it
• he even hummed from the enjoyment of your affection
• he could stay like this forever and ever
• but you let go from him
• the moment that he realised that you're planning to go away, he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him
• "Where do you think you're going, love?" 
Barnaby B. Beagle
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"Come here, Barnaby!" 
• he feels like heaven between your hands
• he immediately leaned into the touch as you started kissing him around his face
• gosh your rubs feels so good! 
• I can imagine that he gently starts biting your hands in an affectionately way
• he even closed his eyes from your sweet kisses
• but as soon as he stopped feeling your touch, he quickly opened his eyes confusedly
• in the last minutes, he still hoped that you'll turn back
• but you didn't :(
• "Uhh... (Y/N)? Buddy? Where are you going?" 
Howdy Pillar
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"Howdy, can you help me, please?" 
• he came up to you obliviously
• "What is it, hon?" 
• he's always ready to help you, when you need him
• you asked him to come closer and he did as you requested from him
• you softly grabbed his face and started placing sweet kisses on his face
• he softly chuckled at the first ones
• he's more like a kiss giver than receiver, but although he enjoys it
• when you wanted to leave, he just simply whined
• "No, don't go, (Y/N)!" 
Poppy Partridge
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• Today Poppy seemed like she was pretty frustrated. Her wings were shaking, making the binding more difficult to her. You decided to check on her and give her a little comfort. 
"Wa- Wait, Poppy, let me help you!" 
• you made her to let go the sweater that she was working on and after her attention was on you, you've finally could help
• you gently started to caress her wings, attend to not to crease her feathers
• and gave soft kisses around her beak
• but she's just got more frustrated and flushed
• when you were about to leave, you actually changed your mind
• she didn't say anything 'cause she was too nervous and shy to say it out loud, but her eyes were literally begged for your affection
• please give her more, she deserves it! ♡
• (btw the sweater which was she working on, it's actually for)
Julie Joyful
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"Hey, Julie, come here!" 
• she approached you happily and smiley, like she always does
• what she didn't know that you were planning to make her heart jump out of her chest
• ( i mean, in a metaphoric way)
• "What is it, (Y/N)?" 
• you didn't pay attention to answer, instead you just grabbed her face and started kissing her around
• i can imagine that she giggles while you kissing her 
• she actually leans forward to make your work easier
• when you walked away, Julie just simply started to follow you with a disappointed look
• "Aww, where are you going, (Y/N)?" "Don't leave me here!" "But (Y/N)!" 
• she will keep ask more until you actually give the kisses to her
Eddie Dear
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"Eddie, can you come here for a second?"
• I can assure that you kept kissing him much longer than just a second lol
• he was there in seconds
• just like always, he's ready to help you in anything
• "Is there something wrong, hon?" 
• at first, he wanted to return the kisses when you started to give them to him
• but later he finally catch up that it was you what will give the kisses
• so he just leaned into your touch and enjoyed your soft kisses
• as he got more comfortable in your touch eventually he closed his eyes
• he was just about to get too comfy, when you stood up and walked away
• He calls after you worriedly. 
"(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
• he's more worried than confused, 'cause he's afraid that he did something wrong to you
• please give him more kisses to make sure that he's loved and he did nothing wrong (and that he doesn't cry) 
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avocado-writing · 11 months
Poly! Crowley x reader x Aziraphale hurt to comfort, maybe? Btw I love your writing <3
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i'm so glad you like my stuff, thank you!! crowley x reader x aziraphale cw: discussion of death
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It’s a silly thing really. Something you’ve been aware of the entire time the three of you have been together, so you’re not sure why it’s getting to you now. They’re an angel and a demon, for god’s sake; they’re immortals. But you’re not. You’re a human. A weak, soft, vulnerable human. 
It weighs on your mind more heavily each day. You can barely be around them without the crushing pressure of it pushing down on you. That one indisputable fact: you will not be here forever.
And then one day it just… overflows. Aziraphale is handing out tea, and he goes to pass you your mug - the one with angel wings and your name on - but then you fumble it. The mug crashes to the ground and spills chai all over the hardwood floor; splintering into a hundred pieces.
You burst into tears.
“Are you hurt? Did you get burned?” Crowley quickly asks, checking you over. You shake your head and try to talk, but it just gets worse. Huge heaving sobs envelop your body. It gets hard to breathe, you can’t stop choking between cries. 
And then they’re beside you, pressing you between their bodies, holding you close. Aziraphale embraces you and lets you cry a little wet patch into his coat. Crowley rubs little soothing gestures on your back. They just let you feel what you have to feel and are there for you through it. Eventually your breathing returns to normal, the overwhelming sadness abates, and you find yourself able to talk without hiccuping.
“Sorry,” you mumble into the soft pile of fabric which makes up Aziraphale.
“I’m going to take a guess that this isn’t just about the mug, my dear,” he says quietly. 
“It’s silly. It sort of made me realise that I am the mug,” you say, pointing to the shards on the floor, “I’m a human. I’ll break. I’ll die. And you just get to… keep on going.”
Aziraphale and Crowley exchange a look. With a flick of his fingers, Crowley miracles the mug to be back in one piece. He presses it into your grip and then wraps his hands around your own. 
“You know,” he says, pensively, “humans do die. But there are millions of them. Billions even, now. It’s quite easy for the paperwork to just get lost when they shuffle off this mortal coil.”
You sniff and furrow your brow.
“What Crowley is trying to say,” Aziraphale picks up, “is that heaven and hell can get very crowded. It’s quite difficult for them to notice if one of the human souls there happens to go missing and just… comes back here and carries on instead.”
You blink. Your eyelashes are wet and dewy, but things fall into place.
“You’re saying that if I die you could just… smuggle me out?”
“Easy as pie. If you want that.”
It feels like a weight has been lifted from your chest.
“You’d do that for me?”
They both take a hand, as if they’ve rehearsed the gesture, and squeeze.
“We’d do anything for you.”
And you know that they would.
taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @idontmeanto @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr
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fleurmiss · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ ‘cause you’re a good girl and you know it
- ,, lo’ak x fem reader
- ,, you don’t care if you get in trouble!! maybe you do.. but being able to see lo’ak makes you think it’s worth it
- ,, warnings - nothing, fluff, first kisses, confessions, cheesy……. lo’ak is so cute but i literally cannot write for him bru, this sucks btw
-‘๑’- hold on, we’re going home - drake, majid jordan
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You think getting yourself in trouble is a foolish thought, you’ve always been witty, respectful, eager to please. The reaction you get from your parents from those 10 minutes of rebellious fun just ruins it all, at the end, the troublemaking deemed “useless”.
Lo’ak knows you’re a good girl, you act so different around him though. Why does getting in trouble seem worth it when it’s lo’ak you’re with? Why does the 10 minutes of rebellious fun turn into 10 minutes of butterflies and stuttering shy messes?
“you know ao’nung almost snitched on us tonight to dad?” you whisper to lo’ak whose chest you’re laying on in a gentle voice, afraid anything louder will wake the whole tribe up.
Sneaking him into your marui pod after eclipse is risky, your parents will absolutely skin you alive if they find out.
Lo’ak is rubbing soothing circles on your waist with one hand, the other arm around your shoulders as yours rest around his waist. It’s peaceful, the calm sound of the ocean waves, the gentle sway of your curtain that hangs upon the entrance, the wind blowing softly into the pod, lulling you in and out of slumber.
“he’ll eat my fist again if he snitches” you giggle, it’s not funny, ao’nung is your brother, but his face on that day when he got punched by lo’ak was something to die for.
“im serious! he’ll regret opening his mouth cuz i’ll make sure bro never speaks again”
“lo’ak, you’ll be okay, ao’nung was just joking around” you smile up at him, he glances at you before letting a smile quirk up on his lips as-well.
lo’ak sighs, “your mom is terrifying y/n, you’re so different from her.”
“neytiri is just as scary..” you shudder and lo’ak laughs loudly,
“i can’t disagree with you on that”
Your eyes widen as you get up and put your palm over his mouth, your body hovering over his as his arms hold your waist to prevent you from falling on top of him
“not so loud forest boy!” you smile as you narrow your eyes at him, removing your palm from his face as you stay in position.
“sorry..” lo’ak breathes out, he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky, like ewya sculpted you with her own hands.
‘fuck, she’s pretty’
It wouldn’t take a genius to guess lo’aks inner monologue. You look like an angel.
He realizes you’re on top of him and suddenly his heart is beating a whole lot faster, his cheeks are turning a whole lot redder, and speaking seems like an insanely tough task for some reason.
“y/n..” he whispers, opening his mouth to say something but closing it just as quick.
“yeah?” you smile fondly at him, cheeky almost. Your hand finds its way to his face, thumb stroking his cheek lovingly.
“i- i see you” its quiet, so quiet that you wouldn’t hear it if you weren’t so close to him.
“lo’ak..” your pupils dilate and you gasp softly, letting your jaw hang slightly.
“y/n i love you so much, you don’t even know” he whispers again and you almost fall on top of him from the shock of the sudden confession.
you stare. he stares back.
you smile. he smiles back.
your eyes crinkle and you dip down, he closes his eyes, ready to kiss you! Yes! He’s been waiting for this moment since forever!
You touch your forehead to his and look at his eyes, giggling at his face when he doesn’t receive a sweet kiss from his oh so sweet girl.
His face contorts into a shocked expression , his eyes narrowing in fake offense, he grabs your hips and quickly turns you around, him on top of you as you lay beneath him.
“oh so you think this is funny?” he questions, a smirk on his lips, you wanna kiss it off him so bad.
“so funny” you close your eyes and pucker your lips in a poor imitation of lo’ak and you giggle as he gives you a look that feigns hurt.
he dips in to kiss you as you dodge it and laugh again, finding his misery quite amusing.
“y/n.. i just wanna give you a kiss” lo’ak whispers, his voice soft and his eyes hold a gentle adoration for you.
you cup his face in your hands, you see his eyes dropping to your lips and coming back up to gaze into your eyes, you bring him closer to your face and he reaches forward, waiting just an inch away from your lips to ask for approval.
“you sure you wanna kiss me now? can’t back off later” he teases. Oh how the tables turn!!!
“shut up lo’ak” you whisper and he finally slots his lips against yours, you don’t think he knows what he is doing, this is his first ever kiss, but damn can he kiss well, not that you have anything to compare to, but it feels so good!
You kiss him back, his face in your hands as he tilts his neck to deepen it.
Slightly out of breath, you pull away and he chases your lips, you smile “slow down, forest boy”
He’s panting, lips swollen and cheeks flushed. ‘cute’ you think, you’re about to bring his face close to yours again for a peck but are interrupted by your dearest of brothers.
“Lo’ak you little shit” Ao’nung laughs as he walks through the curtain at the entrance of your marui. Lo’ak gets off of you in a hurry as he helps you sit up aswell.
A groan makes its way out your throat, the disappointment of interruption and the interruption being your brother.
“ ‘nung, you can’t tell mom and dad.” you plead
“you’re so lucky i don’t snitch, if dad finds out lo’ak was on top of his little baby daughter he would never let y/n go out again” he chuckles, sounding kind of evil..
“future blackmail i suppose”
grinning at you both as he walks out the marui “don’t go too far now baby tail, i should be beating your ass for this”
lo’ak huffs as he buries his face in your shoulder, you let out a sigh.
“it’s almost morning, you should go, your mom will definitely know if she wakes up and you’re not there” you say as you grab his hand and tug him towards the entrance.
“ao’nung better keep his mouth shut tomorrow when we’re training”
“i’ll make sure he does, now hurry and go back, get some rest okay?” you smile
“yeah, gimme a kiss”
you circle your arms around his waist and crane your head up to give him a quick peck, giggling afterwards and pushing him out of your marui.
“see you tomorrow?”
“duh” you roll your eyes and he smiles at you
“bye cutie pie”
he cringes at the nickname and grumbles while walking backwards, his eyes never leaving your giggly figure.
“don’t miss me too much lo’ak!”
“i definitely will” you grin and watch him turn around and walk to his marui, which was surprisingly just 4 marui pods away.
Getting in trouble seems worth it when you’re with Lo’ak, but he thinks he loves your good girl persona more than he likes getting in trouble.
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seekingdecay · 1 year
Btw i only have a 10 image limit and I have more notes so PLEASE ask me if ur interested. I've been DYING to talk about this since I played act 2-3. Sorry for the long post in advanced.
Here are all the unobstructed images of p03's model! You may immediately notice...
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Hmm. P03 is weirdly green.
Well, theres a reason for this! If you take a closer look at the top of his head.
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P03 is made of copper.
Now this is interesting for a few reasons. Most importantly because copper is a terrible metal to be using for a robot.
1. It oxidizes
2. Its bendy as hell
3. It has a much lower melting point (1,675-1,981°F / 913-1,082°C) compared to traditional Iron Alloys (2,200-2,500°F / 1,205-1,370°C).
4. Copper is corrosive in water, especially salt water.
5. Copper is super conductive and typically used only in wiring.
Theres other things but this is specifically what I find interesting.
P03 was 100% not made to survive out in the elements. If anything being out in the open is an active danger to him. To keep his outer metal from degrading, he'd need to stay in a cool, dry environment. As well as staying far away from The Melter's area.
Considering all this, it is VERY unlikely P03 is very damage proof. Water, excessive heat and sources of high electricity could take him out.
Another thing to note is this exposed... Wiring? Tubing?
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This is SUPER dangerous in the environment he's in. Like if this is important and it gets nicked or god forbid sliced, hes FUCKED. What is it even for? Cooling system? Wiring? and why does he just have an open, exposed hole in his back that assumingly opens into his wiring?
ANOTHER thing, too
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P03's crank arm (left) is a screw joint of some kind. Meaning that it can't spin forever and at some point will just... Get stuck. And his claw arm (right) is a weird looking ball joint? It obviously only moves really up and down with how it looks, considering the raised up parts would get stuck. So his movement must be extremely limited and rudimentary.
Why is P03 built like a bitch?
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headcanonenthusiast · 6 months
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Rodolfo Parra NSFW headcanons
This was made with gender-neutral readers in mind.
I kinda struggled with writing this ngl..as much of a Rudy girl as I am, I don't know why it took forever for me to come up with headcanons for him. But I was determined to finish these because Rudy needs more content out there. 
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
NSFW under the cut. 
-Being with Rudy, even in a non-sexual sense, is basically like being a God/Goddess with a loyal follower at your side, ready to obey and worship your every wish and whim.
-But in the bedroom? He cranks that worshipping up to 500. 
-Will get on his knees before you, hands gently grasping your hips as he kisses down your stomach, whispering the softest praises in Spanish. 
-"Oh, Dios mío, amor. This body..tan jodidamente increíble." 
-And on his knees he will stay until you're satisfied, either carefully jerking/fingering you as he admires your face and the reactions you make. 
-"There we go, moan for me, mi vida. Feels good, doesn't it?" 
-3 inches soft, 5 inches hard. (Normalize realistic dick sizes in headcanons please 🙏) 
-Whether he's dominant or submissive depends entirely on his partner. 
-If you prefer to be on top, he's happy to let you take full control of him. 
-But if you prefer to be on the bottom? He's more than willing to dominate you, albeit very gently. 
-Your body is like glass to him. An absolutely precious temple made from the finest sand that he has the pleasure of worshipping. 
-And to show his appreciation of your existence, he kisses you everywhere. Literally not a single spot on you goes untouched by his lips. 
-His greatest pleasure is when he's balls deep in you, slowly but deeply thrusting and seeing how you react to him. 
-Makes him feel confident, honestly, seeing the way he's able to make you completely melt and turn your mind to mush despite how gentle he's being. 
-"Shit..estás haciendo mucho ruido. I'm hitting all the right spots, aren't I, querido/a?" 
-Also, Rudy with a voice kink? Rudy with a voice kink. 
-A big fan of morning sex. He goes even gentler than he normally is, enjoying the sight of your messy hair. 
-And the fact that you're still half-asleep makes your moans more hushed and whimpery, which nearly makes him cum on the spot. 
-I feel like he enjoys the sounds you make. He needs a more vocal partner. 
-As such, he prefers intercourse in a private space, preferably at home, on the bed or couch. 
-Really isn't that kinky, but if there's one thing he loves, it's making you talk. 
-"Vamos, cariño. Tell me how good it feels." 
-Then, when you're in the middle of answering, he'll give a sudden harsher (but not too harsh, you're as fragile as glass to him, afterall) snap of his hips and smile innocently at your glare. 
-"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt you?" 
-If you already speak Spanish, most of what he says will be said in Spanish. 
-But, if you don't, he basically becomes a living Duolingo and tries to teach you Spanish while fucking you. (Love a man who can multitask 💅)
-"¿Quieres correrte? Dime lo bien que se siente, entonces. En español. Vamos, amor." 
-And if you get something wrong or can barely respond, he'll frown in disappointment. 
-"No puedes correrte hasta que hagas lo que te pido, cariño." 
-But then when you do cum, he honestly doesn't punish you at all. That's not really his style. 
-Well, maybe a little overstim, but on very rare occasions and not for very long, either. 
-He'll also ask for your permission to cum in you, even if he's on top. 
-Its more of a consent check than anything, though. (Which is very important btw) 
-"Fuck, I'm so close. Can I cum inside, amor? Is that okay?" 
-And if you give your consent, he's cumming deep in your ass/pussy. 
-His main form of aftercare is cuddling and talking. Talking about what you liked, what you didn't like, etc. He just wants to hear your voice. 
-"Yeah? You liked me talking in Spanish? Suppose I'll have to do it more often, then. Necesito mantener a mi mujer bonita/hombre bonito feliz." 
-And I hope you like cuddling, because y'all are gonna be cuddling for the rest of the night, Rudy's voice going soft as he whispers praises in your ear and kisses the back of your neck and shoulders. 
Lord, do I love me some Rodolfo Parra 😫. He's so FINE and criminally under appreciated. Feels so nice to finally write about him, too. I had a lot more ideas for this one than I thought I would starting out. 
And here's the Spanish translations for stuff (forgive me if anything is inaccurate, the only Spanish word I can say correctly and with confidence is gato 🥲).
Querido/a = dear
amor = love
cariño = sweetheart/honey
Dios mío = my God
Vamos = come on 
Estás haciendo mucho ruido = you are making a lot of noise
Tan jodidamente increíble = so fucking incredible 
¿Quieres correrte? Dime lo bien que se siente, entonces. En español. Vamos, amor. = Do you want to cum? Tell me how good it feels, then. In Spanish. Come on, love. 
No puedes correrte hasta que hagas lo que te pido, cariño. = You can't cum until you do what I ask you to do, sweetheart.
Necesito mantener a mi mujer bonita/hombre bonito feliz = I need to keep my pretty woman/pretty man happy.
Hell yeah, another one down! Imma make another poll on who to do next. Hope you enjoyed! 
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shaynawrites23 · 8 months
For your 200 follower celebration!
💋: I'd like one with with Sirius black! And the number... 58!!!
Congratulations to you on hitting 200! That ought to be a big achievement! I love your work BTW! Keep going!
Show Me
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Prompt: moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
Word count: 678
Warning: suggestive content, implied smut
A/N: im sorry this has been sitting in my inbox forever 😅 trying to stretch my writing muscles by doing a few blurbs before i write the longer requests, thought i'd clear out my inbox while im at it! whoever you are, anon, i thank you for the support and i hope you enjoy the drabble if you see this!
It started as a date. You haven't seen your boyfriend in some time, and the moment your schedules aligned, Sirius declared in his usual fashion that he was taking you out on a date.
In hindsight, you should have known it would end this way, and... maybe you wanted it to. You're dressed in the outfit he loves so much on you, smiled so innocently at him when he came to pick you up and ignored the way his breath hitched the moment he laid eyes on you. Or... well, Sirius believes you're only pretending not to notice.
He hasn't been able to keep his hands off of you all evening. A hand on your back, fingers tracing shapes on your thigh before he forces himself to let up on you slightly, hand reaching for yours, stealing a kiss every chance he gets... even as you leave, he has an arm around your waist, holding you close, smudging a kiss to your hairline paired with softly murmured words you don't catch.
And now...
Now, his lips are on yours before you've even entered your apartment; you're still blindly fumbling for your keys and have to push him away, just for a moment, else you're sure you'll be standing outside all night. He looks confused for a moment, and hurt, but then you're flinging the door open, tugging him inside with you by his belt loops, and the pieces click.
He kicks the door shut with his foot. You barely have time to register the dull slam of the wood before he's pulling you into him—or maybe you're dragging him closer by your hand on his collar—and he's groaning out a "fuck, so fuckin' pretty, darlin', my gorgeous girl-" before your mouths meet again, hot and greedy and wanting.
Sirius backs you up as he kisses you, strong hand gripping your hip. He knows the layout of your apartment well, too well for the way he bumps you against the corner of the dining table to be anything but carelessness. To his credit, he apologizes when you wince, hand moving to soothe the sore spot, but you've already forgotten about the incident, too lost in the way he's kissing you.
God, how you love his kisses. He has a way of kissing you so sweetly, moreso than you expected of a man like him, and that sweetness isn't lost even as his kisses turn deeper, hungry and impatient. Sirius kisses you like he wants you, like you're special, makes you feel like you're valuable, like you're worth it, and... and of course he does, you're all those things to him-
You're not given time to dwell on it, though, not with the way he's filling every corner of your mind. Sirius has quite the personality, too much for some, but you love him all the more for who he is. And right now, he's your breathtakingly handsome boyfriend who's leaning over you, pressing you onto your bed as he settles between your legs, and now your breath is catching in your throat.
"Merlin, look at you. My stunning girlfriend. Most attractive woman I've ever seen," he breathes when he pulls back to simultaneously catch his breath and admire you. You look like a work or art to him, a goddess, with tousled hair and kiss-swollen lips, panting and reaching for him like you miss him even though he's right there. He obliges, his weight pressing you further into the mattress as his teeth graze your pulse, his mouth kissing its way back up to yours. "Bet you did in on purpose, tryin' to test my restraint... darlin', don't you know what uou do to me when you dress up all pretty like that?"
Breathless and not about to admit you chose your outfit with him in mind, though you're certain he knows, you only shrug, and you feel his lips quirk into a smirk just under your jaw.
"Oh, gorgeous, I'm gonna show you just what it does to me."
That he certainly did.
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